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When and how should Propolis DN suppositories be used? The best recipes for suppositories with propolis for prostatitis

Propolis suppositories are used to treat many diseases. Propolis is a “magic” product that, thanks to unique composition, renders complex action on the body.

Vitamins, minerals, amino acids, resins and tannins of bee glue strengthen the human immune system.

Adding propolis suppositories to the main therapy various pathologies, you can enhance the effect and speed up recovery.

Suppositories with propolis have wide range actions, their instructions for use are different for each manufacturer.

Bee glue can enhance the effects of many medicinal substances, so candles with bee glue often have combined composition.

With the addition of other active ingredients, the instructions change, and suppositories with propolis are used in different ways. Main indications for the use of propolis suppositories:

  1. Urology, due to analgesic, bactericidal, antimicrobial and stimulating effect rectal suppositories With useful product beekeeping is successfully used in the treatment of infections of the pelvic organs, prostatitis and adenoma, to improve erectile function, as an antiseptic and antispasmodic for urethritis and cystitis, in the regulation of spermatogenesis.
  2. Gynecology. Use if available adhesions in the pelvis, adnexitis, salpingitis, candidiasis, cervical erosion, vaginitis and vaginosis, including bacterial ones, endometriosis and fibroids.
  3. Proctology – for hemorrhoids, proctitis and anal fissures.
  4. In gastroenterology, propolis suppositories are used to treat constipation, colitis, and eliminate intestinal microflora disorders. IN complex therapy liver pathologies and gastritis.
  5. Medicines have a strong antiviral effect. Used in the composition complex treatment viral hepatitis, chickenpox, influenza, encephalitis and herpes.
  6. Anti toxic effect Bee glue is prescribed in detoxification therapy for poisoning. After long-term treatment antibiotics, propolis helps cleanse the body of toxins. By stimulating phagocytosis, it quickly removes pathogenic agents from organs and tissues.
  7. Used to improve hematopoiesis. Bee glue has a unique effect - it reduces blood clotting with a tendency to thrombosis and increases it with frequent bleeding. This effect is actively used in the treatment of hemorrhoids.
  8. Surgery. In transplantology and burn surgery - propolis indispensable assistant. It is able to quickly heal tissue, prevent infection and reduce the severity of postoperative scars.
  9. Oncology. In the process of stimulation of phagocytosis by propolis, our the immune system capable of recognizing pathological cells. She destroys cancer cells. Propolis suppositories are a powerful prevention of cancer.
  10. Allergology. Propolis stabilizes cell membranes and prevents the allergen from penetrating into the cell. This property prevents the allergen from spreading through the blood.

Effect of suppositories with propolis from different manufacturers

There are many manufacturers on the market that produce suppositories with propolis, their names:

  • Propolis DN
  • Propolis Monfarm
  • Hemo-Pro
  • Tambukan propolis
  • Prostopin
  • Propolis D
  • Phyto-propolis

Depending on the composition, candles have different pharmachologic effect.

Phytor suppositories

Phytor suppositories with propolis have a regenerating, anti-exudative, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effect.

Bee glue inhibits the activity of many microorganisms (Trichomonas, trichophyte and candida fungi, tuberculosis bacillus, hepatitis, herpes and influenza viruses). Strengthens the effect of antibiotics of the tetracycline group.

The use of propolis suppositories with antibiotics of any series helps to preserve normal microflora stomach and reduce toxic effects on the liver.

Phytor suppositories with propolis instructions for use:

  1. Phytor suppositories increase the production of gamma globulins. Effective on many viruses. Prescribed for the treatment of influenza, encephalitis, hepatitis.
  2. Used to prevent complications after surgical interventions. During operations on the rectum and pelvic organs in women, phytor suppositories create a sterile environment and prevent infection from occurring.
  3. Allows sutures to heal much faster after operations. Promote the formation of a normal scar.
  4. Propolis anesthetizes itself and increases the potency of any analgesics.
  5. They treat hemorrhoids, proctitis and anal fissures.
  6. Used in the treatment of colpitis, adnexitis, vaginosis, erosion, candidiasis and vulvovaginitis.
  7. Serve to combat benign and malignant tumor processes.

What is phytor?

Phytor complex is a mixture of enzymes, flavonoids, polysaccharides, tannins and phenolic substances, vitamins, pectins, macro- and microelements.

The mixture is obtained by extracting oak leaves. Phytor is a strong biostimulant; it normalizes metabolism and increases the activity of immune cells.

In addition to the phytor complex, the candles contain:

  • sea ​​buckthorn oil, which stimulates the repair processes of damaged tissues;
  • oil tea tree with a strong fungicidal effect;
  • dexpanthenol. This is provitamin B5, capable of repairing damage skin and mucous membranes;
  • Extracts of stinging nettle with propolis, which have anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effects.

Manufacturer Monfarm

Monpharm propolis suppositories are prescribed for hemorrhoids different stages and prostatitis, as well as a number of diseases in gynecology.

Propolis DN

Propolis DN rectal suppositories are used:

  • with prostatitis, prostatic hyperplasia;
  • to prevent viral, fungal and bacterial infections in people who are often sick.

The course of treatment for prostatitis is 10 days. The course of disease prevention is 30 days.


Suppositories that contain other bee products – royal jelly, pollen, bee bread, honey. Used in treatment:

  • erectile dysfunction;
  • prostate diseases, including infectious ones;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • anal fissures;
  • urethritis.

Suppositories are introduced into anus once a day, preferably after a bowel movement. The course is up to 30 days, treatment can be repeated every 3 months.


Made from propolis, sea ​​buckthorn oil, healing mud. They have fungicidal, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, regenerating, adaptogenic, antipruritic and vascular-strengthening properties. Used for prevention and therapy:

  • prostatitis and prostatic hyperplasia;
  • hemorrhoids, proctitis, paraproctitis and anal fissures;
  • to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • reduced immunity.

How to use candles correctly

Suppositories are inserted into the rectum, preferably at night. To ensure that the active ingredients are fully absorbed, you should not stand up for at least 1 hour. Before inserting the suppository, you need to take a bath.

It is necessary to place suppositories after bowel movements, then the effect will be better. You can give a cleansing enema.

For the treatment of gynecological diseases (adnexitis, salpingitis, fibroids), the product is used vaginally.

Propolis suppositories are one of the few drugs that has no side effects and is contraindicated only in case of individual intolerance to bee products.

Due to high efficiency and the safety of propolis, many medicines are created on its basis. Suppositories, ointments, tinctures and some homeopathic preparations.

Its wide spectrum of action allows it to be used to treat many pathologies. Many doctors are confident that the product should become the drug of first choice. And other expensive medications will no longer be needed.

Treatment inflammatory diseases pelvic and rectal organs should be accompanied by the use of propolis suppositories. Then recovery will come quickly, and side effects will not cause a big blow to the body.

Propolis suppositories are used as a main or additional component to treat many ailments. Bee glue, thanks to its rich chemical composition, is able to have a complex effect on the entire body. Propolis suppositories can be purchased at a pharmacy or made with your own hands.

Candle with propolis

Areas of use

Propolis can not only independently have an effect on the body, but also enhance the effects of other substances. Often propolis suppositories contain other auxiliary components.

Indications for the use of propolis suppositories:

  1. At urological diseases: cystitis, urethritis.
  2. For prostatitis, adenoma. May be prescribed to regulate spermatogenesis.
  3. IN gynecological practice Propolis-based suppositories are used in treatment various diseases caused by fungal microflora, infections, endometriosis, candidiasis, erosions, adhesions.
  4. For diseases such as hemorrhoids, proctitis.
  5. For constipation, colitis, enteritis, disorders of the natural microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. As an addition to general therapy liver diseases and gastroduodenitis.
  6. The immunomodulatory effect of propolis suppositories allows them to be used in complex practice for chickenpox, influenza, encephalitis and herpes of various strains.
  7. They help well after treatment with antibiotics. They help quickly rid the body of accumulated toxins, restore intestinal microflora, and increase protective functions body.
  8. In surgery it is used as a wound healing agent, antibacterial agent in the postoperative period.
  9. In oncology it is used in the first stages as part of general therapy. Bee glue can destroy carcinogens.

Instructions for the use of suppositories with propolis: depending on the purpose of use, the preparations are injected deep into the rectum or vagina with clean hands, after defecation. Then you need to lie down for about 20-30 minutes for the medicine to dissolve. The drug may cause discharge.

The most popular preparations with propolis

Different manufacturers add substances to their preparations that, in combination with bee glue, exhibit synergism, that is, they help increase the effectiveness of the neighboring element:

  • phyto suppositories with bee glue;
  • Propolis D suppositories;
  • Monfarm;
  • Tambukan.

Natural medicinal product with cocoa butter and Dimexide in the composition. The drug is indicated for rectal administration. Applicable in treatment various ailments. It has a pronounced analgesic, antibacterial and healing effect.

Propolis D suppositories are used in proctology, gynecology, and urology. The drug should be stored on the refrigerator door. Storage temperature should not exceed 10℃. The course of treatment is 10-20 days.

In combination with cocoa butter and Dimexide, bee glue spreads well throughout the body, providing quick positive effect from treatment. For hemorrhoids and proctitis initial stages It is possible to completely cure the disease without resorting to additional therapy.

Use for uterine fibroids and endometriosis in women avoids tissue thickening and the spread of pathological microorganisms. As a preventative measure, the medicine is indicated after operations to prevent the formation of adhesions and scars. Suppositories for the treatment of gynecological diseases can be administered vaginally and rectally.


  • pregnant women and children under 12 years of age;
  • allergy;
  • cataract, glaucoma, heart failure, heart attack, angina;
  • malfunction of the kidneys and liver.


Phytor candles with propolis are a mixture of bee glue and phytor, which is obtained by extracting the deciduous part of oak. Both components complement each other favorably. Phytor is a powerful biostimulant that increases the body's protective functions and helps normalize metabolism.

Phytocandles, in addition to bee glue and oak extracts, contain sea buckthorn oil, tea tree oil, despenthenol (B5), and nettle extract. The drug is used vaginally and rectally for urological, gynecological and proctological ailments. The recommended treatment period is 5-10 days. You can make the drug yourself at home.

Anal phytor suppositories with propolis are used to heal mucous membranes. If there is a concomitant inflammatory process, it is first treated with antibiotics, and only then phytor suppositories are used. As an independent medicine can be used for prostatitis in men and hemorrhoids in the initial stages, disorders menstrual cycle. In other cases, there will be few phytocandles.


Monfarm propolis suppositories are represented by the drug Propolis DN. Prescribed for the treatment of a number of diseases of the rectum, prostatitis and prostate hyperplasia in men, as an immunomodulator for patients who often suffer from colds and fungal diseases. The course of therapy is 10 days. IN for preventive purposes the drug is used for a month.

The main effect of suppositories from a company called Monpharm is anti-inflammatory. Rectal suppositories with natural propolis DN are prescribed at the first symptoms of exacerbation of hemorrhoids and prostatitis, chronic disorders in the work of the prostate gland, uterine fibroids, as maintenance therapy, thrush, inflammation of the ovaries. Suppositories are administered only anally. Tentorium products can be used as analogues. If there are complications infectious nature, treatment with suppositories alone is not advisable.


The drug is enriched with Tambukan mud, it increases the body's resistance to infections of the sexual environment. Normalizes its own microflora and stabilizes the metabolic processes of cells.

Tambukan effectively treats follicular gardnerella, ovarian cyst, endometritis, relieves pain and heals tissue in hemorrhoids acute period, increases immunity.

Contraindicated in case of sensitivity to the components of the drug. Shelf life at a temperature of 6℃ is 2 years from the date of release. An analogue with a similar composition and indications for use is Tambuil.

Use for children

Propolis suppositories have contraindications for the treatment of children. It is strictly forbidden to use them in children under 3 years of age. In other cases, use is possible only after consultation with a doctor and diagnosis of allergies.

Treatment lasts 5-7 days. Suppositories are administered rectally 2 times in the morning and evening. Propolis suppositories are used for hemorrhoids and anal fissures. For pediatric treatment It is advisable to prepare the medicine yourself. You can ask your doctor for a prescription.

Making your own candles

Making candles from propolis is easy. The following ingredients will be required:

  • beeswax;
  • petrolatum;
  • cocoa butter or lanolin;
  • extracted bee glue (you can order it at the pharmacy).

Manufacturing involves proportions of 1:1:0.5:0.2. All ingredients need to be melted in a water bath and mixed until smooth. Then pour into special forms or, after cooling, form oblong suppositories with your hands, no more than 3 cm. When the mass has completely cooled, the drug can be used for its intended purpose.

Making suppositories does not take much time. In addition to the above ingredients, you can add extracts of various herbs and essential oils(sea buckthorn, tea tree, rose hips).

The cooking recipe can be slightly modified if you take natural rather than extracted bee glue. In this case, the proportions of oil and bee glue will be 1:10. Grate the cooled main ingredient and add butter and melt in a water bath. The recipe with cocoa butter or Vaseline is based on the same principle.

Candles with propolis, made at home, are in no way inferior in their healing properties pharmacy analogues.


The use of propolis suppositories helps with many diseases. Home healing feature drugs have an anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effect. Prevention using these medications is expensive, but you can prepare it yourself.

The recipe is simple and finding the ingredients needed for the medicine will not be difficult. but it is worth remembering the shelf life. It's better to make a small portion.

As an antibacterial and immunostimulating agent, beekeeping products have no equal. Natural remedy used in treatment various diseases inflammatory nature, including pathologies genitourinary system. Suppositories with propolis for prostatitis are universal remedy with a unique therapeutic effect, which you can prepare yourself.

Propolis suppositories for prostatitis can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared at home. Ready drug, presented in a pharmacy, regardless of the name and pharmaceutical manufacturing company, always has the same composition - it is a natural fat base and propolis. It is possible to add other components with anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects - plant extracts, therapeutic mud, oil solutions vitamins

Propolis is valuable primarily for its anti-inflammatory properties.

The effectiveness of propolis as a main substance rectal suppositories, due to anti-inflammatory properties. Propolis suppositories for prostatitis help:

  • reducing the inflammatory process;
  • increasing local immunity;
  • normalization metabolic processes in tissues;
  • improvement of organ trophism.

The product can be used for prostatitis of any nature, but propolis suppositories are most effective for chronic non-infectious prostatitis. In this case, immunomodulatory therapeutic effect a drug that not only improves well-being, but also reduces the frequency of exacerbations of the disease.

When administered rectally, propolis-based suppositories improve trophism of the prostate gland. This is manifested by improved blood circulation, removal of swelling and normalization of the outflow of secretions from the inflamed organ. Propolis has a regenerating effect, promoting the restoration of damaged tissues. In addition, the product serves effective way preventing the degeneration of prostate cells into malignant ones. As a prophylactic agent, propolis is indicated for all men with prostate adenoma or a predisposition to such a pathology. With adenoma, propolis helps stop the increase in hyperplasia and improve the functionality of the organ.

Propolis acts directly on the cells of the organ, thereby providing a complex effect on the prostate gland. For congestive prostatitis, the use of suppositories for the treatment and prevention of exacerbations allows you to completely get rid of symptoms in a short time.

One of the main features of the product is that it is safe natural composition. Candles are suitable for everyone, except for cases of allergies to bee products. At the same time, in contrast to synthetic drugs, the remedy does not cause side effects and is well tolerated by the body.

Propolis DN

One of the popular drugs that deserves entirely positive reviews among men is Propolis DN suppositories. The composition of the drug is very simple - Vaseline and natural propolis. The suppositories are intended for rectal administration. The range of use of the drug is very wide - from hemorrhoids to ARVI.

Due to their antiviral and antimicrobial properties, suppositories are used for many diseases

For prostatitis, the medicine is used to quickly relieve the inflammatory process. The product has a high antiviral and antibacterial activity. For infectious prostatitis, use for 10 days, one suppository before bedtime. In this case, it is important to take antibiotic tablets recommended by your doctor, since propolis greatly increases their effectiveness.

For chronic, sluggish, congestive or non-infectious prostatitis, it is recommended to use suppositories for a month.

Suppositories are small in size, easy to administer and do not cause discomfort. Release of the main active substance begins under the influence of body heat and continues until the candle completely dissolves.


The popular drug Hemo-Pro contains therapeutic mud, propolis, extracts medicinal plants and cocoa butter. For prostatitis, the drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect, improves the functionality of the organ and increases local immunity.

The main feature of the drug is St. John's wort extract in the composition. This plant increases potency. With prostatitis, a decrease in libido and a weakening of erection are quite often observed. Hemo-Pro suppositories normalize these processes by improving the tone of the prostate gland.

The main formative substance of the medicine is cocoa butter. The product softens the rectum when administered rectally, thereby easing the health of hemorrhoids and preventing the development of this disease.

The drug has a complex effect on the pelvic organs, so when it is used, there is an improvement in the functioning of this area.

The regimen for using suppositories is 1 suppository rectally at night for three weeks. It is used to treat bacterial and non-infectious prostatitis, to prevent exacerbations and for prostate adenoma.

Hemo-Pro has a beneficial effect on all pelvic organs


The first place among suppositories for prostatitis is occupied by Prostopin suppositories. The medicine is developed specifically for the treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland. Prostatitis suppositories with propolis contain honey, royal jelly and pollen. This composition provides:

  • pronounced anti-inflammatory effect;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • improvement of local immunity;
  • stimulation of prostate cell restoration;
  • enhancing the effect of antibiotics.

The drug is an important component of the complex treatment of prostatitis, as it greatly enhances the effect of any drugs used in the treatment of this disease. Propolis suppositories are administered rectally at night for 15 days.

Due to the large amount of beekeeping products in the composition of the drug, the development of negative adverse reactions manifested by allergies. If any nonspecific symptoms appear, the drug should be discontinued.

Propolis D with dimexide

The drug Propolis D with dimexide is Propolis DN suppositories, but only with an additional composition. Dimexide helps improve blood circulation and acts as a transport for medicinal components medicines, delivering them directly to the inflamed organ. The drug has a pronounced anti-edematous effect, stimulates the restoration of damaged organ cells and improves overall well-being.

Due to its analgesic properties, the drug is used for urination problems and spastic pain in the perineum. Unlike other suppositories, it has a number of contraindications, since dimexide is a potent drug.

Propolis D with dimexide has contraindications

Dimexide has a pronounced antiseptic effect, due to which the drug is used for infectious and fungal prostatitis.

Treatment regimen: one suppository for two weeks. If prescribed by a doctor, the course can be extended for another two weeks.

Reviews from patients who used these suppositories to treat prostatitis and prevent exacerbations indicate the high effectiveness of the drug.

Phyto-propolis suppositories

In addition to propolis, the drug contains extracts of medicinal plants that have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. The basis of suppositories is natural cocoa butter. The drug can be used both for the treatment and prevention of inflammation of the prostate gland. Additionally assigned as aid in the treatment of prostate adenoma.

The medicine quickly relieves inflammation and has an analgesic effect. In acute bacterial prostatitis used in conjunction with antibiotics for three weeks. For non-infectious inflammation, suppositories are placed for four weeks. The recommended dosage is one candle before bedtime.

Homemade candle recipe

If the pharmacy doesn't have it the necessary drugs– make your own candles. Compared to ready-made suppositories, homemade suppositories are no less effective. Making the medicine does not require any skill or rare ingredients.

There are two methods for preparing suppositories for prostatitis at home.

  1. The first recipe is to finely chop 50 g of propolis with a knife. At this time, melt 200 g of any fat in a water bath; you can also use lanolin or cocoa butter. Stirring constantly, pour the crushed propolis into the container with fat and wait until it is completely dissolved. Then the mixture should be poured onto cling film and placed in the refrigerator. After 15-20 minutes, when the mass begins to harden, roll up the sausage and leave to cool. After 2-3 hours, you need to cut the sausage into small suppositories, each weighing about 10 g. Each candle should be packaged in cling film and stored in the freezer.
  2. For the second recipe you will need alcohol tincture propolis, which is easy to purchase at the pharmacy. Otherwise, the suppositories are prepared according to the same scheme as the medicine with fresh propolis. To do this, you need to melt any fat (200 g), mix with the tincture, cool and cut into small slices.

Candles are easy to make yourself

Candles homemade should be used daily, inserting the suppository into the rectum before bed. The course of treatment ranges from 10 to 30 days, depending on the symptoms and nature of the disease.

For bacterial prostatitis, suppositories are administered daily. The course of treatment is short - no more than 10 days. For chronic non-infectious inflammation of the prostate gland, suppositories are administered daily for a month, or every other day, but for 60 days.

The cost of packaging suppositories with propolis is approximately the same for various drugs, and is about 300 rubles for 10 suppositories. At self-cooking the cost of 10 candles does not exceed 100 rubles.

Propolis suppositories are used in addition to drug therapy. Propolis, like other bee products, promotes better absorption of the components of medications taken by the patient. For this purpose, urologists often combine the use of antibiotic tablets with rectal administration of suppositories, since this treatment regimen greatly increases the therapeutic effect antibacterial drugs. As practice shows, the combination of an antibiotic with propolis makes it possible to achieve pronounced therapeutic action in about one week.

Suppositories must be administered rectally. Before removing the suppository from the package, wash your hands thoroughly. To facilitate the administration of the drug, it is recommended to lie on your side with your legs bent at the knees to your chest.

To get the expected result, you must use suppositories regularly. Even if after a few days the symptoms have subsided, it is important to complete the therapeutic course without skipping the drug.

Precautionary measures

Rectal suppositories based on propolis cannot be used if you are intolerant to bee products. Otherwise, an extensive allergic reaction may develop, including Quincke's edema. Propolis stimulates the immune system, so suppositories cannot be used if you have cancer. Otherwise improvement immune defense will lead to rapid growth tumors and disease progression. Otherwise, there are no more contraindications, however, before you start using the drug, you should consult your doctor.

There is no discomfort when inserting suppositories. But before starting treatment, you should carefully study the composition and exclude the possibility of an allergic reaction. In some cases, allergy symptoms may appear - hives, itching and swelling of the skin. In this case it is shown symptomatic therapy and drug withdrawal.

Until August 10 The Institute of Urology, together with the Ministry of Health, is conducting the “Russia without prostatitis". Within which the drug is available By preferential price 99 rub. , to all residents of the city and region!

Suppositories with propolis are unique drug, which relieves a large number of ailments. Totality healthy ingredients, included in the composition of the drug, has a complex effect on the entire body as a whole. Suppositories are intended for insertion into the external auditory organs, into the vagina, into the rectum and into the nasal cavity.

All phytor suppositories, regardless of what disease they are resisting, contain propolis in different pharmacological forms, but in approximately identical concentrations. The preparation may also contain vitamins, minerals, extracts of herbs and plants, medicinal mud, amino acids, resinous and tannic products of bee glue. But it is worth remembering that the propolis suppositories themselves are not a panacea and an independent cure for all ills. They should be used only in combination with other treatment or as a preventive measure.

The drug with propolis has a significant spectrum of action in various fields of medicine. Insect glue increases the effect of most drugs on the human body and in many cases has a combined composition. It is necessary to consult with your doctor before use and carefully read the instructions. Despite the identical composition, many candles have different instructions for use.

Companies producing propolis preparations

Suppositories with propolis instructions for use

The use of medications containing beeswax should be agreed with your doctor. Doses and methods of application are determined strictly individually. Each package of the drug contains instructions, which you must also read in order to avoid side unpleasant effects despite the fact that suppositories are contraindicated only for those people who have individual intolerance to the main and auxiliary components.

Rectal suppositories are best administered just before bedtime. Since after administration you cannot get up or move for an hour. Such measures are necessary to ensure that the drug is absorbed into the rectum in full. It is worth remembering that it is necessary to use candles only after complete bowel movements and taking a shower. If necessary, it is recommended to do an enema.

Women with different gynecological diseases It is necessary to insert suppositories into the vagina after taking a shower with soap. The administration of suppositories during menstruation is strictly prohibited. If it is impossible to interrupt the course of treatment, then it is best to use suppositories through the anus.

Phytor suppositories, instructions:

When inserting a suppository into the rectum or vagina, you must lie down or take comfortable position and, pressing with your finger, push the drug deep inside.

All suppositories with propolis are perfectly absorbed into the body and leave virtually no traces. If for some reason there is discharge on the underwear, then you just need to do hygiene procedures , but this requires discontinuation of the use of the drug.

Phytor suppositories during pregnancy and lactation

Propolis suppositories have no contraindications as such, but it is still not recommended to use them during pregnancy and during pregnancy. breastfeeding. This is just a precautionary measure as there is still no data from clinical studies.

To date, there is no evidence of absolute safety for the child or threat to his health when using suppositories, since, for obvious reasons, no organization conducts experiments on expectant mothers and women during lactation.

An interesting fact is that candles based on beeswax They are absolutely safe to use and highly effective for almost any disease, and they do absolutely no harm to the human body. Currently, not only candles are created based on insect glue, but also ointments, tinctures, creams, homeopathic medicines.

Judging by positive feedback specialists, then a preparation with beeswax should become an essential product in medical purposes. It is worth noting that suppositories and other medicines are much cheaper than popular ones effective medicines and in the future they may become a completely independent alternative.

About propolis and its wonderful benefits medicinal properties Each of us has probably heard it at least once. Moreover, most often it is mentioned in connection with the treatment of such a problem as hemorrhoids, which, alas, can affect anyone. Modern medicine offers a wide variety of treatment methods for hemorrhoids of all types, however, a considerable number of people still prefer to use less invasive and more natural means, using suppositories for hemorrhoids with propolis, other suppositories and ointments.

Features of treating hemorrhoids with propolis

There are currently enough a large number of medicines containing propolis and intended for the treatment of hemorrhoids. These include ointments, creams, and tablets, however, the most common form was and remains rectal suppositories.

This is due to several reasons, for example, the possibility of direct impact on the local focus painful sensations, which reduces the waiting time for the effect and increases the effectiveness of the candles. This is also relatively easy to use at home, which does not require specific skills or expensive devices.

What is propolis?

Oh, this is definitely a unique natural substance with interesting medicinal properties. It has twice the analgesic effect, for example, compared to novocaine, it lowers the level of inflammatory processes, allergic reactions and even has a certain antimicrobial effect. Since propolis is exclusively natural product, then it has practically no contraindications for use, even with such a disease as hemorrhoids.

Pharmacological action of propolis as part of any type of rectal suppositories

  • Analgesic effect. It is achieved due to the presence of some components in propolis, similar to analgesics, and helps eliminate the very painful symptoms of hemorrhoidal disease;
  • Anti-inflammatory effect. Helps remove swelling that has developed around hemorrhoids, reduces the degree of itching and burning sensation in the anus, also promotes the collapse of hemorrhoids;
  • Regenerating effect. Propolis promotes accelerated healing of wounds on the rectal mucosa, and this, in turn, accelerates the restoration of affected tissue areas;
  • Antibacterial effect. Everything here is quite simple - the antibacterial substances contained in propolis infect pathogenic bacteria, thus preventing infections from developing.

What are the ready-made forms of suppositories with propolis?

Features of the use of rectal suppositories containing propolis

  1. relatively high speed suction active ingredients suppositories into the bloodstream;
  2. fairly low risk of developing allergies;
  3. suppositories for hemorrhoids with propolis do not have a sharp and unpleasant odor.

Of the ready-made forms, the following are currently distinguished, which are the most common and have slightly different effects on the body:

Propolis suppositories DN

These rectal suppositories with propolis contain cocoa butter, propolis DNgram and anhydrous lanolin. His pharmacological properties include healing of wound surfaces, a hepatoprotective effect and a decrease in the level of inflammatory processes in the localization of hemorrhoids. The main complication when using this type of rectal suppositories is the development of allergic reactions to any ingredient in their composition. Pregnancy and breastfeeding are recognized as direct contraindications.

Hemo-Pro suppositories

This type of suppository for the treatment of hemorrhoids is homeopathic combination drug. It contains propolis, sea buckthorn oil, natural healing mud extract, as well as various homeopathic essences, including cocoa butter, comfrey, rue and St. John's wort. Such suppositories with propolis for hemorrhoids differ only in their natural ingredients and clearly expressed homeopathic effect.

Pharmacological effects are expressed:

  • decreasing the level of localized inflammation;
  • moderate analgesic effect;
  • antimicrobial effect;
  • broad spectrum antifungal effect;
  • regenerating effect (helps restore cells of the rectal mucosa);
  • reduction of itching in the anal area;
  • moderate healing of wound surfaces;
  • significant vascular strengthening effect;
  • improvement of tissue metabolism.

Due to the fact that such hemorrhoidal suppositories are made using original modern technologies, then during their use propolis and other ingredients are actively absorbed into circulatory system body, providing both intracellular and interstitial effects of a complex nature. The only contraindication is individual allergic reaction for one of the components of such homeopathic suppositories.

Prostopin candles

These are rectal suppositories with activated propolis, which provides a more effective therapeutic effect. In addition to the main active ingredient, this medicine, contains anhydrous lanolin, royal jelly, beeswax, natural mountain polyfloral honey, pollen pollen, dried bee bread, cocoa butter. The pharmacological effect of these suppositories for hemorrhoids with propolis is largely adaptogenic, tonic and restorative, while a strong anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect should not be expected from them. The only clinically confirmed contraindication is individual intolerance to bee derivatives.

Propolis D suppositories with dimexide

These suppositories already contain 20% propolis extract along with cocoa butter and dimexide. In this case, the extract provides a pronounced antibacterial effect, which is indispensable in the treatment of hemorrhoids, because in places where bleeding is localized in the rectum there is an environment favorable for the growth of bacteria. Also, the pharmacological effect of propolis for hemorrhoids includes a mild anesthetic and moderate regenerative effect. Moreover, propolis in the form of a suppository, unlike an ointment, can also have a stimulating effect on the functioning of the immune system.

Propolis suppositories also contain cocoa butter, which is necessary for the active absorption of enzymes, amino acids, vitamins and other useful microelements mucous membrane rectum. Dimexide increases and even restores the special sensitivity of human microflora to antibiotics, thanks to its ability to dissolve certain chemical compounds. And again, only allergies to beekeeping products are recognized as a direct contraindication to the use of these candles.

How to make candles with propolis at home

What you will need: animal fat or lanolin, 50 g of beeswax and 50 g of propolis itself.

How to do it: the fat should be melted, exclusively in a water bath, until liquid, then add crushed propolis. The resulting mass must be thoroughly mixed until the propolis is completely dissolved and crushed wax must be added, which is necessary to prevent the candles from melting in your hands. Next, pour the liquid through a sieve into a separate container and cool, then carefully cut into cubes, giving them a slightly pointed shape. The diameter should not exceed 1 cm, and the length should not exceed 5-6 cm.

Another recipe.

What you will need: 220 ml of alcohol, 40 g of propolis, 200 g of fat or butter.

How to do it: you need to grind the propolis and pour alcohol into it, leave it to infuse for ten days, and shake the mixture occasionally. After this period, such alcohol infusion You need to simmer over low heat until the alcohol has completely evaporated and the mixture turns brown. Then add butter or fat to the resulting mass, stir and set to melt on water bath. After cooling, you can make candles with propolis from the mixture using foil.

Storage method: in a refrigerator.

It’s better, of course, not to experiment and buy ready-made candles, of course, after consulting with your doctor, because the symptoms of hemorrhoids can hide much more dangerous diseases, for example, paraproctitis.