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Treatment with milgamma. Mydocalm movalis milgamma complex treatment

Neurologists at the Yusupov Hospital prescribe the drug milgamma to patients with neurological disorders caused by a deficiency of B vitamins. The drug is prescribed after examining patients using the latest equipment from the world's leading manufacturers. The drug is used only when the results biochemical research confirm a deficiency of vitamins B 1, B 6 and B 12.

What can you inject milgamma with in combination? Patients with pain syndromes that are caused by osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis and other nonspecific changes in the joints and adjacent periarticular tissues are treated with complex therapy with the drug milgamma in combination with the following drugs:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • Analgesics;
  • Muscle relaxants.

The use of high doses of B vitamins significantly reduces the intensity of pain. This phenomenon may be associated with inhibition of local synthesis of inflammatory mediators and modulation of the interaction of mediators with the receptor apparatus. Severe cases of diseases are discussed at a meeting of the Expert Council, in which professors and doctors of the highest category take part. Leading experts in the field of neurology make a collegial decision to prescribe milgamma together with movalis, mydocalm, diclofenac and other drugs. Doctors take into account the compatibility and interaction of drugs, possible side effects, individually determine the dose and route of administration medicine into the body, duration of therapy.

Milgamma and alcohol

You should not drink alcohol during treatment with Milgamma. Ethanol neutralizes the effect of B vitamins. When drinking alcohol together with the drug Milgamma, there will be no therapeutic effect.

The combined use of substances can cause disruption of the liver, heart and blood vessels. If you consume milgamma and alcohol at the same time, you should expect all the side effects of the drug:

  • Noticeable loss of coordination of movements;
  • Severe headache;
  • Noticeable dizziness;
  • Drowsiness and fatigue;
  • Pain and heaviness in the neck, upper and lower extremities.

At joint reception milgamma and alcohol the patient may lose consciousness. Milgamma contains lidocaine. This local anesthetic incompatible with alcohol.

Milgamma and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Doctors at the Yusupov Hospital Neurology Clinic provide complex therapy for pain syndrome with the drug milgamma and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs:

  • Movalis;
  • Mexidol;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Voltaren.

In complex therapy of patients with peripheral pain, B vitamins are widely used, which have wide range neurotropic properties (thiamine, pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin). They are contained in the drug milgamma. When using the drug, not only the synthesis of inflammatory mediators is inhibited, but also trophism is restored nerve tissue, metabolic processes in the myelin sheath of the nerve root are normalized.

Thiamine (vitamin B1) is a coenzyme in the oxidative decarboxylation reactions of α-ketoglutaric and pyruvic acids, takes an active part in the processes of protein production and mechanisms of restoration of damaged nervous tissue. Thanks to this, thiamine activates energy metabolism processes in the peripheral nervous system, supports the course of recovery processes when it is damaged.

Pyridoxine (vitamin B 6) takes part in the reactions of decarboxylation and transamination of amino acids in the peripheral nervous system and participates in protein synthesis. The intrinsic analgesic effect of cyanocobalamin and pyridoxine has been established. These vitamins promote the activation of reparative processes in damaged nerve trunks that have been subjected to compression or ischemia, and potentiate the effect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Therapy with milgamma leads to early relief of pain radicular syndrome and provides lasting positive effect. The simultaneous use of milgamma with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs shortens the treatment time and reduces the need for additional use of analgesic drugs. Combination therapy prolongs the period of remission in a significant proportion of patients with both isolated back pain and compressive radiculopathy.

Answers to patient questions

Is it possible to inject Movalis and Milgamma at the same time? Both drugs should not be mixed in the same syringe. How to inject Milgamma and Movalis? Medicines are administered intramuscularly, preferably in different areas bodies.

How to inject diclofenac with milgamma? You can inject diclofenac and milgamma together with a separate syringe. It is better to give the subsequent injection to another place.

Diclosan and milgamma can be used simultaneously. Doctors prescribe milgamma in the form of a solution or tablets. The injection solution is administered intramuscularly, the tablets should be taken in the morning after meals with a drink. big amount water. Diclosan gel contains herbal extracts. It is applied to the skin in a thin layer with soft massaging movements 2-3 times a day.

Is it possible to inject Milgamma and Voltaren together? It is not allowed to administer Milgamma and Voltaren in the same syringe. When carrying out complex therapy, drugs are prescribed simultaneously, but they must be administered alternately.

Are Mexidol and Milgamma prescribed at the same time? Mexidol and Milgamma are drugs that can be used simultaneously, since the effect of one enhances the effect of the other. Each of the drugs is available in two forms: injection solution and tablets. Doctors at the Yusupov Hospital individually establish a treatment regimen for each patient.

Is it possible to use the drugs milgamma and mildronate together? Milgamma is a medicine that contains B vitamins. Mildronate is a drug that improves metabolism. At joint use There is no interaction between milgamma and mildronate.

How to take milgamma and glycine tablets? Milgamma tablets should be taken in the morning with plenty of liquid. Glycine should be placed under the tongue and dissolved.

Combilipen and milgamma - what's the difference? Despite the fact that the composition of the drugs is the same, the range of their use is somewhat different. Milgamma is used in the treatment of neuritis and neuralgia of different origins, elimination of radicular syndrome, used in the treatment of myalgia, retrobulbar neuritis, paresis facial nerve and for herpes virus infections. Combilipen is used in the treatment of neuralgia trigeminal nerve, polyneuropathy that occurs in patients diabetes mellitus and persons who abuse alcohol. The drug has an analgesic effect for inflammation of the facial nerve, intercostal neuralgia, and lumbar ischialgia. Doctors at the Yusupov Hospital prescribe one or another drug that will be most effective for treatment specific disease.

Milgamma, mydocalm and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

In the presence of severe pain syndrome, which is accompanied by spasm of peripheral muscles, doctors prescribe milgamma together with mydocalm and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Milgamma contains B vitamins, restores their deficiency in the body, and has an analgesic effect. Mydocalm is a centrally acting muscle relaxant. The drug relieves muscle spasms. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antithromboaggregant effects.

The complex treatment regimen, together with milgamma and mydocalm, includes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as movalis and diclofenac. Combination therapy allows you to quickly relieve pain and reduce treatment time. If all 3 drugs are given by injection, medical staff draws the solution into different syringes. Injections are given in both buttocks and shoulder.

Doctors at the Yusupov Hospital decide which treatment regimen to choose individually after examining the patient. Neurologists take into account the severity of the disease. The presence of contraindications to the use of a particular drug, compatibility and mutual effects of drugs. Get a doctor's consultation by making an appointment by phone. The Yusupov Hospital contact center operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


  • ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases)
  • Yusupov Hospital
  • Badalyan L. O. Neuropathology. - M.: Education, 1982. - P.307-308.
  • Bogolyubov, Medical rehabilitation(manual, in 3 volumes). // Moscow - Perm. - 1998.
  • Popov S. N. Physical rehabilitation. 2005. - P.608.

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*The information on the site is for informational purposes only. All materials and prices posted on the site are not public offer, determined by the provisions of Art. 437 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For accurate information, please contact the clinic staff or visit our clinic. List of services provided paid services indicated in the price list of the Yusupov Hospital.

*The information on the site is for informational purposes only. All materials and prices posted on the site are not a public offer, defined by the provisions of Art. 437 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For accurate information, please contact the clinic staff or visit our clinic.

Radiculitis is an acute inflammatory process, the clinical manifestation of which is pinching of the roots of the spinal nerves formed from them. This disease is often characterized by the manifestation of pain in the lumbar and sacral regions back, extending into the thigh and ankle part of the leg.

As a result of acute pain that intensifies with movement, a person cannot drive. familiar image life, work, rest and thinks about what to inject for radiculitis and what ointments to use or other medications. An attack of acute pain can be controlled with anesthetic drugs and injections.

But the treatment should be comprehensive with the prescription of ointments, tablets, painkillers for radiculitis, injections, as well as other drugs with a different spectrum of effects on the problem area of ​​the back.

How effective are injections for radiculitis?

How effective are injections for radiculitis and back pain, and what drugs are best to use to cure this ailment. Curing radiculitis with injections is justified, since this is the simplest and most effective method of action aimed at reducing pain and reducing the acute inflammatory process in the back area.

You just need to choose the desired mechanism of injection action on the existing lesion, thanks to which the medicines can enter the human body, have the desired therapeutic effect on it and ask the question what is injected for radiculitis. My patients use a proven remedy that allows them to get rid of pain in 2 weeks without much effort.

Treatment with injections can be carried out:

  • Intramuscular administration;
  • Intravenous;
  • Local injection - directly into the lesion painful area spinal region;
  • Intraosseous administration;
  • In the membranes of the spinal cord;

Painkillers and antiphlogistic drugs

The main effect of anesthetic injections is aimed at reducing pain and its complete elimination, as well as normalizing the processes of blood supply to the roots of the spinal nerves. The following medicinal products, divided into groups and having different points use.

Nonsteroidal drugs

Pharmacological products related to the group of non-steroidal and antiphlogistic (anti-inflammatory) drugs - NSAIDs, which have an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect. NSAIDs are aimed at inhibiting an enzyme such as cyclooxygenase, which is why quick withdrawal acute inflammatory processes and elimination of painful sensations.

Pain relief for radiculitis with such non-steroidal drugs gives a good result, especially in combination with an effective analgesic, such as, for example, movalis.

Movalis is a selective drug

Targeted antiphlogistic injections relieve pain after the first use. Due to a decrease in the level of inflammation, the resulting pain is eliminated.

Non-steroidal drugs are divided into selective and non-selective products.

But often these medicinal products reduce the protection of the gastrointestinal tract and contribute to the occurrence of ulcers in it. In connection with this, it is necessary to simultaneously use such means that will defend gastrointestinal tract. And long-term use of these so-called non-selective agents is not recommended.

Selective products do not allow existing diseases such as gastritis and gastrointestinal ulcers to worsen. The drugs in this group are:

  • Diclofenac, ketonal, xefocam, movalis.

Movalis is the best analgesic that makes it easy to cope with the symptoms of radiculitis. Injections for radiculitis with Movalis are given intramuscularly up to 4 times a day, without overestimating the duration of the course of treatment. Even the use of these injections, 3 ampoules per day, will be sufficient. Movalis does not act on the stomach enzyme, but at the same time fulfills its intended purpose.

Movalis injections can be used for a long time without worrying about the possible formation of ulcerations of the stomach walls, but it is important to know that its anesthetic effect will decrease.

Novocaine blockades

Blockades using novocaine are effective and quick way, eliminating pain localized in the back area. For example, injections for lumbar radiculitis are given precisely in this place ( lumbar region back) by injecting him with a diluted solution of novocaine. Therefore, when the question arises of how to relieve pain from radiculitis, we can confidently recommend the use of novocaine blockade.

The only disadvantage of this method of getting rid of pain is that it short-term action, since within an hour or two the pain may resume with new strength. But still, this remedy is the most common and in demand due to its ability to provide emergency and effective assistance.

Centrally acting muscle relaxants

They also give injections for radiculitis, the name given to mydocalm and sirdalud, which belong to the group of centrally acting muscle relaxants. These drugs relax skeletal muscles and, having an effect on central nervous system, reduce nervous excitement in its fibers.

Such products are produced both in tablets and ampoules and are highly effective in treatment.


These medicinal products are classified as hormonal steroid components. Together they influence metabolic processes in the human body and increase the synthesis of antiphlogistic proteins.

These medicinal products increase blood flow in the affected area and reduce the development of inflammatory processes caused by radiculitis. Glucocorticoids can also be considered one of the best remedies for radiculitis - injections that directly affect the affected area.

To such medicinal products can be attributed:

  • Hydrocartisone, Kenalog, Dexamethasone.

Vitamins belonging to group "B"

The most important role for the normal functioning of the human body is played by vitamin complex group "B". Vitamins are very important, as they are involved in metabolism and are required for the normal functioning of the nervous system.

You can consider the example of a specific vitamin complex:

  • (B 1) – participates in the restoration of damaged nerve fibers;
  • (B 6) – participates in the body’s immune processes;
  • (At 12) – plays important role in the processes of cell division.

How to treat radiculitis - injections with a vitamin complex contribute to the healing process aimed at eradicating the disease and its symptoms.


Millgamma for radiculitis has excellent analgesic properties and is a combination drug that includes vitamins - “B 1”, “B 6”, “B 12”. But it is an effective medicine for radiculitis, injections, which must be given in a course, and not as a single injection.

It is this remedy that improves the conductivity and vital activity of nerve roots, reduces swelling caused by pinched nerves, and restores its tissue system. What injections help with radiculitis and how to cure it should be decided by a professional in this matter - a medical worker who has repeatedly encountered such an undesirable disease.

After collecting an anamnesis and carefully examining the patient, the specialist must decide the sufficiency of any one non-steroidal drug or in combination with blockades and synthetic opiates.

But in any case, painkillers are prescribed, as well as muscle relaxants and a vitamin B complex.

But as soon as the severity of the symptoms subsides, the doctor will definitely recommend switching from injections to taking tablets and special ointments. And this must be done, as they say, to finish the job - and get rid of such an insidious disease forever.

Very a large number of people suffer from this unpleasant disease as intercostal neuralgia. This disease is caused by compression or irritation of the nerves passing between the ribs. The main symptom of this pathology is excruciating and intense pain, which intensifies with deep breathing, coughing and movement. It is worth noting that intercostal neuralgia, drug treatment for which can only be prescribed by a qualified general practitioner or neurologist, is a fairly serious disease.

If a person experiences severe pain in the intercostal area, then he needs to consult an experienced doctor. Indeed, under the mask of this disease, completely different pathologies may be hidden. For example it could be heart disease or renal colic. The doctor, after conducting the necessary examination, will be able to prescribe the correct treatment, which will help the patient quickly return to work and normal life.

Self-medication can be dangerous - almost all drugs have a lot of contraindications and various side effects, and in this disease, drugs cannot always completely eliminate pain. Only qualified specialist can determine which drugs and in what dosage form are suitable for a particular patient, and also prescribe the required duration of drug therapy.

For medication to be effective, it is important to follow general recommendations. So, approximately in the first three days of illness, when the pain is especially severe, it is better for the patient to refrain from going to work and stay in bed. You need to lie on a shield, that is, on a very flat and hard surface. You should also give up high pillows.

Painkillers – effective treatment in a variety of forms

Of course, first of all, the patient needs drugs that can relieve him of pain. For this purpose, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are usually used. There is a huge range of such medications in pharmacies, but you should not buy them yourself or on the recommendations of a pharmacist. Only a doctor can prescribe the appropriate drug.

As a rule, for very severe pain, doctors prescribe intramuscular injections of painkillers such as Ketonal, Ketorol or Analgin. All of them relieve pain very quickly, although the effect lasts only a few hours. The doctor usually prescribes a whole course of such injections - five or ten procedures. Such medications cannot be used for a longer period of time, as they can cause exacerbation of stomach diseases, for example, ulcers or gastritis.

Sometimes drugs such as Ketonal can also be prescribed in the form of rectal suppositories. This dosage form is quite acceptable for elderly patients, as it provides long-term pain relief and acts quickly.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are also used in the form of ointments or gels. These may be drugs such as Nise, Ketonal, Diclofenac, Voltaren. A small amount of ointment is applied in a thin layer to the area of ​​the body where pain is felt. As a local treatment, patches with a medicinal substance applied to them are sometimes used, for example, Ketonal thermo. Such a patch, on the recommendation of a doctor, can be applied to sore spot for the night.

The doctor may prescribe painkillers in tablet form. These could be medications such as Analgin, Nise, Movalis or Baralgin. They are usually taken three times a day after meals, adhering to the recommended dose. The course of such treatment is usually not long, since long-term use of these drugs can cause serious problems with health, primarily with the gastrointestinal tract. There are also more modern medicines that have a prolonged (that is, long-lasting) effect. These include, for example, Melox forte, which is enough to take only once a day.

Vitamins will help cope with neuralgia

Vitamins for a disease such as intercostal neuralgia must be taken. This is especially true for B vitamins such as B6, B1 and B12. Many experienced doctors patients are prescribed intramuscular injections of these drugs. Injections of vitamins B1 and B6 must be alternated, for example, inject B1 on even days, and B6 on odd days. Sometimes doctors advise patients to take multivitamins instead of injections.

Novocaine blockade - quick relief of pain

Sometimes, to relieve acute pain, a neurologist can give his patient a novocaine blockade. This method allows the patient to get rid of unpleasant sensations very quickly. It consists of injecting the affected nerve with novocaine. True, this procedure is not recommended for everyone.

Medicines containing snake and bee venoms

Medicines that contain bee or snake venom are also quite effective. But they also have contraindications: liver and kidney diseases, lactation, pregnancy, heart disease, fever or individual intolerance to the components. You can use such medications only after consulting your doctor.

Drugs whose action is based on bee venom include an ointment called Apizartron. They make it in Germany. It has not only an analgesic, but also an anti-inflammatory effect.

The ointment, which is called Viprosal, contains viper venom. It is used externally and helps relieve pain and inflammation. It also contains components such as camphor and fir oil, which are also quite effective for neuralgia.

Other medications will enhance the effect of treatment

Less commonly, muscle relaxants and tranquilizers are used for intercostal neuralgia. These drugs help relieve muscle spasm, calm the patient, give him the opportunity to relax and unwind. Usually doctors use Sibazon in tablets, in more severe cases Relanium is administered intramuscularly. Only a doctor has the right to prescribe such drugs, since they are sold strictly according to a prescription. Muscle relaxants can also reduce the severity of pain, but the side effects of the drugs determine the need for medical supervision of the therapy.

Pepper plaster is often used to relieve pain. It is glued to the painful area, and the skin must be dry, clean and without any damage. A contraindication for this method is an allergy to the components of the patch.

So, it is, of course, worthwhile to be treated for intercostal neuralgia. In order to regain your health as soon as possible, you must strictly adhere to the recommendations given by your doctor. After all, self-medication can lead to much more serious illnesses than neuralgia.

Back pain is a very common symptom at any age. Often it indicates damage to various systems - musculoskeletal, respiratory, digestive. When your back hurts, there is no need to self-medicate. Only a doctor can quickly determine the cause and treatment tactics.


Back pain comes in many different forms. It may be associated with eating or coughing, or psycho-emotional experiences. The causes of this symptom are gastroduodenitis and cholecystitis, bronchitis and pneumonia, angina pectoris and acute coronary syndrome. However, these diseases are often accompanied by other characteristic complaints, which allow the doctor to correctly make a differential diagnosis.

Much more often, back pain is a sign of damage to the musculoskeletal system. It occurs in the following diseases:

  1. Osteochondrosis (thoracic, lumbar or widespread).
  2. Scoliosis.
  3. Protrusion.
  4. Intervertebral hernia.
  5. Spinal stenosis.

These degenerative diseases themselves rarely cause pain. However, as the pathology progresses, the process involves nerve roots and fibers. Their infringement and compression leads to the appearance of neurological symptoms:

  • Pain in the back, chest, lower back.
  • Unusual sensations – burning, tingling, numbness.
  • Movement disorders.

Back pain can be chronic or acute. As a rule, with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, there is a clear relationship between unpleasant sensations and physical activity, movement or breathing. To remove them, doctors resort to prescribing ointments, tablets and pain-relieving injections.


Injections for back and lower back pain are a highly effective treatment method. Often they are the starting point for pain therapy, especially if the patient’s discomfort is very pronounced.

Sometimes, in addition to injections, other forms of anti-inflammatory drugs are used:

  1. Gels and ointments.
  2. Tablets, capsules, powders.
  3. Rectal suppositories.

Very often the same drug is available in different forms. And the doctor selects the optimal pain-relieving option for the patient, taking into account its characteristics, tolerability and concomitant diseases. Some people can't stand injections because they're afraid pain, and just the sight of a sharp needle can cause them to panic. Others, on the contrary, are distrustful of local forms, considering them insufficiently effective.

And yet, more often than not, injections for lower back or chest pain are the most popular and best-selling medications.


Anesthetic injections for back pain are used for moderate and severe forms of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. They are also prescribed when it is necessary to obtain a very quick or long-lasting, sustainable effect.

Some anti-inflammatory injections are prescribed after surgery as a pain reliever. The following medications are available as injections:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs or NSAIDs).
  2. Steroid hormones.
  3. Muscle relaxants.
  4. Vitamins.


Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are a broad and very popular group of drugs among doctors of various specialties. NSAIDs are widely used in the following medical fields:

  • rheumatology;
  • traumatology
  • orthopedics;
  • therapy.

Most frequent indications for their purpose are:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • protrusions and intervertebral hernias;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • various radiculopathy;
  • bruises and sprains.

In addition, they are used for any other pathologies accompanied by inflammation. The most commonly prescribed NSAIDs are:

  • Diclofenac;
  • Meloxicam;
  • Dexketoprofen.

Characteristics of NSAIDs

Diclofenac is a well-known and highly effective anti-inflammatory and analgesic drug. In pharmacies, its injectable forms are found under the following names:

  • Dicloberl;
  • Voltaren;
  • Dicloran;
  • Diklak.

Usually it is enough to give 5-7 injections for back pain to get a pronounced and lasting analgesic effect.

Meloxicam belongs to a new generation of NSAIDs, its risk side effects kept to a minimum. It is sold under the following names:

  • Movalis;
  • Revmoxicam.

Even though this modern medicine It is well tolerated; its overdose can lead to the formation of stomach ulcers or the development of bleeding in the digestive tract. Self-medication with NSAIDs, even from this group, is unacceptable.

Dexketoprofen is currently represented by the well-known painkiller Dexalgin. It is often prescribed after operations, if necessary, to quickly and permanently eliminate severe pain. The course of treatment with Dexalgin injections is no more than 5 days.

Taking any NSAID - even relatively harmless paracetamol or ibuprofen - requires consultation with a doctor in connection with a large number side effects of this group of drugs.

Steroid hormones

Steroid hormones are a special class of drugs. They have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. But such drugs also have many side effects.

Hormonal injections are used for back pain due to hernia, when rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis, radiculopathy. The main indications for their use are:

  1. Intense pain syndrome.
  2. Severe inflammatory process, especially of autoimmune and allergic origin.
  3. The need to obtain a lasting analgesic effect.

Hormones can be produced in tablets, but for pain in the spine, back, joints, intramuscular and intravenous injections. This allows you to quickly reduce pain and stop inflammation. Most often from hormonal injections Diprospan and Kenalog are used.

Steroid hormones can be prescribed in conjunction with NSAIDs, such as diclofenac or ibuprofen, but this combination requires careful monitoring of the patient's health.


Diprospan is a medicine based on the corticosteroid betamethasone. It has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. Available in ampoules and administered intramuscularly.

Very often, this one injection for pain in the lower back or chest is enough to save the patient from real suffering. If necessary - in severe forms of the disease - Diprospan can be administered repeatedly.

However, unlike NSAIDs, these injections are not given daily. As a rule, the interval between them can be from 3–4 days to 3 weeks. The doctor develops a betamethasone treatment regimen individually in each specific case.


The active ingredient in Kenalog is the corticosteroid triamcinolone. This is a potent hormonal drug that has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

One injection quickly relieves pain and eliminates swelling in the affected area, relieving a person of the unpleasant symptoms of inflammation.

Kenalog can be administered intramuscularly; it must be placed deep into the buttock. In addition, these injections are also used for intra-articular administration of the drug.

Since triamcinolone is a strong pain-relieving injection based on a glucocorticosteroid, frequent injections of the drug are contraindicated so as not to cause suppression of the adrenal glands. Typically the drug is administered once every four weeks.

The list of side effects of Kenalog is quite long, but it effectively eliminates both acute and chronic pain syndrome.

Muscle relaxants

Muscle relaxants began to be used in the treatment of back pain syndrome relatively recently. However, thanks to its high efficiency they have firmly established themselves in doctors’ prescription sheets for dystrophic and degenerative diseases musculoskeletal system.

The mechanism of action of muscle relaxants is radically different from that of NSAIDs. They have no effect on the inflammatory process and do not eliminate pathological swelling and associated pain.

These medications, as the name suggests, relax the muscles. The mechanism of back pain is quite complex. It contains not only a neuropathic component associated with pinched nerve roots. Important practical significance It also has muscle spasm, which occurs as a reflex response to degenerative processes in the spine and joints. Not only is it accompanied by severe pain, but it also aggravates inflammation at the site of injury.

That is why the prescription of muscle relaxants along with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs makes it possible to relieve pain in a more effective manner. short time. What muscle relaxing injections are usually prescribed by doctors?


The choice of muscle relaxants used for back pain today is not very large. Most often in pharmacies these medications are presented by the following drugs:

  • Mydocalm;
  • Myoflex.

These are injectable forms of muscle relaxants that are prescribed in acute period– as a rule, for a period of 5–7 days, once a day.

Elimination of pathological muscle spasm in back diseases is today an important stage of rational therapy.


On our own vitamin preparations are not painkillers. However, therapists and neurologists almost always prescribe them for back pain. What are the reasons for these recommendations?

The fact is that pain in the chest or behind - between the shoulder blades and in the lower back - with degenerative lesions is always associated with the involvement of nerve roots in the process. It is their infringement that leads to the appearance of unpleasant symptoms. However, compression of nerve fibers is fraught not only with pain, but their membrane also suffers. As the process progresses, the nerves themselves are destroyed, and the manifestations of radiculopathy intensify.

B vitamins have reparative properties for nerve fibers.

Group B

Vitamins of this group are available in the form of tablets, dragees and solutions for injections. In the acute period, neurologists usually prescribe injections according to an established schedule - usually for a period of 10 days, and then recommend switching to oral forms. They should be taken for a month.

Previously, such vitamins existed in three separate injections - B1, B6, B12. Considering that each injection is painful in itself, prescribing such a cocktail caused a lot of suffering to the patient.

However, today pharmacies offer a huge selection combination drugs, one ampoule of which already contains everything necessary vitamins group B. The most famous among them are the following:

  • Milgamma;
  • Vitaxon;
  • Neurobion;
  • Neuromidin;
  • Neurorubin;
  • Nerviplex.

B vitamins today are a mandatory component of the established treatment regimen for various radiculo- and neuropathies. That is why these injections are always included in the list of prescriptions for acute back pain, along with NSAIDs such as diclofenac or ibuprofen and muscle relaxants.

Gels and ointments

Although the numbing injection works quickly and effectively relieves discomfort, many patients prefer topical forms of medication. These include gels, creams and ointments.

These products do not require special skills to use - even a child can apply the gel to the affected area. In addition, forms for local application safer, because the active substance is practically not absorbed through the skin. This means that the risk of systemic side effects of the drug is minimized.

This is especially true for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which have an impressive list of toxic effects.

Ointments, gels and creams often help with back pain in mild forms of the disease. They are also preferable in the following situations:

  1. In children and elderly patients.
  2. For bruises and sprains of the ligamentous apparatus.
  3. At concomitant pathology– diseases of the blood coagulation system, gastrointestinal tract, bleeding hemorrhoids.

The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments and gels rarely leads to the development of complications, even when applied uncontrolled. Elderly patients with chronic pain syndrome and severe forgetfulness often suffer from this. In this case, the safest anti-inflammatory drugs become the drugs of choice.

Tablets, capsules, powders

Tablets and capsules are an excellent alternative to injections for back pain. The name of the medicine may be the same or different.

Most nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are available in both oral and injectable forms. In addition, there is a huge number medicinal analogues. That is why you should not replace the drug yourself if it suddenly turns out to be ineffective, because there is always a chance of purchasing a medicine with the same active ingredient, but in the form of injections or under a different name.

Tablets are the most common oral form of anti-inflammatory medications. Almost any non-steroidal drug is available, including in the form of tablets. They are convenient to use, divide and dose. Tablets are suitable for any patient age group, except for children under 4–6 years of age, who may choke on them.

Oral forms of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are preferable for the treatment of spinal diseases, as they are much more convenient to use.

In addition, some medications are sometimes as powerful as injections. These include Ibuprofen and Nimesil, which have pronounced and long-lasting analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Rectal suppositories

Rectal suppositories containing an anti-inflammatory drug are widely available in any pharmacy. They serve as an alternative to both oral forms and injections used for back pain.

This form of release provides a faster achievement of an analgesic effect than tablets and capsules. This is due to the accelerated absorption of the painkiller in the rectum. But, at the same time, their action develops more slowly than with intramuscular and intravenous injections. Although the tolerability of rectal suppositories is much better.

Doctors usually prescribe this form for mild and moderate forms lesions of the spine, after surgery, in order to obtain an anesthetic effect.

Due to the nature of the application rectal suppositories Not suitable for all patients, but they continue to be a safe, effective and popular remedy for pain syndrome. The most popular drugs in this form are Dicloberl and Ibuprofen (used more often in children).

The choice of the form of the drug for back pain syndrome is the prerogative of the doctor. It is he who decides the issue in favor of injections or tablets, gels or suppositories - depending on the patient’s specific disease and concomitant pathology. Most often, therapy is carried out according to a certain scheme - injections in the first days of the illness to relieve acute pain and tablets or other forms - during the recovery stage.

Movalis: course of treatment in tablets and injections (how many days)

Every year, pharmacology offers new means of combating diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Such medications have a minimum of negative reactions and contraindications. One of latest achievements became the drug Movalis. It copes well with pain and inflammation in the back and joints.

The drug is characterized not only by an excellent analgesic effect, but also by an antipyretic effect. The main mechanism of action on the body is to reduce the volume of prostaglandins, which makes it possible to reduce the degree of enzyme activity.

Movalis is used for osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis (ankylosing spondylitis) in adult patients. In some cases, Movalis is allowed even for children, but after the age of 16 years.

The course of treatment is long and requires patience from the patient. Movalis is well tolerated due to its mild effect on the body. According to statistics, about 65 percent of patients with osteochondrosis noticed a clear improvement in their condition after treatment. Moreover, it remains for a long time.

Release form

Manufacturers offer Movalis in different forms:

  • injections;
  • candles;
  • pills;
  • suspension.

The most effective and fastest-acting injection will be. Injections are successfully used to relieve pain due to joint problems.

Due to the fact that Movalis injections accurately and quickly enter the bloodstream, this allows the medicine to work several times more effectively than its other forms.

However, if we analyze the reviews of patients and doctors, it turns out that with systematic intramuscular injection Various damage to muscle fibers occurs.

It is for this good reason that the drug cannot be injected constantly. An organic combination of periods of treatment with injections and Movalis tablets is shown.

Eg, good decision The problem will be the use of tablets during stable remission, and injections during exacerbation of the disease.

In some cases, treatment with suppositories or suspension can be practiced, but only on condition that the patient does not suffer acute pathologies rectum.

Features of application

The course of treatment with the drug in the form of injections usually lasts no more than 3-4 days. After this, therapy with other types is continued. To relieve pain as quickly as possible, Movalis must be administered intramuscularly.

Depending on the depth of the inflammatory process and the type of sensation, the optimal dosage is selected. Often we are talking about a volume of 7.5 to 15 mg per day. To avoid adverse reactions and overdose, be sure to adhere to the recommended dose.

Since Movalis excessive consumption and inadequate dosages cause the development of adverse events, doctors advise using it in minimal volumes for the shortest possible time.

It is strictly forbidden to mix injections in a syringe with other medications. Otherwise there is high probability incompatibility of drugs and the development of an allergic reaction. Also, you cannot administer the drug intravenously!

Doctors do not recommend using Movalis in injections to treat those patients who suffer from renal failure. If there is an urgent need for such therapy, then daily dosage should not be more than 7 mg.

The instructions prohibit the use of the medicine for treatment of children who younger than age 16 years.

The dosage of Movalis will be determined by the attending physician depending on the severity pathological condition, but standardly we are talking about the following sizes:

  1. The daily volume of injections and tablets for osteoarthritis will be 7.5 mg. If your health condition allows the use of suppositories, then 15 mg is required. When there is an urgent need, the dose of the injection and tablets is adjusted to the same volume;
  2. for rheumatoid polyarthritis, the patient is advised to take no more than 15 mg of the drug. After pain and other manifestations of pathology are relieved, the daily amount of medication is reduced to 7.5 mg;
  3. for osteochondrosis, the remedy is necessary only to relieve pain. A single dose in this case will be 7.5 mg;
  4. the same parameters are relevant for pain in cervical spine spine;
  5. for hernias spinal column in the first three days, 15 mg of the drug per day is prescribed, and after that 7.5 mg is used;
  6. to eliminate back pain, treatment is carried out similar to the treatment of osteochondrosis;
  7. for ankylosing spondylitis (Bechterew's disease), on the first day the norm will be 15 mg of Movalis, and after eliminating the symptoms it should be reduced to 7.5 mg per day.

If the patient is predisposed to developing negative reactions from treatment, then he is advised to take no more than 7 mg of the drug per day. The same volume should be taken by a patient with kidney failure.

The maximum number of tablets or injections that can be taken for treatment in children is not indicated by the manufacturer. However, doctors prescribe a course of Movalis for children over 16 years of age at a dose of 0.2 mg per kilogram of weight. The daily volume of the product should not exceed 15 mg.

Intramuscular injections can be given at any time, but tablets are taken only with food. They should not be chewed, and should be washed down with plenty of purified water without gas.

Contraindications and side effects

Movalis is prohibited from being prescribed to certain groups of patients. So, injections, tablets, suppositories cannot be used to treat:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • children under 16 years of age;
  • patients with duodenal ulcer;
  • various liver function problems;
  • for symptoms of renal failure;
  • at peptic ulcer stomach in the acute phase;
  • at allergic reactions for non-steroidal drugs;
  • for diseases of blood vessels, heart;
  • when intramuscular hematomas in those patients who used anticoagulants.

If too for a long time take Movalis (any form), that is, there is a high probability of unwanted reactions of the body to the active substance or auxiliary components of the drug.

Thus, in approximately 1.2% of cases, a person experienced prolonged diarrhea, constipation of various types, dyspepsia, attacks of nausea, strong vomiting, and the development of pain in the abdominal cavity.

Changes in blood composition are also often diagnosed (about 1.3% of cases), symptoms of anemia (anemia) appeared in 1.1% of patients who took the medicine. Sometimes the skin of people taking the drug shows signs of urticaria, itching, and stomatitis.

There is a risk of tinnitus and changes in kidney function. Some patients treated with Movalis for osteochondrosis were diagnosed with increasing dizziness and headaches. With long-term use of the drug, there is a risk of the onset of negative reactions from the heart and blood vessels; swelling is possible in 1.2% of patients.

In addition, there are cases where after a course of treatment the level of blood pressure, heart rate increased.

All information is provided strictly for informational purposes. Any prescriptions must be made by a doctor. Self-medication is dangerous and fraught with negative consequences for the body. For adolescent children, if treatment is necessary, injections are replaced with tablets.

– these are drugs used for dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system. Medicines have different compositions, so they have different action. To speed up the treatment process, relieve inflammation and pain, replenish vitamin B deficiency, and prevent the development of degenerative processes, Milgamma, Movalis and Mydocalm are included in combination treatment.

The drug is produced as a solution for injection and tablets. 1.5 ml of solution contains 15 mg of meloxicam.

Additional composition:

  • Megluminum
  • Glycofurol
  • Sodium hydroxide
  • Poloxamer 188
  • Aminoacetic acid
  • Sodium chloride.

A transparent solution with a yellow-green tint is placed in glass ampoules with a volume of 1.5 ml. The bottles are packed in cardboard boxes.

Movalis tablets contain 7.5 or 15 mg of meloxicam. Auxiliary components:

  • E 572
  • Milk sugar
  • E 331
  • Crospovidone
  • Polysorb
  • Povidone.

Large yellow pills are placed in a blister (10 pieces). The box contains 1-2 blister packs.

The manufacturer of Movalis is Boehringer Ingelheim, Germany. The drug is available with a prescription. The cost of the medicine is from 540 to 820 rubles.

Movalis is a COX-2 inhibitor. The medicine has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic properties.

Pills and solution are included in symptomatic therapy for rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and ankylosing spondylitis. The drug is also prescribed for other pathologies of the locomotor system, accompanied by degeneration and inflammation (sciatica, dorsopathy, arthropathy).


  • Heart failure
  • Pregnancy
  • Meloxicam and NSAID intolerance
  • Gastrointestinal ulcer or bleeding
  • Impaired hemostasis
  • Renal dysfunction
  • Intestinal inflammation
  • Liver diseases
  • Respiratory diseases.

The daily dose of Milgamma solution is 15 mg. Duration of use – 3 days. The drug is administered intramuscularly.

In case of renal or hepatic dysfunction, the daily dosage can be reduced to 7.5 mg.

After using Movalis, the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, central nervous system, respiratory, visual, genitourinary, hematopoietic system. Local reactions include urticaria, erythema, stomatitis, itching and skin irritation. Swelling, pain and hematoma may occur at the injection site.

The drug is produced in the form of a solution and tablets. One pill contains 50/150 mg of tolperisone. Additional components – CMC, stearin, E330, starch, E 171, talc, silicone, lactose.

Light biconvex Mydocalm tablets are packaged in blisters (10 pieces each). There are 3 blister packs in a cardboard box.

1 ml of solution contains 100 mg of tolperisone, as well as lidocaine (2.5 mg).

Supporting cast:

  • E 172
  • Silicone
  • Starch
  • E 171
  • E 330
  • Milk sugar
  • Stearin.

Manufacturer Mydocalm - Gedeon Richter, Austria. Price – from 318 rubles.

Indications: hypertonicity and muscle spasms developing against the background organic lesions Central nervous system (stroke, myelopathy, multiple sclerosis). Mydocalm is also prescribed for spasms and muscle hypertonicity in diseases of the motor organs (arthrosis, lumbago, spondylosis).

The solution and tablets can be used for surgical intervention against the background of injuries and orthopedic pathologies. Mydocalm is included in complex treatment for obliterating vascular diseases and innervation of veins. The drug is also used for encephalopathies, which are characterized by continuous muscle spasms.


  • Myasthenia gravis
  • Age less than 3 years
  • Tolperisone intolerance.

It is advisable to take the tablets after meals. Dosage for adults (over 14 years of age) – 50 mg up to 3 times a day. Gradually the amount of the drug is increased to 150 mg per day.

For children 3-6 years old, the dose is calculated based on weight and age - 2-5 mg/kg.

Adverse reactions of Mydocalm – headache, dyspeptic disorders, muscle weakness, allergic manifestations. If administered incorrectly, hypotension may develop.

Milgamma is produced as a solution and in tablet form. The solution contains several basic substances– pyridoxine, thiamine, lidocaine, cyanocobalamin.

Supporting cast:

  • Potassium ferricyanide
  • E 452
  • Sodium hydroxide
  • Phenylcarbinol.

A transparent solution with a red tint is placed in brown glass ampoules of 2 ml. One blister contains 5-10 bottles, packed in cardboard pallets.

Milgamma tablets contain 100 mg of pyridoxine and benfotiamine. Additional components - E 170, glycerol, CMC, talc, polysorb, E 171, etc.

White coated pills are placed in blisters (15 pieces). There are 2-4 blister packs in a cardboard box.

Manufacturer: Maermann-Artsnaimitel for Verwag Pharma, Germany. Price – 320 to 1200 rubles.

Milgamma is prescribed for neurological disorders, provoked by a deficiency of vitamin B6, B1. Such pathologies include neuropathy, neuritis, facial paresis, plexopathy, etc.


  • Gastrointestinal ulcer
  • Childhood
  • Pregnancy
  • B vitamin intolerance
  • Lactation
  • Heart failure.

The solution is administered intramuscularly. The initial dose of Milgamma is 2 ml. The drug is used 1 time per day. As a maintenance treatment, use 2 ml of medication up to 3 times a week.

You can inject Milgamma together with Mydocalm. The regimen of use is determined by the doctor.

For acute pain, take Milgamma tablets. Take 1 pill three times a day. The course of therapy is 30 days.

Possible adverse reactions of Milgamma:

  • Convulsions
  • Hyperhidrosis
  • Vertigo
  • Vomit
  • Irritation at the injection site
  • Impaired consciousness
  • Tachycardia
  • Hives
  • Acne and more.

Which is better, comparison

To understand which is better than Movalis, Mydocalm or Milgamma, you need to compare them. The drugs have little in common. All products are produced in the form of a solution for intramuscular administration and tablets. But the drugs have different compositions, so they differ in pharmacological action.

In general, Mydocalm, Milgamma and Movalis are prescribed for dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system, but with different symptoms. Thus, Mydocalm is used for muscle spasms and hypertonicity, Milgamma is used for neurological disorders caused by a lack of vitamin B, and Movalis is prescribed for pathologies of the locomotor system, accompanied by inflammation and degeneration.

Almost all drugs are contraindicated in childhood, during lactation, ulcerative lesion Gastrointestinal tract and pregnancy. If we talk about adverse reactions, then most of them are Movalis, which belongs to NSAID group. Milgamma and Mydocalm have almost the same number of contraindications.

Regarding the method of application, it is almost identical for all solutions. The drug is administered once a day. In this case, the course of treatment lasts no more than 3 days.

The regimen and dosage of taking tablets may vary. Basically, take 1-3 pills 1-3 times a day. Therapy time is 7-30 days.

After comparing all three drugs, you can understand that it is impossible to choose the best of these drugs. After all, all medications have different effects. therapeutic effect. On the contrary, doctors recommend combining the use of solutions and tablets to enhance therapeutic effect at acute attacks diseases.

Simultaneous use

Everyone knows that many medications cannot be combined. But Mydocalm and Movalis can be used simultaneously. Moreover, Milgamma is often included in the treatment regimen.

However, therapy must be prescribed and supervised by a doctor. It is important to follow a number of recommendations:

  • Solutions must not be mixed, especially in the same syringe.
  • All drugs are administered intramuscularly
  • It is advisable to give injections to various parts of the body (2 buttocks, shoulder).

Combination treatment helps quick elimination pain, relieve inflammation and spasm. Complex therapy allows you to speed up treatment and make it as effective as possible. The treatment regimen and dosage are selected by the doctor based on the diagnosis, contraindications and individual characteristics sick.

Medicine Mydocalm has a muscle relaxant and local anesthetic effect. In combination with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, it is used to treat diseases such as:
  • arthrosis;
  • spondylosis;
  • degenerative changes in the spinal column and joints.

pharmachologic effect

The active substance of the drug affects the regulation of the function of the reticular formation. When taking tablets of the drug, the active substance tolperisone quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Metabolism occurs in the kidneys and liver. It is excreted outside the body along with urine.

The drug helps reduce muscle rigidity and hypertonicity. Thanks to this, it is easier to perform active voluntary movements. When used in full, clarity of consciousness and vigor are maintained, which distinguishes it favorably from other means with a similar mechanism of action. At long-term use Mydocalm has virtually no effect on the functioning of the kidneys and the processes of hematopoiesis.

Indications for use

1. Neurological disorders which are accompanied by high muscle tone. As a rule, such disorders are of organic origin:
  • consequences of acute cerebral circulatory disorders;
  • damage to the pyramidal tracts;
  • myelopathy.
2. In pediatric practice, the drug is used to treat encephalopathies and Little's disease (the disease manifests itself as spastic paralysis).
3. Muscle hypertonicity, muscle contracture due to spondylosis, spondyloarthrosis, cervical and lumbar syndromes, arthrosis of the hip, elbow, knee joints, etc.
4. Rehabilitation treatment in postoperative period, after orthopedic operations.

5. Postthrombotic pathologies affecting the processes of venous blood flow and lymphodynamics.
6. Trophic ulcerative formations lower limbs, thromboangiitis, angiosclerosis obliterans.
7. Autoimmune diseases:

  • systemic scleroderma;
  • angiopathy of various origins.
8. Restoration of damaged vascular innervation:
  • angioedema dysbasia;
  • acrocyanosis.

Instructions for use of tablets and solution for injections (injections)

The regimen of use is drawn up depending on the severity of the symptoms accompanying the disease, and on the patient’s tolerability of Mydocalm.

When using the tablet form, adult patients are prescribed 150 - 450 mg per day, divided into 3 doses. The initial dosage is 50 mg 3 times a day. If the effect of such a dose does not appear, then it is increased.

For intramuscular administration, 200 mg per day is prescribed (in two doses), and for intravenous administration - 100 mg per day (in one dose).

Intravenous administration is carried out very slowly, in a drip manner.

For patients from 3 months to 7 years, the drug Mydocalm is prescribed at a rate of 5 - 15 mg/kg (three times a day).

The drug must be taken simultaneously with meals.

Side effects

If a patient has an individual overreaction to the components of the drug, then he may exhibit such signs of side effects as:
  • muscle weakness.
Allergic manifestations:
  • erythematous rashes;
With jet intravenous administration (which is extremely undesirable), arterial hypotension may develop.

When the dosage is reduced, side effects decrease or disappear.


  • identified allergy to lidocaine (when using the ampoule form of the drug) or tolperisone;
  • age up to three months.

Mydocalm during pregnancy

There is no evidence that the drug is absolutely harmless for lactating and pregnant women. However, in clinical practice Mydocalm is prescribed to pregnant (in the first trimester) and lactating women if the expected therapeutic effect exceeds the probability negative influence for a fetus or a newborn.

For children

In pediatric practice, the drug is used quite actively. Mydocalm is prescribed to children over three months of age.


Mydocalm is used in more than 30 countries. It is one of the most commonly prescribed muscle relaxants. The drug is well tolerated and does not have a sedative effect. This was confirmed by the results of a randomized placebo trial. In addition to the objective results of the study, a high subjective assessment of Mydocalm as an effective remedy was received from patients taking the drug.

Mydocalm Richter

Mydocalm Richter is a solution for intramuscular and intravenous use. The solution is colorless or slightly greenish and has a specific odor. It contains not only tolperisone hydrochloride, but also lidocaine hydrochloride, which provides its local anesthetic effect. At a standard dosage, the amount of lidocaine hydrochloride in the solution does not have a systemic effect on the body.

Milgamma, Movalis

Movalis in medical practice is actively used in combination with Mydocalm and Milgamma for the treatment of degenerative-dystrophic disorders of the joints, to relieve " cervical syndrome", neuralgia, neuropathy, etc.

Milgamma helps restore tissue metabolic processes and provides the body with vitamins. Movalis is used as a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Mydocalm relieves muscle hypertonicity. Similar complex therapy allows to achieve significant improvement and, often, cure of the patient.

Medicine and alcohol

Ethanol does not affect the effect of the drug in any way, therefore, during treatment with Mydocalm alcoholic drinks can be consumed.


In combination with niflumic acid, Mydocalm enhances its effect.

Since the drug does not have a sedative effect, it can be used in combination with sedatives and hypnotics.

Increase the effect active substance Mydocalma (tolperisone):

  • Clonidine;
  • preparations for general anesthesia;
  • psychotropic drugs;
  • peripheral relaxants.


Cases of overdose are extremely rare, since the maximum therapeutic threshold of Mydocalm is quite high. Doses up to 600 mg do not, as a rule, cause signs of overdose. If the patient nevertheless experiences an overdose, this is manifested by ataxia, convulsions, shortness of breath, and paralysis of the respiratory center. Immediately after these signs appear effective treatment gastric lavage may occur. There is no specific antidote therapy for Mydocalm.

Release form: tablets and ampoules

The drug is available in the form of tablets and ampoules with solution for parenteral administration.


The drug tablet contains tolperisone hydrochloride as an active substance. The solution for parenteral administration contains tolperisone hydrochloride and lidocaine hydrochloride.

additional information

Treatment with Mydocalm does not increase the risks when driving a car or performing work that is associated with increased danger.


  • Tolperisone;
  • Tolperisone hydrochloride;
  • Tolperil.


Mydocalm tablets 50 mg, 30 pieces in a package - 5 - 7 dollars.


Alya, 25 years old
My grandfather was recently treated in a hospital; he has painful joints, and this is very difficult for him. After a course of Mydocalm, signs of improvement became noticeable. Once a year we will repeat the courses of treatment, especially since the drug has almost no side effects and will not harm grandfather.

Valentin, 30 years old
After a traumatic brain injury, blood circulation in the brain was impaired. I was treated by a neurologist for a long time, and I still often suffer from headaches. I was injected with Movalis and Mydocalm, and a fairly good effect was visible from them. But, unfortunately, this is not a panacea, it is simply supportive treatment.

Kolya, 29 years old
I had neuritis of the facial nerve. This is very painful, and facial expressions are disturbed - half of the face was simply motionless in the first week of treatment. Among other medications, Mydocalm injections were prescribed. It somehow relieved the pain and relaxed the muscles; without it, I would have been in pain.

Katya, 34 years old
The drug is very effective, I saw it for myself when I was treating osteoarthritis knee joint, which developed at the site of an old injury. And the cost of the drug, moreover, is relatively low, which is also important.

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Modocalm is my salvation from Osteochondrosis of the back. I drink them and feel better.

I drank Mydocalm for 4 days, 2*50 mg, I feel that I have recovered, I read the side effects that this is possible, I have arthrosis-arthritis of the knee joint, the pain subsided, although I stopped drinking

Normal drug. Our doctors prescribe one drug for all diseases. Dear, some like white bread, others like black, and medications should also be prescribed correctly.

I have a herniated disc... my leg was pulled madly, I couldn’t walk. Pain and when you sleep, I’m not talking about the fact that I walked like a cripple, the doctor prescribed injections of mydocalm and diclofenac. I injected three days at the same time. Today the fourth injection is delayed by 2 hours. So I noticed that the pain was returning. I have no idea what to do next

I have been taking Mydocalm for several years now, both in injections and tablets. I have hernias in lower section spine and displacement with protrusion of discs in the cervical region. In general, during periods of exacerbation it can be very unpleasant... Mydocalm with Milgama and, for example, Voltaren (other non-steroidal ones are also possible) with courses 2 times a year brings the spine more or less back to normal and of course general state. There have never been any side effects from taking Mydocalm. Now I take 150 mg tablets 2 times a day, this dose (for me personally) relieves muscle spasms and spasms of the blood vessels in the head well. I have a lot of friends who have experience taking this drug and have never heard from anyone that it would give any side effects... But, as they say, there are exceptions to all rules...

Terrible drug! As prescribed by a neurologist, I bought mydocalm in ampoules, and after the first injection I almost died: my breathing stopped, my tongue became paralyzed, my whole body went into spasms. I barely crawled to the door to the street, took a breath of air, and for another five minutes I could not call an ambulance, I could not say a word. It turned out that the pressure dropped to 80/40.
Perhaps someone gets better from mydocalm, but this medicine should only be used in a hospital.

After the first injection severe dizziness after 3-5 minutes, and then after 15 minutes for an hour. The pressure drops - it’s hard to breathe. After 6 hours it became easy, the headache did not bother me. But I abandoned the course after the first injection... It’s a pity - money is wasted.

The neurologist prescribed Mydocalm after I complained about constant ringing in my head. I read all the reviews, but didn’t find my problem.

Good evening. I was prescribed this injection, but after giving birth and the baby is 2.5 months old, pain in the ribs on the left side, I thought it was a heart, but the doctor, without a cardiogram, immediately said that it was neurology, all in doubt and in fear that it would harm the child, has anyone encountered this?

With the first injection of Mydocalm 1 ml (No. 10) together with Mexiprim (No. 10), after 15 minutes the quality of vision sharply decreased - there was no sharpness, a feeling of lightheadedness appeared, heat in the eyes, palms and feet, and hot flashes. There was pain in the right side, slight nausea, unpleasant feeling when tilting your head down. And so on for an hour. And after 4 hours 30 minutes, spasmodic pain in the abdomen, bloating, feeling of heat, profuse sweating. And twice diarrhea literally with water. I’m afraid to continue treatment, where now is the medicine that didn’t work. The doctor should warn the patient and advise him to buy at least 5 ampoules to begin with. Polyclinic No. 1, neurologist Spirina Yu Yu, Novosibirsk. I am 78 years old

I made injections of Mydocalm and Milgamma. Around the sixth day I started to notice that I was doing well with Milgamma, but if Mydocalm was cut into my leg like glass, it turned out to be an overdose and as a result of cramps.

On the first day, the mydocalm injection made me feel unwell. On the second day I almost gave my soul to God and barely survived. I had to refuse.

I have been taking Mydocalm for a long time. Periodically every 5-7 months in combination with Pentovit. The drug is good, unless of course you abuse it. I complete the course, then don’t take it until pain and cramps appear. Well, in general, about once every six months.

Spinal hernia, I started undergoing kinesiotherapy, for a very long time I could not walk or stand up normally due to a pinched nerve, I still had to work sedentary. After the first injection the spasm was relieved, I am also taking Combilipen. It helped me, there don’t seem to be any side effects yet. It's better to give the injection in the evening, I think

Osteochondrosis, spondylosis. Kohl for 6 days intramuscularly with milgama and diclofenac and with ketadoline and artrosilene. No effect. In the morning, hellish pain in the buttock area and through all the muscles of the leg to the foot. I rise up screaming. Stepping on your left foot is very painful. I inject myself 2 times a day, 1 ampoule of each.

Also, after the first injection, I almost went to God. I began to suddenly feel dizzy, have palpitations, felt cold, cold sweat, in short, complete collapse. I somehow recovered after about 4 hours. Then I started reading everything about this drug. As a result, I realized that it was administered intravenously to me very quickly, like a regular medicine. And it must be administered very slowly, over 3-4 minutes. This is mainly the effect of lidocaine. True, I then completed the intramuscular injections. So I recommend that before administering any drug, read all about side effects, and about the correct administration of drugs.. Otherwise you will rely on doctors and die. We need to control them and not be shy. I think that many will agree with me

Today I received my fifth Mydocalm injection. Immediately after the injection, my vision darkened, my head began to spin, and some kind of taste appeared in my mouth, nausea. I couldn't concentrate for some time. And it’s even okay to talk. I didn’t notice such a strong reaction after previous injections. I have been prescribed 10 injections, of course I won’t do any more. Be careful!