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Infrared radiation in medicine: methods of application. Features of the procedure and results of IR therapy

Various achievements of science and technology are widely used in medical practice, both for diagnosis and therapy of various pathological conditions. Today, even in small clinics there are a number of devices that make diagnosis and treatment simple, affordable and effective. Thus, doctors widely use infrared radiation or infrared rays, which were discovered more than two hundred years ago. They have many qualities and are used in medicinal and for preventive purposes. So, the topic of our conversation today will be infrared radiation in medicine, the use of which will be discussed in a little more detail.

How does infrared radiation affect humans?

Today, doctors have come to the conclusion that infrared rays have a fairly wide spectrum of action. They activate perfectly metabolic processes, contribute to the dilation of blood vessels (including capillaries) and activate the processes of capillary circulation. Also, infrared radiation is characterized by antispasmodic qualities (can eliminate spasms) and neutralizes painful sensations. This method of influencing the body also has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and promotes the activation of intracellular reactions.

If infrared rays are used in moderate dosage, they are characterized by general health-improving properties.

Today, scientists have developed many drugs that are widely used in physiotherapeutic treatment. However, it is worth noting that the excessive use of radiation in medicine, even seemingly harmless infrared rays, causes burns and other negative reactions in the body.

How are infrared rays used?

Since infrared radiation stimulates vasodilation and acceleration of blood flow, it is used in medical practice to improve and activate blood circulation. When short infrared rays are applied to the skin, its receptors are irritated, which is why the hypothalamus sends a signal to the smooth muscles located in the blood vessels to relax. Due to this, capillaries, veins and arteries expand, and blood flow also accelerates.

Infrared radiation stimulates the activation of metabolism at the cellular level and helps to optimize the course of neuroregulation processes by an order of magnitude.

The use of infrared radiation in medicine has a positive effect on general condition immunity. Active production of macrophagocytes leads to accelerated phagocytosis, in other words defensive reactions the body are enhanced at the cellular and fluid levels. At the same time, the production of amino acids is stimulated, enzymes and nutrients.

Infrared rays are used in medicine as an excellent disinfectant. Their effect on the body leads to the death of a number of bacteria, as well as to the neutralization of a significant amount of aggressive substances.

In what cases are infrared rays used in medicine?

Infrared therapy is used as part of complex treatment. It allows you to deal with severe pain, reducing their severity and even eliminating pain syndrome. This effect leads to the restoration of water-salt balance and improvement of memory processes. Infrared treatment allows you to achieve lymphatic drainage effect, normalize blood circulation (and in the brain) and tissue saturation with blood. This therapy also helps normalize blood pressure and accelerate the elimination of toxins and salts. heavy metals, accelerate the synthesis of endorphins and melatonin. It also activates the production of hormones.

Infrared radiation helps destroy a number of pathogenic organisms, including fungi, and also suppress the growth and activity of cancer cells. This effect is characterized by antinuclear qualities and stimulates the functioning and restoration of the immune system.

When therapy with infrared rays, a deodorizing effect is achieved, hypertonicity and excessive muscle tension are eliminated. This treatment helps to get rid of emotional stress, normalize sleep and optimize the functions of internal organs.

Diseases that can be treated with infrared radiation

Infrared rays help cope with a number of ailments respiratory system: with pneumonia, flu and bronchial asthma. They can be used in the correction of cancer and adenoma. This therapy helps eliminate adhesions, treat ulcerative lesions Gastrointestinal tract and mumps.

Infrared radiation helps cope with obesity, varicose veins veins, salt deposits. It is used to eliminate spurs, corns, calluses, poorly healing wounds and a whole range of skin diseases. Doctors use the properties of infrared rays in the treatment of burns, frostbite and bedsores.

This effect also contributes to therapy vascular diseases, peripheral diseases nervous system and paralysis.

Activation of metabolic processes and normalization of blood flow during therapy with infrared rays helps organs and tissues quickly recover and return to full activity. A systematic and moderate effect allows you to increase tissue regeneration, eliminate inflammation, protect against infections and increase local resistance.

Today, infrared radiation devices are located in almost every clinic in the physiotherapy room.

Full description

Infrared waves are located in the range between the red end of the visible spectrum with a wavelength of 7.4x10-7 m and short radio waves of 2x10-3 m. Now the entire range of infrared radiation is divided into three components:
short-wave region: l=0.74 - 2.5 µm;
mid-wave region: l=2.5 - 50 µm;
long-wave region: l=50-2000 µm.
It is also necessary to know that all bodies, solid and liquid, heated to a certain temperature emit energy in the infrared spectrum.

In this case, the wavelengths emitted by the body depend on the heating temperature: the higher the temperature, the shorter the wavelength and the higher the radiation intensity. At temperatures not exceeding 300 degrees Celsius, the radiation occurs entirely in the infrared spectrum.
At the same time, the body appears dark. As the temperature of the emitter body increases, the radiation spectrum shifts to the visible region, and the body first becomes dark red, then red, then yellow, and already at very high temperatures (>5000 ° C) it appears white.
All this you need to know when choosing an infrared emitter.
Many heater manufacturers list something like dark heaters, long wave heaters, or light heaters on their products.
When exposed to infrared radiation on the body, it:

The growth of cancer cells is suppressed;

Some types of hepatitis virus are destroyed;

The harmful effects of electromagnetic fields are neutralized;

Dystrophy is cured;

In diabetic patients, the amount of insulin produced increases;

The effects of radioactive radiation are neutralized;

Significant improvement, or even cure, of psoriasis;

Reversal of liver cirrhosis.

The human body needs regular replenishment of long-wave heat. The body begins to get sick if such replenishment is missing. Probably everyone has noticed how a surge of energy appears after being in the sun or after gatherings around the fire. Only, a person may not have such opportunities, especially if he lives in a large metropolis. That’s when the infrared emitters that he himself created will help this man out. In the world today, there are more than ten different devices under the general descriptive name of infrared emitters. This and infrared lamps, and infrared clothing, and infrared mattresses, and infrared saunas, etc.
Infrared emitters and their beneficial effects therapeutic effect on the human body

A huge advantage of far infrared radiation is that when exposed to it, not only the symptoms of the disease are eliminated, but also its causes.

Many of our modern diseases stem from unfavorable environment. The accumulation of all kinds of poisons in the body leads to the fact that many people live with constant pain, feeling exhausted, tired and depressed. Almost every person can detect the presence of pesticides, heavy metals, fuel combustion products and other harmful compounds in their body.

Recent studies have proven that when the human body is exposed to infrared rays, cells are stimulated to remove toxic substances from the body through urine and sweat, including mercury and lead. But cleansing from toxins is an undoubted condition for preventing many diseases. If you combine infrared radiation treatment with healthy eating, diets and fasting, then such a treatment system will represent wide range proven capabilities that go beyond conventional traditional medicine.

The main effects of infrared radiation include:
improvement of general and local blood and lymph circulation;
antispastic (vessels),
reduction of tissue swelling;
muscle relaxant;
pain reliever;
regenerative (protein synthesis)
bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect.
- disruption of cardiovascular activity, by reducing cholesterol levels in the blood and reducing high blood pressure;


Impaired blood circulation. When exposed to infrared radiation, blood vessels dilate and blood circulation is stimulated;

Eliminates arthritic pain, cramps, menstrual pain, rheumatism, radiculitis;

Infrared rays inhibit the proliferation of viruses, which, with regular sessions, will prevent colds, or significantly speed up the healing process;

Helps fight excess weight problems and cellulite;

Helps reduce pain from burns while speeding up the process of creating new skin;

The nervous system calms down;

Work is stabilizing immune systems s;

A number of disorders of the digestive system are eliminated.
This means that infrared radiation can affect not only the skin (like ultraviolet radiation), but also deeper tissues - such as muscles, joints, and nerve fibers.

Moreover, by applying infrared radiation to areas of the surface location of large blood vessels(for example, in the axillary, ulnar and popliteal fossae), as well as on the subcutaneous The lymph nodes, we can have a general effect on the entire body through the activation of the universal functions of blood and lymph!
Thus, infrared radiation can affect not only the skin (like ultraviolet radiation), but also deeper tissues, such as muscles, joints, and nerve fibers.
Moreover, by influencing infrared radiation on the areas of the superficial location of large blood vessels (for example, in the axillary, ulnar and popliteal fossae), as well as on the subcutaneous lymph nodes, it is possible to influence the entire body through the activation of the universal functions of blood and lymph.
The massage device Seragem-Master CGM-M3500 and the soft heat device “Thermo+” are a source of infrared radiation in the useful range.
Through the use of jade emitters, special balls made of red baked clay and carbon-carbon fiber, heat is generated that corresponds in wavelength to the thermal radiation of the human body and has a pronounced healing effect!

Treatment with infrared and visible radiation

Infrared (IR) rays are heat rays that, when absorbed by tissues,
body, are transformed into thermal energy, excite thermoreceptors
skin, impulses from them enter thermoregulatory centers and cause
thermoregulatory reactions.

Mechanism of action:
1. local hyperthermia - thermal erythema, appears during radiation
and disappears after 30-60 minutes;
2. spasm of blood vessels, followed by their dilation, increased blood flow;
3. increasing the permeability of capillary walls;
4. strengthening tissue metabolism, activation of redox
5. biological release active substances, including
histamine-like, which also leads to increased permeability
6. anti-inflammatory effect – increased local leuko- and phagocytosis,
stimulation of immunobiological processes;
7. acceleration of reverse development inflammatory processes;
8. acceleration tissue regeneration;
9. increasing local tissue resistance to infection;
10. reflex decrease in the tone of striated and smooth muscles
- reduction of pain associated with their spasm.
11. Itching effect, because skin sensitivity changes -
tactile sense increases.
1. malignant neoplasms;
2. tendency to bleeding;
3. acute purulent inflammatory diseases

Visible radiation penetrates the skin to a shallower depth, but has several
great energy, in addition to providing a thermal effect, they are capable of
cause weak photoelectric and photochemical effects.

In the treatment of skin diseases, visible radiation is used together with

Sources of IR radiation and visible rays - irradiators with lamps
incandescent or heating elements (Minin reflector, lamp
solux, light-thermal baths, etc.)

Procedures are carried out daily or 2 times a day for 15-30 minutes, per course
treatment up to 25 procedures.
Phototherapy, or light treatment
Phototherapy, or light treatment, is one of the most ancient and natural methods recovery. It is known that sunlight very widely used by doctors Ancient Egypt And Ancient Greece for the treatment of various diseases.
It is known that when there is a deficiency of light, natural physiological processes, such as the growth and development of the body, are disrupted, and serious illnesses, such as rickets, tuberculosis and others infectious diseases, skin lesions and even mental disorders.
However, all this is quite understandable if we remember that sunlight is the same integral factor in human existence as air and water, the Earth’s magnetic field, etc.
Over hundreds of thousands of years of his evolution, man has always experienced the biological effect of light, and his body has adapted to this effect and learned to use it for his life.
As shown by numerous Scientific research, sunlight can stimulate the synthesis of vitamin D in the human body and the secretion of many important biologically active substances and hormones.
Sunlight can affect the functions of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as the brain. Finally, it is sunlight that determines biological rhythms our body.
It is not for nothing that scientists now seriously consider the fact of living north of 40 degrees north latitude and south of 40 degrees south latitude (i.e. in those areas where there is a shortage of sunlight in winter) as one of important factors risk of many diseases.
However, despite such long history applications of light in medicinal purposes, phototherapy as an independent scientific direction was formed only at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.
It was then, thanks to the advances of physics, that it was possible to identify different types of light radiation, each of which had its own special effect on the human body: blue light, ultraviolet radiation, infrared rays, etc.
The pioneer of phototherapy can rightfully be considered the Danish scientist N. Finsen, who not only opened the very first institute of light therapy, but also himself developed the first phototherapeutic devices
Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment in dermatology.

Selective phototherapy (SPT).

Application of UV-B and UV-A rays in dermatology it is called selective
phototherapy (SPT).
Prescription of photosensitizers for this type of phototherapy is not required.
Has a photosensitizing effect on the long-wave region A
mid-wave UV radiation.

Diseases for which selective phototherapy is used

|Acne vulgaris |Pityriasis rosea
|Dermatitis (eczema) |Psoriasis
|Red lichen planus|Mycosis fungoides
|Parapsoriasis |Pyodermatitis
|Photodermatoses |Itching (especially with renal
| insufficiency)
|Alopecia |Vitiligo
| Neurodermatitis | Ichthyosis, etc.

Two main methods of ultraviolet radiation are used: general and local. To sources
Selective UV radiation includes:
1) Fluorescent erythema lamps and fluorescent erythema lamps
lamps with reflectors of various powers. Intended for
treatment and prevention.
2) Germicidal uveol lamps with a power of 60 W and arc lamps
germicidal lamps emitting predominantly UV-C.

For the treatment of psoriasis, it should be considered promising and appropriate
use of the range from 295 nm to 313 nm of UV-B radiation, for which
the peak of antipsoriatic activity occurs, and also practically
the development of erythema and itching is excluded.

The dose of SFT is determined individually.

In the vast majority of cases, treatment begins with a dose equal to 0.05-0.1 J/cm2 according to the method of 4-6 single irradiations per week, with a gradual increase in the UV-B dose by 0.1 J/cm2 for each subsequent procedure.

The course of treatment is usually 25-30 procedures.

Mechanism of action of UV-B rays:
o decreased DNA synthesis, decreased proliferation
o influence on the metabolism of vitamin D in the skin, correction
immune processes in the skin
o “photodegradation of inflammatory mediators
o keratinocyte growth factor

SFT can be used as a monotherapy option. The only thing
the necessary addition in this case is external preparations - emollients,
moisturizing; products with a mild keratolytic effect.

Local side effects SFT:
- early – itching, erythema, dry skin;
- distant – skin cancer, skin aging (dermatoheliosis), cataracts?

Indications: Infrared radiation (other light sources)

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system:
arthrosis, arthritis, joint and bone injuries, spinal osteochondrosis, muscle injuries.
Skin diseases:
herpes, furunculosis, juvenile acne, neurodermatitis, allergic dermatitis, eczema, lichen planus, herpes zoster, psoriasis.
Surgical pathology:
prevention postoperative complications, treatment infected wounds, burns, abrasions, bruises.
Vascular diseases:
varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, obliterating atherosclerosis vessels of the extremities.
Diseases of the respiratory and ENT organs:
spicy and chronic sinusitis, rhinitis, otitis media, tonsillitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia.
Neurological diseases:
neuritis and neuralgia, paresis and paralysis (after suffering acute disorders cerebral circulation, traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injury).
Urological diseases:
chronic inflammatory kidney diseases and urinary tract, prostatitis.
Gynecological diseases:
inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs, cracked nipples, mastitis.
Dental diseases:
stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis.

Contraindications for use Infrared radiation (other light sources)

1. benign and malignant neoplasms;
2. cataract;
3. pathology thyroid gland;
4. insulin dependent diabetes;
5. acute heart attack myocardium;
6. hypertonic disease, stroke;
7. sub- and decompensated liver and kidney diseases;
8. active tuberculosis of internal organs, malaria;
9. increased psycho-emotional excitability;
10. acute dermatitis;
11. lupus erythematosus, pemphigus vulgaris;
12. increased photosensitivity;
13. photodermatosis (solar eczema, prurigo, etc.)
14. psoriatic erythroderma

We take your health very seriously,
That's why
before starting the procedures, a mandatory consultation with a physiotherapist

Have with you:

  • Passport
  • ECG results (no later than 1 year)
  • General blood test (no later than 2 months)
  • General urine test (no later than 2 months)
  • for women, consultation with a gynecologist (no later than 1 year)
These examinations can be completed at your local clinic for free or the examination data can be done on site at the PhysioClinic by appointment (Consultation with a gynecologist 1129 RUR, general analysis blood - 436 rubles, general urine analysis - 354 rubles, ECG - 436 rubles.

Full description

Infrared waves are located in the range between the red end of the visible spectrum with a wavelength of 7.4x10-7 m and short radio waves of 2x10-3 m. Now the entire range of infrared radiation is divided into three components:
short-wave region: l=0.74 - 2.5 µm;
mid-wave region: l=2.5 - 50 µm;
long-wave region: l=50-2000 µm.
It is also necessary to know that all bodies, solid and liquid, heated to a certain temperature emit energy in the infrared spectrum.

In this case, the wavelengths emitted by the body depend on the heating temperature: the higher the temperature, the shorter the wavelength and the higher the radiation intensity. At temperatures not exceeding 300 degrees Celsius, the radiation occurs entirely in the infrared spectrum.
At the same time, the body appears dark. As the temperature of the emitter body increases, the radiation spectrum shifts to the visible region, and the body first becomes dark red, then red, then yellow, and already at very high temperatures (>5000 ° C) it appears white.
All this you need to know when choosing an infrared emitter.
Many heater manufacturers list something like dark heaters, long wave heaters, or light heaters on their products.
When exposed to infrared radiation on the body, it:

The growth of cancer cells is suppressed;

Some types of hepatitis virus are destroyed;

The harmful effects of electromagnetic fields are neutralized;

Dystrophy is cured;

In diabetic patients, the amount of insulin produced increases;

The effects of radioactive radiation are neutralized;

Significant improvement, or even cure, of psoriasis;

Reversal of liver cirrhosis.

The human body needs regular replenishment of long-wave heat. The body begins to get sick if such replenishment is absent. Probably everyone has noticed how a surge of energy appears after being in the sun or after gatherings around the fire. Only, a person may not have such opportunities, especially if he lives in a large metropolis. That’s when the infrared emitters that he himself created will help this man out. In the world today, there are more than ten different devices under the general descriptive name of infrared emitters. These include infrared lamps, infrared clothing, infrared mattresses, infrared saunas, etc.
Infrared emitters and their beneficial healing effects on the human body

A huge advantage of far infrared radiation is that when exposed to it, not only the symptoms of the disease are eliminated, but also its causes.

Many of our modern diseases stem from unfavorable environments. The accumulation of all kinds of poisons in the body leads to the fact that many people live with constant pain, a feeling of exhaustion, fatigue and depression. Almost every person can detect the presence of pesticides, heavy metals, fuel combustion products and other harmful compounds in their body.

Recent studies have proven that when the human body is exposed to infrared rays, cells are stimulated to remove toxic substances from the body through urine and sweat, including mercury and lead. But cleansing from toxins is an undoubted condition for preventing many diseases. If you combine infrared radiation therapy with healthy eating, dieting and fasting, this treatment system provides a wide range of proven possibilities that go beyond the usual traditional medicine.

The main effects of infrared radiation include:
improvement of general and local blood and lymph circulation;
antispastic (vessels),
reduction of tissue swelling;
muscle relaxant;
pain reliever;
regenerative (protein synthesis)
bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect.
- disruption of cardiovascular activity, by reducing cholesterol levels in the blood and reducing high blood pressure;


Impaired blood circulation. When exposed to infrared radiation, blood vessels dilate and blood circulation is stimulated;

Arthritic pain, cramps, menstrual pain, rheumatism, radiculitis are eliminated;

Infrared rays inhibit the proliferation of viruses, which, with regular sessions, will prevent colds, or significantly speed up the healing process;

Helps fight excess weight problems and cellulite;

Helps reduce pain from burns while speeding up the process of creating new skin;

The nervous system calms down;

The functioning of the immune system is stabilized;

A number of disorders of the digestive system are eliminated.
This means that infrared radiation can affect not only the skin (like ultraviolet radiation), but also deeper tissues - such as muscles, joints, and nerve fibers.

Moreover, by influencing the areas of the superficial location of large blood vessels (for example, in the axillary, ulnar and popliteal fossae), as well as the subcutaneous lymph nodes, with infrared radiation, we can have a general effect on the entire body through the activation of the universal functions of blood and lymph!
Thus, infrared radiation can affect not only the skin (like ultraviolet radiation), but also deeper tissues, such as muscles, joints, and nerve fibers.
Moreover, by influencing infrared radiation on the areas of the superficial location of large blood vessels (for example, in the axillary, ulnar and popliteal fossae), as well as on the subcutaneous lymph nodes, it is possible to influence the entire body through the activation of the universal functions of blood and lymph.
The massage device Seragem-Master CGM-M3500 and the soft heat device “Thermo+” are a source of infrared radiation in the useful range.
Through the use of jade emitters, special balls made of red baked clay and carbon-carbon fiber, heat is generated that corresponds in wavelength to the thermal radiation of the human body and has a pronounced healing effect!

Treatment with infrared and visible radiation

Infrared (IR) rays are heat rays that, when absorbed by tissues,
body, are transformed into thermal energy, excite thermoreceptors
skin, impulses from them enter thermoregulatory centers and cause
thermoregulatory reactions.

Mechanism of action:
1. local hyperthermia - thermal erythema, appears during radiation
and disappears after 30-60 minutes;
2. spasm of blood vessels, followed by their dilation, increased blood flow;
3. increasing the permeability of capillary walls;
4. strengthening tissue metabolism, activation of redox
5. release of biologically active substances, including
histamine-like, which also leads to increased permeability
6. anti-inflammatory effect – increased local leuko- and phagocytosis,
stimulation of immunobiological processes;
7. acceleration of the reverse development of inflammatory processes;
8. acceleration of tissue regeneration;
9. increasing local tissue resistance to infection;
10. reflex decrease in the tone of striated and smooth muscles
- reduction of pain associated with their spasm.
11. Itching effect, because skin sensitivity changes -
tactile sense increases.
1. malignant neoplasms;
2. tendency to bleeding;
3. acute purulent-inflammatory diseases

Visible radiation penetrates the skin to a shallower depth, but has several
great energy, in addition to providing a thermal effect, they are capable of
cause weak photoelectric and photochemical effects.

In the treatment of skin diseases, visible radiation is used together with

Sources of IR radiation and visible rays - irradiators with lamps
incandescent or heating elements (Minin reflector, lamp
solux, light-thermal baths, etc.)

Procedures are carried out daily or 2 times a day for 15-30 minutes, per course
treatment up to 25 procedures.
Phototherapy, or light treatment
Phototherapy, or light treatment, is one of the most ancient and natural healing methods. It is known that sunlight was very widely used by doctors of Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece to treat various diseases.
It is known that when there is a deficiency of light, natural physiological processes, such as the growth and development of the body, are disrupted, and serious diseases develop, such as rickets, tuberculosis and other infectious diseases, skin lesions and even mental disorders.
However, all this is quite understandable if we remember that sunlight is the same integral factor in human existence as air and water, the Earth’s magnetic field, etc.
Over hundreds of thousands of years of his evolution, man has always experienced the biological effect of light, and his body has adapted to this effect and learned to use it for his life.
As numerous scientific studies show, sunlight can stimulate the synthesis of vitamin D and the secretion of many important biologically active substances and hormones in the human body.
Sunlight can affect the functions of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as the brain. Finally, it is sunlight that determines the biological rhythms of our body.
It is not for nothing that scientists now seriously consider the fact of living north of 40 degrees north latitude and south of 40 degrees south latitude (i.e. in those areas where there is a shortage of sunlight in winter) as one of the important risk factors for many diseases.
However, despite such a long history of the use of light for medicinal purposes, phototherapy as an independent scientific direction was formed only at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.
It was then, thanks to advances in physics, that it was possible to identify different types of light radiation, each of which had its own special effect on the human body: blue light, ultraviolet radiation, infrared rays, etc.
The pioneer of phototherapy can rightfully be considered the Danish scientist N. Finsen, who not only opened the very first institute of light therapy, but also himself developed the first phototherapeutic devices
Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment in dermatology.

Selective phototherapy (SPT).

The use of UV-B and UV-A rays in dermatology is called selective
phototherapy (SPT).
Prescription of photosensitizers for this type of phototherapy is not required.
Has a photosensitizing effect on the long-wave region A
mid-wave UV radiation.

Diseases for which selective phototherapy is used

|Acne vulgaris |Pityriasis rosea
|Dermatitis (eczema) |Psoriasis
|Lichen planus |Mycosis fungoides
|Parapsoriasis |Pyodermatitis
|Photodermatoses |Itching (especially with renal
| insufficiency)
|Alopecia |Vitiligo
| Neurodermatitis | Ichthyosis, etc.

Two main methods of ultraviolet radiation are used: general and local. To sources
Selective UV radiation includes:
1) Fluorescent erythema lamps and fluorescent erythema lamps
lamps with reflectors of various powers. Intended for
treatment and prevention.
2) Germicidal uveol lamps with a power of 60 W and arc lamps
germicidal lamps emitting predominantly UV-C.

For the treatment of psoriasis, it should be considered promising and appropriate
use of the range from 295 nm to 313 nm of UV-B radiation, for which
the peak of antipsoriatic activity occurs, and also practically
the development of erythema and itching is excluded.

The dose of SFT is determined individually.

In the vast majority of cases, treatment begins with a dose equal to 0.05-0.1 J/cm2 according to the method of 4-6 single irradiations per week, with a gradual increase in the UV-B dose by 0.1 J/cm2 for each subsequent procedure.

The course of treatment is usually 25-30 procedures.

Mechanism of action of UV-B rays:
o decreased DNA synthesis, decreased proliferation
o influence on the metabolism of vitamin D in the skin, correction
immune processes in the skin
o “photodegradation of inflammatory mediators
o keratinocyte growth factor

SFT can be used as a monotherapy option. The only thing
the necessary addition in this case is external preparations - emollients,
moisturizing; products with a mild keratolytic effect.

Local side effects of SFT:
- early – itching, erythema, dry skin;
- distant – skin cancer, skin aging (dermatoheliosis), cataracts?

Indications: Infrared radiation (other light sources)

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system:
arthrosis, arthritis, joint and bone injuries, spinal osteochondrosis, muscle injuries.
Skin diseases:
herpes, furunculosis, juvenile acne, neurodermatitis, allergic dermatitis, eczema, lichen planus, shingles, psoriasis.
Surgical pathology:
prevention of postoperative complications, treatment of infected wounds, burns, abrasions, bruises.
Vascular diseases:
varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, obliterating atherosclerosis of the vessels of the extremities.
Diseases of the respiratory and ENT organs:
acute and chronic sinusitis, rhinitis, otitis, tonsillitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia.
Neurological diseases:
neuritis and neuralgia, paresis and paralysis (after acute cerebrovascular accidents, traumatic brain injuries and spinal cord injuries).
Urological diseases:
chronic inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, prostatitis.
Gynecological diseases:
inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs, cracked nipples, mastitis.
Dental diseases:
stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis.

Contraindications for use Infrared radiation (other light sources)

1. benign and malignant neoplasms;
2. cataract;
3. pathology of the thyroid gland;
4. insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus;
5. acute myocardial infarction;
6. hypertension, stroke;
7. sub- and decompensated liver and kidney diseases;
8. active tuberculosis of internal organs, malaria;
9. increased psycho-emotional excitability;
10. acute dermatitis;
11. lupus erythematosus, pemphigus vulgaris;
12. increased photosensitivity;
13. photodermatosis (solar eczema, prurigo, etc.)
14. psoriatic erythroderma

We take your health very seriously,
That's why
before starting the procedures, a mandatory consultation with a physiotherapist

Have with you:

  • Passport
  • ECG results (no later than 1 year)
  • General blood test (no later than 2 months)
  • General urine test (no later than 2 months)
  • for women, consultation with a gynecologist (no later than 1 year)
These examinations can be completed at your local clinic for free or the examination data can be done on site at the PhysioClinic by appointment (Consultation with a gynecologist 1129 RUR, general blood test - 436 RUR, general urine test - 354 RUR, ECG - 436 RUR.

Every day a person is exposed to infrared radiation and its natural source is the sun. Incandescent elements and various electric heating devices are classified as unnatural derivatives. This radiation is used in heating systems, infrared lamps, heating devices, TV remote controls, and medical equipment. Therefore, it is always necessary to know the benefits and harms of infrared radiation for humans.

Infrared radiation: what is it?

In 1800, an English physicist discovered infrared heat by splitting sunlight into a spectrum using a prism.. William Herschel applied a thermometer to each color until he noticed an increase in temperature as he went from purple to red. Thus, the area of ​​​​sensing heat was opened, but it is not visible to the human eye. Radiation is distinguished by two main parameters: frequency (intensity) and beam length. At the same time, the wavelength is divided into three types: near (from 0.75 to 1.5 microns), medium (from 1.5 to 5.6 microns), far (from 5.6 to 100 microns).

It is long-wave energy that has positive properties, corresponding to the natural radiation of the human body with the longest wavelength of 9.6 microns. Therefore every external influence perceives the body as “native”. The most best example infrared radiation is the heat of the sun. Such a beam has the difference that it heats the object, and not the space around it. Infrared radiation is a heat distribution option.

Benefits of infrared radiation

Devices that use long-wave thermal radiation are exposed to two different ways on human body. The first method has a strengthening property, increasing protective functions and preventing early aging. This type allows you to deal with various diseases, increasing the body’s natural defenses against illnesses. It is a form of treatment that is health-based and is suitable for use at home and in medical settings.

The second type of influence of infrared rays is direct treatment diseases and general ailments. Every day a person faces health-related disorders. Therefore, long emitters have therapeutic property. Many medical institutions in America, Canada, Japan, CIS countries and Europe use such radiation. The waves are able to penetrate deeply into the body, warming internal organs And skeletal system. These effects help improve blood circulation and accelerate the flow of fluids in the body.

Increased blood circulation has a beneficial effect on human metabolism, tissues are saturated with oxygen, and muscular system receives food
. Many diseases can be eliminated by regular exposure to radiation that penetrates deep into the human body. This wavelength will relieve such ailments as:

  • high or low blood pressure;
  • pain in the back;
  • overweight, obesity;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • depression, stress;
  • disorders of the digestive tract;
  • arthritis, rheumatism, neuralgia;
  • arthrosis, joint inflammation, seizures;
  • malaise, weakness, exhaustion;
  • bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia;
  • sleep disorder, insomnia;
  • muscle and lumbar pain;
  • problems with blood supply, blood circulation;
  • otorhinolaryngological diseases without purulent deposits;
  • skin diseases, burns, cellulite;
  • renal failure;
  • colds and viral illnesses;
  • decline protective function body;
  • intoxication;
  • acute cystitis and prostatitis;
  • cholecystitis without stone formation, gastroduodenitis.

The positive effect of radiation is based on the fact that when a wave hits skin covering, it acts on the endings of the nerves and a feeling of warmth occurs. Over 90% of radiation is destroyed by moisture located in the upper layer of the skin; it does not cause anything more than an increase in body temperature. The exposure spectrum, the length of which is 9.6 microns, is absolutely safe for humans.

Radiation stimulates blood circulation, bringing it back to normal blood pressure and metabolic processes. By supplying the brain tissue with oxygen, the risk of dizziness is reduced and memory is improved. An infrared ray can remove heavy metal salts, cholesterol and toxins. During therapy, the patient's immunity increases and normalizes. hormonal background and is restored water-salt balance. Waves reduce the effect of various poisonous chemical substances, have anti-inflammatory properties, suppress the formation of fungi, including mold.

Applications of infrared radiation

Infrared energy is used in different areas, positively influencing a person:

  1. Thermography. Using infrared radiation, the temperature of objects located at a distance is determined. Heat waves are mainly used in military and industrial applications. Heated objects with such a device can be seen without lighting.
  2. Heating. Infrared rays contribute to an increase in temperature, having a beneficial effect on human health. In addition to being useful infrared saunas, they are used for welding, annealing plastic objects, and curing surfaces in the industrial and medical fields.
  3. Tracking. This method of using thermal energy is to passively guide missiles. These flying elements have a mechanism inside them called a “heat seeker.” Cars, planes and other vehicles, as well as people, emit heat to help rockets find the right direction to fly.
  4. Meteorology. Radiation helps satellites determine the distance at which clouds are located, determines their temperature and type. Warm clouds are showing gray, and cold ones are white. Data is studied without interference both day and night. The Earth's hot plane will be indicated in gray or black.
  5. Astronomy. Astronomers are equipped with unique instruments - infrared telescopes, which allow them to observe various objects in the sky. Thanks to them, scientists are able to find protostars before they begin to emit visible light. to the human eye. Such a telescope will easily identify cold objects, but planets cannot be seen in the infrared spectrum being viewed due to the muting light from the stars. The device is also used to observe galactic nuclei that are obscured by gas and dust.
  6. Art. Reflectograms, which work on the basis of infrared radiation, help specialists in this field examine in more detail the lower layers of an object or an artist’s sketches. This method allows you to compare the drawings of the drawing and its visible part to determine the authenticity of the painting and whether it was restored. Previously, the device was adapted for studying old written documents and making ink.

These are only the basic methods of using thermal energy in science, but new equipment operating on its basis appears every year.

Harm from infrared radiation

Infrared light brings not only positive action on the human body, it is worth remembering the harm that it can cause if not correct use and be dangerous to others. It is the IR ranges with short length waves have a negative impact. The bad effect of infrared radiation on the human body manifests itself in the form of inflammation of the lower layers of the skin, dilated capillaries and blistering.

The use of infrared rays should be immediately abandoned in case of the following diseases and symptoms:

  • diseases circulatory system, bleeding;
  • chronic or acute form purulent processes;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • malignant tumors;
  • pulmonary and heart failure;
  • acute inflammation;
  • epilepsy;
  • With prolonged exposure to infrared radiation, the risk of developing photophobia, cataracts and other eye diseases increases.

Strong exposure to infrared radiation leads to redness of the skin and burns. Workers in the metallurgical industry sometimes develop heatstroke and dermatitis. The shorter the user's distance from the heating element, the less time he should spend near the device. Overheating of brain tissue by one degree and heat stroke is accompanied by symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, tachycardia, and darkening of the eyes. When the temperature rises by two degrees or more, there is a risk of developing meningitis.

If heat stroke occurs under the influence of infrared radiation, the victim should be immediately placed in a cool room and remove all clothing that constricts or restricts movement. Bandages soaked in cold water or ice bags are applied to the chest, neck, groin, forehead, spine and armpits.

If you don't have an ice bag, you can use any fabric or item of clothing for this purpose. Compresses are made only with very cold water, periodically moistening the bandages in it.

If possible, the person is completely wrapped in a cold sheet. Additionally, you can blow a stream of cold air onto the patient using a fan. Drink plenty of fluids cold water will help alleviate the condition of the victim. At severe cases exposure needs to be caused ambulance and perform artificial respiration.

How to avoid the harmful effects of IR waves

To protect yourself from negative impact heat waves, you must adhere to some rules:

  1. If the work is directly related to high temperature heaters, then The use of protective clothing is required to protect the body and eyes.
  2. Domestic heaters with exposed heating elements are used with extreme caution. You should not be close to them and it is better to reduce the time of their influence to a minimum.
  3. The premises should contain devices that have the least impact on people and their health.
  4. You shouldn't stay under for long sun rays . If this cannot be changed, then you need to constantly wear a hat and clothing that covers open areas bodies. This especially applies to children, who cannot always detect an increase in body temperature.

By following these rules, a person will be able to protect himself from unpleasant consequences excessive thermal influence. Infrared rays can cause both harm and benefit when used in certain ways.

Treatment methods

Infrared therapy is divided into two types: local and general. With the first type, there is a local impact on a particular area, and with general treatment waves treat the entire human body. The procedure is carried out twice a day for 15-30 minutes. The course of treatment ranges from 5 to 20 sessions. It is imperative to wear protective equipment when irradiating. Cardboard covers are used for the eyes or special glasses. After the procedure, redness with blurred boundaries appears on the skin, which disappears after an hour after exposure to the rays. Infrared radiation is highly valued in medicine.

High radiation intensity can cause harm to health, so you must follow all contraindications.

Thermal energy accompanies a person every day in Everyday life. Infrared radiation brings not only benefits, but also harm. Therefore, it is necessary to treat infrared light with caution. Devices that emit these waves must be used safely. Many people do not know whether thermal exposure is harmful, but with the correct use of devices, it is possible to improve a person’s health and get rid of certain diseases.

infrared radiation treatment therapeutic

Infrared rays have a beneficial effect on the human body as a whole and contribute to the treatment and prevention of many diseases. Infrared rays have healing effect in the treatment of fractures, activate metabolism in paralyzed organs, improve metabolism, stimulate work endocrine glands, promote wound healing, improve metabolism and help fight obesity.

Varied medical equipment was created to use infrared rays by a group of scientists. Using infrared rays, devices were created to create perspiration, sunbathing, and tanning. Simple emitters have also been created that use lamps at high temperatures: infrared lamps, solar concentrators.

Previously, it was believed that infrared rays did not have any effect on tissue, neither physical, nor biological or chemical. It was believed that the effect produced by infrared rays has a mainly thermal role. Infrared rays have beneficial effects on plants, animals and cell cultures.

Metabolic processes improved in humans and animals due to increased blood flow. Experienced doctors and scientists have confirmed that infrared rays have a stimulating, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect on the body.

Hyperemia caused by infrared rays has a pain-relieving effect on the body, and infrared radiation also helps improve blood circulation. Doctors confirm the fact that during operations performed under infrared radiation, postoperative pain is much easier to bear and the process of cell regeneration is accelerated. Infrared rays help to almost completely eliminate the possibility of internal cooling during open abdominal surgery.

Also, when using infrared rays during surgical intervention the likelihood of an operational shock is reduced.

The use of infrared rays in patients with burn injuries to the skin creates favorable conditions to remove necrosis and perform autoplasty. This therapy also reduces the duration of fever, hypoproteinemia and anemia. The likelihood of complications and nosocomial infection is reduced.

Infrared radiation significantly improves the condition of joints and muscles. Has an excellent effect of warming up the muscles before physical activity, reduces the risk of injuries and sprains, reduces neurological pain. Also, infrared rays reduce pain from injuries, promote blood flow to the muscles, reduce spasmodic muscle contractions and cramps. Also, the use of infrared rays significantly improves mobility connective tissue and joints.