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Ringworm on the body. Causes of lichen planus

Treatment of lichen planus should be timely. The appearance of this pathology is accompanied diabetes mellitus, stomach ulcers, liver cirrhosis. Ringworm affects skin, mucous membranes. Most common among older people.

Lichen planus - treatment in adults

When a patient is diagnosed with lichen planus, a course of treatment must be prescribed. But before prescribing drugs, you should carefully understand the overall picture of the disease. That is, take into account all the factors associated with this disease, which are also subject to parallel elimination.

Most often, the following medications are used:

  • sedative drugs to eliminate disruptions in functionality nervous system patient;
  • corticosteroids, the dosage regimen is regulated by the prescription of the attending physician;
  • multivitamins;
  • preparations containing microelements such as potassium and calcium;
  • injection with hydrocortisone, applicable in cases of ulcerative lichen planus;
  • in case of relapse chronic disease The drugs Actovegin or Cyto-Mac are prescribed; they increase the ability of oxygen to penetrate the tissues of the human body.

Causes and symptoms

Reasons predisposing to the appearance of this disease, quite a lot, but the main one is considered to be a violation of the functionality of the immune system.

Other causes of lichen planus should also be highlighted:

  • presence of tobacco addiction;
  • hepatitis C;
  • heredity (1st-2nd generation);
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • diabetes mellitus of any type;
  • hypertension;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • presence of predisposition to various forms allergic reactions;
  • frequent exposure to stressful situations;
  • excessive nervousness;
  • frequent injury to the mucous membrane oral cavity(bites on the inside of the cheeks, cuts on the edges of the teeth);
  • age criterion over 45 years;
  • unreasonable use of analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs medicines;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Regardless of the above list, the patient must contact medical institution for rendering qualified assistance when he exhibits the following symptoms:

  • red small rashes, gradually increasing in size to the size of a pea; when examined in the light, it seems that the affected areas are smeared with oil;
  • The joint area of ​​the arms and legs is primarily affected, then the rash spreads to other parts of the body;
  • in cases of dermatosis of this type nail plates, there is a change in its structure (it becomes uneven, very brittle and thin);
  • in the oral cavity inside Shiny, milky rashes can be observed on the cheeks, tongue, gums and palate.

In addition, it should be noted that the patient experiences itching of the skin, a burning sensation in the mouth, a feeling of tightness, and in some cases bleeding of the affected areas.

Which doctor should I contact?

Many people think that since it is red lichen planus refers to a number of skin diseases, then it is enough to consult a dermatologist. Of course, this is the first and main point on the path to recovery.

But we should not forget about a number of reasons accompanying its manifestation. It is necessary to find out what factor caused the disease, and then carry out complex treatment from two, and possibly more specialists.

Depending on the problem, consultation may be needed:

  • gastroenterologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • allergist-immunologist;
  • pulmonologist;
  • dentist

Well, in general, if a person is at a loss and does not know which specialist to turn to, then the best option– this is an appeal to a local therapist. Because no one knows the overall picture of the patient’s illnesses better than him.

Of course, in order to put correct diagnosis, the doctor must not only visually examine the patient, but also refer him for a number of additional examinations:

  • blood test to exclude or confirm the presence of hepatitis C;
  • biopsy (scraping a fragment of the skin from the affected areas);
  • allergen tests.

Only after receiving all the test results can the correct treatment be prescribed.

It should also be remembered by all those who have encountered this type of dermatosis in their lives that lichen planus is not at all dangerous to others.

Despite the fact that the patient’s appearance becomes far from aesthetic and can cause a feeling of hostility. The disease can be easily treated in a fairly short time, especially if the cause of its occurrence is determined.

Ointments for therapy

Despite the fact that no one is immune from lichen planus, according to statistical data, its manifestation is still more often recorded among the female population. Doctors associate this fact with disorders in the immune system and disruptions in metabolic processes.

For local treatment of the disease, ointments from the following list can be prescribed:

  • hydrocortisone;
  • celestoderm;
  • flumethasone;
  • advantan;
  • prednisolone.

All of them, except Advantan, are hormonal agents, therefore they must be used with extreme caution and for a short duration. For childhood they are, of course, appointed, but strictly individually and under the supervision of the attending physician.

It is best for a child to use not ointments, but creams based on sulfur, salicylic acid and tar, which also have desired effect, but safer to use.

You should also remember one wisdom: correctly determine the type of disease and prescribe the necessary conservative treatment Only a specialist can do this, regardless of the age category and gender of the patient. Therefore, you should not self-medicate as you can only aggravate an already unpleasant situation.


The most effective tablets

Of course, one local treatment using creams or ointments for the disease of this type it will be quite difficult to get rid of.

Therefore, the doctor prescribes tablets medications which can speed up the patient’s recovery process.

The most effective of all known include:

  1. Chloroquine. The drug has an anti-inflammatory effect, inhibits DNA synthesis and has increased activity to tissue forms of a pathogenic nature. It can be prescribed either in case of ineffectiveness of previous treatment, or to expand the list of properties active ingredients previously prescribed medications.
  2. Telfast, Claritin or Tavigil can be prescribed for severe itching. In addition, they relieve excessive nervousness and help normalize sleep. Before use, be sure to read the instructions and pay attention to compatibility with other drugs used in the course of treatment.
  3. Plaquenil. The drug has an anti-inflammatory effect, as well as an immunosuppressive effect. Has the property of rapid penetration into circulatory system humans, but the elimination period of the drug is quite slow, about 50 calendar days.

Patients with lichen planus should know that they should not prescribe and use medical supplies on an independent basis, all dosages and duration of treatment should be regulated only by a qualified specialist.

Help from folk remedies

As shown medical practice, you can get rid of lichen planus using traditional medicine. Of course, with the exception of individual intolerance to the components of the prescription and after agreement with the treating specialist.

In general, there are a great many recipes to combat this disease, but the most effective are presented below:

  1. Complex treatment using beets (beets) and hardening the body. You will need 1 medium-sized root vegetable, chopped using a grater. The resulting raw material should be applied to problem areas of the skin at the first signs of damage. The exposure time is 15-20 minutes, followed by a shower procedure (water 20-25 degrees), the water temperature gradually decreases. These actions help get rid of severe itching and strengthen immune system.
  2. Tar ointment. To prepare it you will need egg yolk in the amount of 2 pieces, tar - 100 milliliters, cream 20% - 100 milliliters. All ingredients are mixed and infused for 20 minutes, after which they are applied to the skin in a thin layer where lichen planus is present. The procedure is carried out 2 times a day. May not be suitable for people who carry out a course of treatment without interruption from work due to the strong, persistent odor.
  3. Ointment with calendula. To prepare it, you need to mix the dried flowers of the plant in the amount of 2 tablespoons with 50 grams of regular Vaseline. Let the mixture sit for a day, after which it can be used. The ointment is applied to the affected areas of the skin 2 times a day. During the treatment period, you should use the same clothes, since Vaseline may leave greasy stains on their surface.
  4. Compresses based on sea buckthorn oil. Gauze or cotton pads are generously moistened with sea ​​buckthorn oil, which can be purchased without any problems at any pharmacy, and are applied to the problem area. Time for exposure is 10-15 minutes.
  5. Lotions based on herbal decoction. Chopped burdock root in the amount of 2 tablespoons, hop cones - 2 tablespoons and calendula flowers - 1 tablespoon must be boiled in 1 liter of water for 15 minutes after boiling. Next, the broth should be cooled at room temperature and strained. Use as a lotion on affected areas of the body.
  6. Herbal infusion for internal use. All ingredients (St. John's wort, wormwood, horsetail, centaury, plantain, yarrow and juniper) are taken in equal quantities, 1 tablespoon each, poured into 1 liter of boiling water and infused for 3 hours. Next, the mixture is filtered and consumed orally, 2 tablespoons three times a day, 20 minutes before the main meal.

All of the above prescriptions should be taken for no more than 14 calendar days; if there is no visible improvement, you should consult a doctor to prescribe more effective drugs.

Features of treatment of pathology in the oral cavity

When this type of dermatosis manifests itself in the patient’s oral cavity, first of all, it is necessary to identify the cause. It could be an allergic reaction to a new toothpaste, intolerance to prosthetic components or the use of any medications.

Treatment of lichen planus in the oral cavity is prescribed only by a qualified specialist:

  • taking antihistamines (tavegil, suprastin, citrine);
  • vitamin therapy;
  • at chronic form(cyto – poppy);
  • to get rid of ulcers, topical use of sea buckthorn, rose hip, and viburnum oils.

Correct adherence to course therapy will allow as soon as possible relieve the patient from the presence of lichen planus.

But besides this, it is very important to know that in cases where the disease manifested itself against the backdrop of the body’s reaction to external stimulus, the patient should try to completely eliminate its presence from own life. And it is imperative, even if there is progression, to visit a dentist.

The appearance of illness on the hands

In most cases, lichen planus appears primarily in the extremities. In this case, the patient must not delay going to the doctor to prescribe comprehensive treatment.

The thing is that if you pay attention to the disease in time, you can get rid of it in the shortest possible time and it will not be able to spread to other parts of the body.

Most often, treatment for lichen on the hands consists of: local application ointments:

  • mycoseptin, contains zinc and undecylenic acid, relieves irritation and itching from affected areas of the skin;
  • miconazole, promotes the death of microorganisms;
  • Exoderil has a calming effect.

Despite the local effect of the drugs, other forms of drugs may be prescribed, especially for the chronic form of lichen planus:

  • antihistamine medications;
  • hormonal drugs;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • antibiotics if necessary;
  • calcium containing medications.

Action of all of the above medical supplies when used correctly does not allow acute form Lichen planus becomes chronic.

Preventive measures for the appearance of

As it says folk wisdom, any disease is easier to prevent than to treat it.

This is true, and oddly enough, the manifestations of lichen planus can be avoided by following simple rules measures to prevent it:

  • harden your body;
  • give up bad habits(smoking and drinking alcohol);
  • periodically follow the rules of a salt-free diet;
  • carefully monitor your chronic diseases;
  • psychological comfort (try to treat everyone stressful situations from a positive point of view);
  • maintain a daily routine (the body should not only stay awake, but also rest);
  • Regardless of the type of skin rash, seek advice from a specialist;
  • in the winter season, take medications that strengthen the human immune system.

All of the above points, if observed without reproach, give every person the opportunity not to encounter a disease of this type.

Lichen planus - treatment, causes

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Lichen planus is a fairly common skin disease that quickly becomes chronic.

Most often it is a companion to other diseases ( peptic ulcer stomach, gastritis, liver cirrhosis, ulcer duodenum).

It appears as flat rashes in the area of ​​the forearms, wrist and ankle joints. It can affect the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, as well as the nail plates.

The disease is characterized by severe and frequent itching and burning in places where the rash is localized.

The rashes vary in color from light pink to purple-red.


Many people are interested in the question of whether it is possible to become infected with lichen planus by being in contact with sick people.

Due to the fact that the main causes of this disease are weakened immunity and genetic predisposition, infection with this disease is impossible. Therefore, you can contact sick people without worrying about possible infection.

Signs of the disease

The main symptom of lichen planus is the appearance characteristic rashes in the form of redness, plaques, ulcers. The rashes are characterized by a group location in the main affected areas.

Most often the disease affects these areas:

  • Forearms.
  • Places of elbow bends.
  • Armpits.
  • Stomach.
  • Inner thighs.
  • Groin area.
  • Ankle joints.
  • Mucous membranes of the mouth.

The disease may be accompanied by quite severe itching in places where rashes accumulate. New small papules may appear near large plaques. The number of rashes, their location and nature may vary.

For acute course the disease is characterized by pain and erosive-ulcerative lesions of the rash, dystrophic change nails (rare).

During an exacerbation, rashes may also appear in areas of trauma to the skin (in areas of stretch marks, abrasions, wounds, etc.).

The disease can occasionally become acute with the appearance of new spots and plaques. Over time, with proper treatment, the disease regresses without leaving external manifestations.

Main types

Lichen planus quite quickly passes into the chronic stage with long-term persistence of rashes.

The disease has the following varieties:

Lichen planus pigmentosa– manifested not only by rashes characteristic of the disease, but also by the appearance of pigmented areas of the skin and characteristic nodules.

Pigmentation may be a precursor to the appearance of a standard rash, and in some cases combined with lesions in the mouth.

Ring type can be characterized by the formation of nodular elements and plaques in the form of rings.

Most often, this form of the disease is observed in groin area, on the mammary glands, in the armpits. Sometimes it can form on the hands.

Atrophic form accompanied by the appearance of atrophic changes in the affected areas. Occurs mainly when plaques are arranged in a ring.

For lichen planus acuminata characterized by a combination of ordinary rashes and pointed follicular nodules. IN large quantities case, this type of disease affects ankle joints, stomach, armpits.

Pemphigoid type of disease is expressed by the appearance of bubbles in places of rashes. Bubbles protrude on the surface of the affected areas and appear in acute stage depriving. However, there are cases where they can be precursors to typical rashes.

Verrucous lichen planus is one of the rare types of the disease. This form is characterized by the appearance of warty growths that appear in places of rashes.

The warty type most often forms on the lower leg, less often in other places. Accompanied by severe itching. It is very difficult and long to treat.

Causes and risk factors

The genesis of the disease is quite extensive, so lichen planus is classified in the multifactorial category.

The main reasons for its occurrence:

  • Autoimmune disorders.
  • Metabolic disease.
  • Viral and infectious diseases.
  • Neurogenic disorders.
  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • Allergic and toxic reactions.
  • Endocrine disorders.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.

In addition to the main causes of lichen planus, doctors identify risk areas in which the likelihood of this disease occurring is high.

Risk factors are:


The variety of forms and nature of the disease causes difficulties in making a diagnosis. However, a qualified dermatologist, taking into account the medical history and clinical picture, can quickly recognize lichen planus.

For staging accurate diagnosis examinations are prescribed:

  • Blood test (typical for acute course of the disease) increase in ESR and leukocytes).
  • Biopsy of affected areas.
  • Ultrasound of internal organs.

The dermatologist can also refer the patient for consultation with other specialists (gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, neurologist, dentist, geneticist).

Treatment methods

Treatment of lichen planus should be carried out comprehensively and be aimed not only at relieving the main symptoms and manifestations of the disease, but also at eliminating its causes.

For all forms of the disease, the treatment regimen is as follows:

  • Prescribing sedatives and sedatives.
  • Vitamin therapy.
  • Prescription of hormonal and antihistamine drugs.
  • Prescription of immunomodulators.

At correct identification Based on the genesis of the disease, appropriate treatment is prescribed, which quickly and successfully copes with the disease.

For successful therapy specialists of a narrow profile must identify and eliminate all possible reasons the occurrence of a disease, be it gastritis or inflammation of the gums.

The main methods of treating lichen planus include:

  1. Medicines (tablets, ointments, solutions).
  2. Electrocoagulation.
  3. Cryodestruction.
  4. Physiotherapeutic methods (laser therapy, phototherapy).
  5. Herbal medicine ( herbal infusions, ointments based on medicinal herbs).

Local therapy includes the use of ointments:

  • Betamethasone.
  • Hydrocortisone 1%.
  • 0,5%.
  • Flumethasone.
  • Triamcinolone.
  • Their other analogues.

The ointment selected from the list is applied to the rash with red lichen planus with a frequency of 2-3 times a day. Duration of use is 2-3 weeks.

is a chronic disease in which the skin, and sometimes the mucous membranes and even the nail plates, are damaged.

None of them probable causes The occurrence of this disease has not been scientifically confirmed. Scientists suggest that lichen ruber may have a viral, allergic, immune or genetic nature.

Main symptoms of the disease– specific skin rashes in the form of small nodules of violet-blue or burgundy color on the stomach, chest, limbs. The rash is smooth smooth surface, can accept different shapes, causes severe itching. Often lichen ruber, localized in the form of white painful plaques on the palate, in the sublingual space, on inner surface cheeks

This disease is not contagious and adequate treatment has no tendency to relapse. For treatment, and in particular: reducing pain, relieving inflammation and itching in lichen planus, recipes from the arsenal of traditional medicine are excellent, which can easily be used at home.

Treatment with folk remedies: where to start?

Before starting treatment using traditional methods, try to establish the root cause of the rash and properly address it.

Very often, the appearance of lichen planus is associated with gastrointestinal diseases such as chronic gastritis, duodenal or gastric ulcer, cirrhosis of the liver, as well as with some endocrine pathologies, including diabetes mellitus.

Often, characteristic dermatitis appears as a reaction to the re-prescription of medications - in this case, you just need to find a replacement for them.

Before starting treatment for oral lichen rubra caused by injuries to the mucous membrane, it is necessary to eliminate the factors that led to its appearance: cure caries, change dentures, grind sharp edges of teeth, stop eating spicy foods and smoking.

Products for internal use

Means for the treatment of lichen that are available ethnoscience, can be conditionally divided into two large groups: for internal use(infusions, drugs) and external (ointments, compresses, lotions).
Lichen planus can be successfully treated with the help of medicinal herbs.

Pour two tablespoons of this mixture into a liter of boiling water and let it brew (you can use a thermos). This will be the daily norm, which can be divided into 6-7 doses. Treatment is carried out over a course of 3-4 months, then take a break for 2 weeks, and then resume treatment. This recipe helps well with recurrent forms of lichen. For complete recovery, you must continue to take the decoction for at least 1 year.

If the defeat of deprivation has become the reason for your constant nervous tension, persistent stress, then treatment may take a long time.

Do not forget to take herbal-based sedatives or self-prepared tinctures of motherwort, peony, and valerian.

Usage healing decoctions and herbal infusions tone the body, strengthen its defenses, and help quick cleansing skin.

Recipes for external use

No matter how harmless the recipes “from grandma’s chest” may seem, it is still better to consult a dermatologist and other specialized specialists before using them if the appearance of pityriasis rubra is associated with any chronic illnesses. This is necessary to confirm the diagnosis, exclude individual intolerance, check the compatibility of drugs for complex therapy medications and folk remedies.

All the above recipes are presented for informational purposes. Using them without medical advice, you act at your own peril and risk.

It often seems that the appearance of rashes and itching is a temporary phenomenon. The result is a disease that is aesthetically unpleasant, both to oneself and to others.

Lichen planus in humans is classified as a chronic disease. It appears as small shiny red-pink nodules with a depression in the center. The causes of the disease are not fully understood.


Lichen planus in humans is inflammatory disease. It appears as bright lesions on the body in pinkish and white shades. It occurs more often in women than in men. Localized on the skin and mucous membranes. It is especially common in the mouth and lips.

Is lichen planus contagious or not? It is impossible to become infected through contact. The disease is chronic and hereditary. The exact cause of the appearance has not been established. Several theories of occurrence are being tested (viral, neurological or hereditary).

Possible causes of red lichen:

  • Age 40-60 years;
  • Heredity;
  • Diabetes;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Injuries to the mucous membrane;
  • Stress;
  • Allergy;
  • Intoxication.

You can see foci of inflammation on any visible part of the body. Including in the mouth, lips, genitals. The favorite place of lichen ruber is the “sweating” parts. This is the area under the knees, the groin, and the flexor surface of the arms. The hairy surface of the body is usually not affected.

Symptoms and signs

The first sensation is itching and rash. The rash appears moist, pinkish or crimson at first. The lesion looks like dense lumps.

A characteristic feature is shine. If you look at an angle and in the light, then if there is red lichen, it will be very noticeable.

Formations appear in new wounds, cracks and scratches. The size reaches 1-3 cm. Some spots may be larger. The plaques merge with each other, forming a large area. After treatment, the spots become smooth and resemble dark spots. Later they dry out, the surface becomes rough and scaly. The color darkens (brown, brownish).

To dispel doubts about the appearance of red lichen, perform the Wickham test. Apply to skin where spots are visible. vegetable oil. The affected area will appear as white dots or streaks.

Lichen planus in the oral cavity

On the tongue, lichen planus appears as a grayish-yellow coating. Appears on the lips in rough scales and mesh-shaped plaques. More defeats coming out lower lip. Infected inner part cheeks appear as nodules with small heads. The overall picture consists of patterns and unusual shapes.

The causes of exacerbation in this part of the body are:

  • Oral injuries;
  • Prostheses;
  • Allergy to the material of prostheses, fillings (chrome, nickel, iron, zinc, silver, gold);
  • Shape of teeth.

The rashes can be painful. Therefore, chewing food becomes unpleasant. Often the patient is not aware of lichen ruber, as it passes quietly.

Statistics show that the disease in 40% of cases is oral lichen.

There are no exact preventive measures. As always, you need to monitor your condition. Play sports, take vitamins, give up bad habits.

At the first noticeable appearance of convex surfaces of a different color from the skin you need to consult a doctor. In this case, it is a dermatologist and infectious disease specialist.

The treatment is painless and does not require heavy rehabilitation afterwards.

Lichen planus is unpleasant due to its effect on appearance. Especially young people. He brings problems when communicating with others. Others perceive the disease as contagious and dangerous. Therefore, a visit to specialists should not be put on hold. If delayed, the disease is more difficult to treat, leaving consequences (scars and age spots).

Further medical video- reference book. Find out even more folk remedies treatment of lichen planus at home:

Ringworm - group dermatological diseases of various etiologies. Parts of the body become covered with rashes, nodules, papules, and scaly spots.

There are several varieties dangerous disease. Treatment should be started without delay - lichen is dangerous and is easily transmitted through household contact.

Why does the disease occur?

Reasons skin disease some. Each type of lichen is caused by different pathogens:

  • Pink. The cause is the herpes group virus. People with weakened immune systems are susceptible.
  • Shearer. It is transmitted from a sick person or animals during country or field work without gloves.
  • Pityriasis. The reason is a specific fungus, seborrheic dermatitis. Members of the same family often get sick. The provoking factor is high humidity, heat environment.
  • Encircling. The causative agent is the herpes zoster virus. Affects persons with reduced immunity. You can get infected from a sick person chicken pox. Relapse is sometimes possible in patients who have had smallpox.
  • Lichen planus. Heavy autoimmune disease. Persons with a hereditary predisposition are prone. The disease develops with frequent stress, allergic reactions, after infections, with metabolic and gastrointestinal disorders.

Types of lichen in humans

Signs of the disease appear on various parts of the body. Favorite habitats of viruses and fungi:

  • scalp;
  • hands;
  • legs;
  • back.

There are five known types of contagious skin disease. Appearance peeling formations vary significantly: from small light tubercles to pink and red spots covering a large area.

  • Pink. Multiple appear on the body pink spots, covered with a flaky crust. Sometimes light sores with inflamed red edges cover large areas of the body. The main method of treatment is reception antiviral drugs. Pityriasis rosea occurs on the back, arms, groin, and chest.
  • Shearer. Affected areas are on the scalp, hands and face. Bald spots are noticeable, hair becomes thinner and breaks off. The most contagious species. Children often get sick due to contact with stray animals.
  • Lichen planus. Many diabetics suffer from rashes and blemishes on the skin. Layered, flaky areas, red-pink crusts appear not only on the nails, hands and feet. IN severe cases inflamed areas are located in the mouth, on the mucous membranes of the cheeks and tongue.
  • Encircling. Clusters of red, inflamed vesicles appear under the armpits, groin, back, buttocks, face, arms, shoulders and chest, and sometimes on the eyelids. The blisters with liquid itch, the patient is bothered by burning and pain in the affected areas.
  • Pityriasis or multi-colored. The disease is common among residents of tropical countries with high humidity. Light, almost colorless or pink-red sores different sizes located in places of greatest contact with clothing. The localization area is the back, chest, less often the groin and arms.

How to get rid of the disease

Most types of lichen are successfully treated. Visit a dermatologist. The choice of treatment method depends on:

  • varieties;
  • causes and provoking factors;
  • contraindications;
  • presence of concomitant diseases.

To combat skin infection use medications and folk recipes. The duration of the course of therapy and the selection of medications are determined by the doctor.

Helpful Tips:

  • limit the patient’s contact with family members;
  • wash and iron bed and linen daily;
  • select separate dishes;
  • After caring for the patient, disinfect your hands with Citeal. Prepare the solution according to the instructions;
  • Wash the floor daily with Alaminol or Alpinol.

Drug treatment

Each type of lichen requires certain medications and its own treatment regimen:


Be sure to cut off the hair on the affected areas. How to treat ringworm in a person? To combat the fungus that causes dermatomycosis, you need:

  • Creams, shampoos, sprays containing Clotrimazole, Mycoseptin, Terbinafine. Positive reviews deserved Nizoral shampoo. The itching and burning goes away, the skin is restored, and bald spots disappear.
  • Lubricate bald spots daily with a 5% iodine solution. The treatment dries and disinfects the areas.
  • In the evening, apply salicylic acid and sulfur-tar ointment to the affected area.
  • As prescribed by the doctor, the pharmacy will prepare Vidal's milk. Member of the local antifungal agent included boric acid, sulfur lotion, salicylic acid, alcohol and other components. Rub the mixture into the right places daily.
  • Griseovulfine is prescribed internally. The drug is taken daily, the course of treatment is from 15 to 25 days. Every week - analysis for the presence of fungus. At negative result Take the tablets every other day. The period is two weeks to prevent relapses.
  • For foot lesions, lubricate the skin with selenium sulfide and take Clotrimazole or Ketoconazole orally.
  • Additionally, immunomodulators, vitamins, and drugs to strengthen the walls of blood vessels are indicated - Troxevasin, Ascorutin.

Important! The disease is considered cured if tests taken after therapy a week and a month later did not reveal the fungus. Scrapings are taken from areas previously infected with fungus.

Pityriasis rosea

In many cases, the disease goes away without treatment. How and with what to treat pityriasis rosea in a person? Specific therapy:

  • It is forbidden to lubricate the affected areas of the skin with iodine, sulfur ointments, salicylic acid, other potent compounds;
  • You cannot steam the skin, take baths, it is advisable not to wet the affected areas;
  • unlike most types of disease, UV rays are contraindicated! Under the influence of the sun, the affected area may increase;
  • do not wear synthetic underwear;
  • avoid excessive sweating;
  • follow a gentle diet, eliminate alcohol;
  • accept antihistamines to relieve itching. Cetrin, Suprastin, Zyrtec, Claritin are suitable;
  • wipe the affected skin with oils - milk thistle, sea buckthorn, peach, St. John's wort;
  • treat the skin with Zomulan ointment and Chlorophyllipt.

Advice! Avoid hypothermia, stress, severe physical activity. These factors provoke relapses.

Lichen planus

The main patient population is women suffering from obesity and diabetes. How and with what to treat lichen planus in humans? The basis of treatment is to reduce the symptoms of a chronic disease, eliminate pain and itching.

Additionally prescribed:

  • locally – hydrocortisone ointment;
  • orally - antibiotics penicillin series. Take medications that protect intestinal microflora - Linex, Nystatin;
  • Antihistamines will help relieve itching. Pay attention to new generation drugs with a minimum side effects– Cetrin, Zyrtec;
  • Paracetamol, Ketanov, Ibuprofen will help relieve pain;
  • take vitamins, ginseng tincture, echinacea to strengthen your immune system.


How to treat shingles? Be sure to visit an infectious disease specialist and a dermatologist, and if necessary, an ophthalmologist and neurologist. To wash or not – opinions differ. Did the doctor allow you to wash the areas with blisters? Use a decoction of string, calendula and chamomile. The risk of inflammation and infection spreading to other areas is reduced.


  • to remove pain– gel with Lidocaine, Ibuprofen, Paracetamol;
  • patients over 50 years of age with severe disease need antiherpetic drugs - Acyclovir, Valtrex;
  • without antiviral therapy the condition will not improve. An effective remedy– Epigen cream;
  • treat the rash areas with brilliant green, Castellani liquid or apply antiherpetic ointments and creams - the doctor decides;
  • in severe cases, plasmaphoresis, physiotherapy, acupuncture, and antidepressants are needed.

Versicolor or pityriasis versicolor


How to protect yourself from a contagious disease:

  • do not touch stray cats and dogs;
  • control the course of diseases associated with the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • keep your hands and skin clean;
  • strengthen your immune system;
  • always wash your hands with soap after returning from public places;
  • when working on summer cottage wear protective gloves;
  • eat right;
  • be less nervous;
  • Along with antibiotics, take medications to protect the intestinal microflora.

Now you know how to treat lichen. Do not use medications and traditional recipes without a doctor’s recommendation. Use the whole range of methods - the disease will recede.

From the following video you can find out all the information about the causes and treatment of lichen in humans: