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Valerian officinalis - medicinal properties, recipes, applications. Valerian root infusion, how to take, instructions for use

Valerian (Valeriana officinalis L.), otherwise called cat grass, cat root, odolyan, goat grass, etc.- a herbaceous perennial, a plant belonging to the Valerian subfamily of the Honeysuckle family.

The habitat of this plant is considered to be Europe, some parts of Asia, Northern and South America. Valerian adapts well to different conditions lighting and soil types, therefore it has many subspecies, which differ only in habitat and morphological characteristics.

In Russia, thickets of this plant are found everywhere, with the exception of the Far North. In the southern regions, Valerian is cultivated for the purpose of harvesting roots.

Valerian rhizome has many beneficial properties. It is one of the most popular medicines in folk medicine and modern herbal medicine.

The name of the plant goes back to Latin word valere, what does it mean to be healthy. This is exactly what it was called back in the 14th century in the works of the Italian physician and botanist Matteo Silvatico. His book, which described the healing properties medicinal herbs, gained well-deserved fame and was republished many times in medieval Europe. However, the use of valerian as a medicinal plant dates back to earlier times.

Dried medicinal raw materials look like pieces of rhizomes (powder) of light brown or brown color. In modern pharmacy chain production of filter bags or compressed briquettes has been launched. Valerian is also available in the form of tablets, tinctures, and more complex herbal mixtures and preparations.

However, along with the benefits, valerian can also cause harm, especially when long-term use. This will be discussed below.

Composition and nutrients

Valerian rhizome has a complex chemical composition. First of all, it contains essential oil, which gives the plant its unique specific smell. In addition, it contains alkaloids, minerals, some vitamins, tannins, sugars, and saponins.

The table below shows the most important components of Valerian officinalis root, as well as the benefits they provide when taking the main forms of the drug.

10 healing properties of valerian

  1. Normalization of sleep

    This is perhaps the most famous beneficial property of valerian. Valerian root, thanks to the essential oil it contains, promotes relaxation, it eliminates anxiety, nervousness, the effects of stress, fear, overwork, nervous exhaustion. Long-term use of the decoction helps get rid of depression, as well as manic-depressive states and neurasthenia. This medicinal property of valerian was noticed in ancient times, and it became known that it is no less bright sedative effect inhales the aroma of this plant.

  2. Elimination of spasms

    Valerian root – relieves pain caused by tension in body muscles and smooth muscles gastrointestinal tract, weakens cramps, relieves uterine spasms.

  3. Heart Health

    Thanks to your healing properties, valerian is good for the heart– it regulates its activity (for example, with tachycardia and cardiac neuroses), acting through the central nervous system directly on the heart muscle, improving its conductivity and blood circulation in the coronary vessels.

  4. Reduces blood pressure

    Due to borneol contained in medicinal raw materials, an infusion of valerian root is able to dilate blood vessels, thereby promoting lower blood pressure. The same effect is useful in relieving symptoms of menopausal disorders in women (hot flashes) and asthmatic attacks.

  5. Also this medicinal plant promotes normal activity gastrointestinal tract. It eliminates painful sensations in a stomach, Related increased work glandular apparatus, normalizes digestion and bile secretion.

  6. Strengthening immunity

    Valerian root contains a large number of vitamin C. When combined with other medicinal herbs, it exhibits its medicinal properties in herbal preparations accepted during epidemics of acute respiratory infections and influenza as a preventive and therapeutic agent.

  7. The best sedative

    Bath with valerian calms down no worse than taking an infusion or decoction taken orally. Can be prescribed to children - for fear, stuttering, convulsions. The bath is taken before bed, for 15 minutes, once every 2 days. The same procedure can also help adults suffering from epilepsy - as seizure reducer.

  8. Eliminates pain

    A bath with an infusion of this medicinal plant will help relieve pain syndrome for radiculitis, thrombophlebitis, migraine attacks, vegetative-vascular dystonia.

  9. Help for the eyes

    Valerian also acts as an external remedy that relieves inflammation and dryness of the mucous membrane. eyeball. To eliminate these problems, the eyes are washed with a filtered decoction of valerian (sometimes with the addition of eyebright) and lotions are made before going to bed.

  10. Help with weight loss

    Some researchers believe that medicinal properties Valerians affect the human nervous system in such a way that they can promote weight loss, reducing appetite and dulling the feeling of hunger. Therefore, today, salad recipes with the addition of valerian leaves, which taste close to ordinary salad leaves, are becoming increasingly popular.

How to collect and prepare valerian root

  • Valerian roots can be harvested in the fall, from the beginning of September. During this period, the plant usually fades, sheds its seeds, and the top of the plant begins to dry out. It is not recommended to harvest raw materials after the onset of frost.
  • Plants that are too young should not be used.
  • It is believed that a biennial plant has the optimal set of useful components.

Valerian is carefully dug up, cleared of soil and the smallest lateral shoots, carefully ensuring that the cord-like lateral shoots do not become entangled with the roots of other plants. Then the rhizomes are washed under running water cool water, dry in a dark, well-ventilated area, turning over from time to time.

Light drying in an electric dryer or oven at a temperature of no more than 40°C is possible - this will significantly speed up the harvesting process. At natural conditions It may take two weeks to dry the raw materials.

The root is considered dried if, when broken, it actually breaks and does not bend.

Valerian officinalis root is stored in linen or paper bags, boxes, and jars. The duration of storage in a dry place should not be more than 3 years.

Recipes for the therapeutic use of valerian

List of diseases for which it was considered effective application Valerian root is very extensive.

Even ancient Greek healers prescribed valerian decoction and baths with it to their patients as sedative for insomnia, hysterical states, increased nervousness and associated symptoms - intestinal colic, nausea, extrasystole, headache, increased sweating etc. In the Middle Ages, typhus and scarlet fever were treated with a twelve-hour infusion of valerian root.

Valerian can also be used as an antispasmodic to relieve cramps in the muscles or smooth muscle of the gastrointestinal tract. It has a mild choleretic and diuretic effect.

At one time there was an opinion about the undoubted benefits of consuming valerian root for men in terms of potency. Today it is considered an established fact that the stronger the male nervous system, the better potency. So there is a connection, but it is indirect.

Valerian is considered an antidote to alcohol (if we are not talking about alcohol tincture) and nicotine, so its use is indicated as a means of effective detoxification of the body.

Valerian infusion can be used for some skin diseases(dermatitis). Moreover, both internally and as a lotion on sore spots.

Along with other ingredients in the composition herbal preparations and in parallel with drug therapy Valerian root can also be used in the treatment of a number of diseases and symptoms: for example, gastritis, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, pain in the intestines, migraines, cough.

  • The most traditional way to use valerian is in the form infusion. For these purposes, they usually take a tablespoon of crushed roots and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave in a thermos for 10-12 hours.
  • You can brew the crushed raw materials (2 teaspoons) in a glass for 2 hours, but to maximize the beneficial properties and saturate the infusion with useful substances, it is better to put it in a water bath for 15 minutes.
  • Used for insomnia classic root decoction: 1 tablespoon is poured into 1 glass of boiling water and placed on low heat for 10-15 minutes.
  • Take an infusion or decoction a tablespoon 3 or 4 times a day on an empty stomach, after filtering. In a state of high nervous excitability the dose can be increased to a third of a glass per dose.
  • A course of treatment infusion of valerian root should not exceed two months. However, it is necessary to clarify that a one-time dose is most often useless: healing effect is achieved only with systematic daily use the drug for at least a few days.
  • To enhance the effect with one-time use, use alcohol tincture (extract from roots) valerian. It acts quickly, but in this case it must be taken into account that valerian drops containing ethanol are contraindicated for certain groups of patients (in particular, they should not be taken by children under 3 years of age and pregnant women).
  • A dose of several (for children: usually given as many drops as the child is old) to 15-30 drops (for adults) in half a glass of water will help with fear, stress, nervous shock. Aqueous solutions are absorbed faster by the body, in addition, the presence of alcohol acts as a vasodilator.
  • The price of valerian preparations is low, but some people prefer to prepare a tincture of valerian rhizomes at home. This is not difficult to do. You should take 50 g of crushed root and pour in 0.5 liters of vodka (alcohol). Infuse in a closed container in a dark place for a week to 10 days, shaking from time to time.
  • An undoubted convenient form for taking valerian is pills– without a shell (the so-called black valerian, 200 mg) and valerian extract (in yellow membrane, 20 mg). Black valerian as a sedative is more effective than the extract, but weaker than the alcohol tincture.
  • It can also be mentioned that aromatherapy has long been successfully used in folk medicine: dried valerian root was placed in a high place (for example, on a closet) in the room. Or a bag of crushed valerian roots (you can also add mint leaves) was placed near the pillow on the bed. This method of relaxation is quite capable of replacing the use of sleeping pills.
  • At hypertension You can inhale the smell of valerian alcohol tincture before going to bed for 2-3 minutes. It is recommended to take no more than three breaths into each nostril.
  • When overexcited, anxious, panic attacks, tearfulness will undoubtedly benefit the body from a relaxing bath. To do this, brew 3 cups of crushed root with 1 liter of boiling water and keep it on low heat for another 15-20 minutes, after which it is poured into the bath. Even a ten-minute use of such a procedure will be effective.

Harm and contraindications of valerian

However, we must not forget that, like anything medicine, valerian root, providing beneficial influence on human health, has side effects.

In particular, prolonged and uncontrolled use of a decoction of this medicinal plant can result in drowsiness, decreased mental activity, slowed reactions and dizziness. Rare but possible consequences of taking valerian root include memory loss and fainting. Possible weakening of intestinal motility and constipation.

In addition, with prolonged use, some components of valerian accumulate in the tissues of the body, which can lead to increased symptoms of existing pathologies.

Hence it is clear that along with useful medicinal properties, valerian also has contraindications.

  • These can, for example, be called diseases in which there is a pronounced slowdown in processes in the central nervous system (bradypsychia).
  • Since decoctions of valerian root are indicated for spastic intestinal conditions and diarrhea, especially nervous (corticovisceral), it is undesirable to use the root for sluggish bowel and constipation.
  • The slight choleretic effect of this plant should warn patients with liver pain of unknown etiology.
  • Continued headaches, even during treatment with a root decoction or aromatherapy, should also cause the patient to stop taking it.
  • It is believed that long-term use Valerian is not advisable during pregnancy.
  • Finally, as when prescribing any drug, it is worth making sure that the patient does not have individual intolerance or allergic reactions to the ingredients of valerian root.

It should be noted that the concepts of benefit and harm apply to any type of use of valerian - in the form of tablets, decoctions, infusions, etc.

What else is useful?

Valerian is a useful medicinal plant used to treat many different diseases. It is extremely common and is used in many cases with completely various pathologies. It is worth considering the medicinal properties and contraindications of valerian root, how to use it correctly, what side effects may arise from taking it.

Valerian - perennial herbaceous plant with a short rhizome, which is covered with other, smaller roots. The stems of this plant are hollow, flowers may also appear, small, usually white. Valerian grows in the middle zone; this plant is especially common in the Chernigov region.

This plant is widely used in folk medicine; various products based on valerian root can also be found in pharmacies. Drugs for plant based usually have a milder effect, so they are more often used to treat mild disorders of the body, they are less likely to cause allergic reactions and others unpleasant consequences reception.

Valerian has many beneficial properties that allow it to be used in the treatment of a whole range of different diseases.

  1. First of all, valerian has the effect of a sedative, calming drug. It is used for insomnia, especially if it was caused by stress, nervous overstrain and anxiety. Valerian root helps you fall asleep faster and helps cope with severe anxiety.
  2. This remedy can be used for neuroses in the composition complex treatment. For disorders of this kind, it will help restore restful sleep, will help cope with excessive anxiety. However, it is worth noting that often it can only complement the main drug therapy.
  3. In addition, valerian can help with various diseases nervous system, which are accompanied by neurotic conditions, anxiety, and sleep disorders.

Valerian officinalis root can also be used to improve the condition of various cardiovascular diseases which are accompanied by an increase in blood pressure and pulse. It is used as part of complex treatment for tachycardia and hypertension. Also valerian as simple herbal remedy will help cope with isolated attacks of increased heart rate and blood pressure, which can occur as a result of fatigue and overwork.

Important! Due to its hypotonic effect in low blood pressure, valerian should be used with caution.

In addition, this plant is useful for various diseases. digestive tract, which are accompanied by disturbances in the production of bile, with stomach problems of different nature. Valerian root helps improve digestion and has a positive effect on the condition of the digestive tract in case of gastritis, liver and pancreas diseases.

Valerian has medicinal properties for women. This plant helps with menopause, it helps to cope with pronounced hormonal fluctuations, or rather, with their consequences, which can be expressed in severe irritability and lack of sleep.

Valerian root is also used for children. What is its use? Children can also quite often experience neurotic conditions, sleep problems, irritability. Since valerian root is natural remedy, it has a very gentle effect on the body and does not cause negative effects In most cases.

For men, this plant can also be useful. The sedative effect of the plant helps fight the effects of mental and physical stress, which is extremely useful for males.

Important! Despite all the beneficial properties of this plant, it can be harmful if you use various valerian-based products not according to the instructions.


Valerian has virtually no contraindications. The main thing is that plant-based products should not be used if you are hypersensitive. Therefore, if skin rashes or other symptoms of an allergic reaction appear, you should stop using valerian root.

You should also use this plant with caution during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, although it is not completely contraindicated; moreover, valerian root will help you endure pregnancy more easily. early stages. You should not overuse valerian root; in case of serious pathologies, you need a full drug treatment.

How to use?

There are many ways to use valerian root and various means based on it. First of all, it is worth paying attention to the various pharmaceutical products based on valerian root, they are the easiest to use, and in almost all cases the most effective. Before taking them, you should read the instructions for use.

The plant root tincture should be taken 20–30 drops once a day for various states. Take one or two tablets with valerian root extract several times a day.

Cooking methods

Various remedies based on valerian root can also be prepared at home; the raw materials for this can be purchased at the pharmacy. There is no need to prepare it yourself. There are many recipes for preparing valerian root.

  1. You can make a decoction based on this plant; it is usually combined with other medicinal herbs. Valerian root, chamomile, and mint are usually used together. It is worth taking one tablespoon of each plant, pour two glasses of boiling water, hold on low heat for 10 - 15 minutes, then cool, strain, dilute with a glass of water. Use depending on the disease, usually drink half a glass 1 – 2 times a day.
  2. Dill seeds, valerian root and honey are also used together. You need to pour a couple of tablespoons of dill and root hot water, then leave, cool, strain. You need to add a couple of spoons of honey to the finished infusion, then the mixture is ready for use. This drink is extremely beneficial for health; you should take it one spoon per day.

These are the main methods of preparing this plant. It can also be brewed separately without adding any other medicinal herbs. It is worth remembering that despite the pronounced beneficial properties of this plant, it is not able to cope with serious pathologies; you should definitely visit a doctor before starting treatment.

Valerian root has long been credited with calming properties. The ancient Greeks considered valerian a remedy that could control human thought. In the Middle Ages, this plant was revered for its ability to give a person peace and good location spirit.

Valerian root: healing properties

Beneficial properties of valerian

Valerian officinalis concentrates the main substances beneficial to the human body in the roots. In addition to essential valerian oil, this plant contains:

Valeric acid; - acetic acid; - malic acid; - formic acid; - stearic acid; - sugar; - alkaloids and so on.

The main therapeutic effects are due to essential valerian oil, which has a sharp, specific odor.

The roots and rhizomes of Valerian officinalis are used in pharmaceuticals for the production sedatives. Valerian has calming and tonic properties, has an antispasmodic effect, and is useful as choleretic drug. In addition, preparations made using this plant help increase gastric secretion, as well as dilation of coronary vessels.

Infusion and tincture of valerian are used for spasms of the digestive tract. In most cases, “valerian” is taken to get rid of insomnia, tachycardia, renal or hepatic colic. Valerian is very useful for diseases thyroid gland, problems with liver function or biliary tract.

Essential valerian oil has an anticonvulsant effect

Do not forget that valerian has contraindications. It is not recommended to take medications from this plant in old age, especially if there is a risk of stroke or heart attack. You should not use valerian in the first trimester of pregnancy or if you have an individual intolerance.

In addition, you should remember about the symptoms of an overdose of valerian, if they occur, you should immediately stop using the drugs (if the condition worsens, be sure to consult a doctor):

Nausea; - drowsiness; - tachycardia; - prostration; - decreased performance; - dysfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract; - manifestations of an allergic reaction.

Preparation and use

To prepare a decoction of valerian, take:

Crushed Valerian root – 1–2 teaspoons; - water – 200 milliliters.

Crushed valerian root must be mixed with water. Place the mixture on the fire and boil for 1 minute. Then let the broth sit for about 30 minutes. It is recommended to consume the decoction 1 dessert spoon 3 or 4 times a day after meals.

To prepare a decoction of valerian for baths you need:

Crushed valerian root – 1–3 tablespoons; - water – 2–2.5 liters.

Mix valerian root with water and boil for 1 minute. The decoction needs to brew for an hour, after which it can be added to warm water. It is recommended to take this bath for 15 minutes, preferably at night.

Valerian baths are taken for insomnia, initial stage hypertension. Such baths reduce arterial pressure and calm the central nervous system.

And in European countries, valerian is often used as a spice. The leaves of the plant are used in cooking, as they do not have such a pungent odor as the roots and rhizomes. They are added to desserts, salads, and used in the preparation of marinades and side dishes for fish, lamb, and mutton. By the way, valerian leaves are rich in vitamin C, which the body so often lacks.

You can prepare a salad from valerian leaves and appreciate their original taste. To do this, take the following ingredients:

Valerian leaves – 50 g; - pine nuts – 30 g; - cherry tomatoes – 150–200 g; - hard cheese – 100–150 g; - olive oil- taste; - salt - to taste.

First, valerian leaves should be rinsed well with running water. Then, to remove unnecessary moisture from the leaves, lay them out on a dry towel. Cut the washed tomatoes in half or into four parts. Cut the hard cheese into slices as thin as possible - this way the taste of each component of the salad will appear brighter. On each plate, place some valerian leaves, tomatoes, cheese, sprinkle everything pine nuts, add a little salt and season with olive oil.

An infusion of valerian rhizome is one of those folk remedies, which is recognized and official medicine Same. This medicine not only has sedative properties, but also relieves spasms of the stomach and intestines. To find out more, let's talk about the benefits of valerian infusion, instructions for use, and what they write about it.


About valerian: chemical composition, properties, capabilities

People call the rhizomes of valerian marian, odolyan, earthen frankincense, mountain grass, pink yarrow, and, of course, cat root... This remedy soothes and relieves spasms, as well as colic, relieves hypertension...

The whole secret of valerian rhizomes is in their unique chemical composition. Firstly, they contain at least 2 percent essential oils (they contain isovaleric acid, pinene, bornyl isovalerate, borneol, sesquiterpenes, terpineol). There are also valeric and valerenic acids, triterpene glycosides, valepotriates, amines, formic, palmitic, malic, stearic and other organic acids, tannins.

Valerian rhizomes have the following properties:

* Calming;
* Relaxing spasms of smooth muscles of any organs;
* Reducing the excitability of the central nervous system;
* Stimulating the activity of the stomach, heart and blood vessels;

That is why valerian rhizomes are actively used to reduce blood pressure, expand blood vessels, relieving spasms of venous vessels. Tincture of valerian rhizomes is used for palpitations and heart pain, convulsions, and hysteria. This medicine is also used for cardiac neuroses, migraines, hysteria, hypertension, colic of the liver and kidneys, neurodermatitis, hot flashes during menopause, hyperthyroidism and other thyroid ailments. The infusion and alcohol tincture are not recommended for expectant and nursing mothers, as well as for anyone prone to allergies. Do not forget that, like all sedatives, valerian negatively affects the reaction rate.

Scope of application

Valerian rhizomes are used not only internally, but also in the form of baths. Valerian rhizomes are included not only in sedative preparations, but also in preparations for treating the stomach.

In addition, preparations containing valerian are used for asthma and lung diseases, such as pneumonia, and even as a choleretic agent. This remedy is also effective for the treatment of epilepsy, fears, flatulence, uterine cramps and serious disorders psyche.

You can either buy an infusion of valerian roots or prepare it yourself: the effectiveness will be the same. The effectiveness of the tablets will be slightly higher.

It’s interesting to know: scientists still cannot say exactly which component of valerian rhizomes has such a powerful healing effect. But no one denies the fact that it exists.

As for contraindications, an infusion of valerian rhizomes is not used for diseases such as enterocolitis, as well as for exacerbation of hypertension and threats of strokes and heart attacks. This medicine may increase blood clotting. In addition, individual intolerance to valerian is not uncommon. If you use the tincture of these rhizomes for more than one and a half to a couple of months, drowsiness may occur, depression appears, performance decreases, and the functioning of the intestines and stomach is disrupted. In this case, it is better to stop drinking Valerian.

How much to drink valerian infusion, how to take it?

Any valerian preparation takes a long time to take effect; it takes about 30 days for it to have an effect. But the effect will be stable.

An aqueous infusion of valerian root is prepared from crushed and dried roots. Take about 10 g of them, pour boiling water (200-250 ml) into a thermos and leave for half a day. During this time, valerian will give all its strength to the infusion. The most effective infusion is one that has just been prepared, so there is no need to prepare a liter of medicine for future use. Take 15 ml three or four times a day. If excitability is too high, drink a third of a glass four times a day. Drink no longer than 60 days.

Children from 12 years of age are given an infusion three times a day and a tablespoon. Children from seven years old: the same number of techniques, but with a dessert spoon. From three years to six years, the frequency of administration is the same, but a teaspoon.

Do not forget to shake the infusion before use.

It is most convenient to buy valerian in filter bags and packaged in boxes. For one serving of infusion you need three filter bags. Pour half a glass of boiling water and leave for a quarter of an hour. The filter bag is wrung out.

You can also infuse valerian using the cold method, that is, 15 g of the roots are crushed and poured into cold boiled water. You have to insist all day.

The infusion is not recommended for the youngest, but you can replace it with a bath, which is also quite soothing. To calm babies, it is also recommended to rub their tummy. Rubbing is carried out clockwise, after which the baby needs to be wrapped.

The infusion is also used externally for injuries and damage to the skin. In this case, gauze is soaked in it and applied to the affected areas for a third of an hour.

This is a plant containing essential oil in its roots and rhizome. Valerian officinalis also includes elements such as borneol, alkaloids, hatinin, sesquiterpene, valerian-borneol ester, valerin, malic and formic acids, as well as malic acid, saponins, glycoside valeride, trace elements, tannins and resins, all kinds of sugars and free isovaleric acid .

At first autumn period, or rather, at the very beginning of September, the rhizomes of valerian officinalis are dug up, after which they are treated to remove dirt, that is, they are cleaned of small shoots that are useless for further use and washed. After the valerian rhizomes are cleaned, they are dried. People use valerian roots that are two years old to prepare medicines. Why exactly does the plant have to reach exactly two years of age? Because at the age of two, valerian roots contain greatest number healthy, internal ingredients that have unique healing properties.

When the rhizomes are at the drying stage, they acquire an aroma that is quite specific to medicinal plants. And this happens due to bornyl isovaleric acid, which is contained in the chemical composition of valerian.

Valerian is most often used, one might say, it is even intended for use for medicinal purposes for such ailments as flatulence, migraine, hysteria, spasms of the esophagus and its cardiac region, disorders of the central nervous system, chronic disorders coronary circulation. As well as disturbances in the secretory activity of the gastrointestinal tract, pain in the heart area of ​​a functional nature, palpitations, extrasystole, are used in the treatment of tachycardia and the treatment of constipation.

Beneficial properties of valerian

Valerian in Latin valere means to be healthy. It is valerian with its miraculous root that is known as a plant that gives strength. The herb has a calming, analgesic, sedative effect. This excellent antidepressant, an excellent remedy for insomnia. Valerian roots contain polysaccharides, tannins, essential oil, alkaloids, and glycosides.

The composition contains organic acids such as formic, acetic, malic, stearic and palmitic. Present and this is inherent only in valerian root are valenotriates, bicyclic sesquiterpenes, mertinol, ketones, baldrinal, pyryl-a-methylketone. And, of course, it contains vitamins, micro- and macroelements in full.

Uses of valerian

Valerian as a medicinal plant was used by physician-philosophers in Ancient Greece. Dioscorides believed that valerian was able to control thoughts, and Pliny the Elder assured that it made the mind clearer. They recommended the plant to eliminate the consequences of nervous experiences and stress, and to treat epilepsy. Medicinal root needs to be taken for a long time to achieve positive influence on the body, gradually accumulating, useful material, saturate organs and tissues with vitamins and other elements. Therapeutic effect Valerian is due to its tonic, choleretic effect; the root reduces the excitability of the central nervous system and promotes relaxation of smooth muscles. Taking valerian, known to everyone heart drug, affects not only the cardiovascular system, but is also useful for increasing gastrointestinal secretions.

Migraine, hysteria, hypertension and tachycardia are among the diseases whose therapeutic effects of valerian have been proven in practice. Spasmodic manifestations and dysfunction of blood vessels and organs digestive system, renal and hepatic colic are also susceptible therapeutic effects. Diseases of the thyroid gland, liver and biliary tract, hyperthyroidism and rushes of blood to the head during menopause are easier to tolerate and treat.

Valerian tincture

To prepare valerian tincture, we need to take one tablespoon of crushed roots of this plant, pour it into a thermos and pour a glass of boiling water. After which it is left to infuse overnight, or for 12 hours, regardless of the time of day. You need to drink this tincture one tablespoon 3 or 4 times a day. If you have high excitability, then the tincture should be 3 times 1/3 cup. The course of taking valerian should not exceed more than 2 months.

If during the two-month period of taking valerian you are not satisfied with its result, or you want to get quick effect, use an alcohol-based valerian tincture.

Due to the alcohol, the tincture acts instantly, at least, the result of taking an alcohol tincture, unlike valerian extract, is noticeable faster. The difference between these two forms of valerian is only in the time it takes for valerian to act on the body.

Please note that not everyone can take valerian. Some people just can't stand it. Even the smell of valerian can take a person by surprise.

Now let's talk about beneficial properties tinctures of valerian. The use of valerian tincture leads to calm, relieves spasms of the smooth muscles of the digestive and excretory organs, activates digestion and dilates blood vessels, also disperses bile and lowers blood pressure. Keep in mind that drinking valerian tincture causes increased drowsiness.

These signs are not immediately noticeable, but you can notice them after completing a course of consuming valerian for medicinal purposes.

Valerian can bring you some relief, even if you suffer from a disease such as vegetative-vascular dystonia, or if you have attacks of hysteria or migraines.

In all these cases, valerian can act as a kind of analgesic and sedative.

Use of valerian tincture

IN childhood, a person under three years of age should never use valerian tincture! Make sure that this medicine is kept in a place that is difficult to reach and away from children. And from the age of three, children can be given one drop for each year of life. But adults can take valerian tincture three or four times a day, twenty to thirty drops, no more!

Overdoses of valerian use also occur, the consequences of which lead to constipation and nervous system disorders. Valerian can also cause allergic reactions in allergy sufferers. It is also not advisable to use valerian for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Valerian for some time after taking it noticeably dulls such a very important quality as reaction. In this case, keep in mind that if your activity is associated with danger and increased attention, then it is better not to use valerian. Be careful, because not only your life, but also those around you depends on you. And if you don’t react in time, a disaster could happen!

We recommend keeping the alcohol tincture in a cool place, but not in a warm place. It will be better if you put the bottle of valerian in a dark closet, or better yet, in the refrigerator. In the refrigerator, valerian retains its medicinal properties for a period of five years! Why should valerian be kept in a dark place? Because because sun rays The valerian tincture will begin to darken. After using valerian tincture, do not forget to close the bottle tightly.

Valerian extract

Valerian extract is released in the form of film-coated tablets. One such tablet contains exactly 0.02 grams thick extract valerian. This tablet also contains starch, talc, gelatin and basic magnesium carbonate. What is the difference between tincture and valerian extract? The difference is that valerian extract is only taken from the age of four. Children from four to seven years old are recommended no more than one tablet per day, from seven years old - one or two tablets three times a day. And for adults, take two tablets 3-4 times a day. The treatment time for valerian is the same for both adults and children - three full weeks.

Use valerian extract in the same cases as tincture.

In pharmacies, valerian extract and tincture can be purchased without a doctor's prescription.

Valerian during pregnancy

Modern life is full of various surprises and, as a rule, all people are subject to stress. Valerian - natural remedy, the very first assistant for psychophysical disorders, overwork, affecting general state body and causing malfunctions various organs and systems. Many doctors who trust Mother Nature understand that valerian remedies are the key to a normal pregnancy and subsequent successful childbirth.

You can buy valerian in tablet form at the pharmacy. In addition, and this can be much more effective, it is necessary to use dry roots of the herb to prepare decoctions and infusions, since pharmaceutically produced tinctures contain alcohol, which is not advisable for expectant mothers to consume. Need for admission sedative in pregnant women it occurs with rapid heartbeat, insomnia resulting from changes associated with hormonal levels.

Anxiety, depression, fear during the prenatal period - all this is eliminated with the help of valerian. The main thing in everything is a reasonable measure, otherwise not only overexcitation may occur, but also intracranial pressure. A decoction of valerian rhizomes prepared at home should be taken 1 tablespoon 2 times a day half an hour after meals; the concentration of the drug and the period of administration should be prescribed individually by a gynecologist.

Valerian for children

Valerian has the ability to increase the secretion of bile and normalize digestion. It has many advantages, but grass is not recommended for children under three years of age. It is advisable to find out individual tolerance before giving children a decoction or tincture of valerian as a medicine. The smell of valerian is one of the components therapeutic effect. If a child cannot fall asleep for a long time, or is worried about something, then you can hang a bag of dry roots above the crib, the volatile substances will soothe and the sleep will be sound.

Valerian is recommended for young children to treat rapid physical and mental fatigue. Natural remedy Suitable for taking baths, after which comes relaxation and rejuvenation. Valerian therapy is prescribed for children with work disorders digestive organs. Water infusion helps with illnesses bile ducts and gallbladder. Cleansing enemas can eliminate abdominal pain and bloating. Essential oils and substances with antimicrobial effect will help get rid of worms.

Valerian root

Valerian root is very beneficial due to calcium, iodine, iron and many other components. It is used for low blood clotting, edema, and predisposition to hypertension. Powder from the roots is taken for headaches, scarlet fever, and nervous diseases (1-2 grams 3-4 times a day, washed down with water).

Root tincture: 2.5 tbsp. pour spoons of raw material with hot water. Heat in a water bath for 15 minutes, leave for 45 minutes, strain. Top up boiled water in an amount equal to the original volume. Take 2-3 tbsp. spoons half an hour after eating.

Root decoction: Pour 2 teaspoons of raw material into a glass cold water. Boil for 5 minutes, strain. 2-3 tbsp. dilute spoons in a glass of water and take twice a day.

Aqueous tincture of valerian: Leave 1 teaspoon of crushed roots in a glass of boiling water for 2-3 hours, strain. Drink 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

Alcohol tincture: pour the crushed root with alcohol 1:4. leave in a dark place for a week, strain and drink 15-30 drops, diluted in half a glass of water 3 times a day.

Valerian contraindications

Failure to comply with the norms for the consumption of decoctions and tinctures can lead to deterioration of the gastrointestinal tract, cause dizziness and headache, nausea and cardiac dysfunction.