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Before death, the intestines are cleansed. Ten signs that death is near

We all live in this world thanks to pure chance, and we die “when our time strikes,” to use poetic language. However, we cannot die just like that - everything happens according to plan, has symptoms or signs. What are these signs and is it really possible to predict that a person will soon die? Medicine says yes, it is possible, and offers the following signs of approaching death.

1. Lack of appetite

This natural sign death is approaching, because your body no longer needs energy - why do you need it if you are going to die tomorrow? You may not want to eat at all, or you may only want very “harmless”, light meals or products, such as porridge, a sandwich, compote, yogurt. It is unlikely that you will want to eat meat before you die - you simply will not have time to digest it before you die. Your body itself senses when you are dying and simply refuses food. In such a situation, you may have very little strength, and it is good if someone cares about you and is nearby, because lack of appetite does not mean that you do not need anything: sometimes you need a little water - just to moisten your dry lips.

2. Immense sleepiness

Before leaving for another world, a person enters a period of “borderland”: he sleeps more and more, it is more difficult for him to move and even talk, he becomes more and more immersed in that reality invisible to the living. He cannot be forbidden to do this, and relatives should act wisely by allowing the dying person to sleep as much as he wants and talk to him as if he were alive - after all, he has not yet died, and his sleep is not a deep sleep, but rather a drowsiness through which he hears and understands what is happening in the world.

3. Weakness and fatigue

Before the threshold of death, a person has little energy, he eats little or nothing, sleeps constantly, speaks little, and it may be difficult for him to turn over on his side in bed or drink water. He needs help, because his weakness and fatigue indicate that death is already near.

4. Loss of orientation and consciousness

Sometimes before death a person ceases to understand where he is and what is happening. He is in this world, but another world seems to be calling him. Organs begin to act up, the brain may turn off and then turn on, but not work as usual. In such a situation, a person behaves strangely, sometimes he does not recognize his loved ones. Relatives need to show patience and restraint when caring for the dying.

5. Heavy breathing

The dying man breathes heavily as he dies. Breathing either quickens or becomes very deep. Breathing is hoarse, uneven, the dying person seems to be suffocating. Sitting with a pillow behind him helps him - he can breathe easier while sitting than lying down.

6. Self-absorption

The natural process of death includes a loss of attention to what is happening around us, to the lives of the people around us. The dying person is preparing for death - he is no longer interested in what the living think and say. At the same time, he cannot be left alone with himself - he must feel the support of loved ones, who would like to be nearby and support the dying person.

7. Urine color changes

The urine of a dying person becomes darker - sometimes almost brown, sometimes reddish. Organs, as already mentioned, are acting up, and the same applies to the kidneys. Sometimes renal failure before death leads to the immersion of the dying person in a coma and subsequent quiet death.

8. Edema

This symptom is a consequence of kidney failure. You can no longer go to the toilet, so fluid accumulates in the body, causing parts of the body to swell.

9. Cold extremities

Before plunging into death, the dying person's hands and feet, especially the fingers, become cold. Blood simply flows to the most important organs, leaving the limbs almost without blood, and therefore without warmth. In such a situation, loved ones should cover the dying person with a blanket to warm his frozen hands and feet.

10. Walking spots

The dying person is pale, but as a result of poor circulation, it seems that spots or patterns are “walking” on his body. Typically, such spots or patterns appear first on the feet and then on other parts of the body.

Not all of these signs are “necessary”: some of them may be absent, but it is these signs that most often say, from the point of view of medical observations, that death is not just nearby - it has almost taken possession of a person.

Since the appearance of man, he has always been tormented by questions of the mystery of birth and death. It is impossible to live forever, and, probably, it will not be long before scientists invent an elixir of immortality. Everyone is concerned about the question of how a person feels when he dies. What is happening at this moment? These questions have always worried people, and until now scientists have not found an answer to them.

Interpretation of death

Death is a natural process of ending our existence. Without it, it is impossible to imagine the evolution of life on earth. What happens when a person dies? This question has interested and will continue to interest humanity as long as it exists.

Passing away proves to some extent that it is survival of the fittest and the fittest. Without it, biological progress would have been impossible, and man might never have appeared.

Despite the fact that this natural process has always interested people, talking about death is difficult and difficult. First of all, because a psychological problem arises. Talking about it, we seem to be mentally approaching the end of our life, which is why we don’t want to talk about death in any context.

On the other hand, it is difficult to talk about death, because we, the living, have not experienced it, so we cannot say what a person feels when he dies.

Some compare death to simply falling asleep, while others argue that it is a kind of forgetting, when a person completely forgets about everything. But neither one nor the other, of course, is right. These analogies cannot be called adequate. We can only say that death is the disappearance of our consciousness.

Many continue to believe that after his death a person simply passes into another world, where he exists not at the level of the physical body, but at the level of the soul.

It's safe to say that research into death will always continue, but it will never provide a definitive answer about how people feel at this moment. This is simply impossible; no one has ever returned from the other world to tell us how and what is happening there.

How does a person feel when he dies?

Physical sensations probably at this moment depend on what led to death. Therefore, they can be painful or not, and some believe that they are quite pleasant.

Everyone has their own inner feelings in the face of death. Most people have some kind of fear sitting inside, they seem to resist and do not want to accept it, clinging to life with all their might.

Scientific evidence shows that after the heart muscle stops, the brain still lives for a few seconds, the person no longer feels anything, but is still conscious. Some believe that it is at this time that life’s results are summed up.

Unfortunately, no one can answer the question of how a person dies and what happens. All these sensations are most likely strictly individual.

Biological classification of death

Since the very concept of death is a biological term, classification must be approached from this point of view. Based on this, the following categories of death can be distinguished:

  1. Natural.
  2. Unnatural.

Natural death can be classified as physiological death, which can occur due to:

  • Aging of the body.
  • Fetal underdevelopment. Therefore, he dies almost immediately after birth or while still in the womb.

Unnatural death is divided into the following types:

  • Death from disease (infections, cardiovascular diseases).
  • Sudden.
  • Sudden.
  • Death by external factors(mechanical damage, breathing problems, exposure to electric current or low temperatures, medical intervention).

This is how we can roughly characterize death with biological point vision.

Socio-legal classification

If we talk about death from this perspective, then it can be:

  • Violent (murder, suicide).
  • Non-violent (epidemics, industrial accidents, occupational diseases).

Violent death is always associated with external influence, while non-violent death is caused by senile flabbiness, illness or physical disabilities.

With any type of death, damage or disease triggers pathological processes, which are the direct cause of death.

Even if the cause of death is known, it is still impossible to say what a person sees when he dies. This question will remain unanswered.

Signs of death

It is possible to distinguish the initial and reliable signs, which indicate that the person has died. The first group includes:

  • The body is motionless.
  • Pale skin.
  • There is no consciousness.
  • Breathing stopped, no pulse.
  • There is no reaction to external stimuli.
  • The pupils do not react to light.
  • The body becomes cold.

Signs that indicate 100% death:

  • The corpse is numb and cold, and cadaveric spots begin to appear.
  • Late cadaveric manifestations: decomposition, mummification.

The first signs can be confused by an ignorant person with loss of consciousness, so only a doctor should pronounce death.

Stages of death

Death may take different periods time. This can last minutes, or in some cases hours or days. Dying is a dynamic process, in which death does not occur immediately, but gradually, if you do not mean instant death.

The following stages of dying can be distinguished:

  1. Preagonal state. The processes of blood circulation and breathing are disrupted, this leads to the fact that the tissues begin to lack oxygen. This condition can last for several hours or several days.
  2. Terminal pause. Breathing stops, the work of the heart muscle is disrupted, and brain activity stops. This period lasts only a few minutes.
  3. Agony. The body suddenly begins to fight for survival. At this time, short pauses in breathing and weakening of cardiac activity occur, as a result of which all organ systems cannot function normally. Changes appearance person: the eyes become sunken, the nose becomes sharp, the lower jaw begins to sag.
  4. Clinical death. Breathing and blood circulation stop. During this period, a person can still be revived if no more than 5-6 minutes have passed. It is after returning to life at this stage that many people talk about what happens when a person dies.
  5. Biological death. The body finally ceases to exist.

After death, many organs remain viable for several hours. This is very important, and it is during this period that they can be used for transplantation into another person.

Clinical death

It can be called a transitional stage between the final death of the organism and life. The heart stops working, breathing stops, all signs of the body’s vital functions disappear.

Within 5-6 minutes, irreversible processes have not yet started in the brain, so at this time there is every chance of bringing a person back to life. Adequate resuscitation actions will make the heart beat again and the organs function.

Signs of clinical death

If you carefully observe a person, you can quite easily determine the onset of clinical death. She has the following symptoms:

  1. There is no pulse.
  2. Breathing stops.
  3. The heart stops working.
  4. Severely dilated pupils.
  5. There are no reflexes.
  6. The person is unconscious.
  7. The skin is pale.
  8. The body is in an unnatural position.

To determine the onset of this moment, you need to feel the pulse and look at the pupils. Clinical death differs from biological death in that the pupils retain the ability to react to light.

The pulse can be felt at carotid artery. This is usually done simultaneously with checking the pupils to speed up the diagnosis of clinical death.

If a person is not helped during this period, then biological death, and then it will be impossible to bring him back to life.

How to recognize approaching death

Many philosophers and doctors compare the process of birth and death with each other. They are always individual. It is impossible to predict with accuracy when a person will leave this world and how it will happen. However, most dying people experience similar symptoms as death approaches. How a person dies may not even be influenced by the reasons that triggered the onset of this process.

Just before death, certain psychological and physical changes occur in the body. Among the most striking and frequently encountered are the following:

  1. There is less and less energy left, and drowsiness and weakness throughout the body often occur.
  2. The frequency and depth of breathing changes. Periods of stopping are replaced by frequent and deep breaths.
  3. Changes occur in the senses, a person can hear or see something that others cannot hear.
  4. Appetite becomes weak or practically disappears.
  5. Changes in organ systems lead to the appearance of too dark urine and hard-to-pass stools.
  6. There are temperature fluctuations. High can suddenly give way to low.
  7. The person completely loses interest in the outside world.

When a person is seriously ill, other symptoms may occur before death.

A person's feelings at the moment of drowning

If you ask the question of how a person feels when he dies, the answer may depend on the cause and circumstances of death. This happens differently for everyone, but in any case, at this moment there is an acute lack of oxygen in the brain.

After the movement of blood is stopped, regardless of the method, after about 10 seconds the person loses consciousness, and a little later the death of the body occurs.

If the cause of death is drowning, then the moment a person finds himself under water, he begins to panic. Since it is impossible to do without breathing, after a while the drowning person has to take a breath, but instead of air, water enters the lungs.

As the lungs fill with water, a feeling of burning and fullness appears in the chest. Gradually, after a few minutes, calm appears, which indicates that consciousness will soon leave the person, and this will lead to death.

The lifespan of a person in water will also depend on its temperature. The colder it is, the faster the body becomes hypothermic. Even if a person is afloat and not underwater, the chances of survival decrease every minute.

An already lifeless body can still be taken out of the water and brought back to life if not too much time has passed. The first step is to clear the airways of water, and then carry out full resuscitation measures.

Feelings during a heart attack

In some cases, it happens that a person suddenly falls and dies. Most often, death from a heart attack does not occur suddenly, but the development of the disease occurs gradually. Myocardial infarction does not affect a person immediately; for some time, people may feel some discomfort in the chest, but try not to pay attention to it. This is a big mistake that ends in death.

If you're prone to heart attacks, don't expect things to go away on their own. Such hope may cost you your life. After cardiac arrest, only a few seconds will pass until the person loses consciousness. A few more minutes, and death is already taking away our loved one.

If the patient is in the hospital, then he has a chance to get out if doctors detect cardiac arrest in time and carry out resuscitation measures.

Body temperature and death

Many people are interested in the question of at what temperature a person dies. Most people remember from biology lessons in school that for humans a body temperature above 42 degrees is considered fatal.

Some scientists associate fatal outcome at high temperatures with the properties of water, the molecules of which change their structure. But these are only guesses and assumptions that science has yet to deal with.

If we consider the question of at what temperature a person dies, when hypothermia of the body begins, then we can say that already when the body cools down to 30 degrees, a person loses consciousness. If no measures are taken at this moment, death will occur.

Many such cases happen to people in drunkenness who fall asleep right on the street in winter and never wake up.

Emotional changes on the eve of death

Usually, before death, a person becomes completely indifferent to everything that happens around him. He ceases to be oriented in time and dates, becomes silent, but some, on the contrary, begin to constantly talk about the road ahead.

A loved one who is dying may begin to tell you that they talked to or saw deceased relatives. Another extreme manifestation at this time is a state of psychosis. It’s always difficult for loved ones to bear all this, so you can consult a doctor and get advice about taking medicines to alleviate the condition of the dying.

If a person falls into a state of stupor or often sleeps for a long time, do not try to stir him up or wake him up, just be there, hold his hand, talk. Many people, even in a coma, can hear everything perfectly.

Death is always difficult; each of us will cross this line between life and non-existence in due time. When this happens and under what circumstances, what you will feel about it, unfortunately, is impossible to predict. This is a purely individual feeling for everyone.

If there is a bedridden patient in the house who is in in serious condition, it won’t hurt the relatives to know the signs of approaching death in order to be well prepared. The process of dying can occur not only physically, but also mentally. Considering the fact that each person is individual, each patient will have its own characteristics, but there are still some general symptoms, which will indicate an imminent end life path person.

How can a person feel as death approaches?

We are not talking about the person for whom death is sudden, but about patients who for a long time are sick and bedridden. As a rule, such patients can experience mental anguish for a long time, because being in their right mind a person understands perfectly well what he has to endure. A dying person constantly feels all the changes that occur in his body. And all this ultimately contributes permanent shift mood, as well as loss of mental balance.

Most bedridden patients withdraw into themselves. They begin to sleep a lot, but remain indifferent to everything that happens around them. There are also frequent cases when, just before death, patients’ health suddenly improves, but after a while the body becomes even weaker, followed by the failure of all vital functions. important functions body.

Signs of imminent death

It is impossible to predict the exact time of departure to another world, but paying attention to the signs of approaching death is quite possible. Let's look at the main symptoms that may indicate imminent death:

  1. The patient loses his energy, sleeps a lot, and the periods of wakefulness become less and less each time. Sometimes a person can sleep for a whole day and stay awake for only a couple of hours.
  2. Breathing changes, the patient may breathe either too quickly or too slowly. In some cases, it may even seem that the person has completely stopped breathing for a while.
  3. He loses his hearing and vision, and sometimes hallucinations may occur. During such periods, the patient may hear or see something that is not really happening. You can often see him talking to people who have long been dead.
  4. A bedridden patient loses his appetite, and he not only stops using protein food, but also refuses to drink. To somehow allow moisture to seep into his mouth, you can dip a special sponge in water and moisten your dry lips with it.
  5. The color of urine changes, it becomes dark brown or even dark red in color, while its smell becomes very pungent and toxic.
  6. Body temperature often changes, it can be high, and then drop sharply.
  7. An elderly bedridden patient may become lost in time.

Of course, the pain of loved ones from the imminent loss of their loved one it is impossible to extinguish, but preparing and setting yourself up psychologically is still possible.

What does drowsiness and weakness in a bedridden patient indicate?

When death approaches, a bedridden patient begins to sleep a lot, and the point is not that he feels very tired, but that it is simply difficult for such a person to wake up. The patient is often in deep sleep, so his reaction is inhibited. This condition is close to coma. The manifestation of excessive weakness and drowsiness slows down naturally and some physiological abilities of a person, so in order to roll over from one side to the other or go to the toilet, he will need help.

What changes occur in respiratory function?

Relatives who care for the patient may notice how his rapid breathing will sometimes give way to breathlessness. And over time, the patient’s breathing may become moist and stagnant, causing wheezing to be heard when inhaling or exhaling. It occurs because fluid collects in the lungs, which is no longer removed naturally by coughing.

Sometimes the patient is helped by being turned from one side to the other, then the liquid can come out of the mouth. Some patients are prescribed oxygen therapy to relieve suffering, but it does not prolong life.

How do vision and hearing change?

Minute clouding of consciousness in severely ill patients can be directly related to changes in vision and hearing. This often happens in their last weeks life, for example, they stop seeing and hearing well, or, on the contrary, they hear things that no one else can hear.

The most common are visual hallucinations just before death, when a person thinks that someone is calling him or he sees someone. In this case, doctors recommend agreeing with the dying person in order to at least somehow cheer him up; you should not deny what the patient sees or hears, otherwise it can greatly upset him.

How does your appetite change?

In a bedridden patient, before death, the metabolic process may be reduced, which is why he stops wanting to eat and drink.

Naturally, to support the body, the patient should still be given at least some nutritious food, so it is recommended to feed the person in small portions until he is able to swallow. And when this ability is lost, then it is no longer possible to do without IVs.

What changes occur in the bladder and intestines before death?

Signs of imminent death of a patient are directly related to changes in the functioning of the kidneys and intestines. The kidneys stop producing urine, so it becomes dark - Brown, because the filtration process is disrupted. A small amount of urine can contain a huge amount of toxins that have a detrimental effect on the entire body.

Such changes may lead to complete refusal in the functioning of the kidneys, the person falls into a coma and dies after a while. Due to the fact that appetite decreases, changes occur in the intestines themselves. The stool becomes hard, causing constipation. The patient needs to alleviate the condition, so relatives who care for him are recommended to give the patient an enema every three days or make sure that he takes a laxative on time.

How does body temperature change?

If there is a bedridden patient in the house, the signs before death can be very diverse. Relatives may notice that a person’s body temperature is constantly changing. This is due to the fact that the part of the brain that is responsible for thermoregulation may not function well.

At some point, body temperature can rise to 39 degrees, but after half an hour it can drop significantly. Naturally, in this case, it will be necessary to give the patient antipyretic drugs, most often Ibuprofen or Aspirin are used. If the patient does not have the function of swallowing, then antipyretic suppositories can be given or an injection can be given.

Just before death, the temperature immediately drops, the arms and legs become cold, and the skin in these areas becomes covered with red spots.

Why does a person’s mood often change before death?

A dying person, without realizing it, is gradually preparing himself for death. He has enough time to analyze his entire life and draw conclusions about what was done right or wrong. It seems to the patient that everything he says is misinterpreted by his family and friends, so he begins to withdraw into himself and stops communicating with others.

In many cases, clouding of consciousness occurs, so a person can remember everything that happened to him a long time ago in the smallest details, but he will no longer remember what happened an hour ago. It can be scary when this condition reaches the point of psychosis, in which case it is necessary to consult a doctor who can prescribe sedatives to the patient.

How can I help a dying person relieve physical pain?

A bedridden patient after a stroke or a person who has become incapacitated due to another illness may experience severe pain. To somehow alleviate his suffering, it is necessary to use painkillers.

A pain reliever may be prescribed by your doctor. And if the patient does not have any problems with swallowing, then the drugs can be in the form of tablets, but in other cases injections will have to be used.

If a person serious illness, which is accompanied by severe pain, then it will be necessary to use drugs that are available only by prescription, for example, these could be Fentanyl, Codeine or Morphine.

Today, there are many drugs that will be effective for pain, some of them are produced in the form of drops that are dripped under the tongue, and sometimes even a patch can provide significant help to the patient. There is a category of people who are very careful about painkillers, citing the fact that addiction may occur. To avoid addiction, as soon as a person begins to feel better, you can stop taking the drug for a while.

Emotional stress experienced by the dying person

Changes with a person before death concern not only him physical health, but they also hurt him psychological condition. If a person experiences a little stress, then this is normal, but if the stress lasts for a long time, then most likely this is the deep depression that a person experiences before death. The fact is that everyone can have their own emotional experiences and will show their own signs before death.

A bedridden patient will experience not only physical pain, but also mental pain, which will have an extremely negative impact on his general condition and will bring the moment of death closer.

But even if a person has a fatal illness, relatives should try to cure their loved one’s depression. In this case, the doctor may prescribe antidepressants or consultations with a psychologist. This natural process, when a person becomes despondent, knowing that he has very little time left to live in the world, therefore relatives must do their best to distract the patient from sad thoughts.

Additional symptoms before death

It should be noted that there are different signs before death. A bedridden patient may experience symptoms that are not detected in others. For example, some patients often complain of constant nausea and vomiting, although their disease is in no way related to gastrointestinal tract. This process is easily explained by the fact that due to illness, the body becomes weaker and cannot cope with the digestion of food, which can cause certain problems with the functioning of the stomach.

In this case, relatives will need to seek help from a doctor who can prescribe medications to alleviate this condition. For example, when constant constipation, it will be possible to use a laxative, and for nausea, others will be prescribed effective drugs, which will dull this unpleasant feeling.

Naturally, not a single such drug can save life or prolong it indefinitely, but it can alleviate suffering dear person It is still possible, so it would be wrong not to take advantage of this chance.

How to care for a dying relative?

Today there are special means for the care of bedridden patients. With their help, the person caring for the patient makes his work much easier. But the fact is that a dying person requires not only physical care, but also a lot of attention- he needs constant conversations to be distracted from his sad thoughts, and only family and friends can provide sincere conversations.

A sick person must be absolutely calm, and unnecessary stress will only bring the minutes of his death closer. To alleviate the suffering of a relative, it is necessary to seek help from qualified doctors who can prescribe everything necessary medications, helping to overcome many unpleasant symptoms.

All the signs listed above are general, and it should be remembered that each person is individual, and therefore so is the body. different situations may behave differently. And if there is a bedridden patient in the house, his signs before death may turn out to be completely unexpected for you, since everything depends on the disease and on the individuality of the organism.

Throughout life, the question of how a person dies of old age is of concern to most people. They are asked by the relatives of an old person, by the person himself who has crossed the threshold of old age. There is already an answer to this question. Scientists, doctors and enthusiasts have collected a wealth of information about this, based on the experience of numerous observations.
What happens to a person before death

It is not aging that is believed to cause death, given that old age itself is a disease. A person dies from a disease that the worn-out body is unable to cope with.

Brain reaction before death

How does the brain react when death approaches?

During death, irreversible changes occur to the brain. Happening oxygen starvation, cerebral hypoxia. As a consequence of this, rapid death of neurons occurs. At the same time, even at this moment its activity is observed, but in critical areas responsible for survival. During the death of neurons and brain cells, a person may experience hallucinations, both visual, auditory, and tactile.

Loss of energy

A person loses energy very quickly, so drips with glucose and vitamins are prescribed.

An elderly dying person experiences a loss of energy potential. This results in longer periods of sleep and shorter periods of wakefulness. He constantly wants to sleep. Simple steps, such as moving around the room, exhausts a person and he soon goes to bed to rest. It seems that he is constantly sleepy or in a state of permanent drowsiness. Some people even experience energy exhaustion after simply socializing or thinking. This can be explained by the fact that the brain requires more energy than the body.

Failure of all body systems

  • The kidneys gradually refuse to work, so the urine they secrete becomes brown or red.
  • The intestines also stop working, which is manifested by constipation or absolute intestinal obstruction.
  • Respiratory system refuses, breathing becomes intermittent. This is also associated with a gradual failure of the heart.
  • Function failure circulatory system leads to pale skin. Wanderers are observed dark spots. The first such spots are visible first on the feet, then on the whole body.
  • Hands and feet become icy.

What feelings does a person experience when dying?

Most often, people are not even concerned about how the body manifests itself before death, but about how an old person feels, realizing that he is about to die. Karlis Osis, a psychologist in the 1960s, conducted global research on this topic. Doctors and medical staff from departments caring for dying people helped him. There were 35,540 deaths recorded. Based on observations of them, conclusions were drawn that have not lost their relevance to this day.

Before death, 90% of dying people do not feel fear.

It turned out that dying people had no fear. There was discomfort, indifference and pain. Every 20th person experienced elation. According to other studies, the older a person is, the less afraid he is of dying. For example, one social survey of older people showed that only 10% of respondents admitted to fear of death.

What do people see as they approach death?

Before death, people experience hallucinations that are similar to each other. During visions, they are in a state of clarity of consciousness, the brain worked normally. Moreover, he did not react to sedatives. Body temperature was also normal. On the verge of death, most people had already lost consciousness.

Often, visions during brain shutdown are associated with the most vivid memories of life.

Mostly, the visions of most people are associated with the concepts of their religion. Anyone who believed in hell or heaven saw corresponding visions. Non-religious people have seen beautiful visions related to nature and living fauna. Large quantity people saw their deceased relatives calling them to move on to another world. The people observed in the study were sick various diseases, had different level education, belonged to different religions, among them were convinced atheists.

Often the dying person hears various sounds, mostly unpleasant. At the same time, he feels himself rushing towards the light, through the tunnel. Then, he sees himself as separate from his body. And then he is met by all the dead people close to him who want to help him.

Scientists cannot give an exact answer about the nature of such experiences. They usually find a connection with the process of dying neurons (vision of a tunnel), brain hypoxia and the release of a hefty dose of endorphin (vision and feeling of happiness from the light at the end of the tunnel).

How to recognize the arrival of death?

Signs of a person dying are listed below.

The question of how to understand that a person is dying of old age is of concern to all relatives of a loved one. To understand that the patient is about to die very soon, you need to pay attention to the following signs:

  1. The body refuses to function (incontinence of urine or feces, color of urine, constipation, loss of strength and appetite, refusal of water).
  2. Even if you have an appetite, you may experience a loss of ability to swallow food, water, and your own saliva.
  3. Loss of ability to close eyelids due to critical exhaustion and drooping eyeballs.
  4. Signs of wheezing unconscious.
  5. Critical jumps in body temperature - either too low or critically high.

Important! These signs do not always indicate the arrival of the mortal end. Sometimes they are symptoms of diseases. These signs apply only to old people, the sick and the infirm.

Video: how does a person feel when he dies?


You can find out more about what death is in

After all, this helps to mentally prepare for the inevitable end and notice the changes taking place in time. Let's discuss together the signs of death of a patient and pay attention to their key features.

Most often, signs of imminent death are classified into primary and secondary. Some develop as a consequence of others. It is logical that if a person begins to sleep more, then he eats less, etc. We will look at all of them. But, cases may be different and exceptions to the rules are acceptable. The same as options for normal median survival even with symbiosis scary signs changes in the patient's condition. This is a kind of miracle that happens at least once in a century.

What signs of death do you know?

Changing sleep and wake patterns

Discussing initial signs As death approaches, doctors agree that the patient has less and less time to stay awake. He is more often immersed in superficial sleep and seems to be dozing. This saves precious energy and reduces pain. The latter fades into the background, becoming, as it were, background. Of course, the emotional side suffers greatly. The paucity of expression of one’s feelings, the self-isolation of the desire to remain silent more than to speak leave an imprint on relationships with others. The desire to ask and answer any questions, to be interested in everyday life and the people around you disappears.

As a result, in advanced cases patients become apathetic and detached. They sleep almost 20 hours a day unless there is acute pain or serious irritating factors. Unfortunately, such an imbalance threatens stagnant processes, mental problems and accelerates death.


Very reliable signs of death are swelling and spots on the legs and arms. We are talking about malfunctions in the kidneys and circulatory system. In the first case of oncology, the kidneys do not have time to cope with toxins and they poison the body. At the same time, metabolic processes, the blood is redistributed unevenly in the vessels, forming areas with spots. It’s not for nothing that they say that if such marks appear, then we're talking about about complete dysfunction of the limbs.

Problems with hearing, vision, perception

The first signs of death are changes in hearing, vision and normal feeling happening around. Such changes can occur against the background of severe pain, cancer, blood stagnation or tissue death. Often, before death, you can observe a phenomenon with the pupils. The eye pressure drops and when pressed you can see how the pupil is deformed like a cat's.

Regarding hearing, everything is relative. He can recover in last days life or even worsen, but this is more agony.

Reduced need for food

When a cancer patient is at home, all her loved ones note the signs of death. She gradually refuses food. First, the dose decreases from a plate to a quarter of a saucer, and then the swallowing reflex gradually disappears. There is a need for nutrition through a syringe or tube. In half of the cases, a system with glucose and vitamin therapy is connected. But the effectiveness of such support is very low. The body tries to use up its own fat reserves and minimize waste. This worsens the patient’s general condition, causing drowsiness and difficulty breathing.

Urinary problems and problems with natural needs

It is believed that problems with going to the toilet are also signs of approaching death. No matter how funny it may seem, in reality there is a completely logical chain in this. If defecation is not carried out once every two days or with the regularity to which a person is accustomed, then feces accumulate in the intestines. Even stones can form. As a result, toxins are absorbed from them, which seriously poison the body and reduce its performance.

It's about the same story with urination. It's harder for the kidneys to work. They allow less and less fluid to pass through and eventually the urine comes out saturated. In it high concentration acids and even blood is noted. For relief, a catheter can be installed, but this is not a panacea in the general context. unpleasant consequences for a bedridden patient.

Problems with thermoregulation

Natural signs before the death of a patient are impaired thermoregulation and agony. The limbs begin to get very cold. Especially if the patient has paralysis, then we can even talk about the progress of the disease. The blood circulation decreases. The body fights for life and tries to maintain the functioning of the main organs, thereby depriving the limbs. They may turn pale and even become blue with venous spots.

Weakness of the body

Signs near death Everyone's may be different depending on the situation. But more often than not, it's about severe weakness, weight loss and general fatigue. A period of self-isolation begins, which is aggravated by internal processes of intoxication and necrosis. The patient cannot even raise his arm or stand on a duck for natural needs. The process of urination and defecation can occur spontaneously and even unconsciously.

Foggy mind

Many see signs of approaching death in the way they disappear. normal reaction patient on the world. He can become aggressive, nervous, or vice versa – very passive. Memory disappears and attacks of fear may occur due to this. The patient does not immediately understand what is happening and who is nearby. The areas in the brain responsible for thinking die. And obvious inadequacy may appear.


This defensive reaction all vital systems in the body. Often, it is expressed in the onset of stupor or coma. Regression plays a major role nervous system which calls in the future:

Decreased metabolism

Insufficient ventilation of the lungs due to breathing problems or alternating rapid breathing with stopping

Serious damage to organ tissue


Agony is usually called a clear improvement in the patient’s condition against the background of destructive processes in the body. Essentially, these are the last efforts to maintain the necessary functions for continued existence. May be noted:

Improved hearing and restored vision

Establishing a breathing rhythm

Normalization of heart contractions

Restoring consciousness in the patient

Muscle activity like cramps

Decreased sensitivity to pain

The agony can last from several minutes to an hour. Usually, it seems to foreshadow clinical death, when the brain is still alive, and oxygen ceases to flow into the tissues.

These are typical signs of death in bedridden people. But you shouldn’t dwell too much on them. After all, there may be another side of the coin. It happens that one or two such signs are simply a consequence of an illness, but they are completely reversible with proper care. Even a hopelessly bedridden patient may not have all these signs before death. And this is not an indicator. So, it is difficult to talk about mandatory rules, as well as to impose death sentences.

Bedridden patient: signs before death. Changes with a person before death

If there is a bedridden patient in the house who is in serious condition, it will not hurt the relatives to know the signs of approaching death in order to be well prepared. The process of dying can occur not only physically, but also mentally. Considering the fact that each person is individual, each patient will have their own characteristics, but there are still some general symptoms that will indicate the imminent end of a person’s life.

How can a person feel as death approaches?

We are not talking about a person for whom death is sudden, but about patients who have been sick for a long time and are bedridden. As a rule, such patients can experience mental anguish for a long time, because being in their right mind a person understands perfectly well what he has to endure. A dying person constantly feels all the changes that occur in his body. And all this ultimately contributes to constant changes in mood, as well as loss of mental balance.

Most bedridden patients withdraw into themselves. They begin to sleep a lot, but remain indifferent to everything that happens around them. There are also frequent cases when, just before death, patients’ health suddenly improves, but after a while the body becomes even weaker, followed by a failure of all vital functions of the body.

Signs of imminent death

It is impossible to predict the exact time of departure to another world, but paying attention to the signs of approaching death is quite possible. Let's look at the main symptoms that may indicate imminent death:

  1. The patient loses his energy, sleeps a lot, and the periods of wakefulness become less and less each time. Sometimes a person can sleep for a whole day and stay awake for only a couple of hours.
  2. Breathing changes, the patient may breathe either too quickly or too slowly. In some cases, it may even seem that the person has completely stopped breathing for a while.
  3. He loses his hearing and vision, and sometimes hallucinations may occur. During such periods, the patient may hear or see something that is not really happening. You can often see him talking to people who have long been dead.
  4. A bedridden patient loses his appetite, and he not only stops eating protein foods, but also refuses to drink. To somehow allow moisture to seep into his mouth, you can dip a special sponge in water and moisten your dry lips with it.
  5. The color of the urine changes, it becomes dark brown or even dark red, and its smell becomes very pungent and toxic.
  6. Body temperature often changes, it can be high, and then drop sharply.
  7. An elderly bedridden patient may become lost in time.

Of course, it is impossible to extinguish the pain of loved ones from the imminent loss of their loved one, but it is still possible to prepare and prepare yourself psychologically.

What does drowsiness and weakness in a bedridden patient indicate?

When death approaches, a bedridden patient begins to sleep a lot, and the point is not that he feels very tired, but that it is simply difficult for such a person to wake up. The patient is often in deep sleep, so his reaction is inhibited. This condition is close to coma. The manifestation of excessive weakness and drowsiness naturally slows down some of a person’s physiological abilities, so in order to roll over from one side to the other or go to the toilet, he will need help.

What changes occur in respiratory function?

Relatives who care for the patient may notice how his rapid breathing will sometimes give way to breathlessness. And over time, the patient’s breathing may become moist and stagnant, causing wheezing to be heard when inhaling or exhaling. It occurs because fluid collects in the lungs, which is no longer removed naturally by coughing.

Sometimes the patient is helped by being turned from one side to the other, then the liquid can come out of the mouth. Some patients are prescribed oxygen therapy to relieve suffering, but it does not prolong life.

How do vision and hearing change?

Minute clouding of consciousness in severely ill patients can be directly related to changes in vision and hearing. This often happens in their last weeks of life, for example, they stop seeing and hearing well, or, on the contrary, they hear things that no one else can hear.

The most common are visual hallucinations just before death, when a person thinks that someone is calling him or he sees someone. In this case, doctors recommend agreeing with the dying person in order to at least somehow cheer him up; you should not deny what the patient sees or hears, otherwise it can greatly upset him.

How does your appetite change?

In a bedridden patient, before death, the metabolic process may be reduced, which is why he stops wanting to eat and drink.

Naturally, to support the body, the patient should still be given at least some nutritious food, so it is recommended to feed the person in small portions until he is able to swallow. And when this ability is lost, then it is no longer possible to do without IVs.

What changes occur in the bladder and intestines before death?

Signs of imminent death of a patient are directly related to changes in the functioning of the kidneys and intestines. The kidneys stop producing urine, so it becomes dark brown in color, because the filtration process is disrupted. A small amount of urine can contain a huge amount of toxins that have a detrimental effect on the entire body.

Such changes can lead to complete failure of the kidneys, the person falls into a coma and dies after a while. Due to the fact that appetite decreases, changes occur in the intestines themselves. The stool becomes hard, causing constipation. The patient needs to alleviate the condition, so relatives who care for him are recommended to give the patient an enema every three days or make sure that he takes a laxative on time.

How does body temperature change?

If there is a bedridden patient in the house, the signs before death can be very diverse. Relatives may notice that a person’s body temperature is constantly changing. This is due to the fact that the part of the brain that is responsible for thermoregulation may not function well.

At some point, body temperature can rise to 39 degrees, but after half an hour it can drop significantly. Naturally, in this case, it will be necessary to give the patient antipyretic drugs, most often Ibuprofen or Aspirin are used. If the patient does not have the function of swallowing, then antipyretic suppositories can be given or an injection can be given.

Just before death, the temperature immediately drops, the arms and legs become cold, and the skin in these areas becomes covered with red spots.

Why does a person’s mood often change before death?

A dying person, without realizing it, is gradually preparing himself for death. He has enough time to analyze his entire life and draw conclusions about what was done right or wrong. It seems to the patient that everything he says is misinterpreted by his family and friends, so he begins to withdraw into himself and stops communicating with others.

In many cases, clouding of consciousness occurs, so a person can remember everything that happened to him a long time ago in the smallest details, but he will no longer remember what happened an hour ago. It can be scary when this condition reaches the point of psychosis, in which case it is necessary to consult a doctor who can prescribe sedatives to the patient.

How can I help a dying person relieve physical pain?

A bedridden patient after a stroke or a person who has become incapacitated due to another illness may experience severe pain. To somehow alleviate his suffering, it is necessary to use painkillers.

A pain reliever may be prescribed by your doctor. And if the patient does not have any problems with swallowing, then the drugs can be in the form of tablets, but in other cases injections will have to be used.

If a person has a serious illness that is accompanied by severe pain, then it will be necessary to use drugs that are available only by prescription, for example, these could be Fentanyl, Codeine or Morphine.

Today, there are many drugs that will be effective for pain, some of them are produced in the form of drops that are dripped under the tongue, and sometimes even a patch can provide significant help to the patient. There is a category of people who are very careful about painkillers, citing the fact that addiction may occur. To avoid addiction, as soon as a person begins to feel better, you can stop taking the drug for a while.

Emotional stress experienced by the dying person

Changes with a person before death concern not only his physical health, but also affect his psychological state. If a person experiences a little stress, then this is normal, but if the stress lasts for a long time, then most likely this is the deep depression that a person experiences before death. The fact is that everyone can have their own emotional experiences and will show their own signs before death.

A bedridden patient will experience not only physical pain, but also mental pain, which will have an extremely negative impact on his general condition and will bring the moment of death closer.

But even if a person has a fatal illness, relatives should try to cure their loved one’s depression. In this case, the doctor may prescribe antidepressants or consultations with a psychologist. This is a natural process when a person becomes despondent, knowing that he has very little time left to live in the world, so relatives should do their best to distract the patient from sad thoughts.

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Additional symptoms before death

It should be noted that there are different signs before death. A bedridden patient may experience symptoms that are not detected in others. For example, some patients often complain of constant nausea and urge to vomit, although their disease has nothing to do with the gastrointestinal tract. This process is easily explained by the fact that due to illness, the body becomes weaker and cannot cope with the digestion of food, which can cause certain problems with the functioning of the stomach.

In this case, relatives will need to seek help from a doctor who can prescribe medications to alleviate this condition. For example, for persistent constipation, a laxative can be used, and for nausea, other effective medications are prescribed that will dull this unpleasant feeling.

Naturally, not a single such drug can save a life or prolong it indefinitely, but it is still possible to alleviate the suffering of a loved one, so it would be wrong not to take advantage of this chance.

How to care for a dying relative?

Today there are special means for caring for bedridden patients. With their help, the person caring for the patient makes his work much easier. But the fact is that a dying person requires not only physical care, but also a lot of attention - he needs constant conversations in order to be distracted from his sad thoughts, and only family and friends can provide emotional conversations.

A sick person must be absolutely calm, and unnecessary stress will only bring the minutes of his death closer. To alleviate the suffering of a relative, you need to seek help from qualified doctors who can prescribe all the necessary medications to help overcome many unpleasant symptoms.

All the signs listed above are general, and it should be remembered that each person is individual, which means that the body can behave differently in different situations. And if there is a bedridden patient in the house, his signs before death may turn out to be completely unexpected for you, since everything depends on the disease and on the individuality of the organism.

Signs that an elderly person is approaching death

The article will give you mixed feelings. On the one hand, there is mental anguish and suffering. On the other hand, there is a clear understanding of what remains to be experienced. Of course, nothing can replace or drown out the pain of losing a loved one. After reading the note, you will at least be mentally prepared for this.

How does a dying person feel?

On the threshold of death, many things change. Both from the physiological and emotional side. But, like everything in our lives is individual, the onset of death is also purely personal.

This cannot be predicted or changed. But there are similar symptoms, regardless of pre-existing conditions, that all older people experience.

10 signs of approaching death

  1. Drowsiness and weakness in the body
  2. A person sees and hears what others do not notice
  3. Weak, intermittent breathing
  4. Urine turns dark red or brown
  5. Problems with stool
  6. Appetite disappears
  7. Body temperature ranges from too high to extremely low
  8. Mood and feelings change
  9. Legs are swollen
  10. Venous spots appear (especially on the soles of the feet)

Let's talk about each of the points in more detail.

Constant drowsiness and weakness in the body

The period of wakefulness is shortened, metabolism slows down. By hibernating, the body tries to protect itself from dehydration and fatigue. Therefore, an elderly person constantly feels sleepy. At the same time, the sleep is deep, without any reaction. It's getting more and more difficult to wake up in the morning.

Don't wake the person. Let him sleep as much as his body requires. Moreover, even while in deep sleep, he hears and remembers your words.

Visual and auditory hallucinations

Seeing and hearing things that others do not notice is quite normal in this situation. There is nothing mysterious or suspicious here. In addition, hallucinations can affect the organs of vision, smell, tactile and taste.

Breathing changes

Becomes intermittent, wet, noisy and stagnant. It stops more and more often. Wheezing can be observed. To relieve suffering, doctors usually recommend oxygen therapy.

Change in urine color and problems with stool

There is a catastrophic lack of water in the body of an elderly person. Water balance broken. Hence, rare trips to the toilet and kidney problems. As a result, the urine becomes concentrated. It darkens and decreases in number.

Constipation is connected to this. It becomes increasingly difficult for a person to go to the toilet without additional stimulation.

Lack of appetite

As mentioned above, metabolic processes slow down. This is reflected in the desire to eat. Or rather, its absence. I feel less and less thirsty. Food is difficult to swallow. To quench your thirst, you can wet your mouth with a damp cloth. But under no circumstances try to force feed. Nothing good will come of this.

Temperature changes

A fairly common sign of approaching death. Thus, during the day, body temperature can vary from too high to critically low.

This is due to disruption of the part of the brain responsible for thermoregulation. Hence, my hands and feet get cold. The skin changes color.

Rubbing your body with a cool or warm towel will help ease the pain. Or, alternatively, you can give one of the following medications:

If tablets are painful to swallow, purchase them as rectal suppositories.

Uncontrolled emotions

Along with physical changes, quite common occurrence and mood changes. Some people completely withdraw into themselves and avoid communication with loved ones. Others, on the contrary, are immersed in warm and pleasant memories. They are described down to the smallest detail. But ask about recent events and they won't be able to answer you.

There are also those who communicate with dead people.

In some cases, emotional changes reach the point of psychosis.

Swelling of the legs

A similar symptom is caused bad work kidney Instead of removing fluid, they accumulate it in the body. Typically in the leg area.

Venous spots on the body

Red or blue venous spots appear on the body of the dying person, especially on the soles of the feet. This is caused by slow blood circulation.

And in conclusion

No matter how difficult it may be for you, it is even more difficult for an elderly person on the verge of death, in every sense. Pull yourself together! You cannot change what does not depend on you. But you can surround your loved one with care, love and home warmth.

Healthy Aging

If you are dying or caring for someone who is dying, you may have questions about what the dying process will be like physically and emotionally. The following information will help you answer some questions.

Signs of approaching death

The process of dying is as diverse (individual) as the process of birth. It is impossible to predict the exact time of death and how exactly a person will die. But people facing death experience many of the same symptoms, regardless of the type of illness.

As death approaches, a person may experience some physical and emotional changes, such as:

A dying person may experience other symptoms depending on the disease. Talk to your doctor about what you can expect. You can also contact the program for helping the hopelessly ill, where all your questions regarding the dying process will be answered. The more you and your loved ones know, the more prepared you will be for this moment.

As death approaches, a person sleeps more and it becomes more and more difficult to wake up. Periods of wakefulness are becoming shorter and shorter.

As death approaches, your caregivers will notice that you are unresponsive and that you are in very deep sleep. This condition is called coma. If you are in a coma, you will be tied to your bed and all your physiological needs(bathing, turning, feeding and urinating) will need to be supervised by someone else.

General weakness is a very common occurrence as death approaches. It is normal for a person to need assistance with walking, bathing, and going to the toilet. Over time, you may need help turning over in bed. Medical equipment, such as wheelchairs, walkers or a hospital bed can be of great help during this period. This equipment can be rented from a hospital or care center for the terminally ill.

As death approaches, periods of rapid breathing may be followed by periods of breathlessness.

Your breath may become wet and congested. This is called the "death rattle." Changes in breathing usually happen when you are weak and normal discharge from yours respiratory tract and the lungs cannot come out.

Although noisy breathing may be a signal to your family, you probably won't feel any pain or notice any congestion. Since the fluid is deep in the lungs, it is difficult to remove it. Your doctor may prescribe oral tablets(atropines) or patches (scopolamine) to reduce congestion.

Your loved ones may turn you on your other side to help the discharge come out of your mouth. They can also wipe this discharge with a damp cloth or special tampons (you can ask for it at a help center for the hopelessly ill or buy it at pharmacies).

Your doctor may prescribe oxygen therapy to relieve your shortness of breath. Oxygen therapy will make you feel better, but will not prolong your life.

Deterioration of vision is very common in the last weeks of life. You may notice that your vision has become difficult. You may see or hear things that no one else notices (hallucinations). Visual hallucinations are common before death.

If you are caring for a dying person who is hallucinating, you need to reassure them. Acknowledge what the person sees. Denying hallucinations can be distressing to a dying person. Talk to the person, even if he or she is in a coma. It is known that dying people can hear even when they are in deep coma. People who came out of comas said that they could hear the entire time they were in the coma.

Hallucinations are the perception of something that is not actually there. Hallucinations can involve all the senses: hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting or touching.

The most common hallucinations are visual and auditory. For example, a person may hear voices or see objects that another person cannot see.

Other types of hallucinations include gustatory, olfactory and tactile.

Treatment for hallucinations depends on the cause.

As death approaches, you are likely to eat and drink less. This is associated with a general feeling of weakness and a slower metabolism.

Since nutrition is important social significance, it will be difficult for your family and friends to watch you not eat anything. However, changes in metabolism mean that you do not need the same amount of food and fluid as before.

You can consume small amounts of food and liquid as long as you are active and able to swallow. If swallowing is a problem for you, you can prevent thirst by moistening your mouth with a damp cloth or a special swab (available at a pharmacy) soaked in water.

Often the kidneys gradually stop producing urine as death approaches. As a result, your urine turns dark brown or dark red. This is due to the inability of the kidneys to properly filter urine. As a result, the urine becomes very concentrated. Its quantity is also decreasing.

As appetite decreases, some changes also occur in the intestines. The stool becomes harder and more difficult to pass (constipation) as the person takes in less fluid and becomes weaker.

You should tell your doctor if you have bowel movements less than once every three days or if your bowel movements cause you discomfort. Stool softeners may be recommended to prevent constipation. You can also use an enema to cleanse your colon.

As you become increasingly weak, it is natural that you find it difficult to control bladder and intestines. A urinary catheter may be placed in your bladder as a means of long-term urine drainage. The terminally ill program may also provide toilet paper or underwear (they can also be purchased at the pharmacy).

As death approaches, the area of ​​the brain responsible for regulating body temperature begins to function poorly. You may have heat, and in a minute you will feel cold. Your hands and feet may feel very cold to the touch and may even become pale and blotchy. Changes in skin color are called mottled skin lesions and are very common in the last days or hours of life.

The person caring for you can monitor your temperature by rubbing your skin with a wet, slightly warm washcloth or giving you the following medications:

Many of these medications are available in the form of rectal suppositories if you have difficulty swallowing.

Just as your body prepares physically for death, you must prepare for it emotionally and mentally.

As death approaches, you may lose interest in the world around you and certain details. Everyday life, such as date or time. You may withdraw into yourself and communicate less with people. You may only want to communicate with a few people. This kind of introspection can be a way of saying goodbye to everything you knew.

In the days before your death, you may enter a unique state of conscious awareness and communication that may be misinterpreted by your family and friends. You can talk about how you need to go somewhere - “go home” or “go somewhere.” The meaning of such conversations is unknown, but some people think that such conversations help prepare for death.

Events from your recent past may be mixed with distant events. You can remember very old events in the smallest detail, but not remember what happened an hour ago.

You may be thinking about people who have already died. You may say that you heard or saw someone who has already died. Your loved ones may hear you talking to the deceased person.

If you are caring for a dying person, you may be upset or frightened by this strange behavior. You may want to bring your loved one back to reality. If this kind of communication is bothering you, talk to your doctor to better understand what's going on. Your close person may fall into a state of psychosis, and it may be scary for you to watch. Psychosis occurs in many people before death. It may have one cause or be the result of several factors. Reasons may include:

Symptoms may include:

Sometimes delirium tremens can be prevented with alternative medicine, such as relaxation and breathing techniques, and other methods that reduce the need for sedatives.

Palliative care can help you relieve physical symptoms associated with your illness, such as nausea or difficulty breathing. Controlling pain and other symptoms is important part your treatment and improve your quality of life.

How often a person feels pain depends on their disease. Some fatal diseases, such as bone cancer or pancreatic cancer, can be accompanied by severe physical pain.

A person can be so afraid of pain and others physical symptoms that he may be thinking about physician-assisted suicide. But the pain before death can be effectively dealt with. You should tell your doctor and loved ones about any pain. There are many medications and alternative methods (such as massage) that can help you cope with the pain of death. Be sure to ask for help. Ask a loved one to tell the doctor about your pain if you are unable to do so yourself.

You may want your family not to see you suffer. But it is very important to tell them about your pain if you cannot bear it so that they see a doctor immediately.

Spirituality means a person's awareness of the purpose and meaning of his life. It also denotes a person’s relationship with higher powers or the energy that gives life meaning.

Some people don't think about spirituality often. For others, it is part of everyday life. As you approach the end of your life, you may be faced with your own spiritual questions and challenges. Connecting with religion often helps some people achieve comfort before death. Other people find solace in nature, in social work, strengthening relationships with loved ones or creating new relationships. Think about what can give you peace and support. What questions concern you? Seek support from friends, family, programs, and spiritual guides.

Caring for a dying relative

Physician-assisted suicide refers to the practice of medical professionals assisting a person who voluntarily chooses to die. This is usually done by prescribing a lethal dose of medication. Although the doctor is indirectly involved in the death of a person, he is not the direct cause of it. On this moment Oregon is the only state to have legalized physician-assisted suicide.

A person with a terminal illness may consider suicide with the assistance of a physician. Among the factors that can cause such a decision are severe pain, depression and fear of dependence on other people. A dying person may consider himself a burden to his loved ones and not understand that his loved ones want to provide him with their help as an expression of love and sympathy.

Often a person with a terminal illness contemplates suicide with the assistance of a doctor when his physical or emotional symptoms don't get it effective treatment. Symptoms associated with the dying process (such as pain, depression or nausea) can be controlled. Talk to your doctor and family about your symptoms, especially if your symptoms bother you so much that you think about dying.

Control of pain and symptoms at the end of life

At the end of life, pain and other symptoms can be managed effectively. Talk to your doctor and loved ones about the symptoms you are experiencing. Family is an important link between you and your doctor. If you yourself cannot communicate with a doctor, your loved one can do this for you. There is always something that can be done to relieve your pain and symptoms so that you feel comfortable.

There are many painkillers available. Your doctor will choose the easiest and most atraumatic drug to relieve pain. Usually applied first oral medications, as they are easier to take and less expensive. If you don't have sharp pain, painkillers can be purchased without a doctor's prescription. These include drugs such as acetaminophen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin or ibuprofen. It is important to stay ahead of your pain and take your medications as scheduled. Irregular use of medications is often the cause of ineffective treatment.

Sometimes pain cannot be controlled with over-the-counter medications. In this case, more effective forms of treatment are needed. Your doctor may prescribe painkillers such as codeine, morphine, or fentanyl. These medications can be combined with others, such as antidepressants, to help you get rid of your pain.

If you cannot take the pills, there are other forms of treatment. If you have problems swallowing, you can use liquid medicines. Medicines can also be in the form of:

Many people who suffer from severe pain fear that they will become dependent on painkillers. However, addiction rarely occurs in terminally ill people. If your condition improves, you can slowly stop taking the medicine to prevent dependence.

Painkillers can be used to manage the pain and help keep it at a tolerable level. But sometimes painkillers make you drowsy. You can only take a small amount of medication and therefore endure little pain and still remain active. On the other hand, maybe weakness doesn't matter to you. of great importance and you are not bothered by drowsiness caused by certain medications.

The main thing is to take medications on a specific schedule, and not just when “the need arises.” But even if you take medication regularly, you may sometimes feel severe pain. These are called "breakthrough pain." Talk to your doctor about what medications you should always have on hand to help manage breakthrough pain. And always tell your doctor if you stop taking your medicine. Sudden termination may cause serious side effects and severe pain. Talk to your doctor about ways to relieve pain without using drugs. Alternative medical therapy can help some people relax and get rid of pain. You can combine traditional treatment with alternative methods such as:

For more detailed information, see the Chronic Pain section.

During the period when you are learning to cope with your illness, short-term emotional stress is normal occurrence. Depression that lasts more than 2 weeks is no longer normal and should be reported to your doctor. Depression can be treated even if you have a terminal illness. Antidepressants in combination with counseling from a psychologist will help you cope with emotional distress.

Talk to your doctor and family about your emotional distress. Although feelings of grief are a natural part of the dying process, this does not mean you have to endure severe emotional pain. Emotional distress can increase physical pain. They can also have a negative impact on your relationships with loved ones and prevent you from saying goodbye to them properly.

As death approaches, you may experience other symptoms. Talk to your doctor about any symptoms you may experience. Symptoms such as nausea, fatigue, constipation or shortness of breath can be managed with medication, special diets and oxygen therapy. Have a friend or family member describe your symptoms to a doctor or emergency services worker. It can be helpful to keep a journal and write down all your symptoms.

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