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Magnet treatment at home. Magnetic therapy for joints: properties, features, results Electromagnetic therapy for joints with magnet number 7

The undoubted advantages of physiotherapy as a method of treatment are a wide range of therapeutic effects and a minimal number of contraindications. Unlike pharmacotherapy, this method does not adversely affect internal organs and is excellent for treating chronic diseases.

Magnetotherapy - treatment with magnets, one of the effective and popular methods physical impact. It has proven its importance and is widely represented in inpatient conditions. However, visit medical institution It’s not very convenient for carrying out the procedures, so many people ask: “Is it possible to carry out magnetic therapy at home?”

It is very important to understand the physical and therapeutic effects of this treatment. So you can logically imagine the indications and contraindications of the technique.

Modern medicine uses sources for its purposes magnetic field, which are created using electricity. The area of ​​the patient's body in which therapeutic changes occur is placed in these magnetic fields.

There are several options for magnetic fields:

  • Constant - the force of influence and its direction do not change over time.
  • Variable - the effects of this field vary over time.
  • Pulse - the direction remains unchanged, but the magnitude of the impact can change over time.
  • Pulsed traveling is a special type of field used in medicine. It moves relative to the patient's body area and its force of impact changes over time. The activity and value of this field is maximum.

Our body is constantly exposed to various magnetic fields created by electronic devices. However, they have a rather negative effect.

A field becomes useful if it has several characteristics:

  • Direction. The impact should be directed directly to damaged tissue.
  • Induction is the magnetic field flux density. The therapeutically significant induction value is from 1 mT.
  • Frequency. Since a pulsed field is used for treatment, it is important to understand at what frequency the pulses should be delivered. Numbers from 8 to 15 hertz are considered therapeutic.

Even a simple patient should remember these characteristics if he has to independently select a device for treatment.

Beneficial effects

It is also important to know for what purpose the magnet is used. To determine the indications for the use of magnetic therapy, you need to understand what therapeutic effects it has.

The mechanism of the field’s action on the human body is quite complex, but you can try to identify some known patterns:

  1. When protein molecules in our body enter a magnetic field, they acquire a charge. This effect affects the state of cell membranes and the regulation of biochemical processes.
  2. Under the influence of magnetic therapy, the walls of blood vessels become more passable. As a result, microcirculation improves at the site of field exposure. Local blood flow accelerates, which promotes the outflow of venous and lymphatic fluid. This effect has a beneficial effect on the course inflammatory processes.
  3. IN nerve tissue magnet can enhance braking processes nerve cells. It can be useful for improving sleep, relieving tension and stress, and many other conditions.
  4. Due to the combined effects on the nervous and vascular system magnets can reduce arterial pressure.
  5. The effect of this treatment method is also felt at the level of the glands. internal secretion. The function of the adrenal glands, as well as the thyroid and sex glands, is enhanced when treated with magnets.
  6. Under the influence of magnets, the state of the blood changes significantly. After 15 minutes of keeping the vessel under the influence of a magnetic field, the blood in it thins out and the platelets stop sticking together. This effect is worth remembering in patients with increased bleeding.

Knowing such effects, we can assume an approximate range of indications and contraindications for the use of magnetic therapy.


What does a magnet cure? Before starting treatment with any method of physical therapy, it is recommended to consult with your doctor. The specialist always has the final say in choosing a particular technique.

  1. Chronic sinusitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis. Magnets are used in acute period, as well as in the remission phase.
  2. Diseases of cardio-vascular system- arterial thrombosis, hypertonic disease, symptomatic arterial hypertension for diseases of the endocrine glands.
  3. Injuries of the central and peripheral nervous system. Degenerative diseases nerve fibers, multiple sclerosis.
  4. Regular exposure to stress, nervousness, depression, sleep disturbances various diseases nervous system.
  5. Injuries, bruises and sprains. Chronic diseases joints and muscles. Rheumatological diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, reactive arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus and scleroderma. Osteoarthritis of the joints.
  6. Diseases of the respiratory system. Among them chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma.
  7. Some diseases gastrointestinal tract in a period of remission.
  8. Diseases of the eyes, oral cavity, pathology of the genitourinary system.
  9. Skin manifestations allergic diseases. Edema subcutaneous tissue caused by allergies.
  10. Various skin lesions such as chronic ulcers, burns, bedsores, frostbite, scars.
  11. Pathology immune system and frequent colds.

Magnets are often used in obstetric pathology to treat problems with milk production, postpartum infections, and to treat cracked nipples of a nursing woman. Therapy may be useful for mastitis and diseases of the veins of the lower extremities.


Magnets can also harm the human body if there are contraindications for their use. All restrictions are divided by experts into absolute and relative.

Absolute ones should be excluded by specialists when treating each patient. Among them:

  • All pathological conditions accompanied by increased bleeding.
  • Leukemia and lymphoma, as well as others systemic diseases blood.
  • Thrombosis. Under the influence of magnets, a thrombus can break away from the pathology site and cause embolic complications.
  • Aneurysm of the heart and aorta.
  • Heart muscle failure stages 2 and 3.
  • Severe arrhythmias and blockades.
  • Myocardial infarction in the acute period.
  • Presence of a pacemaker in the heart.
  • Mental illnesses accompanied by agitation.
  • Tuberculosis in the active phase.
  • Any oncological processes.
  • Cachexia, general exhaustion of the body.
  • Chronic foci of infection.
  • High body temperature.
  • Gangrene of the limbs.

In such conditions, a magnet for home treatment is highly likely to worsen the condition and may cause serious complications.

Relative restrictions:

  • Uncontrolled blood pressure with a tendency to hypotension.
  • Pregnancy. The effect of the method on a pregnant woman has not been fully studied.
  • Children up to 18 months. During this period, treatment can be carried out in a hospital setting, but not at home.

Enough wide range restrictions prevent widespread techniques among patients with concomitant pathologies.

Devices for home use

Various devices can create a magnetic field with a healing effect. They have great friend size, cost and severity of impact differ from each other. Therefore, some are used only in hospitals (Polyus, Cascade, Aurora).

Others can be purchased by patients for home treatment. The most popular among them:

  1. Almag.
  2. Magofon.
  3. Magniter.

Compare devices with each other for the right choice medicinal device.

Do not buy these devices from unverified sellers or agents with goods of dubious quality.


One of the most popular devices for magnetic therapy treatment is produced under the Almag brand. These products are used in hospital and home settings.

There are several modifications of the device, designated by a number (01, 02, and so on).

Device features:

  • It is used for local treatment with traveling and pulsed fields.
  • Can be used independently and has clear instructions.
  • Tested in clinical trials.
  • The exposure parameters are already programmed into the device and do not require adjustment.
  • The weight and dimensions of the device are small, which makes it convenient to use the product at home.
  • It has greater depth magnetic field penetration.
  • Induction over a wide range.
  • Pulse frequency from 1 to 100 hertz.

Almag is sold in some pharmacies and in numerous online stores. Prices differ significantly from each other and range from 7 to 20 thousand rubles.


Perhaps one of the most portable and compact devices for magnetic therapy is the Magofon. Treatment magnets under this brand have the following features:

  • In addition to the magnetic field, it affects the body with acoustic vibrations.
  • Ideal for the treatment of ENT pathologies.
  • Activates regeneration processes.
  • Accelerates the absorption of drugs when used topically.
  • Allowed for children from 1 year.
  • The effect of treatment is detected from the first session due to symptomatic effects.

The average price for a device is from 6 to 8 thousand rubles.


Another portable device is the Magniter device. This device has the following characteristics:

  • Using convenient switches, you can adjust the mode and intensity of the field.
  • Sinusoidal (shown when acute pain) and pulsating (used to treat chronic pathology) operating modes.
  • The impact frequency reaches up to 50 hertz.
  • Two induction options - 10 and 30 mT.
  • Used from children over 3 years of age.

The big advantage is low price to the device. It starts from 4 thousand rubles.


Each of the devices is used according to the instructions. Duration of one medical procedure is up to 20 minutes. Treatment can be carried out 2-3 times a day, depending on the severity of the symptoms of the disease.

Some rules of treatment:

  • Procedures cannot be performed on an empty stomach.
  • During the treatment course, the intake of alcoholic beverages is completely excluded.
  • Regardless of the frequency of procedures, the treatment time should be the same every day. This creates a useful biological rhythm.
  • If your health worsens, the procedure is not performed. Consult your doctor if your body temperature increases or your blood pressure changes during treatment.

Do you know what general magnetic therapy is, what indications lead to this procedure and whether it has contraindications, what is more of its benefit - benefit or harm? Why and how are sessions held? Find out this and much more about miraculous properties magnets.


Magnetotherapy is a healing process using directed magnetic fields of different frequencies. These can be alternating fields with low or high frequency, constant or pulsed.

Each type of magnetic field affects a person differently:

  • Magnetotherapy alternating magnetic field can reduce painful sensations and stop the inflammatory process.
  • Constant field In magnetic therapy it is used as a sedative and relaxing agent. Activates immune processes in the body, dilates blood vessels.
  • Pulse magnetic therapy on the contrary, it has a stimulating effect on muscle tissue and nervous system, improves heart function.

Low frequency and high frequency magnetic therapy used for local treatment certain organs, and for general strengthening body.

Short story

The beneficial properties of magnets have been known to man since ancient times. Deposits of magnetic ore were first discovered many centuries ago in Asia Minor, in the city of Magnesia. Unique The features of these black stones were first discovered by the ancient Chinese.

At first they used them as a compass, and later they began to use them in medicine. It was in China that the concept of “magnetism” appeared, explaining the principle of the influence of magnetic fields on certain points of the human body.

In Europe, treatment with magnets began to be developed only in the 18th century. They treated mental and nervous disorders, cramps and even diarrhea. The first doctor to use magnets for healing was Paracelsus. He studied magnetic poles for a long time and came to the conclusion that their use can level up vital energy human and cure almost any disease.

Later in France magnets were recognized official medicine , as an effective analgesic and tonic. Various magnetic jewelry and accessories began to be produced. Today, magnetic therapy is considered a generally accepted physical therapy. therapeutic method treatment all over the world except the USA. In America, treatment with magnets is prohibited.

The essence of the method

The treatment process is based on directed influence of fields on sore spots or the human body as a whole. In this case, the north and south poles of the magnet can be used, having different actions.

To carry out the procedure, you can use either stationary magnetic installations, used for general health improvement, and narrowly targeted ones portable devices. Recently, various magnetic jewelry has begun to be actively used.

The effectiveness of magnetic treatment directly depends on a person’s sensitivity to such effects. To check the reaction to radiation, you need to squeeze the magnet in your hand:

  • if at the same time a soft pulsating warmth immediately begins to be felt, then the susceptibility to magnetic radiation is very high;
  • if the reaction occurs within half an hour, then the susceptibility is considered average;
  • The absence of any sensations indicates complete insensitivity of the body.

Magnets have a wide spectrum of action and help in the treatment of a huge number of diseases:

  • regulate metabolism and help reduce weight;
  • accelerate the healing of burns and wounds;
  • thins the blood and saturates tissues with oxygen;
  • promote rapid healing of fractures;
  • stimulate the immune system and relieve acute inflammatory processes;
  • help lower blood pressure;
  • calm nerves, relieve tension, help cope with insomnia;
  • eliminate pain;
  • improve joint mobility.

Such treatment must be prescribed by a doctor and can be carried out in a hospital setting or at home.


Stationary magnetic devices are big size stands connected to a computer, which allows you to adjust the direction and frequency of the fields, and the power of the impact. These devices can be additionally equipped with various solenoids, magnetic belts and directional emitters.

This procedure does not require any special preparation.. The patient is placed inside a device moving along the entire body and the body is exposed to magnetic pulses of different frequencies. This procedure lasts about 40 minutes. The course of treatment usually ranges from 10 to 15 sessions with a frequency of no more than 3 times a week.

Portable small-sized devices can also be used at home. The essence of the procedure is to apply a magnet to diseased areas for a local effect on the affected organs. The duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes and is carried out at least 20 times.

Among the most popular and sought-after small-sized devices can be called:

  • "Magofon-1" with a low-frequency alternating field;
  • "Almag-01" with a traveling pulsed field;
  • "Almag-02" with magnetic fields of different frequencies;
  • "AMnp-01" with a pulsed magnetic field.

Prices for these devices vary and on average range from 3 to 8 thousand rubles.

Very Magnetic jewelry is often used for healing:

  • earrings;
  • pendants;
  • bracelets;
  • rings.

Accessories such as magnetic insoles and belts. Wearing such items is recommended for headaches, high or low blood pressure, joint pain, as well as with rapid fatigue and even depression.

This video describes home magnetic therapy devices and their use:

Advantages of the method

The main advantage of this treatment is the possibility of using elevated temperature body and acute inflammatory processes. Compared to other physiotherapy procedures, magnetic therapy has fewer contraindications and preserves healing effect long time . The procedure can be performed at any time and in any conditions.

And here everything is told about contour plastic surgery faces and the problems it solves.

How is it useful and what does it cure?

Magnetic therapy is used to get rid of many diseases, such as:

Such therapy can be used in addition to the main treatment or be independent.

Algorithm and methods of implementation

The easiest and in a fast way is the use of small-sized portable devices. Two small magnetic planes are placed on the diseased area of ​​the body, inside of which there are special induction devices that produce a magnetic field of the required frequency. The required mode and exposure time can be set independently.

In stationary devices, the procedure is carried out differently. A person is placed inside a special large-diameter pipe and all the necessary commands are given using a computer. There is a general magnetic effect on the body and This procedure lasts about an hour.

Wearing magnetic jewelry requires following certain rules:

  • men with high blood pressure are recommended to wear a magnetic bracelet on right hand, and for women - on the left;
  • At first, you should not wear such jewelry for more than 2 hours;
  • during sleep, all accessories must be removed;
  • for arthritis and gout, rings and bracelets are used; for osteochondrosis, a magnetic belt is worn;
  • These items cannot be worn constantly; after 2-3 weeks of exposure, they usually take a break for 1-2 weeks;
  • During such treatment it is necessary to drink large amounts of fluid.

Results and required number of sessions

How often can magnetic therapy be done? The course of procedures can be from 10 to 20 days, depending on the severity of the disease. Therapy in stationary devices is carried out no more than 2-3 times a week, and at home – daily.

An interval of 1-3 weeks is required between courses, after which the procedure is repeated. The effect of this treatment occurs after the first 3-4 sessions and lasts for 14-20 days.

How is joint treatment done with magnets? This question is of interest to many patients. Joint diseases are quite common today. They deliver a ton discomfort. In order to treat sore joints, modern medicine offers many different methods.

This drug therapy or surgery that involves replacing a joint. Each of these methods can be called effective, except for a large number of side effects. Some of the side effects provoke diseases, so treatment takes a very long time.
Treatment of joints with magnets - good method, which gives a minimum number of side effects. Arthrosis and other diseases cause serious complications. Most diseases cause the tissue in the joints to begin to change. Depending on the type of changes, one or another disease develops. However, many patients are looking for alternative methods combating joint diseases.
When can magnetic therapy be effective? Magnetic therapy, like other alternative methods, is currently used quite widely. Patients report relief during the procedure.

How arthrosis is treated with a magnet

As you know, a magnet has two poles, positive and negative. Magnetic fields are formed between them, which heal diseased joints.
Under the influence of currents, there is an improvement in the functioning of enzymes and the removal of harmful waste and toxins from the body. In addition, using a magnet improves the quality of metabolism. This leads to a positive effect.
Treatment with magnets can be general or local.
The general effect refers to the effect that the magnetic field has on the entire body as a whole. The procedure is carried out as follows. The patient is in a magnetoturbotron, which creates a magnetic field. It rotates. After the course of treatment, a significant improvement in the patient's condition is observed. Magnetotherapy allows you to increase blood circulation in the tissues of the joints. In addition, there is a general improvement in the patient's condition.
Magnets are also used for local treatment. These can be complex electronic devices or ordinary devices. From electronic devices the most commonly used ones are “Mag” and “Pole”. They are equipped with a special magnetic element.
For treatment, the device is applied to the area affected by arthrosis. Devices such as “Mag” and “Polyus” are often used for local treatment at home. It should be noted that treatment of joints with magnets should only be a course.

There are several magnet options:

  • plates;
  • bracelets;
  • necklaces;
  • insoles;
  • magnetic chains;
  • magnetic belt;
  • rings;
  • glasses.

These devices are not always based on a special magnet, which has therapeutic effect, sometimes ordinary magnets are used.
Even simple magnets can have a healing effect if they are worn next to a sore spot. Magnets are used not only for treatment, but also as a preventive measure.

When is treatment with magnets indicated?

Some diseases, such as sore knees, have similar symptoms and clinical picture. Therefore, treatment of joints with magnets is used as one of the components of therapy prescribed by a doctor. This treatment method can reduce pain.

The method is especially effective if we're talking about about complications after severe mechanical injuries.

Most often, injuries are complicated by diseases such as arthritis and arthrosis. Magnets allow not only to treat them, but also to speed up the healing process of hematomas and relieve the inflammatory process in the affected joint.
Indications for magnetic therapy, which can only be considered as part of a treatment prescribed by a doctor:

  1. Joint fractures, regardless of type.
  2. Damage to a joint that is deep-seated, or tissue trauma around it of varying degrees.
  3. Dislocations of the hip joint.
  4. Damage or injury to the meniscus.
  5. Diseases of degenerative-dystrophic type in the initial stage.
  6. Inflammation of the joints without effusion in the cavity.
  7. Synovitis.
  8. Bursitis.
  9. Arthritis.
  10. Inflammatory diseases of the ligaments.

However, it needs to be clarified that this method treatment is only suitable for diseases that are early stage. More neglected cases, for example, with osteochondrosis at the third stage, require a special approach to treatment, and magnets do not have such an effective effect.
However, they can be used to make it easier pain symptom. In addition, the method allows you to reduce the amount of non-steroidal drugs that are usually used to relieve the inflammatory process.

Are there any contraindications for magnetic therapy?

The use of magnetic therapy is very simple and convenient, but you should visit a doctor before using it, since there are a number of contraindications.
There are cases when it is not recommended to use magnets, since not all diseases of the knees and other joints can be treated with them.
In particular, magnets are contraindicated if there are:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • hypotension;
  • mental problems;
  • HIV infection;
  • tuberculosis disease;
  • pregnancy;
  • arrhythmia and ischemia in later stages;
  • hemophilia;
  • elevated temperature.

What are the advantages of magnetic therapy

Despite the fact that this method is relatively “young”, it has already gained some popularity in the field of physiotherapy. In particular, diseases of somatic origin are successfully treated with the help of magnets.
Magnetotherapy knee joint is that on sore spot low-frequency magnetic fields are affected, that is, the effect is directed to the desired area.
Magnetic therapy is very popular among many patient groups, including the elderly. This is explained by the fact that the devices are simple and available at home.

The effect of a magnetic field on the body is beneficial. His recovery is taking place. The convenience of the method is also that you do not need to take off your clothes or make any preparations. You can treat the desired area through a cloth, bandage, bandage, or even through a layer of plaster.
Currently, magnetic therapy is successfully used to improve the condition of patients with fractures, injuries and soft tissue damage. It can be used in the field of traumatology and rheumatology.

Magnetotherapy is the use of magnetic fields to influence the human body in order to achieve a preventive and therapeutic effect.

Doctors successfully used magnetotherapy as a method of physiotherapy in Ancient Egypt, Greece, China and India.

Many have been attributed to the influence of magnets healing properties, however, scientists became interested beneficial effect magnets only centuries later and turned magnetic therapy into a scientific method of treatment.

What is the essence of the method

Treatment with magnets as a method of physiotherapy is quite effective:

This can largely be explained by the very essence of the method, since each human organ, inside, there is its own magnetic field, which is part of the whole organism.

Its violation can worsen the patient's condition, which can lead to illness. Making corrections to the magnetic field acts as a recharge, bringing the patient’s body back to normal.

Magnetic therapy has a number of advantages compared to other treatment methods: it does not require the use of complex equipment, is expensive, painless, and has a wide range of indications for use.

Due to the fact that magnetic fields can penetrate various surfaces, they are used in the presence of plaster or other honey. devices.

Mechanism of action

Magnetic fields affect the body on different levels: tissue, cellular, subcellular and at the level of the whole organism.

During magnetic therapy sessions, an ordered, directed magnetic field has an effect on a person, protecting tissue cells from the influence of “unfriendly” fields,

These include environmental pollutants external environment. Thus, during the procedure, the patient's tissues can focus on self-healing processes.

Beneficial effect of magnetic therapy:

  • Anti-inflammatory effect. Magnetotherapy provides positive impact on immunity, increases the body’s performance, and leads to a surge of strength.
  • Tissue swelling is reduced, the condition of aquatic environments improves, increases blood fluidity.
  • Removes spasm– muscles can relax due to pain relief.
  • Anesthesia.
    This effect is achieved due to the fact that the magnetic field affects nervous system positive impact:
    • the level of sensitivity of peripheral receptors decreases,
    • More pain-relieving hormones are released.
  • Improves tissue nutrition, as a result, improved blood microcirculation in the problem area.
    Stops the destruction process, allowing the body to begin tissue regeneration at the site of exposure.
  • Acts as a substitute non-steroidal drugs , which have a similar effect, but which may have many side effects and contraindications.
  • Dilates blood vessels, reduces blood pressure.
    This may be helpful for hypertension.

Indications for use

Currently, magnetic therapy is increasingly used in the treatment of inflammatory processes and various diseases occurring in body tissues.

And, due to the fact that magnetic therapy has a number of advantages compared to other methods of physiotherapy, research on treatment with magnets is still ongoing in laboratories and institutes.

Effective treatment with magnets, even at home, is noted:

  • For burns.
  • For overwork, insomnia, neurosis.
  • For frostbite.
  • For fractures, wounds and slow healing trophic ulcers. Tissue destruction caused by a fracture leads to a large number pain, which makes magnetic therapy, thanks to its analgesic properties, the most effective method treatment of fractures.
  • At chronic form sinusitis or laryngitis.
  • For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • At rheumatoid arthritis mild to moderate severity.
  • For arthrosis.
    The magnetic field has a positive effect on inflamed areas in the body, reduces pain, and normalizes metabolic processes.
  • For osteochondrosis and osteoarthrosis.
  • For allergic reactions.
  • For atherosclerosis or head problems.
  • In gynecology.
    Magnetotherapy has a positive effect in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the uterus and appendages.
    Sometimes, this method of physiotherapy is used during exacerbations.

An important feature of magnet treatment is its harmlessness:

  • With the exception of contraindications, the procedures are absolutely safe, even for people with complications in the body, regardless of age.

Magnetic therapy differs from other physiotherapeutic procedures in its accessibility, although it brings no less benefits.

One of the main advantages is the ability to affect most organs. This procedure does not affect just one part of the body or its system, but the entire body, improving its general condition.

Contraindications and side effects

Possible side effects and contraindications:

To carry out the procedure:

  • You should not drink alcohol during treatment.
  • Shortly before the start of the magnetic therapy procedure, the patient should take a small amount of food.
  • For greater efficiency, it is better to conduct sessions at the same time.
  • The procedure must be canceled if the patient feels unwell.

The list of contraindications is not small.

This depends on the specific magnetic therapy device.

Therefore, if you are going to carry out the procedure at home, before use, you need to study the instructions for use.

No matter how harmless magnetic therapy may seem, this, like any other physiotherapeutic procedure, should be approached with extreme caution.

Before starting treatment with magnets, it is better to make sure that you do not have, even the smallest, contraindications. Only a specialist can reliably determine this. Therefore, the participation of a physician is strictly recommended.

Magnetic therapy is one of the treatment methods, including at home, and it can be used independently or in combination with other folk methods.

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to establish accurate diagnosis, decide on the course of treatment.

It is possible that to treat your specific disease folk remedies or the drugs will be much more effective. On the other hand, if the doctor considers it appropriate to undergo a magnetic therapy procedure, then it can replace medicines, thereby reducing the side effects of their use.

Magnetic therapy: benefit or harm? Watch the video and get answers to questions about magnet treatment at home.

Resorption of edema, increased range of motion. It is also possible to treat joints with a magnet at home. For this purpose, special compact devices, bracelets, plates, and wrapping mats are used.

How a magnet heals joints

Principle therapeutic action The magnetic field on the joints is based on the formation of electric currents. Biological macromolecules that are in an ionized state, and free radicals reoriented. As a result, biochemical and biophysical processes in the structures affected by the disease proceed much faster. Reorientation of liquid crystals changes the permeability of cell membranes and increases the functional activity of cells.

Types of impacts

Efficiency of the method

Despite the fact that magnetic therapy has both therapeutic method, the status is controversial, many patients note an improvement in their well-being. The severity gradually decreases pain syndrome, including due to the weakening of the sluggish chronic inflammation. Morning puffiness disappears.

After treatment with magnets, the patient can allow walking on long distances. Now when going up or down stairs there is no problem. special problems. Remission is prolonged and the likelihood of painful exacerbations is reduced.

Joint diseases that can be treated with magnetic therapy

Magnetic field therapy is indicated for patients with both inflammatory and degenerative-dystrophic joint pathologies. The main indications for its implementation are:

  • , including , ;
  • bursitis, synovitis;
  • , spondyloarthritis, including;

Magnetic therapy is used during the rehabilitation period after arthroplasty and endoprosthetics. Indications for its implementation also include joint injuries - fractures, dislocations, ruptures of ligaments and tendons.

What devices are used

It is best to entrust the choice of a device that generates a magnetic field to your doctor. He will study specifications, will take into account the type of pathology, the form and stage of its course, and the severity of symptoms. The devices must only be purchased from pharmacies or medical equipment stores. When purchasing, the pharmacist or sales consultant must issue a product passport, quality certificate, warranty card, detailed instructions by use.


This magnetic therapy low-frequency portable device generates a non-uniform alternating magnetic field with a frequency of 50 Hz and a given magnetic induction over an area of ​​20 cm². MAG-30 is intended to treat all articular pathologies beyond exacerbation. After 10-15 procedures, a pronounced anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and decongestant effect is observed. Unlike other devices, the use of MAG-30 is possible in patients with cardiovascular pathologies and allergy sufferers.


The Alimp-1 device is designed for therapeutic effects on damaged joints with a pulsed traveling magnetic field of various frequencies. The device has a special display system. This allows you to determine the presence of a magnetic field in each channel during procedures. The use of Alimp-1 helps not only eliminate painful symptoms, but also improve the functioning of the joint by accelerating the blood supply to its structures with oxygen and nutrients.

How does the procedure work?

Carrying out physiotherapy in outpatient setting does not require preparation. During a general magnetic therapy session, the patient is placed between two magnetic inductors or in a special magnetic cylinder. The duration of the procedure and the required number of sessions depends on the severity of the diagnosed disease. When performing local magnetic therapy, special medical magnets are applied to the area of ​​the diseased joint or a certain reflexogenic zone.

How to carry out magnetic therapy at home

The impact of the device on painful areas through the working surface should be carried out continuously, so the person should not be distracted by anything during the procedure. If a large joint (hip, shoulder) is being treated, the device must be smoothly moved every 5-10 minutes.

The duration of the session varies significantly between devices from 20 to 60 minutes. At the end of the procedure, you cannot get up immediately - you need to rest for an hour.

In what cases should you refuse the procedure?

Absolute contraindications to magnetic therapy are the presence of a pacemaker, pre-stroke condition, recent heart attack, oncological diseases, bleeding of any location.

Treatment with magnets is prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding, V childhood. Physiotherapy is not performed for general feeling unwell, exacerbation of any chronic pathologies.