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Treatment of diarrhea with blue iodine. Blue iodine and its contraindications

Blue iodine is famous for its healing powers. Iodine is generally necessary for normal functioning many internal organs, especially, thyroid gland, and if there is a deficiency, the deficiency of this element must be somehow replenished.

However, the alcohol-containing brown tincture, which is used to treat wounds, for internal use unsuitable due to its toxicity. That’s why they use specially prepared blue iodine which can be done even at home. The starch it contains helps neutralize all the toxic manifestations of this substance.

It is argued that the only reason that is a contraindication for blue iodine use is partial or complete absence thyroid gland, which happens after surgery.

However, this is not quite true.

There are many conditions that are best not treated with blue iodine.

When should blue iodine not be used?

Firstly, since this is practically a folk remedy, there is a lot of confusion with dosages, and there is no talk of an individual approach at all. Meanwhile, in the body it can lead to blockage of the thyroid gland, after which healthy person It's not that easy to recover.

There is no cure for everything for everyone. It cannot exist in principle. Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, hypertension and hypotension, even judging by the names, they must be treated with drugs that have the opposite effect.

At the same time, uncontrolled and thoughtless treatment of children can be considered criminal acts. With all the criticism official medicine, let the children still be treated there, or at least some kind of medical control should still be present. All this applies to blue iodine.

They often say that blue iodine saves you from migraines and frequent headaches. Indeed, blue iodine can overcome them, since it dilates blood vessels. However, to quickly stop an attack, you need too much blue iodine. And in order to cure headaches forever, it should be taken for a very long time. And increased doses of blue iodine taken over a long period of time will definitely result in a more serious pathology associated with thyroid problems.

In other words, the treatment is comparatively serious illnesses blue iodine, requiring the use of significant quantities with minimal benefit will leave behind serious side effects in the form of problems with the same thyroid gland.

For example, there is an opinion that blue iodine should be used to treat strokes and heart attacks. These are the most severe conditions, and some increase in the elasticity of blood vessels will not replace those specific drugs intensive care, which can definitely lead a person to normal condition. Here, except side effects Deviations from the treatment plan outlined by the specialist may also occur. If necessary, doctors themselves will remember about blue iodine.

After all, any medicine can cause harm not only in itself, but also because with the beginning of its use, drugs that can really help the body are discontinued, especially if you start taking them on time.

The claim that blue iodine is able to normalize blood sugar levels, or even cure diabetes fully. does not contain anything that could support such an action. You can, of course, use prophylactic doses blue iodine, however, it is preferable to simply adhere to the prescribed iodine-containing diet.

It is better not to use blue iodine for diabetics, since their imbalance endocrine system It is unknown how it will react to very powerful doses of iodine, it will have to be introduced into the body.

If you are firmly convinced that you really need blue iodine for healing, consult your doctor just in case.

Dear subscribers, hello! A lot of people ask me how to prepare blue iodine. They are also interested in treatment with this drug and how and for what diseases its use can help.

I have some material on this topic. Today I will try to present everything simply and clearly, to structure the information in an easy-to-read form.

Old rural doctors still remember how to cook blue iodine- recipe for this useful remedy not lost. Let's keep it as a keepsake. Paper is more reliable than the Internet, but all knowledge also needs to be translated into a digital version, for widespread. I call this drug CY, both for shortening and for convenience.

Blue iodine recipe

In 50 ml warm water dilute 10 g potato starch ( Only potato starch is used! ) is a teaspoon with a top.

Add 10 g granulated sugar (also a teaspoon), 0.4 g citric acid(several crystals).

Boil 150 ml of water and pour the starch solution into the boiling water, i.e. brew it.

After cooling, pour in a teaspoon of 5% alcohol solution of iodine. The liquid will turn intensely blue - “blue iodine” is ready!

Some important points cooking

Iodide starch in alkaline environment decomposes and loses its properties. That's why acidify with lemon, and sugar improves taste. For taste, you can add any fruit syrup to the “blue iodine”.

Iodine in combination with starch has antimicrobial, antiviral and antifungal effects. Absolutely harmless to the body .

How to take blue iodine - dosage

To prevent iodine deficiency, you should take blue iodine mixture 2 times a week ( possible on Tuesdays and Fridays ) 1 teaspoon 1 time per day. If you weigh more than 65 kg, the dose can be increased to 2 teaspoons.

Well- no more than a month in autumn or spring. If a flu epidemic begins at this time, then “blue iodine” should be taken 3 times a week to avoid this disease.

What does blue iodine help with? What diseases should you take it for?

SiY — the best remedy for colitis, enterocolitis and dysentery. Plus, of course, yours thyroid will be glad to receive a portion of iodine, because there is always not enough of it for the needs of this vital important body. Only those who live by the sea receive iodine even from humid air. Well, we, the inhabitants of the mainland, need iodine constantly.

At food poisoning (stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhea) you should take a tablespoon every hour until the condition normalizes.

For dysentery take tablespoons (dessert spoons for children) 0.5-0.7 liters per day for several days.

For conjunctivitis Dilute 1 teaspoon of blue iodine in 10 teaspoons of warm distilled water, drop 2-3 drops into the eyes several times a day. The course is a week.


They don't drink glasses. Only in very serious cases such as chemical poisoning(drunk acetic acid) in the first few days, give up to 2 liters per day, 100 ml at a time.

Well, there are no contraindications, Not recommended for pregnant women and small children . This drug may not cause harm if taken correctly.

SiY for stomach ulcers

Make 1 liter of blue iodine (increase all components 5 times). Add fruit syrup for taste, put it on the table and eat it with spoons whenever you want, but always before eating. By evening, take the entire portion. And so on for a month.

This way you can cure your stomach if there are several ulcers, and the lower third of the stomach has become just like a sieve. Most of the ulcers will heal, and in another month the last ulcers will go away. If you feel heaviness in your stomach again, drink blue iodine for prevention.

SiI for stomatitis

Young children should irrigate their mouths with blue iodine; older people should apply an application - a bandage soaked in blue iodine. Full recovery occurs on the 2-3rd day.

SiI for gum inflammation

Dilute blue iodine boiled water half and rinse your mouth 2 times a day. The inflammation goes away on the 2nd day.

CY treats candidiasis

Pathogenic fungi, causing thrush very resistant to chemicals And physical methods impact. It usually develops as a complication of antibiotic therapy.

It looks like this: on the swollen, inflamed mucous membrane, single or multiple thickenings appear, covered with lush plaques from white to grayish in color.

When removing plaque, a bleeding surface is exposed. IN severe cases Not only the oral cavity is affected, but also the entire gastrointestinal tract.

In this case, blue iodine should be taken 50 ml 3 times a day and 30 ml for oral irrigation. Fungal growth stops, fungal growths are rejected, the mucosal surface is completely restored and swallowing becomes painless.

CY helps pets too

It can be given to young animals with diarrhea (lambs, piglets, calves). You just need to dilute it with water and sweeten it. The piglet is given 10-15 ml per dose 4-5 times a day, feeding is done through a bottle, diluting blue iodine with milk and sweetening it.

For a calf, the dose per dose is 30-50 ml. Add blue iodine to the water or mash for chicks that are diarrhea.

From what has been said it is clear that Blue iodine is especially effective in treating the gastrointestinal tract.

Blue iodine is not only iodine, but also starch . When taking the drug, it covers the ulcers, protecting the mucous membrane from injury, and it heals faster.

Blue iodine can also help with osteomyelitis

You just need to cook it correctly. Liter jar drink the mixture per day, 100 ml at a time. Prepare the mixture fresh every day. Treatment is carried out in monthly courses with weekly breaks.

In conclusion

Prepare this healing iodine It’s not difficult, but even if you can’t set it up yourself, you can always buy a ready-made one. Now you can order it online, and this also happens in pharmacies.

Don’t despair, you can do everything, with God’s help! And with this I say goodbye to you and suggest you watch the video instructions on how to prepare blue iodine. The video also gives the recipe and you can see what the finished product should look like.

Video - recipe for making blue iodine

This video shows how you can prepare healing blue iodine yourself, at home. Try it, get treatment and get better!

Today I will consider the features and beneficial properties of the compound of iodine and starch, sometimes called blue iodine, as well as doses, method of use, recipe, and other recommendations.

Blue iodine, features

ABOUT useful properties ah, ordinary iodine is known to many. However, such a phrase as blue iodine is a curiosity for most of us. Strictly speaking, we are talking about a combination of an alcohol solution of iodine and starch.

It is no longer known exactly who was the first to mix these two chemical compounds. However, many argue that the authorship of the method of using this solution belongs to Doctor of Biological Sciences Vladimir Onufrievich Mokhnach.

Initially, the scope of application of this remedy was asepsis, as well as the treatment of intestinal infections. The first peak of popularity of this folk remedy fell during the Great Patriotic War.

Over time, antibiotics, primarily synthetic ones, began to replace these types of drugs, and they began to be forgotten. However, this does not mean that the effectiveness of blue iodine has in any way been questioned.

The second surge in popularity occurred in the mid-eighties of the last century. At that time, it was proposed to slightly improve the formula of this substance, which made it possible to expand the scope of its use.

Chemical composition of blue iodine

As mentioned above, blue iodine is a mixture of iodine solution and starch. Starch is complex carbohydrate plant origin, the molecule of which consists of a mixture of several polymers.

When iodine and starch interact, a molecule of the first is included in the crystal structure of the second, which is accompanied by a change in the color of iodine from brown to blue. By the way, the color of the solution is restored back when heated and again becomes bluish when cooled.

Beneficial properties of blue iodine

The inclusion of an iodine molecule in the crystalline structure of starch in no way suppresses the antiseptic properties of a regular alcohol solution of iodine. At the same time, this combination helps to reduce chemical aggressiveness and suppress the necrotizing effect.

Thus it becomes possible reception means internally, which is very effective for intestinal infections(it was for this purpose that the product was developed). Antibacterial properties blue iodine are fully revealed in case of infectious lesions of the oral cavity, gastritis, enteritis and other septic conditions.

Moreover, the product can be used even with infectious lesions eye tissues. The use of the remedy in this case not only suppresses pathogenic microflora, but also eliminates the inflammatory reaction.

In addition, blue iodine enhances the activity immune system, promotes quick cleansing bronchi, strengthens the walls blood vessels, increases a person’s physical capabilities, has a mild sedative effect, and normalizes blood clotting.

How to prepare blue iodine?

There are two similar recipes for preparing this drug. In any case, you will need starch, water and 5 percent alcohol solution Yoda. The traditional recipe for preparing blue iodine requires pouring 50 milliliters of water into a glass, in which you should dilute a tablespoon of starch, then put the container on the fire and cook like regular jelly.

After thickening, the jelly must be diluted with water so that its quantity becomes approximately 150 milliliters and cooled to room temperature. You need to add one teaspoon of iodine solution to the resulting product and mix everything thoroughly. The liquid will turn an intense blue color.

The second preparation method is somewhat faster: 50 milliliters of water is brought to a boil, a teaspoon of starch is added to it, and then the same amount of iodine is added. After stirring, the solution is diluted with water to 200 milliliters and cooled.

Regardless of the method of preparation, blue iodine is suitable as long as it has an intense color. As soon as it begins to fade (evaporation of iodine), the drug should be considered unsuitable for use.

Blue iodine - application

There are a great many options for using blue iodine, like its traditional “analogue”. It all depends on the indications for use and individual characteristics body. Below are just a few simple examples.

Food poisoning

In case of food poisoning, the earlier treatment is started, the higher the effectiveness of using the drug. On the first day after the onset of illness, the patient should take exactly 20 teaspoons, dividing them into smaller parts.


For helminthiases, a recipe with iodine can be very effective. To do this, you will need half a glass of blue iodine every day. You need to take the drug every day, on an empty stomach, for 7 days.


For infectious colitis, blue iodine can also be used. You need to take the drug 200 milliliters per day, dividing the drug into small portions. The duration of treatment depends on the dynamics of the condition. In the following days, it is necessary to reduce the dosage of the solution and adhere to treatment until your health returns to normal.


For inflammation of the conjunctiva, a solution of blue iodine in distilled water is prescribed: 1 drop of the drug per 10 drops of water. You need to use it 2 – 3 times a day, for 3 days.


Maximum efficiency therapeutic measures is expected if the patient adheres to the doctor's recommendations. All non-traditional methods should be considered only as an auxiliary measure of influence on the body.

The combination of ordinary iodine with starch allows you to create such useful substance, How blue iodine.

This substance is not something new or unusual. His recipe has been known for a very long time, but recently it has been undeservedly forgotten. Despite its many beneficial properties, it is not a panacea for all diseases, but at the same time it very beneficial for the human body.

The main thing when treating with its help is proper preparation, correct reception and taking into account all the features of such therapy.

The substance gained its popularity due to the fact that it has many useful qualities. Among them, experts identify the following:

  • Antifungal property. In almost all cases, when treating mycosis, doctors recommend smearing the damaged parts of the body or nails with iodine.
  • Antimicrobial property. Due to the fact that iodine is predominantly localized in thyroid gland, through which the blood passes, this substance kills all unstable microbes without exception. If we talk about resistant microorganisms, then several circulation cycles are necessary for their complete disappearance from the blood. It is worth noting that such a process takes place properly only with a sufficient amount of iodine in the body.
  • Sedative effect. Latest Research have proven that iodine acts on humans as sedative. From stressful situations Just taking one spoon of medicine per day is enough.
  • Anti-inflammatory property. Iodine is primarily used to treat wound surfaces. This substance kills pathogenic microorganisms, as a result of which the inflammation process stops.
  • Increased mental abilities. This is achieved through the fact that iodine participates in oxidative processes.
  • Strengthening the walls of blood vessels body. First of all, this occurs due to the cleaning of blood vessels from unfavorable substances. At the same time, the level of red blood cells and white blood cells also increases. This has affected the use of iodine after strokes. Besides this medicine can normalize arterial pressure. This applies to both high and low indicators.
  • Reducing cholesterol levels. That is why the drug is used for the treatment of atherosclerosis. This substance affects lipid metabolic processes in the human body.
  • Boosting your immune system. Iodine can be used to normalize general condition health.
  • Increased fibrinolytic activity of blood. This is one of the indicators characterizing the degree of coagulation.
  • Promoting expectoration. This is reflected in the dilution of sputum. Moreover, the consequence this process is to improve mucus secretion.

It was possible to achieve the above qualities by combining ordinary iodine and starch. Each of these substances is medicinal, so their combination led to a pretty good result.

How to prepare and store at home

The recipe for making the product is quite simple and easy to follow. It was first described in Mokhnach's monograph. The essence of this recipe is as follows:

  1. Pour 50 milliliters of warm water into one glass.
  2. Add one teaspoon of potato starch to the water, then stir it thoroughly into the liquid.
  3. It is worth adding a few citric acid crystals to the ingredients.
  4. You need to add one spoon of sugar to the mixture.
  5. Separately, it’s worth starting to boil 150 milliliters of water. As soon as this happens, you need to pour into it the previously prepared mixture of components with starch.
  6. As soon as all the components form a homogeneous liquid, it is worth removing it from the stove.
  7. It is necessary to wait a certain time before the resulting jelly cools to 18-22 degrees Celsius.
  8. Add 1 tsp to the liquid. 5% iodine, after which the solution will turn blue. Depending on how well the jelly is prepared, the color may turn out more purple or blue.

Due to the presence of citric acid in the solution, it you can save about a month. If the liquid loses its rich color, its use as medicinal product it's worth stopping. It is worth noting that you need to keep it in the refrigerator.

There is also another recipe for cooking, which also has some popularity. According to him, the medicine should be prepared as follows:

  1. Bring 50 milliliters of water to a boil.
  2. As soon as bubbles begin to rise from the bottom of the container, you should add starch to it in the amount of one teaspoon.
  3. After removing the liquid from the stove, you need to add one teaspoon of five percent iodine to it.
  4. Additionally, it is worth pouring about 200 milliliters of boiled water into the liquid.
  5. Stir the jelly until it becomes a homogeneous viscous mass.

Last recipe useful topic, what he suitable for those patients who have problems with gastrointestinal tract . This is due to the fact that iodine in this case is added to hot water, as a result of which it becomes less aggressive for the human body.

Method of using blue iodine and dosage

How to take iodine according to the instructions, as well as dose selection, indications and contraindications are selected by the doctor.

  • For colitis, it is worth starting treatment with blue iodine as soon as the disease begins. The prepared jelly should be divided into several doses, taking them throughout the day. This should be continued until the condition improves.
  • For diarrhea and poisoning, the prepared solution should be divided into 20 doses. They should be taken throughout the day. At positive reaction body, the dosage can be slightly increased the next day.
  • If you have stomach problems, you should drink 250 milliliters of blue iodine, adding fruit juices to it. Treatment should continue for five days. After this, only 8 teaspoons every day should be taken for 10 days.
  • For helminthiasis, you should drink half a glass of the medicine on an empty stomach for a week.
  • For ulcers, you should drink up to 1 liter of jelly per day, dividing it into small portions. How to do this correctly, it is better to consult a doctor.
  • For heart problems you need small doses Yoda. In the first two days you need to take 1 tsp. after meals once a day. On the third day, the dose should be increased to 3 teaspoons. Therapy should continue for no more than 5 days.
  • For a cold with severe cough 125 milliliters of prepared jelly are mixed with water of the same volume, and then drunk at night.

There are a large number of diseases that the drug treats. In all cases needed individual approach to therapy, so it is best to consult your doctor before taking the medicine.

For what diseases is it used?

Application begins with studying doctors' reviews about blue iodine, as well as studying what cures this remedy. Iodine is used for a number of various diseases . This applies to problems with almost all internal organs and more. It is worth highlighting the following diseases that this medicine can cope with:

Far the drug is not always able to cure the disease, but this remedy can cope with certain of its symptoms or alleviate the patient’s condition.

Contraindications and warnings

This is a medicine that, like other drugs, has a certain list of contraindications and warnings. Its use can help in many cases, but sometimes it is completely wrong.

Iodine can cause such adverse effects on the human body as dyspnea, increased level palpitations and weakness. This occurs when this medicine is mixed with substances such as:

  • synthetic drugs that lower blood pressure;
  • thyroid hormones, including thyroxine and some others.

There are several standards according to which in certain cases it is not recommended to use this substance. Among them are the following:

  • long-term use, resulting in oversaturation of the body;
  • during menstruation.

It is completely prohibited to use in two cases:

  • in the absence of a thyroid gland;
  • with thrombosis with inflammation of the veins.

Any contraindication is a reason think about the need for therapy. That is why it is best to consult a doctor before preparing blue iodine and taking it.

How to take for prevention

Do you want to know how to make blue iodine at home or how to prepare a recipe based on it for prevention? Many people believe that for prevention it is worth taking small doses of any medicine. But this is not always the case, because in this case the body can get used to its effects, while ceasing to react to it.

This applies to blue iodine; one teaspoon of it can only harm a person. This is expressed in stimulating the resistance of microorganisms to the effects of the drug. Best to take 5 teaspoons every day for 5 days. After this, you need to take a short break for the same amount of time.

How to take blue iodine correctly in a particular case, you should ask your doctor. It is he who can answer the question of how much to take the medicine and how it can affect the disease.

How to carry out treatment

In order not to cause harm to a sick person, treatment with blue iodine should be carried out taking into account certain factors, such as:

  • the severity of the disease itself;
  • patient's condition;
  • the presence of a functioning thyroid gland.

Experts advise take 8 tsp. blue iodine after meals. The interval between doses should be no more than 20-30 minutes.

Therapy should be carried out in courses of 5 days. The duration of treatment should be determined by a qualified physician.

Before taking blue iodine as a medicine for certain types of diseases, you should stop taking other medications.

Medical preparations of blue iodine

Pharmacies across the country sell not only iodine itself, but also some of it. medical supplies, having the most different names and composition. Among them are the following:

  • Iodinol. This drug is based on iodine and polyvinyl alcohol. As a result, it is more aggressive than blue iodine. This remedy is used for the treatment of tonsillitis and conjunctivitis, burns with purulent process And trophic ulcers, as well as for disinfection in some areas of medicine.
  • Lugol. This drug also contains alcohol. Therefore, it is not recommended to be taken orally. But at the same time, sometimes he is bred into large quantities water and swallow. The Lugol dose is only one drop.
  • Iodine active. Counts this drug biologically active additive. But it’s no different antiseptic properties. Iodine-active mainly affects blood circulation and vascular system person.
  • Amyloidone. This drug contains three main components: starch, potassium iodide and iodine. That is why this medicine has the same properties as blue iodine. Accordingly, the method of administration is similar or very similar.

The use of a particular drug should be carried out in accordance with its instructions. In addition, doctors recommend that you consult with them before therapy, since they are the ones who can determine what dosage of the substance is needed, and how safe it is to carry out treatment in this way.

As everyone knows, iodine is an integral part of our body, without which we cannot do without. We need it for the normal functioning of internal organs and, in particular, for the thyroid gland. And therefore, when it needs to be urgently replenished.

Since ordinary alcoholic iodine from a pharmacy cannot be taken orally, many are beginning to use blue iodine, which is very easy to prepare at home and which has almost no contraindications.

Blue iodine treatment was first tested in 1942 during the war, when it saved thousands of soldiers’ lives from dysentery, which was deadly at that time. And the results of the treatment were simply amazing - in just 3 days the soldiers recovered and were absolutely healthy.

The healing properties of blue iodine

Blue iodine is completely similar in properties pharmaceutical drug, but has greater potential for treatment, since it can be taken orally. The list of diseases that can be cured thanks to this drug is huge; I will list only the main ones. Blue iodine can cure dysentery, stomach ulcers, enterocolitis, conjunctivitis, poisoning of varying severity, stomatitis, burns, and non-healing wounds.

It can be used to normalize high blood pressure, reduce the number, improve the elasticity and patency of blood vessels, restore normal, increase immunity and the body’s resistance to various infections, normalize work nervous system. Kidney diseases and genitourinary organs, gastrointestinal and cardiovascular diseases, oncology.

In short, according to numerous reviews, blue iodine is the most powerful medicine that can as soon as possible restore everything vitally important functions body and put the patient on his feet.

How to prepare blue iodine for treatment

The recipe for making blue iodine at home is very simple and does not take much time.

First, dilute one heaped teaspoon of potato starch (precisely potato starch and no other) in 50 ml of water, then add the same amount of granulated sugar and half a gram of citric acid (these are just a few crystals, you can pick it up a little with the tip of a knife) and stir thoroughly. Then boil 150 ml of water and pour this starch mixture directly into the boiling water. After the liquid has cooled, add 1 teaspoon of 5% iodine solution to it. The resulting liquid will immediately become saturated of blue color– this is blue iodine.

In this recipe, potato starch neutralizes the aggressive effects alcohol tincture, the environment is acidified with lemon so that the starch does not lose its properties in an alkaline environment, and sugar is used solely for taste. Already in ready mixture, before use, you can add a little of any sweet syrup if you have to treat children with blue iodine.

In this form, iodine is absolutely harmless to the body and has antifungal, antimicrobial and antiviral effect. Store it in a sealed container for several months - your own healing properties it will only lose when its color changes.

How to take blue iodine

As mentioned above, blue iodine treats many diseases and when taken orally, it differs only in dosage. Now I will give examples of several recipes.

For any food poisoning, diarrhea, vomiting, take 1 tablespoon every hour. In case of severe poisoning, the dose is increased to 100 ml at a time.

For dysentery, colitis, and intestinal diseases, they also drink 1 tablespoon, but daily dose should be between 500 and 700 ml of blue iodine. Accordingly, when cooking, increase the proportions of ingredients. For lesions of the intestinal mucosa or ulcers in the rectum, enemas with blue iodine are given.

Already a liter of blue iodine per day. Dilute it with syrup for taste, place it in a visible place and take it strictly before meals (or 1 - 2 hours after meals) a few spoons at a time so that by the evening you drink the entire liter. If there are several ulcers, then those in the lower part of the stomach will heal first, and after about a month all the remaining ones will disappear.

Treated in 3 days by irrigation oral cavity or applying applications to the affected areas.

Treated by rinsing: dilute blue iodine with water 1 to 1 and rinse several times a day. 2 – 3 days and the person is healthy.

To treat conjunctivitis, dilute blue iodine with distilled water in a ratio of 1 to 10 and instill 3-4 drops into each eye up to 5 times a day for a week.

Prevention of iodine deficiency

To prevent iodine deficiency, blue iodine should be taken 2 times a week: children 1 teaspoon per day, adults – a tablespoon. The course of admission is 1 month, it is advisable to drink in spring and autumn.

Before a flu epidemic, to avoid getting sick, blue iodine is taken 3 times a week.

Although this miracle remedy is not considered toxic when taken orally, unlike alcohol tincture, you should not forget that this is a medicine and should not be taken thoughtlessly or for months at a time. Usually, one month of use is enough to solve all your health problems.

Contraindications to taking blue iodine

Although blue iodine is considered harmless, there are several contraindications for taking it that should not be violated. It should not be used in conjunction with thyroid hormones, medical drugs lowering blood pressure, during menstruation, with a partially removed or destroyed thyroid gland.

When treating with blue iodine, it is advisable to start with a minimum dose and only under the supervision of a doctor. Blue iodine is also incompatible with - this mainly applies to gastric lavage in case of poisoning - so treat yourself with either iodine or potassium permanganate.

Try not to exceed daily dosage 1 liter, only in severe cases. It is advisable to carry out the course of treatment for no more than a month, then take a break.