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Clinical cases of toxic encephalopathy. Exogenous toxic encephalopathy. Main types of intoxication in encephalopathy


Systematic consumption of alcoholic beverages negatively affects the condition of all parts and organs of the body, but the human nervous system suffers first of all. Alcohol, entering the brain, affects its tissues according to the principle of poison. It provokes the development of mineral and vitamin imbalance, causes intoxication, and disrupts the normal course of metabolic processes. Over time, damage to the organ leads to the development of mental and behavioral disorders in the drinker. Toxic in alcoholism can take on various forms. It is equally dangerous for women and men of different ages and social classes.

Alcoholic encephalopathy causes and forms of the disease

Brain damage due to alcohol consumption in most cases develops in people who are too keen on this process. Systematic exposure to ethanol on internal organs leads to malfunctions in their functioning.

Usually, up to this point, patients are repeatedly admitted to the hospital with delirium or acute alcohol intoxication. Sometimes organic changes in the brain occur gradually and imperceptibly, but this does not alleviate the situation or improve the prognosis.

There are a number of factors that can trigger or accelerate the development of toxic encephalopathy and other forms of the disease. These include failures of metabolic processes, deficiency of vitamins B1 or B6, and a number of microelements. The group of potential dangers includes diseases of the hypothalamus and the consequences of brain injury. The causes of the toxic variety of the disease may be associated with the effects of substances of a neurotoxic nature on the body.

In addition to toxic, there are rare ones caused by alcoholism:

  • against the background of stenosis of the superior vena cava - occurs in drinking people with cirrhosis of the liver and are often diagnosed after the end of the attack. Manifests itself in the form of yellowness of the skin and mucous membranes, a sharp development of a stunned state. Behavior can be apathetic, but more often there are bursts of euphoria, which cause stupid behavior. The condition is characterized by characteristic flexion and extension of the fingers. The duration of attacks is 1-2 days, they are reversible;
  • Markiafava-Binya - develops against the background of red wine abuse. Men are more often affected. Progressive degradation is manifested by neurological symptoms, stupor, and delirium. Paralysis is common, leading to dysfunction of the sphincters;
  • Morel is another variant of wine alcoholism, whose manifestations resemble the course of Gaiet-Wernicke encephalopathy. The prognosis is poor;
  • pellagra of an alcoholic nature - alcohol abuse leads to a deficiency of vitamins PP and group B. As a result, the drinker develops signs of pellagra neurasthenia - cephalalgia, fatigue, gum disease, diarrhea and other symptoms of digestive problems. The condition is accompanied by characteristic skin manifestations;
  • cerebellar atrophy of the alcoholic type - problems with coordination and gait instability come to the forefront of the clinical picture.

There are many other forms of alcoholic encephalopathy. In some cases, uncontrolled consumption of alcohol-containing drinks leads to necrosis of the cerebral pons, which makes the person immune to pain. Sometimes the main signs of a problem are a change in the perception of colors or a decrease in the acuity of lateral vision.

Main forms of toxic alcoholic encephalopathy

Each person's body is individual, so the reaction to alcohol may be different. Also, a lot depends on the quality and strength of the alcoholic beverages consumed, and the frequency of libations. Regardless of all these factors, an alcoholic goes through several stages. At first he develops an attraction to alcohol, which is difficult to control. Then the period begins drug addiction with severe withdrawal syndrome. This is followed by a period of organic changes during which brain damage occurs.

Toxic can take two forms:

  • acute – the result of severe alcohol intoxication. Even a one-time effect of alcohol on the body can lead to dystrophic lesions of the central nervous system. Medicine identifies several types of illness that have certain specificities. The condition is characterized by such manifestations as delusions, hallucinations, signs of automaticity in behavior;
  • chronic – a consequence of the long-term destructive effects of ethanol on the body. Irregularities at work nervous system are distinguished by their durability. They arise as a result of organic changes due to disruption of processes at the cellular level. Tissues lose their ability to self-regulate, begin to deteriorate and cease to perform their functions.

The severity of the clinical picture depends on the form of the disease and the degree of brain damage. Initial symptoms of failures are observed already at early stages development of pathology, but alcohol-dependent people rarely respond to them. As a result, the disease progresses rapidly and risks causing irreversible organic changes.

Symptoms of acute toxic encephalopathy

This condition is often a complication of acute alcoholic delirium. Manifestations arise and grow so rapidly that the process is difficult to distinguish from “delirium tremens.” The disease is characterized by severe disruptions in the functioning of a number of organs. Most often it is diagnosed in men. The risk group includes representatives of lower social strata who do not have high demands on the quality of alcoholic beverages.

Gaia-Wernicke encephalopathy

A syndrome that develops against the background of a sharp and persistent deficiency of vitamin B1 in the body. This leads to damage to the hypothalamus and midbrain. The condition is more often diagnosed in men. As a result of disruption of the brain matter, failure of communication between nerve fibers and microscopic hemorrhages, characteristic signs appear.

Features of the clinical picture:

  • fragmentary hallucinations against a background of drowsiness alternate with delirium;
  • illusions and excitement in a closed space;
  • trembling or twitching of muscles, hypertonicity of fibers may develop;
  • reflex disorders, chaotic movement of limbs;
  • the patient stretches out his lips and gasps for air;
  • there may be no reaction of the pupils to light;
  • the skin takes on an earthy tint and is very flaky;
  • speech is impaired, it is not possible to establish contact with the patient;
  • severe swelling of the legs, arms and face may occur;
  • the eyeballs do not move, the gaze is fixed on one point.

An emergency condition can last several days and is characterized by an unfavorable prognosis. Often the syndrome becomes chronic or leads to the development of coma, fatal outcome. First aid for suspected Gaye-Wernicke encephalopathy involves administering vitamins B1, B6, B12 and magnesium sulfate to the patient.

Acute migrating encephalopathy

Nervous disorders characteristic of the condition appear within 2-3 months. This form of toxic encephalopathy is characterized by changes in the psycho-emotional background, irritability, chronic fatigue, loss of appetite, and sleep problems. Typically, such patients feel drowsy and depressed daytime. Signs of depression or apathy cannot be ruled out. Appears at night nervous excitement, but it is not clearly expressed. Some alcoholics display traces of uncontrollable and unreasonable anger. Most patients suffer from decreased memory quality. The condition is acute and severe, but with timely intervention by specialists, the prognosis is favorable.

Hyperacute encephalopathy with fulminant course

The most severe form of acute toxic encephalopathy. The majority of victims are men aged 35 to 50 years. The prognosis is unfavorable; most often, an emergency condition leads to death. The initial stage of the pathological process does not have characteristic manifestations, which complicates the diagnosis.

After the first signs appear sharp decline strength clinical picture begins to develop and grow rapidly. The patient is breathing heavily, does not respond to others, and may lose consciousness. Body temperature exceeds 40°C, convulsions appear. Average duration emergency condition 3-5 days, but this period can increase up to a week. Most often, within 72 hours after the onset of the pathological process, the patient falls into a coma. This is followed by a decrease in the functionality of the heart or liver, which leads to death. Survivors are diagnosed with chronic pseudoalcohol syndrome.

Symptoms of chronic toxic encephalopathy

It is observed much more often than the acute form of the disease. In contrast, chronic toxicity usually results from prolonged binge drinking or systematic consumption of alcohol in relatively small quantities. Such patients often have a history of several visits to the hospital with a diagnosis of delirium tremens" Signs of desocialization and various somatic disorders are obvious. It is very difficult to combat this condition; often the changes are irreversible.

Korsakov psychosis

This phenomenon is more common among women with toxic alcoholic encephalopathy. Its main symptom is severe and persistent memory loss. Patients are disoriented and may false memories appear. In this case, information about real events from the ancient or recent past is erased. Some alcoholics are not even able to remember the names of close relatives or their personal information. The development of Korsakoff's syndrome is indicated by a person's conviction that he is in a completely different area or is busy with imaginary activities.

The disease has practically no cure, although it is subject to partial correction. If glimpses of improvement are possible, they are noted throughout the year. In most cases, the listed symptoms are supplemented by a decrease in the sensitivity of the skin and deterioration in leg function. As the pathology develops, the patient stops moving independently. Complete recovery is observed in isolated cases. Most often, the disease ends in the development of dementia. Particularly severe situations lead to death.

Alcoholic pseudoparalysis

Mostly male type disorders. It may be the result of acute alcoholic brain damage or systematic use of surrogate drinks. The patient experiences personality degradation against the background of complete emotional disinhibition. An alcoholic is unable to adequately assess his own behavior and respond correctly to the actions of others. His mood can change from euphoria to deep depression in just a few seconds, cheerfulness instantly gives way to aggression.

As the pathology develops, the patient begins to show signs of megalomania and resentment for no reason. The clinical picture is complemented by speech disorders, tremor of the fingers, limbs and tongue. Pseudoparalysis gradually turns into dementia. Death is rare.

Treatment of encephalopathy in alcoholism

Depending on the form of the disease, the degree of damage to the brain and other organs, the patient is prescribed treatment. Initially, therapy is carried out in a hospital setting under the supervision of physicians. It involves the implementation of a number of manipulations. An integrated approach allows you to cope with the symptoms of pathology, eliminate the causes of their occurrence, strengthen the body and reduce the risk of complications.

Traditional treatment of toxic encephalopathy:

  • normalization of metabolic processes - vitamins, glutamic acid, glucose, steroids and anabolic steroids as appropriate;
  • normalization cerebral circulation and elimination of disruptions in the dynamics of cerebrospinal fluid - “Magnesium sulfate”, “Papaverine”;
  • stimulation of the central nervous system - caffeine-based preparations;
  • antihistamines – “Diphenhydramine”, “Suprastin”;
  • nootropics – “Amilonosar”;
  • antiepileptic drugs – “Aminalon”;
  • vitamins – C, group B, PP.

During development emergency conditions First, measures are taken to eliminate the risk of death of the patient. Drug therapy is complemented by other conservative methods of care. In the treatment of alcoholic encephalopathy, hypnosis, sensitizing approaches, and conditioned reflex techniques are used. The latter options are designed to encourage the patient to stop drinking alcohol in the future.

Effective methods of alternative therapy:

  • infusion of hawthorn fruits - a general tonic - pour 4 tablespoons into a liter of boiling water, leave for 12 hours and strain. Drink in 4 approaches during the day;
  • infusion of strawberries, hawthorn and meadowsweet - removal of toxins - take the components in equal volumes. Take a tablespoon of the mixture for 2 cups of boiling water. Leave for 3 hours, strain, drink in 3 approaches during the day;
  • decoction of hop cones - reducing alcohol dependence - pour 2 teaspoons of the composition into 400 ml of boiling water, keep on low heat for 10 minutes. Filter and drink during the day in 3 doses;
  • infusion of chamomile, mint and immortelle - depressant– take the components in equal volumes. Pour 150 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon of the composition, leave for 2 hours and strain. Drink in 2 approaches with a break of 10-12 hours.

The use of traditional medicine is advisable only with the permission of a doctor. This direction should not be the only treatment option. This is only an addition to the basic treatment regimen.

Alcohol toxic encephalopathy is fraught with serious complications even with timely provision of medical care and specialized treatment. In almost half of the cases the conditions lead to death. The disease is often accompanied by hypertension, problems with the heart and liver, impaired coordination, trophic tissue damage and deterioration of the sensory organs. All this can be avoided if you stop drinking alcohol or reduce the amount of alcoholic beverages in your diet to a minimum.

Brain cells have hypersensitivity to the impact of unfavorable factors on them. They are the first to take the hit during a general lack of oxygen in the body and from exposure to even a small amount harmful substances, which can easily and in a short period of time penetrate the body, while overcoming the blood-brain barrier.

The greatest threat is posed by the frequent entry into the human body of special toxic components, even in small quantities. Tissues in the brain can be significantly damaged even while obvious signs There are no developments of poisoning of the body, which can lead to disruption of the functioning of nerve cells and, as a result, the vital processes of the human body as a whole. Doctors call this type of damage toxic encephalopathy.

Features of encephalopathies

Intoxication encephalopathy includes damage to blood vessels and nerve endings in human brain cells by toxic substances and chemicals of various types, which can be accompanied by neuropsychiatric disorders. Neurotoxins can enter the patient’s body from the outside or be of an internal type, for example, during poor liver function.

Under the influence of special poisons, the nutrition of all neurons begins to deteriorate sharply, some of them die completely. At the same time, small foci of dead tissue damage (necrosis) appear in the body. different structures brain. This type of tissue damage is considered diffuse. In most cases, all foci of necrosis develop within the subcortical ganglia, in the brain stem and cerebellum.

Toxic brain damage is quite common. This pathology in most cases occurs chronically. During the systematic entry of harmful substances into the body in small or medium doses, toxins begin to quickly accumulate in one group and pass through the blood-brain barrier, exposing the entire nervous tissue of the brain to toxic effects.

Very in rare cases You can notice an acute form of toxicosis of metabolic encephalopathy. At this time, the poison enters the body in extremely large quantities, and severe poisoning occurs.

Threat of general intoxication of the whole organism occurs after the development of such features as:

There are a large number of toxic substances that have a negative effect on the structures of the entire nerve. To the most common poisons, which can short term affect the nerves, the following groups of substances include:

  • carbon disulfides;
  • alcoholic products;
  • methyl alcohol;
  • petroleum products;
  • carbon monoxide;
  • manganese;
  • pesticides (agricultural types of chemicals);
  • various heavy metals (arsenic, lead, and mercury) and the salts formed from them;
  • toxins from certain groups of viruses (botulism, diphtheria, measles);
  • nitrogenous types of compounds (ketone bodies), which, when ingested by the human body, disrupt the functioning of the liver;
  • some types of medicines.

Among other reasons for the development of a toxic form of encephalopathy in separate group It is worth adding manganese poisoning. Manganese can enter the human body through the use of homemade drugs. In rare cases, manganese toxic encephalopathy can occur in people whose professional activity directly related to the use of manganese compounds, these are workers at metallurgical enterprises, miners individual species ores, metal welders. The symptoms of chronic manganese intoxication of the whole body are similar to the symptoms of the development of Parkinson's disease.

The development of a toxic form of encephalopathy can be provoked not only by toxins and toxic substances that enter the body from the environment. In some cases, substances that actively affect the brain and destroy it are formed inside the body due to various disturbances in the metabolic system or the process of neutralization and elimination of products after metabolism.

This type of disease is called endogenous and can be formed, for example, during the development diabetes mellitus, problems with the thyroid gland, liver disorders, kidney diseases.

The symptoms of toxic brain damage during the development of poisoning from various chemical toxins may vary to some extent. General signs include disorders that occur in the patient’s nervous activity:

Thus, the stage of development of arousal is capable of change the stage of development of oppression in the nervous system, at this time the active development process begins:

  • severe drowsiness and fatigue;
  • disturbances in the activity of consciousness;
  • loss of normal activity and mobility;
  • reduction of reflex capabilities.

In such circumstances there is a risk of falling into a coma.

If the damage process has spread to the tissues of the entire spinal cord, then partial disturbances in sensitivity and organ disorders are added to the above symptoms pelvic cavity, as well as other features.

In most situations, toxic encephalopathy will depend on which area of ​​the brain is significantly affected by the toxic substances.

Brain intoxications are divided into groups; treatment should be prescribed depending on the type of encephalopathy.

Alcohol toxic encephalopathy

Toxic-metabolic encephalopathy due to alcoholism is most common in modern humans. But if we take into account the latest international classification, brain encephalopathy should be classified as an independent disease; most doctors, even until that time, classified it as a toxic form of encephalopathy.

Such toxic encephalopathy develops in alcoholism after long-term poisoning of the entire body with methyl or ethyl alcohol. In an average period of time, the development of signs of the disease can occur after three years of regular consumption of alcoholic beverages (daily use of alcohol, as well as long-term drinking bouts).

Ethyl and methyl alcohol are capable of fast deadlines destroy the structure of all cells in the brain, neural connections at this time they begin to die irreversibly. In addition, alcohol intoxication can occur with the development of a large number of small focal hemorrhages, as well as ruptures in the capillaries, which can lead to degradation of the structure of the entire human brain. The course of such a disease is several times complicated by the fact that a large number of patients are not ready to admit the presence of certain dependence from alcohol and do not stop drinking alcohol and saturating their body with a new portion of toxic substances.

During poisoning with surrogates of alcoholic beverages, the most acute course of the disease occurs. In total, there are four types of alcohol intoxication in the body:

  • Korsakoff psychosis;
  • acute mitigated form of the disease;
  • alcoholic forms of pseudoparalysis;
  • Gaye-Wernicke syndrome.

Symptoms that occur during development alcoholic form encephalopathy may be the following:

The main distinctive symptoms of the disease can be considered:

  • development of hallucinations;
  • physical attacks of aggression;
  • impaired coordination of movements, tics, trembling of both lips and hands.

Manganese form

Manganese can cause damage to subcortical centers in the brain (striatum) in humans. When poisoned by such a metal, the following symptoms appear:

IN special cases Patients note the development of such disorders as widening of the palpebral fissures, the appearance of a grimace on the face, unnatural laughter, crying, and trembling of the tongue.

Mercury form of exogenous toxic encephalopathy

During body poisoning with mercury substances The patient may experience:

  • insomnia;
  • severe weakness and fatigue;
  • increased sweating;
  • blue border in the gum area;
  • severe pain in the stomach (during the intake of toxic substances through the mouth), as well as in the chest area;
  • cardiopalmus.

In this case, the patient experiences a specific trembling of the limbs, which can be called mercury tremor. Mental condition The patient will be contradictory during this period of time; during emotional upsurge and excitement, special difficulties may develop in making fairly simple life decisions.

Lead toxicity

Poisoning by lead substances during inhalation of large amounts of lead dust, in some cases the toxin enters the oral cavity. At this time, the following symptoms develop:

During development severe poisoning the entire human peripheral nervous system is affected (paralysis, lead polyneuritis).

Gasoline poisoning

The development of toxic damage is characterized by limited lesions in the brain area. Clinically, they can be distinguished as seizures in the body, increased excitability in the patient's kidneys. In this case, it is often possible to detect a delay in psychomotor development, kidney and liver damage. Sleep at this time becomes more restless, the patient has nightmares. During the intensification of the intoxication process, attacks of narcolepsy are likely, as well as some muscle weakness.

The same symptoms can be detected when the body is damaged by toluene or stain removers.

Ingestion of arsenic

Arsenic poisoning occurs together with disruption of the brain and spinal cord. Signs of intoxication:

  • hair loss;
  • severe pain;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • weakness in the limbs;
  • white stripes on nails.

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The term “encephalopathy” means diffuse small-focal brain damage that is dystrophic in nature. Toxic encephalopathy is caused by various diseases and pathological conditions.

Symptoms of the development of toxic encephalopathy

This term refers to long-term and severe psychoneurological disorders that are characteristic of poisoning with neurotoxic poisons.

The disease is the result of damage to the blood vessels of the brain and brain tissue in conditions of acute or chronic intoxication of endogenous and (or) exogenous origin. Toxic encephalopathy is quite common.

This disease is caused by exposure to neurotoxic poisons. Such poisons include: metallic mercury, manganese, arsenic compounds, lead compounds, carbon disulfide, as well as many narcotic substances.

The disease is characterized by:

at first with excitement,

lack of coordination







and then lethargy,



suppression and disappearance of reflexes,

disturbance of consciousness, up to coma.

The symptoms of the disease are characterized by the development of hypothalamic syndrome, parkinsonism, epileptic syndrome, mental disorders (delusions, hallucinations, psychomotor agitation, etc.). When involved in pathological process and spinal cord, the listed symptoms are accompanied by segmental sensitivity disorders, dysfunction of the pelvic organs and other disorders. And also each specific case of poisoning has its own clinical manifestations.

Diagnosis of toxic encephalopathy

Symptoms of the disease include:

diffuse atrophy of brain tissue,

blurred boundaries between gray and white matter,

cerebral edema,

isolated pinpoint hemorrhages in the brain substance,

deepening of the cerebral sulci,

an increase in the volume of the ventricles, subarachnoid space and its cisterns,

swelling and plethora meninges.

At microscopic examination of the meninges against the background of their plethora, phenomena of stasis in the small veins are observed. Vessels of gray and white matter the brains are expanded, they are filled with blood. Perivascular spaces are dilated. Toxic encephalopathy is characterized by a decrease in the number of neurons. Swelling and fragmentation of the myelin sheaths of nerve fibers are often observed. Foci of demyelination are found in various parts of the brain. Small foci of necrosis are found in the white matter.

Types of toxic encephalopathy and their manifestations

Symptoms of mercury toxic encephalopathy

The disease is characterized by large, sweeping trembling of the limbs (hyperkinesis, previously incorrectly called mercury tremor), increased mental disorders. When poison is ingested, it occurs state of shock due to the pronounced cauterizing effect on the tissue - sharp pains in the abdomen, along the esophagus, vomiting, after a few hours loose stool with blood.

The initial stage of chronic intoxication with mercury vapor occurs as vegetative-vascular dystonia, neurasthenia (irritable weakness, headache, interrupted sleep, daytime sleepiness). Tachycardia is also characteristic, excessive sweating, sparkle of eyes. The function of the thyroid gland and adrenal cortex increases; ovarian dysfunction. Acute intoxication occurs according to the type of asthenovegetative syndrome. Headache, asthenia are increasing, persistent insomnia and painful dreams are bothering me. The mercury form of the disease is characterized by the symptom of “mercury erethism” - timidity, self-doubt, and with excitement - facial flushing, palpitations, sweating. Most typical symptoms are pronounced vascular instability and cardialgia. The development of hypothalamic dysfunction syndrome with vegetative-vascular paroxysms is possible. As the disease progresses, an encephalopathy syndrome is formed and psychopathological disorders increase. Changes internal organs are dysregulatory in nature (cardioneurosis, dyskinesia).

Signs of lead toxic encephalopathy

Lead poisoning. Lead is used in the production of glass, glaze, whitewash, printing fonts, batteries, communication cables, tinning, etc. Lead and its compounds enter the body in the form of dust (aerosol) through the respiratory tract and, less commonly, through the mouth. Acute poisoning manifests itself:

the appearance of a sweetish metallic taste,



characteristic cramping pain in the abdomen due to spasm of intestinal smooth muscles,



Headaches, mental disturbances, shortness of breath, and a drop in cardiac activity are possible. These symptoms lead to complications such as anemia, damage to the peripheral nervous system (lead polyneuritis, paresis, paralysis), and toxic hepatitis.

Symptoms of carbon disulfide toxic encephalopathy

Carbon disulfide poisoning. Intoxication with carbon disulfide is common in the production of viscose fibers (silk, cord, staple), cellophane, in the chemical industry (solvent), in agriculture(insecticides). Carbon disulfide causes an enzyme-mediator effect; binding to amino acids, it forms dithiocarbamic acids, blocks copper-containing enzymes, disrupts the metabolism of vitamins B 6, PP, serotonin, tryptophanan. When intoxicated with carbon disulfide, vegetative-vascular and neuroendocrine regulation is disrupted. Symptoms acute poisoning: a state of intoxication, and a severe form is accompanied by coma.

Chronic intoxication is characterized by a combination of vegetative-vascular, neuroendocrine and psychopathological disorders with vegetosensory polyneuropathy. In the initial stage of intoxication development, vegetative vascular dystonia, cerebral asthenia, mild vegetosensory polyneuropathy. As the disease develops, a stage of organic disorders is formed. This stage of the disease is characterized by tactile, elementary and hypnagogic hallucinations, senestopathies, intellectual impairment, and depression. In the stage of organic disorders, persistent arterial hypertension, hyperlipidemia. In case of severe intoxication, encephalomyelopolyneuritis or parkinsonism may develop.

Symptoms of manganese toxic encephalopathy

Manganese poisoning. It is found, as a rule, during the mining and processing of manganese ores, in steel production and in the production of ferroalloys, in the manufacture and use of manganese-containing electrodes. The disease is based on damage to nerve cells and vascular system brain and spinal cord. The localization of the degenerative-dystrophic process is in the subcortical nodes (striatum).

The clinical course of manganese intoxication is divided into 3 stages.

For stage 1 asthenia is typical, increased drowsiness, paresthesia and dull pain in the extremities, decreased activity, muscle hypotonia, increased tendon reflexes, hypertension distal type.

In the 2nd stage of manganese toxic encephalopathy observed: apathy, drowsiness, weakening of memory, an intellectual defect is detected. Signs of extrapyramidal insufficiency are revealed: hypomimia, bradykinesia, pro- and retropulsion, muscle dystonia. Manifestations of polyneuropathy are increasing.

For stage 3(manganese parkinsonism) is characterized by severe extrapyramidal disorders: mask-like face, dysarthria, bradykinesia, spastic-paretic, or rooster-like, gait. Criticism of the disease is reduced, violent crying, laughter, and a significant intellectual defect are noted. Chronic course The disease manifests itself as progressive; the organic changes that appear are irreversible. When identifying even initial symptoms intoxication, further contact with manganese is prohibited.

Symptoms of gasoline toxic encephalopathy

Gasoline vapor poisoning. In case of gasoline intoxication, the psychoorganic syndrome is especially pronounced. The same syndrome is observed with chronic toluene intoxication and to a much lesser extent with the abuse of stain removers. Characteristic signs of toxic encephalopathy in poisoning with gasoline, toluene and other stain removers are the presence of myoclonic convulsions and epileptic activity. The latter undoubtedly confirms organic lesion brain

Organic brain lesions that precede chronic gasoline intoxication facilitate the formation of psychoorganic syndrome. There is a delay in psychomotor development, as well as damage to the liver and kidneys. Anemia with leukopenia may develop.

In addition to all of the above, there are:

vegetative-vascular dystonia (cerebral angiodystonia),

neurotic disorders(increased excitability,

restless sleep, frightening dreams).

As intoxication increases, vegetative-sensory polyneuropathy and microfocal cerebral symptoms are revealed. Attacks of narcolepsy or muscle weakness are possible.

Signs of toxic encephalopathy due to arsenic poisoning

Arsenic poisoning. Arsenic intoxication is possible in chemical, tanning, fur production, during grain dressing, and the use of pesticides. Diffuse dystrophic changes in the central and peripheral nervous system are more pronounced in the anterior and lateral horns of the spinal cord, in peripheral nerves. Initial hyperpathy is replaced by hyperesthesia of the polyneuritic type. Characteristics of toxic encephalopathy of this type:

burning pain,

less often weakness in the limbs,

hypotrophy of small muscles is also possible,


hair loss,

white transverse stripes on the nails (Mees stripes).

Possible development of toxic hepatitis.

Symptoms of drug-induced toxic encephalopathy

Drug poisoning. Toxic encephalopathy is associated with various drugs and the circumstances surrounding their reception. An overdose of salicylates is characterized by the following symptoms: observed general weakness, fatigue, headache, visual disturbances, breathing. Bromine intoxication is accompanied by headaches, fatigue, and speech disorders.

Medicinal effects on the medulla oblongata and the vomiting center located in it causes repeated vomiting of central origin. This is due to irritation of H1-histamine receptors, as well as dopamine receptors when taking, in particular, opiates. When taking various medications, headaches often appear as a result of vascular disorders and changes intracranial pressure. At drug intoxication Various changes in the psyche are possible, manifested in the form of irritability, anxiety, psychomotor agitation, drowsiness, feelings of fatigue, apathy. Thus, emotional disturbances may be associated with treatment with neuroleptics, hypnotics, bromides, salicylates, Indomethacin, glucocorticoids, and isoniazid. Drug dependence can occur under the influence of opiates, cocaine, and some sedatives and hypnotics. Sharp fluctuations cerebral blood flow when using certain drugs (for example, antihypertensive drugs) can lead to stroke or cerebral hemorrhage.

Features of the treatment of toxic encephalopathy

A systematic approach is used in treatment. The treatment of the disease is mainly carried out by a neurologist. Treatment is carried out in several directions:

1. Removal of toxins is the main goal of therapy because to restore brain function it is necessary to stop the exposure of brain cells (neurons) to toxic substances.

2. Restoration of metabolism, so the brain suffers not only from the effects of harmful substances, but also from the products of damaged metabolism.

Vascular drugs affecting the regeneration of brain tissue.

Psychotherapy is often necessary measure when depression occurs.

Folk remedies and recipes for toxic encephalopathy

Treatment is carried out with herbal balm. To obtain the balm, you need to prepare three types of tincture in advance:

  • clover tincture,
  • tincture of Dioscorea Caucasica and
  • propolis tincture.

When all the previously prepared tinctures are ready, they must be mixed in equal proportions and then shaken. Accept this solution 2 teaspoons 3 times daily immediately after meals, diluted in 100 ml of water for three months.

To reduce the level of vascular and capillary permeability in the body during toxic encephalopathy, as well as improve cerebral circulation, it is strongly recommended to consume hawthorn fruits. They can be safely eaten in fresh. You can also prepare an infusion of dried hawthorn berries: 3 tablespoons poured with 3 cups of boiling water in the evening. Accept folk remedy You can take it the next day in 2-3 doses half an hour before meals.

An infusion of clover flowers helps greatly against noises in the head, which are constant companions of encephalopathy: 3 tablespoons are poured into 2 cups of boiling water in a thermos. You need to drink this infusion 3-4 times a day, half an hour before meals.

Excellent, most effective medicine is rosehip. Rose hips can be safely added 1 tablespoon to any healing fees. I would like to note that rosehip infusion can be consumed in the form plain tea. Rose hip infusion is prepared as follows: 3 tablespoons of dried rose hips are poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water. You need to drink the folk remedy in a glass (200 ml), adding a teaspoon of honey if desired.

Also try to include more vegetables and fruits in your daily diet. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that it is especially not recommended to lean on green onions and young garlic.

Exists in folk medicine also the recipe onion tincture: you need to squeeze the juice out of the heads of young onions and mix with honey in a ratio of 1:2. This infusion should be consumed from the first days of autumn, 2 tablespoons 3 times daily.

Alcoholic toxic encephalopathy (code G31.2 according to ICD-10) is a serious type of brain damage of organic origin of a non-inflammatory nature, expressed in severe alcoholic psychosis. It is associated with disruption of brain cells. This condition is commonly understood as a combination of several diseases with a similar clinical picture and causes. Toxic brain damage manifests itself together with somatic and neurological symptoms. Almost all patients with this type of lesion have pathologies of internal organs caused by excessive alcohol consumption, intoxication of the body, and exhaustion. However, the main place in the picture of the disease is occupied by mental disorders in the form of degenerative personality changes.

Although this condition manifests itself at the third stage of alcoholism, the moment of its occurrence is quite arbitrary. It can take from 5-6 to 20 or more years from the onset of alcohol abuse before encephalopathy manifests itself. On early stages forecast is not possible.

Gradually, irreversible processes occur - the nervous tissue is replaced by fluid, capillary ruptures and minor but frequent hemorrhages in the brain occur. As a consequence, the appearance and development of degenerative changes.

Typically, the onset of encephalopathy is preceded by confusion in the form of delirium, known as “delirium tremens.”

Causes of the disease

Pathology is formed as a consequence of chronic intoxication with alcohol, especially low-quality drinks and substitutes. These patients have a history of repeated hospitalization due to alcohol intoxication.

However chronic alcoholism– does not directly affect the development of the disease. Constant intake of doses of alcohol disrupts the correct course of the metabolic process and provokes an imbalance of minerals and vitamins, primarily group B (B1 and B6). Aldehydes—alcohol breakdown products—damage nerve cells. Those, in turn, are insufficiently supplied with oxygen and nutrients. And brain intoxication, disruption of the nervous system manifests itself in mental disorders.

Symptoms of toxic encephalopathy at different stages

Toxic encephalopathy in alcoholism is characterized by a prodromal period: patients tend to have an addiction to salty or sweet food, and sometimes complete refusal of food due to abdominal pain, nausea and other digestive disorders.

The onset of the disease is accompanied by various sleep disorders: inability to fall asleep and early awakenings, drowsiness during the day, nightmares.

As painful symptoms develop, motor excitations of various types appear.

In addition, the following manifestations are characteristic:

  • fatigue;
  • swelling of the upper body and face;
  • unhealthy, sallow skin color, greasy facial skin, in other areas - peeling, sagging, bedsores;
  • abnormal heart rhythm, pain in the heart with a feeling of tightness in the chest and shortness of breath;
  • weakness, decreased muscle tone, possible lungs paresis; convulsions, trembling of the face: lips, tongue. Decline motor activity generally;
  • significant changes in body temperature;
  • sweating;
  • pain in the limbs in the form of aches and numbness;
  • blurred vision, retinal hemorrhages;
  • speech disorders;
  • anxiety;
  • dizziness, disorientation, disturbances of consciousness;
  • in some cases - epileptic seizures.

With the rapid development of the disease without treatment, an acute stage occurs - Gaye-Wernicke syndrome. The presence of delirious hallucinations is characteristic; excitement is accompanied by incoherent chatter and meaningless cries. After the acute period, a state comes increased risk: neurological and somatic disorders are pronounced.

Clinical picture

Alcoholic toxic encephalopathy and its clinical picture depend entirely on the form and period of its course.

In acute periods, patients experience delirious experiences, in rare cases – schizophrenia-like states; at the beginning of the manifestation of psychosis, hallucinations are fragmentary, primitive, and static. Extinct unconditioned reflexes are disinhibited.

The mitigated form is not distinguished by pronounced symptoms of delirium; the patient’s hypochondriacal moods are more characteristic.

The “superacute” form of the disease is especially dangerous. Severe symptoms progress quickly, over several days. The onset of the disease passes instantly, after which the patient falls into a coma. The most common outcome of the disease in this case is death after 3-5 days.

Forms of chronic toxic encephalopathy

There is only one acute form of the disease - Gaye-Wernicke syndrome. And chronic form There are two types of the condition: Korsakov's (polyneuritic) psychosis and alcoholic pseudoparalysis.

The first option is most common in women; it is characterized by false memories - confabulations, inability to orient in space, memory disorders in the form of fixation amnesia (inability to remember current events) and retrograde amnesia (loss of memory for old events), neurological disorders.

The second option is diagnosed more often in mature males. The mental state is also characterized by memory disorders, mania and delusional disorders are noted, and neurological symptoms are strongly expressed.

Consequences of alcoholic encephalopathy

The prognosis for the outcome of the disease depends on several factors:

  • severity and extent of damage to nerve cells;
  • timeliness of treatment;
  • preventing the onset of the acute phase;
  • stopping alcohol consumption;
  • the type of alcohol consumed by the patient;
  • speed of the disease;
  • the extent of personal damage.

Without proper treatment, the patient’s condition will continue to deteriorate, the consequences are multiple and severe:

  • diseases of cardio-vascular system, among them arterial hypertension stands out especially;
  • digestive system disorders;
  • disturbances of visual and oculomotor functions;
  • movement and coordination disorders;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • states of blackout in the form of absence seizures;
  • weakening of cognitive functions: lack of concentration, severe memory impairment;
  • brain tumors;
  • schizophrenia-like disorders of organic origin;
  • decreased intellectual function, dementia (dementia);
  • involuntary urination (enuresis) and bowel movements (encopresis);
  • decreased sensitivity or its complete loss in the arms and legs, paralysis and paresis;
  • sexual dysfunction;
  • diabetes insipidus as a consequence of damage to the hypothalamus.

Encephalopathy of toxic genesis is also expressed in a special group of consequences of irreversible changes in personality and its degradation. This is expressed not so much in reduced intelligence, but in the narrowing and primitivization of interests, dipsomania (craving for heavy drinking), attacks of angry melancholy and irritability, and aggressive attacks.

A favorable option is that medical care was provided to the patient on time. In this case, a stable, severe condition is achieved: the physiological functioning of the body is preserved, although not to its full extent. The patient is no longer considered a full-fledged member of society; he requires constant care and control over his behavior.

Other, more negative scenarios are also possible:

  1. Coma: most often this is a consequence of the hyperacute course of the disease. The body is not able to filter out toxins and cope with them on its own. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the patient ends up in a state of clinical death.
  2. Death: as a result of disease progression without proper treatment or occurs suddenly in the acute or hyperacute phase.

Principles of therapy

Alcohol toxic encephalopathy is treatable, and the results will be much better if you seek medical help as early as possible. Comforting forecasts are also made in the case good health patient and a short period of alcohol abuse. Treatment of toxic encephalopathy in acute form should only occur within the hospital setting. It is quite complex and complex. The treatment strategy is similar to the treatment regimen for acute alcoholic delirium. Etiological, pathogenetic methods of influence and symptomatic therapy are combined.

  • first of all, they rid the body of intoxication: they “wash” the body with saline solution of alcohol and its decomposition products;
  • then B vitamins are prescribed. Thiamine (B1) normalizes metabolism, optimizes the production of gastric juice, and tidies up the functioning of the intestinal muscles. It also helps in relieving symptoms of disorders of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems. B9 and B12 help increase hemoglobin levels, participate in strengthening the immune system, and speed up metabolism;
  • it is important to use drugs to improve blood circulation in the brain and eliminate disturbances in the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid;
  • stimulation of the central nervous system is carried out;
  • if necessary, antiepileptic drugs are prescribed;
  • in case of increased excitability of the patient, tranquilizers are additionally prescribed;
  • depending on the severity of symptoms and pain, treatment is supplemented with medications that relieve one or another disorder: painkillers, sleeping pills, drugs to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and others;
  • this therapy is supplemented by taking nootropic drugs;
  • a proper diet helps the body reach its optimal state;
  • Daily walks in the air are also recommended.

The success of therapy is also influenced by the elimination of the root cause of the development of alcoholism and, as a consequence, alcoholic encephalopathy. In this case, psychotherapeutic support in the form of individual consultations and group meetings becomes indispensable. An excellent method of influencing the psychological component of the disease would be hypnotherapy.

Conditioned reflex therapy has a good effect on consolidating the results of treatment. With its help, the patient develops a vomiting reaction to the smell and taste of alcohol.

Important! The success of any treatment will be negated if you continue to drink alcohol.

Due to reduced adequacy, patients themselves cannot seek medical help; usually relatives or other close people do this for them.

Thus, toxic encephalopathy of the brain is the final result of alcohol dependence. In addition to somatic disorders and neurological disorders, the patient loses mental health and socially deteriorates. This disease is incurable, the only sure way out is to treat alcohol addiction in the early stages.

Toxic encephalopathy: causes, forms and their characteristics, manifestations, how to treat

Toxic encephalopathy occurs due to the negative impact on the brain of various toxins, usually of exogenous origin, which are able to penetrate the blood-brain barrier into neurons and cause their structural changes.

Toxic damage to nervous tissue can occur both acutely and chronically, but this pathology cannot be called rare, mainly because the poisons include alcohol and narcotic substances, which are abused by a significant number of people, more often young people.

The negative impact of neurotropic poisons is manifested by a variety of psychoneurological disorders, often the process is irreversible and progressive, contributing to persistent disability, and in severe cases, death of patients.

The brain is extremely sensitive to adverse external influences. His cells suffer from a lack of oxygen, the action of a variety of chemical substances, entering the blood through the respiratory, digestive, and injection routes. Even small amounts of strong neurotropic poisons can cause severe destructive changes, which are sometimes impossible to combat.

Constant supply small doses toxins at work or at home leads to the development of chronic encephalopathy, the first signs of which are non-specific or completely invisible, which complicates timely diagnosis and delays the start of treatment until the advanced stage of brain damage.

As toxic products accumulate in the brain, dystrophic and necrotic processes in its cells increase, pockets of microinfarctions appear due to impaired microcirculation, and hypoxia worsens. The process is diffuse in nature, but the most vulnerable parts of the central nervous system are the first to suffer - the subcortical nodes, brain stem, cerebellum, which explains the severity of the symptoms and the serious risk to the patient’s life.

Features of symptoms and the rate of progression of brain damage are usually associated with the nature of the toxin, its route of penetration and dose. In some cases, there are specific symptoms characteristic of one or another type of toxic encephalopathy, which make it possible to conduct targeted studies of blood composition to determine the causative factor.

Causes and types of toxic encephalopathy

Toxic encephalopathy occurs:

  • Acute;
  • Chronic.

When acute pathology symptoms increase quickly, through a short time after the receipt of neurotropic poison, while the dose is not always decisive. For example, acute alcoholic encephalopathy may occur after drinking a fairly large volume of ethanol, while the amount of methyl alcohol or ethylene glycol may be relatively small.

Chronic encephalopathy increases over weeks and months and is most often associated with the constant use of toxic substances in quantities that do not cause acute intoxication, however, they contribute to the accumulation of poison in neurons and their diffuse destruction.

Substances that provoke toxic encephalopathy penetrate from the external environment or are formed during metabolism in the body of a patient with liver pathology, endocrine system, kidney. Poisons can enter the body through contact with them at work, for example, at chemical industry facilities. In everyday life, ethyl alcohol becomes the most common neurotropic poison.

Chronic encephalopathy of toxic origin (ICD code 10 - G92) can be provoked by unfavorable environmental conditions when large industrial enterprises emit large amounts of toxic substances and production waste into the atmosphere. In such disadvantaged regions, residents are more likely to experience chronic headaches, early signs of vascular brain damage, symptoms oxygen starvation. A certain risk is also created by man-made disasters accompanied by the release of neurotropic poisons into the atmosphere and water.

Potentially dangerous neurotropic poisons are:

  • Ethanol;
  • Narcotic substances, especially those produced in artisanal conditions;
  • Methanol;
  • Petroleum distillation products, hydrocarbons;
  • Carbon monoxide;
  • Pesticides used in agriculture;
  • Some heavy metals(lead, mercury, etc.) and their compounds;
  • Manganese;
  • Certain medicines;
  • Endogenous metabolic products - ketone bodies, salts uric acid, bilirubin.

Manganese (like alcoholic) encephalopathy is classified as a separate group due to the characteristics of its symptoms. This element can enter the body along with drugs produced at home, less often in production (metallurgical industry, ore mining). The manifestations of manganese poisoning resemble Parkinson's disease.

Poisons of biological origin can also be neurotropic. For example, toxic encephalopathy can develop with such infectious diseases like botulism, diphtheria, measles.

Symptoms of toxic encephalopathy

Encephalopathy of toxic origin has quite varied symptoms; some manifestations may indicate a specific toxic agent, but there are also general signs damage to nervous tissue that occurs regardless of the type of poison used. These are considered:

  1. Excitement, restless behavior, feeling of fear;
  2. Euphoricity or aggression;
  3. Convulsive syndrome;
  4. Movement coordination disorder (more typical for the chronic form with damage to the cerebellar structures);
  5. Numbness of body parts;
  6. Dizziness, headaches;
  7. Phenomena of parkisonism;
  8. with impaired thermoregulation, heart rate, urination.

Often the effect of the neurotoxin begins with symptoms of agitation, and the patient may become aggressive and inappropriate in behavior and speech. As the concentration of poison in neurons increases, brain activity is inhibited, drowsiness appears, and a state of stupor and coma occurs. Reflexes and mobility are reduced, and with concomitant lesions of the spinal cord, sensitivity and functioning of the pelvic organs are also impaired.

Alcoholic encephalopathy

One of the most common reasons toxic damage to neurons is considered ethanol poisoning. Experts have identified this form of encephalopathy as an independent disease -. The pathology acquires a chronic course with systematic, long-term abuse of alcohol, and the first symptoms become noticeable approximately three years after regular consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Ethanol can cause neuronal damage and loss of connections not only on its own, but also due to toxic metabolic products such as acetaldehyde. In addition to the direct toxic effect, alcohol can cause microcirculation disorders and thrombus formation, irreversible changes vascular walls, multiple hemorrhages.

When consumed excessive doses ethanol or poisoning with its surrogates, acute alcoholic encephalopathy develops, which can occur in the form of Gaye-Wernicke syndrome, alcoholic pseudoparalysis and other forms of pathology.

Symptoms of toxic encephalopathy in alcoholism include:

  • Increasing weakness constant feeling fatigue;
  • Weight loss;
  • Dizziness and cranialgia;
  • Digestive disorders in the form of unstable stools, vomiting;
  • Insomnia, nightmares;
  • Sweating, tachycardia and other rhythm disorders.

Patients lose weight, the skin becomes pale and then bluish, with a pronounced vascular network on the face, swelling and puffiness of the face are characteristic. Neurological symptoms consist of impaired coordination, instability, tremor of the limbs, lips, and paresthesia.

Mental changes are very characteristic of alcoholic encephalopathy. Patients may be aggressive or apathetic, prone to depression, and emotionally labile. Hallucinations are threatening, sleep disturbance progresses. Intelligence and ability to perform mental work are significantly reduced.

Gaye-Wernicke encephalopathy is considered the most severe form of alcohol-induced brain damage. when only 2 weeks pass from the first signs of pathology to the death of the patient. It manifests itself as delirium with hallucinations, which is replaced by complete lethargy and immobility.

Patients are inadequate and unavailable for contact, exhausted, swollen, and have pronounced neurological symptoms in the form of paresis and paralysis, hyperkinesis. Characterized by increased body temperature, rapid pulse and breathing, and hypotension. Convulsive seizures of a generalized nature are common.

Coma is caused by progressive cerebral edema and widespread hemorrhages in the middle and intermediate parts of the brain, with complete loss of consciousness and seriously impaired functioning of vital functions. important organs. The addition of secondary infections increases the risk of death.

The outcome of acute encephalopathy of alcoholic origin can be a persistent psychoorganic syndrome with irreversible brain dysfunction, loss of ability to work and self-care skills.

brain changes in alcoholic toxic encephalopathy

Manganese poisoning

Manganese has a toxic effect primarily on the subcortical nerve centers and the vascular network of the brain, and poisoning is more often recorded during ore mining and processing, and during the production of alloys and electrodes. Symptoms of poisoning are:

  1. Lethargy, drowsiness;
  2. Decreased muscle tone;
  3. Vague pain in the limbs;
  4. Decreased intellectual abilities - memory and writing disorders;
  5. Apathy, depression.

In severe cases, widening of the palpebral fissures, tremor of the tongue and signs of parkinsonism, inadequate emotional reactions in the form of laughter or tearfulness can be observed. These changes are organic in nature and irreversible, therefore, at the first signs of manganese poisoning, the patient is isolated from contact with the metal.

The clinic distinguishes three degrees (stages) of manganese encephalopathy. At the first stage, asthenia, weakness, a feeling of drowsiness, increased blood pressure, decreased muscle tone, pain and paresthesia in the legs and arms. At the second stage, the listed symptoms intensify, intelligence is impaired, and polyneuropathy increases. The third stage is characterized by disturbances in the motor sphere, gait, and speech. The patient loses self-criticism, emotional instability, violent laughter or crying appears.

Poisoning with heavy metals, medications and toxic vapors

For mercury encephalopathy hyperkinesis clearly manifests itself, mental disorders progress. When mercury enters the digestive organs, severe abdominal pain, vomiting, and bloody diarrhea occur. The initial degree of poisoning occurs like autonomic dysfunction and neurasthenic disorder. Patients complain of irritability, poor sleep, headaches, rapid pulse, and increased sweating. Disorders of the function of endocrine organs are characteristic.

With acute mercury intoxication, pain in the head intensifies, sleep disappears, and vegetative symptoms increase - cardialgia, pressure fluctuations. The progression of poisoning leads to mental disorders.

When exposed to lead a characteristic metallic appearance appears on neurons sweet taste in the mouth, salivation, vomiting, abdominal pain, constipation, flatulence. There are also cranialgia, mental disorders, pathology of breathing and heartbeat. Complications of lead intoxication include polyneuritis of toxic origin, paralysis and paresis.

Carbon disulfide poisoning found in chemical and textile industries, and in agriculture when using insecticides. This connection causes autonomic disorders and violations nervous regulation. In the clinic, mental disorders, autonomic dysfunction, polyneuropathy, and cerebral asthenia are possible. In severe cases, coma occurs.

With chronic long-term exposure to poison, organic brain damage develops, various hallucinations appear, intelligence is lost, depression and parkinsonism increase, and hypertension becomes permanent.

Gasoline fumes if inhaled, cause poisoning and signs of encephalopathy. Characterized by psychoorganic syndrome, increased convulsive readiness, vascular dystonia, emotional lability, anxiety, sleep disorders.

Arsenic exposure provokes diffuse degeneration of neurons both in the brain and in peripheral nerve trunks, while polyneuropathy comes to the fore in the clinical picture of the disease. Characteristic burning pain and weakness in the limbs, trophic disorders in the skin, atrophic changes in the muscles.

Drug encephalopathy occurs with an overdose of aspirin-containing drugs, bromine, antipsychotics, sleeping pills and even non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It is manifested by weakness, headache, visual disturbances, speech, breathing, vomiting, mental disorders- agitation, aggression or apathy, drowsiness.

Endogenous intoxications

Another cause of toxic encephalopathy can be pathology of internal organs - the liver and kidneys. Such patients also have a variety of psychoneurological symptoms - behavior changes (aggressiveness, apathy, depression, etc.), intelligence decreases, untidiness and difficulties with self-care, paresthesia, disorders of the motor sphere and pelvic organ function appear. Severe degrees accompanied by coma and cerebral edema.

On specific reason toxic encephalopathy may be indicated by data on damage to a specific organ - liver enlargement, jaundice, bleeding, characteristic liver or uremic odor, swelling and pallor, accumulation of fluid in the cavities, erosive lesions mucous membranes of the digestive and respiratory systems.

Due to the peculiarities of pathogenesis, course and therapy, these types of toxic encephalopathy are classified as pathologies of the corresponding organs and have separate headings in the International Classification of Diseases - or other unspecified encephalopathies (K72, G93.4).

Treatment and consequences of toxic encephalopathy

Organic damage to brain tissue due to the action of neurotropic poisons does not go away without leaving a trace. It is hardly possible to restore lost neurons, so changes in the psyche and neurological status are often permanent, leading to disability. Dangerous consequences are considered:

  • Psychoorganic syndrome with loss of intellectual abilities;
  • Coma and death;
  • Bleeding in the brain;
  • Irreversible mental disorders - hallucinations, depression, asthenoneurotic syndrome;
  • Convulsive syndrome;
  • Paralysis and.

Treatment of toxic encephalopathy should be started as early as possible, at the very first symptoms of trouble. In addition, it is important A complex approach, taking into account the nature of the toxin, the degree brain dysfunction, the condition of the patient’s other organs.

In severe encephalopathy, tactics are aimed at stabilizing the condition; in all cases, infusion therapy and quickly limiting contact with a toxic substance are indicated. Patients are observed in toxicology or intensive care units, where there is every opportunity for intensive care.

The first action that should be taken is to stop contact with the neurotropic poison (for exogenous toxins). In the case of encephalopathy due to liver or kidney damage, it is impossible to immediately stop the action of toxic agents, so active detoxification therapy begins.

The basic principles of treatment of severe brain damage due to intoxication are:

  1. Conservative or surgical methods detoxification, introduction of specific antidotes;
  2. Infusion of solutions and forced diuresis (has limitations in case of renal failure);
  3. The use of agents that enhance the breakdown of toxic substances - glucose, vitamin C, oxygen mixtures, sodium hypochloride);
  4. Transfusion of albumin, fresh frozen plasma to normalize the rheological properties of blood and hemostasis;
  5. Administration of glucocorticoids and diuretics to combat cerebral edema;
  6. The use of drugs that improve metabolic processes in the brain - cerebrolysin, nootropil, ATP, a nicotinic acid, vitamins C and group B;
  7. Anticonvulsant treatment - diazepam, magnesia, hexenal;

Removal of neurotropic poison is carried out by administering saline solutions into a vein, glucose, acceleration of urine excretion. Cleansing enemas and gastric lavage are indicated to stop further absorption of the toxin. If necessary, hemodialysis, hemosorption and plasmapheresis are performed.

Symptomatic therapy includes the use of anticonvulsants (clonazepam, diazepam), tranquilizers, and antipsychotics for psychosis. To restore blood flow in the brain are indicated vascular agents and antihypoxants (Cavinton, nootropil, Actovegin, B vitamins, etc.). If necessary, antihypertensive drugs, antiarrhythmics, and specific antidotes are prescribed if available.

Among conservative methods treatment, psychotherapy is important. It is especially indicated for alcoholism and drug abuse, as well as depressive disorders. In addition, physiotherapy methods are used (massage, darsonval, medicinal baths).

Throughout the entire rehabilitation period, the patient takes multivitamin complexes, antioxidants, omega-3-based drugs, and nootropics. As indicated, he continues to take antidepressants and work with a psychotherapist.

The prognosis for encephalopathy of toxic origin is very serious, regardless of what poison caused it, since the damage is irreversible. The risk of developing cerebral edema, coma, and persistent psychoorganic syndrome requires extreme early start treatment and dynamic observation after the patient has stabilized.

Video: about toxic encephalopathy after taking drugs