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Internal styes on the lower and upper eyelids: causes, symptoms, treatment. Stye of the upper eyelid: causes of formation and methods of treatment

Barley - inflammatory purulent process in the area of ​​the hair follicle of the eyelash or its sebaceous duct. Most often it occurs on the upper eyelid and is very painful, so patients are puzzled by the question of how to quickly cure stye.

Mechanism of disease development

An abscess on the upper eyelid appears as a result of the development staphylococcal infection. Typically infection occurs as a result of:

  • using someone else's cosmetics;
  • excessive rubbing of the eyes with dirty hands;
  • microdamage to the mucous membrane of the eye after exposure to specks.

Barley on the upper eyelid usually occurs against the background of reduced immunity, since when good health the body is able to suppress the development of infection. Due to unstable immune function, stye often appears in children.

Other factors contribute to the development of the disease:

Barley also occurs in the following cases:

What does barley look like? There are two types of inflammation:

It is not difficult to get rid of styes on the upper eyelid. In 90% of cases it goes away on its own without use. medicines. But, do not forget that the cause of the appearance of an abscess is a bacterial infection, and you should not let the process take its course.

It is also strictly forbidden to squeeze out pus and heat ripened stye on the eyelid with purulent contents. Such manipulations lead to the spread of infection and the development of complications.

Traditional Treatments

The sooner therapy is started, the faster recovery will occur, so the patient needs to know how to treat stye on the upper eyelid at the infiltration stage. Traditional remedies from barley:

  • cauterization;
  • lotions;
  • compresses;
  • eye ointments.

How to treat barley before it suppurates, while only a red lump exists is listed below:

In the first two days, therapeutic compresses are used before applying other medicinal drugs. To reduce activity pathogenic bacteria and reduce inflammatory process, lubrication with eye ointments is recommended.

What should I apply to my eyelid? Antibacterial eye ointments are used at any stage of stye. It is recommended to smear similar medications external and internal abscess on the upper eyelid. Symptoms of the disease go away faster if you put eye ointment under the internal abscess. upper eyelid for the night.

Can be used:

  1. Maxitrol.
  2. Phloxal.
  3. Erythromycin ointment.
  4. Gentamicin ointment.

To remove a stye, you need to instill antibiotic drops into the affected eye three times a day. Before instilling the drops, you need to warm them in your hands, then pull back the upper eyelid and drop 1 drop at a time. The following drops are used:

  1. Tsipromed.
  2. Albucid.
  3. Tobrex.
  4. Phloxal.
  5. Okomistin.

Alternative medicine

Treatment folk remedies complements basic therapy, helps relieve painful sensations and itching at the onset of the disease and during the wound healing stage. How to treat stye on the eye using traditional recipes:

Treatment requires compliance with the following rules:

If the inflammation does not go away after 5 days from the start of treatment, the abscess has enlarged and interferes with vision, you should urgently visit an ophthalmologist.

Also, if purulent formation on the upper eyelid often recurs, it is recommended to undergo additional examination body. The doctor may prescribe immunostimulants, antibacterial therapy in tablets.

After opening the abscess, sometimes a dense scar remains. To fix it you will need:

  • heating with a UV lamp;
  • possible application of Hydrocortisone ointment.

To prevent recurrence of stye, you need to carefully observe eye hygiene. Contact lenses and glasses should be kept clean, do not touch your eyes with dirty hands, and never use someone else's cosmetics. With proper treatment and following the described recovery rules, the disease, as a rule, does not return.

A beautiful, well-groomed appearance is the pride of every person, regardless of age and gender. Even a small pimple on the face sometimes becomes a cause of dissatisfaction. What can we say about the unexpected appearance of barley on the eye? This purulent inflammation sebaceous gland disease, which causes the eyelid to become red and swollen, can become serious aesthetic problem, not to mention the harm to health that arises from a careless attitude towards the inflammatory process. From this article we will learn why stye appears on the upper eyelid and how to treat it.

Causes of stye

Many believe that barley occurs due to hypothermia of the body. In fact, inflammation of the eye is caused by pathogenic microbes (most often Staphylococcus aureus), less often by streptococci or demodex mites. Hypothermia becomes only a factor in weakening the immune system, which is unable to resist pathogenic microorganisms.

The risk group includes children who do not take care of hygiene and scratch their eyes with dirty hands, introducing infection into them. Barley often appears in people with diabetes mellitus who have problems with digestive system, in people with hypovitaminosis, as well as with weakened immunity. In this regard, purulent inflammation of the eye often becomes a consequence of influenza, ARVI or sore throat. And more recently, scientists have proven that smokers are more likely to suffer from stye.

Symptoms of stye

As a rule, a person discovers stye in the morning. An itchy pale red dot appears on the edge of the eyelid. The skin around it gradually begins to swell, turn red and itch more and more. Touching such a neoplasm causes severe pain. After 2-3 days, a characteristic abscess, the size of a pea, with a head, forms at the site of inflammation. white. After a couple of days the abscess will reach maximum size, after which its breakthrough and purification occurs. Unpleasant symptoms the inflammation immediately disappears. A barely noticeable scar may remain at the site where the stye breaks through, but in most cases the stye goes away without a trace.

Complications of stye

Typically, the inflammatory process in the eye is accompanied by hyperthermia, inflammation of nearby lymph nodes, headache and malaise. Sometimes such purulent inflammation can result in thrombophlebitis of the orbital veins, inflammation of the orbit, and even inflammation meninges. To prevent this from happening, you need to know how to treat barley.

Treatment of barley

Doctors warn - under no circumstances should you squeeze out stye! This can lead to serious complications.

At the stage of maturation of the abscess, you can fight inflammation in the following ways:

1. Dry heat. UHF therapy has an excellent effect. At home, you can use a hot boiled egg, which is wrapped in cloth and applied to the site of inflammation.

2. Lubricating the affected eyelid with 70% alcohol or brilliant green 3-5 times a day.

3. Instillation of drops of Levomycetin, Tsiprolet, Dexamethasone, Floxal, as well as placing Tetracycline or Hydrocortisone ointment behind the eyelid. In some cases, doctors prescribe combination drugs, for example, Tobradex in the form of ointment or drops. Using the above remedies costs 4-5 rubles/day.

At the stage of abscess formation, the treatment of barley changes somewhat.

1. Continue instilling drops of Floxal, Levomycetin and others into the eyes, placing Hydrocortisone or Tetracycline ointment behind the eyelid, as well as using Tobrodex.

2. In case of fever, penicillin antibiotics can be administered intramuscularly to the patient.

3. If necessary, the doctor performs a surgical opening of the stye and drainage of its cavity. To do this, a small incision is made at the site of thinning skin, and the cavity is washed with an antiseptic solution.

Knowing how to treat stye on the upper eyelid, you can quickly solve this unpleasant problem and prevent complications. Good health to you!

Styes on the upper eyelid are a very common eye disease. inflammatory in nature which amazes hair follicles eyelashes (membomian glands). Adults and children are susceptible to the disease. Usually only one stye appears on the eyelid, but sometimes several foci of inflammation appear at once. Disease in in rare cases goes to the second eye.

Stye on the upper eyelid is divided into two types:

  • interior;
  • outer.

External stye - an abscess appears at the very edge upper eyelid. The course of the disease is acute:

  • pain;
  • edema;
  • possibly an increase in body temperature.

In the central part of the edema forms purulent abscess, which breaks through on days 2-4, after the breakthrough the pain goes away. The symptoms of the disease finally disappear after 7-10 days.

External stye is the most common type of disease for the upper eyelid.

Internal stye - this type of disease on the upper eyelid is much less common, the symptoms and course of the disease are identical:

  • pain;
  • burning;
  • redness and swelling.

The main difference is that the disease does not occur outside the eyelid, but inside, the abscess is located closer to the conjunctiva and becomes noticeable within 2-3 days. It also breaks out inside the eyelid. It is important to know that with the internal form one should not allow the formation of a large abscess, since in this case surgical treatment is usually required.

Causes of the disease

Most probable reasons For the disease, penetration of harmful bacteria into the mucous membrane of the eye should be considered. The main pathogen is Staphylococcus aureus.

Also, stye on the upper eyelid occurs due to the following factors:

  • weak immunity - when the immune system is weakened, protective properties the body is reduced, the risk of contracting viral and infectious diseases increases.
  • hygiene - not observing simple hygiene rules also contributes to the occurrence of the disease (dirty hands, infrequent changes bed linen, towels).
  • high humidity in the room is the most favorable environment for the development of bacteria.
  • diabetes mellitus - in some cases, stye on the upper eyelid is a symptom of this disease.
  • colds and viral diseases- barley often occurs against the background of acute respiratory viral infections, tonsillitis, or sinusitis.
  • smoking - scientists have proven that people suffering from nicotine addiction develop stye more often than non-smoking people.

Symptoms of the disease

Usually the first symptoms of the disease appear in morning time. After waking up, a person feels a slight burning sensation on the upper eyelid. If you look in the mirror, you can see a small red dot. Gradually, the skin around it begins to swell, the itching becomes unbearable, and it is painful to touch the abscess. If it is internal, then the first symptoms are severe itching, redness and swelling of the eyelid, a feeling foreign body in the eye, the abscess itself appears within a day.


Stye on the upper eyelid is treated in the same ways as on the lower eyelid. There is a slight difference only in the use of ointments:

  • For the lower eyelid, the ointment is placed behind the ocular conjunctiva.
  • On the upper eyelid, the ointment is applied directly to the site of inflammation using a cotton swab.

The remaining methods and means of getting rid of the disease are the same.

Methods of treatment at an early stage of the disease

  • Dry heat - warming the stye on the upper eyelid with a salt compress or egg, an effective measure in the initial stages of the disease. With timely initiation of treatment, it prevents the development of the disease and prevents the formation of an abscess.
  • Cauterization is another treatment method that allows you to remove barley at the first symptoms. Zelenka and medical alcohol are suitable for cauterization. The procedure must be performed carefully to avoid damage to the mucous membrane of the eye.
  • Rinse - at the first sign of stye, you need to start rinsing your eyes antiseptic solutions: furatsilin, propolis tincture, miramistin.

Medication methods

The most effective are:

  • Tsiprolet;
  • Phloxal;
  • Levomecitin.

The drops have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Help relieve swelling and pain. Typically, the ophthalmologist prescribes 3-5 drops per week.

Ointments – among the ointments the most effective are considered to be:

  • Erythromycin;
  • Tetracycline.

These drugs inexpensive price and a wide spectrum of action. They are effective against many harmful microorganisms calling acute inflammation eye.

With the permission of the ophthalmologist, you can use traditional methods treatment.

Aloe - lotions with the juice of this plant can quickly relieve the inflammatory process.

Tansy - per day you need to eat 5-8 pieces of tansy flowers with a glass of warm water. Continue treatment until complete recovery occurs. Traditional healers They believe that tansy gets rid of barley forever.

Castor oil - used as a compress at night, moisten the gauze generously with oil and apply it to the inflamed eye. 2-3 compresses are enough to get rid of the disease.


Almost always the course of the disease is easy character, but in some cases complications are possible, usually this is the result of self-medication or if the disease is not completely cured.

Most possible types complications:

  • purulent conjunctivitis;
  • keratitis;
  • thrombophlebitis of the orbital eyelids;
  • phlegmon of the eye;
  • obstruction of the cavernous sinus of the brain.

Barley - infectious inflammation hair follicle or fatty gland of the eyelash. More often, this disease develops against the background of reduced general immunity or frequent contamination of the eyelids.

Anatomy of the century

The eyelid is an appendage of the eye that serves as a mechanical protection for the eye in the form of a shutter. However, the function of the eyelids is not only to mechanically protect the eye from aggressive environmental factors. Eyelids contain lacrimal puncta and the tubules through which tears flow from the eye into the nasal cavity. The eyelids perform the function of distributing tears on the surface of the eye - every time we blink, the edge of the eyelid evenly distributes the tear over the surface of the eye. Eyelids contain special glands, producing a fatty secretion that covers the surface of the eye with a thin film and prevents tears from drying out quickly.
  • The outside of the eyelid is covered with skin
  • Under the skin, the thickness of the eyelid contains a cartilaginous plate and a muscle layer.
  • The edge of the eyelid contains hair follicles and the excretory ducts of the Meibomian glands.
  • The inner surface (in contact with the mucous membrane itself) eyeball) is lined with mucous membrane (conjunctiva of the eyelid).
  • Glands of the century: Meibomian glands - these tubular glands are located perpendicular to the edge of the river in one row. They produce a fatty secretion that covers the surface of the eye moistened with tears.
  • Lacrimal glands– the conjunctiva of the eyelid contains on its surface cells that produce tears, constantly providing hydration to the eye.
  • Eyelashes - each eyelash originates in the hair follicle. At the base of each eyelash, the ducts of the fatty hair glands open. If this sac is inflamed or hair follicle and barley appears.

Causes of barley

The main reason for the development of barley is the penetration of infection into the hair follicle or gland at the root of the eyelash.
Infiltration period. As a result of this lesion, an inflammatory process develops at the base of the eyelash with the following symptoms: redness, itching, swelling, soreness.
The period of suppuration. After some time (2-3 days), the inflammation either ends in complete self-healing, or a capsule with pus forms around the inflamed root of the eyelash. During this period, this capsule either breaks out on its own and the pus is excreted into the external environment, or it is necessary for an ophthalmologist to open the stye and drain its contents.

The main reasons for the appearance of stye of the eyelid:

  • Decreased immunity due to: hypothermia, stressful conditions, lack of sleep, suffered serious illnesses, period after surgery, vitamin deficiency
  • Excessive eye contamination - rubbing the eyes with dirty hands, being in a dusty, smoky room.
  • Anemia (anemia)
  • Using eye cosmetics
  • Demodectic mange of the eyelids
  • Chronic blepharitis
  • Frequent conjunctivitis

Symptoms of stye

Treatment of barley

Treatment tactics for barley vary depending on the stage, more details about each:
Barley stage Type of treatment Goal of treatment Name of drugs How to use?
Infiltration Anti-inflammatory treatment Reduced inflammatory activity Ointments: Neladex, Maxitrol, Oftan dexamethasone, Maxidex Apply to the inflamed part of the eyelid on the skin side 3 times a day
Antibacterial treatment Reduce bacterial activity Eye ointments: Apply to the edge of the eyelid and the skin around the inflamed area of ​​the eyelid 3 times a day.
Warming, UHF procedures for the eyelid area The purpose of heating is to change the environment in which bacteria develop - increasing the temperature reduces their activity. This procedure is performed in a physical office (UHF) by a medical specialist.
At home, you can warm up the eyelid by applying a boiled egg to the affected area, cooled to a temperature that does not burn the skin of the eyelid.
A course of treatment:
  • 2-3 UHF procedures
  • Warming the eyelid with an egg for 2-3 days.
To warm the eyelid with an egg, you need to boil it, wrap it in a handkerchief or any cloth, and let it cool to a temperature that is tolerable for the skin of the face. Apply the egg wrapped in a cloth to the area of ​​inflammation.
Formation of the capsule and opening of the abscess Antibacterial treatment Reduce bacterial activity Eye ointments: Local application:
Apply to the edge of the eyelid around the inflamed area of ​​the eyelid 3 times a day.

Systemic use of antibiotics:(taken orally or by injection):

  • ampicillin (0.5 g x 3 times a day for 5 days).
  • amoxicillin (0.5 g x 3 times a day for 5 days).
Opening the stye capsule or surgical expansion of the fistula Accelerate the removal of pus from the capsule Only an ophthalmologist can open an abscess or expand the area of ​​the fistula safely for the patient. This operation is performed under local anesthesia- injection of lidocaine 2%. After examining the patient, the ophthalmologist can open the abscess in a hospital or clinic. The need for anesthesia is determined by the doctor individually.
Healing of eyelid wounds Antiseptic treatment Prevention of re-suppuration Iodine treatment 5%
Zelenka treatment
Use a hygienic stick to treat the inflamed part of the eyelid. You can anoint the eyelid from the moment the abscess breaks or its surgical opening.

The active ingredient of the drug is antimicrobial agent wide range the action of ofloxacin from the group of fluoroquinolones of the second generation, which leads to the death of almost all pathogenic bacteria that cause infectious and inflammatory eye diseases. For barley, antibacterial ointment is applied to the inflamed area, the characteristic swelling of the eyelid, at least 3 times a day until the symptoms disappear completely, but for at least 5 days even if the symptoms disappeared earlier. At bacterial conjunctivitis(red eye with purulent discharge) drops are instilled 2-4 times a day until symptoms disappear completely, for at least 5 days in a row.

Traditional methods of treatment

Accessible and interesting information about stye of the century

What are the possible complications of stye? Is it possible to not treat barley?

Since ancient times, magical causes have been attributed to such a facial disease as barley: the evil eye, damage, envy. And they were also treated with unusual and sometimes very strange methods. For example, tie a red woolen thread on your wrist or fingers, give a bullet to the eye, spit in the eye, roll eggs on your face, go to a healer to remove the spell, read special spell for barley: “Barley-barley, go to the market, buy an axe, chop it across.” Many people still believe in these old-fashioned methods, it seems to help. Well, what can’t the power of suggestion or “psychosomatics” do? After all, modern medicine has long proven infectious diseases, namely bacterial cause barley, so all these measures, of course, do not affect the course of barley and can lead to the development of various complications.

Usually, barley has a favorable course, and in some cases it can be cured without medication or without treatment at all. Everything largely depends on the state of the immune system. But not everyone’s stye progresses smoothly and can lead to complications, which are much more difficult to treat, take longer, and some of them can lead to irreversible consequences.

Possible complications of stye on the eyelid:

1. Relapses of barley– if the bacterial infection is not completely cured and immunity is reduced, then barley may soon recur, and more than once.

2. Purulent conjunctivitis– a bacterial infection from the glands of the eyelid can spread to the conjunctiva, causing redness of the eye and profuse purulent discharge.

3. Chalazion– formation of a cyst filled with fluid in place sebaceous glands(Meibomian glands).

4. Cellulitis of the orbit (orbital cellulitis)– suppuration of the orbit, which occurred as a result of the merger of many small abscesses (ulcers). The risk of this complication is quite high, since the eye does not have special partitions that would protect it from purulent infection of the eyelids. And if you try to squeeze out the barley yourself, then the risk of developing phlegmon is very high.

Symptoms of orbital phlegmon:

  • pain in the eye area;
  • swelling of the eyelids and the mucous membrane of the eye (conjunctiva) or chemosis , the eye becomes bright red, bloodshot;
  • possible combination with purulent conjunctivitis ;
  • deterioration general well-being: increase in body temperature to high numbers, chills, weakness, fatigue, and so on;
  • visual impairment , up to its complete loss;
  • protrusion of the eyeball or drooping of the upper eyelid, impaired mobility.
5. Thrombosis of the cavernous choroid plexus– blockage of the vessels of the cavernous sinus leads to disruption of the outflow of blood and fluid from the orbit. This complication is rare.
Symptoms of cavernous plexus thrombosis:
  • protrusion of the eyeball or exophthalmos;
  • swelling and blueness of the eyelids, often reminiscent of a hematoma after a blow;
  • pain syndrome in the eye area;
  • redness of the eye;
  • partial or total loss vision;
  • Sometimes there may be double vision.

6. Thrombophlebitis of the vessels of the eye– bacterial inflammation of the venous wall, occurs due to the spread of infection from the glands of the eyelids into the vessels of the eye, often complicated by phlegmon of the orbit.
Symptoms of thrombophlebitis of the vessels of the eye:
  • redness of the eye due to dilated blood vessels, hemorrhage of the eye;
  • there may also be redness of the eyelids and skin of certain areas of the face;
  • changes in the fundus (detected by an ophthalmologist);
  • headache;
  • decreased visual acuity, eye fatigue.
7. Meningitis– due to the proximity of the eye to the membranes of the brain, the infection can spread to the meningeal membranes and cause meningitis – serious disease, life-threatening person. Meningitis is usually preceded by orbital phlegmon.

Early symptoms of purulent meningitis:

  • temperature rise to high levels;
  • Strong headache;
  • positive meningeal signs;
  • convulsions, impaired consciousness and coma are possible.
8. Sepsis– blood poisoning, a condition that threatens the patient’s life. If the infection reaches the heart, infective endocarditis develops - a cause of death.
Early symptoms of sepsis:
  • high body temperature with severe chills;
  • the appearance of rashes on the body;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • increased breathing and heart rate;
  • impaired consciousness, delirium and other symptoms.
So the decision whether or not to treat barley, and how to treat it, must be made by each person for himself.

Is it possible to heat or squeeze barley on the eye? If you have stye, can you swim in the sea, go to the bathhouse, walk outside, or apply mascara?

Is it possible to heat barley?
Barley can be heated at the beginning of the disease, that is, in the infiltration stage. But if an abscess (cyst with pus) has appeared, then it is strictly forbidden to heat it until it is opened, as this can lead to the spread of infection throughout the entire eye and beyond. Warming up can be continued after opening the abscess.
For warming up, physiotherapy (UHF, Sollux lamp) or dry heat.

Is it possible to heat barley with an egg?
At home, you can use a boiled egg wrapped in a towel or scarf so that it does not burn, a heating pad, heated salt wrapped in a cloth, a warm blindfold. Any dry heat should not burn, but should be comfortable.

Is it possible to squeeze barley?
With any barley, an abscess can form. And many people are itching to squeeze it out themselves. This absolutely cannot be done; leave the opening of the abscess to the ophthalmologists. Opening a stye on your own can lead to additional infection of the eye and spread of pus into nearby structures of the eye.

Is it possible to go to the bathhouse with barley?
You will have to wait until you recover from a bath for barley. If there is still dry heat in right time helps, then the bath can increase the signs of inflammation of the eyelids and contribute to the spread of infection at any stage of eyelid stye.
When it comes to showering, keep the shower warm, not hot, and avoid getting water or shampoo in your eyes. And if shampoo does get into your eyes, you should absolutely not rub them, you just need to rinse them under warm running water.

Is it possible to swim in the sea?
For any inflammatory diseases Swimming in the sea or other bodies of water or pool is not recommended. In addition to the effects on the eyes low temperatures(and in reservoirs the water is always less than 25 0 C), there is a risk of additional infection of the eyelids and conjunctiva, and this is completely unnecessary.

Is it possible to walk outside with barley?
This question is often asked by mothers regarding their children. So, walking with barley, and even going to kindergarten or school, is not prohibited in principle. A person with stye is not contagious, except that they cannot use eyelid cosmetics. The only thing is that you should refrain from going outside when it’s cold and strong wind. These factors can contribute to increased inflammation of the eyelids and the appearance of new styes.

Is it possible to use cosmetics for eyelids and eyelashes if you have stye?
Some women note improvement or even recovery of styes after applying mascara to their eyelashes. This may be due to the presence of alcohol in it (including glycerin), which is a kind of antiseptic. But in most cases, cosmetics themselves are small particles of chemical compounds that can clog the gland ducts. And if there is inflammation in these glands, and even more so pus, cosmetics can aggravate the inflammatory process and contribute to the formation large quantity pus. In addition, do not forget that bacteria often accumulate and multiply in cosmetics and application products, which can additionally lead to eye infection. Yes, and infection from the inflamed eyelid can get on cosmetics and accessories for its application, which in the future can cause repeated infectious diseases eye.

What to do if barley is just starting?

Barley can go through all phases, from infiltration to opening and healing of the abscess. At the infiltration stage, you can stop the process and get rid of barley, but this is only possible when the immune system allows it. For people with diabetes, HIV infection and other immunodeficiency conditions, it is practically impossible to quickly cure stye before the formation of an abscess, and they should definitely consult an ophthalmologist. Also, you should not self-medicate with repeated cases of stye after a short time, this may indicate serious problems immunity.

Quickly cure stye early stages Houses It is possible both with the help of medications and with the help of traditional medicine, but it is better to combine these methods.

The sooner treatment for barley begins, the greater the chance of a quick recovery. Treatment should begin when the first unpleasant twitching appears. pain or in the first hours after the appearance of redness, swelling, and soreness of the eyelid.

Treatment when barley has just begun (before the abscess appears):

It is very important to observe all hygiene measures for the eyes, face and hands. It is also necessary to strengthen the immune system. To do this, you need to take enough vitamins with food and in the form of multivitamin complexes. In addition to vitamins, food must contain a sufficient amount of protein, since protein is the main “ construction material"for immune cells. You can drink Echinacea or Eleutherococcus extract.

Early and correct treatment barley is the key to the health and beauty of your eyes.

Internal stye, what are the manifestations and how to treat?

Internal stye (meibomite) is an inflammation of the sebaceous glands, which is located on the inner surface century. This barley goes through the same phases as the external one. But the opening of an abscess is almost always accompanied by purulent conjunctivitis, since the release of pus occurs directly into the conjunctival sac.

Manifestations of internal stye:

  • at the beginning of the disease, stye may not be visible to the naked eye, changes are visible when examining the inner surface of the eyelid, and then redness and swelling ;
  • pain, itching and foreign body sensation in the eye (since irritation of the receptors of the conjunctival mucosa occurs);
  • Over time, swelling increases and occurs swelling of the eyelid ;
  • then an abscess appears , it matures and breaks through or resolves;
  • internal stye leaks more often than external stye with symptoms of intoxication (fever, weakness, headaches, rarely enlarged parotid lymph nodes).
Internal stye is much more severe than external stye and has a greater risk of complications. Therefore, it is not recommended to treat such barley on your own; you should consult a doctor. Also, internal stye often recurs.

Features of the treatment of internal barley:

Stye on a child’s eye, what to do, how to treat?

Barley is quite common in children, there are reasons for this:
  • children love the sandbox, pick up everything from the ground and hate washing their hands;
  • They don’t always understand that you can’t rub your eyes, especially with dirty hands, and kids often rub their eyes when they want to sleep, and any infection from dirty hands can get into sebaceous glands century;
  • in children, especially preschool age, physiologically unformed and imperfect immunity.
Provoking factors for barley in children:
  • hypothermia, draft;
  • frequent ARVI;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially common in children early age there is a malabsorption in the intestine, and at any age - biliary dyskinesia, which in turn leads to a lack of vitamins and other useful nutrients;
  • hormonal changes adolescence promote greater secretion of sebaceous glands, thickening of fat and blockage of gland ducts, against the background of which a bacterial infection is more easily associated;
  • the presence of a source of staphylococcal infection, namely Staphylococcus aureus.
Features of the flow of barley in childhood:
  • Children cannot always explain that something is bothering them. , so parents detect barley already at the height of the disease, when there is visible swelling, especially if it is an internal stye;
  • first and persistent symptom barley eyelids - severe itching of the eyes, the child rubs his eyes almost constantly;
  • more rapid and rapid development of barley phases , which is associated with constant rubbing of the eyes, the child does not understand that this cannot be done and will not tolerate it;
  • Multiple styes often develop: several styes in one eye or involvement of both eyes;
  • relapses of the disease often occur , which is associated with weakened immunity;
  • greater risk of complications, which is associated with the anatomical features of the structure of the eye, the most common and dangerous complication– meningitis.
Features of the treatment of barley in a child:

1. Methods traditional medicine for children, especially small ones, are not advisable, except for dry heat on initial stages disease (before the formation of an abscess).
2. It will be better if consult a doctor, the doctor will prescribe the necessary bacteriological tests in order to determine the pathogen and its sensitivity to antibiotics, because children have a tendency to recur eyelid stye.
3. It is recommended to use antibacterial eye drops (Sofradex, Tobrex, Tobramycin, Albucid and others), since it is very difficult for children to put ointments behind the eyelid.
4. Regular rubbing eyes Furacilin (described in detail in the article section),
5. Especially important maintain hand hygiene and explain to the child as much as possible that you cannot touch your eyes with your hands.
6. Indications for taking antibiotics orally or by injection:

  • multiple styes;
  • recurrence of barley;
  • the presence of intoxication syndrome (increased body temperature);
  • manifestation of the first symptoms of complications of barley.
7. It is necessary to address the child’s immunity.

How to get rid of stye if it does not go away or constantly recurs?

Frequently recurring styes can mask more serious health problems, in which case staying at home is stupid and dangerous.

It is imperative to consult an ophthalmologist:

  • The doctor takes biological material (scraping) for further bacteriological examination in order to accurately determine the causative agent of the disease.
  • In the future they carry out antibiotic sensitivity test so that you can select effective antibiotic for outdoor and internal use.
  • The doctor also conducts examination of eyelashes for damage by Demodex mites , because while he sits, infectious diseases of the eyelids will continue constantly.
In addition, you must contact your family doctor or general practitioner for
diagnosis of certain diseases:

1. Diabetes– most common reason recurrent purulent infections, since coccus bacteria love sweets very much, so when constantly elevated level blood glucose levels feel great, grow and multiply intensively.

For diagnostics diabetes mellitus you need to take tests:

  • blood for glucose (fasting);
  • glucose tolerance test (testing blood sugar on an empty stomach and 2 hours after a carbohydrate load) is carried out if close blood relatives have diabetes, as well as if the patient is over 50, overweight, or has other symptoms and risk factors for diabetes.
2. HIV infection affects the immune system, so the manifestations of AIDS are various infectious diseases, including barley.

For diagnosis, they donate blood to How to stop recurrent styes?

  • Adequate antibiotic therapy , according to the sensitivity of the pathogen (locally and internally);
  • physiotherapy during the healing period of barley;
  • treatment of tick-borne lesions of eyelids and eyelashes;
  • treatment of lesions chronic infection upper respiratory tract and oral cavity;
  • proper balanced nutrition;
  • seasonal multivitamin intake;
  • refusal bad habits;
  • correct mode of work and rest;
  • normal physical activity, exercise or sports;
  • in the presence of diabetes mellitus, control blood glucose levels;
  • for HIV infection - purpose antiretroviral therapy(VA ART);
  • V severe cases consultation with an immunologist, analysis of the immunogram, if necessary, correction of immunity with immunomodulatory drugs.

What to do after stye if there is a lump left?

After the barley that reached large sizes(that is, there was a lot of pus in the barley capsule), may remain consequences in the form of various seals of the eyelid, many people call them “bumps.”

What could be the residual changes in barley?

  • compaction represented by the residual walls of the barley capsule , which is so thick and overgrown with connective or scar tissue that it cannot be absorbed by the body’s forces;
  • rough welt or scar , which was formed as a result of independent opening of the abscess; By the way, the risk of scar formation often depends on the natural, individual elasticity of the skin and the age of the patient: the older you are, the greater the risk of scars;
  • chalazion – blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous glands of the eyelid with thick secretion.
Of course, such formations are primarily cosmetic defect, and this is what prompts the patient to seek treatment from specialists. But chalazion can cause repeated bacterial inflammation century .

How to get rid of these residual changes in barley?

  • contact an ophthalmologist;
  • physiotherapy – UHF, electrophoresis with hormonal drugs, laser and dry heat immediately after recovery will improve the resorption of these formations;
  • eyelid massage helps improve blood flow and release the sebaceous glands from secretions during the formation of cysts (chalazion);
  • Hydrocortisone ointment 1% will also promote the resorption of the capsule;
  • an ophthalmologist can do piercing of this education hormonal drugs (Hydrocortisone, Kenalog, Dexamethasone and others injectable drugs);
  • If all this does not help, the solution is surgery in the form of excision of a seal or scar; this operation falls within the scope plastic surgery, with chalazion, it is possible to remove or drain the cysts.

Floxal ointment for barley, what is the effectiveness, what is better - ointment or drops?

Phloxal- This effective drug for treatment bacterial diseases eyes, including stye.

Phloxal is a local antibiotic active substance– ofloxacin, a representative of the fluoroquinolone group. Ofloxacin is active against various bacterial pathogens.

Staphylococcus aureus , most common pathogen barley, refers to nosocomial infections that may be resistant to some antibacterial agents. Fluoroquinolones in the treatment of various bacterial infections They are second-line drugs when other antibiotics do not help. Widespread, uncontrolled and incorrect use of fluoroquinolone antibiotics can lead to the development of pathogen resistance to these drugs, and there will simply be nothing to treat next time. Therefore, self-medication can lead to long-term consequences.

Indications for the use of Floxal for barley:

  • there is no effect from Albucid, Gentamicin and Tetracycline;
  • recurrent cases of stye;
  • According to the drug sensitivity test, the pathogen is resistant to other drugs, but sensitive to ofloxacin.
Floxal comes in the form of eye drops or ointment. For styes, it is better to use an antibiotic in the form of an ointment, since it penetrates into the deeper layers of the eyelid and acts longer in the area of ​​inflammation than drops. Drops are prescribed mainly to young children, when applying ointment is problematic (the child is not comfortable with the procedure and smears the ointment all over his face). It is also possible to use drops for internal stye. In severe cases, it is possible to combine ointment and drops; the ointment is applied after eye drops.
The doctor, not the patient, should decide which drug to prescribe, in what frequency and in what form. Don't self-medicate!

Barley and Vishnevsky ointment, what are the indications and features of use?

Vishnevsky ointment or Balsamic Liniment has been used in the treatment of barley for a very long time, and such treatment shows quite good results.

Vishnevsky ointment contains:

  • xeroform – antiseptic;
  • birch tar – increases blood circulation and promotes fast healing;
  • Castor oil promotes deep penetration of ointment components.
Indications for applying Vishnevsky ointment for barley:
  • multiple styes;
  • internal stye;
  • with the formation of large abscesses.
Advantages of Vishnevsky ointment for barley:
  • promotes opening of the abscess;
  • has powerful anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects;
  • promotes the healing of the eyelid after opening the stye;
  • faster and more effective results;
  • prevents recurrence of styes;
  • has no contraindications other than individual intolerance;
  • does not cause pathogen resistance;
  • low cost of the drug.
Disadvantages of Vishnevsky ointment:
  • sharp and bad smell;
  • with prolonged use, skin irritation is possible;
  • compresses are required, which can cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes;
  • in childhood, Vishnevsky ointment is used only in extreme cases and under the supervision of a doctor.
How is Vishnevsky ointment used for barley?
A small piece of a cotton swab, generously moistened with Balsamic Liniment, is applied to the stye and a bandage is applied on top. This compress is applied for several hours or overnight. Then the bandage is changed to a fresh one, 2-3 times a day. For barley, using liniment for 1-3 days is sufficient.

Precautions when using Vishnevsky ointment.
Considering the sensitivity of the eye mucosa, Vishnevsky ointment should be prescribed by an ophthalmologist; In case of any irritation or rash at the site where the compress was applied, you should discontinue the drug and consult a doctor.

Externally, stye on the upper eyelid may resemble outer shape disease, but it differs from it in the affected area.

Inflammation is observed not on the outer skin, but in the depths of the tissues themselves skin. This type of development of the disease is indicated by a swollen and puffy eyelid, as well as acute pain.

The area where pus collects is located closer to the conjunctiva, and after a few days it can be seen from inside century. Main danger of this form - the possibility of pus getting into the mucous membrane of the eye, which can lead to further complications.

How to treat stye on the upper eyelid

In many families, it is customary to treat barley independently using improvised means, and when we're talking about For inflammation of the skin in the eye area, this is often enough. However, if the disease lasts for a long time and ulcers form, it is necessary to seek medical help.

Treatment is carried out as follows:

  • The affected area is treated with dry heat;
  • UHF therapy and blue light are used;
  • The inflammation area is treated with iodine, brilliant green or medical alcohol three times a day;
  • Antibacterial eye drops, ciprolet, chloramphenicol, dexamethasone, and others are used;
  • At night, ointments with an effect similar to drops are placed under the eyelid;

If necessary, treatment can be supplemented with drugs that stimulate the body's immune response and various vitamin complexes.

General treatments

If inflammation occurs, morning and evening procedures should include washing the affected eye with tampons using serums of inorganic composition. It is also important to wash your hands frequently and avoid rubbing your eyes.

To speed up the drainage of pus, warm compresses are applied for 10-20 minutes. If the patient experiences severe pain, a painkiller is used. With this treatment, it is most often possible to achieve breakthrough of the abscess, after which the disease quickly stops.

An internal stye on the upper eyelid cannot be pierced on your own; a puncture will do more harm than good; instead of healing, you can get a new stye in another area of ​​the eye, or cause other complications. During illness, you should avoid cosmetics, do not use contact lenses.

Inflammation can also be caused allergic reaction, even makeup containing substances incompatible with the body can become a causative agent.

The cause of inflammation can also be harmful bacteria, in which case the disease, despite the standard methods used, will progress, new foci of infection will appear, and suppuration either will not break through, or the breakthrough will not be followed by recovery.

Therefore, in the case of a prolonged course of the disease (more than five days) and in the absence of visible improvements, measures must be taken to prevent blepharitis from starting. Effective medicines will be various antibiotics, included in ointments and drops that are applied to the affected area.

It is also possible to use antibacterial agents in the form of tablets; along with them, it is recommended to take hepatoprotectors to protect the liver, and drugs to maintain intestinal microflora.

The use of homeopathic medicines is allowed; if the skin is significantly reddened and feels hot, you can use Belladonna 5CH or Pulsatilla 7 CH. For prolonged suppuration without the release of pus, Silicea 4CH is used.

These drugs can be used only after consultation with an ophthalmologist, who can prescribe them in case of exacerbation.

Stye inside the upper eyelid, treatment for exacerbation

The above remedies do not always give positive results, in this case, in case of an abscess and significant complications, more serious measures are taken:

  • Antibiotics in the form of ointments and drops are used more often;
  • When the temperature rises, additional antibacterial drugs are used; in especially severe cases, they are introduced into the body intramuscularly or intravenously;
  • If the suppuration does not break out for too long, and treatment does not have an effect for several weeks, it may be prescribed surgery. Under anesthesia, the surgeon punctures the abscess, pumps out the contents, and drains the cavity. An incision is made in the area of ​​extreme thinning of the skin so that pus does not get on the eye and mucous membrane.

It is not recommended to independently increase the use of ointments and drops, and use antibacterial agents, as this can cause unnecessary harm to the body.

Some people are prone to the frequent appearance of stye; the disease becomes a constant companion, it regularly worsens and causes a lot of inconvenience.

In such a situation it is necessary to go through diagnostic test with narrow specialists who check general state body, distinctive features skin, chemical composition blood and the ability to mount an immune response.

To support the body during treatment, or to reduce the likelihood of inflammation, you need to eat properly and ensure a constant flow of vitamins that strengthen the immune system.

Natural preparations

Substances of natural origin can also be used to relieve inflammation:

  • Acacia. An effective pain reliever, a pinch of acacia in 2 glasses of water - this solution is used for a warm compress;
  • Coriander. Not only a spice, but also an anti-inflammatory component. A cold decoction made from a tablespoon of coriander seeds in a glass of water heated to boiling water is suitable for washing the eyes up to three times a day;
  • Black tea. It contains tannin, which soothes irritated tissues, and is applied to the eye as a compress;
  • Chamomile. A relatively mild infusion, brewed in the ratio of a tablespoon per glass of boiled water, used as a warm compress twice a day.

These and other natural substances have a beneficial effect on the affected area, but they can only be used if there is a guaranteed absence of an allergic reaction.