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What could be the causes of a headache in the frontal region? Headache in the frontal region: causes, diagnosis and treatment features

The forehead is a part of the body on a person’s head, located from the eyebrows below to the base of the hair above. The sides of the forehead are limited by the temples. Pain in the frontal part of the head may be caused by the most for various reasons. The forehead can hurt due to inflammation of the sinuses, teeth, migraines, allergies, and prolonged stress.

Causes of pain in the frontal part of the head

Headache in the frontal part it spreads from the neck to the back of the head, temples, eye area, on one or both sides. May be accompanied by the following characteristic symptoms:



You can feel the pain points in the back of the head and neck. The pain is dull, monotonous, pressing, squeezing or bursting. Localization of pain usually felt around the head, in the frontal part of the head and eyes, temples, under the back of the head, sometimes reminiscent of the head being pulled together with a ribbon or a tight cap. Usually provoked mental stress, fatigue. Appears in the background nervous exhaustion or strong mental stress. The reason is usually psychological problem, especially excessive efforts that do not lead to desired result and resolution, anxiety or depression.

Headache with increased intracranial pressure

This subtype of headache occurs in people prone to low or high blood pressure. The symptom is usually pain of moderate intensity. During a headache attack, a decreased or increased arterial pressure . Often provoked by the weather, overwork, and mental stress. The following diseases may also be the cause:

    Arterial hypertension;

    vascular dystonia;

    irregularities in work thyroid gland, adrenal glands, kidneys, heart;

    psycho-emotional stress, fatigue

Pain of a squeezing or bursting nature in the frontal part of the head can be combined with pressing pain in the eye area. At sinusitis there is a feeling of tension or pain in the affected sinus, impaired nasal breathing, nasal discharge, impaired sense of smell on the affected side, photophobia and lacrimation.

The pain is often diffuse, vague or localized in the frontal part of the head, temple and occurs at the same time of the day. Body temperature is elevated, often chills. The causes of inflammation of the frontal sinus are usually the same as for inflammation maxillary sinus. However, this disease is much more severe than inflammation of other paranasal sinuses nose

At front the following symptoms are noted:

    Pain in the frontal part of the head in the morning;

    violation of nasal breathing;

    discharge from the corresponding half of the nose.

The pain is often unbearable and becomes neuralgic in nature. IN severe cases characterized by eye pain, photophobia and decreased sense of smell. The headache subsides after the sinus is emptied and resumes as the outflow becomes more difficult. In acute influenza frontal sinuses, the body temperature is increased, sometimes the color of the skin over the sinuses changes, swelling and swelling in the frontal part of the head And upper eyelid, resulting from local circulatory disorders.

The headache subsides after the sinus is emptied and resumes as the outflow becomes more difficult. At acute influenza frontitis body temperature is elevated, sometimes the color of the skin above the sinuses is changed, swelling and puffiness are noted in the frontal part of the head and upper eyelid.

Pain in the frontal part of the head is most often associated with inflammation of the membranes of the frontal and ethmoid sinuses, with the development of neuralgia or neuritis first branch trigeminal nerve. Neuralgic pain paroxysmal, not accompanied by an increase in body temperature or mucus discharge from the nose. During an attack, lacrimation and redness of the forehead are possible.


In infectious diseases, the localization of pain can be different, but the most common is headache. This is the most common complaint of many patients infectious diseases. It is noted at any increased body temperature and intoxication. The pain is usually dull and localized mainly in the frontal part of the head with the following diseases in the body:

  • typhus, malaria;

    acute meningitis.

Indeed, a very severe headache occurs with acute meningitis, which is also manifested by vomiting and meningeal syndrome. Headache with influenza is localized in frontal part of the head, brow ridges and temples. It appears at the beginning of the disease and is combined with symptoms such as:

  • muscle pain;

    feeling of weakness and weakness.

Eye movements are painful, photophobia is severe. Patients note “scratching” behind the sternum (tracheitis), cough. Common pain syndrome observed when dengue fever. Retro-orbital headache is especially severe with it, as well as pain in muscles and joints. Due to pain in the muscles and joints, a gait on unbending legs appears (the gait of a dandy). The face is hyperemic and puffy, the sclera is injected, it is possible hemorrhagic rash. Muscle and joint pain persists for up to 3-8 weeks.

Burning one-sided pain, pulsating, radiating to the forehead and eyes (at the same time it turns red and watery), the so-called cluster, or beam. The vast majority of sufferers are men over 30 years old, and smokers. Attacks can begin with a cigarette, even small dose alcohol, sudden climate change. They are always painful - a person literally grabs his head, cannot sit still, the pain comes at night, and painkillers They don't help for long. Nature cluster pain little has been studied, but doctors classify it as vascular - like migraine, the old evil companion of many women.

Migraine manifests itself as severe, pulsating, sudden onset, unilateral pain in the frontal part of the head and temple, radiating to the orbit and back of the head. Similar attacks recur periodically. There is a family predisposition. Dietary supplements such as monosodium glucamate may also cause pain in the frontal scalp.

The range of reasons causing pain in the face, is more than wide, so establishing the truth usually requires the help of a doctor. Moreover, in some cases a whole council consisting of family doctor, dentist, otolaryngologist and neurologist. And although you need a specialist to determine the cause of the pain, you can do a lot yourself, in any case, relieve the pain in the first moments of its appearance.

A headache in the forehead area affects not only those who accidentally hit themselves and earned themselves a bump. Problems in the frontal region occur due to serious reasons, such as infectious diseases, tumors, migraines. However, one should always hope for the best; the pain should go away soon if its cause lies in ordinary overwork.

Factors that provoke frontal pain

For better or worse, unlike the other lobes of the skull, in which, if a headache occurs, you don’t know who to turn to, painful sensations in the frontal part there are only four groups of stimuli. Using the method of elimination, starting from this, you can determine the causes of the disease in the forehead:

Vascular diseases

A considerable part of the blood supply system is located over such a large area. Therefore, in 60% of cases, headaches in the forehead are caused by problems associated with vascular diseases. These include:

  • Migraines due to neuritis, arteritis, etc.
  • Infectious diseases and vascular inflammation.
  • Stroke pain and ischemic vascular diseases.
  • Rupture of a vein or artery.

Symptoms accompanying pain in the frontal part are vegetative abnormalities: vomiting, nausea, pallor, weakness. The nature of the pain is described in two ways - sometimes it manifests itself in a stable, aching way, sometimes it throbs in the forehead.

It is not surprising that with such severe deviations in the body, a person loses his ability to work, even becoming disabled. It is difficult for him to concentrate, the brain located in the frontal part finds it almost impossible to return to normal operation. Paresis or paralysis and problems with the speech apparatus often occur. Finally, a headache in the forehead provokes an increase in intracranial pressure and fluid accumulation. So sometimes surgical intervention is required.

Viral and infectious diseases

The next group belongs to the same dangerous reasons, which we detect too late to cure with ordinary aspirin. These are viruses and bacteria that spread through the blood throughout the body. According to statistics, the most common viral disease that causes pain in the forehead is ARVI, followed by influenza or sore throat.

Pain also occurs with sinusitis, tonsillitis, or a more rare form of infection maxillary sinuses– frontal sinusitis, which is also characterized by light intolerance, pain in the eyes and worsening pain in the morning.

Since the entire area of ​​the face and frontal area is infected, pressure arises and strong pain, while any movement, even moving the eyes, can provoke a new push.

Abuse of antibiotics and medicines In some groups, when treating sinusitis, it also leads to headaches. Therefore, treatment should be combined, including washing and warming, and in no case should the dosage of medications be increased without the knowledge of the doctor.

Muscle and osteochondrosis pain

The cervical spine is often affected by a disease such as osteochondrosis. It occurs due to prolonged deformation and exposure to incorrect position head and neck. For example, during office work. As a result, headaches can appear in any part of the head, including in the forehead.

Situations are no less common when an employee, schoolchild, or student experiences constant stress and stress; the body, as it were, puts on a protective shell and squeezes its muscles. Overstrain occurs, which is characterized by pain in the collarbone, neck, and not least headache in the frontal region.

Gamers and computer scientists often suffer from pain precisely because of overexertion.

On the other hand, pain can also occur due to shock, nervous breakdown or long work brain Remember in childhood we often heard “if you think too much, you’ll get a headache.” Indeed, there is a connection in this. The pain from mental stress is tingling in nature, also radiates to the temples and does not recede quickly. Some describe it as an iron hoop that binds the skull. This is where those types of migraines that are not hereditary develop.

Traumatic nature of pain

Of course, the same “bump” that we put on the forehead, as on the most protruding frontal part of the skull, provokes pain. And this is in best case scenario You get a bruise and swelling that goes away after a couple of days. But there are also serious injuries, creating ruptures in nerve tissue and internal bleeding. In this case, the doctor sends for an examination with detailed X-rays and MRI and makes a diagnosis up to a concussion, which must be treated accordingly.

There are also causes of headache that are not associated with any of the listed groups. As the most amazing of them, let's call nutritional supplements. Few people know what they actually eat, pain in the forehead and nausea suddenly appear, and we have to “unearth” the truth. So read and remember - substances that can cause pain in the head and especially in the frontal part:

  • Monosodium glutamate - often added as a preservative to raw foods, is especially dangerous when eating sushi.
  • Nitrates – common in fresh vegetables and fruits as additives that “increase” growth and volume.
  • Histamine – there is a lot of it in alcohol, especially in beer and red wine. In small quantities, histamine is even useful, but it is important to know when to stop.
  • Tyramine is also needed in small doses and is found in chocolate, nuts and some cheese varieties.
  • Caffeine is a mental stimulant and antioxidant. But you should not drink more than a cup of coffee or green tea per day. Caffeine is found in Coca-Cola and many energy drinks.

How to treat frontal pain

The most common question that interests us is how to get rid of these discomfort in the forehead, because you need to somehow move on with your life and concentrate on work. If the old methods - cold compress and a glass of cognac, which saved Pushkin’s characters, do not help, therefore, a more serious reason needs to be eliminated.

So, if you have had a blood test or other type of examination and your doctor has diagnosed you with viral disease, it is necessary to get rid of pathogens. Pain in the frontal part, as an accompanying symptom, goes away on its own as soon as the pus is removed from the sinuses or ARVI passes, etc. To slightly alleviate the symptoms, they take aspirin and paracetamol, medications that reduce fever and inflammatory processes in organism.

In case of traumatic pain, discomfort in the forehead due to osteochondrosis, the doctor will prescribe a course of rehabilitation exercises and massage. Also massaging the shoulder girdle and acupressure the frontal part will help relieve muscle pain, stress and pain from overexertion. Massage may involve the use of analgesic ointments or balms based on essential oils.

Oils such as mint, lemon balm, grapefruit, geranium, and lavender are known for their miraculous properties - they relax and relieve pain, and increase tone in the body.

Don’t be surprised, but sometimes the cure lies in the simplest thing – rest. If pain of a stressful nature and migraine prevent you from doing your work, rather than doing it poorly, take a couple of weeks off and don’t do it at all. Completely give up worries and bad thoughts, “unwind to the fullest” and most importantly, get enough sleep. By the way, a person needs to sleep no more than 6-7 hours a day; the rest of the time also has a detrimental effect on the body. And if your head hurts from lack of sleep, then it will hurt just as much from “oversleeping.”

Most main advice, which we will leave for last - do not self-medicate. You don’t need to set yourself the most terrible diagnosis from all those agreed upon and run to the pharmacy for strong drugs. It is better to consult a doctor and start treatment with the most gentle measures. Then there is a chance that the pain will go away once and for all, without leaving any bad consequences.

The most common complaint that people come to the doctor with is a frontal headache. The reasons for its appearance can be very different. This normal fatigue, overwork or serious hidden pathologies. To establish a diagnosis, you need to undergo an examination and begin timely therapy.

Frontal headache: causes

The main factors influencing the appearance of ailments in the forehead area are:

  • infectious viral diseases;
  • low-quality food products consumed over a long period of time;
  • household poisoning;
  • ENT diseases;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • neurological diseases;
  • head injuries and bruises;
  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • malignant tumors.

Due to the above and other factors, a headache in the frontal region may appear. The reasons are determined by the doctor through diagnosis. Based on the results of the examination, treatment is prescribed.

Frontal headache: symptoms

The causes of illness help to establish the symptoms that accompany it. As a rule, this is fatigue, nausea, vomiting. With such manifestations, pallor may be observed skin, weakness, surges in blood pressure, rapid pulse. In such a situation, people feel dizzy, experience pain in the eyes and noise in the ears. A person with severe pain in the head does not tolerate daylight well, he experiences excessive sweating, dizziness, chills, and aching joints.

The pain itself can be different: dull, sharp, stabbing, sharp, intense, throbbing or burning. Determined only by the patient’s description and when establishing the real reason is only a minor factor.

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels

Often occurs due to a decrease (increase) headache in the frontal region. The reasons for this are hypoxia, in which special pain receptors are irritated and the person feels unwell. Sometimes pain occurs due to problems with blood circulation in the brain.

Similar discomfort can occur with pathologies of the cardiovascular system, such as:

  • low or high blood pressure;
  • period of hypertensive crisis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • thrombosis;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • congenital heart defect;
  • malignant formations in the head area.

With such ailments, the patient not only feels a headache, but also quickly gets tired, loses performance, and feels weakness throughout the body. These diseases can cause hallucinations, dizziness and spots in the eyes.

To diagnose the disease, you need to visit a cardiologist, vascular surgeon, oncologist.

Injuries and bruises

Injuries and bruises can cause persistent headaches in the frontal region. The causes are a concussion, in which there is a short-term loss of consciousness, weakness throughout the body, nausea and dizziness. Here you need consultation not only with a traumatologist, but also with a neurologist.

Brain contusion also provokes pain in the head. Symptoms here develop gradually. In addition to pain, nausea, weakness and dizziness may occur.

A simple bruise of the frontal area, accompanied by the formation of a hematoma, often affects the appearance of ailments. If suppuration occurs when soft tissue is injured, the negative effects may intensify. Chills, fever and discomfort throughout the body occur. In case of such bruises, it is necessary to visit a traumatologist to exclude brain contusion and concussion.

Nervous system diseases

The cause of headaches in the frontal part of the head sometimes lies in diseases nervous system. Neuralgia ternary nerve provokes the appearance of a sharp pain syndrome in the head, which lasts a couple of minutes. Discomfort can occur with any accidental touch to the forehead. The pain radiates to the eyes, ears, and often spreads to the teeth and forefinger on the left hand. The disease is poorly studied. Treatment with all kinds of medications is prescribed. In a severe stage of development it is required surgical intervention.

Neurosis causes throbbing pain in the frontal region. This is usually the only symptom. The disease is accompanied by neurasthenia, excessive anxiety, and hysteria. The appearance of this disease is influenced by a long stay in a state of stress. Treated by taking soothing herbs, medications and antidepressants.

Pain in the forehead area is often observed with migraines. This disease is chronic. IN neglected form sometimes causes paralysis of the entire body. Migraine attacks can bother a person up to ten times a month. There is severe throbbing pain in the forehead area. Possible fainting, vomiting, nausea, ripples in the eyes. Treatment is carried out depending on the symptoms and condition of the patient.

Infectious and viral pathologies

Viral and bacterial diseases often provoke severe headaches in the frontal region. The reasons here lie in inflammation or partial damage to internal organs.

One of the factors causing headaches is frontal sinusitis. It occurs as a result of complications from colds, flu or runny nose. Delayed treatment and violation of medical instructions are the main reasons for the appearance of pus in frontal sinuses. During the period of the disease, not only severe pain occurs, but also swelling and swelling of the frontal area. The blood supply system in this area is disrupted, which prevents pus from flowing out of the lesion. During the period of illness, the patient experiences nasal congestion, temperature up to 38.5°, weakness, photophobia, and impaired sense of smell. Treatment is carried out by an otolaryngologist.

Ethmoiditis is one of the causes of headaches. Occurs when the ethmoid sinus becomes inflamed. Since the source of inflammation is located inside the skull, the patient feels dull pain that involves the entire part of the forehead. The disease often resembles a cold. A fever appears, chills and a runny nose bother you. Diagnosis and treatment are carried out by an ENT doctor.

Severe pain in the forehead can be caused by sinusitis. The pain is intense and intensifies when bending forward. During the disease, nasal congestion is observed, fever, chills appear, and it becomes difficult to breathe. Held antibacterial therapy. Immunomodulatory and antiviral drugs. In severe cases, a puncture is required.

Household poisoning

Household poisoning can cause frequent headaches in the frontal region. Possible causes of this phenomenon are toxic substances that are part of many things created by the modern chemical industry.

Toxic substances can be found anywhere. For example, in furniture and carpets, household appliances and clothes. Unscrupulous manufacturers, in order to save money, use cheap raw materials, which are not always safe. Over time, the toxins that cause headaches disappear, and the discomfort in the forehead area ceases to bother the person. Therefore, you should choose products carefully, smell them, read the label and do not buy cheap things.


A headache in the frontal region can deprive you of your ability to work for a long time. The causes (diagnosis made on time will allow treatment of the disease to begin without delay) of its occurrence will be helped by an examination. If it is a cold, then you need to see a therapist. For bruises and injuries, you should visit a neurologist. If the ailments are accompanied by nasal congestion, an ENT specialist will help. Each situation must be considered individually.

To establish accurate diagnosis will need to go through full diagnostics. Take a blood and urine test. Do x-rays, CT or MRI. In some cases, Doppler ultrasound, electroencephalography or angiography will be needed. Sometimes a cerebrospinal fluid puncture is taken to identify the cause of the disease.

Basically, the examination takes place in outpatient setting, except for a puncture, during which the person is placed in a hospital.


In order to resort to therapy in time, it is necessary to establish what caused the headache in the frontal region. The reasons (treatment in this situation is prescribed by a doctor, and you should not try to get rid of the pain on your own), identified in a timely manner, will allow you to quickly eliminate such an ailment and return to normal life. If the pain appears due to overexertion or fatigue, then analgesics will help relieve it. good vacation and good sleep.

To stimulate brain functions, methylxanthines such as Theobromine and Guaranine are prescribed. You can relieve inflammation with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Paracetamol, Nurofen, Ibuprofen.

To activate cerebral circulation Ergotamines (Ergometrine) are prescribed. These medications are strictly prescribed and have many side effects. Eliminate muscle spasm antispasmodics, these are “Nosh-pa”, “Papaverine” or “Spazmalgon”. In some cases, beta-blockers cannot be avoided. They relieve pain by dilating blood vessels.

Whatever the cause of the headache, self-medication is not appropriate here, but medical supplies should be prescribed by a doctor to avoid negative consequences.

Folk remedies

You can relieve pain in the forehead area by traditional methods. First of all, these are ointments that contain essential oils of mint, lavender, geranium or grapefruit. They are rubbed into the place where pain is felt.

A glass of chamomile decoction will help, which should be consumed three times a day before meals. If the cause of the headache is not a cold, then you can put a cold compress or clay applications on the forehead for 15 minutes.

Tinctures of cornflower, thyme or lilac will help relieve discomfort. The usual will be an excellent help Bee Honey. It should be consumed half an hour before meals.

Painful sensations in the frontotemporal part, heaviness, a feeling of constriction in the eyes - the problem is quite common. The pain can vary in nature, be sharp, throbbing, stabbing or pressing, but it always causes great discomfort and affects general state person, reduces performance.

Reasons similar phenomenon maybe a lot. They may be related to external factors, or are signs of pathological processes, especially if they occur regularly. In any case, only a doctor can make a diagnosis. We will talk about the most common pathologies:

So why frontal part Heads and eyes hurt and what to do in these cases? Let's consider these questions today on the Popular About Health website:

Possible causes and nature of pain


This is a paroxysmal disorder of brain function, which is accompanied by regular attacks of unilateral headaches, often with vomiting. Young and middle-aged women are most often affected.

Additional signs include: nervousness, irritability, numbness (tingling) of the skin of the face and hands, photophobia, visual disturbances etc. An attack can last from a couple of hours to several days. This disease is often inherited.

Intracranial pressure

Painful sensations in the forehead, back of the head, temples, with a feeling of squeezing eyeballs may indicate increased or decreased blood pressure, provoked by stress, sudden changes in weather, overwork, etc.

Often such negative feelings are a symptom arterial hypertension, hypotension or vascular dystonia. Often indicate existing dysfunction of the thyroid gland, problems with the kidneys, adrenal glands or cardiovascular system.


This pathology of the sinuses is characterized by diffuse pain, most often in the forehead area. In this case, there is a violation of nasal breathing and sense of smell on the side of the affected sinus. Symptoms are complicated by lacrimation, photophobia, temperature may rise, and chills may appear.


Accompanied by pain in the frontal region and eyes, most often occurring in the morning after waking up. Sometimes it is very strong and has a neuralgic character. Photophobia and impaired nasal breathing are observed due to the accumulation of mucus in the sinuses. After cleansing, the pain subsides, but as outflow becomes more difficult, it resumes again and only increases.

In the presence of an acute form of influenza frontal sinusitis, the symptoms are complemented by elevated temperature and a change in skin tone over the sinuses. Due to impaired local circulation, swelling may appear on the forehead and eye area (upper eyelid). The headache stops after clearing the sinuses and resumes as the outflow difficulty increases.

Neuralgia, neuritis

They are accompanied by pain in the head and frontal region, which is associated with an inflammatory process in the membranes of the sinuses (frontal or ethmoid) and the presence of trigeminal neuritis.

Such neuralgic pains have a paroxysmal course. During an attack, lacrimation may be observed and sharp pain When you press your finger on your eyebrow, the skin on your forehead may become red.

Infectious diseases

For pathologies caused by infection, painful sensations may be of different localization, but the most common pain is felt in the head, its frontal part. It accompanies elevated body temperature and also indicates intoxication of the body. Usually has a dull, aching character.

In particular, with the flu, as well as typhoid or malaria, the pain is intense. Part of the forehead, eyebrows and temples hurts. At acute form meningitis, its intensity increases significantly. Symptoms are complemented by vomiting and severe weakness.

Psycho-emotional stress

Tense, Blunt pain, arising in the neck area, rising higher to the back of the head, forehead, temples and eyes. It can occur on one or both sides and is felt under the back of the head. It can be compressive, bursting, or tightening in nature.

Accompanied by dizziness, weakness, and attacks of nausea may occur. Such negative symptoms may indicate mental stress or extreme fatigue.

Intense tension in the neck muscles, accompanied by exacerbation pain sensitivity, are often signs of long-term mental stress, stress, anxiety or depression.

How to eliminate pain?

If pain occurs rarely, periodically, there is nothing to worry about for now. They can be easily eliminated with the help of painkillers: Paracetamol, Pentalgin, Nurofen, etc.

If negative feelings are associated with fatigue or stress, it is usually enough to just rest, get enough sleep, and also use soothing herbal remedies. Valerian, motherwort, lemon balm will help. Can be taken sedatives based on them, for example, Sedative PC. A head massage will also help, which normalizes blood circulation.

If the patient regularly has a splitting of the frontal part of the head and pain in the eyes, negative symptoms often appear in the form of attacks, you need to visit a doctor and find out the cause of this phenomenon.

In the presence of disease, without medical care not enough. In particular, the condition of sinusitis and pharyngitis will not improve until the frontal and maxillary sinuses will not be cleared of purulent contents.

For migraine headaches, patients are prescribed Metoclopramide (Reglan). To prevent attacks, Anaprilin, Topiramate, Timolol, etc. are used. However, the main treatment depends on many factors and can only be prescribed by a specialist. Be healthy!

The most common type of headache is a forehead headache. And there are certain explanations for this. The fact is that there are much more reasons why the frontal part of the head hurts than the reasons that explain the occurrence of pain in any other part of it. Moreover, sometimes these causes overlap, for example, factors that cause headaches in the back of the head or in the temples can also cause headaches in the forehead. It is not surprising that doctors recommend the same treatment in these cases.

Why does the frontal part of the head hurt - possible causes

Doctors divide all diseases that can cause pain in the frontal part of the head into the following groups:

  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • emotional experiences;
  • food poisoning and intoxication of the body;
  • infectious diseases of a bacterial or viral nature;
  • head injuries;
  • ear-nose-throat diseases;
  • cardiovascular diseases
  • osteochondrosis cervical spine spine.

Let's talk about them in a little more detail.

Factors contributing to pain in the frontal part of the head

Diseases of the nervous system, causing pain in the frontal part of the head, as a rule, are associated with inflammatory processes or neuralgia of the two main nerves - the trigeminal and optic. This pain has a specific stabbing or throbbing short-term nature, it can be felt not only in the frontal part of the head, but also spread along the entire length of the nerve. Patients often notice redness of the eyes, lacrimation, and sometimes associated rhinitis with liquid discharge from the nose.

The quality of products sold in Russian stores nowadays leaves much to be desired. If we add to this the fact that many people, wanting to save money, purchase products at reduced prices and then store them in the refrigerator for a long time, then it is not surprising that food poisoning occurs every now and then, sometimes quite severely. In addition, the headache may be a reaction to one of the additives included in some foods or canned food - flavorings or flavor enhancers. In addition, in our lives there are many substances that are frankly toxic to our body. Household chemicals, all kinds of repair products, furniture made from artificial materials - all this can cause severe intoxication of the body, which causes severe pain in the frontal part of the head.

Anyone who has had an acute illness at least once in their life respiratory disease or the flu, is well aware that, along with other unpleasant symptoms, such as general weakness, body aches, chills and elevated temperature, they are almost always accompanied by pain in the frontal part of the head. But there are many others infectious diseases, at which the same unpleasant symptom. In particular, these are sinusitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis. Headache in the forehead occurs with such dangerous diseases, such as meningitis and encephalitis, as well as a number of other diseases of a bacterial or viral nature.

Separately, it is necessary to say about injuries. Cracks in the frontal bone, concussions, traumatic injury cervical vertebrae or their displacement - all this is possible reason headache. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine can also cause pain in the forehead. As a rule, this occurs due to impaired cerebral circulation or pinching of nerve roots by displaced or overgrown vertebrae.

One of the most common reasons pain in the frontal part of the head is a disease cerebral vessels, impaired blood supply to the brain or increased intracranial pressure. However, headaches can also occur when blood pressure increases or decreases.

Finally, one of the most hazardous factors the appearance of pain in the frontal part of the head is all kinds of tumor diseases. It must be said that, compared to other reasons, fortunately, they do not occur too often, although this factor, of course, cannot be completely excluded.

Diagnosis and treatment of pain in the frontal part of the head

Diagnosis of the cause of frequent headaches in the forehead is carried out by a specialized specialist, usually a neurologist. It often includes examination using hardware methods, radiography and tomography - magnetic resonance or computer. If there is a suspicion of osteochondrosis or injury, additional consultation with a surgeon may be required. If we're talking about about inflammation of the middle ear - you will need the help of an otolaryngologist. Vascular examination is carried out using Doppler sonography or angiography. Additionally appointed laboratory research blood and urine tests.

Based on the examination data, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment. In this case, attention is drawn to the following points:

  • if headaches in the forehead are not caused by any pathological processes and we are talking about ordinary overwork or a consequence of stress, then it is usually quite enough to take painkillers, which stop the headache attack.
  • if there are some inflammatory processes occurring in the patient’s body, which are the cause of pain in the frontal part of the head, then the doctor may prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics
  • in case of spasmodic phenomena, the use of antispasmodics, such as No-shpa or Papaverine, is usually prescribed. If we are talking about spasm of cerebral vessels, the patient may be prescribed drugs from the family of beta-blockers. And to improve cerebral blood flow, drugs based on ergot alkaloids are used.
  • If necessary, for example, during development tumor diseases brain, the patient is indicated for surgical intervention and rehabilitation therapy.

Treatment of pain in the frontal part of the head with folk remedies

There are quite a lot folk recipes, which help to quickly get rid of a headache in the forehead, provided that it is not caused by any serious pathological processes.

If the frontal part of your head hurts, use the most simple means- place a thick, well-moistened towel on your forehead cold water. You can add a little vinegar to the water. Such a cold compress allows you to very quickly reduce the intensity of the headache, and after only a short time you will be able to fall asleep.

In case of frequent headaches, it is recommended to take tincture of eleutherococcus or propolis three times a day.

When you have a cold, inhalations based on essential oils help relieve pain in the frontal part of the head. peppermint or eucalyptus.

Essential oils lemon, lavender or rosemary can be used for aromatherapy, as aid for the treatment of pain in the frontal part of the head.