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How many months does it take for the body to recover? Extra pounds after childbirth. When the baby is brought

After childbirth, a happy and at the same time quite difficult period begins for a woman - life is built in a new way, because the appearance of a new little family member brings significant changes into the usual way of life. In addition, the woman herself also needs to recover after childbirth, and this cannot be done without restrictions. Fortunately, they are all temporary and you won’t have to stick with them for very long.

Recommendation 1. After childbirth, you should not sit if stitches have been placed on the perineum

A young mother should not sit after childbirth for 3-4 weeks until the tissues are completely restored to avoid suture dehiscence. It is necessary to adhere to this recommendation if a (dissection of the perineum) was performed or sutures were applied due to tissue rupture. This also applies to internal seams if the young mother had internal breaks. To identify them after childbirth, the doctor examines the cervix and vagina in the speculum; if there are damages, he must apply internal sutures to better healing defect.

But still, on the 5th–7th day, you are allowed to sit on the toilet or a hard chair on the buttock opposite the incision site after removing the sutures, in case of incisions (to do this, you should check with the doctor on which side the incision was made). And only 3-4 weeks after birth you can sit on soft seats (sofas, armchairs). This is due to the fact that when sitting on a soft surface, the load on the perineum and the developing scar increases. And when getting out of bed, you need to turn to one side to avoid a sitting position. This should be done slowly and without sudden movements. It is also better to feed your baby after suturing while lying on his side. Those mothers whose childbirth was without ruptures and without any complications, and also after a cesarean section, are allowed to sit after childbirth already on the 2nd or 3rd.

Recommendation 2. Sex after childbirth is possible no earlier than 6-8 weeks

Many young parents neglect such a recommendation as sexual rest. And this is understandable, but concern for the mother’s health, and, accordingly, the well-being of the baby, should come first. It is advisable to resume no earlier than 6–8 weeks after birth. Until that time inner surface The uterus is an extensive wound, and the cervix does not have time to completely close. These factors can lead to the penetration of infection from the vagina into the uterus (ascending path) and further development (inflammation of the inner lining of the uterus), inflammation of the appendages, etc. In addition, if sutures were placed on the perineum or abdominal wall, then the tissues need to be completely restored , and this is at least 1.5–2 months. It is also not uncommon that during this period, during sex after childbirth, a young mother may be bothered by pain, since the formation of natural lubrication in the genital tract is significantly reduced, especially if the mother is breastfeeding (this situation can last until breastfeeding stops), - from -due to a lack of the hormone progesterone and excess prolactin.

It should also be said that a second pregnancy may occur, for which the body is not yet ready. Many people don’t even think about this, being sure that this is simply impossible (especially if a woman is breastfeeding her baby). Indeed, an obstacle to the offensive new pregnancy is the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for lactation. If a mother breastfeeds her baby, its level in the body will be high, which ensures the absence of ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovary) and the impossibility of conception. When breastfeeding is stopped, complementary feeding is introduced, or the baby is put to the breast irregularly (less than eight times a day) with a night break of more than 5 hours, or if the baby is bottle-fed at all, the concentration of the milk hormone gradually decreases. As a result, its effect on the synthesis of follicles in the ovaries is inhibited and ovulation can occur. In addition, pregnancy can also occur with spontaneous (irregular) ovulation, which occurs ahead of schedule or late under the influence of some factors (hormonal surge, stress, stormy intimate relationships, etc.). Therefore, it is advisable to consult with an obstetrician-gynecologist before starting sex after childbirth.

Recommendation 3. You should not exercise immediately after giving birth.

It is advisable for a young mother to hold off on active sports after childbirth for 6–8 weeks to allow full recovery tissues of the uterus, abdominal wall and pelvic floor. Before starting sports after childbirth, it is advisable to undergo an examination by a gynecologist, especially if there were complications in the postpartum period or cesarean section (you should wait until the suture heals). However, you can gradually return to your prenatal activities, taking into account your physical fitness. It all depends on how regularly the young mother worked out before. If she devoted enough time to sports before giving birth or was a professional athlete, then, most likely, she will be able to continue training almost immediately, but, of course, at first it is worth reducing the intensity of the load and it is not recommended to perform exercises with jumping, running, squats, or lifting weights (more than 3.5 kg), as this can increase pressure in the pelvic floor, provoke involuntary urination or excessive tension on the seams. Also, very active sports after childbirth can lead to increased bloody discharge from the genital tract and even bleeding. During the first month, you should limit exercises that involve stress on the abdominal muscles, such as raising both legs from a lying position, bringing bent knees to the chest from a lying position, lifting the upper body from a lying position, scissors, alternate leg swings. These exercises may cause uterine bleeding or disrupt the recovery processes of the uterus. It is better to start loading the abdominal muscles with breathing exercises, bending and turning the body.

If sports activities were interrupted during pregnancy or the mother decided to start exercising for the first time in order to get in shape after childbirth, then you should start gradually.

Diet after childbirth?
Of course, after giving birth, women want to lose weight as quickly as possible, and many go on a diet, trying to get rid of extra pounds. But won’t such a desire for beauty harm the youngest mother and her newborn baby? So, a lack of nutrients and vitamins can negatively affect the pace and quality of the recovery processes occurring in a woman’s body after childbirth, as well as the composition of breast milk. The first two months after the baby is born are very important for full recovery a woman's body after childbirth. It is at this time that all her main organs and systems rebuild their work after the pregnancy has ended. Changes in the mammary glands also continue and begin, and milk production also requires additional nutrients and energy. Where will they come from if a woman is on a diet? The calorie content of food should be on average 2200-2500 kcal per day. It is recommended to eat small portions 4-6 times a day.

A week after giving birth, you can perform slight bends and turns of the torso, twisting along the spine, stretching, rotational movements with the hands and feet. Very helpful different kinds breathing exercises and just walking fresh air. After the cessation of bleeding from the genital tract (lochia), brisk walking and exercise with light dumbbells (no more than 2 kg) are possible.

It is better to engage in sports after feeding the baby, so it will not be in the mammary glands. unpleasant feeling fullness. In addition, after vigorous exercise, the baby may completely refuse to breastfeed, since during active training, metabolic products enter the milk, which can give it an unpleasant bitter taste, but an hour after exercise, everything should return to normal.

After the baby is born, especially if he is on breastfeeding, mother should be especially careful about taking medicines. After all, many of the drugs are able to penetrate into breast milk, and from there into the baby’s body, which, due to its immaturity, may not be able to cope with excreting the drug, and it will remain in the baby’s body, leading to disruption of the baby’s organs and systems. Therefore, before using any medicine (even plant based) you should consult your doctor. Perhaps the doctor will advise you to stop breastfeeding for a while and express milk to maintain lactation. Usually after stopping treatment medicines resumption of feeding is possible after 24–48 hours (this is the time required to remove the drug from the mother’s body, with the exception of those drugs that accumulate in the tissues).

Recommendation 5. Don’t be shy about asking for help after giving birth.

A young mother is often absorbed not only in caring for the baby, but also in endless family problems, often forgetting about her own health and poor health. The expression “mother should not be sick” is very popular. And young mothers are literally exhausted, trying to do everything, often neglecting themselves. However, this can lead to big problems. For example, if a woman has a cold and suffers from illness on her legs, this can lead to the development of pneumonia, and constant fatigue and lack of rest can provoke an exacerbation of existing chronic diseases or the occurrence of acute ones against the background of the woman’s body’s already low immune defense after childbirth. Therefore, you should not try to redo all the household chores yourself. You can ask your husband or one of your relatives about this. If you can’t count on help, then you can put aside worries that do not directly concern mother and baby and without which nothing catastrophic will happen.

In addition to the usual daily rest, a young mother should have good sleep. If she is unable to get enough sleep at night due to her baby’s feedings, it is recommended to compensate for the lack of sleep. day rest. It’s worth putting everything aside and sleeping with your baby. With a lack of sleep, it can be disrupted (since it is at night that prolactin, which is responsible for the formation of milk, is released). Lactation naturally stimulates the formation of prolactin, but its release may be inhibited due to lack of sleep, resulting in impaired metabolic processes V nerve cells. Also decreasing immune defense body, because lack of sleep acts as chronic stress, leading to a decrease in the body’s defenses, provoking the occurrence or exacerbation of various diseases, decreased mood and the development of postpartum depression.

Very often, mothers want to soak in a warm bath after giving birth. However, this pleasant, relaxing procedure is not as safe as it might seem at first glance. As noted above, in the first 6–8 weeks after birth, the inner surface of the uterus is very susceptible to various kinds infections that often spread through upward path(through the cervix, which has not yet contracted sufficiently). Therefore, early taking a bath after childbirth (before the lochia ends and/or the tissue at the site of sutures heals) is fraught with the development (inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus), inflammation of the appendages, infection and problems with the healing of sutures, as well as increased postpartum discharge or even the development of bleeding (due to decreased tone blood vessels uterus and increasing its blood supply in warm or hot water). After examination by the doctor, if there are no complications, you can take a bath after childbirth, but the water should not be too cold, but not too hot (not lower than 37°C and not higher than 40°C) and the bathing time should not exceed 30 minutes. Clean the bath well first detergent and then rinse it thoroughly.

In this article:

After a successful birth, every mother feels happy. An extraordinary feeling of lightness and freedom seems to pass through your entire body. Everything is fine, and you have already seen your beautiful and healthy baby. However, soon the euphoria gives way to fatigue, you need good vacation along with sound and deep sleep.

On the first day after birth, the uterus begins to contract several times stronger, bleeding practically stops, as the vessels are closed with blood clots. At this time, the postpartum woman must be monitored by a doctor. In the following hours, the uterus begins to become smaller in size, its walls become thicker, and the lumen narrows.

Immediately after birth, a hand can pass through the pharynx into the uterus; after a day, only two fingers can be inserted; after another day, only one finger can be inserted. After three weeks, the pharynx closes completely.

Features of the postpartum period

Features of the postpartum period can be considered the fact that the inside of the uterus is similar to a wound, since in the first day after birth there is blood in it. It turns out that all protective barriers are completely destroyed. Lochia (discharge) has an alkaline reaction, so if no safety measures are taken, it may appear serious consequences childbirth This could be an inflammatory process occurring in the genitals, or other equally unpleasant problems.

The consequences after childbirth are different for every woman. However, in everyone, the subsequent reverse development of the uterus occurs gradually, at a slow pace. It reaches its usual weight (80g) only after six weeks. The lochia also changes slowly. The first few days they are bloody, the next day they are brown, after the tenth day they become as they were before the birth or stop completely.

Another feature of the postpartum period can be considered a change in the functioning of work endocrine system. Quickly out female body Steroid hormones are released, after which the pituitary gland begins to produce lactogenic hormone. Due to this effect, on the fourth day after the completion of labor, blood flow to the mammary glands increases. These processes are considered preparation for lactation.

The first days after childbirth, the intestines do not function so well. Its tone is significantly weakened, digestion becomes slower, complete absence chair. You will have to empty your bowels using an enema or laxatives. Also, for the first days you need to follow a special simple diet.

What changes after childbirth?

The female body undergoes many changes after childbirth. Most of them are associated not only with internal state, but also with the outside. During pregnancy, a large number of growth hormones are released, as a result of which hair and nails begin to grow faster. However, after childbirth, a completely different situation will be observed. Hair will begin to fall out in small amounts and will lose its shine. Nails will become more brittle and dry. Of course, after a few months, all processes in the body will return to normal, and hair and nails will gradually become the same as they were before pregnancy.

Another change after childbirth is stretch marks on the skin. This is an important problem that can only be solved by using additional funds or exercise. Stretch marks appear on the thighs and buttocks. It also happens that in some women in labor they disappear a short time after birth or become less obvious. You shouldn’t be upset about this, because life goes on, all the stretch marks that you have now will gradually disappear after childbirth, and you just need to deal with these problems.

Menstruation after childbirth

Most women are concerned about how and when it will be restored. menstrual cycle. For most mothers, it occurs 40 days after birth. Breastfeeding women do not have them for a long time(a few months). Here we cannot talk about the norm or the exact recovery time, since they will be individual for each woman.

This is due to lactation. The whole point is that after childbirth a woman’s body begins to produce prolactin. It suppresses the formation and functioning of hormones in the ovaries, so the egg does not mature in due date. If the baby is fully breastfed, the mother’s menstrual cycle will be restored only after the introduction of small complementary foods. In the case when the child is on mixed feeding, that is, there is an alternation of feeding with complementary foods and breast milk, then menstruation will be completely restored in two or three months. During only artificial feeding, menstruation returns within a few weeks after childbirth.

In general, recovery will be influenced by factors such as:

  • The course of pregnancy and how the birth went;
  • Age and condition of the mother;
  • Compliance correct mode day (full sleep and nutrition);
  • Presence of chronic diseases;
  • Mental condition.

The process of restoring the genital organs

Immediately after childbirth, the vagina will be swollen. This is a normal situation that goes away after a few days. The natural process may be accompanied by small bloody discharge. You may feel pain and slight retraction. Many postpartum women note that the sensitivity of the vagina changes.

This manifests itself in the fact that the woman does not feel anything during intimacy. However, there is no need to panic about this. This is only a temporary phenomenon, which is caused by sagging walls of the intimate organs. Recovery will take a small amount of time, with the use and performance of special exercises, it will be even faster.

Condition of the cardiovascular system

A woman’s health after childbirth is considered unstable, but it recovers over time. Changes are observed in absolutely everything, the same applies to the cardiovascular system. Go straight to feeling unwell and fatigue are added to by an increased volume of blood circulating throughout the body. It is not uncommon for heart rates to increase. Restoration of this system will occur within 3-4 weeks.

It is known that initially it goes heavy bleeding. For this reason, the coagulation system works intensively. Because of it, the number of platelets in the blood increases significantly in the first two weeks. No other changes in the cardiovascular system are observed.

Bladder and its activities

The postpartum condition of a woman cannot be called satisfactory; this even affects the urinary system. During pregnancy, it works as expected. After this, small changes occur that affect poor urination. This is usually very painful. This is explained by the fact that urine gets on abrasions and wounds formed during childbirth. Because of this, a strong burning sensation begins.

It often happens that a woman in labor cannot control her urination. She doesn't feel pressure or urge. Sensitivity decreases Bladder. After a short period of time, as soon as all the cracks have healed, the functioning of the urinary system will return to normal.


In the first month after childbirth, constipation cannot be ruled out. As a rule, according to the method of occurrence, there are two types:

  1. The first type is atonic. During this, intestinal tone drops significantly. He becomes lethargic and unproductive. This type of constipation most often occurs due to muscle weakness appearing after caesarean section. This reaction is considered a normal reaction to intervention. During atonic constipation, symptoms appear aching pain in the abdominal area. There is a feeling that the intestines are full, nausea begins;
  2. Second type - spastic constipation. It occurs when intestinal tone is increased, and peristalsis becomes unproductive because of this. This form is caused by paroxysmal pain. Nausea, sheep feces and irritability are the main symptoms.

A woman’s condition immediately after childbirth can also be complicated by hemorrhoids. This disease is varicose veins veins located in the rectum, more precisely in its lower section. Its exacerbation after childbirth depends on the failure of the entire intestinal system, as well as on intestinal tone. It manifests itself in several forms: acute and chronic.

The first type develops quickly, and its symptoms include constant itching and a burning sensation. Because of this, stool retention begins. All symptoms develop almost imperceptibly for the postpartum woman, but they need to be dealt with at the very beginning. If this disease occurs, you must immediately consult a doctor for consultation and examination.

Breasts and their condition

During pregnancy, the body is completely rebuilt and changes. Women's breasts are no exception. After childbirth, it changes greatly in size: it begins to swell, becomes larger, and the nipples darken. Sometimes painful and discomfort. This is due to the beginning of the functioning of the mammary glands.

Women after childbirth are upset because the shape of their breasts changes. It sags, stretch marks and cracks appear on it. However, there is no need to worry, because most of these problems will disappear on their own after some time, and the remaining ones can be solved on your own.

Women's breasts become more sensitive and tender. For this reason, it is worth choosing special underwear for it, it is better to observe hygiene measures, and massage it often. This will help avoid its coarsening and hardening. All movements should be soft and smooth.

Postpartum discharge

After childbirth, the puerperal woman begins to experience discharge from her genitals. copious discharge, having the name - suckers. At first they have a reddish color, as they are secreted along with blood. After some time, their color changes, becomes white, and after eight weeks the discharge practically stops. During discharge you will need to use disposable pads and panties.

You can purchase them at a pharmacy or other specialty store. It is better to purchase pads and panties from well-known companies to be sure of the quality of the products. These hygiene products should be soft, comfortable, and also absorb well.

The postpartum period is considered the time from the end of childbirth until the complete completion of reverse restorative changes. At this time it is worth adhering to general recommendations. With their help, you can quickly recover, continue your normal life and provide full care for your baby.

Most women wonder what to do after childbirth? After giving birth, you need to try to return your body to its normal state as quickly as possible. normal life. This will help not only you, but also your child, as he needs constant care and attention.

To quickly cleanse the body:

  • Do not eat anything fatty or smoked after childbirth;
  • Starting from the second day you can use simple food homemade, exclude too fatty salads, fried or heavy foods;
  • Drink juices daily;
  • Monitor your stool daily.

If after childbirth there are cracks in the vagina, then you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Do not sit on a hard surface until they heal! If you need to sit down, you need to place a folded pillow under you;
  • After using the toilet, you must wash yourself using baby soap;
  • Using hydrogen peroxide, treat the perineum several times a day;
  • Three times a day, place a tampon pre-soaked in chamomile infusion into the vagina.

Life after childbirth and the postpartum period are considered the most difficult in the life of every woman. For a quick recovery and return to normal, you will need to follow the recommendations described above. Taking them into account, you can speed up the reverse process of changes in the body and quickly recover. In case of even slight suspicions of bad condition You should consult a doctor immediately!

Useful video about what a woman looks like after childbirth

Many mothers, even during pregnancy, worry about how to properly restore their body, health, figure after childbirth, and also recover psychologically. This is what we will talk about in this article - how to properly recover after childbirth?

As a mother of three children, I believe that the most important thing, both during pregnancy and the first months, and even years, is the climate in the family. A young mother should be sure that she is supported by close relatives and the baby’s father. This is necessary so that she can form proper contact with the baby, and also ensure that lactation is established and in sufficient quantities. If mommy is calm, then the body’s recovery after childbirth will go much faster.

One of the first points in recovery after childbirth is. The diet should be balanced, complete, contain meat or fish every day, as well as dairy products, mild cheeses, non-allergenic vegetables and fruits. Regarding fish, it is worth noting that not all fish are suitable for a nursing mother, but only fish with white meat and moderate fat content (cod, pollock, hake, carp, sea ​​bass), as well as fish with a low content of allergens (perch, bream, river trout, pike). It is necessary to exclude alcohol, chocolate, coffee, strong tea, red vegetables and fruits, orange fruits, limit carbonated drinks flour products. The volume of liquid for a nursing mother should be 2 liters. and more.

About regaining your figure after childbirth

In the first months - at least 6 weeks after birth - strong physical activity is contraindicated, because the mother’s body is very exhausted, and the baby needs to devote a lot of time. In addition, the taste of milk when exercising strongly physical exercise can change.

You can’t pump up your abs in the first 6 weeks, because recovery processes are taking place in the uterus, and you shouldn’t put extra stress on the abdominal wall. It is best to do gymnastics 6 weeks after giving birth. If you have had a caesarean section, therapeutic exercises must be done in the first days immediately after birth, to prevent adhesions in abdominal cavity, and also walk in the fresh air for at least an hour 2 times a day with the baby.

After a caesarean section you need to wear postoperative bandage. It is necessary for muscle recovery after childbirth. They wear it for several weeks after giving birth, then take it off because the muscles have to work.

If you had an episiotomy, you should not sit down for 2 months so that the stitches do not come apart, and exercises during this period should be done only for the upper half of the body. Intimate hygiene in the suture area is important in preventing infections. You need to wash yourself from front to back, as well as after each toilet. Put on the pad only after the perineum has dried. Moderate physical activity helps speed up the recovery of sutures. You also need to avoid constipation, take Duphalac if necessary to soften the stool.

In general, about intimate hygiene during the period of postpartum discharge, it is worth saying that in the first 6 weeks after birth, errors in it can lead to infections reproductive organs women, then the recovery period after childbirth will be significantly delayed.

Very important in recovery after childbirth sleep and rest young mother. It’s worth talking about this with the woman’s relatives and asking them, if possible, to help with the baby in the first few months, especially. Healthy sleep necessary for recovery nervous system, and it also helps restore immunity and establish lactation in sufficient quantities. If mommy is psychologically exhausted, the baby feels it and begins to worry.

Restoration of the spine and various muscles after childbirth

Many women during pregnancy and immediately after childbirth complain of pain in the lower back, as well as in the cervical spine and shoulder girdle. Pain in the lower back is associated with an increase in the load on the abdominal wall during pregnancy, due to this the muscles of the lower back become thinner, and a young mother often lifts her baby in her arms, this is also an additional load on both the lower back and the shoulder girdle. As a result, discomfort appears in almost all parts of the spine.

To restore the spine, you need to do special exercises:

  • Sit up straight with your arms crossed over your chest. Perform 10 body turns to the right and left.
  • In a sitting position, clasp your hands behind your neck. Perform 10 body turns to the right and left.
  • In a sitting position, the arms are extended in front of you and connected. Without releasing your arms, raise them above your head to the maximum allowable height. Hold for 10 seconds.

It is also necessary to strengthen your posture. The condition of the rhomboid muscle, which is attached from the spine on the right and left to the inner corners of the scapula, plays a role in correct and beautiful posture. The condition of the lumbosacral region is also very important, to strengthen which it is necessary special exercises"Tense Nerve":

  • Take the starting position - lying on your stomach. Extend your arms forward. Pull yourself into a string. Tear off slowly top part torso from the floor. Avoid sudden movements as much as you can. Make sure your arms are raised above your head. Then do the same with bottom bodies. And finally: raise both your arms and legs at the same time. Repeat each exercise 10 times.

In addition, massage is useful for restoring the muscles of the back and neck after childbirth; you can use a massage pad for this. Massage can be done only 2-3 weeks after birth. Massage improves muscle performance, which allows you to restore their tone after childbirth.

Abdominal exercises walls, the so-called “Cat Breathing”:

  • While in a position on all fours, arch your back upward and perform diaphragmatic breathing in this position (2 cycles). Next, the lower back bends down, but you need to make sure that there is no protrusion of the abdomen. Maintain position 2 breathing cycles. Do it at least 10 times.

For strengthening the perineal muscles it is necessary to use Kegel exercises: squeeze and relax the muscles of the perineum, which will allow them to recover and avoid complications such as urinary incontinence and prolapse of the pelvic organs.

Restoration of internal organs after childbirth

About 1.5 months after birth, involution of the uterus occurs, which is accompanied by bloody discharge and lochia. This is accompanied by contraction of the uterus and painful sensations. During this period, if necessary, the postpartum woman is even prescribed antibiotic therapy and contractions to avoid infection, as well as to speed up the process of uterine involution.

Lactation is established, and the woman needs to take care of herself so as not to get mastitis, inflammation of the mammary glands. In the first time after childbirth the immune system weakened, and the risk of infection, both mammary glands and uterus, increases.

Pregnancy and childbirth affect the position of the intestines, which often leads to constipation. In order to avoid this, you need to consume a sufficient amount of fiber, and you can also use the drug Duphalac, which I already mentioned, it contains lactulose, necessary nutrition for intestinal bacteria

Changes from the side of cardio-vascular system after childbirth

Before giving birth, a woman’s coagulation system begins to actively work to protect the woman during childbirth from excess blood loss. This can cause a risk of blood clots after childbirth, as well as leg pain, swelling, and discomfort when walking. Can be used compression stockings, as well as herbal creams if mommy is breastfeeding. It is advisable to consult a specialist.

After childbirth, they may appear liver problems, especially after an error in diet. In this case, it is necessary to pass biochemical analysis blood: ALT, AST, alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin. And do an ultrasound of the liver and bile ducts. If there are no stones and you are breastfeeding, you can drink choleretic herbs: corn silk, yarrow (start with a small dosage and monitor the baby for signs of allergies). And also a good drug, Hofitol, and of course, follow a diet for nursing mothers.


Even during pregnancy, the growing uterus puts pressure on the internal organs and impedes the outflow of blood from the veins of the rectum; after childbirth, the problem worsens and may appear bloody issues during the act of defecation. A gentle diet is needed to protect the veins of the rectum, and you can also use the very popular Relief suppositories.

The recovery of the body depends entirely on many factors: on the woman’s age, on her state of health before pregnancy, on how the pregnancy proceeded and how the birth went. If a woman is young and healthy, then childbirth will only strengthen her health; it will provide the hormonal surge necessary for proper operation female body, her reproductive system. If a woman was sick with chronic diseases before giving birth, then both pregnancy and childbirth can slightly worsen her condition, and she will take several years to recover.

In conclusion, I would like to note once again that a young mother should sleep at least 8 hours a day, walk in the fresh air for at least two hours a day, do gymnastics, drink plenty of fluids (at least 2 liters), eat meat and some types of fish , vegetables, fruits for food. And communicate only with positive people, avoid any negativity, incl. viewing news. It wouldn’t hurt for the doctor to carry out explanatory work with relatives and tell them how important it is to support a young mother for the first year or two until the baby grows up.

IN postpartum period Women have many questions about restoring their body. One of them concerns vaginal secretion, because discharge after childbirth is an integral component of the holistic rehabilitation process. Basic knowledge on how to carry out self-diagnosis bleeding, allow you to quickly respond to possible deviations from the norm.

After the baby is born, the mother’s body is rebuilt. The changes concern internal organs And hormonal levels. The uterus of a woman who has just given birth contracts in volume, and vaginal flow occurs. Along with blood discharge, the remains of intrauterine fluids accompanying pregnancy also come out. Such flows are called lochia. Their duration, intensity and color allow the doctor to conclude whether the restoration of the patient’s internal organs is proceeding normally.

Duration of bleeding

Every organism is individual, and every story postpartum recovery is special. Doctors are guided by a general scheme within which the rehabilitation process takes place for most young mothers. Many people are concerned about how long the discharge lasts after childbirth, since it causes a certain amount of discomfort. How long do currents last and why are they the main indicator? women's health?

The minimum normal period for postpartum bleeding is 5 weeks. If they stop earlier, you should be wary, since there is a risk of insufficient “cleaning” of the body;

The maximum period is 9 weeks when the course ends. In this case, a prolonged course is a signal of insufficient blood clotting;

Duration assessment does not occur separately from other indicators. With intense discharge, a short bleeding cycle is expected;

Mothers after cesarean section have different normative periods. In their case, restoration of uterine tone occurs more slowly than in those who gave birth naturally, and the upper limit for the duration of the flow is set personally by the doctor.

So, the answer to the question of how long the discharge lasts after childbirth depends on the course of the birth of the child itself, and on other factors. What helps reduce the duration of secretion?
Breastfeeding the baby. Lactation stimulates the contraction of the uterus and the removal of fluids from it. Experienced mothers notice light contractions directly during breastfeeding.

Ingestion large quantity liquids. One way or another, a young mother needs to restore the body’s water balance. If she is breastfeeding, the fluid intake rate increases by 1.5 - 2 liters per day. With the correct water balance, discharge after childbirth is intense, and cleansing occurs quickly.

Kegel exercises. Many women are familiar with special movements in the vaginal area even before pregnancy - they are designed to maintain the tone of the internal organs. As soon as after the birth of the baby, tension and relaxation will not cause discomfort to the young mother internal muscles, the exercise is performed daily. They also stimulate the contraction of the uterus and the removal of fluids from it.

Quality of bleeding

To assess the progress of recovery of a woman’s internal organs, doctors use a number of characteristics of postpartum processes. Taking into account how long the discharge lasts after childbirth is just one of the indicators. Others include the appearance of the bleeding and its smell. Together, they make it possible to determine the normal discharge rate after childbirth and possible deviations.


The recovery period determines the normal composition of secretion:

  • 1-3 days: blood;
  • Week 2: blood clots, mucus is allowed;
  • end of 1 month – blood smears.

Purulent fluids at any time indicate an internal infection.

The appearance of clots and mucus in the first days after childbirth.

Transparent discharge, approaching the consistency of water.


  • 1-3 days: scarlet currents;
  • after 3 weeks, brown flows begin (the blood coagulates, the wound heals);
  • By the end of the restoration of the uterus, secretion fluids become transparent, light pink or with a yellowish tint.

The bright yellow and greenish color of the currents signals inflammation. An obvious green color indicates neglected form endometritis disease and suggests immediate appeal to the doctor.


The smell of blood in initial stage secretion is normal. After the third week it takes on a slight mustiness, which again is ok.

Discharge after childbirth with an unpleasant odor is a signal of inflammation! The characteristic smell of rot indicates inflammatory process. Sour - about the possible fungal disease. If such bleeding is accompanied by deviations in color, an examination by a gynecologist is mandatory.

It is important to remember several subtleties of diagnosing discharge.

  • Dangerous bleeding is accompanied by general malaise and dizziness. The temperature reaches 38 degrees Celsius. There is a pulsating heaviness in the lower abdomen. It is important to listen to your body and monitor how you feel.
  • Redness of the vaginal mucosa along with a “cottage cheese” discharge indicates thrush. This is not uncommon when recovering from childbirth, but it is still better to consult a doctor for treatment.
  • Dark secretions look scarier than they actually are. At the end of 3-4 months, black-brown or black flows are normal.

Number of allocations

The amount of bleeding after childbirth can also be used to judge women's health. What should the discharge be like after childbirth - intense or weak? The strength of secretion varies depending on the period. So, in the first few weeks the normal intensity is one, and as time passes it is another. The amount of liquid released is indicated by the fullness of special sanitary pads for young mothers.

Normal secretion strength:

  • in the first two weeks after birth the flow is very profuse;
  • the course becomes more sparse after 2-3 weeks;
  • at the end of the recovery process (week 8-9), the discharge is only smears. For hygiene, you no longer need special postpartum pads with maximum absorbency.

Deviation from the above diagram is a signal of illness. If bleeding in the first days is not intense, the cause may be a congestion or blood clot that prevents the release of contamination.

The reverse situation is also dangerous: profuse bleeding ends by the end of 2 weeks. If this does not happen and by the third week a large amount of fluid continues to be released, the patient may have poor clotting blood.

In both extreme cases an urgent visit to the doctor is necessary.

Resumption of discharge

How often do you experience spotting after childbirth? Nature provides for the cleansing of a woman’s body only once. However, sometimes women report resumption of bleeding. Should I worry?

The most obvious option is to quickly restore the cycle. Menstruation occurs individually for each woman, at the moment when she has completely restored the function of childbearing. Since blood flows after childbirth and menstruation have similar characteristics in appearance, they are easy to confuse. Using an ultrasound, the gynecologist determines whether the young mother’s cycle has arrived or whether the cleansing of the body continues.

The release of the remaining endometrium and placental particles. IN in rare cases cleansing of the internal organs from the remaining elements that accompanied pregnancy occurs at the end of the recovery process. If the fluid is mucous, transparent view And unpleasant odor no, most likely this is just such a situation. Usually such delayed discharge does not last long.

All repeated currents of yellow, Green colour that smell unpleasant are a signal of an inflammatory process. To avoid the risk of pathology female organs, it is important to see a doctor as quickly as possible.

How to maintain hygiene during postpartum discharge

Unfortunately, bleeding that comes out is a fertile environment for an increase in the number of dangerous bacteria. To prevent their development, it is necessary to strictly follow hygiene measures.

To collect secretions, doctors recommend using special pads with enhanced absorbency. During the first days, a special product is used, which is sold at the pharmacy. Then regular night pads marked “5 drops” will do.

The use of tampons is strictly prohibited. In order to ensure the free flow of liquid, nothing should stop its movement. In addition, tampons cannot absorb the blood clots that inevitably pass after the first week.

Change sanitary pad occurs every 2 hours regardless of the intensity of the currents. It is accompanied by washing the external genitalia (if possible, if the woman is at home, also every one and a half to two hours).

The minimum number of ablutions is reduced to two or three per day. When using the toilet, you must use a mild cleanser labeled “for intimate hygiene.”

If natural childbirth passed with complications, and there are ruptures of the birth canal, it is necessary to continue to take care of the injured areas of the skin at home. Upon discharge, the doctor gives detailed instructions on hygiene in this case. Most often, liquid antiseptics such as a solution of potassium permanganate or furatsilin are used.

For young mothers who have had surgical births, maintaining hygiene is especially important. Since there is an incision in the uterus, the recovery process must be protected from infection. In addition, daily hygiene includes taking care of the seam. The two-hour shift rule must be followed exactly.

Maintaining women's health is not the last task of a young mother. Observing how long the discharge continues after childbirth, and what its characteristics are, allows women to avoid the risks of the recovery period and ensure themselves wellness. Despite the fact that young mothers have a lot of worries related to their newborn, it is important to follow the doctor’s recommendations for diagnosing the flow and maintaining hygiene during this special period.

Restoring the body after childbirth

During the process of bearing a child and during childbirth, significant hormonal changes occur in the body. Changes affect not only the reproductive system, but also other organs. Many things change dramatically, and therefore, of course, recovery of the body after childbirth takes a certain amount of time: not one or two weeks. How long it takes for the body to recover after childbirth is different in each specific case, but it is possible to generalize and derive a certain average norm.

  • The female body after childbirth
  • Myths and truth about rejuvenation

The female body after childbirth

After childbirth, a woman’s body does not immediately begin to function as it did before pregnancy. It took a long 9 months to give a start to a new life, so recovery will also take place gradually, step by step, and a complete return to the previous state will occur no earlier than in 2-3 months - and this is only in the case when the woman is absolutely healthy and doesn't practice.

Knowing what's going on with female body after childbirth, you can more clearly imagine the entire recovery period. Let's try to record all the changes in the form of a table to make it easier.

Table 1.

Internal organs (system, function)


When will it recover

Uterus Immediately after the birth of the child and expulsion of the fetus, the uterus weighs 1 kg, takes spherical shape. It becomes half lighter in 10 days if it contracts normally. It returns to its “old” form very quickly – after 2 months it looks the same as before. Its weight is 100 g. The weight of the organ of a woman who has not given birth is 50 grams.
Cervix Forever changing form. Instead of conical it becomes cylindrical. The external pharynx becomes slit-like and not round, but this can only be seen by a gynecologist.

There are no such changes after cesarean section

After 3 months it functions as before
Menstrual function The uterus takes on a more physiological position, so it often goes away menstrual pain. recovers after stopping feeding, After 2–3 months – in non-lactating women. Breastfeeding may not recover until breastfeeding ends.
Vagina Muscles may lose elasticity and tears may occur. By the end of 2 months everything is healing. Muscle tone is restored. Kegel exercises are very helpful. These simple steps will help bring your stomach back to normal after childbirth.
Breast Fills up, may sag after finishing feeding Maybe, old form will not recover completely, but this does not mean that the “new form” will be worse. You just shouldn’t leave it to chance and do exercises aimed at toning the pectoral muscles.
Musculoskeletal system The spine was somewhat smoothed, the pelvis expanded, the joints were very mobile Changes gradually, over 3-4 months, pass
Stomach The stomach “hangs”, a skin fold forms Usually disappears completely within 1-2 years (if you do not neglect physical exercises)
The cardiovascular system Increased blood supply.

Fetal pressure may cause hemorrhoids

Returns to normal in 3-4 weeks.

Myths and truth about rejuvenation after pregnancy and childbirth

Nowadays you can often come across statements online that the body of a “newly made” mother is rejuvenating. What happens to the body after childbirth - is this opinion true?

What happens to a woman’s body after childbirth?

If you pay attention to how long it takes the body to recover after childbirth, it becomes clear: in fact, it is significantly weakened by the stress experienced. In a woman with hidden chronic illnesses, the following may first appear:

  • arthritis and other joint diseases;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • hormonal problems;
  • diabetes mellitus (if a woman develops it during pregnancy).

If you notice that your body takes a long time to recover after childbirth, perhaps one of these diseases is making itself known. Old “sores” that already existed also become aggravated, especially after the second birth: for example, hemorrhoids, herpes. Based on how the body recovers after childbirth, some conclusions can be drawn about the woman’s health. If recovery processes take too long, you should consider a comprehensive examination.

Data from medical examinations also indicate a decrease in the level of “bad” cholesterol. Many women seem to become “smarter” with the birth of a child: they have to constantly keep their finger on the pulse of events, engage in the development of the child, and therefore develop themselves.

During the entire 9 months of pregnancy, eggs do not mature in the ovaries, which means that reproductive function- the ability to become a mother is extended. before all other cells in the body - this is a proven fact. Pregnancy delays this irreversible process.

Almost all women, when they calm down a little after the birth of the baby, wonder how to restore the body faster after childbirth, especially if it is not “behaving” very well and does not return to normal.

The transition time is different for everyone. When breastfeeding, the body usually recovers quickly.

When the uterus is completely cleansed and healed birth injuries, you can start physical education – little by little and very carefully. After 2 months (in case of complicated childbirth, with caesarean section– discussed with your doctor) are allowed sexual relations. The orgasm experienced by a woman helps speed up the recovery and healing processes due to a powerful rush of blood to the pelvic organs.

It is advisable to take special vitamins, especially if your hair is falling out more than usual and your nails are peeling.

Keep yourself in good health physical fitness At first, caring for the baby and walking with a stroller help. Then you should add a series of exercises. For example, if weakness of the vaginal muscles and urinary incontinence are observed, you need to do Kegel exercises: alternately squeezing and relaxing the muscles. Another exercise from this series: you need to push for about 30 seconds, then sharply relax the vaginal muscles. After some time, the tone will return.

In order not to lose the beautiful shape of your breasts, you need to wear a supportive bra and use creams and masks for stretch marks.

The situation is somewhat more complicated with fat deposits in the waist and abdomen. You cannot lose weight sharply, even if you are no longer breastfeeding - this is harmful for the woman herself. Stretch marks and sagging skin in such cases are almost inevitable.

The emphasis should be placed not on reducing the diet, but on physical activity: 2.5-3 months after giving birth, start pumping your abs from a lying position (this reduces the load on your back). Daily long walking at an energetic pace, gentle stretching of muscles, pumping up the abs - all this will help you quickly get back into good shape.

And one more important point: a young mother must definitely find time for herself to get enough sleep, relax a little in silence, just lie down. Therefore, do not try to do everything yourself, ask household members for help in caring for the baby. The more and better you rest, the sooner you will recover, and your former health and energy will return.