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Useful properties of bird cherry decoction. Contraindications to the use of bird cherry fruits. Healing and beneficial properties of bird cherry

Useful properties and contraindications of bird cherry are the topic of our conversation today on the website. Let's discuss its application in folk medicine, the use of flowers, bark, leaves of bird cherry in the treatment of many diseases,

Let's tell you how to properly prepare medicinal raw materials for the best healing effect.

Bird cherry(see photo) is a plant of the Rosaceae family, a relative of the plum, which gives us an amazing aroma in the spring and the opportunity to heal with the gifts of nature.

You can’t stop admiring the lush clusters of flowers, and you can’t get enough of the unusual aroma, which is filled with phytoncides. Due to its unusually delicate tart taste, its fruits should be added when making baked goods and drinks.

Most often, low bird cherry trees or shrubs (depending on the variety) are found in forest-steppe zones.

It has several types: bird cherry, white, red, fragrant.

All components of this plant: young branches, fruits, flowers, roots are actively used in many areas. They can be a means of treating or preventing most diseases. Actively filming pain symptoms of various origins.

Beneficial properties of bird cherry for the body

The health benefits of bird cherry are great; it has been used in folk medicine for a long time and successfully.

  • A storehouse of vitamins, minerals, natural carbohydrates, flavonoids, malic, citric acid, carotene, calcium, copper, tannins.
  • It is used as a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory agent, for disinfection, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and quickly relieves discomfort. As a medicine it can be used for dysentery and enterocolitis.
  • Bird cherry enhances peristalsis, cleanses the intestines faster, simultaneously getting rid of pathogenic bacteria.

Due to its bactericidal properties, the places where it grows always have perfectly clean air.

  • Bird cherry juice improves metabolism and promotes rapid healing of wounds.
  • Bird cherry color helps with colds and copes well with strong symptoms. An irreplaceable thing for...
  • Helps lower temperature and helps get rid of fever.
  • Excellent (because it contains quite a lot of vitamin C). And if you combine bird cherry leaves with raspberry and currant leaves, and with the addition of aromatic honey, the effect is expected to be simply wonderful.
  • Reduce inflammation and sore throat, ideal bactericidal agent for the oral cavity, ideal prevention of caries.
  • Excellent decoctions and infusions for facial skin care are made from the plant, which, when applied systematically, will perfectly rejuvenate the skin and slow down its aging.

Bay 1.5 tbsp. spoons of dried flowers 200 ml of boiling water, by thoroughly infusing them and straining you can get an excellent product for washing and cleansing the skin.

In order to tone and refresh the skin, you can use a mixture of bird cherry berries (in equal proportions) with the addition of a spoonful of honey.

The juice of tart bird cherry fruits will help get rid of acne, in addition to the bactericidal effect on inflamed skin, it will have an effect on reducing sebum production and reducing pores. Keep it on your face until it dries, then put a napkin moistened with a decoction of the plant’s flowers, this will complete the cleansing, tightening and rejuvenating effect.

  • According to traditional medicine, bird cherry is an excellent contraceptive. Those who do not yet plan to have children should eat these berries every day.
  • A decoction of the root can relieve minor pain in any part of the body. They are also used to disinfect wounds.
  • Due to its antimicrobial properties, it can fight fungal diseases or be an additional therapy for drug treatment.
  • Bird cherry decoctions serve as an excellent prevention of diabetes. They are calorie-free, so you don't have to worry about extra pounds.
  • Traditional medicine recommends using the infusion in the treatment of cancer of internal organs. This product is believed to be able to stop or slow the growth of tumors.
  • Decoctions from young bird cherry branches are used for severe dermatological diseases.
  • A decoction of the bark is recommended for use in severe stress, constant insomnia.
  • A bouquet of bird cherry in the house can repel insects: flies, mosquitoes. But you should be careful, since flowering can cause allergies, and the strong floral smell can make you dizzy.
  • The medicinal properties of bird cherry flowers can be used to make bird cherry water. This good remedy used in lotions for treatment eye pathologies inflammatory in nature.
  • Vitamin PP, which the plant is rich in, helps cleanse the blood and improves its performance. Rutin strengthens the walls of capillaries.
  • Helps remove toxins from the body.
  • Has a diuretic and diaphoretic effect, removes salts heavy metals, alleviating the conditions of gout and arthritis patients.
  • It has antispasmodic and analgesic effects.
  • A decoction of flowers and berries is extremely useful for inflammatory diseases kidneys and Bladder, often used in the treatment of cystitis, flushes the kidneys, removes sand.

Bird cherry contraindications, harm

  • Bird cherry in any form is contraindicated for pregnant women (use in large quantities bird cherry berries can pose a threat to fetal development, especially in the first trimester), nursing mothers and those planning a pregnancy (the product can cause miscarriage).
  • Consuming large quantities may lead to poisoning. It is not advisable to bite into bird cherry seeds, since they contain poisonous substance- hydrocyanic acid. Whatever the purpose of using the bird cherry fruits, the seeds must be removed.
  • If you are allergic to pollen, you should not go close to the tree strewn with white flowers. Signs allergic reaction similar to colds. To remove them, you need to take antihistamines.
  • Can be used by children only from two years of age.

How to properly harvest bird cherry

For the treatment and prevention of diseases in folk medicine they use Bird cherry berries, root, leaves, flowers, all parts are good for health.

Flowers bird cherry collected in dry weather at the height of flowering of the plant. Lay them out on natural fabric and cover with gauze (covering is not necessary, but this can get rid of possible bugs and insects).

In order to prepare bird cherry berries They choose only ripe fruits that are already quite juicy, but no longer tart.

Dry in the oven. Heat it to 40°, place the berries on the deco and gradually increase the temperature to 65°. The dried berries are allowed to cool and covered in glass jars, where they can be stored without losing their properties for 1.5–2 years.

Such berries are perfect for both treatment and cooking. Delicious syrups, compotes, jelly, and delicious aromatic drinks are prepared from them. They can be a great addition to pies, cakes and other bakery products, giving not only excellent taste, but also a pleasant aroma.

Bird cherry leaves It is advisable to prepare young ones. Dry them, like flowers, and store them in bags made of natural fabric for about a year.

Bird cherry bark extracted in the spring and dried. In this case, its shelf life should not exceed 5 years.

To dry bird cherry, you can use special dryers. It is important to control the process to prevent overdrying.

Recipes for using bird cherry in folk medicine for treatment

  • Cooking correctly leaf decoction: Place 25 grams of dried leaves in 250 ml of boiling water. Boil for a couple of minutes and let cool.
  • Cooking bark decoction: Boil crushed 15 grams of bark in 250 ml of water for 10 minutes. Let it sit for 2.5 hours.
  • Cooking decoction of bird cherry fruits: Infuse 25 grams of dried fruits in 250 ml of boiling water.
  • Cooking infusion of flowers: Add 15 grams of dried flowers to 200 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for 15 minutes. The infusion is ready for use. Methods and duration of use of ready-made infusions and decoctions depend on the disease or necessary prevention. Most suitable for osteochondrosis.

Infusion of bird cherry berries successfully used for rinsing sore throat, infections oral cavity, douching at gynecological diseases, used to wash the eyes from pus in conjunctivitis.

Alcohol tincture of bark wood will help with exacerbation of pain syndrome, it is used as a rubbing.

Bird cherry blossom can be stored for future use throughout the year and brewed as tea and drunk for colds, ARVI, and bronchitis.

Women are happy to add their partners' berries to compotes.

When choosing medicinal raw materials, you should remember that it should be without dents or minor stains.

Much information about the benefits of this or that plant has not been researched - these are only observations of our ancestors. Bird cherry is an exception, since the presence of all vitamins, minerals, and beneficial properties has been clinically proven.

Despite all beneficial features bird cherry, there are a small number of contraindications before starting treatment for serious diseases, you should consult a doctor for advice.

Bird cherry is beautiful plant, which is associated with the Russian people. He is appreciated for decorative types, especially during the flowering period, are planted in gardens to be enriched with vitamins and mineral composition not only in summer, but also in winter, they are collected to give culinary dishes refined taste. But bird cherry is valued in Rus' due to its wide range actions in medicine, thanks to its rich composition, folk healers cured people from various ailments.

Description of the plant

Bird cherry is a deciduous shrub that is very similar to a tree, as it reaches a height of up to 10 meters. There are several types:

  • ordinary;
  • late;
  • maaka;
  • Pennsylvanian;
  • Virginia;
  • antipka.

By ear, everyone knows only the ordinary species and the late bird cherry. In fact, on the territory of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova, and also in Asia, each of the listed types of bird cherry can be found. They differ from each other only in the shape and color of the inflorescences, as well as the size of the fruits.

There is some conflicting evidence about what genus this plant belongs to. Some sources claim that bird cherry belongs to the plum genus, others say that it is a variety of cherry and at the same time a member of the Rosaceae shrub family.

One way or another, this shrub prefers mineral-rich, moist soil, next to which groundwater lies, which is why it can often be found near rivers. The trunks of the plant are thin, covered with matte grayish bark. The leaves are elliptical in shape, pointed at the end, with short petioles, and bright green.

The flowers are small, collected in oblong racemes. Most often you can find white inflorescences, but there are also pink ones. The smell of bird cherry during flowering is strong and fragrant. The tree blooms in late May and early June.

Bird cherry fruits are round in shape and black in color. In the middle there is a large, round bone. The berry tastes sweet and slightly astringent. The pulp is deep purple.

The fruits ripen in late July or early August. Not only berries, but also bird cherry bark, leaves and roots are used as raw materials in various industries.

Beneficial properties of fruits

Bird cherry berries are very small in size, but they are called a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. They include the following components:

  • tannins up to 15%;
  • hydrocyanic acid up to 0.1%;
  • organic acids: citric and malic;
  • vitamins: rutin, ascorbic acid;
  • Sahara;
  • anthocyanins;
  • essential oil;
  • flavonoids;
  • fixed oils;
  • benzoaldehyde;
  • phytoncides;
  • glycosides – prunasin, amygdalin, prulaurazine.

Beneficial features:

  • the bactericidal effect is characterized by the presence in the fruits of a large amount of citric and malic acid, as well as phytoncides;
  • fungicidal and insecticidal properties are formed due to ascorbic acid;
  • the astringent effect is provided by tannins;
  • the anti-inflammatory effect occurs due to anthocyanins, organic acids and essential oils;
  • diaphoretic and diuretic effects are provided by flavonoids and glycosides;
  • general strengthening property forms a combination vitamin composition and phytoncides;
  • disinfecting effect due to hydrocyanic acid;
  • the regenerative effect is due to the presence of rutin, fatty and essential oils in the fruits;
  • Anthocyanins and benzoaldehyde have an analgesic effect;
  • Vitamins, phytoncides and minerals provide immunostimulating properties.

Due to such a large number of different substances, bird cherry is used to treat the following diseases:

  • disorders gastrointestinal tractnon-infectious nature diarrhea, impaired gastrointestinal motility, increased or decreased secretory activity of the stomach, inflammatory diseases;
  • skin diseases: furunculosis, dermatitis, psoriasis;
  • ophthalmological diseases: purulent-inflammatory processes of the eyelids, burns;
  • in gynecology it is used as a contraceptive;
  • joint diseases: rheumatism, gout, radiculitis;
  • diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract: rhinitis, tuberculosis, bronchitis;
  • inflammatory processes in the oral cavity: stomatitis, toothache.

In addition, bird cherry has a very powerful phytoncidal effect; its particles spreading through the air can improve the health of the atmosphere, as well as destroy small insects - midges, flies, mosquitoes.


This plant, rich in beneficial properties, was used in folk medicine many centuries ago, unaware that in addition to its benefits, bird cherry can also cause harm. As mentioned above, it contains hydrocyanic acid - this substance in large quantities and concentrations is a deadly poison. Therefore, it is forbidden to eat bird cherry berries in large quantities, especially without seeds, since they contain the most poison.

An important contraindication is increased sensitivity body to the components of bird cherry.

High concentration phytoncides, especially in flowering tree worsens general health especially older people. As a result, it is not recommended to enjoy blooming, fragrant bird cherry for a long time if you suffer from migraines, increased sensitivity to odors, or if you have anemia.

Pregnancy and lactation are relative contraindications, since moderate consumption Bird cherry fruits will not harm the expectant and nursing mother, as well as her baby.

To people who suffer diabetes mellitus the use of this berry is also contraindicated due to great content sugars in fruits. If you are on a diet, then you should not include bird cherry in your diet, as it is a high-calorie product.

Features of application

Since ancient times, healers have used folk medicine, found individual approach to each patient from the old man to the baby. They also studied each plant in such detail that the specifics of using each part of the medicinal raw material were found. Today, almost all of this long-standing knowledge has been improved, and the dosage is calculated for each child and adult depending on age and characteristics of the disease. There are some special features for consuming bird cherry fruits.

For adults

The most safe use bird cherry is practiced by healthy adults who eat berries with preventive purpose. To a healthy person You can eat 250–300 grams of ripe fruits per day, thus the body will be enriched with the necessary components, and the product will not cause harm to health.

People who suffer from any pathology usually use pharmacy or homemade raw materials from bird cherry parts. If you purchased the bird cherry preparation at the pharmacy, be sure to follow the instructions. Many medicinal drinks are made from it in the form of tincture, decoction, compote, tea, infusion, and fruit drink. To do this, use edible ripe berries, either fresh or dried, leaves and bark.


  • From diarrhea. Take 1 tablespoon of dry fruits and pour 1 glass of boiling water. Let the medicine brew for 30 minutes, and then drink 50 ml 4-6 times during the day.
  • Headache remedy. You need to pour 3 tablespoons of bark into 0.5 liters of boiling water, then place the container on low heat and cook until it boils. Cool the broth and strain. You need to take 3 times a day before meals, 3 sips.
  • To enhance immunity. 300 grams of bird cherry berries pour 0.5 liters of vodka. Place in a dark place and let the medicine steep for about 20 days. Then strain the drink and use 1 tablespoon after meals during viral epidemics.

For children

The use of bird cherry for children is somewhat limited. For example, children under 3 years of age are strictly prohibited from using this delicacy. Older adults can take 150–200 mg per day. Delicious compotes, decoctions, and juices are made to prevent and treat childhood diseases.

Bird cherry is mainly used for medicinal purposes against diarrhea; children drink the tasty drink with pleasure, after which they soon get rid of the unpleasant illness.


  • Compote for the prevention of colds. For 1 liter of water you will need 0.5 kg of bird cherry fruits and 300 grams of granulated sugar or honey. Mix all the ingredients, put on low heat, and cook the compote for 45 minutes. Cool the drink, after which you can give your child 1 glass 2 times a day, preferably during or after meals.
  • Bird cherry juice. For the juice you will need 5 kg of frozen bird cherry, which you will need to pour boiled water and put on low heat. You need to cook until it boils so that the berries release as much liquid as possible. The drink turns out to be very concentrated, so it is best for children to add 1 tablespoon per mineral water or tea.

You can use another method, but it will take more of your time. You need to remove the seeds from the berries, then pass the pulp through a juicer, dilute it a little with water and bring the drink to a boil. When the drink is ready, you can consume it following the above instructions for use.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Some sources say about strictly prohibited taking bird cherry during pregnancy. But there is evidence that pregnancy and breastfeeding are relative contraindication. In these conditions, it is best to consult a gynecologist and pediatrician.

In any case, bird cherry intake should be in small dosages. It is best to consume fresh berries or compote in small quantities. When breastfeeding, you need to introduce bird cherry into your diet gradually at the 3rd month, it is at that time that the baby most needs the auxiliary components that he receives with milk for better growth.

It is important to remember that before using bird cherry fruits, you must follow the following rules:

  • Use only ripe berries fresh;
  • It is strictly forbidden to eat the whole fruit; the seed must be thrown away;
  • don't abuse big amount berries;
  • for prevention and treatment with bird cherry, consult a doctor so that he can select an individual dosage for you;
  • if you plan to prepare raw materials for the winter yourself, use only whole and fresh fruits, leaves, bark, follow proven canning or drying technologies, store in a dark, dry place;
  • When using raw materials for medicinal purposes, follow the required concentration of the medicine and proportions for home production.

For more information on the benefits of bird cherry berries, watch the following video.

In vegetable gardens, summer cottages and in the courtyards of private houses, a small bird cherry tree or bush is often found. It is planted mainly as an ornamental plant, and the ripe berries are simply thrown away because of their astringency. And only a small number of people know that bird cherry is an extraordinary useful plant, and they use not only berries, but also twigs, leaves, and even bark.

Active substances and beneficial properties of bird cherry

Bird cherry is rich in vitamins A, C, group B. But its value lies in the content of valuable vitamins P and PP (niacin, a nicotinic acid).

Vitamin P is a bioflavonoid that works the same way as vitamin C. These substances enhance each other's effects. The main function of vitamin P is to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and capillaries by reducing their permeability. This prevents hemorrhages of any origin. This vitamin is also one of the few adrenal stimulants.

Niacin is an essential active ingredient in physical activity. It converts fats and carbohydrates into useful energy. It also promotes cellular respiration and normalizes the functioning of the pancreas and stomach. Niacin has been proven to be an anti-cancer substance because it does not cause normal cells transform into cancer.

The beneficial properties of bird cherry are enhanced by these microelements:



Cobalt is one of the key substances in hematopoietic processes and metabolism. It is part of vitamin B12, without which the breakdown of fats, proteins and carbohydrates is impossible. In its function of hematopoiesis, it converts iron accumulated in the body into hemoglobin of red blood cells, and also participates in DNA synthesis.

The presence of copper makes bird cherry very beneficial for blood health. It ensures normal iron metabolism and ATP function. Copper is necessary for the passage of nerve impulses along nervous system, and also for respiratory organs. Elastin and collagen are not formed in connective tissues without sufficient concentration of copper in the blood.

The biologically active substances of bird cherry also include pectins, flavonoids, antioxidants, organic acids, and natural sugars.

Phytoncides, present in large quantities in bird cherry, effectively fight pathogenic flora. Therefore, this plant is considered antiseptic. This is confirmed by the fact that bird cherry phytoncides disinfect the air around the plant, making it practically sterile.

Useful properties of bird cherry for various diseases

The benefits of bird cherry human body hard to overestimate. Possessing general strengthening and vitamin properties, it is often used as a remedy for scurvy. Also, compote of bird cherry berries is indicated for people exhausted by heavy physical labor.

IN complex therapy For atherosclerotic diseases, infusions, decoctions and bird cherry flour are used. This is explained by active substances plants cleanse large and small blood vessels from bad cholesterol. Also, when taking these medications, muscles are strengthened, including the heart. Bird cherry prevents heart attacks and improves a person’s condition with severe dystrophy of the heart muscle.

The astringency of bird cherry berries is explained by the presence of astringents in them, which are very beneficial for the digestive system. With their help, foci of inflammation in the stomach and intestines are eliminated. Bird cherry also has a mild choleretic effect. This helps to cope with bile stagnation in gallbladder And bile ducts.

Bird cherry components simulate the functioning of the pancreas. By participating in the synthesis of digestive enzymes, they increase the amount of pancreatic secretory fluid and activate the entire process of food digestion.

Compote with bird cherry or its decoction effectively eliminates diarrhea. But a large number of pectins allow you to gently remove all excess from the intestines without causing constipation and cramps.

Due to its diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties, medicines based on bird cherry are used to treat diseases urinary system. For cystitis, take decoctions of berries and flowers, both internally and as lotions to eliminate discomfort. For pyelonephritis, bird cherry infusions are very effective, since, by expelling sand from the kidneys, they heal damaged membranes of the urinary canals and prevent the development of pathogenic microflora.

For colds and infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract, alcohol and water infusions of berries and bird cherry flowers are used. They gargle with it, put it in the nose and take it orally. Possessing bactericidal properties, medicinal products from bird cherry cleanse pathogenic flora and restore the functions of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

Warm lotions made from water infusions of bird cherry flowers are used for many eye diseases, as well as to relieve fatigue. For conjunctivitis, this infusion is instilled into the eyes, 1-2 drops for 7-10 days.

Bird cherry: beneficial properties in cosmetology

Bird cherry is a plant that can rejuvenate a person both inside and out.

Thanks to the substances in bird cherry that stimulate collagen production, masks with plant juice smooth out wrinkles and tighten sagging skin.

The combination of tightening agents and vitamin C in bird cherry will help tighten and deeply cleanse pores.

To eliminate acne or furunculosis, damaged areas of the skin are smeared with the juice of bird cherry fruits, allowed to dry, and then a warm compress with a decoction of flowers is applied. Such manipulations literally heal the skin, improve its natural cleansing of sebum and remove red inflammation.

To remove makeup, lotions based on the juice and infusion of bird cherry bark are used. Thanks to organic acids, they cleanse the skin well and prevent irritation from cosmetics.

Acid peelings of the face are also carried out using the juice of the plant’s fruits. The juice is applied to the face in several layers. Acids, exfoliating dead cells, cleanse the skin while nourishing it with vitamins and minerals. Soft scrubs are made from ground bird cherry bark for daily use.

Bird cherry: contraindications

It is strictly contraindicated to use bird cherry fruits with seeds. They contain a high concentration of hydrocyanic acid, which causes severe poisoning. Hydrocyanic acid also accumulates in fruit infusions, so they cannot be stored for a long time.

Under no circumstances should pregnant women consume any products or medications containing bird cherry. This can cause miscarriage because the plant contains active substances that induce menstruation. Bird cherry is also contraindicated during breastfeeding.

The large amount of sugars in the plant makes it impossible to use for diabetes (especially type 2).

Any contact with bird cherry is dangerous for people suffering from allergies. Potent substances in flower pollen can cause swelling of the respiratory tract. Therefore, allergies are also a complete contraindication to eating bird cherry.

Any plant can be beneficial or harmful if consumed in excess, so the key to successful treatment with bird cherry is compliance with the correct dosage and regularity of taking the medicine.

Useful properties of bird cherry, like medicinal plant And delicious berries, have been known since ancient times. Its small seeds were discovered by archaeological scientists at the sites of ancient people, which gave impetus to a full-fledged study of its properties and composition. Today, this plant is highly valued in folk medicine: in medicinal purposes They use not only berries, but the bark, leaves and flowers of bird cherry.

Composition of bird cherry

Chemical composition bird cherry inspires respect. All parts of the plant contain various beneficial substances:

  • In fruits: polysaccharides, essential oils, tannins, apple and citric acid, flavonoids, anthocyanins, rutin, vitamin C, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, manganese, copper, cobalt and other micro- and macroelements.
  • In the kernels of the seeds: fatty oils and glycosides (amygdalin, prulaurasin, prunasin). In addition to them, hydrocyanic acid was found in the kernels of the seeds. high degree concentration, so it is not recommended to bite them.
  • In fruits, flowers, bark, buds and leaves of bird cherry: benzoaldehyde, which promotes the formation of phytoncides.
  • The fruits, bark and leaves also contain a lot of tannins and hydrocyanic acid.

Amazing fact: with all the volume useful substances As part of bird cherry, the fresh fruits of the plant are practically calorie-free. In the same time dried berries have a calorie content of up to 100 kcal per 100 g. As for nutritional value bird cherry, then it contains no fats, and the content of carbohydrates and proteins is quite high: 16.8 g of carbohydrates and 8.4 g of proteins per 100 g fresh berries.

Beneficial features

Rich in pectin, tannins and phytoncides, bird cherry retains its beneficial properties in any form: fresh or processed during cooking. Thereby, Bird cherry has the following beneficial properties:

  • Digestive: normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthens the walls of the stomach, promotes the absorption of food and the destruction of harmful bacteria.
  • Germicidal: fights germs in the body as well as in environment. Bird cherry extract is an excellent remedy for treating premises against flies and mosquitoes.
  • Strengthening: thanks to potassium and vitamin P, it strengthens the walls of capillaries, stimulates the immune system and is an anticarcinogen.
  • Purifying: cleanses the blood and prevents absorption into it bad cholesterol, removes toxins and waste.
  • Diuretic: cleanses the kidneys and heals the organs of the urinary system.
  • Anti-inflammatory: disinfects and regenerates internal organs and external fabrics.
  • Diaphoretic: removes from the body excess water.
  • Contraceptive and hormone stabilizing: this issue is still being researched, but it has already been proven that bird cherry has a similar effect on work reproductive organs. You should not completely rely on the action of bird cherry in this matter.

The use of bird cherry in folk medicine

The range of uses of bird cherry is huge, both in folk and traditional medicine. It is used in all types for many purposes:

  • The bark, which has a tonic and sedative property, is used in the form of a decoction for heart disease, headaches, and illnesses. digestive tract, pancreas, gall bladder and dysentery.
  • The bark is also used against fever, acute respiratory infections and infectious diseases. respiratory system thanks to diaphoretic and antipyretic properties.
  • Sore throat, bronchitis, laryngitis, ARVI can be cured by using a tincture of the bark and fruits of the plant.
  • Bird cherry bark is also effective against venereal diseases And hormonal imbalances among women.
  • Externally, decoctions from the bark are used for rheumatism, arthritis, gout, arthrosis, and radiculitis.
  • Bird cherry decoctions are used to rinse teeth to relieve pain from caries and stomatitis, and also to wash eyes for conjunctivitis.
  • Ancient recipes infusions have long been helpful in the fight against cancer, kidney disease and nephritis. The antipyretic and tonic properties of bird cherry lower blood pressure in hypertension.

Bark recipes

An infusion of bird cherry bark is especially effective against many diseases of internal organs (heart failure, hypertension, digestive problems), as well as viral diseases respiratory system.

The most famous recipe for infusion of bird cherry bark is:

  • 2 tablespoons of pre-chopped shoots, flowers and dry bark are poured into three glasses of boiling water in an enamel bowl.
  • The container with the infusion is wrapped in a warm towel and left for 6-8 hours.
  • The dark liquid is filtered, the used raw materials are thrown away.
  • The tincture is drunk, heated like tea, 3 times a day before meals, half a glass.

Tincture of bird cherry bark has a general strengthening, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial property, lowers fever, tones the body and gives vigor.

A simple remedy helps against radiculitis, rheumatoid pain and osteochondrosis. decoction of bird cherry bark:

  • 100 g of raw material is boiled for 10 minutes in 200 ml of boiling water.
  • The broth is infused for 2 hours.
  • Take 1 teaspoon 2-4 times during the day before meals.

Against more severe pain A tincture of 50 g of bark powder mixed with a glass of vodka helps. This remedy must be infused for at least two weeks, but rubbing the tincture into the painful area twice a day effectively relieves painful sensations.

Leaf Recipes

Bird cherry leaves and flowers also have many beneficial properties: the leaves strengthen and vitaminize the body, and the flowers relieve inflammation and help heal wounds. Infusions of the leaves are taken as a mucolytic for colds, used as a rinse for teeth, gums and throat, and also to wash wounds and boils.

Tinctures of bird cherry flowers are used to wash eyes and wounds, and are also used orally for pulmonary tuberculosis.

The recipe for decoction of the leaves is quite simple:

  • Pour 20 grams of fresh or dried raw materials into 200 ml of water and boil for five minutes.
  • Let the broth brew for another 5 minutes and strain.
  • Drink a quarter glass 3-4 times a day.
  • Prepare the next day fresh remedy of necessity.

Flower infusion recipe a little more complex, but effective against severe diseases:

  • Pour 10 grams of dried flowers into 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes in a warm place.
  • Carefully strain the infusion so that no small petals remain in it.
  • Rinse eyes and wounds with inflammation with warm tincture.
  • Take internally with honey or lemon for a disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effect on internal organs, instead of tea.

Flowers and leaves should be dried in the shade, avoiding contact with sun rays, and store in paper bags or cardboard boxes.

Recipes from fruits and berries

From the tasty astringent-bitter fruits of bird cherry, reminiscent of small bitter cherries, they are made healing infusions, teas and tinctures. These fruits have a pronounced astringent property and help with indigestion, diarrhea and indigestion of food.

A decoction of bird cherry berries that improves digestion It is prepared like this: 15g of dry or fresh raw material is poured with a cup of boiling water and left to infuse for 15-20 minutes in a warm place. Take 2 tablespoons before each meal.

Gastric astringent tea No. 29, which is sold in pharmacies, also contains bird cherry berries. This tea is easy to prepare at home. You need to take bird cherry berries and blueberries in a ratio of 3:2, pour boiling water (a glass for every tablespoon) and boil for 20 minutes. The cooled and strained broth is taken 2 tablespoons before meals.

A decoction for inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa, dysentery, colitis, enteritis, enterocolitis, gastroenteritis and gastroenterocolitis is prepared as follows: 10g dried fruits Cook for 10-15 minutes in a water bath. Next, the broth is filtered through 2-3 layers of gauze, cooled and taken orally every day, half a glass half an hour before each meal.

Diaphoretic and diuretic infusion prepared from a teaspoon of berries and a teaspoon of flowers. The raw material is poured with 300 ml of boiling water and infused for 3 hours. This infusion is consumed warm three times a day before or after meals for half an hour.

Decoctions are stored in a dark and cool place for no more than 3 days; in summer it is recommended to consume the entire volume during the day and not leave it for the next day. An important point When cooking a decoction, the integrity of the seeds is important: they should not be crushed to prevent hydrocyanic acid from entering the liquid.

The use of bird cherry in cosmetology

Thanks to the beneficial properties of bird cherry described above, its components have found application in cosmetology. In particular, extracts from berries, barks and flowers are used for the following purposes:

  • softening, cleansing and nourishing facial skin;
  • getting rid of early and facial wrinkles;
  • rejuvenation and tone of the skin;
  • healing of skin inflamed from sunburn;
  • softening inflammation of the eyelids and bags under the eyes;
  • fight against skin diseases, acne and;

To get rid for acne, cosmetologists recommend wiping problem areas of the skin with the juice of fresh berries. A decoction of the bark, taken orally 60-70 ml half an hour before meals, will help in the fight against dermatitis.

For sunburn The recipe is as follows: pour a tablespoon of bird cherry flowers into 100 ml of vodka, leave for 4 hours, then wipe the skin with the infusion. Repeat as necessary.

Dry facial skin And early wrinkles They are treated by rubbing an infusion of flowers soaked in boiling water for half an hour.

The bark, fruits and leaves of bird cherry contain quite a lot of useful substances, which makes bird cherry in demand. However, many experts recommend being extremely careful and following the dosage exactly so as not to make the medicine poisonous.


The only contraindication in the use of bird cherry is due to the content of hydrocyanic acid in the seeds (seeds) and leaves of the plant. Hydrocyanic acid, which gives the plant a slight bitterness, does not harm humans when consumed in minimal quantities. Moreover, microdoses of hydrocyanic acid are even beneficial for digestion and respiratory function.

However, the line between a permitted and a risky dose of hydrocyanic acid is very blurred; its excess can lead to breathing problems or even death. It is strictly forbidden to bite into the bones and cook them crushed, as the consequences can be disastrous.

Possessing, in addition, contraceptive properties, bird cherry is strictly prohibited for pregnant women in order to avoid fetal development disorders and spontaneous abortion. Some doctors do not recommend that pregnant women even approach trees and inhale the smell of bird cherry.

Breastfeeding mothers and young children should absolutely not consume bird cherry.

The use of bird cherry during pregnancy and breastfeeding, however, is the only prohibition. Bird cherry practically does not harm the body, excluding the danger of exceeding the dose of hydrocyanic acid.

Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

Department of TOVFP

at the TOFT rate

"Bird cherry fruits"

Completed by Student gr. 4-F-75

Nosnikov M.

Checked by Polyakov E.V.

Dnepropetrovsk 2009

1. general information about the plant

2. Collection of raw materials, medicinal effect

3. Chemical composition

4. Selection of solvents


The bird cherry tree is pouring snow,

Greenery in bloom and dew.

In the field, leaning towards escape,

Rooks walk in the strip.

Silk herbs will disappear,

Smells like resinous pine.

Oh, meadows and oak groves, -

I'm besotted with spring.

Rainbow secret news

Shine into my soul.

I'm thinking about the bride

I only sing about her.

Rash you, bird cherry, with snow,

Sing, you birds, in the forest.

Unsteady run across the field

I will spread the color with foam.

Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin 1910.

Bird cherry (lat. Prúnus pádus) is a species of trees (occasionally shrubs) from the genus Plum of the Rosaceae family.

Grows in forests and bushes throughout the Northern Hemisphere.

In nature, bird cherry is a tall species (up to 18 m); modern varieties of this plant are represented by trees of medium height. Most varieties and forms are self-sterile, so to get good harvests it is recommended to plant at least two varieties that bloom at the same time. Bird cherry is undemanding to the quality and fertility of the soil, it easily tolerates both temporary flooding and drought - usually only young plants are watered in the first year after planting, and then they are watered only in very dry summers.

The flowers are white (less often pinkish), collected in long drooping racemes, with strong odor; honey plant There are 5 sepals and petals, many stamens, and one pistil. Blooms in late April - early May. Bird cherry flowers, as well as leaves and even bark, emit a large amount of phytoncides that disinfect the air.

Bird cherry is grown in gardens and parks as an ornamental plant; it is especially elegant modern forms with pink or double flowers, purple or variegated leaves.

The bark is dark gray matte, cracking, on which large rusty-brown or white lentils are clearly visible. The inner layer of the bark is yellow, with a characteristic almond odor. Young branches are light olive, short-haired, later cherry-red, glabrous. The bark is yellow on the inside, with a sharp, characteristic odor. Bird cherry leaves are alternate, short-petiolate, oblong-elliptic, narrowed at both ends, serrated-toothed along the edge. White, strong-smelling flowers are collected in multi-flowered drooping racemes. The fruit is a black, glossy, spherical, tart-tasting, strongly astringent drupe with one seed, ripening in July-August. The stone is round-ovate, sinuously notched.

It blooms profusely every year, but does not bear fruit every year, since its flowers are damaged by late spring frosts, and the trees themselves are attacked by numerous pests, especially near cities and large towns. Bird cherry fruits were used by Stone Age man, as evidenced by the results of archaeological excavations. Using them for food, people could not help but note their specific astringent action Therefore, bird cherry fruits can be considered one of the oldest medicines.

Collection and drying of raw materials

The medicinal raw materials are the fruits of bird cherry (Fructus Padi). They should be collected in dry weather. The best time to collect is morning (after the dew has gone) and the end of the day. When collecting bird cherry fruits, you should not cut its axial shoots, and during flowering, you should not break its branches. They are placed in baskets and no later than 3-4 hours after collection, delivered to the drying site. It is better to dry bird cherry fruits in dryers, making sure that the temperature of the raw materials does not exceed 40-50 ° C. Drying in ovens is allowed. In good weather, the fruits can be dried in the sun, scattering them in a layer of about 1-2 cm on nets or on a bed of fabric and paper, stirring occasionally. After drying, remove the brushes, stems and burnt fruits. The shelf life of raw materials is 3-5 years. The raw material has a faint odor and a sour-sweet taste. Whitish-gray or reddish deposits of crystallized sugar are visible in the folds of dry fruits.

Flowers are harvested during the flowering period. Shelf life of raw materials is 1 year.

Pharmacological properties

A decoction of bird cherry fruits, due to the presence of tannins and organic acids in them, has a pronounced astringent and anti-inflammatory effect. Anthocyanins with P-vitamin activity have a capillary-strengthening effect. The combination of tannins and anthocyanins provides a sustainable anti-inflammatory effect.

Application in medicine

Leaves, fruits. Juice - for treating infected wounds.

Leaves, fruits, flowers. Juice (in the form of douching) - for trichomonas colpitis; in the form of poultices - for cleansing and healing wounds and bedsores.

Flowers. Decoction - for gangrene of the extremities, pulmonary tuberculosis. Infusion, decoction - contraceptive. Infusion - for washing wounds, ulcers, eyes.

Flowers, fruits. The juice is an antiemetic for children.

Fruit. Auxiliary for infectious colitis and diarrhea; diaphoretic, diuretic, antiscorbutic, antituberculosis. Infusion - lotions for blepharoconjunctivitis. Included in stomach tea. The juice is prescribed as a diaphoretic, antiscorbutic, diuretic, and antituberculosis agent. When mixed with blueberry juice, it is indicated for gastrointestinal diseases accompanied by diarrhea. In addition, the juice is used for fever, metabolic disorders, gangrene, and pulmonary tuberculosis.

Seeds. Fatty oil locally - for deep forms of trichophytosis and microsporia in adults and children.

Culinary recipes with bird cherry

Dried bird cherry. Select ripe bird cherry fruits with stalks when they lose their tart and astringent taste. Start drying at a temperature of 40-50°C and finish at 60-65°C. Separate the dried fruits from the stalks.

Bird cherry flour. Dry the ripe bird cherry fruits and grind them into flour. Store in a dry, ventilated area. Use as an additive in wheat flour when baking bread (25-50%).

Bird cherry pureed with sugar. Wash the bird cherry fruits, remove the stalks, boil in a small amount of water, and strain through a stainless steel sieve. Add sugar (per 1 kg of puree - 250-300 g of sugar). Mix well, put into jars and pasteurize for 20-25 minutes in boiling water.

Bird cherry kvass. Pour dried bird cherry fruits (500 g) with water (4 l), heat to a boil, cook for 20 minutes, cool (in air), add 300-400 g of sugar and leave for 12 hours, then add 2 l warm water, add 200 g of sugar and 10 g of yeast and leave for 12 hours to ferment. Strain and pour into bottles. After 2-3 days, the kvass is ready.

Coffee drink made from bird cherry flour. Grind bird cherry flour (2 teaspoons) with sugar (to taste). Brew like coffee. Drink with milk and cream.

Kissel made from bird cherry flour. Dilute bird cherry flour (250 g) in water (500 ml), add sugar (150 g), bring to a boil, pour in diluted starch (50 g), boil.

Bird cherry jelly. Bring the bird cherry fruits (200 g) to a boil, drain the broth and rub through a sieve. Mix the mixture with the broth, stir, strain, add sugar or honey (20 g), bring to a boil, pour in diluted starch (5-10 g).

Compote of bird cherry fruits. Ripe fruits(1 kg) blanch for 2 minutes, drain, put in a saucepan, pour 20% sugar syrup (300 g sugar per 1.2 liters of water) for 5-7 hours. Then drain the syrup, put the fruits in jars, pour boiling syrup again, cover with lids and pasteurize at 85°C: half-liter jars - 15 minutes, liter jars - 25 minutes. Cork.

Compote of bird cherry and rose hips. Remove seeds from rose hips (1 cup), rinse thoroughly, add sugar (50 g), bird cherry fruits (1 cup) and cook in water (800 ml) until tender.

Filling for bird cherry pies. Blanch bird cherry fruits (500 g) for 2 minutes, drain the water. Rub the fruits through a sieve (to remove seeds), add sugar (50 g), grind.

Cherry fruit jam. Cover the fruits (1 kg) with sugar (1.2 kg) for 12 hours. Then drain the juice, cook over low heat for 20-30 minutes, put the fruits in it and cook until tender. Before the end of cooking, you can add citric acid.

Chemical composition. The pulp of bird cherry fruits contains tannins (up to 15%), anthocyanins (up to 8%), sugar (4-6% fructose, 5-6% glucose, 0.1-0.6% sucrose), pectins (up to 1. 1%), flavonoids, malic and citric acids; in leaves, flowers, bark and seeds (pits) - amygdalin (in bark up to 2 and in seeds up to 1.8%). Free hydrocyanic acid was also found - 0.09% in the bark, 0.05% in the leaves. The leaves contain up to 200 mg% ascorbic acid. The smell of flowers and leaves is determined by the presence of the glycoside prunasin.

Part of the fruit Substance Quantity
Pulp Tannins 15%
Anthocyanins 8%
Fructose 5%
Glucose 6%
Sucrose 0,5%
Pectins 1%
Malic and citric acids
Bone Amygdalin 1,8%
Whole fruit Ash 2,81%
K 13.4 mg/g
Ca 2.20 mg/g
Mn 1.20 mg/g
Fe 0.04 mg/g
Mg 22.00 µg/g
Cu 25.00 µg/g
Zn 15.60 µg/g
Co 7.00 µg/g
Cr 0.28 µg/g
Al 27.40 µg/g
Se 0.05 µg/g
Ni 3.08 µg/g
Sr 0.80 µg/g
B 33.00 µg/g
I 0.42 µg/g
Pb 1.8 µg/g

Selection of solvents