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To the development of alcoholic polyneuropathy lower limbs leads to alcohol abuse. This neurological disease causes damage to the peripheral nervous system and develops due to toxic damage to the body. The disease has negative impact on nervous system, causing serious illness.

Causes of neuropathy

Alcoholic polyneuropathy lower extremities occurs due to the consumption of alcoholic beverages in large quantities(both after single and multiple doses). However, not all patients diagnosed with neurological pathology have a tendency to drink alcohol, so alcohol is not the only cause of the development of the disease.

The development of alcoholic neuropathy also occurs under the influence of the following factors:

Polyneuropathy of the lower extremities when drinking alcohol develops in several stages:

  1. Decrease in receipts nutrients to tissues due to toxic effects ethyl alcohol, disrupting metabolism.
  2. Reduced speed of impulses passing through nerve fibers.
  3. Damage to the central and peripheral nervous system.
  4. Dysfunction of the digestive organs (deterioration of absorption of the intestinal walls).
  5. Weakening of the immune system, which causes the body to produce antibodies that “attack” healthy cells.
  6. Accumulation of toxins in the body due to metabolic disorders.

The development of alcoholic polyneuropathy of the lower extremities has not been fully studied. However, researchers have found that the main target of alcohol intoxication is axons. These processes are responsible for transmitting nerve impulses.

With prolonged consumption of alcohol-containing drinks, the liver suffers and the concentration of B vitamins in the body sharply decreases.


Alcoholic neuropathy of the lower extremities initially has symptoms in the form of weakness in the lower leg muscles. However, this symptom is used to characterize a number of other diseases and simply physical fatigue. Therefore, most people do not pay attention to the primary manifestations of the pathology and begin treatment in the later stages of its development.

The following symptoms indicate polyneuropathy of the lower extremities:

Damage to the peripheral nervous system manifests itself in the form of a sensation of “pins and needles” in the lower extremities, partial or complete numbness. This symptom is complemented muscle cramps. And the intensity painful sensations in the lower body increases with contact or physical activity.

Atrophy develops over time muscle fibers, accompanied by the appearance of ulcers on the surface of the skin. IN severe cases symptoms of alcoholic neuropathy are noted in the form of rapid heartbeat, increased sweating, shortness of breath. These factors indicate lung damage, which requires immediate medical attention.

At acute intoxication the body experiences confusion and signs of mental disorders. Violations of facial expressions and temporary retention of urination are also possible.

An important feature of alcoholic polyneuropathy is that about a month after the onset of the first signs, relief occurs, but this symptom indicates the transition of the disease to the chronic phase.

If your legs just start to hurt, you need to seek help from a doctor and undergo treatment for alcohol addiction.

Diagnosis of polyneuropathy

Diagnosis of lower extremity neuropathy begins with collecting information about the patient. The symptoms described above can signal many other pathologies, which can often be excluded at the stage of communication with the patient.

At the next stage, an examination of the legs is carried out, which reveals the changes that have occurred: muscle weakness, numbness, atrophy and other signs of damage.

To differentiate polyneuropathy from other neurological disorders, electroneuromyography is used. ENMG allows us to identify the degree of damage to nerve fibers, the presence inflammatory process and the course of degenerative processes. If a disease is suspected, a biopsy is additionally prescribed to confirm the diagnosis.

Treatment of alcoholic neuropathy of the lower extremities

Alcoholic polyneuropathy is treated comprehensively. Based on the diagnostic results, a course of medication is prescribed, which is designed to eliminate the deficiency of microelements and relieve the patient from accompanying symptoms. Successful therapy requires lifestyle modification, including complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages.

Physiotherapeutic procedures and exercise therapy help speed up the patient’s recovery. For mild forms of damage associated with alcoholic polyneuropathy of the lower extremities, treatment with folk remedies is possible. During the rehabilitation period, it is important to change the daily diet in favor of proper nutrition.

Drug therapy

Treatment of alcoholic polyneuropathy of the lower extremities is carried out using the following drugs:

Regardless of the stage of development of the pathology, antidepressants (Amitriptyline, Paroxetine) and antiepileptic drugs (Carbamazepine, Neurontin) are recommended. Alcoholic neuropathy requires the prescription of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Ibuprofen).

For such lesions, agents are recommended that have a stimulating effect on metabolic processes. These drugs include nootropics. Medicines in this group have a positive effect on the exchange of nucleins in the intercellular space of nerve fibers. Nootropics restore the functioning of the central nervous system, suppressing the symptoms of neuropathy.

IN drug therapy additionally include hepatoprotectors. These drugs restore liver function and prevent organ damage.


Treatment of alcoholic polyneuropathy of the lower extremities is intended to restore their lost functions. For these purposes, in addition to medications Physiotherapeutic measures are indicated:

  • massage;
  • electro- and magnetic therapy, stimulating the functioning of the nervous system;
  • blood purification using appropriate devices;

Physiotherapeutic procedures are usually prescribed after a course of drug therapy.

These measures are carried out over several months, since neuropathy provokes serious disorders that require long-term recovery.

During the rehabilitation period, the patient is prescribed a course gymnastic exercises, which normalize muscle tone.


Due to the fact that alcoholic polyneuritis of the lower extremities affects the entire body, a constant supply of nutrients is necessary for the patient’s rehabilitation. For this, the patient is transferred to a specialized diet that includes the consumption of animal liver, fermented milk products, vegetables and fruits.

It is especially important to include in your diet dishes that contain B vitamins. In addition to liver, these microelements are found in bran and sprouted wheat.

Since alcohol has a detrimental effect on the functions digestive system, it is recommended to exclude spicy and salty dishes from the diet, which place additional stress on the gastrointestinal tract.

Treatment with folk remedies

In addition to traditional therapy a person suffering from alcoholic neuropathy of the lower extremities will benefit from treatment with folk remedies: tinctures on the herbs of valerian, motherwort and thyme. These drugs are allowed to be taken subject to the approval of a doctor.

Effective complex treatment And traditional therapy are factors in the successful fight against the disease.

If the lower extremities are affected, the following remedies are indicated:

  1. Decoctions from string, oregano, marigold, bedstraw. These components are taken in equal proportions and mixed with licorice and burdock roots, elderberry flowers, hop cones, and birch leaves. Add 2 cups of boiling water to the mixture. The decoction is infused for three hours. The product helps restore metabolism.
  2. A decoction of parsley and sunflower to remove toxins. You will need 2 tbsp. seeds and half a glass of greens. 300 ml of kefir are added to the mixture. The composition is taken 40 minutes before breakfast.
  3. A mixture of milk thistle seeds and sunflower oil. You will need 4 tbsp. seeds and 150 ml of oil. The ingredients are mixed with each other and with 2 tbsp. dried peppermint. The resulting composition is consumed three times a day before meals. This remedy normalizes liver function.

Facilities traditional medicine do not replace drug therapy, but complement it.

Forecast and consequences

Recovery from polyneuropathy of the lower extremities takes up to six months, provided that all medical prescriptions are followed. Refusal of therapy leads to the development severe complications. Alcoholic neuropathy causes partial or complete paralysis, cerebellar damage, central nervous system dysfunction and the appearance of mental disorders. The patient may also die due to liver damage or cardiac arrest.


The only way to prevent alcoholic neuropathy of the lower extremities is to completely abstain from consuming alcohol-containing products. It is also recommended to follow the principles of proper nutrition and lead an active lifestyle to prevent metabolic disorders.

According to statistics, about 90% of people who regularly drink alcohol in large doses are susceptible to a serious illness - alcoholic polyneuropathy. Both women and men can get sick.

And very often, as a result of this illness, if measures are not taken in time, patients become disabled, unable to move independently and experiencing severe pain.

Alcoholic polyneuropathy is neurological disease, which is characterized by damage to the function of peripheral nerves.

It develops as a result toxic effect alcohol on the nervous system. The risk group usually includes people who drink alcohol immoderately and frequently and do not monitor their health.

Causes of the disease

As for the causes of this disease, they include: relate:

  1. The toxic effect of ethyl alcohol on nerve cells, their destruction.
  2. Failure of the microcirculation process in nerve fibers.
  3. Poor nutrition, dysfunction of the liver and intestines, as a result of which vitamin B1 (thiamine) cannot be absorbed. This trace element plays a key role in metabolic processes and supports the functioning of the heart, nervous and digestive systems.
  4. Able alcohol intoxication the person is usually quite long time is in one position, resulting in compression various organs and nerve damage.

How does the disease occur and progress?

The onset of polyneuropathy is characterized by a slow course. The patient begins to feel discomfort in the limbs, thinking that he was just resting his arm or leg.

Often patients do not pay attention to this special attention and don’t rush to see a doctor. This means that the disease progresses further, unchecked.

The photo shows the areas affected by alcoholic polyneuropathy

Later, the muscles are affected, and swelling of the limbs may appear.

If the patient is subjected to significant hypothermia or takes a large dose of alcohol, then there is a high probability that alcoholic polyneuropathy will become acute.

They might even manifest mental disorders . In this case, the disease develops quite quickly, within a few days.

Symptoms of the disease

Alcoholic polyneuropathy has such symptoms:

  1. Paresis of the limbs - there is a feeling of tingling and “pins and needles” in the arms and legs, numbness, tension in the muscles of the lower leg.
  2. Cramps and pain in the legs, which intensifies at night, as well as with pressure.
  3. Blood circulation in the leg area is impaired, resulting in often cold feet.
  4. The muscles of the lower extremities, and occasionally the arms, can atrophy, that is, decrease in size.
  5. Muscle weakness occurs, as a result of which the patient’s gait changes - it begins to seem to him that the floor is “soft”.
  6. The skin of the legs may become marbled or turn blue.
  7. Increased sweating in the hands and feet.
  8. Speech disorders occur due to damage to a certain vagus nerve she becomes inarticulate.
  9. Damage to cranial and musculoskeletal nerves may occur. As a result, memory is impaired, disorientation and hallucinations occur.
  10. In especially severe cases, trophic ulcers develop on the legs, the skin becomes dry and peels.

Vladimir 4 years ago

Reply to Sergei. ABSOLUTELY the same bullshit, though I’m 3 years older and weigh less, but everything is the same. Well, they don’t give me a disability and, thank God, I walk without a hockey stick, but going down (even with railings) is a nightmare, but going up is easy, I’m not afraid of the car, but now I had to sell it, I walk. I repeat, the same thing, right down to “managerial work, kids and reproaches in the eyes.” And so I, too, am stuck... I don’t know what to do yet... The problem is different - where I live now, there is no one left except my parents: someone left, someone died (the same alcohol or drugs), there was one friend, and even he crashed a year ago on a plane, all that remains is to return to where I have lived for the last 15 years, but how I will appear there in this form is scary to imagine...
Good luck!!!


Natalya 3 years ago

Good afternoon, Sergey! My husband Sergey has the same situation. He ruined his entire health with alcohol, although he himself is a naturally strong man, tall, 180 cm, 100 kg. But he likes to drink, and on weekends - he didn’t know how to stop it, strong drinks 3 bottles each. After work, I definitely took it too. Although he worked like a bull, he did not spare himself. Maybe this also played a role. In 1982, he was wounded in Afghanistan, shrapnel to the head and shoulder, underwent trepanation, etc. On August 2, I also wore a vest every year with the men. But after that, he lived and worked more or less normally for many years, earned good money, was a public person, i.e. lived full life. But after about a month I almost fell ill - my legs began to fail, my memory disappeared. In August 2015, he was admitted to the hospital, treated, and began to move more or less. Same alcoholic hepatitis, alcoholic polyneuropathy. I lost a lot of weight. Anyway, now he is a completely different person, not the same as before. It’s very sad to see how the disease changes people. He sits at home and cannot work. It's terrible, but he still has a craving for alcohol. He asks for a drink from time to time, asks other people to buy it for him. Somehow I had to buy him beer, because... He demanded almost hysterically. Tell me, Sergey, did you undergo any other course of treatment after the hospital and did it help YOU? And how did you get 2 grams? We just need 2 grams. They said that they were unlikely to give it, because... We observed very little. (Now he has 3 grams.) Maybe we need to wait for time? And also, Sergey, tell me if your loved ones, your wife, your children, help you. How do you feel now? I read a lot about this disease. They say that you can recover in 3-4 months if you follow everything.


Alexey 3 years ago

I have been abusing drinks since I was 18 years old (I have been since 1981); in 2007, I began to get a terrible hangover, which was aggravated by smoking. And I smoked a lot, but only when I drank. I was friends with the basin for 2-3 days, even my wife called an ambulance 3 times. I spent 2 times in the drug treatment center, but in the state drug treatment center it only got worse, mostly there are drug addicts, but there is always something to drink. Then a stray dog ​​coded me for a year. I was returning from work when she snuck up behind me and bit into my hand. I wanted to live, I was given injections. The next March 8th I slowly untied the wine. At the same time, they celebrated the SCS project I submitted. The next day I jumped off the garage instead of down the stepladder and broke my heel. 6 months in a cast, going to work on crutches, being nervous, numbing the pain in the evening with beer, or even 0.5 vodka. After 3-4 months it initially refused left hand, the brush is more accurate. I just couldn't hold the cup. Stupidly hung like a rag. But within 3-4 weeks I recovered. Rubbing, acupuncture, in general I was able to do radio editing again.

In February 2009 he got a job new job, I also worked part-time in web design at my old job... I bought a car and got my license. Washed. Little by little things started to happen again. And in the summer of 2010, the working conditions became absolutely terrible, my room was under the very roof and the temperature there was 50 degrees. In general, a micro-stroke, but in the background hangover syndrome. My legs gave way and I fell to the floor. Somehow I crawled to the chair. The doctors gave me a puncture, pumped me out, gave me a cane, and told me to quit this job. I went to work for another six months with a cane, then left. But he also threw away his wand. I started walking a lot. The gait was almost restored, the sensitivity of the feet was restored by 50%. The third year of freelancing, on the one hand it’s good, on the other hand you won’t earn much money... My wife chronically doesn’t work, she just doesn’t want to.


4. Alcoholic neuropathy

4.1. Alcohol is a single social problem

Alcohol has firmly entered our lives - not a single more or less significant event, be it a birthday or a holiday marking the completion of a house, is complete without a glass of champagne, a bottle of wine or a glass of vodka. And it doesn’t matter whether we are talking about a celebration at work or at home: alcohol is mandatory attribute all social events and celebrations. Those who do not accept this are often given condolences. In this situation, it is not surprising that Germany occupies one of the leading places in the world in terms of alcohol consumption per capita: almost 12 billion liters of beer, more than 1.5 billion liters of wine and approximately 500 million liters of spirits are consumed here every year, which ultimately amounts to 1 billion liters of pure alcohol per year (Bode, 2000).

In terms of every German, including infants and the elderly, this amounts to an average of 12 liters of pure alcohol per year (Kupper, 1996a). Taking into account the actual consumption of alcoholic beverages in German society, this figure increases to 20 liters per person per year. This corresponds to an average consumption of 43 grams of pure alcohol per day. From the point of view of the health of the nation, such an “achievement” is very depressing for Germany. At least 3% of the German population are chronic alcoholics in need of treatment. According to epidemiological studies, alcoholics are present in all segments of the population. In particular, among female employees, employees in the upper social class are known to consume on average 50% more alcohol than those in the lower social class (Kupper, 1996b). For the attending physician, this means that this problem must be taken into account.

The costs associated with chronic drinking in Germany amount to approximately 3 billion euros per year (Brecht, 1996). This amount makes it clear that the problem of alcoholism in the future should receive increased attention equally from doctors and health authorities, as well as from the economy.

4.2. These are the consequences: alcoholic impairment nerves

Among the consequences of alcoholism, Wernicke encephalopathy should be mentioned as a manifestation of an acute deficiency of thiamine in the central nervous system. Along with this, the most common consequence of chronic alcoholism in relation to neurological status is alcoholic polyneuropathy. It occurs in approximately 20% chronic alcoholics(Heimann, 1981). Along with diabetes mellitus, alcohol is the most common cause of polyneuropathy in Western industrialized countries (Neundorfer, 1986).

Alcoholic polyneuropathy is especially common in middle-aged patients - between 40 and 60 years of age, but increasingly it is also observed in younger people. It occurs more often in men than in women, in a ratio of 3:1 (Klemm, 1988).

Alcoholic neuropathy develops with long-term chronic alcohol abuse. There are 2 different pathogenetic mechanism. Due to an inadequate, vitamin-depleted diet and simultaneous malabsorption caused by damage to the gastric mucosa, alcoholics have a thiamine deficiency (Reiners, 2003). In nerves, the myelin sheath is first destroyed while the axial cylinder (axon) is still intact. In such patients, normal electromyography (EMG) parameters are observed, but at the same time, the speed of transmission of the nerve impulse is clearly slowed down. The second type of lesion in alcoholic neuropathy is primary axonal degeneration. It is a consequence of the direct toxic effect of alcohol on the nerves. Nerve conduction velocity in patients is maintained or slightly slowed, and EMG reveals signs of denervation of the affected muscles. Thus, with alcoholic neuropathy, movement disorders develop, including paresis.

4.3. Clinical picture with alcoholic polyneuropathy

Alcoholic polyneuropathy exhibits symptoms that are partly similar to those of diabetic neuropathy. But, unlike the latter, with alcoholic polyneuropathy spontaneous pain is more often felt, mainly in the lower extremities. In addition, night cramps often occur calf muscles. Sometimes found increased sensitivity when pressing on nerves close to the surface, for example, when pressing the Nervus peronaeus (peroneal nerve) to the head of the fibula. At later stages of the disease, more or less severe paralysis and disturbances in position perception are formed. The disorders are distributed mainly symmetrically or slightly asymmetrically. Along with the listed changes, vasomotor disorders often occur, which may be accompanied by marbling, swelling and erythema of the skin. The typical picture of alcoholic polyneuropathy does not include dysfunction Bladder and cranial nerve involvement (Langohr, 1990; Neundorfer, 1981)

Rice. 7. Incidence of clinical signs of neuropathy in 78 chronic alcoholics (modified from Langohr, 1990)

Figure 7 presents data on the frequency of occurrence of clinical signs of polyneuropathy and cerebellar symptoms in 78 chronic alcoholics. Among them there were also patients with paralysis oculomotor muscles, although they were not highlighted in separate group. In such cases, the presence of Wernicke encephalopathy should always be assumed. As for the symptoms of polyneuropathy, sensory disturbances, reflex disorders, as well as ataxia when standing and walking come to the fore.

4.4. Diagnosis: using simple methods

The basis for diagnosing alcoholic polyneuropathy in routine practice and in the clinic is the history data and the results of a clinical examination of the patient using simple aids such as a reflex hammer, an examination needle, and a Rydel-Seiffer graduated tuning fork. Weakening or loss of the Achilles tendon reflex is considered one of the first symptoms of alcoholic polyneuropathy. By applying pressure or using a needle, the specific nerves affected can be identified. Using a tuning fork, you can make a quantitative assessment of vibration sensation disorders (see also Chapter 3).

IN clinical practice the following rule must be followed: the presence of alcoholic polyneuropathy should be suspected if, with prolonged drinking, there is at least one subjective symptom and one positive clinical test, or if two clinical tests are both positive even in the absence of subjective symptoms (Neundorfer, 1995) . The main therapeutic position is the following: with the unconditional requirement that the patient abstain from drinking alcohol or at least “controlled” its use (Rosenberg, 1 993; Korkel, 2002), the doctor can and should treat existing polyneuropathic disorders. In Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, the ability of benfotiamine to penetrate the cerebrospinal fluid often even saves the patient’s life (Kamolz, 2002).

Alcoholism gradually, painfully destroys a person. Ethanol is very toxic substance, and its breakdown products cause irreparable damage to all body systems. Alcoholism leads to weakened immunity, deterioration mental health, complete personal degradation.

– one of dozens of diseases that arise from alcohol abuse.

dangerous disease, manifested in intoxication of the nervous system. But not only alcoholism can cause polyneuropathy - it can provoke this disease diabetes or infectious infection.

In the first two cases, the disease develops in stages, with a gradual worsening of symptoms. In approximately 10% of cases, polyneuropathy develops extremely sharply and can cause serious damage to the body in just a few days. But don’t be upset in advance - medical intervention carried out on time will lead to early stages illness, will allow you to completely cope with it. Otherwise, it may become chronic.

Alcoholic polyneuropathy according to ICD-10 has code G62.1

Symptoms of alcoholic neuropathy

Symptoms appear slowly, so neuropathy is not easy to identify. The main symptom of the disease is damage to the patient’s nervous system.

At first, a person experiences slight numbness in the fingers and toes. After this, the discomfort spreads further to the limbs. Blood circulation deteriorates, subsequently the patient may feel cold in the legs.

The muscles gradually atrophy, their visual decrease can be observed with your own eyes. Severe cramps become more frequent, especially at night. The skin on the lower extremities turns blue and takes on a “dead” color.

Further development of the disease leads to complete paralysis of all limbs. As a result, the person cannot move and becomes physically incapacitated. Often from this moment on, most patients spend all their time without getting out of bed.

On this destructive effect alcoholic polyneuropathy of the lower extremities does not end - the body continues to weaken, the person may experience phantom pain, as often happens after amputation. Mental health disorders can also make the disease worse.

Neuropathy is also not limited to problems with the limbs - its influence extends to the visual, respiratory functions And cardiovascular system. But first of all, it is the patient’s legs that are at risk - everyday deterioration increasingly interferes with motor function.

Regardless of the causes of neuropathy, its main symptoms are similar: cramps, gradual muscle atrophy, and, as a result - paralysis, development of further side symptoms may differ in individual situations.

During medical intervention and treatment of the disease, symptoms gradually begin to subside. reverse order, although in some situations, some primary symptoms may remain after treatment.

Diagnosis of alcoholic polyneuropathy

First of all, in medical institution The doctor collects information about the patient, his habits, and lifestyle. A check is carried out for extraneous factors and diseases that could provoke polyneuropathy, after which the patient is examined by a neurologist to detect primary signs of the disease.

Electroneuromyography(ENMG) is a procedure that allows you to determine the degree of damage to the nervous system. It reveals how far the disease has spread, whether peripheral nerves and what stage of the disease is it – acute or chronic. ENMG can detect muscle dystrophy, carpal tunnel syndrome, amyotrophic syndrome. Regular electroneuromyography will help in monitoring treatment and monitoring the body’s recovery process.

In some cases, they carry out biopsy of nervous system tissue. This more complex procedure can identify a number of other serious diseases, and more accurately diagnose polyneuropathy. These methods will quickly identify the disease, its degree, spread and complications, which will help to begin treatment as quickly as possible.

In most cases, treatment of alcoholic polyneuropathy takes place at home. On late stages development of the disease, when the patient’s life is at risk, the course of treatment is carried out in a hospital.

Depending on the cause of the disease, various etiological methods are used to determine the first steps in recovery. If this reason is alcoholism, then the main factor, without which everything further treatment will be useless - complete abstinence from alcohol. Namely, it is necessary to completely and forever give up alcohol, even in small quantities.

Unfortunately, it will be impossible for a person who abuses alcohol, especially for a long time, to get rid of this addiction on his own. The service here will include the help of a psychotherapist, coding methods and support from relatives and friends. The integrated use of these factors minimizes the likelihood of disruptions.

The next step towards returning to the human state is to resume correct mode And healthy image life. Thoughtful daily schedule healthy eating and physical activity will significantly speed up the patient’s recovery. For alcoholic neuropathy, emphasis must be placed on rich in vitamins And protein food. But you shouldn’t rely on your own knowledge for everything - make up detailed diet It is necessary individually for each person and only a doctor can do this.

Treatment with drugs

The above factors are combined with medication treatment.

In the treatment of alcoholic neuropathy, a number of drugs are used, which are divided into several main groups:

  • Vitamin complex. It is important for the patient to replenish the lack of vitamin B in the body. The drugs Pentovit and Complivit, which have a positive effect on the nervous system, will help with this.
  • Neurotropic drugs.
  • Nootropic drugs. They help development mental activity, reduce the effect of toxins on the brain and improve mental condition patient (Piracetam, Phenibut, Glycine).
  • Antidepressants. This type of drugs also has a positive effect on the psyche and contributes to a person’s complete abstinence from alcohol (Amitriptyline).
  • Metabolic drugs. Improve metabolism. They are taken by patients during recovery in a comprehensive manner, together with physiotherapy.

In case of liver damage, hepatoprotective drugs and antioxidants may be prescribed for general strengthening body. Additionally, it is possible to use traditional medicine recipes. This is a tincture of cloves, milk thistle seeds, olive oil, carrot juice.

Non-drug treatment of neuropathy

Physiotherapy and related procedures play an important role in the treatment of the patient. Electrical stimulation spinal cord and nerve fibers are quite often included in this category. Fastest recovery even procedures such as ordinary massage help, physiotherapy and acupuncture.

Magnetic therapy is widely practiced in our country, although there is no exact scientific confirmation of the effectiveness of this method. Only as a additional means treatment magnetotherapy is beneficial, although she has her fans and positive reviews. In US clinics, the use and sale of all products related to magnetotherapy is prohibited at the state level.

Emotional support– both therapeutic and at the household level important factor recovery. A calm everyday atmosphere, a change of environment and new acquaintances will speed up drug treatment and become a good prevention of alcoholic neuropathy.

Fulfillment of conditions for prevention: exclusion of alcohol from life, visiting health centers, regular rest and minimized stressful situations will make you forget about the disease.

There are numerous cases where patients in critical condition, on the verge of disability, fully recovered.

Complications of alcoholic neuropathy

The nervous system is the most complex structure of the human body. She is responsible for correct work organs, mental and motor abilities, genesis, and also affects other body systems. Accordingly, if the nervous system is disrupted and damaged, the entire body will suffer: organ failure and even complete cardiac arrest are possible. The disease can affect various nerves, for example, the optic nerve.

Muscle atrophy in the later stages can lead to permanent and irreversible disability. Problems with respiratory system will also make themselves felt. If the patient continues to drink alcohol in the later stages, then it is likely sharp deterioration memory, mental abilities, and in the end this will lead to dementia.

Continuous, prolonged consumption of alcohol leads to complete degradation of a person as an individual, and also negatively affects the condition of all internal and external organs. Among the ailments is alcoholic polyneuropathy, which, according to statistics, occurs in 10% of people suffering from chronic alcoholism, regardless of age and gender.

Description of the disease

Alcoholic neuropathy is one of the types of damage to the human body by metabolites of ethyl alcohol and various alcoholic beverages. The disease reflects the effect of alcohol on the peripheral nervous system. Most often, doctors use the term “alcoholic polyneuropathy”, since the effect of alcohol toxins always extends to bundles of nerve fibers, and not to one nerve.

According to the latest data, if a person abuses alcoholic beverages, he will sooner or later suffer from damage to the nervous system. Just a few years ago it was believed that only 70% of alcoholics have peripheral disorders nervous system, but with the appearance the latest methods diagnostics, the indicator, alas, has acquired a round number - 100%. Clinical signs of this condition appear over time.

The term neuropathy itself will not tell the average person anything. But in reality, anyone who has ever seen a person suffering alcohol addiction, I just didn’t notice the polyneuropathy . Swollen, bluish feet and the hands, thin limbs, and gait uncharacteristic of a human being catches everyone’s eye. These are precisely the external signs by which a classic alcoholic is recognized, not counting the smell and specific complexion. This is the same alcoholic polyneuropathy. This, of course, has already been a long-existing and running option, but initial stages Others may not notice the signs.

Alcoholic polyneuropathy is not the only result of abuse harmful drinks. Along with damage to the peripheral nervous system, ethyl also depresses the central nervous system, causing encephalopathy, the liver, causing cirrhosis, and the muscles, causing myopathy. Specific signs memory impairment under the influence of ethyl is called “Korsakov’s syndrome”; there is also alcoholic degeneration corpus callosum and cerebellum, central myelinolysis. This list seems to have no end. Systematic application to the bottle never leaves its mark on the body.

Reasons for the development of polyneuropathy

On the peripheral nervous system alcohol breakdown products act negatively, disrupting the transmission of impulses and metabolic processes, which is what the symptoms of alcoholic polyneuropathy are based on. The pathology affects all parts of the brain and spinal cord.

Neuropathy from alcohol-containing drinks develops already in the final stages of the disease and has the following causes:

When consuming denatured alcohol, surrogate alcohol and chemical alcohol-containing liquids, the risk of developing alcoholic polyneuropathy increases significantly. These solutions release the most dangerous toxins for the liver, which help neutralize B vitamins, what happens as a result complete violation metabolism.

In most alcoholics, the disease develops gradually, but due to constant exposure to alcohol, the person simply does not pay any attention to the manifestation of the first symptoms. anxiety symptoms. As soon as the disease reaches its final stage, the patient, as usual, actively drinks for several days, which provokes acute stage diseases.

A person realizes that something is happening only when he notices severe weakness in the legs and the inability to walk painlessly . Cases are not uncommon when polyneuropathy is just the first stage of the patient’s suffering before more serious illness- which is almost impossible to cure. Neuropathy is the most common symptom encephalopathy in the initial stage.

Symptoms of alcoholic polyneuropathy

Only when sober can the patient pay attention to health problems, realizing that he is at the initial stage serious illness. As a rule, patients complain of the following symptoms:

Unfortunately, often even with such signs the patient does not stop drinking large doses of alcohol, which provokes damage to everything more nerve cells, therefore Clinical signs diseases are becoming more pronounced every day. The next step is serious complication polyneuropathy - alcohol withdrawal , practically untreatable.

How the disease manifests itself

It has common clinical symptoms with diabetic disease, so it is often confused. The doctor conducts tests and determines what type of disease has affected the patient, after which, if the patient wishes, he prescribes treatment.

Treatment of alcoholic neuropathy

We can say that success in the treatment of polyneuropathy of the lower extremities depends entirely on the dependent patient. Only by completely and finally giving up the addiction and recovering from chronic alcoholism will the patient be able to get rid of painful and painful symptoms, preventing the spread of the disease to the entire body.

Treatment with medications involves a set of drugs that the patient must take in courses. Some of the following medications are prescribed first:

  • Prescription of B vitamins and thiamine in tablet form or as an injection. The complex of vitamins necessary for the patient is contained in the preparations Kombilepen, Trigamma and Neurorubin forte.
  • Medicines that improve metabolic processes and microcirculation in the body. Pharmaceutical companies offer Dialipon, Thioctacid and Thiolepta.
  • Since pain is present, the doctor prescribes analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs: ibuprofen, diclofenac, smazgan and baralgin.

Quickly restore motor function can not only pharmaceutical drugs, traditional medicine is also capable of this, which must be used as additional measures to medications prescribed by a specialist.


Since positive dynamics are possible only after several months of therapy and provided complete refusal from alcohol-containing drinks, you need to help the patient resist the addiction. This can be done with the help of soothing herbs - thyme, motherwort or valerian. Great importance has physical exercise and a healthy diet.

Most drugs that are used to treat pain syndrome, cannot be consumed in combination with alcohol, so if the patient wants to get rid of suffering and save his life, he must give up the addiction forever.

In addition to medicines and folk remedies, doctors recommend using physiotherapeutic methods, acupuncture and physical therapy.

So that the patient does not harbor false hopes, it is worth noting that success in the treatment of polyneuropathy awaits only patients with a short history of alcoholism. If the pathological changes have gone too far and the nerve cells are damaged by alcohol, then, alas, it will not be possible to completely restore them with any medications. Doctors will help stabilize and stop pathological process and also reduce symptoms. This does not mean that if you have a long history of alcohol abuse, you can continue to drink, since treatment is useless.

If the patient continues to drink and refuses medication assistance, he will face a severe degree of disability with the impossibility of leading a life without outside help. There is always some potential for recovery, It's important to stop drinking alcohol.

Drug-induced polyneuropathy

Form of the disease, which occurs during the use of certain drugs:

  • Cisplatin;
  • Isoniazid;
  • Amiodarone;
  • Perhexylene
  • Metronidazole;
  • Hydrolasine.

Symptoms of this type of neuropathy may occur several weeks after starting to use certain drugs as a result of the effects of toxic components on the body. Dosage form develops similarly to alcoholism. At the first symptoms of drug-induced polyneuropathy, you must stop taking the harmful drug and consult a doctor.


The symptoms of alcoholic neuropathy increase in the absence of proper treatment. For the patient this usually ends mental disorders, paralysis of the limbs and damage to the cerebellum, which is characterized by a disorder of motor coordination.

Identified in the early stages, the disease is much more treatable. However, everything can go down the drain if the patient eventually returns to old life, symptoms will reappear very quickly.

The main thing is not to let the disease take its course and not to let everything take its course, hoping that the disease is only a temporary ailment. Chronic alcoholism causes millions of deaths, refusal of treatment leads to severe and irreversible consequences and fatal outcome. The most correct decision would be to give up the addiction in favor of a new, healthy lifestyle that will return the body to its former strength and confidence in the future.

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