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Poisoning of the human body. Symptoms of mercury poisoning with a broken thermometer. What to do if gastrointestinal bleeding begins

Low-quality and stale products contain bacteria and toxins. If they enter the stomach, heaviness in the stomach and nausea appear. Painful condition dangerous, so first aid for food poisoning is very important. You need to act immediately, otherwise the poisons will have time to penetrate the blood and begin to destroy organs and tissues.

Main symptoms

Food poisoning in an adult occurs due to various reasons. Most often, the culprits of the trouble are ordinary carelessness and insufficient quality control of products. You can get poisoned at a picnic or in the dining room Catering, in a cafe and even at home, if the food was stored in violation sanitary standards. It is especially dangerous if aggressive chemicals - acids or alkalis - have entered the body and for some reason came into contact with food or utensils.

Symptoms food poisoning appear quickly in adults. The speed at which the disease develops depends on what product caused it.

  • Spoiled food provokes nausea and vomiting 2-4 hours after consumption.
  • Poisonous plants that enter the stomach manifest themselves as colic and diarrhea after 4-12 hours.
  • Pathogenic microorganisms spread instantly. The infection becomes noticeable within 24 hours.

Food poisoning reveals itself with violent signs. If measures are not taken immediately, the intoxication of the body intensifies and begins to threaten human life. Characteristic symptoms poisoning:

  • abdominal cramps;
  • intestinal colic;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • headache, weakness.

When, in addition to these signs, the temperature rises, chills are alarming, rapid pulse, excessive salivation, central nervous system disorders - this is a signal that acute intoxication has begun. Required urgent help an experienced doctor.

Products may contain dangerous bacteria, causing salmonellosis or botulism. Then even fresh-looking food provokes inflammation. Toxins penetrate the blood and disrupt the functioning of the heart and lungs. If a patient complains of blurred vision and has difficulty breathing, it means the nervous system is suffering. It is urgent to cleanse the body and neutralize toxins, otherwise the consequences may be unpredictable.

Do not forget that treating food poisoning at home is only possible with initial stage when the disease occurs in mild form. If the patient's condition worsens or worsens, call immediately ambulance.

First aid

If you experience signs of food poisoning, consider what might be causing it. Eating mushrooms, any canned food, cream cakes or fish the day before is a reason to suspect severe form poisoning The problem can also be caused by seemingly harmless vegetables and fruits that have been treated with herbicides and other pesticides.

Be sure to call the hospital. While waiting for a medical team, assistance is required. It is the same as for mild poisoning with stale food.

First aid for food poisoning includes drinking plenty of fluids and gastric lavage.

  • You will need to prepare a weak solution regular salt. Not a large number of must be mixed in warm, clean water.
  • Pour a full glass of liquid and drink it in slow sips. This will trigger the gag reflex.
  • If it is not observed, help yourself by pressing on the root of the tongue with your fingers.
  • After vomiting, rest, calm down and repeat the procedure again.
  • Usually, to cleanse the stomach of harmful contents, you need to drink at least 4-5 glasses.
  • When vomit will come out free of food and mucus, you can stop the process, wash and rinse your mouth.

First aid for poisoning food products not finished yet. Most likely toxic substances have managed to be partially absorbed into the blood, so it is necessary to reduce intoxication with the adsorbent.

  • Available natural remedy- Activated carbon. Take it at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight.
  • Sometimes medications provoke a new urge to vomit. Try to suppress it for at least half an hour. During this time, the coal will have time to do the work and adsorb toxins.
  • If you cannot control vomiting, wait until your stomach calms down, take charcoal tablets again and lie down to rest.

It is advisable to place a cool cloth soaked in a solution of salt water on your forehead. It will reduce pain in the temples, help remove toxins from the body and calm you down.

In some cases, food poisoning is not accompanied by nausea, so it is difficult to induce vomiting. This happens when spoiled food quickly leaves the stomach and lingers in the intestines. You should not provoke excessive vomiting, it will no longer help.

What to do next

Do not try to treat diarrhea with medications or folk ways. With its help, the intestines are cleansed of decay processes and toxins. Despite discomfort, vomiting and diarrhea have a positive effect on the patient. The body is protected from intoxication and cleansed. Diarrhea can be stopped only with the permission of the attending physician.

But along with feces, a person loses water, the reserves of which must be replenished. Dehydration is a dangerous trend caused by food poisoning. Its symptoms are dyspepsia (dry mouth), lethargy, pallor, decreased amount of urine. First aid consists of fluid replacement. Doctors recommend drinking a glass of purified water after each trip to the toilet. cool water without gas, in small sips, slowly.

What should an adult do in case of food poisoning when first aid measures have ended?

  • Drinking plenty of fluids is necessary. You need to drink at least 3 liters of liquid per day.
  • If you feel heaviness in your stomach, continue to feel sick, and feel like your stomach is full of food, drink only clean water.
  • When the condition has improved, you can brew chamomile or other medicinal herbs.
  • For taste, you can add a small spoon of honey. Drink as much as possible and stay in bed.

Acute food poisoning means that after first aid you will not be able to eat for 24 hours. Stick to this rule even if you feel hungry.

When the patient’s condition worsens, he develops chills and confusion, there is no need to take risks and look for a way to treat food poisoning with fever. The symptom means that severe intoxication has begun. The person requires hospitalization and special therapy.

Toxins should be neutralized within 24 hours, so you can include light, mucous membrane-enveloping food without spices or salt in your diet.

For the entire duration of treatment, it is prohibited to consume fatty, spicy foods, smoked meats, milk, and sour cream. These products lead to exacerbation and aggravate inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

In the case of food poisoning in an adult, if symptoms and treatment are quickly brought under control, the problem will not progress to serious complications if you stick proper nutrition. From the second day, vegetable broth and enveloping oatmeal jelly. Little by little, this menu can be expanded:

  • boiled rice, buckwheat porridge;
  • potatoes in water without oil;
  • boiled vegetables;
  • dried whole grain pieces of bread;
  • baked apples, bananas.

In order for treatment for food poisoning at home to help, meals must be divided and have a calming effect. Eat small portions every 3-4 hours. Remember to drink plenty of fluids and gradually gastrointestinal tract will begin to function as usual.

When the poisoning is mild, improvement occurs on the 3rd day, but the diet should be followed much longer to restore health.


In the case of food poisoning, symptoms and treatment are interrelated. But the problem will not appear if you carry out competent prevention diseases.

  • Be sure to wash your hands after coming in from outside and before eating.
  • Buy quality products, paying attention to expiration date and appearance.
  • Completely avoid canned and smoked foods.
  • Prepare food according to technology and try to eat it right away.
  • When storing, do not allow boiled and fresh food to come into contact.
  • Maintain sterile cleanliness in the kitchen. Wash fruits in several waters, even if they are collected from your garden.

Traditional methods of treatment

Treatment at home will help quickly neutralize food poisoning using folk recipes. Always consult your doctor before using such products.

Enveloping decoctions help relieve inflammation of the gastric mucosa.

  • Take a large spoon of flaxseed, pour a liter clean water and put on fire.
  • Bring to a boil, simmer for 10 minutes and turn off.
  • Cool, strain the broth through a sieve and drink one glass before eating.

What to do in case of poisoning to relieve stomach pain? Take advantage healing tea from cinnamon.

  • Measure out a teaspoon of ground seasoning, mix it in an enamel pan with a glass of water and boil.
  • Let sit for 5 minutes, filter and drink one portion at a time.
  • If after three hours there is no improvement, brew a new decoction and repeat the dose.

Manifestations of intoxication can be eliminated with herbal teas.

  • Mix together half a teaspoon of dried mint, grated ginger and ground cinnamon.
  • Pour 250 ml of boiling water over the collection, cover with a lid and wait 10-15 minutes.
  • Then put a slice of lemon in a cup and drink it hot in small sips.
  • It is useful to prepare this tea several times a day and consume it between meals.

Quickly calms down intestinal disorder millet. Grind it into powder and take one teaspoon every hour throughout the day with water.

Don't forget: the problem of poisoning is easier to prevent than to treat. Be healthy and careful when purchasing groceries!

Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain after eating are signs that food poisoning has occurred. What to do to reduce harm to the body?

Anyone can suffer from food poisoning. You can get poisoned while visiting, in food establishments, on a picnic, and even at home from food that you have prepared yourself. The reason may be low-quality or spoiled products, dishes that were prepared or stored in violation of sanitary standards.

Poisoning is caused by microbes, toxins and other toxic substances that enter the body with food. The consequences can be very serious - from dehydration to disruption of organs and systems, even death. A person’s health and life depends on how timely and adequately first aid was provided to him. How to recognize food poisoning in time and what to do in this case? Read about it in our article.

First symptoms of poisoning

The time at which the first symptoms appear and the symptoms themselves depend on what caused the poisoning.

If a person is poisoned by poor-quality food, the first signs of intoxication usually appear 2-4 hours after eating. If the cause was poisonous mushrooms, berries or plants - usually after 4-12 hours.

Characteristic symptoms of toxic infection are nausea, vomiting, colic, diarrhea. If a headache appears, body temperature rises, pulse quickens, a person feels general weakness, and the skin has become bluish - these are signs acute intoxication. This condition requires immediate medical care.

Poisoning with mushrooms, plants and berries can develop slowly and rapidly. In this case, every minute is precious to save a person’s life.

Food poisoning can be treated at home only if the degree of intoxication is mild. But it is to treat, and not to let things take their course. If threatening symptoms of intoxication appear, hospitalization is necessary. Especially if the cause of poisoning was mushrooms, canned foods, or alcoholic beverages.

If a child experiences nausea or diarrhea after eating, it is recommended to immediately call a doctor.

Reader Questions

Hello, I don’t know exactly who to turn to. I feel sick almost all day long, but not long ago I was vomiting with scarlet blood, there was a lot of blood, what could it be? 18 October 2013, 17:25 Hello, I don’t know exactly who to turn to. I feel sick almost all day long, but not long ago I was vomiting with scarlet blood, there was a lot of blood, what could it be?

First aid for food poisoning

What to do if you or your loved ones have symptoms of poisoning after eating? First of all, analyze what could have caused it. If the day before a person ate mushrooms, berries, canned foods, or drank alcohol, it is recommended that you immediately call an ambulance. Before the doctors arrive, the victim needs first aid. The same principles must be followed by a person with mild degree poisoning

Stomach cleansing. Through bouts of vomiting, the body tries to cleanse itself of toxins. A person needs drinking plenty of fluids. You need to drink until vomiting stops completely. During the last attack, the vomit should be a relatively clear liquid without food or mucus. This means that the stomach has cleared.

If vomiting does not occur spontaneously, it must be induced. For this they use water solution salt, baking soda or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The solution irritates the walls of the stomach, and purgative vomiting begins. If this does not happen, then it must be caused by irritation of the root of the tongue.

If a person is unconscious, delirious or very weakened, you should not induce vomiting at home. He may choke on vomit. For children under 2 years of age and patients after strokes and heart attacks, gastric lavage should be performed by qualified specialists.

Taking medications. First aid medications for food poisoning include absorbents and coating agents. Absorbents such as activated carbon can be used to prepare a gastric lavage solution or taken in other ways as directed. These drugs bind and are removed from digestive tract poisonous substances. Enveloping substances prevent the absorption of toxic substances into the blood by covering the mucous membrane of the digestive tract with a thin film. In a hospital setting, it is possible to use Solcoseryl in the form of an infusion.

Drink plenty of fluids. The liquid helps speed up the removal of toxins from the body in case of food poisoning. Drinking is also necessary to replace fluid loss that occurs during vomiting and diarrhea.

After food poisoning, it is recommended to drink regular boiled water with lemon, fruit drinks, alkaline mineral water still, black tea, chamomile decoction. Exist pharmaceutical drugs intended for restoration acid-base balance, disturbed by vomiting and diarrhea.

In addition, warm drinks help a person warm up and relieve painful sensations. Vascular spasms during poisoning cause large heat losses, so the person freezes. To keep warm, he just needs to wrap himself in a blanket and apply a heating pad to his feet.

Part of the treatment for food poisoning is diet. On the first day after the symptoms of poisoning have disappeared, it is only possible drinking regime. If you feel hungry, you can eat a small amount of homemade crackers from white bread. Next, the food should be light, boiled, chopped. Start with water-based porridge (oatmeal, rice), vegetable or chicken broth. During the fourth meal you can eat mashed potatoes and lean steamed fish fillet. After another day, you can gradually return to your usual menu.

Depending on what caused the poisoning, you may need to take medications, for example, bactericides, drugs to combat dysbiosis, enzyme preparations. These medications should only be taken on the advice of a doctor.

Treatment of severe food poisoning is carried out only under the supervision of a doctor.

Food products are very demanding temperature conditions. If you accidentally leave sausage in the heat for 3-4 hours and then eat it, the risk of food poisoning increases significantly.

Of course, not all food is heat sensitive. For example, nothing will happen to cookies and bread, but meat, fish and dairy products spoil very quickly.

Intoxication of the body also develops in a number of other cases, so it is useful for each person to know the causes of food poisoning, symptoms and treatment at home, as well as first aid rules that will ease the suffering of the patient and even save his life.

Symptoms of poisoning

It’s a rare person who has never been poisoned by anything, but if such an event has happened, it will be remembered forever. First of all, the patient suffers sharp pain and a feeling of heaviness in the abdominal area, at the location of which the doctor usually determines the site of the pathological process.

But similar diagnostics is necessary only to establish the fact of poisoning, which is usually accompanied by other symptoms:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • flatulence;
  • general fatigue, drowsiness;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • fever up to 38 °C combined with chills;
  • increase in heart rate;
  • breathing disorder;
  • fainting and loss of consciousness;
  • sweating

As can be seen from this list, intoxication of the body is a serious thing. But few people realize that in some cases a person is even threatened with death, because the causes of the illness are not always known. In this regard, the first first aid in case of food poisoning, it is important for life.

First aid

The effect of toxic substances on the body does not go unnoticed. And if you feel sick to your stomach, vomiting and diarrhea begin, then you need to take measures to prevent complications. By her own the pain will go away only in the case of strong immunity, which neutralizes pathogenic microbes and normalizes the human condition.

But toxicosis is caused not only by bacteria and viruses, so first aid for food poisoning is aimed at cleaning the digestive tract and eliminating harmful substances:

Gastric lavage:

  • dilute 2 teaspoons of soda or a pinch of potassium permanganate in 2 liters warm water;
  • drink in one gulp;
  • induce vomiting.

Colon rinsing with enema:

  • prescribed only by a doctor;
  • warm boiled water is poured through the anus;
  • wait until the fluid leaves the body completely;
  • repeat if necessary.

Drink plenty of fluids:

  • warm boiled water;
  • saline solution(1 tsp rock salt per 1 liter of water);
  • sweet solution (2 tbsp sugar per 1 liter of water);
  • drink 3-3.5 liters per day.

Castor oil:

  • dilute 2 tbsp. oil in 1 tbsp. boiled water;
  • add lemon juice(from 1 slice);
  • take a sip every 5 minutes.

If there are no symptoms of the disorder nervous system, then after washing take sorbents :

  • activated carbon (4 tablets every 4 hours);
  • enterosgel and other medications (prohibited for gastrointestinal ulcers).

First aid methods cannot be called pleasant, but does anyone want to endure pain and twist from abdominal cramps? In addition, timely cleansing of the body will prevent long-term exposure to toxins. internal organs and fabric, so it stands in home medicine cabinet Always have activated carbon, castor oil and potassium permanganate.

However, if the temperature rises to 38-39 ° C, loss of consciousness and bloating, you should immediately call an ambulance, because such signs indicate serious toxicosis.

Treatment of poisoning with folk remedies

Some patients believe that first aid will solve the problem of poisoning. Certainly, acute symptoms will go away, but harmful substances are still in the body and negatively affect metabolic processes. To finally deal with the disease, you will need extra effort, and for this it is not at all necessary to take medications: traditional treatment food poisoning offers a lot of simple recipes.

However, the patient will have to think carefully and find out the cause of the disease, because in each case different remedies are used.

Fish poisoning

Doctors distinguish 2 types of fish poisoning: cholera-like and paralytic. If in the first case the symptoms are general character, then in the second there is an effect on the nervous system up to paralysis and convulsions.

This form of the disease should be dealt with in this way:

  1. Rinse the stomach and induce vomiting.
  2. Brew chamomile (1 tsp per 1 tbsp boiling water), cool and give an enema.
  3. Drink hot liquid in large quantities (tea, coffee, and even warmed wine is allowed).
  4. Dilute 1 tbsp. anise vodka in a glass of water and drink in one gulp.
  5. Warm your stomach first, and then your whole body (climb under a warm blanket with clothes on).

Poisoning with meat products

Unscrupulous sellers often wipe expired sausage with a special solution. But such a move does not add quality to the product! After a visual assessment, many buyers happily take the “updated” sausage, without even suspecting the danger.

And although others meat products(for example, lard) is difficult to bring to a marketable state in this way, however, numerous frosts and violations of storage conditions contribute to the development of pathogenic bacteria in the product.

Usually the smell warns of poor condition meat, lard and sausage, but special chemical sprayers deceive the buyer's receptors. Having tasted a couple of pieces of the missing food, after 1-2 hours a person begins to experience pain in the stomach, dizziness, nausea and vomiting.

Sometimes patients complain of difficulty breathing and cardiac dysfunction, but such symptoms are not observed often. Gastric lavage soda solution and artificially induced vomiting are the first measures, and additionally folk remedies in case of food poisoning, it is recommended to warm the abdomen and the whole body, use castor oil and herbal decoctions.


If the roots of this plant are used as an additive to coffee, then the aerial part is used for poisoning:

  1. Grind the flowers and chicory herb, but do not mix them right away;
  2. 4 tbsp. each part is poured into a thermos;
  3. Pour 1 liter of boiling water;
  4. Leave for 7-8 hours;
  5. Drink 2-3 sips every hour for 1 day.

Wormwood and yarrow

For any disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, healers recommend bitter wormwood collected in May. Although the taste of the broth may even seem disgusting to some, the result is worth the effort.

  1. Wormwood and yarrow are dried and crushed.
  2. 1 tsp. raw materials are poured into a 0.5 jar.
  3. Pour boiling water over and cover with a lid.
  4. Leave for 1 hour.
  5. Strain and drink 5 times during the day.

Mushroom poisoning

Every person has known about edible and inedible mushrooms since childhood, but people often make mistakes when collecting them! A similar mistake cost the lives of many mushroom pickers, and doctors call this type of poisoning the most dangerous. What should you do if symptoms of toxicosis suddenly appear after eating a treat?

  1. Be sure to induce vomiting.
  2. Take a laxative if you don't have diarrhea.

Make a chamomile enema:

  • 1 tbsp. herbs and flowers pour 1 tbsp. boiling water (cook according to the volume of the enema, but in a given proportion);
  • leave for 1 hour;
  • strain and fill the enema;
  • perform the procedure once, and if necessary, twice.
  • Rub the body and place a heating pad on the stomach.

Experts say the best way to prevent such poisoning is to use only familiar mushrooms. In addition, when boiling the product, it is worth adding an onion to the saucepan; if it turns black, it is recommended not to eat this portion.


Traditional healers recommend brewing regular dill as a means of rehabilitation after mushroom poisoning. Finding a plant on the market will not be difficult, and rural residents do not even have to go to the market.

The drug is prepared according to this recipe:

  1. Grind dry herbs and seeds into powder.
  2. 30 g of raw material is poured into 0.5 l cold water.
  3. Bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes.
  4. Leave for 1 hour.
  5. After straining, drink 100 g three times a day.

Alcohol poisoning

Those who drink alcohol know that exceeding the limit is fraught with nausea and vomiting. A person accustomed to frequent drinking of alcoholic beverages can more easily endure a long holiday, but stores sometimes sell “scorched” products, which may cause symptoms in the form of disruption of the nervous system, increased blood pressure and even alcoholic coma.

  1. Induce vomiting.
  2. Drink 2-3 cups of strong and hot tea with lemon.
  3. Dilute 15 drops of ammonia in 50 g of water and drink in one gulp.
  4. Take a cold shower.
  5. Use activated carbon (1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight).

IN clinical practice there are cases of poisoning and methyl alcohol, the long-term effect of which on the body in best case scenario will end in decreased or loss of vision, and in the worst case, death.

If a person accidentally mixes up the drinks (the smells are similar), then a glass of regular vodka will act as an antidote. But most the right option in such a situation it will become immediate appeal see a doctor, because you can’t joke with methanol.

Chemical poisoning

Providing first aid for chemical poisoning depends on the toxic substance that affected the person. Gardening poisons require urgent gastric lavage, but with gasoline everything is more complicated: vomiting will only cause additional burns of the esophagus, so experts recommend taking Vaseline or vegetable oil to neutralize the hydrocarbon mixture and go to the hospital.

The situation with poisoning by acids and alkalis is difficult. In most cases, gastric lavage will help, but if the toxic solution is very concentrated, then vomiting will only do harm. So what should we do?

There are no hopeless situations! Such liquids are simply chemical reagents, and their action will extinguish the starch, a raw egg and the same vegetable oil. However, this method can only achieve temporary improvement, so you should not hesitate to call an ambulance.

Diet for poisoning

A weakened body does not accept food well. Regular urge to vomit loose stool and abdominal pain require following a food poisoning diet.

In addition, the patient himself does not really want to eat everything in a row. this period due to an aversion to food, but there is no way to do without the supply of nutrients. How to create a diet?

Prohibited Products

First of all, it is worth excluding harmful and difficult to digest foods, because the gastrointestinal tract is already under the influence of toxic substances:

  • meat products;
  • fatty, fried and smoked;
  • spicy and salty;
  • various semi-finished products and products instant cooking;
  • canned food;
  • flour products and sweets;
  • alcohol (except alcohol tinctures prescribed by a doctor);
  • sparkling water;
  • ketchup and mayonnaise.

What can you eat if you are poisoned?

Giving up your favorite foods doesn't mean eliminating delicious treats entirely. Doctors not only allow, but also recommend drinking various compotes and teas, eating porridge cooked in water and low-fat broths.

In case of poisoning, the digestive system will need dishes that do not require a lot of energy to digest:

  • rice, buckwheat, semolina;
  • mashed potatoes;
  • chicken bouillon;
  • boiled water;
  • dried fruits compote;
  • black tea without sugar.


The components of lemon balm effectively destroy pathogenic microbes and activate the synthesis of protective cells of the human body.

The drug is prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. Take 40 g of dried herb.
  2. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water.
  3. Leave for 30 minutes.
  4. Drink in 1 day (4 times half a glass).


Increased release of gases (flatulence), pain syndrome and heartburn is relieved by peppermint tea, which is sold in almost every pharmacy. But the plant also has a diuretic effect, so during the period of taking the medicine, drink a lot of additional liquid, otherwise dehydration cannot be avoided.

  1. 1 tbsp. herbs pour 1 tbsp. boiling water
  2. Leave for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Drink 3 times a day instead of tea.


The rich composition of ginger root is successfully used in medicine for various purposes, but in the case of poisoning, the plant normalizes intestinal activity, increases appetite and improves digestion in general.

  1. Take 10 g of crushed root.
  2. Pour 1 tbsp. boiling water
  3. Leave for 30 minutes
  4. Drink 1 tbsp. each hour.


Toxicosis from poor-quality products incapacitates a person for 2-3 days, and in severe cases the patient will spend a week in the hospital. To avoid such unpleasant disorder, you should follow the rules for preventing food poisoning and intestinal infections. And, above all, doctors recommend washing your hands before eating and preparing dishes, and also keeping kitchen utensils clean.

According to the law of nature, toxic substances usually smell bad, so you should always sniff the products. Expired canned food or sour soup have a certain stench, which signals the growth of bacteria on the food substrate.

In addition, when buying packaged products in a store, you need to pay attention to the expiration date and storage conditions. If the jar or box is slightly damaged, then it is better to set it aside, because breaking the seal significantly increases the rate of food oxidation.

Some cooks prepare food a week in advance without even thinking about the danger of poisoning. Of course, storing in the refrigerator at a temperature of 3-5 ° C will prolong the shelf life of the food and save time, but doctors advise refraining from eating food that was three days old.

In addition, you should strictly follow the recipes, boil and fry meat and fish well, because with prolonged heat treatment bacteria don't survive. Laboratory research prove that the quality of the product is negatively affected by freezing, and although there is no way to do without it, repetition This procedure will only do harm.

Specialty: general practitioner

Food poisoning is an acute digestive disorder caused by consuming low-quality or toxic foods and drinks.

  • Foodborne illnesses(PTI). Caused by eating contaminated food pathogenic microorganisms. For example, stale food. Failure to comply with sanitary and hygienic standards can also provoke PTI.
  • Toxic (non-infectious) poisoning They occur when natural or chemical toxins enter the body with food. For example, poison from inedible mushrooms and plants, as well as chemicals.

The last type of poisoning is the most dangerous. You shouldn't fight them on your own. If you suspect a non-infectious nature of poisoning, you should consult a doctor immediately.

Also, regardless of the type of poisoning, qualified medical care is necessary for pregnant and lactating women, children and the elderly.

But usually people encounter toxic infections that can be treated at home. Next, we will talk about what steps to take to cope with PTI on your own.

Symptoms and pathogenesis

Flow food poisoning depends on age and general condition humans, as well as species of pathogenic bacteria. But the general picture is this:

  • obsessive nausea;
  • repeated vomiting;
  • weakness, malaise;
  • changed complexion;
  • diarrhea;
  • chills;
  • elevated body temperature.

PTI is characterized by a short incubation period. The first signs appear 2–6 hours after eating and progress quickly without treatment.


Step 1. Gastric lavage

When the first symptoms appear, the remaining toxic food must be removed from the body. To do this, wash the stomach. The actions are the same as when providing first aid.

  1. Prepare a weak solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) or baking soda (1 tablespoon of soda per 1.5–2 liters of water at room temperature).
  2. Drink some of the solution.
  3. Induce vomiting (press the root of the tongue with two fingers).
  4. Repeat the procedure several times until the vomit is clear.

Step 2. Taking sorbents

Sorbents are drugs that help remove toxins from the body. The most famous of them is activated carbon.

Activated carbon reduces the absorption of toxins and salts into the gastrointestinal tract heavy metals, alkaloids and other harmful substances, and also promotes their removal from the body.

Dosage for poisoning: one tablet for every 10 kg of body weight.

In other words, if you weigh 70 kg, then you will need at least seven tablets. IN severe cases the dosage should be increased.

In case of poisoning, it is better to take coal in the form of an aqueous suspension. To do this, crush the tablets and mix with 100 ml boiled water room temperature. This mixture tastes quite nasty, but it effectively fights poisoning.

You can also use instead of the usual white coal. It is believed that this is a selective, concentrated sorbent. It not only removes toxins, but also preserves nutrients. In this case, the dosage is halved: for an adult, 2–4 tablets, depending on the degree of poisoning.

Instead of coal, you can use other sorbents (according to the instructions). For example, “Smecta”, “Lactofiltrum”, “Enterosgel” and others.

Step 3: Drink plenty of fluids

Vomiting and diarrhea severely dehydrate the body - you need to replenish fluid losses and maintain water balance.

Drink at least 2–3 liters of boiled water per day.

You can also take special rehydration products: “Rehydron”, “Oralit” and others. These are powders and solutions containing mineral salts and glucose and prevent dehydration.

Other medicines

As for taking other medications for toxic infections, there are several general rules:

  • When active vomiting stops, you can use drugs that restore the intestinal microflora (Hilak Forte, Linex, Mezim and others).
  • If the temperature rises above 37.5 degrees, it must be brought down with antipyretics (paracetamol, ibuprofen and others).
  • Taking painkillers is not recommended: they can complicate diagnosis in case of complications.
  • Antimicrobial drugs (mostly antibiotics) are used in severe cases of toxic infection and are prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

Step 4. Routine and diet

With a food infection, the patient feels severe weakness. Should be adhered to bed rest and for the first day refuse to eat (if appetite is impaired and the body rejects food).

On the second or third day, you can indulge in jelly, crackers (without poppy seeds, raisins, vanilla or any other additives), as well as liquid mashed potatoes or rolled oats porridge, cooked in water.

As active treatment symptoms subside - improvement should occur within a few hours. The body finally returns to normal, usually within three days. But abdominal pain, weakness, and flatulence may persist for several more days.

If the main symptoms (diarrhea, vomiting, fever) do not decrease and do not go away more than six hours after starting treatment, consult a doctor.

Step 5. Prevention

No one is immune from foodborne infections. But everyone has the power to reduce their risk to a minimum.

  1. Wash your hands before eating.
  2. Keep the kitchen clean and follow cooking techniques.
  3. Be demanding about the quality of products when purchasing. For example, do not buy fish with an ammonia smell and a “rusty” coating. (All recommendations for choosing fish.)
  4. Do not eat at questionable gastronomic establishments, and do not drink tap water.

Follow these and other precautions and stay healthy!

Poisoning occurs when a poison enters the body, which can be any substance that has an harmful effects, and sometimes even leading to fatal outcome. It is important to remember that poison can enter in various ways: through the mouth, lungs, skin (more often in children), mucous membranes (eyes, nose, etc.), insect and snake bites. First aid and treatment of poisoning largely depend on how the poison entered the body, as well as on the condition of the patient.

First aid tasks for poisoning:

  • Stop or limit the flow of poison into the body.
  • Remove any poison that has already entered as soon as possible, if possible.
  • Provide the victim with a safe environment.
  • Bring the victim to his senses, if necessary, carry out artificial respiration And indirect massage hearts.
  • Take the victim to the hospital as soon as possible.

First aid can be provided as strangers, and to the victims themselves. It often turns out that timely first aid in the treatment of poisoning helps save lives. According to statistics, in the vast majority of cases household poisoning account for 97-98%, while production is only 2-3%.

Household poisonings are divided into alcohol intoxication, domestic accidents and suicidal poisonings undertaken intentionally. More than 500 toxic substances are described in the literature.

Main signs and symptoms of poisoning

  • nausea, vomiting
  • cold sweat
  • chills
  • convulsions
  • sudden lethargy
  • drowsiness
  • loose stools;
  • headache and dizziness.
  • oppression respiratory function and disturbances of consciousness (in severe cases)
  • drooling and/or lacrimation
  • burns around the lips, on the tongue or on the skin
  • strange behavior of the victim

What to do in case of poisoning, depending on the route of entry of the poison:

In case of poisoning alcohol, poor quality food, mushrooms, poisonous plants and their fruits, and other poisons, When poison enters the body through the mouth. If the victim is conscious, he is given a large amount of liquid to drink, then vomiting is induced by pressing on the root of the tongue (for persons over 6 years old) with fingers, the procedure is repeated until the rinses are clean.

After gastric lavage, crushed activated carbon (1 tablet per 10 kg of weight), smecta and other sorbents are used in the treatment of poisoning. Can be accepted white clay, saline laxative.

The victim is placed in a recovery position - on his side (so that he does not choke on vomit), and his legs are warmed with heating pads. Give plenty of fluids (tea and water are suitable for this).

An emergency medical team is called as soon as possible to hospitalize the victim, as his condition may worsen. It is advisable to save and give to the doctor the substance that poisoned the patient.

In case of poisoning with acids (vinegar) and alkalis, it is impossible to rinse the stomach.

In case of poisoning by gaseous chemicals ( carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, ammonia, bromine vapor, hydrogen fluoride, chlorine, sulfur dioxide, etc..),When the poison enters the body through the lungs when inhaled. According to the frequency of gas poisoning, poisoning carbon monoxide occurs more often than poisoning with other gaseous poisons. Carbon monoxide is formed when any type of fuel is burned: gas, oil, kerosene, wood or coal.

In case of poisoning carbon monoxide, the victim must first be taken to Fresh air, provide him with a comfortable horizontal position, free from restrictive clothing.

It is necessary to rub the victim’s body, then wrap him warmly, apply warming pads to his legs, let him smell the cotton wool with ammonia If the victim is conscious, he can rinse his throat and mouth with a soda solution. If there is no breathing or it is significantly weakened, artificial respiration should be started.

Regardless of the degree of poisoning, the victim is hospitalized in a hospital in case complications from the nervous and respiratory systems arise later;

In case of poisoning by toxic substances penetrating through skin covering (some poisonous plants, chemical solvents and insect repellents - FOS - organophosphorus compounds (karbofos, dichlorvos, etc.)), the poison penetrates the body through the skin and mucous surfaces.

When hit toxic substance on the skin, you need to remove this substance from the surface of the skin as quickly as possible with a cotton or gauze swab or rag, being careful not to smear it on the surface of the skin.

After this, the skin should be washed thoroughly warm water with soap or a weak solution of drinking (baking) soda, treat the affected area on the skin with a 5-10% solution of ammonia. If there is a wound, such as a burn, apply a clean or sterile wet bandage. Next, rinse the stomach twice with a 2% solution of baking soda (1 teaspoon of baking soda per 1 glass of water).

Then you should drink 0.5 cups of a 2% solution of baking soda with the addition of activated carbon or saline laxative. The victim is given strong tea to drink. Wait for the ambulance team to arrive.

If a toxic substance gets into your eyes, rinse them immediately with a stream of water with your eyelids open. Rinsing should be thorough for 20-30 minutes, since even a small amount of a toxic substance that gets into the eyes can cause deep damage. After rinsing the eyes, apply a dry bandage and immediately consult an eye doctor.

What NOT to do

  • do not induce vomiting if the person is unconscious
  • do not induce vomiting in pregnant women
  • do not induce vomiting in those with a weak heart or convulsions
  • do not induce vomiting in case of poisoning with petroleum products, acids, alkalis
  • do not give a laxative in case of poisoning with petroleum products, acids, alkalis
  • Don't give soda!
  • Do not give acid in case of alkali poisoning and vice versa!!!