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My left hand was very numb. Numbness of the left forearm causes. What to do if your left hand goes numb

Many have experienced numbness different parts body, but not everyone knows the reason for this phenomenon. In this publication we will deal with numbness in the hands. Reasons why it goes numb left hand, there can be quite a lot, from the most natural and simple. Numbness can occur due to an uncomfortable sleeping position or constant wearing a heavy bag in one hand, to a pre-infarction or pre-stroke state.

IN relative norm such a condition may occur periodically, but not often, but if it has become a constant occurrence, consulting a doctor is already inevitable. Self-treatment using folk remedies can only be beneficial in some cases. If the cause is in a different plane, unconventional therapy can be harmful.

Simple and explainable reasons

Interpretation of the reason as a consequence of the objective external influence, is not always valid and may indicate some common or dangerous diseases.

For example, regular numbness in the morning, it can be a consequence of uncomfortable sleep, and a symptom of polyneuropathy or osteochondrosis. In such cases, you should not convince yourself of the normality of a phenomenon if it appears with alarming regularity. It's better to take preventative measures.

Other reasons can be considered a relative norm:

  • hypothermia, which goes away after returning to warmth;
  • constantly carrying a heavy bag or other luggage in the same hand;
  • tight clothing that compresses nerve endings and blood vessels;
    monotonous and monotonous work that constantly requires tension in the hands;
  • physical activity, overwork, lack of necessary rest or change of activity.

Sometimes this phenomenon goes away quite quickly and does not require external intervention. Often, especially if the load is related to work, it is necessary to use baths, massage or folk remedies. This condition also occurs due to several reasons that have a cumulative effect while the person continues to reassure himself and does not seek help.

Advice. Red tincture helps a lot hot pepper, or compresses with an irritating effect.

More serious reasons

More serious reasons numbness of the left hand is considered a disease or removable pathological conditions. At timely assistance you can get rid of them if a reliable cause is discovered and the correct treatment is prescribed. These reasons include those that are quite common in the modern world:

  • vitamin deficiency, also known as vitamin deficiency, can be eliminated by proper diet and vitamin complexes;
  • atherosclerosis caused by poor diet and excess cholesterol, which can also be treated if treated at an early stage;
  • vascular thrombosis, which manifests itself suddenly and with sharp pain, for which treatment in a hospital is necessary;
  • osteochondrosis of the spine, which is almost impossible to cure completely, especially if the disease has progressed greatly, but the quality of life can be significantly improved;
  • muscle spasm or compression nerve endingscommon symptom, which creates a negative reaction and requires not only treatment with medications, but also the use of a complex therapeutic method.

If your hand goes numb not only during sleep, but also during the working day, for no apparent reason, you should pay special attention to this symptom. The negative phenomenon has a permanent localization and is accompanied by pain, which is sometimes not treated medications. The lazy question of what to do should turn into a motivating impulse to start diagnosis and treatment.

Possible causes of numbness in different segments of the hand

Clinical observations have shown a close relationship between numbness of the left hand in different parts of the upper limb with systemic and chronic diseases, or dangerous conditions. If numbness is permanently present, or appears unexpectedly and often in a certain area, this is a cause for serious concern. The fingers are especially often affected in this regard.

When the entire hand is numb, this is a fairly serious signal:

  • numbness of the finger, if it is the little finger, suggests a pre-infarction or pre-stroke condition (and sometimes even a heart attack or stroke), if it occurs at night, from the shoulder, and in the morning it manifests itself as a weak tingling sensation;
  • the ring finger indicates problems with the cardiovascular system, but may also be a manifestation of an atherosclerotic process or osteochondrosis (the same as in the case of the little finger);
  • index, most often - a consequence of neuritis (inflammation of the periarticular nerve fibers of the brachial or elbow joint), or myositis, especially if accompanied by numbness of the outer side of the limb;
  • the main cause of numbness of the middle is osteochondrosis, although this is not necessary, vascular stenosis, elementary stress, and consequences of the elbow with inflammation or trophic changes can also manifest themselves;
  • thumb signals pathology respiratory system, but in combination with other fingers - about compression of nerve fibers in the cervical spine or about compression of nerve endings in it;
  • the hand often goes numb due to arthritis or inflammation of the joint, but it can also be a consequence of disorders endocrine system, failure hormonal levels arising for this reason.

Note. If, with any of the above symptoms, the shoulder blade is not felt or the shoulder blade hurts, it is always assumed diseased heart in any negative condition - from heart attack and pre-heart attack to ischemic spasm or stroke. Here you no longer just need to think about seeing a doctor, but immediately call an ambulance.

Diagnosis and treatment

Treatment is undertaken only after an objective diagnosis, which begins with an external examination and medical history. Then laboratory and instrumental tests are prescribed, which may include:

  • analysis of blood and secretions to determine coagulation and systemic metabolic disorders;
    cholesterol test (if atherosclerosis is suspected)
  • fluoroscopy, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging, if there is reason to suspect osteochondrosis or articular pathologies;
  • Ultrasound of blood vessels, with suspected thrombosis, or of the kidneys and abdominal area with other suspicions;
    a cardiogram to check the activity of the heart or arthroscopy if the cause is in the joints.

Treatment is carried out in any case complex method, according to the medical protocol. It necessarily includes: drug therapy, physiotherapy and physiotherapy, massage, prescribing a diet and changing the diet, natural and proven recipes of traditional medicine.

How to choose the right diet

The cause of many of these diseases is not proper nutrition. A person eats (and in excess quantities) harmful products, which lead to disruptions in the digestive and hepatobiliary systems, excess weight and disorders of natural metabolic processes. The consequence of this is cholesterol plaques, causing blockage of blood vessels, disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular vascular system, or blood clotting, manifestations of thrombosis.

In such cases, it is prescribed dietary food, especially if the patient is overweight. It allows you to reset excess weight without special effort, cleanse the body of waste and toxins, but at the same time supply it with the micro- and macroelements and vitamins necessary for healing.

The diet can be recommended to everyone, but it is necessary to consult with your doctor to identify any contraindications. If he finds no obstacles to the application of reasonable restrictions, he can not only lose weight, but sometimes even eliminate negative symptoms numbness of the hand. The body needs to stop supplying harmful components, and instead provide protein, potassium, calcium and phosphorus, vitamins that are necessary for the body and are involved in basic metabolic processes and regulation of life.

Important. It is necessary to strengthen the immune system and condition vascular walls, normalize arterial pressure and activate brain function.

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A huge number of people are faced with the phenomenon of numbness of the limbs. Of particular concern is a sharp numbness of the left hand - such a symptom can warn us of quite serious diseases. For example, it could be pre-infarction state or a sign of an impending stroke.

But don't panic if your left hand is numb! First, let's look at all the possible reasons. In addition, the hand may become numb during sleep or after prolonged work at the computer - this is not so scary.

Why does my left hand go numb during sleep?

If you wake up at night or in the morning, feel an unpleasant tingling in your left hand and can hardly move it, there is most likely no reason for concern. Numbness of the hand, both left and right, may be due to disruption of the blood vessels. Perhaps you simply slept in an awkward position.

Some people also sometimes experience the so-called “lovers syndrome” - everyone probably knows the common sleeping position in which a woman’s head rests on a man’s arm or shoulder.

Because of this, the hand becomes numb, because the vessels in it are pinched and blood circulation is disrupted. So, if you feel numbness in your arm at night or when waking up in the morning, try doing physical exercises. Usually after 5-10 minutes the unpleasant sensations (“goosebumps”) disappear and normal hand mobility returns.

If the symptoms do not recur, then you do not have to worry about anything. If this situation occurs regularly, then it is better to consult a doctor for examination. In some cases, there is numbness in both hands, simultaneously or alternately. This could be a symptom cervical osteochondrosis or polyneuropathy. More accurate diagnosis Only a specialist can supply it.

Why does my hand go numb while working at the computer?

We found out why your hand goes numb when you sleep. What about numbness during the working day? A huge number of office workers complain from time to time of numbness in their hands. This phenomenon is called "carpal tunnel syndrome." The carpal (or metacarpal) canal is the opening through which the trunk of the median nerve passes.

The metacarpal tunnel is located in the area of ​​the tendon ligaments, which ensure proper mobility of the wrist. This numbness of the hands is sometimes also called “pianist syndrome.” People of various professions requiring DC voltage hands, encounter “pianist syndrome” at least from time to time. If discomfort occurs rarely and severe pain If you don’t feel it, experts advise simply reducing the load on your wrists and be sure to do exercises for your joints.

However, if the hand often goes numb or the numbness is accompanied by noticeable pain, this may indicate a pinched nerve. In this case, an immediate visit to the doctor is required. IN advanced stages this disease can lead to dire consequences, up to the loss of the brush.

What to do if your hand suddenly goes numb?

When you feel numbness in your left arm from the hand and above (the numbness is ascending) and at the same time you feel severe increasing pain, immediately call emergency help. If symptoms persist for more than an hour, it is most likely arterial thrombosis. A person whose left arm is painful and numb must be urgently hospitalized and measures must be taken to restore normal blood flow. The slightest delay can cost the patient a limb.

This is not the only one serious problem, a symptom of which may be numbness in the left arm. Often this phenomenon indicates an impending stroke or heart attack. If numbness is accompanied by pain in the heart, you cannot hesitate for a second, this is a sign of a pre-heart attack, call an ambulance.

A stroke can sometimes be recognized even before initial stage. It may not lead to a serious hemorrhage, however, if a person simultaneously has a numb left arm, a headache and speech impairment (it is difficult to pronounce words), these are already signs of a micro-stroke. Also, these symptoms are often accompanied by disruption of the facial muscles (it is difficult for a person, for example, to smile). Immediate appeal In this case, it is imperative to see emergency doctors.

We figured out the main reasons why the left hand goes numb. Fortunately, the most common is numbness associated with dysfunction circulatory system. It is very simple to eliminate its causes, and besides, it is easy to carry out prevention. Morning exercises, walks fresh air, proper nutrition and normal sleep in most cases, they reduce the likelihood that you will crush your blood channels in your sleep. The same recommendations should be given to those who suffer from cervical osteochondrosis, as well as to people at risk of heart attack or stroke.

Concerning last group- here one charge will not be enough. Try to avoid stress and see your doctor regularly. It’s better to play it safe once again to prevent a tragedy. If you have problems with blood pressure, get a good blood pressure monitor and measure your blood pressure regularly, especially when you feel unwell. If you see that your blood pressure is even slightly higher than normal, try to take measures to reduce it. This will help prevent critical conditions.

  • systolic (upper): 109 + (0.5 x age, years) + (0.1 x weight, kg);
  • diastolic (lower): 63 + (0.1 x age, years) + (0.15 x weight, kg).

Numbness in the left hand alone can be caused by many different diseases.

If the hand is positioned incorrectly during work, the nerve is compressed. Most often, people with sedentary jobs (office workers, pianists) suffer from this. The same thing happens during long sleep in one pose. Special treatment No, to avoid numbness, you need to take breaks and self-massage more often.

There may be numbness in the left hand sign of pathology of cardio-vascular system , angina pectoris. If numbness is combined with pain in chest, panic, nausea, panic attacks, then this is a signal of a heart attack.

The left hand may become numb after injuries and bruises. Also prolonged or excessive exercise stress will cause numbness. If it is caused simply by fatigue, then treatment consists of proper rest.

The hand may go numb due to neurological pathologies such as osteochondrosis or vertebral displacement. In addition, numbness occurs when there is a malnutrition muscle tissue due to compression of nerve endings.

Poor circulation in the brain and cervical region causes numbness in the left arm. Moreover, in combination with high pressure and cholesterol, this sign of pre-stroke condition.

Sometimes ordinary stress or prolonged negative emotional condition causes a numb left hand. Treatment is carried out by psychotherapists and this symptom goes away.

Why do the fingers on my left hand go numb?

Except for the whole brush, individual fingers may go numb. It is worth paying special attention to this factor, as it indicates various diseases and treatment will be appropriate.

Why does my little finger go numb?

Patients often turn to doctors with discomfort due to numbness of the little finger. Doctors associate numbness in the little finger with work that involves repetitive movements. This is especially true for people most spending their time at the computer. Only the little finger can go numb due to the development of the so-called tunnel syndrome. In this case, when the nerves are compressed, a tunnel is formed and when left in one position for a long time, the little finger begins to go numb, weakness and slight tingling are felt.

Ring finger goes numb

If your ring finger often goes numb, then you should not put off going to the cardiologist. If numbness and sensitivity of the finger increases in the spring, then perhaps the reason lies in the lack of vitamins A and B, while the skin on the fingers peels off. In the older generation, atherosclerosis is often characterized by numbness in the fingertips.

Numbness of the thumb

This is a symptom of a pathology of the respiratory system. In addition, numbness in the thumb will indirect sign disorders of the liver and kidneys.

Index finger goes numb

In this case, inflammation in the shoulder or elbow is often observed. Additional symptoms will pain syndrome when moving the arm and weakness. Constant monotonous movements cause muscle tension and spasm, which can also cause numbness.

Numbness of the middle finger

Usually, middle finger goes numb with disorders of the cervical spine, in particular with osteochondrosis. Possible reason there may be circulatory disorders and pathologies in thoracic region spine.

Numbness of the left hand

Often it is the hand that becomes numb. The reason for this may be compression of the carpal nerve, dysfunction of the endocrine system, arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, monotonous movements. When a nerve is compressed for a long time, inflammation, swelling and pain later develop. If you do not see a doctor in time, severe pain occurs.

If the hand becomes numb from the bottom up, then you should be examined as soon as possible for the presence of a blood clot in the artery.

The arm and other part of the body go numb


If you experience chronic discomfort, you should visit a specialist. Most pathologies, the symptom of which is a numb limb, are curable.

Recovery normal operation hands usually appoint special gymnastics and physiotherapy. It is often enough to take breaks during work for a short massage and spend a few minutes doing exercises.

Preventive measures

To prevent numbness, you should avoid bad habits, normalize sleep and rest, become less overtired, eat healthy food. To bring the body back to normal It is useful to take a multivitamin complex.

In cases where numbness cannot be associated with natural factors(sleep, overwork), you need to urgently consult a specialist. Self-medication is a very unsafe measure to get rid of discomfort, which can lead to complications.

The human body is an integral system that has complex structure, is constantly in close contact with external environment, is capable of acutely reacting to any changes, causing a number of ailments and symptoms that affect a person’s quality of life.

One of the few, but at the same time common signs is numbness of the limbs. IN medical practice Doctors often encounter patients who complain that their left hand is numb. This condition is quite unpleasant, and can also be a harbinger of complex diseases.

Why the left hand goes numb - the reasons are quite diverse, but in any case, such an ailment should not be left without due attention, especially if it occurs frequently. Let's try to figure it out and consider the main reasons why the left hand goes numb, the diseases that are characterized by this symptom, and also what to do when you are worried about numbness in the upper extremities!

Why does my left hand go numb?

Numbness of the left hand - quite unpleasant condition, which is often accompanied by a tingling, “crawling” sensation. Basically, the cause of numbness in the arm from the shoulder to the fingers can be hidden in both serious illnesses and everyday problems, with prolonged and incorrect body position. In medicine, numbness of the upper or lower limbs can be found under the term “paresthesia,” which is characterized by a violation of skin sensitivity as a result of compression or irritation of nerve endings. In addition to numbness, a person often feels a decrease pain sensitivity, tingling, the hand may become bluish, feel cold, and sometimes painful.

Symptoms of hand numbness depend on the very reason that provoked it. this state. It is important to note that the left hand can go numb not only in people with a history of some kind of disease, but also in those who have sedentary lifestyle life, spends a lot of time at the computer, or when the body long time is in an awkward position. It’s not uncommon for many of us to notice that our hands go numb in the middle of the night or in the morning after sleep. In such cases, most likely the body was in the same position during sleep. The cause of this phenomenon is considered to be poor circulation and muscle strain, which is not associated with any pathology.

Numbness of the left hand may appear due to vascular disorders, when there is compression of the arterial blood supply, which is considered a source of oxygen and other nutrients for the full functioning of the body. In cases where the arterial blood supply is impaired, internal organs, and in particular the heart, do not receive enough oxygen, which leads to a feeling of numbness and pain in the left arm. This condition can lead to the development of such serious diseases as myocardial infarction or stroke.

Often the left arm may go numb due to disorders in the spine, when degenerative processes occur with the subsequent development of pathologies.

Causes of numbness in the left hand

As noted above, numbness of the left hand can appear not only against the background serious illnesses, but also factors not related to the disease. Sometimes it is enough to eliminate the household factor that disrupts the blood supply and the problem disappears on its own. Let's look at the main reasons, not related to illness, why the left hand goes numb.

  • long hours of work at the computer;
  • wearing hand-tightening clothing with an elastic band;
  • hard physical labor;
  • professions related to handicrafts;
  • poor and improper sleep: uncomfortable bed, incorrectly selected pillow or incorrect body position;
  • prolonged placement of the hand above the level of the heart.

In all of the above cases, the hand goes numb periodically, more often after sleep. This problem can be eliminated with the help of gymnastics, massage, and rubbing. Usually this condition goes away within 10 to 30 minutes after waking up or having a massage.

In contrast to the provoking factors that lead to numbness of the left hand, there are a number of diseases for which this symptom is characteristic. In such cases, in order to get rid of this unpleasant feeling, you need to identify and eliminate the cause itself. It is important to note that if the hand goes numb for more than 1 hour, the fingers become numb, pain or discomfort appears in the heart area, breathing is difficult, you need to call emergency help as soon as possible, since such symptoms may indicate the development of cardiac pathology life threatening person.

Diseases that cause numbness in the left hand

If numbness of the left hand is observed too often and is not associated with incorrect position body during sleep, perhaps the reason lies in the presence of some disease, so such symptoms cannot be ignored. Let's look at the main diseases that are characterized by numbness of the left hand:

Coronary heart disease (angina pectoris). Numbness of the left arm is noted in the hand, forearm and shoulder. In addition, a person feels discomfort in the chest and difficulty breathing. You can relieve an attack of angina with nitroglycerin.

Myocardial infarction. Numbness of the left arm is one of the first signs of acute heart failure with subsequent development of myocardial infarction. Quite often, numbness in the left arm becomes the only symptom of a heart attack. Unlike angina, the symptoms of a heart attack are not relieved by nitroglycerin. The only way to save a person’s life is to call an ambulance and then hospitalize the patient.

Atherosclerosis. During the development of atherosclerosis, atherosclerotic narrowing of the arteries that supply the heart and left hand blood, so numbness of the left upper limb is one of the signs of this disease.

Brain stroke. Acute vascular pathology accompanied by numbness of the left hand. The appearance of this symptom indicates damage to the right hemisphere of the brain. The patient also has numbness in the left leg, impaired vision and speech.

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic or cervical spine. In addition to the symptoms of the disease itself, there is a loss of skin sensitivity, weakness in the arm, pain and numbness that spreads throughout the body. outside forearm, shoulder and hand, including fingers.

Pre-infarction condition. If a person has a history of ischemic disease heart, vascular atherosclerosis or hypertension, and suddenly there is a feeling of numbness in the left hand, then you should not hesitate to call emergency care. Special attention should be directed to the little finger of the left hand. If the little finger on the left hand goes numb, the reason for this in 80% of cases is a pre-infarction condition, which often ends in a heart attack.

Thrombosis. Numbness of the left arm appears suddenly, but in addition there is tissue swelling and severe and increasing pain. If such symptoms occur, the person needs hospitalization.

Nervous overstrain . Characterized by pinched nerve endings from muscle tightness, which leads to impaired blood flow and numbness of the limbs

Deficiency of vitamins A and B. Leads to disruption of metabolic processes, damage to the membranes of nerve fibers, which leads to loss of sensitivity of nerve endings and the appearance of numbness.

In addition to the above diseases, the left hand may go numb due to intercostal neuralgia, hernia intervertebral discs or during hypothermia. In any case, it is important to remember that numbness of the left hand cannot be ignored, especially when a person’s history includes pathologies of the cardiovascular system. If this symptom occurs, you must visit a cardiologist, neurologist, or vertebrologist. The examination results will help doctors identify the cause, diagnose correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Numbness in the fingers of the left hand

Based on the above, we can conclude that numbness in the left hand does not always indicate serious pathologies, but if not only the upper limb, but also fingers, then you should not hesitate to visit a doctor, since such a symptom may be a harbinger of complex diseases. For example, if the little finger on the left hand goes numb, this may indicate a disease of the cardiovascular system. The feeling of numbness is often worse at night, and in the morning a person may feel tingling and numbness from the fingertips and up the entire arm to the shoulder.

If no heart problems are found after examination, the cause may be a lack of vitamins: A and group B. In people over 45 years of age, the hand often goes numb as a result of atherosclerotic changes in the blood vessels.

If the fingers of your left hand go numb - the little or ring finger, this may indicate a lesion nerve plexuses shoulder In such cases, numbness spreads to the outer part of the arm, weakness in the hand, and pain when bending. If the fingers of the hand go numb in the “index-middle” or “index-thumb” pair, most likely the reason lies in the dysfunction of the intervertebral discs or neck muscles. Then there is weakness in the fingers, pain in the shoulder and forearm. Often this symptom may be present after injury or as a result of surgery.

In any case, determining on your own why your left hand is numb is difficult and almost impossible. Only a doctor, after examination and collected complaints, will be able to identify the cause and prescribe appropriate treatment.

What to do when your left hand goes numb

In order to determine the cause of numbness in the left hand and fingers, it is necessary to conduct a detailed examination of the body. Treatment consists of eliminating the cause itself, only when the disease causing numbness in the hand is eliminated, only then can this unpleasant symptom be eliminated.

In cases where the examination results do not reveal any violations, perhaps the reason lies in an incorrect lifestyle. You need to watch your posture, spend a minimum amount of time at the computer, do exercises daily, eat right, and move more. It is also important to choose the right pillow and bed to make your sleep complete and comfortable. If your left hand has been numb for a long time or other symptoms appear at the same time, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible for qualified help.

Almost every person has experienced enough unpleasant feeling when the left hand goes numb. Causes this phenomenon can be very diverse: from long stay in one position until the hand is injured.

Why does my left hand go numb?

If paresthesia (sensitivity disturbances) appears occasionally and its causes are obvious to a person, then there is no need to worry too much. Prolonged paresthesia, accompanied not only by goosebumps, but also by painful manifestations that spread to other areas of the body, should be alarming. Therefore, in this case, it is impossible to do without consulting a specialist. Let's look at the main reasons for this condition.

Household factors

The feeling of numbness in the left hand is not always directly related to the presence of pathology in human body. Similar condition in certain situations, it is quite explainable by a violation of the local blood circulation of muscle tissue and nerve fibers.

A person’s left hand becomes numb and tingling if:

  • Muscle fibers are compressed by tight and uncomfortable clothing or a bag with a heavy load. Short-term paresthesia can be caused even by applying the cuff of a medical tonometer too tightly while measuring pressure parameters.
  • During the period of night rest, the person was in an uncomfortable position for himself, in which he had to use his left hand strong pressure, for example, on your stomach with your arm tucked under it.
  • The day before there was excessive activity of muscle groups and tendons. This symptom quite often occurs in women needlewomen, musicians, people whose work activity interconnected with the computer. In this case, the hand is under prolonged overstrain, so the person complains that his left arm and hand are numb.
  • There was heavy physical labor or long training. In this case, the human heart simply cannot cope with the increased need for nutrients muscle group. First of all, it begins to suffer left half bodies.
  • A person leading a sedentary lifestyle also experiences periodic paresthesias, including in the left hand.
  • Prolonged stay in an unnatural position when the arm is raised up (above the level of the heart). When changing posture, sensitivity is quickly restored.
  • There is a congenital narrowing of the ulnar or brachial artery on the left - in cold weather, their reflex spasm occurs, and the blood supply suffers significantly.

Medical reasons

Sometimes, a specialist has to deal with a situation where a person’s main symptom of quite serious pathologies is precisely the sensation described as “the left arm hurts and goes numb.”

Loss of sensation in the forearm, hand, or throughout the entire limb may indicate pathologies of the arteries and veins, spinal cord, heart and other organs. Therefore, it is impossible to do without a series of diagnostic procedures to establish an adequate root cause.

Various pathologies can provoke paresthesia in the left hand:

  • Vitamin deficiency - a lack of vitamins A and B provokes metabolic disorders in the membranes of nerve endings. The person notes that the fingers on his left hand are going numb, the condition of his hair and skin is deteriorating, and there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Course reception of modern vitamin complexes able to improve the condition.
  • Atherosclerotic deposits on the brachial or ulnar artery on the left lead to significant obstruction of blood flow in the limb. The negative condition develops gradually; over time, the person notices that goosebumps are running all over the arm, chilliness and coldness in the fingers are felt, and then paresthesia forms. IN drug therapy the emphasis is on taking statins. For significant plaque sizes, vascular bypass surgery is prescribed according to individual indications.
  • Degenerative changes in cervical vertebrae lead to excessive mobility, which provokes pinching of the neurovascular bundle. During a consultation, a person complains to a specialist that his thumb on his left hand is numb, and, less commonly, his middle finger and little finger. Discomfort manifests itself in the form of goosebumps and unpleasant tingling, especially when working at the computer for more than 45-60 minutes. In some cases, previously uncharacteristic dizziness and pain in the head occur. Besides drug therapy, a specialist will recommend massage, exercise therapy, and manual techniques.
  • Office workers are often diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome - due to increased stress on the wrist, swelling of the median nerve is observed. The person begins to notice that his left hand is numb, sensitivity in the fingertips is lost, pain and burning sensations are formed in them, and there may be convulsions. In the absence of adequate therapeutic tactics performance is lost.
  • When an ischemic condition develops in the heart muscle, in addition to pronounced pain in the chest area, a person may say that his little finger on his left hand is numb. Appears cold sweat, expressed anxiety, there is a fear of death. IN such a case immediate hospitalization is required to exclude acute coronary syndrome.
  • If a blood clot has blocked the lumen of a large intracranial vessel on the right, the person’s arm and leg on the left will go numb. This is the pattern of formation clinical manifestations acute cerebral stroke. Associated symptoms:
    • Loss of sensation muscle fibers faces
    • Difficulty in speech activity
    • Severe weakness
    • There may be loss of consciousness.

    The person must be sent to the hospital for the first time within 1-2 hours from the moment the above symptoms develop.

  • Trauma is another good reason why the fingers on the left hand go numb. In addition to pain and paresthesia, a person may experience burning, tingling and even twitching of the limb.


The reasons why the left hand goes numb are quite varied. And only a set of diagnostic procedures can answer this question.

Mandatory diagnostic procedures include:

  • Radiography of the spinal elements clarifies the localization of the negative focus and the severity of the destructive lesion.
  • Electroneuromyography - helps to identify abnormalities in the neuromuscular system.
  • CT and ultrasound of blood vessels helps to identify areas of unbalanced blood circulation.
  • Blood tests tell about the cholesterol and sugar parameters in a person’s bloodstream.

Information obtained as a result of the above diagnostic studies, allows the specialist to carry out adequate differential diagnosis and create an individual treatment strategy.

Treatment tactics

Why the left hand and fingers are going numb - a specialist will answer the person, and he will recommend adequate treatment tactics.

Treatment will directly depend on the root cause that provoked the phenomenon of paresthesia:

  • Acupuncture
  • Physiotherapy
  • Manual therapy
  • Massage
  • Chondroprotectors
  • Vitamin therapy

A timely visit to a specialist, when a person has just begun to notice that his left hand is numb, helps to avoid serious complications.