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Harm from soluble chicory and contraindications. Chemical composition of chicory and calorie content. Which is better, powdered or chicory extract?

Modern pharmacology is actively developing and daily offers us, as consumers, many new drugs and preparations. However, using advanced innovative achievements of science, we should not forget about the centuries-old experience of traditional medicine. Herbalists, who for centuries have been attentive to the gifts of nature and used them for the treatment and prevention of various diseases, have created many effective means, some of which are used in modern pharmacology and medicine. In this article we will look at what medicinal properties chicory, known to our ancestors, we can use to maintain and strengthen our own health, as well as for what diseases it can be used.

Botanical description

Common chicory (Cichorium intybus) is a wild relative of endives such as endive, escarole and witloof. All of these plants belong to the Asteraceae (Asteraceae) family. Chicory, the photo of which is presented below, is a perennial herbaceous plant with a long, straight and fleecy stem, from 30 to 100 cm in height. Its root system is of a tap-type type, and the leaves are lanceolate, rough-hairy, and collected in a rosette in the root zone.

In the first year, only a rosette of leaves is formed, and in the second year, a stem is formed on which flowers are formed, and subsequently seeds. Flowering period: from June to August. Flowers have petals in most cases blue-blue color, less often they are painted white or pink. Flowers open early in the morning, around 4-5 o'clock, and close around three in the afternoon. By autumn, chicory produces fruits - prismatic achenes; more than 3,000 seeds can be obtained from one bush.

Chicory is widespread throughout the European territory of Russia, Western Siberia and Belarus. It is also found in Africa, South and North America, Australia and East Asia. It has many popular names: shkerda, petrovy batoga, black companion, sickle.

The plant is unpretentious and happily colonizes roadsides, wastelands and ditches. Today, since chicory is a herb whose medicinal properties have been studied quite well, it is specially cultivated. The root and the entire herbaceous part of the flower are used to make preparations and medicines.

What parts are used?

Main medicinal raw materials is chicory root. Its medicinal properties are due to the presence of large quantities of inulin, choline and intibine. In addition, it contains vitamins, micro- and macroelements, tannins and resins.

The herbaceous above-ground part of chicory begins to be harvested from the beginning of flowering, cutting off the upper 30 cm of the plant. The grass is crushed, placed on thick paper or cardboard in a well-ventilated, dry and shaded place and dried. The prepared raw materials are placed in sealed glass containers and stored in a dry and dark place.

What are the benefits of chicory?

In former times, this plant was called the herb for a hundred ailments. And today, flowers, leaves and stems, roots, that is, all parts of chicory that have certain medicinal properties, find their use in the fight against various diseases. Due to the high content of immunostimulating substances, the plant promotes the activation of metabolic processes and inhibits growth pathogens. The medicinal properties of chicory are very diverse, thanks to which it is used both in folk and official medicine. In addition, chicory has:

  • diuretic and choleretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • wound healing;
  • vasodilators;
  • antitumor properties.


Despite the many advantages that chicory has, its use should be extremely careful. It is advisable to consult with your doctor before starting to take it. Under no circumstances should chicory be used by people suffering from gastritis, varicose veins and hemorrhoids. Since this plant actively affects the nervous system, chicory is contraindicated for patients suffering from neurotic disorders.

How is it used in folk medicine?

The medicinal properties of chicory allow it to be used to treat anemia of various etiologies, diseases gastrointestinal tract, nervous, digestive and genitourinary system, reducing the effects of stress and mental strain.

A decoction is made from chicory seeds, which has an analgesic, antipyretic and diaphoretic effect. An infusion of flowers helps with pain in the heart and increased nervous excitability. At general weakness For anemia, experts recommend using chicory juice.

When joints are damaged due to various chronic diseases, for eczema and diathesis, baths with herbal decoction are recommended. For abscesses, poultices from the herbaceous part of this plant are used.

Will chicory help with diabetes?

Of course, cure diabetes through this medicinal plant it won’t work, but here’s to raising the overall vitality, it can remove harmful toxins from the body. People suffering from diabetes are recommended to use chicory root, which contains a high molecular weight polysaccharide - inulin, which helps lower blood sugar levels, activate metabolism and improve functioning. digestive system. In addition, when regular use Drinking from this plant cleanses the body of various wastes and toxins.

For diabetic patients, we can recommend an infusion of chicory with rose hips. To prepare it, you need to combine three tablespoons of rose hips, chicory herb, shepherd's purse, and juniper fruits in a container. Add 2 tablespoons of mint and 1 tablespoon of goosefoot. The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed, after which, taking two tablespoons of the mixture, brew it with 300 ml of hot boiled water. Before drinking, the drink, steeped for 2-3 hours in a thermos, is filtered and taken throughout the day, between meals.

Is it possible to lose weight with chicory?

Due to the substances contained in the roots of this plant, the human body gets rid of accumulated waste and toxins, due to which all organs and systems begin to function more efficiently, and this contributes to the loss excess weight. Knowing about these medicinal properties of chicory, you can use the following recipe to combat extra pounds: 1 teaspoon of crushed plant roots is poured into 0.5 liters of water and boiled for 10 minutes over medium heat. Then you need to filter the resulting broth and leave it to cool at room temperature. This drink should be taken 100 ml three times a day, half an hour before meals. In addition to normalizing weight, this decoction will help restore liver function and cope with the problem of severe sweating.

Is it possible for pregnant women?

Modern doctors, knowing what beneficial properties chicory has, have also found use in gynecology: pregnant women are prescribed drinks based on this plant. Due to the fact that they remove toxins and other unnecessary substances from the body. harmful substances, swelling decreases, symptoms of heartburn and nausea decrease, intestinal motility improves and appetite increases. All this contributes to an easier pregnancy and, consequently, the birth of a healthy baby.

Expectant mothers should definitely consult a doctor before starting to take chicory drinks.

Chicory and breastfeeding

Doctors recommend drinks from this plant to pregnant women, but nursing mothers should not consume it. First of all, because, entering the newborn’s body through milk, chicory components can cause excessive nervous excitement, as well as serious allergic reactions. In addition, during research it was found that drinks from this plant significantly reduce the amount of milk in a nursing woman.

Should I give it to children?

It can be given to children over two years of age. This drink does not contain any substances that are especially necessary or important for the child, but it is also much less harmful than coffee. It is better if the child drinks a chicory drink with milk, and preferably only in the first half of the day.

Instant chicory

Every day everything more people give preference healthy image life, and his followers, trying to reduce harmful effects caffeine on the body, instead of a morning cup of strong coffee, they prefer to drink instant chicory. This drink tastes somewhat like coffee, although some say it is more like cocoa.

Just like drinks, infusions and decoctions made from plant materials, instant chicory does an excellent job of cleansing the body of various toxins and wastes. In addition, this drink is suitable for those people who, due to one or another disease, are contraindicated with regular coffee.

Is it possible to eat it?

Chicory was used as food by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, who added the leaves of this flower to salads. But in Europe, close attention to it arose only at the end of the Middle Ages, after they learned to grind and roast its roots, thus obtaining a substitute for expensive coffee. Essentially, it was soluble chicory. It should be noted that chicory is known to most people as a coffee substitute, but other, tasty and healthy dishes. Here are a few possible options its preparations.

Cooking with chicory

First of all, the greens of this plant can be used to make salads. Crushed young leaves of this flower are stewed for about 20 minutes in vegetable oil, adding a little water and salt. A few minutes before the end of cooking, add chopped garlic and parsley. Once cooled, such a salad can be consumed as an independent dish or included in another.

In addition, the salad can be prepared from the roots of the plant. To do this, jacket potatoes and chicory root along with herbs are boiled in salted water, then peeled and chopped. This salad can be dressed with any vegetable oil or mayonnaise dressing.

For fish dishes, you can prepare a sauce from young chicory greens. You will need about 100 grams of young greenery, pre-soaked for two hours in salted water, and passed through a meat grinder. Then you should fry the resulting mass in a vegetable or butter until soft, then add about 300 g of stewed and mashed apples into the frying pan.

Thus, you can use chicory for food, recipes for cooking from it delicious dishes simple and accessible.

A perennial plant with a straight herbaceous stem up to 120 cm high with bright blue, less often pinkish, flowers.

This crop grows in India, South and North America, Eurasia, Australia, and northern Africa. In our region, it is very common in the western part of Russia, Siberia, Altai and the Caucasus.

In the wild, chicory is found in meadows, arable lands, and roadsides; it is often mistaken for a weed. But chicory is also a common useful crop. It has been grown in Russia since 1880.

There are two types of chicory: salad And ordinary, the root of which can even reach up to fifteen meters in length and is the most useful part of the plant. Common chicory is often called " Petrov's batogs».

How to choose

In cosmetology

In the cosmetic industry, chicory-based shampoos and rinses are produced that promote hair growth and improve hair structure.

For weight loss good effect achieved by drinking chicory drink 30 minutes before meals. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of chicory in a glass of warm or cold water. The bitter taste of the drink reduces taste sensations and causes a feeling of satisfying hunger.

In cooking

Chicory will fully reveal all its medicinal qualities if you add 2 tablespoons of ground root to 500 ml of water and boil for ten minutes.

An even more healthy drink can be obtained by adding milk or cream.

Chicory leaves are used in cooking fresh salads or as a separate side dish for meat and fish dishes.

Pre-dissolve ground chicory in a small amount warm water with milk or just water, it can be added to homemade baked goods to obtain a pleasant color, aroma and exquisite nutty-coffee taste.

Is a soluble powdered chicory. The powder is obtained by grinding the dried, roasted root of this plant. It is diluted in boiling water and a drink is obtained that is very similar in color and taste to black coffee. Chicory root powder is added to black ground coffee; this coffee drink has a rich taste and aroma.

There is not a drop of caffeine in the chicory drink, so you can safely drink it in cases where the consumption of caffeine-containing products is not recommended. Powder from the root of the plant is used not only to prepare a drink, but also as a seasoning for some dishes.

Beneficial properties of chicory powder

Chicory root contains many beneficial substances.

The root of this plant contains many beneficial nutrients. It contains a large amount of valuable polysaccharide inulin (up to 60-70% in dry matter). Chicory root is the second source of production after tubers. natural inulin for further medical and food use. This substance belongs to the group of prebiotics - substances that are not broken down by enzymes of the digestive system, but selectively stimulate growth and vital activity (especially lacto- and bifidobacteria).

Inulin, contained in chicory root powder, helps normalize food digestion and cleanse the intestines, so it is recommended to drink a drink from it for digestive disorders, during weight loss diets and to remove waste and toxins from the intestines. The drink increases the acidity of gastric juice, which can be useful for. Substances contained in chicory root powder have choleretic effect, there is evidence that they contribute to the dissolution of stones in gallbladder. However, people suffering from, especially calculous, and liver diseases, should consult a doctor before drinking the drink.

A drink made from chicory powder is recommended for use. Due to the inulin it contains, it has a beneficial effect on carbohydrate and fat metabolism. It has been proven that with its regular use, glucose levels and. The molecules of this polysaccharide bind and prevent the absorption of glucose from food. In addition, inulin removes acetone and ketone bodies, which are produced during carbohydrate metabolism disorders.

Chicory root powder is not only rich in inulin. It contains vitamins, especially a lot of vitamin A and group B, ascorbic acid, macro- and microelements. B vitamins are essential for maintaining nervous system. A drink made from chicory has a calming effect, so it is useful to drink it after work and before bed. Vitamin C is necessary to strengthen the immune system, maintain normal condition cardiovascular, hematopoietic system, musculoskeletal system and other body systems.

Chicory powder contains a lot of sodium and, which are necessary for the regulation water-salt metabolism, the work of the heart and other organs. Chicory root contains iron, silicon, selenium, manganese, copper and other trace elements. Thanks to this vitamin and mineral composition, a drink made from soluble chicory powder has general strengthening effect. The substances included in its composition help thin the blood and dilate blood vessels, which makes its use useful for.

Chicory powder contains tannins and various organic acids, so it has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and astringent action. A drink made from it is useful for inflammatory diseases gastrointestinal tract, while coffee, for which chicory powder is a substitute, is contraindicated in such cases. For diseases of the urinary system, soluble chicory will also be useful, since it has antimicrobial and diuretic effects.

Harm of chicory

You should not abuse the drink made from chicory root; it has healing and for preventive purposes It is enough to drink a couple of cups a day. Excessive consumption can lead to digestive disorders, diarrhea, bloating and flatulence.

Many people drink an aromatic drink that tastes like coffee. Such lovers, of course, want to know how soluble chicory is beneficial for the body.

The instant mixture is a great help for those who suffer from hypertension and stomach diseases, but are not used to doing without a cup of coffee in the morning. Patients with these diagnoses decide not to take caffeine and choose chicory as an alternative.

In the old days, 20% of chicory roots were mixed with coffee beans and brewed in a coffee maker. This recipe will help you make a gradual transition from one drink to another.

Chicory is a herbaceous plant

In order to consider the beneficial properties of instant chicory, it would be good to become familiar with the raw materials from which it is made. Common chicory is a tall perennial plant with pale blue flowers. It is not rich in leaves, but it blooms very profusely and is considered an excellent honey plant.

The root is of greatest interest. In its shape it resembles a spindle; it is from it that valuable drink. The rationale is that it is big and meaty.

Valuable grass grows everywhere. It can be found on desert hillocks and along the road. Mass cultivation of chicory in fields is also practiced in order to obtain the roots of this plant.

Beneficial properties of chicory root

What soluble chicory is useful for is the vital biological substances contained in the roots of the plant from which it is obtained. They include vitamins PP, B2, A, C, as well as useful elements, such as manganese, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and iron. Due to the abundance of such components, the drink is used as a general tonic.

Chicory root also contains other nutrients: choline, pectin, lactucin, sugar, intibin, organic acids, protein compounds, ascorbic acid and tannins,

The earthen part of the plant is enriched with milky liquid and has a bitter taste. Therefore, a similar taste is present in powdered soluble chicory. Is the product made from it useful for sick people?

Since ancient times, the root has been used to increase appetite and improve digestion. IN folk medicine it is used to normalize metabolism, for diseases of the liver, stomach, intestines and colds. Chicory root has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and slightly laxative effects.

Some studies have shown that Bottom part The plant can have a sedative and astringent effect.

The presence of inulin in chicory roots is of great importance. They contain from 60 to 80% of this substance, depending on where the grass grows. In particular, because of this element, chicory has found its use in medicine.

It is necessary to find out whether the beneficial properties for the body are preserved in soluble chicory in the same composition as in the roots of the plant itself. To do this, you need to consider the process of making the mixture.

How to obtain instant chicory

Chicory powder is obtained by grinding and drying the roots. It is replete with beneficial properties and is mostly used for medicinal purposes.

The technology for preparing instant chicory consists of several stages. The root mixture of the plant is subjected to high temperatures. The harm and benefits of the drink will depend on what kind of treatment it has undergone.

Freeze-dried chicory is prepared using a new method. It is obtained by thickening extraction and spray drying. In a similar way, you can make a powdery mass at home. The cut and roasted root is passed through a coffee machine.

Which chicory is healthier?

Which drink will be better depends to a large extent on what goal the person is pursuing. People with hypertension and certain heart conditions may benefit from an instant fried drink. This will satisfy their emotional needs as they would not want to part with their coffee drinks. If a person wants to improve the functioning of his digestive system, then ordinary powder from the roots will serve as a medicine.

Unroasted powdered chicory is the most useful product made from the roots of a plant. All useful substances are preserved in it. But for people who need a coffee substitute, it is not suitable as it does not have the desired aroma.

Liquid chicory is considered a budget option. It lasts longer, so you can buy it at large containers at a favorable price.

Soluble chicory, whose beneficial properties are slightly less, has an amazing aroma and excellent taste.

Freeze-dried chicory has recently appeared on store shelves. In this instant drink, all useful elements and vitamins are preserved as much as possible, since it was exposed to low temperature conditions. It has a lighter color.

It is worth noting that the darker the powder, the less beneficial properties it contains.

How to choose the right instant chicory

To protect yourself from low-quality products, you need the following actions:

  • Buy the product only in sealed packaging, preferably vacuum sealed.
  • Pay attention to the composition. The benefit will only be if real chicory root is present, and not its extract. Many manufacturers add flavorings and other chemical impurities in an attempt to disguise low-quality products. Sometimes, to save money, chicory is diluted with some natural powdered ingredients. But after this, the drink no longer carries its value.
  • Carefully examine the instant mixture. There should be no lumps in it. High-quality mass is usually homogeneous and dry.
  • The naturalness of the product can be checked by dissolving it in a spoon of warm water. Chicory has its own specific smell, which would be good to remember. The feeling of richness in taste serves as an indicator natural product. The bitter drink has a slight sweetness.

How to check a product for quality

Many manufacturers manage to add crushed and toasted cereal grains to chicory. To determine the quality of the powder mass, you can conduct an experiment:

  1. Pour water into two glasses.
  2. Pour a spoonful of natural chicory into one, and a mixture with added grains into the other.
  3. Add a few drops of iodine to each of them.

In a glass with natural chicory, iodine does not become colored. Where cereal additives are located, it takes on a blue-violet hue.

What are the benefits of soluble chicory for the body?

For a person with good health chicory will be an excellent preventative and restorative remedy. If everything is in order in the body, then the drink will not cause any side effects. Thanks to a large number vitamins soluble mixture provides protection against infections because it strengthens immune system. Its use also has a positive effect on the condition of hair and skin. How is soluble chicory useful for medicinal purposes?

  1. The presence of iron in the product is a big plus for those who need to increase hemoglobin.
  2. Thiamine found in the root of the plant supports the functioning of blood vessels and the heart.
  3. Chicory promotes normal level blood sugar due to inulin content. During hydrolysis, chicory turns into fructose and sucrose. People suffering from early forms of diabetes are recommended to use it regularly. It doesn't rise glycemic index. Present in chicory sweet taste, allowing some to avoid adding sugar to their drink.
  4. Pectin (soluble fiber) can dissolve sugar in the blood. It, like inulin, is useful for diabetics.
  5. Cleanses the body of toxic substances.
  6. Promotes proper operation digestive system. Inulin is necessary to normalize intestinal microflora. It feeds the important bacteria that live in it. Metabolic processes in the human body occur correctly due to the presence of inulin.
  7. Doctors believe that instant drink is aimed at older people, for the reason that caffeine is contraindicated for them.

From the above facts we can conclude that soluble chicory is beneficial for the human body. Why rush to buy vitamin complex, you can simply add this aromatic drink to your diet.

Benefits for the female body

The following statements will show how soluble chicory is beneficial for a woman’s body:

  • As a rule, representatives of the fair sex tend to accumulate more fat cells than men. Chicory produces a cleansing effect, due to which fats are broken down. The drink reduces the feeling of hunger, and this, in turn, prevents cellulite.
  • What girl wouldn't want to have beautiful skin? It has been proven that folic acid has a beneficial effect on the epidermis. Chicory root is rich in such a substance.
  • For expectant mothers, a pleasant drink will provide invaluable support. It will relieve heartburn and alleviate the symptoms of toxicosis. The fact that chicory normalizes the formation of blood cells will benefit not only the pregnant woman, but also the unborn child.

What are the benefits of instant chicory for men?

Is the drink suitable for the stronger half of humanity? In terms of its qualities, instant chicory is also good for men. Beneficial features drinks are especially important for the elderly. Age-related changes entail a number of urological problems. The drink will serve as an addition to the main treatment of such diseases. For prevention, it must be used for a long time.

The abundance of microelements and vitamins has a positive effect on potency, as it produces a restorative effect. Constant consumption of chicory tones and supports male body overall and is a great alternative for gourmets who don't want to give up the taste of coffee.


Although the beneficial properties and contraindications of soluble chicory are determined by the process of preparing the product, there are still significant reasons to refuse it.

  • Soluble chicory is noted as a vasodilator. It is contraindicated in diseases such as varicose veins veins and hemorrhoids, as well as vascular pathology.
  • With aggravation of the digestive system.
  • Diseases of the gallbladder and liver.
  • It is worth giving up the drink during times of stress and insomnia, as well as if the patient is taking sedatives.
  • It is not recommended to drink a healing instant drink more than 2 times a day.
  • Asthma and chronic bronchitis.

Insufficient amounts of vitamins in the body are dangerous to health. But the excess of itself useful substance can also cause enormous harm. It would be good for everyone to know what substances are missing in their body. It is important to do periodic examinations and then plan your diet. The use of any natural product requires moderation. If you have any diseases, you should consult a doctor before buying chicory.

And yet, what outweighs soluble chicory - beneficial properties or contraindications. Feedback from some people will help you draw an objective conclusion.

24.09.2017 3 492

Soluble chicory, beneficial properties and contraindications - how to drink for health benefits

The drink has soluble chicory, its beneficial properties and contraindications can take up more than one page. It is called natural salvation from a dozen ailments. However, you need to know for what diseases it can be taken, how to prepare it correctly, when it is better to drink it, in the morning or in the evening, to choose a soluble or insoluble variety. From the article you will learn how often and to whom the healing drink can be consumed, take a look visual photos.


Useful properties and composition

The popularity of a healthy coffee substitute is growing every day. The point here is not at all in its availability, but in therapeutic effect the effect it has when consumed. For example, it is used for many women's diseases, oncology, obesity, etc. However, you need to know how much powder you can consume per day, and what you should consider first. It contains:

  • inulin is an organic polysaccharide that absorbs toxins, cholesterol, and fats in the intestines;
  • tannins that stop inflammatory processes and restoring digestion;
  • organic acids that stimulate enzyme synthesis and restore metabolic processes in organism;
  • proteins that are used by the body to restore cells and tissues;
  • thiamine, riboflavin, folate, ascorbic acid and other essential vitamins that are needed for normal functioning liver, kidneys, brain, nervous system;
  • minerals, trace elements that take part in the synthesis of hormones, enzymes, and are also the main material for the reconstruction of all tissues of the body.

Even if there are no health problems, the benefits of an instant coffee analogue for the body will not be superfluous. Its use is justified for such ailments that plague adults and children.

What diseases can you drink for?

The properties of the instant drink help with many diseases. This list can be continued indefinitely, so let’s note the most common health problems that are diagnosed in children and adults.

Most often, freeze-dried chicory powder is used to increase tone and eliminate drowsiness instead of coffee. Unlike the classic drink, chicory has no contraindications for hypertension. On the contrary, it stabilizes arterial pressure, it is recommended to drink it in the morning even for younger children school age. Also, soluble chicory stimulates memory and attention.

Due to its ability to be absorbed in the intestines unhealthy fats, it is used in the treatment of hypocholesterolemia and atherosclerosis. The ability to neutralize toxins is widely used in the treatment of various infections, and the immunostimulating properties allow it to be used for bronchitis, acute respiratory viral infections and pathologies of the ENT organs. It is also recommended to drink it regularly for diabetes, since inulin (the main active compound of chicory root) is a natural analogue of insulin, which helps stabilize the functions of the pancreas, neutralizes excess sugars and protects organs from the aggressive effects of glucose. Another instant drink made from chicory root promotes weight loss.

A soluble analogue of coffee is useful for gout, as it cleanses the blood, joints, and tissues of excess salts, saturates them with substances that promote the absorption of collagen. The latter property allows the use of soluble chicory to restore elasticity to the skin. It has been proven that daily use Chicory helps reduce fine wrinkles and get rid of dry skin.


Before consuming instant chicory, the beneficial properties and contraindications should be studied especially carefully, because this drink can cause harm to the body. Firstly, intolerance to this product can occur at any age. Allergies are most often diagnosed in infants and children under five years of age. They should not be given a drink. Breastfeeding women should drink it with caution. Secondly, there are a number of diseases in which chicory root cannot be included in the diet completely.

It is contraindicated for gastritis with increased acidity, during exacerbation chronic ulcers stomach. If a person suffers from heartburn, the root should not be consumed either. It has contraindications for use in diseases of the gallbladder. The fact is that the drink stimulates the production of bile, which can lead to the movement of stones and blockage of the ducts.

Despite the fact that instant chicory does not contain caffeine, it should not be consumed by people with increased excitability. It is not recommended to use it before bed, as in this case there is a risk of insomnia. The root does not have a very beneficial effect on uterine tone in pregnant women, and gynecologists do not advise women with this problem to drink the remedy.

Most popular recipes

So that the product reveals its beneficial properties and does not have side effects, it is important to know how to prepare it correctly.

If, in the absence of gastrointestinal diseases from instant chicory If your stomach hurts, you should drink a drink with milk and honey. These products make it softer and reduce its aggressive properties. To prepare a serving, pour 1 teaspoon of powder into 150 ml hot water and add 50 ml of boiled milk to the drink. This chicory with milk is perfect for breakfast and afternoon snack for schoolchildren, as well as for those who want to lose weight.

At diabetes mellitus powder from the root is used to prepare an infusion - 3 tablespoons of the raw material are poured into 500 ml of boiling water. Boil at minimum heat for 10 minutes, then filter. Drink a tablespoon before each meal.

Before brewing a drink from chicory and making it a permanent substitute for coffee and tea, you should consult with your doctor. This advice is especially useful for those who have stomach problems. Love yourself, drink chicory correctly and be healthy!