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Indications for the treatment of dermatitis with hormonal ointments - a list of the most effective and safe ones with prices. Which drugs for dermatitis are better and more effective for treatment?

Allergic dermatitis is an inflammatory immune skin reaction to exposure to an external irritant (allergen). You can cope with the disease only by using complex treatment, which includes the following therapeutic measures:

  • following a strict diet;
  • taking systemic antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • use of funds local action– it can be a cream or ointment.

This article is devoted to the last component of the treatment complex.

The action of local drugs against is aimed at achieving the following results:

  • minimizing the manifestations of inflammation on the skin;
  • moisturizing the epidermis;
  • prevention of secondary infection;
  • activation of skin immunity;
  • intensification of the regenerative function of the epidermis.

Before using any cream or ointment, you should always consult a dermatologist. In addition, treatment of the disease involves observing all precautions: for example, you cannot smear creams on your face, armpits, or apply them to the genitals.

Corticosteroid cream or ointment is used only in short courses - no more than 2-3 weeks. To avoid drying out the skin, after local therapy it is better to use a light moisturizer (preferably children's or hypoallergenic).

Typology of creams by purpose

Depending on the effect local products have on the skin, they are divided into categories:

  • Anti-inflammatory cream. These medications contain corticosteroids that relieve itching and reduce inflammation. This group includes: Akriderm, Advantan, Triderm.
  • Moisturizing ointment. Allergic dermatitis in most cases is accompanied by increased dryness and flaking of the skin, which, accordingly, requires additional moisturizing. Moisturizing ointments include Elobaze and Locobase lipocrem, glycerin cream.
  • Anti-inflammatory ointment against allergic dermatitis without steroids. Such drugs fight itching and other symptoms of the disease, but are inferior in intensity to their hormonal counterparts. Examples: D - Panthenol, Bepanten.
  • Antipruritic ointment. Contains an antihistamine component, so it copes with rashes and itching - characteristic symptoms allergic dermatitis.
  • Drying cream. If the patient experiences weeping, this remedy is the best way out. It could be zinc ointment, Desitin.

Hormonal and non-steroidal local drugs

Ointments and creams are also classified according to the content of corticosteroids in them: if any, the ointment is called hormonal; if absent, it is called non-hormonal (non-steroidal).

Non-hormonal drugs are carried out using Cynovit ointment. This tool copes well with external symptoms diseases. Cynovitis consists of two main components that have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect:

  • dipotassium glycyrrhizinate (the substance is isolated in the laboratory from licorice root);
  • zinc

Cynovit also has an antiseptic effect on the skin, since the cream contains essential oils - shea, olive, jojoba.

Cynovit is prescribed when the patient’s allergic dermatitis is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • irritation;
  • hyperemia;
  • peeling;
  • itching.

Cynovite, thanks to the zinc it contains, has an antifungal and antibacterial effect on the skin, and also relieves the external manifestations of the inflammatory process.

To obtain maximum result and quickly, Cynovit is applied in an even, neat layer to the skin of the face and body twice a day (it is better to carry out the procedure immediately after waking up and just before bedtime). Cynovit is used for the treatment of allergic dermatitis for no more than two weeks.

Let us note a few more non-hormonal ointments that can be used to treat dermatitis:

Treatment of skin disease hormonal ointments should only be carried out when non-steroidal drugs have not demonstrated the required degree of effectiveness. The use of such medicines carried out only under the strict supervision of a dermatologist. The course of treatment is short - no more than two weeks.

Let's look at some local corticosteroid drugs:

  • Celestoderm;
  • Advantan is an anti-inflammatory hormonal ointment.
  • Flucinar is a very strong local remedy, used in especially severe cases.
  • Fucicort is indicated when allergic dermatitis is accompanied by a bacterial infection.
  • Akriderm is an indispensable cream for allergic occupational contact dermatitis.

The use of hormonal drugs for allergic dermatitis is contraindicated in the following situations:

  • the patient's skin is very sensitive to the components of the ointment or cream;
  • the allergy test gave positive results;
  • when the inflammatory process on the patient’s skin is viral in nature.

Folk remedies

Add traditional treatment allergic dermatitis can also be treated with ointments homemade. Before use, be sure to check whether you have allergic reaction on the components of the medicinal product.

So, at home you can use potato ointment. To prepare it, mix 100 g of grated root vegetables with one teaspoon of liquid honey. The cream should be used as a compress daily.

You can also smear the affected areas of the skin with celandine ointment: you need to grind the leaves of the plant to a powdery state, then mix with butter in proportions 1:5. This remedy for allergic dermatitis is applied to the lesions every day for a week.

Aloe leaves are also suitable for external use. sea ​​buckthorn oil, pink and Castor oil. Before using medicinal products, you must carefully clean the affected area on the skin, and then apply one of the above products. Treatment should be carried out once or twice a day.

Porridge from horse chestnutexcellent remedy from allergic dermatitis. It is applied as a compress to the affected areas.

Twice a day, you can treat dermatitis with a carrot compress - a gruel from the root vegetable is applied to the skin lesions of the disease.

Treatment of the disease at home is also carried out with Chinese tea - cotton swabs dipped in a chilled drink should be smeared on the localization of the pathology. You can also make tea compresses: the procedure should be repeated several times a day.

Treatment of allergic dermatitis involves the use of various local drugs that have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and softening effects on the affected skin. Various creams and ointments have an antihistamine effect, serve as additional protection for the epidermis and promote its regeneration.

Among the local agents there are hormonal drugs and those that do not contain corticosteroids; Medicinal mixtures also differ according to their intended purpose. In any case, only a dermatologist should choose the ointment or cream that is right for you.

Dermatitis is very common and affects both children and adults: it is the body’s reaction to external stimuli and on internal imbalance, which is expressed on the skin. For mild allergies, various herbal, antifungal and antibacterial agents, with more severe skin lesions, hormonal ointments for dermatitis help - potent drugs, which should only be taken under the supervision of a physician. Let's take a closer look at their types and application features.

Ointment for dermatitis on the skin

Hormonal ointment for dermatitis is prescribed in extreme cases when the locals don't hormonal agents do not work or when the disease threatens the patient’s health. Based on the strength of impact, we distinguish between weak, medium and strong drugs, all of them can be prescribed in combination with antibiotics, other ointments and creams. When are hormonal drugs effective:

  • in case of relapse of diseases;
  • for atopic, allergic, contact dermatosis;
  • at acute inflammations(especially during contact form of dermatitis);
  • at risk of developing eczema;
  • for neurodermatitis, erythema, allergic rash.

Hormonal skin ointments can have strong side effects (temporary, systemic), secondary allergies, addiction and even harm the body - they should be used with extreme caution, strictly following all the rules of the course. Such products are prohibited for children under six months, some for up to 2 years; in addition, they have a number of permanent contraindications:

For children

Children suffering from eczema and contact dermatitis are often prescribed new generation hormonal drugs: they are practically not absorbed into the blood, which minimizes the appearance of dangerous side effects. Another effective children's remedy is antihistamines, which suppress the action in the same way as hormonal drugs, but with less effect on the body. They perform well for treatment allergic rashes on the skin of the face, arms, legs.

Corticosteroids are allowed in children subject to strict control of dosage and duration of therapy; Each drug must be checked by a dermatologist using the method skin test. If a small child has the so-called diaper dermatitis, diaper rash on soft skin or chicken pox - it is better to choose other anti-inflammatory ointments; hormonal drugs will not be very effective.

For adults

Hormone therapy for adults – not as scary as many people think. Modern hormonal products based on previous versions provide good result and have no consequences if taken correctly. They stabilize cell activity and “freeze”, eliminating the inflammatory process. You also need to choose the form of the drug:

  • for dry skin, oily hormonal ointments for dermatitis are needed;
  • for weeping dermatosis - drying cream;
  • Soft emulsions and gels are suitable for delicate skin of the face, neck, and ears.

List of ointments for dermatitis

The classification of hormonal ointments for dermatitis occurs according to the class of the drug (from weak to potent), main components and indications. Hormonal components are hydrocortisone, flumethasone, betamethasone, clotrimazole, deoxymethasone and others, they can be either pure form, and in combination with additional substances (salicylic acid, gentamicin, panthenol, lidocaine).


To make the effect of glucocorticoid hormones more complete, drying agents are included in the ointments: zinc, zinc paste, salicylic ointment and their analogues. Complex drying preparations are Lorinden A and C, Vipsogal, Diprosalik. Many people can dry it as an additional, not the main action. hormonal medications, except for those designed to moisturize and soften dry, flaky areas (Elobase, Locobase, Advantan).


This is a group of strong hormonal medications containing glucocorticosteroids: they suppress the production of histamine, quickly relieve inflammation and itching, and fight the disease at the cellular level. They also have antifungal and antibacterial effects, relieve swelling; used for eczema, pyoderma, psoriasis, severe dermatosis with associated infection. Main names in this category by active substances:

  • Hydrocortisone: Pimafucort, Laticort, Cortomycetin, Oxycort, Hyoxysone, Sopolcort, Corteid, Fucidin.
  • Betamethasone: Akriderm, Beloderm, Celestoderm, Betazon, Belogent, Betakortal, Diprospan, Kuterid, Diprosalik.
  • Triamcinolone: ​​Triacort, Ftoderm, Polcortolone, Fluorocort, Kenalog, Berlicort, Nazacort.
  • Flumethasone: Localasen, Sinaflan, Sinalar, Flucinar, Lorinden, Ultralan.


Almost any hormonal ointment from skin diseases effectively relieves itching thanks to its antihistamine effect, which suppresses bacterial activity and eliminates its manifestations. Such ointments include medications with triamcinol (Kenacort, Fluorocort, Triacort), clobetasol (Dermovate, Cloveit, Skip-cap), alklometasone (Afloderm can be used on the face and genitals).

Why are hormonal ointments harmful?

The benefits and harms of hormonal drugs are almost equal, but if you use them correctly and in dosage, then most of the consequences can be avoided. The main rule: the course of therapy should not be long, but it should be completed gradually, reducing the dosage and the intervals between doses. Corticosteroid drugs can cause addiction and bacterial resistance if allergies are treated with one drug for a long time. What side effects can different hormonal medications have:

  • repeated dermatitis;
  • burning, allergy, itching;
  • rash, prickly heat, acne;
  • activation of fungal infection;
  • hypertrichosis;
  • hypopigmentation;
  • skin atrophy, vascular dilatation;
  • Cushing's syndrome;
  • adrenal dysfunction.

Contact dermatitis is an inflammation that manifests itself in the form of redness and rashes on the skin. Occurs upon contact with a specific chemical or allergen. Important role Local remedies play a role in the treatment of such a disease. For this purpose, the pharmaceutical industry produces various drugs. Let's take a closer look at which gel or ointment contact dermatitis most effective.


IN clinical practice There are two types of this disease:

  1. Simple dermatitis occurs most often as an immediate reaction in response to exposure household chemicals and care product. The severity of inflammation in this case is directly proportional to the duration of contact with the substance.
  2. Allergic dermatitis occurs in a delayed manner. In this case, the reaction occurs after the time that passes from the first contact with the allergen until the onset of sensitization of the body.

The disease occurs in the form acute process When the skin begins to turn sharply red, blisters form on it, which, if the course is favorable, turns into crusts. Sometimes, instead of crusts, a weeping surface and areas of dying tissue appear, followed by the formation of a scar. External signs are accompanied painful sensations, burning and itching. Chronic process has less severe symptoms.

Hormonal ointments

For contact dermatitis, treatment with ointments and creams is combined with systemic therapy. It is very important to exclude the action of the factor that provoked the negative reaction of the body.

All ointments, gels and creams are divided into hormonal and non-hormonal. Choice local remedy depends on the degree of activity and distribution pathological process, the type of disease and the cause of its occurrence, as well as the condition of the patient’s body.

Ointments are made on a fatty basis; their use is preferable for dry skin. If weeping is observed, then cream will be more effective. Medicinal lotions are usually applied to the areas where hair grows.

Hydrocortisone ointment

Refers to drugs with weak effects. Shown when various types dermatitis to relieve itching, inflammation and swelling. Eliminates unpleasant symptoms caused by skin exposure chemical substances and physical irritants. For small affected areas, it is applied under an occlusive dressing.

The ointment is not used in children under one year of age; it is contraindicated for osteoporosis, epilepsy, mycosis and diabetes.


Basics active substance- synthetic glucocorticoid fluocinolone acetonide. The product is available in the form of ointment and gel. The ointment is applied several times a day, and the gel is applied once. The drug should not be used if the affected area is large, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


The active ingredient of the drug is prednicarbate. Helps relieve inflammation by strengthening the walls of blood vessels, stabilizing cell membranes, and slowing down the formation of exudate. Dermatop can be applied to the arms, torso, and legs. In the first case, it is more effective to use a bandage on top. Do not use the drug if you have a viral, bacterial or fungal infection. The ointment is not recommended to be applied to the face. Use with caution in pregnant and lactating women.


Contains mometasone furoate. Available in the form of ointment, cream and lotion. It has virtually no systemic side effects unless a special dressing is used. Therefore, it can be used in children after 2 years of age; it is allowed to be applied to any area of ​​damage, including the face, except for the area around the mouth.

It is not recommended to smear rashes with tuberculosis, syphilis, viral infections. You cannot use Elokom against redness after vaccination. It can be applied in a small layer to a small affected area in pregnant and nursing mothers, but therapy should not last more than 2-3 days.


It contains a strong active ingredient - clobetasol. Helps eliminate the main symptoms of contact dermatitis, even complicated by oozing. Do not use the drug if you are hypersensitive, pregnant, breastfeeding. Dermovate is contraindicated for mycotic skin lesions.

Non-hormonal agents

Ointments without hormones are used in combination with corticosteroids or separately (for mild rashes).


The product is available in the form of a gel, which effectively helps eliminate skin itching and soreness, strengthens vascular wall in the area of ​​inflammation. The active substance is dimethindene maleate. The drug can be used in young children, starting from one month old . The product should be applied in a thin layer to the affected area several times a day.

There is no need to rub in the gel; it is better to provide air access to the treated area and wait until the drug is absorbed on its own. The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy, in the presence of closed-angle glaucoma, prostate hyperplasia and bronchial asthma. Long-term use over a large area sometimes leads to hyperexcitability nervous system(tachycardia, convulsions, dry mouth).


Radevit ointment is a complex of three essential vitamins necessary for skin care. It contains ergocalciferol (D), tocopherol acetate (E) and retinol palmitate (A). This composition allows you to improve the condition of damaged skin, accelerate its recovery, and eliminate areas of keratinization and hyperpigmentation. The product allows you to quickly get rid of allergic and inflammatory manifestations.

To obtain a positive result, Radevit should be applied in a thin layer, twice a day. If the affected skin begins to peel off, it is best to apply the ointment under an occlusive dressing. This enhances the penetration of the product into the deeper layers of the dermis and prolongs its action. Treatment with the drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and with hypervitaminosis.

Zinc ointment

The properties of the ointment are due to the content of zinc oxide in it. It should be applied up to 4-6 times a day. It relieves inflammation and dries out the skin due to excess exudate. The antiseptic effect of Zinc ointment helps prevent secondary infection . The drug is usually well tolerated and causes virtually no side effects. The exception is individual intolerance to the main or additional components.

Combined products

Treat skin pathology, including contact dermatitis, best in a comprehensive manner. For this purpose, you can purchase various combined agents. This allows you to get the effect much faster and simplifies therapy.

Fusiderm B

The composition includes fusidic acid, which is a natural antibiotic. It helps eliminate the influence of bacterial microflora on the surface of the affected areas. The second active component of this remedy is betamethasone. The corticosteroid reduces inflammation and eliminates the main symptoms of contact dermatitis.

The drug is not used for viral infection skin, because healing effect in this case is missing. The use of Fusiderm B is contraindicated for tuberculosis and syphilis. It is not used during pregnancy, since there is no evidence of the safety of the drug for the fetus..


Available in the form of ointment or cream. Both forms have three main active substances - betamethasone dipropionate, clotrimazole and gentamicin. This allows the product to suppress the growth of a number of fungi, eliminate bacterial flora and relieve inflammation.

Triderm is not used to treat syphilitic lesions when chicken pox and herpetic rashes. It also does not help if there is a tuberculosis bacillus in the lesion. The ointment and cream should not be used by children under 2 years of age, pregnant or lactating women. The product should be applied 1-2 times a day to intact skin.

Fleming's ointment

This drug belongs to homeopathic remedies. It contains calendula, witch hazel, aesculus, zinc oxide and menthol. The drug has a drying, regenerating, antiseptic effect. Not for use in pregnant women or during breastfeeding.

Treatment of contact dermatitis should begin immediately after the first manifestations of a skin reaction. Before starting local therapy, you should carefully study the instructions or consult a dermatologist.

Dermatitis - inflamed redness skin caused by contact with allergens. This disease is typical not only for adults, but also for children, even in infancy– this can be caused by a number of signs.

Bepanten ointment can be used even for children

Symptoms and brief description

Symptoms of dermatitis are a phenomenon that a person may not immediately notice. They can occur all at once, or several of them:

  • hyperemia;
  • rash;
  • peeling;
  • inflammation with discharge (in acute form).

Types of dermatitis:

  • photodermatitis is when rashes appear after exposure to sun rays on the skin;
  • atopic dermatosis caused by a food allergen or from the external environment;
  • contact type is formed by direct contact with an irritant, friction against tissue;
  • seborrheic causes over-allocation sebum, proliferation of skin fungi.

Dermatitis occurs at any age. The choice of topical agents in the treatment of dermatitis is based on a transition from weaker, hormone-free drugs to stronger drugs. Depending on the stage and course of the disease, hormonal ointments are selected for dermatitis, or vice versa. If the disease manifests itself in an acute form, then strong drugs (hormonal) are prescribed at the very beginning of therapy. In other cases, you can get by with non-hormonal ointments and creams.

Photodermatitis is caused by sun exposure

Ointment or cream?

Ointments are used mainly for flaky lesions; they have a transparent color and greasy texture, with slow absorption. The cream has a light texture and is quickly absorbed, but after drying, peeling may appear. The duration of the effect is ensured by the use of local therapeutic drugs. The result depends on the antihistamines and sedatives, which have antipruritic and anti-inflammatory effects.

In modern medical practice, there is a huge variety of various creams, gels, ointments to eliminate such unpleasant problem, which both adults and children face today.

However, it should not be forgotten that treatment external manifestation disease is not a panacea. The rash may reappear if undetected. the real reason and appropriate therapeutic measures were carried out. What to do:

  • Absorbing enough water will help get rid of dermatitis faster;
  • sorbents, by type white coal, atoxil or activated carbon - will not be superfluous;
  • take an antihistamine;
  • elimination of contacts with pathogens is mandatory;
  • hypoallergenic diet.

Differences between hormonal and non-hormonal ointments - important aspect, which you should pay attention to.

  1. Non-hormonal ointment for dermatitis. The main advantage of the application is that it can be used for a long time, both by adults and children, without harm to health. Have no influence on hormonal balance body. The downside is that with very long use they can cause allergies, and the effect will be completely absent.
  2. Hormonal ointment. Prescribed for acute manifestations of dermatitis, when treatment non-hormonal agent does not give results. They are divided according to the type of action into four types: from weak to maximally strong. When treating with the first two types, the process is quite slow, but the risk of manifestation side effects very low. The effect is short-term, although quick, as the body becomes accustomed to the drug. Render bad influence to all organ systems. And there is the so-called withdrawal syndrome. The drug cannot be stopped abruptly.

Naftaderm - ointment without hormones

Non-hormonal cream for dermatitis, like tablet drugs, is a medicine, the use of which without the consent of a doctor may not only not have an effect, but also complicate the situation.

  1. They begin to be treated with the weakest means, as needed, gradually moving on to aggressive drugs.
  2. The ointments are applied in a light layer to a clean, dry skin two to three times a day.
  3. Ointments are not rubbed into the skin, but wait until completely absorbed.
  4. If the lesions are on the scalp, it would be advisable to use lotions or liniment with a similar composition.
  5. If suddenly dermatitis begins to progress, then you need to stop the remedy and consult a doctor.

Hormonal ointments all contain glucocorticosteroids - hormones produced by the adrenal glands. The effectiveness of these drugs is achieved due to their effect on the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates. They are prescribed when the body does not produce enough of the hormone cortisone, which provokes an inability to cope with the inflammatory process.

Radevit is a non-hormonal mild ointment

Children's ointments for dermatitis without hormones

The causes of childhood dermatitis are as follows:

  • food allergens;
  • untimely replacement of diapers, inappropriate hygiene of children's skin;
  • synthetic clothing fabrics, bed linen, inappropriate children's cosmetics;
  • medicines;
  • air pollution;
  • infectious diseases;
  • tight swaddling.

For the treatment of childhood dermatitis, ointments and powders without hormones are suitable. In the choice of drugs, preference is given to antihistamine antiseptics. Here are some of them:

  1. Bepanten and its analogues. It can be used from birth.
  2. Skin cap and Radevit.
  3. Desitin does not treat infected skin areas.
  4. Thymogen cream or Sudocrem.
  5. Zinc ointment.
  6. Gistan is an ointment based on natural herbs. Has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  7. Exoderil is prescribed for secondary infection.
  8. Epidel should be used with extreme caution. When using it, avoid exposure to ultraviolet radiation. One of constituent components medications can cause the development of cancer.
  9. Wundehil is another drug based on natural extracts. Hemostatic, wound healing, bactericidal drug.

Exoderil helps with secondary infections

Ointments and creams with corticosteroids for children are dangerous because, penetrating through the skin into the blood, they can cause adrenal insufficiency or the development of Cushing's syndrome over time.

Hormonal ointments are used in rare cases when dermatitis in neglected form. It is especially rare to prescribe drugs with corticosteroids for children, and for adults for facial skin, since there is a high risk of thinning of the skin. You can also make a non-hormonal cream for dermatitis yourself. Sometimes, when the use of medications is impossible for some reason, you can use folk remedies, having consulted in advance with a dermatologist.

  1. To treat dermatitis on the hands, the following remedy is suitable: a few drops of retinol acetate in an oil solution (can be purchased at a pharmacy) mixed with baby cream.
  2. Mix St. John's wort and whole celandine flowers ( top part and root), calendula with propolis and vegetable oil. Grind the mixture thoroughly until smooth. Store in a dark, dry, cool place.
  3. Mix celandine powder with Vaseline. Use at intervals of four days.

Dermatitis on the face

Dermatitis is an inflamed skin rash accompanied by itching and peeling. The locations on the body are different. But most unpleasant place its rationale is the face. The first thing, of course, is to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Non-hormonal ointments For dermatitis on the face, they are perfect, by the way. They are used in a system with other drugs aimed at overall health of the body. Presents the following ointments:

  • skin cap;
  • radevit;
  • isida;
  • wevideam
  • sun protection cream.

Skin cap - preparations for dermatitis on the face

Non-hormonal dermatitis creams

The list of creams and ointments that do not contain hormones is simply huge - below you can familiarize yourself with the most popular of them and choose something suitable for your specific case.

Skin cap. Designed to eliminate unpleasant symptoms skin diseases, including dermatitis. Medicine wide range actions. The release form is not only in cream, but also in aerosol and shampoo. Produced in Spain.

Actovegin - odorless cream white. Helps accelerate the regeneration process, activating metabolic processes V integumentary tissues, increases blood circulation.

Zinocap is anti-inflammatory, antibacterial drug local action.

Desitin is a dermatoprotective ointment used for inflammatory processes skin and irritations. Prevents the formation of diaper rash.

Eplan has a wound-healing, bactericidal effect. Creates a so-called protective film that lasts for eight hours.

Bepanten is intended to treat dermatitis in infants, as well as to heal wounds on the nipples in nursing mothers.

Naftaderm is an anti-inflammatory and itching agent.

Histan protects skin from bacteria

Gistan is a topical antihistamine. Creates a film on the skin that allows air to pass through and prevents the penetration of bacteria and allergens.

Aisida is a new generation cosmetic product that affects the immune system and is also an antiseptic.

Radevit increases the protective functioning of the skin and eliminates keratinization.

Fenistil is indicated for itchy dermatoses of various types and burns.

La-Cri is a cosmetic product that restores the skin, created for use at any age.

Pantalfamarin is indicated for atopic dermatitis, quickly relieves itching and swelling.

Thymogen is an immunostimulant cream with anti-inflammatory action. Indicated for the treatment of a variety of dermal rashes.

Zinc ointment for dermatitis - the most universal and safe remedy. Due to the absence of toxic additives, side effects are kept to a minimum. Broad spectrum ointment.

Solcoseryl is a nutritional stimulant. The drug is based on an extract from the blood of young calves. It does not have a disinfectant effect, therefore it is applied after pre-treatment with an antiseptic.

Videstim contains retinol, which accelerates healing and regeneration. Indicated for accelerating and healing skin rashes accompanied by dryness, peeling, and inflammation.

Losterin is a drug for daily use for dermatitis, causing dryness skin. Can be used in combination with external hormonal agents.

Protopic is a selective inhibitor of inflammatory mediator compounds. Zorka stimulates tissue regeneration, nourishes and moisturizes.

Losterine can be used every day

When are hormonal ointments prescribed?

Hormonal ointments for atopic and seborrheic dermatitis are prescribed without fail. They are used in a specific sequence and in combination with other medications in the system. Their long-term use leads to a stable dilation of blood vessels. Such drugs give relatively quick effect at acute manifestations rashes, relieving the most painful symptoms. Based on the severity of dermatitis, corticosteroids may be used:

  • topical;
  • combined (in addition to hormones, the composition includes antibiotics)

The second type is gentle, with less hormone content. List of hormonal drugs:

  • Mometasone is a synthetic glucocorticosteroid. Has antihistamine, antipruritic, anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Dermovate. By reducing the formation of collagen in the skin, it has a non-specific antibacterial and antiallergic effect.
  • Triderm is a corticosteroid with a local antibiotic. Shows antibacterial, antifungal effect, relieves swelling.
  • Pimafukort. Indicated for dermatoses complicated by secondary or fungal infection, Vipsogal is intended for the treatment of psoriasis, has a general therapeutic effect on the skin.
  • Aurobin. Indicated for disorders of the mucous membranes of the anorectal zone and the skin of the whole body - an antipruritic, anesthetic, anti-inflammatory drug, Lorindel is prescribed for allergic dermatoses with keratinized crust.
  • Celestoderm. Prescribed to eliminate symptoms skin dermatitis, sensitive to corticosteroids, fucicort is indicated for inflammatory dermatitis caused by bacteria sensitive to fusidic acid.
  • Lokoid, lipocrem. Keeps it long enough positive result after stopping taking it, fluorocort is a vasoconstrictor anti-inflammatory drug, antihistamine action— according to patient reviews, it is quite well tolerated.
  • Betamethasone valerate. A decongestant, antipruritic drug, has low absorption into the skin, which reduces the risk of side effects; pulcortolone reduces capillary permeability, relieves swelling, itching, and inflammation.
  • Diflucortolone. Reduces the number of lymphocytes and eosinophils - in children it is used under strict medical supervision, for no more than five days.
  • Diprosalik. Indicated for the treatment of dermatitis on the scalp and other parts of the body, it disinfects and keratolytizes.

Hormonal ointments should, in strict order, be prescribed for use only by a doctor. Hormonal ointments for the treatment of dermatitis on the face are indicated short course, with sequential cancellation. The plus is high efficiency, minus – possible hyperpigmentation, stretching of the skin, as well as its death. May also cause acne.

However, new generation hormonal ointments are developed with minimal risk occurrence of side effects and are intended for long-term use.

Aurobin relieves irritation in the rectal area

Contraindications to the use of ointments with hormones

If the ointment with a hormonal composition is selected correctly and correct dosage, then the treatment is successful and without complications, quickly achieving the goal. However, there are a number of diseases for which it is strictly forbidden to use this type drugs:

  • acne;
  • mycoses;
  • herpes, chickenpox, shingles;
  • scabies;
  • venereal diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • diaper dermatitis in infants.

The most important thing is not to forget that only by eliminating main problem, you can forget about dermatitis once and for all.

Before purchasing ointment for dermatitis, you need to make sure that you have actually encountered this disease. Accurate diagnosis A doctor can diagnose it, but we will provide overview information on how to recognize dermatitis, what are its symptoms and causes.

Dermatitis (“inflammation of the skin”) refers to a group of skin diseases that have a different nature and course. These may be sharp solar or allergic dermatitis, diaper rash and skin abrasions, etc. The disease has a complex classification. There are seven types and two clinical forms (acute and chronic), different in characteristics.

Other signs of the disease, regardless of the type, are:

  • skin itching and pain;
  • exudation (release of blood fluid into the epithelium);
  • rashes and peeling.

The variety of characters determines the wide prevalence of dermatitis.

The “risk zone” is usually the hands, as the most exposed part of the body. Dermatitis occurs on the hands, between the fingers, as well as on the palms, wrists, and forearms. In this case, a characteristic rash appears, which is why the condition is sometimes confused with urticaria, psoriasis or eczema. Women are most susceptible to dermatitis.

Advanced cases are fraught with complications infectious nature. In addition, with long-term erosion, small scars appear on the skin of the hands. Lack of treatment in especially severe cases leads to atrophy of the epidermis.

For a speedy recovery from your diet, you should eliminate fatty, spicy and salty foods, foods with dyes and preservatives and sources food allergens(chocolate, citrus fruits, etc.).

The disease can be caused by physical (for example, frostbite), chemical ( chemical burn) or biological (“seasonal” allergies) agents. Hereditary predisposition is also a factor. The causes of dermatitis are divided into internal and external.

Internal ones include:

  • diseases endocrine system leading to hormonal disorders;
  • pathologies of the digestive system;
  • “nervous factor”: neuroses, stress, depression.

External reasons:


  • low and high temperatures;
  • UV radiation.

2. Chemical:

  • contact with cosmetics;
  • exposure to aggressive detergents;
  • reception medicines(including hormonal);
  • food allergy.


  • exposure to allergens of plant or animal origin;
  • fungal and bacterial infections.

Types of dermatitis are classified by doctors depending on the triggering causes.

Typically, dermatitis that “chooses” the hands is of an allergic nature. This form cannot be cured, you can only alleviate the symptoms. If the disease is provoked by an adverse physical effect or due to internal causes, therapy is most often successful.

The following preventive measures are recognized as effective: adherence to personal hygiene rules (especially during contact with aggressive substances), use of personal protective equipment.

Video - Dermatitis: causes, symptoms and treatment methods

Ointments and creams for dermatitis

If dermatitis cannot be avoided, you should seek medical attention. qualified help. A dermatologist will make a diagnosis based on medical history, visual examination and necessary tests and will appoint adequate treatment. The accuracy of the diagnosis and the speed of prescribing a therapeutic course determine the success of the latter.

The course may include treatment oral medications, creams and ointments - depending on the nature of the disease.

Let's look at the types of ointments that are effective against dermatitis.

Non-hormonal ointments

The “mild” form can be treated with ointments that do not contain hormones. Active substances they are aimed at antimicrobial, antifungal effects. These ointments eliminate pain syndrome, itching, often relieve swelling and redness, fight rashes.

In these cases, doctors often prescribe wound-healing creams that relieve irritation and help restore the skin.

  1. Cream " Eplan" In addition to dermatitis, indications for use include burns, eczema and insect bites. Relieves swelling and itching. Used as a prophylactic for contact with household chemicals.

  2. Ointments based on panthenol (“ Bepanten», « Dexpanthenol», « Pantoderm"and any other analogues). They soften and soothe inflamed skin, relieve swelling, eliminate dryness and diaper rash, and have an aseptic effect. Suitable for children. Also recommended as prophylactic agents.
  3. If dermatitis is found in small child, you can also use " Protopik», « Prograph», « Tacropic"and other similar ointments containing tacrolimus.
  4. If the cause of the disease lies in a fungal infection, the use of ointment will be effective " Radevit" and similar: " We see», « Retinoic ointment", gel " Isotrexin" etc. Active ingredient they contain the substance retinol, which has an antifungal and anti-inflammatory effect and accelerates metabolic processes in the skin. Often suitable for allergies.

    Radevit - ointment for the treatment of fungal dermatitis

  5. « Skin Cap"(gel). Used to combat inflammation, fungus, has antibacterial properties. Recommended for atopic, seborrheic, diaper dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, as well as prophylactic drug with excessive dry skin. Effective for weeping dermatitis.
  6. « Exoderil»effective against fungus (candidiasis); dermatotoxicosis is also indicated.
  7. Zinc ointment and preparations containing zinc oxide. Indication: weeping dermatitis. For an antibacterial effect, products like “ Levomekol», tetracycline ointment.
  8. « Actovegin" and analogue " Solcoseryl» fights hard-to-heal burns, wounds and almost all types of dermatitis. “Responsible” for tissue regeneration.
  9. « Fenistil“suitable if treatment is started early and the dermatitis is not yet pronounced. The product relieves pain and itching and has an antiallergic effect.

Is not full list medicines that can be offered to you in pharmacies. Remember that in any case, you need to buy ointment after consulting a doctor, and when using it, you should strictly adhere to the instructions of a specialist or instructions.

Refrain from using cosmetics for hands during the treatment of the disease! Their components may have a drying property or cause allergies. This favors the development of the disease and intensification of symptoms - up to the formation of cracks and secondary infection.Also, during an exacerbation, you should, if possible, avoid skin contact with water.

Hormone-containing ointments

Glucocorticoid-based drugs are used when the immune system is significantly weakened, strictly as prescribed by a doctor and in the event that another form of treatment has not given an adequate result.

Such ointments can only be used under the constant supervision of a specialist. They are designed for short course therapy (up to seven days) and gradual withdrawal of the drug. Otherwise, it may become addictive immune system to the medicine and a sharp exacerbation of the disease after discontinuation of treatment.

In addition, hormone-containing products have a number of other serious disadvantages:

  1. A greater number of contraindications compared to “hormone-free” drugs, including a ban on use during pregnancy and lactation.
  2. Long-term use has a negative effect on internal organs by breaking them normal functioning; a common reaction, e.g. renal failure and so on.
  3. Side effects of “delayed action”, including: decreased pigmentation, stretching, atrophy of the skin.
  4. Chronic excess of hormones leads to the development of Cushing's syndrome and, as a consequence, obesity, hypertension, mental disorders, etc. are possible in this case.

Effective hormonal agents, their effects and disadvantages are given in the table.

Trade name of the drugImagePurposeFlaws
Celestoderm Used for psoriasis, solar, radiation, intertriginous, contact, seborrheic dermatitis, neurodermatitis and various types of itchingAmong the contraindications childhood up to 6 months. Causes dryness and burning of the skin, increased hair growth, folliculitis, neutral dermatitis and atrophy of the integument
Flucinar For complications bacterial infections(lichen, lupus)Possible slowdown in epidermal growth, atrophy subcutaneous tissue. Not recommended for viral and fungal infections, perioral dermatitis
Akriderm Contact, seborrheic, atopic, solar, contact, perioral dermatitis. Psoriasis, eczema neurodermatitisPossible hypertrichosis, decreased skin pigmentation
Cutivate Neurodermatosis, seborrheic dermatitis, lupus erythematosusNot recommended for primary skin lesions by bacteria and fungi
Advantan Suitable for patients with high sensitivity to hormonal drugs. Range of applications: solar, professional, microbial and other types of dermatitisAdverse reactions: swelling, excessive excretion of potassium, diabetes, stomach ulcers, hypertrichosis, obesity, etc.

There are a number of others effective means. Indications, contraindications and possible side effects for them are listed in the instructions.

If necessary, the doctor prescribes the course of treatment again, but after a break.

Additional funds

  1. Treatment of affected areas for antiseptic purposes with hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, “ Fukortsin», « Resorcinol».
  2. Antihistamines effective for dermatitis: “ Claritin», « Tavegil», « Suprastin" and so on.
  3. Suitable antibiotics: Hyoxyzone», « Cortomycetin».

To treat the disease they use homeopathic remedies, often individually selected depending on many factors. For successful therapy, you need to consult a homeopathic doctor. But it must be taken into account that similar drugs valid only after certain period"accumulation" in the body. Homeopathy involves long-term treatment.

Homemade ointments based on natural substances are usually characterized by a minimum set adverse reactions. Products based on peach, sea buckthorn, rose hip, and St. John's wort oils are good. ethnoscience also recommends using oak bark, poplar buds, juice of plantain leaves and golden mustache.

But before you decide to make or purchase this or that ointment, do not neglect the consultation of a qualified physician. Only a properly selected remedy is the key to the fact that the treatment will bear fruit and dermatitis will be defeated.

Video - How to treat dermatitis with folk remedies