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Table of use of living and dead water. Gastritis with high acidity. Celandine with activated water

G.D. Lysenko

Treatment live and dead water

Poor health since childhood forced me to use medicines. The grandmother with whom I lived did not recognize pharmaceutical pharmacology. Apparently, she passed on to me the belief in limitless possibilities traditional medicine, in natural pharmacy recipes. I firmly decided to improve my health, strengthen myself, and became a career military man.


The order of the procedures, the results

Prostate adenoma

Every month for 20 days, half an hour before meals, take 150 g of “live” and “dead” water (every other day). Then drink “living” water for another 5 days. It is advisable to take additional “dead” water at night.
- While lying in the bath, massage the perineum of the shower.
- Massage with your finger through the perineum, very carefully.
- Enema of warm “living” water, 200 g.
- At night, put a compress on the perineum from “living” water, after washing with soap and moistening the perineum with “dead” water, allowing it to dry.
- When applying a compress, insert a candle from the cleaned raw potatoes V anus, having previously soaked it in “living” water.
- As a massage - cycling.
- Sunbathing.
- Regular use is useful sex life, but during sexual intercourse do not regulate ejaculation.
- Eat more garlic, onions, and herbs.
After 3-4 months, mucus is released, the tumor is not felt. For the purpose of prevention, this course should be repeated periodically.
Atherosclerosis Drink “dead” and “living” water 2-3 days a month, half an hour before meals, 150 g each. Apply a compress of “living” water to the cervical spine. Include more fresh cabbage and vegetable oil in your food. After meals, drink 30 g of unboiled water every half hour. Eat 2-3 cloves of garlic daily. Headaches decrease in the first month and then disappear completely.

Obliterating atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower extremities

Do everything as for cracked heels and hands, plus take 100 g of “dead” water half an hour before meals. This disease is accompanied by the fact that the soles of the feet dry out, and then due to the death of living cells, the skin thickens, then it cracks. If veins are visible, then you can put a compress on these places or at least moisten them with “dead” water, let them dry and moisten them with “living” water. Self-massage is also necessary. Cured in 6-10 days.
Swelling of the legs (Do not treat without consulting a doctor. This may be the active phase of rheumatism of the heart). Half an hour before meals, drink 150 g of “dead” water, and on the second day drink “live” water. Moisten the sore spots of the legs with “dead” water, and when dry, with “living” water. You can also apply a compress overnight. Compress on the lower back. Dissolve salt in water 1:10. Soak a towel in this solution and place it on your lower back. Once the towel is warm, wet it again. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times.
Varicose veins Apply a compress: rinse the swollen areas with “dead” water, then moisten the gauze with “living” water, apply to these areas and cover with cellophane, insulate and secure. Drink half a glass of “dead” water once, and then after 1-2 hours take half a glass of “living” water every 4 hours (a total of four times a day). Repeat the procedure for 2-3 days. On the third day, the veins are gone noticeable.
Diabetes mellitus, pancreatic diseases Drink “living” water constantly half an hour before meals, 150 g. Drink unboiled water, which can be settled on flint for 6 days, 30 g every half hour.
Stomach ulcer, duodenum, gastritis Drink “dead” and “living” water half an hour before meals, 150 g each (every other day). And every half hour, drink 30 g of unboiled water, settled for 6 days on flint, or fresh cabbage juice, as well as linden tea with honey. The course of treatment is 10 days. Repeat monthly until recovery.
Heartburn Drink 0.5 glasses of “living” water. The heartburn should stop. If there is no result, then you need to drink “dead” water.
Constipation Drink 100 g of cold “living” water on an empty stomach. If constipation is chronic, then take daily. You can give an enema of warm “living” water.
Helminthiasis (worms) Cleansing enema with “dead” water, then an hour later with “living water”. Drink 150 g of “dead” water every half hour during the day. The condition may not be good. Then, during the day, drink 150 g of “living” water half an hour before meals. If after two days complete recovery has not occurred, then repeat the course.
Hemorrhoids, anal fissures For 1-2 days in the evening, rinse the cracks and nodes with “dead” water, and then moisten tampons made with a candle (can be made from potatoes) with “living” water and insert into the anus. Heals in 2-3 days.
Diarrhea Drink half a glass of “dead” water. If the diarrhea does not stop within half an hour, repeat the procedure. Abdominal pain disappears after 10-15 minutes.
Osteochondrosis of the spine Drink 150 g of “dead” water and 24 hours of “living” water every other day, half an hour before meals. Apply a compress using “dead” water to the sore spot. A massage is recommended. The course of treatment is 10 days.
Metabolic polyarthritis with joint pain For 10 days, drink half a glass of “dead” water 3 times a day before meals. At night, apply a compress with “dead” water to the sore spots. Drink 150 g of “living” water after meals. Improvement occurs on the first day.
Rheumatoid arthritis Half an hour before meals, drink 150 grams of “living” and “dead” water every other day. Place a compress with the water you drink on lumbar region, including the tailbone.

Purulent wounds

First rinse the wound with “dead” water, and after 3-5 minutes - with “live” water. Then during the day, rinse 5-6 times only with “living” water. The wound dries up immediately and heals within two days.

Inflammatory processes, closed wounds, boils, acne, stye

Within two days put on sore spot warm compress. Before applying a compress, moisten the inflamed area with “dead” water and allow to dry. At night, take a quarter glass of “dead” water. Pierce boils (if not on the face) and squeeze out. Cures in 2-3 days.


For three days, rinse your throat and nasopharynx three times with “dead” water. After each rinse, take a quarter glass of “living” water. Be sure to rinse your mouth and throat before and after eating.


Apply a compress of warm “dead” water to your neck and drink 0.5 cups of “dead” water 4 times a day before meals. Wipe your soles at night vegetable oil, wear warm socks.


Drink 150 g of “dead” water 3 times a day half an hour before meals. Rinse the nasopharynx with “dead” water 8 times during the day, and drink 0.5 cups of “live” water at night. Relief occurs within 24 hours.


If there are bubbles, they need to be pierced, and then the affected areas should be moistened 4-5 times with “dead” water, and after 20-25 minutes with “live” water and in the following days, moisten the areas in the same way 7-8 times. The affected areas are healed quickly, without changes in the cover.

Toothache, damage to tooth enamel

Rinse your mouth with “dead” water several times a day for 8-10 minutes. The pain disappears immediately.

Gum disease (periodontal disease)

Rinse your mouth and throat 6 times a day for 10-15 minutes with “dead” and then “living” water. After the procedure, take 50 grams of “living” water orally. Improvement occurs within three days.

Bronchial asthma

Drink “living” water, heated to 36 degrees, after meals, 100 g. Inhale “living” water with soda. Sanitation of the nasopharynx with “dead” and then “living” water after meals, every hour. Apply mustard plaster to the chest area and feet. Recommended hot bath for the legs (as a distraction). Health improves already on the 2nd day. The course of treatment is 5 days. Repeat every month.

Cut, puncture

Rinse the wound with “dead” water. Apply a compress with “living” water. It will heal in 1-2 days.

Ringworm, eczema

Within 10 minutes. Wet the affected areas with “dead” water 4-5 times. After 20-25 minutes, moisten with “living” water. Repeat the procedure 4-5 times daily. Drink 100 g of “living” water half an hour before meals. After 5 days, if marks remain on the skin, take a 10-day break and repeat.


Rinse the nasopharynx, nasal cavity and mouth with “dead” water for 1-2 minutes, then with “living” water for 3-5 minutes, 3-4 times a day. Lotions of “dead” water for rashes and swelling. The rash and swelling disappear.

Acute stomatitis

Rinse with “dead” water for 10-15 minutes, then rinse for 2-3 minutes with “living” water. Repeat the procedure periodically for three days.

Recurrent bronchitis

The same procedures are recommended as for bronchial asthma. Repeat 3-4 times within an hour. Health improves already on the 2nd day. The course of treatment is 5 days. Repeat every month.

To improve well-being and normalize the functioning of organs

In the morning and evening after eating, rinse your mouth with “dead” water and drink 100 g of “living” water.


Drink 0.5 cups of “dead” water once. The headache soon stops.
Cracked heels, hands Wash your feet and hands with warm water and soap and let dry. Moisten with “dead” water and let dry. Apply a compress of “living” water overnight and scrape it off your feet in the morning white coating and grease with sunflower oil, let it absorb. In 3-4 days the heel will be healthy. Thoroughly disinfect shoes and slippers.
Foot odor Wash your feet with warm water, wipe dry, then moisten with “dead” water, and after 10 minutes - with “live” water. Wipe the inside of the shoes with a swab moistened with “dead” water and dry. Wash socks, moisten with “dead” water and dry. For prevention, you can wet socks after washing (or new ones) with “dead” water and dry them.
Facial hygiene In the morning and evening, after washing, the face is wiped first with “dead” water, then with “living” water. Do the same after shaving. The skin becomes smooth, acne disappears.


Moisten the face, neck, hands, and other parts of the body in the morning and evening with “dead” water.

Washing your hair

Rinse your hair with “living” water and a small addition of shampoo. Rinse with “dead” water.

Plant growth stimulation

Soak the seeds for 40 minutes to two hours in “living” water. Water the plants with “living” water 1-2 times a week. You can also soak in a mixture of “dead” and “living” water in a ratio of 1:2 or 1:4.

Preservation of fruits

Spray the fruits with “dead” water for four minutes and place in a container. Store at a temperature of 5-16 degrees.
First of all, please take into account that neither living nor dead water heals individual diseases. It heals the entire body as a whole. After all, “dead” water dissolves and removes salts, toxins, and any infection from the body. And “live” normalizes acidity, blood pressure and metabolism. Considering the anatomical structure of a person, I believe that the main thing in the body is the musculoskeletal system, and in it the spine. Based on this, I propose a 2-month course of treatment.

    1st month. For 10 days, drink “living” and “dead” water every other day, 150 g, half an hour before meals;

    At night, apply a compress for osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic region (place of compress: at the top - half of the neck, at the bottom - along the lower level of the shoulder blades, across the width - the shoulder joints). Moisten a calico (linen) rag with the water you drink that day;

    Drink only “living” water for 20 days.

    2nd month. 10 days also treat radiculitis (place of compress: at the top - from the shoulder blades, at the bottom - include the tailbone, across the width - the hip joints);

    Drink “living” water for 20 days.

Organs heal in the first month chest, atherosclerosis. In the second - the organs of the genitourinary system, the gastrointestinal tract.

You have finished treatment. Now you can take care of disease prevention. Experience shows that this is no less important. Every morning, half an hour before breakfast, you need to drink 100 g of “dead” water. Rinse the nasopharynx thoroughly. After breakfast, rinse your mouth with “dead” water, then hold the “dead” water in your mouth for 15-20 minutes. Half an hour before lunch and dinner, drink 150 g of “living” water. If you wake up at night, it is useful to drink 100 g of “dead” water. Using “living” and “dead” water on yourself and other people made it possible to create a table of treatment procedures various diseases. I was convinced in practice that this miracle water can replace many medications.


The experience of treatment convinced me of the need for preliminary preparation. I want to draw attention to the state of mind, emotions of the patient himself and the one who treats and helps him. I remembered lines from one letter: “It’s like the hostess - if she cooks food in a good mood, then the food will be good, but if she’s in a bad mood, with negative emotions, don’t expect good things, you can’t do without illnesses.”

When taking water or performing any other procedure, always relax, becoming sensitive and permeable. Mentally accompany the effect of water and procedures in your body. Only then will the treatment benefit. If you do all this on the fly, without emotions, then everything will be in vain. I explain to the patient in the first conversation before treatment:

The cause of illness or failure to recover is the lack of mental energy. It needs to be stocked up. How to do it and we're talking about further;

We will treat not only the disease, but also the body as a whole;

Health depends on the psyche, skin, nutrition;

It is very important not to allow immoral thoughts, and when they appear, turn to God with a prayer for forgiveness.


1st day. In the morning on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals, drink 50 grams of “living” water. Every day drink 100 grams of any juice (lemon, apple, carrot, beet, cabbage). Eat a few cloves of garlic and half an onion every day. Take 0.25 aspirin tablets three times a day after meals. Eat 10-15 grams of nuts (peanuts, walnuts) daily. Dinner: 100 grams of cottage cheese or cheese. After an hour, drink 50 grams of “living” water.

2nd day. If you feel good, repeat everything as on the first day. If you feel weak, have breakfast in the morning like this: pour 3 tablespoons of ground cereal an hour before meals with warm water, but not higher than 57 degrees. In an hour the porridge is ready. No lunch or dinner.

The following days are like the second.

My treatment usually consists of 10 sessions. In addition to water, massage is applied for 1.5-2 hours from head to toes. Of course, I take into account the state of health.


Reading the letters, I am once again convinced that the majority of those who want to be cured rely solely on water. She is truly omnipotent. But I want to show just one example how to treat psoriasis.

    Drink 100 g of “living” water 30 minutes before meals.

    Nettle bath for 10-15 minutes once a week, 4 times in total.

    if in the upper part of the body - 2-4th thoracic vertebrae;

    if in the lower part of the body - 4-11th lumbar vertebrae;

    directly to the affected area.

    At night, massage your feet, then wipe them with vegetable oil, put on warm socks.

    Sunbathing, dousing with salt water if there is no sea water.

    A compress to the affected area from a spoonful of birch tar (I do it myself at the same time when I cook activated carbon from birch), three tablespoons of fish oil. Mix everything thoroughly and spread on a cloth.

    Nutrition: sprouted wheat, alfalfa. Drink more cabbage, carrots, yeast sunflower oil. Limit the consumption of sweets, animal products, and alcohol.


The Gospel says: when Jesus Christ was crucified, on the second day Mary and Magdalsna brought LIVING water to him for healing... Does this mean that miraculous water existed even then? Yes, such water exists in nature. The first time she comes is on Epiphany, January 19, from 0 o'clock to 3 am. But this is “dead” water. It should be collected, preferably from a source, in a glass container. This water has the ability to kill everything in the body that interferes with it.

For the second time a year, water has healing powers on Kupala night from June 6 to 7, also from 0 to 3 o’clock. Collect from the source into a glass container. This is “living” water. When you get sick, drink “dead” water, you will feel weak, but then drink “living” water - and you will feel better.

On the night of Ivan Kupala, fire has a cleansing power. Many diseases disappear, especially gynecological ones. You need to jump over the fire three times if you take part in this folk festival.


Try to lead an active lifestyle! Believe me, this is the main medicine for achieving positive results in treatment. A bedridden patient must move all the time. Move your whole body - arms, legs, fingers, eyes. If you can roll over, then this is already happiness. Turn over in bed more often. And if you can sit, then it’s a sin not to move, and you have to try to get up or at least crawl. Yes, yes, crawling, because this is movement. You are already able to do many exercises.

A person who gets at least a little back on his feet should feel healthy. Always try to have some incentive to move. Even a bedridden patient can find something to do: cut something, embroider. Don’t feel sorry for yourself, look for every opportunity to be active.

Pensioners, the sick, if you can go outside, start collecting medicinal herbs. You can do this not only for yourself, but also for other people. And the more good deeds you do, the healthier you will feel. Don't try to make money from herbs. Strive to promote them more.

It is very important to be happy more often. Rejoice in your movement, your smallest successes, the hour you have lived, the day you have lived. Celebrate the successes of others. Don't judge anyone and don't envy anyone. Find opportunities to enjoy the diversity of people's personalities.

When going out into nature, do not disdain and do not be afraid to eat leaves or flowers of dandelion and plantain. Make salads from them, especially from nettles and other greens. Try to exclude from food meat products, rid yourself of tobacco and alcohol, try to be calm - and healing will come to you.

I kindly ask everyone who will be treated using my brochure to report the results to me at:

231800 Grodno region, Slonim, st. Dovatora, 8a, apt. 46.
Lysenko Georgy Dmitrievich.

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In fairy tales of all peoples of the world there is a theme of amazing water, which helps heal mortal wounds, heal from diseases, kill, revive. The fairy tale, of course, is a lie, but there is a hint in it. Many things that were invented by the people a long time ago come into our lives as technology develops. Living and dead water, the properties and uses of which were described in myths and legends, can now easily appear in your home.

Pros and cons of water

We all know how to use electricity - turn lights and electrical appliances on and off. But most of us have little idea what current is. When studying physics, things familiar from childhood appear in a completely new light. But we don't need deep knowledge of a subject to use it.

It’s the same with water – but on a much larger scale. We constantly deal with water, but we know very little about it. The main substance thanks to which it amazing properties There is life, which is practically unknown to us – the living ones.

Chemists know that water is the best solvent on Earth, and physicists know that it is the only substance in nature that, under earthly conditions, can exist in three states of aggregation at once. Do you still remember what this means? That is, it can be a liquid, a solid and a gas at once.

But another quality is more important for us: water is capable of carrying a charge. And depending on this charge, it acquires amazing power. If the charge is positive, then the water... imagine, “negative” - that is, bad, “dead”. Its reaction is acidic; there are a lot of hydrogen ions in this water. And vice versa: a negative charge makes water “positive” - useful, alive. Alkaline. We all know that the body needs alkalization - and living water ideal for these purposes. We will have many more articles on this topic, so now – only the most important.

Living water (catholyte):

  • found in mountain rivers, waterfalls, released during melting glaciers, precipitation (with a healthy ecology, of course, and not in the case of acid rain)
  • has an alkaline reaction
  • triggers antioxidant reactions in the body
  • stimulates, improves metabolism and tissue regeneration

Dead water (anolyte):

  • stagnant, musty, naturally gathers in swamps
  • has an acidic reaction
  • exhibits antibacterial, antiviral, etc. – i.e. killing properties

Preparation of living water

You can make living and dead water in different ways. The author of the teaching “Reality Transurfing” Vadim Zeland offers two methods of preparation. All of them include several stages, the order of which must be followed.

  • Stage 1. Water purification
  • Stage 2. Infusing it on flint or flint and shungite
  • Stage 3. Activation of water
  • Stage 4. Structuring of water.

First way

It's very simple. It is convenient at home and does not require any devices or appliances that are not typical for the kitchen.

The first stage is carried out in three steps. The water first settles. This will get rid of the chlorine dissolved in it. Therefore, we leave the water without a lid so that excess chlorine comes out. A few hours will be enough. Then we boil the water until the “white key” and turn it off at a “white” boil: before large bubbles have time to form. Then cool sharply. Best option– lower the hot pan into a bowl of ice water or snow.

The second stage will take two days and five to seven black flint stones. We also insist without a lid. Do you want to cover it with something? Fold the gauze in two layers and cover for good measure. Flint “attracts” impurities to itself, so when the water is ready, do not pour all of it from the pan. The bottom layer – several centimeters high – will need to be poured out. We use the rest for freezing.

Preparation of melt water according to Zealand is a process that combines the third and fourth stages. Water is immediately activated and structured. It's done like this. The water in a metal pan is placed in the freezer and remains there until the first ice appears. This ice is then thrown away and the remaining water is poured into a plastic container. Freezer again. Now we wait for the water to freeze by 2/3, take it out and drain the unfrozen “brine”.

Interesting! The water that freezes last contains many different salts. They prevent freezing. If you taste the “pickle”, make sure that it is what it is – salty.
And the two-thirds of water remaining after all the troubles is just what the doctor ordered. Defrost and use “for all diseases.” Unfortunately, melt water does not retain its “living” properties for long – up to 7 hours. And then it needs to be activated and structured again.

Here is an interesting video in which Vadim Zeland shares his knowledge on this matter.

Second way

With a bunch of devices - but everything is pretty fast.

At the first stage - cleaning - we will need a distiller. You can also use a reverse osmosis filter.

At the second stage - flint and shungite. Their combined effect will help the water infuse “correctly.”

The third stage is an electrical activator. In common parlance - a device for preparing living water. PTV-A (IVA-1) activators are widely used. As a result, we get catholyte and anolyte, that is, both living and dead water.

And the fourth - last stage, structuring. This can be done using an aquadisk. Now we can tell any fairy tale - we have both living and dead water - and any fairy tale can be made a reality.

Treatment with water

Well, everything here is like in a fairy tale: dead water heals wounds, living water gives life, with internal diseases fights. Anolyte can be used to wash wounds, burns, and use it for rinsing (dead water kills microbes) - for example, for a runny nose, sore throat, etc.
This water fights inflammation, swelling, and slightly dries out. It also treats allergies.

Try to anoint a hives-rash with it and you will see! The best external remedy for joint diseases, arthritis, for example.

And they drink live water for diseases of the liver, stomach, and prostate gland. But it’s best to drink it all the time, and just forget about tap water and store-bought ones. And then the metabolism will improve, the body will be cleansed of toxins, and the consciousness will be cleansed of negative energy and dark emotions.

You can read more about the methods of treating diseases with living and dead water in the file at the link below!

Becoming increasingly popular alternative treatment living and dead water. This method seems to have come to us from Russian fairy tales. In fact, a liquid with medicinal properties is formed as a result of electrolysis. In this article we will look at how treatment occurs, and also cover the topic of “living water - preparation”.

What does living and dead mean?

Dead water is acidic, its electrical potential is positive. Living water is a negatively charged liquid and has a pH greater than 9, meaning it is alkaline. Both types of water are used in alternative medicine. Treatment takes place with living and dead water.

Effect on the body

What are the benefits of living water?

Living water stimulates vital processes in the body:

  1. Rejuvenates the body
  2. Boosts immunity
  3. Accelerates metabolic processes
  4. Heals wounds

Properties of dead water

The properties of dead water are also very valuable:

  1. Good disinfectant
  2. Has a bactericidal effect
  3. Relieves colds
  4. Eliminates fungus

Treatment with living and dead water has become popular because its scope of application is quite wide. Next, we will consider such an issue as living water - preparation and the necessary equipment for this.

What do you need to have?

For cooking required water Special activator devices are sold. You can make them yourself at home. What you will need for this:

  1. Water. The ideal option would be spring water, but not everyone can find it, so regular tap water is fine. It needs to be left for 24 hours.
  2. Two glass mugs
  3. Two stainless forks
  4. Bandage and cotton wool
  5. 20 W lamp.
  6. Wire with plug

Most homes have these items. If something is missing, you can buy more.

Living and dead water - preparation

To prepare living water you need to perform quite simple manipulations:

  1. Place the forks in the cups with the tines facing up;
  2. Attach a diode to one of the plugs, the end of which is connected to the wire;
  3. You can make the system stronger by using electrical tape;
  4. Attach the free end of the wire to plug 2.

Ready. Now all that remains is to plug the plug into the outlet. Place the diode against the lamp. If the lamp is on, then everything is done correctly. Turn off from the network. Now prepare a “bridge” for the ions - wrap the cotton wool in a gauze bandage.

Fill the cups equally with water and place a cotton wool bridge so that it connects both cups. That's all. You can now connect the system to the network. After 10 minutes you will have ready living water.


After disconnecting the system from the network, remove the bridge. In the cup to which the diode was connected, the water will be dead, since there is a positive charge there. In the other, living, negatively charged water.

We remind you that plugs should be removed from the water ONLY after disconnecting the device from the mains. Otherwise you will get an electric shock.

So very simply, you can build a system yourself at home and carry out treatment with living and dead water.

Preparation of melt water

Freezing water also produces a very useful liquid. It is not living water, as some say. Read more in the article: But it also has a number of useful properties and you can make living and dead water from it.

To prepare the water, you need to let it sit for 24 hours, or clean it with a filter. What's next:

  • Heat the water without bringing it to a boil. This will eliminate some harmful compounds.
  • Cool the liquid at room temperature.
  • Neutralization of water from deuterium. Throw away the first ice that forms during freezing, it will contain this dangerous isotope, since it freezes at more high temperatures first.
  • Place the liquid back into the freezer. It freezes and looks like this: transparent at the edges, white in the center. Pour boiling water over the white part and remove. It will contain harmful substances. Transparent ice melts and you can use it for drinking.
  • Melting should occur at room temperature. The resulting water can be drunk, and you can also wash your face with it. When boiled, such water may lose its healing properties, so you should not do this.

Recipes for treatment with living and dead water.

Here are some recipes for how to treat with living and dead water:

  1. Allergy. Gargle with dead water after every meal for three days. 10 minutes after rinsing, drink about half a glass of live water.
  2. Constipation. Drink half a glass of living water.
  3. Skin rashes. Wipe your face with dead water for about a week.
  4. Angina. Gargle with dead water ten minutes before eating. Afterwards, drink a quarter glass of living water.
  5. Diarrhea is treated with half a glass of dead water. If it doesn’t help, then you can drink the same amount in an hour.
  6. Liver diseases and their treatment with living and dead water. The first day, drink half a glass of dead water 4 times. Then for the rest of the week, take half a glass of living water and the same number of doses.
  7. Migraine goes away after drinking half a glass of dead water.
  8. Gastritis. Half an hour before meals, drink living water as follows: a quarter glass on the first day, half a glass the following days. Course – 3-7 days.
  9. Pressure. If your blood pressure is low, then drink half a glass of living water 2 times a day. If the pressure is high, then use dead water. Don't drink for more than a week.

Healing with living and dead water is mentioned in Russian legends and fairy tales. This is not made up as it may seem, water really exists and has healing properties.

Dead and living water modern medicine This term refers to the liquid obtained as a result of electrolysis. The process consists of placing 2 electrodes into the liquid through which current passes. Near the positively charged electrode, a highly acidic liquid is obtained - healing dead water, and next to the negative electrode - an alkaline liquid, which is called living water. Both liquids are sterile, there are no microbes in them, they die when current passes.

There is one thing - living and dead water does not retain its beneficial properties for long, and the preparation process is also quite complicated.

There are installations that help you do this at home, but their use is not always safe. In order for the process to proceed correctly, it is necessary to monitor many factors - temperature, current strength, liquid composition. An equally important role is played by the material from which the electrodes are made.

Anolyte - dead water application

Dead water at home - clear liquid yellowish in color with a sour, astringent taste and sourish aroma. Dead water retains its properties for about 15 days, if it is tightly closed and placed in a cool place.

  • destroys fungi and bacteria;
  • helps with allergies;
  • is an antiviral agent;
  • relieves itching, swelling;
  • dries;
  • treats various inflammations of the oral cavity;
  • helps with nerve disorders, insomnia;
  • relieves joint pain;
  • slows down metabolic processes;
  • disinfects no worse than iodine or brilliant green;
  • excellent antiseptic;
  • prevents blood stagnation.

Catholyte - living water healing properties

Living water with your own hands is bluish, alkaline solution. You can use it for no more than two days, and only if it has been stored tightly closed in a darkened room.

  • increases the body's defenses;
  • excellent antioxidant agent;
  • restores the intestinal mucosa;
  • good for the stomach;
  • heals wounds well;
  • improves hair structure;
  • eliminates dandruff;
  • smoothes wrinkles

Living dead water application

Improved overall well-being: First you need dead water, you use it to gargle. After the procedure, living water. Drink half a glass.

Allergies, herpes: you need dead water - gargle with healing liquid, mouth, nasal passages; if there is a rash, moisten with liquid several times a day. After the procedure, living water - 100 ml. Treatment is carried out at least three times a day.

Hypertension, headaches: Dead water helps - twice 1/2 cup for several days.

Hypotension: Living water is beneficial for this disease. It is enough to drink twice a day to feel relief.

Gastritis: Living water helps get rid of the disease. Drink half a glass before meals for a week.

Angina: rinse your mouth with dead water, then drink living water - 50g. Treatment is for four days or more.

Living water for constipation: drink 2 glasses with breaks throughout the day

Dead water from diarrhea: useful for diarrhea, you need to drink about two glasses in two hours. Use until symptoms disappear, sometimes once is enough.

Gastric and duodenal ulcers: an hour before meals, living water 100 ml for 5 days. The treatment is repeated until the problem is eliminated with a break of 7 days.

Colpitis: heat both types of water to 40 degrees. First they douche with dead water, then after 20 minutes they use live water for douching.

Living water for heartburn: You can get rid of heartburn if you drink living water - 100 ml at a time before meals.

Flu: Rinse your mouth with dead water 8 times a day, and drink 100 ml of living water in the evening.

Joint pain: will disappear if you take a few sips of dead water before eating.

Pain with radiculitis: healing living water - 3/4 cup three times before meals.

Varicose veins: dead water to wash problem areas, then live water to apply compresses from it to inflamed areas. The procedures go well with oral administration. First, drink half a glass of dead water, then two hours later the same amount of living water. Treatment lasts four days. The procedure is repeated at intervals of 4 hours.

Prostate adenoma: healthy living water - several courses of treatment. A week before meals, drink 100 ml of living water. If the treatment is correct, the tumor begins to disappear by the beginning of the next week, mucus will be released, and the desire to frequently visit the toilet will disappear. The temperature drops on the third day, the pain subsides.

Liver inflammation: the course lasts four days. The first day they drink dead water. Just four doses of half a glass per day. The remaining days are treated with living water. Take 100ml up to four times a day.

Haemorrhoids: swabs moistened with living water, then rinsed with dead water.

Skin diseases: eczema and lichen go away very quickly if you use dead water in the morning, and after a few minutes wash with living water. It is also useful to apply dead water to the problem area in the morning and let it dry. Next they are treated with living water. Apply at least 4 times a day.

Closed abscesses, boils: Warm dead water heals. A compress is made from it several times a day.

Purulent wounds, burns, cuts: First, the wound is treated with dead water. Allow to dry naturally. Next, only living water is used.

Vaginitis, cervical erosion: douching with dead water, then with living water. After douching, a tampon with live water is left overnight.

Bad odor from feet: feet are washed and wiped dry. Next, water it with dead water, let it dry, water it with living water and also let it dry.

Rejuvenation: is an indispensable rejuvenating agent. They wash themselves first with dead water, then with living water, then wait for the skin to dry naturally. It is useful for men to relieve irritation after shaving with living and dead water.

Dead and living water for hair: Use after washing, just wet your hair and let it dry. They start with dead water.

Insomnia (increased irritability): Prepare dead water using an electrolyzer and drink half a glass at night. If you do not feel the result, then take half a glass of dead water additionally with each meal for 3-4 days. Follow a diet: give up fatty and spicy food and from alcohol.
It has been noticed that sleep improves and irritability goes away.
Bronchial asthma, bronchitis: For three to four days, rinse your mouth, throat and nose with dead water after eating. The water should be at room temperature. This rinse will neutralize allergens that cause coughs and asthma attacks.
After rinsing, you need to drink half a glass of living water. This is done to make coughing easier. Return to this type of treatment from time to time, which will be good prevention.
Additionally, learn the technique of shallow belly breathing.
As a result of treatment, there is an improvement in coughing and general well-being. To prevent the disease from returning, eliminate the causes of the allergy.
Living and dead water are prepared using a water activator (electrolyzer).
Conjunctivitis (styre): an eye affected by conjunctivitis should be washed with a weak concentration of warm dead water. After 5 minutes, the eyes are washed with living water and a compress of warm living water is applied to it. This procedure should be repeated up to 6 times a day. At night you should drink half a glass of living water. As a result, after 2-3 days the eye will completely clear and the inflammation will subside.
An electrolyzer is used to prepare activated water.
Runny nose: If you have a runny nose, you should rinse your nose with dead water 2-3 times a day. Rinsing can be done by simply sucking in water through the nose, alternately with one or the other nostril. For young children, dead water is instilled into the nose using a pipette. If your runny nose is normal, it may take 10-20 minutes to heal.
Otitis: Dead water is used to treat otitis media. A simple electrolyzer (water activator) is suitable for preparing water.
The ear canal should be carefully rinsed with warm dead water, and the remaining water in the ear canal should be absorbed with a cotton swab. Then on sore ear A compress is made from dead water. All purulent discharge from the ear should be wiped with dead water. In case of complications, do not hesitate to visit a doctor.
Diabetes mellitus: at diabetes mellitus You should drink half a glass of living water every day before meals. In addition, you should massage the pancreas and engage in self-hypnosis about good insulin production.
Wounds caused by diabetes are treated similarly to festering wounds.
To ensure that the regular availability of living water does not become a problem for you, simply purchase an electrolyzer (water activator).
Feeling better: to improve overall well-being should be used activated water. As a preventive measure for diseases, you need to rinse your nose, throat and mouth with dead water 1-2 times a week, then drink half a glass of living water. It is best if you do these procedures after dinner and breakfast.
Such procedures are necessary during influenza epidemics and contact with sick people.
In order to always have dead and living water at your fingertips, purchase a water activator (electrolyzer). www.inkomk.ru

If the abscess breaks through or is punctured, rinse it well with warmed dead water and apply a bandage. At night it is recommended to drink 0.5 glasses of live water.

When the site of the abscess is completely cleared, its healing can be accelerated with compresses from living water (can be moistened through a bandage).

If pus is noticed again during dressing, then you need to treat it again with dead water.

If from large quantity living water increases blood pressure, or, if the patient already has high blood pressure, then 1-1.5 hours after taking living water, you should drink 0.5 glasses of dead water and lie down, and do not increase the dose of living water.

Often the treatment cycle needs to be repeated. If the pressure allows, then there is no need to take a break.

It is useful to massage the perineum during treatment. At night, it is recommended to make a compress of living water on the perineum, after wiping the area with dead water.

Treatment is also facilitated by enemas with warm living water, as well as gauze suppositories soaked in this water. Enema volume 200 grams, exposure 20 minutes. As always, you first need to do a cleansing enema.

Some people may pass black or red particles in their urine, which may cause pain. Suffocates during treatment general health, appetite, digestion.

Practice shows that the treatment is quite effective. Quite a few elderly people have had their adenoma cured and avoided future operations.

Many people experience significant improvement.

Moisten all rashes, pimples, tumors only with dead water 5-6 times a day.

In addition, the causes of allergies should be found and eliminated.

During treatment, drink 0.5 glasses of live water before meals (half an hour before). It is useful to massage your feet.

If bulging veins are visible, then those places need to be moistened with dead water or compresses applied to them. After everything, moisten with living water.

The effectiveness of treatment is increased by regular exercise, for example. rotational movements of painful joints. Treatment can be continued for a longer time.

It is useful to find out and eliminate the causes of asthma (most often allergens).

If you are sick, drink 0.5 cups of dead water before meals. Do not consume raw milk. Disinfect the animal premises.

For the remaining three days, drink living water in the same order. If the pain does not go away, consult a doctor.

It is useful to do an enema with half boiled and dead water.

If necessary, treatment can be continued.

This entire cycle should be repeated for 4-6 weeks in a row.

Over time, new hair begins to grow.

After 5-10 minutes. start moistening these places with living water, or making tampons (for example, cotton wool soaked generously in living water). When dry, change tampons. Continue this way until your next visit to the toilet, after which repeat the entire cycle all over again.

At night you can drink 0.5 glasses of living water.

Continue the procedures for 4-5 days.

During treatment, you should avoid spicy foods and constipation, and do not drink alcohol.

Tear off the vial with the contents of the herpes with a cotton swab moistened with heated dead water.

Do the same procedure on the second and third days - until complete healing.

The blister with herpes does not need to be torn off, but only often moistened with dead water. In this case, the treatment is somewhat delayed, but it is possible to avoid the pain of tearing off the vesicle.

Apply a compress of living water to wrinkled areas and hold it for 10-20 minutes. If the skin is dry, then first it should be washed with dead water, and then follow the indicated procedures.

Several times a week, you can additionally wipe your face with this solution: 0.5 tablespoon of salt and 0.5 teaspoon of vinegar, dissolved in 0.5 liters of living water.

Wrinkles are gradually leveled out.

It is useful to massage your gums periodically.

The next day you need to drink living water in the same order to restore energy.

If the disease has not gone away after two days, the treatment cycle must be repeated.

If during dressing it is noticed that pus is still being released, then it is necessary to treat the wounds again with dead water, then again treat with living water.

Make sure that the wounds are not injured and maintain cleanliness.

Old trophic ulcers heal more slowly.

After this, moisten the affected areas with dead water and then periodically moisten 5-8 times a day without wiping.

You can take a foot bath (especially when treating nail fungus) with heated dead water and leave for 20-30 minutes.

It is good to wash your socks and soak them in dead water.

Pour dead water into the shoes, leave for 10-15 minutes, pour out the water, wipe and dry.

Nail fungus takes longer to treat - until the affected nails gradually disappear and new, healthy ones grow.

Rinse your nose, mouth and throat with slightly warmed dead water 6-8 times a day. Drink 0.5 glasses of living water at night.

Its consequences are significantly alleviated

In addition, you should review the child’s menu and exclude foods that cause diathesis, give less milk, butter, more - fresh vegetables, fruit. Chemical medications should also be avoided

It is useful to check whether indoor flowers, down pillows, and pets are causing diathesis.

It is useful to do a cleansing enema of dead water.


By wiping furniture, dishes, washing floors, etc. with this water, we disinfect the corresponding surfaces, etc. For the purpose of disinfecting surfaces and floors, it is recommended to use “stronger” dead water (pH about 2).

Moisten rashes and swelling only with dead water. After eating, it is useful to rinse your nose, mouth and throat with dead water (as in treating allergies).

After 5-6 days you should see a doctor. If necessary, continue treatment.

After 8-10 minutes, wet your feet with living water and, without wiping, let them dry. Repeat the procedure for 2-3 days, then periodically once a week.

It is useful to make an enema of warm living water.

If constipation is persistent, then it is necessary to cleanse the colon (do a series of enemas) and adjust the menu.

First with dead water,

After 8-10 minutes. - living water.

Repeat douching with live water several times with short pauses. (Treatment is the same as for cervical erosion).

Repeat the procedures 4-5 times a day. At night it is useful to drink 0.5 glasses of living water.

Barley goes away in 2-3 days.

In addition, you need to try not to overload your throat, vocal cords long and loud speech, do not smoke, do not drink strong alcoholic drinks, do not eat rough, spicy food, etc.

For prevention purposes, it is useful to gargle after eating.

To increase efficiency, you can do 1-3 electrophoresis procedures (see Chapter 4).

Try not to puncture the bubbles. If they nevertheless break through or pus appears, then begin treatment with dead water, then continue treatment with living water. You can also water it through a bandage without untying it or injuring the wound.

On the first day, 0.5 cups of dead water;

On the second day - 3/4 cup of dead water;

On the third day - 0.5 cups of living water.

Apply a compress of dead water to the sore spot. Continue the procedures for 10 days.

Massage of the spine is also useful.

Beware of colds, try not to make sudden movements, and do not lift heavy objects.

Rinse discharge and pus with dead water.

In case of complications, consult a doctor.

When treating paraproctitis, after visiting the toilet, you need to rinse the anus with warm water and soap, then treat the nodes and cracks with warm dead water, do an enema of warm dead water and try not to recover for 10-15 minutes.

If there is discharge or pus, then the enema should be done again. Finally, you can do an enema of living water. After all, moisten all cracks and knots with living water. Drink 0.5 glasses of living water at night.

Treatment lasts 4-5 days.

Often it is enough to drink half a glass and lie down for a while.

It is always useful to monitor your blood pressure and check the dose of water consumed.

Before sexual intercourse, try not to think about possible failure.

For the last three days (7, 8, 9th day), drink dead water again, as in the first days.

If the disease is old, then you need to make compresses from heated dead water on the sore spots, or rub it into the skin.

If necessary, the treatment cycle must be repeated.

Then apply a tampon soaked in living water to it.

Continue treatment with living water.

If pus appears, treat the wound again with dead water.

After contact with infectious patients, visiting clinics, public places perform the above procedure additionally.

At home, it is advisable to wash your hands and wash your face with dead water.

Microbes and bacteria die.

If, during dressing, pus is again noticed, then the wound should again be treated with dead water and treatment should be continued with live water (as in the treatment of purulent wounds).

One treatment cycle is 6 days.

After this, moisten the affected areas generously with heated dead water, and after 5-8 minutes moisten with living water.

In addition, for the first 3 days, 3 times a day before meals, you need to drink 2/3 cup of dead water, and the remaining 3 days - 0.5 cup of living water.

After the first cycle, a week break is taken, then the treatment is repeated again.

In some people, during treatment, the affected skin becomes very dry, cracked and painful. In such cases, it is recommended to moisten it several times with dead water (to weaken the effect of living water).

The disease is difficult to cure, so will and patience are required.

Most often, 3-4 cycles of treatment are enough, some - less, and some - more. A significant proportion of patients are cured.

During the treatment process, you should avoid smoking, drinking alcohol, spicy foods, smoked foods, and also try not to be nervous.

Rub dead water into the sore spot or make a compress from it. Warm the water before use.

Additionally, while the skin is soft, you can rub it with a pumice stone to remove dead skin faster.

If you get sick, rinse your stomach with slightly warmed dead water, eat nothing for the first day, and periodically drink 0.5 cups of dead water every 2-3 hours.

Additionally, you can do an enema of dead water (concentration of about 2-2.5 pH).

If this treatment method does not help, you should consult a doctor.

Treat diabetic wounds the same way as purulent wounds.

Juvenile acne is treated in the same way.

Additionally, you can drink 0.5 cups of dead water.

It is useful to adjust the menu.

It is useful to wash your feet with warm living water and let them dry without wiping. (The technique is similar to that used to eliminate foot odor and treat cracked heels).

This procedure should be repeated periodically (once a month).

If you have pearl bath equipment, it is useful to perform these procedures by adding living water to ordinary water.

This procedure must be done after contact with a patient, as well as during a flu epidemic, etc.

Drink 0.5 glasses of living water at night.

It is useful to check whether diabetes has started.

The first time (i.e. before breakfast) - dead water;

The second and third times - living water.

At night you need to drink 0.5 glasses of living water.

During treatment, you must follow a diet, avoid acute and rough food, especially raw smoked meat, do not smoke, do not drink alcoholic beverages, do not overexert yourself.

Duodenal ulcers heal more slowly.

Name of diseases Treatment method Results, notes
1 Abscesses (ulcers) Treat an immature abscess with slightly warmed dead water and apply a compress of dead water to it. The wound (abscess) heals in a few days.
2 Prostate adenoma One treatment cycle is 8 days. For all 8 days you need to drink 0.5 glasses of living water 4 times a day (1 hour before meals and at night). If blood pressure is normal and does not increase noticeably, then the dose should be increased to a whole glass. Sexual intercourse should not be stopped. After 4-6 days, the urge to urinate often disappears or becomes less frequent, and the swelling decreases.
3 Allergy. Allergic dermatitis For three days in a row, after eating, rinse your nose (by drawing water into it), mouth and throat with dead water. After each rinse, drink 0.5 cups of live water. Usually the disease goes away in 2-3 days.
4 Angina For three days, 5-6 times a day and be sure to gargle with slightly warmed dead water after each meal. If you have a runny nose, rinse your nasopharynx as well. After each rinse, drink 0.3 glasses of live water. Each rinse should last at least 1-2 minutes. The temperature drops on the first day. The disease goes away in 2-3 days. For some - in a day.
5 Atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower extremities Wash your feet with warm water and soap, wipe dry, then moisten with warm dead water and leave to dry without wiping. At night, apply living water compresses to your feet, and in the morning, wipe off the whitened and softened skin. After that, anoint those places with vegetable oil. Treatment lasts 6-10 days or longer. During this time, cracks heal, the skin on the soles is renewed, and overall well-being improves.
6 Sore throat (cold throat) If you have a sore throat and it hurts to swallow saliva (for example, at night), you need to slightly warm up the dead water and start gargling. Rinse for 1-2 minutes. After 1-2 hours - repeat. (It’s better not to wait until the morning). If rinsing is started on time, the sore throat goes away quickly, for example. by morning.
7 Pain in the joints of the arms and legs (salt deposits) Three to four days in 30 minutes. Before meals, drink 0.5 cups of dead water. Wet the sore spots with warm dead water and rub it into the skin. At night you can make compresses with dead water. Usually pain decreases, blood pressure decreases, sleep improves, and nerves calm down.
8 Bronchial asthma, bronchitis For three to four days after eating, rinse your nose, mouth and throat with slightly warmed (not very cold) dead water, i.e., neutralize allergens that cause asthma attacks. After each rinse, to ease coughing, drink 0.5 cups of live water. The disease goes away, coughing becomes easier, and health improves.
9 Brucellosis Since people become infected with this disease from animals, hygiene rules must be observed on farms and in animal premises. After feeding, watering animals, milking, be sure to wash your hands with dead water or plain water and soap.
10 Inflammation of the liver (hepatitis) One treatment cycle is 4 days. The first day, drink 0.5 glasses of dead water 4 times (before meals and at night). The pain goes away and your health improves.
11 Inflammation of the colon (colitis) It is recommended not to eat anything for the first day. During the day you need to drink 0.5 glasses of dead water 3-4 times. Usually the inflammation goes away within a day.
12 Hair loss (baldness) Once a week, wash your hair with shampoo or soap, dry it, and then rinse with warm dead water. After 5-8 minutes. Rinse your hair well with warm living water and let it dry without drying. Hair becomes softer, dandruff disappears. Hair roots are strengthened and hair loss stops.
13 Gastritis For three days, 3 times a day for 15-20 minutes. Before meals, drink 0.5 glasses of live water. If necessary, you can continue to drink living water further. Acidity decreases, heartburn stops, digestion and food permeability improves.
14 Hemorrhoids, anal fissures Treatment should begin after visiting the toilet. First, you need to wash the cracks and knots with warm water and soap, wipe dry and moisten, treat with warm dead water. The bleeding stops, ulcers and cracks heal in 3-4 days.
15 Herpes (cold) Before treatment, rinse your nose and mouth with dead water, drink 0.5 cups of dead water. Usually herpes goes away in 3-4 days, somewhat faster than with chemical treatment.
16 Facial hygiene In the morning and evening, after washing 2-3 times with a break of 1-2 minutes, moisten your face, neck, hands with living water and let dry without wiping. (Men are recommended to use this after shaving instead of using cologne or lotion). The skin becomes softer and irritation disappears.
17 Gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) This disease is caused by bacteria or viruses, poor-quality fillings, crowns, plaque on teeth, therefore, first of all, you need to comply with hygiene requirements, brush your teeth and after each meal, rinse your mouth several times for 1-3 minutes with dead water, disinfect your mouth and gums . Gum bleeding decreases, stones dissolve, disappears bad smell. Rinse for the last time with live water.
18 Worms (helminthiasis) In the morning, after bowel movement, do a cleansing enema with dead water. After an hour, do an enema with live water. The first day your health may not be important. It improves by taking living water.
19 purulent wounds, postoperative wounds, trophic old ulcers, fistulas, abscesses Rinse the affected areas with heated dead water and allow to dry. Then, after 5-8 minutes, moisten them with warm living water. Instead, a clean wound can be bandaged and the bandage filled with living water. Next, you should moisten the wound (you can use a bandage) 6-8 times a day. Wounds, ulcers, are cleaned, dry, their fast healing. Usually they drag on for 4-5 days.
20 Headache If your head hurts from a bruise or concussion, then it should be moistened with living water. It's good to lie down. Usually the pain goes away within an hour or less.
21 Fungus Before treatment, wash the areas affected by the fungus with hot water and soap and wipe dry. If your nails are affected by fungus, you should keep them in hot water, then trim and clean. The fungus disappears in 5-6 days, sometimes slower.
22 Flu For the first day, it is recommended not to eat anything (do not waste the body’s energy on digesting food, but use it to fight viruses). The flu goes away within 24 hours, sometimes within two days.
23 Diathesis Moisten all rashes and swelling with dead water and allow to dry. Then make compresses from living water and leave for 10-15 minutes. Repeat this procedure 3-4 times a day. Diathesis usually goes away in 2-3 days.
24 Dysentery It is recommended not to eat anything for the first day. During the day you need to drink 0.5 glasses of dead water 3-4 times, with a concentration of about 2-2.5 pH. Dysentery goes away within a day.
25 Disinfection Dead water is an excellent disinfectant, so when you rinse your mouth, throat, or rinse your nose with it, germs, toxins, and allergens are destroyed. When washing your face and hands, the skin is disinfected. Usually one treatment is sufficient for disinfection.
26 Dermatitis (allergic) First of all, you need to eliminate the reasons causing allergic dermatitis(contact with herbs, dust, chemicals, odors, etc.) The disease goes away in 3-4 days.
27 Dermatomycoses (fungal skin diseases) Wash the affected areas with warm water and soap and wipe dry. Then moisten them 6-7 times a day with slightly warmed dead water (pH = 2.5). Usually the disease goes away in 4-5 days. If necessary, treatment should be continued.
28 Jaundice (hepatitis) Three to four days, 4-5 times a day, half an hour before meals, drink 0.5 glasses of living water. Your well-being and appetite improve, and your natural complexion is restored.
29 Foot odor Wash your feet with warm water and soap, wipe dry and moisten with dead water. Let dry without wiping. The unpleasant odor disappears, the skin is cleansed, and the skin on the heels softens.
30 Constipation Drink 0.5-1 glass of living water. Constipation goes away, but you should think about whether you are eating right?
31 Toothache Heat the dead water and 10-20 minutes. rinse your mouth with it. If necessary, repeat the procedure. The pain goes away quickly.
32 Heartburn Before meals, drink 0.5 glasses of living water (reduce acidity, stimulate digestion). The heartburn goes away.
33 Cough During the day after meals, drink 0.5 glasses of live water. Coughing improves.
34 Colpitis (vaginitis) Heat activated water to 38°C and douche overnight in the following order: The disease goes away in 2-3 days.
35 Conjunctivitis, stye Rinse the affected areas and eyes with slightly warmed dead water of low concentration (pH = 4.5-5.0), and after 3-5 minutes - with living water (pH = 8.0-8.5). Apply compresses to the stye using heated living water. The eye is cleared, the inflammation goes away.
36 Wrinkle correction See paragraph 16 - Facial hygiene.
37 Laryngitis It is treated like a sore throat: you need to gargle with warmed dead water (see point 4). The disease gradually passes.
38 Runny nose Rinse your nose 2-3 times, drawing in dead water. For children, you can drop dead water with a pipette. Repeat the procedure several times during the day. A normal runny nose goes away within 0.5-1 hour.
39 Burns Carefully treat the burned areas with dead water. After 4-5 minutes, moisten them with living water and then continue to moisten them only with it. Burns heal and heal in 3-5 days.
40 Swelling of the arms and legs For three days, 4 times a day, half an hour before meals and at night, drink: The swelling decreases and gradually goes away.
41 Osteochandrosis It is recommended to drink dead water for one day, and living water for the second day. Drink half a glass 3 times a day, half an hour before meals. The pain decreases.
42 Otitis Rinse the ear canal very carefully with warm dead water, then absorb the remaining water into a cotton swab (dry the canal). You can additionally make a compress of warm dead water on the sore ear. Avoid colds, do not blow your nose, and treat a runny nose.
43 Paraproctitis First of all, it is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene, try to avoid constipation, treat diarrhea in a timely manner, do not use newspapers in the toilet, start treating hemorrhoids in a timely manner, etc. Gradually paraproctitis goes away.
44 High blood pressure (hypertension) In the morning and evening before meals, drink 0.5 glasses of dead water. If the pressure does not decrease, drink 3 times a day until it returns to normal. The pressure is normalized.
45 Low blood pressure (hypotension) In the morning and evening before meals, drink 0.5 glasses of living water. If necessary and feeling good, you can drink longer, for example. week. Blood pressure rises, energy and vigor increase, appetite and digestion improve.
46 Sexual weakness Since living water acts as a tonic and stimulant, you should drink 0.5 cups of it periodically (morning and night). Additionally, you can use a magnetic stimulator (for example, “Eros”)
47 Polyarthritis One full cycle of treatment is 9 days. For the first three days, 4 times a day, half an hour before meals, you should drink 0.5 glasses of dead water. The fourth day is a break. Fifth day - before meals and at night, drink 0.5 glasses of living water. The sixth day is another break. Joint pain goes away, general well-being improves, and the body is cleansed.
48 Diarrhea Drink 0.5 cups of dead water. Try to abstain from food. If the diarrhea does not stop within an hour, drink another 0.5 glass. The diarrhea usually stops within an hour.
49 Cuts, abrasions, scratches Rinse the wound with dead water and wait until it dries. The wounds heal within 2-3 days.
50 Prevention of acute respiratory infections, colds during epidemics Periodically, 3-4 times a week, and if necessary, every day, morning and evening, rinse your nose, mouth and throat with dead water. After 20-30 minutes. drink 0.5 cups of living water. Vigor appears, performance increases, and overall well-being improves.
51 Prevention of insomnia, increased irritability Drink 0.5 cups of dead water at night. To enhance the therapeutic effect, it is also recommended to drink 0.5 cups of dead water for 2-3 days half an hour before meals. Avoid spicy, fatty foods and alcohol. Nerves calm, sleep improves, and irritability decreases.
52 Bedsores After lying there, carefully wash with heated dead water, let it dry, then moisten with heated living water. After bandaging, you can moisten it with living water through a bandage. Practice shows that with this method of treatment, bedsores heal faster than when treated with traditional chemical medicines.
53 Psoriasis (scaly lichen) Before treatment, you need to wash yourself well with soap, steam the affected areas at the maximum tolerable temperature, or do hot compress so that the scales and damaged skin soften. After 4-5 days, the affected areas begin to clear. Clear, pinkish patches of skin appear. Gradually the lichen disappears.
54 Radiculitis, rheumatism For two days, three times a day, half an hour before meals, drink 3/4 cup of live water. The pain goes away within 24 hours, some within 2-3 hours, depending on the cause of the exacerbation.
55 Skin irritation (eg after shaving) Rinse your face several times (moisten the irritated areas) with live water and let it dry without wiping. If there are cuts, apply a swab soaked in living water to them and hold for 5-7 minutes. It irritates the skin a little, but it heals very quickly.
56 Tears in the skin on the heels of the feet The treatment is the same as for foot odor. Additionally, after the procedure, it is recommended to lubricate the heels, other tears, and cracks with vegetable oil and allow it to be absorbed. Tears and cracks heal in 2-3 days. The skin becomes elastic.
57 Vein expansion Rinse the areas of varicose veins and bleeding areas with dead water, then apply compresses of living water for 15-20 minutes and drink 0.5 cups of dead water. Painful sensations are dulled. Over time, the disease goes away.
58 Salmonellosis For the purpose of prevention, eat only well-cooked (fried) meat, carry out veterinary control of meat, and do not drink raw milk. Salmonella die, the disease goes away in 2-3 days.
59 Diabetes mellitus Always drink 0.5 glasses of live water before meals. Additionally, it is recommended to massage the pancreas, instilling the idea that it secretes insulin well. My health improves noticeably.
60 Facial seborrhea (pimples) In the morning and evening, wash with hot water and soap, wipe your face and moisten it with heated dead water. Pimples can be moistened more often. Gradually, pimples and blackheads disappear, the skin cleanses and becomes softer.
61 Stomatitis After each meal, and additionally 3-4 times a day, rinse your mouth with live water for 2-3 minutes. The ulcers heal within 1-2 days.
62 Acne Periodically moisten the skin with dead water (if possible, do this more often). For additional information, see paragraph 16 - Facial hygiene.
63 Removing Dead Skin from Foot Steps Steam your feet in hot soapy water for 30-40 minutes, wash with warm water, then hold your feet in warm dead water and after 15-20 minutes carefully remove (wipe with your fingers or pumice) the layer of dead skin. Dead skin gradually comes off, cracks and tears heal.
64 Improved blood circulation If there is a sufficient amount of living water, baths with this water or periodic dousing with it are recommended. Energy increases, fatigue is relieved, blood circulation improves. The skin becomes softer.
65 Improved digestion When the stomach stops working, for example, when overeating or mixing incompatible foods, drink one glass of living water. After 15-20 minutes the stomach begins to work.
66 Feeling better Periodically rinse your nose, mouth, and throat with dead water 1-2 times a week, then drink 0.5 cups of living water. It is best to do this in the morning after breakfast and at night. Vigor appears, energy increases, and performance improves. Microbes and bacteria die.
67 Hair care To care for your hair, it is enough to wash your hair once a week with live water and soap or shampoo, then rinse well with live water and leave to dry without wiping. Hair becomes soft, silky, dandruff disappears,
68 Skin care For skin care, you can regularly use dead water with a concentration of pH = 5.5. This is the water you should wash with.
69 Furunculosis Wash the affected area with hot water and soap, then disinfect it with heated dead water and let it dry. Usually boils heal in 3-4 days. Colds should be avoided.
70 Cholecystitis (Inflammation of the gallbladder) For four days, 3 times a day, half an hour before meals, drink activated water in the following order: Pain in the heart area and right scapula pass, the bitterness in the mouth disappears, the nausea goes away.
71 Chronic tonsillitis See treatment for sore throat - paragraph 4.
72 Eczema, lichen Before starting treatment, steam the affected areas (make a hot compress), then moisten them with dead water and let them dry. The affected areas heal within 4-5 days.
73 Cervical erosion Douche overnight with dead water heated to 38°C. After 10 minutes, the same procedure must be repeated with heated living water. Erosion goes away in 2-3 days.
74 Gastric and duodenal ulcers with high acidity For 5-7 days, 1 hour before meals, drink 0.5 glasses of live water. After this, take a week's break and, despite the fact that there is no pain, repeat the course of treatment again. If the pressure does not increase, then the dose of living water can be increased to 3/4 cup. Pain and nausea disappear quickly (within 1-3 days), appetite and general well-being improve, acidity decreases.
75 Stomach ulcer with zero acidity The treatment method is similar to step 74, only in this case it is recommended to drink 0.5 cups of dead water while eating (add acid to the stomach). The rest of the recommendations are the same. This clarification was proposed by patients who were treated for ulcers with zero acidity. The effect is good.

Live x-ray.

To obtain high-quality X-ray images of living cells down to the level of individual molecules, scientists immerse the cells in special protective chemical solutions.

But, in most cases, this method does not lead to desired result, the cells die, their internal structure undergoes irreversible changes, and in the resulting images you can see anything, but not the picture natural state living cell. But recently, scientists from the German research center DESY found a way to perform safe X-ray imaging, with the help of which they took the first X-ray images in the history of science of processes occurring inside individual living cells.

In a paper published last week in the online journal Physical Review Letters, the scientists describe the structure of a system they developed that allows for high-quality X-ray imaging of living cells. The scientists used tumor cells from the adrenal cortex that were artificially grown on the surface of thin silicon nitrate plates, a material that is almost completely transparent to X-rays. Plates with cells were immersed in medium filled nutrients, and the products of cell metabolism were removed through a network of tiny holes made in the plate.

Because long-term exposure to high-energy X-rays can kill or damage internal cell structures, the researchers used a series of short, 0.05-second pulses of radiation. Each of the pulses made it possible to obtain a separate high-quality image, in which individual elements were visible, the sizes of which were equal to fractions of a nanometer. Analyzing the sequence of images, the scientists concluded that the short pulses of X-ray radiation did not disrupt the vital functions of the cell, as indicated by the fact that the difference between the positions of some of the 30 structures within the cell differed from image to image by 50 nanometers.

In other words, what the German scientists managed to achieve is fundamentally different from the X-ray technology that we are accustomed to encounter in everyday life when visiting a dentist or entering an x-ray room medical institution. More and more early methods can demonstrate the structure of a living organism at a level much greater than that of individual cells, and the resulting opportunity to look inside cells using X-rays and the opportunity to personally see the processes occurring there will serve to significantly expand our knowledge of the structure and functioning of living organisms.


Queues in front of offices, specialists with whom you need to make an appointment several weeks in advance, stories about not entirely professional doctors that we see on TV do not add optimism. And what MK correspondents on the Don saw in the X-ray room of children's clinic No. 1 made them think that free medicine in our country is very, very sick.

We decided to visit this X-ray room after the editors learned about the story of 17-year-old Alexander. To a young man I had to come to the military registration and enlistment office with the results of the x-ray.

He came to his clinic, received a referral and began to storm the X-ray room along with dozens of people under 18 who were also unlucky enough to be signed up for this procedure. The siege lasted several weeks and ended only after the intervention of Sasha’s father, driven to rage by the fact that his son had to desperately maneuver between school and pointless standing in line. Having become interested in the miracle X-ray, the author of these lines decided to see the horrors described with her own eyes and, waiting for the opening day on Tuesday, went to investigate.

It was pouring rain outside, and despite the relatively warm weather it was very uncomfortable. It turned out that the X-ray room was located in a small building, somewhat similar to an ordinary shed. An impressive queue lined up in front of him. Parents tried to hide their babies under the canopy of a neighboring building. Marveling at the diagnostic conditions, I decided to consult people about how to get an x-ray.

The child needs to be shown, right? Do you have a direction? If not, you will have to go to the pediatrician; they won’t let you in without him. And with him... We’ve been trying to break through here for the third week, so far to no avail, the mothers said, looking at me warily.

I had to admit that I am a representative of the press and am not at all eager to break into the office before them. Oddly enough, my confession caused a huge surge of enthusiasm. People vying with each other began to talk about the horrors of local medical care.

Actually, he should be open every day, but his visiting days are only on Tuesdays and Thursdays. And even then not by appointment, but on a first-come, first-served basis. It seems that this is temporary while the nurse is sick. You have to arrive at seven in the morning to get in line. Many people are at home with their children from early morning; they simply have no one to leave them with. But waiting for many hours does not guarantee that you will be accepted that day, said Yana, one of the young women who brought her little daughter for an x-ray.

Why, it became clear a little later. A medical worker appeared and busily counted out the first 15 people, recommending that the rest try to break through on Thursday. True, they promised not to leave those people who needed to be admitted urgently, for emergency reasons, at the door. Several dozen people in the queue were clearly not pleased with this message, but no one dared to object. Either they had already tried it and realized that it was useless, or they decided not to risk it.

Having been impressed by the methods of working with children and their parents, I nevertheless decided not to give vent to my emotions, but to return in a week. Perhaps this is an isolated case of such an original treatment of sick children. The next Thursday, the picture was exactly the same; parents had been stomping under the door of the X-ray room in the pouring rain since early morning; a dozen and a half people were again attending the procedure. Many of those besieging me recognized me, waved their hands welcomingly and told me the latest news from the medical front:
Today, a couple of mothers could not stand it, and the women took their babies for a paid x-ray as much as possible to risk their health. And we were left waiting, someday they will let us in...

Curious about whether adults could get an X-ray without any problems, I decided to call my own clinic. They were not happy there: the earliest date at which they offered to do an x-ray would only come in two weeks.
Against this background, the initiative of our Ministry of Health, which plans to introduce new standards for the treatment of diseases in the coming years, looks rather strange. Modernization will affect several important areas of medicine, such as oncology, cardiology, obstetrics and pediatrics.

No, of course, we need to modernize. And the transition to electronic documentation, widely advertised by the Ministry of Health, is also a good thing. But maybe it’s worth paying attention to the glaring holes in local medicine? After all, waiting for many hours in a huge queue is unlikely to have the best effect on the health of children and their parents. Personally, after standing for half an hour in the pouring rain, I caught a cold.


Life after laser correction.

In the process of vision correction, the upper layers of the cornea are not affected, and the laser beam evaporates optically distorted areas from the middle layers of the corneal tissue. As a result of this effect, the shape of the cornea acquires optical parameters that are individual for each patient. All restrictions apply only to the first days after the correction procedure. And they mainly concern hygiene procedures (it is not recommended to visit the sauna, swimming pool, or use decorative cosmetics).

Laser vision correction is considered the only way to restore vision for those who experience maximum stress: test pilots, rescuers, climbers, stuntmen, boxers, wrestlers, etc. For example, among the players of the National Hockey League, Olympic champions, racers, tennis players, there are many who found forever good eyesight using laser correction.

Additional confirmation is the fact that more than two years ago the US Congress adopted a program to finance laser correction for US Army soldiers. Congressmen decided that glasses not only spoil appearance soldier, but also become a hindrance in battle - they can break at the most inopportune moment and interfere with the soldier while performing some tasks. And contact lenses are extremely impractical in service conditions. That is why the choice fell on the only effective way– excimer- laser correction vision. To date, Army-wide, the correction has cost taxpayers $15 million. This amount seems huge, but there is nothing surprising in it - more than 40% of Americans who want to serve in the army suffer from weak or moderate, myopia or farsightedness. For example, 350,000 people in the Air Force alone need vision correction.

In addition to people experiencing maximum stress and serving the US Army, many famous actors, singers and musicians made laser correction and did not regret their decision. Read more about this.

What are the limitations after laser correction?

Attention, it is prohibited:
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  • Laser correction is an unpleasant, painful and scary procedure.
    In fact, we can say that there is practically no sensation during the procedure. Before it starts, an anesthetic is instilled into you, then the eye is fixed (the eyelid is ensured immobility). The doctor will inform you about all the actions that will be performed so that this does not come as a surprise to you. All you have to do is look at the red dot, which will disappear at some point and appear again after a few seconds.
  • It is not recommended to perform surgery in the summer, as there is a risk of dust and infection.
    Since the procedure is performed on the surface layer of the cornea and, after placing the flap in place, it heals immediately, laser correction is not serious surgical intervention, That's why summer season is not a limitation. It is only important to take into account that complete recovery after the procedure will take 1 month, therefore, if you plan to make a correction before your vacation, then you need to remember this period, during which you are not allowed to visit the sauna and bathhouse, or be exposed to strong ultraviolet radiation.
  • The operation should not be done before pregnancy.
    It is not recommended to carry out the procedure only for those women who are planning their pregnancy in the next six months, since it takes some time for the eyes to adapt and full recovery cornea. The operation will not affect pregnancy in any way. Progression of myopia after pregnancy and childbirth can occur regardless of whether you have undergone laser correction or not. There is a slight risk of regression due to hormonal shifts; to avoid this after surgery, it is recommended to plan a pregnancy after 3-6 months.
  • Eye surgery means a mandatory visit to the doctor every year to have your vision checked, as well as the impossibility of strenuous physical activity, which can lead to deterioration or loss of vision.
    Any person needs to be checked by an ophthalmologist once a year, since even those who actually have normal vision may have hidden problems, for example, with the retina (thinning and tears of the retina can lead to its detachment, and then to blindness). After the procedure you can conduct usual image life, limiting at first (1-2 weeks) only severe physical activity(For example, gym) and playing team sports (for a month) to avoid eye injury. There are no cuts or seams, which means there is no risk that they will come apart during active physical activity (with “notches” there was such a risk). Physical activity will not affect the result of the operation. Vision will not deteriorate provided that it has been stable (not progressed) for a year or more.
  • After laser correction, there is a long and painful recovery, and many restrictions are imposed.
    All that has to be done after the procedure is to instill the drops. Quite often (every 2 hours) this will have to be done only in the first 2-3 days, then 3 times a day for a month. All discomfort symptoms that may occur in the first time after the procedure are periodic lacrimation and a feeling of dryness. This normal reaction the body, which usually goes away the next day, and for some it is completely absent. Photophobia may also occur for a few days (not everyone) - then wearing sunglasses. Vision will be restored in the next 2 hours! You will be able to drive a car, work on a computer and read a book the next day after the procedure! No additional restrictions are imposed after the operation. But! The restrictions you had before the operation will remain.
  • Serious complications often occur after laser correction.
    Serious complications with LASIK are very rare. LASIK is a safe, effective and permanent procedure. However, like any other surgery, it has some risks. The likelihood of a vision-decreasing complication with LASIK has been documented to be less than 1%. After laser surgery, you may experience some visual side effects, which usually go away after some time. Many of the risks and complications associated with this procedure can be reduced or eliminated through modern diagnostic technology, careful patient selection, and careful patient compliance with the physician's postoperative instructions. viditglaz.ru
  • Six months ago I took the plunge and had laser vision correction. I want to tell you why I did it, what the alternatives were, and what is happening to my vision now. Perhaps this experience can be useful to someone.

    For those who for some reason are not in the know.

    Laser vision correction is photochemical ablation of the layers of the cornea under the influence of an excimer laser beam, resulting in a change in curvature outer surface the cornea and, as a consequence, its refraction, which leads to the focusing of light rays on the retina, that is, the return of good vision.


    In simple words: with the help of a laser, the curvature of the cornea will be changed and, due to this, your vision will become good. I experienced it myself laser keratomileusis(LASIK) is a modern high-tech method of laser vision correction, which is considered the safest and most accurate.

    Many people with poor vision are thinking about laser correction. But not everyone does. For some there is an insurmountable obstacle - medical contraindications. Others are simply afraid. Some people find it easier to walk with contact lenses and glasses. There is a unique category of people who deserve special respect - those who correct their vision with the help of special exercises (if you are from this category and have made some progress, be sure to get in touch through the comments, your experience is interesting).

    I was scared too, but from the most good lenses My eyes hurt, I only wore them to some significant events, and it was a one-time decision. I've been pretty tired of glasses since childhood, and wearing them in winter is completely uncomfortable. Someone will add to this that a one-time fee for correction (I paid about 30,000 for both eyes) is more economical than constantly buying lenses or buying glasses (less often than lenses, of course, but expensive), especially if this problem occurs you since childhood.

    Vision at the time of surgery: -3, -3.5 (to understand, this is not very poor eyesight, but the minibus numbers are hard to see, so you won’t have time to wave your hand). However, I didn’t really have anything to compare it with. It was then that I learned what the world looks like in detail.

    While I wore glasses only situationally, my vision practically did not deteriorate. After the glasses finally settled on my nose, my vision began to deteriorate, and with glasses I could see the same as before without them. The ophthalmologists I contacted advocated for permanent vision correction. I didn’t at all like the prospect of changing glasses every six months or a year, gradually increasing the strength of the lenses and watching my vision gradually deteriorate. And I finally became convinced of my desire to have surgery.

    A huge advantage in choosing laser vision correction was the absence of hospitalization and the ability to quickly return to work.

    Of course, there were concerns.

    Fears and questions:

  • Will my vision deteriorate soon after the surgery?
  • Have there been any unfortunate cases that led to blindness or serious damage to the eye and will I be one of these unfortunate people?
  • What if my healing rate is poor and my eye remains blemished or gets infected?
  • How not to miss when choosing a clinic?
  • Answers I received:

    If you work a lot or just sit at the computer for a long time, then you are at risk.

    If you maintain a passive sedentary lifestyle, your vision will slowly begin to decline. The fact is that if you sit in front of the monitor continuously, your eyes become overstrained. At some point, this overstrain can be relieved with eye drops. But if you leave everything as it is, then at a certain point you won’t be able to get by with drops, and myopia will begin to develop again.

    From the very beginning, the doctor warned me about the need to do basic exercises for my eyesight. In this case, emphasis should have been placed on an exercise with transferring focus from the tip of the nose to a distant object and back. This exercise allows you to keep your eyes toned and avoid the harmful overstrain that occurs when you focus on a close object for a long time without interruption (for example, on a laptop in front of you).

    Regarding questions 2 and 3, I didn’t find anything terrible and in the end everything worked out. There were, of course, some bruises after the operation, but they healed successfully, and now the eyes look normal.

    The choice of the clinic was made solely on the basis of feedback from people whom I personally know and who have already performed similar operations in our city.

    How the operation went

    First, I underwent a medical examination at the eye clinic and the doctor told me about the operation, then I passed everything necessary tests. After that, I received confirmation that the operation could be done.

    On the day of the operation, I was given a painkiller, an anesthetic was dropped into my eyes, and after a short amount of time I was asked to lie down on the operating table. An eyelid dilator was inserted into the eye in order to prevent spontaneous blinking (at this stage the main thing is to relax and not resist, then it will not hurt). I was then asked to look at the red and green lights of the installation. Then a vacuum ring was lowered onto the eye (they operate one at a time), which “pressed” until it completely darkened, then there were several seconds of discomfort while the flap was cut and moved away. This is the only place during surgery where the patient may or may not experience discomfort for a few seconds. Then the laser correction occurs directly, after which the flap is returned to its place and taken over the second eye. The whole operation takes no more than 10-15 minutes.

    During rehabilitation after surgery, you are given official sick leave (although you can return to work on the 2nd day after surgery). It makes sense to take sick leave for those whose work is related to long stay in front of a monitor screen (to avoid eye strain) and for those who cannot put drops in their eyes 6 times a day while at work. Since my work is directly related to long periods of time in front of the computer, I took advantage of my sick leave.

    After the operation, the doctor conducts regular eye examinations and monitors their condition.

    Feelings after

    After the operation, I experienced a slight feeling of euphoria and a desire to look at literally everything. The world opened up to me in detail. In addition, living with 100% vision has become much more comfortable and safer for me.

    About six months have passed since the operation. Vision does not deteriorate. But what the doctor warned me about happened: at the first stage, I did no exercise at all and sat for more than 10 hours a day at the computer with minimal breaks. As a result, my eyes spasmed and I had to take special drops for a month. Now the situation has returned to normal, I try to do eye exercises and short breaks from work at least once a day.

    Dear readers, we are interested in your experience. Share in the comments how laser vision correction changed your life, did you still have 100% vision after it?

    P.S.: You may find it useful to know that laser vision correction is one of the operations for which you can receive tax deduction in the amount of 13% of the amount spent. Save your receipts!

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    Limits of application of laser vision correction?
    Laser correction is performed for patients with myopia up to –15.0 D, farsightedness up to +6.0 D and astigmatism up to +/-6.0 D.
    At what age is it better to undergo excimer laser vision correction?
    The optimal age for vision restoration using laser correction is considered to be from 18 to 45 years. Before the age of 18, correction is not recommended, since at this age, with the growth of the entire body, including the eyeball, the refraction of vision may also change. And after 45 years, doctors warn the patient that laser correction will not protect him from the possible appearance of age-related farsightedness (presbyopia).
    Laser correction is possible both before 18 years of age and after 45 years of age, but this is purely individual and the decision is made by a doctor.
    Are there any contraindications to excimer laser correction?
    There are few contraindications to laser vision correction, but they do exist. This is the presence in patients of such eye diseases as cataracts, glaucoma, retinal pathology and common diseases(tuberculosis, diabetes, inflammatory diseases, tumors, infections). Laser correction is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.
    How long has laser correction been around?
    Laser vision correction was first performed in 1989 and since that time has proven its reliability and effectiveness. Excimer was one of the first in Russia to offer its patients this method vision correction, and in 11 years more than 100,000 patients gained good vision.
    How many laser corrections have been done in the world?
    Today, excimer laser correction is used in medical centers and clinics in 45 countries around the world. Over the past 10 years, over 3 million vision corrections have been performed worldwide.
    Is it true that laser vision correction is not recommended for women who have not yet given birth?
    For nulliparous women, excimer laser correction can be performed. By itself, it does not cause visual impairment after childbirth. The only thing is that vision correction cannot be carried out directly during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Usually, problems during childbirth arise due to poor condition retina, which is often accompanied by myopia. Therefore, before laser correction, it is necessary to check the condition of the retina and, if necessary, strengthen it.
    Can vision deteriorate after correction?
    The result of laser correction will not change over time. This fact has been proven by time. After all, vision correction went through multi-stage clinical trials before it began to be used in ophthalmological clinics all over the world. Since the end of the 80s, more than 5 million corrections have been made and so far no cases of vision deterioration after laser vision correction using the LASIK method have been recorded.
    However, doctors warn all patients that vision deterioration is possible if age-related changes in the body after 45-50 years and the development of age-related farsightedness (presbyopia).
    How painless is excimer laser correction?
    This procedure is performed under local drip anesthesia, which is easily tolerated and eliminates any pain.
    How long do you need to stay in the hospital after laser vision correction?
    There is no need to stay in the hospital. The procedure for restoring vision using laser correction is performed in a “one-day” mode, that is, without hospitalization. It takes 10–15 minutes. Including preoperative preparation and a mandatory postoperative examination, the patient spends only 1.5–2 hours in the clinic and returns home on the same day.
    Is it possible to perform laser correction on two eyes at once?
    Most often, laser vision correction using the LASIK technique is performed sequentially on both eyes, with an interval of several minutes.
    Can excimer laser correction be done using someone else’s data?
    This is impossible, since before carrying out laser correction, the doctor and engineer must verify the data in the medical card the patient, with those entered into his electronic card and displayed on the monitor screen of the laser installation. Without a special electronic card ( individual card patient), the laser unit will be blocked and will not start working.
    What happens if the electricity goes out during laser correction?
    If such a situation occurs (which is very unlikely), the power supply of the laser installation will be reconnected to the uninterruptible power supply. Not only devices will be connected to it, but also a system for ensuring safe conditions in the room for correction (dehumidifier and air conditioners with microfilters, etc.). This will allow for a truly complete correction on both eyes, without any violations of technology.
    How long does the correction procedure take?
    Laser correction is an outpatient procedure and is performed without hospitalization. The patient spends about 1.5–2 hours in the clinic. The preparatory period before laser correction takes approximately 10–20 minutes, and the correction itself takes 10–15 minutes. After the procedure, the patient rests for some time, then the doctor examines him, gives the necessary recommendations and sends him home.
    Is it possible to actively engage in sports after laser correction?
    Yes, you can! After laser vision correction, you can lead your usual lifestyle as before. There are no restrictions on physical and visual activity after laser correction.
    Vision correction using the LASIK method is the only way to restore vision for people experiencing maximum stress: test pilots, climbers, stuntmen, etc.
    How long after I can work at a computer after LKZ?
    You can work on a computer within 1–2 days after laser vision correction. Depending on individual characteristics, many patients work at the computer the very next day without any restrictions.
    Why undergo diagnostics before correction?
    Determining indications for laser correction is possible only through diagnostics. Survey visual system It is necessary for the doctor not only to verify the advisability of laser correction, but also to be able to offer an individual treatment option for a particular patient and calculate the parameters of future vision correction.
    Is laser correction safe?
    The advantages of laser correction are that it is predictable, safe and non-traumatic. LASIK technology underwent multi-stage clinical trials before it was used in ophthalmological centers and clinics. Long-term observations of patients have shown that the excimer laser does not cause any disorders, since the impact occurs only on one of the refractive media - the cornea, and the depth of impact is strictly limited.
    All excimer lasers operate in the same wavelength range, in pulsed mode. The temperature in the tissue evaporation zone practically does not increase (no more than 5°-6°) due to the short duration of exposure. With each pulse, the laser removes a layer 0.25 microns thick (approximately 1/500th the thickness of a human hair). This precision allows you to achieve the ideal result of laser vision correction and does not affect internal tissues.
    In addition, you can be confident in safety, since the intensity of the laser is controlled by a computer, and the patient’s gaze tracking system during surgery ensures the most accurate centering of the ablation zone.
    Will it be necessary to wear glasses after laser correction in old age?
    Age-related farsightedness (presbyopia) develops after 45–50 years in almost every person. Laser vision correction does not protect against age-related farsightedness (presbyopia). As you get older, you may need glasses for near reading, whether you have had laser correction or not.
    Is it possible to go blind after laser correction?
    In the history of laser correction, there has not been a single case of vision loss after this procedure. If diagnostic examination showed that you have no contraindications to vision correction, and after the procedure you follow all the doctor’s recommendations, you can guarantee an excellent result for many years.
    Will it be necessary to limit physical activity?
    Of course, on the first day after laser vision correction you should lead a more relaxed lifestyle, but this does not mean that in the future you will limit your physical activity. After 1-2 days you will be able to continue your active life, for example, return to sports.
    How does vision improve after laser correction?
    During the correction process, the laser creates a new shape of the cornea - the “natural lens” of our eye, as a result of which it begins to refract light rays differently, and previously blurry images become clear.
    Will there be restrictions in the future?
    After laser vision correction rehabilitation period- minimal. Minor discomfort after correction disappears after 30–40 minutes, and the final recovery visual functions occurs within a few days. The restrictions immediately after correction are minor and mainly relate to hygiene procedures (visiting the pool, sauna, using cosmetics). In the future, there are no restrictions.
    May a re-correction be needed?
    In some, especially difficult cases Additional correction is required, but most often this is not necessary.
    Will my vision be 100% after laser vision correction?
    When deciding to undergo laser vision correction, all patients want to restore their vision and no longer use glasses or contact lenses. However, it is impossible to guarantee 100% vision for everyone. The result of the correction depends on many factors, including the natural acuity of your vision. But, there are often cases when vision is restored even higher than 100%. How you will see after correction is discussed with your doctor during a preoperative diagnostic examination.
    What happens if the laser “misses”?
    During the treatment, the laser cannot “miss” since the position of the eye is fixed by a special vacuum ring, and the head is fixed by a vacuum cushion. In addition, to ensure that accuracy is not compromised, the patient's chair is rigidly connected to the laser. This also ensures that eye displacement will not occur during correction.

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