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Alternative treatment for intestinal colitis: consider the options. The most effective folk remedies for the treatment of intestinal colitis

Chronic inflammation intestines - a long-term inflammatory-degenerative process affecting the thick and thin parts. It can occur in a generalized form (enterocolitis) or be limited (colitis - inflammation of the small intestine, enteritis - large intestine). Symptoms of the disease with colitis are somewhat less pronounced than with enterocolitis. However, in general they are no different.

Chronic enterocolitis - inflammation of areas of the large and small intestines

The pathology is widespread in the Russian Federation and throughout the world. Average age patients are 20-60 years old for women, 40-60 years old for men. The disease is polyetiological and develops under the influence of infectious factors, helminth infection, nutritional disorders, enzymatic deficiency, toxic substances or radiation. Symptoms of enterocolitis are caused by impaired intestinal digestion, intoxication, and insufficient absorption nutrients.

Clinical and laboratory signs Colitis and enterocolitis are caused by a long-term inflammatory process. In this case, the contents of the large intestine are thrown into the ileum, the small intestine is seeded with unusual microflora, and the nervous system is damaged. digestive system, gastrointestinal motility disorders, trophic disorders. The disease occurs without pronounced periods of exacerbation and remission and leads to the development of a number of characteristic symptoms.

Intestinal manifestations come to the fore, but there are a number of systemic manifestations of the disease.

Intestinal manifestations

One of the main symptoms is abdominal pain

A common process leads to the development of severe dyspepsia. The patient experiences abdominal pain that spreads as the bolus moves forward. With colitis, pain occurs 3-4 hours after eating. In this case, the sensations are localized around the navel, in the right iliac region, and are dull, bursting in nature. In the presence of enterocolitis, after 6-8 hours the pain shifts to the lower, lateral parts of the abdomen, becoming spastic and stabbing. Complete or partial disappearance of pain occurs after the passage of gas or defecation.

The inflammatory process in the small intestine leads to impaired absorption of nutrients, in the large intestine - to the predominance of putrefactive processes and increased release of fluid. This causes diarrhea. There is abundant loose stool, the number of bowel movements varies from 5 to 10 times a day. The stool is yellow or yellow-green in color and there is steatorrhea ( increased fat content stool) caused by malabsorption of fats.

In addition to the above, the patient has the following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • belching;
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • false urge to defecate;
  • feeling incomplete emptying intestines.

An objective examination reveals moderate bloating of the abdomen, a splashing sound mainly in the cecum.

The described symptoms resemble those of nonspecific ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, secondary changes in the intestine against the background of diffuse gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis.

When making a diagnosis, careful differential diagnosis is required using laboratory and endoscopic techniques.

Extraintestinal manifestations

Extraintestinal manifestations of enterocolitis and colitis are associated mainly with impaired absorption of nutrients and general intoxication.

Inflammation of the intestine in the small section leads to:

  • decrease in protein concentration in blood plasma;
  • protein edema;
  • weight loss up to 15-20 kg;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • hair fragility;
  • changes in the skin;
  • convulsions, paresthesias;
  • B12-deficiency anemia - pallor, decreased hemoglobin concentration, neuropsychiatric functional disorders, glossitis, ulcerations on the oral mucosa.

Diarrhea that occurs with enterocolitis causes exicosis (dehydration).

General toxic syndrome manifests itself in the form of a general deterioration in health, weakness, fatigue, and irritability. Characteristic sign– flying muscle pain, decreased general tone, hyperthermia.

During intensive processes, the readings on the thermometer can reach 38-39 °C, but more often the temperature remains within subfebrile values.

Laboratory signs

Basic diagnostic information is obtained using:

  • general, biochemical blood test;
  • studies on acid-base balance (acid-base state) and electrolytes;
  • coprograms;
  • colonoscopy;
  • X-ray of the intestines.

In the results of the UAC ( general analysis blood) there are nonspecific signs of inflammation - leukocytosis, increased ESR. Biochemical analysis allows you to detect hypoalbuminemia, lack of serum iron. In acid-base balance, a decrease in the concentration of calcium, potassium, sodium and other vital ions is visible. essential microelements. X-ray images show enlarged, distended intestinal loops. Colonoscopy reveals swelling, hyperemia of the mucous membrane, and signs of its atrophy.

For differential diagnosis apply:

  • endoscopic techniques;
  • X-ray of the intestine;
  • counting microbial bodies in the contents small intestine;
  • assessment of the absorption capacity of the small intestine.

Interpretation of the results is difficult. It depends on a complex of factors and requires special training. Therefore, there is no need to present it in article format.


Treatment of chronic colitis and enterocolitis consists of following a diet, using medicines, sanatorium-resort rehabilitation course. A complete diet for enterocolitis. The daily diet contains at least 100-120 grams of protein, 80-100 grams of fat, 300-500 grams of carbohydrates. It is recommended to limit the consumption of foods that increase intestinal motility: black bread, raw vegetables, fatty foods, fresh milk. Also limit foods that have an irritating effect: spicy, salty, sour, alcohol.

An approximate pharmacological regimen consists of the following drugs:

  • anti-inflammatory – sulfasalazine 2 g/day;
  • antibiotics – the choice of drug and dosage depends on the test results pathogenic microflora for sensitivity to antimicrobial agents;
  • antidiarrheals - loperamide 2 tablets, then 1 tablet after each visit to the toilet;
  • enveloping – basic bismuth nitrate 0.5 g 3 times a day an hour before meals;
  • antispasmodics – no-spa 1-2 times/day;
  • local anti-inflammatory – microenemas with chamomile decoction;
  • recovery tools intestinal flora– probiotics and synbiotics.

You need to understand that the above diagram is indicative. It may be changed depending on the examination results received by the attending physician.

Traditional methods

Oak bark is one of the best folk remedies for diarrhea

There are folk remedies that are effectively used for chronic enterocolitis. Their effect is mainly fixative and anti-inflammatory. They do not directly affect the cause of the disease.

Plants such as:

  • willow;
  • birch;
  • marshmallow;
  • alder;
  • strawberries;
  • raspberries;

The drug is prepared according to the rules for making decoctions:

  1. 2-3 tablespoons of crushed raw materials are poured with water.
  2. Boil for 10-15 minutes.
  3. The product is cooled, filtered, and consumed orally.

Plants can be used individually or made into fixing collections.

Many nameless herbal recipes found on the Internet are useless or dangerous for use. Examples of safe, proven comprehensive herbal preparations are given in the textbook by E. A. Ladynina and R. S. Morozova’s book “Herbal Treatment.”

Features of the course and treatment in women

The clinical picture of chronic colitis in females is practically no different from that in men or children. Women are also concerned about characteristic complaints from the intestines: flatulence, diffuse pain of an acute or spastic nature in the middle and lower sections stomach, stool disorder.

Sometimes the diagnosis of chronic colitis is delayed due to anatomical features female body. When intense pain in the lower abdomen, first of all they look for pathology from the ovaries or uterus.

In addition, women tolerate anemia much easier against the background of ulcerative colitis (due to the presence of regular menstruation), so this form of the disease can be compensated for some time.

The appearance in a woman of increased fragility of hair and nails, dry skin, rashes, joint pain and weight loss is a signal for a full examination and exclusion of chronic colitis or enterocolitis.


The prognosis for chronic colitis and enterocolitis is favorable. It is possible to achieve complete recovery or long-term remission. The exception is secondary forms of the disease. The further fate of the patient here depends on the characteristics of the underlying pathology.

Chronic enterocolitis is an unpleasant disease that can be cured. Visit to the doctor and competent treatment allows you to get rid of symptoms in 2-4 weeks. Therefore, if you have the clinical picture described above, you should not self-medicate and use methods with unproven effectiveness. It is recommended to seek help from a medical facility.

Treatment of intestinal colitis

Traditional methods of treating intestinal colitis and enterocolitis

Colitis and enterocolitis are diseases in which the mucous membranes of the small and large intestines are damaged. Early treatment of these diseases is the key to success and preventing the disease from becoming chronic. Human body susceptible to enterocolitis in the summer, when there is an abundance of vegetables and fruits and heat, favorable for the proliferation of microbes.

Since the disease is a “dirty hand disease” such as, it is extremely necessary to maintain hygiene and wash your hands before eating and after using the toilet. This is also facilitated by poorly or generally unwashed vegetables and fruits, overeating and, in some of them, spoiled in the heat, poor-quality foods and drinks, plus sudden overheating of the body.

As a result - pain and rumbling in the abdomen, vomiting, weakness, elevated temperature. Other causes of the disease include poisoning with drugs, chemicals, as well as vitamin deficiencies, (), diseases of the digestive system, in particular, and.

When the small intestine is predominantly affected, pain occurs in the navel area, it is dull, accompanied by nausea, bloating and loose stool mixed with mucus up to 4-7 times a day.

If the colon is more damaged, then diarrhea reaches up to 15 times, accompanied by cramping pain lower abdomen. Acute enterocolitis always begins suddenly, the symptoms are pronounced, so the diagnosis is quite simple.

At first appearances these symptoms, it is necessary to rinse the stomach and take a saline laxative, dissolving 2-3 tbsp. l. magnesium sulfate in half a liter of water. You should always have a tincture of golden root (or a pharmaceutical extract of Rhodiola rosea) on hand - it helps well with any poisoning.

Take 8-10 drops with a small amount of water 2-3 times a day. After this, you need to drink a glass of water with one tablespoon. When vomiting, a sip of vodka with a pinch will help, after 15 minutes, drink one orange or drink a glass of orange juice.

To relieve pain, take two tablets no-shpy and place a warm heating pad on your stomach. If symptoms continue to persist, you need to take it for 3-4 days phthalazole, enteroseptol or biseptol, and then for prevention - bifidumbacterin or lactobacterin.

You need to stay in bed for a couple of days and go hungry: drink hot tea without sugar with white crackers, rice water. You can eat one or two pureed fresh ones, preferably Antonovka. After which you need to follow a diet for a week or a week and a half: eat slimy soups, meat broths, pureed porridge with water.

Diet within the time periods indicated above is extremely important, since complacency due to the cessation of diarrhea leads to the transition of the disease to a chronic form of enterocolitis.

With chronic enterocolitis, diarrhea occurs in the morning, note, soon after the usual breakfast. Diarrhea may then give way to constipation. The pain is no longer so pronounced and does not have a clear localization, it seems to be spread throughout the entire abdomen, usually appears in the afternoon a couple of hours after eating, intensifying during physical work, running, and playing sports.

The abdomen is distended, and there is transfusion of contents in the intestines. Appetite decreases, a person loses weight, becomes pale, and gets tired quickly. All this happens because in chronic enterocolitis the inflammatory process affects not only the mucous membrane, but also the deeper, submucosal layers of the intestinal wall, sometimes leading to their atrophy, and in severe cases to the formation of ulcers (). Intestinal functions are disrupted, and persistent indigestion develops.

Traditional medicine recommends treating enterocolitis and colitis as follows:

First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the causes of the disease: normalize the diet and nature of the diet, stop medications that disrupt intestinal function, treat gastritis and other diseases of the digestive system. The main factor is a strict diet.

It is necessary to exclude dairy, meat, spicy, salty, fried foods, lard and other fats, except butter, raw vegetables, black bread. Recommended foods containing dietary fiber: green salad. . . Diet: 5-6 times a day, food should be warm, preferably boiled, steamed or pureed.

Do not limit yourself in drinking. If an exacerbation occurs with diarrhea, you need to go on an apple diet for a day or two (the daily norm is 1-1.5 kg of apples), excluding other foods. Liquid porridge from flax seeds eliminates spasms and inflammation of the intestines: grind 3 parts of a spoonful of seeds and pour a glass of hot water or milk, leave for 10 minutes.

You can add half a teaspoon of honey to the porridge. Intestinal microflora normalizes Herb tea: mix 3 tbsp. and the same amount and 1 tbsp. , pour 1 tbsp. mixture 0.5 l. Boiling water, leave for 40 minutes.

Drink 0.5 glasses 3 times a day an hour before meals. It will help with diarrhea. Grind the stems with flowers and 3 tbsp. pour 0.5 l of raw materials. Boiling water, leave for an hour. Drink the entire infusion in small portions over two days.

For constipation, drink 1 tbsp on an empty stomach. sunflower or sea buckthorn oil. Eat bran: pour 2 tablespoons of boiling water over a glass, drain the water after an hour. Eat in the morning on an empty stomach (can be mixed with yogurt or kefir). Mint or chamomile will relieve flatulence (gas formation): 1 tbsp. pour a glass of boiling water over the raw materials and leave for 40 minutes.

Drink 0.3 cups 2-3 r. in a day. For a lack of vitamins and anemia, vitamin tea: mix strawberry leaves and red berries in equal parts, pour 1 tbsp. crushed mixture with a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Drink a warm glass 1-2 times a day.

A self-tested recipe for treating colitis

● Seeds are especially effective for treating colitis. Find places where there are thickets of burdock, put on an old sweatshirt and walk between the plants: burdock seeds will stick in sufficient quantities.

● Place one or two handfuls of burdock seeds in a thermos and pour a liter of boiling water, leave overnight. In the morning, strain and drink everything in four doses after meals during the day. The course of treatment - even in advanced cases no more than two weeks.

You will learn how to treat nonspecific ulcerative colitis by reading.

Colitis - inflammation inner shell large intestine, which can be complicated by inflammation of the small intestine and stomach. The chronic form of the disease occurs if the focus of the disease is in the gallbladder.

An exacerbation of the disease can be provoked by:

  • consumption of foods that irritate colon and causing an allergic reaction;
  • taking for a long time or large doses antibiotics;
  • stress and emotional overload;
  • overwork;
  • overheating, etc.

Due to the similarity of symptoms, this disease is often confused with irritable bowel syndrome, but the irritation is not associated with the large intestine. And exacerbation (symptoms) of colitis can last from several days to several weeks.

If the next exacerbation of the disease finds you far from the pharmacy or you do not trust “all chemistry,” then you can alleviate the patient’s condition with the help of folk remedies.

How to treat chronic colitis with folk remedies?

Treatment of the digestive system must begin with proper nutrition, and with chronic colitis, following a certain diet is half the success in the fight against the disease.

However, a reservation should be made: if you do not want constant or periodic exacerbations of colitis, then adherence to a diet should become the norm of life, and not be a momentary and forced temporary measure. And medicinal herbs and recipes will come to the aid of the diet traditional medicine.

Diet for colitis

For chronic colitis, the diet consists of a large amount of boiled vegetables and dairy products. Becomes a must-have dish oatmeal, but foods containing large amounts of albumin (fatty meat, eggs) will have to be excluded. Strict adherence to a diet for chronic colitis is necessary to normalize the functioning of the intestines as a whole and normal functioning colon. When creating a menu, take into account the availability intestinal disorders- constipation or diarrhea.

For chronic colitis the following are excluded:

  • fatty meat (goose, duck, pork);
  • fatty broths and soups;
  • smoked and fried foods;
  • hot, spicy dishes;
  • a large number of seasonings and spices;
  • fried or hard-boiled eggs;
  • flour products from butter dough;
  • flour products using wholemeal flour and bran;
  • dairy products with a high percentage of fat;
  • juices, causing diarrhea(plum, apricot);
  • raw vegetables and fruits, causing constipation or diarrhea (cucumbers, spinach, plums, legumes, dates);
  • fruits and vegetables with seeds (for example, raspberries, tomatoes, blackberries).
  • lean varieties of meat (chicken, horse meat, turkey, pork pulp), devoid of tendons, tough parts and skin - boiled, stewed or steamed;
  • sausages and boiled tongue;
  • fish (cod, pike perch, navaga, perch) - boiled, jellied or steamed;
  • soups and pureed soups with low-fat broths (cooked in meat or bones, then carefully strained and diluted in a ratio of 2:1);
  • porridges cooked in water (barley and millet excluded);
  • dairy products (ryazhenka, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt) - can be homemade with the addition of starter cultures and bacteria beneficial for digestion;
  • milk only included ready meals(if the body reacts to it normally);
  • vegetables, steamed, boiled or stewed;
  • prunes;
  • apples and pears without peel (it irritates the intestines);
  • natural juices in diluted form;
  • weak tea and coffee.

The diet for colitis is aimed at eliminating possible fermentation processes in the intestines, and before breakfast it is recommended to drink a glass boiled water room temperature. You need to eat at least 5 times a day, and portions can be slightly higher than average so as not to lead the body to exhaustion. Food should not be too hot or too cold. It will be useful to drink a glass of carrot juice every day.

Try the following recipes and include them in your diet:

  1. Pour 1 cup of rice with 2 cups of water and cook until done. Peel half a lemon, remove the seeds, chop finely and add to the finished rice. If you eat this porridge for breakfast for 5 days, your condition will improve.
  2. As a snack - between breakfast and lunch, and between lunch and dinner - eat 7-8 kernels over the course of a month walnut.
  3. Try to include fish oil, salads with woodlice and plantain in your diet, and instead of tea, drink infusions of chamomile, St. John's wort, and celandine.
  4. Instead of boiled water before breakfast (and also 20 minutes before each main meal), you can drink peppermint infusion: 2 tbsp. pour 2 cups of boiling water over the leaves and leave for 20 minutes.
  5. For colitis, it will be useful to drink whey from feta cheese 2 times a day.

How to deal with problems arising from chronic colitis using folk remedies?

With exacerbation of chronic colitis, patients may experience poor appetite, nausea, general malaise and other unpleasant symptoms. The following recipes will help you cope with your ailments.

Helps with constipation:

  • Therapeutic enemas with the addition of 50 ml fish oil, rosehip seed oil or chamomile decoction.
  • Microclysters with chamomile infusion and honey - 1 tbsp. Brew flowers with a glass of boiling water and let cool, strain, add 1 tsp to the infusion. honey. For 1 enema you need 30-50 ml of solution, the course of treatment is 8 procedures.
  • Laxative teas, which you can buy at the pharmacy or prepare yourself: 3 parts buckthorn bark + 1 part yarrow + 2 parts nettle. Take 1 tbsp. mixture of herbs, pour 2 cups of boiling water and boil for 5 minutes, strain, take ½ cup of decoction before bed.
  • Pumpkin porridge with honey and prunes.
  • Propolis milk: bring 1 liter of fresh unsteamed milk to a boil, add 100 g of propolis and simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes.
  • Mixtures of natural freshly squeezed juices (cucumber, beetroot and carrot or carrot and spinach juice).
  • Infusions of herbs of chamomile, mint, yarrow, trefoil, immortelle, plantain leaves, which are used both independently and in collections, which can include herbs with a hemostatic effect (snakeweed, kidneyweed or peppermint, burnet, St. John's wort, nettle, damselfish) will help against bleeding ).

    For diarrhea and flatulence:

    • Wormwood decoction - 3 tbsp. common wormwood pour a glass of water and boil over low heat for 10 minutes.
    • A decoction of the fruit (use only whole seeds, as the seed kernels are unsuitable for food and even poisonous).

    For severe pain in the intestines and stomach:

    • Infusion from watermelon rinds: Pour boiling water over several peeled peels and leave for an hour. This will calm the intestinal mucosa and the pain will subside.
    • For stomach pain, take 50 g of rosemary, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for several hours. Take a few sips before meals.

    With reduced or weak intestinal motility:

    • Take equal proportions of yarrow, oregano, motherwort, mint, corn silk, add 1/3 of a measure of horehound, half a measure of horehound, and mix. Then 3 tbsp. collection, pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Take 1 glass of warm infusion 30 minutes before meals, 3 times a day for 2 months.

    Treatment of colitis with folk remedies is the main method of influencing the symptoms of the disease, which is used along with drug therapy and maintaining a nutritious diet.

    This is due to the fact that such treatment has a large number positive qualities from application. These include:

    • ability natural ingredients gently but effectively combat the symptoms inflammatory process, severe pain, bloating and increased gas formation. It is these manifestations that are most characteristic of such a disease;
    • complete absence side effects. Patients only need to observe the required proportions and daily dosage;
    • low cost of herbal ingredients compared to medications. Moreover, some of the ingredients of a particular recipe can be grown yourself at home;
    • safety – all healing drinks are prepared personally by the patient, which is why you don’t have to worry about the quality and composition of herbal decoctions and infusions;
    • minimal number of contraindications;
    • gain therapeutic action pharmacological drugs– despite their benefits, recipes alternative medicine should not be the only way to treat such a disease.

    This type of therapy poses several challenges:

    • eliminate etiological factors, be it the prolonged influence of nervous and physical stress or the consequence of poor nutrition;
    • reduce or completely eliminate signs of the inflammatory process - the strength of the effect will depend on the nature of the disease;
    • neutralize the symptoms of the disease;
    • restore normal intestinal microflora;
    • heal minor damage to the intestinal mucosa;
    • prevent exacerbation of the disease and prolong the stage of remission.

    It is worth noting that some ingredients are prohibited for use in case of individual intolerance, for the treatment of a similar illness in children, as well as in females during pregnancy. It is for this reason that before starting treatment for intestinal colitis with folk remedies, it is best to consult your doctor.

    Treatment with bee products

    Propolis and honey are strong natural antibacterial substances that can eliminate a large number of pathological microorganisms, which often lead to the appearance of such a disease. In addition, they have a pronounced wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effect.

    Treatment with beekeeping products has only one contraindication - individual intolerance; in other cases there are no restrictions on the use of such ingredients. Also, therapy with propolis and honey has a number of additional properties:

    • positive effect on intestinal motility, which helps fight constipation;
    • increasing the resistance of the immune system;
    • improvement of the patient's condition - this is primarily achieved due to the strong anesthetic effect.

    Treatment of colitis with propolis is carried out as in pure form, and as tinctures and microenemas with the ingredient.

    The first way to use bee glue is to simply chew it. To do this, you should swallow saliva enriched with propolis, and the wax itself must be spat out. This technique should be used thirty minutes before a meal, which will make it possible to protect the membrane of the affected organ and prepare it for digestion of food.

    Widespread use alcohol infusions based on propolis. They can treat both acute and chronic illness. Daily norm such a substance dissolved in alcohol or vodka should not exceed ten grams. During the acute stage, a reduction in dosage to three grams is indicated, and during remission it is gradually increased.

    There are also several additional recipes:

    • aqueous solution - to prepare it you will need ten grams of propolis and one hundred milliliters of purified water. The ingredients are brought to a homogeneous mass using a water bath. You need to drink the drink half an hour before each meal. The duration of the course of therapy is no more than two months. This solution is indicated for use when the use of alcohol is prohibited;
    • oil solution - includes ten grams of the main ingredient and one hundred grams of sea buckthorn oil. This drug is also obtained using a water bath, the mixture is melted for an hour, and before use, filtered through cheesecloth. You need to take this medicine in the morning and before bed;
    • propolis milk - you need to take half a liter of milk and fifty grams of bee glue. Crushed propolis is added to heated milk, the mixture is brought to a boil, filtered and cooled. You should drink one tablespoon of this milk thirty minutes before meals. The duration of therapy is one month.

    As for honey, it is best used as an enhancer taste sensations and healing effect to the above recipes, as well as to herbal decoctions.

    Mumiyo for colitis

    Mumiyo is one of the few remedies that has shown good results in the treatment of ulcerative colitis using folk remedies.

    To obtain a positive result, you need to mix 0.1 grams of the main component with one tablespoon of water. The daily dose of this product is no more than 0.2 grams. The use of this medicine has the following effects:

    • anti-inflammatory;
    • anesthetic;
    • regenerative.

    In addition, there is a neutralization of such specific symptoms ulcerative colitis, such as nausea and vomiting, belching and diarrhea.

    The course of therapy is thirty days. Upon completion of the use of such a folk remedy, it is observed full recovery integrity of the mucosa and elimination of the inflammatory process.

    In a similar way, it is necessary to treat the complicated course of colitis - enterocolitis. In this case, complete restoration of the membrane of the affected organ will take approximately thirty-five days, and an improvement in the patient’s condition will be observed within a week after the start of using this method of alternative medicine.

    Therapy with medicinal herbs and plants

    The most effective folk remedies for treating intestinal colitis are healing infusions and infusions based on herbal ingredients.

    Some of the plants have one, but pronounced positive effect, while others have a whole range of positive qualities. For example, if the disease is accompanied by the appearance of blood impurities in feces then it is best to use:

    • Dubrovka and burnet roots;
    • shepherd's bag grass;
    • crow's feet and knotweed;
    • plantain.

    For cooking healing drink you will need two tablespoons of any of the above ingredients and half a liter of boiling water. You can drink it regardless of food intake, but no more than five times a day, one hundred grams at a time.

    Very often, long-term intestinal colitis is caused by the presence of fermentation and decay processes in this organ. In order to get rid of them, you should use:

    • oak or valerian bark;
    • alder cones;
    • cumin or fennel seeds;
    • blueberry or mint leaves;
    • chamomile flowers;
    • bird cherry berries.

    You can prepare such decoctions using the method indicated above, but you need to drink one hundred milliliters in the morning on an empty stomach.

    If the disease is accompanied by intense pain, then the following herbs can perfectly cope with this symptom:

    • Melissa;
    • St. John's wort;
    • chamomile.

    They are best used as a herbal mixture, on the basis of which they prepare healing infusion. To do this, you need to pour three tablespoons of herbs into three glasses of boiling water and leave to infuse overnight. You need to drink the drink three times a day, twenty minutes before meals, 50 milliliters. It is not prohibited to add honey.

    In addition to the above herbs and plants, treatment with folk remedies also involves the use of:

    • dill seeds and calamus root;
    • string and eucalyptus;
    • centaury.

    Such components are effective in acute inflammatory processes. In cases of chronic disease, it is best to use:

    • nettle and mint;
    • burnet and licorice;
    • rosehip seeds and buckthorn bark;
    • yarrow and trefoil;
    • snake, kidney and pepper knotweed;
    • plantain.

    Such plants will help fight bleeding.

    In addition, it is allowed to use as additional components to herbal teas, the following herbal ingredients:

    • blueberries and sage leaves;
    • thyme and rose hips;
    • curly parsley;
    • viburnum berries;
    • chicory and quince seeds;
    • alder cones;
    • marsh geranium;
    • motherwort and oregano;
    • cinquefoil root.


    Another way to treat intestinal colitis is to use microenemas based on herbal ingredients. Similar procedure carried out using a special syringe into which a decoction of a medicinal plant or 50 milliliters is taken medicinal oil. The main ingredients for microenemas can be used:

    • sea ​​buckthorn oil;
    • propolis;
    • chamomile or calendula;
    • St. John's wort;
    • Apple vinegar.

    Carrying out this procedure requires compliance with several rules:

    • bowel movement;
    • carrying out hygiene procedures;
    • class horizontal position. In this case, you need to turn on a comfortable side, bend your knees and press them to your stomach;
    • inject one of the above remedies with a syringe.

    It is best to perform microenemas before bedtime, so that after the procedure the person immediately falls asleep.

    The therapeutic course lasts from fifteen days to one month. Its duration depends on the severity of the disease.

    It is worth noting that positive result Treatment of colitis with the help of folk remedies will only occur if:

    • taking medications prescribed by your doctor;
    • adherence to a gentle diet prescribed by a gastroenterologist or nutritionist in individually for each patient;
    • complete renunciation of addictions;
    • completing a course of therapeutic massage.

    Before using any traditional medicine method, you should consult a clinician. This is due to the fact that only in a medical institution, a doctor, after conducting a series of laboratory and instrumental tests, diagnostic measures, will be able to establish the severity of intestinal colitis and identify individual intolerance to one or another component.

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    The number of patients diagnosed with esophageal disease such as esophagitis is growing every year. Basically, to correct this condition, traditional medicine is used, in particular pharmaceuticals, as well as diet therapy. But do not forget about traditional medicine, since it contains several recipes that effectively help eliminate the symptoms of damage to the esophagus. For treatment purposes, flax seed, sea buckthorn oil, honey, aloe juice, and herbs are used. Treatment with folk remedies is allowed only after consultation with a gastroenterologist.

    A hiatus hernia is a pathological condition in which the lower portion of the esophageal tube and the cardiac part of the stomach (sometimes the antrum) penetrate into the chest cavity. The disease is more often diagnosed in older patients. It is noteworthy that women suffer from it much more often than men. The main symptoms that express this pathological condition include heartburn, painful sensations in the sternum, disruption of the process of swallowing food lumps. It is important to promptly diagnose the disease and treat it, as without this it can begin to progress. dangerous complications. Therapy should only be comprehensive - medications, diet therapy, and, in severe situations, surgery are prescribed. But folk remedies are no less effective in treating pathology.

    Treatment of liver cirrhosis with folk remedies does not at all imply cessation of the use of medications. On the contrary, it is recommended to combine alternative therapy with medications. But only a gastroenterologist can prescribe this or that remedy. Independent use folk recipes contributes to the aggravation of such dangerous illness like cirrhosis of the liver. This is due to the fact that a person may not be aware that he has an individual intolerance to any ingredient; in addition, it is impossible to independently calculate the dosage and number of doses of decoctions or infusions.

    Colitis is an inflammatory lesion of the mucous membrane of the large intestine. The disease has two forms - acute and chronic. The first occurs violently and quickly, often bordering on damage to the small intestine (enterocolitis), rectum (proctitis) and stomach (gastritis).

    Acute intestinal colitis is provoked food poisoning, allergic reaction, excessive intake of medications. Colitis caused by dysbacteriosis and complications usually become chronic. infectious lesions intestines and enzyme deficiency.

    The disease is divided into types: ulcerative (occurs in mild, moderate and severe forms, sometimes sounds like “nonspecific ulcerative colitis”), spastic, atrophic, catarrhal, pseudomembranous (enterocolitis), ischemic, collagen, alcoholic, atonic, hemorrhagic, radiation, infectious , erosive, distal, diffuse. Colitis can be left-sided (inflammation in a limited area) and right-sided (the mucous membrane of the cecum is affected). The universal signs of pathology are general discomfort, pain in the abdomen, nausea and loss of appetite.

    If left untreated, any type of disease causes serious consequences. Firstly, delay is fraught with transition to a chronic form. Secondly, prolonged inflammation can affect the development internal bleeding, cause blood poisoning or peritonitis.

    Official medicine proposes to fight the disease through a number of medications, selected taking into account the type and severity pathological process. Non-traditional, considers it possible to treat colitis with folk remedies.


    When performed regularly, microenemas help relieve inflammation of the mucous membrane, heal wounds and normalize colon peristalsis. Enter remedy a large syringe with a catheter or a rubber bulb. It is recommended to lie on your left side. The course lasts about a month (according to the procedure in evening time). The result promises to be noticeable in the second week of treatment.


    The course of treatment of colitis using herbal infusions is up to eight months. Weekly breaks are allowed.


    1. 100 grams of dried and crushed watermelon rinds are steamed with several glasses of hot moisture. Strain after 1.5 hours. Drink half a glass up to four times a day for acute and chronic colitis of the colon.
    2. You can use watermelon seeds. They are first dried in the sun. Eighty grams of raw materials are poured into a thermos, poured with half a liter of boiling water and left for 2 hours. Half a cup is consumed before breakfast, lunch and dinner.
    3. Citrus peels help in the fight against the distal type of disease. For 100 g there are 400 ml of boiling water. After 3 hours, filter. Drink up to five times a day, fifty milliliters.
    4. 15 g of dried viburnum fruits are steamed in several cups of hot moisture. Strain after an hour. Drink a quarter cup, dividing the volume into equal parts, before meals for enterocolitis.

      Treatment with viburnum berries is not advisable when increased acidity gastric juice.

    5. 30 g of field mint is steamed with several glasses of boiling water. After half an hour, filter. Drink half a glass of the folk remedy twice a day before meals.
    6. Thirty grams of steelberry root are added to 500 ml of just boiled water. After three hours, filter. Use half a cup after lunch and dinner.
    7. An effective treatment for colitis and enterocolitis is called using an infusion of gray alder bark. 15 g of raw material is poured into a glass of boiled water. After infusion, filter and drink a large spoon three times a day. Store in the refrigerator.
    8. Hogweed infusion is effective for the spastic form of the disease. Add 500 ml to three large spoons of raw material cool water. Leave for a couple of hours. Take 50 ml each time before meals. The finished product is stored for no longer than three days.
    9. Take ten grams of fennel fruit per glass of boiling water. Heat in a water bath for 15 minutes. The cooled infusion is brought to a volume of 200 ml. Drink a third of a glass for spastic illness three times in 24 hours.
    10. The upper leaves and tops of fireweed tea, which has an anti-inflammatory effect, are poured into 0.2 liters of boiled liquid in the amount of a large spoon. After forty minutes, filter. Drink 50 ml four times every 24 hours before meals.

      Due to the hepatotoxicity of the plant, long-term use Ivan tea is strictly prohibited.

    11. Several handfuls of burdock seeds are steamed in a thermos (liter). Leave it overnight. Filter in the morning. The volume is divided by four times.
    12. At severe bloating and discomfort, take an infusion of dry rosemary leaves. Take two small spoons of raw materials per glass of boiling water. After 2 hours, filter. Take 55 ml four times.
    13. Tea l. crushed willow bark is soaked in a cup of chilled water. After two hours, filter. For chronic forms, drink two tbsp. l. twice a day.
    14. Ulcerative colitis is treated with chamomile. Four tbsp. l. per glass of water. Heat in a water bath for twenty minutes, leave for two hours. Consume after meals three times, dividing the total volume into equal portions.
    15. One large spoonful of blackberry leaves is added to one and a half cups of the just-boiled liquid. After twenty minutes, filter. Drink, dividing the total volume into three doses.
      Long-term use of blackberry leaves causes poisoning (vomiting, dizziness, swelling of the mucous membranes). In some cases, cardiac dysfunction may occur.
    16. The chronic form of the disease is treated with calendula. Add two large handfuls of raw materials to two glasses of boiling water. Leave for half an hour and filter. Drink half a cup four times.
    17. Escape from severe pain acute form diseases can be achieved through linden. Three large spoons of flowers are poured into two cups of hot liquid. After 20 minutes, filter. Use half a cup as a treatment at least three times a day.
    18. Acute and chronic colitis is treated with infusion of St. John's wort. Take a handful of raw materials for 0.2 liters of hot liquid. After 2 hours, filter. Take a tablespoon, repeating three times.

      St. John's wort is considered a slightly toxic plant. Taking it can lead to a persistent feeling of bitterness in the mouth.

    19. To normalize appetite, prepare an infusion of basil herb. For 220 ml of boiling water take 1 tbsp. l. crushed raw materials. Leave under a towel for at least three hours. Use 1 tbsp. l. four times before meals.
    20. Ginger helps in getting rid of nausea and belching. Steam 1 tbsp in two hundred milliliters of boiling water. l. chopped root. Leave for four hours covered. Drink several tablespoons. l. four times, each time before meals.
    21. Cumin is considered an effective remedy for improving appetite and normalizing digestion. Stir 15 grams of seeds in a glass of hot water. Stand for 30 minutes. Consume a large spoon three times without reference to a meal.
    22. The following infusion is especially recommended for colitis: mix the leaves and flowers of the herb hyssop in equal proportions. Separate 15 g, steam 0.45 liters of boiling water. After twenty minutes, filter. Take half a cup four times.
    23. For spastic and ulcerative types of the disease, an infusion of motherwort is indicated. Take a couple of handfuls of raw materials, pour in 0.4 liters of boiling water and keep under the lid for forty minutes. Drink the entire volume during the day, repeating every time before meals.
    24. Helps in the treatment of acute colitis green tea. Brew a teaspoon per cup of boiling water. Drink half a cup three times a day.
    25. Two tbsp. l. chopped curly parsley is added to one and a half glasses of boiling water. Keep under the lid for 5 hours. Squeeze and filter. Take a couple of large spoons four times before meals. It is especially recommended as a medicine for atrophic inflammation.
    26. Two tsp. fresh marsh geranium is poured with two cups of boiling water. Leave under a towel overnight. Take 20 milliliters every few hours.
    27. Five grams of chicory are stirred in a glass of milk. Insist for thirty minutes. Drink a quarter cup four times a day.
    28. 10 g of quince seeds are steamed in one liter of water. Leave for 10 hours. Take a glass, repeating three times a day before meals.
    29. Mix blueberry leaves and fruits. 45 g of the mixture is poured with 0.6 liters of boiling water and allowed to stand for ten hours. After filtration, drink to treat the intestines, a glass three times in 24 hours.
    30. For enterocolitis, tansy infusion is useful. 5 grams of flower baskets are steamed with 300 ml of boiling water and kept under the lid for at least two hours. Take twenty milliliters three times a day.
      An overdose of tansy leads to impaired vision, kidney function and nervous system function.
    31. During periods of exacerbation, it is recommended to prepare an infusion of aspen ash. Take four large spoons of raw material, pour in a liter of hot liquid and leave for ten days. Drink eight tsp. after meals three times a day.
    32. The chronic form of colitis is treated with a sparkling cuff. Three large spoons of raw material are poured into two glasses of boiling water and kept under the lid for 4 hours. Drink half a cup several times in 24 hours.
    33. Add a handful of dried oak bark to 0.3 liters of boiling water. Leave it covered for about thirty minutes, then filter it and take half a glass twice a day.
    34. A tablespoon of crushed fume grass is combined with half a liter of boiling water and kept in a warm place for six hours. The strained infusion is consumed before each meal, a couple of large spoons.
    35. Solovaya L. crushed burnet roots are steamed with 550 ml of boiling water. After half an hour, filter. Let it sit for some more time and begin taking it - 20 milliliters before each meal.
    36. Take 30 grams of flaxseed, pour a liter of hot liquid and cover with a towel. After a few hours, filter. Drink half a cup four times a day. Helps with exacerbation of the chronic form and atrophic form of the disease.
    37. An infusion of strawberry leaves helps normalize peristalsis. 10 g of raw material is steamed with two cups of boiling water and kept under the lid for half an hour. Take twice a day, preferably before meals.
    38. Horse sorrel has an astringent effect. It is indicated in the treatment of colitis and enterocolitis. Ten grams of raw material are steamed with 220 ml of hot liquid and left for ten minutes. Then it is heated in a water bath and filtered. Drink a third of a glass twice a day before meals.
      Daily use of horse sorrel to treat the intestines is strictly prohibited. Otherwise, calcium will be washed out of the body and kidney stones will form.


    1. Take 60% buckthorn bark, 20% licorice bark, 10% each fennel and anise. Separate about six large spoons of the mixture, pour in a liter of hot water and leave for two hours. Use one hundred milliliters three times a day. The recipe is especially indicated for colitis accompanied by constipation.
    2. Folk remedy for laxative action. 20 g each of fennel fruits, buckthorn bark and black elderberry flowers, 5 g of anise fruits. Two tablespoons of the mixture are steamed with a liter of boiling water and kept under the lid for three hours. Drink a cup twice a day, preferably after lunch and dinner.
    3. For colitis of any kind, an infusion of joster fruits and black elderberry flowers, taken in equal parts, is recommended. Six tablespoons are poured into a liter of boiling water. After 1 hour, filter with a gauze cloth and drink a cup after lunch and dinner.
      Unripe fruits of joster are poisonous.
    4. Prepare a decoction of St. John's wort and golden mustache leaves (1 tbsp per 500 ml of water). Add 25 grams of raspberry leaves to the mixture, which has been left for an hour. Leave for another hour. Drink a cup three times a day.
    5. An infusion of the following components is called a good remedy for flatulence: 20% dill seeds, 40% each peppermint and valerian root. Five st. l. collection, pour 0.8 liters of hot liquid. Strain after two hours. Take 50 ml four times a day.
    6. An infusion of three-leaf leaves (30 g), buckthorn bark (45 g), caraway fruit (10 g) and yarrow herb (30 g) has a laxative effect. Sixty grams of the collection are combined with a liter of hot water. After an hour, filter and drink 150 ml before bed.
    7. If diarrhea is accompanied by bleeding, prepare a mixture of fifty grams of shepherd's purse grass, twenty-five grams of burnet rhizomes and cinquefoil erecta. Separate four tbsp. l. and pour in a liter of boiling water. Keep in a water bath for five minutes, then leave in a dark place. Take 0.1 liter each time before meals.
    8. A mixture of knotweed, cinquefoil herb (25 g each) and plantain leaves (50 g) has a similar effect. Five spoons of the collection are poured with water in the amount of one liter, kept under the lid until it cools. Drink 150 ml four times a day before meals.

      The infusion contains plantain. It is contraindicated in cases of high acidity and certain types gastrointestinal ulcers. Increased blood clotting is also a reason to stop taking the drug.

    9. Five large handfuls of lungwort are combined with comfrey seeds, flax seeds (5 g each) and half a cup of rose hips. In the evening, steam in a liter of boiling water. In the morning, the rose hips are kneaded and the composition is filtered. The volume is drunk throughout the day.
    10. An effective remedy for the treatment of flatulence and diarrhea is a mixture of rhizomes of snakeweed and burnet, taken in equal parts. The composition infused for two hours is drunk 50 ml four times in 24 hours.
    11. In a glass of boiling water, steam a mixture of sage, centaury and chamomile, taken in a small spoon. After cooling, filter. Take 1 tbsp. l. seven times a day before meals. The drink is indicated for exacerbation of colitis.
    12. Take 30 g of gray alder cones, add 20 g of licorice root and chamomile flowers, and 10 g of galangal root. Separate a handful and pour a glass of boiling water. After forty minutes, squeeze out and divide into two doses. Consume by adding a spoon of flower honey.

      Kalgan is contraindicated if you are prone to constipation.

    13. For intestinal hypomotility, prepare the following mixture: a third of yarrow, peppermint, oregano, motherwort, kidney grass mixed with two parts of common horehound. A large spoonful of the mixture is poured into a liter of hot liquid and left under a towel for a couple of hours. Take 200 milliliters three times a day half an hour before meals.

      Horehound is undesirable for people with a tendency to allergies.

    14. Exacerbation of pathology is treated with an infusion of sage and wormwood leaf. Mix twenty grams at a time and separate a large spoon. Steam with two cups of boiled liquid. Strain after twenty minutes. Take at least seven times 20 milliliters.
    15. Mix 1 tsp. St. John's wort, peppermint, chamomile, caraway seeds. A handful of the collection is steamed overnight in a thermos (a glass of boiling water). Drink for catarrhal and nonspecific colitis two or three times half a cup.
    16. Take twenty grams of the fruits of caraway seeds, common yarrow herb, and thyme. Add 40 grams of lemon balm leaves and twice as much wild strawberry leaves. For a cup of boiled liquid use 1 tbsp. l. collection Insist under the lid. Treatment is carried out for acute and chronic diseases. Indicated 60 ml twice a day.
    17. To eliminate constipation, mix 10 g of anise and fennel fruits, add twice as much licorice root and 60 g of buckthorn bark. Add a handful to a glass of boiling water. After half an hour, filter. Take two hundred milliliters in the morning and evening, each time preparing a fresh folk remedy.
      Long-term use of the product at home is addictive. It will be impossible to empty your bowels on your own in the future.
    18. For spasms and severe pain An infusion of yarrow herb, St. John's wort, chamomile flowers (30 g each) and greater celandine herb (10 g) is recommended. The raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water. After two hours, filter. Drink 80 ml four times. The recipe also helps in healing erosions and ulcers of the colon.
    19. The following composition helps to cope with constipation: three tbsp. l. buckthorn bark, two stinging nettles and one yarrow flowers are poured with water in the amount of 600 ml. Leave for 60 minutes. Drink 150 ml per day.
    20. Diarrhea is overcome by a remedy made from six large spoons of bird cherry berries and four large spoons of blueberries. Steam in 230 ml of liquid and consume fifty milliliters three times every 24 hours.
    21. Mix equal amounts of rose hips, flowers pharmaceutical chamomile, nettle grass, yarrow and shepherd's purse. Take 1 tbsp per glass of boiling water. l. collection After eight hours, squeeze it out. Use a quarter cup, repeating four times.
    22. Calendula, yarrow, plantain, bearberry and hay grass are combined in equal parts. Pour in 550 ml of liquid. Leave for an hour, then filter using gauze and drink a third of a glass each time before meals. The recipe is good for treating the distal form of the disease.
    23. Add four tbsp to 500 ml of boiling water. l. a collection of rose hips, stinging nettle herb and currant leaves (in equal parts). After an hour, filter and drink 150 ml until the end of the volume.
    24. If there is blood in the stool, prepare the following composition: in a ratio of 1:1:2, mix the roots of oak grass, burnet and bagworm herbs, separate 30 grams, pour in 0.5 liters of just boiled liquid. After fifteen minutes, filter. Take twenty milliliters after breakfast, lunch and dinner. Store in the refrigerator.
    25. Mix agrimony, snakeweed, shepherd's purse, oak bark, marsh calamus, raspberry leaves, and chokeberry in equal parts. 30 g of the mixture are infused in a glass of boiled water for half a day. After filtering, they begin taking it - a third of a cup before each meal.
    26. Take five grams of hop cones and anise seeds. Add ten grams of mint leaves and chamomile flowers. Mix with fifteen grams of buckthorn bark. Pour the mixture with 400 ml of boiling water. Keep in a water bath for fifteen minutes. Add 100 ml of dark beer and keep in a water bath for another five minutes. Strain. Take half a cup chilled after breakfast, lunch and dinner. Helps with pain.


    Alcohol tinctures are called a good additional remedy in the treatment of colitis. The course of treatment ranges from one month to three.

    1. For the chronic form, use the following tincture: add 50 grams of poplar buds to half a liter of vodka and leave for two weeks. Shake the tincture periodically. Strain and take 1 tbsp. l. three times a quarter of an hour before meals.

      The tincture is contraindicated for chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    2. The acute form is treated with Sophora japonica. For 200 g of fruit, 0.5 liters of vodka is required. Leave for two weeks, shaking occasionally. The filtered folk remedy is drunk 35 drops three times before meals and a fourth time before resting at night.
    3. St. John's wort and 40% alcohol are mixed in a ratio of one to five. Keep in a glass container for two weeks. Take 40 drops twice a day.
    4. A liter of 96% alcohol is poured into a dark glass container. Add 100 grams of propolis. Leave for five days, shaking regularly. Drink 30 drops three times a day before meals, diluted in a cup of milk or water.
    5. 100 grams of crushed alder cones are combined with 0.5 liters of vodka and sent to a dark place for two weeks. Shake periodically. Strain and take a dessert spoon each time before meals.
    6. Sunflower caps are collected in May. Take three pieces of finely chopped caps, pour in 280 ml of 96% alcohol, and keep in a glass container for five days. Strain through several layers of gauze. Take 25 drops, adding to a cup of water. For severe pain, repeat six times a day, in other cases - three. It is advisable to perform the procedure before meals.
    7. In a ratio of one to ten, mix the flowers, stems and roots of the weeping grass with 76% alcohol. Insist in a dark place. After two weeks, filter. Take 40 drops three times, diluting in 60 ml of water. The drug has an anti-inflammatory effect, which is why it is indicated for any type of disease.


    Adherents of traditional medicine recommend using decoctions to treat colitis for at least six months.




    Plants and fruits crushed to a powdery state help to get rid of the symptoms characteristic of colitis at home.

    1. As the sap moves along the tree trunk, aspen bark is collected. Dry and bring to a powder state. Consume a dessert spoon daily in the evenings for five weeks. In this way, acute and spastic types of pathology are treated. You can get rid of catarrh.
    2. Ulcerative colitis is treated with powder seaweed. Take the drug for at least four weeks. One dose is equal to half a dessert spoon. Repeat use every evening.
    3. The inflammatory process that develops in the small intestine is treated with walnut powder, cinquefoil root, peppermint, burdock and anise. The components mixed in equal parts are ground independently. Consume for at least four weeks after breakfast, lunch and dinner, dissolving a dessert spoon in a cup of boiled water.
    4. Dry the fruits of figs, dried apricots, prunes (the same amount). A powder is prepared from the mixture. Add a little aloe juice and form balls. Take one before meals. Treat for at least five weeks.
    5. 10 g each of elecampane and dandelion root, burnet, yarrow and sophora seeds are brought to a powdery state. Twenty grams of powder are poured into a glass of boiling water and left for six hours. Drink a third of a cup before each meal.


    Treatment with homemade syrups lasts from 45 to 60 days.

    1. To get rid of cramps and nausea, take the following folk remedy: a couple of leaves of two-year-old aloe are peeled and finely chopped. Mix with 300 ml of warm linden honey. Infuse for 24 hours, then heat to forty degrees. Use on an empty stomach in the morning. The dose is a large spoon.
    2. Mix a tablespoon of honey and a glass of clean liquid. Consume before meals three times a day. Water can be replaced with apple juice.
    3. Dissolve 180 ml of honey in 800 ml of chilled water. Eighty grams are added pollen. Stir. Leave at room temperature for a couple of days. Take 30 ml each time before meals.
    4. Chamomile infusion (700 ml of boiling water per three large spoons) is mixed with 100 ml of honey. Drink several spoons, repeating four times a day. The recipe is indicated for exacerbation of the disease and the presence of complications.
    5. Ten grams of mumiyo are soaked in 30 ml of melt water for three days. Then mixed with 100 milliliters of honey. Take a teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach for a month. After a break of four weeks, the course is repeated, and so on up to four times.


    Treatment with freshly squeezed juices lasts from a month to four, depending on the severity of symptoms and individual tolerance.

    1. At the first signs of colitis, it is recommended to start drinking juice onions– one teaspoon three times a day.
    2. Freshly squeezed juice helps relieve constipation crow's foot. Drink it one dessert spoon three times every 24 hours, after adding half a glass of water.
      Reception cinquefoil impossible with intestinal inflammation, especially if constipation is observed. Otherwise it happens sharp deterioration condition, the pain becomes more severe, nausea and vomiting appear.
    3. Take whole potato tubers, peel them and grate them. Squeeze out the juice. Drink half a cup daily before meals.
    4. Severe pain can be eliminated by apple juice. 100 ml of linden honey is dissolved in a liter of freshly squeezed drink. Drink half a cup every time before meals. The recipe is also suitable for people suffering from chronic colitis.
    5. In elimination chronic disease A mix of spinach, cucumber, carrot and beet juice helps. Total volume: cup. It is divided into two doses, drinking after lunch and dinner.
    6. Gooseberry juice is indicated for spastic disease. Take a large spoon each time before meals.

    Other folk methods

    Traditional methods of treating colitis are varied. All of them are recommended for quick and effective elimination discomfort and combating the manifestations of the disease at home.

    Activated carbon

    For severe diarrhea, it is recommended to take activated carbon. It does not need to be mixed with other drugs. Several grams are consumed up to four times a day, 80 minutes after meals. Drink with water. The course lasts only a few days.

    Wine drink

    To 300 milliliters of strong wine add 100 ml of water and a handful of blueberries. Boil for a few minutes after boiling. Drink to eliminate the disease and improve blood circulation three times, dividing the total volume. Treatment takes about two weeks.


    Special food is called important part therapeutic program for intestinal inflammation. Food should not cause irritation or fermentation. Soups with liquid consistency. Not the last place in the diet is occupied by cereals. They should be consumed sufficiently boiled and slimy. If intestinal disease occurs with constipation, the diet includes: boiled beets, pumpkin and carrots.

    During periods of exacerbation, it is strictly forbidden to lean on acute and fatty foods, eat fried foods and flour. Rosehip decoction and dried fruit compotes can be drunk in any quantity. During periods of calm, weak meat broths, stewed fish, eggs and baked fruits are added to the menu.


    For treatment you need sauerkraut brine. Brine relaxes the intestines in cases of spastic disease. Drink half a glass after meals.

    Medicinal milk

    Propolis milk has a healing effect on the intestines. Take a fresh drink, bring it to a boil and add 100 grams of propolis. The mixture is kept in a water bath for ten minutes. Drink 1 tsp every four hours. The course is continued for up to three months.


    How to get rid of chronic colitis? Supporters alternative treatment They claim that through massage. The procedure has positive impact on the gastrointestinal tract, reduces pain and relieves spasms. The massage is carried out for five to fifteen minutes daily. If the disease is observed in women, massage with the left hand. Men carry out actions with the right.

    First, massage the hand, or rather, the point between the index and thumb. Exposure to it helps relieve inflammation, so it is also allowed for acute colitis. Another miraculous point is located at a distance of two fingers on either side of the navel.

    At severe cramps You should massage several points on the abdomen. They are located on midline slightly above and below the navel.

    Clockwise abdominal massage is indicated for problems with bowel movements. Movements are performed around the umbilical ring. Then place two palms on the stomach and move them towards each other. The duration of the procedure is six minutes. It is better to do massage in the morning.

    Milk serum

    An enamel container with 800 ml of milk is placed in a bowl of boiled water and heated. When the cottage cheese appears, make a small “funnel” and add chopped onion and garlic. After ten minutes, add cabbage, beet tops, radishes, celery, parsley and plantain. Cook for five minutes. Strain the whey. Take the entire amount throughout the day. The remaining cottage cheese is also allowed for consumption.


    Adherents of alternative treatment consider mumiyo one of the most effective means against colitis. It demonstrates particular effectiveness in ulcerative forms. Mumiyo is mixed with water at the rate of 0.1 grams per 1 tbsp. l. You should take 0.2 grams per day. The composition has anti-inflammatory, regenerating and analgesic effects. After a week of this treatment, heartburn goes away and diarrhea disappears. The full course is a month. Upon completion, complete restoration of the intestinal mucosa is observed.

    Enterocolitis is treated in a similar way. The course is increased to 35 days. Pain syndrome softens by the end of the first week of treatment.

    Vegetable pulp

    Oatmeal jelly

    100 grams oatmeal fill with water for three hours. Then mix with a liter of boiling water and cook until it becomes thicker. The strained folk remedy is taken before meals. The entire amount should be consumed in a day.



    Treatment with beebread can be performed up to four times a year. In this way you can get rid of the disease forever. The duration of one course is up to 45 days. The daily dose is 1.5 teaspoons. The volume is divided into three doses.

    Fir oil

    Blue iodine

    10 grams of potato starch are dissolved in 50 ml of water at room temperature. Add a similar amount of sugar and 0.4 grams of citric acid. Brew the resulting mixture with 150 ml of hot liquid. After cooling, pour in 1 tsp. alcohol solution iodine 5%.

    Use 1 tsp to treat any type of disease. three times a day, first dissolving in a glass of warm liquid. If desired, you can use microenemas (50 ml each) twice a week.

    Warming compress

    To make a warm compress, which helps treat the intestines without the use of medications, mix water and table vinegar in equal parts. A gauze napkin is moistened with the composition, which is then applied to the stomach for half an hour. Repeat for one and a half months twice a day.

    It is dangerous to treat yourself in this way. Only a doctor can recommend or not recommend a warm compress.


    For any type of inflammation, take 100 ml of fresh urine in the morning and evening.


    On acute phase for colitis, it is recommended to consume one and a half kilograms of peeled apples per day. The most effective apple varieties yellow color. They should first be crushed using a coarse grater. The specified amount is divided into five doses.