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Inflammation of the respiratory tract, symptoms and treatment. Inflammatory diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract

The human respiratory system consists of nasal passages , larynx , trachea , larynx , bronchi And lungs . The human lungs are surrounded by a thin connective membrane called pleura . The right and left lungs are located in the chest. Light - very important organ, since blood flow directly depends on its work. Therefore, in lung diseases in which lung tissue is affected, not only respiratory functions, but also occur pathological changes in the human bloodstream.

Regulates the activity of the respiratory organs respiratory center , which is located in the medulla oblongata.

Causes of respiratory diseases

In some cases, the disease is caused by a single type of pathogen. In that case we're talking about O monoinfections which is diagnosed more often. Less often in humans there are mixed infections caused by several types of pathogens.

Except stated reasons, factors that provoke respiratory diseases can be external allergens . In this case we are talking about household allergens, which are dust, as well as house mites, which often cause bronchial asthma. Also, the human respiratory system can be damaged by animal allergens, yeast and mold spores and fungi, pollen from a number of plants, as well as insect allergens.

Some professional factors negatively affect the condition of these organs. In particular, during the electric welding process, fumes from steel and nickel salts are released. In addition, respiratory diseases provoke some medications, food allergens.

Polluted air, which contains high levels of certain chemical compounds, has a negative effect on the human respiratory system; household pollution in residential premises, climatic conditions that are not suitable for humans; active and passive smoking.

Excessive alcohol consumption is also identified as provoking factors, others chronic illnesses human, foci chronic infection in the body, genetic factor.

For each specific respiratory disease, certain symptoms appear. However, experts identify some signs that are characteristic of several diseases.

One of these signs is considered. It is divided into subjective (in this case, the person complains of difficulty breathing during attacks of hysteria or neurosis), objective (a person’s breathing rhythm changes, as well as the duration of exhalation and inhalation) and combined (objective shortness of breath is observed with the addition of a subjective component, where the respiratory rate increases in some diseases). In diseases of the trachea and larynx it manifests itself inspiratory shortness of breath, in which difficulty breathing. If the bronchi are affected, expiratory shortness of breath is noted, which makes it difficult to exhale. Mixed shortness of breath is typical for.

The most severe form of shortness of breath is considered to occur during acute pulmonary edema . Sudden attacks Choking is characteristic of asthma.

Cough – the second of the most characteristic signs of respiratory diseases. A cough occurs in a person as a reflex reaction to the presence of mucus in the larynx, trachea or bronchi. A cough also occurs if a foreign body enters the respiratory system. Cough manifests itself in various ailments different types. With dry pleurisy or laryngitis, a person suffers from attacks of dry cough, during which no sputum is produced.

A wet cough, which produces varying amounts of sputum, is characteristic of chronic , pneumonia , oncological diseases respiratory system .

With inflammatory processes in the bronchi or larynx, the cough is usually constant. If a person is sick, or pneumonia , then the cough bothers him periodically.

In some diseases of the respiratory system, the patient exhibits hemoptysis , in which blood is released along with sputum when coughing. This symptom can occur in some serious diseases of the respiratory system and in diseases of the cardiovascular system.

In addition to the symptoms described above, patients with respiratory diseases may complain of pain. The pain may be localized in different places, sometimes it is directly related to breathing, coughing fits or a certain body position.


In order for the patient to be diagnosed correctly, the doctor should familiarize himself with the patient’s complaints, conduct an examination and examine using palpation, auscultation, and percussion. These methods allow you to determine additional symptoms allowing for an accurate diagnosis.

Upon examination, you can determine the pathology of the form chest, as well as breathing characteristics - frequency, type, depth, rhythm.

During palpation, you can assess the degree voice tremors, which at can be enhanced, and at pleurisy – weakened.

When examined using percussion, it is possible to determine a decrease in the amount of air in the lungs due to edema or fibrosis. With an abscess, there is no air in a lobe or part of a lobe of the lungs; in patients with emphysema, the air content increases. In addition, percussion allows you to determine the boundaries of the patient's lungs.

With the help of auscultation, you can evaluate breathing, as well as listen to wheezing, the nature of which differs in different diseases.

In addition to the above research methods, laboratory and instrumental methods are also used. The most informative are different types X-ray methods.

By using endoscopic methods, which are bronchoscopy, thoracoscopy, you can determine some purulent diseases and also detect tumors. Also, using bronchoscopy, you can remove foreign bodies that get inside.

In addition, methods are used functional diagnostics, with which you can determine the presence respiratory failure. Moreover, sometimes it is determined even before the first symptoms of the disease appear. For this purpose, lung volume is measured using a method called spirography. The intensity of pulmonary ventilation is also studied.

The use of laboratory research methods in the diagnostic process makes it possible to determine the composition of sputum, which, in turn, is informative for diagnosing the disease. At acute bronchitis The sputum is viscous, colorless, and mucous in nature. At pulmonary edema The sputum is foamy, colorless, and serous in nature. At tuberculosis , chronic bronchitis the sputum is greenish and viscous, has a mucopurulent character. At lung abscess the sputum is purely purulent, greenish, semi-liquid. At serious illnesses lungs, there is an admixture of blood in the sputum.

In progress microscopic examination sputum is determined by its cellular composition. Urine and blood tests are also practiced. All these research methods make it possible to diagnose diseases that affect the respiratory system and prescribe the necessary treatment.


Considering the fact that respiratory diseases are one of the most common diseases in both children and adults, their treatment and prevention should be as clear and adequate as possible. If respiratory diseases are not diagnosed in a timely manner, then subsequently it takes much longer to treat a person’s respiratory system, and the treatment system becomes more complex.

As medicinal methods Therapy uses a number of drugs that are prescribed in a complex manner. In this case it is practiced etiotropic therapy (medicines that eliminate the cause of the disease), symptomatic treatment (eliminates the main symptoms), maintenance therapy (means for restoring functions that were impaired during the development of the disease). But any medications should only be prescribed by a doctor after comprehensive survey. In most cases, the practice is to use drugs that are effective against a specific pathogen.

In addition, other methods are used in the treatment of diseases: physiotherapy, inhalations, manual therapy, exercise therapy, reflexology, chest massage, breathing exercises etc.

To prevent respiratory diseases, taking into account their structure and the characteristics of the transmission of pathogens, respiratory protective equipment is used. It is very important to use personal protective equipment ( cotton gauze dressings), being in direct contact with a person who has been diagnosed with a viral infection.

Let's take a closer look at some common respiratory diseases, their treatment and prevention methods.


With the development of this disease, an acute inflammatory process of the bronchial mucosa occurs, in more in rare cases all layers of the walls of the bronchi become inflamed. The development of the disease is provoked by adenoviruses, influenza viruses, parainfluenza, a number of bacteria and mycoplasmas. Sometimes the causes of bronchitis are some physical factors. Bronchitis can develop both against the background of an acute respiratory disease, and in parallel with it. Development acute bronchitis occurs when the ability to filter air through the upper respiratory tract is impaired. In addition, bronchitis often affects smokers, people with chronic inflammation of the nasopharynx, and also those with chest deformity.

Symptoms acute bronchitis , as a rule, arise against the background laryngitis or runny nose . The patient complains of discomfort in the chest, he is bothered by attacks of dry or wet cough, and weakness. Body temperature increases, and if the course of the disease is very severe, then the temperature can be very high. Breathing is difficult, shortness of breath is present. Due to constant tension when coughing, pain in the sternum and in the abdominal wall. After some time, the cough becomes wet and sputum begins to be released. As a rule, acute symptoms the illnesses begin to subside around the fourth day, and if the course of the disease is favorable, then a cure is possible by the 10th day. But if the disease is joined bronchospasm , then bronchitis can become chronic.


At acute tracheitis The patient experiences an inflammatory process of the tracheal mucosa. It develops under the influence of bacterial, viral, or viral-bacterial infections. Inflammation can also develop under the influence of physical and chemical factors. The patient has swelling of the mucous membrane of the trachea, a hoarse voice, and difficulty breathing. Worried about coughing attacks, as a result of which a headache develops. The cough manifests itself in the morning and at night, the temperature rises slightly, and general malaise is mild. Acute tracheitis sometimes becomes chronic.


At laryngitis inflammation affects the mucous membrane of the larynx and vocal cords. Doctors divide laryngitis into chronic catarrhal And chronic hypertrophic . Depending on intensity and prevalence pathological process a certain clinical picture. Patients complain of hoarseness, soreness and dryness in the throat, constant feeling in the throat foreign body, a cough in which sputum is difficult to separate.


When an inflammatory process develops in the maxillary paranasal sinus nose As a rule, this is how a complication manifests itself in some infectious diseases. Sinusitis manifests itself under the influence of viruses or bacteria that enter through the blood or nasal cavity maxillary sinus. With sinusitis, the patient is bothered by constantly increasing discomfort in the nose and area around the nose. The pain becomes more intense as evening time, gradually turning into general headache. Sometimes sinusitis develops on one side. Nasal breathing becomes difficult, the voice changes, becoming nasal. Sometimes the patient notes that the nostrils are blocked alternately. Nasal discharge can be either clear and mucous, or purulent and greenish in color. But if the nose is very stuffy, mucus may not be released. Body temperature sometimes rises to 38 degrees, sometimes even higher. In addition, the person experiences general malaise.


Rhinitis , that is, a runny nose, is an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, in which nasal congestion, discharge, and itching in the nose are observed. Rhinitis usually manifests itself as a consequence of severe hypothermia under the influence of bacteria or viruses. It stands out separately, which manifests itself in people who are prone to allergic reactions. The disease develops under the influence of various allergens - plant pollen, mites, animal hair, etc. acute And chronic form of the disease. Chronic rhinitis - a consequence external influences that disrupt the nutrition of the nasal mucosa. Also, the disease can become chronic with frequent inflammations that occur in the cavity. Only a doctor should treat this disease, since chronic rhinitis can go to sinusitis or sinusitis .


Acute illness infectious nature, in which the inflammatory process of the palatine tonsils develops and , regional to them. The pathogen multiplies in the tonsils, after which it sometimes spreads to other organs, causing complications of the disease. After streptococcal sore throat does not develop in humans. The disease begins with general feeling weakness, chills, headache. There is aching in the joints. Body temperature can rise to 39C. Gradually painful sensations in the throat become more intense. Submandibular lymph nodes increase, their pain is present. Redness of the palatine arches, uvula, and tonsils is noted. Also on the tonsils there are sometimes places where pus accumulates.


At pneumonia inflammation of the lungs occurs due to infection. The alveoli, which are responsible for oxygen saturation of the blood, are affected. The disease is caused by a fairly wide range of pathogens. Pneumonia often manifests itself as a complication of other respiratory diseases. Most often, the disease occurs in children, the elderly, and people with weakened body defenses. The pathogens end up in the lungs, entering through the respiratory tract. Symptoms of the disease appear sharply: the temperature rises to 39-40 degrees, chest pain and cough with purulent sputum develop. The patient is bothered at night heavy sweating, and during the day - weakness. If you don't take action timely treatment illness, death is likely.


An infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. At tuberculosis the patient develops cell allergy, specific granulomas in different organs and fabrics. The lungs, bones, joints, lymph nodes, skin and other organs and systems are gradually affected. If not practiced adequate treatment, the disease is fatal. It should be noted that Mycobacterium tuberculosis is resistant to various influences. Infection occurs by airborne droplets. If a person is diagnosed with a tuberculosis infection, he is prescribed a full course of therapy with anti-tuberculosis drugs. Treatment is long-term, it takes up to 8 months. IN advanced cases practiced surgical treatment– part of the lung is removed.

Prevention of respiratory diseases

The simplest, but at the same time very important method Prevention of diseases of this type is considered to be an increase in the time a person spends in the fresh air. It is equally important to ventilate the room frequently.

You should stop smoking and regular use alcohol, since these habits have a particularly negative effect on the respiratory system. After all harmful substances, which are present in both tobacco and alcohol, enter the lungs and injure them, and also negatively affect the mucous membranes. Heavy smokers are much more likely to be diagnosed with lung cancer , and also lungs , chronic bronchitis .

Other methods of prevention include special breathing exercises, preventive inhalations from medicinal herbs, and also using essential oils . People prone to respiratory diseases are advised to grow in their home as many indoor flowers as possible, which produce oxygen .

In general, prevention of respiratory diseases consists of a healthy and active daily lifestyle.

In winter, with the onset of cold weather, many people suffer from colds “on their feet,” ignoring timely therapy. Diseases respiratory tract are the result of untreated acute respiratory illnesses and neglect of bed rest.

This attitude often leads to serious respiratory problems. Often, in the absence necessary treatment a viral infection “makes friends” with the bacterial flora, and this tandem already poses a significant threat and can fundamentally undermine.

If you miss the onset of a runny nose, then this negligence will contribute to the entry of bacteria into the nose, pharynx, and then lower and lower (larynx, trachea, bronchi).

As a result, a whole scattering of respiratory diseases becomes “available” to a person: tracheitis, bronchitis, and many others.

When a person often suffers from flu or colds, his immune system spends a lot of energy in the fight against these diseases.

This circumstance significantly increases the chances of microbial flora quickly joining the underlying disease. This is especially true for smokers and workers in hazardous industries.

Symptoms of respiratory tract diseases

Now let's discuss in more detail the most “popular” of these diseases.

Let's start with tracheitis, a lesion of the mucous membrane of the trachea, a tube-shaped organ connecting the larynx with the bronchi. Timely treatment is especially important here, since the lost time will allow the disease to quickly, sometimes within a day, descend from the trachea to the bronchi, and then the path to the lungs is open. Extremely severe cough, which does not disappear even under the influence of drugs, warming liquids - that’s characteristic feature tracheitis. The strength of the cough increases especially in the morning and at night, causing an attack with every breath. All this is accompanied by pain in the throat.

When the infection nevertheless breaks through from the trachea into the bronchi, it occurs due to inflammation, that is. For this disease, similar to tracheitis, the key symptomatology is the presence of cough. However, its structure is slightly different. At the start of the disease it is dry, and then, when sputum appears, it becomes wet. The consequence of untimely treatment is spillover acute phase illness into a chronic one, which is characterized by high fatigue of the body and a wet cough.

Finally, when the infection reaches the lungs and affects them, causing inflammation, it appears in “all its glory.” Its symptoms are already more extensive: shortness of breath, high temperatures (up to 40.5), chest pain during inhalation, these are just the main signs. In addition, muscle pain, chills, profuse sweating, various types headache, weakness of the body. Naturally, the listed signs are a clear signal to seek help.

Prevention of respiratory diseases

The therapeutic process will be much more effective if integrated approach. It is necessary to activate protective forces and strengthen the immune system. Treatment of the respiratory tract involves the use of wide range physiotherapy: steam inhalations, ultrasound, magnetic therapy, cupping massage. Bed rest obligatory for compliance, and categorically. Complexly, together with symptomatic, drug therapy Herbal medicines can be used for treatment, of course, after consultation with the doctor. Depending on the severity of the disease, the duration of the course of treatment varies, but it is recommended not to exceed two weeks.

To avoid recurrence of such troubles with the respiratory system, you must always remember about the prevention of respiratory diseases. The full versatility of the concept must be supported healthy image life: you need to use everything wisely, go swimming, do breathing exercises, make friends with fresh air, ventilate the room more often. Carefully monitor your nutritional intake, keeping it balanced.

There are a number of preventive requirements, and they are no less important: maintaining a balance between work and rest, good sleep, maintaining the health of the nasopharynx, as well as the entire body as a whole.

Traditional methods of treatment

1. Add 4 ml to a saucepan where water has boiled alcohol tincture propolis, tablespoon natural honey. Next, wait until the liquid cools to an acceptable temperature. We inhale for five minutes, carefully, without getting burned. The very first procedure can significantly ease respiratory process, the cough will subside. The recommended number of procedures is four. Upon completion, you should not talk much or go outside. This recipe has certain contraindications: inappropriate for pneumonia, high (more than 37.5) temperature, when too high, heart disease.

2. Finely grated onion is mixed with honey in a ratio of 3 to 1, leaving the mixture to simmer for several hours. The recommended dosage schedule is a teaspoon every few hours, between meals. An alternative option is possible: brew the grated onion with a glass of boiling milk, let it brew for a couple of hours, add a tablespoon of honey. Take 3 tablespoons of infusion after meals.

3. Grind the bananas with a blender, dilute them with boiling water by 1/3, add a spoonful of honey. Drink on an empty stomach, three times half a glass.

4. The following components are needed: pine buds(1 part), violet root (2 parts), Icelandic moss(4 parts). Mix everything, brew 200 ml of the resulting mixture, leave overnight, then filter. Drink warm, 1/2 cup, twice a day, with the addition of a teaspoon of honey.

5. Mix 2 drops of mint oils, tea tree, cedar. Dilute this composition in two teaspoons of vegetable oil. Rub into problem areas: chest, throat.

6. Two tablespoons of licorice are mixed with 3 teaspoons of any of the herbs listed below (thyme, linden, plantain, oregano, calendula). A teaspoon of the collection is brewed, adding a little honey. You can drink up to 4 cups per day, each one re-brewed and warm.

7. Mix chamomile flowers with calamus root in equal parts. A tablespoon of the mixture is brewed into 200 ml. Boil for ten minutes under the lid, then leave for an hour. You can rinse, do inhalations for 5 minutes, and at the end do not eat or talk.

8. Now I will describe massage exercises. Place a pillow under your chest and lie face down on the bed. The person massaging you should vigorously rub your back with your fingertips until the skin becomes slightly red. The next phase of the massage is massaging the back with fists, making rotational movements from the spine in the direction of the ribs. Then, proceed to tapping with the ribs of the palms: from the lower back to the shoulder blades. The duration of the entire procedure is a quarter of an hour, after completing it for an hour you need to lie down, wrapped in a warm blanket. Possible quantity necessary procedures 4-5. There is a limitation in the form of high temperature.

9. Wash the potatoes, boil them in their skins, mash them, add a spoonful of vegetable oil. Mix thoroughly, spread the potato mixture on a cloth, apply it to the chest, and wrap it with polyethylene and a woolen scarf on top. We go to bed with this compress. In the morning, remove and wash the skin. warm water. After 3-4 procedures you should feel significantly better.

In conclusion, I would like to note respiratory diseases pose a colossal threat to human health and, without timely treatment, can radically undermine the functioning of the respiratory system.

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Everyone shares infectious diseases according to the original source into viral and bacterial. If a virus is the causative agent of the disease, then antibiotics are powerless in this case. These drugs cannot reduce pain and fever. Respiratory tract infections caused by viruses have a peculiarity: they appear and spread very quickly, but are usually followed by an equally spontaneous and rapid recovery. At bacterial cause antibiotics becomes necessary. The nature of a respiratory tract infection is determined by a number of reasons, which are determined by the doctor after the sick person passes tests. In this case, during treatment, antibiotics help to avoid a chronic form of the disease or severe complications.

Localization of infections

Pathogens are localized in the mucous membrane. In some cases of the disease, while maintaining the primary localization, they migrate to various fabrics and organs along with the bloodstream or otherwise. The pathogen is released from the body during sneezing, coughing, and with air during a conversation. Particles of dead epithelium, droplets of exudate, mucus that contain the pathogen, depending on the size and influence of other factors, remain suspended in the air for some time or settle on various objects surrounding the person and dry out. The contents of the droplets, when dried, are released into the air again in the form of dust. The pathogen thus enters the next (susceptible) organism with inhaled air and dust particles or in the contents of droplets. Dust infection, of course, is possible with infections in which the pathogen is able to resist drying (diphtheria, tuberculosis and others).

Contracting an infection

Other routes of infection are much less likely. Some pathogens of upper respiratory tract infections, along with a primary localization in the body, also have a secondary one. Due to it, the causative agents of leprosy, chickenpox, which are localized in the mucous membranes and skin (granulomas, pustules), and in case of leprosy in other tissues and organs, they enter another organism through some objects. The transmission of infection through objects for sore throat is especially typical. various etiologies, scarlet fever, diphtheria. Of primary importance in this case are those items on which saliva appears during use (mouthpieces, whistles, drinking fountains, dishes).

Spread of the disease

Upper respiratory tract infection is characterized by a fairly wide spread. Many people find it difficult to avoid getting sick, and people get sick with some infections many times throughout their lives. Respiratory tract infection has an important epidemiological feature - it is a high incidence of children at a very young age. Therefore, it is no coincidence that many diseases of this group have long been called childhood infections. The sharp difference in incidence is actually explained by immunity in adults, which was acquired in childhood.

Quite often a person suffers from inflammation of the respiratory tract. Provoking factors are hypothermia or a cold, ARVI, influenza, and various infectious diseases. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, it can result in serious complications. Is it possible to prevent the inflammatory process? What treatment options are there? Is inflammation dangerous? respiratory organs?

Main symptoms of respiratory tract inflammation

Signs of the disease will depend on individual characteristics the patient’s body and the degree of damage to the respiratory tract. It is possible to identify such general signs that appear when a virus is introduced. It often leads to severe intoxication of the body:

  • The temperature rises.
  • A severe headache occurs.
  • Sleep is disturbed.
  • Muscle pain.
  • Appetite decreases.
  • Nausea appears, which ends in vomiting.

In severe cases, the patient has an excited and inhibited state, consciousness is upset, and convulsive state. Separately, it is worth noting the signs that depend on which specific organ is affected:

  • Inflammation of the nasal mucosa (rhinitis). First, a severe runny nose occurs, the patient constantly sneezes, and has difficulty breathing through his nose.
  • Inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa (pharyngitis). The patient has a very sore throat, the patient cannot swallow.
  • Inflammation of the larynx (laryngitis). The patient has a severe cough and his voice is hoarse.
  • Inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis). Arises severe pain when swallowing, the tonsils also become significantly enlarged and the mucous membrane turns red.
  • Inflammation of the trachea (tracheitis). In this case, you suffer from a dry cough that does not go away within a month.

If respiratory tract diseases are caused by parainfluenza, the temperature does not rise above 38 degrees for about 2 days. Symptoms are moderate. With parainfluenza, laryngitis most often develops.

Separately worth noting adenovirus infection which affects the respiratory tract. It most often occurs in the form of tonsillitis, pharyngitis, and is also affected digestive system and eyes.

Video: Airways. Treatment and prevention of respiratory tract diseases.

Drug treatment of airway inflammation

In case of an inflammatory process, the attending physician prescribes:

Video: Elena Malysheva. Prevention, symptoms and treatment of influenza

  • Antiseptic drugs - Chlorhexidine, Hexetidine, Thymol, etc.
  • Antibiotics – Framycetin, Fusafungin, Polymyxin.
  • Sulfonamides can be combined with anesthetics - Lidocoine, Menthol, Tetracaine.
  • Hemostatic drugs, this group of drugs contains plant extracts, sometimes bee products.
  • Antiviral drugs – Interferon, Lysozyme.
  • Vitamins A, B, C.

Bioparox – antibacterial agent

Video: Elena Malysheva. Epiglotite

The antibiotic Bioparox has proven itself well, it is released in the form of an aerosol, with its help you can effectively treat acute infections respiratory tract. Due to the fact that Bioparox contains aerosol particles, it immediately affects all organs of the respiratory tract, therefore it has complex action. Bioparox can be used for treatment acute rhinosinusitis, pharyngitis, tracheobronchitis, laryngitis.

Gestetidine is an antifungal drug

This is the best medicine for treatment inflammatory process in the throat. The drug is released in the form of an aerosol and rinse solution. Hexetidine is a low-toxic drug, so it can be used to treat infants. Except antimicrobial action, Hexetidine has an analgesic effect.

Traditional methods of treating respiratory inflammation

Recipes for the treatment of rhinitis

  • Fresh beet juice. Drip 6 drops of fresh beet juice, this should be done in the morning, afternoon and evening. It is also recommended to use beetroot decoction for nasal instillation.
  • Boiled potatoes. Cut the boiled potatoes into several parts: one is applied to the forehead, the other two parts are applied to the sinuses.
  • Soda inhalation. Take 500 ml of water, add 2 tablespoons, if you are not allergic, you can add eucalyptus oil - 10 drops. The procedure is carried out at night.

Recipes for the treatment of tonsillitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis

  • Lemon. Eat one lemon at once, including the peel, and cut it before doing so. You can add sugar or honey.
  • The herbal mixture is used for gargling. Need to take pharmaceutical chamomile– 2 tablespoons, eucalyptus leaves – 2 tablespoons, linden blossom– 2 tablespoons, flaxseeds– a tablespoon. Let the mixture sit for half an hour. Gargle up to 5 times a day.
  • Propolis infusion. Crushed propolis – 10 grams poured into half a glass of alcohol. Leave everything for a week. Rinse three times a day. When treating, drink tea with honey and herbs.
  • Remedy with egg yolks. You need to take the yolk - 2 eggs, beat it with sugar until foam forms. With the help of this product you can quickly get rid of a hoarse voice.
  • Dill seeds. You need to take 200 ml of boiling water and brew a tablespoon of dill seeds in it. Leave for about 30 minutes. Drink no more than two tablespoons after eating.
  • A curd compress on the throat will help relieve inflammation and irritation from the throat. After just a few procedures you will feel better.

So, in order to avoid inflammation of the respiratory organs, it is necessary to treat a cold in a timely manner. Don't think that the disease will go away on its own. If you get a runny nose, bacteria will start to drain from your nose. First they will end up in the nose, then in the pharynx, then in the larynx, trachea and bronchi. It can all end in pneumonia (pneumonia). To prevent complications, it is necessary to take action at the first symptoms, and do not forget to consult a doctor.

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Upper respiratory tract diseases are common throughout the world and affect every fourth person. These include sore throat, laryngitis, pharyngitis, adenoiditis, sinusitis and rhinitis. The peak of diseases occurs in the off-season, when cases of inflammatory processes become widespread. The reason for this is acute respiratory diseases or influenza virus. According to statistics, an adult suffers up to three cases of the disease, while a child experiences inflammation of the upper respiratory tract up to 10 times a year.

There are three main reasons for the development various kinds inflammation.

  1. Virus. Influenza strains, rotoviruses, adenoviruses, mumps and measles, when they enter the body, cause a reaction in the form of inflammation.
  2. Bacteria. Reason bacterial infection can become pneumococcus, staphylococcus, mycoplasma, meningococcus, mycobacteria and diphtheria, as well as pertussis.
  3. Fungus. Candida, aspergillus, actinomycetes cause a local inflammatory process.

Most of the listed pathogenic organisms are transmitted from humans. Bacteria and viruses are not resistant to environment and they practically don’t live there. Some strains of the virus or fungi can live in the body, but manifest themselves only when the body's defenses are reduced. Infections occur during the period of activation of “dormant” pathogenic microbes.

Among the main methods of infection are:

Virus particles, as well as microbes, penetrate through close contact with an infected person. Transmission is possible through talking, coughing, sneezing. All this is natural in diseases of the respiratory tract, because the first barrier to pathogenic microorganisms are the respiratory tract.

Tuberculosis, diphtheria and coli More often it penetrates the host’s body through everyday means. The link between a healthy and an infected person is household items and personal hygiene items. Anyone can get sick, regardless of age, gender, financial condition and social status.


The symptoms of inflammation of the upper respiratory tract are quite similar, with the exception of discomfort and pain, which are localized in the affected area. It is possible to determine the location of inflammation and the nature of the disease based on the symptoms of the disease, but it is possible to confirm the disease and identify the pathogen only after a thorough examination.

Characteristic for all diseases incubation period, which lasts from 2 to 10 days, depending on the pathogen.


Known to everyone as a runny nose, it is an inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa. Characteristic of rhinitis is exudate in the form of a runny nose, which, when microbes multiply, comes out abundantly. Both sinuses are affected, as the infection spreads quickly.
Sometimes rhinitis may not cause a runny nose, but, on the contrary, manifest itself severe congestion. If, however, discharge is present, then its nature directly depends on the pathogen. Exudate may be present clear liquid, and sometimes purulent discharge and green.


Inflammation of the sinuses resolves as a secondary infection and is manifested by difficulty breathing and a feeling of congestion.
Swelling of the sinuses causes headaches, has negative impact on optic nerves, the sense of smell is impaired. Discomfort and pain in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose indicates an advanced inflammatory process. The discharge of pus is usually accompanied by fever and fever, as well as general malaise.


The inflammatory process in the area of ​​the palatine tonsils in the pharynx causes a number of characteristic symptoms:

  • pain when swallowing;
  • difficulty eating and drinking;
  • elevated temperature;
  • muscle weakness.

A sore throat can occur as a result of both a virus and a bacteria entering the body. In this case, the tonsils swell and a characteristic coating appears on them. At purulent tonsillitis the palate and mucous membrane of the throat are covered with yellow and greenish deposits. With a fungal etiology, a white coating with a cheesy consistency is present.


Inflammation of the throat is manifested by sore throat and dry cough. Breathing may be difficult at times. General malaise and low-grade fever a fickle phenomenon. Pharyngitis usually occurs against the background of influenza and acute respiratory infection.


Inflammation of the larynx and vocal cords also develops against the background of influenza, measles, whooping cough and parainfluenza. Laryngitis is characterized by hoarseness and cough. The mucous membrane of the larynx swells so much that it interferes with breathing. Without treatment, in the form of stenosis of the walls of the larynx or muscle spasm. Without treatment, symptoms only get worse.


Inflammation of the bronchi (this is the lower part of the respiratory tract) is characterized by mucus discharge or a strong dry cough. In addition, general intoxication and malaise.
On initial stage Symptoms may not appear until the inflammation reaches the nerve spine.


Inflammation lung tissue in the lower and upper sections lung, which usually cause pneumococci, always general intoxication, fever and chills. As pneumonia progresses, the cough intensifies, but sputum may appear much later. If it is non-infectious, symptoms may not appear. The symptoms are similar to an advanced cold and the disease is not always diagnosed on time.

Therapy methods

After clarifying the diagnosis, treatment begins in accordance with the general condition of the patient and the cause of the inflammation. Three main types of treatment are considered:

  • pathogenetic;
  • symptomatic;
  • etiotropic.

Pathogenetic treatment

It is based on stopping the development of the inflammatory process. For this purpose, immunostimulating drugs are used so that the body itself can fight the infection, as well as auxiliary treatment, which suppresses the inflammatory process.

To strengthen the body, take:

  • Anaferon;
  • Amexin;
  • Neovir;
  • Levomax.

They are suitable for children and adults. It is pointless to treat upper respiratory tract diseases without immune support. If the causative agent of inflammation of the respiratory system is a bacterium, treatment is carried out with Immudon or Bronchomunal. For individual indications, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be used. They're filming general symptoms and oppress pain syndrome, this is relevant, especially if you are treating a child who
has a hard time suffering from the disease.

Etiotropic method

Based on pathogen suppression. It is important to stop the reproduction of the virus and bacteria in the upper sections, as well as to prevent their spread. The main thing is to accurately establish the strain of the virus and the etiology of pathogenic microbes in order to choose correct scheme and start treatment. Among antiviral drugs should be highlighted:

  • Remantadine;
  • Relenz;
  • Arbidol;
  • Kagocel;
  • Isoprinosine.

They help only when the disease is caused by a virus. If you can't kill it, as is the case with herpes, you can simply suppress the symptoms.

Bacterial inflammation of the respiratory tract can only be cured with antibacterial drugs; the dosage must be prescribed by a doctor. These medications are very dangerous if used rashly and can cause irreparable harm to the body.

For a child, such treatment can lead to complications in the future. Therefore, when choosing a drug special attention pay attention to the patient's age, his physiological characteristics, and also conduct a test for the presence of allergic reactions. Modern pharmacology offers for treatment effective drugs groups of macrolides, beta-lactams and fluoroquinolones.

Symptomatic treatment

Since antibacterial or antifungal treatment has a gradual effect in most cases of the disease, it is important to suppress the symptoms that cause discomfort to the person. For this there is symptomatic treatment.

  1. Nasal drops are used to suppress a runny nose.
  2. To relieve a sore throat and also reduce swelling, use broad-spectrum anti-inflammatory drugs or sprays for local application based on plant substances.
  3. Symptoms such as cough or sore throat can be suppressed with expectorants.

At severe swelling upper, as well as lower sections lungs, symptomatic treatment does not always provide the desired result. It's important not to use everything known methods treatment, but to choose the right regimen based on comprehensive elimination symptoms and causative agent of inflammation.

Inhalation will help relieve swelling, suppress cough and soreness in the upper throat, and stop a runny nose. And traditional methods of treatment can improve breathing and prevent oxygen starvation.

The main thing is not to self-medicate, but to undergo it under the supervision of a specialist and follow all his recommendations.