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Do you have a stomach ache after being examined by a gynecologist? Normal and abnormal sensations after examination by a gynecologist

Regular inspection a gynecologist is an integral part of a woman’s care for her health. At least once every six months it is necessary to undergo routine inspection to prevent diseases genitourinary system. However, sometimes after the examination a woman may experience discomfort.

In this case, she has concerns and questions about whether this is the norm, as well as what to do in this situation.

Bloody discharge after examination

There may be several reasons for the appearance of blood after an examination by a gynecologist. Among them are those that are not dangerous for women:

  • Involuntary movements of a woman during examination.If a woman is very tense during the examination, she may make involuntary movements, which leads to injury to the endometrium;
  • Gynecologist's negligence.Sometimes the doctor may cause damage to the mucous membrane when examining using a mirror. In this case, after examination, there may be brown discharge;
  • The need for mucosal analysis.When a smear is taken from the mucous membrane of the uterus, it is damaged, in which case the appearance of bloody discharge is normal;
  • The onset of a new menstrual cycle.Menstruation does not always begin with heavy discharge, often before bleeding there appears spotting with blood impurities. If the examination was performed a few days before the expected date of menstruation, this could speed up the onset of the period.

In addition, bleeding after examination by a doctor may occur due to gynecological pathologies:

In the absence of serious pathologies bloody issues end quickly, usually the next day after the inspection.

If, in addition to bloody discharge, a woman experiences abdominal pain, discharge with unpleasant smell, there is an increase in discomfort, the body temperature has risen, a burning sensation has appeared in the genitals, you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible. These symptoms are dangerous and require medical attention.

Bloody discharge after examination during pregnancy

Bloody discharge during pregnancy is especially dangerous because... can lead to spontaneous abortion. If the discharge is profuse and accompanied by nausea, dizziness, and weakness, urgent medical attention is needed.

Even slight discharge with blood impurities can be dangerous during pregnancy, so ignore similar phenomenon not worth it.

Pain in the lower abdomen after examination by a gynecologist

Often, abdominal pain after examination by a gynecologist occurs in women who do not have regular sex life. Also, in women during menopause, the muscles become less elastic, which may cause discomfort and moderate pain after gynecological examination. In addition to bloody discharge, taking smears can also cause pain. All these reasons do not pose a danger to women.

Among other things, pain after examination may occur due to cervical erosion. As a rule, the doctor determines erosion during the examination, which he informs the patient about. This disease requires treatment.


Normally, with a proper examination, a woman should not experience pain or discomfort after seeing a gynecologist, and there should be no bleeding. However, if suspicious symptoms occur, it is better to play it safe and get checked for gynecological diseases.

A common phenomenon of lower back pain during menstruation. But such symptoms are usually short-term nature. And here chronic pain in the lumbar spine already speaks of some obvious illness. It is important to determine characteristic symptoms dangerous diseases or harmless ones and in any unclear situation visit your local therapist.


What could be the causes of lower back pain in women? There are many various ailments. Constant pain in the lumbar region in women - bad sign. After all, lumbar pain of this type usually does not bode well.

Increased load

Some nagging lower back pain in women is caused by unusual physical exercise. If a girl was almost unfamiliar with sports disciplines and put a sudden increased load on her back, there is a high chance of muscle strain. If aching pain in the lower back does not stop for 3-4 days, you need to visit a doctor. After all, under load, not only muscles can be damaged, but also intervertebral discs, and this is already a serious reason.

A common cause of low back pain in women is progression pathological processes V spinal column under the influence of sharply increased load.

  • We recommend reading: what to do if you break your back

Osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernia

The cause of pain in the lower back in women can be osteochondrosis. With this pathology, a change in the structure of the intervertebral discs occurs, destruction cartilage tissue. The previously elastic disc becomes rigid and loses its shock-absorbing properties.

If a woman has lower back pain that does not stop for several days and worsens when lifting heavy objects or sudden movements, there is a high probability of osteochondrosis.

  • Be sure to read: lower back pain after lifting weights

Next stage pathological changes– squeezing intervertebral discs, at which their protrusion occurs. Because of this, the spinal nerves are compressed, blood circulation and coordination of movements are disrupted, and the pain intensifies.

The final stage of osteochondrosis is the appearance of intervertebral hernias. This pathology is another reason why lower back pain occurs in women. As a rule, pain in the lumbar region is very pronounced, radiating to the limbs and other areas of the back. In this condition, the spine can ache in almost any position of the body (except lying down).

Gynecological diseases

Gynecological diseases very often cause pain below the lower back in women. Both the lower back and the sides may become sore.

There are such diseases:

  • Tumor formations (cysts) in the ovaries;
  • Pathologies of the uterus;
  • Varicose veins of the organs surrounding pelvic floor;
  • Benign education in inner wall uterus;
  • Rupture of ovarian tissue.

It is for these reasons that women often experience lower back strain. Unpleasant sensations, loss of strength, irritability and other symptoms occur. However, there may actually be a lot dangerous consequences: problems with childbirth, irregular menstruation cycles.

Kidney diseases

If there is pain in the lower back on the right or left, or even girdling pain in the lower back, there is a high probability renal pathologies, one of which is pyelonephritis. When this worsens infectious disease inflammation of the kidney (one or two) occurs. Lower back pain on the right is not the only symptom of this pathology. A person feels a number of negative manifestations:

  • Increased body temperature;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Migraine;
  • Dysfunction of the genitourinary system;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • Exudative discharge.


Many women who decide to have children and become pregnant often experience lower back pain. Low back pain associated with physiological changes in the structure of the hip girdle is absolutely normal and does not require treatment. Aching pain in the lower back occurs due to sharp increase body weight and fetal location in the lumbar region. In the last months of pregnancy, both the lower back and Bottom part belly. Such symptoms are not uncommon, but if you wish, you can discuss the problem with your doctor.


Another cause of lower back pain in women is excessive epithelial coverage. With this disease, the upper skin layer of the uterus covers the excess area of ​​the pelvic organs. Endometriosis not only provokes pain in the lower back, the pathology can lead to severe consequences. At untimely treatment, ignoring the disease is disrupted reproductive function. And back pain below the waist can result in infertility.


If a woman’s lower back hurts, it may have started critical days. This phenomenon repeats regularly, so the girls know what to expect. Pain in the lower back on the right, pain in the lower back on the left and lower abdomen occur as a result of contractions of the uterus and a sharp increase in body weight from stagnation of water in the body.

If the lower back hurts in women precisely because of menstruation, you can take diuretics. This treatment will help remove it from the body. excess water and alleviate the condition.

Bust size

Some girls with breast sizes 4-5 may experience pain in the lower back. Not only does the load on the thoracic region increase and osteochondrosis may appear thoracic, and the load on the lower back comes from the unnatural bend in the spine. In such a situation, the back hurts, mainly due to incorrect posture and stooping. By doing exercises to strengthen the extensor muscles along the spine and leading an active lifestyle, such back pain can be avoided.


Another reason why lower back pain in women is prolonged wearing of shoes with too high heels. When walking, the pelvis goes up a little and an unusual bend appears in the lower back. The load increases and aching pain occurs in the lower back.

Try to avoid stiletto heels. The optimal heel height should be no more than 5 centimeters.


Some pain in the lower back on the right behind is associated with certain period in the life of every woman. During menopause occurs hormonal disbalance and blood circulation in the pelvic area is disrupted. As a result, the spine does not receive the required amount nutrients. And, directly, the causes of pain are complications from vitamin deficiency (osteoporosis, etc.).

Excess weight

The female body contains more fat tissue than the male body. In old age, ladies who are prone to obesity can gain a lot excess weight. In such a situation, the spine experiences a strong constant load.

Excess weight can cause lower back pain on the left, right or center. This happens because maximum pressure falls on the lower back.

Oncology diseases

Tumors of any kind, reaching a certain size, begin to create pressure on the nerve endings. As a result, pain may occur below the lower back on the left or right, depending on the location of the tumor. Benign or malignant pathological formation However, treatment must be started immediately. Any tumor can sooner or later become deadly.


Why else does pain occur in the lower back or abdomen? If you dress inappropriately for the weather or sit on cold surfaces, hypothermia may occur. Pain below the lower back on the right occurs if the girl has a cold in the organs surrounding the pelvic floor. However, it is possible to overcool the lumbar sacral region spine. Acute pain in the lower back on the right in women may be the cause of just such hypothermia.

What kind of pain is there?

Various reasons can cause pain in women. The nature of the pain may vary. In order to help the doctor in setting correct diagnosis, it is necessary to be able to determine the properties of pain.

Here are the main types:

  • Very pronounced pain that occurs suddenly and is localized at a specific point. For example, lower back pain on the left.
  • Nagging pain in the lower back that occurs during monotonous processes in the comfortable position bodies. The appearance of such a symptom answers the question of why the lower back is pulled.
  • Radiating pain. It is characterized by non-local manifestations. Such pain from the lower back, radiating to the legs and groin, indicates intervertebral hernia lumbar-sacral region.

Referring pain requires immediate appeal to the doctor. Such symptoms always signal danger.

Localized, sharp, aching pain in the lower back on the left or right is usually not serious, but you still need to see a doctor. There are some diseases with vague symptoms, and in such cases diagnostics are performed.

One of the most dangerous cases– pain in the lower back on the left back or right, which does not stop even in a comfortable position of the body (lying down). Very often this is how cancerous tumors reveal themselves.


If you have pain in the lower back on the right, left, or any other, the most correct solution would be to contact your local physician. After conducting an individual examination, prescribing tests and some procedures, the doctor determines the need to involve other specialists. If the disease is serious, the therapist prescribes a consultation with a neurologist, gynecologist, nephrologist, or oncologist. After conducting the necessary examinations, doctors make a conclusion and determine the disease.

There is a very low chance that the patient has metastases, but a biopsy is required, because every minute is important in this case.


Any lower back pain in women has causes and treatment. It is important to correctly diagnose and determine the cause. Some diseases are difficult to treat, while others can be cured in a few weeks. Of course, each disease has its own treatment methods, often used complex therapy. But for mild illnesses or even simple complications(during menstruation or pregnancy) you can use folk remedies.

After a complete diagnosis, when the doctor gives permission, you can use some painkillers traditional medicine. These medications are used for pain in the right side lower back, on the left side. In short, localization is not important.

Some recipes to combat pain in order to calmly look at the world around you:

  • Tincture of elecampane root is effective against lower back pain in women. You need to take about 5 g of root and put it in a glass of boiling water. You can use a tablespoon several times a day.
  • Tincture based horsetail has analgesic properties. It is necessary to put about 20 g of roots in a volume of boiling water equal to two glasses. You can take 50 ml once an hour.
  • A tincture based on celery root also has an analgesic effect. Take celery root (35g) and put it in a glass ordinary water. The tincture takes several hours to prepare. Then you can take a small glass (70g) several times a day.
  • Tincture based on dry raspberry leaves. You need to take 2 glasses of boiled water and pour 70g of dried raspberry leaves over them. You can take it twice an hour for several days in a row.

Every woman has experienced lower back pain at least once in her life. Even a girl who seems absolutely healthy at first glance sometimes has pain or shooting pains in her lower back. There are many reasons why the lower back hurts in women: from uncomfortable sitting in one position and walking on high heels to serious gynecological diseases. If the attack happened once, then there is no reason to worry, but if the problem does not go away for several days or weeks, then you should not delay going to the doctor.

What kind of pain occurs in the lower back in women?

Lumbago is an acute lumbar lumbago that occurs as a result of increased stress or after hypothermia.

Lumbodynia – constant Blunt pain acquired as a result of sedentary work, or from regular stress on the back.

Lumboischialgia - pain radiating to the leg is the main symptom spinal hernia. Requires immediate medical attention.

Causes of pathology

As soon as the summer season opens, women rush to their gardens: weed, dig, plant. All these procedures involve frequent bending. Obviously, by the end of the day, a tired summer resident will complain of lower back pain. This happens because unprepared muscles have been subjected to sudden and excessive stress. Both athletes who train mercilessly before competitions and newcomers to the gym suffer the same lumbar pain.

But the lower back can be bothersome not only after vigorous physical activity, but also during sedentary life, sedentary work. All this is aggravated by the incorrect posture in which office employees can sit for hours. The cause may also be a mattress that is too soft: in this case, the body takes an unnatural position during sleep, the spine is bent, and the muscles suffer.

If you lift weights incorrectly and unevenly distribute the load in your hands (for example, heavy bags), you may feel pain in the lower back. Women with small children, who are forced to carry the baby in their arms throughout the day, often experience back pain for this very reason.

Gynecological problems

In gynecology, a special place is given to lower back pain, as it is a sign of many infectious diseases. During pregnancy, progesterone is produced in large quantities, weakens joints and ligaments, and the constantly growing fetus puts pressure on the muscles and organs of the pelvis, which causes pain below the lower back. Women in the first trimester have a high risk of natural termination of pregnancy or miscarriage. The first signs of what has happened are brown discharge and discomfort in the lumbar region. The same symptoms may indicate others serious problems health problems such as cervical cancer and venereal diseases. The endometrium is inflamed, the uterus has dropped or even prolapsed - these are just some of the many possible answers to the question “why does the lower back hurt in women?”

A disease such as endometriosis, characterized by the spread of endometrial tissue outside the uterus, leads to its dysfunction, in other words, to infertility. On early stage the development of this pathology there are practically no symptoms. This is why single pain below the lower back in women is attributed to hormonal disorders on either premenstrual syndrome, thereby allowing the disease to progress.

Why does the lower back pull? Causes

In women (and men too), pain of this kind may indicate simple fatigue. But most often it signals the development of a serious illness.

1. Renal colic. They are accompanied by acute and very severe pain in the lumbar region, but, as a rule, only on one side. A person suffers from intense pain syndrome. Before the onset of such powerful spasms, patients complain that their lower back is pulling. Women experience fever, discomfort in the perineal area, rapid heartbeat, urination and nausea.

2. Pyelonephritis. Going to the toilet becomes more frequent and painful, and lower back pain can be described as dull and aching.

3. Osteochondrosis and osteoarthrosis. These diseases are widespread among older people, and they are characterized by nagging pain on both sides of the lower back, which intensifies with any load. With sudden movements there is a risk of pinching the nerve, so you should be careful with bending and turning.

4. Gynecological pathologies. They are accompanied nagging pain, worse during menstruation.

5. Spondyloarthropathy. Most often found in individuals young. The peculiarity of the disease is that all discomfort worsens at rest, and with any activity it decreases. The pain is shallow but widespread.

6. Malignant tumors. They cause severe, deep pain that does not go away longer than a day even when changing position.

7. Tuberculosis and osteomyelitis of the spine. With these diseases, the lower back ache for a long time. If the pain does not go away, then after a day signs of poisoning of the body are observed.

There are many reasons why lower back pain occurs in women. In order to eliminate them, you need to see a doctor, get tested and undergo the required treatment.

Problems with internal organs

Sometimes there is pain and burning in the lower back in women. Similar sensations can be caused by diseases gastrointestinal tract, kidney, nerve endings, spine. The most common cause of burning is urolithiasis disease. Unpleasant feeling caused by sand and stones located in the ureters. When moving, they irritate the epithelium layer, it becomes inflamed. If these lumps are no more than 5 mm in diameter, they come out on their own and do not pose a strong danger, but if they are large, they can clog the outlet channels of the ureters, increase the pressure in the kidney and even cause its death. A rare, but still occurring case is when lumbar pain caused by a stomach or intestinal ulcer.

Another cause of burning can be diseases of the pelvic organs (fibroids, endometritis). Symptoms indicating the presence of pathology do not appear, unfortunately, in the initial stages. Uterine fibroids cause dull pain in the lower back and abdomen.

Problems with the spine and peripheral nerves

Osteochondrosis and herniated discs cause a burning sensation in the lower back. This is explained by the fact that in these diseases the radicular nerves are affected. Overgrowth of bone tissue between the joints, disc deformation due to herniation puts pressure on the nerve processes, causing inflammation and loss of sensitivity.

Painful sensations when carrying a baby appear due to changes in the body and hormonal changes, as well as due to softening of joints, ligaments and muscles.


It’s not enough to know why lower back pain occurs in women; you also need to be able to eliminate it similar discomfort. If we're talking about about the sensations caused physical factors, then it is necessary to accept horizontal position on a flat surface and relax your body. The position can be any, the main thing is to feel that the pain subsides. An excellent way to relieve tension from the lumbar region is to lie on your back and raise your legs at a right angle to your body. No sudden movements! You should also get up slowly: first roll over on your side, then get on all fours. If the pain does not completely go away, you will have to take pills to relieve the attack.

To prevent pregnancy from being marred by lumbar burning, doctors recommend wearing a bandage, strengthening your back muscles, and monitoring your gait and weight gain.

An excellent solution to the problem is massage. It promotes relaxation, relief muscle spasm, improving blood circulation. For achievement greater effect You can use special gels and ointments for rubbing.

Pregnant women should only trust their bodies experienced specialist who knows how to help and not harm.

If pain appears after an injury or fall, you should immediately call a doctor. For chronic lumbar burning sensations, you should undergo full examination by contacting a gynecologist, orthopedist, cardiologist, infectious disease specialist, urologist.

Traditional medicine can also give steam practical advice. So, to alleviate the condition, it is recommended to take a bath with mustard or hay dust, or make a compress from pre-heated sand. That is, therapy is based on heating the affected area. However, before using traditional methods, it is necessary to find out why lower back pain occurs in women. For example, pregnant women or those suffering from oncological diseases In almost 90% of cases, hot baths and warming up are contraindicated.

Instead of a conclusion

Pain never occurs out of nowhere. At its first manifestations, it is necessary to contact a specialist. Then there is a chance to nip the disease in the bud, preventing it from developing.

Feelings after the examination

If they “looked” noticeably and unpleasantly, they could stimulate in honor of the PDR

stimulate without asking?

Yes, there was little pleasant in the inspection. But for me, any examination, even in a non-pregnant state, is torture. And the doctor said so calmly that I could walk for another week that I didn’t even think about possible stimulation.

My labor started with this story

Oh. Can I ask you the details of your inspection? What did you feel they were doing?

They climbed in, fidgeted with their fingers (it hurt), and sent us home. two hours later I arrived to give birth with contractions about three minutes later

For the first time, contractions started with an incomprehensible pain in the lower back, I just didn’t immediately realize that it was them)

True, there was no inspection before this.

Did they remain in the lumbar region or did they move to the stomach?

Most of the time, yes, it was in the lumbar region. Pay attention to the frequency!

Well, today PDR is a sacred cause! count the frequency and go to the maternity hospital :) good luck!

I think and I can’t understand anything. I thought it would be easy :)

I was examined two weeks earlier than pdr. It didn’t hurt. I didn’t notice, I even did an ultrasound. and the next morning - at seven in the morning - my lower back began to ache. as if ms are starting. sometimes once an hour, sometimes once every forty minutes, I struggled with the lights - sometimes the frequency was there, sometimes it wasn’t. I took potlotra tablets and two gyneprals. did not help. and eventually went to give birth at nine in the evening. the dilatation was decent 🙂 I gave birth at two in the morning. but contractions, yes, I imagined it differently :-) :)

After an examination at 40 weeks, I gave birth in less than a day :)

The doctor said that the cervical cervix is ​​ready, we are just waiting for contractions, and she parted the membranes.

After the examination, there was a tightening in the lower back, but it went away pretty quickly. At one o'clock in the morning regular contractions suddenly began, and she gave birth in the morning)

doctors know how to look specifically so that labor begins

I even remember my doctor, when I taxied to her in the traffic center for an examination, she said: I won’t look at you, otherwise you’ll give birth here

They also looked at me like that on the chair at 39 weeks. I gave birth a day later. 🙂

Why does my stomach hurt after visiting a gynecologist?

The day before yesterday I had an appointment with a gynecologist. It seemed like a routine check-up, but my stomach still hurts after visiting the doctor. The lower abdomen feels unpleasant. The doctor did not see any abnormalities, except for my old erosion. But she doesn't bother me at all. Tell me, what could be causing this pain?

If I may, I would venture to suggest that you do not have a regular sex life... the vagina of an active (in this sense) middle-aged woman usually tolerates such procedures painlessly... it may be that the muscles of your vagina have lost their elasticity... it’s like not working out in the gym for a long time , and then go to fitness... the next morning muscle tremors are guaranteed...

Perhaps the examination and palpation procedure by the gynecologist was intense, which is where the unpleasant sensations arose.

After visiting the gynecologist, I always want to douche...

The doctor usually takes 2 smears at the appointment; taking a smear for atypical cells slightly damages the integrity of the cervix, so there may also be bloody discharge. Plus, palpation can be painful. In a couple of days everything will be over!

Most likely the doctor did not conduct the examination very carefully. After taking smears, discomfort is also possible. As for erosion, although it is not a concern, it is better to improve the health of the cervix.

The erosion itself can cause unpleasant sensations, but until you went to the gynecologist it didn’t bother you, but during the examination it may have touched it and aching pain in the lower abdomen appeared. Be sure to treat it, it is completely painless.

Today I had 2 smears, on the 7th day of the cycle, there were no pathologies, but after palpation, not immediately, but after 3 hours I felt unwell. I don’t have a regular sexual life – I came to the conclusion that the muscle really hurts. Thanks to the author for creating the topic. Girls, how is cervical erosion treated and what are its consequences?

Since the post is from 2015, it is most likely no longer relevant. But, I will write here for those who may ask and are not in the know - Cervical erosion is fraught with cervical cancer! The presence of erosion may be the cause HPV virus, which lives on the neck, creating this erosion, then comes dysplasia and Cancer!

You shouldn't joke with such things. To the gynecologist! Preferably someone who has a device in his office to see everything “on the screen.” And also do a vinegar test to check for the presence of a dysplasia lesion.

What are the risks of cervical cancer? Removal of the uterus and chemotherapy. Yes, you can be cured of cancer, but infertility is an actual consequence :)

Lower back hurts after examination by gynecologist

this is my first examination, with the help of a mirror, I examined the smallest ones, it was a little painful at first, but the doctor was understanding, she told me to relax, so I relaxed, it was very unpleasant when I started to expand it, but tolerable, but still I screamed, got scared and she removed it , then she got ready and sat down in the chair again, she said, yes, relax, everything goes in freely and from side to side, to apparently prove it, and it hurt, at the top, it hurt the cervix, when she came home, it doesn’t hurt in that place, but it hurts above the ovary , is this normal? By the way, I haven’t been sexually active for very long. it was only 5 pa

It's ok, it happened to me too

I don’t have 5 partners, only one, I had 5 sexual acts with him and we broke up.

Pain in the lower abdomen after examination by a gynecologist

The main purpose of the fair sex is procreation, or rather, the birth of healthy children. From the condition of the organs reproductive system Not only the onset of pregnancy depends, but also its subsequent course, as well as the full development and growth of the fetus. For this reason, all girls need to visit regularly female doctor and be sure to undergo a gynecological examination. The health of not only the woman, but also her husband and future children depends on these visits. Unfortunately, most representatives of the female half of the population try to avoid visits to the gynecologist and turn to him in the most extreme cases, based on the fact that such visits cause them not only great discomfort, but also pain in the lower abdomen, and sometimes spotting after the examination. Let's look in detail at when it is necessary to see a doctor, how the examination is carried out and why pain and other unpleasant symptoms may occur.

When to go

The first visit to a female doctor should occur before the first sexual intercourse immediately after the girl reaches puberty. Gynecologists recommend coming for a routine examination once every six months. When a woman begins menopause,

she needs to visit the doctor much more often due to the fact that during this period the risk of developing cancer tumors on the organs of the reproductive system increases. The choice is very important medical specialist, in this case, a gynecologist with whom women will be observed.

This is important because the most experienced and qualified gynecologist will not be able to provide a full examination of the patient without specialized equipment. Availability of tools and accessibility to laboratory research increases the possibility of diagnosing the disease and, accordingly, prescribing therapy to eliminate it.

To be perfect, a woman should choose the right doctor for herself and see him constantly. Over time, the doctor will know all the features of her body.

Conversation with the doctor

Before visiting a gynecologist, you need to think through all the troubling questions that are important to get answers to. Also accurately formulate the answer to the question: what is troubling you at the moment.

At the appointment, the doctor will collect a medical history, which includes the following information:

  • complaints and symptoms that cause discomfort to the patient;
  • the presence of menstruation and its course;
  • number of pregnancies that resulted in childbirth;
  • abortions, miscarriages;
  • use of contraception;
  • the presence of chronic diseases in you and your relatives.

Gynecological examination

After collecting information, the doctor will begin directly examining the patient on the gynecological chair. It is during this period that a woman begins to worry and has a huge number of fears and worries that now it will be very unpleasant and painful.

If a gynecological examination is carried out correctly, the gynecologist receives the information he needs about the condition of the pelvic organs, as well as the presence of gynecological diseases. Chair-based examination is safe and very informative method research. There are a number of recommendations that will help proper preparation before visiting a doctor and to minimize the occurrence of possible discomfort. Special attention it is necessary to pay attention psychological preparation. At the first visit to the gynecologist, it is natural for a woman to feel embarrassed, which should disappear during subsequent visits, since the patient must understand that her health depends on regular gynecological examinations, because timely identification of problems increases the chances of complete relief from it.

A woman must not forget that in front of her is an experienced and qualified doctor who conducts a huge number of gynecological examinations every day, during which he will try to cause the woman a minimum amount of not only psychological, but also physical discomfort. A gynecological examination is a painless procedure. All instruments used during the examination of the patient on the chair do not have sharp corners or edges. During the examination, the gynecologist uses disposable gynecological instruments included in the kit that the patient brings, and also puts on new rubber gloves. The use of disposable towels, mirrors, gloves and other materials eliminates the risk of infection.

Examination on a chair

When a woman goes to see a gynecologist, she needs to dress so that the undressing procedure does not take a huge amount of time. After this, you need to put on the shoe covers that come with the kit. This is necessary in order not to walk on the floor in socks. The procedure itself generally lasts no more than 10 minutes and consists of several stages, namely:

  • examination of the vagina and cervix using a special gynecological speculum;
  • collection of biomaterial from the cervix and vaginal walls for further study under a microscope;
  • bimanual examination.

When the gynecologist inserts a speculum into the patient’s vagina, you need to relax as much as possible, fold your arms over your chest and try to breathe deeply and evenly.

After a full examination of the genital organ is completed, the doctor takes smears from the cervix, vagina and external opening. urethra. This manipulation allows you to fully assess the state of the microflora and identify possible availability viruses, bacteria and other harmful microorganisms.

The final stage of examining the patient in the chair is a bimanual examination. During this manipulation, the doctor feels the vagina with one hand and the abdomen with the other. This method allows you to assess the location of the pelvic organs, their structure, and so on.

After a complete examination, the patient gets dressed and then begins a conversation with the doctor, during which the specialist talks about what he saw during the examination and writes the woman a full examination report. Also during this period, the patient should ask all questions that interest her.

Painful sensations

It is recommended that all representatives of the female half of the population visit a gynecologist at least once every six months. Unfortunately, most women turn to a gynecologist only when they experience various problems and diseases of the reproductive system.

After an examination in a gynecological chair, patients very often complain of pain in the lower abdomen that occurs immediately after the examination. This phenomenon can be triggered by various factors, including the presence of certain gynecological ailments.

Pain in the lower abdomen may be due to the fact that the patient does not have regular sex life. In addition, there is also an assumption that in older women, the muscles lose their elasticity and, as a result, discomfort may also occur during the examination, which is accompanied by pain. It is also possible that during the examination the gynecologist performed an intensive bimanual examination, after which pain could appear.

During a gynecological examination, the doctor takes a smear, which results in minor damage to the integrity of the cervix. This manipulation can not only cause pain, but also the appearance of minor bleeding. In a few days unpleasant symptoms disappear on their own.

Pain in the lower abdomen can be caused by the presence of such a common gynecological disease like erosion. The patient most often learns about the presence of this pathology only during examination due to the fact that erosion may not manifest itself in any way, without causing the symptoms characteristic of it. During the examination, the gynecologist may touch the erosion, and as a result, the patient begins to experience pain in the lower abdomen. To get rid of them, it is necessary to treat the disease.

Reducing pain

When the inspection is carried out by an experienced and qualified specialist, then all his manipulations are painless in the case when the patient does not have any diseases of the pelvic organs or other pathological changes and processes. During the period of a preventive examination, a healthy patient may only experience minor discomfort, which passes very quickly.

In order to avoid pain During the inspection period, it is necessary to carry out proper preparation for it. The first thing you need to do is get in the right mood, especially if this is your first visit to a female doctor. In order to reduce vaginal dryness, while minimizing discomfort during the examination, you need to before going to the doctor hygiene procedures carried out without using soap, which leads to drying of the mucous membranes of the genital organ.

There are cases that after examination, bloody discharge from the uterine cavity may appear. If the discharge is not accompanied by pain, then there is no reason to worry. The appearance of brownish discharge in small quantities can be caused by damage to the vaginal walls during the collection of biomaterial. During this period there may also appear slight soreness lower abdomen. Such pathological changes should completely disappear after a few days. If this does not happen, you need to visit the gynecologist again and find out the exact cause of the discharge and pain in the lower abdomen.

Regular visits to the gynecologist - necessary condition maintaining the health of an adult girl. You need to come for an examination at least once a year, and much more often during pregnancy. But what to do when a harmless and short medical procedure provokes discharge? Why can spotting even appear after an examination by a gynecologist? There may be several explanations for this phenomenon, and we need to respond based on them.

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Several circumstances may be responsible for the mixture after examination:

  • Doctor's negligence. An examination to assess the condition of the cervix occurs using a gynecological speculum with a hard surface. They can easily damage the delicate vaginal mucosa, which is what will happen after examining the cervix.
  • The patient herself. If a woman is overly nervous, she may make involuntary movements and tense during the procedure. This contributes to injury to the mucous membrane.
  • The need to take a smear. The manipulation involves peeling off the cells of the vaginal mucosa to analyze the condition of the organ. There is no way to do this without damaging the shell.
  • The onset of menstruation. Menstrual bleeding rarely opens profusely; in most women it begins with small discharge. Despite the fact that everyone is tracking the dates of the “red days,” excitement and other circumstances can hasten their arrival or delay them. And menstruation will coincide with the day of the examination.

Spotting caused by these reasons is not dangerous.

When contact discharge is caused by illness

Not always considered natural or inevitable. In medicine, there is the concept of “contact bleeding,” which suggests that it occurs due to some disease.

There are a number of serious pathologies that can manifest themselves in this way after examination:

  • . In addition to the discharge, it’s disturbing aching pain, the intensification of which is provoked not only by a gynecological examination, but also by the arrival of menstruation.
  • . If he grew up in the zone cervical canal, it is very easy to injure it even during a two-handed examination, especially when using mirrors.
  • . The thickened mucous membrane easily separates from its particles, especially with mechanical impact on it, even minimally.
  • . The inflamed epithelium often bleeds even without touching it. Inspection further contributes to this.
  • Miscarriage. At the initial stage of pregnancy, a woman may not know about it and go for an examination. And the doctor is very early will also not determine the presence ovum. As a result, when he active actions, combined with the patient’s gynecological problems, such termination of pregnancy is possible.
  • . Among the signs of the neoplasm is bleeding outside of menstruation. One of them may coincide with a medical examination.
  • Malignant tumor. The insidiousness of these neoplasms is that they are “silent” about their presence for a long time. But the tumor, disturbed as a result of the doctor’s actions, can separate a small number of cells in the form of bloody mucus.
  • Venereal infection. Many of them, occurring hidden, make the vaginal mucosa more fragile. And inflammation caused by bacteria provokes discharge, including blood.

Not all diseases have a chance of being detected as a result of a routine examination. And if the patient does not complain, the specialist can only limit himself to this.

If, after an examination by a gynecologist, brown discharge appears, and the girl has additional alarming symptoms, then you must inform your doctor about this.

Uterine fibroids can provoke bleeding between menstruation, including after examination by a gynecologist

What are the dangers of a gynecological examination?

Even girls know about the need to see a gynecologist at least once a year adolescence. But this necessary manipulation can pose a health hazard if doctors neglect the hygiene requirements in its implementation and their other professional responsibilities.

In pregnant women who have difficulties with the condition, spotting as a result of poor examination can be caused by:

  • placental abruption;
  • damage to the cervix;
  • premature birth.

The cause of all complications is often other factors, but examination can become a catalyst for the process. It is possible that they indicate placenta previa.

All this does not mean that there is no need to visit a doctor until you get sick. Possible problems during a gynecological examination dictate only the need to carefully select a specialist and the clinic where the woman is going to be observed. In addition, to avoid spotting after a gynecological examination, it is necessary to notify the doctor about the characteristics of your condition.

What to do if blood appears from the genital tract after examination by a gynecologist

Even with an ideal manipulation, minor smearing may occur for the reasons mentioned earlier, as well as mild pain and discomfort. The sensations will be more noticeable for those who have not yet undergone childbirth. Their vaginal muscles are less extensible, and access to the cervix is ​​narrow compared to the genital tract of women who have given birth. But still, the discomfort cannot be called significant, and the discharge is bright color and stop quickly. Their presence is acceptable throughout the entire day during which the inspection was carried out. It’s a different matter if the discharge with blood is intense and other signs are present. This is abnormal and even dangerous if:

  • arose strong pain in the lower abdomen or vagina;
  • discomfort does not go away over time, but intensifies;
  • shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat appeared;
  • a burning sensation is felt in the genitals;
  • the discharge has a strong unpleasant odor;
  • the temperature has risen;
  • inclusions of pus and other strange impurities were found in the mucus.

For bleeding that lasts more than one hour, you need to call emergency assistance. If a woman feels that there is no need for this, she should go to a specialist on her own the next day.

Pregnant women should pay special attention to this. Any trouble that happens can threaten not only their health, but also the existence of the fetus. Even if the discharge is caused by a hormonal imbalance, the balance needs to be restored as soon as possible. And for this you need to immediately seek help. The threat of miscarriage identified at an early stage is eliminated without consequences. The delay may be over.

Possible troubles should not deter a woman from preventive visits to the gynecologist. Much more dangerous for years do not show up to a doctor or avoid medical supervision during pregnancy until birth. Only observation is a guarantee reproductive health, after all initial stage Many ailments can only be detected by a specialist.