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Treatment of children for stuttering. Peculiarities of family education of a stutterer. Treatment according to Komarovsky

Stuttering in children is a speech defect in which convulsive movements of the muscles of the articulatory, vocal and respiratory parts of the speech apparatus occur at the beginning or middle of speech, as a result of which the patient lingers on a certain sound or group of sounds. Stuttering is not an irreversible disorder of the central nervous system.

Most often, stuttering in children is first detected at 2–5 years of age, i.e., during the period of intensive formation of the child’s speech function. Less often pathological process manifests in early school or adolescence. The most vulnerable period, i.e. the one in which the risk of developing pathology is especially high, is the age of 2–4 and 5–7 years.

Stuttering in children can cause a narrowing of the child’s social circle, suspiciousness, anxiety, irritability, feelings of inferiority, decreased performance at school, and problems with adaptation in society.

Stuttering is a fairly common pathology, it is observed in 5–8% of children, almost 3 times more often in boys than in girls. In addition, in boys it is more stable. Hereditary burden is found in approximately 17.5% of cases of neurotic form of stuttering in children.

Source: old.doctorneiro.ru

Causes of stuttering in children and risk factors

The exact cause of stuttering in children cannot always be identified.

Risk factors include:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • congenital weakness of the speech apparatus;
  • impaired development of the sense of rhythm and motor skills, facial and articulatory movements;
  • organic pathologies of the central nervous system;
  • intrauterine injuries or injuries received during passage through the birth canal;
  • excessive mental stress;

Stuttering in children can be provoked by immediate mental trauma (severe fright, anxiety, separation from loved ones), bilingualism or multilingualism in the family, pathologically accelerated speech rate (tachylalia), unclear pronunciation of words, excessive demands on the child’s speech, imitation (with prolonged communication with people who stutter). Pathology can develop against the background of long-term mental neuroticism with prolonged unfair and rude treatment of the child (punishment, threats, constant raised voice), poor psychological climate in the family, enuresis, increased irritability, night fears.

Stuttering in children can appear after suffering a severe infectious disease, as well as its complications.

Forms of stuttering in children

According to the etiological factor, stuttering in children is divided into two forms:

  • neurotic (logoneurosis)– caused by psychological trauma, can develop at any age;
  • neurosis-like– caused by dysfunctions of cerebral structures, usually occurs at 3–4 years.
Neurotic stuttering in children younger age lends itself well to correction in speech therapy groups and kindergartens.

Depending on the characteristics of the speech disorder, stuttering can be of the following types:

  • tonic – delay on a sound or group of sounds;
  • clonic - repetition of sounds, syllables or words;
  • mixed.

Stages of stuttering in children

There are four stages in the development of pathology:

  1. Pronunciation disorders most often occur in the initial words of sentences, when pronouncing short parts speech (conjunctions, prepositions), the child does not react to his difficulties in pronouncing words.
  2. Speech disorders occur regularly, more often during rapid speech, in polysyllabic words; the child notes difficulties with speech, but does not consider himself to stutter.
  3. Consolidation noted convulsive syndrome, patients do not experience awkwardness or fear when communicating.
  4. Expressed emotional reactions to stuttering; the child tries to avoid communication.


Stuttering is often accompanied by somatic disorders of the articulatory apparatus: deviation of the tongue to the side, high arch of the palate, hypertrophy of the nasal cavity, deviated nasal septum.

To violations respiratory process refers to excessive air consumption during inhalation and exhalation against the background of a resistance disorder in the articulation area. When trying to pronounce sounds, a convulsive closure of the glottis occurs, preventing the formation of sound. In this case, there are rapid and sharp movements of the larynx up and down, as well as forward movement. Patients make attempts to pronounce vowel sounds firmly. In this case, the symptoms of stuttering can be mitigated up to the complete normalization of speech when singing or whispering.

The patient can accompany his speech with accompanying gestures, which are not necessary, but are produced consciously by the child. During an attack of stuttering, a child may tilt his head or throw it back, clench his fist, stomp his foot, shrug his shoulders, or shift from foot to foot.

The main areas of treatment for stuttering in specialized institutions are speech therapy rhythms and collective psychotherapy in game form.

Sometimes stuttering is accompanied mental disorders, for example, the fear of failing when pronouncing certain sounds, syllables and words. Patients try not to use them in their speech and look for a replacement for them. In severe cases, this leads to absolute muteness during stuttering attacks. Thoughts about the impossibility of normal verbal communication can cause the formation of an inferiority complex. Children become shy, fearful, silent, and may shy away from conversation and communication in general.

With the tonic form of stuttering, the child often stumbles during a conversation with the formation of pauses or excessive stretching of individual syllables in a word. In the clonic form of the pathology, the patient pronounces individual sounds, groups of sounds or words several times. The mixed form of stuttering is characterized by a combination of signs of tonic and clonic stuttering. In the clonic-tonic form of stuttering, the patient usually repeats the initial sounds or syllables, after which he begins to stutter while speaking. With tonic-clonic stuttering, speech impairment manifests itself in the form of hesitations and stops with frequent raising of the voice, severe breathing disorders and additional movements during a conversation.

If a patient develops neurotic stuttering, severe pronunciation disorders (inarticulate speech) are noted. Children with this form of pathology, as a rule, begin to speak later than their peers. With the development of a neurosis-like form of pathology, attacks of stuttering usually occur in certain situations, for example, during excitement.

Sometimes children do not stutter when talking with animals or inanimate objects, or reading aloud.

Source: infourok.ru


The diagnosis is made by a speech therapist or neurologist; a psychologist may be involved to clarify the form of stuttering.

The greatest effectiveness in treating stuttering is observed when combining exercises with massage.

Diagnosis is based on data obtained from collecting complaints and anamnesis. The psycho-emotional situation in the child’s family, the situations in which stuttering occurs and/or worsens, the circumstances under which the pathology manifested itself, and the duration of the stuttering history are clarified.

Attention is focused on the presence of the following signs for three months or longer:

  • difficulties and hesitations at the beginning of speech;
  • violation of the rhythm of speech (stretching of certain sounds, repetition of syllables of a word, fragments of words and/or phrases);
  • attempts to cope with stuttering through side movements.

In order to exclude organic disorders of the nervous system, magnetic resonance imaging of the brain, electroencephalography, and rheoencephalography may be required. Differential diagnosis carried out with unclear speech and spasmodic dysphonia.

Correction of stuttering in children is aimed at developing correct speech skills, eliminating incorrect pronunciation, and overcoming psychological problems. A speech therapist, a neurologist and a psychotherapist take part in the treatment.

Source: ostrov-j.ru

In the neurotic form of stuttering, the success of treatment largely depends on the timeliness of diagnosis pathological condition. Neurotic stuttering in young children can be corrected well in speech therapy groups and kindergartens. The main directions of treatment for stuttering in specialized institutions are speech therapy rhythms and collective psychotherapy in the form of games. Family psychotherapy using relaxation, distraction, and suggestion is of no small importance. Children are taught to speak in a sing-song voice or in rhythm with the rhythmic movements of their fingers.

Subject to timely adequate treatment the prognosis is favorable for 70-80% of patients.

Drug treatment of neurotic stuttering consists of prescribing general strengthening and sedatives, antispasmodics, vitamin complexes. For this purpose, herbal medicine can be used (preparations of motherwort, valerian, aloe).

Drug therapy for a neurosis-like form of stuttering caused by organic brain damage usually consists of the use of antispasmodics and minimal doses of tranquilizers. In some cases, dehydration courses are indicated.

Work with a psychotherapist is aimed at eliminating possible interpersonal conflicts, minimization psychological factors, aggravating stuttering.

Treatment of stuttering in children in some cases includes physiotherapeutic methods: electrophoresis with sedatives for collar area, franklinization, electrosleep therapy, etc.

Important, often decisive, for successful treatment stuttering in children has a calm environment in the family, maintaining a rational daily routine (night sleep at least 8 hours a day), and correct speech mode. Children with stuttering are recommended to take classes in dancing, singing, and music - this helps to develop proper speech breathing, as well as a sense of rhythm and tempo.

The criterion for cure is the child’s normal speech in any situation, including in cases of high emotional stress (for example, speaking in front of an audience).

Massage for stuttering in children

Massage for stuttering in children is carried out by a speech therapist during correctional classes. In addition to the head and neck, the massage extends to the shoulders, top part back and chest. Segmental and acupressure massage, as well as their combination, is widely used.

Most often, stuttering in children is first detected at 2–5 years of age, i.e., during the period of intensive formation of the child’s speech function.

Segmental massage is aimed at a separate effect on a specific muscle that regulates speech activity. This type massage is carried out daily for 2-3 weeks.

Acupressure is considered one of the most effective methods for correcting stuttering in children. He provides positive impact on the speech center, helps relieve its excessive excitability. Acupressure can be performed at home after preliminary training of parents by a specialist. Acupressure for stuttering in children is carried out regularly for two to three years.

Exercises for stuttering in children

The set of exercises includes breathing exercises, stretching, which normalizes muscle contractions, and eye exercises, which help improve perception.

The main goals of breathing exercises for stuttering in children are to master the technique diaphragmatic breathing, conscious regulation of the respiratory rhythm, strengthening the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. Breathing exercises for stuttering in children involve performing a set of exercises in various body positions, at rest and during active movement. Over time, verbal expressions are added to breathing exercises. Smooth increase the level of difficulty of the exercises contributes to speedy correction pathology.

The greatest effectiveness in treating stuttering is observed when combining exercises with massage.

Possible complications and consequences

Stuttering in children can cause a narrowing of the child’s social circle, suspiciousness, anxiety, irritability, feelings of inferiority, decreased performance at school, and problems with adaptation in society.

Stuttering occurs in 5–8% of children, almost 3 times more often in boys than in girls. In addition, in boys it is more stable.

If corrected incorrectly or irregularly, or in its absence, stuttering can persist for a long time, sometimes throughout life.


Provided timely and adequate treatment, the prognosis is favorable for 70-80% of patients.


In order to prevent stuttering in children, it is recommended:

  • maintaining a favorable psychological climate in the family, caring, attentive and friendly attitude towards the child, refusing to be excessively demanding;
  • expanding the child’s horizons;
  • avoiding excessive mental stress;
  • rational daily routine, proper rest;
  • proper teaching of speech to a child;
  • balanced diet;
  • preventive examinations by specialists, timely treatment somatic pathology.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

Stuttering is a violation of the rhythm, tempo, smoothness of voice, speech and breathing caused by muscle spasms of the speech apparatus (larynx, tongue or lips). It may appear suddenly and gradually get worse. In the speech of a stutterer, there is repetition of individual syllables, sounds and forced stops. There are tonic convulsions (tension, prolonged inability to overcome a “failure” in speech) and clonic (repetition of individual syllables or sounds, usually at the beginning of a word). Tone-clonic stuttering is also common. Logoneurosis in children may not manifest itself for a long time and arise only in a stressful situation.

Causes of stuttering


Before looking for a solution to how to cure stuttering in a child, you need to understand that this disorder appears for a number of reasons. Stuttering can be caused by diseases of the nervous system associated with birth trauma, hereditary predisposition, etc. In some cases, the cause of stuttering is organic disorder subcortical regions of the brain. Also, problems with speech may be associated with diseases of the speech organs (pharynx, larynx, nose) or with exhaustion of the nervous system after suffering from typhoid, measles, whooping cough, or rickets.


The causes of stuttering may lie in emotional state. Neurotic stuttering, or logoneurosis, in children can be caused not by problems of the nervous system, but, for example, by a sudden strong psycho-emotional shock. When a child is excited, his speech works slower than his brain. As a rule, stuttering is preceded by neurotic reactions caused by various childhood fears: fear loud sounds, darkness, punishment, loss of parents, loneliness, etc. Many cases of stuttering in children aged 3 years and older are associated with inappropriate behavior animals.


If parents have not worked hard enough to develop the child’s speech, the child may experience rapid speaking, impaired sound pronunciation, and pronouncing words while exhaling. Sometimes stuttering occurs when learning several languages ​​at the same time or due to a child being overloaded with speech material, especially one that is not age-appropriate. The cause of violations may be excessive severity of parents towards the baby. Some children involuntarily imitate a person who stutters or copy his speech. Social reasons can cause disturbances even in a child with an initially healthy nervous system.

Provoking factors

Typically, attacks of stuttering become more frequent when overworked, during illness, or in the event of family or school troubles. There is some dependence on the weather, season and diet. Interestingly, an excess of protein foods increases the manifestation of stuttering. Also, the development of disorders is observed during the period of tooth growth and in adolescence. Relatively often, stuttering is provoked by infectious diseases. Chronic diseases are not considered to be the cause of the development of speech disorders, but they can aggravate existing ones. For example, with adenoid growths it becomes difficult nasal breathing, and the child develops speech problems.

Keep a daily routine

It is necessary to create a clear daily routine for the child. A child aged 3 to 7 years should sleep 10-11 hours at night and 2 hours during the day, from 7 years and older - 8-9 hours at night and 1.5 hours during the day. You should avoid watching TV before bed.

Create a favorable psychological environment

Constant remarks and reprimands traumatize the child. Quarrels and noisy behavior in the presence of a child should be excluded. Parents should not show their child their worries about his speech. Do not rush your child when answering and praise more often, delivering positive emotions.

Help your child with daily communication

The child must listen to correct speech. Speak gently, slowly and calmly, as the baby quickly begins to imitate the tempo of speech and learns it. If your stuttering is severe, speak to your child in a sing-song voice. You cannot force your child to pronounce difficult words several times.

Strengthen overall health

Parents should take care to weaken nervous tension child, exclude noisy companies and overwork. Hardening procedures are recommended: playing outside, air baths, rubbing, etc. To relieve your baby’s emotional stress, do gymnastics and play with him more often.

Basic methods of treating stuttering in children

Speech therapy classes

Task speech therapy treatment consists of freeing the speech of a stuttering child from tension, eliminating incorrect pronunciation and nurturing clear articulation and rhythmic, smooth, expressive speech. First, the child completes tasks together with a speech therapist, then independently practices oral storytelling. The child must consolidate the acquired skills in everyday conversation with others. The increasing complexity of the exercises chosen for treatment depends on the degree of speech independence of the child.

Breathing exercises

Usage traditional method Treatment of stuttering in children allows you to make your voice more natural and freer. Exercise has a beneficial effect on the whole respiratory system. Thanks to classes, the baby trains the diaphragm, forcing it to participate in the process of voice formation, learns to breathe deeply, and makes the vocal cords more mobile, which gives them the opportunity to close closely when speaking. Methods for treating stuttering in children using breathing exercises can be supplemented with relaxation.


When wondering how to cure stuttering in a child, you should also turn to the practice of alternative medicine, for example, massage. The course of treatment using acupressure is selected depending on the complexity of the case. During the procedures, the specialist acts on points located on the back, face, chest and legs. The first results of treatment can be noticeable after just one course, it all depends on the form of stuttering and the age of the child. Thanks to acupressure, it is restored neural regulation speech, so classes must be carried out constantly.

Computer programs

Quite effective methods for treating stuttering in children involve the use of special computer programs that synchronize the child’s auditory and speech centers. The baby speaks words into the microphone, and the program automatically delays the speech for a split second. Thus, the child hears his own voice with a delay and tries to adapt to it. The baby's speech becomes continuous and smooth. Using the program, you can play out certain situations that arise during communication, for example, objections, anger, dissatisfaction. The child must answer into the microphone. Then the program evaluates how the child coped with the task and suggests what needs to be improved.

Drug treatment

Drug treatment of children is auxiliary in the complex of the general course. The doctor may prescribe medications to the child that help neutralize the blocking effect of substances that interfere with normal functioning nerve centers, as well as anxiolytic nootropic drugs, for example, Tenoten Children's. If necessary, the course of treatment is supplemented by taking soothing decoctions and herbal infusions, for example, motherwort decoction.

Stuttering is a speech defect associated with the psycho-emotional state of a 3-5 year old child. It is at this age that speech formation begins, the child tries to repeat individual sounds, words and sentences after those around him, so it is especially important to help him in this difficult period for him. Logoneurosis is a convulsive contraction of the articulatory organs; it manifests itself in 2% of children (more often in boys) with a confused rhythm, interruptions, stops and repetitions in speech. Why does a child suddenly become hostage to such a disease?

Causes of stuttering

Experts recommend drawing up a psychological portrait. Children with mild speech impairment are most prone to stuttering. strong-willed qualities, timid and embarrassed in front of large crowds of people, overly impressionable, loving to fantasize. A speech therapist, neurologist and psychologist, first of all, determine the causes of logoneurosis and only then begin treatment.

A visit to the doctor will help draw up a psychological portrait of the child, which in some cases will lead to identifying the causes of stuttering and help cope with the disease

  • Heredity

Stuttering can be genetic. If there is a relative who stutters in the family, then it is necessary to monitor the child’s speech development in the early stages, i.e. at about 2-3 years. Weakness of the articulatory apparatus is accompanied by excessive impressionability, anxiety, embarrassment or fear.

  • Mother's difficult pregnancy

Difficult childbirth or even an incorrect, careless lifestyle of the mother during pregnancy can also affect the baby’s speech. Typically, stuttering can be associated with brain damage due to birth injuries, asphyxia during childbirth, intrauterine infections, fetal hypoxia or hemolytic disease of the newborn.

  • Rickets

Rickets is a disorder of the skeletal and nervous systems, accompanied by a deficiency of mineralization and softening of the tubal bones. The child becomes restless, irritable, fearful and capricious. Bone deformations cause not only physical, but also psychological discomfort. As a result, stress can lead to speech impairment.

  • Traumatic brain injuries

Concussion and various injuries heads can provoke stuttering not only in small but also in adult children.

The age of 5 is especially dangerous, when the child learns about the world, runs, jumps and misbehaves. During this period, it is advisable to protect the child from falls and bruises, since frequent visits to the doctor are associated with blows and wounds.

  • Hypotrophy

Chronic eating disorders and dystrophy are one of the most terrible reasons logoneurosis. Hypotrophy can cause not only stuttering, but also impaired breathing and cardiac activity. A child is a big responsibility, so young parents are obliged to organize proper care and the most comfortable conditions for development and education.

  • Speech disorders

There are other speech disorders that can provoke stuttering in children: tachylalia (too fast rate of speech), rhinolalia and dyslalia (we recommend reading: - incorrect sound pronunciation), dysarthria (immobility of the speech organs, impaired innervation of the speech apparatus). The latter disease is considered the most dangerous.

  • Mental turmoil

External mental influences, such as unexpected fear, stress, parental intimidation, or strangers, conflicts with peers can also lead to logoneurosis (we recommend reading:). Shocks can be not only negative, but also overly positive/joyful.

Stress in a child can negatively affect speech functions, even if development was absolutely normal before (we recommend reading:). Stuttering is often a consequence of excessive emotional reactions.

Also, left-handed preschoolers who are trying to wean themselves from writing with their left hand may begin to stutter, but this phenomenon is quite rare. The main thing is not to put pressure on the child, as excessive persistence, nervousness and screaming will only worsen the situation.

Symptoms and types of stuttering

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The causes of stuttering have been clarified. Now the doctor conducts an examination and makes a diagnosis based on the etiology of the disease:

  1. Neurotic logoneurosis - form functional disorder, in which a child begins to stutter only in a nervous environment: excitement, embarrassment, strong feelings, stress, anxiety, fear. In such traumatic situations, the disease comes in waves: convulsive hesitations for a while are replaced by even conversation, after which they intensify again.
  2. Organic (or neurosis-like) stuttering is a consequence of lesions of the central nervous system. The child does not want to sleep, is constantly excited, moves awkwardly due to poor coordination and impaired motor skills, begins to speak late, but monotonously and with hesitation. The defect is permanent and worsens with fatigue and overexertion after active physical and mental activities.

In addition, it is customary to distinguish forms of stuttering in children by seizures and the nature of the course. So, mild degree stuttering is accompanied by convulsive hesitations - for example, when answering an unexpected or unpleasant question the child is nervous. At medium degree The baby stutters constantly during dialogue, but in severe forms, convulsive stuttering interferes with any communication, even a monologue. According to the nature of its course, stuttering is divided into three types: undulating, constant and recurrent. Identifying the type of stuttering and its degree is within the competence of the doctor.


At the first symptoms, you need to contact a specialist who will not only make a diagnosis, conduct a speech diagnosis (assessment of tempo, breathing, motor skills, articulatory spasms, voice), but also select the correct treatment method. Dr. Komarovsky recommends conducting a comprehensive examination in any case to prevent possible relapses in the future.

If convulsive hesitations in speech are associated with damage to the central nervous system, then diagnosis through magnetic resonance imaging or electroencephalography may be necessary.

It is worth contacting a pediatric neurologist first. If stuttering is caused by traumatic situations, then a psychologist will help you figure it out.

Treatment methods

The basis of treatment is the normalization of the functions of the speech circle - in particular, inhibition of Broca's center. How to cure stuttering in a child? There are several effective methods:

  • drug treatment;
  • breathing exercises;
  • hypnosis treatment;
  • logorhythmic exercises;
  • Also, do not forget about prevention with folk sedatives.

Drug treatment

For 3-year-old children, in addition to general therapy, vitamins, tranquilizers, calming pills, anticonvulsants, nootropics or homeopathic medicines. Particularly popular are valerian extract, motherwort, children's Tenoten, Actovegin (see also:). The doctor will select the medicine in individually.

It is not allowed to independently “prescribe” medications to a child for the treatment of stuttering - this should only be done by a doctor


Not all parents decide to undergo hypnosis treatment, but this method is recognized as the most effective. After only 4-10 sessions with an experienced and professional hypnologist, speech can be completely restored, as the child’s emotional experiences and underlying signs of the disease are examined. Hypnosis is not used for young children.

Four-year-old children are already able to repeat the movements of their parents and perform special exercises that help strengthen the diaphragm, improve cerebral circulation, develop correct nasal and mouth breathing. Gymnastics teaches children who stutter to control their inhalation and exhalation, and helps them pronounce difficult sounds and words calmly and without hesitation. In combination with breathing exercises, relaxing baths and massages are very helpful.

Breathing exercises help the child remove confusion in speech, teach him to control his breathing and pronounce words more clearly


Logorhythmic exercises are new technique for preschoolers and schoolchildren, allowing you to combine words and phrases with movements and music: for example, singing children's songs, listening to classical music, playing the musical instruments, reading poems. Speech therapy classes help the child open up, believe in himself and trust his leader.

Folk remedies

Herbs and infusions help you calm down and relax better than any pills. Chamomile, St. John's wort, lemon balm, and nettle are considered the most effective and harmless for children.

In such a difficult period of life, a stuttering child should feel needed and loved. The family should take care of a comfortable home atmosphere and try to contact their child more often and help him. Conversations should be calm and intelligible; under no circumstances should you interrupt the baby, otherwise he will become withdrawn and refuse to “open his mouth” at all.

We should try to get the stutterer interested in reading books out loud, this will help to work on correct pronunciation. The main thing is not to force or overload, classes should be interesting and positive.

Alienation of parents during a difficult period for a child can aggravate the situation with speech problems. It is necessary to set aside time to communicate with the baby, praise him and talk to him a lot

Prevention of stuttering

It is very important not to miss the moment of speech formation, because to correct and cure speech defects late stages very difficult. It is necessary to motivate the child, explain to him what is possible and what is not, captivate, interest and teach. Some advice for young parents:

  1. Maintain a daily and sleep schedule. The most capricious age is from 3 to 7 years. The baby should sleep 10-11 hours at night and 2 hours during the day. For older children, you can reduce nighttime sleep to 8-9 hours at night and to 1-1.5 hours during the day. Try to get rid of the habit of watching TV in the evenings before going to bed.
  2. Raise them in a moderately demanding manner and don’t forget to praise them for successes (even minor ones). A child should strive to learn something new, be self-confident and purposeful.
  3. Talk to your children, read together, dance, sing, play sports. A friendly atmosphere in the family will help protect the child from psychological trauma. It is better to limit preschoolers from communicating with people who stutter so that they do not follow their example.
  4. Work with a speech therapist. The doctor will suggest the right games, books, exercises, and teach the child to use his voice and speak smoothly and rhythmically.
  5. Don't be intimidated. Some parents make the mistake of scaring their children with “funny tales,” telling scary tales, or locking them alone in a room as punishment, especially in a poorly lit one. Logoneurosis caused by such psychological trauma is more difficult to treat later.
  6. Watch your diet. Do not overfeed sweets, fried and spicy food, it is better to add vegetable and dairy products to your diet.

Prevention of stuttering, as well as correction, is very difficult process for parents. Children preschool age are especially capricious and susceptible, so you should be patient and help your little stutterer overcome his illness. By the way, breathing exercises are also useful for adults; certain exercises help to relax and supply the body with oxygen, which is so necessary during active physical and emotional stress.

If a child begins to stutter, most parents immediately have many questions. How to get rid of the problem? Is it possible to do this? Which specialist is best to contact? Indeed, treating stuttering in children is a complex process, and often requires a lot of patience on the part of mom and dad. However, nothing is impossible: if everything is done correctly, then stuttering will go away without a trace.

In this article, we have collected material that allows parents to understand the most common questions regarding children's stuttering.

Which doctor treats stuttering in children?

Treatments for childhood stuttering include: medical specialists, as a pediatrician, speech therapist and neuropsychiatrist.

The pediatrician deals with auxiliary treatment methods that help strengthen the immune system, prevent diseases of the larynx and vocal cords. In the presence of infectious processes he appoints complex treatment with the additional inclusion of physical procedures.

A psychoneurologist can help a child adapt to the outside world, cope with discomfort when communicating with strangers, and realize his worth and uniqueness in the good sense of the word. A psychoneurologist conducts classes not only with the child, but also with his parents, explaining to them how to behave in the family so as not to traumatize the vulnerable child’s psyche.

A speech therapist is directly involved in eliminating speech problems.

Can an osteopath cure stuttering?

An osteopath is a specialist who represents one of the alternative directions manual therapy– osteopathy. An osteopath knows the intricacies of the anatomy and structure of the body, as he works with his hands in relation to the circulation of blood and lymph, which helps bring organs to their natural balance.

How can an osteopath help with stuttering?

If a child's stuttering is caused by increased intracranial pressure, birth injuries or other physical disorders, then such a specialist can really help. After manual procedures, the functioning of the central nervous system improves, muscle spasms are relieved, and the child’s activity is normalized.

When choosing a specialist in this field of medicine, you should definitely make sure of his qualifications. The fact is that in our country there are no specialized medical institutions, where osteopathic doctors are trained. Therefore, carefully check the diplomas and licenses of doctors before entrusting your child’s health to them.

In what cases is the help of a speech therapist needed?

You can suspect stuttering in a child based on the following symptoms:

  • before trying to say something, the baby has a pause before the phrase, or a repetition of one sound;
  • the child begins to speak simultaneously with inhalation, or in dissonance with breathing;
  • During a conversation, the baby develops obsessive movements and facial twitches.

If you have any suspicions, it is advisable to immediately consult a qualified speech therapist.

What treatments are there for stuttering in children?

Treatment methods for stuttering are prescribed by the doctor not only taking into account the preferences of the parents, but also based on the personal characteristics of the child, as well as depending on the degree of manifestation of the defect. Most known methods are considered:

  • medication treatment;
  • hypnosis sessions;
  • relaxing procedures in the form of baths, manual therapy, massage, breathing exercises;
  • acupuncture;
  • logorhythmic and speech therapy classes;
  • specially designed computer games and programs.

What should be the treatment for neurosis-like stuttering in children?

If a child’s stuttering is caused by stress, fear or other psycho-emotional conditions, then, first of all, you need to tell the doctor about it. If therapy is prescribed correctly, stuttering of this kind can be cured in a relatively short period of time.

Nootropic drugs, especially the drug Tenoten, have a good effect on neurosis-like stuttering. This is a safe medicine with soft action and a minimal set of side effects, which will help relieve the baby from feelings of restlessness, anxiety, and overcome neuropsychic weakness - asthenia.

Sometimes the method of choice is hypnosis, which is used to treat older children.

To successfully cure neurosis-like stuttering, it is important to create a peaceful atmosphere in the family, without quarrels, scandals, raised dialogues, swearing and psychological pressure. The child must feel that he is loved, understood, and respected as a person. To make the treatment more successful, it is recommended to attend classes with a psychologist or neuropsychiatrist: in this case, consultations are necessary not only for the baby, but also for his parents.

Hypnosis treatment: pros and cons

Hypnosis is considered an effective treatment for childhood stuttering, which has a psychological basis. In most cases, the practice of hypnotic sessions involves the child “living” again the situation (usually stressful) that served as the impetus for the development of a speech defect.

Another option for hypnotic influence is to instill in a small patient thoughts that the problem he has experienced is not as sad and terrible as it might seem to him. After the sessions, the child becomes more confident. The problems experienced no longer seem as large-scale and deep as before. Gradually, session by session, the stuttering goes away.

There are two disadvantages to using hypnosis:

  • sessions are carried out only for older children;
  • the treatment does not give an immediate effect, which requires additional patience on the part of the parents and relatives of the baby.

Drug treatment of stuttering in children: general characteristics

Tablets for stuttering in children are prescribed for mild and moderate forms of speech defect. Launched stages, as a rule, cannot be cured with medication. The fact is that the pills have only a superficial effect, which does not last long, and the list of side effects of medications is quite significant.

The basis of drug therapy is anticonvulsants and sedatives, which, except positive effects, also have negative effects: they slow down mental processes in the brain, slow down metabolism, cause drowsiness, headaches, and impair learning and memory.

In connection with the above points, drug treatment should not be long-term, and the drugs themselves should only be selected by a doctor, taking into account the age of the child and the degree of his speech impairment.

  • Phenibut can be prescribed for stuttering in children due to the psychostimulating, tranquilizing and antioxidant properties of this drug. In addition, Phenibut stabilizes sleep, eliminates seizures, reduces general tension, anxiety and fear.

For stuttering, 50 to 100 mg of medication is usually prescribed three times a day for 1-1.5 months.

At the very beginning of taking the drug, drowsiness, lethargy, headaches, and even increased neurological symptoms may occur: the child may become irritable and agitated. However, on the 4-5th day of treatment, such symptoms should go away on their own.

  • Pantogam is a nootropic anticonvulsant. Pantogam is used quite often for stuttering in children, as it has a mild sedative effect combined with improved mental and physical functionality. Children under 3 years of age are usually prescribed syrup, and older patients are prescribed Pantogam in tablet form. The standard one-time amount of the drug is from 0.25 to 0.5 g, and the daily amount is from 0.75 to 3 g. Caution: Pantogam can cause allergies, sleep disorders, and short-term tinnitus.
  • Tenoten for stuttering in children is considered one of the most safe drugs. For childhood A special “Tenoten for children” has been developed, intended for the treatment of young patients from 3 years of age. Take 1 tablet 1 to 3 times a day, keeping it in the mouth until completely dissolved. The total duration of taking Tenoten is 2-3 months. If necessary, the doctor can extend the course of therapy. The drug has virtually no side effects.
  • Mydocalm for stuttering in children can be prescribed only if speech disorders are associated with increased tone and muscle spasms resulting from organic disorders of the nervous system (for example, damage to the pyramidal tracts, encephalomyelitis, etc.). The drug is approved for use from 3 years of age, based on a dosage of 5 mg per kg of body per day (divided into three doses). During Mydocalm treatment may cause undesirable effects such as muscle weakness, headaches, decreased blood pressure, dyspepsia.

Electrophoresis for stuttering in children

Physiotherapeutic treatment of speech defects is carried out taking into account the clinical degree of pathology and the presence of convulsive syndrome in the child. For diseases affecting the central nervous system, therapeutic procedures with potassium iodide may be prescribed.

If a child is diagnosed with articulatory convulsions, then electrophoresis with antispasmodic drugs, sometimes in combination with psychostimulant therapy.

Exercises for stuttering in children

When performing special exercises, or simply when communicating, the baby should look straight, without lowering his head down. To do this, parents can help the child by holding his chin while talking. The baby must understand that for normal communication, in addition to verbal communication, it is very important eye contact. For the same reason, the child should not “hide” his eyes and turn his gaze to the side.

Among the exercises, breathing exercises are welcome, which we will discuss below, as well as speech training of the tongue, lips and facial expressions. It is recommended that the child read aloud or tell what he just heard from his parents. Constant and ongoing communication contributes to the fastest possible elimination signs of stuttering.

Articulation gymnastics for stuttering in children

Correct speech function is formed by the mobility of the so-called articulatory organs: tongue, lower jaw, lips, palate. If these organs have defects or are not controlled correctly by the brain, their function may be impaired.

However, this situation is fixable, and special exercises in the form of articulatory gymnastics can help. Classes are held every day to consolidate sustainable results.

The lesson plan is as follows:

  • exercises are performed sequentially, gradually making them more difficult;
  • It’s better if classes take place in the form of a game - with positive emotions;
  • if one of the exercises is not easy for the child, then there is no need to try to master new exercises until the previous lesson has been worked out;
  • during classes, the baby should sit with a straight back, without undue tension, opposite an adult;
  • It is advisable to have a mirror nearby so that the patient can see his reflection and control the quality of the movements performed.

During the exercise, the adult also monitors its quality, while simultaneously encouraging the baby.

Briefly, articulation gymnastics looks like this:

Lip mobility exercises:

  • stretching into a smile;
  • moving the tip of the tongue up and down;
  • folding the lips into a “tube”;
  • touching lips with teeth;
  • flapping lips (“silent fish”);
  • imitation of a horse “snorting”;
  • retraction of lips inward;
  • puffing out the cheeks;
  • holding small objects with the lips.

Cheek mobility exercises:

  • demonstration of language;
  • imitation of cough movements;
  • movement of the tongue in one direction and the other;
  • licking teeth;
  • movement of large beans in the oral cavity;
  • blowing away a feather, etc.

Exercises for pharyngeal mobility:

  • imitation of yawning;
  • coughing, including with the tongue sticking out;
  • imitation of gargling, swallowing water;
  • imitation of moaning, mooing, bleating.

In fact, the list presented is far from complete: there are many more similar exercises, and they are all very interesting and effective. The only condition: they need to be carried out regularly, and positive result won't keep you waiting long.

Breathing during stuttering in children: features

Particular attention is paid to breathing exercises, which help the little patient feel natural and relaxed during a conversation.

Breathing exercises strengthen the diaphragm, improve the mobility of the vocal cords, and make breathing deeper and more voluminous.

  1. Lesson I:
  • the child stands up straight;
  • bends forward, bending his back in an arc and lowering his head and outstretched arms (the neck is not tense);
  • the child makes movements similar to how tires are inflated with a pump, while simultaneously bending over and inhaling sharply through his nose;
  • when the back is not fully straightened, exhale;
  • exercise requires 8 repetitions;
  • after a few seconds of break, the approach can be repeated (it is recommended to carry out such approaches from 10 to 12).
  1. Lesson II:
  • the child stands straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands at the waist;
  • turns his head to the left, while inhaling sharply;
  • turns his head in the opposite direction, exhaling sharply;
  • repeats the exercise, taking 8 breaths and exhalations;
  • Usually they practice three sets of 8 inhalations and exhalations.

At feeling good For the baby, further classes can be carried out twice a day. The results will become noticeable within 2-3 months of regular exercise.

Massage for stuttering in children

Acupressure, which must be carried out by a specialist in this field, also gives good results. Activation of 17 points will be required, located mainly in the back and face area. A course of acupressure usually consists of 15 procedures. After the full course, doctors promise the first positive results.

Treatment of stuttering in children at home - is it possible?

In order to save a child from stuttering, there is no need to place him on hospital treatment. Of course, for some activities you may need to see a psychologist or speech therapist. However, the baby can do most of the exercises at home, under the strict guidance of his parents.

For example, poems and tongue twisters can be practiced with mom and dad. The same goes for breathing exercises. The baby will be happy to know that his parents are trying very hard to help him.

However, if there is a negative attitude in the family, scandals, quarrels and squabbles often arise, then there can be no talk of any home treatment for stuttering. Constant moral infringement of a little person will never lead to a solution to the speech problem.

For treatment to be successful, parents are required to:

  • patience;
  • love for the child and other family members;
  • mutual respect;
  • desire to help no matter what.

Under no circumstances should a child feel inferior or an outcast. The task of loved ones is to give him confidence and set him up for positive thinking.

Folk remedies for stuttering in children

Treatment of stuttering in children using traditional medicine is mainly aimed at normalizing nervous function, stabilization of the patient’s psycho-emotional state.

  • Pour boiling water (250 ml) 1 tsp. dry mint leaves, chamomile flowers, valerian rhizomes. Leave for 20 minutes. Take 100 ml in the morning and at night.
  • Mix an equal mixture of rose hips, lemon balm leaves, wormwood, mint, dandelion rhizomes and calendula flowers. Pour half a tablespoon of the mixture into 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Take before meals 4-5 times a day.
  • Take a bath with aromatic oils of mint, strawberry, thyme, lavender, and sage. The duration of the bath is 20 minutes. The water should be warm, providing a relaxing effect.
  • Prepare tea based on hawthorn berries, linden flowers, lemon balm herb, and valerian rhizomes. Add honey and drink a little throughout the day.

Most effective herbs for stuttering in children:

  • valerian;
  • sweet clover;
  • lemon balm, mint;
  • calendula;
  • birch (leaves);
  • heather (shoots);
  • Linden;
  • caraway;
  • nettle;
  • hawthorn and rose hips;
  • raspberries, blackberries, strawberries.

Games for stuttering in children

When choosing games for a child who stutters, you need to remember some rules:

  • overly emotional and active games can aggravate stuttering;
  • it is necessary to choose quiet games that do not require a large number of participants. Such games can be, for example, coloring books, board games, making plasticine crafts, etc.;
  • You should not attend noisy events with your baby that can excite the child’s psyche;
  • In addition, it is advisable to exclude sports competitions. A stutterer is better suited for individual physical exercises and walks in nature, in the park, near bodies of water.

There is also a large number of computer educational programs that help a child get rid of stuttering in a playful way. Usually the guys really love these types of games and are happy to play them.

Poems for stuttering in children

It will be interesting for a child who suffers from stuttering to feel himself in different images: for example, let him imagine himself as a butterfly or a kitten. Such games can be accompanied by sound and speech comments:

How does a butterfly flutter? - fr-r-r-...
How does a kitten purr? – purr-r, purr-r...
How does an owl hoot? - U-uf-f-...

Toddlers usually like to repeat, and they do it without hesitation.

A butterfly sat on my finger.
I wanted to catch her.
I grab a butterfly with my hand -
And I caught my finger!

Once upon a time there were two cats -
Eight legs, two tails!

Big head.
Sits high,|
He looks far away.

Treatment of stuttering in children should not be accompanied by discussion and condemnation of the speech problem by adults. The outcome will be successful if emotional background will be created correctly for the child, no matter where he is.

Incorrect speech in a child is a common problem faced by parents of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren. At this stage of growing up, the baby’s speech apparatus is still developing, and therefore it is much easier to correct all deficiencies than in a teenager. Stuttering in children is caused by various factors, congenital and acquired. However, this can be solved if you notice and take action in time. Otherwise, there is a danger that the problem will persist for life.

What is

Stuttering in children 3-5 years old is a speech defect, mainly caused by the state of the child’s psyche. This disease is otherwise called logoneurosis. It represents a sharp reduction in the organs of articulation, accompanied by a disruption of the rhythm, hesitations, delays in speech, repetitions of letters and syllables, and intermittency. It is not observed as often as other speech defects - only in 2-4% of cases. Boys are more likely to stutter.

At this age, the baby learns to speak fully, repeats individual sounds and words after those around him, and copies someone else’s manner of speech. During this period, it is important for parents to help the little man form correct speech.

If you let the disease take its course, it may go away on its own over time. However, it will most likely continue to be present, creating complexes and making it difficult to socialize. Stuttering may also indicate serious neurological problems.

How it manifests itself

Stuttering in a child is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Speech spasms when pronouncing a word. Usually occur at the beginning of a word (phrase) or in the middle. Hesitation and repetition occur on the same letter (“mm-mm-mm...”) or on one syllable (“ma-ma-ma...”).
  2. Pauses that are long and occur in the middle of a word. Or stretching a vowel sound too long in the middle or beginning of a word.
  3. A combination of the first two symptoms, when hesitations and repetitions are combined with pauses.

In addition, secondary symptoms most often occur when stuttering occurs. Often the child becomes more nervous, aggressive or, conversely, whiny. Logoneurosis is often combined with nervous tics, enuresis, excessive sweating, sleep disturbances, loss of appetite. During communication, the baby may blush and worry, which creates even greater obstacles when trying to pronounce a phrase.

An older child, especially if he constantly communicates with other children, may withdraw into himself. It's getting worse on contact, nervous when necessary to communicate with someone. The baby's speech becomes confused in general, dull, monotonous, without expression and emotional coloring. Therefore, you need to get rid of the problem the sooner, the better.

Parents often confuse stuttering in a 3-year-old child with natural, physiological stuttering. They are expressed in pauses in the baby’s speech. They arise because he is still learning to speak, and does not always know how to express in words what comes to his mind and how to correctly formulate complex verbal structures.

The wider the little man’s vocabulary, the faster he will be able to get rid of physiological stutters. Developmental activities, reading, and communication between adult family members and the child play an important role in this.

How to distinguish such natural hesitations from stuttering? In both cases, pauses, hesitations and repetitions of words and syllables occur. But with logoneurosis they occur due to a seizure, and in other cases - because the baby is trying to find the right word.

You can distinguish by the location of the hesitation. When stuttering, a child begins to stammer at the beginning of a word or at a certain combination of letters. In case of physiological hitches - anywhere in the phrase, especially when constructing complex verbal structures.

In addition, when stutterers find themselves in an unusual environment or interact with people, their speech defect manifests itself especially actively, but otherwise, on the contrary, the baby’s speech becomes smooth.

A child whose speech apparatus is fine usually does not notice hesitations in his speech and does not attach importance to them. If this is logoneurosis, even a very small child realizes that something is wrong and begins to get nervous and worry.


Stuttering can be either congenital - if it appeared when the child began to speak, or acquired - if, for example, stuttering appeared for the first time in a 5-year-old child, and before that he spoke normally. They differ for reasons.


Causes of congenital stuttering in children:

  1. Difficult pregnancy. If this stage is accompanied by fetal hypoxia - when it lacks oxygen, then this can affect the formation of its speech apparatus. Infectious diseases suffered by a woman during pregnancy also have an impact.
  2. Birth injury. The formation of the articulatory apparatus can also be affected by hypoxia, but this does not arise in utero, but during a long, difficult birth. Upon receipt birth trauma brain cells can be damaged. Early babies who are born prematurely often suffer.
  3. Heredity. Speech impairment is also inherited. And this is a fairly common reason.
  4. Features of temperament. Choleric children are more likely to stutter than melancholic or sanguine children. Their nervous excitability is much higher.

If a little person spoke well until a certain age, and then suddenly began to stutter, this is a sign of an acquired disease.


Causes of acquired stuttering in children:

  1. Experienced stress. It's a loss loved one, abrupt change situation, severe fear. Psychosomatics also plays a role.
  2. Lack or excess of attention. Spoiled, capricious children often stutter.
  3. Increased demands from parents.
  4. Heavy home furnishings. Children from dysfunctional families often suffer, where there are often scandals, quarrels, and assault. Divorce of parents can also have an impact.
  5. Spending a long time at the computer or in front of the TV. This generally affects mental development.
  6. Diseases. Serious consequences include meningitis, encephalopathy, head injuries, influenza and other diseases.
  7. Pseudo-stuttering. This phenomenon occurs in families where one of the elders suffers from stuttering. Then the baby is able to adopt the manner of speaking from a loved one without suffering from any disorders.

To determine what causes the speech disorder, you need to observe the child. Does the problem occur when you are nervous, in the presence of strangers, or in an unusual environment? Then, most likely, logoneurosis is acquired. If the child stutters consistently, in any environment, then the problem is congenital. However, only a qualified specialist can accurately determine the reasons.


In addition to congenital and acquired, there are several main types of the disease:

  • pathological – congenital, genetically determined;
  • neurotic – after trauma, stress, serious experiences, fear, etc.;
  • tonic - a variety with pauses in words and stretching of vowel sounds;
  • clonic – inability to pronounce a certain sound or syllable, their frequent repetition;
  • combined – combines the symptoms of tonic and clonic;
  • stable - unchanging stuttering, independent of circumstances;
  • unstable - manifests itself only in certain situations;
  • cyclical - with it, stages of stuttering alternate with periods of normal speech.

These varieties can be combined with each other. For example, when failures occur in a certain environment, but cyclically, alternating with periods when everything is easy to pronounce.


Logoneurosis also varies in severity. There are three stages:

  1. Easy. Disturbances in speech occur only under stress, severe anxiety, in an unusual environment, or when in contact with new people. IN normal conditions the defect is practically invisible.
  2. Average. Speech defects appear if the baby begins to worry even a little or if some difficult tasks arise for him.
  3. Heavy. The baby stutters constantly, and the speech impediment is often combined with limb spasms, facial tics, and redness.

It is important to know that logoneurosis can progress over time - if nothing is done to treat it. The sooner parents contact a doctor with their baby, the sooner and better help will be provided. The risk of aggravation and recurrence of the problem in this case is minimal.


If signs of logoneurosis appear, it is worth showing the child to a pediatric neurologist or pediatrician, who will write a referral to a neurologist. The specialist will determine the exact causes of the disease and outline ways to correct it.

Usually, to establish a diagnosis and causes, it is enough to examine the child, collect an anamnesis, and interview. The doctor will diagnose speech: evaluate tempo, breathing, motor skills, articular cramps, voice, and so on.

If you suspect a brain injury, you will need CT scan. If it is difficult to determine the reasons, a comprehensive examination of the baby is required.

A comprehensive examination will help identify possibly hidden developmental problems and avoid relapses of the disease in the future. It will also determine how to treat stuttering in a child.


Initial diagnosis and treatment is carried out by pediatric neurologist, in the future you may need the help of a speech therapist and psychologist (if the problem lies psychologically). The choice of treatment method depends on the causes of stuttering and its severity, and on the medical report.

Drug treatment

If stuttering is caused by serious diseases and brain injuries, disturbances in the functioning of speech centers, or serious mental trauma, medications are prescribed. These are tranquilizers and anticonvulsants. Such medications are taken only as prescribed by a doctor and are sold in pharmacies with a prescription. Their uncontrolled use can cause harm to the developing body. Depending on the severity of the disease and individual characteristics body, treatment can last from several months to several years.

For minor psychological problems, stress, increased excitability The baby may be prescribed sedatives, sedatives, or, conversely, those that increase concentration and improve brain activity.

Treatment for stuttering is not only medication or hardware. It is prescribed comprehensively - in combination with classes with a speech therapist, breathing and speech gymnastics, and work with a psychologist. It is also important to create a favorable psychological environment for the baby.

Hardware treatment

The method is carried out using special computer programs that correct the functioning of the auditory and speech centers. Such programs are used for children over five years of age who are able to understand and complete the task given by the computer.

It happens like this: the child must repeat after the program phrases that are slowly and clearly dictated to him through headphones. By adjusting to the sound of the phrase, the child learns to speak smoothly, rhythmically, clearly pronouncing each sound. Communication with computer program minimizes the baby's excitement and nervousness, his fear of making mistakes.

Working with a speech therapist

An integral treatment for stuttering in children is working with a speech therapist. In addition to working with the baby, the specialist will also explain to parents the principles of treatment and teach them how to perform exercises with the child - so that they can practice with him at home.

Speech therapy for stuttering is based on exercises aimed at normalizing breathing and speech rate. Since the baby is being treated, all classes are conducted in a playful way.

For correction, special songs, poems, and rhythmic exercises are used. Excellent results can be achieved by sending your child to singing lessons, including choral singing - this is frequent recommendation speech therapist Singing is an excellent exercise for the speech apparatus, the ligaments are trained, tension and spasms disappear.

It is important that the activities are interesting to the baby. In an easy, interesting game form, he will be able to relax and overcome psychological difficulties.

Working with a psychologist

This type of treatment is necessary if stuttering is caused by psychological trauma, stress, fear, loss of loved ones, and so on. Or, on the contrary, stuttering caused psychological problems - isolation, shyness, difficulties in communicating with other people.

Even an adult is not always able to cope with the burden of problems and worries that have fallen on him, let alone a little person. A competent specialist will help the baby get rid of accumulated negativity, nervousness and stress, and heal mental wounds.


In addition to sessions with a speech therapist, massage sessions may be prescribed. If a speech spasm is caused by overstrain of the articulatory apparatus, then the cheeks, neck, shoulder girdle, and facial muscles are also tense.

Massage in these areas will help relieve muscle tension, relax, improve blood circulation, relieve spasms and nervous tension. Therapy should be carried out by a specialist, but he can show basic techniques to parents.

Breathing exercises

Breathing exercises are based on normalizing the breathing rhythm and relaxation. The child learns to pronounce words as he exhales, completely, without hesitation. Forming proper breathing helps improve blood circulation in the body as a whole, relieve tension, and improve speech characteristics.

The popular Strelnikova gymnastics is often used for this, but you should not do it yourself - for example, using video lessons. A physiotherapist should teach both parents and the baby how to do the exercises correctly, and only then the acquired skills can be used at home.

Incorrect breathing exercises can aggravate the baby's condition. Blood pressure will rise, headaches and dizziness will appear, as a result of which he will become even more nervous and will not want to study further.


Hypnosis is used in in rare cases, if it is not possible to determine (and, accordingly, eliminate) the cause of acquired stuttering, and the child does not remember what caused him psychological trauma or frightened him.

The method is not used on small children; most often you can start from middle school age. In addition, the child may not be hypnotizable.

Traditional methods

Traditional methods are often used in addition to the basic ones. This is herbal medicine using sedative herbs if logoneurosis is caused by overexcitability or nervous tension.

Relaxing herbs (chamomile, linden, motherwort, mint, lemon balm and others) are used in the form of soothing mixtures or added to baths. However, in combination with medications, these drugs can lead to excessive inhibition. Therefore, you should consult your doctor before using them. It is he who will determine how to cure stuttering in children.

To help your baby get rid of the disease and its accompanying problems, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. The child should be aware of what is happening to him, but one should not focus on the problem. This is especially important when he starts to stutter - if at this moment you start to encourage him, suggest words, help, it will be even worse.
  2. You need to listen carefully to the child in order to understand the meaning of what he said the first time and not ask again.
  3. If stuttering is combined with other speech defects, then they need to be treated by a speech therapist at the same time.
  4. During exercises, you need to concentrate the baby's attention on them. There is no need for the TV to be on in the room, music playing or other people talking at this time.
  5. Classes should be held in a calm, comfortable environment, with pleasure and interest.
  6. Watching TV, computer games, and the use of various gadgets should be limited.
  7. Moderate will be beneficial physical activity– exercise, swimming.
  8. Under no circumstances should you overload your child with activities in the hope of getting results as quickly as possible. This, on the contrary, will worsen the situation. Classes should alternate with rest.

An important condition for recovery is a favorable psychological environment at home. Scandals, quarrels at home, tense relationships between parents - all this will delay the moment of recovery. For the sake of the baby’s well-being, his parents must become a single team.

Many parents do not want to send a child with a stutter to a kindergarten group with speech disorders. They believe that with ordinary children he will adapt faster and begin to speak normally. But that's not true. Small children who do not suffer from any disorders can adopt the speech style of such a child (pseudo-stuttering). And older children may be bullied if they are different from them.


Prevention of stuttering begins with pregnancy. The well-being of the future family member largely depends on its course. After the baby is born important role plays a role in the psychological atmosphere in the family, calmness, love. However, you should not overindulge your offspring.

It is necessary to establish a certain daily routine for the baby, in which useful activities would alternate with rest. Sleep should be complete, daily walks and proper nutrition, exercise stress.

Avoid stress, trauma - physical and psychological, hypothermia, viral diseases. All this will help to avoid not only tongue-tiedness, but also many other health problems for the baby. After all best prevention of all diseases is healthy image life and peace of mind.