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Instructions for use of the antibiotic dexamethasone. General characteristics. Compound. For pregnant women and during lactation

Other dosage forms: eye ointment, pills .

Dexamethasone ampoules are produced by several manufacturers; in addition, there are synonyms:

  • Decadron;
  • Dexaven;
  • Dexazone;
  • Dexamed;
  • Dexafar;
  • Dexon.


Average price online* 197 rub. (pack of 25 ampoules)

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Instructions for use

Dexamethasone is a drug that is used as an anti-inflammatory drug and also relieves allergy attacks and skin itching. The medicine belongs to the group of glucocorticoids, therefore it is used only as prescribed by the attending physician.

Description and properties

Dexamethasone is a hormonal drug wide range actions. The drug has the following properties:

  • effectively relieves inflammation;
  • eliminates allergic reactions;
  • has an anti-shock effect;
  • normalizes water balance;
  • participates in glycogen synthesis;
  • maintains glucose homeostasis;
  • helps to establish the exchange of sodium and potassium;
  • exhibits immunosuppressive activity;
  • relieves itching (on the skin and mucous membranes).

The main component of the drug is dexamethasone, which has a powerful effect on the epicenter of the lesion, allowing you to quickly cope with even high-intensity inflammatory processes.

"Dexamethasone" for injection is available in the form of a solution in ampoules of 1 and 2 ml (25 ampoules per package).

The therapeutic effect occurs:

The drug has long-term action, which reaches from 3 to 4 weeks (when injected into the muscle) and from 3 days to 3 weeks when used topically (injecting the substance into the affected area).


"Dexamethasone" in the form of injections is usually used for severe inflammatory processes, as well as allergic reactions to external stimuli (usually in in case of emergency) .

Indications for the use of Dexamethasone injections are:

  • brain tumors accompanied by the formation of edema;
  • swelling of the brain resulting from a traumatic brain injury or surgical intervention;
  • bronchial asthma (in the acute stage);
  • acute bronchitis;
  • dysfunction ( acute failure) adrenal cortex;
  • state of shock (including anaphylactic shock);
  • therapy for lymphoma and leukemia in patients over 18 years of age;
  • leukemia (acute) in patients childhood;
  • hypercalcemia due to cancer (if oral use is not possible);
  • necessity diagnostic study adrenal cortex;
  • conjunctivitis and other eye diseases (if there is a risk of vision loss or significant deterioration);
  • fibrous compacted folliculitis;
  • granuloma annulare;
  • sarcoidosis;
  • severe attacks allergies (extreme);
  • joint damage accompanied by inflammation of a non-infectious nature.

Directions for use and doses

Dexamethasone is a prescription hormonal drug; the injectable form must be prescribed and administered by a specialist. Self-medication is fraught with consequences.

“Dexamethasone” can be diluted with saline or glucose before use, but it is strictly forbidden to mix the drug with other medications (in the same syringe or dropper bottle).

The initial dosage for adult patients is 0.5-0.9 mg (administered intravenously or intramuscularly), after which the dosage regimen can be adjusted if necessary.

For allergic diseases, the drug is administered intramuscularly in the first injection of 4-8 mg. Further treatment It is preferable to take tablets.

Intravenous administration through a syringe is performed when emergency assistance is needed. Even in this case, the administration of the drug should last several minutes.

It is preferable to administer intravenously by infusion (dropper). For infusion, isotonic sodium chloride solution or 5% dextrose solution is used.

For the treatment of shock - iv 20 mg for the first injection, then 3 mg/kg over 24 hours in the form of iv infusion or iv bolus - from 2 to 6 mg/kg as a single injection or 40 mg as a single dose injections given every 2-6 hours; possible intravenous administration of 1 mg/kg once. Shock therapy should be discontinued as soon as the patient's condition has stabilized, the usual duration being no more than 2-3 days.

For oncology:

For nausea and vomiting during chemotherapy, 8-20 mg is prescribed intravenously 5-15 minutes before the chemotherapy session.

Dosage of the drug for other routes of administration:


The drug is administered into the joint area only once, subsequent administration is allowed after 3-4 months. The total number of injections per year (in one joint) should not exceed 3-4 times, otherwise there is a risk of damage cartilage tissue.

Dosage of the drug when used in children (intramuscular route only)

Indications Dosage Frequency of application
Adrenal insufficiency 23.3 µg/kg 3 injections (once every three days)
7.76-11.65 mcg/kg 1 knock every day
Other indications 27.76-166.65 mcg/kg Every 12-24 hours


"Dexamethasone" injection is used short courses, however, there are certain limitations for its use, for example:

  • osteoporosis;
  • fungal and viral lesions organs of vision, purulent infections eye, trachoma, glaucoma, corneal pathologies (for use in ophthalmology);
  • infectious diseases in the absence of treatment (viral, fungal and bacterial);
  • lactation;
  • Cushing's syndrome;
  • idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (for injection into the muscle);
  • intolerance to the components of the drug.

Dexamethasone should be used with caution in persons with following diagnoses:

  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • hepatitis;
  • renal dysfunction;
  • psychosis.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Use during pregnancy is possible only for health reasons. The drug crosses the placenta, FDA category of action on the fetus is C (animal studies revealed negative impact to the fetus, there have been no adequate studies in pregnant women).

Unfortunately, sometimes a situation arises that threatens the patient’s life; in this case, there are no alternatives. All glucocorticoids are classified as category C.

Side effects

When administering Dexamethasone injections, the following undesirable consequences were diagnosed:

  • redness of the skin in the face and neck;
  • convulsions;
  • failures heart rate;
  • nervous excitability;
  • feeling of anxiety;
  • violation of orientation in space;
  • euphoria, hallucinations;
  • cataract;
  • glaucoma;
  • promotion intraocular pressure;
  • local reactions(with local administration);
  • burning and numbness at the injection site;
  • loss of vision.

Important! With prolonged intra-articular injection there is a risk of tendon rupture.


The drug is sold by prescription. Shelf life – 2 years from the date of production. Store in the refrigerator or at room temperature (not higher than 25 degrees).

Dexamethasone is a widely used drug from the glucocorticoid class. It is difficult to identify an area of ​​medicine in which Dexamethasone would not be used. Its main purpose is to combat shock conditions in the body, swelling, inflammation and allergic reactions.


Dexamethasone is an artificially synthesized compound. It was first received in 1957. Nowadays, Dexamethasone is one of the vital drugs.

The structure of the drug is similar to natural hormone human adrenal glands - hydrocortisone, but has a more pronounced effect. Compared to another widely used synthetic glucocorticoid - prednisolone, Dexamethasone has 7 times more activity, and compared to hydrocortisone - 30 times more activity. However, the mineralocorticoid activity of Dexamethasone, unlike prednisolone and hydrocortisone, is very low.

When the drug enters the body, it binds to special glucocorticosteroid receptors present in all tissues. The antishock effect of the drug is mainly explained by its ability to stimulate beta-adrenergic receptors. As a result, the pathological drop in pressure is replaced by its increase, and the physiological parameters of the body return to normal.

The compound can also reduce vascular permeability, suppress the production of inflammatory mediators - histamines and prostaglandins, inhibit the release of cytokines, reduce the activity of immune system cells - lymphocytes, macrophages and mast cells, reduce the sensitivity of effector cells to inflammatory mediators, prevent the appearance of connective tissue.

These properties of the drug make it possible to combat severe allergic reactions, such as anaphylactic shock and Quincke's edema, reduce pain and inflammation during rheumatic diseases. Dexamethasone affects all stages of the inflammatory process and increases the resistance of cell membranes to external influences. The drug increases the sensitivity of beta receptors located in the lower respiratory tract to sympathomimetics, which explains it healing effect for obstructive respiratory diseases.

The drug has a significant effect on the metabolic processes of proteins, lipids and minerals. In particular, the drug promotes the formation of adipose tissue on the body, improves the absorption of carbohydrates from the gastrointestinal tract, and helps increase the synthesis of higher fatty acids and triglycerides. Retains sodium ions and water in the body, stimulates the excretion of potassium ions. Dexamethasone also changes metabolism in bone and cartilage tissue, in particular, it promotes the leaching of calcium from bones. Able to penetrate the central nervous system.

Dexamethasone can be used not only to treat adults, but also in pediatric practice. Moreover, it is allowed even for infants.

When administered intravenously, the drug acts almost instantly. With the intramuscular route, it takes several hours for the drug to start working.

Most of the drug (60-70%) binds in the blood to a special transport protein, transcortin. The drug can pass through the blood-brain and placental barriers.


Dexamethasone is an inseparable companion of the therapist and surgeon, since the number of diseases for which the drug is prescribed is very large. But, as a rule, this inflammatory diseases connective tissue, in particular joints, edema (including cerebral edema), systemic allergic reactions (angioedema, bronchial asthma, urticaria, anaphylactic shock), autoimmune diseases, shock conditions, inflammatory skin pathologies (psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis), traumatic brain injuries, intestinal diseases of unknown etiology.

The drug is indispensable for shock conditions resulting from:

  • burns,
  • injuries,
  • surgical operations,
  • poisoning

In these cases, Dexamethasone is used when vasoconstrictors, plasma replacement drugs and other symptomatic therapy are ineffective.

At joint diseases Dexamethasone is used if non-steroidal therapy has shown to be ineffective. Diagnoses for which a doctor may prescribe the drug include:

  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • lupus and scleroderma, combined with joint damage;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • osteochondrosis.

At allergic conditions Dexamethasone is used in cases where therapy is ineffective antihistamines, or a violent allergic reaction threatens the patient’s life, for example, with anaphylactic shock.

Dexamethasone is also used for many diseases of the blood system:

  • hemolytic anemia,
  • thrombocytopenia,
  • agranulocytosis.

Dexamethasone is also used for insufficient functionality of the adrenal glands, congenital hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex, and subacute thyroiditis.

In addition, Dexamethasone is prescribed for:

  • Addison-Beermer disease;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • ophthalmopathy associated with thyrotoxicosis;
  • nonspecific ulcerative colitis;
  • congenital adrenogenital syndrome;
  • multiple myeloma;
  • bone marrow transplant;

During chemotherapy with cytostatics, the drug can be used as a means of suppressing the gag reflex.

Parenteral administration is most effective in cases of shock, cerebral edema, severe allergic reactions, and acute hemolytic anemia.

The drug is also often used in ophthalmological practice, in the treatment of pathologies such as conjunctivitis, keratitis, blepharitis, iritis, scleritis, episcleritis, as well as in the treatment of inflammatory processes that arise after eye surgery.

Release form

The drug is mainly intended for parenteral administration (intravenously by stream or drip, or intramuscularly). For this purpose, ampoules with Dexamethasone solution are available in 1 and 2 ml capacities. The concentration of the active substance in ampoules is 4 mg/ml.

There is also a tablet form of the drug. The dosage of one tablet is 0.5 mg.

Another form intended to treat a number of eye diseases- drops. They have a dosage of 1 mg/ml.

Instructions for use of Dexamethasone

In most cases, the duration of oral administration or administration of the drug is short and amounts to only a few days, usually 3-4. Only in in rare cases the doctor may prescribe a longer course of treatment. If the drug is initially administered parenterally, then at the first opportunity the patient is transferred to taking tablets.

The therapeutic dosage depends on the type of disease and its severity and in most cases ranges from 5-20 mg per day. Although in some cases higher doses are used. Daily dosage usually divided into several doses or injections.

When treating allergic diseases, 4-8 mg of the drug is usually prescribed intravenously on the first day, then switch to taking tablets. The duration of therapy is usually a week.

At serious illnesses the initial dose can be 10-15 mg, maintenance - 2-4.5 mg.

Children are usually given intramuscular injections. The dosage is 0.2-0.4 mg per day.

For joint diseases, intra-articular injections of the drug can be practiced. These procedures are carried out rarely - 3-4 times a year. The dosage for such injections ranges from 0.5 to 5 mg. Exact value The dosage depends on the patient’s age and the course of the disease.

During exacerbations ophthalmological diseases instill 1-2 drops into each eye every 1-2 hours. As inflammation decreases, the interval between procedures increases to 4-6 hours. The duration of treatment can vary from 1-2 days to several weeks.

Withdrawal syndrome

As with other drugs from the glucocorticosteroid group, long-term therapy with dexamethasone can cause drug dependence, and abrupt cessation of drug treatment is sometimes fraught with serious health consequences. In addition, the drug inhibits the synthesis steroid hormones human adrenal glands. Adrenal function usually returns to normal after dexamethasone is stopped. However, this does not always happen. If adrenal function remains depressed, the patient develops adrenal insufficiency, which in severe cases is fatal.

To avoid worsening the condition after discontinuation of Dexamethasone, the drug must be discontinued gradually.


In the case when we're talking about oh so severe conditions that a Dexamethasone injection can save lives, doctors do not pay attention to most contraindications. The only obstacle here may be the patient’s individual intolerance to the drug.

If we are not talking about the life and death of the patient, then in such a case the drug may not always be suitable.

The main contraindications are:

  • myocardial infarction (the drug prevents the formation of scar on the heart muscle);
  • severe heart failure;
  • internal bleeding;
  • Itsenko-Cushing syndrome;
  • diabetes;
  • pregnancy;
  • obesity 3-4 degrees;
  • immunodeficiency conditions, including AIDS or HIV carriage;
  • severe forms of osteoporosis;
  • mental disorders;
  • stomach ulcers and duodenum;
  • gastritis;
  • ulcerative colitis with the threat of perforation;
  • chronic renal failure.

The drug should be prescribed with caution in the elderly. For children, the drug is prescribed only for absolute indications.

You should also use caution when prescribing the drug for bacterial and viral infections. This primarily applies to tuberculosis. After all, one of the effects of the drug is a decrease in immunity. This means that during infections the immune system can no longer work at full strength to fight viruses and bacteria. Therefore, the appointment of Dexamethasone in similar cases must be combined with etiotropic therapy - using antibiotics or antiviral drugs.

Dexamethasone should be avoided if preventive vaccinations. The prohibition period lasts 8 weeks before and 2 weeks after vaccination. This is also due to the fact that Dexamethasone suppresses the immune system and, as a result, vaccinations will not develop proper immunity to infections.

At long-term treatment Dexamethasone must be performed on a regular basis:

  • checking the patient's condition by an ophthalmologist,
  • measurements blood pressure,
  • control of water and electrolyte balance,
  • glucose control,
  • control of the peripheral blood picture.

Use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation

As mentioned above, doctors do not recommend using the drug during pregnancy. What is the reason for this approach? The fact is that studies have shown that the drug can affect the development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy itself. But when it comes to treating conditions that threaten the mother’s life, doctors may allow the use of Dexamethasone. However, in such cases, the baby may develop adrenal insufficiency and may need appropriate therapy after birth.

Side effects

One of negative aspects Dexamethasone is sufficient a large number of side effects. Side effects when taking Dexamethasone can affect various body systems:

  • gastro- intestinal tract,
  • respiratory system,
  • cardiovascular system,
  • nervous system.

Reactions of intolerance to the drug are also possible - angioedema, allergic skin reactions, skin itching.

TO side effects affecting the nervous system include:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • hearing and vision disorders;
  • mental disorders, exacerbation of mental illness;
  • convulsions;
  • insomnia;
  • hallucinations;
  • glaucoma and cataracts;
  • increased intracranial and intraocular pressure.

The following reactions are possible on the part of the gastrointestinal tract when using Dexamethasone:

  • nausea,
  • vomit,
  • stomach pain,
  • stomach bleeding,
  • hiccups,
  • pancreatitis.

Side effects related to the cardiovascular system:

  • arrhythmias,
  • increased blood pressure,
  • bradycardia,
  • heart failure,
  • changes in blood composition,
  • thrombosis,
  • hypercoagulability.

Disorders associated with endocrine system and metabolism:

  • menstrual irregularities,
  • adrenal atrophy,
  • weight gain,
  • disorders of growth and sexual development in children,
  • hypocalcemia,
  • decreased glucose tolerance,
  • steroid diabetes mellitus,
  • dysmenorrhea,
  • peripheral edema,
  • increased fatigue.

Side effects related to the musculoskeletal system:

  • tendon ruptures,
  • muscle weakness.

Other side effects include excessive sweating, delayed wound healing, decreased potency.

Side effects are dose-dependent. Thus, the higher the dosage of the drug, the greater the likelihood of their occurrence.

Unlike many other glucocorticosteroids, Dexamethasone has low mineralocorticoid activity. This means that medium or low doses of the drug, used for a short period of time, do not cause water and sodium retention and increased potassium excretion.

However, during long-term therapy, the patient should adhere to a diet with increased content potassium, as well as reduced content table salt and carbohydrates.

Interaction with other drugs

Dexamethasone enhances the effect of some drugs, while, on the contrary, it blocks the effect of others. Therefore, it is necessary to know about the negative drug interactions so that treatment with Dexamethasone itself and other drugs would be more effective. And some drugs cannot be taken together with Dexamethasone at all. This category, in particular, includes NSAIDs. Taking them may increase the side effects of Dexamethasone.


In case of overdose, side effects may increase and blood pressure may increase. Treatment of overdose is symptomatic. If the drug was taken orally, it is recommended to drink enterosorbents. Hemodialysis is ineffective due to high degree connection of the drug with blood proteins.

Arose dangerous situation– the person is in shock and needs urgent help. will come to the rescue medical drug with high activity. The medicine is prescribed in gynecology, veterinary medicine, ophthalmology, and is used by athletes involved in bodybuilding. It’s worth taking a closer look at this effective tool.

Medicine Dexamethasone

A potent hormonal drug is not intended to treat a specific disease. The medicine affects the entire body, forcing it to cope with many problems. The drug is several times stronger than a similar one - prednisolone. Doctors prescribe Dexamethasone - for what - it depends on the tasks they face. The action of the glucocorticosteroid hormone helps:

  • eliminate shock;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • regulate metabolism;
  • counteract allergies;
  • absorption of sugar in the blood;
  • combat toxic effects;
  • reduce increased immunity.

What is Dexamethasone used for? According to the instructions, indications for use in treating people are:

  • diseases of the joints, muscles - arthritis, myositis, synovitis, osteochondrosis;
  • cerebral edema;
  • kidney diseases;
  • dermatoses;
  • psoriasis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • liver diseases;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • state of shock;
  • allergy attacks;
  • problems with the adrenal glands;
  • oncology – cell growth stops;
  • blood diseases.

What is dexamethasone? This is a drug that solves a wide range of problems, but can be harmful if taken without correct dosage prescribed by the doctor. The medicine is prescribed with caution to children due to the effect on growth and sexual development. There are contraindications for use:

According to the instructions, when using Dexamethasone, it is necessary to exclude alcohol - as in the case of an overdose, side effects are possible:

  • swelling – the drug retains water;
  • disturbance, slowing of heart rhythm;
  • nausea;
  • depression;
  • vomit;
  • muscle weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • weight gain;
  • mood changes;
  • trembling of limbs.

Dexamethasone - why is the drug prescribed to athletes? Good feedback the product was received from people involved in bodybuilding - it can be bought without a prescription, unlike analogues, affordable price and the effect is obvious. The disadvantage of use is the destructive effect on muscle tissue due to the breakdown of protein compounds, but this process is regulated by their additional intake. Positive effects from use:

  • relieving joint inflammation;
  • fast recovery after training;
  • less wear, better lubrication of joints due to water retention.

Dexamethasone eye drops

This low-priced drug has found widespread use in ophthalmology in the form of ointments and drops. The effect is based on the anti-inflammatory, antiallergic properties of the drug. Dexamethasone drops are prescribed in the period after eye surgery, in case of injury, burns of the organs of vision. The drug is used for diseases:

Although the drug is available and has good treatment results, it is unacceptable independent use without a doctor's prescription. This is dangerous because there are serious contraindications, including:

  • eye tuberculosis;
  • fungal, viral infections;
  • purulent infections;
  • glaucoma;
  • increased intraocular pressure;
  • damage to the epithelium of the cornea;
  • trachoma;
  • thinning of the cornea.

Dexamethasone in ampoules

A solution of the drug Dexamethasone, 4 mg ampoule, is used for acute conditions patients to provide urgent help:

  • inject into the joint to relieve inflammation;
  • do inhalations to eliminate breathing problems;
  • put intramuscular injections in a state of shock;
  • use slow intravenous infusions or drips in cases of cerebral edema.

Good reviews from doctors regarding the treatment of severe infections with Dexamethasone - prescribed simultaneously with antibiotics. The drug has fast action, if observed:

  • endocrine diseases;
  • meningitis;
  • hemorrhages;
  • tumors;
  • exacerbation of bronchitis, asthma;
  • severe dermatosis;
  • hypercalcemia;
  • leukemia;
  • allergies;
  • blood diseases.

Dexamethasone tablets

The medicine has complex mechanism action, simultaneously affects many systems of the human body. Dexamethasone tablets are prescribed by a doctor with the dosage and course duration necessary to improve the condition. Indications for use include the following diseases:

  • adrenal insufficiency;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • scleroderma;
  • cerebral edema;
  • eczema;
  • hives;
  • psoriasis;
  • leukemia;
  • dermatitis;
  • anemia.

Dexamethasone ointment

An inexpensive medicine that is used in the treatment of eyes is Dexamethasone ointment. According to the instructions, the product is placed in a thin strip behind the lower eyelid, the composition is quickly distributed on the surface. The drug has an anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory effect, promotes recovery after injuries and eye surgeries. The ointment helps treat:

  • scleritis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • iridocyclitis;
  • optic neuritis;
  • keratitis;
  • Choroiditis.

Dexamethasone during pregnancy

The use of the drug by a woman while expecting a child should be under the strict supervision of a gynecologist, who sets the dosage and treatment regimen. Its use in the first trimester is unacceptable so as not to harm the fetus. In many cases, it is necessary to use Dexamethasone during pregnancy, for which the medicine is prescribed in the form of injections or droppers.

When planning pregnancy, the drug is prescribed in case of problems with the adrenal glands. The effect of taking it can be very quick - for a woman a short time manages to conceive a child. The use of the medicine helps to open the lungs in newborns, in addition.

The normal functioning of the human body largely depends on the condition hormonal system. Even minor malfunctions in its operation lead to illness to varying degrees gravity. Currently, pharmacists have developed a huge number of synthetic hormonal drugs that make it possible to correct the lack of a particular hormone, and also make it possible to have a systemic effect on the body. One of these hormone analogues is the substance dexamethasone.

What is dexamethasone?

Dexamethasone is a fluorinated derivative of a glucocorticosteroid hormone that is usually produced by the adrenal cortex.

Systemic drugs based on this hormone have an anti-inflammatory, antiallergic effect, and can reduce immune reactions. Doctors using in their medical practice dexamethasone, reviews leave about its effectiveness in eliminating acute allergy attacks.

The mechanisms for reducing inflammatory and allergic reactions have a chain nature. Dexamethasone reacts with receptor formations in the cytoplasm, creating a complex compound that penetrates the nuclear membrane and increases the formation of messenger RNA. As a result of translation into mRNA, lipocortin protein is synthesized. This protein mediates the effect of dexamethasone. Thus, under the influence of lipocortins, the action of phospholipases A2 slows down, the production of eicosatetraenoic acid, prostaglandin endoperoxides, and leukotriene, the main effects of which are inflammatory and allergic reactions, decreases. The production of prostanoids also decreases due to a decrease in the synthesis of cyclooxygenase.

With the participation of dexamethasone, the production of adrenocorticotropic, β-lipotropic and follicle-stimulating hormones by areas of the pituitary gland is slowed down, the secretory function of the thyroid gland decreases during the production of thyroid-stimulating hormone, but the content of polypeptide endorphins in the blood does not decrease.

This synthetic substance takes part in the metabolism of proteins, fats and in the synthesis of glucose without carbohydrate components. Under the influence of dexamethasone, gluconeogenic enzymes are activated, then glucose is synthesized from lactic and pyruvic acid in the cells of the liver and kidneys. The liver begins to store more glycogen, which in turn activates glycogen synthetase and the production of glucose from amino acid residues. There is an increase in plasma glucose concentration, which leads to the synthesis of insulin by the pancreas.

Treatment with dexamethasone:

  • Leads to an enhanced process of fat breakdown in cells due to a decrease in the flow of glucose into them. But this process is reversible, since dexamethasone stimulates the production of insulin, which activates the synthesis of fats from glucose and their accumulation.
  • Strengthens the process of dissimilation of complex substances into simpler ones in tissues such as connective, bone, muscle, fat and lymphoid.
  • Disturbs the activity of all leukocyte cells, including monocytes, in tissues.
  • Reduces the entry of these cells into the area with foreign agents and their phagocytic activity, the production of interleukin mediators. By strengthening the membrane shell of cell lysosomes, the number of enzymes that break down peptide bonds in proteins that cause inflammatory foci is reduced.
  • Reduces the number of T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes, monocytic cells, basophilic and eosinophilic leukocytes in the vascular bed due to their passage into the lymphatic fluid, reduces the production of immunoglobulins, collagen fibers, and the penetrating ability of capillary walls.

Variety of dosage forms of dexamethasone

The substance dexamethasone is part of glucocorticoid drugs, which are produced in various dosage forms. This may be in tablet form. There is also the drug "Dexamethasone" in ampoules in the form of solutions for injection, in the form eye drops and ointments. Each dosage form has its own purpose for certain diseases, instructions for use and dosage, list adverse reactions. Depending on the nature of the disease and the duration of treatment, doctors prescribe a specific form of the drug.

There is an opinion among doctors that injectable forms have a number of advantages over tablets. Thus, solutions of the drug after their administration can almost instantly provide therapeutic effect due to the rapid entry of the active substance into the bloodstream, and from it to the receptors. IN liquid form the drug is completely absorbed, and when using tablets, part of the active component is destroyed under the influence of the contents of the digestive tract.

The drug "Dexamethasone", patient reviews

The drug "Dexamethasone" has many indications for use. Its main directions are anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, immunosuppressive effects.

After a course of therapy with the drug Dexamethasone, reviews from some patients indicate its effectiveness in the treatment of acute allergic reactions, inflammatory processes in the joints or attacks bronchial asthma, while others remain dissatisfied big amount side effects this drug.

Therapy hormonal agents always accompanied by a certain risk of undesirable consequences. Therefore, the attending physician must weigh the benefits of treating the disease against the risk of adverse reactions before prescribing Dexamethasone. Reviews from patients taking this medicine indicate that they experience adverse reactions that affect certain systems body.

These may be reactions associated with endocrine disorders, such as the development diabetes mellitus different types, reducing the body's resistance to glucose molecules, increasing the production of ACTH hormones by the adrenal glands. As a result, Cushing's disease develops with symptoms such as obesity, excess body hair, rounded facial features with a pronounced double chin, hypertension, menstrual cycle disorders in women, and excessive fatigue of striated muscles.

Changes also occur in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels; they are characterized by a disturbance in the heart rhythm in the direction of its decrease, as well as a deterioration in the pumping function of the heart to supply the body with blood, hypertension, increased blood clotting, and the formation of blood clots. The digestive system may also be subjected to negative influence the drug "Dexamethasone", which is manifested by disturbances in the digestion of food, gag reflexes, nausea, gastritis and pancreatitis, ulcers or bleeding of the stomach and intestines, bloating, hiccup reflexes.

Side effects may also occur in nervous system. These may be hallucinations, a state of euphoria, delirium, nervousness, paranoid disorders accompanied by headaches, convulsions, and sleep disturbances.

Sometimes patients complain of fluid retention in the body due to the accumulation of sodium ions and the excretion of potassium, excess weight, increased sweating, fragility bone tissue and tendons, long-term non-healing skin lesions, the appearance of red spots on the skin due to hemorrhages, impaired pigment content in the skin, acne.

Ampoule form of dexamethasone

The drug "Dexamethasone" in ampoules (injection forms) is used for emergency therapy, as well as when the drug can only be administered intravenously or intramuscular injections. This is a colorless or yellowish solution of the substance dexamethasone sodium phosphate at a concentration of 4 mg of dexamethasone phosphate per 1 ml of water for injection.

The ampoule drug "Dexamethasone" is widely used, the indications for use of which are based on its anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, and immunosuppressive effects.

Diseases requiring the administration of dexamethasone in the form of injections include acute and chronic adrenal insufficiency, hereditary proliferation of the adrenal cortex; destruction of thyrocytes thyroid gland; state of shock of various origins when other drugs do not work. Treated with a drug excess accumulation fluid in the brain due to tumors, injuries, surgical procedures, meningoencephalitis; asthmatic attack, bronchospasm during acute bronchitis, acute attacks of allergies. Indications include rheumatoid arthritis; pathologies of bone, cartilage tissue, skin rashes and various dermatitis; malignant leukemias, leukemia, tumors; destruction of red blood cells, lack of granulocytes, diathesis with hemorrhagic decrease in the number of platelet cells; various infections.

This drug is used both separately and in combination with other drugs.

Instructions for use for dexamethasone in ampoules

The instructions for use recommend injecting the drug "Dexamethasone" in several ways. Injections are given intravenously using the jet or drip method. At drip administration prepare a solution from a five percent isotonic or dextrose sodium chloride solution. You can give injections intramuscularly or inject the drug locally into the site of the disease, for example, inside a joint.

The doctor prescribes the dosage and number of doses to the patient in accordance with the nature and severity of the disease, as well as the person’s ability to tolerate the drug. In acute conditions, treatment begins with high doses the drug "Dexamethasone" in ampoules. The instructions for administering this medication during the first day prescribe a dosage of about 4-20 mg of the drug, which is divided into 3 or 4 doses, with the first dose always being larger than subsequent doses. So, the first dosage for removal cerebral edema is 10 mg, to eliminate state of shock use 20 mg, for an allergic reaction - about 8 mg. After the condition improves, the dosage is reduced. The duration of injection treatment is about 3-5 days.

When the drug is administered into a diseased joint, the dose ranges from 0.2 to 6 mg, injections are given every three days.

When treating children as a result of insufficient production of adrenal hormones, the dosage of the drug is set at 0.023 mg per kilogram of body weight, which is administered in three injections intramuscularly every three days. For the treatment of other diseases, a maximum dose of 0.1667 mg per kilogram of body weight is prescribed.

With the simultaneous use of dexamethasone injections with other drugs, incompatibility of their actions may be observed, for example, when it is combined with a heparin solution, a precipitate may occur, which is unacceptable. Therefore, pharmacists recommend using intravenous dexamethasone alone, without other drugs.

Dexamethasone tablets

There are several dosages of the tablet form of the drug "Dexamethasone". The tablets of this drug are white and contain 0.5 mg and 1.5 mg of the active ingredient - dexamethasone.

On pharmaceutical market a wide range of the drug "Dexamethasone" is presented. What are these tablets prescribed for? Doctors usually prescribe this form after injection therapy, when an acute attack of the disease has been eliminated, as a maintenance treatment.

The drug is indicated for replacement therapy insufficient functioning of the adrenal cortex, thyroiditis of various forms.

When using a drug such as Dexamethasone, the indications for use are the treatment of rheumatoid joint diseases, edema of the head or spinal cord, connective tissue lesions with vasculitis, lupus erythematosus, sclerosis, amyloidosis, various dermatitis and erythema, psoriasis and lichen, allergic diseases, immune diseases systemic in nature.

The drug is also prescribed for endocrine diseases of the organs of vision, various changes in the structure of the eye, to reduce immune reactions during lens or cornea transplantation.

Treatment based on the drug "Dexamethasone" is effective; indications for its use include diseases of the digestive system, such as colitis, granulomatous enteritis, and liver diseases; diseases respiratory system: tuberculous lesions lung tissue, fibrosis and sarcoidosis of the lungs; diseases of the circulatory system: various anemias, erythroblast aplasia, platelet deficiency, leukemia and lymphoma.

Rules for taking dexamethasone tablets

The drug "Dexamethasone", tablets of 0.5 mg or 1.5 mg, is prescribed to each patient individually. The dosage depends on the type of disease, severity, duration of treatment, and the body’s ability to tolerate the drug. Usually the medicine is taken with food, and antacids are taken after the meal.

At the beginning of treatment, the dosage per day ranges from 0.70 to 9 mg. Maximum dose, which can be used per day, should not exceed 15 mg, and the minimum is 1 mg. When the patient's stable condition is established, the amount of dexamethasone is reduced to 3 mg per day. The drug "Dexamethasone" is used for children in a daily dosage of 83.3 to 333.3 mcg per kilogram of weight.

The duration of treatment can be several days, or it can drag on for months, it all depends on therapeutic effect. After finishing taking the drug, corticotropin is administered for several days.

Dexamethasone eye drops

Another type of dexamethasone is “Oftan Dexamethasone” eye drops for local action. They are a colorless transparent solution of the substance dexamethasone sodium phosphate in the amount of 1.32 mg per 1 ml of water for injection; the most active component of dexamethasone in solution is 1 mg per 1 ml. This drug is used in ophthalmic practice as an anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and anti-exudative agent.

The active ingredient dexamethasone affects protein synthesis, reduces the production of substances responsible for inflammatory processes, such as histamine, kinin, lysosome enzymes, reduces the flow of macrophages to the site of inflammation, and reduces penetrating ability vascular walls. Due to the action of the hormone, the production of immunoglobulins, interleukins, and mediators is disrupted inflammatory reactions, which prevents the development of the inflammatory process in various disorders. The duration of this effect after administration of one drop is about eight hours.

Use of dexamethasone drops

For the treatment of eye diseases, the drug "Dexamethasone" is used - drops. The instructions describe the treatment of acute or chronic. This may be a non-purulent inflammatory process in the membrane of the eye, its cornea, chronic inflammation edges of the eyelid, acute inflammatory process of the white membrane of the eye, episcleral tissue, inflammation between the sclera and conjunctiva, in the iris, as well as in it and in the ciliary body of the eyeball. Treat the cornea with dexamethasone drops for various injuries, inflammation in the posterior ocular segment, postoperative or post-traumatic swelling and inflammatory processes, sympathetic ophthalmia, allergic conjunctivitis or keratoconjunctivitis, as well as ear diseases, such as otitis media.

The method of using 0.1% drops is to instill the eyes into the area of ​​the conjunctival sac, one or two drops every two hours. After the inflammatory process has reduced, the number of instillations is reduced to five per day. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor by examining the patient and measuring the pressure inside the eye. The period of use of the drug should be no more than three weeks.

During treatment ear diseases drip 3 or 4 drops into sore ear 2-3 times a day.

It should be borne in mind that during treatment with dexamethasone, concomitant fungal or infectious diseases may not be noticed, and if such are detected, they are combined hormonal drops with antimicrobial drugs.

Oftan dexamethasone eye drops contain the preservative benzalkonium chloride, which is harmful to the eyes and can be absorbed by the surface of contact lenses.

Cost of drugs

All dosage forms of dexamethasone differ in price. The highest cost is injection solutions drug "Dexamethasone", which is different for each manufacturer. You can buy ampoule solutions at the pharmacy, ampoules of 25 pieces per package, the content of dexamethasone in 1 ml is 4 mg. Ampoules can contain 2 ml and 1 ml of solution. The box of the drug "Dexamethasone" must contain instructions for use. The price for such a drug starts from 200 rubles for 25 ampoules of 1 ml and from 226 rubles for 25 ampoules of 2 ml.

Dexamethasone tablets with a dosage of 0.5 mg, 50 pieces in a pack, can be bought for 28 rubles.

0.1% costs a little more eye drops"Dexamethasone", their price varies from 40 rubles per pack. They are sold in dropper bottles of 5 ml and 10 ml, in a pack with instructions for use.

Dexamethasone is medicinal product, which is available in several forms: for injection (by radar), in the form of powder or eye drops. It has a spectrum of actions, such as anti-inflammatory, anti-allergenic and others - for the treatment of a number of diseases.

Dexamethasone - indications for use

The use of Dexamethasone is recommended for allergies, connective tissue diseases, malignant tumors, serum sickness, Addison-Birmer disease and others. The instructions for use describe the drug Dexamethasone as a remedy with a wide range of purposes. Contraindications, effectiveness and methods of administration (administered intramuscularly, in a dropper, orally) are also indicated for use.

Indications for the use of Dexamethasone are as follows:

  • for shock diseases and external injuries skin(burns, ruptures, open wounds, cuts, acute eczema, other);
  • during edematous processes (cerebral edema, acute erythroderma, thyroiditis, aplasia and hypoplasia of hematopoiesis, autoimmune hemolytic anemia and others);
  • anaphylactic shock, complex allergic reactions, acute eczema, urticaria;
  • status asthmaticus;
  • cancer (oncology), congenital adrenogenital syndrome;
  • for asthma, bronchitis;
  • dermatological problems, otitis media, psoriasis;
  • infectious diseases (with a course of antibiotics);
  • hypothyroidism;
  • nonspecific ulcerative colitis (UC) with pain;
  • progressive ophthalmopathy, thrombocytopenia and others.
  • agranulocytosis

Dexamethasone - instructions

The instructions for Dexamethasone include a description of the method of use. If we are talking about an injection, then dexamethasone should be used intravenously or intramuscularly, depending on the initial problem. When treating some complicated diseases (for example, tuberculosis), it is necessary to use a course of antibiotics in parallel for the safety of administration.

How to take Dexamethasone? You should study the instructions. Be sure to consult your doctor. You will find all the conditions for the drug Dexamethasone - the instructions for use describe and indicate the consequences and method of administration. The average course of treatment (oral administration of the drug) lasts no more than five days, after which they switch to maintenance doses.

Dexamethasone eye drops

Exists separate form release of the drug - Dexamethasone eye drops. They are used for allergies, inflammation, infections and other types of eye diseases ( visual organs person). One drop is effective immediately after use. A few hours later the person notices positive effect in the form of relieving swelling, inflammation and pain. According to patient reviews, when applied, the drop easily penetrates into the orbit, into the cornea and conjunctiva.

Dexamethasone in ampoules is used in cases where another method of administration (oral) is prohibited by the doctor. Basics active substance(according to INN) is a phosphated glucocorticoid. It has an effect on the formation of proteins, lipocortin and others. The contents of the ampoule are administered as part of a dropper, or an injection is given intravenously (intramuscular method). This method of use is prohibited if there are infections in areas near the veins. It is possible to install a dropper; in this case, a 5% sodium chloride solution should be prepared (the amount should be prescribed by a doctor).

Dexamethasone tablets

Such a product is affordable: its cost according to pharmacy catalogs is less than an analogue of ampoules or eye drops (data may vary in different pharmacy kiosks and networks). The dosage of the main component in this form of release of the drug is 0.5 mg per tablet. This medicinal supplement has a positive effect on the intestinal tract, improves lipid, protein metabolism(according to reviews from doctors and patients). Additionally, Dexamethasone tablets have an anti-inflammatory effect. The medicine should be stored in a cool place.

Dexamethasone - side effects

Overdose and incorrect dose calculation can cause side effects. Side effects of Dexamethasone are as follows:

  • nausea, vomiting, stomach or duodenal ulcers;
  • hormonal imbalance (impaired hormone secretion, failure of the adrenal glands, formation of diabetes mellitus, increased blood pressure);
  • gastrointestinal bleeding, convulsions, headaches, allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, pemphigus (in rare cases);
  • cataracts, vision problems, impaired vision quality, retinal detachment;
  • paranoia, depression, nervousness and others;
  • increased sweating, calcium secretion, pain in the neck and back;
  • tendon rupture with light load, weight loss, accelerated weight loss, thinness;
  • slow healing of external and internal wounds, formation of steroid acne, nitrogen imbalance, skin clearing, pallor;
  • sleep disturbance, lack of appetite, constant fatigue.

Dexamethasone - contraindications

There is a list of contraindications for the use of this type of medication:

  • if you have tuberculosis, you do not take a course of antibiotic treatment;
  • hypersensitivity to constituent elements;
  • cannot be used by children under six years of age;
  • for diseases of fungus, herpes, smallpox;
  • recent heart disease (heart attack, operations related to the cardiovascular system).

Additionally, Dexamethasone is contraindicated for renal failure and osteoporosis. Reviews from doctors claim that it can be used during pregnancy if the benefit significantly exceeds the permissible harm (for example, there is a risk of death of the fetus (child) or mother).