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Pain under the left rib in front. My left side hurts, what is it?

The appearance of pain in the left lower abdomen may indicate a serious problem with the organs located in this area. Possible pathologies include intestinal diseases, Bladder or gynecological field. Let's take a closer look at the most important reasons pain in the left lower abdomen and their treatment.

Located in the lower abdomen thick section intestines, which can cause pain in pathologies. It is important to distinguish between symptoms of acute pathologies that require emergency medical care, for example, atypically located appendicitis or intestinal obstruction.

Atypical appendicitis

Inflammation of the small appendix of the cecum is called appendicitis. The reasons for his infection are ambiguous. Some scientists talk about the anatomical features of the intestinal structure, due to which people are susceptible to inflammation of the appendix.

The main sign of inflammation of the appendix is ​​pain in the lower abdomen. It is usually localized on the right, but there are cases of atypical left-sided location of the process. Due to the pathologically mobile cecum, the appendix is ​​displaced into left side.

A mirror arrangement of organs is also possible, when not only the intestines, but all organs are moved to the opposite side. This can make diagnosis difficult. But atypical tenderness on the left side should not completely rule out appendicitis.

The pain caused by inflammation of the appendix is ​​strong and constant, intensifying when trying to make a movement. In addition to pain, a person is worried about:

The diagnosis is made after examination by a surgeon, based on objective signs. Treatment consists of surgery: the inflamed appendage is removed. The intervention is small in scope, after which the person is discharged from the department just a few days later.

Important! Faster rehabilitation occurs with laparoscopic removal of the appendix.

Intestinal obstruction

Intestinal obstruction develops when the movement of food stops. It is caused by tumors, volvulus, and some common diseases. Obstruction may develop gradually over several weeks or acutely.

Pain in the lower abdomen on the left side appears with colonic obstruction. Then the food stops in the area of ​​the sigmoid colon, for example, at the site of a tumor. It accumulates above the formation, overstretching the intestine. The intestines begin to die from excessive compression.

A constant appears strong pain, which intensifies as obstruction develops. Inflammation of the peritoneum develops - peritonitis. At the slightest movement or touching the abdomen, the pain intensifies. Along with pain syndrome, a person suffers from:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • high temperature;
  • severe weakness and dehydration;
  • lack of stool.

The diagnosis of intestinal obstruction is established after examination (abdominal x-ray). This is an emergency pathology and its treatment is carried out in a hospital as soon as possible. The patient undergoes surgery to remove the blockage. If the tumor was to blame, then it is removed. The dead section of the intestine is removed. After surgery, strong intravenous antibiotics are prescribed.

Important! In case of low intestinal obstruction, they often resort to removing part of the intestine to the anterior wall of the abdomen - a stoma.


Pain in the lower abdomen may be caused by inguinal hernia. This happens due to the anatomical features of a person. Factors that increase the pressure in the abdominal cavity provoke the appearance of a hernia:

  • persistent cough;
  • constipation;
  • flatulence;
  • lifting weights.

The pain with hernial protrusion is aching, periodic. If the hernia is complicated by strangulation, the compressed intestine begins to die. A strong one appears constant pain and symptoms of peritonitis.

A hernia looks like a round formation in the left lower abdomen, in the groin area or on the scrotum. The diagnosis is not difficult. Treating an uncomplicated hernia planned operation. Strangulated hernia is an indication for emergency surgery, since developing peritonitis can lead to death.

The intestines are placed in abdominal cavity, and the tissue defect that allowed the intestine to come out is sutured and strengthened additional funds, for example, a grid. The hernia can recur, so after surgery you should get rid of the factors that provoke its appearance, for example, constipation.

Video - Why does the left side in the lower abdomen hurt?


The sigmoid colon is located in the lower left part of the abdomen. It can become a source of pain when inflammation develops. Moreover, inflammation occurs both infectious and nonspecific, for example, Crohn's disease.

The pain syndrome with sigmoiditis is paroxysmal. Pressing in this area increases the pain, and under your fingers you can feel a dense, inflamed sigmoid colon. It is in a state of spasm, so it looks like a dense, lumpy cord.

Along with the pain, multiple loose stools appear, sometimes mixed with blood. Body temperature may rise to low levels. If sigmoiditis is nonspecific, then it is characterized by an alternating course - with exacerbations and lulls.

Treatment of infectious sigmoiditis involves the use of antibiotics and sorbents. For nonspecific sigmoiditis, strong anti-inflammatory drugs such as glucocorticosteroids or cytostatics help.

Intestinal colic

Often, pain in the lower abdomen can be a consequence of severe flatulence or intestinal colic. Gases inflate the intestinal walls, putting pressure on them, causing severe paroxysmal pain.

A number of products that increase gas formation provoke excess gas:

  • black bread;
  • legumes;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • yeast baked goods.

If there are episodes of intestinal colic, it is better to exclude these foods from the diet. Gas formation can also increase under the influence of stressful situations.

Treatment consists of using antispasmodics, for example:

  • No-shpa;
  • Duspatalin;
  • Papaverine.

They will relax the intestines and facilitate the removal of gases. Typically, colic attacks last no more than 20-30 minutes, passing after a single dose of antispasmodics. If colic does not go away for a long time, you should seek medical attention. medical care in order to exclude more dangerous pathologies.

Important! Intestinal colic often bothers people with irritable bowel syndrome.

Gynecological problems

In the lower abdomen there are organs of the female reproductive sphere - the uterus, ovaries, and tubes. They quite often become a source of pain due to their pathology.

On the sides of the uterus are its appendages and ovaries, which often become infected and inflamed. This condition is called adnexitis or salpingoophoritis. There are acute and chronic types of inflammation.

The reasons for it are:

  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • nonspecific bacteria – coli and others.

The pain in acute adnexitis is sharp and constant. They are localized in the left side of the abdomen if the left ovary is affected. Vaginal discharge and fever may occur. Severe weakness and symptoms of intoxication develop. Without adequate treatment, acute adnexitis becomes chronic.

Chronic adnexitis causes less severe pain, and there is usually no discharge from the genital tract or fever. The pain is nagging and aching, intensifying during menstruation. With chronic inflammation, adhesions gradually develop in the area of ​​the affected organs.

Treatment of adnexitis is long-term and complex. Prescribed:

  • antibiotics: Ceftriaxone, Cefepime, Augmentin, Ciprofloxacin;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs: Ibuprofen, Diclofenac;
  • resorption therapy: Aloe extract;
  • physiotherapeutic methods: UHF, electrophoresis.

Important! Without treatment, adnexitis can cause secondary infertility.

Ectopic pregnancy

It doesn’t happen often, but it happens that during pregnancy the embryo is implanted not in the uterus, but in the tube. Adnexitis, after which adhesions and the presence of an intrauterine device persist, contribute to the development of ectopic pregnancy. These conditions prevent the tube from making normal movements that are aimed at moving the embryo into the uterus, and it attaches to the wall of the tube.

As it grows, it will stretch its walls until one day they burst. Severe acute pain will appear on the left side if the left tube ruptures. The pain is so severe that it can lead to loss of consciousness. Internal bleeding develops from the vessels of the tube, the symptoms of which are:

  • severe weakness;
  • noise in ears;
  • dizziness;
  • low pressure;
  • frequent pulse.

This emergency condition, in which surgery should be performed as soon as possible. Usually the pipe is removed because it is too damaged. But for small tears, removal is possible. ovum without deletion fallopian tube. Reliable contraception is recommended for several months after surgery.


Another one acute pathology, which occurs in women - follicle rupture or apoplexy. A mature egg is released from the ovary at the time of ovulation. This happens when the follicle bursts. In some women, its walls are too thick, so rupture can cause pain.

Usually apoplexy is provoked by sexual intercourse or physical stress. Appears sharp pain in the area of ​​the lower abdomen on the left or right, depending on the location of the culprit ovary. There may be a brief loss of consciousness due to severe pain.

The diagnosis is made after examining and interviewing the girl. Pain during sexual intercourse that appears in the middle of the cycle is always suspicious of apoplexy. Ultrasound examination confirms the diagnosis.

Typically, the symptoms of apoplexy are short-lived and subside within a few days. To relieve pain, use painkillers such as Ibuprofen, Voltaren, Ketorol in injections or tablets, depending on the severity of pain. In the future, if such episodes are repeated daily, then the woman should be advised to take combined oral contraceptives. They prevent the maturation of the follicle, preventing the symptoms of apoplexy from developing.

urinary system

The organs of the urinary system can cause pain in the lower abdomen on the left side. Differential diagnosis when similar symptoms appear should be carried out with these conditions.


This is an inflammation of the bladder caused by microorganisms. It occurs much more often in women than in men. The reason for this is a shorter urethra, which facilitates the penetration of bacteria from the external genital tract.

With cystitis, a person is bothered by constant severe pain in the lower abdomen, which can radiate to the left or right side. The pain becomes more pronounced when going to the toilet, and pain and burning occurs.

The urination itself is more frequent, with a small amount of urine. Diuresis increases at night, which is associated with better blood flow in the kidneys in a horizontal position. With cystitis, it is rare, but the body temperature may rise, then symptoms of general intoxication develop.

When palpated in the lower abdomen, the pain intensifies. Under your fingers you feel a tighter, fuller bladder. The diagnosis is confirmed using a general urinalysis and ultrasound examination.

Treatment of cystitis involves using:

  • antibiotics and uroseptics: Ciprofloxacin, Ofloxacin, Monural;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs: Ibuklin, Voltaren;
  • diets limiting spicy and smoked foods, which have an irritating effect on the bladder;
  • sexual rest for the duration of treatment.

Important! The most common causative agent of cystitis is Escherichia coli.

Urolithiasis disease

Pain in the lower abdomen on the left side is associated with an attack of urolithiasis. This is a condition in which the urine has increased amount salts Some of them are deposited in the form of stones in the kidneys, bladder or ureters.

Left-sided, nagging pain is characteristic of a stone in the left ureter. The pain syndrome during an attack of urolithiasis is quite strong and pronounced. When the stone is located in the ureter, the pain radiates to the leg. No situation makes a person’s condition easier.

Only a weak relationship was noted between the severity of pain in the heart area and the severity of the cause that caused it. When there is pain on the left side of the chest, we first of all think about the heart. But in case of some stomach diseases or disorders motor activity biliary tract, pain in the heart area may appear. Pain during angina pectoris is pressing, squeezing or burning, felt behind the sternum or in the left half chest, in the area of ​​the heart, can radiate to the hand.
If the chest hurts on the left side, this does not necessarily indicate heart disease.

Perhaps most people, at least once in their lives, have experienced pain or other unpleasant sensations behind the sternum or to the left of it in the chest, exactly where the heart is located. These pains attract attention and cause concern more than many others - this is how we instinctively react to “problems” at the location of such an important organ. It is not for nothing that pain in the heart area is the most common reason for seeking medical help. Characteristic pain in the left side of the chest occurs with myocarditis and pericarditis. Most often, pain in the heart area occurs with the so-called stage 3 hypertension, when increased blood pressure and impaired blood flow lead to severe disorders of the heart and other organs.

Pain in the heart area, that is, in the left or central side of the sternum, can be for a variety of reasons. Conventionally, all chest pain can be divided into cardiological and non-cardiological.

Pain in this area varies. They prick, press, squeeze, bake, burn, whine, pull, pierce. They can be felt in a small area or spread throughout the chest, radiating to the shoulder, arm, neck, lower jaw, stomach, under the shoulder blade. They can appear for a few minutes or last for hours, or even days on end, they can change when breathing, moving the arms and shoulder girdle, or changing posture... Sometimes they occur during physical or emotional stress, sometimes at rest or in connection with taking food.

There are many causes of pain in the heart area. They can be heart diseases such as angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, inflammation of the heart and its membranes, and rheumatic lesions. But often the source of pain is outside the heart, as, for example, with neurosis, diseases of the ribs and thoracic spine, problems with the gastrointestinal tract and many other diseases.

Why does my heart hurt?

Pain in the heart area is one of the most common reasons people seeking emergency help. Heart pain can be divided into two main groups according to its origin:

  • anginal pain, arising on various stages ischemic disease;
  • cardialgia caused by inflammatory heart diseases, congenital diseases and heart defects or vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Anginal(ischemic, angina) pain appear when there is a need to increase blood flow, which occurs during physical activity or emotional stress. Therefore, these pains are characterized by attacks occurring when walking, emotional disorders, and stopping at rest, quickly removing them with nitroglycerin. By nature, ischemic pain is usually burning, pressing, squeezing; are felt, as a rule, behind the sternum and can radiate to left shoulder, arm, under the shoulder blade, in the lower jaw. They are often accompanied by shortness of breath. Very strong, pressing, squeezing, tearing, burning pain behind the sternum or to the left of it is one of the symptoms of acute myocardial infarction, and this pain is no longer relieved by nitroglycerin.

Cardialgia, arising from rheumatic diseases heart, myocarditis and inflammatory diseases outer shell heart - pericardium, usually long-lasting, aching or stabbing in nature, diffuse, arises to the left of the sternum, worsens with breathing, coughing. They are not relieved by nitroglycerin, but may subside with the use of painkillers.

Often, pain in the heart area is not associated with diseases of the heart itself.

If the pain in the heart area changes when bending and turning the body, deep breath If you exhale, move your arms, and taking nitroglycerin or validol has virtually no effect on the intensity, it is probably due to thoracic radiculitis or diseases of the costal cartilages.

Severe pain along the intercostal spaces is sometimes the first sign of herpes zoster, and short-term or periodic pain in the area of ​​the heart, often concentrated in a small area, aching, stitching or of an uncertain nature - a common complaint of patients with neurosis.

Stress and depression can manifest as pain in the neck and shoulder area. Those who run to the doctor in fear, believing that they have a “bad heart,” return home reassured: the pain is associated only with the muscles. Often, shortness of breath, squeezing or stabbing pain in the heart are caused by bloating of the intestines, which puts pressure on the heart and thereby impairs its function. If you can associate pain in the heart with eating a specific food or fasting, then the cause may be a disease of the stomach or pancreas. Also, the cause of pain can be a pinched heart nerve root, a weakened thoracic spine, its curvature, osteochondrosis, etc.

How to discover the cause of pain and what to do about it?

To clarify the cause of pain in the heart area, a thorough examination prescribed by a cardiologist and cardiac surgeon is necessary.

When studying the activity of the heart, the obligatory method is an electrocardiogram (ECG), a stress ECG (treadmill test, bicycle ergometry) - recording an electrocardiogram during physical activity and Holter monitoring ECG - this is a recording of an ECG carried out during the day.

To study heart murmurs, the phonocardiography method is used, and the echocardiography method allows using ultrasound to examine the condition of the heart muscles and valves, and assess the speed of blood movement in the cavities of the heart. The coronary angiography method is used to study the condition of the coronary arteries. To determine the lack of blood supply to the heart muscle, the method of myocardial scintigraphy is also used.

To exclude “non-cardiac causes” of pain in the heart, it may be necessary to conduct radiography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging of the spine; consultation with a neurologist or orthopedist may be necessary. You may have to visit a gastroenterologist or medical psychologist.

By the way, according to the observations of cardiologists, if a person describes his pain in the heart area in detail and vividly, very often takes observations about his painful sensations “on a pencil” and reads them to the doctor, most likely these are not heart pains. If, in addition, a person believes that the pain is different each time, lasts a long time (without signs of heart failure), is accompanied by a frequent heartbeat, which is sometimes more disturbing than the pain itself, cardiologists, as a rule, look for the cause of the disease outside the heart.

If the description of the pain is sparse, without unnecessary words, and if the patient remembers the nature of the painful sensations well, this often indicates a serious heart disease. However, any complaints of pain in the heart area should consult a doctor.

The cardiologist will prescribe treatment for you depending on your established diagnosis. It is possible that the course manual therapy will be quite enough to relieve you of heart pain caused by “non-heart” diseases. Or perhaps the only salvation for you will be surgery, aimed at vascular plasticity or creating a bypass for blood flow.

Remember - our heart was created for love, but we must learn to love and take care of it.

If you systematically experience pain in the heart area, go to the doctor, get examined and find out the reason for this.

Pain in the left side of the chest can signal the most various pathologies. Sometimes even experienced doctors do not immediately determine the true causes of discomfort. Often these are heart diseases. But, in addition to such ailments, pain may indicate problems with the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, spine, and central nervous system.

What does discomfort indicate?

Pain in the left side of the chest is most often caused by severe stress. In this case, there is a possibility that the patient will have a heart attack. Especially if the discomfort occurs unexpectedly and is sudden.

Along with that, there are various reasons pain that does not threaten the patient's life. But even in this case, the seriousness of such manifestations cannot be ruled out. Soft It's a dull pain on the left side of the chest only at first glance seems harmless.

The severity of the disease can be assessed by accompanying symptoms. Listen carefully to your condition, whether your pain in the left region of the sternum is associated with:

  • pallor;
  • shortness of breath;
  • dizziness;
  • fainting;
  • sweating

Most importantly, even with minimal discomfort, consult a doctor. The prescribed examination will allow you to timely identify the disease and save you from further development of the pathology.

Common Causes

If the patient experiences pain in the left side of the chest, then the first diseases to be checked for are: experienced doctor, are pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

To ailments that provoke similar discomfort, relate:

  1. Angina pectoris. Due to ischemia (tissue damage caused by hypoxia), pain occurs. Pathology appears after physical activity or stress. The patient needs rest and the use of nitrates.
  2. Myocardial infarction. Part of the heart muscle dies. The patient experiences severe left-sided (sometimes central) chest pain. Discomfort occurs suddenly. The pain may spread to left hand, shoulder, neck, jaw or stomach.
  3. Pericarditis. The mucous membrane around the heart becomes inflamed. The discomfort is aggravated by supine position. The condition is accompanied by a cough. The patient experiences relief in sitting position or leaning forward. Difficulty breathing, slightly elevated temperature, and fatigue may occur.
  4. Pulmonary embolism. With this pathology, blockage occurs pulmonary artery. The condition resembles heart attack. Suddenly the pain begins, quite severe. As a result of blockage, the lung tissue dies. With such a diagnosis, the patient has difficulty breathing, a cough containing bloody sputum, sweating, shortness of breath, dizziness, fainting, paleness with a bluish tint.
  5. Aortic dissection. Blood accumulates in the wall of the aorta. The inner and middle layers begin to separate. There is a rupture. The patient experiences sharp, severe pain. It can be felt in the back, neck, stomach, jaw. The condition is very similar to a heart attack.

Respiratory tract diseases

After excluding pathologies of the cardiac system, a fair question arises: “Why does it hurt in the left side of the chest?” The answer to this may be hidden in pathologies of the respiratory tract.

Some infections can cause frequent acute pain in the left sternum. As a rule, they are accompanied by:

  • cough;
  • shortness of breath;
  • sputum;
  • fever.

If the source of discomfort is non-infectious pathologies, then hyperthermia, as a rule, is not observed.

Among the main reasons are the following:

  • bronchitis;
  • asthma;
  • pneumonia;
  • cancer (pleura, lung);
  • tuberculosis;
  • pleurisy.

Diseases of the peritoneum

Unfortunately, gastrointestinal pathologies cannot be ruled out. Many peritoneal organs are located in this area. Often such diseases manifest themselves as pain in the left side of the chest.

Discomfort increases when lying down. More often we're talking about about diseases affecting:

  • stomach;
  • spleen;
  • left kidney;
  • pancreas;
  • left lobe of the liver.

The most common sources of unilateral “left” chest pain are:

  • ulcers;
  • gastritis;
  • hiatal hernia;
  • pathology of the left kidney;
  • ailments of the spleen;
  • pancreatitis;
  • gallstone diseases.

Discomfort under left breast

Determining the source of pain is sometimes quite difficult. There are muscles under the breasts, which can be caused by severe anxiety and stress.

It should not be forgotten that in this area there is:

  • spleen;
  • pancreas;
  • part of the diaphragm.

Constant pain in the left side of the chest can be caused by pathologies of these organs. Certain diseases cause the spleen to become enlarged and sometimes rupture (infectious mononucleosis). In this case, the patient experiences severe discomfort in the left chest.

Stomach diseases (ulcers, gastritis, cancer) can provoke pain. A diaphragmatic hernia also causes discomfort in the above area.

Pain in the upper left chest

Such sensations most often occur with various heart pathologies. In the case of ischemia, the pain in the left upper part of the chest is of a pressing, squeezing nature. As a rule, it lasts 5-15 minutes. Discomfort spreads to the area of ​​the left shoulder and arm. Sometimes it can even reach the little finger.

Excessive physical or mental overstimulation can provoke an attack of angina. The patient will also experience severe discomfort in the left chest. Ignoring these symptoms can lead to myocardial infarction.

Another disease that causes pain in the left side of the chest (above) is cardioneurosis. The discomfort is long-lasting aching character. In this case, the pain is felt precisely in upper area breasts

Aching discomfort

This type of pain most often characterizes hormonal changes. Therefore, we often encounter this type of discomfort:

  • teenagers;
  • women during menopause;
  • individuals diagnosed with thyroid dysfunction.

If we are talking about teenagers, then most often the discomfort goes away on its own, after the end of the period of growing up. Doctors recommend these children:

  • vitamin complexes;
  • healthy eating;
  • some sedatives;
  • moderate physical activity.

Women experiencing heart pain during menopause should be examined by a doctor. Because the reduced output sex hormones can affect the functioning of any internal organs. Only an examination will allow you to exclude severe heart pathologies.

This also applies to patients suffering from thyroid disorders. Any pathologies can seriously affect it internal organs. Consultation with an endocrinologist is the only right decision.

Stitching discomfort

The source of such sensations may be a change in the heart or in other organs. Stitching pain in the left side of the chest, which is paroxysmal in nature, constantly intensifying, accompanied by shortness of breath - this is serious reason call an ambulance.

This type of pain can be observed with rheumatic heart disease, inflammation of the heart muscle. Painkillers can improve the condition somewhat.

Stitching pain can be caused by many other pathologies:

  • diseases of the digestive organs;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • pneumonia;
  • rib fracture;
  • pleurisy;

Dull sensations

Most often, such discomfort has direct relation to pericarditis. A dull pain in the left side of the chest is constant. Sometimes she can be harsh and strong. Pericarditis is an inflammatory process of a special membrane that holds the heart in the required position.

Dull, severe pain localized along the spine, which is accompanied by weakness, may indicate a dissecting aortic aneurysm.

Chronic pathologies of the pancreas can also cause similar sensations on the left side of the sternum.

The appearance of discomfort is also provoked by cancerous tumors of the stomach and lung. Especially strong sensations arise in the last stages.

Patients who feel a dull pain in the left side of the sternum should immediately refuse any exercise. This is especially true for walking.

At this state It's best to lie down. Or, at the very least, sit down comfortably. The patient is given a Nitroglycerin tablet and, without delay, calls an ambulance. It is strictly forbidden to travel to a medical facility on your own. You should not delay visiting a doctor. Because we are talking about the patient's life.

Nagging pain

This discomfort can be caused by several reasons.

If the patient experiences unilateral nagging pain, then most often we are talking about pathology in thoracic region spine - osteochondrosis. This disease is characterized by changes in the intervertebral discs.

The source may be improper load, impaired metabolism. Osteochondrosis often develops as a result of prolonged stay in one position. For example, this pathology is very common among office workers and drivers.

A nagging pain in the left side of the chest may signal the development of scoliosis. The reason is also hidden in the uneven and incorrect load on the spine.

Any pain is a signal of disorder in the body. It often occurs at the stage of the disease, when it is possible complete cure. Therefore, doctors strongly advise seeking medical help in a timely manner and conducting all possible examinations to identify the causes.

When a patient complains that the abdomen hurts on the left, it is necessary to find out the nature, exact location, time of occurrence and other properties of the pain syndrome. Left side The abdomen is too vague an area to make a diagnosis right away.

There are organs located here, each of which can cause similar symptoms. In addition, one cannot ignore the characteristics of blood vessels, innervation, connection with impulses from the chest and spine.

Anatomical features of the left half of the abdomen

Abdominal pain on the left can be caused by any anatomical structure located in this area. These include the digestive organs:

  • stomach;
  • pancreas;
  • and half of the small intestine;
  • part of the large intestine from the transverse colon, descending, sigmoid and rectum.

The organ of hematopoiesis and immune defense is the spleen. Organs of urination and excretion: left kidney, ureter, bladder. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of damage to:

  • abdominal wall and layers of peritoneum lining the internal cavity;
  • lower ribs on the left;
  • vessels and nerves of the abdominal cavity.

We do not consider here the pelvic organs, which lie in the lowest part. Their role in the examination of women and men for pain cannot be reduced to identify, for example, the source of inflammation or the original tumor.

Mechanism of formation of abdominal pain

The feeling of pain serves as a protective reaction for the body. It indicates damage and requires help. According to the mechanism, pain impulses can be formed by:

  • spastic contraction or hyperextension of hollow organs (intestines, stomach, bladder and ureter);
  • an ulcerative process that violates the integrity of the submucosal and muscular layer (there are no pain receptors in the mucous membrane itself);
  • stretching or rupture of the capsule of parenchymal organs (spleen, kidney);
  • damage to nerve branches and plexuses (due to rib fractures, inflammatory processes, tumor disintegration).

Spastic pain is difficult for patients to tolerate

The classification of pain includes the following types:

  • organ - caused by damage to one or more organs by inflammation, ischemia (decreased blood flow through the arteries), infectious process, pain in the left side of the abdomen migrates, has no epicenter and precise localization;
  • parietal - associated with the abdominal wall, clearly localized at the site of the lesion;
  • neurogenic - caused by damage to nerve fibers, distortion of the impulse to the brain; the organs themselves lying in the abdominal area may not be damaged;
  • reflected - projected onto a zone that is connected by the location of the nerve ganglia of the spinal cord.

Pathology of the abdominal organs is caused by a mixed mechanism. One violation entails chain reaction. Knowledge of the combined negative process allows you to select the optimal treatment to counteract and reduce pain.

What can become inflamed on the left side of the abdomen?

Inflammatory processes in the left side of the abdomen are considered the most common pathology and the most dangerous to human life. With high intensity and weak protective forces of the body, they move from the organs to the layers of the peritoneum and cover the entire abdominal cavity.

This may be accompanied by severe peritonitis and fatal, despite treatment. Inflammatory diseases have various causes. But they always manifest themselves as pain in the abdomen on the left, signs of organ dysfunction.

The inflammation reaction is caused by microorganisms (pathogenic or conditionally pathogenic that have become dangerous), overirritation of organs chemicals, toxic poisons, allergies to certain foods, autoimmune process, caused by an unclear hyperactivation of the immune system and the formation of antibodies to one’s own cells.

Signs of inflammation of each organ have their own characteristics, accompanied by ulceration of the mucous membrane, swelling of the parenchyma, impaired motility


Inflammation of the stomach is most often caused by infection with Helicobacter. This is an acid-fast microorganism that has chosen to “reside” in the pyloric zone. The disease occurs acutely (in case of poisoning with poor quality food, mushrooms, alcohol and its surrogates) or chronically with periods of exacerbation.

The severity of pain under the ribs and in the epigastrium depends on the form of the disease. Catarrhal gastritis is less severe. Intense sensations, vomiting, nausea, heartburn, belching, change from aching pain to sharp pain are observed with erosive, atrophic gastritis.

Impaired motility of the muscular layer of the stomach, spastic contractions or atony, difficulty passing the food bolus through the pylorus and sphincters leads to the formation of gastroesophageal reflux disease with the reflux of acidic contents into the esophagus or biliary gastritis.

When the esophagus is involved, the patient feels pain and burning above the epigastrium, behind the sternum. The discharge of bile from the duodenum is accompanied by concomitant bulbitis and biliary dyskinesia, causing irradiation of pain in the hypochondrium on the right.

A stomach ulcer, manifested by pain on the left side of the abdomen, is localized in the body along the greater curvature. May be located in the upper part of the duodenum. The pain is sharp in nature. The increase is associated with food intake: after 30–60 minutes stomach pain occurs, after an hour and a half, in the morning on an empty stomach or at night - from the intestines.

An ulcer is different from gastritis greater depth defeats

In the intervals between attacks, the pain is dull, the abdomen is swollen, the stool changes from diarrhea to constipation. The appearance of blood in the vomit and liquid black stool indicates bleeding. Intense symptoms are accompanied by vomiting, heartburn, and belching.

Sudden “dagger” pain poses a significant danger. She's talking about a complication peptic ulcer, perforation into the peritoneal cavity or into neighboring organs (penetration). Perforation is more often found in elderly patients taking long-term nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, medications containing salicylic acid.

Penetration of duodenal ulcers occurs into the head of the pancreas. The pain syndrome is girdling in nature, the left side of the abdomen is involved and hurts.

Pain due to pancreatitis and other diseases of the pancreas

The pancreas is one of the important organs digestion. It communicates with the intestines through the main duct, which opens in the sphincter of Oddi together with the bile ducts.

Inflammation (pancreatitis) is accompanied by abdominal pain on the left side with limited spread only to the body and tail of the organ. With a total process, girdle pain of great intensity is characteristic.

The disease is often associated with alcoholism and cholelithiasis. Has a sharp and chronic course. Accompanied by diarrhea with massive discharge feces, covered with a fatty film. Patients lose weight quickly. Intestinal function is disrupted.

The presence of a stone in the pancreatic duct, sphincter of Oddi, leads to blockage, stagnation of pancreatic juice and melting of its own tissues. More often, the pathology is expressed in right-sided pain, but significant necrosis of the parenchyma also involves the left side of the abdomen. Sometimes jaundice occurs.

A pseudocyst forms in the pancreas as an attempt to limit inflammation. In a separate cavity of the body of the organ, juice rich in enzymes accumulates. It forms within a few weeks following an attack of pancreatitis. The pain is weak and aching. The most important signs are signs of impaired absorption of fats and proteins, vitamin deficiency, and a tendency to bleed.

MRI - stage of diagnosis of abdominal pain

An abscess is the formation of a cavity filled with pus in the pancreas. The reason is the addition of an infection against the background of acute pancreatitis with necrosis of part of the parenchyma. The condition gets worse, pain in upper sections the abdomen on the left becomes pulsating, the temperature remains high.

Spleen diseases

Surgeons note that in diseases of the spleen there is a pronounced pain syndrome not typical. The left side and stomach hurt moderately, the nature of the pain is bursting, pulling, aggravated by late stages diseases.

Splenomegaly is expressed in a significant increase in the size of the organ (3 or more times), overflow with blood. More often observed with increased synthesis of blood elements, increased breakdown, in response to infection.

Accompanies liver cirrhosis with the development of portal hypertension. TO nagging pain in the abdomen on the left, radiating to the left shoulder, signs of the underlying disease appear, the temperature often rises.

Perisplenitis is inflammation of the capsule covering the spleen. Usually accompanies defeat neighboring organs(intestines, left kidney, pancreas) or peritoneum. Degree pain in the left half of the abdomen is determined by the severity of the inflammatory reaction.

Splenic infarction is formed when blood flow is disrupted, thromboembolism of the splenic artery. Thrombosis is preceded by severe atherosclerosis and cardiac arrhythmia. The situation threatens the patient's life due to necrosis of part of the organ and the possibility of massive internal bleeding. Clinically manifested by sudden pain in the left abdomen, nausea, vomiting, and fever.

Injuries can cause the spleen to rupture. First, the violations affect the internal structures, bleeding occurs into the parenchyma of the organ. At the same time, the victim begins to feel pain left half abdomen and hypochondrium. Then the increasing internal pressure leads to rupture of the splenic capsule and hemorrhage into the peritoneal cavity. The clinic is developing hemorrhagic shock.

The stage of splenic rupture can be determined by ultrasound imaging

Intestinal diseases

Part of the loops of the small and large intestines is located in the abdomen on the left side. Pathological changes manifested by discomfort and pain on the side of the navel. Irritable bowel syndrome is a set of symptoms that indicate dysfunction of the large intestine.

These include abdominal pain on the left, alternating diarrhea or constipation. A direct connection of the syndrome with mental disorders, nervous exhaustion. The disease explains why people prone to depression and anxiety have stomach pain. The examination does not reveal any organic pathology.

Diverticulosis is formed under the influence of inflammation or birth defects. Pouch-like protrusions (diverticula) form from the intestinal wall. If they become inflamed, they are observed sharp pains, nausea, vomiting, fever, delayed bowel movements and gas release. Most often the pain occurs in the lower left abdomen. This area is more susceptible to developing diverticulosis.

Enterocolitis is inflammation of the small and large intestines. Possible isolated damage to only the loops small intestine(enteritis) and thick (colitis).

The causes of the disease are very diverse:

  • pathogenic bacteria;
  • dysbacteriosis of normal flora;
  • autoimmune reactions;
  • food poisoning;
  • ingress of salts heavy metals;
  • disturbance of blood flow in the vessels of the mesentery.

Symptoms include severe diarrhea with blood and mucus in the stool, pain along the intestines, bloating, loss of appetite, and fever. Nonspecific ulcerative colitis causes spastic pain in the left lower section closer to the groin, which intensify during defecation, after physical activity.

Refers to hereditary autoimmune pathology. Affects everything digestive tract, but more often the intestines. Accompanied by persistent diarrhea, stabbing and aching pain, bloating, and weight loss. Children are most susceptible adolescence and young people. The course is long-term with the formation of cicatricial changes that impede patency.

Spastic and atonic constipation occurs due to the loss of the regulatory function of large intestinal motility. Delayed emptying leads to intoxication of the body, causing cramping pain (with spasm) or distension (with atony).

Pathology may develop due to the intake of certain medicines, as a result of hormonal disorders, frequent stress

Intestinal obstruction is formed by persistent spasm, blockage of the intestinal lumen fecal stones, torsion of diverticula, adhesions, tumor. In this case, the passage of the contents stops, the higher located part swells. Depending on the cause, the pain intensifies gradually or occurs suddenly.

Nausea, vomiting, and lack of audible intestinal peristalsis make it possible to diagnose correct diagnosis.

Diseases exclusively of the rectum (proctitis, paraproctitis) are caused by infection of the mucous membrane, hemorrhoids. Characterized by intense pain in the left side, iliac region, extending into the anus, intensified during defecation, tenesmus (false urge).


A sign of tumor growth is pain in the left half of the abdomen. The pathology is extremely serious in its consequences. It is very important to take into account that the pain sign appears already with a significant process, metastases.

IN initial stages malignant neoplasms disguise themselves as indolent diseases, cause a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, loss of appetite, unstable stools, and an incomprehensible increase in temperature.

In the left half of the abdomen, pain is observed with cancer of the body and tail of the pancreas, stomach (in the upper part), in the lateral and iliac region with colorectal cancer of the large intestine. At the same time, symptoms of intestinal obstruction (retention of stool, gases) appear.

Statistics show that with cancer of the left half colon, sigmoid and direct patient survival is higher than with the tumor located in the right half

Diseases of the urinary organs

Inflammation of the left kidney (pyelonephritis) causes intense bursting pain in the left side. They intensify with movement, are accompanied by pain and frequent urination, increased temperature with chills and sweating.

Calculous pyelonephritis and urolithiasis are pathogenetically related to each other by impaired urine passage renal pelvis, ureters. Stagnation provokes inflammation, and vice versa, inflammation increases the risk of stone formation. Urinary dysfunction is especially dangerous for a pregnant woman.

Renal colic on the left is accompanied by intense pain in the lower back and abdomen, radiating to the scrotum in men and to the groin in women. At the same time, the patient is excited, screams in pain, and urination is delayed due to painful urges. The attack may end on its own without treatment if the stone passes in the urine. Typically, bleeding occurs at the end of urination due to injury to the ureteral mucosa.

Nephroptosis or prolapse of the left kidney by more than 2 cm at the height of inspiration occurs after pregnancy, injury, or with sudden weight loss. The main symptom will be severe pain in the left hypochondrium, lower back and lower abdomen. It intensifies in an upright position, decreases while lying down (the kidney goes back to its normal position).

Hydronephrosis is formed when there is a long-term disruption of the outflow of urine from the kidney; the destroyed pelvis and calyces turn into one large cavity. When enlarged, the renal tubules and nephrons are compressed and die.

Left-sided hydronephrosis causes dull aching pain in the left side of the abdomen, lower back, radiating to the groin. Left kidney stops functioning. Excretion of urine is carried out only by increased load on the right organ.

Pain caused by tension in the renal capsule

Muscle pain and neuralgia

If pain in the left upper abdomen appears when moving, coughing, or taking a deep breath, then we can conclude that it is of muscular origin. Intercostal neuralgia is caused by hypothermia, increased physical activity, uncomfortable posture when working.

Radicular pain with pinching of branches emanating from the bone canals of the spinal cord occurs in patients with spinal osteochondrosis. If there is a lesion in the lower thoracic and lumbar regions, irradiation to the left side and abdomen is possible.

The difference in symptoms and variety of pathologies accompanied by pain in the left half of the abdomen require timely examination of the patient, consultation and treatment by specialists.

The left half of the human body is a very vast area where nature places various organs and structures: intestinal loops, spleen, kidney, pancreas, stomach, reproductive system. If a person complains to a specialist about the appearance aching pain in left side– it is important to take into account all the points in order to conduct a competent differential diagnosis.

What matters is the localization of unpleasant sensations, their severity and nature, the presence of irradiation and duration. After making a preliminary diagnosis, the attending physician will recommend a number of diagnostic procedures to confirm it.

Reasons for development

Let's look at the most common ones that need to be excluded first.


Aching pain in the left side under the ribs, which occurs immediately after eating food and is accompanied by severe flatulence and problems with bowel movements, may signal the presence of pathology from the side. This is the most common cause of rather unpleasant sensations under the left ribs.


Less likely to suspect spleen problem, since clinical manifestations appear already at a very advanced stage. The spleen is an organ that makes itself felt already during the period of decompensation own capabilities. It is responsible for hematopoiesis, therefore the symptom of aching pain in the left side in front can be accompanied by the formation of hematomas varying degrees expressiveness. Blood tests will confirm abnormalities in the blood system.

Heart diseases

People tend to get confused heart pathology(for example, coronary disease), with deviations in the functioning of the digestive organs. This is due to the fact that periodic aching pain in the left side is similar to angina attacks. Only a cardiologist can carry out a competent differential diagnosis. Confirmation will be provided by ECG and ultrasound results.


If the discomfort occurs more from the lumbar region, suspicion falls on the formation of inflammatory manifestations in the human musculoskeletal system. Aching pain in the left side from the back, accompanied by an increase in temperature parameters, as well as dysuric disorders, are pathognomonic (unambiguously indicating) for kidney pathologies (for example,).

Confirmation will be provided by the results of urine tests:

  • Presence of proteinuria and leukocyturia
  • Increasing specific gravity

Spinal problems

Provoking pain through physical activity, awkward body rotation, long stay in one position - they will talk about degenerative changes in the structures of the spine. Significant, acute limitation of mobility, most often characteristic of a hernia strangulation.


Stomach problems are one of the most common causes of discomfort caused by gastritis or other dyspepsia (deviation in the normal functioning of the stomach). Aching pain in the left side of the abdomen, which occurs in the upper region, begins to bother a person when eating poor-quality food, drinking alcohol, or after taking certain medications (for example, Aspirin). Associated symptoms There may be nausea and even vomiting. With gastritis, you can relieve such unpleasant sensations by taking antacids, lowering the level of acidity in the stomach.


Despite the fact that the process of the cecum is located on the right, the left side in the lower abdomen often ache due to incipient inflammation of the appendix. This is a very dangerous condition, therefore, if acute pain occurs, the patient needs urgent surgery, since delay poses a threat to a person’s life.

Diaphragmatic hernia

A diaphragmatic hernia is a pathology in which the diaphragm, which separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity, enlarges the opening through which the esophagus connects to the stomach. A dull aching pain in the upper left side appears when the stomach protrudes through this pathologically enlarged opening, intensifying when bending over or when lying down.


If you experience severe aching pain in the left side preceded by trauma, a person can clearly indicate the time and location of the blow, as well as the nature of the injury (bruise or fracture).

A specialist will carry out diagnostic procedures to clarify the nature of the injury, the presence of complications, for example, hemo- or pneumothorax.

Symptoms may get worse after active movements , sneezing, talking loudly, adopting a certain body position. This greatly hinders the ability of the victim to fulfill his or her work capabilities. It becomes impossible to get a full night's rest. Timely seeking consultation and carrying out treatment tactics that are adequate to the situation will, in a short time, eliminate the main root cause of pain in the left side.

Girdle nature of the pain, with the addition of various rashes, may also indicate the addition of a viral pathology - herpetic lichen. Treatment tactics will be adjusted by the attending physician according to available clinical manifestations. The subgroup of NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) will be supplemented with antiviral medications.

Presence of pain in the lower left region

If, during a consultation with a specialist, a person complains of aching pain in the left side of the lower abdomen, one can suspect inflammatory manifestations in the loops of the large intestine, as well as in the urinary structures or genitals.

The nature of the intestinal pathology will be indicated by changes in stool:

  • Its darkening or lightening
  • Liquid consistency
  • The presence of various impurities

Exacerbation of pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis will lead to darkening of the urine, the presence of blood, leukocytes, and protein in it. Symptoms of hyperthermia and general intoxication will appear.

Aching pain in the left side in women can be a symptom inflammatory pathology in the uterine tubes or ovaries. A particularly alarming sign will be if there is a suspicion of ectopic pregnancy. An emergency vaginal ultrasound will put everything in its place.

Aching pain in the left side in men can be observed due to vesiculitis, prostatitis or orchitis. All these pathologies inflammatory in nature quite amenable therapeutic tactics, you just need to contact a specialist in a timely manner.

Nature of pain

Left-sided pain manifestations can have a varied nature of severity, which tells specialists a lot:
  • Dull, aching pain in the left side indicate gradual, often chronic inflammatory process. Cases often arise when the patient has not consulted a specialist for too long, trying to cope on his own by taking analgesics.
  • Nagging left-sided pain most often characteristic of purulent pathologies of pelvic structures. This indicates a long course of the pathology, the presence of infringements nerve endings negative focus, for example, a malignant neoplasm.
  • If left side aches under the ribs, in addition, there is belching, heartburn, nausea - pathologies of the digestive tract should be excluded.
  • Sharp pain on the left, caused by spasms as stones pass through the ureters, are so intense that a person even loses consciousness. In women, ovarian rupture may be suspected.
  • Stitching nature of pain indicates the presence of ulcerations of organ tissue, for example, the ureter or intestinal loops.

The accompanying symptoms should not be ignored. If aching pain in the left side of the abdomen is also accompanied by an increase in temperature, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea or general lethargy, you should immediately consult a specialist. Delay may contribute to the development of life-threatening complications (for example, peritonitis).