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Baldness in animals treatment. What causes baldness and what can be done about it? Causes of appearance and risk group

Any owner is happy if his dog is cheerful, cheerful and looks great. A healthy coat is one of the main signs of a dog’s well-being. The pet can be shaggy or smooth-haired, snow-white or spotted, but, first of all, the hair should not fall out much. Baldness or alopecia has both natural causes, so various diseases. Every owner should be able to understand the types of alopecia and know when to seek help.

Alopecia may be varying degrees expressiveness, depending on its sources. This may be focal hair loss or massive alopecia, causing suffering to the pet.

The causes of alopecia can be different: from ordinary seasonal shedding to serious diseases.

Normal seasonal shedding

The most common cause of hair loss. On average, a dog sheds twice a year. There are more shedding dogs: huskies, spitzes. There are less shedding dogs - pinschers. If a dog lives in a hot climate, it will shed more often.

It is easy to understand that a dog is shedding:

  • it itches a little;
  • the dog's health is good;
  • hair falls out moderately, without creating openly bald areas;
  • if you comb your pet, you will find more beautiful and shiny fur;
  • occurs in the off-season - spring-autumn.

Important! Brushing your dog two to three times a day significantly speeds up shedding.

Poor nutrition

The dog's coat and skin are very dependent on the content of vitamins in the diet - biotin, vitamins B, C. Often, owners choose to feed natural food, considering it useful. But they forget that dogs need both vegetables and fruits. As a result, the dog does not receive enough minerals and vitamins and alopecia develops.

A dog that doesn't eat well will have dull hair and fall out.

At first, the dog's coat will become dull and unhealthy. Gradually, usually as a continuation of seasonal molting, the hair will begin to fall out more and more actively. Completely bald areas may appear. This alopecia is common in dogs receiving natural nutrition, and it practically never occurs in pets receiving it.

Hormonal problems

Endocrine pathologies are not so common in dogs. But in some cases they become the cause of alopecia. Hormones control absolutely everything metabolic processes in the pet's body. Including hair growth.

The source of hormonal endocrinopathy can be:

  • hypothyroidism – lack of hormones thyroid gland;
  • hyperandrenocorticism – excess cortisol in the blood;
  • alopecia X – , Pomeranian Spitz, Husky, .

Endocrine alopecia most often affects adult or older dogs. It is characterized by massive hair loss all over the body. Dry skin appears, scratching and irritation may occur.

Alopecia after haircut

Early symptom endocrine disease can be considered alopecia after grooming a dog. Typically, this happens if the dog needs surgery and the hair is shaved off with a clipper. Dogs with thick undercoat are most susceptible to this type of baldness - huskies, malamutes, and chow chows.

Some dogs' fur grows very slowly after grooming, which indicates health problems.

Sometimes hair growth is delayed for several weeks, and sometimes for up to several years.


Often dogs are allergic. Most often, it is chicken or corn. There are allergies to the components of the shampoo used to wash the dog. In this case, alopecia is often focal. The dog is actively itching and whining.

Hair loss due to allergies is accompanied by a deterioration in the pet’s general well-being - he may refuse to eat and walk. If the cause of the allergy is in the food, then watery eyes appear. Places of increased alopecia are behind the ears, neck, under the paws, on the stomach. The skin of these areas is dry, scratches and sores appear that become infected.

In fact, with allergic alopecia, the dog itself causes the deterioration of its condition due to the fact that it constantly itches. A diet that excludes the suspected allergen can help in diagnosis.


Moving, losing an owner, or losing another pet companion can lead to alopecia in a dog. In this case, hair loss is usually diffuse throughout the body. The dog refuses to eat and walk. There are no changes in blood and urine tests.

In this case, vitamins and special high-calorie foods help. In the treatment of such alopecia, a lot of attention should be paid to communication with the pet and arranging a calm, quiet place for it.


The body of a pregnant dog actively needs nutrients, including vitamins. , often undergoes alopecia due to hormonal imbalance, anxiety and lack of vitamins.

The dog must always have free access to water and high-calorie food. You should provide her with peace - the dog should have a quiet place where the pregnant pet can rest from excessive attention, especially from children.

Alopecia can occur in pregnant dogs if they do not receive adequate nutrition.

Various infections

A large number of infectious diseases may cause alopecia. These are viral, bacterial or fungal pathologies. All of them, in addition to hair loss, are manifested by other symptoms: loose stools, vomiting, weakness.

Diagnosis and symptoms of alopecia

The diagnosis of alopecia is made by external examination - the dog has areas of baldness or massive hair loss. The final determination of the causes of alopecia should be entrusted to a veterinarian. Only a specialist, through a thorough examination and additional methods research can determine the source of alopecia.

Methods of treating the disease

Treatment severe forms alopecia must occur with the participation of a veterinarian. Some infectious or endocrine pathologies can quickly lead to a deterioration in the pet’s condition, so you should not get carried away with self-medication.

But it is quite possible to treat alopecia associated with stress or stress at home. poor nutrition. First you need to transfer your pet to a full-fledged industrial feed super premium class, for example or .

If alopecia is the result of improper feeding, the dog should be switched to a complete food.

If natural nutrition is still preferable, then it should include a wide range of products:

  • meat;
  • offal;
  • cereals;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • seafood.

Additionally, you should definitely give vitamin complexes with biotin or brewer's yeast. These products are specially created to improve the condition of the coat and accelerate hair growth.

You can rub it into your dog's skin olive oil good quality, once a day. It helps soften and moisturize the skin.

Important! If the dog’s condition worsens, alopecia increases, or scratching appears, show your pet to a veterinarian as soon as possible.

Prevention of alopecia

To prevent alopecia, it is recommended to take a responsible approach to your dog’s diet. It must be balanced and contain everything nutrients and vitamins.

During shedding, the dog must be brushed daily.

During shedding, the dog should be combed. Every 3 months the dog must be treated for worms. Twice a year - in spring and autumn - your pet needs to destroy fleas.

If the dog belongs to a breed with a thick undercoat - huskies, huskies, spitzes - then maximum attention should be paid to its coat. And in any case of suspicious alopecia, show your pet to a veterinarian as soon as possible.

Having brought a furry miracle into the house, the owners become attached to it, and this miracle, over time, becomes a beloved member of the family. Shiny and beautiful wool in a dog it is a sign of health. If your hair starts to fall out a lot, you should be wary. The dog may be developing alopecia.

What is alopecia

A pathology in which a pet's fur partially or completely falls out. Not to be confused with regular shedding. Baldness or impaired hair growth are alarming signs in a dog's body. These may be internal or external deviations from the norm.

Owners of the following dog breeds should be especially attentive to their pets:

  • Staffordshire Terrier;
  • bulldog;
  • Doberman;
  • poodle;
  • Spitz;
  • chow-chow;
  • miniature pinscher.

There is no clear cause for baldness in animals. The process happens unpredictably and sometimes quickly. There is no clear treatment regimen or methods, so the disease is called “alopecia X.”

Alopecia X in dogs is not specific disease, this is a complex of symptoms and a combination of several diseases, which interferes with the treatment and diagnosis of pathology. The dog itself does not feel any particular discomfort; the absence of itching and pain does not prevent the pet from enjoying life. But it’s unpleasant for the owner to collect clumps of wool around the house and watch his pet go bald.

The cause of hair loss remains unknown, but some studies point to hormonal imbalance of sex hormones. This is usually a hereditary factor.

Large-scale baldness begins in some parts of the body, but alopecia in a Spitz dog spreads further. The tail, body, and hips lose their fur, but the paws and head remain fluffy.

The disease is expressed in different ways, it all depends on the causes. This may be partial or total hair loss.

Seasonal molt

Common cause of hair loss. At in a normal way In its lifetime, the animal sheds twice a year. The following dog breeds shed more often:

  • husky;
  • Spitz;
  • husky;
  • Saint Bernard;
  • Dalmatian

Seasonal shedding (spring-autumn) occurs in other breeds:

Virtually no shedding:

  • Basenji;
  • poodle;
  • Giant Schnauzer;
  • Airedale;
  • Yorkshire Terrier.

If a dog lives in a climate that is hot for him, then he will lose hair more often.

Signs of normal shedding in a pet:

  1. Hair loss does not create bald patches.
  2. The animal feels great.
  3. When you brush your dog, you will see a shinier, fluffier coat rather than a receding hairline.
  4. The dog is a little itchy.

To speed up the shedding process, you will have to comb it two or three times a day. pet.

Baldness in dogs can be caused by other reasons.

Unbalanced diet

Often, owners feed the dog natural food. It is beneficial if the diet contains enough vitamins B and C, as well as biotin vitamins. Don’t forget that the dog eats fruits and vegetables with pleasure, but owners most often miss this point.

Alopecia in dogs develops as a result of a lack of vitamins in the body. The fur will begin to fade and fall out much more. Bald patches appear, which greatly upsets the owners.

Dogs fed commercial food receive balanced diet, and the risk of contracting this kind of illness is much lower, almost eliminated.

Hormonal problems

Hormones are largely responsible for all metabolic processes in the animal’s body, including hair growth. Hormonal changes are rare. But when they occur, they become the source of the development of alopecia in dogs.

Causes of pathology:

  • Hypothyroidism is a lack of thyroid hormones.
  • Hyperandrenocorticism - increased rate cortisol in the blood.
  • Alopecia X is a combination of several diseases.

Endocrine alopecia most often affects adults or older pets. Especially males. Dryness appears throughout the body skin, hair begins to fall out, irritation and scratching occur.

Sometimes you can notice how your pet's hair falls out symmetrically. This is not complete baldness, but diffuse. The amount of hair, with or without clearly defined boundaries, between affected and healthy areas of the skin decreases.

Symmetrical alopecia in dogs is also endocrine in nature. The problem occurs most often:

There is no itching with this type of baldness, but it causes concern for pet owners. Unfortunately, this problem occurs very often.

After the groomer's services

Initial stage Baldness in dogs after haircuts is considered a hormonal imbalance. Most often this happens when the dog needs surgical intervention. Then the animal's fur is shaved with a machine.

Pets with thick undercoat (malamutes, huskies, chow chows) are at risk for such baldness. After grooming, some dogs have to wait a long time for their hair to grow back.

This is a sign of health complications and the onset of alopecia in dogs. The photo above shows a trimmed pet, happy and contented, but sometimes the fur does not grow back for several weeks, and sometimes even years.


Not only people, but also dogs can have allergies. This is usually a food allergy. The pet appears loose stool and my eyes water.

If your dog itches and whines, it is most likely an allergy to the shampoo used to wash the animal. This type of baldness is often focal.

Alopecia in dogs due to allergies causes them to refuse to walk and eat. Getting worse general state. Particular attention should be paid to places where alopecia may worsen:

  • behind the ears;
  • on the neck;
  • on the stomach;
  • under the paws.

Scratching, dry skin and ulcers appear in these areas. The dog itself worsens its condition by constantly scratching and infecting the ulcers. In such cases, the component that causes inconvenience should be identified, eliminated from use, and treated.

The cause of alopecia in dogs is often damage to the body by round or flat helminths. To avoid disease, it is recommended that your dog be given deworming medications every three months.

In such cases, the pet refuses to play, walk and eat. Stress can arise due to the loss of an owner, moving, or the loss of another animal to which the dog has become attached. In such cases, the dog loses hair evenly throughout the body, and stool and blood tests show no abnormalities.

On help will come good communication with your pet. You should pay more attention to him than usual. Create a quiet and warm environment. Give vitamins and high-calorie food.


The appearance of baldness in a pregnant female is often caused by a deficiency of vitamins, worries and hormonal imbalance.

Future mom should always be able to eat well and quench your thirst. A pregnant dog needs rest and does not like increased attention.

Diagnosis for alopecia

To begin treatment for alopecia in dogs, you need to diagnose correct diagnosis, which can be difficult. They will try to help save the pet and restore its beauty.

The main diagnostic methods include:

When there is suspicion of hormonal disorders, blood is drawn to check hormone balance. The activity of B and T lymphocytes, the content of proteins involved in iron synthesis, and the presence of antigens are determined.

Differential diagnosis- expensive tests are carried out, which not everyone can afford. But we can’t do without them. It will be impossible to determine the cause of the pathology and provide assistance.


It all depends on the cause of the disease; measures and actions will depend on this - that is, the prescription of how to treat alopecia in dogs. If there is a hormone imbalance, it is prescribed hormone therapy:

  • for hypothyroidism - "Levothyroxine";
  • for Cushing's disease, Mitotane and Trilostane are suitable;
  • for hypoestrogenism, after castration - "Melatonin".
  • selenium sulfide;
  • chlorhexidine;
  • miconazole

Areas of hair loss are lubricated with Fosmet solution. When large areas are affected, the following is administered:

  • "Melarzomin";
  • "Dihydrochloride";
  • "Prednisone."

To restore the coat after treating the source of the disease, the doctor prescribes the following drugs:

  • "Melatonin";
  • "Mitotane";
  • "Methyltestosterone";
  • "Trilostane";
  • "Lysodren".

During the treatment of idiopathic alopecia, it is used complex therapy with the help of drugs:

  • "Anipril";
  • "Prednisolone";
  • "Ketoconazole";
  • "Leuprolide";
  • "Cimetidine".

The combination occurs strictly according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor.

After the time has passed, it should appear positive result. If this is not the case, then the treatment regimen is changed.

Thick and shiny coat pet- a source of pride for its caring owner. That is why it is no coincidence that such a problem as baldness in a dog raises serious concerns. The cause of alopecia in an animal can be either natural reasons, such as molting, or serious ones. fungal infections or illness endocrine system. It is important for the owner to be able to recognize the type of baldness and take timely measures to eliminate the unpleasant phenomenon.

Read in this article

Causes of baldness in dogs

Veterinarians and experienced dog breeders share the reasons why causing loss hair in dogs, natural and abnormal.


The natural causes that cause generalized alopecia in an animal include, first of all, molting. As a rule, the phenomenon is typical for the off-season - spring-autumn. When pets are kept indoors in heated premises, some individuals may shed permanently, regardless of the time of year.

To the owner of the breed pomeranian spitz You need to know that shedding in these dogs is accompanied by extremely abundant hair loss, and not to panic when you see signs of massive baldness in your pet. Huskies and huskies also shed heavily.

Hair loss due to natural process is uniform in nature, no focality is observed. During shedding, the pet's general condition does not change; occasionally, the dog may itch intensely due to skin irritation from dead hairs. With regular brushing, the situation quickly improves, the coat becomes shiny and silky.

In some cases, focal baldness in the abdominal area is observed in a pregnant female before giving birth and should not cause serious concern to the owner.


The greatest concern among owners of four-legged pets is alopecia associated with one or another pathology. Veterinarians distinguish the following abnormal factors that provoke baldness in dogs:

    • Errors in feeding. Deficiency in the animal's diet essential amino acids(especially taurine), B vitamins, biotin, ascorbic acid, copper, selenium and zinc causes serious changes in the condition of the skin and is accompanied by intense hair loss.

Initially, the body reacts to a lack of useful nutrients with dull and tousled hair, subsequently focal baldness occurs. This reason typical for pets receiving natural food or ready-made feed of unsatisfactory quality. Mono-diets also provoke dog hair loss.

    • Allergic reaction. One of the common causes of hair loss in dogs is food allergy. In some cases, hair loss occurs as a result of an allergic reaction to medications and household chemicals.
    • Endocrine disorders. The cause of alopecia in a pet is often hormonal imbalance. Thus, with the development of a condition known as hyperadrenocorticism, excess production of cortisol occurs in the animal’s body, which is accompanied by total baldness. The cause of bald spots is often a disruption in the production of estrogen.

Hyperestrogenism can develop in individuals of both sexes. Baldness in the background reduced output estrogen is typical for sterilized females. TO hormonal reasons Hair loss in dogs also includes growth hormone deficiency and hypothyroidism. Lack of hormones leads to numerous dysfunctions internal organs and is accompanied by total molting.

  • Stress. The cause of sudden hair loss in dogs can be a strong psycho-emotional experience (moving to a new place, death of the owner, loss of home, etc.).

Veterinary specialists also include factors that provoke the development of baldness in a four-legged pet. hereditary causes. Most often, bald spots are observed in Dobermanns (color mutational alopecia), Malamutes, Chow Chows, Belgian Terriers, Rottweilers. Diagnosis of baldness of the tail, back, abdomen

Having discovered a change in the thickness of the fur coat in a furry pet, the owner should not delay a visit to a veterinarian. It is necessary to pay close attention not only to the condition of the coat, but also to general well-being animal.

Blood sampling for hormones

A study will help rule out the hormonal nature of alopecia in dogs. hormonal status body. Using a blood test, a veterinarian will determine that your pet has hypothyroidism, hypercortisolism, hyperestrogenism, which are common reasons baldness.

For the purpose of exclusion fungal infection of the skin, in particular ringworm, a veterinary specialist will conduct a rapid diagnosis using fluorescent lamp Wooda. A yellow-green or emerald glow indicates the presence of microsporia, and blue light means absence fungal disease on your pet's skin.

If a bacterial infection is suspected skin infection the animal is taken away biological material with further research to identify the pathogen. If necessary, a skin biopsy is performed.

A biochemical blood test and a thorough medical history will help exclude nutritional reason baldness of a dog associated with vitamin deficiency or deficiency in the body of essential minerals, such as zinc.

ABOUT skin diseases in dogs, watch this video:

Dog treatment

Therapeutic treatment measures are largely determined by the reasons for their occurrence. During natural shedding, the owner should pay close attention to caring for the pet's coat.

The dog should be combed regularly, using both regular combs and professional furminators. Water treatments shown only on the recommendation of a veterinarian. To wash your pet, you should only use special means for caring for animals in accordance with the type of coat.

If the main factor in baldness is an unbalanced diet, then the owner’s main task is to adjust the diet. In such a situation, veterinary specialists recommend gradually switching the dog to specialized premium and super-premium medicinal food. Ready mixes contain all the nutrients an animal needs in the correct ratio.

When feeding a dog natural products the owner needs to diversify the diet with vegetables, fruits, and seafood, which are sources of vitamins and minerals. The bulk of the diet should be lean beef. Dogs' diet should include lactic acid products - cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir.

In the event that baldness is associated with allergic reaction, a veterinary specialist usually prescribes antihistamines– Suprastin, Tavegil, Loratadine and others. The animal must be transferred to . Feeding a dog with premium and super-premium class holistic food often has a good therapeutic effect.

Hypoallergenic food

Cause of pet baldness ringworm requires the owner to strictly follow the recommendations of a veterinary specialist. The dog is assigned local antifungal drugs(shampoos, ointments, creams), in advanced cases systemic antimycotic agents are used. For pustular skin lesions accompanied by alopecia, the sick animal is prescribed antibacterial agents wide range actions.

The fight against baldness in a four-legged pet requires increasing the body's immune forces. For this purpose, the animal is prescribed a course of immunomodulators - Gamavit, Anandin, Roncoleukin, Fosprenil, etc.

Prevention measures

To prevent baldness in four-legged friends, veterinary specialists and experienced dog breeders recommend that owners observe following rules animal care:

  • Feed the dog food High Quality. When eating a natural diet, ensure a balanced diet.
  • By recommendation veterinarian regularly with for preventive purposes Give your pet multivitamin supplements.
  • Vaccinate against ringworm at the prescribed time.
  • Avoid contact with stray animals.
  • Follow the rules of grooming. Carry out water procedures regularly.

Baldness in dogs is due to many reasons - from natural factors (molting) to serious hormonal diseases(Cushing's syndrome). Comprehensive diagnostics will allow you to identify the root cause of the pathology and prescribe effective treatment.

Useful video

For information on the diagnosis and treatment of endocrine alopecia in dogs, watch this video:

The term "alopecia" means loss of hair.
The name "alopecia X" reflects the fact that the exact causes of this condition are not known.
It has been noticed that many therapeutic methods work in some cases and do not work at all in others, and the therapy methods may contradict each other.

Thus, we can conclude that alopecia X is not actually a disease, but a symptom complex.

Alopecia X has many names:

  • "Black skin"
  • Hormone-dependent alopecia
  • Alopecia treatable by sterilization
  • Follicular dysplasia of the Siberian husky
  • Alopecia after haircut
  • Alopecia due to excess adrenal sex hormones

Let's try to clarify the situation and summarize the available information.

Typical patient

Typical patients are Spitz, Chow Chow, Malamute, Norwegian Elkhound, Poodle and others.
Hair loss begins in adulthood, usually around 3 years of age. First they fall out long hair, remains like a puppy's fluffy coat. Bald areas of skin are smooth, not prone to ulceration, and without signs of itching.
Part of the problem is that hormone-dependent baldness is no different in symptoms from alopecia of other origins.

Finding out the cause and treatment
To find out the reason, it is necessary to conduct a number of studies.

Step 1:

  • Clinical blood test
  • Analysis of urine
  • Thyroid examination
  • Determination of the level of adrenal hormones in the blood
  • Skin biopsy

The purpose of the examination is to exclude conditions similar to alopecia X.
This means that conditions such as Cushing's syndrome and hypothyroidism need to be ruled out.

Step 2: Sterilization

The probable cause of alopecia X is an imbalance of sex hormones, according to at least, in some cases, for which it is sometimes called castration-responsive alopecia.
For this reason, the first thing they do is castration of females and males. Sterilization has many positive points, regardless of the presence of alopecia, the coat is restored in many animals (although not always). It is recommended to start treatment from this step rather than investing in complex and confusing examinations.

Step 2 for already sterilized animals:

What to do if the animal has already been sterilized or several months have passed since sterilization, and the coat is not restored? Next simple therapeutic method is the intravenous administration of the hormone melatonin. In approximately 50% of dogs, the effect appears within 6-8 weeks.
It is recommended to give the drug for at least 2-3 months until the initial effect appears; if the hair begins to grow, treatment is continued until cessation therapeutic effect(hair stops growing). After reaching the maximum hair length, the weekly dose is gradually reduced over the course of a month. If treatment is stopped abruptly, hair loss may begin again, and the condition may not respond to melatonin therapy a second time.
Melatonin has previously been used as a sleep aid. Some owners refuse to use the drug for their pets due to the sedative effect. Since melatonin is more likely food additive, how medicine, the difference in the quantitative content of the hormone can be significant in drugs from different manufacturers.

If neither sterilization nor the use of melatonin has any effect positive action, and the animal does not have Cushing's syndrome or hypothyroidism, then other treatment methods are possible, but they all have side effects negative effects.
The following must be remembered: alopecia X is cosmetic defect. The dog may look funny, but the condition is not harmful. The owner needs to choose between potential side effects And appearance dogs.

Additional examinations

An additional option in achieving effective therapy is a study of the level of sex hormones of the adrenal glands.
First, the first blood sample is taken, then the ACTH hormone is injected, and a second blood sample is taken for comparison with the first. Blood samples are tested for adrenal sex hormones.
The research results show not only which hormones respond abnormally to the administration of ACTH, but also allow us to select adequate therapy. The tests are not expensive, although they take several weeks, but they are very useful for selecting therapy.

Methyltestosterone therapy

If melatonin is ineffective, methyltestosterone is used next.
Before use, it is necessary to exclude Cushing's syndrome and hypothyroidism; during use, it is necessary to periodically check biochemical research blood, as this hormone can be toxic to the liver.
The drug is given once a day, as a side effect the dog may become more aggressive.

Additional Alternative: Lysodren

Lysodren is used in the treatment of Cushing's syndrome (increased secretion of adrenal hormones such as cortisone).
Lysodren damages the outer layers of the adrenal glands, controlling the secretion of cortisone by the cells of these layers. Severe damage to the adrenal glands can lead to electrolyte imbalances, which can potentially be very long-lasting (but treatable).
The use of lysodren can be effective in patients with alopecia X, since it damages those layers of the adrenal glands that secrete sex hormones.
It is important to understand that dogs who do not have Cushing's syndrome do not have excess levels of cortisone in their blood. The use of lysodren in such dogs can lead to cortisone deficiency, or to a more serious condition - deficiency steroid hormones adrenal glands (Addison's disease).
Signs of this condition include listlessness, vomiting and diarrhea. It is necessary to monitor blood cortisone levels in patients on lysodren.

A growth hormone

Previously, insufficient secretion of growth hormone was suspected in the development of alopecia.
The use of growth hormone is effective only when administered by injection. This drug is synthetic and free access he's not there. Its appointment may lead to diabetes mellitus, so it is necessary to monitor your blood sugar levels.
A course lasting 6 weeks can provide positive therapeutic benefits for several years.

In therapy against alopecia X, other drugs that affect the secretion of adrenal hormones are also used. The results from their use vary greatly.
This the following drugs: prednisolone, anipril, ketoconazole, leuprolide and cimetidine. Alopecia X - unpleasant disease, can last for years. Research on this topic is ongoing.

Alopecia in dogs is a pathological hair loss that leads to partial or complete baldness of the animal's body. The causes of the disease may be chronic problems with health, as well as natural ones, such as seasonal molting. In each case, the disease has its own characteristic symptoms and methods of treatment.

Classification of baldness

There is no generally accepted classification system for alopecia in pets, different sources They divide the types of diseases in their own way. Experts agree that canine alopecia can be divided into three types, which also have their own subtypes:

  1. According to etiology, they are divided into 2 subtypes: inflammatory and non-inflammatory;
  2. Localization classification is divided into 4 subtypes: nested, telogen, mirror or multifocal;
  3. Genetics: hereditary and acquired (Alopecia X).

Veterinarians use this classification of the disease to make an accurate diagnosis in accordance with the standards.

Causes of alopecia in dogs

Depending on the type of baldness, the disease can be completely different reasons. The most common cause is considered to be problems with hormones, so alopecia in dogs is still conventionally divided into two subtypes: hormonal and non-hormonal. Only in 40% of cases, hair problems arise for other reasons.

Problems with hormones

According to the latest data from veterinary scientists, it has been established that hormonal hair loss in dogs is associated with genetic problems. Official name diseases A Lopecia X means the mechanisms of development of problems and transmission through genes are not fully understood. Today, transmission through an autosomal dominant relationship is considered the most likely.

Most often, adult and elderly dogs suffer from endocrine alopecia.

Hormonal problems can be caused not only hereditary factors, but also acquired. The most common causes of hormonal problems that cause baldness are diseases such as hypothyroidism and hyperandrenocorticism. In the first case, alopecia develops due to insufficient production of hormones by the thyroid gland, in the second - increased level cortisol (Cushing's syndrome).

Most often, the endocrine nature of alopecia leads to baldness on the abdomen and hind limbs, chest, anus and genital area, and armpit.

Seasonal molt

Changing coats in dogs is a natural process. The condition is characterized by systematic loss of old hair at certain times of the year. Shedding usually happens twice a year, but there are breeds in which it happens a little more often. It is easy to distinguish seasonal molting from pathological baldness by characteristic signs:

  • Uniform hair loss without bald spots or bald spots;
  • After combing, you can notice better quality wool of shorter length;
  • Seasonality - loss occurs in spring and autumn;
  • The dog's behavior has not changed.

When changing coat, the dog may itch a little; it is important not to confuse this symptom with the appearance of itching from other diseases. This process You can speed it up by systematically brushing the coat every day during the shedding period.

Seasonal molting is not a disease and does not require any treatment. The hair loss should stop on its own within 2-3 weeks.

Poor nutrition

The cause of pet baldness can be an unbalanced diet with a lack of vitamins and minerals. Most often, coat problems appear in dogs that eat monotonous natural food. For healthy growth hair, the animal’s body needs vitamins B and C.

Dogs that consume dry or canned food do not experience problems with hair loss due to a lack of vitamins. Typically, such feeding is saturated with useful substances.

Baldness after grooming

Dogs with hair growth problems experience problems with hair growth after clipping. In fact slow growth coat is the first sign of accumulated problems. In this case, you must contact veterinary clinic and examine your pet. The doctor will find out whether the lack of new hair is normal or a disease. If health problems are identified, it is necessary to change the animal’s diet and administer medication.

Allergic reactions

Allergic dogs suffer focal baldness because of severe itching accompanying the disease. The animal scratches the area of ​​discomfort until bald patches appear. In this case, baldness is not due to hair growth problems, but is secondary symptom allergies.


Dogs, like people, can experience stress; Chihuahuas and Labradors are most susceptible to such disorders. As a result stressful situations the animal's body experiences a multicomponent reaction in response to severe stress. Scientists have proven that this condition of the animal can lead to hair loss, among other things (Yang E.V., Glaser R., 2001). The causes of stress are:

  • Moving;
  • First visit to exhibitions and competitions;
  • Aggression from humans or other dogs;

As a result of stressful situations, the most light form alopecia - diffuse. Symptoms of the disease may not be noticeable and everything will return to normal on its own. Complications can arise if the pet experiences stress very often.


The period of gestation of puppies itself does not cause baldness. Pregnancy entails a lack of vitamins in the pet’s body, hormonal imbalances and stress. In that special period The cause of baldness can be one of the factors or all of them together.

To avoid alopecia in a dog during pregnancy, you need to improve the animal’s nutrition and ensure a quiet life, without unnecessary stress and close attention, especially from children.

Symptoms of alopecia in dogs

Each type of alopecia has its own characteristics, and a single clinical symptoms does not exist. Depending on the cause and type of hair loss, dogs suffer from the following symptoms:

Differential diagnosis based on the symptoms of alopecia is impossible; to determine the causes and type of disease, you need to contact a veterinary clinic where research will be carried out.


First of all, the veterinarian will perform an external examination of the dog and take an anamnesis. Next, the doctor will choose one of the diagnostic methods to detect alopecia in a pet:

  • Biopsy;
  • Phototrichogram;
  • Glow with an ultraviolet lamp;
  • Biochemical, mycological and bacteriological studies of skin scrapings;
  • General analysis of blood, urine and feces.

An ultrasound may be prescribed to examine the functioning of the thyroid gland. The activity of B- and T-lymphocytes in the blood, the content of antigens and protein are being studied.

Best Treatments

Based on the diagnostic results, the veterinarian must prescribe appropriate treatment for the dog. There are also general recommendations, which are aimed at stimulating hair growth in dogs:

  1. Give the dog stimulating vitamins (Velkot, Polidex Super Wool);
  2. Increase the frequency of bathing your pet up to once a week;
  3. Castor and burdock oil with egg yolks.

You should not give your dog human medications to stimulate hair growth (such as Minoxidil). The consequences of using such drugs can lead to the death of the animal.

After poor nutrition

Alopecia after an unbalanced diet requires a gradual increase useful substances in the diet. Veterinarians recommend starting to give your dog fish fat, dairy products, seafood, add olive and linseed oil. Vitamin complexes containing vitamin A can also be prescribed.

Treatment of hereditary hormonal alopecia

A genetic predisposition to baldness is formed due to hormonal problems. Therapy is carried out accordingly with hormones. The effectiveness of this therapy is low, so it is used in combination with the use of hair growth stimulating agents.

Contact or food dermatitis

This type of alopecia has an allergic etiology and side effects. It is treated with a complex of drugs prescribed by a veterinarian:

  • Antihistamines (Diazolin, Diphenhydramine, Suprastin);
  • Antiseptic ointments (Ranosan, Saphroderm, Septogel);
  • Eliminating the allergen.

The use of such a complex therapeutic measures Helps eliminate symptoms of baldness within 2-3 weeks. In advanced cases self-treatment impossible, the dog remains in the hospital.

Treatment for hair loss due to infection

The treatment regimen depends entirely on the type of infection that led to baldness. First of all, treatment is aimed at eliminating foreign bacteria, fungi and viruses from the body. Treatment is carried out with antiviral drugs.

Prevention: what affects hair loss?

Preventive measures should be aimed at the overall health of the pet. Review your diet; it should contain the full range of essential nutrients. Veterinarians also recommend giving prophylactic doses vitamin complexes to improve health. Improves the condition of the coat special shampoos and balms.