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Red spots on the calves of the legs. Photo of a rash on the legs in the form of red dots. Improper shaving or waxing of legs

Red spots on the skin appear in people of different age categories, gender and lifestyle. Most often this is how allergies manifest themselves, pityriasis rosea, but there are other diseases, due to the progression of which pigmentation occurs on the skin of the legs. If you suddenly encounter redness of the skin, or swelling of the legs has been bothering you for a long time, then do not exclude the occurrence and complication of varicose veins, from the development of which even children are not immune. Why do red spots appear on my legs? Because varicose veins gave rise to complications - the vessels began to burst, which led to the formation subcutaneous hematomas.

Factors that cause skin pigmentation

Round small red spots on the soles of the feet, dots on the calves and fingers, dry and itchy skin on chest subject to immediate examination by a doctor for accurate medical report and identifying the causes of a particular disease. If a dermatologist has not diagnosed pityriasis rosea, despite the fact that the sore has begun to grow in size, itch a lot and become covered with dry scales, then it makes sense to contact a phlebologist, providing him with a description of your complaints, showing a photo of the progression of the disease. The reason that the leg is swollen and red may well be varicose veins that appeared long ago and have been developing all this time.

Gradually weakening vessels can no longer withstand the usual daily stress, their walls cannot cope with the blood pressure in the veins and burst. As a result, red spots appear on the soles of the feet and above - hemorrhages under the epidermis, accompanied by itching and burning. If there is no treatment, then small red spots combine into large and painful ones, and over time they can become covered with weeping discharge.

Causes of red spots on the legs:

  1. Enlargement of the veins in the lower legs and stagnation of blood in them.
  2. Low vascular tone.
  3. Disturbances in the functioning of the valve apparatus.
  4. Increased load on diseased veins, caused by overweight or physical activity.
  5. Hormonal imbalance, if red spider veins and the ulcers between the legs were localized.
  6. Pasty and hot skin in a baby is a sign food allergies, which can often be seen in photos in the pediatric department of any clinic.

Red spots may appear with low vascular tone.

Red spots on the arms and legs may not appear immediately, but due to progressive varicose veins veins If the reddened, itchy area is not treated, then the development of thrombophlebitis and the subsequent occurrence of trophic ulcers, when a bone is visible through the wound, cannot be ruled out. Reds rough spots, if it is not an allergy on the legs or pityriasis rosea, they do not go away on their own and over time they turn brown and may turn blue. This means that the disease is progressing - disruption of normal blood flow leads to the appearance of varicose eczema. Advanced stage- a red, weeping trophic ulcer formed on atrophied and scratched skin, which can even affect a toe.

Independent measures to combat the disease

Red dots on the legs can only be eliminated if varicose veins, the cause of their occurrence, are fully treated. Restoring normal skin, removing swelling, blue discoloration, and swelling of the legs is possible only by strengthening the vessels of the lower extremities, normalizing blood flow in them, and eliminating any congestion. If your legs swell and turn red regularly, then try to change your lifestyle a little:

  • Following dietary therapy helps fight red spots on the legs below the knee and above, as it fills the body with substances that strengthen blood vessels.
  • Physiotherapy is relevant even if the veins have not yet had time to enlarge, swell, and nothing hurts, not a single toe has turned blue. Physical exercise will prevent leg swelling and redness.
  • Wearing compression hosiery helps eliminate red, rough spots by stimulating blood flow in the vessels.
  • Refusal to visit saunas, baths and take hot baths, even if only one toe is affected.

To eliminate red spots on the legs, you need to treat varicose veins.

In the case when non-drug treatment passed, the causes and symptoms of varicose veins have been eliminated, but the skin condition has not improved compared to the initial photos, contact a dermatologist. If you have a red spot, then it is probably pityriasis rosea, the symptoms of which are similar to varicose veins, which have caused complications.

Complex therapy

Timely contact a phlebologist with a complaint about red, blue, white spots on the legs above and below the knee with any associated unpleasant symptoms allows you to prevent the development of thrombophlebitis with proper treatment. A harmless red spot on the calf of the leg, which has a vague outline and begins to itch, can swell and turn into a trophic ulcer. Failure to see a doctor in a timely manner may result in the need to amputate the red toe, if not most of the limb. To avoid this, you need to promptly show even slight swelling and redness of the leg to a phlebologist, at least in a photo, and follow his recommendations.

Treatment of varicose veins and blood vessels should be comprehensive:

  1. Taking venotonics relieves inflammatory process, normalizes blood flow, eliminates congestion, and prevents new spots with a red rim from appearing.
  2. Antihistamines are relevant if the red spots on the legs are itchy and itchy.
  3. Lubricating a swollen toe or a larger area of ​​the epidermis with prescribed creams and gels, including hormonal ones, is necessary to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and reduce high blood pressure. pain syndrome, remove red spots on the legs of a child and an adult with weak veins.
  4. Electrical stimulation and lymphatic drainage massage They help remove the reddish tint from the skin and prevent the limbs from swelling even more.
  5. Hirudotherapy helps eliminate congestion in blood vessels, preventing their ruptures, and removing the pronounced red color of the epidermis.

The red spot can develop into a trophic ulcer.

If the prescribed treatment does not help, provided that the causes of the disease are eliminated, then the option of a surgical solution to the problem remains. Removing the affected veins can eliminate red spots on the feet and legs, but only if the correct postoperative regimen. This includes the mandatory wearing of compression stockings, excess weight, balanced diet.

Radical measures

In addition to removing the affected vessels, a qualified phlebologist can offer you more gentle methods of treating varicose veins. A large red spot on the leg, which appears as a result of long-term progression of this disease, can be removed using sclerotherapy if the nodes are not very large. Laser coagulation and it is advisable to carry out ozone therapy if the leg gradually becomes covered with red spider veins.

If, after all the measures applied to treat the red dots, they continue to blur and bother you, then take a scraping, and perhaps you have been diagnosed with pityriasis rosea, which often appears among pet lovers. Otherwise, see a dermatologist and undergo several sessions of painless laser skin treatment.

If a red spot on your leg itches and enlarges, then its treatment should begin immediately, since skin defects are often caused by serious illnesses in the stage of complications. In the case of varicose veins, inaction is especially dangerous, as it often leads to the need to amputate the affected limbs.

Red dots on the legs can appear completely unexpectedly. Sometimes such a reaction can be observed to cold or shaving, and in some cases the symptom indicates the development of the disease.

If small red dots appear on your legs, it is best to consult an infectious disease doctor. It will help identify the reasons for their appearance. If the hospital doesn't have it narrow specialist, then you can get advice about scarlet spots from a therapist or family doctor. What diseases can cause red dots to appear? What are the causes of this manifestation on the legs?

Article outline:


Redness often occurs below the knees. Symmetrically located spots may indicate serious illness- diabetes. An endocrinologist will help in this situation. Diabetes often causes skin problems.

Dots on the limbs indicate an excess of glucose in the body. High level Blood sugar causes spots to develop on the legs.

The symptom also indicates that the patient has impaired metabolism in organic tissues and cell nutrition.

Diabetes contributes to the development of inflammation and disruption of local blood circulation. Harmful toxins begin to accumulate in the lower extremities, blood flow is disrupted, pathological process progresses. As a result, red dots appear on the legs.

Diabetic atherosclerosis is another cause of legs with red spots. The symptom causes suffering to the patient - wounds appear that are difficult to heal. Muscles in diabetes are painful. The affected skin may become severely flaky and develop blisters over time. Also when diabetes mellitus Papillary dystrophy of the skin may develop, which causes the appearance of red spots. The disease is characterized by a malfunction of the immune system and the development of neuropathy. Damage to nerve fibers and blood vessels causes red dots to appear.

The main complication of red dots in diabetes mellitus is gangrene. Skin spots are accompanied by:

  • Feeling of goosebumps;
  • Burning;
  • Decreased sensitivity in the legs.

A complication of diabetes with manifestations of red spots can be necrobiosis lipoidica. The reason for its appearance lies in impaired metabolism of substances. The spots associated with the disease have a bluish tint. As the disease progresses, painful sensations. Treatment is prescribed only by a specialist.

Treatment: Dermopathy often develops in diabetes mellitus. Primary skin diseases appear as red-brownish spots. They may have flaky scales. There are spots in diabetes round shape. Often diabetic dermopathy does not require special treatment.

For gangrene it is required specific treatment and amputation.


The body's reaction in the form of a small red rash on the legs can occur when using cosmetics, soap, wearing tights and leggings. An allergen can be fabric dye or cosmetic components of the composition. Contact with chemicals also causes allergic rash. The main difference between allergies is the severe irritating itching of the spots.

Allergies are caused by eating inappropriate foods. The disease can appear after a person drinks milk or eats a bar of chocolate.

These two products are the strongest allergens. The consumption of eggs, some vegetables, berries and fruits provokes the development of food allergies. In order to get rid of allergic manifestations, you need to undergo treatment with an antihistamine and avoid contact with the allergen.

Hives can occur when:

  • Disturbed metabolism during pregnancy;
  • Obesity;
  • Forced immobility of the body.

In all cases it will be necessary medical assistance and treatment by a specialist.

Treatment: To eliminate itching, you should lubricate your feet with a cooling agent (for example, Boromenthol, Bom-benge). You can use an anesthetic gel (for example, Fenistil), antihistamine ointment (Gistan, Triderm, Sinaflan), tablets (Suprastin). The skin also quickly recovers when using a cream that contains a vitamin complex.


Skin diseases provoke the development of red spots. You can become infected with the fungus when visiting a public sauna, swimming pool, or fitness club.

After discovering a spot on your leg, it is better not to guess about its cause, but to consult a doctor and get tested necessary tests. Fungus spots itch and peel. Mycosis affects the toenails. Over time, weeping blisters develop at the site of the rash.

Treatment: If there is a problem, you should seek help from a dermatologist. Change necessary tests will allow you to identify the type of pathogen and correctly prescribe medicinal product to destroy it (Clotrimazole, Terbinafine, Naftifine, Micanozol, Ketoconazole, etc.). Treatment of dermatomycosis takes a long time.


When thinning vascular walls and when they are affected, red dots appear on the calves and in front of the limbs. Varicose veins are accompanied by heaviness in the legs, pain, and inability to withstand physical activity.

Vasodilation leads to poor circulation and poor blood circulation in the legs. The thinness of the vascular walls provokes hemorrhage and subcutaneous hematoma.

If wine-colored spots appear on your legs, you need to consult a phlebologist. The doctor will consult the patient and prescribe correct treatment. What kind of attack this is, why it arose and how exactly to treat it - the results of the examination will tell you.

Treatment: will help cope with varicose veins balanced diet, doing some physical exercise, taking mineral and vitamin supplements and medications that strengthen blood vessels and eliminate pathology.

Special ointments/gels are often prescribed, for example:

  • Troxevasin;
  • Angistax;
  • Venoruton;
  • Chimes.


The disease is often characterized by the appearance of red dots on the skin of the extremities. As a result of blood thickening, the deep tissues of the legs are affected, and dangerous changes develop in the blood vessels and blood circulation. Thrombosis is a complication of varicose veins.

With this disease, vascular damage and hypercoagulation of the blood, changes in the blood flow itself are observed. The main symptoms of thrombosis, in addition to red spots, are:

  1. Soreness;
  2. Swelling of the legs;
  3. Swelling of veins;
  4. Blueness of the skin.

Treatment: endothelium is a serious complication that requires specific treatment.


The disease is common cause the appearance of red dots on the calves of the legs. The disease progresses in different ways and usually affects the lower extremities. Vasodilation occurs in this area there is an increased amount arterial blood. Characteristic symptom hemangiomas - when you press on the red spots, they immediately become colorless. There is no pain associated with the disease.

Under the influence of various negative factors A red “web” may appear on the skin.

Treatment: if diagnosed benign tumors, then they do not cause harm and do not require surgical intervention.

Increased skin sensitivity

In many cases, a small accumulation of red spots is observed after shaving or during cold weather. Why does skin irritation occur?

Improper execution of the procedure injures the epithelium. An incorrectly selected blade and cosmetical tools for shaving.

A day before the procedure, it is recommended to treat the feet with a scrub, which will eliminate the keratinized upper layer of the epithelium.

Legs should only be shaved when the skin is steamed. To do this, use a moisturizing special shaving cream. The razor blade glides easier on foam than on dry skin. It is necessary to shave unnecessary hair using hot water. The blade must be periodically dipped in soapy water and cleaned of adhering hairs.

After the procedure, you need to apply a product that relieves irritation and restores the skin. An antiseptic is also used to prevent irritation. Then the skin can be wrapped in a damp, hot towel.

Epilation of unwanted hairs often causes spots to appear on the skin. Sensitive skin reacts poorly to the procedure and application special means. When removing hair, it is not cut off, but pulled out by the roots. Therefore, the skin reacts violently to manipulation.

To reduce symptoms and prevent skin irritation, it is necessary to use moisturizing creams with almond and jojoba extract. These plants effectively relieve inflammation on the skin and reduce skin reactions.

Elimination of red dots also includes the use of hydrocortisone ointment. The drug relieves irritation, after which the spots on the skin disappear.

In order to eliminate the problem, softening nourishing creams with anti-inflammatory effects are used. These products quickly restore injured sensitive skin.

Red spots after shaving can be masked with a light tan. summer period. However, to avoid getting sunburned, it is important to use a sunscreen. It will prevent negative impact on the skin while on the beach. Being under sun rays not always possible in the presence of certain diseases. When going to the beach or solarium, you need to know the contraindications to the procedure.

A medical consultation and examination will help identify the exact cause of the symptom. If a serious illness is suspected, various diagnostic methods. Based on their results, one can put accurate diagnosis and find out the reason for the appearance of spots on the skin. In many cases, the appearance of red dots occurs only when hypersensitivity skin and its reaction to shaving or hair removal.

Attention, TODAY only!

Red spots on the soles of the feet and small spots on the legs below the knees may be the cause various diseases. Some of them require immediate medical attention, others are chronic and do not cause any discomfort. accompanying symptoms. Additional signs that the article will tell you about will help you recognize the disease.

Causes of small red dots and spots on the soles of the feet

red dots appeared on my legs in the photo

Diseases with this symptom can be divided into two groups depending on the age of the patient. Sometimes red spots on the soles of the feet and small dots on the legs below the knees indicate a childhood illness that is not typical for an adult and vice versa. The reasons also need to be differentiated; they will differ for women (men) and children.

The child has

In children, the following pathologies or body conditions can cause unpleasant symptoms:

  1. . It has a different location and often reflects the cause of the disease. A rash below the knees can occur as a result of new shoes, socks, or a change in powder, which immediately affects the condition of the exposed skin. Associated symptoms There may be irritability, itching and burning at the site of the rash.
  2. , which appears as a result of excessively wrapping the baby, or wearing clothes that are not appropriate for the weather during a walk. Pathology represents red small spots, minor bubbles appear in the middle. The rashes can be extensive or point-like.
  3. Clothes made of synthetic materials. Children's skin is very sensitive and reacts to all manifestations of the surrounding world, including the type of fabric from which socks, pants, rompers, etc. are made. The cause of red spots is sometimes the reaction of the skin to synthetics. If the cause is poor-quality clothing, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the illness and after a few days the illness will go away on its own. IN extreme cases.
  4. can cause rashes on the legs below the knees. This symptomatology is typical not only for the warm season. Bed bugs in a child's room can cause bright red spots on the skin. They cause anxiety to the baby, as they often have severe itching and burning. IN in rare cases body temperature rises slightly.
  5. Red dots on the foot may indicate... Children sometimes “bring” the disease with kindergarten. The cause of the disease is the scabies mite. The disease is different severe itching, burning. Over time, redness spreads throughout the body.
  6. Diabetes. It may have a congenital or acquired etiology. Children with this pathology sometimes notice redness in their legs due to a lack of insulin in the body. The rash appears as small blistering-like spots.

You should be very careful about the symptom of a rash in a child with diabetes. You should not allow your baby to scratch the problem area, this can lead to a necrotic process due to contact with harmful microbes. Diabetes is considered a serious pathology that requires medical control, unlike other ailments.

In an adult

In an adult, the cause of red spots on the soles of the feet and small dots The following pathologies often appear on the legs below the knees.

Note! Mycosis of the foot has infectious nature and can be dangerous for others, unlike other pathologies.

Treatment on the legs

When talking about foot therapy, you should first address the symptoms of the disease. Doctors talk about the importance of its manifestations. If spots on the skin become wet, exude pus, or turn into pustules, treatment should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor.

At home, you should try to get rid of dry spots. They usually indicate an allergic reaction, mechanical irritation or lack of vitamins, chronic pathologies (varicose veins, diabetes, etc.).

Chamomile, oak bark, string, and calendula help relieve inflammation and irritation. A complex of herbs or a single application can help. The listed plants have anti-inflammatory, astringent, analgesic, antimicrobial and healing effects.

Compresses with special ointments (Bepanten, Dexpanthenol) or rubbing will eliminate red spots caused by miliaria and urticaria of non-allergic origin.

If the symptom appears as a result of exposure to an allergen, antihistamine ointments and drops will help. The drugs Fenistil, Zodak, and Zyrtec are popular today. It can be used by both adults and children. It is worth trying to include vitamins in the treatment complex if the illness occurs during the cold season.

Modern technologies will help save you from mycosis of the foot. pharmaceutical products in the form of ointment, cream, gel (Lamisil, Nicoderil), patches, varnishes. It is worth preparing for the fact that treatment will take a minimum of 2 weeks and a maximum of 12 months for prolonged pathology.

Prevention rules play an important role in treatment. They are easy to do. It is worth paying more attention to foot care and the general condition of the body. If you treat chronic ailments in a timely manner, carry out vitamin therapy in the cold season, avoid trauma to the skin of the legs and feet, and take care of personal hygiene, rashes on the legs will be avoided.

If you go to the doctor with the complaint: “Red spots have appeared on your legs,” it is unlikely that they will immediately make a diagnosis. Even multiple insect bites are visually similar to an allergic reaction caused by completely different reasons, or to initial stage dermatological disease.

It is impossible to cure a person based on only one symptom.

To determine the exact cause of changes in the skin, it is necessary to take into account the localization of the rash - on the foot or above, its nature - small or large, the quality of the surface - flaky or smooth.

The diagnosis is made based on clinical picture, considering general state. Therefore, you should not hesitate to visit a doctor if red spots appear on your legs and have been hurting for a week or more. You can treat yourself only when you are absolutely sure - “it’s a mosquito, nettle, or a drop of boiling water or vinegar”. And even then, in the latter case, medical consultation may be required.

Causes of red spots on legs

What could be the reasons for the appearance of rashes on the lower extremities?

It is impossible to list all the reasons that can explain why red spots appeared on the legs.

The “culprits” of rashes can be:

  • "children's" infections;
  • subcutaneous suppuration;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • stress factors;
  • climate impacts;
  • neglect of the rules of personal hygiene and, on the contrary, overly careful skin care.

If, despite using folk remedies or medical supplies external action, the cosmetic defect does not disappear, you need to consult a doctor.

Red spots on legs - treatment

It is impossible to treat with one therapeutic regimen all diseases whose symptoms are red round spots on foot.

In case of allergic reactions, no matter what causes them, it is recommended to start treatment with antihistamines. Dosage in children is determined in individually, taking into account weight and age. TO antihistamines relate "Diphenhydramine" And "Diazolin", "Suprastin" and "Tavegil", "Claritin", "Lorantandin", "Fenkarol" and others.

If the manifestation of an allergy is not internal - when an allergen enters the body, but external - through bites, grass burns and similar reasons, then treatment is supplemented with antihistamines local action in the form of ointments, mash and creams.

Cannot be purchased to eliminate allergic reactions without a doctor’s prescription. hormonal agents– they quickly remove redness and swelling, but have many side effects, which will develop in the future.

For photodermatosis, treatment also begins with antihistamines– they reduce swelling and stop itching. Used as external means "Panthenol", "Bepanten", which are best used in the form of an emulsion or aerosol. These same remedies will help cope with the consequences of burns or injuries.

To soften the skin after shaving, the same products are used as for photodermatosis, and anti-inflammatory or drying agents are also applied to the skin of the legs - you can use recipes traditional medicine: lotions of chamomile, plantain, sage...

Varicose veins should be treated from the first symptoms, without waiting for the disease to worsen. Complication varicose veins may be thrombophlebitis - dangerous condition, which makes it difficult to move. At the first symptoms of circulatory problems in the legs, you should contact vascular surgeon. At this stage cosmetic problems eliminated by surgery for sclerosis of peripheral vessels or methods laser surgery. IN further treatment much more serious, and the condition is more painful.

Diabetes mellitus is treated by an endocrinologist, but the first "visit" should be taken to a physician. The causes of red spots on the legs may be metabolic or hormonal changes– It is impossible to determine exactly why the rashes appeared without specific examinations. General and special blood and urine tests, ultrasound and other studies may be prescribed.

Fungal and other dermatological diseases treated by a dermatologist. First, a scraping is taken from the affected area, and then, based on the results of the analysis, a diagnosis is made. Psoriasis and eczema, although they are classified as skin diseases, cause organic changes, but the treatment is carried out by a dermatologist. The functions of this doctor also include: scabies, lichens of various types, etc.

It is impossible to cure red spots on the legs above the knee that appear due to autoimmune diseases. In this case, you need to seek help from official medicine. Sometimes it takes a lot of time and effort to make a diagnosis.

There are rashes that are cosmetic defect, but they have no effect on health negative influence they do not provide. These diseases include hemosiderosis - the coloring pigment hemosiderin is deposited in the skin due to a slight disruption of the hematopoietic system.

The appearance of red spots on the legs can be explained by organic changes and harmless reasons, be the first symptom of infections or indicate an allergic reaction.

You should not panic when rashes appear on your lower extremities, but you should not take them lightly either. If you have a rash or redness of the skin on your legs, you should consult a doctor.

Change in density, structure, color skin occurs under the influence of internal/external stimuli. Red spots on the legs may indicate physiological or pathological factors causing a skin reaction. The appearance of red spots on the lower extremities, especially if they cause discomfort, itch, flake, or become inflamed, is a direct indication for immediate treatment medical care. Self-medication can aggravate the situation and lead to serious complications Therefore, only a specialist should diagnose and prescribe therapy.

Red spots on legs - symptoms:

  • rashes are most often grouped on the knees, legs, feet, outer/inner thighs;
  • may burn, itch, peel, and secrete fluid;
  • there is a rash different shapes and colors - from large spots of red to small dots of light pink;
  • sometimes spots appear against the background of temperature fluctuations, chills, and fever.

Types of stains

All red spots on the legs are usually divided into two groups:

Read about red spots on the body.

Reasons for appearance (photo)

  1. Allergy. Allergens may include cosmetics and detergents, pet hair, food products. Allergic reaction appears as small spots that gradually turn into scaly lesions and itchy blisters. Complex treatment: avoiding contact with the allergen plus taking antihistamines.
  2. Atopic dermatitis. It manifests itself as thickened, flaky spots on the legs/arms. Distinctive feature diseases - activation of the rash in winter, extinction - in summer. Atopic dermatitis is chronic pathology, correction of the skin condition is carried out using hormonal ointments.
  3. Mycosis. Fungal infections cause rashes on the toes and feet. As the pathological process progresses, it quickly spreads to neighboring healthy tissue. Treatment of mycosis includes local (treatment of the affected segments with antimycotic agents) and general (taking antimycotics) therapy.
  4. Viral infection. Small red dots and spots on the thighs, legs, feet, which appear simultaneously with an increase in temperature, feverish condition, or general malaise, may indicate infection- rubella, measles, chicken pox. The rashes quickly transform into papular tumors, accompanied by hyperemia, swelling, and itching. Therapy involves the use of antiseptics, drying agents, and immunomodulators.
  5. External influence. A rash on the skin of the legs can occur as a result of a chemical/thermal burn, frostbite/chapping, bruise, or insect bite. It is also worth noting the sun and its rays - from them White skin may become stained.
  6. Systemic diseases:
    • diabetes. Dermopathy in diabetes appears symmetrically on both legs. The spots are red-brown in color and small in diameter (up to 1 centimeter). In 10-15% of cases, patients develop granuloma annulare Daria - the rashes focus on the torso and legs, at the first stage they look like pinkish swollen spots, at the second they begin to merge, forming peculiar patterns;
    • phlebeurysm. The first sign of varicose veins is red spots and heaviness in the legs. Advanced disease leads to thrombophlebitis and trophic ulcers, difficult to respond to traditional treatment;
    • vasculitis A disease of a multifactorial nature, characterized by inflammation subcutaneous tissue and blood vessels of the dermis. Clinic cutaneous vasculitis: formation of red spots of a papular-hemorrhagic nature on the legs and buttocks, joint pain - articular syndrome (pain in the ankle/knee joints), fever, blood in the stool, abdominal pain, vomiting.

  7. Autonomic dysfunction. It can be latent (occur secretly), paroxysmal or constant. Manifests panic attacks, disorders digestive tract, dizziness, jumps blood pressure, the appearance of red spots on the lower/upper extremities. Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia requires the prescription of various medications pharmacological groups- neuroleptics, antidepressants, nootropics, tranquilizers.
  8. Hives. Occurs through direct contact with nettles. Typical symptoms: red spots on the extremities that resemble blisters, bruises, intense itching. After identifying the reason that provoked such a reaction, contact with the allergen should be eliminated, otherwise further development of the process, leading from itching to Quincke's edema, suffocation, and death, is possible.
  9. Telangiectasia (spider veins). A syndrome characterized by vasodilation, the formation of bluish-red spots on the skin of the legs, and less commonly, the torso and face. The most effective ways Treatment of telangiectasia of the lower extremities - laser photocoagulation and sclerotherapy.
  10. Thrombocytopenic purpura (Werlhof's disease). It is distinguished by two mutually exclusive features: on the one hand, blood clots form in small vessels, which leads to a stop in blood flow, on the other hand, blood clots do not form and bleeding begins. As a result, the surface of the limbs and torso becomes covered with purple spots. The prognosis is usually favorable, with a mortality rate of 4% after a primary hemorrhagic attack and 8% after multiple attacks.
  11. Alcohol can also cause stains.

Red spots on a child's legs

They can be different - spilled and dotted, have different shades - from light pink (almost White spot) to bright red. They can merge and cover large segments of the skin. If your baby has a red spot around his leg, you should show it to the pediatrician, find out what it is and undergo a course of treatment.

Read about white spots on nails.

Red spots on legs: treatment

For an adequate diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive medical examination: a general and biochemical tests blood, blood biochemistry with liver tests, phlebography, blood sugar test, scraping of the epidermis to determine fungal diseases, bacterial seeding of epidermal cells. Any rash on the skin of the legs requires careful diagnosis and medical treatment. Red spots on the legs of babies must be treated under the supervision of a doctor in order to avoid side effects and unpleasant mistakes that can affect the child’s health in the most negative way.