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What to do if clear liquid flows from the wound. Bloody discharge during pregnancy

The nature of vaginal discharge is an indicator women's health. After all, they are the first to react to what is happening in the vagina or reproductive organs inflammatory and infectious processes, changing its color, consistency and smell. For example, the appearance of ichor in the vaginal secretion may indicate the occurrence of acute inflammation, which must be treated immediately as they can lead to serious health problems. But sometimesbloody dischargearise from physiological reasons that do not require any therapy. And when their appearance is natural, and when it is a reason to see a doctor, we will now tell you.

Natural phenomena

The ichor is streaks of blood that are present in vaginal secretions. They can appear in different phases menstrual cycle and in most cases is not an indicator of the development of pathologies.

Many women experience ichorin the middle of the menstrual cyclewhen ovulation occurs. This period is characterized by the release of the egg from the dominant follicle, during which its membrane ruptures and its small capillaries are damaged, resulting in slight bleeding, which is manifested by streaks of blood in the vaginal secretion. As a rule, in this case, the number of veins in the discharge is small and they are observed for no more than 3-4 hours.

Also appearance vaginal ichorcan occur several days before the onset of menstruation and within 1-2 days after their end. In the first case, its occurrence indicates the beginning of menstruation. At first there is a small number of them, but after that the volume of blood veins increases and after a few days menstrual bleeding begins. Appearancebloody discharge after menstruationis also not a deviation. In this case, they are a sign of the end of menstruation and the release of residual blood from the uterus.

All these conditions are completely natural and do not require any medical procedures. Moreover, if a woman has no health problems, such discharge is almost never accompanied by itching, burning, irritation, pain syndrome and other unpleasant symptoms.

Others don't pathological causes

The appearance of bloody discharge can also occur as a result of other conditions that have nothing to do with the development of pathologies. Most often, their occurrence is observed after mechanical injury to the vaginal mucosa, resulting from:

  • Rough intimacy.
  • Instrumental diagnostic gynecological examination.
  • Carrying out gynecological procedures (after installation of an IUD, cauterization of erosion, biopsy, etc.).

Quite often the occurrence of bloody discharge is observedafter curettage(abrasion) of the uterus, for example, for the purpose of terminating pregnancy early stages or cleansing the uterine cavity when placental particles are not completely released from it after childbirth. This procedure is also often used to remove overgrown inner epithelial layer of the uterus, fibroids or polyps.

At the same time, such discharge can be observed one or two days after the procedure, since the first few days after abrasion there is heavy bleeding, which is associated with damage to the integrity of the mucous membranes of the uterus. If, after cleansing, no bloody discharge is observed, but instead pinkish, watery, mucous, brown or bloody discharge appears, then you should definitely inform your doctor about this, since such a phenomenon may signal the formation of a thrombus (large blood clot) in the cervical canal, which prevents the removal of blood from the uterus and contributes to the occurrence of congestion.

In addition to mechanical trauma to the vaginal mucous membranes, taking contraceptive drugs. They contain hormones that suppress the production of progesterone in the body, which is responsible for the onset and maintenance of pregnancy. As a result of this, it happens hormonal disbalance and until the body gets used to the new conditions, vaginal secretion can constantly change its character and even contain ichor.

But, according to doctors, the body’s adaptation when taking contraceptives should not exceed 2-3 months. If, after this time, ichor is also observed in the discharge, this indicates that the drug was chosen incorrectly and needs to be replaced with another one.

The appearance of bloody discharge may occur after installation intrauterine device. In this case, they can also be observed for several weeks. As soon as the spiral “takes root”, the discharge will stop. If this does not happen and the discharge is joined painful sensations in the abdomen, you should definitely visit a doctor, since installing an IUD leads to damage to the mucous membranes cervical canal and can cause the development of cervicitis.

In some women, the presence of ichor in vaginal discharge observed during the onset of menopause. Its occurrence is caused by changes in hormonal levels, extinction reproductive functions and depletion of the endometrium of the uterus. Such discharge can be observed for several months. And if they are not accompanied by pain or fever, they should not cause alarm.

Ichor during pregnancy: normal or pathological?

Women often complain about the appearancebloody discharge during pregnancy. And in this case there are also a huge number of reasons for their occurrence. In the early stages of gestation, their appearance occurs due to the introduction ovum into the uterine cavity, during which the small capillaries of the organ are also damaged. However, in this case, ichor is observed in the discharge for no more than 2 days. Next, the woman should experience normal leucorrhoea.

If this does not happen and the volume of the ichor increases, a feeling of rigidity in the abdomen or pain appears, then you should immediately run to the doctor, since such symptoms may signal a decrease in the tone of the uterus, rejection of the fertilized egg or placenta, which will lead to spontaneous termination of pregnancy.

The appearance of ichor in the second trimester is also dangerous. In this case, its occurrence may indicate:

  • Dropping of the fetus.
  • Increased/decreased uterine tone.
  • Placental insufficiency.
  • Inflammatory or infectious diseases.

In all these cases, the woman must undergo a course drug therapy. Otherwise, she may lose the child.

On later During pregnancy, the appearance of bloody discharge may signal that labor is approaching. As a rule, they appear at 37-38 weeks and can be observed for a long time. If the ichor is accompanied by strong mucous white discharge, then this indicates the passage of the plug and requires immediate hospitalization of the woman, since labor can begin at any time.

When does the discharge of ichor indicate pathologies?

The appearance of ichor in the discharge against the background of development pathological conditions always accompanied by additional symptoms. Among them are:

  • Abdominal pain of varying intensity.
  • Irritation in the intimate area.
  • Unpleasant smell.
  • Temperature increase.
  • Weakness.

The most dangerous condition is when the ichor is accompanied by itching and burning in the vagina, and the discharge itself acquires a green-yellow hue and exudes a rotten aroma. All these symptoms indicate the development of an infection in the genitals, which must be treated immediately. Among the diseases of the genital area that have such clinical picture, are:

  • chlamydia;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • syphilis, etc.

Important! If these diseases are not treated, they lead to impaired reproductive functions and the development of infertility. Moreover, the infection can spread to other internal organs, provoking various pathological processes in them.

Bartholinitis is another genital disease, which is accompanied by sanguineous discharge and nagging pain in a stomach. It is characterized by the occurrence inflammatory processes in the Bartholin gland, which can be provoked by both infections and inflammation in other organs reproductive system.

Also the appearance of ichor in vaginal discharge may occur with the development of candidiasis. This disease belongs to the category infectious pathologies, but it occurs against the background of activation of pathogenic-conditional microflora, as a result of which there is observed increased activity fungal representatives of the flora.

In this case, the discharge may look like granular cottage cheese or a transparent white liquid mass mixed with blood. It is always noted sour smell, itching, burning and hyperemia of the external genitalia.

In addition, many women begin to secrete ichor due to the presence of a cyst on the ovary. It is a hollow formation containing serous fluid. It usually occurs as a result of blockage of the ovarian ducts or against the background hormonal disorders, as a result of which the follicle does not rupture, as it should, but continues to grow, forming a kind of pouch.

Such cysts are called functional and they resolve on their own within several menstrual cycles. A woman can celebrate this process when she should begin another menstruation. It manifests itself as a copious discharge of mucous secretion streaked with blood and clots.

But there are also cysts that do not resolve on their own (for example, dermoid cysts). In this case, women often experience delays and problems conceiving a child. Treatment of such cysts is carried out only surgically. Depending on size cystic formation, the operation can be performed either laparotomically or laparoscopically. In the first case, the cyst is removed through an incision abdominal wall, in the second – through small punctures. After which a suture is placed on the wounds. After surgical intervention a woman may experience copious discharge having a scarlet color. On the 4th-5th day they should stop and a dauber should appear instead.

If a woman begins to smear from the vagina, along with nagging abdominal pain, this often indicates the development of endometriosis. This disease is characterized by abnormal growth of the internal epithelium of the uterus beyond its limits and is dangerous because it can provoke the development of oncology. Therefore, with this disease, hysteroscopy is often prescribed, during which the uterine cavity is examined using special device. In parallel with this procedure, a biopsy is performed, in which cells are collected for microscopic examination.

Important! If cancer is detected during the examination, the woman will need urgent hospitalization. surgical intervention and chemotherapy.

In addition to these diseases, the following pathologies can provoke the appearance of ichor:

Body fluid is regularly produced in female body and executes protective function. The specific pink tint is explained by the presence of blood impurities in the mucus. Under certain conditions, bloody discharge is considered normal and does not threaten health. Often diagnosed and dangerous cases when a secretion of this color is a sign of serious illness.

Any disturbance in the female body affects the consistency, composition and color of the secretion. Almost always, the appearance of ichor coincides with the beginning of menstruation. vaginal mucus is observed 2–3 days before the onset of menstruation and approximately 1–2 days after it. There are other reasons that explain the naturalness of the process of discharge with ichor:

  • taking hormonal medications;
  • early stages of pregnancy;
  • postpartum period;
  • operations, miscarriages, abortions.

In all these cases, the ichor, which looks like diluted blood, does not pose a health threat. If its appearance is not accompanied by painful symptoms, the condition is regarded as a physiological norm.

Ichor: when is it a pathology?

Pathology is considered to be prolonged ichor Pink colour. It may appear in the middle of the cycle, but should not last more than 2-3 days. If the discharge during menstruation lasts for more than a week, this is a deviation. There is a possibility of developing diseases of the reproductive system. In addition, pink bloody smear is detected when diagnosing sexually transmitted diseases.

Any conditions associated with infection and inflammation of the genital organs must be treated. Untimely diagnosis and therapy lead to complications of the reproductive system. The most dangerous are infertility and oncology.

What diseases cause pink leucorrhoea?

Most diseases accompanied by sanguineous mucus are associated with abnormalities in the functioning of the female reproductive system. Among them:

  • uterine fibroids;
  • endometriosis and endocervicitis, developing in the vaginal mucosa;
  • ectopia, cervical erosion;
  • malignant tumors;
  • fibroids;
  • polyps;
  • sexually transmitted diseases.

Hormonal instability can negatively affect the condition endocrine system. One of the symptoms lack of activity thyroid gland is monthly bloody menstruation bloody nature.

There are many reasons for atypical discharge. Sometimes a number of provoking factors are discovered, the elimination of which requires time and proper timely treatment. The problem can only be identified and eliminated after a thorough examination.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

You should visit a doctor if the appearance of blood-streaked secretions is not related to your cycle.

Also, the help of a specialist may be required if the intensity of discharge is disturbed, when pink vaginal mucus is observed for more than 3 days and becomes bad smell.

Such symptoms, against the backdrop of a deteriorating woman’s condition, can be harbingers of serious illnesses requiring urgent medical intervention.

What to do

The main task of a woman in case periodic appearance symptom (blood discharge) - monitor your condition and respond to any changes.

If pink vaginal secretion is observed sporadically, has no odor and does not cause physical discomfort, you don’t have to worry about your health. The unreasonable appearance of ichor, changes in color, smell, consistency, as well as painful symptoms cannot be ignored. Identify it in a timely manner and treat it without consequences possible pathology is possible only after a medical diagnosis.

Vaginal discharge is common to every woman in her life. life path. However, when pregnancy occurs, the nature of such discharge may change somewhat. Normal discharge should be thick and whitish during the first trimester, which is explained by the high activity of progesterone. In the second trimester, the discharge should be clear, as a hormone called estrogen comes first. One way or another, all women are probably aware that discharge interspersed with blood during pregnancy cannot mean anything good. If they appear, you need to urgently call an ambulance. What threatens the appearance bleeding during pregnancy?

When is bloody discharge normal?

Discharge with ichor during pregnancy may be one of the options normal condition. In practice, such cases happen quite rarely, and this cannot please expectant mothers. As a rule, brownish discharge is nothing more than a harbinger of a threat of pregnancy.

However, this does not mean that you should worry in all cases without exception. Most often, bloody discharge within the normal range can be observed when we are talking about the early stages, when the woman does not even suspect that she is in “ interesting position" Around the middle of the second week after conception, the egg passes into the uterus, where it is deposited. In order to attach normally to the uterine epithelium, it needs to “scrape out” the cells, thereby making an improvised “mink”. This process is often accompanied by a small amount of brownish or bloody discharge, sometimes perceived by a woman as premature menstruation.

Egg implantation can last for several days, and the activity of this process is not always the same. It is considered quite normal for a situation in which small amounts of blood are noticed early on, which may recur only after a few days.

During the first trimester, bloody discharge may appear on the days when menstruation occurred before pregnancy. Not all experts agree with this statement. Now some of them claim that 4-5, 8-9, and 11-12 weeks can be considered so-called critical periods, which are characterized by an increased danger to the fetus. The bleeding that occurs at this time cannot be called normal.

Sometimes bloody discharge is observed at the end of pregnancy - it is at this time that the mucus plug comes off. With all this, mucus begins to be released from the vagina, and this can happen either as a whole “piece” or in small portions. It may contain small bloody spots. But you shouldn’t be scared, because the release of the mucus plug indicates that labor will begin very soon.

When bloody discharge is bad

You can be concerned if the bloody discharge is accompanied by any other signs or does not fit into any of the conditions described above. There are a huge number of pathological reasons for this situation:

Threat of miscarriage. If a threat appears, the embryo is rejected from the uterus, and this process is usually accompanied by the release of a certain amount of blood. This process may not be expressed, in which case the color of the discharge is brown or it is bloody. The vast majority of cases of timely seeking help in this situation indicates that it is possible to maintain the pregnancy. Moreover, you can even avoid hospitalization and follow some rules at home: avoid physical labor, abstain from sex, prevent any thermal effects on the pelvis and abdomen.

Frozen pregnancy. The embryo may freeze at an early stage, which provokes spontaneous abortion. Sometimes the situation requires the intervention of specialists. Confirmation of freezing can be obtained after an ultrasound scan, but even then there is no need to rush to act. In practice, there have been cases when, due to old equipment, such a diagnosis was made and completely healthy embryos were killed. Based on this, we strongly recommend double-checking the analysis results on several devices.

Ectopic pregnancy. It is bloody discharge that is considered one of the first and most important symptoms of ectopic pregnancy. As soon as suspicions arise in this regard, an ultrasound should be performed immediately. Confirmation of the diagnosis will mean the need to terminate the pregnancy, and the sooner this is done, the better.

Placenta previa. Low position placenta is called previa. Due to the fact that the placenta rubs against the cervix, small amounts of bloody discharge will be observed.

Placental abruption. Very often, when pregnancy is nearing the end, placental abruption occurs. The reason for this can be considered a tear that occurs at the placenta attachment site, which provokes the release of blood, and if the process is not expressed, then ichor will appear. This condition is considered dangerous and you will definitely need hospitalization.

Premature birth. Talking about late stages pregnancy, in relation to the threat of its termination they use the phrase “ premature birth" This process may be accompanied by secretions of ichor. We need to go to the hospital urgently because early reaction responding to what happened often helps prevent dire consequences.

Cervical erosion. This is enough common occurrence, observed in gynecology, but it can only be cured after childbirth has taken place.

Sexual infections. During pregnancy, such a reason rarely becomes relevant, because usually a pregnant woman undergoes research at the very beginning of the term, and after that she only conducts an orderly sex life. But this option should not be completely rejected. Various infections accompanied different symptoms, including rashes on the genitals and anus, a feeling of itching and severe burning, an unpleasant odor coming from vaginal discharge, elevated temperature bodies, etc.

What should I do?

Establishing the cause of bloody discharge during pregnancy with a high degree of probability is a task for a gynecologist, but he can say something for sure only after it has been done ultrasonography. Ultrasound can help determine the attachment site of the embryo and detect its heartbeat. In addition, it shows the location of the placenta and other nuances that are important in this case.

As soon as you notice that bloody discharge has begun during pregnancy, immediately go to the doctor.

When should you call an ambulance?

Sometimes you need to do something urgently:

if, along with bloody secretions, the body temperature rises;
after bloody discharge bleeding begins;
if it occurs strong pain after bloody discharge and it goes into the rectum.

In any of these situations, immediately call an ambulance, and before it arrives, lie down and slightly raise your legs.

Author of the publication: Margarita Shiryaeva

In a woman's body, everything is interconnected. Therefore, by the nature of the vaginal discharge, one can immediately determine whether she has health problems. After all, vaginal secretion changes its composition and smell depending on disorders in the genitourinary system. Sometimes the discharge of ichor does not mean anything terrible. But it also happens that it indicates various pathologies.

Natural causes

These discharges cannot be confused with anything, as the ichor looks quite unusual. It is a secretion consisting of mucus and blood. The color can vary from almost transparent to dark brown.

Such discharge is normal in the following situations:

  • The beginning of menopause.
  • The period after childbirth.
  • Operations, miscarriages, abortions.
  • Early pregnancy.
  • Treatment with hormonal drugs.
  • The time before and after menstruation, as well as during ovulation.

In the above cases, there is nothing wrong with the ichor. However, it is worth paying attention to such additional symptoms like pain heavy bleeding, elevated temperature, unpleasant odor of secretion. If they appear, this indicates the presence of some kind of violation.

Discharge during menstruation

During the entire month, regardless of whether a woman has menstruation or not, her hormonal levels constantly fluctuate. This is especially true for estrogen and progesterone. It is on them that the secretion that will be released depends. The norm is considered to be almost colorless, odorless and moderately sticky mucus. The ichor before and immediately after menstruation may change: become thicker, brighter, with bloody streaks.

Bloody discharge after menstruation serve so that at the end critical days remove blood remaining there from the walls of the vagina and cervix. Although many girls are concerned about the ichor after menstruation, there is no reason to worry.

But it happens that during the period before and after menstruation, women feel discomfort in the lower abdomen. Sometimes it is accompanied by weakness and drowsiness. However, if these symptoms go away within a few days, then there is no cause for concern. These manifestations occur quite often and do not indicate any pathology.

In the middle of the cycle, that is, during the period of ovulation, some women also note the release of ichor. The reason still lies in hormonal changes. At this time their level becomes very high.

Hormonal drugs

The release of blood secretions can occur in the first few days after starting to use hormonal drugs. Thus, the body signals the beginning of the action of the drug.

Hormonal medications are used quite rarely, but they are used in some cases. The most common of them is protection from unwanted pregnancy and normalization of the menstrual cycle. The treatment is quite effective. It has a beneficial effect on the uterus. However, it is worth remembering that to use hormonal drugs only possible for a certain time. Most often, a special course is prescribed.

However, sometimes their use can lead to unpleasant consequences. For example, too long-term use these medicines or their overdose can lead to problems with the mucous membrane. Bleeding cracks may appear in the vagina and other internal genital organs.

If during use hormonal drugs If you have any health problems, it is better to consult your doctor. He will either reduce the dosage of the medications or stop them. In the absence of any measures, complications are possible.

Pregnancy and postpartum period

Expectant mothers should watch the discharge very carefully. During pregnancy, especially in the early stages, ichor - common occurrence. It appears due to development in the body of the embryo.

The norm is a small amount of secretion in the first fourteen days after conception, as well as during the period of expected menstruation. However, this time is one of the most difficult. Since any physical exercise and stress can lead to miscarriage.

Ichor with blood after the birth of a child is also considered normal. It may appear after natural birth, and after cesarean. The first two days the discharge is quite heavy and mainly consists of blood, but in the next few days bloody discharge will appear. But if they don't stop for a long time and are accompanied by pain, then the reason may be postpartum complications.

Miscarriage, abortion and curettage

In all three cases, the duration and abundance of secretion is influenced by many factors. Starting with the complexity of the medical interventions performed and ending with individual characteristics the body of every woman.

In case of miscarriage, the duration of the discharge depends on the stage of pregnancy. Sometimes they can last several weeks.

After abortion, the ichor is not released for long and is soon replaced by heavy bleeding, which lasts for several days. The duration of the discharge directly depends on how the abortion was performed. If it was carried out with the help of medications, then they will last about four days. And if cleaning was used, then a week or more.

The curettage process also involves different durations of secretion. After cleaning for diagnostic purposes, mucus is released for only a few days. But in the case of embryo curettage, the rehabilitation period increases to two weeks.

The onset of menopause

There may also be scanty discharge during the onset of menopause. This occurs due to changes in hormonal background and termination reproductive age. Monthly menstruation gradually disappears and sometimes they are replaced by bloody secretion. However, discharge should not be present when a woman’s body has already completely rebuilt and menopause has occurred. Otherwise, it indicates some kind of pathology.

Ichor for pathologies

When all of the above reasons are not related to discharge, you should consult a specialist, since such a symptom may indicate serious illness associated with genitourinary system. The most common pathological causes of bloody discharge are:

Diagnosis and treatment

In order to accurately determine the cause of the bloody discharge, you will have to consult a doctor and conduct a diagnosis. The most effective method diagnosis is ultrasound.

Most pathologies can be cured by taking medications. However, in advanced cases specialists have to resort to surgery.

When secretion with bloody streaks appears, self-medication is strictly prohibited. Because this can lead to a worsening of the condition or the disease becoming chronic.

If we determine the deviation by early stage, then it is easy to treat. Therefore, if bloody discharge appears regardless of menstruation, the best option will conduct an examination and identify the problem at an early stage.

Vaginal discharge normal phenomenon for a woman at any stage of her life, if they do not have deviations from the norm. During pregnancy, the discharge changes somewhat - in the first trimester it is whitish and thick, in the second it becomes clearer and thinner.

Naturally, heavy bleeding during pregnancy cannot bode well; in such situations it is better to consult a doctor immediately. But we’ll talk about bloody discharge and its danger/safety in this article.

Normal bloody discharge during pregnancy

So, indeed, bloody discharge during pregnancy may in fact be a variant of the absolute norm - this is, of course, good news for you. However, in practice, this version of the norm occurs, unfortunately, not very often - and this is correspondingly bad news. In most cases, any brownish vaginal discharge portends a threat to your pregnancy.

Should blood discharge during pregnancy always be a cause for concern?

In fact, sometimes discharge of this kind can be the norm, and do not portend anything bad for either the expectant mother or her child. But, unfortunately, it is often these discharges that signal serious disorders and the threat of termination of pregnancy.

Such discharge can only be acceptable in the early stages of pregnancy, even before the 14th week, when she future mom may not know about pregnancy. In order to gain a foothold in the uterine epithelium, the fertilized egg pushes out some of the cells, which provokes spotting brownish discharge.

A woman may well think that she is starting to menstruate. This activity of the egg will continue for another couple of days, so it is not surprising if bloody discharge continues to appear.

And yet, most gynecologists do not consider such manifestations to be the norm, even in the early stages, and strongly recommend that you immediately consult a doctor if you discover a similar symptom.

Bloody issues may appear in the very last stages of pregnancy, when the mucus plug begins to come off. This will signal to you that labor will begin very soon.

Bloody discharge during pregnancy, which may indicate the presence of pathology

If blood discharge did not appear during the periods described above and is accompanied by other symptoms, we can talk about serious problems. There are many reasons why such discharge may occur.
  1. Threat of miscarriage. On initial stage pregnancy threats, the embryo is rejected from the uterus. This process is accompanied minor discharge blood. If you seek help from a specialist in time, you can save this pregnancy. Hospitalization is also not always necessary. You may be allowed to stay at home, but you will have to strictly follow certain rules: avoid physical activity, avoid sex for a while, and avoid heat exposure to the pelvis and abdomen.
  2. Bloody discharge during pregnancy can also signal the fading of the fetus. If fading occurs early, it occurs spontaneous miscarriage. But there are situations when medical intervention is simply necessary. In order to determine the condition of the embryo, it is necessary to undergo ultrasound diagnostics. It is better to consult several doctors and undergo several examinations before deciding to terminate the pregnancy. In the early stages, uzists can easily make mistakes.
  3. Ectopic pregnancy is another reason for the appearance of bloody discharge during pregnancy.. If your diagnosis is confirmed, the pregnancy must be terminated as quickly as possible, as this is a potential threat to the life and health of the woman.
  4. Bloody discharge may appear due to placenta previa, but this does not promise you big problems and danger. These are physiological characteristics.
  5. Placental abruption - more than serious reason , which can harm both you and your child. Therefore, if placental abruption is suspected, urgent hospitalization is necessary.
  6. Premature birth. Accompanied by both scanty and abundant sanguineous discharge. The condition requires immediate hospitalization.
  7. Cervical erosion. This disease can only be treated in the postpartum period.
  8. Sexual infections. In addition to bloody discharge, additional symptoms may appear, for example, fever. It is necessary to get tested and not delay consultation with your doctor.
How to deal with the problem?
If you notice the appearance of bloody discharge, it is better not to delay it and immediately consult your doctor. He will prescribe additional tests for you if necessary. This can help keep you and your unborn baby healthy. But if the discharge becomes too abundant, do not be afraid to call an ambulance. Take care of your health.