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The benefits and harms of potatoes for human health. Potatoes are poison. Potatoes are harmful. potatoes as the devil's weapon

Potato favorite dish many people. It is a traditional dish and is present on our table.

Potatoes can be stewed, boiled, fried, baked. Potatoes are not only tasty, but also healthy. What are the greatest benefits of potatoes for humans?

If we regularly include potatoes in our menu, our body will be provided with:

  • essential amino acids;
  • minerals;
  • carbohydrates;
  • vitamins.

The benefits of potatoes for the body are obvious, but there is one thing, potatoes are very high in calories, so do you have excess weight There is no point in overusing this root vegetable.

What are the benefits of potatoes?

Potatoes contain:

  • proteins;
  • vitamins B, B2, B3, B6, B9;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamins K, PP, D, E;
  • phosphorus;
  • organic acids;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • carbohydrates;
  • starch;
  • cellulose.

The benefits of potatoes for the body.

The main value of potatoes is that they contain a lot of potassium.

Thanks to potassium:

  • excess fluid is removed from the body;
  • regulated metabolic processes;
  • the cardiovascular system improves.

There is even more potassium in potatoes than in bread, meat and fish.

The benefits of baked, raw, boiled potatoes

To keep your heart healthy, you need to eat a baked potato every day. When baked, potatoes retain all their beneficial properties, but when boiled, the potassium content in potatoes can be reduced by half.

If you have hypertension, eat baked potatoes often.

To reduce blood pressure, you need to take a few potatoes, chop them finely, add three glasses of water, cook until it turns into a paste, strain the broth and drink half a glass in the morning and evening.

Raw potatoes treat eczema and burns, just apply the potato to the affected areas. Apply a thick layer of grated potatoes and cover the top with a napkin and lightly bandage. Change compresses after 4 hours.

This compress will also help against bruises, boils, swelling, and tumors. Two procedures of half an hour are enough.

Of course, our grandmothers always did inhalations, breathing in the steam of boiled potatoes, relieving coughs and thereby reducing inflammation in the nasopharynx.

Benefits of potato juice

Potato juice is very healthy and cures many ailments:

1) Potato juice is especially useful for gastritis and stomach ulcers. To warn autumn exacerbation You need to drink half a glass of potato juice for two weeks, preferably before meals.

For treatment, drink potato juice three times:

  • half a glass in the morning;
  • half a glass at lunch;
  • half a glass at night.

Take the juice before meals.

2) For chronic headaches, nausea, heartburn, drink half a glass of juice 2-3 times a day:

  • first dose - on an empty stomach
  • second one at lunch
  • the third one an hour before bedtime.

We are treated for two weeks, then a 6-day break. And we repeat the course using half the dose of juice.

3) Potato juice is great for various diseases skin, just moisten the bandage with juice and apply it to sore spot. Bandages need to be changed after 5 hours.

4) For pharyngitis and laryngitis, you need to gargle with potato juice.

5) Another benefit of potato juice is that it cleanses our body if mixed with carrot juice and celery juice, then 3-4 tablespoons of this juice will help with nervous disorders.

The benefits of potatoes and use in cosmetology

Potatoes are also an excellent cosmetologist.

1) It’s easy to make a moisturizing and softening potato mask, mix:

  • mashed boiled potatoes;
  • yolk;
  • a teaspoon of honey;
  • spoon of olive oil.

Apply the mask to your face, rinse and apply nourishing cream.

2) If you love natural cosmetics, then the following wonderful recipe is for you:

  • boiled potatoes;
  • a tablespoon of cottage cheese;
  • half a teaspoon of honey;
  • half a raw egg.

Apply to the face and neck and cover the top with a gauze cloth, after 20 minutes rinse with warm water. We apply the mask several times a week for a month

3) You can also make it from potatoes nourishing mask for hair.


  • two or three potatoes, grated on a fine grater;
  • 3 teaspoons milk;
  • a teaspoon of flour;
  • 2-3 drops of lemon juice.

4) After boiling the potatoes, do not pour out the broth, dip your hands in it and the skin will become soft, peeling will go away, and the nails will become stronger.

The main thing is to choose the right potatoes; choose smooth, firm, medium-sized root vegetables without green spots; throw away green and sprouted tubers immediately, as they accumulate poison - solanine, which can cause severe poisoning. Poke the tuber with your fingernail; if liquid comes out, it means it contains a lot of nitrates.

That's how many benefits potatoes have. Bake, stew potatoes, prepare a variety of dishes and your body will thank you.

Best regards, Olga.

Potatoes, the harm and benefits of which are actively discussed by both experts and ordinary people, has long taken a strong place in the menu of many Europeans. This also applies to countries post-Soviet space, where it is called “second bread” and is actively used as side dishes for preparing main and even dietary dishes.

About the benefits of potatoes

If we consider a vegetable with medical point vision, then a mass of interesting properties. Firstly, tuber juice has anti-inflammatory properties. It is prescribed for both external and internal use in the treatment of various ulcers, purulent and other lesions. Due to its high potassium content, the vegetable is recommended for people with problems of cardio-vascular system. The maximum amount of useful elements is in the peel, so for greater effect It is recommended not to peel the tubers before cooking. In the treatment of ailments associated with colds, potatoes are used for inhalations and compresses, and its puree is recommended for people with digestive tract problems.

The nutritional value

In most cases, potatoes are not perceived as medicine, but as a food product. There are more than 50 thousand varieties of this plant in the world. They were bred by humans to provide food for the population. For this reason, potatoes are one of the key foods in America and Asia, Europe and Australia.

People are used to seeing this vegetable on their table literally every day. There are thousands of recipes that include potatoes. The harm and benefits of tubers largely depend on the method of their preparation. On the one hand, this vegetable is low-calorie and contains a number of necessary for a person microelements. On the other hand, under certain conditions, toxic substances can accumulate in tubers. And with some types of heat treatment (for example, frying in oil) - carcinogens.

About the dangers of potatoes

If we consider the plant as a whole from a botanical point of view, then this annual shrub of the nightshade family is considered poisonous. In particular, this applies to the stem, flowers, as well as berries (similar to small green tomatoes) with seeds. However, only tubers are eaten. They are meant when they say “potatoes”. The harm and benefits of this part of the plant have been sufficiently studied to suggest that its consumption is absolutely safe. The exception is greened specimens, which may indeed be poisonous. For this reason, you should not store potatoes in the light, and when purchasing, you should carefully inspect each tuber, paying attention to the color.

When a vegetable is stored for a long time, the poison solanine accumulates in it. As a rule, its concentration reaches dangerous levels closer to spring, when the tubers begin to sprout. Therefore, when eating potatoes, starting from January, it is recommended to peel them (the poison is concentrated in the peel). Particular care should be taken by pregnant women, since solanine has a negative effect on the embryo and can lead to severe defects.

The harm of fried potatoes

As mentioned earlier, the benefits of of this product largely depends on the method of its preparation. According to most nutritionists, it refers to dishes whose consumption is extremely undesirable. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, during the cooking process, the tubers absorb a lot of oil, which then ends up in the stomach. As a result, the dish turns out to be fatty and very high in calories. Secondly, fried food in itself is not very healthy. And thirdly, they usually consume it with a lot of salt and sauces, which are also quite harmful. For this reason, it is better to replace it with the benefits and harms of which are also ambiguous, but still most experts are inclined towards this method of preparation.

To minimize negative impact fried on the body, you must adhere to certain rules in the process. And it is still better to use it in moderation.

How to fry potatoes correctly?

It turns out that this dish can be transferred from the class of “categorically harmful and prohibited” to the category of “not very recommended, but quite acceptable.” To do this, you need to follow a few not too complicated rules.

Firstly, you should not soak peeled and cut tubers in water, as some housewives recommend. Otherwise, most of the nutrients will remain in it, and potatoes will simply become a harmful snack.

Secondly, you can fry it exclusively in fresh, refined oil, which after cooking must be thrown away and not reused. Thirdly, first the potatoes are brought to a golden crust in a very hot frying pan, and then the heat is turned off and they continue to fry on low until done. You need to salt and add spices at the very end, when the dish is ready.

Boiled potatoes

This is one of the most common side dishes. Moreover, you can prepare it in several ways: puree, pieces or in “uniforms”. In all cases, you will get boiled potatoes. The benefits and harms will undoubtedly be different. The easiest option is to boil the peeled tubers in salted water, adding a few bay leaves and peppercorns. Potatoes are cooked, depending on the variety, from 10 to 25-30 minutes. Then you can grease it with a piece of butter and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

More useful option- potatoes boiled in their skins. This way it retains the maximum necessary elements. True, harmful ones also persist. So first, the tubers should be thoroughly washed and inspected for damage and greening.

It's even better if you steam the potatoes. Perhaps this is the most useful way. Before cooking, you need to either wash it very well or peel it. Such tubers are suitable for salad, as a base for filling a pie or dumplings, and as an independent side dish.

Mashed potatoes

A favorite dish of children and adults, which is quite easy to prepare. It can be made dietary, using a minimum of spices and fat, or creamy and airy, with milk, butter and egg yolk. In the first case, the potatoes are simply boiled in salted water. Then it is crushed with a masher and brought to a puree state, adding liquid as necessary.

To make the dish tasty, while the potatoes are boiling, you can put a couple of bay leaves and a little peppercorns in the water. After all the pieces have been crushed, add butter And egg yolk, and brought to the desired condition with boiled milk. It turns out to be a very delicate tasty side dish.

How to cook

This dish is no longer called a side dish. It can be served both for dinner and during lunch. It is advisable to add other vegetables there. And if you stew it, it will turn out to be a real feast. During fasting and for those who are on a diet, it is better to limit yourself to the vegetable option. They are prepared in approximately the same way, except for the addition of meat.

For half a kilo of pork you will need one and a half kilograms of potatoes. Also take large carrots, medium onions, vegetable oil, salt, Bay leaf, peppercorns, you can use other spices. A little greenery will also come in handy.

It doesn't hurt to marinate it before cooking. To do this, the pork is cut into small pieces (3x3 cm), salted, sprinkled with ground pepper, and other spices can be added. Then it is left for half an hour. During this time, you need to peel all the vegetables. Potatoes are filled with water to prevent them from darkening.

Pour vegetable oil into a cauldron or thick-bottomed pan and fry the meat in it until crusty. Then add coarsely chopped onions and carrots and continue to fry, stirring. When the vegetables begin to brown, the potatoes are cut into cubes equal in size to the meat and placed in a saucepan. Poured hot water so that it covers all the pieces, add bay leaf and peppercorns, simmer over low heat for about 20 minutes. At the end, the dish is salted to taste and sprinkled with chopped herbs.

This is how different potatoes can be. The harm and benefits of its use are sometimes slightly exaggerated. So in fact, everyone can use it. The main thing is to prepare it correctly and know when to stop.

Potatoes are the main vegetable crop used for food by almost the entire population of Russia. This is a nutritious and vitamin-rich product that is included in many dishes as one of the main components. Let's consider the benefits and harms of potatoes, raw and after heat treatment, and also as a product used in diets.

These vegetables are rich in B vitamins (B1, B2, B4, B5, B6 and B9), ascorbic acid, phylloquinone (vitamin K), nicotinic acid. There are no other vitamins in potatoes. Mineral elements: a lot of Si (almost 2 times the daily value required by a person), Mg, Ph, Cl, Fe, I, Co (half the daily value), Mn, Cu, Mo, Se, F, Cr, Zn.

The nutritional value of the vegetable lies in the presence of carbohydrates, vitamins, especially B6 and C, as well as mineral elements such as K, Si, Co, Cu, Mo, Cr, and fiber. The calorie content of raw new potatoes is small - 77 kcal. There is a slight difference in the calorie content of boiled potatoes - it is 79 kcal. The calorie content of baked is 110 kcal, fried even more - 190 kcal.

The benefits of potatoes for the human body

Potatoes are valuable primarily for their starch, which tubers can contain up to 17.5%. This substance is good source energy for physical and mental work. In addition, it can lower the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, that is, prevent sclerosis vascular walls. Vegetable protein is similar in composition to animal protein and can partially replace it. There is practically no fat in potatoes, so even those people who are trying to keep their weight normal can consume it.

Potatoes also contribute to the benefit of the human body. mineral elements. For example, potassium regulates blood pressure and heart function, helps remove excess fluid from tissues, which relieves swelling and reduces acidity. Thus, potatoes are necessary for those diagnosed with hypertension, heart failure, “acid” gastritis, and kidney failure. You need to eat it when nervous diseases, depression, sleep disorders.

Ascorbic acid is a well-known powerful antioxidant that prevents tissue aging; vitamin B9 prevents pathological changes in cells, which stops the appearance or growth of tumors. The same substance is involved in the work immune system, under its influence iron is absorbed. The fiber in potato tubers is beneficial for people suffering from constipation.

In addition to all the advantages of potatoes, it should be noted that they do not cause allergies, so they can be consumed by people prone to food allergies.

The benefits and harms of raw potatoes

Many vitamins are thermally unstable and are destroyed during cooking, so supporters of eating raw vegetables believe that it is healthier to eat potatoes raw. To do this, it is enough to consume only 1 fresh tuber per day, grated. This is especially worth doing for people with metabolic disorders, joint inflammation, hair loss, weakened immunity, chronic fatigue syndrome, swelling, and atherosclerosis.

Sick systemic diseases You can eat 100 g of grated potatoes daily in combination with fresh apples. The course of treatment is 3 months. The pulp from the raw tuber will help with periodontal disease; for treatment, you need to hold it in your mouth for 20 minutes.

However, the benefits and harms raw potatoes relative due to the fact that its composition varies depending on the method of cultivation. If it grows in an environmentally unfavorable place or is grown using a large amount of mineral fertilizers, then its benefit is doubtful. Old tubers with sprouts and green tubers should not be used for food or treatment. They contain a lot of solanine, which is almost completely destroyed during cooking, but in raw potatoes it is found in its pure form.

Benefits of raw potato juice

Undoubtedly, raw tubers are healthy, but not everyone can eat them in this form. But it turns out that potato juice contains all the same useful material, therefore it can replace tubers in the treatment of many diseases.

Potato juice is used for:

  • reducing the acidity of gastric juice during gastritis and ulcers;
  • restoration of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, especially its intestinal section;
  • getting rid of heartburn;
  • decrease in pressure;
  • relieving migraine attacks;
  • normalization of sleep;
  • treatment of inflammation of the female organs;
  • treatment of mild burns.

To treat these diseases, drink 0.5 tbsp of potato juice. 1 or 2 times a day 0.5 hours before meals. The course of treatment is a maximum of 2 weeks, after a break it can be repeated.

The juice for treatment must be freshly squeezed, as it quickly darkens when in contact with air.

Potato juice is also used as a component of products for lightening freckles, spots, and treating acne.

The benefits of thermally processed potatoes

Whether a cooked vegetable is healthy or harmful depends on how it is processed. For example, jacket potatoes are useful because the concentration of vitamins is higher in the upper layer of the tubers. Particularly useful in this regard are boiled young potatoes of medium size, grown in home beds. You can even eat it with the peel on. If you still need to remove the peel from the tubers, it will be easier to do this if you immediately take them out after the end of cooking and let them sit for 5 seconds. into cold water. To minimize the loss of nutrients when peeling old tubers and preserve the benefits of the peel, it should be cut as thin as possible.

In general, the benefits of boiled potatoes and their harm depend on whether they are young or old. Young tubers have more vitamins, old tubers have more vitamins. It follows from this that freshly dug vegetables are most useful, and not those that have lain in storage.

To preserve as many vitamins as possible, boil the potatoes in a small amount of water, pouring it into the pan so that it just covers the vegetables. It’s even better to boil the potatoes without pouring them cold water, and lowering it into already boiling water. Hot potato decoction is also useful, for example this known remedy for cough, used in folk medicine.

The baked vegetable retains most of the vitamins and has no fat, so it is as healthy as the boiled one. Of all possible ways The last thing you need to pay attention to during processing is frying. Fried potatoes are loaded with fat and contain the carcinogen acrylamide. French fries cooked in a large amount of oil are the most harmful.

Are potatoes good for you while on a diet?

People on a diet can only eat vegetables raw and boiled, and even then in reasonable quantities. It is better to use it in the morning and at lunch, rather than in the evening. For weight loss, a diet based on boiled potatoes without salt and fat for 1 week is effective. Baked potatoes are higher in calories, so you may want to avoid them. Fried product is generally contraindicated.

Treatment with potatoes

Potatoes can be used to treat hypertension, diseases of the stomach, liver, intestines, and edema. At respiratory diseases– boil it in its uniform and breathe in the steam to relieve inflammation in the respiratory tract. For frostbite on the extremities, immerse them in a warm broth for 0.5 hours. To get rid of bruises, apply fresh puree to the eyes for 20 minutes. To treat dermatitis and eczema, use fresh juice.

Harm and contraindications for use

The dangers of potatoes for the human body can be discussed, first of all, in relation to green and sprouted tubers. They are not suitable for food. It is necessary to limit the consumption of vegetables to people with overweight, diabetics and those who have stomach diseases with low acidity.

Patients who are taking medications belonging to the group of beta blockers should also refrain from eating potatoes for a while. They increase the concentration of potassium in the blood, so potatoes, which are also rich in potassium, should be prohibited during therapy.

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The popular and beloved potato and dishes made from it can not only be healthy, they can also be harmful - if used incorrectly or excessive consumption. Therefore, it is so important to know exactly what effect they have on the body, when and how they should be used as food or used as medicine.

Boiled, stewed and fried, in the oven, in a frying pan and deep-fried, baked in their skins and mashed: every day millions of Russians eat tens of thousands of tons of potatoes.

But few people realize how dangerous such a “diet” can be, and in what cases to bring great benefit.

What secrets does such a seemingly simple and native root vegetable, the potato, keep?

Potatoes: composition, calorie content

One medium-sized boiled potato contains 120-150 kcal. By simple calculations we are convinced: 5 tubers contain about 700 kcal, and this is more than a third of the daily norm. Therefore, doctors recommend that overweight people limit potatoes in their diet. Purees, which contain much more calories, are especially prohibited, not to mention dry semi-finished products, the composition of which is pure starch.

If there are 150 kcal in a boiled potato tuber, then fried - about 500, almost like a candy bar. Unfortunately, it is fried potatoes appears in our diet most often. In general, over the course of a year, Russians eat 36% more potatoes than all other vegetables and fruits combined.

The calorie content of potatoes increases along with the duration of their storage, so “young” tubers can be considered dietary, and those left to rest until spring can be considered very nutritious.

How to use potatoes, which varieties to choose

Of the more than 4,000 potato varieties that exist in the world, more than 400 are grown in Russia. There are varieties intended for industrial processing, for example, for making French fries or chips. And there are table varieties that are sold unchanged in stores for general use.

Knowing the names of several different varieties and understanding what is best to prepare from them is, at a minimum, useful. So, the optimal potato varieties for preparing the following dishes:

soups or salads– durum varieties “Nevsky”, “Leader”, “Udacha”, “Nikulinsky”;

puree– starchy potatoes “Sineglazka”, “Lorch”, “Andretta”, “Elizabeth”;

frying– tubers with a large amount of dry matter and an average starch content: “Bryansky Early”, “Nadezhda”, “Kolobok”, “Impala”.

If the seller is not sure about the potato variety, you can focus on the color of the tubers: pink varieties are suitable for frying and salads, and white varieties are suitable for purees.

To preserve the benefits of potatoes, you need to store them properly. Optimal conditions it's dark cool dry place with a temperature of +7 degrees Celsius. It is strictly forbidden to keep potatoes at temperatures below +2 - in this case, starch turns into sugar, the tubers become sweet and begin to rot. Storing potatoes in cellophane also leads to rotting and the tubers “suffocate.”

Potatoes: what are the benefits for the body?

Potatoes are an irreplaceable source of starch, which has a beneficial effect on digestion. Periodic consumption of boiled and stewed potatoes has a positive effect on health human body. The average potato tuber, the size of an average apple, contains approximately 700 mg of potassium. This is most of the recommended daily norm.

Potassium nourishes muscle tissue, and not only skeletal muscles, but also heart muscles, so people with diseases of the cardiovascular system are often advised to eat more potatoes. Also, due to the large amount of potassium, potatoes are useful as a diuretic. Very useful at feasts, because if there are boiled potatoes for a snack, then the next morning next day there will be no swelling. But diuretic effect disappears if the potatoes are salted.

Potatoes are rich in B vitamins:

Pyridoxine B6 stimulates metabolism;

Thiamine B1 protects cell membranes from toxic effects;

Riboflavin B2 necessary for healthy skin and hair growth.

All B vitamins function as antidepressants. So, to some extent, potatoes save you from stress and calm you down.

Phosphorus, bromine, cobalt, zinc, manganese, and some other substances useful for the human body are contained in potatoes. In addition, the fiber in potatoes is neutral, non-aggressive, and does not irritate the stomach and intestines, which is why doctors use it in diets for gastrointestinal diseases.

Another important ingredient in potatoes is chlorogenic acid, a powerful antioxidant. It is contained in the peel, and therefore it is recommended to eat potatoes baked directly with the peel, or boiled in their skins. But this does not apply to old potatoes; only young specimens will benefit.

Potatoes are beneficial to those who consume them boiled no more than once a day, without adding fat.

Traditional medicine uses potatoes to treat:

Diseases of the upper respiratory tract– breathe over the steam of boiled potatoes for ten minutes;

Protracted cough - boil an apple along with a potato and an onion in a liter of water until half of it remains, strain and drink several spoons three times a day;

Pain in the gastrointestinal tract, heartburn - on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast and before bedtime, drink freshly prepared potato juice from tubers, 0.25 cups;

Oncological diseases– 1 tablespoon of dried potato flowers is poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and simmered in a water bath for three hours, drink the strained infusion three times a day, half an hour before meals, half a glass;

Gastritis with increased acidity and ulcers - drink 0.75 glasses of freshly prepared juice on an empty stomach, then lie down for half an hour, and after another half hour you can have breakfast;

Hypertension - eat potatoes cooked in their jackets every day;

Hemorrhoids - before going to bed, make a “candle” from a raw potato using a knife and carefully insert it with the blunt end into the anus, go to bed. In the morning, the suppository will come out on its own during bowel movements.

Potatoes: what are the health benefits?

Homeland of potatoes - South America. The inhabitants of these lands have known hundreds of potato dishes since ancient times. In the 16th century, the Spanish conquistadors decided to feed this tasty and useful product Old light. The experiment failed: Europeans, and later Russians, flatly refused to grow potatoes. The promotion of potatoes on our lands has become big problem. Oddly enough, people initially liked potato berries more. But later it turned out that they were life-threatening.

A green spot on a potato is very dangerous!

In fact, not only berries, but also tubers contain the alkaloid solanine, which is very toxic to humans. A poison for humans and many insects, solanine plays a leading role in the growth and development of the plant itself. Without solanine, potatoes would not have such a beloved taste, and would be susceptible to active destruction by insects and fungi.

The harm of potatoes due to solanine for humans is conditional. To feel seriously poisoned, you would need to eat several kilograms of potatoes with a large amount of solanine at once. The damage to potatoes is usually manifested by their color - potatoes full of solanine become green color.

Some housewives believe that by cutting off the green parts of the potato, the remaining potatoes will not cause harm. This is a serious mistake - from the barely green part of the potato, the poison quickly spreads throughout the entire tuber; such potatoes should not be eaten!

Rotten potatoes are deadly harmful!

Spoilage of potatoes - be it chemical or biological toxins, it still poisons the body to one degree or another. During the process of rotting potatoes, harmful asphyxiating gases - thiols - are produced. If you sniff one such tuber, it’s okay, but if you find yourself in a cellar with rotten potatoes in the spring, the harm can be fatal.

Lesions can be caused by insects, as well as damage from shoveling, blows and disease. There are more than a hundred of the latter, and none of them directly harms humans, unless they cause rot.

Potato damage after chemical treatment

Potatoes that have been overly treated with pesticides to protect them from weeds and pests pose an undeniable danger. The most used pesticide, glyphosade, is linked to breast cancer, Hodgkin's lymphoma, and other tumors. It is also a destructor of the endocrine and reproductive systems.

Potatoes for children: good or bad

Everyone knows that children need slightly different nutrition than adults. Eating potatoes is no exception. Potatoes are harmful for children when fried, and undesirable in the form fatty puree. Boiled potatoes can be given to children artificial feeding no earlier than five months. For children who receive breast milk, potatoes are not an urgent need - they can try potatoes by the age of eight months, after zucchini and pumpkin puree, broccoli, carrots and apples.

Before cooking, soak vegetables in cold water for an hour, preferably two. This way you can remove some of the possible harmful substances from the top layer of the peel. Potatoes for children are prepared with their skins on, after which they are removed and mashed. If suddenly a child has an allergy to potatoes, then you can try the root vegetable again no earlier than one year of age. Experts say that pesticide residues in vegetables can cause anemia and even affect the mental development of children.

Unfortunately, it neither looks nor tastes chemically bad potatoes and GMO tubers are no different from natural tubers. The only way out is to give preference to trusted sellers when purchasing.

Potatoes, the harm and benefits of which are actively discussed by both experts and ordinary people, have long taken a strong place in the menu of many Europeans. This also applies to post-Soviet countries, where it is called “second bread” and is actively used as side dishes for preparing main and even dietary dishes.

About the benefits of potatoes

If we consider the vegetable from a medical point of view, it has a lot of interesting properties. Firstly, tuber juice has anti-inflammatory properties. It is prescribed for both external and internal use in the treatment of various ulcers, purulent and other lesions. Due to its high potassium content, the vegetable is recommended for people with cardiovascular problems. The maximum amount of useful elements is in the peel, so for greater effect it is recommended not to peel the tubers before cooking. In the treatment of ailments associated with colds, potatoes are used for inhalations and compresses, and its puree is recommended for people with digestive tract problems.

The nutritional value

In most cases, potatoes are perceived not as a medicine, but as a food product. There are more than 50 thousand varieties of this plant in the world. They were bred by humans to provide food for the population. For this reason, potatoes are one of the key foods in America and Asia, Europe and Australia.

People are used to seeing this vegetable on their table literally every day. There are thousands of recipes that include potatoes. The harm and benefits of tubers largely depend on the method of their preparation. On the one hand, this vegetable is low in calories and contains a number of microelements necessary for humans. On the other hand, under certain conditions, toxic substances can accumulate in tubers. And with some types of heat treatment (for example, frying in oil) - carcinogens.

About the dangers of potatoes

If we consider the plant as a whole from a botanical point of view, then this annual shrub of the nightshade family is considered poisonous. In particular, this applies to the stem, flowers, as well as berries (similar to small green tomatoes) with seeds. However, only tubers are eaten. They are meant when they say “potatoes”. The harm and benefits of this part of the plant have been sufficiently studied to suggest that its consumption is absolutely safe. The exception is greened specimens, which may indeed be poisonous. For this reason, you should not store potatoes in the light, and when purchasing, you should carefully inspect each tuber, paying attention to the color.

When a vegetable is stored for a long time, the poison solanine accumulates in it. As a rule, its concentration reaches dangerous levels closer to spring, when the tubers begin to sprout. Therefore, when eating potatoes, starting from January, it is recommended to peel them (the poison is concentrated in the peel). Particular care should be taken by pregnant women, since solanine has a negative effect on the embryo and can lead to severe defects.

The harm of fried potatoes

As mentioned earlier, the benefits of this product largely depend on the method of its preparation. According to most nutritionists, fried potatoes are among the dishes whose consumption is extremely undesirable. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, during the cooking process, the tubers absorb a lot of oil, which then ends up in the stomach. As a result, the dish turns out to be fatty and very high in calories. Secondly, fried food in itself is not very healthy. And thirdly, they usually consume it with a lot of salt and sauces, which are also quite harmful. For this reason, it is better to replace it with baked potatoes, the benefits and harms of which are also ambiguous, but still most experts are inclined towards this method of preparation.

To minimize the negative impact of fried food on the body, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules in the process. And it is still better to use it in moderation.

How to fry potatoes correctly?

It turns out that this dish can be transferred from the class of “categorically harmful and prohibited” to the category of “not very recommended, but quite acceptable.” To do this, you need to follow a few not too complicated rules.

Firstly, you should not soak peeled and cut tubers in water, as some housewives recommend. Otherwise, most of the nutrients will remain in it, and potatoes will simply become a harmful snack.

Secondly, you can fry it exclusively in fresh, refined oil, which after cooking must be thrown away and not reused. Thirdly, first the potatoes are brought to a golden crust in a very hot frying pan, and then the heat is turned off and they continue to fry on low until done. You need to salt and add spices at the very end, when the dish is ready.

Boiled potatoes

This is one of the most common side dishes. Moreover, you can prepare it in several ways: puree, pieces or in “uniforms”. In all cases, you will get boiled potatoes. The benefits and harms will undoubtedly be different. The easiest option is to boil the peeled tubers in salted water, adding a few bay leaves and peppercorns. Potatoes are cooked, depending on the variety, from 10 to 25-30 minutes. Then you can grease it with a piece of butter and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

A healthier option is potatoes boiled in their skins. This way it retains the maximum of necessary elements. True, harmful ones also persist. So first, the tubers should be thoroughly washed and inspected for damage and greening.

It's even better if you steam the potatoes. This is perhaps the most useful way. Before cooking potatoes in a double boiler, they must either be washed very well or peeled. Such tubers are suitable for salad, as a base for filling a pie or dumplings, and as an independent side dish.

Mashed potatoes

A favorite dish of children and adults, which is quite easy to prepare. It can be made dietary, using a minimum of spices and fat, or creamy and airy, with milk, butter and egg yolk. In the first case, the potatoes are simply boiled in salted water. Then it is crushed with a masher and brought to a puree state, adding liquid as necessary.

To make the dish tasty, while the potatoes are boiling, you can put a couple of bay leaves and a little peppercorns in the water. After all the pieces have been crushed, add butter and egg yolk, and bring to the desired condition with boiled milk. It turns out to be a very delicate tasty side dish.

How to cook stewed potatoes?

This dish is no longer called a side dish. It can be served both for dinner and during lunch. It is advisable to add other vegetables there. And if you stew potatoes with meat, you get a real feast. During fasting and for those who are on a diet, it is better to limit yourself to the vegetable option. They are prepared in approximately the same way, except for the addition of meat.

For half a kilo of pork you will need one and a half kilograms of potatoes. You also take large carrots, a medium onion, vegetable oil, salt, bay leaf, peppercorns, and you can use other spices. A little greenery will also come in handy.

Before you cook stewed potatoes with meat, it doesn’t hurt to marinate it. To do this, the pork is cut into small pieces (3x3 cm), salted, sprinkled with ground pepper, and other spices can be added. Then it is left for half an hour. During this time, you need to peel all the vegetables. Potatoes are filled with water to prevent them from darkening.

Pour vegetable oil into a cauldron or thick-bottomed pan and fry the meat in it until crusty. Then add coarsely chopped onions and carrots and continue to fry, stirring. When the vegetables begin to brown, the potatoes are cut into cubes equal in size to the meat and placed in a saucepan. Pour hot water so that it covers all the pieces, add bay leaves and peppercorns, simmer over low heat for about 20 minutes. At the end, the dish is salted to taste and sprinkled with chopped herbs.

This is how different potatoes can be. The harm and benefits of its use are sometimes slightly exaggerated. So in fact, everyone can use it. The main thing is to prepare it correctly and know when to stop.

Potatoes: benefits and harm to the body

Potatoes were discovered more than 10 thousand years ago by Indian tribes, who not only included them in the daily diet, but also worshiped delicious vegetable. Hundreds of years later, the tubers reached other continents, but not everyone was in a hurry to appreciate their taste. For example, French women preferred to make bouquets of potato flowers and decorate their hair, complementing their hairstyles. And in Germany, flowering vegetable bushes decorated palace flower beds and were considered a luxury. Therefore, in the Middle Ages, the benefits and harms of potatoes were not even considered, because the vegetable was practically not consumed as food.

The tubers received final recognition during the scurvy epidemic, when the unexpected healing effect of potatoes was discovered. The vegetable contains vitamin C, the deficiency of which caused dangerous disease. Nowadays potatoes are considered the second bread, and even the most professional chef is unlikely to be able to count the number of dishes that can be prepared from them.

Beneficial features

The beneficial effect on the body is due to the rich composition of potatoes. Polysaccharides in the form of starch are contained in an amount of 40%. The product has anti-inflammatory and enveloping properties and has proven itself in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. In addition, the vegetable contains pectin substances, macro- and microelements, fiber, sucrose, glucose, fructose, vitamins and folic acid. There are also organic acids, sterols, carotene and protein.

Tubers are also valued in nutrition as the main source of potassium, which supports normal work hearts. Covers only 500 g of potatoes daily requirement potassium in the human body. Contents useful microelement the diuretic qualities of the vegetable are explained, and when renal failure A therapeutic egg-potato diet may be prescribed. Baked tubers of red varieties are especially useful. And boiled potatoes in their jackets, thanks to their peels, help to preserve as much as possible healthy vitamins and substances.

Medicine and cosmetology

Raw potato juice is prescribed for dyspepsia, constipation, nausea, heartburn, as well as migraines and headaches. The grated raw vegetable is used to treat skin conditions such as dermatitis and eczema. A course with applying a compress is enough to forget about the problem for a long time.

If we consider potatoes, the benefits and harms lie in the composition, which has both positive and negative properties. For example, starch is successfully used in cooking and in the production of powders, tablets and powders in pharmacology. The substance solanine, contained in excess in green tubers, makes potatoes unsuitable for food, but is indispensable for treating burns.

Young potatoes are successfully used to prepare homemade cosmetic masks, making the skin elastic and velvety. 20 minutes is enough to smooth out small wrinkles, and when adding warm milk The potato mixture makes an excellent product for rejuvenating the skin of the hands.

Harmful properties

There is a substance contained in all parts of the plant that can cause poisoning - solanine. There is relatively little of it in tubers, but with intense lighting the vegetable takes on a green tint and the amount of toxin increases. It is advisable to remove the green parts of potatoes before eating.

The harm of a vegetable is a very relative concept if you use the tubers wisely. When one potato is used as the main product, the benefits and harms will become obvious: weight gain and a minimum of positive effect. To get rid of extra pounds, you need to eat no more than 200 g of baked or boiled potatoes. And it is better to avoid fried and deep-fried foods completely to reduce the risk of diseases of the stomach, kidneys, gall bladder and liver.

When cooking, keep in mind that potatoes contain water-soluble vitamins, so it is advisable to add liquid in minimal quantities. Otherwise, all the beneficial substances will go into the water. Not recommended long time keep the peeled tubers in water, since in this way the vegetable is deprived of the essential salts and vitamins that potatoes are rich in.

Potatoes: benefits and harm, calorie content. What are the real harms of potatoes and who are they good for?

Boiled, stewed and fried, in the oven, in a frying pan and deep-fried, baked in their skins and mashed: every day millions of Russians eat tens of thousands of tons of potatoes.

But few people realize how dangerous such a “diet” can be, and in what cases it can bring enormous benefits.

What secrets does such a seemingly simple and native root vegetable, the potato, keep?

Potatoes: composition, calorie content

One medium-sized boiled potato contains 120-150 kcal. By simple calculations we are convinced: 5 tubers contain about 700 kcal, and this is more than a third of the daily norm. Therefore, doctors recommend that overweight people limit potatoes in their diet. Purees, which contain much more calories, are especially prohibited, not to mention dry semi-finished products, the composition of which is pure starch.

If there are 150 kcal in a boiled potato tuber, then fried - about 500, almost like a candy bar. Unfortunately, it is fried potatoes that appear in our diet most often. In general, over the course of a year, Russians eat 36% more potatoes than all other vegetables and fruits combined.

The calorie content of potatoes increases along with the duration of their storage, so “young” tubers can be considered dietary, and those left to rest until spring can be considered very nutritious.

How to use potatoes, which varieties to choose

Of the more than 4,000 potato varieties that exist in the world, more than 400 are grown in Russia. There are varieties intended for industrial processing, for example, for making French fries or chips. And there are table varieties that are sold unchanged in stores for general use.

Knowing the names of several different varieties and understanding what is best to prepare from them is, at a minimum, useful. So, the optimal potato varieties for preparing the following dishes:

soups or salads– durum varieties “Nevsky”, “Leader”, “Udacha”, “Nikulinsky”;

puree– starchy potatoes “Sineglazka”, “Lorch”, “Andretta”, “Elizabeth”;

frying– tubers with a large amount of dry matter and an average starch content: “Bryansky Early”, “Nadezhda”, “Kolobok”, “Impala”.

If the seller is not sure about the potato variety, you can focus on the color of the tubers: pink varieties are suitable for frying and salads, and white varieties are suitable for purees.

To preserve the benefits of potatoes, you need to store them properly. Optimal conditions are dark, cool dry place with a temperature of +7 degrees Celsius. It is strictly forbidden to keep potatoes at temperatures below +2 - in this case, starch turns into sugar, the tubers become sweet and begin to rot. Storing potatoes in cellophane also leads to rotting and the tubers “suffocate.”

Potatoes: what are the benefits for the body?

Potatoes are an irreplaceable source of starch, which has a beneficial effect on digestion. Periodic consumption of boiled and stewed potatoes has a positive effect on the health of the human body. The average potato tuber, the size of an average apple, contains approximately 700 mg of potassium. This is most of the recommended daily value.

Potassium nourishes muscle tissue, not only skeletal muscle, but also heart muscle, so people with cardiovascular diseases are often advised to eat more potatoes. Also, due to the large amount of potassium, potatoes are useful as a diuretic. Very useful at feasts, because if you have boiled potatoes for a snack, then the next morning there will be no swelling. But the diuretic effect disappears if the potatoes are salted.

Potatoes are rich in B vitamins:

Pyridoxine B6 stimulates metabolism;

Thiamine B1 protects cell membranes from toxic effects;

Riboflavin B2 essential for healthy skin and hair growth.

All B vitamins function as antidepressants. So, to some extent, potatoes save you from stress and calm you down.

Phosphorus, bromine, cobalt, zinc, manganese, and some other substances useful for the human body are contained in potatoes. In addition, the fiber in potatoes is neutral, non-aggressive, and does not irritate the stomach and intestines, which is why doctors use it in diets for gastrointestinal diseases.

Another important ingredient in potatoes is chlorogenic acid, a powerful antioxidant. It is contained in the peel, and therefore it is recommended to eat potatoes baked directly with the peel, or boiled in their skins. But this does not apply to old potatoes; only young specimens will benefit.

Potatoes are beneficial to those who consume them boiled no more than once a day, without adding fat.

Traditional medicine uses potatoes to treat:

Upper respiratory tract diseases - breathe over the steam of boiled potatoes for ten minutes;

Protracted cough - boil an apple along with a potato and an onion in a liter of water until half of it remains, strain and drink several spoons three times a day;

Pain in the gastrointestinal tract, heartburn - on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast and before bedtime, drink freshly prepared potato juice from tubers, 0.25 cups;

Oncological diseases - 1 tablespoon of dried potato flowers is poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and simmered in a water bath for three hours, drink the strained infusion three times a day, half an hour before meals, half a glass;

Gastritis with high acidity and ulcers - drink 0.75 glasses of freshly prepared juice on an empty stomach, then lie down for half an hour, and after another half hour you can have breakfast;

Hypertension - eat potatoes cooked in their jackets every day;

Hemorrhoids - before going to bed, make a “candle” from a raw potato using a knife and carefully insert it with the blunt end into the anus, go to bed. In the morning, the suppository will come out on its own during bowel movements.

Potatoes: what are the health benefits?

The homeland of potatoes is South America. The inhabitants of these lands have known hundreds of potato dishes since ancient times. In the 16th century, the Spanish conquistadors decided to feed the Old World with this tasty and healthy product. The experiment failed: Europeans, and later Russians, flatly refused to grow potatoes. Promoting potatoes on our lands has become a big problem. Oddly enough, people initially liked potato berries more. But later it turned out that they were life-threatening.

A green spot on a potato is very dangerous!

In fact, not only berries, but also tubers contain the alkaloid solanine, which is very toxic to humans. A poison for humans and many insects, solanine plays a leading role in the growth and development of the plant itself. Without solanine, potatoes would not have such a beloved taste, and would be susceptible to active destruction by insects and fungi.

The harm of potatoes due to solanine for humans is conditional. To feel seriously poisoned, you would need to eat several kilograms of potatoes with a large amount of solanine at once. Damage to potatoes is usually manifested by their color - potatoes full of solanine turn green.

Some housewives believe that by cutting off the green parts of the potato, the remaining potatoes will not cause harm. This is a serious mistake - from the barely green part of the potato, the poison quickly spreads throughout the entire tuber; such potatoes should not be eaten!

Rotten potatoes are deadly harmful!

Spoilage of potatoes - be it chemical or biological toxins, it still poisons the body to one degree or another. During the process of rotting potatoes, harmful asphyxiating gases - thiols - are produced. If you sniff one such tuber, it’s okay, but if you find yourself in a cellar with rotten potatoes in the spring, the harm can be fatal.

Lesions can be caused by insects, as well as damage from shoveling, blows and disease. There are more than a hundred of the latter, and none of them directly harms humans, unless they cause rot.

Damage to potatoes after chemical treatment

Potatoes that have been overly treated with pesticides to protect them from weeds and pests pose an undeniable danger. The most used pesticide, glyphosade, is linked to breast cancer, Hodgkin's lymphoma, and other tumors. It is also a destructor of the endocrine and reproductive systems.

Potatoes for children: good or bad

Everyone knows that children need slightly different nutrition than adults. Eating potatoes is no exception. Potatoes are harmful for children when fried, and undesirable in the form of fatty mashed potatoes. Boiled potatoes can be given to bottle-fed children no earlier than five months. For children who receive breast milk, potatoes are not an urgent need - they can try potatoes by the age of eight months, after zucchini and pumpkin puree, broccoli, carrots and apples.

Before cooking, soak the vegetables in cold water for an hour, preferably two. This way you can remove some of the possible harmful substances from the top layer of the peel. Potatoes for children are prepared with their skins on, after which they are removed and mashed. If suddenly a child has an allergy to potatoes, then you can try the root vegetable again no earlier than one year of age. Experts say that pesticide residues in vegetables can cause anemia and even affect the mental development of children.

Unfortunately, chemically harmful GMO potatoes and tubers do not look or taste any different from natural tubers. The only way out is to give preference to trusted sellers when purchasing.

The benefits and harms of potatoes

What vegetable can you simply not imagine your daily diet without? If you ask this question to housewives, and simply to those who enjoy the fruits of the gastronomic labors of others, there will be only one answer - without potatoes. Yes, yes, for our people, potatoes are the second bread, without which you can’t cook soup, you can’t prepare salad, and just a plate of appetizing and aromatic mashed potatoes will not leave anyone indifferent.

It even seems to us that we know everything about this vegetable, and that it may not be healthy, and its use by individuals is strictly prohibited - we don’t even think about it, however, this is still true. And that is why we decided to invite you to talk today about potatoes, the benefits and harms of this vegetable

The history of the appearance of potatoes in Russia

When this tuber was brought to Russia during the time of Peter the Great, there was no particular excitement around the popularity of potatoes, especially among the Russian people. The usual food at that time was a variety of porridges, but here it was proposed to first plant potatoes in the ground, grow them, and then dig them up again... However, the Russian people needed time to “try” this product, and very soon potatoes became a worthy alternative all sorts of cereals, and they began to grow it on every piece of free land.

Well, but everyone simply forgot about such original Russian vegetables as rutabaga, turnips, and radishes...

Composition of potatoes

In parallel with the fact that potatoes made it possible to diversify the daily diet of the average person, this vegetable had excellent taste and was quite cheap and accessible, and the popularity of potatoes was supported by scientists with their research, assuring the public that this vegetable is, among other things, still very useful. And, all thanks to the composition of potatoes, which may vary slightly depending on the variety, but as a rule still contains a large number of carbohydrates, fiber, various proteins, pectin, organic acids (citric, malic and oxalic), vitamins (group B and vitamin C and A), as well as potassium and phosphorus.

So science has proven that a medium-sized potato tuber consists of 79% water, 17% starch, 1% ash, 3% nitrogenous compounds, 2% proteins.

As you already understand, the most nutrient Potato contains starch. It is noteworthy that The most starch is contained in the tubers of late-ripening potato varieties, but the least in early varieties.

The benefits of potatoes

Potatoes have diuretic and antispasmodic properties, and, thanks to the potassium content in its composition, it also helps remove excess fluid from the human body, neutralizes excesses of various and not entirely useful acids, which tend to accumulate in our body. Also, regular use potatoes for food normalizes metabolic processes, the functioning of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract, and liver function.

Well, if you take the juice of young potatoes, it will be an excellent prevention of peptic ulcers, gastritis and heartburn...

Inhaling the vapors of boiled potatoes is a worthy alternative to inhalation for inflammation of the nasopharynx and bronchitis.

Raw potatoes benefits

Our ancestors knew about the benefits of raw potatoes for a long time. Thus, such raw potatoes were recommended to be consumed by those who suffered from stomach diseases or duodenum. And here

according to the points of the famous Japanese healing system called Nishi, it is raw potatoes that can and should be consumed by those who want to avoid cancer diagnoses and don't face it terrible disease In my life.

It is also known that raw potatoes help with headaches, nausea, heartburn, constipation, and dyspepsia.

However, raw potatoes can be consumed not only internally, but also externally - so if you grate such potatoes and apply them as a base for a compress for diseases such as purulent eczema, dermatitis, the condition of the skin will significantly improve. But you just need to do this compress correctly -

Place a thick layer on the problem area of ​​the skin, cover with a napkin on top and bandage lightly. Keep this compress for 4 hours, and then apply a fresh one...

Also, such a potato compress can help you get rid of tumors, swelling and bruises - 2 procedures are enough (raw potato compresses for 20-30 minutes), as the result is already visible. Such compresses will also help against boils.

By the way, raw potato sprouts also have medicinal value for you and me - if you infuse them in a glass of water for 12 hours and take 0.5 cups 30 minutes before meals, you will forget about vision problems.

Baked potatoes benefits

What attracts us most about baked potatoes? Of course, its taste is so natural and incomparable. In addition, baked potatoes retain the maximum amount of the beneficial composition of potatoes, and the calorie content of such a dish is quite low, which is important for those who are watching their calories and are afraid of gaining weight.

However, just like raw potatoes, baked ones don’t just have to be eaten. Baked potatoes can be used to prepare a base for compresses that will help cure such skin diseases, like ulcers on the skin, boils, inflammatory processes.

Traditional medicine also knows that with the help of baked potato compresses you can cure persistent cough with bronchitis, when there is difficult sputum discharge. To do this, baked potatoes must be turned into a puree-like mass, put such a mass on gauze and apply such a compress on chest, to the top of the neck. It is recommended to keep this potato compress until the potatoes have cooled down. 7-10 procedures (once a day) are enough to make you forget about your cough.

Potato juice benefits and harms

Ah, about the benefits potato juice one can talk endlessly, since he is (in his own way) biological properties) is the most powerful activator of all anti-inflammatory processes in the human body, and in terms of its mineral composition, such raw potato juice is close to the composition of a real healing concentrate.

That is why, ethnoscience so widely uses potato fresh juice for its good purposes. So, if you take potato juice internally, you can get rid of heartburn, stomach bleeding, cleanse your body of toxins and toxins, remove nervous tension and stress, regulate digestive processes, increase hemoglobin, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, lower high blood pressure.

And, if you use the juice of fresh potatoes to lubricate skin diseases such as eczema and burns, as well as other damage to the skin, then the cell regeneration processes proceed faster and the skin becomes clean.

The field of cosmetology is also aware of the special properties of potato juice. Thus, compresses made from potato juice and honey help to even out the overall tone of the face, get rid of black circles under the eyes, and forget about acne and skin rashes.

If you are interested in the beneficial properties of fresh potato juice, then you should know that Only really fresh juice is beneficial; if the juice sits for longer than 10 minutes, it begins to oxidize, darken and its beneficial properties weaken, therefore, it must be prepared immediately before use.

However, despite all the beneficial properties of fresh potato juice, if you have low acidity stomach, severe form of diabetes mellitus - you should avoid taking this medicine internally. In addition, an overdose of such juice, even for a healthy body, threatens the pancreas. So, it is necessary to observe moderation and remember precautions.

How to make potato juice

To prepare potato juice, you need to take fresh potatoes. Sluggish, greenish tubers are not suitable. Wash the potatoes, and then remove the skin from it, rub it on a plastic (not metal!!!) grater and squeeze the resulting mass through gauze folded several times... Use this juice immediately after cooking...

How to cook healthy potatoes

How to cook potatoes properly

It is noteworthy that in order to extract maximum benefit From this vegetable, it is recommended to choose those cooking methods that allow you to preserve its beneficial substances as much as possible. Ah, for this it is worth choosing quick ways cooking potatoes, peel the tubers immediately before you are going to cook them (soaking potatoes in water is not recommended, since during the soaking process a lot of mineral salts, organic acids, carbohydrates, vitamins - all this is dissolved and destroyed by water) ...

If you are dealing with young potatoes, then it is more useful to boil them in their skins, since the potato skins during the cooking process are a kind of barrier that prevents the leaching of useful soluble substances. However, not only young potatoes can be boiled with skins - you can simply then remove the skins from already boiled tubers and continue preparing a potato dish for your lunch or dinner.

It is also useful to bake potatoes in the oven or in a slow cooker, setting the necessary mode for this. Ah, the only potato that doesn’t have an ounce of benefit is French fries.

As for lovers of fried potatoes, if you still want to try to preserve the beneficial properties of this vegetable, it is recommended to first heat the oil in a frying pan for 5 minutes, and only then add potatoes to it, fry it first over high heat for 10 minutes, not forgetting to stir periodically, and then reduce the gas and let these potatoes simmer under the lid for another 10-15 minutes...

Video recipe for delicious, healthy baked potatoes in the oven:

How to choose healthy potatoes

It would seem, what kind of science is it to choose potatoes, go to the store, buy the first one you come across, which suits you with its tuber size and price, and that’s all. However, in order for dishes made from such potatoes to be healthy and truly tasty, you must choose the “right” potatoes for this. Which? We will tell you about this now...

  1. There should be no green spots on the potatoes - as they indicate that they were stored in the light and in it increased content substance solanine (not very useful for you and me).
  2. Potato tubers should be firm, dense and free of sprouts - otherwise you are dealing with “old” potatoes.
  3. Peeling of the skin of new potatoes indicates that they are... not ripe, however, if you are dealing with new potatoes, the skin should still be easy to remove.
  4. If you pick up a potato with your fingernail and moisture comes out, the amount of nitrates in such potatoes exceeds all acceptable standards, and it is a poisonous vegetable.
  5. You should not chase the size of potato tubers and buy only very large potatoes - firstly, you can “run into” a GMO product, and secondly, the larger the potato, the less nutrients it contains. Therefore, give preference to medium-sized vegetables.
  6. If the potatoes are cooked for more than 30 minutes, and after that they still remain hard, you are not dealing with food grades of this vegetable, but with industrial potatoes, which are used in the production of glue, paper and textile products. As you yourself understand, you can’t eat such potatoes...

Potato damage

When and what kind of potatoes are harmful to eat?

Despite the abundance useful properties and the qualities of this vegetable, its nutritional value and excellent taste, in some cases (which we will tell later) eating potatoes can be harmful.

So, for example, you should know that potato peels contain the substance solanine, which is quite toxic and can lead to poisoning.

The longer the potato tubers are left on sunlight, the longer they are stored, the more of this substance they contain, so even if young potatoes can be eaten with the peel (after washing it thoroughly beforehand - a recipe for the lazy), then such a gastronomic experiment with old potatoes can end badly food poisoning. The same applies to potato sprouts - they must be removed.

The shelf life of potatoes should not exceed more than three months if stored in a cellar or refrigerator at a temperature not exceeding +6 degrees Celsius. What is stored longer, instead of being beneficial, hides a potential threat to our health, and consuming such a vegetable can negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Scientists have proven that

Pregnant women consuming potatoes with solanine levels above acceptable levels (old potatoes with green spots that were exposed to light or for too long) increases the risk by 2 times birth defects in the fetus.

So future mothers - be careful about potatoes in your diet...

Since potatoes contain a large amount of carbohydrates, this is worth paying attention to for those people whose health depends on this substance and the indicators of its content - people suffering from obesity, diabetes and those who want to lose weight should limit the consumption of potato dishes...

Summing up - benefit or harm

Knowing when potatoes can harm our body, but taking into account all the recommendations on how to get the maximum benefit from this vegetable, we hope that you will be able to find a decent compromise, and potato dishes will still remain for you " second bread."

Shevtsova Olga, World without Harm

Potatoes - benefits and harms

Thousands of years ago, American Indian tribes made potatoes one of their most favorite foods, worshiped them and ate them. And today this valuable root vegetable is considered the second bread on the table, and the number of dishes prepared using it is simply countless.

Scientists often differ in their opinions on what is the benefit of potatoes and what is actually harmful. Like any other, this product contains a lot of substances necessary for the body and health, thanks to which our ancestors managed to treat many diseases. We can talk endlessly about whether there is more benefit or harm in potatoes.

Using potatoes for weight loss

There is an opinion that you cannot eat potatoes while on a diet. Fortunately, this conclusion is wrong, and there are a number of verified facts about this. Many nutritionists use this product as the main one for fasting days, or simply included in the diet menu. Due to its low calorie content - 79 kcal per 100 g, fiber content and vegetable protein, lack of fat, it is considered a truly dietary product.

If you decide to eat potatoes while losing weight, do not forget that it is better to eat them before lunch, preferably baked with the skin on, and you can add vegetables if desired. If you fry potatoes in fat or lard or serve them as a side dish for fish or meat, then instead of losing weight you will see weight gain. In addition, potatoes, especially older ones, contain a lot of starch, which is a natural “fastening” agent for the intestines. Therefore, you should eat it no more than three times a week, so as not to disrupt your work. digestive system and do not treat constipation afterwards.

The harm and benefits of potatoes for the body

If we compare the benefits and harms of potatoes, we can say that one of the most dangerous substances contained in it is solanine. This toxic substance makes the fruits green and they begin to sprout. Therefore, you cannot eat potatoes that have turned green; it risks poisoning.

However, the benefits for the body from potatoes, especially young ones, are much greater. It contains many minerals: iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iodine, zinc, copper, cobalt and sodium. As well as B vitamins (B1, B2, B6), which strengthen the nervous system, vitamin C – a “helper” of the immune system, and antioxidants, which help prolong youth, get rid of fine wrinkles and make the skin velvety. Potato juice has been considered a panacea for many diseases for many years. It helps cope with heartburn, treats stomach ulcers, heals wounds, burns, helps relieve pain from hemorrhoids, and the starch extracted from it is excellent for healing diaper rash in young children.

Potatoes - benefits and harm, calorie content

Scientists have been telling us about the benefits of potatoes for a long time. This vegetable has excellent nutritional properties, it’s simply impossible to imagine everyday dishes without it. Potatoes contain a large number of different compounds that have a beneficial effect on the human body.

The benefits of potatoes

The benefits of potatoes are undoubted, since they contain ascorbic acid (vitamin C), which is vital for humans. Thus, 1 kg of raw potatoes provides a person with 80-100 mg of ascorbic acid. In addition to vitamin C, potatoes contain vitamins B6, B2 and B3, which are essential for humans.

Thanks to potatoes, our daily diet is enriched not only with vitamins, but also with minerals. Approximately 70 percent of all minerals, contained in potatoes, account for the share of potassium salts; they are necessary for a person in order to remove them from the body excess liquid And table salt. Thanks to potassium salts, metabolism is maintained normally.

The beneficial properties of potatoes are already for a long time used by doctors. Thus, with the help of raw potato juice, you can improve the condition of patients suffering from gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Potatoes contain elements such as phosphorus, iron, iodine, magnesium, sodium, calcium, copper, manganese, zinc, cobalt, nickel, boron, etc.

Potatoes have great nutritional value. This vegetable contains a large amount of starch, which, when digested, turns into glucose. In the process of glucose oxidation, energy is released, which gives a person vitality.

Potato proteins are recognized as the most complete among all plant proteins: they provide the body with 14 of the 20 amino acids necessary for its normal functioning. Potatoes contain all the essential amino acids.

Calorie content of potatoes

The calorie content of potatoes per 100g of product is 83 kcal. The content of proteins, carbohydrates and proteins in it is presented in the table of calorie content of vegetables, herbs and mushrooms

Potato damage

It should also be said that often solanine accumulates in the stems, leaves, flowers, sprouts, berries and tubers of potatoes - a substance poisonous to the human body, which can easily cause harm to the body, causing poisoning. However, if potato tubers have been grown properly, they contain virtually no solanine, so they can be eaten without fear for your own health.

Potato tubers turn green when exposed to sunlight, and their solanine content increases. This substance is in large quantities also found in old tubers. That is why you should not eat green tubers, and it is recommended to clean old ones well.

How to distinguish healthy potatoes from harmful ones (video)

How are potatoes good or bad?

Vladimir Flakov

Potatoes are rightly called the second bread; it is impossible to imagine a menu without them. Potatoes entered our diet, gradually replacing previously consumed products made from grain crops, as well as such widely used vegetables as turnips, radishes, rutabaga and turnips.

What are the benefits of potatoes? Potato dishes are high in carbohydrates, fiber, and proteins (globulin, albumin, protein, peptone). Potatoes also contain beneficial pectin substances, oxalic, malic, citric and other organic acids. Potassium, phosphorus and vitamins C, B1, B2, B6 and vitamin A (in small quantities). A potato tuber consists on average of 79% water, 17% starch, 1% ash and 3% nitrogenous compounds, including 2% protein.

The most nutrient in potatoes is starch. There is significantly more starch in tubers of late-ripening varieties, and less starch in early varieties.

Potatoes are useful for their antispasmodic and diuretic properties. Due to its potassium content, it helps remove excess water from the body. Neutralizes excess acids accumulated in the body. Normalizes metabolism, heart function and gastrointestinal tract. Useful for liver diseases. Young potato juice is a good remedy against gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastritis and heartburn.

Potato harm and contraindications.

Considering the many useful qualities potatoes and their nutritional value, it is worth remembering that in some conditions its tubers may be harmful. One of the constituent components of potato peels is solanine, which is what can cause harm and cause severe poisoning of the body. This is due to the length of time the tubers are stored or exposed to sunlight. Their germination and greening indicate an increase in harmful toxic substance. Sprouts contain 30-100 times more solanine than unsprouted tubers.

Potatoes can be harmful if stored for more than three months. Eating old or green potatoes can cause dizziness, upset nervous system, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, cramps, fainting and other signs of malaise. Pregnant women need to be doubly careful; solanine is one of the strongest teratogens - harmful substances that cause birth defects.

If you still use such potatoes in cooking, then try to reduce the concentration harmful substance, thoroughly cleaning the tubers from sprouts and green skin, and also removing a significant layer of pulp. But it is better not to eat such potatoes at all, so as not to harm the body.
Potatoes should be stored in a cellar or refrigerator, preferably at a temperature of 2-6 C.

If you eat old potatoes, here are some tips on how to reduce the concentration of harmful solanine in them! Firstly, when peeling potatoes, you need to cut off as much as possible, since it is under the skin that the most poison accumulates. Secondly, peeled potatoes need to be rolled in coarse salt, since salt removes nitrates and solanine.

Sorbitol harm