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What can cause teeth to crumble? We will share with you universal recommendations for strengthening your teeth. Veneer installation technology

Cracks, chips, transparency, darkening are common consequences of teeth losing their original strength. The appearance of unaesthetic changes leads to the fact that a person begins to feel embarrassed about his smile. To return the usual comfort, it is necessary to eliminate the pathological process, which develops under the influence of both internal and external causes.

Factors of tooth decay in adults

The traditional enemy of tooth enamel is considered sweet food, which leads to an avalanche-like increase in the number of microbes in the oral cavity. Under their influence, plaque and carious lesions are formed, which are often accompanying this unpleasant condition. A genetic predisposition to crumbling tooth enamel is also important, but the list of negative conditions does not end there.

Common initiators of tooth decay:

  • retirement age;
  • abuse of hot drinks - tea and coffee;
  • diseases - gastritis, ulcers, cholecystitis, diabetes;
  • irregular tooth brushing;
  • increased acidity in the mouth.

TO external factors include gross mechanical influences: attempts to split hard food (dates, nuts, seeds), receiving a blow to the teeth and the presence of teeth grinding at night - bruxism. It is even possible to fracture a tooth, which often causes bleeding, requiring urgent medical attention. Bleaching is also considered an undesirable procedure, leading to the appearance of microcracks and increased sensitivity.

Dentists' mistakes also cause tooth crumbling, primarily when its walls are heavily processed during the filling period. Cracks and separation of tooth parts are regularly observed in pulpless bone formations, which become thinner over time due to developing caries and decline. local immunity(there are no nerves supporting local defenses). When cleaning the canals, a crack may appear in the gum area of ​​the tooth, which can lead to its splitting in half. There is also a potential danger in installing braces, which come into direct contact with tooth enamel and, if not fixed correctly, can lead to pinpoint abrasion.

Attention! Long-term use of abrasive pastes with a high RDA index is a factor in the rapid thinning of enamel.

Risk groups - pregnant women and children

The period of gestation is a debilitating process for the body, associated with the removal of large amounts of calcium from tissues and bones, which is sent directly to the development of the developing child. If a woman adheres to a diet poor in minerals, then the destruction of enamel occurs at an accelerated pace. An additional danger is hormonal disbalance, increasing the acidity of saliva.

Other causes of tooth loss during pregnancy:

  • impaired absorption of food due to toxicosis;
  • temporary metabolic disorders;
  • worsening of chronic diseases.

Toxicosis is one of the causes of tooth decay

The most pronounced changes are observed in the period from 6 to 10 weeks, when the child’s skeletal tissue is formed. At the same time, if the regime is violated good nutrition Similar problems can arise after the birth of a baby who has not received the required concentration of minerals. Together with prematurity and early intestinal infections the risk of rapid thinning of the enamel increases significantly. Breasts who use a pacifier for a long time also run the risk of developing reduced bone hardness.

Newborn babies are more often diagnosed with crumbling tooth syndrome: the milk bone tissue contains a smaller amount of minerals that protect the tooth from losing its strength. The constant growth of new teeth and the loss of old ones often lead to the formation of a malocclusion, due to which the canines and incisors wear out. Child abuse of sweets is another factor in increasing the traumatic effect on bone formations in the oral cavity.

Important! Brittle teeth in children also develop when children under 1 year of age use antibiotics and due to artificial feeding.

Home therapy and prevention

At the first sign of tooth decay, you need to change your daily habits. More cottage cheese, milk, yogurt, green tea, eggs, cheese, cabbage, bran, legumes, shrimp, dates are introduced into the diet. You should be especially careful about your diet during periods of decreased immunity, since at these moments demineralizing processes in the teeth are activated.

Other tips:

  • switch to toothpastes enriched with fluoride and calcium;
  • quit smoking and alcohol;
  • Avoid eating too solid foods;
  • use mouthwash and chewing gum;
  • increase the amount of sunbathing.

Using pharmaceuticals attention should be paid to multi vitamin complexes With increased content calcium and other minerals. A course of taking such drugs allows you to strengthen bone tissue from the inside, so treatment with vitamins is considered important part complex therapy to eliminate tooth decay.

Dentist help: remineralizing procedures

The lack of minerals in the tooth crown can be eliminated by applying restorative compounds. At home, you can use remineralizing gels (the most famous option is Rocs), but you can also choose professional treatment at the dentist. Fluoridation is carried out mainly during ultrasonic cleaning, since the restoring composition penetrates less easily through tissue affected by deposits.

Types of fluoridation:

  1. Superficial. Varnish (Difluen) is applied with a dental brush. The procedure requires repetition of therapeutic manipulations only after a few months, when the artificial protective layer wears off naturally.
  2. Deep. Teeth are strengthened using caps. Here the teeth are placed in impressions for several tens of minutes. Restoration of tooth enamel continues through several procedures.

At the request of the patient, before this procedure, it is possible to carry out calcification of the teeth, carried out using Potok-1 electrophoresis. Electrodes with active medicinal substance placed in the jaw area. For children, an alternative option is often used - silver plating. However, the technique is considered outdated due to the coloring of the enamel black, although it can be used absolutely free in municipal clinics.

Fact! To prevent the development of caries and the formation of chips in children and adolescents, fissure sealing technology is used - a method of sealing cavities in chewing teeth.

Video - Causes of tooth decay

Identification and treatment of microcracks and severe splits

Most citizens have small cracks, so their elimination is often not a mandatory medical indication. However, such patients should be careful: many microcracks can increase in size over time and lead to the unexpected separation of large dental pieces. First stage the development of microcracks can be stopped by strengthening aesthetic restoration, including the local application of filling material that fills the resulting voids.

Crack diagnostic methods:

  • taking an impression;
  • exposure to light - transillumination;
  • adding colored pigment to the tooth;
  • examination using a microscope;
  • creating an x-ray image;
  • study of the canal (with a strong crack).

Vertical damage is the most difficult to correct, often forming microvoids that reach the top of the canal. At untimely treatment pulpitis develops, requiring more severe intervention, primarily removal connective tissue. When a tooth splits into two parts, it becomes necessary to remove the area that shows signs of increased looseness. There is no alternative to removal due to the impossibility of fusion of bone tissue, as is permissible for fractures of the extremities. Also indicated for tooth fractures partial removal, which helps stop bleeding, which is often observed with this state. After separating the piece, the nerve is also removed, and only then the destroyed crown is restored. The preserved part of the tooth serves as the basis for extension using filling material.

Crack typeImageDifficulty of fixingPossible types of correction
HighVeneers, crown, removal
HighExtension, removal
AverageVeneers, crown
LowVeneers, extensions
AverageExtensions, crown

Important! If there is an orthopedic structure - a bridge - cracks may develop on the supporting teeth, therefore, when installing them, preventive examinations by the dentist should be performed at least twice a year.

Tooth extensions, crowns and veneers - options for aesthetic correction

Severing part of a tooth results in the release of a piece that should not be brought with you to your dentist appointment. Reattachment is impossible, therefore, to reanimate the void, a technique for increasing tooth enamel is used. The dentist grinds the tooth and then places an artificial crown from the selected material. The need to remove the entire upper part of the tooth, but preserve the roots, leads to the need for a ceramic or metal crown.

If more than 2/3 of the crown is lost, then in this situation the resuscitating material is attached to a pin, which is fixed in the dental canal. In technologically advanced clinics, for high-quality restoration, they even provide for the creation of a 3D model of the future tooth, which allows you to recreate the image of a crown that best matches the shape of living bone tissue.

Benefits of extensions:

  • lack of tooth turning;
  • maximum preservation of dental tissue;
  • durability;
  • easy selection of natural colors.

If crumbling is caused by the formation of numerous chips on several teeth, then to eliminate the aesthetic defect, it is rational to choose the installation of veneers. Porcelain plates that perfectly match external parameters The enamel of a real tooth also strengthens partially destroyed bone tissue. There is the possibility of installing ceramic veneers, which are made in a dental laboratory, and composite options, which are formed directly in the oral cavity. In terms of manufacturing and application technology, the latter type is as close as possible to the method of applying a conventional filling. The entire procedure takes place in one step and can last from 4 to 8 hours.

Veneer installation technology:

  • tooth enamel is partially ground down;
  • a cast is made;
  • reflective cement is applied;
  • Veneers are applied to the masked area.

After installing the veneers, part of the chewing load is transferred to the artificial onlays, and thanks to the cementing solution, further expansion of the cracks becomes impossible. The service life of such restoration elements is more than 10 years.

Warning! After extensions, it is necessary to treat the restored teeth with care: artificial fabric is slightly softer than natural enamel. Additionally, more frequent cleaning is required due to the tendency of artificial dental materials to develop more deposits on their surface.

Video - Why do teeth crumble?


The process of teeth crumbling - pathological condition, indicating probable painful conditions in organism. If there are no diseases that initiate a decrease in the hardness of tooth enamel, then it is necessary to pay attention to the diet and general condition of the patient’s oral cavity. Modern dentists have plenty of methods for correcting aesthetic imperfections, so even significantly damaged teeth will not become an obstacle to restoring a healthy, snow-white smile.

Modern dentistry successfully solves many dental problems. But, unfortunately, they are not getting smaller. One of the common problems that often worries adults and children is the gradual decay of teeth. This could be a small chip of the enamel or the loss of a fairly large piece. Doctors say the reasons for this phenomenon are the negative environmental situation and the consumption of large amounts of sweet, soft, sour and spicy foods. In addition, people simply do not have enough time to see a doctor to early stage stop destructive processes.

If the teeth begin to crumble, then this process will not stop on its own. You should contact your dentist as soon as possible so that he can determine the cause and prescribe adequate treatment. The longer the solution to the problem is delayed, the more serious the condition of the teeth becomes and the more difficult it is to cope with the accumulated problems. Only timely qualified assistance will help stop the process that has begun and save your teeth.


Causes of destruction. How to deal with them?


Before prescribing treatment, the doctor must determine the cause of tooth decay. According to dentists, most often teeth begin to crumble due to Not proper nutrition. Fast foods containing many additives that have a negative effect on tooth enamel have become the favorite food of adults and children. Eating frozen fruits and vegetables does not provide the body with the required amount of vitamins. Therefore, you need to pamper yourself with “fresh” food more often. Especially in summer, you should eat as much fruit and vegetables as possible that have not been cooked.


Water has a huge impact on the entire body and teeth in particular. Unfortunately, its quality leaves much to be desired. Various filters help improve water; you can also buy clean artesian water. Those who like to crack nuts with their teeth or chew hard objects (for example, biting a pencil or pen) expose the enamel to constant stress. Mechanical impact leads to the appearance of microcracks and then chipping of tooth pieces.

Place of residence

The tendency of teeth to crumble is greatly influenced by the region where a person lives. In the northern regions the body receives less sunlight, therefore, the production of vitamin D slows down. Its lack directly affects the ability to absorb calcium, which is building elements bones and teeth. This problem is especially acute for pregnant women. Their body has to work twice as hard, providing microelements and vitamins for themselves and the growing baby. If expectant mother If you had problems with your teeth, they only get worse during pregnancy.

Observation at the dentist

In order not to lose her own teeth and give birth to a strong baby, a woman should definitely see a dentist. She is recommended to take special medications or vitamin complexes that replenish the missing elements. They are often continued to be taken after the baby is born to ensure the required amount of calcium in breast milk.

Temperature difference in food

Sometimes teeth begin to crumble in people who expose them to sudden changes temperatures For example, those who enjoy a cup of hot coffee with ice cream, or water chilled in the freezer, risk damaging their enamel. In addition to tooth decay, such exposure increases tooth sensitivity and provokes inflammation.

Bite problems

In addition to the reasons listed, crumbling teeth can be a consequence of an incorrect bite. It leads to the fact that the load on the teeth is distributed unevenly, they wear down and become more fragile. The habit of grinding your teeth or clenching your jaw has a similar effect.

If you notice crumbling teeth in yourself or your child, you should definitely see a doctor. Often this symptom indicates the presence serious problems with health. It accompanies diseases such as osteoporosis, arthritis, and diabetes. Only after consultation with a specialist can you choose the right treatment.

Children's teeth are crumbling: what to do?

How much joy a child's first tooth brings to parents. Even the accompanying rise in temperature, sore gums and the whims of the baby do not deprive this event of its charm. Imagine my mother’s surprise that, as soon as the tooth appeared, it began to crumble. Why? There are many reasons for this; several groups can be distinguished. The first are associated with the period of bearing a baby, when the lack of “building material” for the formation of healthy teeth in a child is due to:

  • unbalanced diet of the mother, who did not receive enough necessary elements;
  • severe toxicosis, which did not give the body the opportunity to fully absorb foods;
  • use of certain medications (for example, tetracycline).

Here it is worth mentioning genetic predisposition. If parents have dental problems, then there is a high probability that the child will develop them. Therefore, it is so important for the mother to follow a diet during pregnancy, intensively consume cottage cheese and other dairy products. If this is not enough, then take a course of vitamins and microelements. Of course, all this should be under the supervision of a doctor.

Bottle caries

Another group of reasons is associated with incorrect actions of parents in feeding the child and caring for his teeth. The older the baby, the longer the intervals between feedings become. The child gradually refuses night feeding. But “loving” parents try to feed him whenever the baby wakes up at night. At the same time, they do not take into account that during a person’s sleep, the secretion of saliva decreases and its ability to cleanse the mucous membrane decreases. The habit of falling asleep with a bottle leads to the gradual development of bottle caries. It weakens the teeth and they begin to crumble.

Bottle caries

While enjoying their baby's white teeth, many mothers forget that they also need care. From the first days after teething, teeth need to be brushed, otherwise they quickly disappear. To do this, the mother can simply wipe the baby's teeth using a fingertip.

Meet the dentist

If you notice your child's teeth are crumbling, you need to show him to the dentist. The opinion that there is no need to take care of baby teeth, because they will fall out anyway, is wrong. The likelihood that good teeth will grow in place of bad teeth is very low. The experience of dentists shows that with permanent teeth The child will start having problems.

So what to do if your teeth start to crumble? It is impossible to reverse this process, but it can and should be stopped. Simple preventive actions will prevent further destruction. Your baby should not be given a lot of sweets, especially those that need to be chewed. It is better to offer him a hard fruit or vegetable (apple, carrot). They naturally cleanse enamel and increase salivation.

The baby's menu should include foods rich in calcium, fluorine, and phosphorus. Your doctor may recommend taking a course of multivitamins. The child should be taught to brush his teeth in the morning and before bed, and rinse his mouth after eating. And you don’t need to buy special solutions, just clean water is enough.

If the destruction has reached significant volumes, some preventive measures not enough. The dentist has many methods in his arsenal that will help stop destruction: silvering, fluoridation, sealing fissures. The doctor decides which one to choose, taking into account the degree of enamel damage, the condition and age of the child.

What dental procedures will help solve the problem?

At the first signs of destruction, you need to make an appointment with the dentist. If a large piece breaks off, you need to save it and show it to the doctor. Tooth restoration is carried out using different procedures, the choice of which depends on the degree of destruction and the age of the patient.

If the damage is minor and has not led to inflammation of the inner layers of the tooth, then it can be eliminated with a filling. The doctor builds up a small chip with filling material and performs artistic restoration. If the problem of teeth crumbling is associated with malfunctions internal organs, then filling will not stop this process. Therefore, it is important to first find out the cause of the problem.

If a tooth is severely damaged, the doctor may recommend “protecting” it with a crown. For front teeth, onlays are used - veneers and lumineers. A crumbling wisdom tooth is usually recommended to be removed, since its restoration is difficult and unnecessary.

To “help” the enamel cope with the negative effects of food acids, teeth are fluoridated. It is indicated for children and adults and involves treating the tooth surface with a solution or varnish containing fluoride. This creates a reliable protective film that will last up to 2 years. One more no less effective procedure, aimed at strengthening enamel, remineralization. It includes treatment with a calcium-containing preparation and sodium fluoride. To enhance the effect, it is carried out using electrophoresis.

Silver plating helps stop caries in children under 3 years of age. It involves processing damaged tooth silver nitrate. The procedure is painless and inexpensive, its disadvantage is the blackening of the tooth. Therefore, it is used only on baby teeth.

Fissure sealing in children

When a baby reaches 6-7 years of age, the enamel on his chewing teeth is not yet fully formed. Bacteria that cause caries accumulate in natural recesses (fissures). Sealants used to fill fissures help prevent this process. Many of them contain fluorine, which allows for additional local fluoridation. The greatest effectiveness of this procedure is achieved if sealing is performed no later than a year after the tooth erupts.

Before sealing, the tooth surface is cleaned of plaque, isolated from saliva, and treated with an antiseptic and a special acid. Then fill it with reflective sealant. In this case, no unpleasant sensations arise. During one visit, the doctor can treat several teeth, and immediately after the visit the child can eat. The procedure is inexpensive but very effective. It provides protection to teeth for 1-2 years. The decision to reseal depends on the rate of abrasion of the sealant, and this process varies from person to person.

Fissure sealing is also carried out for adults, but only for healthy teeth. If the carious process has begun, then it is not done. The rarity of its implementation in adults is due to the difficulty of identifying incipient caries. Therefore, before applying the sealant, the surface of the fissure is thoroughly sanded. Only after making sure that the tooth is healthy does the dentist proceed to sealing.

Preventive measures

To prevent teeth from starting to crumble, it is necessary to take simple preventive measures. They are aimed at strengthening teeth and preventing damage to enamel. The main preventive measures include:

  1. Nutrition adjustments. The diet should include fish, liver, cereals, citrus fruits, fresh vegetables(especially cabbage, tomatoes), fruits (apples, bananas), nuts, dairy products. They contain essential microelements.
  2. Don't deprive yourself of walks fresh air. The body needs sunlight to produce vitamin D.
  3. Refuse bad habits(smoking), drinking too hot or cold drinks and food, stop gnawing on hard objects.
  4. Don't forget to rinse your teeth after eating, brush them before bed and in the morning. This can be ordinary water, which can be replaced periodically herbal decoctions chamomile, sage.
  5. Consult with a specialist which brush and toothpaste to choose for yourself and your child. Find out whether you need to use fluoride-containing toothpaste.

These activities must be carried out on an ongoing basis. In addition, you should definitely visit the dentist 1-2 times a year. If you are prone to chipping, your doctor may recommend strengthening your teeth with fluoridation. If a problem does arise, then its early detection significantly increases the chances of a successful outcome. There is no need to postpone a visit to the doctor, health is not a lottery, if you don’t take care of it, then you definitely won’t win

Allotted teeth important role in the life of the body: thanks to them, a person is able to chew food, which, being a source of energy, supports the functioning of organs and is involved in the regulation of metabolism. Weak teeth crumble and cannot cope with the function assigned to them.

Composition of tooth enamel

Teeth crumbling: causes

To stop your teeth from crumbling, you need to find the real reason destruction process among many others, for example:

  • poor nutrition with excessive consumption sweet, fatty foods and lack of vegetables and fruits;
  • metabolic disorder leading to increased acidity saliva, which corrodes tooth enamel;
  • deficiency of vitamin D and the mineral Ca (calcium), the first of which is produced when a person receives enough sun rays, and the second is absorbed thanks to vitamin D in the body;
  • temperature changes in the oral cavity, which occur, for example, when eating ice cream after hot tea or coffee. A sharp narrowing and then expansion of the enamel leads to cracks, and their a large number of- to fragility and crumbling of teeth;
  • malocclusion, in which the load on certain teeth increases during chewing;
  • residual dental disease, that is incomplete treatment, in which the chipped tooth was not treated or the affected cavity was not completely cleaned out;
  • age. Gradually, the enamel deteriorates its structure, as the vitamins and minerals necessary for the reliable condition of the teeth are washed out;
  • the influence of medications taken. Some medications increase acidity in the mouth. After taking medications that cause a feeling of thirst, you need to rinse your mouth;
  • sedentary lifestyle life;
  • diseases in the field of gastroenterology (gastritis, peptic ulcer, cholecystitis, stones in gallbladder), allergic, endocrine pathologies(work disruption thyroid gland, diabetes);
  • decreased immunity;
  • enamel injuries: from biting too hard food, cracking nuts, using teeth for other purposes (when opening bottles);
  • pregnancy. In this state, calcium from the body, which is located mainly in tooth enamel, is spent on the formation of the fetus;
  • heredity. To reduce the risk of disease and tooth decay, you need to carefully monitor their hygiene and health;
  • bruxism (grinding teeth during sleep) creates heavy load on the teeth, the reasons are identified by the doctor.


When a tooth is weakened to such an extent that it begins to crumble, qualified help from a doctor is needed. The choice of treatment depends on the underlying cause.

Internal disease

Local dental methods will not bring the desired result if the teeth crumble due to general disease body, which is treated by an appropriate specialist: endocrinologist, cardiologist, therapist. After eliminating the internal disease, the dentist takes measures to strengthen the tooth enamel.

Lack of nutrients, weakened immunity

In such cases, multivitamins and drugs that enhance immunity are prescribed. At the same time, it is necessary to place fillings on the affected areas of the teeth.

Caries, trauma

If the reason lies in caries or mechanical damage tooth, the dentist drills out the affected tissue, performs a filling and, if necessary, installs a crown.


The tooth damaged as a result of increased stress is removed and a crown is placed. Next, to preserve the teeth, the bite is corrected using braces (fixed structures), plates (removable devices), mouthguards (removable linings), as well as prosthetics or surgery.

Error in caries treatment

The disease is cured and a filling is installed.


To return vitamin D to a woman’s body, the doctor prescribes fish fat, preparations containing calcium, vitamin and mineral complexes, reminds of the need to eat properly.

Prevention measures

The best treatment is the prevention of tooth decay, which includes a list of necessary recommendations. First of all, you need to prevent possible reasons destruction of tooth enamel, which was mentioned at the beginning of the article.


The daily menu should alternate between foods high in calcium: milk, cottage cheese, liver, nuts, sea fish, citrus fruits, greens, cabbage, tomatoes, rose hip decoction, watercress, sesame seeds, legumes. A lot of calcium is present in young nettles.

It is necessary to adhere to a balanced diet, in which you should eat lean meat, eggs, and cereals. At the same time, you should reconsider your passion for sweets, burgers, pizzas, chips, crackers, and French fries.

Vitamin complex

In spring and autumn, it is very useful to take a course of medications containing vitamin D, fluoride, and calcium, which will strengthen the immune system and help strengthen tooth enamel.

Getting rid of bad habits

Teeth should be protected from injury: do not chew nuts and bones with them, do not open bottles, do not bite off raw or silk thread. These habits will harm your health and create unnecessary problems.

Smoking reduces the strength of enamel, teeth become brittle and very weak, covered with an unaesthetic dark coating from tobacco.

Proper oral care

Hygiene procedures consist of thoroughly brushing your teeth on all sides, which is carried out twice a day and should take at least three minutes each time. Dental floss Apply before cleaning, rinse aid after.

To protect your teeth from crumbling, you need to use special means enamel protection: different kinds fluoridation of teeth, coating their surface with minerals.


The health of teeth depends on the condition of the gums, to strengthen which you need to rinse your mouth with sage infusions, tea tree, chamomile. These procedures also protect the oral cavity from bacterial growth.

After each meal, it is necessary to rinse your mouth, especially if your diet included eggplant, paprika, bell pepper, squash, sorrel, zucchini, asparagus. These products are useful in vitamins and minerals, but prolonged contact of the enzymes and acids that make up them with the surface of the teeth contributes to the destruction of enamel.

At night, the amount of saliva decreases and the acidity of the oral cavity increases, so snacking at night (which is harmful in any case) increases the risk of tooth fragility.

Timely dental treatment

Visiting a doctor once every six months should become the norm, regardless of the presence of complaints, since only a specialist can recognize the onset of an invisible disease and prevent it in time.

Taking care of your teeth is not only about care and treatment: you should avoid excessively cold and hot drinks and foods, go for walks regularly, and do not look for reasons for stress.

Teeth crumble in people of all ages. Because enamel is constantly exposed to the harmful effects of various factors. The human jaw performs chewing and biting functions that affect its health, strength and service life. There comes a time when caries appears, which destroys the strength of the enamel. What to do about it and how to deal with it? Why do teeth crumble in adults and children?

Danger of crumbling

You shouldn’t ignore the fact that a tooth has crumbled. Especially for a child. This affects the chewing of food and the digestion of its gastrointestinal tract. For an adult, the danger is that poorly ground food may not be completely digested and cause stomach problems and hypotaminosis.

Effective treatment will be when the cause is completely eliminated. To do this, it is worth determining what caused it. To find out the provoking factors, you cannot do without the help of a dentist.

Tooth enamel and tissues are not able to repair themselves. The main preventive measures will be proper nutrition, which contains enough nutrients, as well as proper and constant oral hygiene. A decaying tooth is the consequences of caries. Therefore, it is necessary to contact a specialist.

Factors causing this problem

Why do teeth break?

  1. These are changes in the strength of the enamel. The factor that provokes this process is a violation metabolic processes in organism. It changes the acid-base balance in the oral cavity. Then saliva is not able to disinfect the oral cavity, clean and fill the teeth with calcium. It eats away tooth enamel.
  2. Changes in hormonal background. They begin at puberty. Also when a woman is pregnant or goes through menopause. A person who has problems with the thyroid gland or disruptions in the functioning of the adrenal glands has risks.
  3. Poor care oral cavity. People who have gaps in their teeth are more at risk. In which food particles remain and pathogenic organisms accumulate. These processes are difficult to notice under the filling or enamel, so tooth decay may begin.
  4. Another factor when teeth are destroyed is a lack of vitamins. This causes low calcium levels in saliva. It is necessary to consume enough foods containing calcium.

Causes of crumbling

Most main reason- why teeth deteriorate is the occurrence of caries. This is a pathological process that first leads to demineralization of the enamel, then to the appearance of pits in dentin.

A specialist can finally confirm the diagnosis of enamel crumbling. By familiarizing yourself with all the negative factors, you can minimize the destruction of tooth enamel. There are some causes of tooth decay. Why teeth crumble in adults is described below.

Poor nutrition

Teeth also crumble when the diet is poor in minerals (especially calcium and phosphorus salts). It is worth leaning on hard cheeses, legumes, bran, greens, milk, dairy products and others. These products stop negative processes.

Products made from white flour, sweets, protein products, refined grains and carbonated drinks worsen the condition of the enamel. Therefore, their use should be kept to a minimum.

Presence of chronic diseases

Chronic diseases have negative impact not only on many human organs, but also on the condition of the jaw. Getting rid of them will lead to the health of the body as a whole.

Teeth crumble due to diseases such as:

  • gastritis with high acidity. This is an excellent source of tooth decay. Because, chemical substances interfere with the good absorption of phosphorus and calcium. These substances create healthy oral immunity;
  • hypertension also provokes the development of plaque and caries. A person takes medications for this disease that reduce activity salivary glands. This causes active reproduction of pathogenic organisms in the human mouth;
  • a disrupted metabolic process that is associated with thyroid diseases, the development of diabetes mellitus. They lead to demineralization of the enamel.

These are the main diseases that cause tooth decay. Antihistamines, sedatives, hypnotics and antidepressants have a negative effect on oral health.

The enamel wears away due to jaw pathologies. The thinning of which provokes uneven teeth and poorly closed jaw. With these problems, the crown of the tooth experiences enormous pressure and crumbling begins. To avoid this, it is better to get rid of all problems in early age when the jaw is still susceptible to medical intervention that prevents teeth from breaking.

Poor oral hygiene and lifestyle

If a person neglects the rules of oral hygiene, this provokes the formation of caries and other diseases.

Stuck food particles create favorable conditions for life pathogenic microorganisms. This increases the likelihood of crumbling. Therefore, it is necessary to clean your mouth regularly. It is recommended to use dental floss after meals.

If a person does not spend a certain amount of time outdoors, then the absorption of sunlight and the production of vitamin D decreases. Crushed dentin will be the result of indoor gatherings. Only together with this vitamin is calcium absorbed.

Genetic trait

Long before a person is born, the formation of the rudiments of the jaw occurs in the womb. The determining feature of the composition of saliva, the size and shape of teeth and the thickness of enamel is genetic inheritance from parents.

But, despite this, the genetic trait is not the main one, so preventive measures will prevent dental disease at an early age and prevent teeth from breaking off.

Bad habits

Drinking too much alcohol will not keep your teeth healthy. Together with alcohol, sodium, magnesium, and calcium necessary for enamel leave the body.

With regular smoking, a film of nicotine forms on top of the enamel. It is a good shelter for breeding pathogens. Because of which the tooth crumbles.

A tooth can also be destroyed by: drinking hot or cold drinks and other liquids, lack of oxygen, eating very hard foods, biting nails and other good habits. To prevent tooth decay, you should exclude all the described products from the menu.

Recently, young children's teeth have become more and more likely to crumble. Right before the parents' eyes, the child develops caries.

What causes teeth to deteriorate:

  1. negative factors that acted in the womb;
  2. use of antibiotics before the age of one year;
  3. lack of measures to care for dairy products;
  4. lack of proper nutrition and abuse of harmful foods;
  5. artificial feeding;
  6. the impact of genetic factors when preventive hygiene measures are not followed.

Destructive processes develop at tremendous speed, because the pulp in temporary teeth has a large volume. This provokes accelerated infection and inflammation of the gums, which destroys the teeth.

Crumbling during pregnancy

During the period of bearing a child, a woman’s body experiences enormous stress, which is associated with providing for the developing baby. essential vitamins and minerals. The accumulated vitamins and minerals go first to the baby, then to the mother. If a woman has little of these substances in her body, this leads to caries and problems with the oral cavity, and in the future the tooth may crumble.

At this time, changes are taking place in acid-base balance secreted saliva, the acidity level increases. These processes create additional stress on the bone tissue of the jaw. Therefore, a pregnant woman needs to consume large amounts of foods containing calcium, phosphorus and sodium.

Prevention of crumbling

For dental health, it is necessary to adhere to preventive measures. They will help to stop it in the early stages pathological processes and improve dental health.

How to stop destruction:

  • include dairy products in the menu: milk, hard cheese, cottage cheese and others;
  • eat foods rich in minerals. These are liver, nuts and sea fish;
  • take vitamin complexes during certain seasons of the year;
  • take proper care of your oral cavity;
  • use special products to protect enamel;
  • rinse the mouth with infusions of medicinal herbs;
  • do not open the lids of glass bottles with your jaw, do not chew nuts and bones;
  • choose the right brushes and paste;
  • visit the dentist at least twice a year.

Sticking to these simple rules, you can protect your teeth from destruction. A crumbling tooth means poor oral health.

Dentist help

To assess the extent of enamel damage, the doctor will conduct necessary research and prescribe appropriate treatment. In modern dentistry, there are many ways to eliminate chipped teeth. These technologies differ in price and service life.

What to do if your teeth are crumbling?

  1. Artistic restoration means installation different types filling They help to build up a tooth with a natural color and shape, giving it smoothness. This restoration preserves the full functionality of the jaw. It is used for small chips on the entire dentition, with the exception of chewing molars.
  2. Inlays and crowns restore teeth after serious chipping. Special materials, tripods and care tools are used.
  3. When the front teeth crumble, veneers are used. This material is applied to the chip and formed the same form and create a pleasant appearance.

Every person is concerned about oral health. It is better to prevent crumbling than to eliminate it. This will take time and money. Using the material described above about preventive measures, you can improve and strengthen the health of your teeth, as well as find out why your teeth crumble and what to do about it.

For some people, tooth tissue becomes so weak that it begins to fall apart. Teeth can crumble for various reasons, so the dentist, and sometimes other highly specialized doctors - an immunologist, an allergist, a rheumatologist, must decide what to do in each individual case. In most cases, a crumbling crown can be saved, but it is better to avoid such a problem, and for this you should clearly understand what processes occur in the dentofacial apparatus and why.

Reasons why teeth crumble in an adult

Teeth crumble due to damage to the outer, strongest layer – the enamel. If this shell cannot cope with the load and collapses, they begin to deteriorate and inner fabrics. This process is triggered by many factors:

  • Poor oral hygiene, which causes massive accumulation of plaque and the proliferation of bacteria. They release substances that can destroy the enamel structure.
  • Poor and unbalanced nutrition, which leads to a lack of vitamin D and a deficiency of elements important for the formation of dental tissue - calcium, phosphorus. Sweets and food combinations with a large temperature difference (coffee with ice cream) cause particular harm to enamel.
  • Mechanical damage caused by a person himself due to bad habits or bruxism - involuntary grinding of teeth. More often, teeth crumble, chip and break in those who use them to open bottles or chew nuts.

  • Hormonal imbalance that occurs against the background of endocrinological diseases, during puberty, during pregnancy and menopause. Increased or decreased concentrations of hormones in the blood can cause saliva to acidify, causing it to lose protective properties– this leads to loss of enamel.
  • Metabolic disorders due to metabolic failure, diabetes mellitus, thyroid dysfunction.
  • Connective tissue diseases – arthritis, osteoporosis, rheumatism.
  • Severe allergic reactions.
  • Bad heredity and birth defects jaw development.
  • Drinking poor quality water.
  • Poorly installed fillings.
  • Age-related changes.

Causes of decay of baby teeth in children

Baby teeth do not last long and usually fall out intact, good condition. But in some children, the enamel begins to crumble even before the temporary teeth fall out and the molars form, which parents should pay close attention to. The destruction of enamel leads to:

  • Poor nutrition of the mother during pregnancy, due to which tooth buds form incorrectly.
  • Insufficiently nutritious breast milk due to poor nutrition of the mother during lactation.
  • Deficiency of nutritional components due to improper and untimely introduction of complementary foods in addition to breastfeeding.
  • Abuse of sweets and sugary carbonated drinks.
  • A woman's use of antibiotics and other harmful drugs during pregnancy.
  • Long-term use of pacifiers and bottles with nipples.
  • Habit of thumb sucking.
  • Hereditary predisposition. It may occur if the teeth of the child’s parents or close relatives break or fall apart.
If teeth are destroyed in childhood, then without eliminating the destructive factors, the enamel of the molars will quickly deteriorate in the future. Without treatment from a dentist, a child’s permanent dentition may not form properly.

Diagnostic measures

Finding out why teeth crumble in an adult or a child, and what to do to preserve the enamel, can only be done in dentistry. The doctor examines the oral cavity, assesses the nature of the damage, collects information about the patient’s general condition and existing chronic diseases. For accurate diagnosis the following methods can be used:

  • Blood test - general and biochemistry.
  • Blood test for hormone levels.
  • Allergy tests.
  • X-ray of the jaw.

If, while searching for an answer to the question of why teeth are decaying in an adult patient, the dentist suspects an internal disease, he will send the patient for a consultation with an appropriate specialist: an endocrinologist, immunologist, therapist, nutritionist.

What to do if your teeth are crumbling

After diagnosing and identifying the factors that cause teeth to crumble in an adult or child, appropriate treatment and diet are prescribed. Scroll therapeutic measures and procedures depends on the type of identified general disease, if any:

  • Prescribing multivitamins and food additives patients with vitamin deficiencies and micronutrient deficiencies.
  • Hormonal therapy for patients with endocrinological diseases.
  • Taking antihistamines for allergic reactions.
  • Treatment of chronic connective tissue diseases.

The doctor will definitely advise the patient on how best to care for the oral cavity. During a dental visit can be carried out professional cleaning teeth with removal of tartar, under which the enamel layer collapses more intensively due to the accumulation of bacteria. The carious cavities are cleaned out and a filling is installed in their place.

For improvement appearance damaged teeth with chips, as well as to strengthen brittle enamel, the following procedures are carried out:

  • Artistic restoration with filling.
  • Mineralization with application of applications containing calcium and fluorine.
  • Enamel coating with fluorine varnish.
  • Regular use of toothpastes containing fluoride and calcium.

If a tooth is severely chipped or crumbled, the dentist will recommend microprosthetics. With this procedure outer surface The enamel is ground off, and an overlay is placed in its place - a veneer or lumineer. If the condition of the teeth is even more deplorable, it is recommended to install artificial crowns.

First aid for pain

There are cases when tooth enamel crumbles gradually and breaks off in small pieces, which may not even be noticeable to the person himself. But if a tooth crumbles abruptly, its internal contents – the pulp, which contains the nerve – may become exposed. In this case, the person feels sharp pain, in which it is impossible to sleep or eat.

If a chipped tooth hurts a lot, you can take a pain reliever before visiting the dentist. But it is not advisable to choose an analgesic on your own; it is better to ask your doctor about this, at least by phone.

To avoid clogging the exposed pulp, do not chew food on the side of the jaw where the tooth has crumbled. To reduce the sensitivity of the enamel, you can rinse your mouth with a weak saline solution room temperature.

Diet for increased enamel fragility

Nutrition should always be complete - a person’s diet must include a variety of plant and animal foods. Unhealthy foods with big amount preservatives, salt, hot spices, as well as alcohol should be excluded or consumed rarely and in minimal quantities.

But if the tooth enamel is already crumbling, nutritional requirements should be more stringent. It is necessary to find out exactly why teeth break in adults or children, to recognize the lack of one or another nutritional component:

  • If the body lacks calcium, not only teeth “fall apart”, but also bone skeleton – bone fractures become more frequent. The skin dries out and peels, and with severe deficiency, cramps are possible. You can replenish calcium in the body by consuming dairy products, legumes, almonds, and sesame seeds.
  • A lack of vitamin D complicates the absorption of calcium from food, and in children it manifests as rickets. To eliminate vitamin deficiency you need dairy products, seafood, eggs, vegetable oils. Walking in the sun is beneficial - at this time the body itself produces the vitamin in the skin.
  • If there is not enough phosphorus, numbness in the limbs may develop, irritability appears, and liver dysfunction occurs. Legumes, brown bread, seafood, eggs, pumpkin, and carrots will help replenish the supply.
If a patient’s teeth not only “collapse”, but also their hair “falls out”, their blood pressure often drops and their breathing quickens, there is a high probability that they do not have enough fluoride. It can be contained in the tap or store drinking water, in black and green tea, seafood, liver, onions.

Teeth can also decay due to excess fluoride, so people living in regions with high levels of the element in tap water should not use fluoridated toothpastes.

Preventive actions

Both baby and molar teeth must be protected to preserve general health body, especially since in adults repeated replacement or regeneration of the dentition is not provided for by nature. To prevent teeth from becoming brittle and breaking off, it is better to take preventive measures:

  • Cleaning the mouth should be regular, using pastes with calcium to prevent tooth decay. To fully cleanse the oral cavity of food plaque, you need to clean your tongue, and after eating, it is recommended to clean the interdental spaces with dental floss and rinse your mouth with special solutions or water.
  • The brush should not be too hard; softer bristles should be chosen for children and people whose teeth are already “fraying” or breaking.
  • In order for the body to always have enough of the necessary nutritional components, you need to eat well; you cannot follow strict diets for weight loss without consulting a nutritionist.
  • To improve metabolism in dental tissues, it is useful to rinse them with herbs and massage the gums with your fingers or a brush.
  • You should visit the dentist regularly to monitor the condition of your teeth - at least twice a year. If teeth are already decaying, examinations should be done even more often.
  • It is better to give up the habit of chewing hard objects and smoking.
  • It is better to either not accustom children to a pacifier at all, or to wean them off it in time. You cannot feed your baby from a bottle with a nipple for a long time.
  • Complementary feeding for infants should be introduced strictly according to the plan recommended by the pediatrician, taking into account the individual characteristics of the baby.

If teeth begin to chip or “crumble,” such a symptom cannot be ignored. It may be followed by other disorders in the body, so diagnosis must be timely.