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About the beneficial and medicinal properties of aloe-based infusion. Tincture of aloe honey and vodka - benefits and application

Aloe tincture with honey, alcohol or pure juice of the plant has amazing healing qualities. The article will tell about medicinal value this botanical species and will teach how to make and use preparations based on it.

1 Sabur – juice for the pharmaceutical industry

Aloe is an evergreen plant native to the Caribbean islands and a small part of the Arabian Peninsula. There, in favorable climatic conditions, it grows up to 4 meters in height, and the leaves reach a length of 40 cm. In our country, where the warmth lasts only a few months a year, aloe is better known as a home, ornamental plant grown in flower pots. But, even in such cramped conditions, the medicinal value of the southern guest is no less than that of his overseas relatives.

In traditional and folk medicine They use the leaves or juice of the plant, which in a concentrated, evaporated form is called sabur. It is he who, for the most part, is part of pharmacological drugs, a prescription for which can be obtained from your doctor. High-quality sabur does not dissolve well in ordinary water, so it is mixed with alcohol. At home, various vodka tinctures are made from aloe juice.

The pharmacy will offer the buyer a range of drugs made from sabur. This is tincture and extract of sabur, pure sabour with the addition of a small amount of alcohol, aloe emulsion, extract for injection, juice to improve digestion and even dry sabour. To raise tone and increased fatigue They recommend aloe extract according to Filatov, which in addition to sabur includes vitamins, bee honey, asphodeline and some others important microelements. A similar effect has. The use of aloe as a medicine at home is due to the ease of growing the plant and obtaining medicines from it using a simple recipe.

It is important to know!

The destructive effect on the brain is one of the most dire consequences impact alcoholic drinks per person. Elena Malysheva: ALCOHOLISM CAN BE DEFEATED! Save your loved ones, they are in great danger!

2 How to make juice and tincture from aloe

The most effective means The treatment for many diseases is freshly squeezed aloe juice. To obtain it at home, take bottom part leaves of the plant and squeezed, wrapped in clean gauze or cotton cloth. For medicinal purposes, syrup is made from the fleshy leaves. In this case, aloe juice is boiled with sugar and ferrous chloride. Unfortunately, the shelf life finished product in these cases, it is not large and to complete the course of treatment it is necessary to always have a fresh solution, which is easy to prepare, but not always convenient. Therefore, when long-term treatment and use medicine V for preventive purposes, it is recommended to make an aloe tincture.

Aloe tincture with alcohol is easy to make. However, the recommended proportions should be strictly observed. The preparation recipe is as follows: cut off the lowest leaves of the plant and, wrapping them in light-proof paper, place them in the refrigerator on the upper shelves. After two weeks, the leaves are crushed and filled with 70% alcohol. Ingredient ratio 1:5. Then the drug is left for ten days. Store the medicine in a cool, dark place. Aloe tincture with vodka is prepared in a similar way. The use of a healing drug for preventive purposes is carried out 2 or 3 times a day. It is enough to drink a teaspoon of tincture before meals.

In folk medicine, tincture is used to treat a wide range of diseases. These are digestive and genitourinary system disorders, colds, women's diseases, oncology, strokes, skin diseases, tuberculosis, gastritis and many others. Since aloe contains the natural antibiotic barbaloin in its juice, homemade tincture from its leaves can be used for external use. It destroys bacteria and promotes wound healing, relieves inflammatory processes, and accelerates the restoration of damaged tissues.

3 Use of tincture for the treatment of stomach cancer

Before using aloe tincture to treat complex diseases, you should consult your doctor. The recipe for preparing the drug for stomach cancer differs from the traditional one. The healing remedy is made only from three-year-old aloe. Take the lower leaves, wash them well, dry them with a napkin and, wrapped in food paper, place them in the refrigerator. Stand for 12 hours and cut finely. Then the juice is squeezed out. For the medicine, 2 tablespoons will be enough.

The next step is to prepare a decoction of geranium leaves. To do this, take 3 leaves of pink geranium, put them in an enamel bowl and pour 60 ml of boiling water. Next, the leaves are warmed well using water bath. After which the dishes are left in a warm oven for 8 hours. The decoction is mixed with aloe juice, pour 0.5 liters of 70% alcohol and add 3 drops of iodine. The alcohol included in this recipe can be replaced with 40% vodka.

Treatment should be carried out according to the following scheme: before breakfast and dinner, drink a tablespoon of tincture, observing a 12-hour break.

Please discuss the use of the drug with your doctor.

Alocasia tincture also has a similar healing effect on cancer. The recipe is as follows: fresh leaves the plants are thoroughly crushed, placed in glass or ceramic containers and filled with vodka in a 1:1 ratio. After 3 weeks of exposure, the medicine is ready. The use of the drug is based on a drop dose. First day healing agent You need to take one drop in volume, increasing the dose by another drop every day. Maximum volume medicine 52 drops. It is often used to treat cancer.

Agave - this is the scientific name for this useful and very common indoor aloe plant. Many people know about its healing properties and many people specially breed it at home.

If you also have this plant growing on your windowsill, but you don’t know how to use it, this article will be useful. We will now talk about how to make a tincture using aloe at home.

So, the most common recipe, which is easy to make at home using vodka.

On vodka

We will need:

  • 1 kilogram of flower leaves;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 0.5 liters of vodka.


To prepare the product, you need to prepare the raw materials in advance.

  1. Cut off aloe leaves at the base (use a plant that is more than a year old, preferably over 5 years old).
  2. Rinse the leaves with cool water boiled water, dry, put in a bag and leave in the refrigerator to ferment for about 20 days. It is advisable to first wrap the aloe in foil or paper. This will help preserve the plant juice its most valuable properties.
  3. After fermentation is complete, finely chop the leaves, mix with half a glass of sugar, transfer to a glass container and sprinkle the remaining amount of sugar on top.
  4. Cover the dishes with gauze and put them in a cool place (refrigerator) again for three days.
  5. After this, pour the resulting juice into another glass jar, squeeze the aloe well through cheesecloth and pour the pure syrup with vodka.
  6. Leave to infuse in a cool place again for three days, then close with a lid and store until use.

On alcohol

This is another option useful medicine at home, which can be prepared a little faster than the previous vodka recipe, but is also effective for many problems.

We will need:

  • aloe leaves;
  • alcohol at a ratio of 1:5.


  1. As in the first option, the cut leaves of the plant should be wrapped in foil or paper and placed in the refrigerator for 10-15 days. Typically, 10 days is enough for complete fermentation.
  2. Grind the finished raw material, either with a knife or in a blender, transfer it to a glass jar and fill it with preferably 70% alcohol (ratio 1:5).
  3. Infuse the product in a cool, dark place for 10 days, after which the aloe tincture in alcohol is ready for use. No need to strain.


Aloe is so beneficial and healing flower that its tincture was used simply to increase appetite, to improve digestion, to stimulate protective functions body. Numerous studies by herbalists have shown that the juice of the plant has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. That is why, for wounds, burns, and ulcers, it is enough to apply a piece to the affected area to see a noticeable improvement within a couple of hours. Numerous phytoenzymes are simply merciless against staphylococci and streptococci, as well as infections that cause skin suppuration. It is used in the treatment of many serous skin ailments.

As practice has shown, aloe inhibits harmful intestinal microflora, helps restore the mucous membrane, and normalizes the functioning of the spleen and pancreas. This is an indispensable first remedy for use in. At the same time, the juice does not cause any problems acid-base balance, therefore absolutely safe even for gastritis and ulcers.

Everyone probably remembers that in childhood, when I coughed, my mother often gave flower juice mixed with honey. Yes, this plant is good for healing. bronchial asthma, remove phlegm, relieves bronchial swelling.

What can I say, aloe vera preparations have been found wide application even in surgery, especially in postoperative period. The juice of the plant heals wounds, prevents the sutures from coming apart, and frees the area from pus. It is for these purposes that fresh flower leaves are also used in gynecology and dentistry.

Over many years of use, this unique remedy has proven itself as a universal, highly effective natural remedy, which is used for both external and internal purposes.

Beneficial features

Although chemical composition plant has not yet been fully studied, today it is already known that it contains very a large number of carbohydrates, enzymes, tannins, organic acids, catechins, mineral salts, flavonoids, as well as macro- and microelements. All this makes the plant juice very valuable and with high healing properties. As you know, catechin is a strong anti-allergic agent, so aloe almost never causes redness and other adverse reactions skin. Tannins have bactericidal, astringent, and anti-inflammatory effects.

A rich amount of microelements help quickly restore the body’s immunity and defenses, remove toxins and poisons, normalize cholesterol levels and metabolic processes. Substances such as flavonoids are famous for their anticarcinogenic, bactericidal, tonic, antispasmodic and antioxidant properties.

In order for all these beneficial substances to completely enter the body and give their results, you need to use only mature aloe leaves and those that have reached at least 15 centimeters in length. It is best to cut off the lower fleshy leaves, whose tips have already dried out. However, the plucked parts of the plant cannot be stored outdoors for more than a few hours, as they lose their beneficial properties. They should be immediately wrapped in foil or paper and placed in the refrigerator for 10 days. Thus, the juice will undergo fermentation and will have greatest number healing substances.


Like any high-enzyme product, agave or aloe has its contraindications. Although there are few of them, you still need to take this into account before using. So, experts do not recommend using any other plant-based products for:

  • pregnancy;
  • acute stage of the disease;
  • allergy;
  • unexamined neoplasms;
  • some ailments of the liver, kidneys;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • hypertension.

Fresh aloe leaves should be used with caution by children and people who have not yet been clearly diagnosed. It is also important to take a break between doses and not constantly use them as vitamins.


A plant such as aloe is known to many. Almost every home has this prickly but very useful assistant.

Special properties of aloe

Widespread in medicinal purposes Aloe was obtained thanks to the unique composition of the juice. IN medical purposes They use freshly squeezed juice, enriched with a whole range of useful substances:

These components allow you to use aloe for both external and internal use. Vodka and honey enhance the properties of the tincture.

As local application Agave is effective:

  • for minor abrasions and scratches;
  • as an ingredient in the preparation of masks and creams.

Internal use of infusions using aloe is indicated:

  • to strengthen immune system;
  • if necessary, purify the blood;
  • to reduce toxin levels;
  • in case of malfunctions of the metabolic mechanism.

Particularly effective on vodka.

Recipe No. 1

The basis for this recipe is the lower leaves of the agave. After cutting, they are washed with warm running water and rolled into thick paper. The resulting package should be left in the refrigerator for week. In this way it is achieved maximum concentration useful substances.

So, the basic product is ready for use. Aloe leaves are finely chopped with a knife or crushed in a blender, after which the maximum amount of juice is squeezed out through cheesecloth.

Vodka is added to the resulting mass, maintaining the proportion: 2:1. So the juice is poured with vodka and the mixture is infused in the refrigerator. Use a saucepan that can be covered with a lid.

Infuse the mixture for a week and a half. Then used as both an external remedy (for abrasions and small wounds) and internal (to strengthen the immune system and in complex therapy treatment of tuberculosis).

Recipe No. 2

Most in a simple way Infusing aloe into vodka is to use the leaves directly.
Freshly cut aloe leaves are cut lengthwise and placed on the bottom of a glass container. Then the mass is poured with vodka, with the obligatory observance of the proportion: 2 parts of plant leaves, 1 part of vodka. The container should be tightly closed and left to infuse for 21 days.

After the required period, the mass is filtered and used as an external remedy in the form of a rubbing or compress.

Recipe No. 3

If you include honey in the tincture, its effectiveness and spectrum of action increase significantly.

Freshly squeezed aloe juice is mixed with vodka (take half a liter of each component). To the resulting mixture add honey in the amount of 0.7 kg. It is necessary to mix everything thoroughly and place it in a dark place to infuse for 2 months.

This tincture is used exclusively internally. Feature of reception: 1 tbsp of the mixture is eaten with a spoon butter. After 40 minutes the main meal should be consumed.

A tincture in which honey is used allows you to cope with ailments such as hypertension, bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, asthma.

Based on aloe, you can make tinctures applicable to various diseases. It is enough to have only the main component. Unique composition The plant has proven effectiveness and is quite easy to use. If you add honey to the composition, the range of uses of the drug increases.

Aloe is a tropical plant native to the African continent, so it has a special attraction to the sun. In summer, the flower can be taken outside, but it must be placed in a slightly shaded place. The aloe plant is unpretentious and does not need to be watered often, especially in winter.

It is advisable for every family to have this medicinal plant. Aloy has beneficial properties, which have been known for centuries. Our ancestors used juice to treat various diseases, used in skin and hair care. If you decide to use aloe, the medicinal properties and contraindications need to be carefully studied.

Indoor aloe has several plants that differ in height, color, and more or less number of thorns. The plants bloom rarely, the inflorescences have a pungent odor and can be of all shades, from white, yellowish to scarlet and purple. The leaves all resemble swords. They are meaty and dense. They are used for medical purposes. The most commonly grown plants are aloe vera and agave - aloe vera. They differ in appearance, but most importantly, in composition. Aloe vera has fleshy leaves and contains more of a gel-like substance.

Although numerous studies have found that any type can be consumed, the benefits are almost the same.

Features of use

Natural juice contains many useful components.

The use of aloe for medicinal purposes is possible thanks to unique properties:

  1. Helps remove toxins, increases immune protection human, is an excellent biostimulant.
  2. Helps cleanse the blood and strengthen the heart muscle.
  3. Using juice reduces inflammatory process V gastrointestinal tract, oral cavity.
  4. Widely used in gynecology, urology, along with drug treatment.
  5. The plant can cure various wounds, burns, ulcers; the juice can be dripped into the ears for various diseases.

It would take a long time to list the scope of application of the plant. With aloe vera, it is also called agave, and aloe vera there are many recipes for treatment, as well as ways to use the beneficial properties of the juice from the leaves.

Methods for procuring raw materials

Procurement of raw materials is carried out all year round. The leaves must be carefully broken out with your hands, trying not to damage their integrity. The most useful are aloe leaves from the bottom and in the middle; they are at least 3-5 years old.

Juice, syrups and other products are prepared from freshly picked leaves. dosage forms. Once the leaves are picked, they can be used for several days; cellophane and a cold place are used for storage.

Aloe juice

Making aloe juice at home is easy. Before making juice, the raw materials are kept on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for “ripening” for 12 days: this is how aloe vera juice reveals its beneficial qualities.

But how to prepare aloe juice from prepared raw materials? There are several methods:

  1. Take a meat grinder and grind the workpiece. Add to the resulting mass warm water and leave for two hours. Then you need to put it in gauze, folded in several rows and squeeze out the juice of aloe vera or agave. The procedure is repeated several times. Juice is prepared in this way if a large volume is needed. Storage space - refrigerator.
  2. How to squeeze out the juice if you need it for one time, for example, to treat a small wound? Simply cut the leaf and select the gel-like mass.
  3. Treating a throat does not require a large amount of juice; in this case, a garlic press will help. Place the pieces inside, press down - done!
  4. If juice is needed to prepare syrup or extract for therapeutic purposes, then it is better to use a juicer. Natural juice pour into a glass jar and put away for storage.

A large amount of juice should be prepared only when preparations will be prepared from it. It is best to use aloe right away.

Aloe leaves can be dried.

For this procedure, you need to choose a ventilated room. You can dry whole leaves or cut them into pieces. The finished raw material becomes wrinkled and fragile. The leaf prepared in this way should be stored in paper or fabric bags for up to 24 months.

Many people wonder why it is forbidden to use aloe immediately after cutting. During the aging process, biostimulants are produced; aloe juice brings more benefits. It must be remembered that aloe is valued not only for its medicinal properties, but also has a number of contraindications.

In what cases can it be used?

Aloe juice has been used by people for a long time. Let's try to figure out how to use it ourselves. People have been using aloe vera juice for a long time. colds, cough, runny nose, skin rashes, is used as a prophylactic to maintain the immune system and strengthen the body as a whole. Moreover, aloe leaf juice is increasingly being taken by people who want to lose weight.

What preparations can you prepare yourself?

Prepared from juice various drugs, which are treated independently, but after a serious conversation with the doctor.

  1. Aloe juice, its beneficial and healing properties increases during cooking. Condensed aloe juice is called sabur. Aloe juice, evaporated to dryness, is usually prepared in a stove or oven. The result is a brown mass, which is crushed into powder. It is much more convenient to store this composition than a liquid mass. Before use, sabur is diluted with any juice, adding a little honey. It can be used as a general tonic and for cosmetic purposes.
  2. To prepare syrup, You need to place the prepared raw materials in a jar no thicker than 1 cm, pour sugar on top. Alternate layers until liter jar will not fill to the top. Keep container tightly closed in a cool place. After a couple of days the syrup is ready. After filtering, put it in the refrigerator. This preparation from agave treats colds and has a positive effect on arterial pressure, relieves inflammation, heals ulcers and wounds.
  3. Prepared from leaves extract: freshly harvested raw materials are poured with boiling water, covered with a lid for a third of an hour to infuse. After straining, put it in a cool place.
  4. It turns out good ointment, if you add agave gel mass. It is made from lard, or unsalted butter. Either extract or fresh agave juice is mixed into them. Take 1 part juice and 4 parts fatty base.
  5. You can add agave jelly-like mass to any cream, thereby improving the properties.

At independent use juice from aloe leaves, do not forget about contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is simply necessary.

Advice. Remember, the fresher the preparation, the healthier the juice made from aloe leaves.

Tinctures on alcohol-containing liquids

Homemade alcohol tinctures using aloe can be prepared using various alcohol-containing liquids. Here are the most popular recipes:

  1. Ingredients: 1 kg of plant material + 200 g of sugar + bottle of vodka.

Before cooking, the leaves are kept in the cold for at least 20 days. We use foil or paper. Then the raw materials are crushed using any in a convenient way, mix with 100 g of sugar. We use a steamed glass container and pour the remaining sugar on top without stirring. The resulting composition (gauze on top) is placed in the refrigerator for exactly 72 hours to form a syrup.

Separate the juice from the pulp, pour into a clean container and fill with vodka. Cover tightly with a lid in the cold.

  1. Agave leaves (fermented for up to 10 days) – 1 part, 70% alcohol – 5 parts.

Grind the raw materials and fill them with alcohol. It takes 10 days to be ready.

  1. Aloe tincture with vodka: make cuts on the leaves, add vodka in a 1:1 ratio. After 21 days you can start treatment.
  1. For 15 ml of juice take 350 ml of red wine and ¼ l bee honey. The composition matures for about a week. Take before meals daily, a small spoon.

Helps restore impaired metabolism.

Using aloe infusion with alcohol

Aloe tincture prepared with alcohol is widely used. It is called a universal option for the treatment of many diseases:

  • Wounds, pinpoint burns, ulcers, acne, scars not only from cuts, but also after surgical intervention, can be treated with this infusion. It kills pathogenic microbes, healing occurs quickly. The most interesting thing is that the scar is practically invisible afterwards.
  • Having divorced alcohol infusion, can be rinsed oral cavity if you have problems with your gums or throat. For throat diseases, you can simply chew aloe and swallow the juice.
  • Aloe tincture, prepared with alcohol, has long been used in cosmetology. Experts advise using the product to heal and destroy bacteria for rashes, inflammation, and excessive oily skin. Wipe the skin of the face with a moistened disc for 10 days in the morning and before bed.
  • If you have a runny nose, you can drip your nose, but not for long. The same procedure helps if your ear hurts.
  • For arthrosis, you can make applications using either a pure jelly-like substance of agave or an infusion of alcohol.

As you can see, alcohol tincture, from aloe leaves a wide range of uses.

Traditional recipes with aloe

Here are a few recipes that our grandmothers used to treat.

If the body is weakened, strengthen it.

  • You will need juice (100 ml), peeled and crushed walnuts(0.5 kg), natural honey (300 g) and fresh lemon juice(1/4 l). Mix the ingredients, take a teaspoon three times 30 minutes before meals.
  • This remedy helps boost immunity and cleanse the blood. The aged leaves are thoroughly washed and peeled. You can grind it using a meat grinder or blender. Add cooled boiled water and lemon juice (3:1). Take a large spoon three times daily.

Treatment of gastritis with aloe is quite possible. Here are some recipes:

  • For 30 days you need to drink ten drops of fresh juice 30 minutes before meals.
  • Pick a leaf, peel and chew before breakfast every day. Then drink some boiled water. You need to be treated in this way for 21 days. Treatment with aloe for gastritis is necessary in several courses with breaks of a month.
  • When treating a sick stomach, aloe with honey helps. The leaves of the medicinal plant are thoroughly crushed and the same amount of liquid honey is added to the mass. Use a small spoon before any meal 30 minutes to three weeks. This recipe with honey and aloe for pancreatitis is also recommended. Gastric juice begins to be produced in the required quantities.

Before using aloe for gastritis or pancreatitis, you should consult your doctor.

Juice from aloe leaves is welcomed by gynecologists, this can be judged by numerous reviews:

  • If you are concerned about cervical erosion, experts advise treating it with tampons with juice. They are inserted into the vagina for no more than three hours.
  • The juice can be taken orally during pregnancy as a laxative, but after consulting a doctor. It is advisable to drink for women who have begun menopause.

Crushed agave is mixed with honey. In another container, an infusion is prepared from the leaves and flowers of St. John’s wort and “cooked” in a water bath for no more than 4 minutes. In chilled herbal infusion wine is poured. After 10 days you can drink it in the morning before meals for two weeks.

Aloe beauty recipes

The person needs constant care.

  • For dilated capillaries and wrinkles, you can squeeze out a jelly-like mass of agave and apply it to previously prepared skin. Gently pat your face with your fingertips. After a while we wash our face warm water and apply cream. We carry out this procedure 12 times, every other day.
  • The skin on the face ages, the first ones appear crow's feet near the eyes, it's time to start the fight for beauty. In this case, rubbing it in the mornings and evenings with a plant leaf cut in half twice a week helps.
  • Mask. Sour cream (large spoon) + agave juice (1 small spoon) + yolk of one egg. Mix the ingredients until smooth, apply to the face twice after drying. To rinse, alternate cold and hot water. One procedure per week before the bath is enough.

Helping hair

You can prepare a preventive remedy to maintain the beauty and strength of your hair. The crushed plant material is boiled for no more than 10 minutes in 0.5 liters of water, cooled and filtered. The decoction is rubbed into the scalp. There is no need to rinse off immediately.

Hair loss can be stopped with a mask. Grind the aloe leaves to a mushy state. Then the root part of the hair is processed and covered with a bag for 20 minutes. Use clean warm water to rinse off.

Aloe contraindications

Despite the fact that aloe vera and agave have beneficial properties, there are some contraindications for its use. In any case, specialist advice is required. When taking agave preparations, avoid overdose. Otherwise, problems with the blood, intestines, and bladder may occur.

For which diseases is it not indicated:

  • diseases of the liver, gall bladder;
  • cystitis;
  • haemorrhoids.
  • Not for pregnant women, can lead to loss of the child, as well as during menstruation.
  • intestinal obstruction.

Long courses of treatment are prohibited, since minerals are removed from the body.

In custody

A home doctor should be on the windowsill in every apartment. Preferably in the bedroom to enrich the room with oxygen at night. He will provide first aid in case of illness or recovery from health problems. But remember that in any medicinal plant there is both benefit and harm. People who are losing weight especially need to be careful: advice from a nutritionist is as necessary as air.

Grow medicinal plant not difficult, details on our website. The almighty doctor will always protect you from illness.

Aloe is a genus of evergreen plants well known for its medicinal properties. In total, there are about five hundred species of this plant in the genus, whose homeland is Africa. Due to the fact that the leaves and stem of this plant contain a large amount of useful substances, such as allantoin, natural antioxidants, vitamins B, C, E and beta-carotene, it is often used in folk medicine. Aloe is used to treat a variety of diseases; it is no coincidence that it is considered one of the most popular indoor plants, which can be found in almost every home.

Aloe tinctures are an excellent remedy that has wide range actions. They are used to treat colds and infectious diseases, relieve pain and tension, cure serious ones.

Depending on the additional components that are used together with aloe to prepare tinctures, their properties may change. Thanks to this, with the help various tinctures Almost any disease can be treated. To know which tincture will be more effective in treating a particular disorder, we offer you several simple but very effective recipes.

Recipe for making aloe tincture with honey and vodka

Homemade tincture of aloe with honey is used in the treatment of diseases such as radiculitis, rheumatism, tuberculosis, chronic pneumonia, cataracts, and colds. Taking the tincture helps strengthen the immune system and helps with vitamin deficiency.

For tincture for radiculitis and rheumatism you will need to take: 3 tbsp. spoons of aloe juice, 3 tbsp. spoons of honey, water - 100 ml. Mix aloe and honey in an enamel saucepan, pour half a glass hot water and hold for a few minutes in a water bath. To prevent honey from losing its beneficial properties, the water temperature should not be more than 70 degrees.

To use aloe tincture: cool the resulting ointment slightly and rub it while still warm into sore spots. For the best effect, cover the top with plastic wrap and tie with a woolen scarf. This compress should be done twice a week overnight. The course of treatment is 30-45 days.

For tuberculosis and chronic pneumonia, the tincture is taken orally.

Wash 300 grams of aloe leaves well, chop into a paste with a knife and mix with 250 grams of honey. Pour 150 ml of water into the resulting mixture and place on low heat or in a water bath, evaporate the tincture for two hours, then cool and let it brew for 24 hours. Take one tablespoon 1 time per day.

For colds and reduced immunity This recipe for aloe tincture with honey will help. Mix vodka, aloe juice and honey in equal parts until smooth. Take one tablespoon per day. You can replace vodka with dry wine.

For cataracts, an ointment made from aloe juice and honey will help. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions and wash your eyes three times a day.

Using tinctures of aloe, Cahors and honey

Cahors wine has beneficial properties and is an excellent remedy for colds and digestive problems. In combination with no less healthy juice aloe and natural honey, this wine will help cope with more serious diseases.

A tincture of aloe, Cahors and honey will help with stomach ulcers. To do this, you will need to mix wine, honey and aloe, beet, cabbage and radish juices in equal proportions. The resulting mixture should be simmered in the oven at 100 degrees for 5-6 hours or kept in a water bath. Drink the tincture three times a day 30 minutes before meals.

To treat the digestive system, the tincture is prepared as follows: 500 aloe leaves are crushed in a meat grinder or using a blender, 1 cup of honey is added to the mixture and mixed well. The resulting tincture should be placed in a dark, cool place for 3 days, then pour in 500 ml of Cahors and mix well again. Leave the tincture with wine for another 3 days, after which it will be ready for use. Drink one tablespoon 3 times a day before meals for a month. If you want to extend the course, you should take a break for two weeks.

Aloe tincture for hair

Weakened and lost hair is a problem that many women face quite often, regardless of age. Aloe tincture for hair will help restore healthy shine and make it truly beautiful.

Mix 1 teaspoon of aloe juice with a teaspoon castor oil and 1 tablespoon of honey. Mix the tincture well and let stand for 30 minutes. After this, the tincture is ready for use. Weak hair wash well, then lubricate with tincture and rinse clean water. Repeat the procedure for a month 2 times a week.

Dry and bleached hair can be brought back to life with this tincture. Mix aloe juice in equal proportions, heat in a water bath and lubricate the entire length of the hair with the resulting tincture. Leave the mask for 30 minutes, then wash with soap or shampoo. It is enough to repeat the procedure once a week for a month.

Using tincture of aloe leaves with vodka for the face

It will help greatly to restore youthfulness to your facial skin. simple mask made from aloe leaves. Wash the leaves of the plant well, grind in a blender or grind in a meat grinder, and apply the resulting mask to your face. Wash off after 15 minutes with warm water, then cold water. Repeat regularly.

Aloe tincture for the face with vodka and peach oil moisturizes and nourishes well. Mix 3 teaspoons of day cream, 2 teaspoons of crushed aloe leaf, 1/2 teaspoon of peach oil and add 1 teaspoon of vodka. Wipe the face and neck with the resulting tincture using a cotton swab. Leave the mask on your face for 30 minutes, then carefully remove with a damp cloth or rinse with warm water.

This recipe for aloe tincture with vodka can also be used to care for the skin of the entire body. Apply the mixture to a clean body after taking a shower or bath. Wash off with water without soap or remove with a damp sanitary napkin. The procedure can be repeated regularly 1-2 times a week. The result will be noticeable after the first time.

Suitable for dry skin simple tincture on the water. Wash 100 grams of aloe leaves, chop with a knife or blender, pour liters cold water and leave for 2 hours. Heat the prepared tincture in a water bath for 5 minutes or bring to a boil over low heat. Cool the resulting mixture, strain through cheesecloth and store in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator. You can make a compress from this tincture or wipe your face with a cotton swab. Repeat the procedure 3 times a week, duration - no more than 10 minutes. At the end of the procedure, lubricate the skin with any nourishing cream.

Aloe juice tincture for acne

For acne and acne A tincture made from the juice of the plant will help. Wash the aloe leaves well, grind them in a meat grinder or blender and apply the resulting mass to the stock. Leave for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water without soap. Repeat the procedure every other day for 2 months.

Aloe tincture for acne with the addition of egg yolks and beeswax will help cleanse the skin in just a few treatments. 20 grams fresh juice mix aloe with 20 grams of honey, 2 egg yolks, 15 grams of beeswax and 1 tbsp. spoon vegetable oil- sunflower or olive. Apply the resulting mixture to problem areas 3 times a week.

How to take aloe tincture for cough

It is very simple to prepare a cough tincture from aloe. To do this, you need to take honey and aloe juice in equal parts, mix and drink 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. The tincture can be stored for no more than 12 hours in a cool place or on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, otherwise it will lose its healing properties. Therefore, you should not prepare the mixture in large quantities.

To prepare aloe tincture for bronchitis and pneumonia, you need to take: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of aloe juice, 100 grams of butter and 100 grams of honey.

Mix all ingredients and take 1 tbsp. spoon twice a day, with intervals of 12 hours. The tincture gives good effect if washed down with a glass warm milk. The improvement is noticeable already on the 3-4th day of treatment. The same remedy can be used to prevent colds.

Aloe tincture on Cahors will also help get rid of a severe cough.

You need to take 300 ml of Cahors, 250 grams of honey and 100 ml of aloe juice. Mix all ingredients well and leave in a cool, dark place for 4 days; you can put the mixture in the refrigerator. Take the tincture 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals, 1 teaspoon.

This remedy has excellent antiviral and general strengthening effect, so it can be taken for bronchitis, tonsillitis and tracheitis. Not suitable for treating children.

A tincture of honey, aloe and vodka will help with colds. Take honey, vodka and plant juice in equal proportions, mix and take 1 tablespoon per day. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator throughout the course of treatment.

Aloe tincture recipe for stomach

Aloe tincture for the stomach is prepared from the leaves of the plant, honey and wine. Excellent in treating ulcers duodenum and stomach, disorders and atony of the stomach. It's quite simple to prepare:

Wash the aloe leaves and chop them with a knife or grind them in a meat grinder. Mix 1/2 cup of the resulting mixture with a glass of honey, mix well and place in a dark, cool place for 3 days. You can add 50 grams of any wine, but not necessarily, mix again and let it brew for another day. Take the tincture 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon.

Crushed aloe leaves can be taken as a laxative. If you mix a paste of crushed leaves with a glass of honey, you will get an excellent cure for constipation. The mixture with honey should be infused for 24 hours in a cool place, then heated in a water bath and strained. Take 1 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach, no earlier than an hour before meals.

Aloe tincture with alcohol: preparation and use of alcohol tincture

Aloe tincture with alcohol can be prepared in different ways. The easiest way to prepare effective remedy- mix 1 kilogram of crushed aloe leaves, 1 glass of sugar and 500 ml of alcohol. For lack of medical alcohol You can prepare an aloe tincture with vodka.

The leaves of the plant should be pre-prepared as follows: rinse well in running water, place on a paper towel or colander and allow to drain excess water. Spread a sheet of polished paper or food foil and wrap the prepared raw materials in it. Leave the wrapped leaves in the freezer for 20 days.

Once the leaves are ready, carefully defrost them and chop them with a sharp knife. You can grind them in a meat grinder - you should get a jelly-like mush. Transfer this mass to a convenient bowl or glass jar and cover with sugar. Place the dishes with the preparation for medicinal tincture from aloe into the refrigerator for three days.

When the juice is released and the sugar has almost melted, pour alcohol or vodka on top. To mix the mixture, close the jar with a lid and shake well. The tincture will be ready for use the very next day. Store aloe vera alcohol tincture only in the refrigerator in a tightly closed jar. If you used a saucepan or bowl for preparation, the finished tincture should be transferred to jars or bottles and covered with lids.

The simplest and most quick recipe tinctures of aloe and alcohol are prepared as follows:

Wash the aloe leaves and cut them lengthwise with a knife. Place in a convenient container and add alcohol in a 1:1 ratio. Leave in a cool place for 21 days. After this, the tincture is ready for use.

To prevent self-medication from leading to disastrous results and causing new disorders and complications, it is very important to strictly follow all recommendations for the use of aloe tincture with alcohol.

Before taking aloe tincture, make sure that you have no contraindications. You should not take tinctures if you have liver or gallbladder diseases or pregnancy. For cystitis and hemorrhoids, you should avoid any drug that contains aloe juice. For a while menstrual cycle Taking the tincture should be discontinued.

Some medicinal mixtures and tinctures from aloe can be given to children after 12 years of age, but you should always consult a doctor before taking them.

You should avoid using aloe tincture in vodka if you are undergoing treatment with other medicines. Alcohol tinctures should not be given to children of any age.

It is very important to follow the recommended dosages during treatment, otherwise intestinal irritation and acute poisoning. With any sharp praises internal organs specialist consultation is required. In case of deterioration of the condition, nausea, headache and others unpleasant symptoms, you should stop taking it and immediately consult a doctor.

Like other immune boosters, the tincture should not be taken for a long time. Be sure to take breaks and give your body a rest. Before starting use, you should undergo an allergy test and individual tolerance to aloe.

If the diagnosis is unknown, self-medication is strictly prohibited!

Treatment of stroke and stomach cancer with aloe tincture

Treatment with aloe tincture is very effective and effective way, which helps even with very serious diseases.

Aloe tincture prepared at home can be used to treat a variety of diseases. The remedy has gained particular popularity in folk medicine due to its unique properties. With the help of tinctures you can cure women's diseases, oncological diseases, disorders in genitourinary system and many others. Simple and effective recipes How to make aloe tincture will help you even in cases where other means are powerless.

Before preparing an aloe tincture to restore health after a stroke, you should prepare the following ingredients: fresh aloe juice and mumiyo. Place 5 grams of mummy in a glass jar and pour 100 ml of freshly squeezed aloe juice over it. Leave the resulting solution in a cool place for several hours. When the mummy has completely melted, the tincture can be taken. The recovery course lasts 2 weeks - take one teaspoon twice a day before meals. To healing effect does not disappear, after 14 days you should take a break for two weeks. During the break, take propolis tincture three times a day. The number of drops for a single dose is 20-25. After the break, treatment with aloe juice tincture should be continued again for another 2 weeks. The total course should not exceed 2 months.

Aloe tincture from the leaves will help treat stomach cancer. It is very important to choose the right plant - to prepare the tincture you will only need the leaves of a three-year-old aloe.

Cut off the lower leaves of the plant, rinse well, dry and place in the refrigerator or freezer. You can wrap the leaves in a sheet of foil or regular food paper. Leave the aloe in the cold for 12 hours, then chop and squeeze out the juice well - 2 tablespoons. Place 3 leaves of rose geranium in a bowl and add three tablespoons of boiling water. Warm the leaves in a water bath or place in a warm oven for 8 hours. Add aloe juice to the resulting decoction, mix, add 500 ml of alcohol or cognac and 3 drops of iodine.

Drink one tablespoon of the tincture before meals at intervals of 12 hours - morning and evening. For successful treatment It is very important to follow all recommendations for the use of aloe vera alcohol tincture! Before starting treatment, consultation with your doctor is required.