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Bee death: use and contraindications. Dead bees: how to use the tincture for medicinal purposes

Apitherapy received wide use V folk medicine. It involves the use of honey, wax, propolis, royal jelly, bee bread and bee venom. But there is one more remedy, the effectiveness of which is comparable to all the above products taken together - dead bees. That's what they call it dead bees.

The lifespan of these insects ranges from 1 to 9 months. Winter individuals live longer, summer ones live less. Typically, these raw materials are collected during spring cleaning of hives. Additional collection is carried out in spring, summer and autumn.

This unique product is also obtained artificially - after sessions of apitoxin therapy (treatment with bee venom), or by forcibly locking insects in a hive without food for 10 days (this method is used very rarely).

Deadly to fight various ailments Traditional medicine has been used for a long time. Now its healing properties have been confirmed by official medicine. Despite great benefit death of bees, not all people agree to use medicinal purposes such a specific product, especially considering the rumors about its harm.

If you consume dead bees, are the benefits and harms comparable? The product can indeed cause harm to the body, but only if contraindications are ignored and the dosage is not followed.

Chemical composition

Dead bees are used to treat many diseases, the benefits of which are determined by the presence of the following biologically active substances:

  • amino compounds (50-80%);
  • melanins;
  • heparin;
  • chitin;
  • bee venom;
  • insect fat;
  • vitamins;
  • mineral elements.

Amino compounds are represented by proteins, organic acids, heparin and enzymes. The composition of fats includes polyunsaturated acids and unique phytosterols.


Melanins are pigments that color the skin, hair and iris of the eyes. dark color. At the same time, they are natural antioxidants. Melanins absorb ultraviolet rays, protecting the body from harmful effects. There is an inversely proportional relationship between the concentration of melanins and the rate of accumulation of radionuclides.

Melanins also normalize the beneficial microflora of the body and serve as enterosorbents: they remove poisons from the body initial stages poisoning


Chitin is a natural polymer that serves building material For internal skeleton insects and their outer shell. Chitosan is obtained from it, which is used in pharmacology, cosmetology, cooking (it is used to make dietary products), in the manufacture of dietary supplements.

Chitin restores proper digestion and promotes the removal of fat from the body, eliminating extra pounds. It also has an atoxic and preservative effect, enhances the smell and taste.

Mineral elements

Micro- and macroelements contained in bee bodies are easily absorbed by the human body. Among them there are both elements widespread in nature and rare ones. Depending on the habitat of bees, their breed and feeding habits, the composition of compounds can vary significantly.

Beneficial features

The product has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, bactericidal, antiviral, hepatoprotective, regenerating, antitoxic, immunostimulating, anticonvulsant, antioxidant, diuretic and choleretic properties.

It has a complex effect on the body:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • increases the body's resistance to unfavorable factors environment and stress;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • stabilizes hormonal levels;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • lowers cholesterol concentration;
  • restores intestinal microflora;
  • destroys pathogenic microorganisms;
  • improves the condition of bones, cartilage and joints;
  • neutralizes poisons;
  • removes toxins;
  • helps the body recover after radiation exposure;
  • cleanses the blood;
  • promotes the resorption of blood clots;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • accelerates tissue regeneration;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • increases body tone;
  • strengthens hair follicles;
  • gives the skin elasticity and firmness;
  • improves overall well-being.

Chitosan relieves pain and accelerates wound healing, strengthens the immune system, restores skin and mucous membranes damaged by burns, injuries, and inflammatory processes. Medicines containing chitosan control the synthesis of hormones and cleanse blood vessels, stabilize fat metabolism, restore intestinal microflora, normalize digestion, remove toxins, destroy microbes, treat ulcers and pathologies thyroid gland, increase visual acuity, normalize liver function and normalize sugar concentrations.

Melanin removes from the body harmful substances, protects the skin from negative action ultraviolet radiation has a detrimental effect on harmful microorganisms.

Heparin inhibits inflammatory mechanisms regardless of genesis, takes part in hematopoiesis, and normalizes breathing. But its main function is to prevent blood clotting, which cleanses blood vessels and increases their tone, improves the patency of veins and arteries, and reduces the risk of thromboembolism and heart attack. This property is used during surgery.

Bee venom in dead bees it has a milder effect. Therefore, even those for whom traditional apitherapy is contraindicated can be treated with death. Even after thermal exposure, the poison does not lose its beneficial properties. Bee venom will help cope with insomnia, activate blood circulation, increase hemoglobin, and improve appetite.

Bee fat increases immunity, normalizes blood pressure, regulates vital processes.

Thanks to your beneficial properties, this remedy is actively used for diseases of the endocrine, digestive, respiratory, circulatory and musculoskeletal systems, kidneys, liver, vision and skin, oncology. Using dead bees for weight loss allows you to quickly get rid of excess weight.


Despite the enormous benefits of killing bees, it has some contraindications. You will have to stop using medicinal raw materials if:

  • allergies – the composition includes pollen, which is an allergen;
  • acute form of disease;
  • exacerbation of chronic ailments;
  • serious pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • liver and kidney failure;
  • serious mental disorders;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • treatment of children under five years of age.

Before using dead bees for treatment, you should undergo comprehensive examination and consult your doctor. It is impossible to make a diagnosis on your own, since the symptoms various diseases often similar. As a result, the time required to begin timely treatment is lost.

Indications for use

  • weakened immunity;
  • loss of strength;
  • overweight;
  • male problems (prostate adenoma, sexual dysfunction);
  • gynecological ailments (ovarian inflammation, fibroids);
  • mastitis;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • vascular pathologies (thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis);
  • diseases musculoskeletal system(arthrosis, arthritis, bursitis);
  • neurological diseases (radiculitis, sciatica);
  • nervous disorders;
  • pathologies of the digestive and genitourinary systems;
  • diseases of the organs of vision (myopia);
  • dermatological problems (wounds, trophic ulcers);
  • benign and malignant tumors.

Dead bees for men It is used in the form of decoctions and alcohol tinctures. Alcohol tincture is consumed once a day, 20 drops. A warm decoction of dry insects (take it twice a day, 20 milliliters, dissolved in half a glass of water), mixed with honey and propolis tincture, improves the functioning of the male genital area, relieves inflammation, treats prostatitis, relieves tension, restores sexual function, prevents degeneration benign education to malignant.

But you shouldn't hope for quick results. The decoction has soft action. Therefore, you need to take it for at least a month.

Podmore supervises the work pancreas and thyroid gland, as well as the gonads, normalizes the synthesis of hormones and restores hormonal balance. For this purpose, they drink alcohol tincture in monthly courses.

Treatment with bee death diabetes mellitus allows you to lower glucose concentrations and improve general state. After eating, drink 15 drops alcohol infusion ki.

At oncology It is recommended to drink the decoction 3 times a day. You should start with 10 drops. At every next appointment the dose is gradually increased, bringing it to a tablespoon. To improve the effect of the decoction, the body is first cleansed of toxic substances and toxins. But in the case of cancer, bee selection can only be used as an addition to the main treatment, and not instead of it.

Dead bees for weight loss will get rid of extra pounds, but to get positive result, you need to carry out therapy regularly. When losing weight, it is taken in the form of a decoction or alcohol tincture. Drink the product three times a day, one tablespoon at a time.

Alcohol extract removes inflammation and pain syndrome, heals wounds. Therefore, it is widely used in joint diseases: arthrosis, arthritis, bursitis. Rubbing, compresses and ointments will help get rid of problems and restore joint mobility. They relieve pain, relieve tension and help increase range of motion. Effective action There will be a bath in which you immerse your hands or feet for a quarter of an hour. For it, use a dry product, poured boiling water and infused for 20 minutes.

Bee extract.

For pathologies genitourinary system , before eating, drink 15 drops of alcohol tincture twice a day. The course of therapy is a month. Alcohol tincture can be replaced with a decoction. Drink it twice a day, a tablespoon.

External remedies will help get rid of acne and furunculosis, cure mechanical and thermal damage. In this case, it is necessary to moisten the cloth in bee steam and apply it to the damaged area.

At cardiovascular disorders Every day (for two months) it is recommended to drink a millimeter of alcohol tincture. It tones and strengthens the walls of blood vessels, lowers blood pressure, and prevents the formation of blood clots. Can be used for both therapeutic and preventive purposes. For varicose veins and thrombophlebitis, you can also apply warm compresses.

At joint and muscle pain Compresses, rubs and ointments based on podomor are rubbed into the localized area pain syndrome.

To eliminate visual problems and improve visual acuity, it is recommended to eat fried sunflower oil Podmor, washing it down with milk or water. But opponents of this method argue that high temperatures weaken the biological activity of compounds.

Improve immunity and avoid frequent colds Alcohol tincture will help. For a month, take as many drops every day as the person is old. After six months, the course of therapy is repeated. This remedy is especially recommended for older people.

At gynecological diseases For a month, drink a tablespoon of alcohol tincture three times a day.

Preparations based on dead bees

Pure dead bees are used extremely rarely. To obtain an optimal effect, it is necessary to extract the components of the dead plant, especially chitosan. After extraction, you can begin preparing decoctions, tinctures, and ointments.

In order for dead bees to benefit the body, it is necessary to use raw materials High Quality. It must be fresh, well dried, and free from mold and decomposition. You can buy the powder at the pharmacy. It is suitable for both external and internal use.

To folk remedies provided desired result, it is necessary to protect them from elevated temperatures and ultraviolet rays, and also maintain the exact dosage. You can use dead insects independently or in combination with other beekeeping products.


Bee decoction.

The easiest way is to prepare a decoction. Due to the low concentration active substance, it has a gentle effect on the body. But you need to take it for quite a long time - from six months to a year.

To prepare a decoction, crushed dry bees (10-15 grams) are poured with boiling water (half a liter) and simmered over low heat for an hour. Leave for 2-3 hours. After straining, if desired, add honey (10-20 milliliters) and alcohol tincture of propolis (5 milliliters) to increase the effectiveness of the decoction.

Drink the decoction 2 times a day for empty stomach within a month. After six months, you can repeat the course of therapy.


Tinctures differ from decoctions more high concentration. They are used in cases where it is necessary to obtain quick results.

To prepare the tincture, crushed raw materials (20 grams) are poured with alcohol (250 milliliters) and placed in a dark glass jar. After mixing, leave to infuse for 15-20 days at room temperature, shaking occasionally. Drink 20 milliliters, after diluting warm water in a ratio of 1:10, for a month. After a two-week break, if necessary, the course is repeated.

Another option for preparing the tincture is known. Dry bees (uncrushed if possible) are poured with vodka in a ratio of 1:2 and heated in a water bath to 40⁰C. Infuse in a dark glass container for about 10 days. The filtered tincture is drunk 5 milliliters once a day, washed down with water or mixed with honey water. The course of therapy is 1-2 months. After a break, therapy is repeated.

External means

The ointment will have an effective effect. It will relieve pain, relieve inflammation, speed up wound healing, and increase joint mobility. This ointment will be beneficial for wounds and ulcers on the skin, muscle pain, joint diseases, varicose veins, and intervertebral hernia.

The ointment can be easily prepared at home by mixing dry crushed dead meat (20-80 grams) with warm vegetable or butter or Vaseline (250 milliliters).

Another option: mix propolis or beeswax(25 grams), dead meat (half a glass), vegetable oil(50 grams), aloe (half a leaf). Leave it in the refrigerator for a day.
The product is rubbed into damaged areas of the body, preheated, preferably at night, when the body relaxes as much as possible.

In addition to the ointment, wide application received compresses. Dead insects are poured with boiling water to completely cover them, and placed in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. After draining the water, the raw materials are placed in a linen bag. Apply to the sore spot, wrapped in cellophane and secured with a bandage, until the compress cools.

Alcohol tincture can be used for rubbing. Dry raw materials are placed in a glass container and filled with alcohol so that its level is slightly above the dead limit. Leave at room temperature for 2-3 weeks, shaking occasionally.

Another type of external means is steam. The bodies of dead bees are poured hot water in a ratio of 1:2 and leave for half an hour in a warm place to steam. The mixture is squeezed out and used for compresses.

Storage Features

How to store dead bees? To avoid the appearance of musty aroma and mold, it is necessary to provide conditions for proper storage bee death. It is necessary to remove dead insects from the hive several times during the winter. Before storing, deadstock is cleaned of wax and various contaminants. To do this, sift it through a sieve or colander. Then the product is well dried in an oven at 50⁰C.

The following basic rules should also be observed:

  • find a dry, cold room that needs to be ventilated periodically;
  • place the dead fruit in a cotton bag or cardboard box;
  • Remove products that emit a strong odor from the room.

Dead bees can be stored in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator. But at the same time, it should not be allowed to defrost.

If you follow all the above rules, the shelf life of this bee product will increase to a year.

How to store dead fruit if a medicine is prepared on its basis? Alcohol tinctures are stored tightly closed in a dark place for two to three months. The broth must be placed in the refrigerator. It must be used within half a month. Water tinctures are placed in a cool, dark place for 15 days.

Bee corpses, or so-called dead bees, are valuable raw materials for the preparation of medicines. Various tinctures You can cook it yourself at the bee subsea. Recipes, features of use are given, and contraindications are indicated if they are known to official medicine.

Dead bees are the bodies of dead bees that accumulate at the bottom of the hive. The medicinal properties of this product have been known since ancient times. To eat it, at a minimum, drying is carried out. You can also prepare an extract, that is, infuse it with alcohol. Extracts are taken only after meals, and decoction or water mixtures can be consumed before meals. The tincture of dead bees takes two weeks to prepare - it will be easier to buy it at the pharmacy. However, we will look at the recipe right now.

Preliminary processing

You can look at live bees in the hive. When submerged, individuals may swell or, conversely, look thin.

By the way, there should be no Varroa mites on dead bees. But this is not the main thing. An individual may become swollen due to the honey it has collected in its crop, and such bees must be crushed and washed.

We will use bees as raw materials for medicines. At home, we dry at T = 40-45 C. The raw materials are first cleaned, but not washed.

The instructions, as you can see, are given for two different cases.

Your own pharmacist

So we have processed raw materials. In principle, it is recommended to drink dead fruit in dry and crushed form - the product is simply dissolved in water. This treatment can be called extreme, and we will look at how to prepare the tincture.

What are the dangers of blood clot rupture?

The use of the tincture, which is discussed below, is contraindicated in two cases:

  1. If blood clots are suspected;
  2. If you are allergic to alcohol.

Dead bee, wasp and any other have one unpleasant property: if taken as food, blood clotting decreases. Then it is restored, but blood clot rupture cannot be ruled out.

Below is the recipe.

On vodkaUsing moonshine or alcohol 96%With water
Raw materialsPowder or product dried and groundYou need to cook dead bees without chopping themSame as for vodka tincture
1 Take 200 ml of vodka per tablespoon of raw materialFill a 1.5-liter bottle one-third full with raw materials, add alcoholTo 2 tbsp. add 0.5 liters of raw water to spoons of raw materials
2 Keep in a dark, airtight container, shaking from day 1 to day 7 and then every 3 days.Leave for 15 daysBring the mixture to a boil, cook for 2 hours
3 After 3 weeks, strainStrain, dilute with water “1 to 1”Strain and store in the refrigerator

The result will be an alcohol tincture with a strength of 40%. And pharmacies also sell a 70-degree tincture:

  1. 70% – can be stored for 3 years at T = 25 C;
  2. 40% – temperature should not exceed 15 C.

Remember: bee tincture is used in the same way regardless of the “strength”. Only the storage conditions differ.

There are two tricks. Bee tincture It will be more beneficial if you add ground eucalyptus leaves to the mixture in step “1”.

Eucalyptus leaf

You can do it simpler: add an alcohol extract of propolis. But already at step “3”.

Add too much eucalyptus or propolis and the podmore tincture will lose all its value. Let mass fraction“additions” do not exceed 1/10. By the way, if recipe “1” is used, the vodka should be without glycerin.

Methods of application

Dead bees with alcohol are more suitable for internal use: add the required amount of extract to 50 ml of boiled water. Perhaps the recipes differ only in this quantity.

Raw materials in pure form

According to different schedules, aqueous tincture from dead animals is taken as food. And any drug prepared with alcohol is taken after meals!

Where efficiency will be low

Using Podmora, you can treat prostatitis and adenoma. Dry dead bees or a tincture of water are more suitable here. The extract can also be used, but with low efficiency: it is taken 2 times a day, 16-20 drops.

Prostate gland, inflammation

One course of treatment lasts 30 days. Then take a break for 2 weeks.

The recipe discussed above is used in the treatment of a number of diseases:

  • BPH;
  • Any metabolic disorders;
  • High or low blood pressure;
  • Presence of cholesterol plaques;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Chronic kidney disease.

It is clear that the infusion of dead bees can cleanse blood vessels. But we are talking here, among other things, about the vessels of the brain. This is the uniqueness of the products in question - other products will not reach the brain.

If you are allergic to pollen, you can take bee extract. You can’t just prepare the medicine yourself. This means that you will have to buy it at finished form. But medicinal properties purchased drugs are not always high.

The use of some products will be undesirable. Having studied the table, you can understand what was discussed.

Milk from the hive

Cleansing and cure for old age

We have already looked at how to take dead bee tincture for food. It needs to be diluted boiled water. The alcohol content can be anything - the method of application will not change:

  1. The extract is taken twice a day after meals;
  2. The number of drops must be equal to the number of years;
  3. To cleanse the body, the course is carried out for 30 days, and a break is taken for 5 months;
  4. To “look younger”, treatment is carried out for six months in a row!

For one dose for 60 years of age there are 30 drops of the product. Thus, 60 drops are consumed per day.

Not every body is able to withstand a long course of treatment. And the “rejuvenating recipe” looks creepy. But the medicinal properties of death are such that the hormonal balance is first normalized, and then problems will no longer arise.

External use

The tincture of dead bees contains chitosan. This substance, in turn, will be useful for varicose veins. But since the application must be external, tinctures and extracts will not help here.

Chitosan molecule

We need the so-called steam:

  1. Bee raw materials, taken in their pure form, are poured not with boiling water, but with very hot water;
  2. The mixture is infused for 15 minutes;
  3. How to make a compress: place a package with the squeezed-out substance on a triple layer of gauze, then cover the package with cellophane.

The procedure is carried out until the steam has completely cooled. For each compress, take 100-120 grams of raw materials.

What does alcohol extract treat, if we talk about external use? Perhaps only pain in the joints. We discussed how to drink the extract above, and now we will make lotions:

  1. A few drops are applied to a small area of ​​skin;
  2. The extract is rubbed by hand, covered with gauze on top, and wrapped in cloth;
  3. You need to keep the lotion for 1-2 hours.

Alcohol quickly warms up the skin, and the pores absorb useful material. This means that two products are useful for external use: pure dead bees and alcohol tincture.

Application area: joints

You need to look at what they look like dead bees, and the tincture is always prepared the same way. If the waste consists of swollen bodies, they must be washed. What is done after grinding?

Swollen Dead Death

Bee pestilence, that is, mass death, is caused by three reasons:

  1. Hunger;
  2. Lack of water (thirst);
  3. Poisoning by poisonous pollen. The fall of some insects is also dangerous.

“Thin” individuals appear only in one case – in the first. We do not consider death from disease.

The presence of poisonous pollen will not be an obstacle to the preparation of medicines. For humans, the dangerous dose is tens of grams. In addition, we make a tincture of dead bees using alcohol. Wherein dangerous properties are lost, even if not completely.

Thanks to its unique healing properties, dead bees are used in the preparation of many medicines, recipes for which are presented to your attention.

Recipes for infusions and decoctions of dead fish

Infusion Method No. 1

  • Chopped dead bees - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Vodka - 1 glass.

Mix the ingredients, leave for 2 weeks, strain through double-layer gauze and consume for 1.5-2 months, take a teaspoon 2-3 times daily.

Infusion Method No. 2

  • Bottle 0.5 l.
  • Chopped dead fish - half a bottle.
  • Alcohol or vodka.

Pour dead water into the bottle. Pour vodka (70% alcohol) 3 cm above the level of the bee scree. Leave for about 2 weeks in the dark. Shake several times daily. Strain through 2 gauze and drink, diluting with water, 8-10 drops an hour before eating for a month.

Infusion Method No. 3

  • 2.5 spoons of dead meat.
  • 0.5 l of vodka.

Grind the dead fruit in a wooden mortar, pour in vodka and leave in a warm and dark place for half a month. Drink the strained infusion 16-19 drops with a solution of honey in water.

Decoction of dead bees

  • Podmore - a tablespoon.
  • Boiling water - half a liter.

Pour in the raw materials and cook slowly for an hour. Add boiling water to 0.5 l. Cool and drink before meals (daily dose).

Podmor extract

  • Podmore - 2.5 tbsp. l.
  • 0.5 l of vodka.

Infuse, shaking every day, for 2 weeks. Take a teaspoon after meals for about 2 months.

Features of taking infusion of dead bees

For people of retirement age, the daily dose of infusion is determined as the number of drops = the number of years of life. The course of treatment (0.5-1 year) makes patients more active and more resistant to diseases.

  • for heart disease, vascular disease, kidney disease;
  • with age-related brain dysfunction;
  • to strengthen the immune system;
  • from adenoma (for 3 years with monthly breaks). After such a dose, the patients showed good healing effect: disappear clinical manifestations diseases, in some patients there is no need for surgical intervention.

Ointment based on dead bees

  • Ground (ground) dead bees - a tablespoon.
  • Heated vegetable oil - 0.2 l.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly and leave for at least a week (and store afterwards) in a cool place.


Rub the painful areas with ointment in the morning and at night. Effective for joint and muscle pain, thrombosis, varicose veins and other vascular diseases.

Cream with dead bees, medicinal

For painful joints, varicose veins, and problems with the spine, the use of steam, cream or liniment based on bee scree is quite effective.

  • Bee powder - 1 tablespoon.
  • Olive oil - 150 ml.
  • Honey - 50 ml.

The ingredients are mixed and heated to 400 C. When warm, the rub is used to treat varicose veins, as an ointment for sore joints, for spinal pain, radiculitis, etc.

Steaming of dead bees

  • 1 spoon of dead bees
  • Glass of boiling water

The dead fruit is infused in boiling water for about half an hour. Then it is slightly wrung out and applied to the sore spots along with gauze. The top is wrapped in oilcloth and tied with a scarf or warm cloth. Leave on skin until cool.

Pressed dead bees

  • Dead bees - 100 gr.
  • Hot boiled water (not boiling water).

Fill the raw materials with water for 15 minutes. Strain and squeeze through a thick cloth (several layers of gauze). We apply the squeezed-out dead fruit to the sore spot, wrapping it with film and cloth. Leave for half an hour (or until it cools down).

  • panaritiums;
  • complex treatment of mastopathy;
  • varicose veins

Dead bee recipes: scope of application Alcohol infusion 10% is taken:

  1. To slow down the aging process (a drop = a year of life). Use 0.5-1 year daily.
  2. Internal diseases human organs: heart, brain vessels, kidneys, liver (after meals - a tablespoon per day for a month).
  3. To regulate blood clotting and lower cholesterol levels.
  4. For complete cleansing of the human body (patient’s age = number of drops of tincture per day). The dose is divided in half and drunk after meals in the morning and evening, washed down with water for a month and repeated every six months.

An aqueous infusion of bee scree is shown:

  1. For elimination painful sensations in the back, spine, joints. Taken both internally and in the form of compresses, foot and body baths. Water procedures the first ones spend no more than 5 minutes. Then the time is gradually increased to a quarter of an hour. However, taking baths and compresses for more than 15 minutes is not recommended.
  2. In case of disturbances in the functioning of the male reproductive system (prostatitis, adenoma), take a decoction of dead fruit twice a day, a tablespoon before meals (half an hour before). The effect can be enhanced by adding a teaspoon of honey, previously dissolved in a glass of water, to the medicine. Take the decoction three times a month, with breaks for a couple of weeks.

A strong alcohol infusion of Podmor is consumed:

  1. For oncology and prostate adenoma, sexual dysfunctions (impotence, frigidity), an alcoholic infusion of bee scree is drunk a tablespoon after each meal for a couple of months.
  2. To get rid of Giardia in the liver, drink the tincture 1-2 tablespoons (without exceeding the dose) after meals for a month.

Other effective ways application of bee kill

Aqueous infusions of bee scree help with eye diseases. Apply 1-2 drops to the eyes after sleep and in the evening. Also used as evening lotions. By improving blood microcirculation, vision is restored.

Recipe for bee death for myopia

  • Dead bees (fresh) - 1 teaspoon.
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml.

Important: dead meat must be fresh, dry, without the smell of mold. Only the heads without bellies should be used for the recipe.

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, add dead meat and fry for 5-6 minutes. Grind the finished cooled raw materials. Take half a spoon before each meal for 1-2 months with milk (with a drink).

Recipes for herbal decoctions with the addition of dead meat

Used for diseases of the throat and oral cavity.

Recipe No. 1

  • Oak bark - 6 parts.
  • Althaea (roots) - 1 part.
  • Oregano - 4 parts.
  • Water infusion of dead bees - 1 part.

Leave the crushed herbs in boiling water for half an hour. Add dead water to the strained broth. The throat or mouth should be rinsed with this mixture many times a day.

Recipe No. 2

  • Sage - 1 part.
  • Mallow (flowers) - 1 part.
  • Elderberry (flowers) - 1 part.
  • Shredded oak bark- 1 part.
  • Bee dead - 1 part.

Mix everything and brew with boiling water (1 cup) for 20 minutes. Rinse your mouth and throat as often as possible.

Bee balm

Apitherapy many years ago recognized bee death as one of the most effective medicines from many diseases. IN this medicine contains: polysaccharides, lysozyme, glucosamine, etc.

You can add to the composition of balms based on dead water royal jelly, echinacea infusions, drone larvae, pollen and propolis extract. Usually 2-3 teaspoons of balm are diluted in a glass of water and drunk throughout the day.

Dead bee balm is used:

  • for the treatment of blood vessels, normalization of blood pressure, heart disease;
  • against inflammation of various internal and external origins;
  • for sexual and sexual dysfunction.

Infusions for hair growth

  • Calamus root (infusion).
  • Burdock root (infusion).
  • Herbal infusion 50% alcohol (nettle, arnica, butterbur, chamomile, birch leaves, calendula, horsetail).
  • Alcohol infusion of dead bees - 1 part.

Prepare a mixture of the indicated ingredients and rub into the hair roots. Perfectly strengthens, softens the skin and prevents hair loss.

  • St. John's wort infusion.
  • Infusion of calendula with sage.
  • Infusion of bee scree.

Rub the mixture in equal parts into your head before washing to improve hair growth.

Hair rinse

Washed hair should be rinsed with nettle infusion mixed half and half with deadwood. Hair acquires fullness and unusual softness.

Hair ointment with bee death

  • Burdock root - 15 pcs.
  • Boiling water - 0.2 l.
  • Pork fat - 100 gr.
  • Podmor decoction - 1 part.

The burdock is steamed with boiling water and left for a day. The next day, the strained broth is boiled until half boiled. Fat and dead meat are added to the hot liquid. The ointment is stored in a jar with a lid. Make a mask for the hair roots from the ointment 2 hours before washing your hair.

A decoction of birch and deadwood leaves to strengthen hair

Even ancient healers knew that a custard infusion of bee scree with birch leaves in half makes hair strong, gives shine and softness to silk.

  • Birch leaves - 20 gr.
  • Bee dead - infusion (1 glass).
  • A glass of boiling water.

Finely chopped birch leaves pour boiling water and leave for half an hour. The infusion is filtered and mixed with dead bees. Wash your hair as usual, then rub the mixture in for a few minutes, leave to absorb and rinse with warm water. The course of treatment is several months (until the visual effect is achieved).

Be healthy and young by nature!

Dead bees are a little-known medicinal beekeeping product, the benefits of which not all beekeepers know. It represents insects that died naturally.

Popularly, this name is most often associated with ready-made medicinal tinctures or ointments. Their effectiveness against certain diseases of the human body is extremely high, which explains the popularity of dead bees in folk medicine and apitherapy.

At any bee family coming permanent shift generations. IN summer period worker bees live on average one to two months. In winter, life expectancy is longer - up to four to eight months.

In summer, it is very difficult to collect dead bees for treatment. Dead insects are immediately taken out of the hive by their fellow insects. Or the old bee leaves the nest on its own to die outside. But if you wish, you can still get the product using slate or plywood.

The main collection of this medicinal product is carried out by beekeepers in early spring during the inspection of overwintered colonies. Not a large number of dead insects can also be obtained by cleaning the entrances monthly during the winter months. Or in the summer, holding special collection events.

There is quite an original and convenient way collecting dead insects. It consists of the following: beekeepers spread clean slate in front of the entrances or lay plywood or a wooden board on the ground. After the first flight during the spring cleaning of the hive, the insects themselves throw the dead out. All that remains is to collect it and send it for storage.

Note to novice beekeepers: slate or plywood can be used, among other things, to control grass that blocks the entrance in the summer. Not a single stalk of weeds will break through such a barrier - there will be no need to mow around the hives.

Dead insects are collected in the same way in the summer. Although beekeepers usually do not do this due to the complexity of the task, it is still possible to arrange a collection privately and for a fee. After all, insects often die in drinking bowls or in possible attacks on a colony of other bees. This is high quality and the freshest dead meat.

What to consider

If during the active summer period a large number of insects die and the fact of an attack by thieving bees is excluded, this indicates the presence of some disease in the families. Although bee diseases are not dangerous to humans, it is still not worth using this beekeeping product for medicinal purposes.

Moreover, summer death is much more valuable than winter death:

  1. In the cold season, insects die without emptying themselves - a certain percentage is always present in the bodies feces. They are not dangerous to humans (until science has proven the harm of this impurity in tinctures or ointments - after all, bees feed exclusively on honey). But in fact, the summer bee death will be cleaner and healthier.
  2. In autumn, nests are treated with anti-tick products (for example, “Bipin”). This drug also partially ends up in tinctures and ointments along with insect bodies collected in winter or spring. And in the summer, beekeepers use special plates for prevention or do not carry out anti-mite measures at all during the honey-bearing period.

This leads to the conclusion that winter deadstock obtained in the spring is best applied externally. And for ingestion, it is preferable to use insect pestilence from the summer generation.

Features of collection and storage

For treatment, insect bodies collected during a spring inspection or a special summer collection are most often used. The resulting product is carefully sifted through a fine sieve to separate all debris and small particles of wax (they also settle at the bottom of the hives). Large debris is removed from the sieve manually.

Dead bees are dried at a temperature of no more than 45 degrees. For this purpose, you can use an electric fruit dryer purchased for your home kitchen. Natural drying is carried out in a dry and warm place away from direct sun rays.

After that, the dead meat must be collected in a canvas bag and placed in a cool, dry place or immediately used for its intended purpose for preparing medicine.

Periodically, dry sea is monitored for humidity and the presence of pests (sometimes this product develops during long-term storage wax moth). Such spoiled dead meat is not even used for making ointments.

Treatment with bee death

The dead bodies of once active and very hardworking insects contain a lot of microelements useful for humans. The product contains a lot of calcium, iron, aluminum, sodium, chromium, boron, zinc and phosphorus.

But the main therapeutic effect is achieved due to the presence of a chitin derivative - chitosan, as well as melanin, amino acids, peptides and bee venom.

The entire listed complex active ingredients provides a powerful antibacterial and antiviral effect. And chitosan has hemostatic and wound-healing characteristics, while simultaneously acting as an analgesic.

Dead bees - excellent remedy to strengthen the immune system, cleanse and protect the human body. High-quality dead food helps neutralize and remove toxins, provides an antioxidant (rejuvenating) effect on human body.

Here are just some of the positive effects of using this beekeeping product:

  • strengthening blood vessels and normalizing blood pressure;
  • tissue regeneration;
  • activation immune defense body;
  • removal of radionuclides (anti-radiation effect);
  • cleansing the intestines and removing heavy metals;
  • improving the synthesis of vitamins in the intestines;
  • normalization of kidney and thyroid function.

Treatment for death of bees will be effective in a number of cases serious illnesses, for each of which there is a separate recipe for preparing a medicinal product.

Most often in apitherapy, tinctures with alcohol or vodka, water infusions and decoctions, as well as various ointments are used.

An important point: the chitin derivative found in the sea is very poorly soluble in both water and alcohol (vodka). For this reason, dead insects before use in medical purposes must be thoroughly ground in a coffee grinder, blender or pestle.


The following recipe is used to treat the genitourinary system:

The glass container is filled with dry raw materials and filled with a solution of water and alcohol with a strength of 60-70 percent. In this case, the liquid should cover the medicinal product by 2-3 centimeters. The drug is kept in a dry and dark place for fourteen days. Then it is filtered through a strainer or cheesecloth. The medicine is stored at room temperature away from direct sunlight. Take a tablespoon twice a day for a month.

Treatment of prostatitis with bee death is also carried out with alcohol tincture. To improve your well-being, you need to drink 10-15 drops of this remedy immediately after meals for thirty to sixty days. Using the same scheme, frigidity in women and impotence in men are cured.

Podmor from prostatitis is also used as a decoction. Naturally, it is prepared on the water. Take:

  • half a liter of boiling water;
  • a tablespoon of chopped insects.

The product is simmered over low heat for two hours and infused for an hour. Two teaspoons of propolis extract (preferably 10%) and two tablespoons of natural honey. Drink the resulting mixture on an empty stomach for a month, a tablespoon once or twice a day.

Alcohol tincture also helps in expelling lamblia. This is an excellent remedy against these dangerous protozoa that have taken a fancy to the human body. The course of treatment takes at least thirty days. During this period, you need to take thirty drops of the medicine three times a day immediately after meals.

And to cleanse the intestines and the whole body, a tincture of alcohol or 40-proof vodka is drunk, depending on the patient’s age. To do this, the number of years is divided by two - this will be a single dose, which should be taken orally twice a day for a whole month. For greater effectiveness, the course is repeated every six months.

In general, tincture of dead wood is a kind of universal drug that is used in apitherapy and home treatment more often. This form of the drug helps, among other things, in the fight against streptococci and pallidum spirochete. Take 25 drops daily for a month immediately after meals. And when diabetes mellitus daily dose is 15 drops of a 5 percent alcohol extract.

For increase vitality and strengthening immune system Podmor on vodka is also used. They can be replaced pharmaceutical drugs prescribed by a doctor to strengthen the immune system. To do this, a glass of raw material is filled with the same amount of forty-proof vodka (you can use a homemade “brand”) and infused for two weeks. Take strained, twenty drops twice a day. It is better to undergo a two-month course of treatment.

Infusions and decoctions

Water infusions and decoctions - softer dosage form. It can be taken in cases where it is impossible or undesirable to use high-degree liquids as a base.

For example:

  1. In the treatment of hypertension The recipe is as follows: 200 grams of raw material is boiled for 40 minutes over low heat in two liters of water. Everything is filtered and placed in the refrigerator for storage. This medicine is taken for two weeks, 50 milliliters before meals.
  2. The same decoction is used externally at varicose veins veins and mastopathy or mastitis in breastfeeding women. Moistened cotton cloth or gauze is applied to the affected areas and covered with cellophane. The compress lasts from ten minutes to half an hour. This medicine relieves inflammation and relieves pain.
  3. Podmor for joints is used for pain in the spine or periarticular bursa. The recipe in this case will be instant cooking– a tincture of a tablespoon of dead insects and a glass of boiling water is suitable for a compress. The product is infused for 15-20 minutes. After which it is used as compresses on sore spots.
  4. A to cure panaritium on fingers(suppuration of the area around the nail) do not take boiling water, but simply hot water. It is poured into 100 grams of medicinal raw materials, infused for no more than fifteen minutes, and filtered through two layers of gauze. This infusion is used as compresses or baths.
  5. Treatment of prostatitis with death can also be carried out by taking a warm infusion. For a month, drink a tablespoon of this remedy twice a day, exactly half an hour before meals. At the same time, it is recommended to drink half a glass of water with a teaspoon of honey diluted in it. To improve the efficiency of this home therapy you need to take at least two or three courses with a two-week break between them.


Another popular treatment method is to use homemade ointment, the basis of which is Vaseline or wax mixed with propolis.

This popular dead ointment includes:

  • half a glass of chopped insects;
  • homemade aloe leaf;
  • 25 grams of propolis and wax;
  • 50 milliliters of olive oil.

All of the listed components are thoroughly blended with a blender or kitchen mixer. Then the product settles in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Before use, it should be warmed up a little (keep the required dose at room temperature) and applied to clean skin. Used for varicose veins, as well as various ulcers and wounds on the skin.

Weight loss

Podmore for weight loss is used in three versions:

  1. The decoction is prepared from half a liter of water and a tablespoon of dry raw materials. The insects are simmered on fire for two hours. The broth is infused for the same amount of time. After filtering, add two tablespoons of honey and two teaspoons of propolis alcohol tincture purchased at the pharmacy. Take a tablespoon twice a day: in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening after meals. Stored in the refrigerator for no longer than three days.
  2. An infusion of water is prepared using a thermos. Two tablespoons of crushed mora are poured into it and half a liter of boiling water is poured into it. The medicine is infused for at least twelve hours. After straining, take half a glass on an empty stomach.
  3. The alcohol tincture is prepared as follows. Liter jar fill halfway with dead insects and fill them with 70 percent aqueous-alcohol solution. The product is infused for three weeks. Periodically, the jar needs to be shaken well. Ready drug strain and take a tablespoon two to three times a day.

Opinion of an experienced beekeeper on the treatment of death:

It is worth noting that in folk medicine there are a huge number of recipes that include dead food. This article provides only a small part of them for your information. We will discuss other treatment options in relevant thematic reviews.

And in conclusion, I would like to remind you that treatment of the dead will only benefit bees if this product was purchased from a reputable beekeeper! Always contact bona fide beekeepers for this bee product.

It is the shell of dead bees, consisting of chitin. Podmore, along with other beekeeping products, is used in traditional medicine.

The usefulness of dead bees lies in the fact that its chitosan complex includes bee venom, glucosamine, melanin, heparin, acetic acid. Each individual substance can have a positive effect on the vital functions of the human body and all its systems.

For example, chitosan can normalize the functioning of the most important human protective organ - the thyroid gland. In addition, this substance accelerates the healing of wounds on the skin. Heparin affects inflammatory processes in the body, and can stabilize arterial pressure on early stages physical inactivity and hypertension. Melanin plays an irreplaceable role in removing harmful compounds, toxins and heavy metal salts from the body.

To prepare healing mixtures, you mainly need to purchase dead bees and sift it through a sieve. After the garbage has been discarded, the dead waste must be dried in the oven. The temperature must be no more than +45C.

A decoction is often prepared from dead bees, which is used to reduce weight.

Preparations begin by dipping one tablespoon of dead meat and 0.5 liters of water into an enamel container. The contents are brought to a boil over low heat and kept in a slightly bubbling state for half an hour. It is worth cooling the broth, straining and drinking a large spoon three times a day, immediately before eating.

You can also prepare a decoction of dead bees using a thermos. Only the dead bees need to be crushed and poured into a thermos in the amount of two large spoons, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. It is enough to leave the decoction for 12 hours and then you can consume it.

Dead bees are used to prepare remedies for joint pain. To prepare the product, follow the proportions of one large spoon per glass of boiling water. The broth is infused for 17 minutes, filtered through a cloth, moistened the cloth in the resulting solution and applied to the sore spot for 15 minutes.

Using dead bees you can treat prostate adenoma. The tincture is made in this way by pouring one large spoonful of dead water into a glass of high-quality vodka. The tincture is aged for two weeks, then filtered and consumed for a 2-month course three times a day, 16-20 drops, always after meals.

You can prepare a product from dead bees using this recipe. You need to take a 0.5 liter glass container. Fill it halfway with dead bees. Next, three centimeters above the filling level of the dead water, you need to fill the bottle medical alcohol, concentration 70%. The tincture is brought to condition for 2 weeks in a dark place. The resulting mixture is dripped into one tablespoon, three drops each, and consumed three times a day, half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is as follows alcohol tincture is 1.5 months.

We treat prostatitis with a decoction of dead fish

When treating prostatitis, use a tincture prepared for the treatment of prostatitis adenoma. You just need to consume it 2 large spoons three times a day for two months.

At treatment of oncological diseases, use water tinctures and decoctions based on dead bees. But since oncological diseases are complex and difficult to cure, such decoctions are used as aids.

Treatment of thyroid gland with decoction

Treatment of thyroid diseases using a decoction of dead bees. Prepare a product based on dead water and boiling water in the proportion of a tablespoon to 0.5 liters of boiling water. Take one large spoon twice a day. The first time is consumed 15 minutes before breakfast, and the second time 60 minutes before bedtime. Use the product for 21 days, then take a 10-day break and repeat the course again.