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Description of the coltsfoot plant: how it is useful. Mother and stepmother: medicinal properties, contraindications, application options, side effects

We knew them visually, but we didn’t know what they were called. About the name of others, such as coltsfoot, you don’t even need a photo for identification; we somehow guessed it ourselves, without any clues.

Remember, it's all about the leaves, one side of which is green and smooth, the other slightly fuzzy and white. The bottom side is the “mother”. It is warm, soft, slightly moist, almost alive. Top part- this is “stepmother”. She is cold and harsh. And it is on these leaves that we and eyes closed We recognize this plant immediately. And the leaf looks so much like a human palm - it even has veins.

Coltsfoot. Properties

The benefits of each plant or product are determined by its properties, which mainly depend on the beneficial substances it contains. This also applies to plants such as coltsfoot. Wikipedia says with a scholarly air that the real name of this herb is Tussilágo farfara. It consists of two syllables tussis and ago and literally means “to drive away a cough.” The word farfara means “sprinkled with flour” - Bottom part and it really does give that impression.

This name is true. Parents, grandmothers, herbalists and even doctors recommend brewing coltsfoot for bronchitis, cough, laryngitis, and pneumonia. It owes this to tannin, glycoside and mucus (and don’t wince – this is not the mucus you think about).

But the medicinal plant coltsfoot is not rich in tannin alone. There are tannins, sterols, carotenoids, polysaccharides, mineral salts, tartaric and malic acids, elements of iron, potassium, magnesium and calcium. And our ancestors early spring Coltsfoot was added to salads, possibly due to its content in flowers and leaves. Try it, maybe you will like it.

What can be treated with coltsfoot?

This noble plant is a coltsfoot. The herb, the use and effect of which was appreciated by such famous medical figures as Avicenna and Hippocrates, deserves respect. No wonder it is also called mother grass or king grass. Even in for preventive purposes You can simply dry the coltsfoot in the spring and constantly add it to tea. There will definitely be no harm.

In all other cases, coltsfoot is useful, reviews eloquently confirm this. The plant is taken in the form of decoctions, teas and infusions.

  • Broth of coltsfoot . Heat 3 large spoons of leaves (crushed) in a water bath with a glass of boiling water for 15 minutes. Dosage 3 spoons after each meal.
  • Infusion of coltsfoot . Brew 3 large spoons of flowers and leaves in a water bath with a glass of boiling water for 15 minutes. After another 45 minutes, strain well and dilute in a glass until full. The infusion should be drunk warm and stored in the refrigerator.
  • Tea from coltsfoot leaves . Infuse 2 large heated spoons in a glass of boiling water, like tea. Dosage – one cup three times a day.

Coltsfoot is successfully used for coughs and colds, as it has a secretory, diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory effect. We make a decoction (see recipe above) and drink a spoonful of it every three hours as an expectorant. If you add honey, lemon or lemon to the broth, it will be much tastier.

Here is a review from one of the caring mothers:

“The broth of coltsfoot, like seagulls for a cough, has been familiar to me since childhood. That’s why I decided to give it to my child. I won’t say that the next day the child jumped up, and there was no cough or fever. But I can assure you that the night passed relatively calmly, and the child did not have a dry cough.”

In addition to coughing, coltsfoot also relieves other ailments.

  • Tuberculosis. It is best to drink juice for which only fresh leaves. Grind the leaves and squeeze the juice out of them. Then pour in the same amount of water and boil a little. The course is a week or a week and a half. Dosage three times a day before meals, a tablespoon of juice.
  • Dropsy, suffocation, scrofula.
  • Atherosclerosis and myositis.
  • Stagnation of bile and cystitis.
  • Hypertension and arthritis.
  • Runny nose (you can instill juice diluted with water).
  • Stomach ulcer and allergies.
  • Stomatitis, toothache.
  • Intestinal problems.
  • If your nerves are naughty.
  • For general strengthening body and spirit.

You have made juice, but what remains is pulp (gruel). Don't rush to throw it away. It perfectly heals wounds, boils, cuts, burns, treats diathesis and mastitis.

You are in the field, at a barbecue, or just went for a walk. And do you have a headache? There is no need for a doctor if a coltsfoot is growing at hand, or rather, under your foot. Apply the smooth “stepmother” side of the leaf to your forehead and temples. It will relieve pain and reduce temperature.

Remember the mythical forest and meadow nymphs - wreaths are always adorned on their heads. When they were invented, they were invented as cheerful creatures with an excellent mood, who did not have a headache. Take a closer look, is there mother grass in their wreaths - our coltsfoot? After all, they were invented by people who were quite close to nature...

Recipes for gatherings with coltsfoot

The plant itself is strong and effective. But you can also improve its medicinal qualities.

  • In equal parts coltsfoot (leaves), . A glass of boiling water on a spoonful of collection. We insist. We drink for tonsillitis - a glass a day in three sittings.
  • Violet tricolor, coltsfoot (leaves), calendula (flowers), anise - all in equal parts. 2 spoons per glass of boiling water - infusion (15 +45 minutes). Relieves asthmatic cough. You only need to drink a glass throughout the day.
  • Coltsfoot, calendula (flowers) 2 parts, 1 part. Pour a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. The strained infusion is administered for sinusitis in maxillary sinuses. But after washing with a solution (isotonic) of sodium chloride.
  • Coltsfoot, licorice root, pine buds(2 lobes each), calendula, marshmallow root, wild rosemary (1 lobe each). Pour a glass of boiling water over two spoons and heat. Drink a glass ha day. The infusion helps with asthma.
  • Coltsfoot (leaves), pine buds, plantain. 2 spoons per glass of boiling water. Drink throughout the day against whooping cough.

Coltsfoot for the benefit of our beauty

Having fresh or dried coltsfoot at home and not using it to enhance your irresistibility is simply unacceptable. Let's start from the top.

From water, dyes, curls, hair becomes brittle and weak, and even dandruff appears. Hair coltsfoot will have a stronger effect than some cosmetics. Mix leaves and coltsfoot in any proportions. Make a strong decoction, add a couple of drops of essential oil to it for aroma and rinse your hair after each wash. After the procedure, it is no longer recommended to use the balm.

In summer, calluses and corns appear on the legs. This is how we get rid of them. First we make baths, adding coltsfoot infusion to the water. And then we turn the cake into a paste and apply it to the feet overnight. She will also get rid of it.

Children and teenagers can wipe their faces with the infusion so that diathesis and age-related pimples disappear.

Coltsfoot for weight loss is effective in combination with other herbs. So, you can make tea from birch leaves (2 parts), (3 parts), coltsfoot (1 part) and corn silk (2 parts). Add part of the hay and drink a glass in two doses a day (0.5 liters of boiling water per 2 tablespoons of the mixture).

This mixture improves metabolism and dulls appetite. The result will be noticeable in a few days - a second wind will open, you will want not to walk, but to fly, your vision and memory become clear, you are mobile, as if you have lost several years. Perhaps it was this cocktail that Lyudmila Gurchenko drank in the film “The Recipe for Her Youth.”

natural aphrodisiac.

The herb coltsfoot has been used since ancient times to treat a wide variety of ailments. This unique plant was appreciated by the doctors of Ancient Greece and Rome. They used the herb to treat bronchitis and asthma.

Once upon a time, coltsfoot grass was sold in every pharmacy in Paris. IN modern medicine the plant is used to prepare syrups and other medicines From cough. This plant can also be used externally to treat dermatological problems and improve hair condition.

The plant has other names: riverine grass, cassava grass, butterbur, whitebur, two-faced grass, mother grass, water burdock.

Description of the herb

Coltsfoot grass is perennial up to twenty centimeters high. It has wide basal leaves, resembling a heart, up to fifteen centimeters long and up to ten centimeters wide. The edges of the leaf are jagged. The stems are smooth, scaly, reddish. The flowers are yellow in the form of baskets, very similar to dandelion.

The plant blooms in early spring. The root system appears only after flowering ends. The seeds ripen in April. The plant grows along river banks, along roads, on forest edges and wherever there is loamy and clayey soil.

Plant composition

Coltsfoot grass contains many beneficial substances. It contains sterols (rutin, hyperion, faradiol), as well as tannins, waxes, essential oils. They contain about eight percent mucus, polysaccharides, and flavonoids. Coltsfoot grass is rich in vitamins and microelements.

The plant contains a lot of zinc, which has anti-inflammatory properties. Used for sore throats, laryngitis, hoarseness, colds and a variety of viral diseases. Herbal tincture is used to treat wounds, dermatological diseases, including burns. The properties of coltsfoot herb allow it to be used to improve function digestive system, for indigestion, and to stimulate appetite. Remedies for fever, swelling, and inflammation are prepared on the basis of the herb.

Most often, coltsfoot is used as an expectorant. It stimulates the removal of mucus from respiratory system. Because of this feature, the plant is used in the treatment of pneumonia, bronchitis, and colds. During treatment pulmonary pathologies, coltsfoot acts as an antispasmodic that soothes muscles and controls the cough reflex.

The herb contains many amino acids that are beneficial for hair and skin. Cystine, which is part of the composition, has positive action strengthens hair and promotes its growth. Great content Silicon has a calming effect on the skin, removes dead skin cells, dandruff, and gives hair elasticity and shine.

The healing properties of coltsfoot herb help regulate work sebaceous glands, which increases skin elasticity.

The plant has the ability to restore normal metabolism. This property is valued by nutritionists and is sometimes prescribed by coltsfoot to those who want to lose weight. In this case, the plant is used for medicinal baths.

What cures

The use of coltsfoot herb is extensive and advisable for the following pathologies:

  1. Dental diseases: gingivitis, stomatitis, toothache.
  2. For pathologies of the respiratory system: in the treatment of cough with bronchitis, pneumonia.
  3. For the treatment of ENT organs: for any type of inflammation of the throat.
  4. In the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. In the treatment of inflammatory diseases urinary system, kidney.

The plant helps well with mastitis, skin ailments, treats malaria, pleurisy, tuberculosis, ARVI. Preparations prepared on the basis of coltsfoot help cope with fatigue and increase immunity.

Plant properties

By the grass coltsfoot medicinal properties are extensive. It has an antiseptic, enveloping, diaphoretic effect. Scientists have proven that infusions, decoctions and other drugs have anti-inflammatory, expectorant, and astringent effects.


Like all medicines, the herb has coltsfoot and contraindications. In order not to harm yourself, you need to familiarize yourself with them.

Products containing this plant should not be used by children under two years of age, with individual intolerance, during lactation, or by pregnant women. The plant should not be used by women who constantly experience delayed menstruation.

Contraindications indicate that this product should not be used for simultaneous administration Dietary supplements, vitamin therapy, antipyretics. To accurately determine whether you can take drugs based on coltsfoot, you should consult a doctor. Only he will be able to accurately determine the dosage and determine whether there are contraindications.

Side effect

Even knowing the medicinal properties and contraindications of mother-stepmother herb, some take it thoughtlessly this remedy. In this case, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain may occur. All these symptoms are side effects of using the plant. To eliminate them, you must immediately stop taking the medications and tell your doctor about the effects of the herb.

Use in folk medicine

Every pharmacy sells ready-made raw materials for preparing medications. Infusions, decoctions are prepared from it, used in powder form and more.

To prepare a decoction, you need to take a teaspoon of leaves and pour a glass of boiling water. The composition is cooked over low heat for fifteen minutes. Take a decoction of coltsfoot herb for coughs inflammatory diseases throat, a third of a glass three times a day before meals, two days.

For inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, the decoction is taken one tablespoon up to five times a day.

A water infusion is made from coltsfoot flowers. It is prepared according to the following recipe: 20 grams of flowers are poured with a liter of boiling water and left for an hour. The composition is taken 100 grams three times a day. This remedy is good for coughs and stomach diseases. Also, water infusion helps well in treatment inflammatory pathologies throat. For children, coltsfoot grass is indicated for laryngitis.

Can you cook from the plant? alcohol tincture. For it you will need to take equal parts of dried flowers and vodka. The raw materials are infused for a week in a dark place. The composition is taken thirty drops once a day before meals. This remedy helps strengthen the immune system and also stimulates metabolism.

Good results with vitamin deficiency shows freshly squeezed juice. To prepare it, young leaves are collected, then washed, doused with boiling water and twisted in a meat grinder or crushed in a blender. The juice is squeezed out of the pulp and diluted with water in equal parts. Then the product is boiled for a couple of minutes. Ready juice Take a tablespoon three times a day after meals. It helps well with hypovitaminosis and runny nose.

For a suffocating cough, the herb is fried in a frying pan and the vapors are inhaled.

Treatment of various diseases

Unique properties allow the plant to be used in the treatment of a wide variety of ailments. Coltsfoot helps well with headache and other diseases.

To cope with a headache, take five grams of raw material and pour two glasses of boiling water, then put the composition on water bath for five minutes. After cooling, the product is filtered. Take a third of a glass twice a day an hour before meals.

Pathologies of the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract

You can use the plant for cough and shortness of breath. To do this, pour 15 grams of the plant into a glass of boiling water and leave for an hour. After filtering, the product is taken one tablespoon every three hours.

To treat throat diseases, pour two tablespoons of the raw material into a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Ready-made product gargle up to five times a day.

For bronchitis, three parts of coltsfoot flowers, two parts of thyme and one part of plantain are mixed. Then pour one spoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water and leave for an hour. You can add honey to the product. Take after meals.

The plant has good help with whooping cough, bronchiectasis. To combat these ailments, it is necessary to mix coltsfoot leaves, plantain, and pine buds in equal parts. Then pour two tablespoons of the mixture into a glass of water and let it brew for a couple of hours. After this, the composition is boiled for five minutes and cooled. Take a third of a glass three times a day.

At acute gastritis four tablespoons of the plant are poured into a glass of boiling water and left for half an hour. The product is filtered and taken in equal parts throughout the day.

In gynecology

For colpitis, pour a tablespoon of raw material into a glass of boiling water. The composition is boiled for half an hour. Then everything that boils away needs to be replenished. The resulting product is douched warm once a day.

Application in dermatology

For diathesis, 10 grams of herb is poured into a glass of boiling water and left for half an hour. The product is taken two spoons three times a day.

For skin ailments and ulcers, take 20 grams of raw material and pour a glass of boiling water. The composition is infused for an hour, then filtered. Take a spoonful up to six times a day. This composition is used to treat the affected areas of the skin.

To get rid of dandruff, you need to mix equal parts of nettle, burdock and coltsfoot leaves. Then take a spoonful of the mixture and pour in a liter of boiling water. The product is boiled for six minutes. Afterwards it is filtered and used to rinse hair twice a week.

Coltsfoot for weight loss

The plant shows good results for those who want to lose weight. To do this, take 60 grams 20 grams of birch leaves, the same amount of corn silk, 10 grams each of senna and coltsfoot, everything is mixed. Two spoons of the mixture are poured with half a liter of boiling water and left for an hour. The composition is taken half a glass before the morning meal. Use fresh decoction every day.

You can make baths for those who want to lose weight. To do this, take 200 grams of calendula flowers and mix them with the same amount of coltsfoot flowers. The mixture is poured with three liters of water and boiled for fifteen minutes. Then the composition is allowed to brew for about ten minutes, filtered and added to the bath. You can take it no longer than half an hour. After the bath you need to rest for an hour.

To get acquainted with the properties of the plant, it is recommended to watch this video:

There are other traditional medicine recipes for a variety of ailments that use this medicinal plant. Each of them has its own characteristics of preparing the product, therefore, before using coltsfoot, you should consult a specialist. He will help determine the dosage of the plant and select the most optimal treatment regimen for the disease.

A beautiful plant with an original name and unique medicinal properties! People learned about its existence many years ago, back in ancient Greece and Rome. widely used for effective treatment colds, viral diseases, despite contraindications. Warriors before the campaign, on the road, applied it to wounds and cuts, relieving inflammatory processes at the cellular level.

It is a perennial plant with thick stems and rhizomes. The flowers are yellow and lush when ripe, similar to dandelions. Coltsfoot grows in marshy areas, near rivers and lakes. She is the first to begin to break out from under the snow and delights the world with wonderful heads of sunny inflorescences.


Medicinal properties of the plant

Due to its chemical composition, coltsfoot is considered the strongest herbal medicine that helps fight various diseases, has antispasmodic, antipyretic, antibacterial effects. The plant has long been used to treat the respiratory tract and eliminate mucus and phlegm from the lungs.

Important! For therapy, often, less often, the rhizomes and flowers of the plant; the juice is also squeezed out to rinse the nose, open wounds etc. Read and what helps

For digestion

The plant increases intestinal motility and improves food processing. Normalizes metabolic processes in the body, promotes the free passage of urine. After only 3-4 times of taking a decoction of coltsfoot, the patient experiences flatulence and spastic colic. The stool returns to normal, the digestibility of food improves.

For vessels

Infusions and decoctions based on mother herbs help reduce. The plant is used to prevent the treatment of atherosclerosis and helps cleanse the body of excess cholesterol.

For diseases of the oral cavity

This remedy is popular for periodontal disease, stomatitis, and sore throat. The astringent properties of the plant will help heal minor wounds, relieve inflammation, remove pus and cleanse abscesses. In therapy, it is first of all important to eliminate the source of the disease and heal the organ.

Recipe for seborrhea

Rubbing lotions, which include coltsfoot, into skin, you can get rid of itching and flaking due to seborrhea, eczema, various dermatitis, and also restore the skin at the cellular level in damaged areas of the body.

For cosmetic purposes

The product is used to cleanse pores, eliminate acne V teenage years. It penetrates deep into the scalp and improves growth hair follicles. Helps strengthen the structure of the nail plate. After just a few uses it is noticeable high efficiency herbal preparation in the fight against dandruff and other skin disorders. Coltsfoot is a wonderful substance for treatment venous stagnation in the legs, decoctions and lotions reduce the “blueness” and have a beneficial effect on the joints.


Attention! As with any treatment medicinal plant, before you start taking the drug, you need to take everything into account possible contraindications and side effects.

  • pregnant and lactating women, so that the components do not affect the development of the child;
  • children under 12 years old;
  • at serious illnesses liver and kidneys;
  • with individual intolerance.

It should be used only after consulting a doctor and in compliance with all dosages.

Indications for use of coltsfoot

  1. For disturbances in the functioning of the respiratory system, for pneumonia, sore throat, pneumonia, tuberculosis.
  2. If a person is regularly bothered by problems with stool, frequent constipation, flatulence, peptic ulcer, problems in the functioning of the kidneys and gallbladder.
  3. At infectious lesion genitourinary system.
  4. To eliminate symptoms allergic manifestations, improvements general well-being body.
  5. For dental diseases, to reduce toothache, relieve inflammation, disinfection.
  6. Decoctions help with fluctuations blood pressure, normalize blood circulation, have a beneficial effect on cholesterol metabolism. It is recommended to use for atherosclerosis and other diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  7. Lotions help with mastitis, but in this case it is important not to rely only on folk remedy, consult a doctor promptly.
  8. Coltsfoot is effectively used to improve hair structure and get rid of dandruff.
  9. As a general strengthening and tonic after illness and for prevention.

Methods of using the plant

Popular recipes for using the plant.

Decoction for solving dermatological problems

To prepare it, you need to take 2 tablespoons of crushed leaves, pour boiling water over it, and leave in a water bath for 15 minutes. Leave for one hour and then take 50 ml every day as an expectorant.

For bronchitis

Pour one tablespoon of chopped rhizome into 200 ml of boiling water and leave in a thermos for several hours. Course of treatment: 2 tbsp. l. 5 times a day. Use within a week with medications until complete recovery.

For lichen

For these purposes, you need to make compresses from the leaves of the plant, you should take 5 tablespoons of the herb and brew it in a glass hot water. Moisten the gauze and apply a compress at night and again during the day until the bandage is completely dry. After 10–12 days, the first results will be visible: the skin will clear and begin to gradually shrink.

For colds

At the first sign seasonal illness you need to take an infusion based on coltsfoot. 15 g of herb pour 2 tbsp. boiling water and leave in a thermos for 1 hour. Store the product in the refrigerator and warm to room temperature before use.

Attention! This mixture will be useful for children, but only under the supervision of the attending physician and parents. The dose for adults is 2 tablespoons, and for children – half as much.

For the genitourinary system

It is useful to drink decoctions of the plant instead of tea, preferably before eating. The intestines will be cleansed urinary tract. Through a short time work is returning to normal Bladder, and problems with stool will disappear.

For hemorrhoids

Coltsfoot is an excellent solution for treating such sensitive issue, How . You can do baths and douching. The procedures should be done every day until the body has fully recovered.

Important! The product should be at room temperature so as not to harm the patient.

In inflammatory processes

Pour 20 g of flowers with a liter of boiling water and leave for one hour. Use the composition for superficial wounds, trophic ulcers, other inflammatory disorders.

Juice and leaves of the plant

Prepare as follows:

  • fresh young leaves are taken at the time of flowering of the grass, washed thoroughly and doused with boiling water;
  • finely chopped and placed on cheesecloth;
  • juice is squeezed out.

Before use, you need to dilute it with boiling water at a ratio of 1:1 and boil thoroughly. Drink the resulting drink one spoon 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 7 days.

Herbal teas with coltsfoot

For immunity

To improve, you need to take a tablespoon of herbs, add plantain, sage, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Can be taken during colds, as well as for prevention.

For the same purpose, a decoction based on the leaves of coltsfoot, oregano, fresh fruits raspberries Brew in the same way. Dilute with boiling water before use and drink instead of tea after the main meal.

For colds and coughs

Another popular recipe: mix 2 tablespoons of marshmallow root with a tablespoon of coltsfoot and add another teaspoon. Mix everything thoroughly and pour into a glass cold water for 2 hours. Then boil in a water bath, strain and sip at colds.

To prepare an expectorant, take a composition based on coltsfoot leaves, mix everything and boil for 20 minutes. The decoction is ready to use!

Harvesting grass

Attention! To give decoctions and tinctures from coltsfoot positive result, you need to know how to properly prepare raw materials.

It is important to do this during their growing season, in late May-early June. During this period, the stems are juicy, the root system is not so dry, and the leaves have not yet turned black and are not saturated with various toxins.

The inflorescences and leaves are torn off carefully so as not to pull the plant out by the roots. Lay out on a wire rack and dry on the balcony so that straight Sun rays did not end up on raw materials. If some of them begin to develop spots, you need to throw them away immediately so that other leaves do not become infected. After this, grind all the ingredients thoroughly and put them in a linen bag or glass jar with a tight lid.

The root system should be collected after full flowering - dig up the roots, clear the soil and dry thoroughly. Then cut into small slices and put in a paper box. Make sure over time that the roots do not become moldy and begin to rot.

Attention! They must be washed immediately before use!

Let these recipes help you always be healthy and in a great mood!

In cosmetology it is difficult to find a better hair product than coltsfoot. A decoction of this herb almost immediately destroys dandruff, hair becomes strong and shiny.

External use of preparations based on camel grass helps eliminate various skin diseases (erysipelas, ulcers and boils).

For women, podbela leaves help relieve mastitis. So does she.

Important! Tea from coltsfoot is a powerful tool with seasonal weakening of the body and vitamin deficiency.

For cystitis

Coltsfoot is antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic. Therefore, it is advisable to use it to get rid of various ailments. genitourinary organs. It will help relieve pain and spasms.

You should do douching (enemas) with a decoction of damask grass.

  1. To do this, place 12 g of herb in 450 ml of water and let the mixture boil.
  2. The drug should be infused for about 50 minutes - during this time the temperature of the infusion will reach 37 degrees.
  3. The procedures are carried out daily just before going to bed.

Along with enemas, you should take 14 ml of coltsfoot broth three times a day.

For sinusitis

– a very unpleasant disease, which is accompanied by a constantly stuffy nose and severe headache. To alleviate the suffering of the patient, you can use coltsfoot as follows:

  • add 6 g of herb to 170 ml of boiling water. Leave for half an hour. After that, the warm solution should be inhaled through each nostril in turn;
  • Fresh Juice instill 4 drops three times a day;
  • make powder from dried roots. Inhale it to trigger sneezing.

You can prepare a collection for inhalation. Place coltsfoot and eucalyptus leaves in a small saucepan. Add 470 ml boiling water. Leave for 20 minutes in a tightly closed container.

Pour out part of the strained broth - you need to drink 22 ml three times a day.

Heat the rest of the broth and pour into a heating pad. Inhale the steam coming out of the hole alternately through your mouth and nose. Inhalations must be repeated every morning and evening. The duration of one procedure is from 3 to 5 minutes.

For hemorrhoids

Quite difficult to treat. Specialized, expensive medications and ongoing procedures are required. And sometimes surgical intervention.

But there is an ancient recipe that has helped many people get rid of this disease.

  1. Collect at dawn.
  2. Grind in a wooden mortar.
  3. Pour in equal amount alcoholic drink(pure moonshine).
  4. Place in a cool, dark place for a day.
  5. After which the product should be used to lubricate problem areas.

Improvement occurs after 7 days.

Sitz baths are good for hemorrhoids.

First you need to mix:

  • coltsfoot;
  • oregano and;
  • linden and alder inflorescences;
  • wheatgrass and steelgrass root;
  • hop cones.

All ingredients should be taken equally. For 1500 ml of boiling water you will need 22 g of the mixture. After half an hour, the mixture will brew and can be diluted with 4-5 liters warm water. You should stay in the bath no longer than 20 minutes.

Important! Alcohol tincture can cure alcoholism (even without the knowledge of the patient). To do this, add 10 drops of the drug to any drink.

For prostatitis

Refers to complex diseases, requiring integrated approach. For treatment, you can use various herbal preparations.

  • underbel;
  • lingonberry and birch leaves;
  • sage;
  • goose cinquefoil;
  • horsetail;
  • nettle.

All herbs are taken equal mass fractions. The mixture (12 g) must be brewed with 375 ml of boiling water. The decoction must mature for at least 4 hours. Take 120 ml with food.

Mix coltsfoot with leaves and inflorescences of sweet clover, add centaury. Each herb will need 3 g. Pour 210 ml of boiling water over the mixture and leave for 10 minutes. Drink 6 times a day, 65 ml.

The course is 20-27 days. During treatment, sexual intercourse should be avoided.

For gastritis

To treat gastritis, you need to prepare the following decoction.

  1. Mix 4 g of camouflage grass and yarrow.
  2. Pour the collection with 210 ml of boiling water.
  3. The medicine will be infused for 55 minutes.
  4. Drink 1 sip before and after meals.

For another collection, you should mix in equal quantities podbel, vakhta, eucalyptus, nettle, chamomile and alder inflorescences, and anise fruits.

Pour boiling water (355 ml) over the collection (13 g). The broth will take 3 hours to mature. Treatment should be continued for 32 days.

Important! Coltsfoot leaves can be a great help during picnics and hikes. Fresh grass can be used to lubricate the bite areas. Or apply to your temples in case of a sudden headache attack.

For hypertension

Podbel decoction helps fight hypertension, atherosclerosis and other heart diseases. The mixture should be drunk in the first half of the day, 65 ml.

To enhance the effect, you can make a complex collection:

  • camouflage grass;
  • hop;
  • valerian root;
  • all parts of the strawberry bush;
  • calendula, viburnum, clover (inflorescences);
  • mint;
  • Dill seeds.

From the resulting collection, take 12 g and mix with 185 ml of boiling water. The broth should be infused throughout the night. Then drink 55 ml before each meal. This medicine can be used for a long time – up to 15 weeks.

For pharyngitis

For this you should prepare a mixture of 2 parts podbel and 1 part mint. Pour 220 ml of boiling water. Use as a rinse and solution for inhalation.

  1. You should gargle at least 3 times a day.
  2. Inhalations must be carried out 4 times a day. The duration of each is approximately 5 minutes.
  3. Taking the juice three times a day helps a lot.

You can drink tea from the leaves of the casserole grass during meals. To prepare 1 cup of drink you will need 6 g of raw materials.

For bruises

Most quick way to get rid of a bruise - apply a sheet of white paper to the sore spot with the cool side.

You can also crush the leaves into a pulp and secure it to the sore spot with a bandage or adhesive plaster. You can keep this compress throughout the night.

Important! Coltsfoot cannot be used for serious illnesses liver. This herb is also dangerous for children under 2 years of age.

For arthritis

At inflammatory processes in joints, you should wrap sore spots with fresh leaves of damask grass. This will help relieve pain.

This recipe may seem very simple for treating such a complex disease. But traditional healers They consider it the most effective for getting rid of arthritis.

To continue treatment during the cold season, you need to make an alcohol tincture from the flowers of the cassava grass. They should be crushed together with the stems and filled with ammonia. The mixture will be ready in 30 days.

After which it can be strained and used externally to lubricate inflamed areas.

For varicose veins

It should be treated inside and out.

To prepare a decoction, add 12 g of casserole grass to 185 ml of water. Keep on low heat for 12 minutes. After a quarter of an hour, you can start taking the medicine. The medicine should be taken three times, 15 ml each.

For compresses, you should use the gruel remaining after straining the broth.

For colitis

Colitis is a disease known to many. Often traditional treatment does not bring relief. Nature has many remedies that effectively help with this disease.

  1. Dry the leaves.
  2. Grind until powdery.
  3. Take 2 g of medication three times a day.
  4. It is better to drink it with hot milk or honey water.

Enemas with a decoction of camouflage flowers also help well. 470 ml of boiling water requires 23 g of raw materials. The medicine takes 55 minutes to infuse. After straining, dilute with water (1:4).

Collection for the treatment of colitis

  • (flowers) – 20 g;
  • pobel (leaves) – 17 g:
  • chamomile (inflorescences) – 9 g.

Brew 14 g of the mixture with a glass of boiling water. After an hour, you can drink 70 ml. Repeat the intake twice more per day.

For abscesses

For the treatment of abscesses the best remedy is fresh juice of kamchuzha grass - lightly mash the leaves in your hands and apply to the affected area.

You can also make compresses by soaking natural fabric in a decoction of podbel.

If abscesses are located throughout the body, you should take baths with the addition of infusion. Brew 55 g of herb in 2.5 liters of boiling water. Then pour it into the bathing water.

Abscesses can be the result of disorders within the body. Therefore, you should prepare medicinal tea.

  1. Mix mint leaves, plantain and coltsfoot 3 g each.
  2. Pour the collection into 175 ml of boiling water.
  3. Leave for about a quarter of an hour.
  4. Divide the resulting decoction into 55 ml portions, which should be drunk throughout the day.

Important! Preparations based on podbel should not be taken more than 45 days a year.

If accompanied by rashes, a medicinal bath should be prepared. It will require flowers and leaves (170 g) and boiling water (2.7 l). The decoction should be left to steep for at least 4 hours. Then heat it up a little and pour it into warm water.

It will take 8 to 10 procedures, with a break of 2 days.

When allergic asthma it is necessary to make up the following composition:

  • camouflage grass, licorice, pine buds - 15 g each;
  • calendula, dill seeds, marshmallow, wild rosemary, string - 7 g each.

Displace, take 27 g of the mixture and brew 175 ml of boiling water. Cook in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. After infusion (45 minutes) and straining, add water to the original volume. Take 45 ml several times a day.

For pyelonephritis

Coltsfoot in combination with honey will help you cope.

  1. Place a mixture of 6 g of herb and 185 ml of boiling water in a water bath.
  2. After boiling, the broth should be strained and cooled slightly.
  3. Add 6 g honey.
  4. Divide the resulting product into 3 equal parts.

The best barrier to any disease is a strong immune system. To enhance protective functions Very interesting dishes can be prepared from podbel.

For preparing quick and delicious salad you need to mix grated raw carrots (90 g) with thoroughly washed fresh coltsfoot leaves (25 g). Add salt and 45 g of kefir.

Kamchatka grass soup

  1. Wash the herb leaves and chop (100 g).
  2. Peel and cut potatoes (200 g).
  3. First put the potatoes into boiling water. And after a few minutes add coltsfoot.
  4. Bring the soup to a boil. Then remove from heat. Let it brew for a quarter of an hour.

Before serving, add sour cream (butter).

Podbel leaves also make excellent lean cabbage rolls, stews and roasts.

Camchus grass not only allows you to quickly and effectively get rid of many ailments. But also to make the treatment tasty and enjoyable.

Coltsfoot is a flower that is considered a real herald of the approaching summer, because it blooms very early - with the first warm rays of the sun.

In other languages, the name of this plant sounds like this:

  • German – Huflattich;
  • English – coltsfoot;
  • French – tussilage, pas-d"âne.


Coltsfoot is a short grass whose stems are covered with reddish scales. The flowers are bright yellow, fluffy, similar to dandelions, but smaller in size. The origin of the Russian name of the plant is associated with the characteristics of its leaves: the upper side of the leaf is smooth and cold to the touch, and the lower side is fluffy and warm. Hence the comparison with one’s own mother and evil stepmother.

Where does it grow

Coltsfoot is distributed throughout almost the entire territory of Eurasia, including countries Western Europe, Siberia, the Urals, Kazakhstan, Central and Asia Minor and even the Arctic regions. In addition, the plant can be found in northern Africa and the United States of America.

Coltsfoot is an unpretentious plant; it grows in the harsh climate of Siberia and Lake Baikal


The collection of coltsfoot begins closer to mid-summer, when seed pods appear in place of the flowers. The highest quality and healthiest raw materials can be obtained from flowers growing far from human habitation, industrial enterprises and highways. Best time for collection - around noon, when it comes down morning dew. Most often, only the leaves of the plant are collected, cutting them off along with the cuttings. The collected leaves are dried outside under a canopy or in well-ventilated rooms. To ensure that the leaves are dry on all sides, you should turn them over from time to time.


  • has medicinal properties;
  • used in medicine, cooking and cosmetology;
  • has a bitter taste;
  • has a faint, honey aroma.

Chemical composition

  • Essential oil;
  • Tannins;
  • Mucous substances;
  • Acids: gallic, malic, tartaric acid, ascorbic acid;
  • Many metals: calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, cobalt, molybdenum, chromium, aluminum, barium, selenium, vanadium, nickel, strontium, lead, silver, iodine, bromine, boron.

Beneficial features

  • has a softening and enveloping effect;
  • is a good expectorant;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • disinfects;
  • has an astringent effect;
  • relieves pain;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • strengthens the hair structure;
  • relieves tooth and irritation;
  • heals wounds;
  • normalizes digestion.

Coltsfoot is effective in treating coughs, sinusitis and colds



  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • children's age (up to 2 years);
  • severe liver diseases.


In medicine

Coltsfoot medicines are used to treat and relieve symptoms wide range diseases, including:

  • whooping cough;
  • bronchitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • tracheitis;
  • acute respiratory diseases;
  • dropsy;
  • catarrh of the esophagus;
  • cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis.

Particularly popular coltsfoot for the treatment of cough diseases.

Decoctions and tea from coltsfoot are effective in treating lung diseases


Most often, for cooking medicines use coltsfoot leaves, since they contain greatest number useful substances. Infusions and tinctures, syrups and decoctions are prepared from the leaves of the plant, and the juice is also squeezed out. Sometimes flowers or plant roots are added to preparations.


Coltsfoot root, like other parts of the plant, contains useful material that help fight various ailments. So, a decoction from the roots of coltsfoot helps well with colds. With its help you can lower your temperature, get rid of nasal congestion, cough and sore throat.

Folk recipes

  • To get rid of headaches, you need to prepare a decoction of coltsfoot leaves. Take 1 tbsp. crushed leaves, pour 0.5 liters of hot water and boil for 6 minutes. Then cool and strain. Drink half a glass 3 times a day, an hour before meals.
  • To cure boils and others purulent inflammation on the skin It is recommended to apply fresh coltsfoot leaves to the affected area twice a day, secure with a bandage and hold for 1-2 hours.
  • To stop hair loss and get rid of dandruff, prepare a decoction from fresh or dried leaves mother and stepmothers and nettles. Take one part of each plant and pour cold water and bring to a boil. Remove the broth from the stove, cool and strain. You should rinse your hair with the decoction every time after washing your hair.


ethnoscience recommends using the juice of fresh coltsfoot leaves to cleanse and heal wounds. To prepare the juice, you need to thoroughly wash the leaves, rinse with boiling water, grind through a meat grinder and squeeze. To wash wounds, the juice should be diluted in half with water and boiled a little. If you want the juice to be stored for several months, you need to dilute it with ½ part vodka.

Cough syrup

Coltsfoot syrup is very effective means against cough

To prepare it, you will need fresh, well-washed coltsfoot leaves, sugar and honey. Layer leaves and sugar into a clean three-liter jar until the container is full. Place the container in a cool, dark place.

When syrup forms at the bottom of the jar, pour it into another container and add a glass of honey (preferably fresh). Stir and leave in the same place for another week.

Take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day for 2 weeks. If necessary, repeat treatment after a 10-day break.

Coltsfoot and plantain syrup will quickly relieve cough


If you have digestive problems or loss of appetite, it is recommended to prepare an infusion of coltsfoot.

Wash several flowers and leaves of the plant, chop and pour 250 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for half an hour and strain. You should drink the infusion a day, in several doses. Take until improvement occurs. The medicine can also be used for various diseases respiratory tract.

In cosmetology

Coltsfoot is an indispensable tool to maintain youth and beauty. Masks and tonics based on this useful plant will help:

  • reduce the number of wrinkles;
  • overcome excessive dry skin;
  • remove oily shine;
  • maintain the elasticity and softness of the skin in the neck and décolleté area;
  • strengthen hair roots;
  • get rid of dandruff.

In cooking

  • fresh coltsfoot leaves will add a pleasant bitterness to vegetable salads;
  • finely chopped greens are added to omelettes and minced meat dishes;
  • A spicy dressing for main dishes is prepared from a mixture of coltsfoot leaves, garlic, salt and pepper;
  • With dried leaves and flowers, coltsfoot brews a very healthy, aromatic tea.

A fresh vegetable salad

Cut vegetables into small pieces - cucumber, tomato, bell pepper, carrots (1 piece each), 200 grams of cabbage. Prepare the egg pancake: beat the egg, pour into a frying pan and fry on both sides. Cut the pancake into strips. Cut into small pieces chicken fillet and fry on vegetable oil until ready. Mix all ingredients. Salt and pepper to taste. Prepare the dressing: chop a clove of garlic, mix with 1 tbsp. mayonnaise, 2 tbsp. soy sauce and the juice of half a lemon. Finely chop a few fresh coltsfoot leaves and add to the dressing.

Garnish sauce

Wash fresh coltsfoot leaves and chop finely. Place 250 grams of greens in a pan, add a chopped clove of garlic and add water so that it barely covers the contents of the pan. Wait for it to boil and cook for 10 minutes. Drain the water and blend the leaves in a blender along with 1 tsp. sesame Salt and pepper to taste. Serve with mashed potatoes, rice or vegetables.

For weight loss

Coltsfoot normalizes work gastrointestinal tract, therefore included in herbal infusions that promote weight loss. In addition, experts recommend taking warm baths with coltsfoot broth. This procedure cleanses pores, tightens the skin, and also reduces the appearance of cellulite.

  • Three yellow coltsfoot flowers on a green field are the coat of arms of the Norwegian municipality of Nannestad.
  • Treatment with the help of coltsfoot was recommended by the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, who lived in the 4th century BC.
  • In Rus', coltsfoot was also called river grass, king potion, mother grass and horse hoof.