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Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) - a description of its properties, uses, as well as a list of food products in which it is contained. Vitamin B5: what the body needs it for, what foods it contains

Name, abbreviations, other names: Pantothenic acid, pantothenate (calcium pantothenate), vitamin B5 (b5), b5

Chemical formula: C 9 H 17 NO 5

Group: water soluble vitamins

Name in Latin: Vitaminum B5, Acidum pantothenicum, Calcii pantothenas ( genus. Calcii pantothenatis)

Varieties: not available.

In organism pantothenic acid converted to active form– pantethine.

What (who) is it useful for:

  • For the body: increases life expectancy (by an average of 10 years), protects and prevents dementia in old age and Alzheimer's disease.
  • For nervous system: actively participates in the synthesis of substances necessary for the NS (mediators, neurotransmitters...). Without them normal functioning NS is almost impossible.
  • For the brain: involved in education fatty acids, which are necessary for the brain to function properly.
  • For the adrenal glands: helps in the formation of all adrenal hormones - glucorticoids. And a sufficient amount of these hormones helps reduce the risks of developing arthritis, colitis, allergies and heart disease.
  • For synthesis and metabolism: participates in the formation and exchange of an incredible amount of different substances: hormones, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, amino acids, cholesterol, hemoglobin and many others, thereby supporting the functioning of the entire body. Restores impaired metabolism.
  • For immunity: pantothenic acid is actively involved in the synthesis of all antibodies that protect the body from various diseases. Without it, the number of antibodies is greatly reduced.
  • For patients with tuberculosis: reduces the toxic effects of anti-tuberculosis drugs.

For what (whom) is it harmful:

  • For patients with hemophilia: B5 increases blood clotting time.

Indications for use:

hypovitaminosis B5, vitamin deficiency, colitis, pancreatitis, arthritis, allergies, neuralgia and neuritis, eczema, bronchial asthma, dermatitis, hyperthyroidism, withdrawal syndrome, acne, toxicosis, wounds that do not heal for a long time, liver cirrhosis, alcoholism, thrush.

Long-term insufficiency (deficiency):

An extremely rare occurrence, but if it happens, it leads to:

to peptic ulcers, metabolic disorders, hair loss, malfunction of the adrenal glands and functional disorders in the nervous system, lack of coordination, asthenia, growth retardation, frequent respiratory disorders.

Symptoms of deficiency:

Severe fatigue and fatigue, migraines, muscle pain, severe pain in the legs, tingling and numbness of the toes, insomnia, depression, ulcers, gastritis, depigmentation, dermatitis or eczema, diarrhea (constipation), poor appetite.

In children: growth retardation.


Hypervitaminosis, hemophilia, atony due to potassium deficiency.

Side effects:

Allergies, gastrointestinal disorders, pain.

Daily norm required by the body:

  • For men - ~ 10 mg. vitamin B5 per day
  • For women - ~ 10 mg/day.
  • For children (from 0 to 1 year) - ~ 2 - 3 mg/day.
  • For children (from 1 to 8 years) - ~ 3 - 5 mg/day.
  • For teenagers (from 9 to 13 years old) - ~ 8 mg/day.
  • For pregnant women - ~ 12 mg/day.
  • For nursing women - ~ 12 mg/day.

Level of vitamin in blood:

0.2 – 1.8 µg/ml.


Almost impossible (very rare).

Overdose symptoms:

Diarrhea, edema (water retention in tissues), pale skin, nausea.

Main sources:

Liver and kidneys, garlic, yeast, hazelnuts, cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat), bran, peas, cauliflower, yolk, caviar, milk, nuts.

How long can you take:

Can be taken for a long time.

Release form:

Tablets, injection solution, creams and ointments, spray.

Best before date:

About pantothenic acid

This acid gets its name from the Greek “pantothene”. Translated, it means everywhere, from all sides, everywhere. And indeed, in terms of prevalence in food products, it is ahead of many other vitamins. And since it is so widespread, it is difficult to overestimate its importance for the body.

B5 does not tolerate exposure to temperature and light well - this causes it to partially disintegrate (on average 50%). It also does not tolerate freezing, canning and other food processing methods. It is best to consume foods in fresh(if possible).

B5 is involved in the process of absorption of vitamin B9 by the body ( folic acid), and thiamine (B1), B2 and C, on the contrary, increases the effectiveness of pantothenic acid itself and participates in the synthesis of panthein.

Vitamin B5 is not compatible with alcohol, tea and coffee, barbiturates, diuretics - it is washed out of the body faster, with contraception and proteolytic enzymes - B5 is destroyed, with copper, iron, manganese - they fall beneficial features vitamin, with antibiotics - synthesis is disrupted.

Those who practice vegetarianism and a raw food diet must take into account that B5 in the body is converted into panthein with the participation of proteins and fats, and in their absence, synthesis does not occur and B5 hypovitaminosis may occur.

The main form in which B5 is produced is calcium pantothenate (or calcium salt of pantothenic acid). It is obtained artificially. Used in both tablets and liquid form(in ampoules). Another form of B5 is dexpanthenol. Also of artificial origin. Mainly used for restoration skin after burns or dermatitis, since B5 is the only vitamin that can penetrate deep into the skin.

Vitamin B5 is presented in foods as pantothenic acid, and in medications as calcium pantothenate.

Pantothenic acid biosynthesis in humans

Pantothenic acid is converted into pantethine in the body. It is formed from both natural (natural) vitamin B5 and synthetic. After this, pantethine is infused into the Coenzyme-A molecule. This molecule is indispensable in many metabolic processes body.

How to take (for medicinal purposes)

The drugs are taken either orally or by injection intramuscularly or intravenously. Also externally (lubricating the skin with ointments and spray).

Usually taken after meals.

Intramuscular injection is usually administered once a day.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of vitamins for maintaining our health. One of them is B5, a vitamin that has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole, and not on its individual processes. Why is it so useful, what are its functions and where to look for it? Let's find out together!

B5 is a vitamin that pharmacists and doctors call “pantothenic acid.” It is found in almost all products, be it vegetables, fruits, berries or legumes. It is not for nothing that “pantoten” translated from Greek means “omnipresent”. Let's get to know this useful vitamin closer.

Opening of pantothene

The discovery of pantothenic acid occurred in 1933 and belongs to the scientist Roger Williams. An artificial analogue was first synthesized in the mid-40s of the last century. It is a yellowish plastic substance that melts at a temperature of 77-80 degrees Celsius. Pantothene is highly soluble in water and ethyl alcohol, however, it instantly loses all its properties when subjected to strong heating or exposure to an acidic and alkaline environment.

Natural vitamin B5 enters our body through absorption through small intestine. From there it goes straight into the blood, picked up by red blood cells and converted into coenzyme A. Remains of vitamin B5 travel freely throughout the body, evenly distributed throughout the tissues.

Miraculous B5

B5 is a vitamin that is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, amino acids, fats, cholesterol, hemoglobin and other substances. The most important function that B5 performs is stimulating the production of adrenal hormones, which in turn protect the body from such serious diseases as allergies, colitis, myocardial infarction and arthritis. With the help of pantothene, the body actively produces antibodies and immunity to various diseases, especially ARVI. This miracle vitamin also slows down aging and prolongs life.

With a sufficient amount of pantothenic acid, the adrenal cortex produces so-called glucocorticoids. These are hormones that help the body quickly cope with all kinds of inflammatory processes, and also protect it from overstrain, overload, infections and microbes.

It forms a number of enzymes, and also participates in such body processes as:

  • increasing energy balance;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • skin regeneration, healing of scratches and wounds;
  • and concentration;
  • stimulation proper operation heart muscle.

By the way, brain activity largely depends on this important vitamin: B5 is actively involved in the synthesis of substances, thanks to which electrical impulses are transmitted from neuron to neuron. These substances are called neurotransmitters. Without them, the brain would not be able to receive commands from senses such as touch, smell, hearing, and vision. A lack of vitamin B5 can cause a decrease in the perception of tastes and smells, and also threatens memory loss.

By the way, pantothene synthesizes antibodies that protect our brain from negative impact alcohol and nicotine, therefore smoking people, especially if they drink alcohol, vitamin B5 is vital.

On guard of harmony

People who monitor their weight or follow a diet to lose weight should know that B5 is a vitamin that is involved in normalizing lipid metabolism. In other words, it helps break down fats and convert them into energy. It is especially effective in combination with choline, riboflavin, niacin and vitamin D. These vitamins together help in the fight against obesity.

One, two, three, four, five - I'm going to look for B5!

Just a few decades ago, hypovitaminosis associated with B5 deficiency in the body was rare. People ate organic food clean products and thus replenish the amount of pantothene. What products contain greatest number vitamin B5?

  1. Dairy products: milk, cottage cheese, blue cheese.
  2. Meat: beef, veal, pork.
  3. Chicken eggs.
  4. Fish: trout, salmon, pink salmon.
  5. Mushrooms: shiitake, chanterelles, honey mushrooms, champignons and oyster mushrooms;
  6. Fruits: persimmon, figs, avocado, dates, dried apricots, kiwi, prunes.
  7. Vegetables: dried tomatoes, broccoli, sweet potatoes, cauliflower, garlic, potatoes, parsnips, artichokes and Jerusalem artichokes.
  8. Cereals and grains: rice, oatmeal and wheat bran, corn, buckwheat.
  9. Seeds and nuts: flax-seed, pistachios, peanuts, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, hazel, cashews, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, almonds.
  10. Legumes: beans, mung beans, peas, soybeans, lentils, chickpeas.
  11. Algae: kelp, agar-agar, nori, spirulina.
  12. Spices, herbs, herbs: oregano, black pepper, mint, basil, paprika, parsley.

B5 deficiency

Nowadays, when the diet of many of us consists of semi-finished products, and most products contain GMOs, vitamin B5 is contained in products, if at all, then in very small quantities. As a result, pantothenic acid deficiency is quite common and manifests itself as follows:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • despondency, depressive state, irritability;
  • insomnia;
  • decreased performance, loss of strength;
  • headaches, nausea;
  • decreased appetite;
  • muscle pain, heaviness in the legs;
  • numbness of fingers;
  • stomach pain, diarrhea.

In addition, vitamin B5 deficiency leads to weakened immunity, thereby reducing the body's defense against various infections.

It is also interesting that pantothenic acid helps produce special amino acids that significantly reduce the side effects of various medications.

Isn't there too much?

Is there hypervitaminosis, that is, an excess of vitamin B5? This can only happen if the course of injections is incorrectly prescribed. Hypervitaminosis is manifested by diarrhea and blanching of the skin. The excess is excreted through the urinary tract.

Vitamin B5 is measured in milligrams. For adults, the daily norm of pantothene is 10-12 mg, for pregnant and lactating women - 15-20 mg, and for children - 2-4 mg. An increased dose of vitamin B5 is required for people who have undergone surgery, been injured, engage in heavy physical activity, or have digestive problems.

Who needs pantotel?

It is possible to normalize the body's needs for pantothenic acid. It is enough to take vitamin B5 in tablets. Remember that self-medication can lead to undesirable consequences, so before taking medicines You must consult your doctor!

For what indications is it necessary to take vitamin B5 tablets?

  • disturbances of various metabolic processes;
  • neuralgic diseases;
  • skin rashes such as eczema;
  • acute and chronic bronchitis, asthma;
  • hay fever;
  • allergic reactions;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • burn conditions;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • tuberculosis;
  • diseases gastrointestinal tract and liver;
  • toxicosis during pregnancy.

Measure it once...

What dosage to use is usually found in the annotation for the drug and printed on the insert. Usually daily dose The drug is 40-80 mg for an adult and 10-40 mg for children.

However, despite the indicated doses, the number of tablets may vary depending on the prescription of the attending physician.

I'm not afraid of injections

In some cases, instead of tablets, the doctor may prescribe intramuscular injections. By the way, the introduction of liquid B5 is very painful, but this invasive method allows you to replenish pantothene deficiency as quickly as possible. Pure vitamin B5 is rarely found in ampoules. The instructions for use usually contain information about other B vitamins included in the injection liquid.

The key to gorgeous hair

Separately, it is worth noting the benefits that vitamin B5 provides for hair. It’s not for nothing that almost all bottles of advertised shampoos and masks are marked “contains vitamin B5.” Why is it so good and what effect does it have? The fact is that it stimulates hair growth and also retains moisture in it, thereby reducing its fragility. Thanks to this vitamin, hair is restored after unsuccessful hairdressing procedures such as bleaching or perm. At correct use B5 hair becomes more shiny and voluminous. Vitamins B5 + B6 combine very well with each other: this “tandem” strengthens hair and prevents hair loss, it becomes smooth, silky and strong.

Beauty Recipes

To help hair, vitamin B5 is needed in ampoules. Tablets, even crushed into powder, will not give the same effect as an oily liquid. Where and in what quantity should I add vitamin B5? The instructions are simple:

  1. Pour the amount of your favorite shampoo required for washing into a suitable container.
  2. Add a few drops oil solution vitamin B5.
  3. Apply shampoo to well-moistened hair, lather thoroughly, leave for 3-5 minutes and rinse.
  4. If necessary similar procedure can be repeated with balm or hair mask.

This use of vitamin B5, especially if it is regular, will significantly improve the condition of the hair, add smoothness and shine to it, eliminate fragility, prevent split ends, and nourish it vitality and health.

A course to preserve health and longevity

In order to be healthy and live as long as possible, listen carefully to your health. If you notice the symptoms of vitamin B5 deficiency described above, go to your doctor for a consultation. Perhaps your fears will be confirmed and you will be prescribed a course of treatment. Within a few weeks of starting to take vitamin B5, you will probably feel an improvement in your condition.

To maintain the balance of vitamin B5, eat dried apricots and prunes, treat yourself to fish with seasonings and try not to cook vegetables for too long. And if the doctor nevertheless prescribes pantothenic acid for you, remember that B5 is a vitamin whose instructions instruct you not to exceed the norm indicated in it. And then health coupled with longevity will be ensured!

If you feel chronic fatigue and have difficulty sleeping. You have difficulty getting up in the morning because your joints ache. You were tortured frequent colds, weakened immunity. Memory problems began to appear: at work they forgot to submit a report on time or to meet with a client. You have started to worry about your weight: it is not enough or, on the contrary, it is too much. Go to the doctor immediately! Most likely, you have a deficiency of pantothenic acid. This substance is so important for our body that if there is a shortage, the functioning of many organs can be disrupted. Exacerbations of diseases will occur, pain will appear.

What is pantothenic acid

Behind such a complex name is vitamin B5. It is produced itself in our intestines if the microflora is not disturbed. Due to the fact that the vitamin is found in a variety of foods, it constantly enters our body. But in a situation where there is a lack of it, problems begin:

Metabolism is disrupted;

Immunity decreases;

Skin diseases appear;

Allergies occur;

Are escalating nervous diseases.

This vitamin is involved in the functioning of the adrenal glands. It produces a hormone that makes it easier to tolerate inflammation and is necessary for heart disease and colitis. It is involved in the synthesis of fatty acids. When it is disrupted and fails, long-term memory becomes worse, nervous diseases worsen, and sleep is disturbed. The participation of the vitamin in the synthesis of substances that are responsible for the transmission of brain impulses is important. If there is a deficiency, the senses of smell and taste decrease, and absent-mindedness appears.

The participation of the vitamin in the synthesis of antibodies helps protect the brain from the effects of nicotine and alcohol. New cells are formed and the side effect drugs. The condition of the skin and hair depends on the presence of the vitamin. His participation is important for normalization water balance body, accelerating the healing of wounds and burns. The vitamin plays a huge role in regulating cholesterol metabolism and prevents the appearance of atherosclerosis.

Vitamin B5 is very important for the proper functioning of the entire body. With the use of the drug:

Inflammation, heart disease, and arthritis are more easily tolerated.

The work of the nervous system is directed. Sleep improves and chronic fatigue goes away.

Brain functions are regulated. Long-term memory returns, absent-mindedness and forgetfulness decrease.

Immunity is supported.

The aging process, the formation of wrinkles, and the appearance of gray hair are delayed.

Metabolism is regulated. Stabilizes weight during weight loss and obesity.

The condition of the skin and hair improves.

What products contain

Without noticing it, we consume foods with pantothenic acid every day. It is important to prepare them correctly. Allowed heat treatment. But in order for the vitamin to remain in products, it should be taken into account that destruction occurs:

Under influence high temperature, when frying;

When canning vegetables and fruits;

As a result of freezing;

After adding vinegar according to the recipe.

To make up for vitamin B5 deficiency, you just need to go to the store or market. What foods contain pantothenic acid? It is found in beef meat, liver, and kidneys. A large number of it is contained in products:

Milk, eggs;

Legumes, grains;

Sea fish, caviar;

Fresh vegetables;

Greens: salads, cabbage;

Nuts, mushrooms;

Whole wheat and rye;

Oranges and bananas.

The daily requirement of the human body for vitamin B5

Please note that the need for this vitamin depends on the situation. Increases during pregnancy and with heavy physical exertion. Increases daily requirement in vitamin B5 after operations, during stress. Larger dosages are prescribed for skin diseases, severe infectious diseases. At normal conditions daily requirement:

Adults – 7-10 mg;

Pregnant women – 15-20 mg;

Infants – 2 mg;

Schoolchildren – 4 mg;

Elderly – 10-15 mg.

Preparations containing vitamin B5

Vitamin B5 is included in chemical composition many medicines. Doctors prescribe Calcium pantothenate tablets to pregnant women with toxicosis. "Brewer's yeast" – capsules – with skin diseases and for weight gain. The drug Pantothenic acid copes well with muscle pain, nervous disorders, depression. Huge benefit bring medications containing vitamin B5 from Solgar. The pharmaceutical concern produces multivitamin complexes"Solgar multi-ai" based on natural ingredients, capsules with pantothenic acid.

Release form

The pharmaceutical industry offers for use preparations containing vitamins B5 various forms release. Among them are tablets and capsules, which are recommended to be taken according to the instructions with water. Drugs in ampoules are prescribed for intramuscular and intravenous use. The use of vitamin B5 is more effective with injections, but not everyone tolerates it well intramuscular injections because they are very painful.

Indications for use

Vitamin B5 deficiency causes problems during pregnancy: anemia and toxicosis. Thanks to the need for normal operation of the whole body, a drug is prescribed for the treatment of:

Nervous system disorders;

Respiratory problems;

Skin diseases;

Burns and wounds;


Operational disruptions thyroid gland;

Joint pain;

Kidney diseases;


Heart disease.

Excellent results are obtained by using vitamin B5 for metabolic disorders. The drug is used for weight loss and weight gain, stopping the development of obesity. This vitamin is important for normal brain function. Prevents the development of atherosclerosis, fights absent-mindedness and forgetfulness. If you want to delay aging, you cannot do without medications with vitamin B5. Doctors use drugs to treat:

Gastrointestinal diseases;

Complications after operations;

Circulatory disorders;

Damaged hair;


Liver diseases;




It is important that vitamin B5 is well excreted from the body, so its excess does not lead to any serious consequences. In order for the use of the drug to have required action, the dosage must be observed. A significant increase is required for skin diseases. The dosage can be up to 1.5 grams per day, but this gives excellent results. The amount of the substance to be taken is prescribed by the doctor, it depends on the disease and the age of the patient. For adults, the dosage is up to 500 mg per day, for children – from 100 to 400 mg.

General information:

  • Pantothenic acid, also known as calcium pantothenate, is also vitamin B5.
  • WITH Greek language The name of the acid is translated by the word “everywhere”, because this vitamin is very widespread in the bodies of people, animals and plants.
  • The substance has the appearance of a viscous pale yellow liquid that dissolves well in water.
  • In medicine, it is most often used in the form of a white crystalline powder.


  • Acid is involved in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Pantothenic acid has a beneficial effect on the growth and quality of nail plates.

  • Helps with the functioning of the immune system.
  • Vitamin B5 helps in the formation of Coenzyme A, which, in turn, plays a huge role in the body's fight against physical and emotional stress.
  • Pantothenic acid synthesizes hemoglobin, cholesterol, histamine, steroids and acetylcholine.
  • Supports the functioning of the adrenal glands.
  • Protects the body from certain toxins.


Per day for an adult human body it is necessary to receive from 10 to 15 mg of pantothenic acid; for children, a dosage of 3 to 7 mg per day is recommended.

Interaction with other drugs:

  • Pantothenic acid not only does not interfere with the effects on the body of others food additives, but even helps their assimilation. For example, taking folic acid becomes many times more effective if you combine it with taking B5.
  • According to research, there are no contraindications for combining the vitamin with other medications.

Benefits and harms

Pantothenic acid deficiency is diagnosed in patients and may be indicated by the following symptoms:

  • Vomit.
  • Dizziness.
  • General weakness.
  • Loss of coordination.
  • State of depression.
  • Fatigue.
  • Muscle spasms.
  • Arthritis, arthrosis.
  • Obesity.
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Dermatitis or eczema.


An overdose of acid does not pose a particular danger to the body: even in cases of special individual intolerance to the drug, it is only expressed unpleasant burning sensation in the stomach. Pantothenic acid is perfectly absorbed in the body, and excess is excreted naturally.

Products containing vitamin B5 are widely used in the treatment of drug and alcohol addiction.

Indications for use

  • Having undergone intestinal surgery.
  • Often suffering from bronchitis.
  • Eczema.
  • Allergies.
  • During pregnancy.
  • For neuralgic diseases.
  • Chronic liver diseases.
  • Insufficient blood circulation.
  • Pancreatitis.
  • Burns.


Pantothenic acid is contraindicated only for those people who have an individual intolerance to it (this is extremely rare).

Contains B5 in such products

The following products boast the highest content of pantothenic acid:

  • Beef.
  • Beef liver.
  • Milk.
  • Chicken eggs.
  • Sea fish.
  • Vegetables.
  • Nuts.
  • Brewer's yeast.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Whole grain flour.

It is easy to design your diet in such a way that there is no additional need for pantothenic acid, daily norm can be obtained from food.


If you pour vinegar on a product containing pantothenic acid, its effect will be neutralized and it will have no effect on the body.

The names of some of them:

  1. vitamin complex in the form of tablets intended for oral administration or in the form of a water-soluble powder. The drug is recommended for use by people suffering from neuralgia, allergic reactions, lupus, eczema and polyneuritis. The full course of treatment with Calcium Pantonate is three to four months. among side effects Vomiting, heartburn and azotemia are mentioned. The average price of the drug is 40 rubles per package.
  2. – a vitamin complex designed to improve the condition of skin, nails and hair. Recommended for use during increased physical or mental stress, stress, as well as to improve general condition body. The recommended dose is 2 tablets per day; in case of overdose, consult a doctor. Price – 810 rubles per package.
  3. – recommended for people experiencing severe physical exercise, or during the period of spring vitamin deficiency, to maintain balance in the body. The drug is available in the form of tablets for oral administration (30 pieces per package) or effervescent tablets, soluble in water (10 pieces per package). The drug is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to its components, as well as if the body is prone to allergic reactions. The average price of the drug in a pharmacy is 230 rubles.

Vitamin B5, discovered in 1933, is also known as pantothenic acid. This name comes from the Greek word “pantothen”, which means “everywhere”. Indeed, this compound is widely distributed in the tissues of plants, animals and microorganisms. Vitamin B5 is very important for the normal functioning of our body, since, ensuring the occurrence of various biochemical reactions, pantothenic acid actively participates in the regulation of lipid, protein and carbohydrate metabolism, supports the normal functioning of the nervous system and many glands internal secretion . Vitamin deficiency AT 5 may lead to malfunctions various organs and, as a consequence, to serious illnesses. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that our body receives pantothenic acid in sufficient quantities every day.

Daily requirement

The requirement for vitamin B5 for a healthy adult ranges from 10-15 mg per day. These figures are somewhat lower for children. For example, in the USA, doctors recommend the following daily intakes of vitamin B5: for children under one year of age 2-3 mg, from one to six years – approximately 3-4 mg, from six to ten years – 4-5 mg, and from ten to fourteen years - 4-7 mg.

The human body needs increased quantity pantothenic acid for diseases caused by vitamin B5 deficiency, with heavy physical labor and sports, as well as with infectious diseases, stress, after operations. To ensure the normal development of the child, pregnant and lactating women must receive about 20 mg vitamin B5 per day. In case of various diseases caused by vitamin B5 deficiency are prescribed intramuscular or intravenous injections pantothenic acid.

Vitamin B5 is also used in the treatment dermatological diseases, and in doses significantly exceeding the daily norm for healthy person. For example, children with skin diseases are recommended to take up to 0.3 g pantothenic acid 2-3 times a day, in this case adults are prescribed up to 1.5 g vitamin B5 per day. At acne the dosage of vitamin B5 reaches even more impressive amounts - up to 10 g pantothenic acid per day.

Functions in the body

Vitamin B5 helps provide body cells with energy by participating in the process of fat breakdown. Pantothenic acid is necessary for the development and maintenance of normal functioning of the cells of the central nervous system, which regulates all life processes. This vitamin is also involved in the metabolism of all basic nutritional components necessary for the growth and development of body cells. Pantothenic acid is necessary for the synthesis of a number of substances (hemoglobin, cholesterol, corticosteroids) responsible for the implementation of the most important vital functions.

In infectious diseases, vitamin B5 stimulates the production of antibodies, which contribute to strengthening the immune system . Pantothenic acid increases focus and concentration, protects brain cells from the effects of nicotine and alcohol, stimulates the work of the heart muscle and prevents premature aging hearts.

Vitamin B5 takes part in the synthesis special substances, with the help of which nerve cells quickly conduct signals from the sense organs to the brain and spinal cord. Therefore, a deficiency of pantothenic acid in food can cause a disturbance in the perception of taste and smell, as well as memory impairment and the appearance of absent-mindedness.

By stimulating the work of the adrenal glands and their production of hormones, vitamin B5 thereby prevents the development of arthritis, colitis, allergies, a number of serious heart diseases, and helps reduce inflammatory processes, protects the body from emotional overload, toxicological effects of viruses and bacteria.

Vitamin B5 is involved in the synthesis of fatty acids. A lack of fatty acids leads to deterioration of long-term memory, sleep disorders, and the development of the syndrome chronic fatigue, as well as violation fat metabolism, which directly affects the condition of the skin and hair. IN last years It has also been established that vitamin B5 is able to protect the human body from harmful effects low doses of radiation.

Considering diversity is vital important functions which are regulated by pantothenic acid, this compound is widely used in medicinal purposes. Vitamin B5 is used as a medicine in the recovery of the body after operations, in the treatment of eczema, burns, bronchial asthma, acute and chronic bronchitis, malfunctions circulatory system, diseases of the liver, stomach, intestines. Often taking vitamin B5 is recommended to normalize metabolism in the body. Pantothenic acid has also proven effective in removing hangover syndrome in persons who abuse alcoholic beverages.

Hypovitaminosis (insufficient dietary intake) of pantothenic acid is accompanied by numbness of the toes and burning sensation in the feet, damage to the mucous membranes internal organs, disruption of the adrenal glands, early graying and hair loss. Vitamin B5 deficiency can also lead to various skin disorders: development of small cracks in the corners of the mouth, early onset wrinkles and sagging skin, the appearance of white spots on various parts of the body. You may also experience depressed mood, fatigue, muscle cramps, pain in the joints when bending and straightening the limbs, disruption of the nervous system. A deficiency of vitamin B5 in the body can be caused by intestinal diseases in which the absorption mechanism is disrupted nutrients. However, pathological conditions caused by pantothenic acid hypovitaminosis are relatively rare due to the fact that vitamin B5 is present in varying quantities in almost all food products.

Since vitamin B5 is a water-soluble compound, it is easily excreted from the body and has no toxic effects. Thanks to this, even an excess amount of pantothenic acid in food will not lead to any pathological conditions– excess vitamin B5 is removed from the human body naturally.

Sources of vitamin B5

Our body's need for vitamin B5 is partially satisfied through the synthesis of this substance. beneficial microorganisms, which are permanent inhabitants of the intestines of a healthy person. The rest of the amount of pantothenic acid we need enters our body along with food.

Main plant sources vitamin B5 are legumes(beans, peas, lentils, beans), nuts (peanuts, hazelnuts), leafy vegetables (spinach, lettuce, onions), garlic, buckwheat and oatmeal. Foods of animal origin rich in pantothenic acid include liver, kidneys, heart, meat, egg yolk, dairy products, fish. Great content Vitamin B5 is found in yeast.

At heat treatment products containing vitamin B5, a significant amount of this substance ( up to 50%) is destroyed, and when frozen, products lose about 30% pantothenic acid. Therefore, when preparing dishes rich in vitamin B5, you should limit the time exposed to high temperatures, exclude freezing, and, if possible, try to eat such foods raw.

It is noteworthy that certain food products that are classified as so-called fast food (chips, carbonated drinks, canned food) have Negative influence on beneficial bacteria our intestines, which leads to a decrease in their production of pantothenic acid.

Interaction of vitamin B5 with other substances

Once in the body, vitamin B5 is included in a compound that plays a key role in nutrient metabolism. Better absorption Pantothenic acid is promoted by vitamin B1. By interacting with some toxic metabolic products, vitamin B5 reduces the side effects of anti-tuberculosis drugs. Pantothenic acid facilitates the absorption of vitamin B4 (choline) and vitamin B9 (better known as folic acid) by our body, and increases the effectiveness of a number of medications used for heart failure.

Antibiotics, alcohol, and oral contraceptives have a destructive effect on the vitamin B5 contained in our body.