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The benefits of chaga. Birch chaga: medicinal properties, indications and contraindications. Chaga mushroom, beneficial properties and contraindications

Birch chaga is popularly called a growth irregular shape, which is formed on trees as a result of their infection with a fungus of the type tinder fungus ( Inonotus obliquus). The size of the growth ranges from 5 to 40 cm in diameter, and the thickness sometimes reaches 15 cm.

The appearance of chaga is quite unattractive - the black color of the surface in the inner part changes to dark brown, and when adjacent to the wood it becomes reddish. Such a growth appears on different trees, but most often on birches, and it is the birch chaga that has healing properties. It is found in groves of Russia and Korea, as well as in the East of Europe.

Chaga is often confused with the false polypore. But, in addition to the visual differences, there is another big difference between them - the first appears exclusively on living trees, while the second mainly appears on dead ones.

The pulp of the birch mushroom contains all kinds of acids, tannic and minerals, as well as lipids, alkaloids and fiber. Due to its composition, chaga has a beneficial effect on the human body.

  • improving general condition, increasing immunity and resistance to infectious diseases;
  • calming effect on the nervous system, treatment restless sleep, insomnia, mental illness;
  • normalization metabolic processes;
  • prevention and treatment malignant tumors;
  • therapy for diseases of the intestines, liver, stomach, as well as urinary tract and lungs;
  • improvement in psoriasis, eczema, and acne, frostbite and burns;
  • promotion blood pressure and treatment of anemia;
  • improved vision;
  • prevention and treatment of female diseases;
  • slowing down the aging process.

Traditional medicine recipes

Tea, alcohol tinctures, as well as bath solutions, ointments and oils are prepared from chaga.


Ingredients: 100 g dried mushroom, 500 ml water.


  1. pour chaga warm water and let it brew for 3 hours,
  2. chop the softened mushroom and return it to the water,
  3. heat to 40 degrees and set aside for another 48 hours,
  4. strain the infusion and add water to it so that its volume returns to its original volume.

Should be consumed 3 times a day strictly before meals, 200 ml. Store no longer than 4 days.

Chaga infusions are indicated for oncology, stomach diseases and insomnia. The permissible period for taking the infusion is 6 months, the recommended break between courses of treatment is 10 days.

Alcohol tincture

Ingredients: 100 g chaga, 1 liter of alcohol.

Preparation: pour the chopped mushroom with alcohol and, shaking occasionally, keep for 14 days in a cool and dark place.

Ready alcohol tincture dilute with water and take 1 tbsp for 2 weeks. l. before meals no more than 3 times a day.

The product is effective for chronic gastritis. Also improves general state cancer patients.

Strengthening tea

Ingredients: 3 liters of water, 250 g of chaga, 1 glass of viburnum berry decoction, 200 g of honey.


  1. soak chaga in 2 liters warm water for 2 hours,
  2. remove the mushroom, chop it and put it back,
  3. put the tea on low heat, heat for about 1 hour, cool and strain,
  4. combine with honey, viburnum decoction and 1 liter of warm water,
  5. leave the mixture overnight at room temperature.

Keep tea refrigerated. Drink 3 times a day, 2 tbsp. l. 30 minutes before meals. Course duration is up to 3 months.

Harm and side effects

Excess acceptable time limits Taking chaga may cause distress digestive system And nervous excitability. Symptoms will go away after reducing the dose or stopping the drug.

Others side effects neither chaga nor solutions or infusions contain it.

But children and pregnant women are prohibited from consuming birch mushroom. This is explained by the fact that in a growing organism and in the body expectant mother active cell division occurs, while chaga stops their growth and development.

Rules for collection, drying and storage

The unique properties of birch mushroom depend on how correctly it was prepared, and therefore, if you decide to stock up on it yourself, you should follow certain rules:

  1. Chaga grows on birch trees all year round, so you can collect it whenever you want. Although in early spring and late autumn the mushroom is most enriched with useful substances. In addition, in winter, snow often prevents access to the birch trunk, and in summer, thick foliage.
  2. To separate a growth from a birch trunk, it is not enough strong hands, and therefore, when going after it, you always need to have a sharp knife and a hatchet in your arsenal. The growth should be cut in a vertical direction as close to the tree trunk as possible.
  3. It is also important to keep track of which birch tree the mushroom lives on, because if the tree is dead or begins to die, then it will not have even a fraction of its medicinal properties. Likewise, you should not cut off a mushroom located near the ground.
  4. The growth must be treated immediately after collection. Unlike the upper dark surface, the light and loose parts of the mushroom do not have healing properties - they should be disposed of.
  5. Chaga quickly becomes moldy, so it is important to promptly cut it into small pieces (no more than 6 cm thick) and dry it. This can be done, for example, in the oven at low temperature(about 50 degrees). Exceeding the temperature regime will lead to loss of beneficial properties.
  6. You can store dry mushrooms in glass containers, paper bags or linen bags. Properly dried and packaged it will retain its healing power up to 2 years.

Diet during treatment

Birch mushroom can cure serious illnesses, but for this you need to change eating habits. While taking chaga you should:

  • exclude everything smoked, canned and fried,
  • limit the quantity meat products in the diet,
  • do not abuse spicy food, including onions and garlic,
  • refrain from sweets,
  • add more fruits, vegetables, and dairy products to your menu,
  • observe the strictest ban on alcohol and smoking.

Nowadays, chaga-based preparations can be found in any pharmacy. But if available serious problems With health, first of all, you need to consult a doctor.

Chaga is a source of fiber, resins, sterols, phenols, and a number of acids (formic, tartaric, oxalic, acetic, etc.). The mushroom contains a lot useful substances, to which it owes its unique therapeutic, anti-inflammatory and anti-infective properties. Organic acids contained in chaga regulate and normalize the acid-base balance.

Chaga contains tannins that affect protein coagulation, forming protective membranes in the form of a thin film on the skin and mucous membranes. The mushroom contains potassium, magnesium, iron, manganese, copper, cobalt, silver, zinc, nickel and aluminum. In addition to macro- and microelements, tinder fungus contains:

  • Phytoncides– impart antimicrobial properties;
  • Flavonoids– antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, choleretic and diuretic effects;
  • Melanin– stimulates metabolic processes in the body, has an anti-inflammatory and restorative effect.

The effect of chaga on the body

Consumption of chaga enhances oxidative and reduction processes in the body, has a strengthening and tonic effect on the central nervous system, and restores cholinergic nerves. Positively affects gastrointestinal disorders. Birch mushroom has a complex effect on the human body, strengthens and tones it.

Chaga is recommended for use for many problems gastro- intestinal tract(gastritis, polyps, dyskinesia, ulcers). Birch mushroom heals inflammatory processes in the oral cavity (periodontal disease, periodontitis,). Regular use birch mushroom tea calms the nervous system, relieves insomnia and chronic stress conditions. Chaga drink binds and removes radionuclides from the body and heavy metals, normalizes endocrine functions and rejuvenates the body.

Chaga heals skin diseases: acne, dermatoses, psoriasis, etc. Birch mushroom tea relaxes smooth muscles internal organs and on the walls of blood vessels, relieving pain and relieving spasms.

Chaga has gained great popularity as a preventive and remedy at oncological diseases. Taking birch mushroom stops and leads to regression of growth malignant tumors, restores immunity, activates protective functions body and enhances the effectiveness of oncological drugs. Official medicine has no data on complete treatment against cancer with the help of chaga, but there is evidence that in places where a decoction of birch mushroom is consumed instead of tea, there are almost no patients with cancer.

The medicinal properties of the birch chaga mushroom have been known in Rus' for a long time. The origin of the word “chaga” is Turkic and means “slave girl, slave, captive.” Chaga was called not only the growth on the tree itself, but also the drink made from it. It was often used as a preventative, tonic and drank like ordinary tea; in hot weather it perfectly quenched thirst. It is known that in addition to its beneficial properties, chaga also has contraindications, as well as a number of side effects. Therefore, before using this medicinal raw material, you should consult your doctor. It is also important to know how to brew chaga in order to preserve its healing substances as much as possible.

Features of birch mushroom

What is chaga? In the popular version - a wood sponge, or a tinder fungus. Where to find it in nature? How to prepare and for what diseases can it be used?

Area and distribution features

How to prepare chaga

Chaga can be harvested all year round. However, active nutrients accumulate most in spring and autumn. It is also more convenient to collect the mushroom at this time, since it is more noticeable on the trunk when it is leafless. The growth is collected only from living trees. The mushroom is cut with an ax and carefully separated from the trunk. They take only the dense part of the growth, separating the wood from it. Chaga is chopped into pieces of 3–6 cm. Dried in rooms with good ventilation or in electric dryers at a temperature of 40°C. Raw materials are stored for 2 years.

Chemical composition and healing properties

  • What are the benefits of birch chaga? The growth contains healthy salts metals, organic acids, polysaccharides, free phenols, fiber, alkaloids, resins, ash, steroid formations, minerals, colloidal aqueous solutions, coloring, tannins, glucose.
  • pharmachologic effect. In pharmacology, three main properties of chaga are identified - antitumor, analgesic, and restorative. Also, this plant material has a beneficial effect on immune system, restores metabolic processes, including in brain tissue. In addition, birch mushroom has antiseptic properties.

What other benefits does chaga have? It contains pterins - nitrogenous compounds that inhibit the division of pathological (cancer) cells in the body.


What does chaga help with? And what are the main indications for its use?

  • Oncology. Birch mushroom - antique folk remedy from malignant tumors and precancerous conditions. Observations show that chaga is most effective against tumors of the gastrointestinal tract, lungs and skin, but is ineffective against cancer of the brain and bones.
  • Gynecology. Prescribed for fibroids, cervical erosion, ovarian cysts, inflammatory processes as a biostimulant and antiseptic. Chaga infusions are used in combination - internally and externally in the form of douches and tampons.
  • Gastroenterology. Chaga treatment will be effective stomach diseases(ulcer, chronic gastritis, polyps). Birch mushroom is also used to treat atony (decreased muscle tone) stomach and intestines, dyskinesia (impaired motility) of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Antihypertensive and hypoglycemic agent. Recently, birch mushroom is increasingly taken to reduce arterial and venous pressure. It may also be beneficial for diabetes mellitus, lowering blood sugar. It is better to use it to prepare a decoction inner part mushroom, and take the decoction itself in a dilution with boiled water (1:5).
  • External use. As an antiseptic, birch mushroom is used externally; the drug relieves swelling and inflammation.


Chaga contraindications:

  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Allergic reaction, individual intolerance.
  • Profuse diarrhea of various origins(chaga has a laxative effect).
  • Age restrictions (in different sources Different numbers are indicated: it is prohibited to take under 10, 12, 18 years old).

Why are pregnant women and children on the list of contraindications? Chaga is the strongest biostimulant. How will it behave in the body of a pregnant woman, how will it affect the development of the fetus and small child, Hard to say. Biologically active substances may harm the formation of vital important organs. After all, pterins can inhibit the division of not only pathogenic, but also healthy cells.

special instructions

Chaga antagonists include penicillin and glucose. These drugs cannot be used at the same time. You should also pay attention to the diet: fatty, spicy, smoked foods, spices, canned food are excluded, a dairy, plant-based diet is preferable.

Birch mushroom can give side effects. These include: disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (nausea, heartburn, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite), decreased blood pressure, drowsiness, fatigue, or, conversely, nervous excitement, cardiopalmus. A blood test may show a decrease in the level of leukocytes, platelets, and hemoglobin in the blood. All these signs are possible when long-term use and overdose. Allergy to chaga is rare and manifests itself in the form of chills, urticaria, and fever.

Application and recipes

Application of birch chaga mushroom in medicinal purposes should be carried out under strict medical supervision to avoid overdose and side effects.

What drugs can you buy at the pharmacy?

  • Plant raw materials. It is a dried, crushed birch mushroom. There are packages of 50, 100 and 200 g. The instructions for use indicate the dosage for brewing herbal raw materials: you can take 1 or 2 tsp. per glass of boiling water. Infuse the mushroom for at least 30 minutes, drink a glass a day, divided into two doses.
  • Granules. Take as a dietary supplement during meals, 1-2 granules no more than 3 times a day, washed down with plenty of water. Such dosage form prohibited for children under 12 years of age.
  • Alcohol tincture. Available in bottles of 40, 50, 90, 100 ml. Refers to dietary supplements. The maximum single dose is 30 drops. Take 3 times a day, half an hour before meals, with a small amount of water. The alcohol tincture can be stored for 2 years at a temperature not exceeding 15°C. Prohibited for children under 18 years of age.
  • Powder. It is a highly crushed raw material. Packages of 100 g are more common. The powder can also be packaged in filter bags. You can use it to make water infusions (at the rate of 1 sachet per 1 glass of water) and alcohol tinctures.
  • The drug "Befungin". It contains birch mushroom extract with the addition of cobalt salts. Basics pharmachologic effect- analgesic and restorative. The product is intended for symptomatic treatment, that is, it only relieves symptoms. Befungin drops should be diluted in warm water before use. boiled water. Features of application: a long course of up to six months with breaks is possible.
  • Cream-balm for feet. In addition to chaga extract, it contains sea buckthorn oil, wheat germ and tea tree, and horse chestnut, hellebore, cinquefoil, sage, nettle, green tea. Used for joint pain, varicose veins. Relieves inflammation, pain, swelling, heals wounds, increases the strength of blood vessels and muscle elasticity.

Features of preparation and reception

At home, you can prepare tea, infusion, or alcohol tincture from birch mushroom. Exist various ways preparations home medicine. In this case, you can use chaga powder and large pieces of it.

How to brew birch chaga?

  1. Place the chaga pieces in cold boiled water for 4 hours.
  2. Grind the mushroom (use a grater or meat grinder).
  3. Pour 1 part of the raw material into 5 parts of water (temperature no higher than 50°C).
  4. Leave for two days.

After infusion, the solution must be filtered through cheesecloth. It can be stored in the refrigerator for 3 days.

Recipe for making alcohol tincture

  1. Take ½ cup of chopped mushroom.
  2. Pour in 1 liter of vodka.
  3. Leave for 2 weeks.

The tincture is taken one dessert spoon three times a day. Store in a dark, cool place (it does not have to be refrigerated).

How to drink chaga?

  • The medicine is taken over a long course: from 3 to 5 months (with a break of 10 days).
  • A repeated course is prescribed according to the indications and recommendation of the doctor.
  • Frequency daily intake can be from 3 to 6 times.
  • Take before meals - 30–40 minutes.
  • The concentration of the drug may vary depending on the diagnosis.
  • For external use (douching, tampons), less concentrated solutions are made.

A lot of positive feedback about treatment with chaga in combination with medicinal herbs- calamus, yarrow, calendula, St. John's wort, viburnum, plantain. These herbs enhance the antitumor and anti-inflammatory properties of chaga.

Read more about application in oncology

The use of chaga mushroom in oncology is not a myth. First of all, it is an effective prophylactic antitumor agent. This, for example, is mentioned in Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s novel “ Cancer building" It says here that Russian peasants rarely got cancer because instead of regular tea drank chaga constantly. Chaga for cancer can be effective at its initial stage, blocking the growth of pathogenic cells. But in medical literature It is more often mentioned that this is only a symptomatic medicine, that is, it does not eliminate the cause of cancer, but it relieves pain well, alleviates the general condition of the patient after irradiation, chemotherapy, and cleanses the body of harmful substances, slag.

The use of birch chaga is effective for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - stomach ulcers and chronic gastritis. In gynecology, they treat fibroids, cysts, inflammation, and cervical erosion. Widely used in oncology as a preventive, analgesic, and general strengthening agent. Externally used as an antiseptic.

In livestock farming, our ancestors used chaga (birch mushroom) as a valuable feed additive. And here traditional medicine admitted medicinal properties of this mushroom is relatively recent.

By the way
Chaga lives not only on birch, but also on alder, rowan, and maple. But Only those mushrooms that grow on the trunks have medicinal properties.. Fungal spores, penetrating into damaged areas of the tree bark, grow in it, damage the wood and cause core white rot in it. The mushroom grows in the form of shapeless black elongated growths covered with cracks, and in 10-15 years it can grow up to 5 kg in weight.

First mentions of healing properties birch mushroom found in the treatises of Avicenna, the famous Persian medieval healer and philosopher. But the chroniclers Kievan Rus The 11th century tells us how, with the help of chaga, cancer of the lips of the Grand Duke Vladimir Monomakh himself was cured.

Eat documentary evidence that since the 16th century, Siberians already knew how to treat lung cancer, quite serious ones, kidney cancer, intestines, stomach, genitals, joints, and boils with birch fungus.

Since ancient times, Siberians and residents of the Far East have been drinking chaga decoctions instead of ordinary tea. Moreover, according to clinical trials, among such people the percentage of cancer cases is much lower than among those who do not consume birch mushroom.

There are documented cases cure cancer using chaga infusions in the works of Dr. E. Froben, who described the cure of the parotid gland in 1858, and A. Frucht, who wrote in 1862 about getting rid of a tumor of the submandibular gland. Both researchers also noted the ability of the fungus to stop the development of malignant tumors and completely block benign ones.

But serious research into the medicinal properties of birch mushroom was carried out by Soviet scientists only in the middle of the twentieth century. As a result of the research, it turned out that chaga triggers redox processes in the tissues of the cell membrane, helps optimize the functioning of the central nervous system, relieves inflammatory processes and normalizes the formation of enzymes in the stomach and duodenum.

After this, chaga-based products were introduced into medical practice and are used in cases where it is contraindicated surgical intervention and chemotherapy, or are used as adjuvant drug V complex therapy cancer diseases. But they should only be used under the supervision of specialists!

Composition of birch mushroom

Chaga contains::

  • humic-like chagic acid,
  • derivatives of phenolic polyphenols, aldehydes, hydroxyphenolcarboxylic acids,
  • lignin,
  • polysaccharides,
  • cellulose,
  • pterin, steroid compounds,
  • triterpene acids,
  • organic acids (including oxalic acid),
  • salts of manganese, iron, calcium, aluminum, silicon, zinc, sodium, copper,
  • a lot of ,
  • free phenols.

Use of chaga in medicine

Considering such valuable components, this mushroom has stimulating, antitumor, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, immunomodulatory, restorative, antimicrobial, diuretic and healing properties.

Nowadays this the mushroom is included in the preparations for the treatment:

  • diseases of the kidneys, liver, pancreas,
  • colds and bronchitis,
  • gastritis, colitis, flatulence,
  • arthritis,
  • adenomas,
  • and atherosclerosis,
  • skin diseases,
  • herpes,
  • flu,
  • constipation,
  • urinary and gallstone disease,
  • diabetes mellitus,
  • different origins of cough.

Chaga is included in medical supplies for the treatment of periodontitis, psoriasis, eczema and frostbite, hypertension, arrhythmia, tachycardia, increasing immunity, lowering blood sugar and normalizing metabolic processes in the body.

Homemade recipes for using chaga

Inhalations with chaga decoction will help with tumors, inflammation of the throat and nasopharynx, as they help ease breathing, relieve swelling, and localize inflammatory processes.

How to prepare a decoction of chaga

Grind the mushroom so that you get a glass of raw material, pour 1.5 liters of chilled boiling water over it, leave for a day, then strain and squeeze through a gauze napkin. The decoction is suitable for use for 3 days. Take it half a glass half an hour before meals 6 times a day.

Chaga oil recipe

For oil, take 2.5 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil and 1 tsp. chaga decoction, leave in a dark place for 24 hours. This oil relieves muscle and joint pain, relieves inflammation and tumors, strengthens blood vessels, heals trophic ulcers This oil is also used for skin cancer.

Chaga ointment recipe

Take lard and chaga tincture in equal parts, place on the fire, bring the mixture at minimum power, stirring all the time, to a boil. After this, remove it from the heat, wrap it and leave for 24 hours. Afterwards, strain the ointment and store in a cool place.

Anti-cancer recipe

Grind 200 grams of chaga using a meat grinder or fine grater, add 100 grams of chopped rose hips and pine buds, 10 g licorice root, 20 g. The resulting collection should be soaked in 3 liters of cold water for 2 hours. well water, then bring the infusion to a boil over low heat. Next, remove the broth from the heat and, wrap it up, leave for 24 hours. Strain through a gauze filter and squeeze thoroughly, add 200 g of aloe juice, 1/4 liter of cognac and 1/2 liter of honey. Mix everything thoroughly and let the product sit for 4 hours.

They take it in courses. During the first 6 days, 2 hours before meals, take a teaspoon 3 times a day. Then you should take 1 tbsp. an hour before meals three times a day. The duration of treatment is selected individually, from 2-3 weeks to 4 months.

It is important to know!
This remedy can be used for any type of cancer, but only under supervision! During the course of treatment of rectal tumors, cleansing warm microenemas of 100 ml should be done daily.

Chaga infusion recipe for treating uterine fibroids

Soak 250 g of mushroom in 2 liters of water until softened. Then grate it and, placing it in an enamel container, fill it with the same water. Place the pan over low heat, avoid boiling and stirring slightly, simmer for an hour. Then, after cooling a little, strain and add the decoction.

Viburnum decoction is prepared as follows:: take a glass of dried berries, soak them in a liter of water for 6 hours and boil them for an hour in a water bath. Afterwards, the viburnum decoction is filtered and mixed with chaga decoction, a glass of agave juice and a glass of honey. Then add the mixture to 4 liters with cold boiled water and leave for 6 days in the refrigerator. When the mushroom has fermented, you can put the mixture in the refrigerator.

The duration of treatment is six months, take it half an hour before meals, 2 tablespoons three times a day.

It is important to know!
This remedy can be used for uterine fibroids, but only under the supervision of a physician! At this time, no other medications are taken.

Recipe for fibroadenoma

Place 200 grams of mushroom powder, 50 grams each of pine buds, yarrow herbs, St. John's wort and crushed rose hips in an enamel container. Pour the prepared mixture into 3 liters of chilled boiled water, place on low heat and simmer for 2 hours, avoiding boiling. If necessary, periodically remove the broth from the burner. Then wrap the container with the broth in a towel or blanket and let it brew for a day. Then add 200 grams of aloe juice and cognac, as well as 0.5 kg of honey, to the decoction. Stir the mixture well and leave for another three days in an unlit place.

For the first week, take 1 tsp of the product. before meals, next week increase the dose to 1 tbsp. The duration of the course of treatment is selected individually - from three weeks to three months.

Infusion recipe for cancer prevention

Soak the chaga in cold boiled water until softened (4 hours), then grate the raw material onto fine grater or grind it in a meat grinder. Soak crushed chaga in a ratio of 5 to 1 in boiled water heated to 50 degrees. Infuse the raw material for 2 days, then strain the liquid, squeeze out the cake and add a little liquid in which the chaga was soaked. Take a glass of this infusion three times a day before meals. It is advisable to do this for more than one year in a row.

Chaga infusion recipe for low immunity

100 g of raw materials are soaked for 5 hours in a liter of water to soften. Then the raw materials are passed through a meat grinder, then 6 tbsp. chagi take 2l hot water. You can fill it with the same water in which you soaked the raw materials, after boiling it first. The infusion is kept in a thermos for two days, filtered and drunk 30 minutes before meals, 20 ml. This infusion will help reduce blood pressure, activate metabolism and cleanse the liver.

Chaga baths

One and a half glasses of chopped mushroom are poured into 1.5 liters of boiling water, allowed to brew, then a decoction of string, oregano, chamomile, birch leaves and black currant taken in equal parts is added to the infusion. The prepared broth is poured into a bath with hot water and take it within half an hour. This will significantly strengthen your immunity, especially in the autumn-winter period.

Recipe for bronchitis

Mix aloe juice (1 tsp), chaga powder (1 tbsp) and honey (100 g). Take the product by diluting it (1 des.l.) in a glass of hot low-fat milk in the morning, 0.5 cups an hour before meals. The product should be stored in a dark place. In addition to the fact that this mixture will help you get rid of bronchitis, it will also normalize the number of leukocytes in your blood.

Chaga decoction recipe for high blood pressure

Grind 1 tsp. chaga and mistletoe herbs. Place the raw material in an enamel bowl and brew it with a glass of hot water, bring to a boil. After this, infuse the decoction for 3 hours, squeeze and drink 90-100 ml three times a day for 14-21 days.

Infusion recipe for gastrointestinal problems

Take 100 g of crushed chaga and 50 g of crushed rose hips and yarrow herb. Soak the collection for 2 hours in an enamel container of 1 liter cold water, then put on water bath and simmer for another 2 hours on low heat. Then add 200 g of honey and aloe juice to the broth. Stir well, let sit and strain. Take 1 des.l 30 minutes before meals. 14 days. Store the decoction in the refrigerator and shake before use.

Contraindications for the use of chaga

When using preparations containing birch chaga, you should refrain from smoking and adhere to a diet based on dairy products, vegetables and fruits, by eliminating the following foods from your diet:

  • strong meat broths,
  • smoking, pickling,
  • sausages,
  • animal fats,
  • food that is too hot or cold,
  • drinks containing alcohol, strong tea and coffee,
  • spicy vegetables (onions, garlic, hot peppers).

It should also be taken into account that Chaga is incompatible with antibiotics and internal glucose injections.

Birch has been known for its medicinal properties since ancient times. Our ancestors called it a gift from the gods and treated many people with it. The great Avicenna mentioned him in his treatises.

Chemical composition

The composition of the mushroom is abundant useful acids : formic, acetic, vanillic, triterpenic, oxalic, agaricic and humic. In addition, polysaccharides, phenolic aldehydes, resins, tannins, alkaloids, flavonoids, pigments, lipids and pterins were found. The mushroom is rich in steroid compounds, water-soluble chromogens, silicon and purine compounds.
Compound natural medicine contains: silicon and aluminum, iron and manganese, and copper, silver, and. Thanks to such a rich composition, chaga has wide range applications.

What are the benefits of chaga mushroom?

Chaga has a significant amount and is used in medicine as an antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antimicrobial, sedative, wound-healing, diuretic and regenerating agent.

Treatment with chaga is carried out for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract diseases,. It has been noticed that the mushroom has the property of slowing down the development of malignant tumors, strengthens, mobilizing all protective properties body. Therefore, chaga is often used as aid at .
The properties of the mushroom are used in dentistry for infections and inflammatory processes in. Pharmacologists use birch mushroom as a raw material for drugs to treat problems with blood pressure, . It is able to regulate, improve metabolism and...

Collection, preparation and storage of birch chaga

Chaga is formed on alder, beech, elm and rowan, but only birch mushroom is used for treatment. Harvesting takes place or, exclusively from living trees.

The raw materials are cut with a sharp knife with a large and wide blade directly under the base, selecting the hard growth. Then it is crushed into pieces from three to nine centimeters and dried.

If it is warm, you can dry it under a canopy, in cold weather - in a dryer or oven at a temperature of no more than 50 degrees. The dried material does not have a specific odor, Brown. Raw materials should be stored in a ventilated, dry place for about two years.

Use in folk medicine

Chaga is a popular product in, the product is used for treatment, such as,; are being treated Airways(tuberculosis, bronchitis, asthma). Folk recipes help with eczema, skin ulcers and others. The mushroom is also effective for problems with the stomach and intestinal tract, with and.

Did you know? Despite the centuries-old history of treatment with birch mushroom among the people, official medicine The USSR recognized it after lengthy research only in the second half of the 20th century.


There are several ways to brew chaga: fresh mushroom is simply crushed and steamed, covered with a lid, like tea leaves; the dry product is soaked and then brewed or steamed. This is good to use for, for example, pour boiling water (200 ml) over 20 g of mushroom, leave, add 2 g and a spoon. Take on an empty stomach, it is advisable to follow the instructions.

Birch mushroom in tea can be combined with many medicinal and. For maintenance and for vitamin deficiency, you can add berries.


What does chaga oil treat? It is used for runny nose and cough, to strengthen blood vessels. When the raw materials are soaked overnight, they are ground in a meat grinder, poured warm in a dark container, and left for a week. Then the wings of the nose and its mucous membrane are lubricated. For coughs, they are used, and for pain, they rub the sore spot.


Chaga decoction is capable. To do this, pour 5 g of crushed raw materials with the same amount of mistletoe (herb) into a glass and bring to a boil over heat. should stand for a couple of hours, drink a third of a glass three times a day, the course of treatment is up to a month.


Infusion birch mushroom: pour cold boiled water over the growth so as to cover completely, leave for up to five hours. The soaked raw materials are taken out, squeezed out and crushed. , in which it was infused, is heated to 50 degrees and the crushed mushroom is poured in the proportion: 1 part of the product to 5 parts of water. Leave in cold for 48 hours.

The infusion is taken internally for problems with. The infusion also helps with gynecological diseases(inflammation or ovarian cyst, other inflammatory processes,).