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Activated water treatment. Living and dead water. Use for cleansing the body

Some people believe that they can be cured with medications, others use herbs. Recently, experts are confident in the healing effects of living and dead water. To prepare it, special devices are used. Through the electrolysis process, you can significantly improve water - rid it of bacteria, microbes, harmful chemicals, fungus, and other impurities. How to be treated correctly?

Beneficial features

Living water, they also say catholyte - this is natural biostimulant who is behind a short time helps restore immune system. In addition, it is one of the best antioxidants and a source of vital energy. With the help of living water you can activate everything physical processes, it also helps restore metabolic processes and improve appetite. By drinking living water, you can get rid of hypotension, increase blood pressure, and improve your well-being.

Using living water you can:

  • Quickly heal wounds, burns, bedsores.
  • Get rid of trophic ulcers.
  • Relieve the condition of duodenal and stomach ulcers.

With the help of living liquid, you will quickly smooth out wrinkles, improve the condition of your hair, get rid of dandruff, refresh and soften your skin.

What is the disadvantage of the healing liquid? It cannot be stored for a long time, because water loses its biochemical, healing effect. When preparing living water, try to use it within two days, and be sure to store it in a dark place.

What is the healing power of dead water?

Anolyte has antiviral, antifungal, antipruritic, antiallergic, anti-inflammatory, decongestant, antibacterial effects. Water also has a cytotoxic, antimetabolic effect, but it does not harm the body.

Due to its bactericidal properties, dead water has a strong disinfecting effect. The liquid can be used to treat dishes, clothes, and linen. It is recommended to use dead water for washing floors and performing wet cleaning.

We draw your attention to wiping the floor in a room where a person is sick. Wet cleaning will prevent reinfection virus, bacteria. Dead water is considered one of the best remedies for colds, so it is actively used to treat the nose, throat, and ears. If you gargle with a healing liquid, you can protect yourself from acute respiratory viral infections and influenza.

Using dead water you can:

  • Get rid of joint pain.
  • Reduce pressure.
  • Calm the nervous system.
  • Relieve the condition of stomatitis.
  • Remove stones from the bladder.

Is it possible to prepare healing water at home?

It's no problem to buy now special device to activate water. The devices are simply designed. On your own, you can take a glass jar, a piece of fabric, a tarpaulin that does not allow liquid to pass through well, or a power source with wires. A canvas bag is inserted into the neck of the jar. Then the stainless part of the rod is placed in a bag, and the other must be lowered into a jar.

Finally, the electrodes are connected to a power source. Water is poured into the bag and jar. Leave the device turned on for 15 minutes. In the jar you will get living water, and in the bag you will get dead water. A higher quality product can be obtained by purchasing special equipment.

Course of therapy


To get rid of the irritant, you need to rinse your mouth and throat for 3 days, and also be sure to rinse your nose dead water. Then, after 10 minutes, take living water (250 ml). Have you noticed any rashes on your skin? Wipe them with liquid. The procedure is repeated for preventive purposes.


If the joints of the arms and legs hurt, or salts are deposited, you need to drink dead water every 30 minutes - 100 ml. Additionally, you need to apply a compress to the affected area (be sure to heat the water first). On the second day the pain will disappear. In this way you can reduce blood pressure, improve sleep, and normalize the functioning of the nervous system.

Respiratory organs

Are you sick with bronchitis? Are you worried about bronchial asthma? Gargle, drip dead water into your nose (preheat). Then be sure to drink 100 ml of live water. Didn't the procedures help? Use dead water for inhalation - heat a liter and breathe in the steam for 10 minutes. Inhalation is carried out three times a day. The fourth time, living water is taken and a little soda is added - this is the final inhalation. With the help of such procedures you can improve your well-being and get rid of cough.


The course of therapy will be about 4 days:

  • First day - drink dead liquid (100 ml).
  • IN next days pay attention to the live one.


  • First - ¼ glass of live drink.
  • Then all days - 0.5 cups.

With this treatment you can get rid of abdominal pain, reduce acidity, and improve appetite.



Drink dead water (1/2 glass), you can moisten the painful area of ​​the head with the liquid. In cases where headaches are caused by a bruise or concussion, moisten the affected area with living water. The discomfort should go away within 40 minutes.


To relieve inflammation from the throat, you need to gargle with liquid and drop it into your nose. Important! Just be sure to heat the water, it should not be cold. On the first day you will have to fast.

Varicose veins

Rinse the painful areas of your legs with dead liquid, then make a compress with a healing agent. Be sure to carry out all procedures regularly.


Every day before sitting down to the table, you should drink 100 ml of healing drink.


Use healing agent in the form of a mouth rinse. The more often you rinse your mouth, the faster painful sores will heal.

So, to make sure beneficial properties dead, living water, you need to try several procedures. Just be sure to follow the basic recommendations. If you use the liquid incorrectly, it will not help. Be healthy!

Today, treatment with “living” as well as “dead” water is used to rid people of various diseases. According to some experts, this method is a kind of breakthrough in the field of traditional medicine. At the same time, there is a completely opposite position.

Some doctors argue that “living”, as well as “dead” water, is nothing more than a myth, and these means are unable to have a beneficial effect on the functionality of the human body.

What is “living” and “dead” water?

“Living” as well as “dead” water is obtained as a result of electrolysis.

With the help of special devices today it is possible to endow any liquid with positive or negative electrical potential.

In the process of carrying out this procedure, the quality of water significantly improves - numerous pathogens, pathogenic fungi, various harmful impurities and even chemical compounds.

Water prepared in this way with an electrical negative potential is called “living”.

It has a more alkaline structure, and its main healing property is the healing of all kinds of wounds. “Dead” water, which, accordingly, has a positive electrical potential, has an acidic structure and is primarily used for disinfection.

Beneficial properties of “dead” and “living” water

“Dead” water, otherwise known as anolyte, has incredibly strong bactericidal properties. As a rule, it is used to disinfect premises, bandages, dishes, linen and all kinds of medical materials. This is especially true if there is a patient with an infectious disease in the room.

In such a situation, the room is treated to prevent the development of the disease in his close relatives and persons who are in direct contact with the patient. In addition, in some cases, anolyte is used to disinfect premises in which fleas, bedbugs and other insects have infested.

Anolyte also additionally has the following healing properties:

  • is an excellent remedy for the treatment and prevention of influenza, acute respiratory viral infections and others colds;
  • reduces arterial pressure and normalizes it for a long time;
  • helps you calm down and cope nervous overstrain and get rid of insomnia;
  • effectively destroys fungal infections skin and nails;
  • dissolves stones in bladder;
  • reduces pain and discomfort in the joints of the upper and lower limbs;
  • helps get rid of stomatitis and other diseases of the oral cavity.

“Living” water, or catholyte, in turn, has the following useful characteristics:

  • restores and strengthens the immune system and helps the body on our own fight various diseases;
  • increases vital energy, gives strength;
  • has high antioxidant properties, cleanses the body and removes a lot of harmful substances from it;
  • increases blood pressure if necessary;
  • normalizes metabolism, improves metabolism;
  • improves appetite and has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • improves mood, noticeably improves general health;
  • quickly and effectively heals all kinds of wounds, including bedsores, burns, trophic ulcers, as well as stomach ulcers and duodenum;
  • softens the skin and smoothes out fine wrinkles;
  • improves hair structure and helps get rid of dandruff and other problems.

The only but rather serious drawback this tool that “living” water can be used for no more than two days, provided it is stored in a dark place in a closed container. “Dead” water, for comparison, retains its healing qualities at least a week, and in some cases two.

Is “living” and “dead” water effective for treating joint diseases?

A huge number of men and women face various diseases of the joints of the upper and lower extremities. Such ailments cause serious pain and discomfort, which are quite difficult to get rid of. If you drink 100 ml of anolyte 3 times a day before meals, then within 24 hours you can feel significant relief. It is necessary to continue the program for 2-5 days, otherwise the pain will return very quickly.

In this case, catholyte can only be used as aid, which improves overall well-being and gives strength.

Hair care and treatment using “living” and “dead” water

A course of hair treatment using these traditional medicines is best carried out in the spring.

Its duration should be at least a month on average, and if desired, you can use anolyte and catholyte for regular hair and scalp care.

During the period of treatment, getting rid of dandruff and recovery damaged structure Your hair needs to be washed only once a week, and for this you need to use baby soap or non-concentrated yolk shampoo.

Immediately after washing, you need to thoroughly dry your curls without using a hairdryer, and then apply warm “dead” water to them. Leave it like this for 10 minutes, and then rinse your hair with warm “living” water. After this procedure, the curls should not be dried with a towel or dried with a hairdryer.

Additionally, every evening before going to bed, you need to rub catholyte into the scalp for several minutes, and 15-20 minutes before that, rinse your hair with a decoction of nettles and birch leaves.

Is it possible to use “living” and “dead” water to treat prostatitis, and how to do it correctly?

To treat prostatitis and other prostate diseases, you will have to drink catholyte almost all day. In this case, the more catholyte you drink during the day, the higher your chances of complete healing. The minimum amount of liquid you should drink is 1.5 liters. Drink at least 150 ml of this medicine half an hour before each meal, and also immediately before bedtime.

The course of using these traditional medicines should be at least 8 days. During this entire period, it is necessary to massage the perineum as often as possible, moisten sore spot anolyte and apply compresses with catholyte on it. Usually the effect can be noticed approximately on the fifth day of treatment. During the use of this method, it is necessary to constantly monitor blood pressure and immediately adjust the dosage of fluids if it deviates from normal values.

Treatment of atopic dermatitis using “dead” and “live” water

Get rid of various manifestations atopic dermatitis with these effective means traditional medicine you can do in just 3 days. To do this, you need to rinse your mouth, larynx, and nasal passages with “dead” water every time after eating, and then drink 100 ml of “living” water.

In addition, various rashes, which are a manifestation allergic reaction, it is useful to lubricate with anolyte up to 5-6 times a day. In order to get rid of unpleasant symptoms Finally, you need to identify the allergen and reduce all contact with it to a minimum. Otherwise, treatment will be practically useless.

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read “Living and Dead Water” Part 7.1 - Treatment of various diseases with living and dead water

You were able to verify that for several decades doctors and traditional healers use activated water in their practice. During this time they learned to treat with living and dead water various ailments, even those against whom she was powerless official medicine. Using their own developments (herbal medicine, energy-informational treatment, etc.), these specialists combined them with activated water to get an even faster and more effective effect. Thanks to this unique combination different means they really did achieve best result. This is how new recipes for using activated solutions appeared.

The entire list of these recipes would fill not one, but several books, so I cannot present here even half of the arsenal of these therapeutic techniques. But I certainly included some of them in this book, and I tried to choose the most effective and popular of those methods that are used by Malakhov, the Pogozhevs, Teacher and other healers. In addition, you will find recipes for using living and dead water in their original form. clinical trials and were used in clinics and medical centers here and abroad.


Flu and viral infections(ORZ)

Recipe by G. P. Malakhov

You need to rinse your nose, throat, and mouth with warmed “dead” water 6-8 times a day. At night, drink 1/2 glass of “living” water. It is recommended not to eat anything on the first day of treatment. Usually the flu goes away within 24 hours, sometimes within two days. Its consequences are alleviated.

Teacher's Recipe

Treatment is carried out for seven days. Every day, gargle and rinse your nose with dead water, after clearing your thoughts and feelings of negativity. At the same time, take warm living water: half a glass during the day and evening, as well as before bed. In case of advanced influenza or its complications, more serious treatment. In addition to washing and rinsing, perform the following procedures during the week:

On the first and all odd days: in the morning on an empty stomach, drink one tablespoon of dead water (with good thoughts and feelings), then half an hour later - a glass of living water, and then have breakfast. Breakfast should be very light. If you have no appetite at all, eat at least half an apple or pear. Before lunch, take a glass of living water. If you don’t want to have lunch, then eat a piece of bread. After lunch, drink half a glass of living water in small sips.

The second and subsequent even-numbered days: in the morning on an empty stomach - drink a glass of living water, enriched with your good thoughts and feelings (prepare the water, radiating goodness and joy), then eat breakfast, at least small, and after it - drink a tablespoon of living water with added three drops lemon juice. Don't drink water before lunch. During lunch and after it, you need to drink two glasses of living water within two hours.

To reduce body temperature, wipe with dead water.

Severe complication of influenza

You now need a powerful energy boost to cope with the disease. Place a half-liter jar of water to charge from the Teacher’s book, which will be useful not only for internal consumption, but also for wiping. If you don’t have such a book, then charge the water with your own good mood or the good mood of your loved ones. You most likely won't find mental strength to convey strong positive information to water. Then ask your child to play near the water, laugh near it, or your relative to tell a funny story, an anecdote, finally. The main thing is that laughter and sincere joy come from him.

These emotions will be immediately recorded by the information field of water. After this, drink half a glass of this water. Moisten a canvas napkin in the other half of the glass and place it on your forehead. Lie quietly for 15 minutes, try to fall asleep. After waking up, drink another glass of living water charged in this way, but not in one gulp, but in a small sip. Then gargle with dead water two to three times a day, and wash her body at high temperature. In the evening before going to bed, drink a glass of living water with positive information. In three days your condition will improve significantly. After this, move on to the second flu treatment regimen, and then to the first.


For three days, 6-7 times a day, after meals, rinse your mouth, throat and nose with warmed “dead” water. 10 minutes after each rinse, drink 1/4 cup of “living” water. The temperature drops on the first day. The disease itself goes away in 3 days or less.

Teacher's Recipe

Gargle with warm dead water several times a day for 3-5 minutes. The course of treatment is 3-5 days. A compress on the neck dipped in living water (preferably charged with positive information) will also help with a sore throat. At the same time (to prevent bacteria from entering the nasopharynx), rinse your nose with dead water with the addition of a teaspoon of salt per glass of water. To do this, pour warm salted water into a shallow saucer and sniff the water with your nose. The procedure should take 3-4 minutes. After washing and rinsing, drink living water (1/4 cup).

Another recipe for acute onset diseases. Immediately, as soon as you feel a sore throat, heat the dead water and gargle with it every 1.5 -2 hours. Half an hour after each rinse, drink 1 tablespoon of living water. With this treatment, the disease can be reversed and it will go away by evening.

Neck cold

Make a compress of heated “dead” water on your neck. In addition, 4 times a day, before meals and at night, drink 1/2 glass of “living” water. The pain goes away, freedom of movement is restored, and your well-being improves.

Runny nose

The first method is to rinse your nose by drawing “dead” water into it. For children, you can drop “dead” water with a pipette. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times throughout the day. A normal runny nose goes away within one hour.

Second method A runny nose can be treated very quickly if left untreated. For prevention and advanced cases you will have to undergo longer courses of treatment.

So, take dead water, add half a teaspoon of salt and three drops of lemon juice to a glass, and rinse your nose with it three times a day. To do this, pour water into a saucer and suck it in with your nose. Children can drop water from a pipette, 2-3 pipettes into each nostril, and then carefully blow their nose. Repeat this procedure several times a day.

If your runny nose is severe or sinusitis, then use dead water according to the following scheme: On the first day, drink a glass of clean living water, and after half an hour, rinse your nose with dead water with the addition of the ingredients already described. Then after another half hour, drink half a glass of living water (this is necessary for speedy recovery immunity). Throughout the day, you need to drink two more glasses of living (preferably energy-informational) water in small sips.

Drink living water and rinse your nose with dead water like this: in the morning on an empty stomach, drink one glass of living water, and use half a glass of dead water for rinsing. Two hours after breakfast, drink half a glass of living water and use the same amount of dead water for rinsing. An hour before lunch, drink one-third of a glass of living water, and after lunch, gargle with another third of a glass of dead water. Before going to bed (no more than half an hour before), drink a glass of living energy water.

On the sixth and seventh days drink two glasses of living water, distributing it evenly throughout the day. At night (half an hour before going to bed), first drink 1 tablespoon of dead water, and after 10 minutes - half a glass of living water.

Treatment of acute runny nose

If your nose is very stuffy, your nasopharynx is sore and your head hurts, then you need to start urgently treatment of the dead salted water, and it is advisable to charge it good mood or do a relaxation meditation before treatment. Heat the water a little in a water bath and rinse your nose with it, then drink a glass of warm salt water in small sips. Accept horizontal position and lie down for 20-30 minutes. Then, throughout the day, take a quarter glass of salted dead water and pure living water, alternating these solutions every half hour, and then rinse your nose with salty dead water. To better rinse your nose, first drop 1-2 drops of naphthyzine or another vasoconstrictor into each nostril.

Carry out treatment for seven days. If you follow all the recommendations exactly, this treatment will give good result. A runny nose usually goes away by the end of the week. But if it goes away on the fourth or fifth day, treatment still needs to be continued to strengthen the immune system.


If the cough has just started, it can be stopped using such procedures. First day drink half a glass of living water half an hour after each meal, but at least 5 times a day. At the same time, do inhalations with slightly warmed dead water. To remove acute attack severe cough breathe over boiling dead water. Chronic cough This is how it is treated. Before drinking, warm the water steam bath up to a little warm state. You should take water according to the following scheme: on the first day, drink half a glass of dead water, half an hour later - half a glass of living water (this is necessary for the fastest restoration of the body's defenses). Throughout the day, you need to drink two more glasses of dead water in small sips.

On the second and subsequent three days Drink living energy water. In the morning on an empty stomach - one glass, two hours after breakfast - half a glass, an hour before lunch - one third of a glass, and after lunch for about 30 minutes - another third of a glass of living water. Before going to bed (no more than half an hour before), drink a glass of dead water.

On the sixth and seventh days drink two glasses of living water, distributing it evenly throughout the day. At night (half an hour before going to bed), drink one third of a glass of warmed dead water.

Treatment of severe paroxysmal cough

Drink a glass of slightly warmed living water, then gargle with a glass of warmed dead water with the addition of a teaspoon of salt. After half an hour, gargle again with salty dead water, and then wipe your chest and neck with warm living water, and tie a scarf or put on a warm jacket.

The next day Prepare two glasses of living water. Drink one glass of water immediately on an empty stomach (without heating), heat the other in a water bath, do not allow it to boil. Inhale over this water. Breathe for about five minutes, then cover the water with a saucer and leave it until the evening inhalation. In the evening, reheat the water and breathe over it. After each inhalation, take a horizontal position and lie down for 20-30 minutes. During the day, drink half a glass of lukewarm dead salt water, one sip at a time.

On the third day, alternately take dead and living water during the day, a quarter glass of each. On the fourth day repeat the procedures as on the first day. If the cough still persists, then repeat course treatment starting from the first day. Such courses can be carried out periodically in the autumn-winter season during the time of colds, as well as in the spring during flowering to treat coughs caused by allergies to pollen. If you follow all the recommendations exactly, this treatment will give a good result. Usually the cough decreases significantly on the third day, and after 7 days it finally goes away.


For three days, 4-5 times a day, after eating, rinse your mouth, throat and nose with warmed “dead” water. 10 minutes after each rinse, drink 1/2 glass of “living” water. If there is no noticeable improvement, do inhalation with “dead” water: heat 1 liter of water to 70-80 ° C and breathe in the steam for 10 minutes. Repeat 3-4 times a day. The last inhalation can be done with “living” water and soda. The urge to cough decreases and overall well-being improves. If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated.

Emphysema and tuberculosis

With this disease it is necessary to prepare live melt water and perform inhalations on it. At the same time, use hot baths with added dead water. Add a liter of dead water to an average bath of plain tap water. Moreover, this water must be thoroughly mixed so that it is distributed evenly and energetically neutralizes all the water in the bath. To do this, after stirring, count to thirty and then immerse yourself in the bath. Baths are taken every other day for 15-20 minutes.


Before treatment, rinse thoroughly, rinse your mouth and nose with “dead” water and drink 1/2 cup of “dead” water. Tear off the bottle with the contents of the herpes using a cotton swab moistened with heated “dead” water. Next, during the day, apply a swab moistened with “dead” water to the affected area 7-8 times for 3-4 minutes. On the second day, drink 1/2 cup of “dead” water and repeat the rinsing. A tampon soaked in “dead” water is applied to the crust that has formed 3-4 times a day. You need to be patient a little when you tear off the bubble. The burning and itching stop within 2-3 hours. Herpes goes away within 2-3 days.

Otitis (inflammation of the middle ear)

For ear pain (catarrhal, that is, non-purulent otitis), the following recipe helps: Slightly heat the dead water. Then fill the pipette with water and very carefully inject it into the ear canal, then blot your ear with a cotton swab. You should rinse your ears 3 times a day, one pipette in each ear. At night, apply a warm compress with live water. If it started severe inflammation middle ear, do following procedures: Place one drop of dead water in your ear for three days, and at night make a compress with living water. During these days, take living water with the addition of three drops of orange juice inside - a tablespoon three times a day.

Over the next three days, treat yourself according to the following scheme: On the first day: in the morning on an empty stomach, take a glass of dead water, before lunch - a glass of living water, and before dinner - half a glass of living water with orange juice(10 drops per glass). On the second 2nd day: Drink one glass of living water in the morning on an empty stomach, another glass just before bed. On the third 3rd day: In the morning on an empty stomach, drink a glass of dead water, before lunch - a glass of living water, and just before dinner - a glass of living water with orange juice. Such procedures will increase the concentration of lymphocytes in the blood and direct their action to the middle ear. The inflammation will gradually go away. Acute pain will disappear on the second day, but treatment must be continued until complete recovery.

Allergic diseases

For three days in a row, after eating you need to rinse your mouth, throat and nose with “dead” water. After each rinse, after 10 minutes, drink 1/2 glass of “living” water. Skin rashes (if any) are moistened with “dead” water. The disease usually goes away within 2-3 days. It is recommended to repeat the procedure for prevention.

Allergic runny nose

Allergic rhinitis is closely related to internal disorders occurring in the body. Therefore, the approach to treatment must be comprehensive. You should rinse your nose with dead water and take living water inside for a general boost in immunity. Every morning and evening, drink half a glass of living water before meals. Take water 5 minutes before meals. It is also necessary to rinse your nose and gargle with dead water. To do this, pour dead water into a shallow bowl and suck in the liquid through your nose. After this, gargle with dead water. Then drink 1/4 cup of living water. Carry out such procedures 3-4 times a day. If there allergic rashes, then they should be lubricated with silver dead water several times a day. The more often the better. It is necessary to be treated until the signs of allergy disappear completely.


All rashes and swelling should be moistened with “dead” water and allowed to dry. Then make compresses with “living” water for 5-10-5 minutes. The procedure is repeated 3-4 times a day. The affected areas heal in 2-3 days.

Diseases of the genitourinary system

Urolithiasis disease

To dissolve stones in the bladder and ureters, it is recommended to use living water. By chemical composition these stones are salts - oxalates, phosphates, urates - with layers of mucous substance. Usually they have irregular shape, sharp corners, edges and, when moving, cause sharp pains(renal colic). Alkaline solution, which is living activated water, acting primarily on sharp corners and edges, smoothes stones, causing them to crack and grind. At renal colic Call a doctor immediately, and before he arrives, drink a glass of living water in one gulp. Water does not have the effect of expelling stones, so it is not dangerous. But, however, living water affects the stones themselves so that they stop causing pain or significantly reduce it.

For chronic urolithiasis Take water according to the following scheme:

In the morning on an empty stomach - a glass of freshly prepared water. Before lunch - a quarter glass of living water, immediately after lunch (wash it down) - half a glass of living water. Just before bed - a glass of living water. The course of treatment is one week. The condition should improve dramatically during this time. Do an ultrasound and check what happened to your stones.

Prostate adenoma

The entire treatment cycle is 8 days. 1 hour before meals, drink 1/2 glass of “living” water 4 times a day (the fourth time at night). If blood pressure normal, then by the end of the treatment cycle you can drink a glass. Sexual intercourse should not be interrupted. Sometimes a repeat course of treatment is necessary. It is carried out a month after the first cycle, but it is better to continue treatment without interruption. During the treatment process, it is useful to massage the perineum, and at night put a compress on the perineum with “living” water, having previously moistened the area with “dead” water. Enemas from warm “living” water are also desirable. Cycling is also useful, as are candles made from a bandage moistened with “living” water. The pain goes away after 4-5 days, the swelling decreases, and the urge to urinate becomes less frequent. Small red particles may come out along with the urine. Improves digestion and appetite.

Cervical erosion

It is recommended to douche at night with “dead” water heated to 38-40°C. After 10 minutes, repeat this procedure with “living” water. Next, you need to repeat washing with “living” water several times a day. Erosion resolves within 2-3 days.

Recipe by G. P. Malakhov

In view of the fact that most diseases of the vagina occur due to the fact that its acidity is disturbed (rots), the use of “dead” (acidic) water quickly destroys rottenness and restores health. First you need to apply “dead” water. When the infection is destroyed, then it is necessary to use “live” water to accelerate the healing of the mucous membranes of the vagina, vagina, and cervix using living water. To do this, rinsing with a rubber bulb is used, and the “dead” water is made “stronger” - with increased acidity(you can get water that is much more acidic than your own urine - that is the power of this this method). So, rinse your vagina with “dead water” 3-5 times a day, and at the end of the day with “live water” - two times a day. It all depends on the circumstances and severity of the disorder.

In the same way, you can use this water for an enema.


Heat to 30-40°C Activated water should be heated to 30-40°C and douched overnight: first with “dead” water and after 8-10 minutes with “live” water. Continue the procedures for 2-3 days. The disease goes away within 2-3 days.

Cardiovascular diseases

Depending on the condition of the sick person, for any diseases of the cardiovascular system it is necessary to use living water, and in some cases, dead water. In critical conditions, with the threat of a heart attack, severe heart pain, sudden and severe fluctuations in blood pressure, drink one third of a glass of dead water (you can take tablets with it, which in similar cases prescribed by your doctor). In this case, immediately call “ ambulance", and continue to help yourself with activated water. Following the dead water, drink living melt water. In other cases, treat diseases with water, as described in detailed recipes.


In case of chronic disease, take living water daily for a week according to the following scheme: On the first and all odd days: In the morning on an empty stomach, take one tablespoon of living water, then half an hour later - a glass of living water, and then have breakfast. Breakfast should not contain sour and salty foods. Before lunch, take a glass of live, preferably energy-rich, water, then have lunch without eating fatty or sweet foods (sour and salty foods are possible, but in small quantities). After lunch, you need a short rest, during which you need to drink living water, one teaspoon half a glass for half an hour. Choose this time for yourself and do not be distracted from your treatment. If you are at work, then spend this therapeutic holiday in lunch break. But it is much easier to do this at home. Second and subsequent even days: in the morning on an empty stomach - a tablespoon of dead water, then breakfast, and a glass of living water. Do not drink water before lunch. During and after lunch, you need to drink two glasses of living water within two hours (prepare large quantities of shell water in the morning).

Recovery after treatment

Take living water 3-4 glasses a day at regular intervals. At the same time, it is necessary to take baths with the addition of dead water. This treatment allows you to gradually get rid of cholesterol and cleanse blood vessels, as well as strengthen the heart muscle.

Stroke and recovery after stroke

Drink living melt water for three days, one liter a day, no more. Water intake should be distributed evenly throughout the day so that before bed you can drink one third of a glass in one gulp. During treatment, limit your intake of sour and salty foods. Over the next three days, treat according to the following regimen: On the first day1st day: In the morning on an empty stomach, take a glass of silver water, before lunch - a glass of ash water, and before dinner - a glass of pyramidal water. On the second 2nd day: Conduct meditation with the Book, charging two glasses of water from it. Drink one glass of water immediately after meditation, leave the other for late evening. Drink this water just before going to bed. On the third day: in the morning on an empty stomach, drink a glass of ash water, before lunch - a glass of pyramidal water, and just before dinner - a glass of silver water. After this, drink live melt water for another three days, one liter per day with an even distribution of water throughout the day. These days, take general relaxing baths with melted living water. Then such baths should be carried out once or twice a week.


First method: In the morning and evening, before eating, drink 1/2 glass of “dead” water with a “strength” of 3-4 pH. If it doesn’t help, then drink a whole glass after 1 hour. The blood pressure normalizes and the nervous system calms down.

Second method: Dead, preferably information-rich, water normalizes blood pressure very well. It should be taken according to the following scheme: On the first day, during a pressure surge, drink a glass of dead water, then half an hour later - half a glass of dead water (this is necessary to quickly restore energy balance in the body). Throughout the day, you need to drink two more glasses of dead water in small sips. On the second and subsequent three days drink dead water like this: in the morning on an empty stomach - one glass, two hours after breakfast - half a glass, an hour before lunch - one third of a glass, and after lunch for about 30 minutes - another third of a glass of dead water. Before going to bed (no more than half an hour before), drink 1 tablespoon of living water, and after 10 minutes - a glass of dead water. On the sixth and seventh days Drink one glass of dead water, distributing it evenly throughout the day. At night (half an hour before going to bed), drink one tablespoon of living water, and after 20 minutes - a third of a glass of dead water.

Hypertension Treatment in acute conditions

If you experience severe headaches and have a sharp rise in blood pressure, you need to take Urgent measures. First, use those medicinal products which the doctor recommended. You need to take the tablet with dead water, this will enhance its therapeutic effect. After drinking water, take a horizontal position and lie down for 20-30 minutes. Then during the day, take dead and living water alternately (first dead, and after half an hour - live) a quarter glass of each. Carry out treatment for seven days. During this time, get plenty of rest and sleep well. If you follow all the recommendations exactly, this treatment will give a good result. Usually the pressure drops quite quickly after the first dose activated water, and stabilizes already on the second or third day.


First method: In the morning and evening, before meals, drink 1/2 glass of “living” water with a pH of 9-10. The blood pressure returns to normal and a surge of strength appears.

Second method: For normalization low pressure They use living and dead water in special combinations. Depending on how you feel and the level of pressure, you drink living water two or three times a day, half a glass, regardless of meals. After each dose, add 1 tablespoon of dead water 10 minutes later. To bring the blood pressure back to normal, the course of treatment is continued for 10 to 15 days.

Take water according to the following scheme: On the first day, during a drop in pressure, take a glass of living water, then half an hour later – half a glass of dead water (it is necessary to quickly restore energy balance in the body). Throughout the day, you need to drink two more glasses of living water in small sips. On the second and subsequent three days drink living (preferably information-rich) water. In the morning on an empty stomach - one glass, two hours after breakfast - half a glass, an hour before lunch - one third of a glass, and after lunch for about 30 minutes - another third of a glass of living water. Before going to bed (no more than half an hour before), drink first one tablespoon of dead water, then half a glass of living water. On the sixth and seventh days drink one glass of living water, distributing it evenly throughout the day. At night (half an hour before going to bed), drink one tablespoon of dead water, and 10 minutes later - one third of a glass of living water.

Hypotension Treatment in acute conditions

If you experience severe headaches and you have sharp decline low blood pressure, urgent measures need to be taken. First, use the medications recommended by your doctor. It is advisable to take the tablet with live water. After drinking water, take a horizontal position and lie down for 20-30 minutes. Then, throughout the day, take dead and living water alternately (dead first, then live after 20 minutes), a quarter glass of each. Carry out treatment for seven days. During this time, you need to get a good night's sleep. If you follow all the recommendations exactly, this treatment will give a good result. Usually, the pressure normalizes quite quickly after the first intake of energy-saturated water, and stabilizes already on the second or third day.


The areas of varicose veins and bleeding areas are washed with “dead” water, after which you need to apply compresses with “living” water for 15-20 minutes and drink 1/2 glass of “dead water”. It is recommended to repeat the procedure. Painful sensations become dull. Over time, the disease goes away.


Before starting treatment, visit the toilet, carefully rinse the anus, ruptures, nodes warm water with soap, wipe wipe dry and moisten moisten with “dead” water after 7-8 minutes make make lotions with a cotton-gauze swab dipped in “living” water. Repeat this procedure, changing tampons, 6-8 times during the day. At night, drink 1/2 glass of “living” water. During the treatment period, you should avoid eating spicy and fried foods; it is advisable to eat easily digestible foods, such as porridge and boiled potatoes. The bleeding stops and the ulcers heal within 3-4 days.

Gastrointestinal diseases

Living water helps with any gastrointestinal diseases. Some of them are cured very quickly, as soon as you start drinking living water. These diseases include indigestion and heartburn. For heartburn, you need to drink a glass of living water in one gulp. Other diseases - gastritis and pre-ulcerative conditions - are treated within several months, but are completely cured. For achievement therapeutic effect you need to take living water throughout the day, and once only - on an empty stomach.

For stomach and duodenal ulcers, treatment is also quite long, but very effective, and the result is lasting. For a month you need to drink a glass of living water before meals. In a week, scarring of the stomach ulcer will begin, and in two weeks - of the duodenum.

For pancreatitis, living water acts very quickly. Usually an attack of this disease is relieved by drinking two glasses of water one after the other.

Thematic products:

1. Abscess

An unripe abscess should be treated with warm acidic water and a compress of acidic water should be applied to it. If the abscess has broken through or is punctured, then rinse it with acidic water (pH = 2.5-3.0) and apply a bandage. Drink 0.5 glasses of alkaline water (pH=9.5-10.5) 25 minutes before meals and before bed. When the site of the abscess is finally cleared, its healing can be accelerated with compresses of alkaline water (can also be moistened through a bandage, pH = 9.5-10.5). If pus is noticed again during dressing, then you need to treat it again with acidic water and after that with alkaline water.

2. Allergies. Allergic dermatitis

For three days in a row after eating, rinse your nose (sucking water into it), mouth and throat with acidic water (pH = 2.5-3.0). After each rinse, drink 0.5 glasses of alkaline water (pH=9.5-10.5). Moisten rashes, pimples, tumors with acidic water (pH=2.5-3.0) 5-6 times a day. In addition, you need to find and eliminate the cause of the allergy.

3. Sore throat (chronic tonsillitis)

For three days, 5-6 times a day and be sure to gargle with warm acidic water (pH = 2.5-3.0) after each meal. If you have a runny nose, rinse your nasopharynx with it. After each rinse, drink a third of a glass of alkaline (pH=9.5-10.5) water. Heat the water to 38-40 degrees. If necessary, you can rinse more often.

4. Arthritis (rheumatoid)

For a month, drink alkaline water (pH=9.5-10.5) 250 ml (0.5 cup) 30 minutes before meals. On sore spots, for 25 minutes. apply compresses with warm (40 °C) acidic water (pH = 2.5-3.0). Repeat the procedure every 3-4 hours. If not discomfort, then the compress can be kept for up to 45 minutes or up to 1 hour. After removing the compress, the joints should be at rest for 1 hour. For prevention purposes, such procedures should be repeated 2-3 times a year, without waiting for the next exacerbation.

5. Atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower extremities

Wash your feet with warm water and soap, wipe dry, then moisten with warm acidic water (pH = 2.5-3.0) and leave to dry without wiping. At night, apply a compress of alkaline water (pH = 9.5-10.5) to your feet, and in the morning, wipe off the whitened and softened skin, and then apply vegetable oil. During the procedure, drink 0.5 glasses of alkaline water half an hour before meals. It is useful to massage your feet. Those places where the veins are very visible should be moistened with acidic water or compresses applied to them, after which, moisten alkaline water.

6. Sore throat (cold throat)

If your throat hurts, it hurts to swallow saliva (for example, at night), you need to start gargling with warm dead (acidic) water (pH = 2.5-3.0). Rinse for 1-2 minutes. After 1-2 hours, repeat rinsing. If the pain started at night, you should immediately gargle without waiting for the morning.

7. Pain in the joints of the arms and legs (salt deposits)

For three to four days, 30 minutes before meals, drink 0.5 glasses of acidic water (pH = 2.5-3.0). Moisten the sore spots with warm acidic water and rub it into the skin. At night, make compresses with the same water. The effectiveness of treatment is increased by regular exercise (eg rotational movements of painful joints).

8. Bronchial asthma, bronchitis

For three to four days after eating, rinse your mouth, throat and nose with acidic water at room temperature (pH = 2.5-3.0). This helps neutralize allergens that cause asthma attacks and coughing. After each rinse, to ease coughing, drink 0.5 glasses of alkaline water (pH=9.5-10.5). At normal cough you need to drink half a glass of the same alkaline water.

9. Brucellosis

Since people become infected with this disease from animals, personal hygiene rules must be observed on farms and in animal premises. After feeding, watering, and milking, you need to wash your hands with acidic water (pH = 2.5-3.0). Do not drink unboiled milk. If you are sick, drink 0.5 cups of acidic water before meals. It is useful to periodically disinfect the barnyard (eg by creating a mist of acidic water).

10. Hair loss

After washing your hair with soap or shampoo, you need to rub heated acidic water (pH = 2.5-3.0) into the scalp. After 5-8 minutes, rinse your head with warm alkaline water (pH = 8.5-9.5) and lightly massage with your fingertips, rub it into the scalp. Without wiping, leave to dry. The procedure must be performed several times a day. It is recommended to repeat this cycle for 4-6 weeks in a row. Itching is relieved, dandruff disappears, inflammation is gradually eliminated skin, hair loss stops.

11. Gastritis

For three days in a row, before meals, drink 0.5 glasses of alkaline water (pH = 9.5-10.5). If necessary, you can drink longer. Stomach acidity decreases, pain goes away, digestion and well-being improve.

12. Facial hygiene, skin softening

In the morning and evening, after washing 2-3 times with a break of 1-2 minutes, moisten your face, neck, hands with alkaline water (pH = 9.5-10.5) and let dry without wiping. Apply a compress of alkaline water to places where there are wrinkles and hold for 15-20 minutes. If the skin is dry, you should first wash it with acidic water (pH = 2.5-3.5), then do the indicated procedures.

13. Gingivitis (inflammation of the gums)

First of all, you need to follow the rules of oral hygiene, brush your teeth regularly and correctly. After each meal you need several times for 1-2 minutes. rinse the mouth with acidic water (pH=2.5-3.0), disinfect the mouth and gums. Rinse one last time with alkaline water to neutralize the effect of acid on tooth enamel. It is useful to massage your gums periodically.

14. Worms (helminthiasis)

In the morning, after bowel movement, do a cleansing enema, and then an enema with acidic water (pH = 2.5-3.0). After an hour, do an enema with alkaline water (pH = 9.5-10.5). Then during the day, every hour, drink 0.5 glasses of acidic water (pH = 2.5-3.0). The next day, drink alkaline water in the same order to restore energy. If after two days the disease has not gone away, the procedure should be repeated.

15. Purulent and trophic wounds

Treat the wound with warm acidic water (pH=2.5-3.0) and leave to dry. After 5-8 minutes, the wound should be moistened with alkaline water (pH=9.5-10.5). The procedure must be done 6-8 times a day. Instead of wetting the wound, you can apply a sterile bandage moistened with alkaline water, and then, when dry, pour the same water onto the bandage. If the wound continues to fester, the procedure should be repeated.

16. Fungus

Before treatment, the affected areas should be washed hot water with soap and wipe dry. If the nails are affected by fungus, then they need to be kept in longer hot water, then trim and clean. Then moisten the affected surface with acidic water (pH=2.5-3.0). Then periodically moisten with the same water 6-8 times a day. When treating toenail fungus, it is convenient to make a foot bath and soak your feet in warm acidic water for 30-35 minutes. Wash the socks and soak them in acidic water. Shoes should also be disinfected by pouring acidic water into them for 10-15 minutes.

17. Flu

For the first day, it is recommended not to eat anything, so as not to waste the body’s energy on digesting food, but to use it to fight viruses. Periodically, 6-8 times a day (or more often), rinse your nose, mouth and throat with lukewarm acidic (pH = 2.5-3.0) water. Drink 0.5 glasses of alkaline water (pH=9.5-10.5) a couple of times a day.

18. Dysentery

The first day there is nothing to eat. During the day, drink 0.5 glasses of acidic water (pH=2.5-3.0) 3-4 times.

19. Diathesis

Moisten all rashes and swelling with acidic water (pH = 2.5-3.0) and allow to dry. Then apply alkaline water compresses to these places and leave for 10-15 minutes. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day.

20. Disinfection

Acidic water (pH=2.5-3.0) is an excellent disinfectant, so when you rinse your mouth, throat or nose with it, germs, toxins, and allergens are destroyed. When washing your hands and face, the skin is disinfected. By wiping furniture, dishes, floors, etc. with this water, these surfaces are reliably disinfected.

21. Dermatitis (allergic)

First of all, you need to eliminate the reasons causing allergic dermatitis(contact with herbs, dust, chemicals, odors). Moisten rashes and swollen areas only with acidic water (pH=2.5-3.0). After eating, it is useful to rinse your mouth, throat and nose with acidic water.

22. Foot odor

Wash your feet with warm water and soap, wipe dry, then moisten with acidic water (pH = 2.5-3.0) and let dry without wiping. After 8-10 minutes, moisten your feet with alkaline water (pH = 9.5-10.5) and also allow to dry without wiping. Repeat the procedure for 2-3 days, and then once a week for prevention. Additionally, acidic water can disinfect socks and shoes. Unpleasant smell disappears, the skin on the heels softens and skin renewal occurs.

23. Constipation

To treat constipation, you need to drink a glass of living water (pH = 9.5-10.5). Digestion and food permeability will improve. If constipation occurs frequently, you should find out the cause.

24. Toothache

Rinse your mouth with warm acidic water (pH=2.5-3.0) for 10-20 minutes. If necessary, repeat rinsing. Rinse your mouth one last time with alkaline water to neutralize the effect of acid on tooth enamel.

25. Heartburn

Before meals, drink a glass of alkaline water pH = 9.5-10.5 (reduces acidity, stimulates digestion). If this does not help, then you need to drink additionally after meals.

26. Conjunctivitis (styre)

Rinse your eyes with warm acidic water of low concentration (pH=4.5-5.0), and after 3-5 minutes - with alkaline water (pH=9.5-10.5). Repeat the procedure 4-6 times a day.

27. Laryngitis

Gargle throughout the day with warm acidic water (pH=2.5-3.0). In the evening, last time rinse with warm alkaline water (pH=9.5-10.5). For prevention purposes, you can periodically gargle after eating with acidic water of the specified concentration.

28. Runny nose

Rinse your nose 2-3 times, gradually drawing in acidic water (pH = 2.5-3.5) and clean (blow your nose). Repeat 2-3 times. For children, drop this water into the nose with a pipette and clean out the nose. You can repeat the procedure several times during the day.

29. Swelling of hands and feet

For three days, 4 times a day, 30 minutes before meals and at night, drink ionized water in this order:

  1. the first day, 0.5 glasses of acidic water (pH = 2.5-3.5);
  2. second day, ¾ cup of acidic water;
  3. third day - 0.5 glasses of alkaline water (pH=9.5-10.5)

30. Acute respiratory diseases

Periodically rinse your mouth, throat, and rinse your nose with warmed acidic water (pH = 2.5-3.0). Make the last evening rinse with alkaline water (pH=9.5-10.5). Additionally, using an inhaler, you can inhale the lungs with acidic water (pH = 2.5-3.0). After the procedure, drink a quarter to a half glass of alkaline water.

31. Otitis media

To cure otitis media, you need to carefully rinse the ear canal with heated dead water (pH = 2.5-3.0), then absorb the remaining water with a cotton swab (dry the canal). After this, apply a compress with warm acidic water to the sore ear. Wipe off discharge and pus with acidic water.

32. Periodontal disease, bleeding gums

Rinse your mouth for 10-20 minutes with heated acidic water (pH=2.5-3.0). Then massage the gums with a soft toothbrush or fingers (using movements from top to bottom to upper jaw and from bottom to top for bottom). The procedure can be repeated. Finally, rinse your mouth with alkaline water (pH=9.5-10.5) for 3-5 minutes.

33. Polyarthritis

One cycle water procedures- 9 days. For the first 3 days, you should drink 0.5 glasses of acidic water (pH=2.5-3.0) 30 minutes before meals and before bedtime. The fourth day is a break. On the fifth day, before meals and at night, drink 0.5 glasses of alkaline water (pH=8.5-9.5). The sixth day is another break. For the last three days (7, 8, 9), drink acidic water again, as in the first days. If the disease is old, you need to make compresses from warm acidic water on the sore spots, or rub it into the skin.

34. Diarrhea

Drink a glass of acidic water (pH=2.5-3.5). If the diarrhea does not stop within an hour, drink another glass.

35. Cuts, abrasions, scratches

Rinse the wound with dead water (pH=2.5-3.5) and wait until it dries, then apply a swab to it, generously soaked in alkaline (pH=9.5-10.5) water and bandage it. Continue treatment with alkaline water. If pus appears, treat the wound with acidic water again and continue treatment with alkaline water. For small scratches, just moisten them with alkaline water several times.

36. Bedsores

Carefully wash the bedsores with warm acidic water (pH=2.5-3.0), allow to dry, then moisten with warm living water (pH=8.5-9.5). After bandaging, you can moisten it with alkaline water through a bandage. When pus appears, the procedure is repeated, starting with acidic water. The patient is recommended to lie on linen sheets.

37. Neck cold

Make a compress with warm living water (pH = 9.5-10.5) on the neck, drink 0.5 glasses of the same water before meals. The pain goes away and movement is restored.

38. Pimples, facial seborrhea

In the morning and evening, after washing with warm water and soap, wipe your face and moisten it with warm acidic water (pH = 2.5-3.5). You can moisten pimples more often. This procedure is also suitable for removing juvenile acne. When the skin is clean, it can be wiped with alkaline water (pH=9.5-10.5).

39. Psoriasis (scaly lichen)

Before treatment, you need to wash well with soap, steam the affected areas with the maximum tolerable water temperature, or do hot compress so that the scales (damaged skin) soften. After this, moisten the affected areas with warm acidic water (pH=2.5-3.0), and after 5-8 minutes begin to moisten with warm alkaline water (pH=8.5-9.5). Next, for 6 days in a row, these places should be moistened only with alkaline water and the frequency of wetting should be increased to 6-8 times a day. In addition, for the first 3 days, 3 times a day, 20-30 minutes before meals, you need to drink 200-250 ml of acidic water (pH = 2.5-3.0), and the next 3 days - the same amount of alkaline water ( pH=8.5-9.5). After the first cycle, it is recommended to take a week break, after which the procedures continue again. The required number of such cycles depends on the individual organism and patience. Usually 4-5 cycles are enough.

For some people, the affected skin becomes very dry, cracked, and painful. In such cases, it is recommended to moisten it several times with acidic water (weaken the effect of alkaline water). After 4-5 days, the affected areas begin to clear, islands of clear, pink skin. Gradually the scales disappear. You should avoid spicy foods, smoked foods, alcohol, and do not smoke.

40. Radiculitis, rheumatism

For two days, 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals, drink 200 ml of alkaline water (pH = 8.5-9.5). It is good to rub warm acidic water (pH = 2.5-3.0) into the sore spot or make a compress from it. Try to avoid colds.

41. Skin irritation

Rinse your face several times (wet the irritated areas) with live water (pH=9.5-10.5) and let it dry without wiping. If there are cuts, apply to them for 5-10 minutes. swabs soaked in alkaline water. The skin heals quickly and becomes softer.

42. Skin tears on the heels of the feet. Removing dead skin from the soles of your feet

Wash your feet with warm water and soap, wipe dry, then moisten with dead water (pH = 2.5-3.0) and without wiping, allow to dry. After 8-10 minutes, moisten your feet with alkaline water (pH = 9.5-10.5) and also allow to dry without wiping. Repeat the procedure for 2-3 days, and then once a week for prevention. While the skin is wet and soft, you can rub it with a pumice stone to remove dead skin. After the procedure, it is recommended to lubricate the heels, tears, cracks with vegetable oil and let it absorb. Additionally, acidic water can disinfect socks and shoes. The unpleasant odor disappears, cleansing occurs, the skin on the heels softens and is renewed.

43. Enlarged veins (varicose veins)

The areas of varicose veins and bleeding areas must be washed or wiped well several times with acidic water (pH = 2.5-3.0), allowed to dry, then apply alkaline water compresses to them for 15-20 minutes (pH = 9.5- 10.5). Drink 0.5 glasses of acidic water of the same concentration. Such procedures should be repeated until a noticeable result appears.

44. Salmanelliosis

Rinse the stomach with warm acidic water (pH=2.5-3.5). For the first day, do not eat anything, only periodically, after 2-3 hours, drink 0.5 glasses of acidic water. Additionally, you can do an enema of warm acidic water.

45. Diabetes mellitus

Always drink 0.5 glasses of alkaline water (pH=9.5-10.5) before meals. Additionally, massage of the pancreas and self-hypnosis of the idea that it produces insulin well are recommended.

46. ​​Stomatitis

After each meal, rinse your mouth with acidic water (pH=2.5-3.0) for 3-5 minutes. Apply cotton swabs with this water to the affected oral mucosa for 5 minutes. After this, rinse your mouth with boiled water, and rinse well for the last time with alkaline water (pH=9.5-10.5). When the wounds begin to heal, it is enough to rinse your mouth after eating only with warm alkaline water.

47. Eye injury

In case of minor injury (contamination, slight bruise) Rinse your eyes with alkaline water (pH=9.5-10.5) 4-6 times a day.

48. Anal fissures

After emptying, wash cracks and knots with warm water and soap, wipe dry and moisten with acidic water (pH=2.5-3.0). After 5-10 minutes, begin to moisten these areas with alkaline water (pH = 9.5-10.5) or apply tampons with this water. Tampons need to be changed as they dry out. Continue this way until your next visit to the toilet, after which the procedures begin again. The duration of the procedures is 4-5 days. At night you should drink 0.5 glasses of alkaline water.

49. Improve blood circulation

If there is a sufficient amount of alkaline water, baths with this water are recommended, or after taking a regular bath or shower, dousing with this water (pH = 9.5-10.5). After dousing, without wiping, allow the body to dry.

50. Feeling better

Periodically (1-2 times a week) rinse your nose, mouth and throat with acidic water (pH=2.5-3.0), then drink a glass of alkaline water (pH=9.5-10.5). It is best to do this after breakfast and after dinner (at night). This procedure must be done after contact with sick people (for example, during a flu epidemic), when there is a possibility of infection. Upon returning home, you need to rinse your throat, nose, and wash your hands and face with acidic water. Increased energy, vigor, and improved performance. Microbes and bacteria die.

51. Improved digestion

If the stomach stops working (for example, when overeating or when mixing incompatible foods, such as bread with potatoes and meat), drink a glass of alkaline water (pH = 9.5-10.5). If after half an hour the stomach has not started working, then you need to drink another 0.5-1 glass.

52. Hair care

Wash your hair once a week plain water with soap or shampoo, then rinse it well with alkaline water (pH = 8.5-9.5) and without wiping, leave to dry.

53. Skin care

Regularly wipe the skin or wash with acidic water (pH=5.5). After this, you should wash with living water (pH = 8.5-9.5). Constant use of ionized water has a beneficial effect on the skin, softens and rejuvenates it. Various rashes, pimples, blackheads should be moistened with acidic water (pH=2.5-3.0)

54. Cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder)

For four days in a row, 30 minutes before meals, drink 0.5 glasses of ionized water in the following sequence:

  • before breakfast – acidic water (pH=2.5-3.5)
  • before lunch and before dinner – alkaline water (pH=8.5-9.5)

Nausea, pain in the abdomen, heart and right scapula, the bitterness in the mouth disappears.

55. Brushing your teeth

For prevention, after eating, rinse your mouth with alkaline water (pH=9.5-10.5). Brush your teeth with toothpaste, rinsing with alkaline water. In order to disinfect the oral cavity and teeth, after eating, rinse your mouth with acidic water (pH = 2.5-3.5). Do the final rinse with alkaline water. If your gums are bleeding, then after each meal you need to rinse your mouth with acidic water several times. Bleeding gums decreases, stones gradually dissolve.

56. Furunculosis

Wash the affected area with hot water and soap, then disinfect with warm dead water (pH=2.5-3.0) and let dry. Next, compresses with the same acidic water should be applied to the boils, changing them 4-5 times a day or more often. After 2-3 days, the wounds should be washed with alkaline water (pH=8.5-9.5) to speed up healing. In addition, you need 3 times a day before meals (if available) diabetes mellitus– after meals) drink 0.5 glasses of alkaline water.

57. Eczema, lichen

First, the affected areas need to be steamed (make a hot compress), then moistened with living water (pH = 9.5-10.5) and allowed to dry without wiping. Then, for a week or longer, moisten with alkaline water 4-6 times a day. Drink 0.5 glasses of alkaline water at night.

58. Cervical erosion

Douche at night or do vaginal baths with warm (38 O C) acidic water (pH = 2.5-3.0). A day later, do the same procedure with warm, fresh alkaline water (pH = 9.5-10.5). After a 7-10 minute bath, you can leave a tampon soaked in alkaline water in the vagina for several hours.

59. Ulcers of the stomach and duodenum

For 5-7 days, 1 hour before meals, drink 0.5-1 glass of alkaline water (pH = 9.5-10.5). If the acidity is low or zero, then during a meal or after a meal you should drink a third or half a glass of acidic water (pH=2.5-3.5). After this, take a week's break, and, despite the fact that the pain has disappeared, repeat the course 1-2 more times until the ulcers are completely scarred. If your blood pressure is normal and does not increase from alkaline water, then its dose can be increased. During treatment, you need to follow a diet, avoid acute, rough food, raw smoked meat, do not smoke, do not drink alcoholic drinks, do not overexert yourself.

Nausea and pain quickly disappear, appetite and well-being improve, acidity decreases. Duodenal ulcers heal much faster and better.

60. After sexual intercourse for the prevention of sexually transmitted and fungal diseases sexually transmitted diseases, rinse the genitals and mucous membranes generously with acidic water no later than 15 minutes after contact.

Application on the farm

1. Control of small plant pests

Places where pests accumulate (cabbage whiteflies, aphids, etc.) should be irrigated with acidic water (pH=2.5). If necessary, water the soil too. The procedure should be repeated. To kill moths, you should spray carpets, woolen items, or possible places where they live with acidic water. When destroying cockroaches, this procedure must be repeated after 5-7 days, when young cockroaches hatch from the laid eggs. The pests die or leave their favorite places.

2. Disinfection of dietary eggs

Rinse dietary eggs well with acidic water (pH = 2.5-3.5), or dip them in this water for 1-2 minutes, and then wipe or let dry.

3. Disinfection of face and hands

If there is a possibility of infection, it is enough to rinse your nose, throat, wash your face and hands with acidic water (pH = 2.5) and without wiping, let it dry.

4. Disinfection of floors, furniture, equipment

Spray the furniture with acidic water (pH=2.5) and wipe it off after 10-15 minutes. You can simply wipe the furniture with a cloth soaked in acidic water. Wash the floor with acidic water.

5. Disinfection of premises

Small rooms can be washed with acidic water (spray the ceiling, walls, wash the floor). It is more convenient to create an aerosol (fog) from acidic water indoors using special installations or a garden sprayer. This method is more suitable for disinfecting large premises: farms, pigsties, poultry houses, as well as greenhouses, vegetable stores, basements, etc.

There is no need to remove animals and birds from the premises - acidic water (pH = 2.5) is completely harmless. It is useful to do such procedures periodically, at least once a month. The aerosol is 2-5 times more effective at reducing microflora.

6. Disinfection of various containers

Wash containers (boxes, baskets, pallets, jars, bags, etc.) with acidic water (pH=2.5) and dry (preferably in the sun). The effect will be even better if you first rinse the container with alkaline water (pH = 10.0-11.0), and then treat it with the specified acidic water.

7. Treatment of diarrhea poultry, animals

In case of diarrhea in piglets, calves, chickens, ducklings, goslings, turkey poults, it is recommended to give them acidic water (pH = 4.0–5.0) several times during the day instead of ordinary water until the diarrhea stops. If they do not drink themselves, you need to mix the food or drink with acidic water.

8. Neutralization of hives, honeycombs, and beekeeper’s equipment

Before placing a family of bees in the empty hive, rinse it well with acidic water and dry it. Also treat frames and equipment with acidic water and dry (preferably in the sun). Water concentration is about 2.5 pH. This treatment is not dangerous for bees.

9. Degreasing glass surfaces

For washing and degreasing glass, good cleaning properties alkaline (pH=9.5-10.5) water: first moisten the glass with it, wait a little and rinse. This way you can wash car windows, greenhouses, windows, etc.

10. Revitalization of wilted flowers and green vegetables

Trim dried roots (stems) of flowers and green vegetables. After this, dip them in low concentration alkaline water (pH = 7.5-8.5) and keep them in it.

11. Water softening

When soft water is required (eg for making coffee, tea, kneading dough, etc.), alkaline water should be used. Before use, wait for sediment to form in the water. When boiling, the activity disappears, leaving clean and soft water.

12. Sterilization of jars and lids

Rinse glass jars, cover with alkaline water (pH=8.0-9.0), or keep it in it for half an hour. Then rinse them with acidic water (pH = 2.5), or hold them in it and dry.

13. Stimulate poultry growth

Small weak chickens, ducklings, turkey poults should be given alkaline water (pH=9.5-10.5) for 2-3 days in a row. In case of diarrhea, give them acidic water (pH=4.0–5.0) until the diarrhea stops. In the future, you should drink alkaline water no more than 1-2 times a week.

14. Promote growth, improve the appetite of livestock

Livestock, especially young animals, should be given low concentration alkaline water (pH=7.5-8.5) periodically, but not more than 1-2 times a week. Small calves can be given alkaline water and milk mixed in the ratio: 1 liter of alkaline water to 2 liters of milk. Dry food can be moistened and sprinkled with alkaline water. The total mass of alkaline water should not exceed 10 grams per 1 kg of live weight of the animal. The mortality rate of young animals decreases, appetite improves, and animals gain weight faster. Alkaline water of higher concentration does not produce a noticeable effect.

15. Washing linen and clothes while saving detergents

1. Soak the laundry in acidic water (pH=2.5) for 0.5-1 hour (disinfection).

2. Wash and rinse clothes in alkaline water (pH=9.5-10.5), using only a third or half normal rate detergents. No bleaching is required with this washing method.

16. Giving calves alkaline water

Give calves 1-2 times a week alkaline water (pH=8.0-9.0). It can also be added to milk for feeding calves (1 liter of water per 2 liters of milk). Weak calves should be given alkaline water for several days in a row until they get stronger. In cases of diarrhea, give acidic water (pH=4.0-5.0).

In contact with

At the beginning of 1981, the author of the device for preparing “living” and “dead” water fell ill with kidney inflammation and prostate adenoma, and he was admitted to the urology department of the Stavropol Medical Institute. He spent more than a month in this department. When he was offered surgery for the adenoma, the patient refused and was discharged. Even before that, for three days he completed a device for obtaining “living” and “dead” water, which he read about in the magazine “Inventor and Innovator”, No. 2 for 1981.

He conducted the first test of the resulting water on his son’s hand, which had not healed for more than six months. The treatment exceeded all expectations: the wound healed on the second day. He himself began to drink half a glass of “living” water before meals 3 times a day and felt a surge of vigor. To be more convincing, after a week of taking “living” water, he was examined at the clinic with all the tests. As a result, not a single disease was detected, and the blood pressure returned to normal.

One day, his neighbor scalded her hand with boiling water, resulting in a third-degree burn. For treatment, I used the “living” and “dead” water he prepared, and the burn disappeared in two days. The son of his friend, engineer Goncharov, had festered gums for six months and an abscess formed in his throat. Application in various ways no treatment desired result. He recommended gargling your throat and gums with “dead” water 6 times a day, and then taking a glass of “living” water orally. As a result, the boy recovered completely within three days.

The author examined more than 600 people with various diseases, and the treatment of all of them gave positive result. The use of activated water by the author on himself, on family members and many people made it possible to create practical table of procedures at various diseases, determine the timing of treatment and monitor the progress and nature of recovery. (We advise you not to self-medicate without consulting a doctor.)

Treatment of a number of diseases with living and dead water


The order of procedures


Prostate adenoma

During the day 4 times a day for 30 minutes. Before meals, take half a glass of water

After 3-4 days, mucus is released, there is no urge to urinate frequently, and on the 8th day the swelling goes away.

For three days, gargle “M” 5 times after meals and after each gargle drink 0.25 cups of “F” water.

The temperature drops on the 1st day, and on the third day the disease stops.

Pain in the joints of the arms and legs

Take half a glass of “M” water 3 times a day before meals for two days.

The pain stops on the 1st day.

Liver inflammation

For four days, take 4 times half a glass of water. Moreover, on the 1st day only “M”, and on the subsequent days - “F”.

The condition is returning to normal.

Inflammatory processes, closed abscesses, boils

For two days, apply a compress to the inflamed area, moistened with warmed “M” water.

Healing occurs within two days.


For 1-2 days in the morning, rinse the cracks “M” with water, and then apply tampons with “W” water, changing them as they dry.

Bleeding stops, cracks heal within 2-3 days.


During the day, take 2 times half a glass of “M” water.

The pressure is normalized.


During the day, take half a glass of “F” water 2 times.

The pressure is normalized.

Purulent wounds

Wash the wound with “M” water, and after 3-5 minutes moisten “W” with water, then moisten only “W” with water 5-6 times a day.

Healing occurs within 5-6 days.

Hair washing

Wash your hair with shampoo, dry it, wet your hair with “M” water, and after 3 minutes “W” with water.

Dandruff disappears, hair becomes softer.

During the day, rinse your nose and mouth with “M” water 8 times, and at night drink half a glass of “J” water.

Within a day the condition returns to normal.

Foot odor

Wash your feet with warm water, wipe dry, moisten “M” with water, and after 10 minutes “W” with water and let dry.

The smell disappears.


Rinse your mouth “M” with water for 5-10 minutes.

The pain disappears.

Drink half a glass of “F” water.

The heartburn stops.

For two days, drink half a glass of water 4 times a day after meals.

The cough stops.

Heat “M” and “F” water to 37-40°C and syringe “M” with water overnight, and after 15-20 minutes. “F” with water. Repeat the procedure for 2-3 days.

After the first procedure, the colpitis goes away.

Facial hygiene

In the morning and evening, after washing, wipe your face first with “M” water, then with “W” water.

Acne disappears, the skin becomes softer.


The order of procedures


Ringworm, eczema

In the morning, moisten the affected area “M”, and after 10-15 minutes. “W” with water and another 5-6 times “W” with water during the day.

Cures in 3-5 days.


Drink half a glass of “M” water.

The pain goes away within 30-50 minutes.

If there are water bubbles, they must be pierced, the affected area should be moistened with “M” water, and after 5 minutes. “F” with water. Then, during the day, moisten the “F” with water 7-8 times. The procedure takes 2-3 days.

Burns heal in 2-3 days.

Swollen hands

For three days, take water 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals: 1st day “M” water 0.5 cups; 2nd day - 0.75 tbsp. “M” water, 3rd day - 0.5 tbsp. “W” of water.

The swelling subsides and the pain stops.

Drink half a glass of “M” water; if the diarrhea does not stop within an hour, repeat the procedure.

The condition is returning to normal.

Cut, prick, rupture

Wash wound “M” with water and bandage.

The wound heals within 1-2 days.

Cold pain in the neck area

Make a compress soaked in warm “M” water on your neck and drink half a glass of “M” water 4 times a day before meals.

The condition returns to normal within 24 hours.


During the day, drink 3/4 glass of water 3 times before meals.

The pain goes away within 24 hours; sometimes after 20-40 minutes

Dilated veins, bleeding from ruptured nodes

Rinse the swollen and bleeding areas of the body “M” with water, then moisten a piece of gauze “G” with water and apply to the swollen areas of the veins. Take half a glass of “M” water inside, and after 2-3 hours start taking half a glass of “W” water at intervals of 4 hours 4 times a day. Repeat the procedure for 2-3 days.

Areas of swollen veins resolve, wounds heal.

Sterilization and disinfection

Any objects, vegetables, fruits are wiped with a swab dipped in “M” water.

Improving well-being, normalizing the body

In the morning and evening after meals, rinse your mouth with “M” water and drink half a glass of “J” water.

Removing dry skin from feet

Soak your feet in soapy water and wash them in warm water, then, without wiping, wet your feet in heated “M” water, rubbing areas with growths, remove dead skin, rinse your feet in heated water, and wipe dry.

“M” - “Dead water” - acidic, pH 4-5.
“W” - “Water of Life” - alkaline, pH 10-11, with white sediment.

Note: when only “F” water is ingested, thirst arises; it must be quenched with compote or acidified tea. The interval between doses of “M” and “F” water should be at least two hours.

From “Collection of folk medicine and unconventional methods of treatment.” "Technoecos" M. 1991.