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Pain in the big toe joint treatment. Pain in the joints of the toes. Causes, how to treat

“For what reasons does the joint of the big toe hurt, and which of the existing solutions to this problem will most effectively help cope with this?”

Joint pain thumbs on the leg is a very common problem that most girls and women face. The main cause of this disease is uncomfortable shoes, which contribute to foot deformation and inflammation of the big toe joint.

In this article you can familiarize yourself with all known reasons pain in the joint of the big toe, and also learn about treatment methods and their practical effectiveness.

Please note that intervention on your own may make the problem worse. Consult a doctor to correctly identify the causes of pain and find out the correct treatment method.


The big toe consists of three bones - the proximal, middle and distal phalanges. These bones are connected by interphalangeal joints. In addition, the proximal phalanx is involved in articulation with the bones of the metatarsus.

A feature of the joints of the big toe is their insufficient blood supply from small arterial networks on the dorsum and plantar surfaces of the foot.

This factor has bad influence on the development of finger diseases. Insufficient blood flow slows down tissue restoration in case of injury, and slow blood outflow leads to stagnation of toxins formed in the pathological focus.

Causes of inflammation

Pathology of the joints and bones of the big toe develops under the influence of various damaging factors. Most often this is:

  1. Bruised big toe.
  2. Dislocation of the joint.
  3. Fracture of the phalanx.
  4. Arthritis, bursitis and others inflammatory diseases joints.
  5. Gout.
  6. Panaritium, paronychia are inflammatory lesions of the nail bed.
  7. Deforming arthrosis.
  8. Rheumatoid, psoriatic arthritis and other rheumatological processes.

These and other reasons may cause unpleasant symptoms, and treatment should be started as early as possible. Only a qualified specialist can identify and treat pathology.

Bruised big toe

Sports and domestic injury often leads to bruising of the big toe. This process is not accompanied by a violation of the anatomical integrity of bone and joint structures, but it causes inconvenience to the patient. Symptoms of a bruise are:

  • Pain in the finger after injury.
  • Swelling of surrounding tissues.
  • Subcutaneous or subungual hematoma is the result of damage to small vessels.
  • Impaired joint mobility with its residual preservation.

If the joint is noticeably swollen and there is no movement in it, you need to urgently consult a doctor and distinguish the bruise from other types of pathology.

First aid

Even before contacting a specialist, if the symptoms of the disease are not pronounced, it is recommended to carry out a number of measures that will reduce the intensity of inflammation and alleviate the condition:

  1. You need to apply cold to the damaged area. In conditions low temperature tissues near the inflammatory focus will experience vasospasm, and inflammatory edema will be less intense.
  2. If a wound has formed on the skin, it should be washed under running cold water and treated antiseptic(hydrogen peroxide), apply a bandage or plaster.
  3. Elevate your feet to prevent stagnation venous blood in the damaged area.
  4. 2–3 days after injury, it is possible to use warming ointments with anti-inflammatory effects. It is not recommended to heat the damaged area on the first day.


After conducting a series of diagnostic tests, the doctor will make sure that there is only a bruise and the subcutaneous structures are not damaged, and will prescribe treatment. Therapy methods:

Dislocation of the thumb phalanx

When significant damage occurs to the joint area, its capsule cannot withstand the load, and the underlying phalanx is dislocated from the joint cavity.

If, after an injury, unbearable pain occurs, the joint is swollen, movements are impossible, and the finger is not in a physiological position, you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

What to do with this type of pathology? It is not possible to treat a dislocation on your own. This can lead to prolonged healing and relapse of the disease.


A traumatologist will examine the damaged area and confirm the diagnosis using X-ray examination.

  • The most common treatment algorithm is reduction of the dislocation followed by immobilization.
  • After numbing the injury site, the doctor will perform traction (stretching) of the underlying phalanx and return it to its correct position.
  • Immobilization (immobilization) of the joint is possible using plaster cast or orthotic structures.

Treatment is monitored using repeated x-rays.

Phalanx fracture

The thumb consists of three phalanges. Fractures in these bones lead to severe symptoms and require treatment by a traumatologist. A fracture can be suspected based on the following signs:

  1. The resulting damage was significant and resulted in intense pain.
  2. The finger was swollen, inflamed, and blood had accumulated under the skin.
  3. It is impossible to make movements; any attempt intensifies the symptoms.
  4. The finger is in incorrect position, the fragment is displaced from the normal axis.

The clinical picture described above should be an absolute reason to contact a specialist.


After carrying out the necessary diagnostic procedures and anesthetize the wound site, the doctor will decide on the method of treating the fracture:

  • Conservative treatment: manual reposition of the fragment (return to the anatomical position) and subsequent immobilization.
  • Surgical intervention. It is used extremely rarely, with concomitant damage to blood vessels and nerves, severe bleeding, and a comminuted fracture.


Inflammation of the big toe - common symptom metabolic disease such as gout. With this pathology, uric acid accumulates in the body, which is deposited in the form of nodes - tophi and causes inflammation of the joints. The development of the disease is associated with the influence of hereditary factors, poor diet, alcohol consumption and other provoking influences.

The symptoms are characterized by the usual signs of inflammation of one or more joints, as well as the presence of tophi - subcutaneous, dense, painless nodules of salts uric acid.

A severe manifestation of the disease is a gout attack - an episode of severe pain in the affected joints, which is difficult to relieve with medications and leads to the patient’s disability.


What to do if such signs occur? Contact a rheumatologist. The specialist will recommend changes in diet and lifestyle, and prescribe a number of medications.

  1. You need to be prepared that treatment of the pathology will take a long time, but it is quite possible to stop the symptoms of the disease.
  2. For this purpose, drugs are used that remove uric acid from the body, anti-inflammatory drugs.
  3. With proper control of treatment, exclusion of alcohol and certain foods, severe manifestations of the disease and disabling consequences can be avoided.


Inflammation of the thumb joint, which is caused by infectious or autoimmune causes. In the first case, the disease is caused by the entry of bacteria or viruses into the joint cavity; in the second, the malfunction of the joint’s own immune system body.

Signs of inflammation are no different from other joint diseases. Swelling increases in the second half of the night and in the morning, symptoms become less pronounced after lunch. Taking anti-inflammatory drugs helps.


Infectious arthritis is characterized by the presence of a focus of inflammation in another part of the body or the entry of microbes into the joint through a wound.

  • Treatment is carried out using antibacterial therapy, anti-inflammatory drugs, eliminating the cause of the disease.
  • In autoimmune rheumatoid arthritis, precursor factors are not easy to detect.
  • The treatment of pathology is carried out by rheumatologists, who have in their arsenal modern means that can control the inflammatory process.

Deforming arthrosis

With frequent injuries in athletes, elderly people,

under the influence of infectious and other damaging factors in the joints of the big toe develops degenerative disease deforming arthrosis.

The causes of the disease are not fully understood. Cartilaginous structures are involved in the pathology, pathological bone growths occur, which leads to joint deformation and the development of complications.

Treatment of pathologists is complex, complex, and requires the use of several treatment methods.

The intensity of symptoms is reduced with the help of anti-inflammatory drugs, chondroprotectors, and physiotherapy. In case of severe persistent deformities, it is necessary to surgical treatment affected joint.


Symptoms and causes of damage to the thumb joint

Pain in the big toe joint is always a symptom of a serious illness. This is usually associated with inflammation of the joint, which manifests itself as sharp, burning and throbbing pain. The intensity of this pain syndrome increases significantly at night and reaches its peak during night sleep. In this case, the joint of the big toe becomes noticeably swollen, and the skin around it becomes bright red or even purple. In some cases, this disease may manifest itself with other characteristic signs.

  1. Limited or complete absence of motor functions of the thumb.
  2. At the slightest physical activity painful sensations in the joint increase significantly.
  3. Local increase in body temperature, localized in the finger joint.
  4. General hyperthermia affecting the entire body.

If a patient experiences all of the above symptoms of inflammation of the thumb, then he should immediately seek help from a doctor.

There are many reasons why a person may experience pain in their big toe joint. However, most often these painful sensations arise due to certain factors.

  1. Weakening of the immune system, due to which pathogenic microorganisms freely enter the human body and cause various infectious inflammation. As a rule, this condition occurs in a person as a result of previous illnesses, for example, influenza or acute respiratory diseases, as well as in women during pregnancy.
  2. Various severe infections such as syphilis, tuberculosis or gonorrhea.
  3. Violation metabolic processes in the body, which is the main cause of gouty inflammation of the thumb.
  4. Various injuries and bruises of the big toe.
  5. Hereditary predisposition to joint diseases.
  6. Regular excessive stress on the toes.
  7. Allergic reactions.

A timely visit to the doctor has important. IN neglected form illnesses can lead to dire consequences. They can only be eliminated surgically.

Diagnosis of diseases and pain relief

To accurately determine the diagnosis, the patient is sent for an x-ray

When the first painful sensations appear in the big toe joint, you should consult a general practitioner and tell him in detail about the symptoms of this disease. Before choosing the optimal method for treating the inflammatory process in the finger joint, the doctor will try to determine the cause of its occurrence and the type of inflammation. To do this, the patient will need to undergo the following diagnostic procedures:

  • ultrasonography;
  • certain laboratory tests.

After the results of the diagnostic examination are received, the doctor will be able to select a correct treatment inflammation of the joint of the big toe. If therapeutic methods for treating the disease do not lead to desired result, then the patient will be referred to see a rheumatologist. It is very important to begin treatment for big toe lesions at an early age. early stage illness in order to prevent severe and irreversible changes in his joint.

At the very beginning of the disease, to relieve pain and reduce the inflammatory process in the finger, you can do without drug therapy, limiting ourselves to therapeutic compresses, electrophoresis, physiotherapy and several injections into the sore joint.

However, in more advanced cases of the disease, the patient’s recovery will require A complex approach to the treatment of the disease, which includes the mandatory intake of all medications prescribed by the doctor and the performance of special health-improving exercises.

Drug and surgical treatment

Treatment of pain in the thumb joint is carried out using the following medications:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs);
  • pain-relieving injections into the sore joint and steroid (hormonal) anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • non-steroidal medicinal products;
  • natural supplements and dietary supplements designed to restore a damaged thumb joint;
  • chondroprotectors.

To reduce the load on the sore joint and thereby protect it from overstrain, doctors advise wearing a special fixing bandage on the big toe, which will help to significantly reduce pain while walking.

Depending on the severity of the disease, the doctor may recommend massage treatment to the patient. This method is very effective for people suffering from joint diseases, including inflammation of the big toe. Massotherapy contributes to a noticeable improvement in blood supply to the diseased joint, as well as a decrease in tension in the muscles of the thumb and a decrease in pain. Besides, massage treatments help remove all toxic substances from the inflamed area, which leads to the healing of the affected joint tissues.

However, massage courses should not be used to treat acute forms of the big toe disease, since this can only aggravate the patient’s already difficult condition. In particularly severe stages of thumb damage, the only effective way to treat the disease is surgery. During this operation, partial and sometimes complete prosthetic replacement of the toe joint of the affected leg is performed.

With severe arthrosis, arthritis or gout, complete deformation of the bones of the big toe occurs, which is why even the slightest attempt to step on the sore foot ends in very severe and acute pain for the person. That is why, for many patients, surgery is the last opportunity to regain their health and lead their lives again. full image life.


Causes of the disease

There are thousands of reasons why joint inflammation can occur. In the case of gout, the most common causes are:

  • unhealed injuries (both old and recent);
  • hypothermia;
  • wearing uncomfortable shoes or high heels.

The result of such “stress” for the body can be inflammatory processes in the joints.

Photo report on the development of gout


The presence of a burning sensation, pain or pain, swelling, stiffness in movement and fever - obvious signs inflammatory process. Even if all these symptoms are concentrated in one finger, normal image life cannot be sustained. An active lifestyle will have to be canceled.

But still, lying down at home is not the best The best way to be cured. Inflammatory processes in the joints are not the flu. In this situation, qualified assistance from a specialist is needed. Without timely delivery medical care complications are a must. Therefore, you should not waste your time: you need to go to the hospital.

When the joint of the big toe is inflamed, the following symptoms are observed:

  • visually noticeable deformation of the joint;
  • presence of swelling;
  • pain and painful sensations;
  • crunching in the joints at the slightest movement.

In advanced forms, leg joint deformity can only be corrected through surgery.

Symptoms of gout

Often, gout of the thumb does not allow a person to move normally. Painful sensations can occur either on their own or as a result of walking.


Gout can be diagnosed by a number of symptoms, as well as by x-rays. Experienced doctor can install accurate diagnosis based on external manifestations, presence pain symptoms and examination by palpation.

X-rays will help determine the severity of cartilage damage and show changes associated with deformity in the joint.

X-ray of gouty fingers

Treatment of the disease

Today there are various techniques treatment of this problem. The Internet is teeming with all kinds of articles on how to quickly and painlessly cure gout. Of course, everyone wants to take one miracle pill and get well. Unfortunately, in real life everything is much more complicated.

Joints are a serious matter, so if they become inflamed, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Drug treatment is quite effective by modern standards.

The medications prescribed by the doctor, as well as some recipes from traditional medicine, will quickly get you back on your feet, and in the literal sense of the word.

When going to the hospital in the early stages of the disease, the course of treatment can take place without taking medications; compresses and physical therapy will be sufficient. Manual therapy has a very beneficial effect on the course of this disease. At times, treatment for inflammation may be necessary. If there is a crunch in the joint, the doctor may additionally prescribe special drugs for intra-articular administration and electrophoresis.

Used to treat joint inflammation different groups drugs:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • Dietary supplements that have a restorative effect and help strengthen joint tissue (for example, collagen);
  • strong medications (methotrexate);
  • non-steroidal medications (ketoprofen, diclofenac, indomethacin, piroxicam);
  • steroid injections and drugs.

Taken together, these medications can provide positive impact. They relieve pain, treat inflammation, and renew the affected areas of the joint.

Don't forget about proper nutrition

Of course it can't be denied side effect such treatment. Similar drugs provide Negative influence on digestive system person. Steroid and non-steroid groups have the greatest number of adverse reactions.

Along with taking medications, the doctor will prescribe the application of a tight bandage to the joint in order to fix it. Limiting movement in the joint will help reduce the irritation that causes pain. If the pain is very strong, then you will be prescribed Naprosyn, Voltaren or Indocin, and in some cases you have to use steroid injections in the form of cortisone.

In the case of gout, treatment will only be necessary during an exacerbation. Moreover, the entire course of treatment is very long.

Treatment with folk remedies

Although drug treatment is quite effective in our time, people still resort to “grandmother’s remedies.” Fortunately, traditional healers are always ready to help.

Baths with essential oils of calendula, St. John's wort, sandalwood, and eucalyptus have an excellent anti-inflammatory effect. The water temperature should be no higher than 40 degrees, and the entire procedure lasts no more than half an hour.

  • Anti-inflammatory teas from thyme and St. John's wort, as well as herbal infusions from calendula petals, elderberry and nettle leaves, flax seeds and St. John's wort, help well. Take such drugs orally at least half a glass daily.
  • Apply grated to the inflamed joint onion. Keep such a compress on the sore spot for no more than an hour and, if possible, repeat five times a day.
  • Cabbage leaves can also help. It must be applied to the affected joint and wrapped in a downy scarf.

You can prepare a tincture from Kalanchoe leaves. To do this, you will need a half-liter jar, which needs to be half filled with crushed leaves of the plant and filled with vodka or alcohol. Put everything in a dark place for 5-7 days. The jar needs to be shaken every day. The resulting tincture is used as a rub for the affected joint.

“Grandma’s recipes” for gout

A few more tips:

  • Try to drink more fluids. It is able to flush out excess uric acid from the joints.
  • Keep track of what medications you take. Taking aspirin is strictly prohibited. Such medications can cause complications of the disease.
  • Balance your diet. Avoid foods rich in purines (herring, anchovy and sardines; sauces, mayonnaise, ketchup; internal organs animals).

Prevention of joint inflammation

Prevention of joint inflammation

People with a genetic predisposition to similar diseases, you should take care of yourself. It is advisable to refuse bad habits, poor nutrition and wearing uncomfortable high-heeled shoes.

Folk and traditional means Treatment is good, but timely prevention is better. Therefore, when you notice the first symptoms, you should seek medical help.


Causes of inflammatory processes

The most common harms, experts identify a number of main causes of inflammation in the joint:

  • Hypothermia. Hypothermia, especially complicated by prolonged exposure to cold water, can cause the onset of an inflammatory process in the joint.
  • Toe injury. Inflammation in the joint can develop as a consequence of a previous injury, the treatment of which was not completed.
  • Uncomfortable shoes. This cause is especially common in women. Constantly wearing narrow, high-heeled shoes leads to incorrect or insufficient blood supply to some parts of the foot, which can lead to swelling and, over time, inflammation of the joint.
  • Infections. Some infections can have complications in the form of inflammatory processes in the joints. For example, influenza or a severe form of ARVI. Also with the development of gonorrhea, syphilis or tuberculosis.
  • Heredity. Often patients have one of their close relatives who suffered from a similar illness.
  • Violation of metabolic processes. Uric acid can settle in the joints, which causes inflammation in the joints. connective tissue.
  • Joint diseases. Among them: rheumatoid arthritis, bunion, gout, arthritis of the big toe and others.

Symptoms that accompany inflammation

Among the main symptoms of inflammation of the joint of the big toe, doctors identify the following:

Diagnostic techniques

The basis for diagnosing this type of disease is a doctor’s examination of the affected joint. Based on the presence of severe symptoms of the disease in the patient, the doctor makes a diagnosis. Often, the doctor uses an X-ray machine to clarify the diagnosis.
Basically, this allows us to clarify the characteristics of cartilage damage and the degree of joint deformation.

The inflammatory process can cause bunion of the big toe. Everything you need to remember about the disease can be found in our article.

Is it worth reacting if your finger snaps and what danger does stenosing ligamentitis pose? You can find out here.

Complex of medical procedures

Let's consider the main methods of treatment in case of inflammation of the big toes.

Drug treatment

If the patient sees a doctor in the early stages of the disease, drug treatment can often be avoided.

Everything can work out using a compress or a course of physiotherapy. However, if the disease progresses, a course of drug treatment is prescribed to prevent possible complications.

Along with electrophoresis, the doctor usually prescribes:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • dietary supplements(collagen and others);
  • targeted drugs(eg methotrexate);
  • non-steroidal drugs(diclofenac, piroxicam, ketoprofen and others);
  • steroid group drugs(injections or tablets).

These drugs are designed to relieve inflammation, relieve pain and restore damaged tissue.


If, due to inflammation of the big toe, the joint is seriously deformed and can no longer perform its functions, surgical treatment is possible.
With complex changes in the tissues of the inflamed joint, the entire load when walking is taken on by other parts of the foot, which can provoke their inflammation. In some cases, this leads to intervertebral hernia.
Drug treatment in such situations can only play the role of concomitant therapy.

  1. Surgical operations on joints are no longer new in domestic medicine. There are a large number of operations depending on the nature and complexity of the joint deformity. A common method is to remove part of the metatarsal bone.
  2. In other cases, deformed areas of the bone are cut out and fixed in the correct position using metal fasteners. The disadvantage of such operations is that they need to be repeated to remove the retainers.
  3. Also, in some cases, when the deformation of the joint cannot be compensated surgically, prosthetics.

Main disadvantages surgical treatment is a long period of rehabilitation and the possibility of relapse. In general, this probability reaches thirty percent of cases.

Traditional methods

Traditional medicine recipes work best for inflammation of the joints of the big toes. Among the most popular are:

How to prevent the disease from developing

Proper nutrition is very important for effective treatment inflammation of the joints of the toes.

Diet and nutrition principles

The patient should adhere to a diet rich in vegetables and fruits. Grains, cereals, lean meats, fish or poultry are also very useful.

Do not overuse fried meat or fatty dairy products. Moreover, low-fat dairy products, such as milk or cottage cheese, are even recommended. It is recommended to exclude the consumption of offal, liver, and kidneys.

Doctors also point out that the symptoms of the disease can be triggered by drinking alcohol or smoking.
It is useful to drink a lot of water, as well as green tea.

To prevent joint inflammation, doctors advise a diet rich in chondroitin, found in jellies, jellied meats and sea fish. It is also recommended to consume products containing calcium: cottage cheese, cheese and others.


They advise to lead active lifestyle while avoiding traumatic sports. Hypothermia or joint infections should be avoided.

  • Avoid dampness or prolonged exposure to wet shoes. You should not often wear uncomfortable shoes and walk barefoot more often.
  • Heeled shoes should not be worn every day. In some cases, special orthopedic insoles for shoes are recommended.
  • Inflammation in the joint of the big toe very often begins and, at first, proceeds unnoticed by the patient. That is why, It is very important to identify the disease in time and begin treatment.

The disease in its advanced form can have serious consequences, including loss of the affected joint. However, with timely diagnosis and proper treatment, the disease can often be overcome.

Video: Causes of bunions on the toes


The most likely causes of the pathology

Causes, causing inflammation thumb joint are as follows:

  • Valgus deformity of the foot;
  • Arthritis or arthrosis;
  • Rheumatic attack;
  • Gout;
  • High physical activity;
  • Wearing uncomfortable shoes.

Note that the last 2 points this list contribute to the emergence of all previous ones. That is, systematic high loads and a love of fashionable shoes can lead to the development of inflammation of the big toe joint, and time will tell what kind of disease it will result in. Now let’s talk about what each of these diseases are.
Inflammation of the thumb joint caused by gout

Hallux valgus

With this pathology, inflammation of the thumb joint occurs quite often. Moreover, the joints on both legs can be susceptible to inflammation. Externally, with hallux valgus, a protruding “bone” stands out near the big toe, which causes a change in the normal position of all other toes.

Depending on the degree of outward deviation of the big toe, there are 4 degrees of hallux valgus. The greater the degree of deviation, the more painful symptoms will appear. Patients suffering from hallux valgus usually complain of sharp, “screwing” pain in the area of ​​the deformed joint, and a feeling of heaviness in the area of ​​the metatarsal bone.

An additional problem for such patients is difficulty in choosing shoes. If the bunion does not protrude too much in front of the big toes, it will allow women to wear high heels for a while. But over time, these same heels will provoke increased foot deformation and inflammation of the joint.

A valgus foot requires special care. Since the load on the feet is distributed incorrectly, the skin on the feet becomes rough, calluses and corns form, which do not go away even with regular visits to the pedicure room.

Arthritis and arthrosis

Inflammation of the joints of the big toes can be a manifestation of arthritis or arthrosis. It is important not to miss the first symptoms of incipient inflammation - if your feet begin to swell or hurt in the area of ​​the big toes, and the symptoms recur after a long walk or standing on your feet for a long time - do not delay a visit to an orthopedist.

  • Arthritis in the initial stages can be treated successfully, which cannot be said about more late stages diseases.
  • If you ignore the incipient inflammation for a long time, arthritis will quickly turn into arthrosis, which will remain with you for life.
  • A noticeable symptom of arthritis is joint pain at night.

It would seem that you had a good rest, but in the morning you wake up from pain in the area of ​​​​the inflamed joint, and when you get out of bed, it takes you some time to properly relax.

Rheumatic attack

In principle, with inflammation of the joint caused by a rheumatic attack, the symptoms will be identical to those of acute arthritis. Damage to the big toe due to a rheumatic attack, although quite rare, does occur. For such inflammations, damage to large joints is more typical, and in most cases the joints are affected symmetrically.


Literally translated from Greek language The term gout means “foot trap.” Gouty inflammation of the joints begins acutely, manifested not only by redness and swelling of the legs in the area of ​​the big toe, but also by a violation general condition body: the body temperature rises, and the numbers on the thermometer can reach 39 degrees, the patient becomes lethargic, weak, and complains of acute pain in the area of ​​the affected joint.

Inflammation of the thumb can cause the skin on the bunion to change color from red to bluish-purple. When gout occurs, uric acid accumulates in the human body and purine metabolism is disrupted. If the disease is not treated promptly, the inflammation can spread to other, larger joints.


Whatever causes inflammation of the big toe joint, treatment should only be carried out by a specialist.

  1. Your first step is a visit to an orthopedist, who, based on x-rays, will clarify the diagnosis and prescribe adequate therapy.
  2. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to manage with conservative treatment methods.
  3. If there is a pronounced hallux valgus deformity, you may be offered to surgically remove the protruding bone.

No advertising fixatives should be used independently for protruding bone. If you decide to use them, consult your doctor. There are many traditional methods to relieve pain, but these should also be discussed with your doctor. And remember: the health of your feet largely depends on the choice of shoes. Take care of yourself.


Causes of pain in the big toe

It is impossible to find out the reason for this on your own. Only a competent, experienced specialist can do this. That is why, as soon as pain appears in this area, you should immediately seek advice and help from a doctor.

What exactly hurts: pad, bone, nail, joint

Often, a doctor can determine the cause of pain based on the location where it is felt. For example, if the pad of your finger hurts, then most likely it is due to excessively hardened skin on it. Dead cells dry out, harden, and sometimes even crack, which causes a lot of trouble for humans. In this case, only pumice and a special cream will help.

The bone and joint in the big toe hurt, usually due to some disease or injury. Here, only a doctor can determine the exact cause and select safe, effective therapy.

But the nail, as mentioned above, can hurt due to improperly selected shoes or when it grows into the skin. To prevent this from happening, you will need to carefully select comfortable shoes that fit, and also trim your nails correctly - without rounding them too much or leaving sharp edges.

What diseases can cause pain

There are a huge number of diseases that can cause pain in the big toe. At the same time, only an experienced doctor can determine which of them worries a particular patient.

Such diseases include:


Treatment in any case will be aimed primarily at eliminating the main cause of pain. After inspection and all necessary tests the doctor will be able to prescribe appropriate therapy for the patient.

  1. For example, in case of an ingrown toenail, the corner that injures the skin is removed, and then a disinfecting ointment that “pulls out” the pus is applied to the finger. For flat feet, the doctor usually prescribes the wearing of special shoes and insoles, as well as massage and certain exercises.
  2. In case of gout, meat is completely excluded from the diet, and, in addition, the patient is prescribed appropriate medications.
  3. The main thing in this case is not to self-medicate, but to completely trust a specialist and follow all his recommendations.


The bones on my big toes hurt

The appearance of a bunion on the big toe of women is caused by various diseases, weak foot ligaments and high instep, hereditary factor and restructuring of the body during menopause (menopause). Tight shoes and high heels also affect the structure of the foot. The bones hurt thumbs legs from the fact that as a result of pathology of the joint of the big toe, the toe itself will move to the side, the joint will protrude outward, and the bone will be subject to stress, which will cause its inflammation.

Pain with varus (valgus) deformity or bunions

Varus deformity occurs when resting on the outer arches of the feet with curved O-shaped feet. knee joints to the sides. Hallux valgus occurs when resting on the inner arches of the feet with conjoined X-shaped knee joints and divergent feet.

The appearance of cones is facilitated by growing bone and cartilage tissue at the base of the big toe precisely because of weak ligaments and muscles of the foot. This is also influenced by the innate properties of connective tissue and developing flat feet. The bone of the thumb moves under the other fingers and outwards. A lump forms on the joint of the toe, it hurts and becomes inflamed.

Pain due to bunion

  • There is a bursa in the joint of the big toe.
  • It is filled with synovial fluid to protect the structure of the joint of the big toe, that is, to nourish the cartilage of the joint and facilitate friction on its surfaces.
  • Small metatarsophalangeal joints are often injured, increasing the load on the joint, which leads to bunion of the big toe.

With chronic bursitis against the background of deforming arthrosis of the metatarsal joints, the bump will hurt, the bursa will become inflamed, corns and calluses will appear when the transverse arch of the foot changes, and the entire sole will hurt.

Pain from gout or gouty arthritis

When uric acid is produced and retained, its crystals are deposited on the joints in the form of a white powder, and affects not only the joints of the legs and arms, but the entire body. The disease manifests itself:

  1. severe pain: cutting, tearing, throbbing and burning pain in the joint of the big toe, then in all joints of the leg, bones and ligaments;
  2. swelling of the joint of the big toe and redness of the skin;
  3. gouty arthritis and destructive polyarthritis with deformation of the joint on the big toe;
  4. osteoporosis - thinning bone tissue joints;
  5. the appearance of tophi on the soft tissues and joints of the toes, especially the big toe.

How to get rid of thumb bone pain

If a large lump hurts and inflammation of the bone tissue begins, redness appears around the joint, the woman’s gait will immediately change, it will be difficult for her to choose shoes, other pathologies will arise in the musculoskeletal system, including failure of the knees and hip joints If the load is distributed incorrectly, headaches and pain throughout the ankle will appear.

In case of pain in the bunions on the big toe, it is necessary reconstructive surgery in order to strengthen the foot or fix the bone near the bone with knitting needles in the correct position. After it, a woman should wear comfortable shoes with orthopedic insoles, inserts between the fingers and do not forget about physical therapy.

If the lump hurts unbearably, shock wave and radiotherapy are used. Pain is relieved using phonophoresis and electrophoresis. A lump or toe bone and inflammation can be treated with foot baths, compresses, massages.

For a therapeutic bath you will need hot water(3 l), the temperature of which should not exceed 38-40˚C, soda (1 tablespoon) and iodine 8-10 drops. Accept foot bath 10 minutes every 3 days. At night, the bones and skin around the joint should be lubricated with 5% iodine, and in the morning - with fatty cream or glycerin.

Several effective compress recipes:

  • A paste of fresh onion or garlic is applied to the bones and left for 3-4 hours. If a burning sensation occurs, remove the compress immediately;
  • gum turpentine and ammonia will be needed for compresses on the bones for a month. They are applied alternately;
  • Softened propolis is applied to the bone near the joint every day. A fresh piece will be needed after 3-4 times of using propolis.

Massages using lavender, cypress, pine, lemon and eucalyptus, rosemary and coriander oils relieve thumb bone pain, which is why people love this procedure so much. You can perform the massage yourself by adding 3 drops of the indicated oils to a vegetable oil base (50 ml). If there is no such quantity essential oils, add 20 drops of one of them. With the help of massage you can relieve inflammation near the bone.

For bursitis of the big toe, do the following:

  1. ankle immobilization;
  2. lubricated with non-steroidal external anti-inflammatory agents: Fastum gel or Diclak gel, ointment, for example, Ibuprofen;
  3. removal of exudate by puncturing the bursa and introducing steroid hormones to relieve inflammation (Kenalog, Hydrocortisone);
  4. antibiotics are injected into the joint cavity (bones) and intravenous infusions are given;
  5. physiotherapy: phonophoresis through healing mud, use a magnet, UHF, paraffin wraps on the bones;
  6. bursectomy - the inflamed bursa is dissected.

For gout and gouty arthritis for relief of pain syndrome of the bone (bump) and inflammation:

  1. prescribe abundant alkaline drinking;
  2. apply compresses with Dimexide (50% solution);
  3. taking medications for inflammation: Naproxen, Indomethacin, Piroxicam;
  4. taking anti-pain medications: Colchicine and Nimesil.

To prevent pain in the big toe bone, patients take baths with the addition of a decoction of sage, chamomile flowers, calendula, leaves walnut. It is recommended to adhere to a diet and remove uric acid with Allopurinol. Pain is relieved with a warm compress of St. John's wort, burdock root and yarrow in equal parts by weight. Herbs (1 tbsp) are steamed in a glass of boiling water and after 5 minutes they are applied to the pine cone. Many patients respond positively after using these procedures.

Pain and its causes in alphabetical order:

pain in the joints of the toes

The joints of the toes are involved in walking and play the role of a “shock absorber”, softening the shocks transmitted to the body that occur when running, jumping, and stepping.

Pain in the joints of the toes occurs due to diseases of the joints. The most common of them are: rheumatoid arthritis, gout, osteoarthritis, arthritis of the corresponding joint, injury or sprain of the muscles and ligaments surrounding the joint of the fingers. There are others, but they are much rarer. In cases of rheumatoid arthritis, the diagnosis is made by doctors based on x-rays, determining changes in analyzes and sufficient characteristic symptoms these diseases. Rheumatoid arthritis, for example, is characterized by symmetrical damage to the joints (that is, the same joints on both arms and legs), most often the joints of the feet and ankle joints, with signs of inflammation (redness, swelling, limited mobility in them).

What diseases cause pain in the joints of the toes:

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If you have previously performed any research, Be sure to take their results to a doctor for consultation. If the studies have not been performed, we will do everything necessary in our clinic or with our colleagues in other clinics.

Do your toe joints hurt? It is necessary to take a very careful approach to your overall health. People don't pay enough attention symptoms of diseases and do not realize that these diseases can be life-threatening. There are many diseases that at first do not manifest themselves in our body, but in the end it turns out that, unfortunately, it is too late to treat them. Each disease has its own specific symptoms, characteristic external manifestations- so called symptoms of the disease. Identifying symptoms is the first step in diagnosing diseases in general. To do this, you just need to do it several times a year. be examined by a doctor, in order not only to prevent a terrible disease, but also to maintain a healthy spirit in the body and the organism as a whole.

If you want to ask a doctor a question, use the online consultation section, perhaps you will find answers to your questions there and read self care tips. If you are interested in reviews about clinics and doctors, try to find the information you need on. Also register on medical portal Eurolab to keep abreast of the latest news and information updates on the site, which will be automatically sent to you by email.

The symptom chart is for educational purposes only. Do not self-medicate; For all questions regarding the definition of the disease and methods of its treatment, consult your doctor. EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal.

If you are interested in any other symptoms of diseases and types of pain, or you have any other questions or suggestions, write to us, we will definitely try to help you.

Doctors quite often diagnose inflammation of the bunion on the big toe, the treatment of which patients try in every possible way to take into their own hands and use numerous traditional methods. This problem affects not only older people and those suffering from joint diseases, but also young people. Patients cannot wear nice shoes, and the pain syndrome makes walking difficult.

Causes of the disease

Inflammation of the big toe bone occurs due to intense physical activity. If a person wears shoes that are too tight, narrow or uncomfortable, he will eventually begin to feel painful signs of the disease. These reasons may cause symptoms unpleasant diseases, For example, hallux valgus feet.

If a person is diagnosed with this disease, in the future the process will spread to the thumb. The bones on two feet become inflamed. At this type deformation of the tissue near the big toe can displace all the other toes. The same parameter of valgus deformity depends on the degree of deviation of the thumb.

The higher the curvature, the greater the degree and the more painful the pain. Patients complain of acute, sometimes aching discomfort in the area of ​​the joint with the bone. Such patients are deprived of the opportunity to select interesting shape shoes

If the bone on your foot is swollen, and this process is severe, you need to choose shoes that will not injure it. If a woman has a problem, she needs to give up heels. Another common problem is arthritis and arthrosis, which is characterized by inflammation of the bone.

If after long walks your limbs begin to swell and your toe hurts, then you need to consult an orthopedist. These symptoms may be the first signals of arthritis and arthrosis. On initial stage The first disease can be cured, but in the later stages it is much more difficult to do. If the disease is not cured, it will be complicated by arthrosis, which cannot be treated. Joint pain after the night, a feeling of heaviness in the joints - all these are symptoms of arthritis that should not be ignored. They can provoke inflammation of the bone in the leg.

When diagnosing swelling in the area of ​​the joints of the thumbs, the patient may develop gout. This is acute inflammation. The destructive effect extends not only to bone tissue, but also to the general condition of the patient:

  • the temperature may rise;
  • the bone breaks;
  • the patient feels unwell and weak;
  • I am worried about constant acute pain.

Inflammation of the bunion can change the skin color from reddish to blue-purple.

Treatment of inflammatory processes

There are many different methods that will help cure this problem. Such patients definitely need to know what to do if a bone in their leg becomes inflamed. Many people want to take a miracle pill and get rid of joint problems. But this is impossible.

Joint pain is a serious issue, and you can’t do it without a doctor. Today, one of the best techniques to cure the problem is drug therapy. Taking medications in combination with traditional medicine eliminates the inflammatory process and discomfort, and in unadvanced cases can cure the disease.

In the early stages, treatment of inflammation of the big toe bone can be done without tablets and ointments, using compresses and physiotherapy. Some people prefer manual therapy, which is also effective. If a crunching sound is heard in the joints, the doctor may prescribe electrophoresis manipulations or intra-articular injection of the drug, which will help effectively relieve inflammation.

In such cases apply:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • potent medications;
  • injections and steroid medications;
  • nonsteroidal medications;
  • various dietary supplements that strengthen joint tissue.

These medications will help relieve pain and inflammation. But we must not forget about negative aspects such treatment, because some drugs have a bad effect on the digestive system. When using these remedies, you need to simultaneously apply a tight bandage to the joint to fix it.

It is advisable to limit movement until the lump on the big toe stops hurting.

Traditional methods

Many, not wanting to burden the digestive system with medications and not having time to go to doctors, trust traditional methods, which also have an effect.

Patients who suffer from the problem of inflammation of the bunion on the big toe need to adhere to several rules. You should try to drink a lot of fluids, which flushes uric acid from the joints. It is necessary to monitor the medications a person takes.

You should not take aspirin during joint inflammation, as it can cause complications.

It is recommended to reconsider your diet. It is necessary to exclude foods that contain a lot of purine (mayonnaise, herring, sauces, sardines, etc.). And the choice of treatment: traditional methods or medicinal - a personal matter for each person. It is best to undergo a thorough diagnosis and consult with your doctor.

Pain in the big toe joint: causes and treatment

The big toe is quite vulnerable and susceptible to bruises, injuries and many other things. chronic pathologies. This is due to the special load that falls on the finger during motor activity: walking, jumping or running.

If a person is bothered by pain in the joints of his toes, and he does not know why this is happening, he should immediately contact the clinic to find out the cause.

Joint diseases can often provoke pain in the joint of the first finger, especially if the patient is over 40 years old. Such diseases include bursitis, gout, arthritis and osteoarthritis. These diseases are quite dangerous for the general condition of a person and require mandatory timely treatment.

Symptoms and causes of damage

When there is pain in the joint of the thumb, an inflammatory process develops in it. It manifests itself as acute, throbbing, burning pain. It is typical that discomfort intensifies in the evening, and reaches its peak during night sleep. At the same time, the patient notes that the joint of the thumb is swollen, and the tissue around it has acquired a bright red color.

Sometimes joint pathologies can make themselves felt by other, no less unpleasant symptoms:

  • complete absence or significant limitation of motor activity of the first toe;
  • painful sensations at the slightest movement of the leg;
  • increased body temperature locally, near the affected joint;
  • general hyperthermia, which affects the entire body.

If the patient detects at least one of these symptoms, then treatment of the disease should be started immediately.

The disease can develop according to various reasons. However, pain often occurs as a result of certain factors. This may be a weakening of the immune system, which entails unhindered penetration into the body pathogenic microorganisms, provoking infectious inflammation.

A person may suffer from low immunity due to previous diseases of viral etiology, for example, influenza or ARVI. This problem is also typical for women during pregnancy.

The causes of pain in the finger may lie in severe infections such as gonorrhea, syphilis, tuberculosis, metabolic disorders in the body, which is the beginning of the development of gout around the thumb.

Other causes of thumb problems:

  1. allergic reactions of the body;
  2. injuries, bruises;
  3. systematic excessive loads on the finger joints;
  4. genetic predisposition to joint diseases.

If the disease is advanced, then these are the reasons for its development severe complications, which can be eliminated surgically.

Diagnosis of diseases

If pain occurs, the doctor first recommends that the patient undergo X-ray examination to find out why your finger is swollen. It is also recommended to undergo an ultrasound, donate blood and urine for laboratory tests.

After this, the optimal treatment will be selected. It will stop inflammation in the thumb joint and relieve pain. If therapeutic methods will not have the desired effect, the patient should see a rheumatologist.

It is extremely important to begin treating the disease as early as possible when the big toe pathology is at an early stage. Otherwise, there is a high probability of the onset of severe and irreversible pathological changes in the joint.

If the disease is not advanced, then treatment without the use of drugs is quite possible, limited to:

  • physiotherapy;
  • medicinal compresses;
  • intra-articular injections;
  • electrophoresis.

In all other situations, when the inflammatory process is long-lasting, a comprehensive approach to therapy will be required for the patient’s recovery. Treatment involves the use of medications recommended by the doctor and compliance with special health treatments, performing gymnastic exercises.


Treatment of pain in the joint of the first finger is carried out with the mandatory use of medications:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs);
  • drugs of a steroid nature;
  • pain-relieving injections into the cavity of the affected joint and hormonal anti-inflammatory injections;
  • natural food additives indicated for the restoration of the injured thumb joint
  • Dietary supplements for joints and cartilage;
  • chondroprotectors (drugs similar in structure to cartilage tissue).

In order to relieve the load from the joint and reliably protect it from excessive stress, doctors advise putting a special bandage on the first toe for fixation. Such a bandage will help dull the discomfort while walking.

You can buy special pads at the pharmacy. They are placed between the first and second toes, which prevents the toes from closing. If the joints of your toes hurt and your toe has recently become swollen, then you can get rid of the troubles if you just choose the right shoes. You should avoid shoes with a narrow toe and prefer a pair with a wide toe or sports models.

Depending on the severity of the disease, the doctor will prescribe massage treatment. The method can be highly effective for people who suffer from joint problems, including inflammation in the big toe.

Therapeutic massage, if carried out according to all the rules, will help noticeably:

  • improve blood supply to the affected joint;
  • relieve muscle tension;
  • overcome pain syndrome.

In addition, massage treatment can remove all toxic substances from the inflamed area, which, in turn, will accelerate the regeneration of affected joint tissues.

However, it is not always similar procedures useful. Thus, a massage course is strictly prohibited when acute form diseases of the first toe, as this can provoke a worsening of the problem and a deterioration in the patient’s general health.

If the case is particularly severe, then the only way to get rid of the discomfort will be surgery. During the procedure, the doctor performs partial joint replacement. Sometimes complete dentures may be required.

With severe arthritis, arthrosis, or gout on the feet, absolute deformation of the bone of the big toe occurs. Because of this, at the slightest attempt to step on the affected limb, the patient feels very severe and acute pain.

For this reason, for the majority of patients, surgery becomes the last hope and opportunity to regain lost health, return to a full life, getting rid of the cause of pain in the finger.

Arthritis of the toes and its treatment

Arthritis of the toes is an inflammatory disease. And therefore, if you start treating it correctly in a timely manner, the likelihood of recovery is very high. But how often do you pay attention to pain and swelling of your toes? Agree, not often. We chalk it all up to fatigue, standing for a long time, and uncomfortable shoes. Meanwhile, arthritis develops.

Typical picture

  • So that you do not miss precious time, remember:
  • Arthritis always occurs acutely and is accompanied by general malaise;
  • The most acute pain in your toes occurs at night;
  • Upon examination, you notice redness of the skin and swelling of the inflamed joints.

Why does it occur

The causes of arthritis in the toes are varied. And very often this illness is not an independent disease, but accompanies another pathology. These include:

  • Specific diseases (tuberculosis, gonorrhea);
  • Past infections (ARVI, influenza, etc.);
  • Malfunctions of the immune and hormonal systems;
  • Exchange disorders. A striking example disorders of purine metabolism – gouty arthritis;
  • Traumatic effects;
  • Hypothermia.

Arthritis of the toes can be either single (affecting selectively one joint) or multiple (affecting the joints of several fingers).

Signs of illness

Let us consider the characteristic symptoms of arthritis of the toes using the example of arthritis of the big toe, since it is in this area that pathology occurs most often.

Arthritis begins with the appearance of pain in the big toe, gradually spreading to the entire foot. The joint swells, the skin over it turns red, and the patient experiences difficulty putting on shoes. Sometimes, due to significant swelling, it is simply impossible to wear everyday shoes. In addition to swelling and pain, there are difficulties when walking.

Painful symptoms intensify at night, becoming especially unbearable in the early morning hours. Sleep is disturbed, and when the day comes, the patient takes several hours to overcome morning stiffness lower limb and how to “diverge”. Feeling painful area feet, the patient notes an increase in temperature in the inflamed area, any touch to it also causes pain.

Arthritis of the toe joints requires immediate action because freedom of movement is at risk.


Diagnosing arthritis of the toes is not difficult. Analyzing the symptoms of the disease, anamnesis data and current laboratory methods, the doctor determines the cause that provoked the occurrence of inflammation of the joints. The patient is required to undergo a general and biochemical blood test and have an X-ray of the foot. Elderly patients may be prescribed densitometry, a special method for studying bone tissue. This procedure is performed to identify osteoporosis, which can also cause arthritis. Based on the diagnostic results, the patient will be prescribed treatment.


As mentioned above, treatment for arthritis should first of all be aimed at eliminating the causes that caused it. Therapy of the underlying disease sometimes does not require additional prescription of drugs that affect joint inflammation, since arthritis disappears during the recovery process. If arthritis is an independent process, it is carried out complex treatment which includes:

  • Medication methods;
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • Use of herbal medicine.

In order to remove inflammatory symptoms in the joints of the toes, doctors prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: ibuprofen, naproxen, diclofenac. Patients should be aware that they should not take these medications on their own.

Due to the multitude side effects Treatment with NSAIDs should only be carried out under strict medical supervision.

The doctor takes into account individual characteristics body, assesses how common signs of inflammation are in the joints. Depending on this, the method of drug administration and the duration of the course of treatment are selected.

Along with NSAIDs, painkillers may be prescribed, especially severe caseshormonal drugs. At rheumatoid arthritis carry out long-term treatment basic drugs(methotrexate, sulfasalazine).

Physiotherapeutic treatment includes thermal procedures, phonophoresis, laser, cryotherapy.

Traditional methods of treatment

At home, especially in case of severe pain, you can use traditional treatment arthritis of the toes. We offer several simple recipes.

Recipe 1.

Usually grate the horseradish rhizome. Apply the resulting mass to the sore joint and wrap with cling film. Do not remove the compress for half an hour, the pain should calm down.

Recipe 2.

To prepare homemade ointment you will need to mix in equal quantities:

  • Roots of creeping wheatgrass;
  • Juniper needles;
  • Calendula flowers;
  • Lover flowers.

Mix the herbs, brew with boiling water, then simmer in a water bath for 20 minutes. Mix the strained broth with vegetable oil(25 grams) and pork fat until it reaches an ointment consistency. Treatment homemade ointment spend the evening rubbing it into your sore toes. Wrap your leg in a woolen scarf and leave it like that until the morning.

A few words about nutrition

A diet for arthritis should be balanced and complete. Exceptions require alcohol, fatty meat products, smoked meats, spices. The diet should contain a sufficient amount of dairy products, vegetables, and cereals. Some strict restrictions No. Some sources recommend that patients with arthritis eat more dishes prepared with gelatin and avoid vegetables from the nightshade family - tomatoes, eggplants. We think that such restrictions are unnecessary. The main thing in this case is measure.

If the big toe joint on your foot hurts, then you need to find the cause of the discomfort. This is often how inflammatory or degenerative pathology manifests itself. With timely diagnosis and proper conservative treatment it is possible to stop it at the initial stage of development. But constant use and lack of medical intervention often leads to rapid progression of the disease.

Why might your thumb joint hurt?

Pain in the joint of the big toe often occurs when breaking in new shoes and is usually caused by the formation of a callus or rubbing. In such cases, it quickly weakens immediately after the skin heals.

The development of pathology is indicated by the appearance of pain more than once a week, and a gradual increase in its intensity. Indirect signs An inflammatory or destructive process results in swelling and redness of the skin over the joint and its stiffness.


When a patient complains of pain in the joint of the big toe, the doctor first of all assumes the development. This is a serious pathology that cannot yet be completely cured. But long-term use allows you to achieve stable remission and slow down.

Also, the cause of pain can be caused by the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the joint cavity. Carrying out helps to eliminate all the symptoms of pathology.

Less commonly, the appearance of discomfort is provoked by a disease that develops due to an inadequate response of the immune system to the introduction of infectious or allergic agents. The disease can be completely cured in 60% of cases.


Pain in the toe occurs with grade 2 severity. And at the initial stage of development, only mild discomfort occasionally appears after a long walk, heavy lifting, intense sports training. It is in the absence of symptoms that the difficulties of treating this degenerative-dystrophic pathology lie. The patient consults a doctor if irreversible changes in cartilage and bone tissue have already occurred.

Pain of similar localization in men is a specific sign of damage to the toe. This joint is also involved in the inflammatory process in women, but usually a little later, after damage to the small joints of the hands. develops due to dysregulation of purine synthesis in the body. The level of uric acid and its salts increases, and then they crystallize, accumulate and, irritating the tissues, provoke the development of inflammation. Indirect confirmation of a gout attack is redness of the finger and a strong increase in local temperature.


Is it acute, subacute or chronic inflammation bursa, accompanied by the accumulation of exudate in its cavity. It can be infectious, developing after the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the joint, for example, during injuries.

Its cause can be respiratory, urogenital, intestinal infections. After visiting a doctor, patients are prescribed antibiotics to destroy pathogenic bacteria and eliminate symptoms.

Tendon inflammation

Which doctor should I contact?

If you suspect a relationship between a previous injury and pain in a finger joint, you should make an appointment with a traumatologist. In all other cases, it is advisable to contact an orthopedist who treats pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. A visit to a therapist would not be a mistake either. He will prescribe the necessary diagnostic measures, and after studying them, he will refer the patient to highly specialized doctors - an orthopedist, rheumatologist, and traumatologist.

Diagnosis of the disease

The diagnosis is made based on the patient’s complaints, anamnestic data, the results of an external examination and instrumental studies. The most informative is radiography. The resulting images clearly visualize changes in the structure of bone and cartilage tissue, characteristic of gout and some types of arthritis.

X-ray of the foot.


Indications for surgical intervention are pain in the joint that cannot be eliminated with medication, complications that have developed, and severe deformation of the joint. The method of performing the operation is chosen by the attending physician. In severe cases, the entire joint is removed, followed by arthrodesis or installation of an endoprosthesis. In other cases, bone or cartilage defects are excised, and ligament or tendon plastic surgery is performed.

Traditional methods

Elimination is not only impractical, but also dangerous. If they are provoked by inflammation, then the use of alcohol tinctures or ointments with a warming effect will lead to the rapid spread of pathology to healthy tissue and joints.

Folk remedies are ineffective in the treatment of arthrosis, gout, and infectious diseases. They can be used only after the main treatment with the permission of a doctor.


Classic, acupressure, vacuum massage is an effective way to treat all joint diseases. But they carry out healing procedures only after restoration of injured articular structures, cupping acute inflammation and severe pain. During the rehabilitation stage, patients are shown massage to improve blood circulation and accelerate tissue regeneration.

Preventive measures

Prevention of pain in the joint of the big toe consists of eliminating traumatic situations, managing healthy image life. Doctors recommend wearing low-heeled shoes and exercising regularly. physical therapy and gymnastics, undergo a medical examination every 6-12 months.