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Positive and side effects of bee venom

A substance such as bee venom is one of the most common types of medicine associated with bee waste products. This tool was widely used in ancient times, when medicine was just beginning to emerge, and there were no drugs created using chemistry. And then and now bee venom is rightfully considered one of best medicines created by nature.

What is bee venom

In fact, bee venom is a weapon of insects, with which they protect their home - the hive - from humans and from other “enemies”. A bee attacks a person, biting him and releasing its poison into the blood. The insect itself dies, but the aroma warns its fellows of danger.

Externally, bee venom is a clear liquid that can have a very pungent odor and a burning, bitter taste. It has already been proven to have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. And it is on these properties that treatment with bee venom is based.

Diseases for which the medicine is used

Beesroot is an excellent medicine for the following diseases:

  1. Radiculitis.
  2. Migraine.
  3. Thrombophlebitis.
  4. Disease of the human nervous system.
  5. Rheumatism.
  6. Hypertension, etc.

This medicine can be used in several ways. Namely - using natural bites, introducing poison through the skin using medical procedures or through banal injections.

Why does it treat

The main reason why bee venom can be safely called a medicine is that it acts directly on nervous system sick. With the help of peptides contained in this medicine, the poison introduced into the body has an analgesic and sedative effect. Scientists have also proven the anti-shock effect of this waste product of bees.

Regarding cardio vascular system, then here scientists were able to answer the question of why the poison helps. The fact is that in small quantities it perfectly reduces arterial pressure. This is why migraines and various inflammations are reduced.

As an anti-inflammatory medicine, bee product can be used as an injection. In this case, the function improves gastrointestinal tract and the patient begins to feel better.

By the way, scientists have repeatedly proven that bee stings, in principle, improve general state sick person. The patient's appetite and sleep improve, as well as tone and performance.


There are a huge number of options for how to obtain bee venom. We offer only the basic ones.

Mechanical collection method

It can be assembled using two methods - electrical and mechanical. However, if you decide to collect using a mechanical method, you must be prepared for the fact that the bees in the hives may begin to die. The fact is that with this technique you need to carefully take the bee with tweezers (as a result of which the sting will stretch out and the poison will begin to splash out) and apply the sting to the glass, on which you will collect the poison. After this, the bee is released. Thus, you can collect the venom of hundreds of bees on one glass.

With this collection option, you should remember that you can’t store it on glass for very long. Otherwise, it will lose its medicinal qualities.

There is a second option for mechanical collection. In fact, for this you just need to force the bees to sting the cellophane layer between the bee and the animal (for example, a pig, since it has thick skin and the animal will not feel pain). But both of these methods have a number of significant drawbacks.

Disadvantages of mechanical collection

Most often, as a result of these manipulations, the bee’s poison gland opens and the insect dies.

  1. The extraction process itself is very labor-intensive, and its efficiency is low.
  2. Service personnel are subject to a large number of bites.

Electrical method

When using the electric method of extracting bee venom, it is used special device, which is based on two main principles for obtaining a substance - bees secrete poison under the influence of a current discharge that strikes them and most importantly, insects do not lose their sting, which is why they remain alive, producing such a necessary medicine for humans.

Due to the fact that bees survive, and service personnel practically do not suffer from insect bites, the second option for obtaining bee venom is more developed.

Drugs and contraindications for use

Today in pharmacies you can find a huge number of drugs based on bee venom. These include ointments and mixtures and even injections. Moreover, they are used for various diseases.

However, like any other medicine existing today, it also has its contraindications for use. It should not be used by those who suffer mental disorders, diseases of the kidneys, liver and pancreas, blood diseases characterized by bleeding. The use of medications by pregnant and nursing mothers is also not recommended.

Apitoxin, or bee venom, is an environmentally friendly substance related to beekeeping products. Enjoys in great demand. It does not harm the body because it contains only natural ingredients.

Physical properties and composition of bee venom

By appearance it is a thick liquid, clear or slightly yellowish. The smell is a bit like honey, but with a somewhat specific aroma. The substance tastes bitter and pungent. Hardens in air and has good solubility in water.

What is bee venom? It is a product secreted from the glands of worker bees.

It includes:

  • protein compounds or peptides, amino acids;
  • biologically active compounds;
  • fats;
  • inorganic acids (formic, hydrochloric, orthophosphoric);
  • microelements;
  • carbohydrates (glucose and fructose in small concentrations).

On a note. The bee dies during the sting, as the sting remains in the wound. From the sting of one bee, 0.2-0.8 mg of poison enters the body. Bees smell a pungent odor. This is a warning signal to protect the nest or hive.

How does apitoxin affect the body?

Action bee venom differs between humans and other living organisms. For example, several dozen bites are fatal to a horse. But the poison has no effect on bears, hedgehogs, or toads. This phenomenon indicates the existence of species immunity.

Bee venom affects each person individually - it all depends on how many times the bee stings and on the characteristics of the body. Some people are not sensitive to the effects of large numbers of bee stings. This is not only the influence of immunity, but also physiological characteristics.

But the majority still react painfully to bites. Poisoning of the body is possible when stung by several dozen bees: vomiting, shortness of breath, decreased blood pressure, loss of consciousness and even convulsions are observed. And a very small proportion of people are sensitive to even a single bite. Individual intolerance requires immediate administration of the serum, so you need to urgently contact an ambulance.

Attention! Venom will be released from the sting, so it should be removed carefully. The sore spot can be lubricated with honey, a pink solution of potassium permanganate, vodka, or apply ice. Not all of traditional methods useful, some of them can cause irritation or inflammation.

If it happened severe poisoning, then bed rest is important. It is advisable for the patient to take a mixture of 20 g of honey and 200 g of alcohol. You may need medications and antiallergic drugs. If cardiac activity is weak, then camphor or caffeine is administered intramuscularly. During seizures, medications are used that have positive influence on nervous activity. All these activities are carried out by an emergency doctor.

Bee venom as a panacea for diseases

The properties of bee venom are based on acceleration physiological processes, occurring in the body. The treatment of a number of diseases is based on this feature. The body reacts even to a small dose of apitoxin, so treatment and dosage are prescribed by an apitherapist.

The benefits of bee venom are as follows:

  1. Has an immunostimulating effect: depending on the concentration, it inhibits or enhances the effect immune system.
  2. It is an analgesic (pain-relieving effect), which is 50 times stronger than novocaine.
  3. It has antiseptic, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects, but only in small concentrations. Causes the death of some pathogens, for example, staphylococci and E. coli.
  4. Dilates blood vessels and reduces their permeability. Affects blood quality: increases the level of red blood cells, hemoglobin, the blood becomes less viscous.
  5. Reduces blood cholesterol levels.
  6. It has a general stimulating effect on organs and organ systems.
  7. The general condition of the body stabilizes: sleep, appetite, performance, and endurance become better. The state of the central nervous system also normalizes, the person becomes more stress-resistant.

The introduction of bee venom into the body, the benefits of which are obvious, should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. You need to be especially careful when treating children, the elderly, and pregnant women with bee venom.

On a note! Venom in bees is produced by special glands located in the stinging apparatus. The quantity and quality of the venom are affected by the age of the bee, its diet, and the time of year. The amount of poison increases gradually, reaching the largest number, 2 weeks after the bee leaves the wax cell.

Features of treatment with bee venom

Treatment with bee venom is carried out different ways. They use a natural or natural method, when the bee stings itself. Intradermal ampoule preparations, tablet forms are administered, ointments containing bee venom are rubbed in.

The use of inhalation, iontophoresis (penetration of a substance with weak electrical impulses through the skin), phonophoresis (poison enters under the skin with ultrasound) also bears fruit. Treatment with bee venom using baths is used after injuries and helps with atherosclerosis.

Let's look at the pros and cons of each method. The most the best method The use of living bee healers is considered. Before treatment, a biological test is carried out to determine the absence of allergic reactions in a person - the test is done twice in the lumbar region. The skin at the site of the bite is treated alcohol solution, apply the bee and pull out the sting after 6-10 seconds..

The presence of allergies is checked the next day using a urine test for protein and sugar. If the body does not react, then the test is repeated, and then treatment begins: a bee is applied, and it stings in sore spots or active points. The sting is removed after an hour.

On the first day, one bee is used, on the second - two, and so on for up to 10 days: each day there is one more bite. Then they take a three-day break, and the treatment is repeated (three bites per day). The total number of bites should be 180. It is advisable to eat honey, 50 g per day.

On a note! The choice of place where the bee should sting, the number of bees and the duration of treatment depend on the disease and its stage. The bite area is usually on the shoulders and thighs.

Treatment with bee venom involves administering finished drugs in a small dosage. Injections are given in the area of ​​sore joints or other pain points. Apitherapy is used in combination with therapeutic exercises, drinking honey and physiotherapy.

The good thing about the method of using ointments is that anyone can carry out the treatment themselves. But in this case, the properties of bee venom are not fully manifested, since penetration through skin takes a long time and the effect of the poison is not always effective. Inhalation helps a lot when bee venom enters the body with hot steam. This method affects bronchial asthma.

When treating bee venom you can use different methods, based on the disease and recommendations received.

Diseases that apitoxin treats

List of diseases in complex therapy of which bee venom is not the last place, is very wide. And the study of its action is still ongoing.

Apitoxin helps:

In what cases can bee venom cause harm?

Before the treatment process, an examination is carried out to determine whether bee venom will be beneficial or harmful.

Contraindications for the use of apitoxin are:

  • High sensitivity of the body (extremely rare).
  • Development of infectious or sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Any stage of development of tuberculosis.
  • Mental disorders.
  • Exacerbations of kidney, liver and pancreas diseases.
  • Heart failure.
  • Menstrual period or pregnancy.

If no contraindications are found, then you can safely begin treatment. In combination with other means it gives very good results.

On a note! After the bite and the penetration of the venom under the skin, blood flows to this area. The inflammation goes away, and the patient experiences relief after the first day. The appearance of poison causes the activation of antibodies in the affected area. Protective cells destroy microbes and affected tissue, and foreign products are removed.

The effect of apitoxin on the body is so diverse, and its composition is so unique that its study is still ongoing. But we must remember that this is not a panacea for any ailment, especially if the disease is advanced. In this case, without medication assistance not enough.

Neither adults nor children can refuse fragrant honey. This amazing taste, familiar from childhood, has won the hearts of most of the inhabitants of our planet. Honey is a component of hundreds of different dishes, as well as a unique medicine, healing power which was used in ancient times.

Even small children know that honey is made by bees, but they are unlikely to realize that in addition to honey, there are other beekeeping products, and their benefits are also invaluable. Honey, honey bee, dead bees, beebread, royal jelly, propolis, wax, drone brood - they all have unique properties.

More than 1000 years ago, people discovered bee products, and their benefits turned out to be simply incredible. They had a full spectrum useful substances and microelements necessary to ensure normal functioning body. But they still remain a mystery to humanity, because the mechanism of their action has not been fully revealed, in addition, people are gradually discovering their new amazing properties.

The wide popularity of beekeeping products and their benefits, which have been proven more than once in practice, are due to their unique properties.

Main properties of beekeeping products:

  • naturalness;
  • excellent absorption by the body;
  • greater usefulness of the components included in their composition;
  • high nutritional value;
  • absolute harmlessness.

In addition, they are able to influence the human body at the genetic level, restoring broken connections and interactions. They perfectly restore the performance of both individual organs and the body as a whole.

Main bee products and their properties

Bee products and their benefits
Types of products Basic properties
  • nourishes all structures of the body;
  • quickly activates the body's immune systems;
  • restores well vitality;
  • increases the number of red blood cells in the blood and increases hemoglobin levels;
  • provides daily requirement organism in mineral and nutrients Oh;
  • excellent medicine
Honey bar
  • acts specifically on the source of infection;
  • has a good antiviral effect;
  • has a large set of useful macro- and microelements;
  • improves blood circulation processes;
  • improves metabolism in the body;
  • helps strengthen the immune system
Perga or "bee bread"
  • contains a large number of healthy proteins;
  • strengthens the immune system well;
  • quickly restores the surface of damaged tissues;
  • improves blood circulation and metabolism;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • significantly increases brain activity;
  • concentrates attention;
  • increases the body's resistance to the effects of viral and infectious agents;
  • activates the body's defenses during stressful situations
  • stabilizes blood pressure;
  • has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and reproductive systems;
  • strengthens the immune system well;
  • relieves muscle pain;
  • relieves joint pain;
  • fights migraines
Royal jelly
  • is a powerful biological stimulant;
  • contains gamma globulin, which protects the body from the penetration of viruses, microbes and pathogenic flora;
  • improves the absorption of vitamin C;
  • improves metabolic processes in the body;
  • activates the vital forces of the body;
  • has a beneficial effect on the nervous system
  • stimulates the activation of the body's immune forces;
  • is a preventive and medicinal remedy to combat various types diseases
  • contains a complete set of amino acids, vitamins and microelements necessary for normal life body;
  • is a medicine for diseases of the respiratory, digestive and vascular systems;
  • has a positive effect on the fight against cancer
  • valuable raw materials for industry;
  • is a component for cosmetic and pharmacological production
Bee venom
  • relieves spasms and pain reactions;
  • nourishes the tissues and structures of the body;
  • restores damaged tissues

All beekeeping products are unique. Honey is the most famous and “delicious” beekeeping product, as well as an indispensable source of nutrition for the body’s cells. Thanks to the amazing mineral and vitamin composition, pollen is the fountain of youth. Bee venom is a source of longevity, royal jelly- energy, and wax - beauty. Bee bread is able to restore the body's strength.

Of all beekeeping products, bee venom treatment is the most widely used. It is quite deservedly considered a “property” traditional medicine. He is often called a “natural healer.”

The healing power of bee venom

One of effective means modern medicine is bee venom, the benefits of which were first discovered during the existence of ancient civilizations - Mesopotamia, Ancient India and Ancient Greece. Already in those days it was successfully used as an anesthetic and warming agent.

The main effect of bee venom is aimed at the nervous, vascular and immune systems, as well as pain centers.

What are the main properties of bee venom?

Bee venom is a powerful biological stimulant. It has a number of basic properties that ensure its popularity as a medicine:

  • normalizes heart rhythm;
  • has a vasodilating effect;
  • increases the permeability of the vascular wall;
  • has a pronounced antibacterial effect;
  • blocks the source of inflammation;
  • has a direct effect on pain centers and blocks them;
  • can be used as a disinfectant;
  • has well-defined radiation-protective properties;
  • he is peculiar building material, which is capable of restoring the destroyed sheath of nerve fibers, helping to restore normal transmission of nerve impulses in organs and tissues;
  • actively restores muscle tone.

Such a wide variety of properties of bee venom is, of course, determined by its unique composition.

What is bee venom?

It is a clear, slightly yellowish liquid, characterized by a bitter taste and a pungent, pronounced odor. It quickly changes its consistency in the open air, but at the same time retains all its inherent properties well.

What is included in the poison?

Bee venom is based on a complex protein complex, which conventionally consists of three protein fractions:

  1. Zero fraction (F-0) - includes non-toxic proteins that serve as the basis of the poison.
  2. The first fraction (F-1) is represented by melittin, which is active principle bee venom. It is very toxic and contains 13 amino acids.
  3. The second fraction (F-2) is a source of phospholipase A and hyaluronidase. They underlie the mechanism of action of the poison and determine the body’s reaction to its influence.

Considering chemical composition bee venom, its main components can be distinguished:

  1. Hyaluronidase is an enzyme that breaks down blood and tissue structures and smoothing scar formations. Causes a severe allergic reaction.
  2. Phospholipase A is a powerful antigen and allergen for the human body. It disrupts the processes of tissue respiration and converts phospholipids into toxic substances.
  3. Phospholipase B, or lipophospholipase, converts toxic compounds into non-toxic ones, restores lysolecithin, and reduces the activity of phospholipase A.
  4. Acid phosphatase is a protein with a complex structure that does not exhibit toxic effects.
  5. Amino acids - bee venom contains 18 out of 20 amino acids.
  6. Inorganic acids - hydrochloric, orthophoric, formic acid.
  7. Histamine and acetylcholine help increase vascular permeability and expand their diameter.
  8. Microelements - phosphorus, copper, calcium, magnesium.

Mechanism of action of bee venom

Phospholipase A acts on lecithin, breaks it down and becomes part of the cell membranes. In this case, many cells are partially destroyed, and some even undergo complete collapse. The effect of phospholipase A is also directed at red blood cells, which causes their complete hemolysis. At this point, hyaluronidase increases vascular permeability, accelerating the rate of absorption of bee venom and enhancing its toxic effect.

Methods for obtaining bee venom

In central Russia, bee venom collection begins in the second half of May and ends in early July. It can also be collected after the end of the honey harvest in late July and early August. Poison can be collected no more than once every twelve days. On average, from one bee you can get from 0.4 to 0.8 mg of poison.

There are several ways to obtain bee venom:

  1. Using a poison receiver:

    Using a plexiglass container, this method makes it possible to obtain the poison in its pure form;
    - using a jar of distilled water, the resulting poison is characterized by high purity.

  2. Euthanasia of insects with ether.
  3. Electrical stimulation or "milking the bees".
  4. Mechanical removal of a bee sting.

Methods of introducing bee venom into the body

There are several methods and methods of introducing poison into the human body:

  • exposure through the skin is carried out by rubbing ointments based on bee venom;
  • intradermal administration of poison solutions;
  • electro- and phonophoresis;
  • sting by live bees;
  • inhalation of bee venom vapor;
  • dissolving tablets.

Treatment with bee stings

Since ancient times it has been known that bee stings have a beneficial effect on the human body. Hippocrates also used bee stings to treat various diseases.

Apitherapy was first used back in 1930. Today it is successfully used to treat diseases of the peripheral nervous system - radiculitis, neuralgia, neuritis, rheumatism and joint diseases of various etiologies.

Recently, acupuncture apitherapy has gained great popularity. In this case, the introduction of bee venom is carried out at certain biological points. The effect of poison on acupuncture points is due to the accumulation of main nerve receptors and “mast cells” in them, which have a direct connection with the central organs. This effect activates the production of many enzymes - histamine, heparin, serotonin.

Acupuncture apitherapy is widely used for rheumatism, polyarthritis, diseases of the peripheral nervous system, vascular and hypertensive diseases, trophic ulcers Oh, inflammatory processes, as well as migraines.

When conducting apitherapy, it is important to comply with a number of generally accepted requirements:

  1. Gradual increase in the dose of injected poison. If a patient has an allergic reaction to 5-6 bee stings, treatment should begin with 2-3 bees. In this case, it is necessary to gradually increase the time the sting is in the body, which will ensure gradual adaptation to the allergen.
  2. Following a strict diet. During treatment, a dairy-vegetable diet is necessary. Consumption is strictly prohibited alcoholic drinks, spices and dishes with high content fat
  3. Treatment with bee venom immediately after eating is not allowed.
  4. After medical procedures Bathing, sunbathing and physical exercise are prohibited.
  5. Rest time after treatment session must be at least 1 hour.
  6. During the treatment process, it is necessary to take a day off once a week.
  7. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, it is recommended to take other bee products orally.

There are generally accepted treatment regimens for apitherapy, and each individual disease has its own individual regimen. For hypertension, acupuncture points are located on the outer surfaces of the upper and lower limbs, the use of no more than 4 bees is allowed, treatment is carried out at intervals of 2 times a week. For superficial sacral radiculitis, bees are placed on the lumbar and sacral area in the amount of 8-12 pieces. For eye diseases, the effect is applied to acupuncture points located in the temple area, and the use of 2-4 bees is allowed. To strengthen the immune system, bees are placed on outer surface hips every 4-5 days. The average time the poison affects the body is 5-10 minutes, depending on the type of disease.

Treatment with bee stings should only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. This will help avoid negative influence from bee venom and will reduce the risk of an allergic reaction. Bee venom is a powerful allergen; in some cases it can even cause the development anaphylactic shock. Only a doctor will be able to calculate the dose and time of exposure to the poison, because each person is individual, which requires a special approach in each specific case. In addition, before apitherapy, a test for an allergic reaction to bee venom should be performed.

Use of bee venom in medicine

The poison is successfully used to treat a huge range of diseases, such as endarteritis, atherosclerosis of peripheral vessels, chronic infections, trophic ulcer, thrombophlebitis, furunculosis, dermatitis, psoriasis, hypertonic disease, diseases of the sciatic, femoral and other nerves, rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis, allergic diseases - hay fever and urticaria, eye diseases.

Bee venom, the benefits of which for human health are simply unique, is the basis of many medicines. The drugs "Apifor", "Apicosan", "Apicur", "Apizatron", "Apigen", "Forapin", "Virapin" - this is not the entire range of drugs that have become widely known in medicine.

In our country, ointment based on bee venom is very popular. Gels and creams have also proven themselves well, where as an active active substance poison appears.

Sophia with bee venom is a cream used for swelling and inflammation of the joints. It normalizes the process metabolic processes in joints and increases nutrition of damaged tissues. After its use, joint mobility is restored and the range of movements performed by them increases. The cream must be applied directly to the site of inflammation.

It has amazing properties that allow you to a short time reduce the pain reaction, and then completely eliminate the source of inflammation. Main properties of the gel:

  • quickly reduces pain and relieves swelling of joints;
  • stimulates recovery processes in cartilage tissue and increases the production of synovial fluid;
  • has a noticeable anti-inflammatory effect;
  • has bactericidal properties;
  • exhibits antirheumatic properties;
  • normalizes metabolic processes in joints;
  • restores joint mobility.

Also very popular is the product “Bee Venom” - an ointment (the instructions require careful compliance with all conditions of use in order to exclude the possibility of developing a negative allergic reaction), which actively fights osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis, rheumatism, arthritis, radiculitis, myositis and neuralgia. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. It relieves swelling well and speeds up the healing process. It has a warming effect on the damaged joint and helps normalize metabolic processes in it.

It is worth noting that, regardless of the form of release, bee venom, the price of which varies between 70-150 rubles and is available to all citizens of our country, perfectly displays all its properties. beneficial features and has a beneficial effect on the body.

Negative effects of bee venom

Do not forget that the properties of bee venom are not limited to beneficial effects on the body. It also has pronounced hemorrhagic and hemolytic properties. In addition, it has neurotoxic and histamine-like effects.

With single stings, the body most often reacts with local inflammatory reaction, which goes away within 24-48 hours. With multiple stings, severe toxic intoxication, which can be fatal.

First aid for bee venom intoxication

When stung, it is important to quickly remove the bee's sting; to do this, use tweezers. The wound must be treated with a solution ammonia or calendula tincture. After this, you need to apply a calendula-based ointment to the wound. Additionally, you can apply a tourniquet above the sting site for 30-40 minutes and apply cold to the affected area. At high degree intoxication, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Beekeeping products, including bee venom, are a unique creation of nature, which has become a real discovery for humanity. Their great benefit and amazing properties have ensured enormous popularity not only as a source of nutrients, vitamins and minerals, but also medicines, which have won universal appreciation and fame among the inhabitants of our planet.

Bee venom is a miracle created by nature; with its help, bees protect themselves from enemies. The composition of bee venom has not yet been fully studied. Despite the fact that the use of bee venom in the treatment of many diseases began in ancient times, official medicine recognized him medicinal properties only at the end of the 30s of the last century.

Why is bee venom called medicine? Yes, everything is very simple, thanks to him unique composition.

Composition of bee venom

It has been reliably proven that its main part consists of the protein melitin, it contains amino acids and enzymes. In large dosages, it harms our body and can lead to poisoning due to the destruction of cells. And in small quantities, on the contrary, it restores the functioning of many organs. Pain, itching and redness on the skin after a bee sting are caused by this protein.

Melitin enhances the production of a hormone by the adrenal glands (cortisol). Thanks to this property, bee venom can be successfully used in treatment autoimmune diseases(psoriatic and rheumatoid arthritis). Especially if patients are hormonally dependent, the effect is very good. Due to melitin, bee venom is sterile, it has antibacterial properties. Its content in bee venom depends on the age of the bee, and the younger it is, the more it is. This protein is found nowhere else in nature. And in terms of strength and effectiveness therapeutic effects it can be safely called a medicine.

Bee venom contains apamin. It improves the functioning of the nervous system, pancreas, stomach, and intestines.

Bee venom contains inorganic acids: formic, hydrochloric, orthophosphoric. Chemical elements: nitrogen, zinc, sulfur, manganese, etc.

The poison also includes natural hydrocortisone, which is tens of times stronger than the synthetic one. It relieves inflammation, swelling, pain during local application and works well in the treatment of arthritis.

Well, after all that is listed, how can one not call this invention of Mother Nature a medicine?

Bee venom protects our cells from radiation, reduces blood cholesterol, painful muscle tone, and improves local blood circulation.

Bee venom regulates the functioning of the immune system well in people prone to frequent allergic reactions. Improves wound healing, especially trophic ulcers. The heart muscle is also not left without attention, since bee venom normalizes heart rhythm.

But the best treatment is bee venom various lesions joints and spine. In some cases, a complete cure is possible.

It is not for nothing that bee venom is called a medicine; on the basis of its use in medicine, the whole science of apitherapy is based - treatment with bee venom.

Eat several methods of treating bee venom:

Bee sting.

Administration of ready-made ampoule preparations intradermally.

Rubbing in ointments containing bee venom.


Or ultrasound.

Sublingual tablets.

It is not enough to call bee venom a medicine; you also need to know for which diseases it can be used and for which it cannot be used. If you decide to try treatment with bee venom, then do not immediately run to the apiary in search of a bee, but first be sure to consult a doctor, because this treatment method may not be suitable for you. In addition, it has contraindications and side effects.

Bee venom is an ancient remedy. Even in ancient times, it was used in many countries of Europe and Asia. Bee venom is a product of secretory activity special gland in body worker bee. It is a colorless, very thick liquid that quickly hardens in air. It has high surface activity. The use of bee venom in medicinal purposes based on its anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect.

Along with many amazing abilities, nature has endowed the bee with a “weapon” with which it protects its nest - a poisonous liquid produced in its body by the large and small poisonous glands. When meeting an enemy, the bee pierces the cover with its sharp sting and injects burning poison into the resulting wound. Moreover, the notches at the end of the sting do not make it possible to remove it freely, and the poison continues to flow from a special reservoir for several seconds. Then the sting comes off with part internal organs, and some time later the bee dies. But the smell of poison spreads quickly and, as if in alarm, mobilizes other bees to protect their home.

Bee venom is clear liquid with a pungent odor, somewhat reminiscent of honey, with a bitter and pungent taste. Despite the fact that beekeeping is the oldest industry, the chemical composition of bee venom has been studied relatively recently and has not yet been fully studied. It has been established that the poison contains 9 proteins, various peptides, 18 amino acids, histamine, fatty substances and stearins, carbohydrates, more than ten minerals etc. A number of substances that are very active in their effect on the body (acetylcholine and histamine), as well as inorganic acids, hydrochloric, orthophosphoric), which cause a burning sensation when stung by a bee, have been isolated from bee venom.

As a beekeeping product, bee venom is widely used in medicine in the treatment of radiculitis, rheumatism, migraine, hypertension, thrombophlebitis, blood vessels of the extremities, the peripheral nervous system, and a number of other diseases. IN small doses bee venom has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the human body, strengthens the nervous system, improves sleep and appetite. When studying methods of protection against radiation (California, USA), it was found that bee venom can also be effectively used for protection against radiation.

Depending on the nature of the disease and individual characteristics treatment of the patient's body with bee venom is carried out in one of the following ways: natural bee stings in sore spot; introducing poison through the skin using electricity (electrophoresis); rubbing ointments containing poison into the skin; by injection of ready-made bee venom preparations produced in ampoules; inhalation.


Affects the central nervous system. Venom peptides have an aspirin-like analgesic effect, 10-50 times stronger than narcotic analgesics, and the irritation threshold is reduced. The anti-shock effect of the poison has been established.

Affects cardiovascular system. Small doses of poison reduce blood pressure, local hyperemia occurs, which reduces inflammation. The volumetric velocity of coronary circulation increases, cerebral vessels dilate, blood volume increases, and an anticoagulant effect appears. Stimulates the activity of the heart muscle, reduces the amount of cholesterol and ESR levels, and turns on the anti-stress mechanism. Poison in large doses causes EEG depression, melittin depresses higher departments central nervous system.

Has an anti-inflammatory effect. Affects the function of the gastrointestinal tract. It was found that with large doses of bee venom (poisoning) in dogs, cholesterol and bilirubin in bile, as well as its hypersecretion, significantly increased.

A radioprotective effect has been established. Stimulates Bone marrow, improves bone fusion, small doses of poison contribute to the survival of irradiated animals. Indicated for the treatment of sick victims of the Chernobyl disaster: blood composition improves, immune defense increases.

Affects embryogenesis and reproductive function. Large doses poisons reduced the fertility of rats, and stimulated small ones.

Has immunological properties. Beekeepers develop antibodies against bee venom. Beekeepers' blood serum counteracts the hemolysis of red blood cells by bee venom. The content of five allergens in the venom has been established: phospholipase A, hyaluronidase, melittin, factors B and C.

Affects metabolic functions, accelerates protein metabolism and replaces missing peptides and enzymes.

Affects endocrine system, reduces the release of hormones thyroid gland, enhances the activity of the adrenal cortex – pituitary gland – hypothalamus system.

In small doses, bee venom improves blood microcirculation in tissues. Melittin venom has a heparin effect.

Bee venom has an antibiotic effect.

Melittin from bee venom prevents convulsions.

Bee venom stimulates the activity of the heart, increases the volume of blood passing through the heart, and has an antiarrhythmic effect.

In small doses, it enhances the immune system.

Allergy to bee venom manifests itself as a decrease in ascorbic acid in the adrenal glands. Allergy relief is carried out with heparin 50 IU/kg.

Improves motor and secretory functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Bee venom has an anti-shock effect.

Modern medicine has developed a method of apitherapy and established the main indications for the use of bee venom as a remedy. Contraindications to apitherapy have also been defined, i.e., a group of diseases is currently known in which the administration of bee venom worsens the course of the disease.

The use of bee venom is contraindicated for patients with tuberculosis, those suffering from infectious and mental disorders, diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys, pancreas in the acute stage, diabetes, as well as people with hypersensitivity to bee venom or intolerance to it. Therefore, persons who do not have special medical education, according to current legislation, it is prohibited to treat a patient with bee stings.

People's sensitivity to bee venom varies. In persons with hypersensitivity to it, the sting of even one bee can cause severe general reaction. Women (especially pregnant women), children and the elderly react most painfully to apitoxin. However, with frequent, regular stings, as happens with beekeepers, sensitivity to bee venom decreases.

The lethal dose for an adult is considered to be 500 simultaneous stings; 200-300 stings cause severe poisoning.