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How to lower total bilirubin. How to lower bilirubin with folk remedies

Violation of the permissible bilirubin content indicates the presence of problems or abnormalities in the body leading to the occurrence of serious illnesses. To avoid such consequences, you need to know how to reduce bilirubin in the blood.

Folk remedies for lowering bilirubin

Folk remedies are traditional for treatment. Only when integrated approach, including drug therapy, proper nutrition and traditional medicine can be found in short term eliminate pathology. Therefore, you need to know how to lower bilirubin in the blood folk remedies.

One of the most effective remedies is a tincture based on birch leaves. To prepare it, you need to prepare dry crushed raw materials in the amount of 1 tbsp. spoons and put it in a mug with boiling water. It is recommended to drink the tincture in the evening, before going to bed. It has sedative properties, due to which toxic substances, including indirect bilirubin, are well removed from the body.

Also, whenever possible, you should use beet juice, which has a choleretic effect and helps normalize bilirubin in the blood. To do this, drink juice before every meal.

A good effect can be achieved if you take decoctions or tinctures prepared on the basis medicinal plants(chamomile, motherwort, St. John's wort, birch leaves, calendula). Their preparation is possible at home and is quite simple. Ready decoction must be taken several times a day.


Motherwort is effective means, helping to provide a diuretic effect and improve digestion. This plant is often used to cleanse the blood of excess bilirubin. The alkaloids and leonurinine contained in motherwort tincture ensure the removal of pigment from the body.

For self-cooking For tinctures, you need to prepare dried motherwort herb. It is enough to take 1 teaspoon of it and pour boiling water in a glass. After this, you need to let the product brew. It is recommended to insulate it and leave it for 30 minutes. After the specified time has passed, the tincture should be strained. You can consume it 3 times a day before each meal. The duration of therapy based on motherwort treatment should be no more than 1 month. It should be taken into account that motherwort is contraindicated in case of low blood pressure.

In addition, motherwort is sold in pharmacies in the form of a ready-made tincture.

St. John's wort

A natural blood purifier and antiseptic is a plant such as St. John's wort. It is indicated for use if a person is diagnosed with elevated bilirubin. Consumption of St. John's wort helps strengthen the general immune system. In folk medicine it is often used to treat organs. digestive system.

To prepare the product, you need 2 tablespoons of dried herb, which is poured with boiling water (1 cup). After 20 minutes, it is necessary to carefully filter the tincture using gauze for this purpose. It is recommended to take the prepared decoction at least 2 times a day, half a glass after meals. The duration of treatment should not exceed 1 month.

A decoction based on motherwort and St. John's wort has a beneficial effect. In order to prepare it at home, you need to prepare the same amount of two herbs in dry crushed form. Take the resulting mixture (15 grams) and boil it in water (200 milliliters). For complete readiness, it is better to place the decoction in a warm place and leave for an hour so that it infuses well. Filtered healing drink can be used 2 times a day.

Corn silk

To reduce bilirubin in the blood, it is recommended to consume plant materials such as corn silk. Due to its biologically active substances taking the product helps remove excess pigment from the body. This leads to blood purification and ensures better clotting.

The preparation of the infusion is as follows: you need to take the dried crushed raw material (100 grams) and brew it in 200 milliliters of water. After the product has cooled, it must be strained well. Drink filtered medicinal infusion 5 times a day, the interval between doses should be at least 1 hour. The duration of treatment is at least 2 weeks.


Chamomile is one of the popular folk remedies. Thanks to your various properties this plant is used for almost any disease, including being used to lower bilirubin. The flavonoids contained in chamomile improve the digestion process, normal functioning liver, which, in turn, promotes fast and good digestion of food.

An infusion prepared with chamomile also helps well with neuroses, which are among the reasons why bilirubin may increase. It is recommended to use the infusion for both adults and children.

The preparation of such a decoction is as follows: take the plant in the amount of 2 tablespoons and brew it in boiling water. After 20 minutes, the infusion is ready for use. You need to drink it at least 3 times a day.


Mint is a sedative and choleretic agent. She is also a drug natural origin to reduce bilirubin. Due to its beneficial properties, mint is found in many medicines.

To prepare the decoction yourself, you need to brew mint in boiling water and let it brew. There are no restrictions on admission. Often mint is used as a regular tea drink.

In addition, mint is used for chamomile-mint infusion, which is indicated for high bilirubin. It is necessary to prepare an equal number of plants and mix them. Take 2 teaspoons of the resulting mixture and brew it in boiling water. Leave the product to infuse for at least 30 minutes, then strain thoroughly. You should drink the infusion 2 times a day: in the morning before meals and before bed.

Milk thistle

Milk thistle infusion also helps when you need to quickly lower bilirubin in the blood. Useful properties The seeds of the plant have it, so to prepare a decoction you need to take 1 teaspoon of seeds and pour boiling water over them. Let the product brew. After 20 minutes, strain well, after which you can take it throughout the day. The duration of treatment should be no more than 3 weeks. If necessary, therapy can be repeated.


Calendula is one of the drugs of natural origin that reduces the level of bilirubin contained in the blood. Preparing the decoction is simple: you need to prepare the dried raw material (1 tablespoon), place it in a glass and brew. Leave for an hour to allow the product to infuse well, then filter thoroughly. Drink the resulting decoction 3 times a day before meals.

To enhance the removal of excess amounts of the substance, it is recommended to use special herbal teas. The most effective herbal tea for these purposes is based on chamomile, St. John's wort or motherwort.

To reduce bilirubin with folk remedies, you must first consult with your doctor. It must be remembered that traditional treatment is of an auxiliary nature, especially in severe cases.


Treatment with folk remedies is only one of the components of a complex of actions necessary to reduce bilirubin.

It is difficult to reduce the level of bilirubin in the blood with medications alone. It is also necessary to eat according to a special diet, which is based on eating healthy foods that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver and removing excess load from it.

Proper nutrition helps reduce bilirubin at home. To do this, it is necessary to include in the diet lean meat, dairy products, fruits, egg white, milk and vegetable soups, herbal tea. It is also recommended to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • reducing the consumption of salty foods and coffee;
  • exclusion from the diet of fried and fatty foods, alcoholic drinks;
  • daily consumption of buckwheat, rolled oats or rice porridge;
  • drinking enough fluids, including herbal teas, fruit drinks, mineral water.

Increased bilirubin in newborns

With increased bilirubin in infants, treatment with folk remedies can be carried out only in severe cases, after consultation with a doctor, since often the presence of increased bilirubin in newborns is natural process and, as a rule, goes away without intervention.

The most common folk remedies used for elevated bilirubin in children include decoctions based on corn silk, chamomile and mint.

Decreased bilirubin levels

To treat a reduced concentration of bilirubin, it is necessary to prescribe medications, folk remedies, and special diets determined by the doctor for each patient individually. Among traditional medicine, the use of natural pomegranate juice, animal liver.

Many of us have encountered the concept of bilirubin in test results. Everyone knows that increased amount bilirubin in the blood can be dangerous. But what kind of enzyme is this? What is bilirubin and what functions does it perform?

Bilirubin is one of the main components of bile, the result of the breakdown of proteins that is formed in the liver. Normally, bilirubin is produced in an amount of 300 mg per day in an adult. Bilirubin, along with bile, is excreted through the intestines, which is why feces healthy person has a brown tint. If the stool suddenly becomes colorless, this may indicate a liver problem.

When there is too much bilirubin, bile penetrates the tissues, staining them with a yellow pigment. First, the sclera turns yellow, and then the skin. In itself, an increase in bilirubin is not a disease, but only a symptom of another malfunction in the body. However, bilirubin, entering the body tissues, has toxic effect. That is why, in addition to treating the underlying disease, it is important to reduce the level of yellow pigment in the blood.

Causes of elevated bilirubin

Before you start fighting high bilirubin, you need to understand what could cause this state of the body. Eliminating the cause will help you cope with the symptom as quickly as possible.

  1. One of the main reasons for increased bilirubin is deterioration of liver function. Most often this is associated with hepatitis A, B or C. Also, the liver may begin to work poorly due to infectious diseases, cirrhosis, and hepatosis.
  2. With cholelithiasis and inflammation of the pancreas, the flow of bile into the intestines is disrupted. That is why bile, unable to find a way out, is absorbed into the tissues.
  3. Bilirubin often increases with strong intestinal poisoning, with salmonellosis.
  4. Sometimes yellow pigment can be a consequence chemical poisoning, taking a large number of medications - for example, antibiotics.
  5. Sometimes increased bilirubin is observed in pregnant women in the third trimester of pregnancy when the outflow of bile is impaired.
  6. “Newborn jaundice” - that’s what they call it increased content bilirubin in the blood of young children immediately after birth. This is due to imperfect functioning gastrointestinal tract. Usually such jaundice lasts for several weeks and does not require special treatment. It lasts longer in premature, low birth weight babies. However, if the yellowness of the integument does not go away for a very long time, this requires special therapy, since prolonged bilirubin poisoning can lead to changes in the subcortex of the brain.

First of all, you need to deal with the very cause of the increase in bilirubin, your doctor will help you with this. And only then does the question arise about how to quickly relieve intoxication and remove this bilirubin from the body.

The liver is known to be a self-healing organ. Most liver diseases are treated not with drugs and medications, but with a strict diet. The diet implies a maximum reduction in the load on this important organ. In order not to overload the liver, you need to eat fractionally, in very modest portions. 5-6 light meals are better than 3 heavy meals. If bilirubin is elevated, you should adhere to following rules in nutrition.

  1. Everything fatty, fried, smoked, spicy is excluded; any alcoholic drinks, marinades, canned foods, mayonnaise, ketchup, soda are strictly prohibited.
  2. It is better to eat lean beef, poultry, and fish. It is better to avoid lamb and pork. It is better to boil or steam the meat.
  3. All dishes must be lean. There is no need to overload the liver with fatty meat broths; it is better to give preference to vegetable and milk soups.
  4. Drink more green tea various decoctions herbs
  5. You can use any dairy products, except for the fattest ones - sour cream, cream.
  6. Egg whites, fruits, vegetables, cereals - without restrictions.
  7. Can't eat fresh bread, baked goods. It is better to consume crackers, yesterday's dried bread.
  8. Salt and coffee increase the amount of bilirubin produced, so their consumption should be reduced to a minimum.
  9. Drink more water to remove the hated pigment from the blood - at least three liters per day.

In addition, it is necessary to minimize physical activity– this is also a load for the liver. Try to avoid stress and nervous overstrain. Rest more, give preference to proper nutrition always, and not just in the midst of certain diseases.

Drug reduction of bilirubin

But is it possible to reduce the level of yellow pigment with the help of medications? Of course it is possible. First of all, the underlying disease is treated, that is, the cause of the increase in bilirubin is eliminated. In addition, if the outflow of bile is impaired, the patient is prescribed choleretic drugs, such as Allochol, Chofitol, Karsil, Cholenzym.

To clear bile from the blood, gastrointestinal tract, liver and lymph, simple sorbents such as Activated carbon or Polysorb. If liver damage is caused by herpes diseases, given antivirals, for example, Acyclovir. Besides, Special attention given immunomodulatory and vitamin complexes that help maintain immunity at the proper level.

If the amount of bilirubin is very high, the doctor will prescribe intravenous glucose infusions. This helps relieve intoxication in the body and wash away some of the yellow pigment. The patient is also necessarily prescribed hepaprotectors - a group of drugs that help restore liver function. Among them are Ursosan, Essentiale, Gepatrin.

In addition to basic therapy, newborns are kept under ultraviolet lamp to reduce the level of yellow pigment.

Folk remedies for reducing bilirubin

In addition, there are many recipes from herbs, vegetables and fruits that will help you speed up the process of removing bilirubin from the body.

  1. Chamomile, St. John's wort, motherwort. Prepare a concentrated decoction from these herbs. Mix one tablespoon of each herb and pour a liter of boiling water over the mixture. Let it brew for an hour, then strain and drink the broth throughout the day.
  2. Beetroot juice. Beetroot juice will help improve liver function. Dilute the juice half-and-half with water and drink one-third of a glass before each meal.
  3. Birch leaves. Enhance diuretic effect A decoction of birch leaves will help. Collect the leaves and wash and dry them thoroughly. On liter jar You will need a handful of these leaves. Pour boiling water over birch leaves and wrap tightly. Let it brew, then drink a glass of the prepared decoction every 4 hours.
  4. Corn silk. This component will give the body an excellent choleretic effect. In addition, a decoction of corn silk removes salts from the kidneys. Pour boiling water over the stigmas and leave for 5-7 hours. Drink half a glass before each meal. Keep the prepared broth in the refrigerator so that it does not ferment.
  5. Mint and oak bark. This decoction has a powerful choleretic property, but the effect is noticeable only after long-term use. Take a spoonful of crushed oak bark and the same amount of dried mint. Pour a liter of boiling water and leave in the thermos until the morning. The next day, you can strain the broth and drink a glass before bed. The effect of taking this remedy will be noticeable after two weeks. There is no need to increase the dosage of the decoction to speed up the result - this can be dangerous.
  6. Rose hip. Rosehip decoction will help remove bilirubin, boost immunity and improve the body's resistance. You can drink it in unlimited quantities.

Traditional recipes for treating the liver and reducing bilirubin levels are good because they do not have such a toxic effect as many medicines. In addition, they are easy to prepare and absolutely accessible to everyone.

Increased bilirubin in blood - serious symptom, which cannot be ignored. If yellowness is detected on the skin and sclera, urgent hospitalization is needed to determine the cause of this condition of the body. Remember - bilirubin is very toxic, and you need to remove it from body tissues as soon as possible!

Video: the whole truth about bilirubin

How to lower bilirubin in the blood? Let's take a closer look at this issue. Bilirubin level is an important indicator. It allows you to diagnose a large number of pathologies, especially in the area of ​​the gallbladder and liver. Scientists based on numerous clinical trials came to the conclusion that bilirubin certainly plays a significant role in the human body.

It is directly involved in the process of hemoglobin processing. It occurs as a consequence of its cellular breakdown and is found in blood serum and bile. If bilirubin levels deviate from the norm, specialists prescribe additional research to detect diseases such as hepatitis, liver or gall bladder cancer, hemolytic anemia, etc.

Many patients, having received test results and identified an excess of the norm, often wonder how to lower bilirubin in the blood and what means are used for this.

Description of the pigment

Bilirubin is a yellowish-brown pigment found in bile and blood. Most often it is formed as a result of the breakdown of red blood cells, due to the process of converting hemoglobin cells. It is constantly present in the body of a healthy person and does not represent danger if its indicators are within normal limits. Often this bilirubin is called unbound or indirect. After entering the liver, the pigment interacts with glucuronic acid and is converted into direct or bound.


Thus, two forms are distinguished:

  1. Straight. It does not pose a danger to the body, as it is water soluble and is easily excreted from the body through the liver and intestines with feces, coloring them in Brown color.
  2. Indirect. Represents toxic substance. It is fat soluble, which explains its local accumulation in adipose tissue. It is excreted from the human body exclusively by converting it into its direct form.

Normal indicators

The body of a healthy person produces 300 mg of bilirubin per day. The norm for an adult ranges from 5.2 to 17 mmol/l, indirect - 3.5-12 mmol/l, and direct - 1.8-5.2 mmol/l. The normal indicators for men and women are virtually identical, but scientists have proven that among the stronger sex, an increase in the indicator is much more common than among the fair half of the planet's population. Often reduced total bilirubin in blood.

So, the indicators in a healthy adult vary depending on the form of the pigment from 1.8 to 17 mmol/l. When the liver functions normally, it is excreted from the body with bile and does not cause harm to health. If the output of bilirubin fails for some reason, the pigment accumulates in the body and begins to spread throughout the tissues, giving them a yellowish color. Experts call this condition jaundice, but it should be noted that this is only a symptom of pathology and is not an independent disease. You can lower bilirubin in the blood using traditional methods, more about this below.

Jaundice of newborns

It should be noted that jaundice is quite common in newborn babies and, as a rule, goes away on its own by the first month of life. It does not pose a danger to the baby, as it is caused by individual characteristics newborn body. A child with this diagnosis must be under the supervision of a specialist to avoid transforming the disease into severe form. Pathological jaundice requires therapy, as it can cause serious damage to the health of not only a newborn child, but also an adult.

Causes of low bilirubin in the blood

There are several reasons that can provoke a decrease in the indicator, which include:

  • Chronic renal failure.
  • Acute leukemia.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Aplastic anemia.
  • Ischemic disease hearts.

Many people do not understand what it means if bilirubin in the blood is low.

Its concentration may be reduced due to long-term use of certain medications: penicillin, prednisolone, barbiturates. Coffee or alcohol drinkers also have less yellow pigment than needed.

Reasons for the increase

Causes of increased bilirubin general view in the blood serum of an adult patient can become:

Depending on the nature of the disease, one of its fractions deviates from the norm. This often indicates liver disease. How to quickly reduce bilirubin in the blood is of interest to many.

The direct line often increases due to disturbances in the outflow of bile. As a result of this pathology, bile is sent directly into the blood, bypassing the stomach. The reasons for this phenomenon may be:

  1. Infectious mononucleosis, hepatitis of viral origin in acute form.
  2. Bacterial hepatitis.
  3. Hepatitis in chronic form.
  4. Autoimmune hepatitis.
  5. Hepatitis resulting from hormone therapy.
  6. Hepatitis caused by intoxication.
  7. Stones in gallbladder.
  8. Cancer of the liver, pancreas and gall bladder.
  9. Biliary cirrhosis.
  10. Dubin-Johnson and Rotor syndrome.

Indirect bilirubin increases in the following diseases:

  1. At various syndromes, including Lucy-Driscoll, Gilbert and Crigler-Najjar.
  2. Sepsis, malaria, typhoid fever and other diseases infectious origin.
  3. Hemolytic anemia congenital in nature, namely non-spherocytic, spherocytic, sickle cell, etc.
  4. Hemolytic anemia caused by intoxication of the body, including when taking certain medications, such as insulin, aspirin, NSAIDs.
  5. Autoimmune and acquired hemolytic anemias.

Who can tell me how to lower bilirubin in the blood? Its increase is accompanied by flatulence, headaches, itching, staining skin V yellow, loss of appetite, lethargy, increased heart rate, etc. To make a correct diagnosis, you need to consult a specialist and undergo an examination.


Many patients ask about how to effectively and quickly reduce bilirubin. You need to understand that it is almost impossible to do this yourself without medical intervention. Drug support is necessary, as jaundice is alarming symptom and indicates a more serious illness.

Any medications must be approved by the attending physician. Self-administration without a specialist's prescription can cause serious disruptions in the functioning of the entire body. Pigment reduction takes quite a long time. the main objective therapy - normalize the flow of bile.

Let's look at the most popular drugs that lower bilirubin in the blood. The following are most often prescribed medications:

  1. Activated charcoal will help reduce flatulence and bloating.
  2. "Karsil". Restores damaged cells, and also normalizes the flow of bile and the production of enzymes.
  3. Absorbents. The accumulated bilirubin is removed.
  4. Barbiturates. More complex drugs that are prescribed if the above medications have not shown their effectiveness. How to reduce bilirubin in the blood using traditional methods?

Traditional methods for reducing bilirubin

As mentioned above, any treatment must occur with the approval of the attending physician. For this reason, traditional medicine can only be used as an addition to the prescription. The most commonly used herbal medicine helps reduce the level of bilirubin in the blood.

Various herbal preparations and decoctions help restore circulatory and vascular systems. There are several recipes that allow you to reduce bilirubin in both adult patients and children. Here are some recipes:

  1. Beetroot juice. You should take 1/3 cup of fresh beet juice twice a day.
  2. Motherwort decoction. Taken on an empty stomach every day for two weeks.
  3. A mixture of chamomile, motherwort and St. John's wort. The decoction is infused and drunk half a glass twice a day.
  4. Birch leaves are poured with boiling water and infused. Then the decoction is taken before bed. The duration of treatment is one week.

Folk remedies that lower bilirubin in the blood have proven effective.


Proper nutrition plays an important role. Most often, patients with jaundice are prescribed therapeutic diet number 5. With its help, you can significantly improve your health.

Diet for reduced level bilirubin in the blood requires exclusion junk food, namely sweets, alcohol, flour products, smoked meats, citrus fruits, fatty and salty, pickled and spicy. Allowed to be eaten following products power supply:

  1. Sweet fruits.
  2. Vegetable soups.
  3. Fish and meat low-fat varieties.
  4. Different kinds croup
  5. Dairy products.
  6. Juices, jelly, compotes.
  7. Herbal decoctions.

This diet involves split, multiple meals up to 6 times a day in small portions. Dishes should be boiled, baked or steamed. You should include as many fresh fruits and vegetables in your daily diet.


The daily menu looks something like this:

  1. Porridge and fresh apple.
  2. Banana and compote.
  3. Vegetable soup, steamed turkey and carrot fritters.
  4. Cottage cheese casserole.
  5. Homemade noodles and baked fish.
  6. Fruit and a glass of kefir.

Preventive measures

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the main condition for preventing elevated bilirubin. The rules are standard and apply to every person leading healthy image life. They include exercise, frequent walks fresh air, you also need to undergo regular medical examinations.

Other methods

Others preventive measures are the following:

  1. Refusal bad habits, including drinking alcohol and smoking.
  2. Avoidance stressful situations and emotional turmoil.
  3. Proper, balanced nutrition.
  4. Timely detection and treatment of the liver and gallbladder.
  5. Maintaining an active lifestyle.

Seeing a doctor at the first signs of pathology is a must further treatment. We looked at how to lower bilirubin in the blood at home.

When hemoglobin breaks down, a yellowish-brown pigment is formed. Under the influence of various processes in the body, it is converted into a soluble form - bilirubin, which is necessary for a person to maintain life.

Its concentration should be moderate; its violation is fraught with various deviations in the human condition. Before normalizing bilirubin in the blood, special tests are performed to determine its exact value.

Factors causing an increase in the indicator may be liver disease, taking antibiotics, pancreatic diseases, damage to the circulatory system, impaired bile outflow, etc. Treatment is prescribed after determining the cause.

Types of indicator - direct and indirect

Total bilirubin is formed in the liver during the breakdown of red blood cells. At first, it appears in an indirect form, being a toxic component that is practically not excreted from the body and is poorly soluble in water. Subsequently, it changes its structure and becomes straight.

As a result, it becomes able to dissolve in the aquatic environment and be excreted from the body through feces and urine.

This is not a pathology physiological jaundice usually goes away on its own.

Medication adjustment is applied only when exceeding permissible level, hepatitis.

Causes of high bilirubin

Most often, a change in the norm is observed when there is a malfunction of the liver. This may happen due to various inflammatory processes, chronic pathologies, impact external factors to the organ

Other causes of the disease are:

  • Deterioration of bile outflow.
  • Increase in red blood cells.
  • Accelerating the breakdown of red blood cells.
  • Congenital liver diseases.
  • Long-term use antibiotics.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Tumors and other pathologies of the pancreas.
  • Worm infestations.
  • Anemia.
  • Lack of vitamins, in particular B12.
  • Hepatitis.
  • Pathologies of the gallbladder and biliary tract.

Often physiological jaundice Newborns suffer, this is explained by the imperfection of incompletely formed organs and disruptions in their functioning. Premature babies are most prone to this. Although the pathology in early childhood may disappear on its own, the child must nevertheless undergo special examination and be under the supervision of a doctor until recovery.

But a decrease in level is observed very rarely. This mainly happens when acute leukemia, renal failure, tuberculosis intoxication. Process sharp fall bilirubin is associated with a rapid decrease in erythrocyte levels in the blood.

Symptoms of the condition

The intensity of the symptoms is determined by the degree of pathology, the amount of pigment and the individual characteristics of the organism. The main manifestations of the disease are:

  • Migraine.
  • Bloating, flatulence.
  • Yellowness of the skin and sclera.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Fatigue, fatigue, lethargy.
  • Change in urine color to darker.
  • Increased temperature or pulse.
  • Discomfort in the liver or left hypochondrium, hepatic colic.

Increased value during pregnancy

During the period of bearing a baby, women are sometimes concerned about the increase in the indicator. This is due to the growth of the uterus and fetus, which causes significant compression internal organs. In this case, the outflow of bile becomes difficult and stagnation occurs.

Treatment during pregnancy is mainly carried out with herbs and diet. Such gentle measures help protect both mother and baby from negative consequences.

Ways to reduce bilirubin

The first problem is to understand the real reason which caused complications. Assign biochemical analysis blood, urine and stool examination. After this, the specialist may recommend the following:

  • Treatment with medications that will help eliminate anemia or hepatitis.
  • Taking choleretic drugs. They help speed up the process of production and excretion of bile.
  • Hepaprotectors. These tablets help normalize liver function.
  • Diet.
  • Abstinence from alcohol.
  • Cleansing the intestines and gallbladder.
  • Application herbal infusions at home.

Drug treatment

Independent selection of drugs can negatively affect the body’s condition, so the doctor must choose complex treatment, based on the results of the examination and the reasons that caused the problem.

It can be:

  • Absorbents that help remove toxins from the body. The most popular are Enterosgel and activated carbon.
  • Drugs choleretic action. Allohol and Hofitol help to activate the process of bile secretion.
  • Antibiotics, such as Diazepam.
  • Hepatoprotectors. Pancreatin has proven itself well.
  • A remedy to protect the liver from damage, such as Karsil.
  • Medicines to improve digestion. In this case, it is best to take the enzymes Festal, Mezim, Creon.

The choice of drug will always depend on the cause of the problem:

  1. If the outflow of bile is impaired, the patient is recommended to take choleretic drugs.
  2. If exists hereditary predisposition, then it would be useful to take sorbents, choleretic drugs, vitamin complexes and agents to reduce bilirubin.
  3. If inflammation is present or immunity is impaired, then a course of antiviral, immunomodulating, antibacterial, enzyme agents, and hepatoprotectors is indicated.
  4. Gilbert's syndrome is treated with Phenobarbital and Zixorin, enzyme preparations, drugs that activate and support liver function with the help of natural ingredients, for example, Essentiale, Karsil. In case of severe intoxication, take absorbent, activated carbon.

Home methods of combating pathology

At the core traditional methods is treated with herbal infusions. The most popular are:

  • Motherwort decoction. To do this, pour 1 teaspoon of the herb into one glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, drain and take on an empty stomach for 14 days.
  • A collection of chamomile, St. John's wort and motherwort. All herbs are taken in equal proportions, after which 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the mixture is steamed with 250 ml of boiling water. After steeping for 30 minutes, strain and take 125 ml twice a day 20 minutes before meals.
  • A decoction of birch leaves. Pour a tablespoon of herbs into one glass of boiling water and leave for 25 minutes. After straining, take the infusion before bed for 7 days. This decoction is useful for poisoning and problems with the digestive system. Birch leaf used to make activated carbon.
  • Chamomile tea. It is even approved for children, which makes the product quite popular in the treatment of children. Pour boiling water over a spoon of dry chamomile and drink as regular tea. This plant has anti-inflammatory and choleretic effects.
  • Mint tea. It is brewed like the previous herb. This remedy helps not only reduce bilirubin, but also calm you down. The infusion has a choleretic effect. Mint is also used in the treatment of ulcers and kidney stones.

Beetroot juice can also be called a folk remedy. To do this, take 80 ml twice a day before meals. Beetroot has a diuretic effect and thus effectively reduces bilirubin levels.

Special herbal teas can be purchased already in finished form V pharmacy chains. If herbal treatment is ineffective, then barbiturates are prescribed.

The benefits of proper nutrition when increasing the index

Diet along with medications helps relieve excess stress on the liver and stabilize its function. It is very important to minimize the consumption of coffee and salt during treatment. These substances promote the formation of direct bilirubin.

You need to avoid eating fried, fatty, spicy, salty and smoked foods. The patient is contraindicated:

  • Fatty meats.
  • Alcohol.
  • Millet.
  • Black bread.
  • Citrus.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Radish.
  • Dishes with baking powder.
  • Acidic foods.

It is necessary to include in the diet:

  • Buckwheat, rice, oatmeal porridge.
  • Egg white.
  • Dairy products.
  • Vegetables.
  • Sweet fruits.

You need to drink at least 2-2.5 liters of liquid per day. It could be fruit drink, tea, compote, mineral water. Black and green tea should be consumed in minimal quantities; it is better to choose an herbal tea.

Preventive measures

To avoid an increase in bilirubin and prevent the negative consequences of the disease, you need to:

  • To refuse from bad habits.
  • Avoid stress.
  • Eat healthy and balanced, following a meal schedule.
  • Promptly treat diseases of internal organs, especially the gallbladder, liver and pancreas.
  • News active image life.

Complications of the disease

If the bilirubin level is not reduced in a timely manner, a disruption of brain activity may occur. This is due to the toxic effects of substances released from metabolic products. In addition, the liver suffers greatly, which increases intoxication of the body and often causes the appearance of:

  • Cirrhosis.
  • Hepatitis A.
  • Tumors.
  • Autoimmune diseases.

Liver disease entails damage to the kidneys, which no longer cope with their original task.

An increase in bilirubin is very dangerous for human health. If treatment does not occur at this stage, then the brain is quickly affected due to intoxication of the entire body.

At an early stage, you can get by with taking sorbents and choleretic drugs. In addition, antibiotics, enzymes, and hepatoprotectors are sometimes necessary. On average, if you follow the doctor’s recommendations and proper nutrition recovery occurs in 2-3 weeks.

What to do if the tests revealed increased bilirubin? Excessively high levels of this substance can be a symptom of many diseases. Bilirubin is formed as a result of the breakdown of hemoglobin. It is very toxic and can negatively affect all human organs if its amount in the blood is increased. Therefore, it is very important to find and eliminate the cause of the increase in bilirubin and take measures to eliminate it. You can read about how to quickly reduce bilirubin in the blood with medications and traditional medicine in this article.

General information about pigment

Before considering ways to reduce bilirubin, it is necessary to understand what this substance is. This compound has a yellow-green color and is formed after the breakdown of hemoglobin into individual components, which can occur by various reasons. In the human body, bilirubin can be found in the blood and bile. The liver is responsible for its elimination, so an increase in this pigment is often associated with liver failure.

There are two types of bilirubin:

  • Direct is a pigment processed by the liver that is safe for the body.
  • Indirect - toxic bilirubin that did not have time to contact. It is a free substance that is dangerous to humans.
  • Total bilirubin is obtained from the sum of these two indicators.

Why is bilirubin so dangerous for the body? The fact is that it is not excreted by the kidneys and does not dissolve in water. However, it penetrates well into the cells of the body, causing disturbances in them. The protein albumin transports bilirubin to the liver. In the event that some changes have occurred in the body, and the process has been disrupted, the pigment remains in the blood and spreads circulatory system throughout the body. Since it is a toxin, it has negative impact on all cells, but as a rule, the weakest organ “fails.”

The normal level of bilirubin in the blood for an adult is 3.4 - 17.1 µmol/l for the sum of direct and indirect bilirubin. In newborns, the amount of this pigment is always increased. Immediately after birth, the amount of the substance is 50-60 µmol/l, and after a day this figure can increase to 170-250 µmol/l. This happens due to the active breakdown of hemoglobin, during which bilirubin is formed. The baby’s body adapts to new conditions: the fetal hemoglobin is replaced by the “adult” one, and the liver cannot always cope with such loads. Therefore, the newborn “turns yellow.” To find out how it is in the blood, you need to understand what diseases cause it.

Causes of elevated bilirubin

If an adult has increased bilirubin in the blood, this may be a symptom various problems with health.

The most common reasons are:

  • Cholelithiasis, inflammatory diseases pancreas, lesions of the duodenum, impaired flow of bile into the intestine.
  • Hepatitis of all forms and types.
  • Infectious mononucleosis.
  • Cancer diseases.
  • Abnormally rapid breakdown of red blood cells.
  • Liver destruction.
  • Jaundice of pregnant women.
  • Reducing the production of enzymes responsible for processing bilirubin.
  • Diseases that lead to accelerated breakdown of red blood cells.
  • Genetic abnormalities.
  • Snake bites, poisoning.

Elevated bilirubin indicates a variety of diseases that can sometimes be noticed only after a blood test. How to reduce bilirubin in the blood in adults? First you need to diagnose the body and understand what disease caused the disturbances in the body.

Preparing for analysis

If your doctor has ordered you to take a bilirubin test, you need to know that there are a number of specific requirements. They must be followed to reduce the likelihood of inaccurate results. It is best to donate blood for bilirubin on an empty stomach in the morning. If you go for analysis during the day, then you need to exclude food at least 4 hours before the test. No restrictions apply to children. You also need to know that some substances and drugs affect the test results:

  • All products containing coffee and caffeine: some sweet carbonated drinks, energy drinks, chocolates, green tea.
  • Starvation.
  • Some drugs for the liver and choleretic agents.
  • Some medications: Aspirin, Warfarin, Heparin.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Alcohol.
  • Fried and fatty foods.

If you took any medication or ate a certain food before the test, be sure to tell your doctor so there is no inaccuracy in the test.

How to reduce bilirubin in the blood in adults?

Since the spectrum possible reasons Increased bilirubin in the blood is quite wide; treatment methods vary greatly. A bilirubin test is prescribed if you have the following: associated symptoms or readings:

  • Anemia.
  • Jaundice.
  • Long-term use of medications that affect the liver.
  • Alcoholic or drug addiction.
  • Pregnancy.

How to reduce bilirubin in the blood? This requires complex treatment. Usually two types of drugs are prescribed - those that affect the underlying disease and those that reduce bilirubin in the blood. In severe cases, when there is damage to the liver or other internal organs, treatment in a hospital is necessary under the constant supervision of a doctor. In mild cases, as a rule, prescribed the following drugs:

  • Choleretic medications that promote normal bile production and normalize its outflow. These are “Karsil”, “Allohol” and their analogues.
  • Medicines that protect the liver and promote its recovery: “Essentiale”, “Gepatrin”.
  • Sorbents - to remove some toxins from the body.
  • Antioxidants - to prevent the appearance free radicals.
  • Antibacterial drugs - in case of inflammatory processes in the pancreas or duodenum.
  • Immunomodulators are prescribed to maintain the general condition of the body.
  • Antiviral agents. If the increase in bilirubin is caused by infectious diseases, then these drugs help the body cope with them.

Decreased bilirubin in children

Reducing bilirubin in the blood with medications is available not only to adults, but also to children. In newborns, an increased concentration of pigment in the blood can lead to damage nervous system and brain, and this disease develops very rapidly.

The cytotoxic effect of bilirubin on the infant’s body can be manifested by throwing back the head, increased tone, cramps. To prevent this from happening, blood bilirubin levels are monitored in all newborns. If its amount is increased, then treatment is carried out using a lamp to reduce bilirubin in newborns.

Phototherapy or light therapy is one of the most effective methods for treating neonatal jaundice, which occurs as a result of increased bilirubin in the blood. The secret lies in the blue rays that destroy the pigment. Under their influence, it breaks down into substances that are easily excreted from the body. In newborns, there may be the following reasons for using lamp treatment:

  • Prematurity.
  • Low temperature body (up to 35 degrees).
  • Rhesus conflict with mother.
  • Anemia, hemorrhages, hematomas.
  • Yellowness of the skin.
  • Yellowed eyeballs.

In a timely manner Taken measures Treatments and diagnostics can prevent serious damage to the baby’s body. If you notice in a newborn visible to the eye violations, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Treatment with diet

Ways to reduce bilirubin in the blood in adults include more than just medications. To normalize processes in the body, it is also recommended to follow special diet, which helps normalize pigment and prevent similar conditions in future.

A diet to reduce bilirubin in the blood is based on correct mode a diet that excludes all harmful substances:

  • Meals should be 5-6 times a day.
  • All fried, spicy, salty and smoked foods that do not fit the concept of “dietary” should be excluded. The same goes for sweet carbonated drinks and juices that contain a lot of sugar.
  • Coffee, green tea and salt should also be eliminated from the diet.
  • The diet should contain a large amount of fiber and greens, but it is better to consume less flour and bakery products.
  • Steamed or boiled food can be not only healthy, but also tasty.
  • The amount of liquid you drink can be increased to 2-2.5 liters per day if everything is fine with your kidneys.

It should be noted that using diet as the only way to reduce bilirubin in the blood is not recommended. This is due to the fact that herbal medicine acts more slowly than medications. This can negatively affect the child’s health, since the pigment is toxic. But as a maintenance or prevention method, using products to reduce bilirubin in the blood can bring excellent results.

Folk remedies for reducing bilirubin

Medicines made from the recipes of healers have long been used throughout the world as an effective supportive treatment. There are many folk remedies for reducing bilirubin in the blood.

Here are a few recipes:

  • A tincture of chamomile, St. John's wort and oak bark can be taken every day before bed in an amount of 100 ml.
  • Calendula decoction has hepatoprotective properties. You need to take the medicine 1 glass 3 times a day.
  • Fresh Juice Beetroot can become not only a source of vitamins, but also a medicine. To reduce bilirubin in the blood, you need to take it before meals.
  • Two teaspoons of chamomile, motherwort and St. John's wort, poured with boiling water, must be left for about 20 minutes. Take the resulting medicine 20 minutes before meals 2 times a day.
  • Milk thistle has long been used in folk medicine to reduce bilirubin. It helps to quickly reduce the amount of pigment in the blood. To prepare the tincture you need 1 tsp. pour a glass of water over the seeds and wait 20 minutes. You need to take the strained solution several times a day before meals, but not more than 3 weeks.

ethnoscience cannot be the only way to treat bilirubin in the blood. An examination by a doctor and treatment with medications are required for elevated bilirubin. But folk remedies can help normalize the patient’s condition and return to normal faster.

How to quickly reduce bilirubin in the blood?

Treatment of elevated bilirubin should be based on the overall picture of the disease and tests. All medications should be prescribed only by a doctor after full examination patient. Sometimes an increase in pigment is caused by a violation of the outflow of bile. In such cases quick effect can provide choleretic drugs.

It happens that an increase in bilirubin is caused by infectious diseases liver. Then the course of treatment includes antibiotics and antiviral agents. If a patient is diagnosed with Gilbert's syndrome, he may be prescribed Zixorin and Phenobarbital. It should be noted that at least 7 days must pass for a clear effect to appear. If you want to see results faster, you can try using folk remedies that will speed up the effect of medications.


To avoid an increase in bilirubin in the blood, it is important to follow a number of preventive actions.

They are based on a healthy lifestyle, which has a beneficial effect on the entire body and allows all organs to function normally, without being distracted by neutralizing the negative consequences of smoking, nutrition or bad habits. Add to list preventive measures against increased bilirubin in the blood include:

  • Quitting bad habits: alcohol, smoking, drugs.
  • Following a diet and avoiding snacks and similar foods (chips, fried and salty foods, etc.).
  • Exercise 4-5 times a week.
  • Walks in the fresh air lasting 20 minutes or more.
  • Balanced diet.
  • Medical examination once a year with key specialists.
  • Timely examination and treatment of the gallbladder and liver.

Treatment for elevated bilirubin is effective in early stages diseases. Therefore, doctors recommend taking a bilirubin test in the following circumstances:

  • In complex and biochemical examinations.
  • In case of poisoning.
  • At nagging pain in the liver area.
  • If you have cholecystitis, pancreatitis or gallstones.
  • If you suspect hepatitis or cirrhosis of the liver.
  • If you have a history of alcohol or drug addiction.
  • For hemolytic disease.
  • In newborns.
  • For the purpose of monitoring treatment in a hospital or for a number of other diseases.


Elevated bilirubin is a marker of many dangerous diseases. In itself, excessive formation of this pigment can be destructive to the body and lead to various pathologies. The method of reducing bilirubin is different for each individual case. There is no single drug that would reduce the amount of this substance.

Each patient undergoes anamnesis and examination to reduce the level of bilirubin in the blood. These methods allow you to evaluate general state person and appoint adequate treatment, which will quickly have an effect. If you need to lower your bilirubin, remember that medications do a better job. Traditional medicine is good only in its composition complex therapy. The overall prognosis of the disease depends on how quickly treatment is started, so consult a doctor at the first suspicious symptoms.