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Symptoms and treatment methods for hernia of the lumbar spine. Hernia of the lumbar spine: limitations and methods of combating

Many people are faced with the problem of lumbar hernia, which is associated with the prolapse of the disc, which is located between two adjacent vertebrae, beyond the vertebral segment.

For hernia symptoms lumbar region The spine is significantly affected by the area occupied by the bulging disc and the way it is located. The most serious problems for the patient are caused by central hernias, which are oriented towards the human area. spinal cord, which can provoke the onset of real disability in the future.

Possible symptoms of a lumbar hernia

In order to take the required measures in a timely manner in the situation of the appearance of such a hernia, it is necessary to navigate the symptoms and treatment of lumbar hernia that arise due to compression of the nerve roots, due to protrusion of the disc between the vertebrae, or the unstable condition of the vertebrae.

The cause of a hernia is most often undesirable changes in the body, usually of a dystrophic and degenerative nature, caused by insufficient blood supply and impaired supply of essential nutrients. Along with disc prolapse, specialists also note that the patient has other spinal defects, which include scoliosis and osteochondrosis. There are symptoms belonging to the category of vertebral and extravertebral.

Signs of intervertebral hernia of vertebral and extravertebral nature

Vertebral symptoms are associated with local disorders in the human spine. In a certain place there is a stretch of muscles and ligaments, the prolapsed formation compresses soft fabrics. In such cases, the patient feels pain provoked by the irritated state of the ligament receptors. Such violations are easy to identify during local palpation.

Signs of the existence of a hernia, which are extravertebral in nature, are determined by where a certain protrusion is located and what its size is. To the main clinical signs The presence of such a problem can be attributed to lower back pain, which can be chronic, aching, dull, and usually worsens when coughing, sneezing or physical work. The ability of the spinal axis to move is extremely limited; it hurts a person with any attempt to bend or turn. Further, some numbness of the extremities, weakness in the legs, extremely undesirable neurological symptoms are often observed, and Achilles or knee reflexes may be absent. Problems with other organs are also possible; it becomes a problem for a person to fulfill the most ordinary natural needs.

Due to the fact that the nerve roots are pinched, a patient suffering from a herniated disc may suffer from too much pain. high pressure, frequent pain in the head area, dizziness. In such a situation, only correct treatment hernia of the lumbar spine, the patient's use of ordinary pharmaceuticals will not give the desired result, since the protrusion of the disc, which is the root cause of the problems, will not be eliminated.

Symptoms characteristic of the presence of a herniated disc in a person may also appear due to other diseases spinal column, in particular, they can be provoked by osteochondrosis. Due to the decrease in the height of the intervertebral discs, the likelihood of a number of protrusions increases. This situation causes many very unpleasant problems, among which there is a violation heart rate, pain in the hypochondrium, high blood pressure, too frequent need to expel feces and urine.

Based on statistical data, it is osteochondrosis, together with the presence of an intervertebral hernia, that most often causes patient complaints of back pain. Before prescribing a course of treatment, specialists always carefully diagnose the patient’s condition; if there are corresponding pain symptoms, it is strictly not recommended to self-medicate, in this way a person can injure himself great harm and significantly worsen the situation.

Treatment for intervertebral hernia

After the patient is diagnosed with a hernia, doctors select an individual complex therapeutic measures in each specific case. Modern medicine offers several enough effective methods treatment of lumbar intervertebral hernia. First of all, a sick person must refuse any stay in uncomfortable positions, and it is strictly forbidden to turn sharply. Thermal procedures are useful to improve blood supply.

In order to relieve inflammation, special drugs are used, which include diclofenac, ibuprofen, indomethacin; special novocaine blockades are also widely used to reduce pain syndrome. The process of further curvature of the spine can be prevented by a special support corset.

Not the last place in necessary activities Massage and therapeutic exercises for hernia of the lumbar spine are used. In this way, the muscular frame is strengthened and the openings located in the segments related to the spinal column are enlarged.

In a hernia situation, massage has important, however, it is strictly contraindicated during the period when the patient’s pain syndrome is in the acute stage. Before proceeding with the procedure itself, it is necessary to carefully examine the condition of the back, more effective massage becomes after taking a hot shower.

The massage therapist must be fluent in the appropriate technique, the entire procedure should be carried out extremely carefully and gently, sharp and too strong movements can cause swelling of the nerves and ruptures intervertebral discs. Before performing a gymnastics complex for a lumbar hernia, sacral region spine, massage will serve as a very useful preparatory stage.

In cases of disc prolapse, various types of massage can be used; cupping, segmental, acupressure, and Thai options are popular. At the end of this procedure, it is recommended to rub the damaged area with honey in combination with fir ointment; the effectiveness of honey in combating such protrusions has long been proven. After the massage, you should also use a warming ointment or a similar gel. Thanks to these measures, back pain can disappear after a week, and even after a day there will be a serious improvement in the patient’s condition.

Therapeutic gymnastic complex for disc protrusion

For the problems with the spine described above, it is necessary to do gymnastics for a herniated lumbar spine to prevent further disc displacement. She serves an excellent remedy to strengthen the muscular corset of the back. However, the patient must clearly understand that it is impossible to perform the exercises at home on their own; it is necessary to first consult with professionals. Doing gymnastics on your own initiative will not only not help in treating a hernia, but will almost certainly cause complications and can quickly make a person truly disabled.

If there is a bulging disc, the patient should take up swimming, but first it is necessary to work out in detail the entire complex, which simultaneously includes elements of various swimming styles. Other exercises are also recommended for herniated lumbar spine. It is worth regularly walking around the perimeter of the room, being on all fours, but you should not allow any violations in your posture.

You can pull the legs towards the stomach, while the patient lies on his back; the best option would be to touch the chest. Twisting the torso in different directions from a position lying on its side is also useful. A video of gymnastics for a hernia of the lumbar spine will help a person perform all the required exercises correctly, thanks to the presence visual instructions, the patient will be able to exercise effectively at home.

Intervertebral hernia has long been recognized as a rather serious and dangerous disease for a person’s future; it cannot be ignored alarming symptoms and hope that everything will work out on its own. Much depends on proper treatment of the disease; it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s back. Passed a medical examination on time and immediately Taken measures can save a person from the occurrence of extreme serious problems threatening the onset of disability.

Hernia of the lumbar spine is the most common form of this disease, manifested as a result of rupture of the spinal disc. Men aged 30-50 years are more often affected by the disease.

Due to severe physical activity, the fibrous ring of the spinal disc ruptures, which is why the semi-liquid core begins to penetrate into the spinal canal. This causes compression in the spinal cord, leading to disastrous results.

Main symptoms of the disease

When a lumbar hernia occurs and further develops, the following signs begin to appear:

  • pain in the lumbar region, as well as stiffening sensations;
  • sharp pain when bending or turning the body;
  • a feeling of lumbago (sharp pain) in the lower back, which appears spontaneously and can also disappear abruptly;
  • pain radiating to the lower extremities;
  • burning sensation, tingling in the legs, numbness of the limbs, “goosebumps”;
  • in particular severe cases malfunctions appear in the intestines, sometimes in the bladder and other organs, atrophy of the leg muscles appears, and paralysis is possible.

Characteristics of pain syndrome with hernia

First of all, a lumbar hernia is characterized by pronounced pain. It can be described as dull, aching. The pain can be so severe that because of it the patient cannot sit down normally, stand quietly, or even cough. Relief comes only when horizontal position when the limbs and spine do not bear any load. Therefore, during an exacerbation of a lumbar hernia, it is recommended to lie down as much as possible.

If pain begins due to a lumbar hernia, you should not expect it to go away. Even years later, it will torment a person, and the problem will only get worse. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor immediately. This will allow you to cure the disease at the initial stage and avoid surgical intervention.

As soon as a patient with a hernia makes any movement to change position, or tries to make certain movements, a sharp shooting pain appears in the lower back. It is called sciatica.

Based on the characteristics of the pain, you can approximately determine where the spinal deformity occurred. If the 5th lumbar vertebra is damaged, the pain will be localized in the big toe. And if the site of the vertebral hernia is located between the 5th lumbar and 1st sacral vertebrae, the patient will complain of pain in the sacrum, in the little finger, and in the back of the leg. Sick people usually prefer to endure even constant pain, and only in especially severe cases do they decide to consult a doctor.


A lumbosacral hernia is especially dangerous for women. It is in this area that the pelvic organs are located. If problems arise with the spine, interruptions in the blood circulation of these organs will begin, which will cause chronic gynecological pathologies. As a rule, patients with a lumbar hernia have significant impairments in work excretory system, as well as disruptions of the menstrual cycle.

Due to the presence of pathology in the spine, the muscles in this area are excessively tense. With this action, the body tries to keep the spine as motionless as possible so that the problem does not get worse. But in the long term, this can lead to scoliosis.

At intervertebral hernia In the lower back, severe compression of the nerve roots can easily occur. It causes a condition of loss of skin sensitivity in some areas. As a result, the skin develops dryness, and after a while it begins to peel off greatly.

Ultimately, the pain leads to the fact that the patient's mobility is sharply reduced. Sometimes the problem is so severe that a person’s knee reflex disappears for a while and sensitivity is lost thumb feet, as well as ankles. Ultimately, this can all lead to severe paralysis of the limbs.

Causes of the disease

The spine can even withstand increased stress on the body. This is due to its special anatomical structure. Thus, the center of the disc is formed by the nucleus pulposus. But if a person develops osteochondrosis, over time it wears off and loses its functions, since it does not receive enough nutrients along with the bloodstream. This causes the fibrous rings of the discs between the vertebrae to begin to crack and break down, causing a change in the distance between the vertebrae. The facet joints are stretched, and the disc is partially pushed into the spinal canal, which causes extrusion of the nucleus pulposus. This is how a hernia is formed. In this case, the spinal nerves experience strong pressure, swelling begins to develop in this area, which is accompanied by severe pain.

The following factors contribute to the appearance and further development of a hernia:

  • a hypodynamic lifestyle, as a result of which some parts of the body begin to receive less beneficial substances responsible for the ability of the spine to be flexible and mobile;
  • excess weight, due to which the spine is unnecessarily tense;
  • regular overload in the lumbar region;
  • frequent lifting of weights in a standing position by those patients who do not have developed muscles of the lower back and lower extremities;
  • the presence of defects in the musculoskeletal system: flat feet, problems with posture, the presence of pathological curvatures.

It is the lower back that bears the main load when the body moves. This load increases when a person tries to lift something heavy from the floor. In order for the spine to endure the process of lifting weights from the floor as gently as possible, it is recommended to do this so that the main emphasis is on the muscles of the buttocks and legs. But it is important that the muscular frame of the back is strong enough. This is achieved by performing exercises prescribed by your doctor.

Treatment of vertebral hernia

A lumbar hernia should be treated by a doctor. In this case, it is necessary to conduct a preliminary diagnosis, which includes ultrasound, MRI, ECG and other procedures. This is due to the fact that a hernia of the spine in the lumbar region has symptoms that overlap with diseases of organs localized in the pelvic area, as well as with ankylosing spondylitis. To distinguish them, it is necessary to carry out diagnostic measures.

Treatment can be either surgical or conservative. It is important to start treating a hernia in the early stages, because later conservative treatment will have no effect. It is important to understand that the methods traditional treatment do not have the desired effect.

To avoid surgery, it is recommended not to just take medications or go for a massage. It is important to completely transform your lifestyle, making it more active. You also need to give up harmful things (alcohol, drugs, tobacco) and even adhere to some diet principles.


Doctors resort to hernia resection only when traditional methods treatments have no effect or provide minimal results due to the severity of the condition:

  • rupture (or sequestration) intervertebral disc;
  • inflammation of the sciatic nerve;
  • decreased patency of the spinal canal;
  • significant displacement of the intervertebral disc;
  • lack of improvement in the patient's condition for a long time.

Today, medicine is able to offer various gentle interventions. Doctors can use one of the following types operations:

  • Laser reconstruction. Using a laser, you can quickly remove excess moisture from dermatoformed pulp. Due to this, compression of the nerve is eliminated. This type of intervention is considered the mildest, but it has the most contraindications.
  • Surgical removal parts of the disk. A needle is inserted through the skin into the site of inflammation, and part of the nucleus pulposus is removed there.
  • Removing the entire disc and replacing it with a prosthesis if pathological process launched.

Drug treatment

Taking medications for a spinal hernia is aimed not so much at eliminating the problem, but at combating the symptoms. But this is also important, because severe pain stops, and the person can return to a relatively normal life.

First of all, painkillers are taken. These are Diclofenac, Indomethacin or Ibuprofen. Their use is mandatory. They not only relieve pain, but can also prevent further muscle atrophy. After all, a person can now move more freely and not lose muscle strength. In addition, these drugs remove the inflammatory process caused by compression of the nerve roots. Nonsteroidal analgesics are used both in tablets and in the form of local agents.

When a spinal hernia occurs, the body innervates the muscles in the spinal region in such a way that they support and immobilize it as much as possible. This leads to severe stiffness in movement and severe muscle pain. To relax the muscles and give the body a rest, it may be necessary to administer central muscle relaxants, for example, Sirdalud or Mydocalm. These drugs eliminate muscle spasms. It is also possible to use novocaine blockades to relieve pain in particularly problematic areas.

Exercise as a treatment method

Taking pills alone is not enough to eliminate the signs of a spinal hernia using conservative methods. It is very important to supplement it therapeutic exercises, the use of which will stop the development of the problem. But you need to remember that exercises can be practiced only if pain and symptoms of a pinched nerve are completely eliminated.

The exercise program is created by the instructor specifically for each patient. It usually contains exercises for bending the body, rotating it and turning it. All exercises are aimed at strengthening the muscular system of the spine and preventing disc displacement in the future.

It is recommended to devote special time to exercises performed in various horizontal poses. In this case, the patient can perform rotations, abductions of arms or legs to the sides, lifting, and bending. You can also hang from a bar to stretch your spine a little. This will give the intervertebral discs more free space, which will increase the likelihood of them returning to a healthy state.

If you consult a doctor at the initial stage, the hernia can still be cured. But if the problem is advanced, doing exercises will only reduce the number of negative symptoms. It is important to follow all recommendations of the instructor and the attending physician.


To treat a lumbar hernia, it is also possible to use physiotherapeutic treatment methods:

  • acupuncture;
  • acupressure reflexology;
  • electrophoresis;
  • warming therapy for the spine;
  • underwater massage techniques.


The use of massage for the treatment of vertebral hernia is possible only during a period when there is no exacerbation. In this case, it is necessary to obtain the approval of the attending physician to carry out such manipulations.

Thanks to massage, you can increase blood circulation in the area of ​​inflammation. This will nourish the bones and nerve tissue useful substances and will allow you to quickly remove decay products from them. As a result, the muscle spasm will go away and the pain will decrease. In addition, during a massage you can get a portion of endorphins, which serve as a natural anesthetic.


You can familiarize yourself with the methods of treating intervertebral herniation without surgery in the video below:

Prevention of lumbar hernia

To prevent hernia, you should do the following:

  • watch your posture;
  • walk, swim, do yoga as much as possible, various types sports;
  • keep your back correct when working at the computer;
  • if the work involves long sitting, have to do frequent breaks and perform small moving exercises;
  • try to carry the same weight in both hands;
  • before lifting weights, bend your knees and straighten your back;
  • choose an orthopedic mattress for sleeping;
  • give up bad habits and eating junk food.


After completing treatment, it is important to undergo the longest and difficult process- rehabilitation. This is especially true for surgical intervention, the consequences of which remain for life. It is recommended to do it daily simple exercises to prevent the appearance of a new hernia. You should also avoid being in drafts and at low temperatures. At this time, it is possible to attend physiotherapy and exercise therapy sessions.

The entire recovery period can be divided into several stages. First, you need to relieve the pain for about two weeks, then you can try to move around the apartment and slightly bend your back. After three months, the stage of intensive physical training begins, which lasts up to a year. Only a year after a serious exacerbation of the lumbar hernia can you begin to lift light weights.

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Intervertebral hernia of the lumbar region– this is a rupture of a spinal disc (fibrous ring, cartilage), as a result of uneven load on the vertebrae.

Intervertebral hernia of the lumbar region is one of the most dangerous diseases spine, which causes pain in the lower back, can radiate to the leg, over time hampers movement, interferes with normal movement, and leads to disability of the patient.

The lumbar spine consists of 5 vertebrae (the lumbar vertebrae are designated by the letter “L”), connected by intervertebral discs. The spinal discs have oval shape and perform a shock-absorbing function, providing uniform pressure on the vertebrae. A herniated disc causes a disc to bulge, which puts pressure on the nerves and causes pain. It is in the lumbar region that intervertebral hernias most often occur.

Intervertebral hernias cause unbearable pain, numbness of the legs, tingling, sensations of “cottoniness”, a feeling of “crawling goosebumps” and more. Often, the patient is only bothered by pain in the leg, and he does not even always guess where this pain comes from and why it hurts.

Carrying out diagnostic tests for lumbar hernia

Symptoms of lumbar hernias

Treatment of the lumbar spine

A spinal hernia can occur in almost any part of the spine; in the lumbar region, in 90% of cases, hernias occur between the 4-5 lumbar vertebrae (L4-L5) and between the 5th lumbar and first sacral vertebrae (L5-S1). The occurrence of hernias in lower sections spine is explained by increased loads on this area, anatomical features ligamentous apparatus, as well as often concomitant pathology of an oblique pelvis. Hernia of the lumbar spine quite often causes radiculopathy, inflammation of the sciatic nerve, lumbago, lumbar sciatica and other syndromes.

Typical symptoms for intervertebral hernias of the lumbar spine.

– With an intervertebral hernia at the L4-L5 level, in addition to pain and stiffness in the lumbar spine, there is weakness in the big toe, pain in the upper leg, buttock, sensations of “crawling goosebumps” in the legs, and numbness in the fingers when sitting for a long time legs and other symptoms.
– With an intervertebral hernia of L5-S1, pain occurs in the knee, ankle, spreads along the inner thigh, numbness of the legs and other sensations occur.

Quite often, spinal hernias occur in several places at the same time and then the symptoms overlap each other.

It is worth remembering that the symptoms described above occur during the typical course of the disease and may vary depending on individual characteristics patient. To clarify the diagnosis, use additional methods research.

Causes of lumbar intervertebral hernias

To the most common reasons intervertebral hernias of the spine can be attributed to: trauma, heavy physical activity, long stay in a sitting position, bad habits, hip dysplasia in childhood, osteochondrosis, scoliosis and others.

According to statistics, spinal hernias quite often occur after road accidents, “whiplash injuries” (a sharp jerk of the head forward and then back). The first symptoms of a lumbar hernia of the spine appear 1.5-3 years after the accident.

Incorrectly selected treatment for hip dysplasia, in addition to disorders in the joint, causes pelvic distortion, which provokes the occurrence of intervertebral hernias in the lumbar region in adulthood.

The role of osteochondrosis is important in the formation of spinal hernias. As you know, osteochondrosis is the rapid aging of the spine, in which the intervertebral discs lose their elasticity and, as a result, the likelihood of the formation of an intervertebral hernia against the background of osteochondrosis is very high.

Bad habits also negatively affect the intervertebral discs of the back, thereby stimulating the formation of hernias. Smoking reduces the oxygen saturation of the blood, depriving the spinal discs of vital important elements. Drinking coffee impairs blood circulation in the surrounding tissues of the spine; irregular nutrition also negatively affects the spine.

Lack of regular standardized physical activity plays a huge role in the formation of intervertebral hernias in the lumbar region. The modern lifestyle does not always mean regular morning exercises or breaks from working at the computer, and this cannot but affect the spine. From the age of 20, metabolism is ensured only through constant movement, like a piston. Adynamia (lack of physical activity) accelerates the development of osteochondrosis and this is followed by intervertebral hernias.

Removing blocking in the L5-S1 segment

At the same time heavy physical labor in every possible way provokes the formation of spinal hernias.

It is also worth distinguishing between the cause of the disease and what provoked the exacerbation of the intervertebral hernia. It can even cause pain slight movement. For the lumbar region, the most dangerous movements are those accompanied by bending forward and turning to the side, or lifting a weight in front of you. With such movements, patients with a hernia of the lumbar spine experience a sharp shooting pain, after which it can persist for years.

Treatment of lumbar intervertebral hernias

When treating lumbar hernias, it is important not to miss the moment when you can still help in conservative ways and avoid surgery with all the ensuing consequences. If you consult a specialist in a timely manner, you can stop the progression and prevent possible complications. The goal of treating a lumbar hernia is to eliminate pain, which causes discomfort and hinders movement, and also to create a muscle corset by prescribing specially selected therapeutic exercises, balancing articular surfaces musculoskeletal system, elimination of vertebral subluxations that provoke the growth of intervertebral hernia.

Unfortunately, modern medicine is practically useless in the treatment of lumbar hernias, offering a choice between pain relief (blockade) and surgery - other methods simply cannot be applied in on a massive scale. Often, a neurosurgeon is more interested in carrying out 3-4 operations on the spine without results, rather than in bringing the patient out of an acute condition using conservative (non-surgical) methods and completely eliminating all manifestations of intervertebral hernias. In most cases, the patient himself decides on the operation and, having no choice, not knowing the consequences of surgical interventions, takes risks. Before performing an operation, it is necessary to undergo a course of conservative treatment and only after that decide on the need for surgery.

Video about the treatment of intervertebral hernia at the Clinic of Dr. Ignatiev

Main section: Treatment of intervertebral hernias

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    I have been serving for half a year, a month ago I began to suffer from pain in the lower back and between the scapulars, the MRI results were sent to the hospital and the doctors said about the commission, but in the unit they turn a blind eye to this and force me to carry everything heavy, too. this moment the leg began to lose weight, the right leg began to have daily cramps, numbness in the toes, constant fatigue, the conclusion in the epicrisis is as follows: Development of ostiachandrosis, lordosis, diffuse-dystrophic deformity of the lumbar intervertebral region, L5S1 hernia, L4/L5 disc protrusion

    I did an MRI a few days ago. Two hernias were discovered. I wanted to know how serious this is? I am 38 years old

    An athlete's back does not hurt during the day, but only hurts for the first hour after waking up when he lifts straight right leg

    Hello, I am 27 years old, 4 months away. Back pain, I lost 12 kg, my active lifestyle ended. My back hurt, like many people, probably, after a very long trip, etc., but after warming up and sports. the hall had no problems. I woke up in the morning, was frozen, and had a 5-point pain in my lower back. (I’ll calculate the pain on a ten-point scale, 10 means you can’t get up and find a lying position, not even possible pain..). It took a week, I decided to rest for a couple of days, well, it passed. I moved the refrigerator with my hands and feet, just as if I wasn’t writhing. He did the job and left. The pain in the lower back started after an hour, 3 points, after 3 hours, 5 points, went to lie down, got up in the morning 6 points. As a result, I did an MRI of the same paratrusions l4-l5, l5-s1 of 3 mm, they were the same ones I had 2 years ago.. the neurologist prescribed a course of treatment, 3 injections and a drip, for 10 days, at the end of the course from 6 points to 4. A week later, the surgeon prescribed a stronger treatment + with kitanal for 10 days, at the end there was 3 points of pain in the back, but it didn’t last long... the pain was 6 points, radiating to the leg..., they did a blockade, to no avail, after a couple weeks the temperature rose to 38, urine tests went off scale, they admitted me to the hospital, examined the kidneys, abdominal cavity, groin smear, ankylosing spondylitis, ACP and 4 more tests I don’t remember, everything was normal... 2 weeks passed, no effect.. pain for 8 -10 points, goes to the left leg. It was formed instead of lumbar lordosis. Lumbar kyphosis! I went to neurosurgery for 2 weeks, where the neurosurgeon tried everything he could +5 blockades in the left side of the lower back, the muscle was very wooden in tension, the tension was relieved, he was discharged with the same pain of 7-8 points. I completed a course of exercise therapy with Dona injections, Rumalon, TraumeelS with a rehabilitation specialist, the muscles became stronger for 20 days (the pain is still the same). At home, while on sick leave, the entire hospital was overcome by hellish pains, I’m already freaking out about everyone. During these 4 months, three MRIs of the lumbar region, one with contrast... I went to the neurologist for a commission... they said do another MRI………. Well just p.....! Got to the leeches. They did breast therapy at home..(leeches), after two hours he stood up and walked straight, there was no pain in the leg, it was enough for 12 hours. The contrast MRI described, probably swelling of the soft tissues from the left from l3 to s2 (all the attending doctors saw the MRI..) On at the moment I have no idea what to do ((((6 points of pain..

Intervertebral hernias and other troubles associated with the spine - osteochondrosis, rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis - all this is humanity's retribution for walking upright.

Previously, it was believed that older people began to grab their backs, having accumulated, along with the years they had lived, and degenerative changes spine.

As a rule, men are more likely to suffer from this scourge after the age of 30. And in 90% of cases we are talking about a hernia of the lumbar spine, today we will talk about how to get rid of this disease at home using folk remedies.

Reasons for appearance

Today, doctors are sounding the alarm: hernias are getting younger and the main reason for this is a sedentary lifestyle, prolonged static loads, such as sitting in front of a computer monitor for hours and days on end. The load on the spine in this case, no matter how strange it may seem, is enormous and the consequences are very unpleasant.

5 main causes of lumbar hernia:

  • Sedentary, inactive lifestyle.
  • Injuries (old back bruises can also make themselves felt).
  • Overweight.
  • Experiences and stress.
  • Lifting weights. Excessive physical activity.

Comment: There may be several reasons. The sum of factors is not excluded.

What is a hernia, and how does it manifest itself?

A hernia is the result of damage to the intervertebral disc. Part of the gelatinous tissue of the disc core, when the disc itself is deformed, is compressed and protrudes into the spinal canal. There this fabric presses on nerve endings located, in great abundance, in the region of the spinal column. Nerve roots are pinched by a bulging hernia and cause tissue swelling. And swelling, in turn, gives severe pain.

In this case, it is impossible to ignore the pain. And it is not necessary! On the contrary, urgent measures need to be taken.

Symptoms of hernial strangulation

  • Aching pain in the lumbar spine. ( Attention! Pain with similar symptoms also occurs with inflammatory gynecological diseases among women. Therefore, the first thing a neurologist does is exclude the gynecological component from the causes.)
  • Shooting, sharp pains in back, at the slightest, even harmless, movement, for example, when sneezing. People call such pains “lumbago.” The roots of the nerve endings pinched by the hernia make themselves felt.
  • Numbness in the legs. Numbness usually spreads to one leg - the one towards which the hernia is displaced. And such numbness is a bad sign. It means that the process has started, and it is no longer possible to limit yourself to home remedies and methods. You need to see a doctor!
  • Cramps your legs. Sensations similar to those that occur with the legs in cold water when swimming. The pain is unbearable, making it impossible to walk. And the person takes a gentle pose - gets on all fours. This symptom, especially if it is constantly repeated, is a direct path to disability. There is usually only one way out - surgery.
  • Muscle weakness of the legs. Numbness of the toes, more often - the thumb. If the process is started, numbness may remain even after removal. pain syndrome. Calf muscle, long time, which has not received enough “nutrition”, dries and decreases in size. Her tone decreases sharply. Often there is a tingling sensation in the leg, cramping pain or pain similar to electrical discharges - sharp, piercing.

Why is a hernia dangerous?

And it is dangerous due to complications. It is with them that neurologists fight after first aid - pain relief. And the recovery process is very long. It requires a painstaking, systematic approach and a clear diagnosis - you need to know where exactly the hernia is hidden, what size it is, . Is she alone?..

Fortunately, today there are no problems with diagnosis - it is enough to do an MRI of the lumbar spine.

If the pain continues for a month or more, and you continue to wait for it to “go away on its own,” then the path to a wheelchair is very likely.

  • The most pessimistic scenario for the development of events

Gradually, your hernia will increase in size to such an extent that it completely blocks muscle nutrition, damaging the nerve fibers. Paralysis will develop, your legs will become “wobbly” and will no longer obey you. With a hernia of the lumbosacral spine, paralysis can also affect the ability to defecate and urinate.

  • A less pessimistic scenario for the development of events

Limited movement and physical activity. Constant discomfort when bending over. With time muscular system the leg limbs weaken and atrophy. Frequency muscle spasms increases. ABOUT full life there is no question.

A hernia of the sacral spine in women can lead to reproductive dysfunction.

Methods for treating intervertebral hernia

There are two main methods of treatment: surgical and conservative.

Way surgical treatment– one – operation.

U conservative method spectrum of impact on lumbar hernia more extensive:

  • Drug treatment. This includes pills, intravenous drips, intramuscular injections– hormonal, analgesic, anti-inflammatory therapy, psychotropic drugs.
  • Physiotherapy. To classical electrophoresis, which has proven itself in the treatment of spinal diseases since Soviet times, today it has been added wide range new physiotherapeutic possibilities. Among them is acupuncture, which came to us from China; hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches), apitherapy (treatment bee venom), dry traction, various hardware techniques (ultrasound, laser, magnetic resonance).
  • Manual therapy. This includes not only massage, but also osteopathy.

“Bone setters,” as they are popularly called, indeed, back in the old days, manually set not only dislocations, but also hernias. But such a skill high class and rarely, who is subject to it. Therefore, there is a very high risk of falling into the hands of an incompetent “manipulator” and after his session going to the ambulance in surgery.

  • Exercise therapy. Physical therapy is indicated for lumbar hernias.

But! This type of treatment is started only after the patient has recovered from the acute period and his pain syndrome has been relieved.

The therapeutic and physical training complex is selected for each patient individually and is performed by the patient systematically, daily and for a long time. Ideally, daily morning back exercises should become a habit and become a permanent factor in the prevention of osteochondrosis and exacerbation of intervertebral hernia at home.

Basic physical therapy exercises

1.Series of stretching exercises. Their goal is to reduce pressure on the vertebrae by intervertebral disc and stop its deformation.

Such exercises include: fetal position, sleeping baby position or praying position oriental man– on the stomach, knees bent, arms extended forward as much as possible or lying relaxed along the bent body. The goal is to press as close to the floor as possible and relieve the load on the spine.

Cat pose– standing on all fours on the floor, while inhaling, try to arch your back upward as much as possible (like a cat). As you exhale, lower your back, even bend it down if possible. Breathe openly, noisily, powerfully taking in and releasing air from yourself.

2. A series of exercises to strengthen the muscular frame. It is necessary so that the spine “does not wobble”, but is fixed by a natural frame - made of muscles.

These exercises include strengthening the abs and back muscles: – lying on your back, straighten your legs and bend your knees. Hands behind the head or along the body and legs do not help.

– Lying on your back, without lifting your feet from the floor, raise top part torso. Hands behind your head.

Important! Exercises should not cause discomfort. On the contrary, they should bring relief and a pleasant feeling of lightness and flexibility. This way there is a greater chance that you will get used to them and will not be able to live without them later.

In case of hernial manifestations, exercises with twists, sudden movements and jumps are contraindicated.

But! The water should be at a comfortable temperature. No contrasting douches.

  • Folk remedies. They have also proven themselves well in the treatment of lumbar intervertebral hernias. They are attractive both for their efficiency and affordability - many manipulations can be done at home, on your own. The material costs for them are not high and are not comparable with the cost of surgical intervention.

But there are cases when home therapy intervertebral hernia is ineffective and even dangerous.


Factors that cannot be ignored at home treatment spinal hernias in the lumbar region: – patient’s age,

  1. his professional daily activity,
  2. accompanying illnesses,
  3. the presence of sensory loss and paralysis.

Traditional methods are effective if:

  • The diagnosis was made correctly.
  • The hernia is not very large and the disease has not progressed too far.
  • Treatment methods with folk remedies do not contradict the principles of traditional medicine and do not go against it.

According to the goals and objectives, folk remedies for the treatment of hernia of the lumbar spine are divided into three groups:

  1. To relieve pain.
  2. Release the compressed nerve.
  3. Do not allow it to re-compress.

The sequence of actions is important. And it is important not to limit yourself to just one achievement, for example, pain relief. If the nerve remains pinched by the hernia, then everything will return to normal and at double the scale.

Attention! During the acute period, hot baths, steam rooms, and massages are unacceptable.

Folk remedies that you can do at home

The role of anti-inflammatory drugs is played by tinctures, decoctions and ointments made from natural products and herbs.

  • The lumbar region of the back is rubbed St. John's wort oil(fresh St. John's wort is infused for two weeks sunflower oil in a dark place until it turns red), birch leaf oil(see St. John's wort oil).
  • Apply to the sore spot horse fat, wrapped in gauze. The compress is worn for a day. Repeated up to 10 times.
  • Compress with red clay It is done by analogy with horse fat. The clay is pre-soaked in warm water until it becomes liquid. The compress is kept until the clay dries completely.
  • Garlic compress– grated garlic is infused with vodka in a dark place for 10 days. The resulting pulp is wrapped in gauze and applied to the lower back.
  • Iodine mesh. Iodine has, in addition to the known antiseptic action, also anti-inflammatory. It is well absorbed by the skin and is able to penetrate deeply to the site of inflammation. Therefore, when treating lumbar hernias at home, we cannot replace it. The easiest way to use it is iodine mesh on a sore spot. Sore spot then you need to keep it warm, it’s better to wrap it up.

Advice: folk remedies will work better if they are combined with therapeutic exercises, drug pain relief, restriction of mobility and providing rest to the back.

It is also important to review your diet - exclude salt, alcohol, spicy and smoked foods from it, expand vegetable menu, rich in fiber, microelements and vitamins.

Specialty: General Practitioner
Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after. Sechenov in 2010

A herniated disc in the lumbar spine is a protrusion of the central part of the disc between two vertebrae beyond the space between them. More often, doctors detect protrusion to the side spinal canal, which leads to compression of the spinal nerve roots and disruption of blood circulation directly in the spinal cord.

Patients, as a rule, lately seek qualified medical care, because characteristic symptoms of the state in question are perceived as age-related changes or as a result of heavy physical labor. But even with late treatment, doctors prescribe therapeutic treatment, surgical intervention is extremely rarely resorted to.

Intervertebral hernia - what is it?

Normally, the central part of the intervertebral disc is an elastic, springy “jelly”. This structure in medicine is called the nucleus pulposus and is the main shock-absorbing element of the spinal column. The central part of the intervertebral disc is normally capable of spreading out and moving inside the disc depending on the force and direction of the load on the spinal column. And at the same time, the tissues surrounding the disc are not affected at all.

As soon as thinning of the fibers occurs in the fibrous ring of the intervertebral disc, the nucleus pulposus “rushes” into weakness. If the nucleus does not extend beyond the disc, then this condition cannot be called a hernia.

In fact, the nucleus pulposus is quite difficult to thin out - its fibers are intricately intertwined, but in the case poor nutrition These fibers and/or insufficient oxygen supply to this part of the spinal column is precisely what causes the structure of the nucleus pulposus to be disrupted. It's about about unevenly distributed loads on the spine - for example, if a person is forced to constantly lift heavy loads or suddenly takes care of his health and strives to meet Olympic standards after a long period of inactive life.

Stages of hernia formation

Before the nucleus pulposus is outside the disc, several stages pass through:

  1. Disc protrusion. The fibrous ring begins to lose elasticity, and the nucleus pulposus shifts to one side. Doctors assure that if during this period of development of the disease the patient is provided with a competent alternation of therapeutic exercises and rest, then the process of formation of an intervertebral hernia can be stopped.
  2. Incomplete prolapse of a disc area. The fibrous ring is already being destroyed, but only in one place, where the material of the nucleus pulposus begins to move.
  3. Complete disc prolapse. During this period, the core has already gone beyond the fibrous ring, compression of the vertebral bodies and the structure of the nervous system occurs.
  4. Disc sequestration. This condition is characterized by the entry of a portion of the nucleus pulposus into the spinal canal. And it is precisely during this period that a person develops powerful allergic reactions, there is a rapid disruption of the blood supply to the spinal cord and its nerves. Disc sequestration is a condition that most often results in paralysis of the lower limbs and pelvic organs.

Causes of intervertebral hernia formation

According to statistics, hernias of the lumbar vertebra are often diagnosed against the background - the trophism of the fibrous ring becomes worse, and the structure becomes dry and brittle. But do not forget that osteochondrosis and the disease in question are two completely different pathologies.

Factors that provoke the development of a hernia of the lumbar spine are:

In addition, intervertebral hernia of the lumbar spine can develop against the background of pathologies endocrine system, chronic inflammatory processes, intoxication and some genetic diseases.

It is worth highlighting other provoking factors:

Symptoms of intervertebral hernia of the lumbar spine

It’s worth warning right away: the signs of the disease in question are not unique; they may also be characteristic of other pathologies. Therefore, even if some signs of the development of an intervertebral hernia of the lumbar spine occur, do not panic. It is advisable to visit a doctor and undergo a full examination to make sure that the pathology in question is present or absent.

Pain syndrome

Most often present on inside thighs, then extends to the knee, shin and inner ankle. Some patients complain that the pain radiates (“gives”) to the buttock or foot, or is localized at a specific point in the lower back.

The pain, as the disease progresses, changes its localization - “descends” to the lower leg, heel and back of the foot. On initial stages is of an unstable nature and can be in the form of a lumbago and a nagging unpleasant sensation.

The pain syndrome intensifies with prolonged standing, prolonged walking, sharp turns or bending of the body, and driving on uneven roads. But you can ease the pain in the initial stages by taking a lying position.

Weakening of the muscles of the lower limb

It becomes difficult for the patient to squat, jump, or climb stairs—the leg gets tired very quickly. If the hernia is already compressing the spinal cord, then the described symptoms will be characteristic of both lower extremities.

Note:if there is compression of the spinal cord, then banal weakness of the muscles of the lower extremities, without proper treatment, can result in paralysis of the legs.

Limitation of movements

The muscles become weak and the patient will notice some limited movement. For example, he cannot perform deep bends forward and to the side, or raise his leg bent at the knee.

Sensory impairment

IN lower limbs and numbness, burning, tingling, or freezing sensation will be present in the lumbar spine area. In this case, pain or the effects of too hot / cold temperatures are not fully felt.

Skin changes on the affected leg

The affected leg is pale, there is noticeably less hair on it, there may be increased or, conversely, decreased sweating, and the skin on the affected leg is cold to the touch.

Note:the pulse on the affected leg will be felt in all places - under the knee, on the thigh, between the big and index fingers on the foot.

Dysfunction of the pelvic organs

This syndrome is characteristic only in the case of compression of the spinal cord by a hernia. Pathological changes in the intestines include constipation or diarrhea, but there is no abdominal pain or flatulence.

In case of violation nervous regulation work Bladder will be celebrated too frequent urge to urination, and in rare cases, urinary incontinence.

Decreasing sexual desire, in men chronic disease appears and develops (inflammation of the prostate gland), and in women - gynecological diseases.

In addition to the listed symptoms, an intervertebral hernia of the lumbar spine can be identified by those signs that will be noticeable to family and friends:

  • the patient is hunched over and slouched;
  • one leg is visually perceived shorter than the other;
  • the patient's movements become unstable;
  • on the bare back you can see tense muscles on one side of the spinal column;
  • the patient's posture changes dramatically.

Treatment of intervertebral hernia of the lumbar spine

Therapy for the disease in question is primarily aimed at eliminating pain and getting rid of spasm of the compressed muscles of the spine, eliminating ischemia of the spinal cord and its roots. In addition, there is a need to create a muscle corset and balance the joints between the processes of the vertebrae.

Treatment of intervertebral hernia of the lumbar spine is divided into three periods:

  1. Spicy. The patient complains about intense pain, stiffness of movement and impaired sensitivity in the lower extremities.
  2. Subacute. It begins after 3-5 days and is characterized by a decrease in the severity of pain, but sensitivity during this period is only partially restored.
  3. Restorative. This period begins 3-4 weeks after the start of treatment. It will be characterized by the absence of pain and only slight disturbances in sensitivity.

This separation is necessary so that the doctor can apply
choose the right treatment tactics. In the acute period, exclusively conservative therapy is used, but in the subacute and recovery period Surgery may also be used.

Conservative treatment

Acute period

The patient is shown bed rest, minimum physical activity. The patient should lie on a small pillow, strictly on his back, and a cotton-gauze roll should be placed under the lower back.

Note:The attending physician must give the patient the correct position. The specialist knows exactly in which area of ​​the disc there is a rupture, the patient’s position will depend on this - for example, if there is sciatic neuralgia, then the legs should be bent at the hip and knee joints.

Medicines used in the treatment of the acute period of the disease in question:

  1. Painkillers that simultaneously have an anti-inflammatory effect. Diclofenac, Movalis, Rofica are prescribed to patients by injection in the first 3-5 days of treatment. Then the injections are gradually replaced by tablets with a similar effect - Ibuprofen, Meloxicam and others.
  2. Novocaine blockade. It is carried out with the addition of an anti-inflammatory hormone, due to which the pain disappears immediately and for a period of 2-3 weeks.
  3. Drugs that can relieve painful muscle spasms. Muscle relaxants are used central action– Mydocalm or Sirdalud.
  4. . Vitamins B6, B1, B12 are prescribed in combination - the drugs Neurovitan, Milgamma or Neurobeks.

Subacute period

The patient's regime should be semi-bed, within drug therapy painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed medications in tablets, vitamins and muscle relaxants in tablets. IN subacute period Physiotherapy can be performed:

In this period of treatment of intervertebral hernia of the lumbar spine, the use of medical leeches– hirudotherapy is carried out in a course of 10-12 procedures with an interval of 4 days. But massage should be carried out with extreme caution; if the patient complains of pain in the lower extremities, then this method of treatment is contraindicated. There is another method additional treatment in the subacute period of the disease in question: post-isometric relaxation, which is carried out only with a specialist. The procedure consists of a combination of ten-second muscle work (tension/tension, but without pain) and maximum relaxation for the same time.

Note:Physical therapy in the subacute period is considered the main method of treatment. But classes should be carried out only as prescribed by a doctor and under the supervision of a specialist. Under no circumstances should you perform exercises if you have pain in the legs or lower back, and the best option would be to use a weight-bearing corset during physical education.

Recovery period

Drug treatment at this stage conservative therapy extremely limited - painkillers are used only in case of resumption of pain, for example, against the background of exercises as part of physical therapy or massage.

It is very important during the recovery period to regularly engage in physical therapy under the guidance of a specialist. Moreover, the number of exercises increases, they become varied and are designed to fulfill the task of restoring muscle tone and strengthening them. Specialist in physical therapy select exercises with gymnastic apparatus –

Removal of intervertebral hernia of the lumbar spine

The decision to remove a hernia of the lumbar spine is made only for certain indications:

The essence surgical intervention in case of intervertebral hernia of the lumbar spine - release of the spinal cord from the hernia. Execute like this surgical intervention can in different ways:

  • endoscopic;
  • percutaneous discectomy;
  • disc replacement;
  • laser reconstruction.

Note: surgery of the disease in question is the last decision that the attending physician can make. While conservative treatment gives positive results, the operation is not scheduled.

Preventive actions

To prevent the development of a hernia in the lumbar spine, you must pay attention to the recommendations of doctors:

  • there must be control over one’s own weight;
  • food should be varied and nutritious;
  • It is necessary to lead an active lifestyle and avoid physical inactivity.

Intervertebral hernia of the lumbar spine is a disease that is extremely important to diagnose. If treatment is started by a neurologist on time, then within 5 days after pain relief the patient can return to to the usual way life. If you follow all the prescriptions and recommendations of the attending physician, then the symptoms of the disease in question may not recur.