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How to remove comedones. Whitening products for blackheads. Folk remedies: how to get rid of blackheads at home

Closed comedones on the face are one of the most unpleasant aesthetic skin defects. Such rashes often lead to inflammation at the mouths of the hair follicles and the appearance of hair follicles. Treatment of closed comedones on the face depends on the cause that caused their occurrence.

Closed comedones or subcutaneous acne are the result of blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous glands with the thick secretion that they produce. Sebum mixes with particles of dead epithelium, as a result of which the separation of fat is disrupted and a sebaceous plug is formed, clogging the pores. This leads to the development of the inflammatory process and the formation of whitish papules, the contents of which are difficult to excrete. Closed blackheads range in size from 1 to 2 millimeters.

Provoking factors for acne

The main reason for the appearance of closed acne on the face is increased secretion of sebum. The following factors can influence this process:

  • impaired metabolism;
  • hormonal changes;
  • frequent stress;
  • use junk food;
  • improper care for facial skin;
  • use of comedogenic cosmetics;
  • chronic pathologies; reception hormonal drugs;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • genetic predisposition.

A type of acne is very common in adolescence, in pregnant women, as well as in patients suffering from endocrine disorders.

Classification of comedones

Comedones are divided into open and closed. The open ones are nothing more than black dots. These are sebaceous plugs that, when exposed to oxygen, oxidize and turn black. Hair follicles with blackheads are enlarged and clogged with horny masses, which, when squeezed, easily come out. Blackheads rarely lead to inflammation.

Closed comedones occur when the keratinization of the squamous epithelium in the upper layers is impaired and the mouth of the hair follicles is reduced, which can completely close. This results in subcutaneous whiteheads that are difficult to squeeze out.

The location of acne on the face is the areas where hair follicles are present. Therefore, closed comedones often appear on the forehead, nose, and cheeks.

Open and closed comedones photos, which can be seen below, require, first of all, careful facial skin care to quickly eliminate them and prevent further occurrence.

Treatment options

Closed comedones, which must be treated comprehensively, require the following measures:

  • mechanical or chemical peeling;
  • vacuum or manual cleaning;
  • laser treatment;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • dieting.

As an additional method of treatment, folk remedies in the form of masks and herbal decoctions can be used.

Mechanical and chemical peels

Microdermabrasion is one of the most popular types of chemical peels. During the procedure, using a specialized apparatus with attachments, the upper layer of the epidermis is polished.

Microdermabrasion allows you to renew the top layer of cells and effectively eliminate acne, both open and closed type. After the procedure, redness and irritation appear on the skin, which completely disappears after a few days.

During the first week after microdermabrasion, the use of cosmetics is not recommended. Instead of conventional care products, it is necessary to use soothing creams or medications prescribed by a dermatologist.

Chemical peeling is carried out in beauty salons using fruit acids. They help eliminate the stratum corneum of the skin, and with it acne formations, both closed and open.

Mechanical and chemical peels have many contraindications, including neoplasms in the form of moles, dermatitis, keloid scars and damage to the integrity of the skin (wounds, scratches, etc.).

Manual and vacuum cleaning

The process of manual cleaning is quite long and painful, so it is resorted to less and less often.

More modern method- vacuum facial cleansing. This is one of the most effective modern methods how to get rid of closed comedones. The procedure is carried out for 15-20 minutes, during which the contents of clogged pores are drawn out using a special vacuum apparatus. The main advantage of vacuum facial cleansing is painlessness and safety.


Another effective method how to get rid of closed comedones on the face - electrocoagulation. During the procedure, closed comedones are cauterized using electric current. After cauterization under the influence of current, a crust forms at the site of the acne, which falls off after 5-7 days. Electrocoagulation is recommended when comedones are not very deep, otherwise small scars may remain after the procedure.

Laser treatment

Laser therapy is one of the most effective and safe ways, which helps remove closed white comedones from the face quickly, painlessly and without consequences in the form of scars and scars.

Modern devices allow you to adjust the depth of penetration laser beam without affecting surrounding healthy tissue.

Laser therapy not only eliminates whiteheads and inflammation, but also normalizes sebum production.

Diet therapy

During the treatment of acne, it is recommended to eliminate or minimize the consumption of foods from the diet that provoke intensive production of sebum by the glands. The following foods fall into this category:

  • roast;
  • fat;
  • smoked;
  • spicy;
  • sweet.

Sweet carbonated drinks, fast food and alcohol also provoke the release of sebaceous secretions.

The goal is to reduce the amount of skin secretion produced and cleanse the body of waste and toxins, which also contribute to the appearance of closed comedones. Nutrition should not only be correct, but also balanced. It is recommended to include vegetables, fruits, berries, lean meats, dairy and fermented milk products in the daily menu. Twice a week you need to add sea fish to your diet.

Treatment at home

One of the methods for removing closed comedones is to perform a chemical peel yourself.

For home procedures use salicylic acid or calcium chloride.

You can also purchase special preparations for peeling yourself at pharmacies and cosmetic stores.

Salicylic peeling

For the procedure, you will need a 15% solution of salicylic acid, which is applied to a prepared, steamed and cleansed face for a 15-minute period.

Prepare salicylic solution you can do it yourself with aspirin. One tablet of acetylsalicylic acid is crushed into powder and mixed with a large spoon of boiled water at room temperature. You can add half a teaspoon of fine salt and liquid honey to the resulting solution, provided you are not allergic to the bee product.

After treating the face, after a fifteen-minute interval, the remedy for closed comedones is washed off with water and the skin is treated with an antiseptic lotion. Half an hour after the procedure, you can apply a non-greasy, soothing cream. It is permissible to carry out the procedure once a week.

Peeling with calcium chloride

To carry out home peeling, you will need an ampoule of a 5 percent solution. calcium chloride and fragrance-free baby soap. The solution is applied to cleansed facial skin using a cotton pad in 3-4 layers with short intervals.

After the product has dried, lather the fingertips moistened with water and distribute the resulting foam with massaging movements over the face. During such manipulations, pellets should form. The procedure is completed as soon as they stop appearing.

The final stage of this peeling is wiping the face with a decoction and applying a soothing cream.

Devices for cleansing skin at home

If you are concerned about closed comedones, innovative devices and devices designed for home use know how to get rid of them.

Recently, vacuum pore cleaners have become popular, which help to effectively clean the ducts of dust particles and sebaceous plugs.

Among the new products on the cosmetology market, one can also highlight the Revoskin ultrasonic vibration massager, which helps eliminate the stratum corneum of the skin and remove both black and whiteheads. The device also helps eliminate skin pigmentation and post-acne spots.

Traditional methods for removing closed acne

Among folk remedies against closed comedones on the face, masks based on the following components are very popular:

  • grapefruit;
  • tomatoes;
  • lemon;
  • kefir.

The above products contain acids, thereby achieving healing effect subject to regular use of funds.

Grapefruit scrub

To prepare a grapefruit scab, you will need three tablespoons of grapefruit juice, a spoonful of boiled water and two tablespoons oatmeal, crushed into powder. The product is applied to a clean, steamed face and distributed with massaging movements for a couple of minutes, and then washed off. The scrub can be used up to twice a week.

Tomato mask

One medium-sized ripe tomato is mixed with a powdered tablespoon of oatmeal and one egg yolk. The mixture is applied to the facial skin for 20-30 minutes, after which it is washed off. If necessary, apply a light, moisturizing non-comedogenic cream.

Citrus lotion

Lemon juice is diluted with purified water one to three and wiped with the resulting solution on the skin of the face every morning.

Kefir mask

Apply 1 percent kefir to cleansed facial skin and leave for a twenty-minute interval. You can use the product 1-2 times a week. The mask helps to cleanse the pores well and prevent further formation of closed comedones.

Prevention of closed rashes

If you have closed comedones, the methods and tips described above will tell you how to treat them. In order to prevent the appearance of whiteheads, it is enough to perform the following manipulations:

  • use of non-comedogenic cosmetics;
  • weekly use of scrubs;
  • washing with special foams and gels.

Proper nutrition with the exclusion of junk food and alcohol from the diet is one of the ways to prevent the appearance of closed comedones.

The use of herbal infusions and masks is an additional and effective way to prevent acne.

Rashes on the face, and on any other part of the body, are always unpleasant. Sometimes they are painful, sometimes they do not cause discomfort. But, of course, they spoil appearance, and besides, at any moment they can turn into something more dangerous than ordinary closed comedones or subcutaneous acne. So which treatment should you choose?

A closed comedon is one of the types of cysts. It is being formed in the usual way– when the hair follicle is blocked by exfoliated horny scales and sebum.

Causes of subcutaneous acne and closed comedones on the face

The diameter of the formation is small - 1–2 mm, the color is light, it is best visible when the skin is stretched. Unlike open comedones, there is no black coloration of the plug, since here the contents of the papules do not oxidize.

The picture shows a closed comedon

A closed comedon is prone to inflammation, as it completely covers the mouth of the follicle. Inflammation causes pustules or pimples.

Typically, comedones form in the T-zone, where the activity of the sebaceous glands is already increased. However, they can also form on the cheeks or in the nasolabial folds. Here, not only the oiliness of the skin in the area matters, but also internal factors. The reasons for the occurrence of misfortune are quite common.

  • Improper care– this category includes not only careless personal hygiene, but also insufficient or improper cleansing of the skin. So, if you ignore evening washing, a large amount of exfoliated epithelium accumulates on the skin, which later, together with sebum, forms plugs in the ducts of the sebaceous glands or hair follicles. Just washing your face in the morning is not enough. Removing oily shine reduces the danger. However, it’s easy to overdo it here: alcohol lotions not only remove excess fat, but also contribute to drying of the skin. And if the latter, with high fat content, is prone to dehydration, the result is exactly the opposite: sebaceous glands To compensate for the lack of moisture, they begin to work especially intensively, sebum accumulates much faster, and as a result, comedones form.
  • Low-quality cosmetics, especially with a high fat content, also does not contribute to the normal condition of the skin. Fat closes the pores, preventing the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands, and blockage, either due to natural or artificial reasons, leads to the appearance of acne.
  • Hormonal imbalance- characteristic not only adolescence, but also observed with certain types of diseases, taking hormonal drugs, and so on. In particular, the appearance of closed comedones is influenced by intense testosterone production. If changes hormonal levels related to treatment, none special measures There is no need to take action against comedones. The formations will disappear as soon as you stop taking the medications.
  • Excitement– provokes the activity of the sebaceous glands, as it is associated with disturbances in blood circulation. Often stress is also accompanied by a decrease in the antibacterial properties of sebum, which causes not only the appearance of comedones, but also their inflammation.
  • Severe air pollution, as well as work in enterprises where contact with halogen gases is possible, contributes to skin irritation and rapid contamination. Both force the sebaceous glands to work as intensely as possible to renew the skin's defenses.

The video talks about treating closed comedones at home:

The appearance of comedones is promoted by an unhealthy lifestyle, in particular - a diet with an excessive content of salty, fatty, smoked, and sweet foods. Any product that provokes the synthesis of fatty acids involuntarily helps the formation of acne. Sometimes, to get rid of rashes, it is enough to change your daily diet.

Necessary treatment measures

The first rule that must be followed for any skin problems is that you should not squeeze, much less pierce, blackheads, pimples or comedones with a needle. In some cases this is useless, in most cases it turns a single comedone into inflammation.

In the photo - subcutaneous acne - closed comedones

A mature pimple, in which the purulent contents have already formed a dense capsule, will come out on its own. When immature, the capsule does not have a dense shell, and therefore, at the slightest pressure, it bursts, and the contents remain in the surrounding tissues.

A closed comedone is removed with great difficulty, since the duct in this case is completely closed. Much more gentle, although long-term method– mechanical cleansing of the skin, removing the upper stratum corneum and preventing scales from heating up in the ducts. Treatment of comedones should be comprehensive. Conventionally, methods of combating the scourge can be divided into 3 groups: preventive, cosmetic and therapeutic.

The video describes the treatment of closed comedones:

Preventive measures

Aimed at maintaining skin cleanliness and preventing inflammation. The rules are very simple, but if you do not neglect them, the result will not be long in coming.

  • Morning wash should include not only water, but also special products if the skin is oily, as well as during periods when the immune system is weakened. In the first case, we mean a special foam or gel that allows you to remove excess fat, in the second - products with an antibacterial effect that prevent the growth of bacteria, for example, Baziron. You can see the price and instructions for Baziron AC at. The use of special medications is a measure recommended for both men and women. Closed comedones that have transformed into inflamed pimples, do not decorate anyone, and can turn from a cosmetic flaw into a skin disease.
  • Makeup should not be left on overnight. In addition, it is advisable to remove cosmetics 6-7 hours after application. To remove makeup, you should use milk, cream, tonic, as most modern cosmetics do not dissolve in water.
  • Apply a scrub appropriate to your skin type 1–2 times a week. The scrub removes dead skin particles, reducing the risk of sebaceous-horn plugs. The procedure is needed for both men and women.
  • Masks made from grated vegetables that stabilize skin pH– zucchini, cucumber, carrots also help get rid of closed comedones. You can read about zucchini face masks. Additionally, read whether a carrot mask helps against acne.
  • For dry skin, mix the vegetable with a little olive oil; for oily skin, mix it with lemon juice. A mask of ordinary kefir and rubbing with parsley juice have a good effect. The recipe for a kefir face mask can be found in.

All such means are gentle. The action does not appear quickly, as it is aimed at normalizing the condition of the skin, and not at directly removing acne. If you need to put your face in order as quickly as possible, they resort to cosmetic procedures.

Cosmetic measures

  • Mechanical peeling considered a rather harsh influence. However, with oily and normal skin, not prone to inflammation, brings good result. At home, mechanical peeling uses compositions that include ground coffee, salt or sugar. In a salon environment, the action of abrasive particles is complemented by the action of tools.
  • Microdermabrasion– cleaning with tiny particles of aluminum oxide. The substance is absolutely neutral and does not cause allergies. The procedure is designed to cleanse the top layer of skin from keratinized scales and activate collagen production.
  • Brossage– carried out by two rotating brushes. In addition to the exfoliating effect, it also has a good massage effect.
  • Chemical – peeling with organic acids: tartaric, malic, glycolic, salicylic. Their action is based on the dissolution of the binder between the scales, which allows you to painlessly remove keratinized particles. How you can use salicylic acid solution for acne will help you understand. The peeling product is selected according to skin type and age. So, glycolic acid can be used by young girls, but retinoic acid is suitable only for mature ladies.
  • Ultrasonic– perfectly tones the smallest facial muscles, suppresses excess sebum production and helps remove comedones.
  • Laser– based on the effect of light waves on skin cells. Laser peeling is prescribed for various purposes and is a complex procedure. Usually, acne removal is not a sufficient reason to resort to such strong effects.

If acne has formed due to a disorder in the functioning of the sebaceous glands, then the usual measures desired result If they didn’t bring it, you can resort to pharmaceuticals.

  • Preparations containing azelaic acid– Skinoren, for example. The connection has strong antibacterial properties, does not allow the sebaceous-horn plug to turn into pus and suppresses active microflora. In addition, part of Skinoren salicylic acid acts similarly to a chemical peel, gradually removing dead skin particles. This will help you understand how azelaic acid is used in cosmetology. The drugs do not have an immediate effect. Continuous removal of exfoliated scales gradually frees clogged pores. The comedone is independently freed from its contents, but this does not create conditions for the re-formation of the plug.
  • Products with retinoids– Tazorak, Avita and others. This compound with vitamin A reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands. In addition, retinoids restore the antibacterial properties of sebum, preventing inflammation.
  • Medical cosmetics– Cleansers of this kind include salicylic acid, retinol, zinc and sulfur. All of these substances normalize the condition of the skin and suppress dangerous microflora.

Any skin problems, either dark spots, wrinkles or a harmless rash, can deprive us of peace for a long time, especially when the “spot of fire” is located in the face.

Comedones(whiteheads and blackheads) are a type of pimple that occurs in clogged pores in the skin. The plug for the pore opening is a mixture of thickened sebaceous gland secretion, dead epithelial cells and dirt. Initially, there is no inflammatory process in these formations, but without proper care, infection and associated complications will certainly appear.

What are comedones, how are they formed and how to get rid of them? the site studies theory and practice, and our experts - cosmetologists from the capital's leading aesthetic clinics - give their professional recommendations:

How and why do pores get clogged?

Our skin has many microscopic holes that lead to hair follicles- they are called pores. However, not every such hole grows a hair, which is clearly visible, for example, on the face. At the same time, at each pore the ducts of the sebaceous glands open, the main purpose of which is to secrete a secret to moisturize and protect the skin and hair from harmful effects external environment.

When too much sebum is produced for one reason or another, it can accumulate in the pore trunk, mix with dead epidermal cells, makeup residues, dust and other dirt, forming a dense plug. This result usually leads to:

  • improper or excessive use of skin care products and makeup;
  • unhealthy diet, presence of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • metabolic disorders, hormonal changes or disturbances in the body, stress;
  • heredity;
  • living in a humid climate or polluted air, etc.

Most often, teenagers suffer from comedones and other manifestations of acne during periods of intense hormonal changes when the sebaceous glands are especially active. However, many people face this problem even in adulthood - the risk group includes all those with oily skin, as well as people suffering from follicular hyperkeratosis (a disorder in the process of renewal of dead skin cells).

Types of comedones

  • Open (black) , which look like black, gray or brown dots ranging in size from 0.1 to 2 mm (depending on the diameter of the pore mouth). Thick sebaceous secretion accumulates in the pore near the surface of the skin. Initially, it looks like a transparent or white mass, but over time, under the influence of oxygen, oxidation reactions begin, as a result of which the cork gradually darkens to an almost black color.
  • Closed (white, milia) - light dots or balls represent a blockage of the pore trunk on its lower side. This deep-seated plug cannot come to the surface due to a thin layer of skin tightening the mouth of the pore. They can reach 2-3 mm in size, and sometimes they remain visually invisible on the surface of the skin and can only be detected by touch.

Regardless of the type, the favorite place for localization of comedones is on the face (forehead, nose, cheeks, chin), noticeably less often they appear on the back and even less often on the chest. This “habitat” is determined by the peculiarities of sebum production. The natural progression of events is usually that an infection gets into the clogged pores - this can happen spontaneously or as a result of manually squeezing out pimples. As a result, an inflammatory process begins with the formation of ulcers, which are much more difficult to combat and the consequences are much more severe, even leading to the appearance of scars. Of course, it’s better not to let your skin get to this point.

How to get rid of comedones? Main methods of treatment

Removing any type of acne, including our white or black ones, is a difficult and often slow process. The problem is that removing only external manifestations the disease is not enough - it is important to understand and eliminate the cause of their appearance, otherwise a relapse is almost inevitable. This is why most home remedies do not provide long-lasting results. Specialists aesthetic medicine use A complex approach, which includes three stages:

1. Diagnose your general health and determine the causes of clogged pores. An initial examination can be done by a qualified cosmetologist or dermatologist, who will assess the condition of the skin, determine the most likely causes of comedones and give individual recommendations for their treatment.

2. Normalization internal factors : change in nutrition, adjustment if necessary hormonal balance. At this stage, consultations with a gastroenterologist, nutritionist or endocrinologist may be necessary. To remove comedones, the following may be prescribed:

  • local and oral antibiotics that prevent the development of inflammation;
  • oral contraceptives (for women) and others hormonal agents to reduce the production of sebaceous gland secretions.

3. Periodic “external” salon procedures to reduce skin oiliness, cleanse and tighten pores. The most effective are:

  • manual cleaning in combination with preliminary preparation (makeup remover, “loosening” by special means, steaming, cleansing pores with your fingers or a Uno spoon with attachments, etc.);
  • based on salicylic or glycolic acid;
  • hardware cleaning - vacuum, ultrasonic, brossage (brushing);
  • diamond peeling and other types of microdermabrasion;
Photo 5.6 - black comedones on the nose; black and white on the chin:

Prevention of comedones

If you are prone to the formation of non-inflammatory acne on the skin, you must:

  • Use only properly selected cosmetics. So, for example, when oily skin Do not use thick or greasy creams or overuse oil-based cosmetics.
  • For daily care, choose products that reduce sebum production, tighten pores, exfoliate dead cells, and prevent the development of inflammation. They usually contain salicylic, azelaic and glyceric acids, benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, and resorcinol.
  • Thoroughly cleanse the skin of makeup and remaining impurities. For oily and combination skin It is recommended to wash your face warm water without the use of soap and alcohol-containing cleansers, which dry the skin and stimulate even more sebaceous secretion to lubricate it.
  • Regularly use soft scrubs and exfoliants to remove dead skin cells from the epithelium, as well as clay and film masks to deeply cleanse pores.
  • Touch your face with your hands as little as possible; when in places with particularly polluted air (for example, near a major highway), cover it with a scarf, bandages and other items of clothing.

Under no circumstances should you try to cleanse your skin of comedones on your own.- an infection can penetrate into an open pore. Besides, active pressure on the skin around the acne with your nails or fingertips leads to the pore expanding and deforming even more, becoming more accessible to contamination.

Experts' opinions

cosmetologist, plastic surgeon, Arbat Aesthetic:

Comedones are clogged pores that are not inflamed as is the case with acne. The reasons for their appearance are initially porous skin, poor cleansing, non-compliance with diets, and aggressive decorative cosmetics. The Arbat Aesthetic clinic uses ultrasonic peeling and mechanical cleaning to solve this problem. In addition, I recommend to my patients:

  • wash your face correctly using special cleansers and sponges;
  • refrain from using toners that create a film on the skin;
  • replace foundation with loose mineral powder;
  • use gammage and peeling with fruit acids as weekly care;
  • use water-based creams.

leading cosmetologist, dermatovenerologist "":

Closed comedones usually opened with a sterile needle and removed with a cosmetic spoon or loop. The next task of the specialist is to select home care products with the mandatory use of exfoliants. Procedures that will help optimize the condition of the skin and cope with the problem include: microdermabrasion (a course of 4-6 procedures with an interval of 7-10 days and maintenance care once a month), superficial-medium peelings (a course of 4-6 procedures with an interval 7-10 days), cryotherapy, fractional photothermolysis. For the best result, it is advisable to combine these procedures with mesotherapy, revitalization, plasma, collagen masks and sheets. This is due to the fact that the main complaint of such patients will be dry skin, and closed comedones, as a rule, occur with dry seborrhea.

WITH open comedones not everything is so simple. A frequently asked question from patients: how to get rid of blackheads on the nose? The fact is that absolutely all people have these same points; their number and degree of visualization depend on the size and number of pores. It is pointless to fight them using the method of banal manual elimination; this is due to the peculiarities of the sebaceous glands in this particular area. It is advisable to professionally select home care products that will include exfoliants, enzymes, acids, abrasive particles; you should also add serums with the effect of narrowing and cleansing pores.

Among the professional procedures in a doctor’s or esthetician’s office, the following are effective: mid-superficial peelings, ultrasonic peeling, special types of facial skin massage, and also some types of hardware techniques regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands (this is important for hypersecretion of the latter), these include RF procedures and microcurrent therapy. If the patient has problem skin (acne varying degrees heaviness), a lot of comedones, and they have big size, then extraction is mandatory, since when the hormonal levels change, the comedones become inflamed and the picture of active acne worsens.

In the narrow mouth of the follicle, under the influence of external as well as internal reasons, the duct is blocked. The sebaceous secretion, combined with the breakdown products of the epithelium and toxins, leads to the formation of comedones on the face. This type of acne occurs in most teenagers, as well as a quarter of the world's population over 25 years of age. Comprehensive treatment and adherence to preventive measures will allow you to forget about this aesthetic defect.

What are comedones

Open comedones

Blackheads are a consequence of the accumulation in the follicle, in addition to subcutaneous sebum, also keratinized epidermal cells, dirt, and the remains of decorative cosmetics. A rod-plug forms, closing the duct, and on the surface it looks like a black dot due to the oxidation reaction when interacting with oxygen. This type of acne is considered less dangerous and traumatic, rarely causing discomfort or painful sensations. They can be located on the forehead, chin, cheeks, wings of the nose, and back.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, Special attention It’s worth paying attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemical substances destroy the structure of curls, hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty thing gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause oncological diseases. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.


This is a typical manifestation of acne, due to the pathological condition of the integument. The regulation of the processes of synthesis of sebaceous glands, a decrease in the amount of linoleic acid, important element cell membranes.

Reasons for appearance:

  1. The width of pores, skin type, and the amount of secretion produced are signs of the genotype, transmitted by heredity; the presence of problematic, unhealthy skin in parents becomes one of the main reasons for the appearance of acne of various classifications.
  2. Malfunctions endocrine system, as well as the natural stages of hormonal development in adolescence, puberty, pregnancy, and pituitary gland abnormalities lead to changes in the skin.
  3. Psycho-emotional stress, instability nervous system affects the activation of the synthesis of the produced sebaceous secretion, therefore the appearance of white comedones has a cyclical nature, observed after experienced shocks.
  4. A poor diet, a predominance of animal fats, sweet foods, a deficiency of fish, fruits, vegetables and cereals, leads to a lack of important minerals and vitamins necessary for healthy skin.
  5. Chronic diseases internal organs, sexual problems, diabetes, dysfunction endocrine gland, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, dysbacteriosis of intestinal microflora.
  6. Side effects of taking medications, bad habits– smoking, drinking alcohol, indulging in carbonated drinks, as well as fast foods, processed foods, saturated with preservatives, and animal fats.
  7. Unfavorable environmental conditions, industrial zone, high levels of salts in the air and water heavy metals, others chemical elements, leads to a decrease in immune parameters, creates favorable conditions for infection by bacteria, reproduction of pathogenic microflora.
  8. Infatuation with sunbathing, both natural and artificial, has a detrimental effect on the condition of the integument, leads to the appearance of comedones on the face, and the amount of exfoliated epithelium increases, which causes blockage of the follicle.
  9. The absence or improper care of facial skin can change the blooming healthy dermis, making its structure lumpy, inflamed, mass market products can have a detrimental effect on the condition of the face, instead of the cleansing effect, dehydrate and make it vulnerable to adverse external conditions, for each type you need to select a series, satisfying the basic needs of the epidermis - cleansing, toning, moisturizing.
  10. Decorative comedogenic cosmetics lead to disruption of the skin renewal process, the use of correctors, concealers, foundation, powder leads to the creation of a dense coating that does not allow oxygen to pass through, the greenhouse effect does not allow sebaceous secretions, toxins are brought to the surface, they remain in the mouth, creating traffic jams.

Salon treatments

Exist effective methods treatment of comedones. They allow you to eliminate external signs - clogged ducts, inflammation, improve the structure and color of the integument. It is important after various cosmetic procedures to take care of your skin and adhere to the principles healthy image life.

Decides main question how to get rid of comedones. The hardware method helps to remove the upper layers of the epidermis, while at the same time polishing the surface, as well as the marks left after acne. The main active element - aluminum oxide helps to normalize intracellular processes and activate the flow of oxygen. You will need to complete a course of eight/ten sessions, they do not cause pain, and the skin is quickly restored. Contraindications include individual intolerance to aluminum and rosacea.

Mechanical removal

The most effective way to get rid of deep acne. Manual method allows you to get rid of fatty rods, black and whiteheads. Before the process of squeezing with special tools - spoons, loops, the cosmetologist cleanses the integument with a special gel, followed by steaming to gain maximum access to the ducts. After removing the comedones, wipe the face with lotion and apply a mask to help narrow the pores. The painful procedure is carried out no more than once a month; fragile vessels are a contraindication.

Ultrasonic cleaning

It is a type of hardware peeling, the effect is carried out using high-frequency wave oscillations. The procedure helps not only get rid of closed pimples, but also blackheads, wrinkles, and minor defects in the epidermis. Used in combination medicinal ointments, creams, the effectiveness of which increases several times after such a painless method of cleansing. Thanks to the physicochemical effect, the protective properties of the integument are increased and the secretion of the sebaceous glands is normalized. It is used no more than once a month, has no side effects or contraindications.

Peeling with fruit acids

Cleaning is carried out using a complex consisting of glycolic, apple, milk, tartar, almond, citric acid. The concentration of the composition is selected individually; after a course of procedures, the tone noticeably brightens, pores narrow, and dead particles are removed along with toxins and oxidants.

Home Recipes

You can prepare effective remedies for comedones yourself from available ingredients. Taking care of skin health is quite simple, thanks to the gifts of nature. Medical procedures will help clean the ducts, narrow the pores, stop the spread of inflammation.


To improve oxygen breathing and accelerate renewal processes, you can use universal remedy, suitable for all types. With regular use, you can forget about the hated blackheads and pimples. The result will please you with a healthy color and smooth, even structure.


  • 10 gr. oatmeal;
  • 5 gr. plantain;
  • 10 gr. honey;
  • 3 drops of cypress ether.

Grind the flakes in a coffee grinder until fairly large particles remain. Separately grind dry plantain leaves. Combine oatmeal with coffee, herbs, add liquid honey, healing aroma oil. Apply thick mixture After steaming, rub in circular movements for a few minutes. Leave for five/six minutes, then clean as usual. Carry out the procedure in the evening, two/three times a month.


To dissolve comedones, improve blood circulation, normalize renewal processes, it is worth preparing a natural cosmetic product. Removes oily shine, restores a beautiful matte color, helps cope with painful sensations from whiteheads.


  • 10 gr. sage;
  • 100 ml Borjomi;
  • 5 ml grape seed oil.

Pour boiling water (50 ml) over sage and calendula and leave with the lid closed for about two hours. After straining, combine the finished concentrate with non-carbonated mineral water. Add kernel oil and pour into a cosmetic bottle. Rub your face along the massage lines twice a day.

Effectively eliminates blackheads on the nose, chin and forehead. Deep cleansing and removal of traffic jams occurs. Suitable for all skin types, has no contraindications.


  • 30 ml chamomile decoction;
  • 2 drops of tangerine essential oil.

Prepare a concentrated decoction, after boiling, keep on the stove for another ten minutes, remove from the stove, strain the finished liquid. Pour gelatin granules, stir until completely dissolved, add citrus ether. Distribute the resulting product while still hot in the T-area, be sure to pre-steam it with a compress. The more layers you get, the better; after time, remove the frozen film along with sebaceous plugs. Repeat cosmetic procedure two/four times a month.

Mask for whiteheads

Helps cope with various types rashes natural mask with antibacterial effect. Soothes itching and irritation, removes toxins, removes dead cells. After the procedure, the skin looks fresh and renewed, enlarged pores become less noticeable.


  • 10 gr. blue clay;
  • 5 gr. pea flour;
  • 15 drops of salicylic acid.

Grind the peas in a coffee grinder into powder, add clay powder. Dilute the dry mass with mineral or thermal water, add salicylic acid. Clean and steam the covers, then spread in a thick layer healing agent. Enjoy the effect for about fifteen minutes, rinse off as usual. Repeat the mask two/five times a month in the early morning or before bed.

Ointment for acne and comedones

With your own hands you can create a healing remedy that helps cure closed forms eels. It is also recommended to be used for preventive purposes to care for oily, problematic types of epidermis. The ointment relieves inflammation, redness, and resolves ulcers.


  • 15 gr. zinc ointment;
  • 25 drops of boric alcohol.

In a separate bowl, combine the ingredients, mix thoroughly, and transfer to a prepared, clean, dry jar. Use once/twice a week, depending on the condition of the dermis. After cleansing, apply a thin layer along the massage lines, do not use on the lips or eyelid area.

Interesting video: How to get rid of comedones - blackheads (creams that don’t help)


It is impossible to get rid of comedones at home without following the mandatory recommendations. Fight for pure healthy skin is to apply simple rules and advice.

Prevention measures:

  • carry out cleansing twice a day using special gels, effective for removing surface contaminants, they contain active elements, remove sebaceous secretions, toxins and exfoliated epithelium, without disturbing the hydrolipid balance, the presence of antiseptic substances helps neutralize pathogenic microflora;
  • be sure to use a tonic or lotion, such products help tighten pores, affect blood circulation and transportation nutrients at the cellular level, improve oxygen respiration, the antibacterial effect reduces the risks of infection and spread of infection, these should be alcohol-free cosmetics with plant extracts, essential oils and increased content of vitamins;
  • to restore the protective properties, the integument needs to be moisturized, you can use medicinal creams and emulsions that have a double effect, replenishing the water-lipid balance, preventing blockage of the follicles;
  • Twice a week it is recommended to use soft scrubs and peels with an exfoliating effect; it is better to carry out the procedure before going to bed so that the skin can recover during the rest period;
  • maybe a dermatologist will prescribe antibacterial drugs, as well as a course of multivitamins, applied in parallel hypoallergenic diet with the exception of fatty, spicy, fried, smoked and sweet dishes;
  • get rid of bad habits, be more active fresh air, it is especially useful to stay outside the city, or on the sea coast;
  • treatment chronic diseases, and good sleep, adherence to an active regime and rest have a good effect not only on the psycho-emotional background, but also on the condition of the skin;
  • at home, you can improve the appearance of the integument thanks to balanced diet, the diet should include cereals, lean meats, seafood, fish, dairy products, vegetables, berries, fruits, vegetable oils;
  • water is a natural sorbent, you need to drink at least 2 liters daily, then in a natural way toxins and oxidants will be removed, the membrane structure of cells will improve;
  • folk remedies are effective, they help treat acne at home, improve the color and structure of the epidermis. You can prepare mash masks with your own hands that get rid of rashes; various essential and vegetable oils have a healing effect, herbal infusions, cosmetic clay, mud, pharmaceuticals– bodyaga, salicylic acid, white/black coal, zinc ointment.

"Author of the article: Veronika Belova": Graduated with honors from the LOKON Academy of Beauty Industry. Mother of a beautiful child. I like to experiment, I try all the time various means, masks (including cooking with my own hands), techniques that can make us beautiful and healthy. I'm in

Closed comedones are a problem familiar to many. They appear on the face and can even spread to the back. The cause of their occurrence can be stress, diseases of internal organs, but most often teenagers suffer from them when their body is experiencing a hormonal surge, as well as women during pregnancy, menopause and when there are disruptions in the menstrual cycle.

Sebum accumulates under the skin and turns into a small nodule. They are often small and almost invisible, but sometimes they are quite big sizes and also cause pain. Being under the skin, they do not have the opportunity to finally ripen and come out; and if an infection penetrates into such a comedone, then there is a high probability of developing serious inflammation. How to get rid of them? Let's figure it out.

Open and closed comedones - what's the difference?

Skin rashes, called comedones, are divided into two types - open and closed comedones. The first are formed when the contents of the mouth of the follicle appear on the surface of the skin. This type is considered the most noticeable, as it visually represents black dots. Such formations are easy to remove even at home.

Getting rid of closed comedones is not so easy. An attempt at conventional mechanical removal can only lead to the fact that they turn into red, inflamed pimples with a white tip. This type of comedones is popularly called “millet” because they look similar to millet grains. In dermatology, the term “milia” is used to define them.

What reasons give rise to the appearance of closed comedones on the skin of the face? The main reason is the accumulation of secretions in the sebaceous glands, secreted in excess. The inability to release secretions into the pores contributes to the formation of small whitish nodules located under a thin layer of skin (subcutaneous acne).

Among the many causes of closed comedones, the main factors in their appearance are improper skin care (especially oily or dry skin), as well as the use of cosmetics that cause closed comedones.

Causes of closed comedones

The main reason for the appearance of closed comedones is various hormonal disorders, but doctors note a number of other factors:

  1. Excessive activity of the sebaceous glands.
  2. Improper skin care or complete neglect of personal hygiene, resulting in clogged skin pores.
  3. In some cases, the cause may be the use of certain medications.
  4. A genetic predisposition, as a result of which comedones can appear even in those who monitor their skin condition.
  5. In men, an excessive amount of testosterone in the body also leads to the appearance of comedones.
  6. In exceptional cases, the appearance of comedones may be affected by pollution environment. The result is clogging of skin pores with particles of dust, dirt and various compounds, which leads to the appearance of closed comedones.

As a result of hormonal disorders, comedones often appear in pregnant women, even if all hygiene requirements are met. Endocrine diseases and gastrointestinal problems also increase the likelihood of the formation of such acne.

What closed comedones look like, photo

Closed comedones are small flesh-colored or white bumps that protrude slightly above the surface of the skin. From the outside they can be completely invisible and can only be felt by touch if you run your hand over the skin. They feel like a slight roughness or unevenness.

Drug treatment

Closed comedones need to be treated comprehensively. First, it is necessary to identify the cause of their appearance and cure them, and then deal with cosmetic skin defects.

Preparations for the treatment of acne and comedones are aimed at reducing the activity of the sebaceous glands, eliminating comedones and skin defects from their occurrence. Medicines can be for both internal and external use.

The most used medications for comedones:

  1. Zerkalin (ointment) is a product related to antibiotics. Production - Croatia. Able to treat acne and other similar formations on the skin. Effectively fights comedones.
  2. Roaccutane (in capsules) is a drug aimed at suppressing acne and comedones. Made in Switzerland. Contains beeswax, oil soybeans. The drug should be started at small doses and gradually increased.
  3. Zincteral (tablets) – catalyzes metabolic processes. Manufacturer Poland.
  4. Series of cosmetics – Hollyland. It produces drugs in the form of ointments, lotions, and masks for the treatment of problem skin. The drugs were produced in Israel.

Any drug may have side effects or incompatibility with other drugs. Before using medications, you should consult your doctor about the advisability of their use.

Skin cleansing

First of all, at home, you need to thoroughly cleanse your facial skin with a special cosmetic product using a sponge or sponge. Hygienic care begin by applying the cleansing composition to damp skin, and then rubbing without pressure until bubbles appear and removing with a wet sponge. This helps cleanse the epidermis of particles of fat, layers of dead cells and dirt.

Every week you need to exfoliate with fruit acids or use a scrub to cleanse the skin of dead cells. Masks with bodyaga or clay also help expand pores and renew the epidermis. However, when using a peel or scrub, they can only be done once a week. If masks are the only method in the fight against closed comedones, then in a day or two.

At home, vegetable masks made from carrots, cucumbers, zucchini and apples will help cope with closed comedones. Vegetables are finely ground, using a grater or blender, and if they do not contain acids, then add lemon juice. The composition is supplemented vegetable oil, most often olive. But in the advice of cosmetologists and reviews of many women, you can read that this oil can clog pores. In this case, you need to use a cosmetic vegetable oil suitable for your skin.

Folk remedies

Will help fight this problem ethnoscience. Herbal decoctions, various masks from natural ingredients have a positive effect on the skin, no worse than expensive pharmaceutical products.

Effective remedies against closed comedones:

  1. Chamomile. Take 2 tablespoons of dried chamomile, pour a small amount of boiling water. Wait 30 minutes, strain, apply the paste on your face, keep for 15 minutes, do this every day. After a week, you will notice that the comedones have decreased in size, and over time, the grass will disappear completely.
  2. Protein treatment. Take one fresh egg, separate the white from the yolk, beat it with 1 tablespoon of sugar, divide the mixture into 2 equal parts. Apply the first half to your face, wait until it dries completely, then do the same with the second half of the mass. Wash off the mask cool water, do not forget to lubricate after the procedure skin nourishing cream. Such manipulations remove impurities, cleanse pores, and promote the opening of grains;
  3. Vitamin mask. Grate carrots, zucchini, cucumber (in equal quantities), add 1 tbsp to the mixture. spoon of olive oil, mix thoroughly. Spread the resulting paste onto your face in a thin layer, wait 10–15 minutes, then rinse with warm water;
  4. Salt. Take a glass boiled water, dilute a finely grated piece of antibacterial soap in it, add 1 tablespoon of fine salt. Soak a cotton pad in the solution, rub it into problem areas on the skin for no more than three minutes, do not overdo it, this method should be used very carefully so as not to damage the skin;
  5. Citrus tonic. Dilute 1 spoon of lemon or grapefruit juice with 1 glass of boiled water. Moisten a cotton pad with this product and wipe the areas where the grains accumulate. Use this remedy morning and evening.

Do not expect lightning-fast action from these recipes; for high-quality results, it should take 2-3 weeks. Don't be alarmed if it takes longer to clear up on your nose than in all other areas; this is a natural process.

Treatment with laser

This procedure not only has no consequences in the form of scars or scars, but is also completely painless.

There are three types of such laser peeling:

  1. Pulsed laser. During treatment, bacteria are killed and the secretion of the sebaceous glands is reduced. As a result of this decrease in the intensity of secretion, less sebum is produced, which is a breeding ground for bacteria. As a result, old comedones dissolve, and the likelihood of new ones forming is reduced.
  2. Blue laser treatment (frequency 405-420 nm). This procedure destroys bacteria located deep in the skin and promotes the resorption of comedones.
  3. Diode laser. Unlike the previous type, this procedure helps to completely stop the secretion of sebum. Quite effective in the treatment of acne when comedones are in large quantities are formed over the entire surface of the face.

This effective method allows you to achieve visible results already after the first procedure, and thanks to the ability to adjust the depth of penetration, the specialist can work specifically with problem areas without affecting the surrounding tissue.

Why doesn't the medicine help?

Many patients ask dermatologists and cosmetologists this impatient question after several weeks of treatment with the recommended drug. Doctors usually explain that there are several reasons to consider a medicine ineffective:

  • the medicine was taken continuously and in the indicated dosage;
  • the use complied with the instructions attached to the drug;
  • if it was used only in the place where acne appeared;
  • When using the medicine, all hygienic rules were observed.

If comedones on the nose or other part of the face have not disappeared a week after starting to take the drug, this is quite natural. At the first stage, the medicine prevents the occurrence of new acne. The old ones disappear on their own, but this takes time, at least a month. It is advisable to change medications only if an allergic reaction occurs.

How effective a particular medicine is can be assessed no earlier than after two months. You should not take two drugs at the same time, as it is difficult to know which of them is truly beneficial. And we can talk about the ineffectiveness of treatment only after two months, when it becomes clear that there is no improvement and new foci of acne appear. In this case, you need to consult a doctor again.

You need to remember this constantly and throughout the entire course of treatment with medications, cosmetics or folk remedies, adhere to the following simple recommendations.

  1. Use facial cleansers (milk, toner, lotion) daily, scrubs or gommage weekly.
  2. Self-squeezing of comedones is strictly prohibited, which in 95% of cases leads to their inflammation, which must be treated with antibiotics.
  3. Choose the right line of cosmetics for skin care.
  4. Do not leave decorative cosmetics on your face overnight.
  5. Limit the amount of fatty, fried, spicy, pickled, salty, sweet, flour foods in your diet.
  6. Stop long-term use of medications.
  7. It is useless to fight comedones if you smoke a lot or abuse alcohol. With bad habits problem skin time to say good-bye.
  8. Try to be less likely to be influenced by stressful situations.
  9. Treat existing stomach diseases.
  10. Move to an area with a better environmental situation.

All these measures are not only effective fight with comedones, but also prevention of this cosmetic defect. It won't be easy to change your life, but it is necessary if you want to look stunning.