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Exacerbation of chronic gastritis. Patient examination plan. When self-medication is dangerous

Today the most common pathology gastrointestinal tract can safely be called gastritis. An exacerbation, the symptoms of which appear suddenly, indicates a chronic course of the disease, the need for constant monitoring and adherence to a special gentle diet.

General information

Inflammation of the mucous surface of the stomach walls, which disrupts the normal functioning of the entire digestive system, is called gastritis. Many patients, having heard such a diagnosis, at first do not realize the seriousness of the disease and the serious consequences in the absence of timely treatment. More than half of the total population suffers from various forms and types of this disease.

For a long time, scientists and doctors could not find a connection between the development of gastritis and the influence of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori on this process ( Helicobacter pylori), which, as it turned out, damages the mucous surface of the stomach. As a result, production is disrupted gastric juice, erosion occurs. Gastritis in the acute stage requires immediate appeal for medical help, and perhaps even hospitalization of the patient.

Forms of gastritis

In medical practice, gastritis is divided into acute and chronic forms. The first is characterized by the sudden onset of pain after ingesting a strong irritant (chemical substance, aggressive drug, spicy or hot food). The first symptoms of exacerbation of chronic gastritis are noticeable after 6-12 hours, the patient feels a significant deterioration in health. The examination determines the type of acute gastritis: catarrhal, fibrinous, erosive, corrosive or phlegmatous.

The chronic form of gastrointestinal pathology may not manifest itself long time. A sluggish process causes changes in secretory function and lesions various localizations. Exacerbation of chronic gastritis alternates with a stage of remission. The duration of these periods is individual for each patient and depends on his age and the severity of damage to the gastric mucosa.


If you experience pain in the stomach, you should consult a gastroenterologist for a diagnosis. Special methods will help to find out the reason why gastritis developed. Exacerbation (symptoms are similar to other diseases of the digestive system) of chronic gastritis must be examined comprehensively in order to prescribe effective treatment.

To obtain a complete picture of the course (stage) of the disease, the following research methods are available:

  • Fibrogastroduodenoscopy (gastroscopy) is a procedure that allows you to see the condition of the mucous surface of the stomach, esophagus and duodenum using a gastroscope (probe). The device is a thin tube with a camera at one end and an eyepiece at the other. During the examination, a biopsy sample may be taken.
  • Biochemical analysis of blood serum - allows you to detect antibodies to the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.
  • General analysis blood and urine.
  • Stool analysis is necessary primarily to detect occult blood. It also shows low acidity, which often accompanies chronic gastritis (exacerbation). Symptoms of internal bleeding depend on the volume of the affected area of ​​the mucosa.
  • Duodenal sounding - helps to identify accompanying pathologies duodenum (duodenitis).

Chronic gastritis: exacerbation (symptoms)

Signs appear in each case individually and can be permanent or periodic. You should seek medical help if you experience the following symptoms:

  • Pain in the left hypochondrium.
  • Nausea and bouts of vomiting.
  • Blood in vomit or stool.
  • Weight loss.
  • Signs of body intoxication.
  • Belching with a hydrogen sulfide odor.
  • Unstable stool (diarrhea alternating with constipation).
  • Loss of appetite.
  • General weakness and frequent headaches.

Pain syndrome can occur not only on an empty stomach, but also after eating. Exacerbation of chronic gastritis, accompanied by internal bleeding, represents serious danger for the life of the patient, therefore it is urgently necessary to obtain qualified medical care.

Stool disorders are observed in almost every type of gastritis. Abnormalities in the functioning of the stomach are indicated by a constant feeling of bloating, flatulence, and rumbling.

Types of chronic gastritis

Depending on the pathogen, chronic gastritis is divided into types:

  • Autoimmune gastritis(type A).
  • Bacterial (antral) gastritis (type B).
  • Erosive (hemorrhagic) gastritis (type C).

Causes of exacerbation

Exacerbation chronic form The disease is caused mainly by the causes that provoked the development of gastritis. First of all, this is a diet that most people have is far from correct. If there is a diagnosis of “chronic gastritis (exacerbation),” treatment is prescribed depending on the etiology of the disease.

It is important to adhere special diet, which will help keep the disease under control and not provoke an exacerbation.

The bacterium Helicobacter pylori easily penetrates the mucous membrane and, releasing toxic products of its vital activity, exposes the walls of the stomach. Open areas become defenseless against stomach acid. Infection is another reason for the development of the disease.

Chronic inflammatory diseases, drinking alcohol and smoking, taking certain medications, unfavorable living or working conditions can give impetus to both the onset of gastritis development and the exacerbation of a sluggish process.

Exacerbation of gastritis: treatment with traditional methods

The first step on the path to recovery is a timely visit to a gastroenterologist. Exacerbation of the chronic form involves taking medications whose action is aimed at reducing acidity, destroying Helicobacter pylori, relieving pain, and improving digestion. The necessary treatment regimen, which entirely depends on the form of the disease, can only be selected by the attending physician.

But proper nutrition is considered an indispensable and main component of treatment. Depending on the level of acidity, a diet is selected that must be followed without fail. You will have to exclude carbonated drinks, alcohol, hot, spicy, salty, fried, fatty meats and broths, sweets, and fast food from your diet. Nutrition should be complete, with the maximum amount of vitamins and microelements. It is important not only what you eat during an exacerbation of gastritis, but also the size of the portions. They should be small, the number of meals should be 5-6 per day. It is better not to give before bedtime extra work stomach.

Diet for exacerbation of gastritis with high acidity

Increased acidity during exacerbation of chronic gastritis is observed in most patients. In this case, it is necessary to follow a gentle diet (No. 1), which is energy-rich and does not deplete the body. It is recommended to consume the following products:

  • Dried bread made from 1st grade flour, dry biscuits (“Zoological”, etc.).
  • Soups with pureed vegetables, noodles, lean meats.
  • Steamed meat: beef, rabbit, veal.
  • Non-acidic dairy products: cottage cheese, milk, kefir, fermented baked milk.
  • Cheesecakes, puddings, lazy dumplings.
  • Boiled eggs, steamed omelet.
  • Viscous porridge.
  • Appetizers: liver pate, boiled tongue, unsalted cheese.
  • Kissels, fruit purees.
  • Drinks: weak tea with milk, cocoa, sweet juices.

Even though compliance dietary nutrition, often in the autumn-spring period there is an exacerbation of gastritis. Treatment prescribed by a doctor will help speed up the recovery process, but in any case it is necessary to adhere to a gentle diet and refuse bad habits. Reducing acidity during an exacerbation of the disease can be achieved using traditional methods, one of which is drinking potato (or carrot) juice half an hour before meals. It is better to drink it before breakfast.

Nutrition for low acidity

Diet No. 2 is intended for patients with exacerbation of chronic gastritis and low stomach acidity. The menu should include foods that increase the activity of the glands and improve the motor function of the digestive organ. It is allowed to eat steamed, stewed and boiled food. Foods that take a long time to digest must be excluded from the diet.

It is healthy to eat crumbly cereals, puddings, fermented milk products and dishes prepared from them. For meat, you should give preference to lean chicken, beef, turkey, steamed cutlets, and meatballs. Lovers of sweets will not have to restrict themselves too much in their choice, because they are allowed to eat marshmallows, honey, toffee, marshmallows, homemade jam and marmalade. Juices should be drunk diluted.

Gastritis is considered the most common gastrointestinal disease. Therefore, it is not surprising that patients often experience a deterioration in their condition. Today we will talk about what provokes exacerbation of gastritis, the symptoms of which are serious causes for concern.

The disease undoubtedly affects a person’s life, but what does the seasonal exacerbation of gastritis hide? There are a number of classic signs that will help the doctor diagnose correct diagnosis and select the necessary drug therapy. Knowing the main causes of the disease will help you adjust your lifestyle and motivate you to treat associated pathologies.

Main causes of exacerbation

A person suffering from this disease must know what causes an exacerbation of chronic gastritis. Do you think the “culprits” of pain and feeling unwell maybe French fries or other fast food, spices and smoked foods? You are mistaken, because not only food can lead to an escalation (exacerbation) of the disease.

Common reasons include:

  • Drinking strong alcoholic drinks. As for high-quality, or better yet homemade, wine - everything is purely individual. Many doctors note that the drink can be beneficial in small quantities. Especially if we are talking about the case of gastritis against the background of damage to the body by Helicobacter pylori.
  • Smoking. If you haven't said goodbye yet bad habit, the time has come for this.
  • Decreased immunity. Autoimmune gastritis is often seen in people with type 1 diabetes. It may also be caused by a deficiency of vitamin B12 in the body. In addition, do not forget that in the autumn-spring season, it is when the immune system is depleted that the growth and reproduction of pathogenic pylori is activated.
  • Stress. Scientists have found that people living in conditions of chronic unrest and anxiety are more susceptible to gastritis and its escalation. It turns out that during stress, adrenaline is released into the blood - a hormone that causes vasoconstriction. If there is insufficient blood supply to the gastric mucosa, its integrity is compromised, and some of the cells even atrophy (in their place, a focus of inflammation forms). In addition, very often people prone to depression literally eat away at their problems. And, as a rule, for this they take not the healthiest food.
  • Off-season. During the transition period, not only a person’s diet changes (due to the lack of fresh vegetables, fruits and greens, passion for meat and fatty dishes, pickles), but also the regime (the day becomes shorter and the night longer). The manifestation of exacerbation of gastritis in autumn and spring is inevitably associated with colds that deplete protective functions body. Many gastroenterologists recommend adhering to dietary nutrition in the off-season (for example, as during fasting) so that you do not have to complain about autumn exacerbation gastritis. It is also recommended to undergo treatment at balneological resorts 1-2 times a year.
  • Use of antibacterial drugs or NSAIDs. Also, the escalation of the disease can be caused by taking medications aimed at combating tuberculosis. Acetylsalicylic acid, phenylbutazone and indomethacin are famous for the same side effect.
  • Pathologies of the endocrine system(in 90 cases out of 100). People with this problem more often suffer from exacerbations of gastritis. Also at risk are patients with renal failure . This is due to the fact that in the latter case a large amount of toxic nitrogenous compounds accumulates in the body.
  • Problems with the chewing apparatus. Often chronic gastritis makes itself felt when dental diseases. For example, if a person is being harassed by a strong toothache Most likely, he will not chew his food thoroughly. Large pieces can damage the delicate gastric mucosa, which will cause discomfort and pain. Therefore, never ignore dental problems, because they have a direct impact on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Related ailments. For example, enteritis, pancreatitis, hepatitis and colitis. Exacerbation of the underlying disease is also typical when a person has Crohn's disease.

More often, people suffer from exacerbation of gastritis not because they ate tasty junk food once every six months, but because they did not regularly eat correct mode and diet.


Signs of escalating gastrointestinal disease can be either temporary or permanent. For example, in the chronic form of gastritis, aggravated symptoms bother a person throughout the day. The most common signs indicating deterioration and dysfunction of the stomach include the following:

  • Acute or cutting pain in the stomach, extending into left rib. In this case, discomfort occurs both before or after eating, and during. Often a person with chronic gastritis has a stomach ache at night. The sensations intensify when walking and during intense physical training.
  • Feeling of heaviness in the stomach.
  • Cardiopalmus.
  • Weakness throughout the body and constant fatigue(a picture is likely when a person finds it difficult to perform daily tasks - for example, going to work).
  • Increased secretion of saliva.
  • Bad breath (do not forget that this symptom also signals dental problems; therefore, take into account other signs of gastritis in the acute stage).
  • Belching with a sour aftertaste (as a rule, patients with a disease characterized by increased production of hydrochloric acid complain about it).
  • Bloating and gas.
  • Regular constipation alternating with indigestion.
  • Weight loss without visible reasons. Usually a person complains of decreased appetite, but this symptom is not observed in every patient.
  • During exacerbation there may be a fever. An increase in indicators occurs at the onset of the disease and indicates an inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal tract.

It must be said that some signs of exacerbation of gastritis appear with a certain acidity of the stomach. For example, with increased production of hydrochloric acid, the patient may complain of severe nausea and vomiting (usually after this unpleasant process the person feels dry mouth and thirst).

Sometimes some “symptoms” of exacerbation actually indicate appendicitis or even banal spasms. That is why the diagnosis should be trusted to the doctor. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate.

When to go to the doctor

Almost every person has experienced a gastrointestinal disorder at least once in their life. As a rule, most cases of dyspepsia are short-lived and do not require medical care. However, if the symptoms and signs of exacerbation of gastritis last more than 5-7 days, then you should not postpone going to the doctor.

Immediately go to a specialist to diagnose the disease if blood is present in the vomit and stool. The same should be done if the feces turn black.

What could be the consequences?

Exacerbation of gastritis in a chronic form is not a joke at all. If you do not consult a doctor in time and do not start treatment, then it is quite possible that an ulcer will form, abdominal bleeding or erosive lesions may occur.

An advanced exacerbation also causes:

  • stomach deformation;
  • gastroduodenitis;
  • obstruction in the digestive organs;
  • anemia that develops due to a lack of iron in the body;
  • pyloric stenosis.

Some forms of pathology can increase the risk of stomach cancer.

How is diagnostics carried out?

If a patient regularly consults doctors for pain caused by gastritis of any type: chronic atrophic, hyperacid or antral, then to make a diagnosis it is enough to take a biochemical and clinical tests blood and urine. In some cases, a breath test for Helicobacter pylori will be required.

If you are going to a gastroenterologist for the first time, then you will not be able to avoid fibrogastroendoscopy (traditional or capsule). This type The examination will help the doctor determine whether the patient has a chronic illness, whether he suffers from low or high stomach acidity. Only after a complete examination will the doctor be able to choose a treatment regimen.

Remember that sometimes illness (this especially applies to chronic erosive gastritis) disguises itself as intestinal infections, ulcers and other diseases associated with dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. In such cases, the doctor will prescribe a number of examinations: ultrasound, polymerase chain reaction, stool analysis for hidden blood impurities and others.

How to treat the disease

During exacerbation of gastritis in adults and children, any drug therapy is carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor, since there are no universal treatment regimens. Depending on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body and the diagnostic results obtained, the doctor will choose the appropriate option:

  1. Antibacterial therapy. It is simply necessary when the body is colonized with Helicobacter pylori. Scientists have long proven that the bacterium causes not only gastritis, but also stomach and duodenal ulcers. As a rule, the duration of treatment is 10-14 days. It is recommended to take a follow-up test a month later to understand whether the therapy prescribed by the doctor is effective.
  2. Treatment of chronic gastritis in the acute phase with the help of eliminating characteristic features- heartburn and sour belching. This group of drugs increases the effectiveness of other medications, relieves pain and promotes the regeneration of the gastric mucosa. The most popular antacids include: Maalox (available both in the form of tablets and suspensions), Almagel and the bismuth preparation De-Nol.
  3. To treat gastritis with high acidity, doctors may also prescribe medications such as: Famotidine, Ranitidine or Gastropin. With low acidity, medications are prescribed that stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid.
  4. To help the pancreas, they are prescribed to improve digestion (Mezim, Creon, Pangrol).
  5. Treatment at home with hormonal medications necessary during exacerbation of an autoimmune type of disease.
  6. In addition, in many cases, doctors make an appointment aids: lactobacilli, antispasmodics, choleretic drugs etc.

Poor health in autumn and spring is associated with a lack of essential microelements. Therefore, it would be useful to ask your doctor which vitamins are acceptable to take during an escalation.

First aid

Of course, an exacerbation caused by the above reasons can occur at any time. It is advisable to keep the necessary painkillers on hand at all times. But sometimes severe stomach discomfort caused by illness takes a person by surprise. And here it is important to know how to relieve pain.

First aid for exacerbation of gastritis may be as follows:

  1. Lie on your side with your knees bent. This pose will relax the abdominal muscles, and the pain will become less pronounced. It is recommended to remain in this position for 15-20 minutes.
  2. If you are suffering from paroxysmal nausea, then slowly dissolve a piece of lemon or an ice cube in your mouth. It is worth saying that the citrus method is more suitable for people with low stomach acidity.
  3. Do not forget that exacerbation of gastritis is closely related to work nervous system. Therefore, after quenching stomach pain, it is recommended to drink motherwort tincture or a cup of mint tea.

Menu during the acute period: prohibited foods

The diet during an exacerbation mainly consists of eliminating foods that provoke worsening of the disease. So, the list of taboo products:

  • mushrooms (exert a serious burden on the gastrointestinal tract);
  • milk and eggs (other dairy products will be very useful - especially in the case of gastritis with low acidity);
  • ice cream and cold drinks (do not forget that food at extreme temperatures irritates the mucous membranes);
  • any spices;
  • sorrel and spinach (their use is unacceptable for gastritis with low acidity);
  • other harmful things: alcohol, morning espresso, smoked and pickled foods, fast food.

How to treat during pregnancy

Due to anatomical changes in a woman’s body during gestation, many expectant mothers complain of an exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases. And here doctors find themselves in a difficult position. After all, most of the medications are not recommended for use except homeopathic medicines. And even those should be used only after permission female doctor and a thorough examination of the patient's medical history.

Often, exacerbation of gastritis due to hormonal changes occurs in nursing mothers. As a rule, many of them choose a treatment regimen that preserves breast milk and natural feeding. In this case, the doctor prescribes bicarbonate medicinal waters (to normalize acid balance), as well as taking Sucralfate for breastfeeding. This tool can protect the gastric mucosa from the harmful effects of hydrochloric acid and other aggressors.

Some drugs are successfully used to alleviate the condition of patients with chronic gastritis, but are contraindicated in pregnant women. For example, Misoprostol, which has antisecretory activity, leads to partial or complete abortion. Treatment with Methotrexate, which has a cytotoxic effect on the body, is also prohibited during pregnancy.

Chronic gastritis in the acute stage is a serious pathology. We remind you that this disease cannot be treated on your own. Be sure to contact a specialist who, based on the test results, will help you understand what exactly caused the exacerbation and select an appropriate treatment regimen.


Among diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis is in first place in terms of prevalence. Doctors attribute this to an unhealthy lifestyle: poor quality nutrition, alcohol abuse, smoking and constant stress, which is actually the norm for people of our time. But in most cases, exacerbation of chronic gastritis still occurs due to the food that a person eats.

Like any other chronic disease, gastritis is progressive, occurring with periods of remission and exacerbation. More often this happens in the spring and summer, when patients do not follow the doctor’s recommendations and begin to consume uncontrollably. fresh fruits or vegetables. And these products are large quantities definitely cause damage to sick stomachs.

Main causes of the disease

Chronic gastritis is a sluggish inflammation of the mucous epithelium of the stomach, provoking its degeneration: it atrophies, transforms into connective tissue, and the functioning of his glands is disrupted. As a result, the secretion of gastric juice and the motor function of the organ deteriorate, which cannot but affect well-being.

The pathology in question occurs in people of all ages. During the active phase, acute inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach wall occurs, which causes pain and other painful symptoms. This disease is caused by many factors, but among the main reasons doctors name the following:

  • Helicobacter pylori infection.
  • Strict or unbalanced diet.
  • Consumption of low quality products.
  • Stress, lack of sleep.
  • Hypothermia (hypothermia).
  • Frequent food poisoning.
  • Overeating, when a person gets up from the table with a heaviness in the stomach.
  • Suppression of the immune system.
  • Intestinal microorganisms.

These factors negatively affect health and cause serious gastrointestinal disorders.

First symptoms

In all people, signs of exacerbation manifest themselves differently, which is associated with the degree of damage to the mucous membrane. Some people are constantly tormented by unbearable pain in the epigastrium, for others it is moderate and occurs periodically. General symptoms exacerbations of gastritis include:

  • Feeling of heaviness, fullness in the upper abdomen on the left.
  • Pain in the stomach area that occurs after eating.
  • Regurgitation, belching and heartburn.
  • Nausea, sometimes vomiting.
  • Bitter taste in the mouth.
  • Constipation followed by diarrhea.
  • Blood in stool.
  • Dulling of the feeling of hunger.
  • Uncontrolled weight loss.

When the disease worsens, the patient may also experience asthenic syndrome. It is expressed in dizziness, fatigue, nervousness, mood instability and sleep disturbances. In any case, you need to visit a gastroenterologist. He will prescribe a comprehensive examination, and based on the results he will be able to select an individual course of treatment.

Gastritis with high acidity

With this type of pathology, inflammation of the gastric mucosa is accompanied by hypersecretion of hydrochloric acid, which causes acidification. This process always comes with complications. Acute chronic gastritis is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Pain and burning in the epigastric zone.
  • Heartburn, nausea, belching.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • The presence of blood clots in stool and vomit.
  • Weight reduction.
  • Dehydration (low urine output and extreme thirst).

Gastritis with low acidity

The condition is called atrophic and is characterized by limited secretion of hydrochloric acid. Accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Pain, heaviness in the stomach area.
  • Belching, bad breath.
  • Periodic diarrhea and constipation.
  • Flatulence, bloating with rumbling.
  • Increased sweating, drowsiness.

Accurate diagnosis

After detecting the first symptoms, the patient should contact a medical institution to establish the picture of the pathology. There is a series of laboratory tests and special instrumental tests that can be used to diagnose worsened chronic gastritis:

  • General analysis of urine and stool.
  • Blood tests (clinical, biochemistry).
  • (FGDS), fibrogastroduodenoscopy.
  • Tests to detect infections, including Helicobacter pylori.
  • Duodenal sounding.
  • Histology of gastric mucosa.
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs.

When self-medication is dangerous

Therapy that is not agreed upon with a doctor carries a certain threat during exacerbation of gastritis. Even the means traditional medicine may make the problem worse. Incompatibility with medications, non-compliance with dosage - all these conditions can provoke the development of complications.

In addition, in case of severe exacerbation, urgent hospitalization is required, since ulcers, erosions, and bleeding wounds form on the walls of the organ. And they carry a certain risk of transforming gastritis in the acute stage into stomach cancer. In this state, against the background of general weakness in a person:

  • More severe pain that lasts longer than usual.
  • Well distinguishable bloody discharge in vomit.
  • Change in color of stool due to blood entering the intestines.

If such symptoms occur, you should immediately call an ambulance. Before the ambulance arrives, you should not take any medications. It is better to lie on your side, bending your knees and pulling them towards you. Take painkillers only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Treatment of exacerbation of gastritis

The main therapy for chronic forms of pathology is prescribed by a gastroenterologist. Only he can determine the need for medications and adjust nutrition taking into account the acidity of gastric juice. Therefore, the first thing you should do when you see initial manifestations gastritis, visit a medical facility as soon as possible.

Therapy in adults always begins with rinsing digestive tract. The procedure is unpleasant, but necessary, since you need to cleanse the stomach of the remnants of undigested harmful mass. In the first three days you can only eat porridge with water and jelly. Next, the diet includes lean meat and steamed vegetables. After such preparatory activities begins complex treatment.

Drugs and dosage regimens

Medicines for gastritis are prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the form of the disease and the level of acidity. Before the beginning drug effects it is necessary to stop taking NSAIDs, as they irritate the gastric mucosa. Primary therapy includes the following groups of drugs:

  • Antibiotics (Amoxicillin, Clarithromycin, Omeprazole).
  • Means to reduce the amount of gas in the intestines (Espumizan).
  • Analgesics (No-Shpa, Baralgin, Nurofen, Papaverine).
  • Prokinetics (Motilium, Phosphalugel, Cerucal).
  • Anti-vomiting tablets (Betagistin, Dimenhydrinate, Vertigohel).
  • Antihistamines (Suprastin, Zyrtec).
  • Antacids (Almagel, Gaviscon, Smectite).
  • Motility medications to normalize the nervous system.

Treatment with drugs also involves taking proton pump inhibitors (Omez, Nolpaza, Peptazol). Such remedies cope with pain during periods of exacerbation of the disease. In combination with them, gastroprotectors are prescribed (De-Nol, Venter), which create a protective film in the stomach and prevent irritation of the mucous membrane.

With low acidity, or if hydrochloric acid is not secreted at all, the drug Acidin-pepsin is prescribed. And in the spring, during exacerbation of atrophic gastritis, the drug course of therapy is supplemented with natural gastric juice. Erosive lesions of the organ are often accompanied by the development of anemia, which requires taking iron-containing medications.

At antral gastritis acidity increases. To reduce its concentration, antisecretory substances are prescribed that prevent corrosion of the mucous epithelium of the organ (Rennie, Maalox, Omeprazole). After pain is relieved, when the acute phase has safely passed, the patient is prescribed enzymes to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (Festal, Panzinorm, Creon).

All medications should only be prescribed by a gastroenterologist. The specialist sets a certain dose, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. During therapy, he may change the treatment regimen, so it is important to listen to his recommendations.

Folk remedies

Effective alternative therapies can be used in the treatment of exacerbation of gastritis as an auxiliary measure, but only with the permission of a doctor.

Potato (carrot) juice

  • Peel the vegetables and wash thoroughly.
  • Grind with a grater and squeeze the juice out of the pulp.
  • Drink 100 ml of the finished drink fresh 1 hour before meals three times a day.
  • The course of treatment is 1 week.

Elekempana decoction

  • Dried roots, 20 g, pour 250 ml of boiling water.
  • Simmer the mixture on fire for 20 minutes.
  • Drink the resulting broth 15 ml three times a day before meals.

Banana "tea"

  • Dried fruit, 10 g pour 1 tbsp. boiling water.
  • Simmer for 10 minutes, then filter.
  • Drink ready-made decoction 15 ml three times a day, on an empty stomach.


Proper nutrition will help cure exacerbation of gastritis. Drug therapy in combination with dietary adjustments is an important step on the path to recovery. However, when choosing products, it is necessary to take into account the level of acidity. In addition, any form of gastritis requires compliance healthy image life and giving up bad habits (nicotine, alcohol). Such actions will help restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

With increased acidity in the stage acute pain It is necessary to exclude some foods from the diet:

  • Stimulating the secretion of hydrochloric acid (cabbage, tomatoes, citrus fruits, grapes, fish and meat broths, coffee).
  • Irritating to the wall of the gastric mucosa (pork, fatty foods in vinegar, spices, smoked, cold and hot dishes, soft carbonated drinks).

The daily menu should contain products that reduce the concentration of hydrochloric acid and help improve the patient’s condition:

  • Dairy products.
  • Variety of cereals.
  • Pasta and vermicelli.
  • Dietary meat (chicken, rabbit, turkey, beef).
  • Jelly, juices and compotes based on non-acidic fruits.

If hydrochloric acid levels are underestimated or it is not produced, this type of food is excluded from the diet:

  • Spicy dishes.
  • Smoked meats and fatty meats (pork).
  • Carbonated drinks.
  • Biscuit, flour products.
  • Sweets, including chocolate.

To improve the condition digestive system, the following products are included in the diet:

  • Dairy products.
  • All grains except rice.
  • Lean varieties of meat and fish.
  • Durum wheat pasta.
  • Crackers from white bread.
  • Natural juices.

Treatment of exacerbation during pregnancy

Carrying a child is a complex process that can provoke complications of chronic diseases, including gastritis. Along with hormonal changes, provoking factors include:

  • Toxicosis, infections.
  • Severe stress for the body.
  • The need to take certain medications.
  • Following a diet for pregnant women.

Symptoms of the disease in women during gestation are the same as in ordinary people. But with hypersecretion of hydrochloric acid, serious disorders often occur. With low acidity, there is a pronounced heaviness in the stomach.

Treatment methods for gastritis in pregnant women are very limited, which is due to the ban on many medications during this period. Nutritional correction will help improve the condition of a pregnant woman. You need to eat food up to 7 times a day in small portions. Fried, spicy, smoked, fatty foods, as well as spices and pickles should be removed from the daily menu. It is useful to limit the consumption of sweets, especially sugar and chocolate. The daily diet should include light meals, hot milk and soups.

Inflammation of the gastric mucosa worries many. Exacerbation of the disease manifests itself slowly and has its own specific signs and therapy. Nutrition plays an important role in stomach diseases. Let's analyze what treatment should be for gastritis with normal, low and high acidity.


Gastritis begins with a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, dizziness, weakness, nausea and diarrhea. Then the disease makes itself felt more and more, and the pain becomes severe.

The disease may be asymptomatic, but sooner or later the symptoms of the disease still begin to appear. This:

heaviness in the stomach,

pain in upper area belly,

weight loss and so on.

Symptoms of exacerbation of gastritis are variable. Its signs may appear or disappear, depending on the degree of the disease and the timeliness of treatment.

Treatment of exacerbation of gastritis

Therapy is a multifaceted process, which primarily includes diet, medication, and strengthening the immune system. Gastritis is not a simple disease; it needs to be treated, since exacerbation leads to complications such as ulcers and stomach cancer.

Physiotherapy in the acute stage of gastritis

Symptoms and treatment of exacerbation of chronic gastritis. At chronic gastritis The use of physiotherapy methods is widespread. In case of severe pain, exacerbation is treated with physiotherapy methods:

electrophoresis with novocaine,



and mud applications.

At chronic illness patients are advised to massage the trapezius and latissimus dorsi muscles, chest, regions solar plexus, stomach area, abdominal muscles. Physiotherapy treatment time is approximately 15 minutes. The disease is treated with a course of about 14 procedures every other day.

At exacerbation of gastritis massage is contraindicated, as in case of bleeding, tuberculosis, oncology, gynecological diseases, pregnancy. When the symptoms of exacerbation of gastritis have passed, in addition to physiotherapy, patients are recommended to undergo sanatorium-resort treatment.

Traditional treatment

It’s not bad to use folk remedies, but this method, as well as diet, are used only for initial and moderate severity of the disease.

Treatment of exacerbation of gastritis with high acidity is carried out with folk remedies.

To reduce the amount of acid secreted by the stomach, exacerbation has long been treated carrot juice. It is prepared from ripened vegetables and drunk only freshly squeezed. You should take the juice on an empty stomach one hour before meals, 250 ml once a day. Treatment lasts for 1.5 weeks. After ten days, the course can be repeated.

To treat diseases with the above acidity, mint is used. To do this, pour 10 g of herb into 120 ml of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Drink this remedy one hour before meals three times a day.

You can combat exacerbation with ordinary plantain. Ten grams of the herb of this plant is poured with 250 ml of boiling water and boiled for 10 minutes. The decoction is taken once a day on an empty stomach in the amount of 15 ml. In addition, gastritis can be treated with an infusion of dried leaves plantain. To prepare the medicine, you need to pour 15 g of plant leaves into 250 ml of boiling water and leave for 8 hours. You need to take the infusion one third of a glass three times a day half an hour before meals.

How to treat exacerbation of gastritis with symptoms of low acidity?

Fight seizures exacerbation of the stomach with low acidity possible using folk remedies.

Treat gastritis of this type with a decoction of elecampane. To do this, take 20 g of the roots of this plant and pour 250 ml hot water, then it all boils for half an hour. You need to drink 15 ml of the decoction before taking it and write three times a day.

Quite often, treatment for exacerbation of gastritis is carried out with horseradish. Before use as medicine it is rubbed on fine grater and mixed with honey. Take this mixture before meals in an amount of 15 g. It should be noted that horseradish juice, both pure and diluted, can easily cause good secretion of gastric juice.

If you feel that you have symptoms of exacerbation of gastritis, it is advisable to consult a doctor. In case of severe pain, do not hesitate, but immediately call an ambulance.

Diet for exacerbation of chronic gastritis

The main nutritional rules for this disease are:

Small and frequent meals in small portions 5-6 times a day provide mechanical sparing of the stomach. Food must be taken only warm. Dishes are prepared exclusively by steaming and served in mashed, mushy or semi-liquid form. Vegetables containing a large amount of plant fiber and coarse fiber should be completely excluded from the diet: radishes, turnips, peas, beans, rye bread, unripe and sour fruits and berries. In no case should you consume spicy and salty foods, fried and fatty meats and fish, smoked foods, coffee, cocoa, strong tea, carbonated drinks, canned food and strong broths.

If the secretory function of the stomach is reduced, the diet during an exacerbation should help stimulate the secretory function of the stomach and the compensatory capabilities of other organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

In this case, treatment recommends a diet that is aimed at stimulating gastric secretion with a gentle diet. The menu for gastritis provides a complete amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, increased content vitamins and enough salt. A prerequisite: the dishes must be well cooked, then thoroughly pureed and served warm. The menu must include meat and fish broths, vegetable and mushroom broths, fruit and vegetable juices, coffee, cocoa, tea.

Symptoms of exacerbation of gastritis include exclusion from the diet of vegetables containing large amounts of coarse fiber and plant fiber. Dietary treatments include legumes, radishes, radishes, gooseberries, dates, and grapes. Under no circumstances should you eat fatty and stringy meat, lard, cartilage, chicken and fish skins. It is necessary to exclude from the diet rye bread, canned and smoked foods, fatty meat and fish, ice cream, baked goods, horseradish and mustard. It is necessary to exclude whole milk, mushrooms, buckwheat and pearl barley porridge.

Sample diet

Symptoms and treatment of exacerbation of gastritis with normal and high acidity

  • 1st breakfast: steam omelette, pureed oatmeal porridge with milk, tea with milk.
  • 2nd breakfast: milk with crackers
  • Diet lunch: carrot and potato soup, steamed meat cutlets with mashed potatoes, fruit jelly.
  • Afternoon snack: milk.
  • Dinner for exacerbation of gastritis: boiled fish with carrot and beet puree, tea with milk.
  • At night: milk.

Diet rules for a diagnosis of exacerbation of chronic gastritis with normal and high acidity

Meat for the patient must be selected that is lean and lean; it is better to use beef, rabbit and poultry (the skin must be removed from the poultry before cooking). Symptoms of exacerbation of gastritis can be caused by eating offal: liver, tongue. Offal, unlike meat, does not have to be prepared in chopped form; it is also allowed in pieces, but they cannot be fried, they must only be boiled.

Fish should be chosen low-fat varieties: primarily river (not red), hake, cod, sea ​​bass. During remissions, it is allowed to eat fish dishes prepared in pieces (boiled), and during an exacerbation, fish, like meat, must be prepared in the form of steamed cutlets, meatballs, fish puree, etc. Before cooking with fish, as with poultry, the skin is removed. Pressed caviar is useful for patients with chronic gastritis.

It is important in treatment to consume sufficiently during an exacerbation. egg white. In addition to boiled eggs (soft-boiled only) and omelettes, you can use it to prepare sweet dishes, such as meringues.

Drinking milk is useful for exacerbation of gastritis. It has almost all the same beneficial properties, like meat, but at the same time has a much less stimulating effect on gastric secretion. In case of exacerbation of gastritis, it is recommended to use milk in pure form as part of dishes. Among fermented milk products, it is better to give preference to yoghurt or fermented baked milk and avoid very acidic products (for example, kefir). Non-acidic cottage cheese is very useful, better homemade. It is used in in kind or in the form of sweet dishes prepared from it: casseroles, cheesecakes, cheesecakes. During periods of exacerbations, cheese should be excluded from the patient’s menu, although during periods of remission it can be consumed.

Cereals and legumes are recommended for the diagnosis of exacerbation. And if legumes are allowed to be eaten in limited quantities and only during periods of remission (they are rich in fiber, which has an irritating effect on the gastric mucosa), then cereals become the main source of vegetable protein for a patient with gastritis.

It is better to cook porridge by first grating the cereal or passing it through a meat grinder. You can add milk to the porridge. It is good to use various cereals in the diet and when preparing viscous soups (such soups are especially recommended during periods of exacerbations).

During periods of remission after treatment, it is recommended in the diet for exacerbation of gastritis to consume dried, stale bread and crackers. The consumption of baked goods - cheesecakes, pies - is not excluded, but their quantity in the diet should be limited.

An important component of the diet during exacerbation of gastritis with high acidity is oil - vegetable and butter - the main source of fat, absolutely necessary for the body a person suffering from gastritis. In addition to the fact that fats have the ability to envelop the stomach, thus providing it with additional protection, they directly affect the process of formation of gastric juice, regulating it.

With increased stomach acidity Of course, you should eat non-acidic varieties of vegetables and fruits. It is good to prepare fruit drinks, jelly, fruit purees and other sweet dishes from them. In case of exacerbation of gastritis, juices should be diluted with water.

What is prohibited in the diet during exacerbation of gastritis?


Pork and lamb are quite difficult to digest meats.

Fried meat, smoked meats, canned food, meat and mushroom broths are prohibited during an exacerbation.

Skimmed milk.

Radishes, turnips, onions, garlic, mushrooms, sorrel, radish, rhubarb, white cabbage.

Pepper, mustard, horseradish and other hot seasonings.

Black bread excludes the treatment of exacerbation.

Coffee, sparkling water, alcoholic drinks.

Ice cream, cold drinks, hot tea.

The amount of salt in food must be limited, especially during periods of exacerbation of the disease.

Sample diet for exacerbation of chronic gastritis with low acidity

Let's analyze what the diet should be.

  • 1st breakfast: oatmeal and weak tea with milk.
  • 2nd breakfast: baked apple.
  • Lunch: broth with meatballs, steamed meat cutlet with buckwheat porridge, compote.
  • Dinner: vegetable puree, fresh cottage cheese, maybe with jam.
  • At night in the diet during an exacerbation: a glass of kefir with a white cracker.

Exacerbation of chronic gastritis with low acidity - diet rules

During acute periods of illness with low acidity, it is recommended to consume only insipid foods. bakery products : dried wheat bread, dry cookies, cheesecakes.

Potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, zucchini should be well-cooked and served in the form of vegetable purees. In case of exacerbation, you can add butter in small quantities to dishes. It is allowed to add one small fresh tomato.

In order to increase the amount of protein in the body, treatment of exacerbation of gastritis involves the introduction of eggs, especially egg white, into the diet. These can be soft-boiled eggs or egg white omelettes.

Desserts in the form of jelly or mashed compotes are made only from sweet varieties of berries and fruits. Eating during an exacerbation is allowed in the diet baked apples or pears, jam. You can offer the patient juices from non-acidic berries or fruits, diluted with water (1: 1). If a small portion of such juice does not cause rejection by the body, you can include it in dietary ration.

Drinks for secretory deficiency are traditional for any type of disease. Treatment for exacerbation of gastritis includes tea or cocoa with milk or cream; rosehip decoction or syrup is very good.

Diet for gastritis with low acidity

As the exacerbation subsides, the patient switches to a normal healthy balanced diet. During the so-called transition period, when the exacerbation has subsided, but final remission has not yet occurred, it is necessary to use a moderately gentle diet, close to full physiological nutrition.

Such a diet after an exacerbation of gastritis no longer requires the obligatory grinding of food - dishes can be prepared by chopping or slicing. However, it is still necessary to adhere to the principle of fractional nutrition - 5-6 meals per day. The daily intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and the calorie content of food remain the same as during the acute period of the disease.

To the allowed foods in the diet after an exacerbation of gastritis with low acidity, in addition to those used during the acute period, add boiled beets and white cabbage, sweet fresh fruits and berries (peeled), ripe watermelons, dairy products, cottage cheese, low-fat sausage, lightly salted herring.

Meat, poultry and low-fat fish can be served either chopped or in pieces; they must be boiled or baked, or lightly fried, but without breading and without forming a crust.

After an exacerbation, porridge can be cooked and crumbly; you can add milk or cream to it. Only millet and pearl barley should be avoided.

Treatment of exacerbation of gastritis includes potatoes, carrots, beans, cauliflower, zucchini, pumpkin, peas, and white cabbage in moderation. Vegetables are boiled, stewed, baked, and vegetable purees are prepared from them.

Flour products after an exacerbation with secretory insufficiency are the same as for other types of gastritis: dried bread, crackers, cookies, dry biscuits, uneaten pastries.

After an exacerbation, sour varieties of berries and fruits, citrus fruits, and ripe tomatoes are consumed. The menu can include mousses, jellies, jelly, juices from various fruits. The use of fermented milk products is allowed.

Causes of exacerbations

In the overwhelming majority, the cause of exacerbation of the disease is infection of the stomach with bacteria, when the infection affects the mucous membrane and eventually causes its destruction.

The disease develops as a result of burns of the gastric mucosa by various chemical compounds, this often happens in patients who abuse alcohol or when consuming large amounts of vinegar, acid, or alkali.

For some, anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics during treatment can provoke an exacerbation of the disease, not only due to irritation of the mucous membrane directly, but also due to disruption protective properties stomach, and periodic irritation of the mucous membrane leads to symptoms of exacerbation.

Video: Doctor B. Skachkov about the symptoms and treatment of exacerbation of gastritis

An exacerbation of gastritis, the symptoms of which are clearly and painfully manifested, can greatly interfere with a person’s life. During this period, people become unable to work, and it is necessary to urgently take measures to stop the attack. Chronic gastritis in the acute stage is dangerous in itself, but at the same time it has a noticeable effect on mental condition patient, exhausts him physically. The disease must be treated without waiting for a severe phase, but if acute symptoms nevertheless appear, treatment should include effective therapy and strictly as prescribed by the doctor.

1 The essence of pathology

At its core, gastritis can be thought of as inflammatory process in the gastric mucosa, which, as it progresses, can affect deeper stenotic tissues. The most diagnosed type of disease is one that develops slowly over a long period of time with atrophic manifestations, secretory, contractile and other gastric dysfunctions.

A chronic type of pathology can develop according to several main mechanisms: an autoimmune type with degeneration of parietal cells, which impairs the production of the acid component and the absorption of vitamin B12; bacterial species(type B), caused by exposure with a violent inflammatory reaction; reflux is a type of gastritis associated with the release of bile into the gastric cavity. Depending on the secretory abilities of the stomach, the composition of gastric juice and excessive production of acidic composition differ ().

2 Etiology of the disease

Chronic gastritis progresses over a fairly long period of time, alternating between stages of exacerbation and calm (remission), when the symptoms subside and the disease is practically asymptomatic. Exacerbations of chronic gastritis can be both exogenous (external influences) and endogenous (internal). Among exogenous factors, nutritional reasons associated with violations of the diet and diet are especially highlighted. The most common disorders: overeating, especially after a period of fasting; eating a large meal before bed; consuming excessively hot food or drinks; consumption of poorly digestible, spicy, fatty and low-quality food; alcohol abuse. Other reasons can be identified: smoking, stress and nervous overload, uncontrolled use of certain medications (corticosteroids, antibiotics, sulfonamides, salicylates, etc.), food allergic reaction.

Exacerbation of chronic gastritis can be affected by various endogenous factors associated with internal pathogenic effects and decreased immunity. The most prominent reasons are: infectious lesions With clear signs intoxication of the body (flu, measles, pneumonia, scarlet fever); food infections (salmonella, staphylococcus, etc.); damage to internal gastric tissues as a result of burns, radiation, frostbite; autoimmune intoxication (renal or liver failure). Enough frequent exacerbation pathologies in women during pregnancy are explained by toxicosis and hormonal disorders.

3 Manifestation of the disease

What are the symptoms of exacerbation of gastritis? With an exacerbation of chronic gastritis, the subtle course of the disease is disrupted, and the symptoms become obvious and painful. When the acute phase of gastritis begins, symptoms can be divided into local and general. The main local manifestation is gastric dyspepsia and pain. Pain manifests itself in the epigastric region immediately after eating or on an empty stomach. It intensifies when moving and standing. The nature of the pain can vary from dull aching pain to sudden, in the form of attacks.

The main symptoms of exacerbation of gastritis are associated with gastrointestinal dyspepsia. The main manifestations include heaviness and pressure in the epigastric region after eating; belching; regurgitation; nausea; bad taste in the mouth, especially in the morning; heartburn; burning in the epigastrium. The stomach reacts especially strongly to spicy, rough, fried or smoked foods. Obvious indicators: flatulence, bloating, rumbling, stool disturbance.

General signs of exacerbation are associated with intoxication of the body. Quite often there is an astheno-neurotic syndrome characterized by general weakness, irritability, increased sweating, cardiovascular manifestations in the form of arrhythmia, cardialgia, changes in blood pressure. Immediately after eating, dumping syndrome may appear, expressed in sudden weakness and drowsiness, pale skin. During such a period, it suddenly intensifies, requiring urgent emptying.

4 Various cases

Taking into account various secretory dysfunctions, exacerbation has certain differences in its manifestation. If the disease develops with increased acidity of gastric juice, then such characteristic symptoms: obligatory pain in the abdominal area of ​​a periodic or constant nature; severe burning sensation; belching with; nausea and vomiting; the presence of traces of blood in the stool; decreased appetite.

The signs of aggravated gastritis with low acidity are somewhat different from the previous case. If the atrophic nature of the lesion predominates, the pain syndrome is not indicative sign, and sometimes simply absent. The main symptoms are the following: alternating constipation and diarrhea associated with poor digestion of food; bad smell from the mouth and belching with a putrid taste; a feeling of fullness and heaviness in the upper abdomen; flatulence; increased sweating, weakness, fatigue.

5 Treatments

Treatment of chronic gastritis at the acute stage depends on the characteristics of secretory and motor-evacuation disorders. If the course is severe during this period, it can be performed on a stationary basis. The most important condition treatment becomes provision therapeutic diet, and the whole principle of therapy is aimed at sparing and restoring the gastric mucosa.

Basic treatment is based on effective drug therapy. During an exacerbation, medications should be taken only under the supervision of a doctor and after the type of disease has been established. Medications are aimed at eliminating the bacterial component of the etiology, normalizing the secretory function of the stomach, improving motility, reducing aggressiveness or increasing the acidity of gastric juice to normalize digestion, stopping inflammatory reaction, symptomatic treatment, regeneration of affected tissues, prevention of relapses in the future.

6 Power optimization

Diet for exacerbation of chronic gastritis is mandatory element diet, but its content depends on the type of acidity of gastric juice. On the first day of the acute phase of the pathology, it is necessary to abstain from eating altogether - this is done therapeutic fasting. You should drink cool tea and still water. Only the next day can you introduce jelly, one soft-boiled egg and porridge with water of a liquid consistency into the diet.

In general, a diet is established in the form of frequent (5-6 times a day), but fractional meals. Each serving should not exceed 260-320 g. In case of high acidity of the stomach, the following products should be completely prohibited: pickles, marinades, preservatives, smoked foods, hot seasonings and spices, fried foods; Difficult to digest foods - animal fats, pies, mushrooms. Food is given a form that makes it easier to digest - porridge, pureed vegetables, puree, soufflé, steam cutlets. The temperature of food when eating it should be comfortable for the esophagus. Carbonated drinks and alcohol are strictly excluded.

In case of insufficient secretion of hydrochloric acid, the general diet is similar: food should be consumed warm in a semi-liquid and softened state (mashed potatoes, souffle, etc.). Pickles, smoked foods, marinades, spicy dishes, fried, fatty meats, and alcohol are completely excluded. Products that increase fermentation (whole milk, grapes, sour cream) and difficult-to-process foods (animal fats, fried potatoes, etc.) should be eliminated from the menu. To restore the body, it is recommended to supplement food with vitamins.

7 Drug therapy

What to do with gastritis in the acute phase? Basic treatment is based on drug therapy, with drugs prescribed taking into account the type of disease. First of all, it is recommended to take

astringent and enveloping drugs that reduce irritation on the mucous membrane: bismuth nitrate, Vinilin, Plantaglucid. Pain syndrome and spasmodic phenomena are relieved by prescribing atropine sulfate, Cerucal, Sulpiride, Eglonil, Dogmatil, No-shpa, Halidor. Acceleration of tissue regeneration is achieved by using the following means: drugs nicotinic acid(Nicotinamide, Nikoshpan, Complamin), Methyluracil, vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, ascorbic acid, Solcoseryl, aloe extract.

In case of weak secretory function ( low acidity), used to compensate for gastric juice deficiency replacement therapy- hydrochloric acid and natural gastric juice are introduced. From the very beginning of the exacerbation phase, it is important to take universal enzymatic medications: Abomin, Festal, Digestal, Panzinorm, Mezim-forte.

Dilute hydrochloric acid and the drugs Acidin-pepsin, Betacid, Pepsidil, Salpepsin are prescribed after the main manifestations of the inflammatory reaction.

In cases where the pathology develops with increased acidity, medications should be prescribed that neutralize the aggressiveness of gastric juice and slow down secretion (antacid drugs): magnesium oxide, calcium carbonate, Almagel. Quite effective modern means: Maalox, Maymagel, Alumag, Gastralugel, Gelfos. Complex therapy includes the use of sedatives and tranquilizers: Diazepam, Relanium, Trioxazin, Novo-Passit. Treatment of the disease caused by Helicobacter pylori is based on the destruction of these microorganisms. Antibiotics are prescribed for this penicillin series: Ampicillin, Amoxicillin, Carindacillin, Carfecillin, Mecillinam. Antibiotics based on nitromidazole and tetracycline are also used.

Exacerbation of chronic gastritis is a dangerous and painful phenomenon that must be combated with effective methods. Take off acute phase It is not recommended to do it on your own. You should consult a doctor if signs of exacerbation appear, who will prescribe the most appropriate medications, taking into account the individual characteristics of the sick person.