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KKP vaccine name. Measles, rubella, mumps vaccination: how to vaccinate

Today it is becoming fashionable to refuse vaccinations. While some do this out of conviction and for motivated reasons, others express disagreement due to fashion trends. In business children's health You can’t do as “everyone else does.”

Each parent should study the issue, consult with specialists and decide whether to refuse or vaccinate.

Let's try to understand the essence of the issue and outline all the pros and cons of vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps.

Why are these diseases dangerous? Measles, rubella, and mumps (colloquially “mumps”) are not as innocent as they may seem. The consequences of these diseases can be very dangerous! They belong to the group of acute viral diseases that are transmitted.

by airborne droplets

Measles and rubella are transmitted even over long distances; the carrier does not necessarily have to sneeze nearby; his presence even in the next room is sufficient, or the virus can enter through the ventilation system. In the case of mumps, if the child is isolated, the virus will not pass further than the room.

Symptoms and consequences of this “troika” of diseases

Measles Measles is accompanied by high fever, cough, runny nose, conjunctivitis and rash. If a child has had contact with a carrier and does not have vaccinations, then the probability of catching the infection is very high - 95-96 percent. main feature

measles - the appearance of a rash on the skin. The rash first appears on the upper body, only then spreading to the arms and legs. When a rash appears, you first need to rule out an allergy. Perhaps a new drug was introduced and there was a reaction to this drug. In any case, for the production accurate diagnosis

specialist advice is needed. It is worth noting that children under one year of age rarely get measles. Infants are protected by antibodies that they received from their mother. But by the age of one year the protection wears off, so national calendar

It is in the year that they get vaccinated against measles.

Complications that measles can lead to are otitis media, pneumonia, blood damage, convulsions, inflammation of the brain (encephalitis).

Rubella Rubella, unlike measles, occurs in children in mild form . After incubation period

A special feature of rubella is enlarged lymph nodes, most often on the back of the head and behind the ears. Also, during rubella, a rash appears, sometimes with poor immunity Conjunctivitis is also possible as a consequence of infection.

Usually this disease in children occurs without consequences, only in in rare cases(1 in 1000) inflammation of the brain (encephalitis) may develop.

Despite the fact that for child's body Rubella is not dangerous; it can harm an adult.

Pregnant women should be especially sensitive to this disease. It can cause miscarriage or lead to blindness and deafness in the unborn child.

Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, you should definitely think about getting vaccinated against rubella. Vaccination provides 100% protection against the virus and lasts for 20 years.


Mumps (“mumps”) attacks the parotid and submandibular salivary glands. Under the influence of infection, they swell and the face becomes round.

This disease is not characterized by high fever; due to the swollen salivary glands, it becomes difficult for the child to chew and swallow.

At risk are teenage boys and men, in 30% the testicles become inflamed (in medicine called “orchitis”), which can lead to infertility.

Are you familiar with them? Every mother should be able to diagnose this disease, because if the child is not hospitalized urgently, the consequences can be very dire.

What if a child suddenly has a temperature below normal? Do you know why this happens? we published an article devoted to this problem.

Vaccination "measles, rubella, mumps" today

Domestic or imported?

If you choose free vaccination, then at one year old your child will be offered a double vaccination against measles and mumps with a domestic vaccine and a separate Indian vaccine against rubella.

Revaccination is provided at 6 years of age. Some parents are not satisfied with free vaccines; in such cases, you can purchase imported ones paid vaccination

– three viruses in one dose. List of vaccines foreign production

  1. , permitted in Russia:
  2. Ruvax (against measles)
    • Triple vaccines:
    • MMR-II


All of these vaccines are based on weakened viruses that will not cause the disease itself, but will help develop immunity. It may be difficult to purchase a vaccine on your own , so if you want to purchase imported drug worth contacting paid clinic

In general, before any vaccination you should consult a specialist. He will help you choose the most suitable option for your baby.

Consequences of vaccination against mumps, measles and rubella

Provided that the vaccination was done absolutely healthy child, acute post-vaccination reactions there shouldn't be.

  1. Redness and swelling at the injection site will last for two days.
  2. Fever, mild runny nose and cough may also occur.
  3. Usually, all pediatricians advise giving the child a painkiller on the day of vaccination, which will help smooth out all these consequences and help the child survive all the unpleasant sensations.
  4. The site of swelling can be treated with troxevasin ointment to improve blood circulation.

It is worth noting that imported vaccines are more likely to cause allergies than Russian ones, since domestic ones contain quail protein, and foreign ones - chicken.

To avoid allergic reactions, the child can be given an antihistamine the day before.

When should children not get the vaccine?

  • Anaphylactic reactions to gelatin or neomycin
  • Immune problems (hematological and solid tumors; congenital immunodeficiency; long-term immunosuppressive therapy, HIV infection)


  • Recently used immunoglobulin (last 3 months)
  • History of thrombocytopenia
  • Positive skin test or tuberculosis
  • Simultaneous tuberculin skin test
  • Lactation
  • Recipient's mother's pregnancy
  • Household contact with immunocompromised family members
  • Infections with HIV (except for severely immunocompromised persons with HIV infection)
  • Non-anaphylactic reactions to chicken eggs or neomycin
  • Anaphylactic and non-anaphylactic reactions to chicken eggs

Vaccination calendar measles-rubella-mumps

The vaccination schedule for children is as follows (this determines the validity period of these vaccinations and when they are given):


  • So, medicines for measles, rubella and mumps No.
  • The only protection against these infections is vaccination.
  • Vaccination against mumps is mandatory for children (especially boys) because the disease can lead to infertility
  • Therefore, before writing a refusal to vaccinate, you need to think carefully about the reasons that force you to do this.

The decision should be balanced, rational and beneficial to your baby. After all, only parents are responsible for the health of their child!

If you have vaccinated your child against whooping cough, but he still gets this cough, then read our material about its treatment.

If your baby's cough sounds like a dog barking, then read our about barking cough.

Coughing can occur in children simply due to ordinary allergies: In this case, by eliminating the allergen, you can get rid of the cough itself.


Dr. Komarovsky talks about the pros and cons of preventive childhood vaccinations and how important they are:

Endless vaccinations childhood- this is an opportunity to avoid many serious illnesses in a later period. When immunization is carried out against three dangerous infections you can save time and avoid another emotional stress associated with this unpleasant procedure. The measles, rubella and mumps vaccine is a type of injection. It is easy to do, but how it is tolerated and how many side effects it has, few people think about until they encounter it in real life. Which possible reactions for measles, rubella, mumps vaccination and how can you prepare for the upcoming vaccination? Let's find out everything about her.

Why are measles, rubella and mumps dangerous? You can become infected with the diseases for which this vaccine is intended even before birth. It happens that intrauterine infection occurs when the outcome is unpredictable for the mother and the unborn child. What other dangers can babies expect when encountering these viruses, besides severe symptoms?

  1. If a pregnant woman becomes infected with rubella or measles or comes into contact with a sick person, this can result in the death of the fetus and numerous malformations of the child - myopia, heart defects, deafness and impaired physical development baby.
  2. Mumps is characterized not only by inflammation of the parotid and salivary glands, it often leads to inflammation of the brain and testicles (orchitis), which sometimes causes infertility.
  3. Rare complications of mumps include pancreatitis, arthritis, and nephritis.
  4. Measles weakens the immune system, which can result in numerous and dangerous bacterial complications.
  5. Measles also causes illness internal organs: hepatitis, tracheobronchitis, panencephalitis ( inflammatory process all membranes of the brain).

The immunity that babies receive from their mother at birth is unstable and lasts only a few months. Therefore, every child needs vaccination against such infections to protect him at any age.

Vaccination schedule and location of vaccine administration. In most cases, vaccinations against measles, rubella, and mumps are combined against these three diseases, but there are also single vaccines. The measles, rubella, and mumps vaccination schedule is as follows.

  1. Babies are first exposed to a three-component vaccine at 12 months. This is the optimal period for administering the drug, when you need to protect the child, because encountering infections before the age of five is considered the most dangerous. But a single administration of the vaccine does not provide full protection to the baby against infections, and in some cases protects the child by only a few percent.
  2. Revaccination against measles, rubella, mumps is carried out at 6 years of age. Repeated use of the vaccine at this age ensures complete immune protection more than 90%, which lasts for decades.

There is no exact data on how long the vaccine protects a person against measles, mumps and rubella. It can last for 10–25 years, depending on the characteristics of the body and the susceptibility of the vaccine.

What to do if the vaccination schedule is violated or if the child did not receive immunoprophylaxis against these infections in a timely manner?

  1. If vaccination is postponed for a long time due to contraindications, it is done as close to the schedule as possible. In this case, the interval between the administration of the vaccine and revaccination should be at least 4 years.
  2. In some cases, when there is emergency indications vaccination is done using mono-vaccines. Revaccination can be carried out by prescribing a complex three-component vaccine, but not earlier than a year later.

If a vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps virus is prescribed, where is it given?

Vaccination dose combination vaccine, which is 0.5 ml of the drug, is injected subcutaneously under the shoulder blade or into outer surface right shoulder (conditional border between the middle and lower third).

How do children tolerate the measles, rubella, and mumps vaccine? Child's immunity different years life may react differently to the measles, rubella, and mumps vaccine. This is explained by the maturation of all body systems and the fact that in case of revaccination the drug is re-administered.

How is the measles, rubella, mumps vaccine tolerated at 1 year of age? Often children react to vaccination with a condition resembling a mild viral infection. This may appear:

  • runny nose;
  • headache;
  • weakness with sleep and appetite disturbances;
  • redness of the throat;
  • the appearance of a rash;
  • slight increase in temperature.

TO local reactions include hyperemia (redness) and swelling of the tissue at the site where the vaccine was administered.

How is the measles, rubella, and mumps vaccine tolerated at 6 years of age? - the manifestations are still the same as at 1 year. In addition, sometimes there are allergic reactions in the form of a rash at the injection site or throughout the body. On top of that, bacterial complications occur in the form of bronchitis, sore throat, otitis, which is often the result of improper behavior before or after vaccination. There are also specific symptoms for vaccination. They do not apply to all components of the polyvaccine, but to its specific components.

Reactions and complications to the measles component of the vaccine. Some conditions after vaccination should not be taken into account; many of them are quite natural reaction body for the introduction of protective antibodies. But forewarned means forearmed. It is much easier to cope with the consequences of vaccination when you have heard about them.

The measles, rubella, mumps vaccine has the greatest reactogenicity due to its measles component. It is important to remember that vaccines with a measles component are live. Is a child contagious after vaccination with measles, rubella, and mumps? There is no need to be afraid of it; it contains significantly weakened viruses that normally do not lead to the development of infection. The body's reactions in children to the measles component of the vaccine are as follows:

  • local reactions in the form of tissue swelling and redness sometimes persist for one to two days;
  • Among the common ones, the appearance of a cough after vaccination is measles, rubella, mumps, which can appear on days 6–11, like other reactions;
  • appetite may decrease;
  • in rare cases, nosebleeds appear;
  • temperature increase from slight (37.2 °C) to severe (more than 38.5 °C);
  • rashes after vaccination with measles, rubella, mumps in rare cases resemble the active development of measles infection, which is typical immediately on the head, and then on the torso and limbs.

As noted above, it is the measles component of this complex vaccine that most often leads to complications. Complications do occur, but nevertheless they do not happen very often and develop from 6 to 11 days. These include the following conditions:

  • a severe toxic reaction that lasts no more than five days with an increase in temperature of at least 38.5 ° C, rash, pain and redness of the throat, weakness, enlarged lymph nodes;
  • there are cases of involvement of the central nervous system in the inflammatory process with the development of seizures and the appearance of symptoms of post-vaccination encephalitis (inflammation of the brain);
  • an allergy to a vaccine containing protection against measles, rubella, mumps is characterized by various rashes on the body, there is angioedema in severe cases anaphylactic shock.

The body's reaction to the component of the mumps vaccine. The vaccine containing protective antibodies against mumps is easily tolerated, despite the fact that it is also a live attenuated vaccine. All reactions appear more often after 8 days and reach a maximum on days 14–16. Sometimes observed:

  • slight enlargement of the parotid salivary glands for one to three days;
  • redness of the throat, rhinitis;
  • short-term rise in temperature.

How long does the temperature last? - no more than two days.

Unlike complications of antibodies against measles, the consequences of the mumps component are less pronounced and rare.

  1. Toxic reactions that appear on days 8–14 with an increase in temperature and sharp deterioration well-being.
  2. Damage to the nervous system with symptoms of meningitis (headaches, weakness, convulsions, nausea, vomiting).
  3. Allergic reactions are possible. They are rarely observed, in most cases in children with frequent allergies for food, medicines, preservatives.

Possible reactions to rubella protection. Prevention of rubella in multicomponent vaccine represented by living weakened virus cells. In children, reactions are rare and are not severe in nature.

  1. Enlarged lymph nodes after vaccination with measles, rubella, mumps and redness of the injection site.
  2. A slight increase in temperature for one, maximum two days.
  3. Very rarely, arthralgia or the appearance of pain in the joint area occurs with little stress and at rest.

If, after vaccination with measles, rubella, mumps, a rash appears in the form of small roseola (small reddish spots) or spots purple- this is a complication of the rubella component.

How to cope with the consequences of vaccination? Reactions in the form of redness and swelling are normal. Thus, inflammation with big amount blood cells, making the immune response faster and more effective. Even if the reaction lasts for two days, there is no need to panic. Conventional anti-inflammatory, antiallergic and antipyretic drugs will help cope with such symptoms. If significant complications occur after vaccination with measles, rubella, mumps, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. In some cases, more serious medicines, observation by health care workers or hospitalization.

Contraindications for vaccination: measles, rubella, mumps Not everyone is eligible for the use of medications that protect against these infections. In all cases, contraindications can be divided into permanent and temporary.

Permanent contraindications to vaccination:

  • severe reaction or severe complication to the administration of a previous vaccine;
  • any conditions or diseases accompanied by a sharp decrease in immunity: AIDS, malignant diseases blood, oncological processes;
  • vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps is contraindicated if a person is allergic to aminoglycosides and egg white.

Temporary contraindications to vaccination:

  • chemotherapy that suppresses the immune system;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases or ARVI;
  • administration of immunoglobulin or blood components, then the vaccination is done no earlier than three months later.

How to behave before vaccination? How can I help my child tolerate vaccination more easily? It is easier to prepare for this unpleasant procedure than to deal with many complications later.

  1. In the morning before vaccination, the child should be examined for general well-being, carry out thermometry.
  2. Show the child to the doctor. A little advice Moms: no need to stand in line with your child at the clinic! It’s better that while mom is standing in line to see the doctor, let dad or grandma walk with him on the street at this time to avoid contact with infected children.
  3. Based on the indications, the doctor may refer you for general tests.
  4. Children with damage to the nervous system need special preparation for the measles, rubella, and mumps vaccination. If a child has a chronic disease of the nervous system, before vaccination it is better to additionally consult with a neurologist who can prescribe anticonvulsants.
  5. Children with chronic diseases are vaccinated during a period of stable remission. If a child is forced to constantly take medications to treat a chronic disease, vaccination against these infections is done as part of the main treatment.
  6. The day before, you should not visit places with large crowds of people, especially during the development of acute infectious diseases.

What should you not do after vaccination? In order not to confuse vaccination complications with other similar conditions, you need to be on guard even after immunization.

  1. For 30 minutes after vaccination, remain under the supervision of health workers and do not go far from the clinic.
  2. Is it possible to bathe a child after vaccination with measles, rubella, mumps? - yes, you can. But it is better to take a shower on the day of vaccination without a long bath or rubbing the injection site with a sponge.
  3. You cannot eat unfamiliar foods or introduce new exotic dishes to avoid allergies.
  4. Is it possible to go for a walk after being vaccinated against measles, rubella, and mumps? If the weather is good outside and the child falls asleep better, walks cannot be canceled. You need to avoid playgrounds and walks in crowded places so as not to become infected with ARVI, which is sometimes mistakenly mistaken for a complication of vaccination.

It is important to stock up on the necessary medications in advance and discuss with your doctor possible consequences vaccinations.

Types of vaccines used. There is no domestic three-component vaccine for measles, rubella and mumps. Now in clinics there is only a two-component version with protection against measles and mumps, which is a certain inconvenience, because you will have to do another additional injection against rubella. But in terms of portability they are not inferior to foreign ones. Among the imported vaccines against measles, rubella, mumps, the following have been successfully used for many years:

  • MMR against measles, mumps and rubella, which is produced by a joint American-Dutch company;
  • Belgian Priorix;
  • English "Ervevax".

Vaccinations made with imported vaccines are much more convenient. The protection of each against measles, rubella and mumps is not inferior Russian analogue. But unlike domestic vaccines, you will have to pay for imported ones yourself, and they cost a lot. Another disadvantage is the need to search for a foreign vaccine. You will have to take care of this in advance. You need to order it or look for it in others medical institutions, not forgetting about the conditions of transportation and storage of the drug. Which vaccine to prefer is the choice of the people who will be vaccinated.

Do I need to get the measles, rubella, mumps vaccine? Without exaggeration, we can say that this is one of the most important vaccines against infections in our time. WITH side effects vaccinations against measles, infectious rubella and mumps are easier to cope with than to correct the numerous complications of diseases caused by these viruses!

Childhood diseases such as rubella, measles, and mumps are considered quite common. However, these pathologies are not so safe for babies who have not been vaccinated on time. After all, each such illness is insidious in its own way and can lead to serious consequences. A yearly vaccination can protect your baby from possible complications. However, to this day, many parents doubt its feasibility. After all, on the one hand, they fear that if the vaccination is not done every year, then the baby will be in serious danger in the future. On the other hand, there is a fear that the baby will have a hard time with the vaccination.

Why is vaccination needed?

Doctors never tire of repeating that one injection can protect a baby from many pathologies. The great advantage of vaccination is that it preventative measure is able to protect the baby from illnesses that are no longer even remembered.

The baby is born with a passive innate immunity. If the baby is feeding breast milk, then the immature organism receives maternal antibodies. This makes his immunity stronger. Hardening and proper nutrition can increase your defenses.

However, such measures are not enough. After all, the baby also needs acquired immunity. It is a necessary complement to the natural one. You can only get it through vaccination. That is why vaccination must be done at 1 year of age. After all, acquired immunity cannot be obtained by other methods.

Is vaccination required annually? Measles, rubella, mumps are diseases that are rare today. To make a choice, we will consider separately each ailment and the consequences to which they can lead. After all, without vaccination, no child can be protected from serious pathologies.

Measles is a disease with consequences

The viral infection is transmitted by air. A baby can become infected from a person sneezing, coughing, or simply talking. At the same time, the measles virus can spread over large areas.

The disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • hyperthermia (above 39 °C);
  • cough;
  • runny nose;
  • serious condition;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • appearance of a rash.

The infection is extremely contagious. If you come into contact with a sick child, the probability of contracting the disease is 95-96%.

Measles is extremely rare in infants under one year of age. After all, maternal antibodies protect the baby. But after 9-12 months they disappear from the baby’s body. And the child becomes defenseless against serious illness. To protect the baby from the disease, vaccination is prescribed at 1 year.

Children who have not received such vaccination are at serious risk not only in childhood. They can become infected as adults. During such a period, the disease is much more difficult to tolerate and often leaves behind a bouquet of complications.

Among them:

  • pneumonia;
  • otitis;
  • convulsions as a result of hyperthermia;
  • blood diseases;
  • temporary state of immunodeficiency.

A weakened body can become easy prey for any viral ailments. Therefore, think carefully before refusing vaccination. After all, vaccination for a child at 1 year of age is simply vital.

Why is rubella dangerous?

This is another viral disease transmitted by air. Children experience the disease in a mild or moderate form.

The main symptoms of the disease are:

  • high temperature (about 38 ° C);
  • general malaise;
  • headache;
  • enlarged lymph nodes in the back of the head and ears;
  • conjunctivitis (only sometimes);
  • small rash (initially appears on the sides of the body, arms, legs).

The disease rarely causes complications. In some cases, encephalitis may develop. The pathology is extremely dangerous for pregnant women. After all, this infection causes damage to all tissues of the fetus. A child who has not been vaccinated a year can become a serious threat to a woman expecting a baby. In addition, it is dangerous for a grown girl. After all, once she becomes pregnant, she will not be protected from serious pathology.


The disease is popularly known as mumps. An airborne viral infection that affects the parotid and submandibular salivary glands. They swell significantly and lead to swelling of the face.

The course of the disease is accompanied by symptoms:

  • low temperature;
  • weakness, malaise;
  • enlarged glands;
  • discomfort when swallowing.

Mumps is very dangerous due to its possible consequences.

An unvaccinated child may face the following complications:

  • pancreatitis;
  • orchitis in boys (inflammation of the testicles, which often leads to infertility);
  • meningitis, meningoencephalitis;
  • oophoritis in girls (damage to the ovaries, as a result of which a woman may remain childless);
  • death.

Such situations can be avoided if the baby is vaccinated at 1 year of age. Measles, rubella, mumps - ailments that do not have antiviral treatment. Therefore, the only method of protection against them is vaccination.

Post-immunization symptoms

Children can easily tolerate vaccinations every year (measles, rubella, mumps). A reaction to vaccination is observed in a small number of children. According to statistics, only 10-15% of babies experience minor post-immunization symptoms. Parents should be prepared for the manifestations that vaccination sometimes provokes every year.

The body's reaction to vaccination may be as follows:

  1. Fever. Some time after vaccination, babies may develop hyperthermia. Sometimes the thermometer even rises to 39 °C. Similar symptoms can appear within 6-12 days after vaccination. Usually, elevated temperature lasts 1-2 days. For some babies it can take up to 5 days. Hyperthermia is often accompanied by a cough, runny nose, weakness, redness of the throat, and body aches. If the child tolerates it very poorly similar condition, the pediatrician will recommend giving him an antipyretic medicine: Ibuprofen, Paracetamol.
  2. Allergic reaction. It appears in the form of a rash. It should be noted that such manifestations are rare. A rash in the form of red spots covers the face, neck, and arms. It may spread to other areas of the body. This allergic reaction does not pose a threat to the baby. The rash goes away on its own after a few days. Without causing any particular discomfort to the child, it does not leave any traces behind.
  3. Enlarged lymph nodes. This is a common symptom that occurs in a baby who has been vaccinated at one year of age. The reaction to the vaccine does not pose a threat to the health of the little patient. Some children experience enlarged lymph nodes throughout the body. Symptoms persist for several days. Then, just like other manifestations, it disappears without a trace.
  4. Pain and swelling at the injection site. The baby may be bothered by the area of ​​the body where the injection was given. Sometimes there is slight swelling and thickening of the tissue. There may be pain or numbness at the injection site. These symptoms are not scary. After a few days it goes away.
  5. Boys' reaction. Pain and discomfort in the testicular area may occur. At the same time, visually they swell and look swollen. Such symptoms can cause unpleasant discomfort baby. However, threats to life or reproductive function she has no idea. This manifestation goes away on its own within a couple of days.

Possible complications

After vaccination, it is very important to monitor the baby’s well-being. If a child becomes drowsy, has a slightly elevated temperature, or appears slightly unwell, this is a normal reaction.

It is recommended to sit in the clinic for 30 minutes after vaccination. At home, you should take your temperature several times. If it starts to rise, then the baby needs to be given an antipyretic, since in some babies the temperature can rise very quickly. Be sure to report any manifestations to your pediatrician.

Serious complications occur extremely rarely.

Sometimes a baby may experience:

  1. Allergy. Characteristic symptoms there is swelling and redness at the injection site (more than 8 cm in diameter). The pediatrician will prescribe an ointment that improves blood circulation (Troxevasin). In case of severe swelling, antihistamines may be recommended for oral administration.
  2. Neurological pathologies. Febrile seizures may occur after vaccination. Such symptoms appear only against the background high temperature. That is why it is recommended to prevent high readings and give the baby antipyretic medicine in a timely manner. It is best to use paracetamol-based medications.

Contraindications to vaccination

Before the annual vaccination is given, the pediatrician must examine the child.

Vaccination may be temporarily postponed if the baby is diagnosed with:

  • anemia (hemoglobin below 84 g/l);
  • colds, infectious pathologies;
  • recent illnesses;
  • slight runny nose.

Absolute contraindications to this vaccination are:

  • weakened immunity (primary immunodeficiency, AIDS);
  • allergy to vaccine components - angioedema, anaphylactic shock.

Vaccination calendar

Parents should understand that vaccination is carried out not only against the pathologies described above.

To determine which vaccinations are recommended for a child per year, you need to familiarize yourself with a special calendar compiled by leading doctors:

  • 1 day - first vaccination against hepatitis;
  • from 3 to 7 days - vaccination against tuberculosis;
  • 1 month - second vaccination against hepatitis;
  • 3 months - first vaccination against whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus (DPT) and polio;
  • 4.5 months - second vaccination with DPT + polio;
  • 6 months - third vaccination against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio;
  • 1 year - first revaccination of MMR (measles, mumps, rubella);
  • 1.5 years - first revaccination against tetanus, whooping cough, diphtheria, polio;
  • 20 months - second revaccination against polio.

Brief characteristics of vaccinations

  1. BCG. This is a vaccine against tuberculosis. She is one of the first to be made. The baby is vaccinated in the maternity hospital, since such an infection can very easily enter the body. It is not necessary to have close contact with a sick person to become infected. Vaccination reduces the risk of infection by almost 15 times. The injection is given in left shoulder. After a couple of months, a small lump will appear at the injection site. A BCG vaccination every year will leave a mark in the form of a neat scar. This is a guarantee that the baby’s body has the necessary protection against serious illness- tuberculosis. It is strictly forbidden to lubricate the injection site with antiseptics (brilliant, iodine). It is recommended to refrain from bathing procedures on the day of vaccination.
  2. DTP. This vaccination is repeated, according to the accepted calendar, three times. In addition, DTP vaccination is prescribed once again at one year and 6 months. This vaccination protects the baby from three extremely unpleasant diseases: tetanus, whooping cough, and diphtheria. After it, all babies develop immunity. This vaccine protects a child from diphtheria for 5 years. It provides protection against whooping cough for 5 to 7 years. Eliminates the risk of tetanus for 10 years. For 14 days after vaccination, it is recommended to limit the baby’s contact with others.
  3. Hepatitis B. This virus can be transmitted through blood, urine, and saliva. It is quite difficult to provide protection in the baby’s body. Therefore, doctors carry out the first vaccination in the maternity hospital, when the newborn is not yet 12 hours old. The procedure is repeated at 1 month and at 6 months. It is recommended not to deviate from this schedule, since the effectiveness of vaccination may significantly decrease. Children tolerate this vaccination much easier than other injections.
  4. Polio. The virus is intestinal. It is transmitted mainly through secretions. In rare cases, infection can occur through the air. It is extremely important to protect your baby from polio. After all, the disease can lead to paralysis. In addition, despite the fact that the pathology is rare, a live strain of the virus still lives in nature.

Opinion of parents and doctors

According to statistics, vaccinations per year (measles, rubella, mumps) are quite easily tolerated by children. The reaction, reviews from doctors and parents fully confirm this, it is insignificant. An extremely small number of children experience complications.

Doctors strongly recommend that parents do not refuse mandatory vaccinations. Their opinion is supported by facts. Several years ago, parents avoided vaccinations by deliberately refusing vaccinations. This led to many children having weakened immune systems. As a result, an outbreak of epidemic began. Statistics even show deaths.

Today's parents rarely refuse vaccination. Many of them, having heard about possible complications, they are very worried and afraid of vaccinations. But they still bring their little ones to compulsory vaccination. Moreover, it is they who later claim that the injection was quite successful. Sometimes there is a slight increase in temperature and a slight runny nose.

Worth thinking about

Parents who refuse vaccination need to clearly understand that they are responsible for the future of their baby. After all, how strong and healthy the baby will grow depends only on their decision. When faced with a serious illness, it is extremely difficult to resist it. And provide protection against disease and severe consequences possible with one injection.

Hello, our dear readers. In this article you will get acquainted with such a complex vaccination as CCP, and also find out how the child’s body reacts to the administered vaccine, and what consequences may appear after such vaccination.

Let's talk about these diseases

  1. compared to its vaccine partners, it is the most dangerous, as well as the most contagious, not only in our country, but throughout the world. In 0.5% of cases, the disease causes the development of encephalitis, which can be fatal. Significantly reduces immunity, which is why the course of the disease is often accompanied by secondary infections. The consequences may be the development of hepatitis and panencephalitis.


In our country there is no combined vaccine against measles, mumps and rubella, so parents choose foreign analogues, such as Priorix, Ervevax, MMR.

Parents should know that all reactions that appear after the administration of the vaccine can occur on the fifth and even fifteenth day. Such a slowdown indicates a delayed effect, because vaccines contain at least live, but greatly weakened viruses.

The body's reactions to the administration of this vaccine can be divided into local and general.

Among the locals there are:

  1. Swelling of the injection site.
  2. Soreness.
  3. Hyperemia at the injection site.

Typically, this reaction occurs in only 10% of vaccinated children.

General reaction:

  1. Hyperthermia. It can be observed a week or even two after vaccination. It can jump up to 39 degrees. Characteristic of 15% of vaccinated children.
  2. Skin rashes. They have a pinkish or reddish tint. On average, it occurs in 10% of children.
  3. Cold symptoms.
  4. Enlargement of the parotid glands (and salivary glands). Can be one-sided or two-sided.
  5. A serious allergic reaction if your baby is allergic to neomycin, egg white, or other components of the vaccine.

As you may have noticed, such reactions are observed on average in 15% of vaccinated children.

After the first MCP vaccination, my neighbor’s daughter’s temperature rose to 38.6 degrees on the tenth day and lasted for two days. The lymph nodes were also slightly enlarged. On the second day they called an ambulance, they were so scared. Since the baby was clearly not feeling well, she was given an antipyretic injection. The temperature did not rise anymore, the lymph nodes returned to normal.

Reaction to the anti-mumps component

As a rule, due to the penetration of live but weakened mumps viruses into the baby’s body, they are practically not observed specific reactions. If something appears, it does not appear earlier than after a week and intensifies after two.

What can be observed:

  1. Enlargement of the lacrimal and parotid glands, but not severe. Within three days after vaccination.
  2. A short-term increase in temperature, but insignificant.
  3. Sore throat, runny nose.

The component aimed at counteracting mumps infection has virtually no complications, and these occur extremely rarely:

  1. Intoxication of the body. It can appear either a week or two after vaccination. Hyperthermia is characteristic, and the state of health changes dramatically.
  2. Penetration of the virus into the baby’s nervous system. Symptoms of meningitis are typical: headaches, photophobia, convulsions, weakness, nausea.
  3. Serious allergic reactions, mainly in children who are allergic.

The highest reactogenicity of MMR vaccines possesses the measles virus.

The effect of the vaccine is manifested by the body's responses, which are considered as side effects, but do not require special treatment. The measles component may manifest itself as:

  1. Slight swelling and hyperemia are acceptable. Can last up to two days.
  2. Appetite may decrease and sleep may deteriorate.
  3. Cough.
  4. Increase in temperature. It can be either insignificant, around 37.3, or more serious, over 38.6 degrees.
  5. Nosebleeds are extremely rare.
  6. A rash is possible, but also in very rare cases. By external symptoms resembles the development of measles. First of all, they form on the head, then on the torso, and only then on the limbs. Has a reddish or pinkish tint.
  1. Development convulsive syndrome and encephalitis.
  2. Severe intoxication of the body. It can last longer than five days, with a temperature of about 38.6, characterized by weakness, rash, swollen lymph nodes, and sore throat.
  3. Even anaphylactic shock may occur due to an allergy to the components of the measles vaccine.

This component is also represented by live, but weakened viruses. There are practically no reactions to the introduction of this component:

  1. Slight enlargement of lymph nodes.
  2. Hyperemia of the injection site.
  3. The temperature can last up to two days, but it remains lower than 37.6 degrees.
  4. Severe pain in the joints, even with no load, in rare cases, arthralgia.
  5. Rash in the form of purple spots.

Complications almost never occur. However, although very low, the probability exists:

  1. Anaphylactic shock.
  2. Deafness.
  3. Guillain-Barre syndrome.
  4. Erythema.
  5. Polyneuritis, optic neuritis.


If it is necessary to carry out any vaccination, you must remember existing contraindications. There are cases when parents themselves do not know that their baby has a disease that can provoke the development adverse reactions, and may even cause complications. In any case, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of conditions that are unacceptable during vaccination. There are temporary and permanent contraindications.


  1. Allergy to kanamycin, gentamicin, neomycin, egg white.
  2. Quincke's edema.
  3. Reported complications after primary vaccination.
  4. The presence of malignant tumors.
  5. Thrombocytopenia.
  6. Immunodeficiency.
  7. HIV infection.

After reading this article, you learned what viral diseases the MMR vaccine is aimed at. You also learned how infection with these diseases threatens a child’s health. Do not forget that after vaccination they can develop as normal reactions(response to the introduction of foreign agents), the body actively produces antibodies that do not require special treatment, and pathological ones, the development of which requires urgent consultation with a doctor. I wish that your baby’s vaccination went without consequences.

So dangerous infectious diseases, like measles, rubella, mumps (or “mumps”), are usually characteristic of the childhood period of human development. But not everyone realizes the consequences of refusing to vaccinate children for these diseases, which can manifest themselves throughout a person’s life. If he is vaccinated on time, he is not afraid of measles and other diseases. In order to understand the danger of each of these infectious diseases and the reasons why it is imperative to immunize the younger generation on time, let’s consider the mechanism of the disease.

Mechanism of occurrence and development of diseases

This viral disease, like measles, is spread by sneezing, coughing or talking. Characteristic feature The disease is an increase in the patient's body temperature of more than 38°C, the presence of a runny nose, cough, conjunctivitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane). A rash appears on the sick person's body, general state the patient is quite severe. From him viral infection spreads further by airborne droplets over fairly long distances throughout rooms and through the ventilation system, which leads to rapid infection of children who are in contact with an infected child. In the first days, the disease is disguised as a normal respiratory infection, but upon careful examination, you can notice a rash in the form of white dots on the mucous surface of the child’s cheeks. Then the patient begins to experience complications - sharp increase temperature and gradual appearance of rash on different parts body until it is completely covered with this sign of the disease. This the process is underway along the child's body from top to bottom for a week. Then the rash goes away, and after three days they appear in these places. dark spots, disappearing within a few days.

Children less than 12 months old rarely get measles - they are saved by antibodies received at birth from their mother (if she was once immunized against this disease). This protection disappears in the baby after a year, and then the risk factor for measles increases significantly. If the child is also weakened by other diseases, then death is possible when infected with measles.

Adults can also become infected, especially those who were not immunized as children. They have a very hard time with measles because of various complications caused by this disease - pneumonia, changes in blood composition, seizures, inflammation of the brain. In addition, the infection reduces the level of immunity in a person, which leaves him defenseless against other viral diseases.

Rubella, like measles, is primarily transmitted through the air. Children tolerate this infectious disease quite easily, although in 30% of cases of infection the disease occurs in the form moderate severity. A child usually becomes ill two to three weeks after contact with a person with rubella. There is a rise in body temperature to 39°C in the first days of infection. The main symptoms of the disease during this period are headache, malaise, growth lymph nodes, sometimes conjunctivitis appears. A rash appears in the form small spots on the child’s limbs and sides of his body. It remains for 4-6 days. The illness lasts from a week to two.

Complications from rubella usually do not appear, but encephalitis is sometimes noted. The disease is especially dangerous for pregnant women - it affects the entire body, which can lead to miscarriage in the first three months of pregnancy, and in more late dates- to the birth of a still baby. If the child is nevertheless born alive, then he may develop congenital rubella syndrome, which is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • deafness;
  • blindness;
  • heart defect (congenital);
  • various lesions of the spleen and liver;
  • mental retardation;
  • change in blood composition.

The disease in a pregnant woman can go unnoticed for two days. The virus penetrates the fetus into the placenta. At the first suspicion of rubella, a woman should undergo a special examination.

Mumps (“mumps”) is an infectious disease that affects the submandibular (salivary) glands and those located next to the ear. It is also transmitted by airborne droplets. The affected organs swell. Mumps has a lower ability to spread than measles or rubella. When isolating a sick child in separate room it is possible to protect other children or adults from infection.

In the first days, mumps manifests itself in the form of malaise and low temperature. Then, within three days, the sick child's salivary glands become enlarged and he has difficulty swallowing and chewing. On the mucous membrane of the cheeks, on the affected side, the excretory nipple of the gland appears. Complications caused by the disease:

  • pancreatitis;
  • meningitis;
  • inflammation of both testicles in men (orchitis) and ovaries in women (ophitis), which can lead to infertility;
  • There were cases of death.

All of the above infectious diseases (measles, rubella, mumps) are caused by viruses against which there is no medicines. Therefore, to combat them, immunization of the population is used.

Protective agents used (vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps)

IN Russian Federation Vaccination (measles, mumps) is carried out in the form of vaccinations for children. It is carried out using products produced in domestic factories. To combat rubella, the vaccine is purchased by the state abroad. Immunization is free for the younger generation. The vaccination campaign covers children aged one to six years. If a teenager has not been immunized in a timely manner, then revaccination against measles, rubella, and mumps is given to him at 12-13 years of age. During standard vaccination, children receive two shots (measles and mumps vaccine and rubella serum).

An alternative option is imported vaccination(measles, rubella vaccine), containing purified viruses of all three diseases together. This is also done for free.

All these immunization preparations contain weakened strains of the pathogens of these diseases. They do not infect a person with disease, but help the body produce antibodies to create a protective barrier during infection. Here are some of the vaccines used:

  • monopreparations and divaccines L-3 and L-16 - used as a vaccination against measles and mumps;
  • RUVAX - anti-measles serum;
  • monovaccines RUDIVAX and EVVAX - imported, used to combat rubella;
  • PRIORIX - contains strains of all three diseases, associated vaccine (measles, mumps and rubella).

Russia does not produce anti-rubella drugs and uses Indian-made drugs for immunization within the framework of the national program. Reviews about foreign vaccinations (measles, mumps) are most positive.

All these drugs are available in dry form. They come with a solvent in a separate ampoule or bottle. Dilute the powder in it and immediately use the drug for its intended purpose, otherwise the vaccine will lose its properties due to exposure to heat and light.

The main method of introducing a vaccine into a child’s body is subcutaneous injection. The place where the injection is given is the deltoid muscle of the shoulder or the area under the person's shoulder blade.

Monovaccines (measles vaccination) and three-component preparations can be administered simultaneously with any vaccines, but not with BCG.

Medicines such as immunoglobulin are recommended for use as a blood transfusion for a child two weeks after immunization against measles and other infectious diseases. If vaccination must be carried out after using immunoglobulin, then the deadline for its implementation is no earlier than three months after the use of blood transfusion drugs.

The child’s body’s response to immunization (vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps)

In general, none of the vaccines used causes rejection in children. In 9-11% of vaccinated children, during the first two days, slight swelling or redness may appear at the injection site. All these consequences usually go away on their own.

The body's normal reaction to measles vaccination in 12-16% of children is redness, which appears within a week to two weeks after vaccination. At this time, they may exhibit the following symptoms:

  • mild cough;
  • runny nose;
  • Sometimes there is an increase in body temperature in children up to 38°C.

When immunized for mumps, a reaction to the vaccine is very rare. If this happens, the child’s temperature rises, signs of a runny nose appear and the pharynx becomes red. Another type of reaction to such a vaccination is an increase in the size of the glands near the child’s ears. These symptoms may occur one to three weeks after vaccination.

When vaccinated against rubella, 10% of children develop a reaction within 4 to 14 days: body temperature rises, cough and runny nose appear. Sometimes a child develops a false rubella rash and enlarged lymph nodes.

When an adult is vaccinated, he or she may experience joint pain.

If a triple combination serum is used instead of a monovaccine, then within the time periods indicated above, a person may experience symptoms of all types of reactions to immunization. If such signs appear during the first week and persist later (two weeks after vaccination), you should consult a doctor. This usually means that the child is sick. Most often these are diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The specialist will prescribe necessary medications, and in a week the patient will recover.

Complications after immunization (measles, rubella vaccination)

These consequences of vaccinations include:

  • allergic reactions of the body;
  • the possibility of damage to the child’s nervous system;
  • diseases caused by the vaccine itself.

Allergy in children does not manifest itself to the vaccine itself, but to other components included in it - the remnants of the protein media on which the main virus was grown.

The vaccine produced in Russia contains quail protein. Serums imported from abroad contain its chicken analogue. Feedback from experts shows that the quality of Russian raw materials is higher. The allergy occurs on the second day after the vaccination is given - swelling appears at the injection site and redness spreads within a radius of 4 centimeters from it. The following drugs are used for treatment:

  • various ointments to improve blood circulation;
  • hormonal gels;
  • antiallergic drugs for oral administration;
  • the same medications for intramuscular injection.

Sometimes allergic complications manifest themselves in the form of a rash or hives.

Lesions of the nervous system are characterized by so-called fibrous spasms. They occur on the tenth day after vaccination against measles, rubella or mumps, and are accompanied by a fever of up to 39°C. Children under three years of age are predisposed to such symptoms, so doctors believe that special treatment in such cases is not required.

Antipyretic drugs (for example, paracetamol) are used. But if the cramps last for a long time, then you should urgently consult a doctor and conduct an examination to exclude further complications.

The vaccine itself can cause diseases, which are the child’s body’s reaction to live strains of bacteria:

  • brain damage - measles encephalitis;
  • serous meningitis.

Such diseases occur rarely. They mainly affect children with impaired immunity.. Treatment requires examination by a doctor.

Preventing complications (vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps)

Prevention of reactions of a child’s body to vaccination involves the use of the following methods:

  • children with a predisposition to allergic complications are administered antiallergic medications along with serum;
  • child with affected nervous system And chronic diseases carry out special therapy after vaccination;
  • children who are often sick or have foci of chronic diseases (for example, sinusitis) after immunization should take interferon under the supervision of a doctor; this drug is prescribed to the child the day before vaccination and two weeks after it; the child must be protected from any sick infectious disease people within two weeks after vaccination;
  • contraindications for immunization are acute or chronic diseases child, in this case vaccination is carried out a month after complete recovery;
  • Children with AIDS or undergoing treatment for cancer cannot be immunized.

In any case, the doctor should strive to take into account all possible negative consequences vaccination and revaccination against measles, rubella, mumps for each individual child.