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What vitamins are needed for hair and what products to look for them in. What vitamins to take for hair loss. The best vitamins for strengthening hair

Every woman dreams of healthy and beautiful curls. But in conditions modern ecology and stress hair needs additional care and nutrition. Get everything essential vitamins and microelements from products is quite difficult, here pharmacies come to our aid vitamin complexes.

Today, a website about hair care will make its rating of the best vitamins for hair based on popularity, effectiveness and reviews of the use of these complexes. So, are you ready?

What vitamins are good for hair?

In order to consciously approach the choice of the best vitamins for your hair, we suggest that you first figure out which nutrients they need it. So, the main vitamins that ensure the beauty and health of hair:

  • Vitamin A(retinol) will relieve your skin and hair from dryness and brittleness. To maintain this vitamin in the body, you should include fish, cottage cheese, egg yolk, carrots and liver.
  • B vitamins stimulate hair growth, fight hair loss and eliminate oiliness. The group is quite large, so there are a lot of sources. So, for example, B1 is found in buckwheat and oatmeal, wholemeal bread, and green peas. B2 in large quantities contained in meat products, chicken eggs and almonds. Such important vitamins, like B5 and B6, you can get from peas, hazelnuts, cauliflower, meat and dairy products. Vitamin B12, which is responsible for hair growth, is found exclusively in animal products.
  • Vitamin C nourishes hair and also prevents hair loss. It can be obtained from fruits (especially citrus fruits).
  • Vitamin E is responsible for the condition of the scalp and gives the desired shine to your hair. Mainly found in products of plant origin.
  • Vitamin D especially relevant in winter period. In summer, we get enough of this vitamin from direct sunlight.

Even if your diet is perfectly balanced, we often do not receive these vitamins in the required quantities. But this is the 21st century, medicine has stepped forward, and everyone has heard about vitamin complexes and dietary supplements. There are many on the market today various drugs, but are they all as good as the manufacturer claims?

Rating of vitamin complexes for hair

It is impossible to choose the “best” or “worst” vitamin complex, since everything depends on individual characteristics body. Some hair lacks shine and strength, others lack growth rate, and others simply need to let it fall out. Therefore, we present to your attention a rating of the best vitamins for hair with reviews of them.

Inneov "hair thickness"

Today it is one of the most effective means for hair restoration and growth.

It includes:

  • green tea and grape seed extract, which are powerful antioxidants;
  • zinc, necessary for the synthesis of hair keratin;
  • taurine, which fights damage to hair follicles.

The peculiarity of this drug is that it is designed for men and women separately. Vitamins and minerals are balanced in the best way for each organism.
Perhaps the main disadvantage is the duration of the course (3-6 months). If you haven’t seen results after the first month of taking it, don’t despair. After taking a course of the drug, the result will not be long in coming. Your hair will become stronger and thicker, “fuzz” will appear and you will see how much faster your hair begins to grow.

Marina, 40 years old:

It became clearly visible that new small hairs had grown out. After 2 months of taking it, there were even more such hairs. By the end of taking INNEOV, the condition of my hair had improved significantly. They stopped falling out and appeared healthy looking, my hair finally stopped splitting and began to grow quickly!

Yulia, 21 years old:

I'll share my review! After a month of taking the drug, I noticed that the amount of hair loss was halved. Thanks to the fact that it contains taurine and green tea extract, I feel much better and more energetic. And this is worth a lot!

Vitrum Beauty

One of the most popular and rated brands among domestic consumers. Vitamins are designed specifically for women, taking into account the needs female body. Vitrum Beauty not only eliminates brittleness and dullness of hair, but also helps to resist negative influences environment, also strengthens the body’s immunity as a whole. Judging by the reviews, within a month the hair becomes less brittle and the skin becomes radiant.

Reviews of Vitrum Beauty for hair:

Oksana, 25 years old:

I started drinking Vitrum Beauty specifically for my hair. The effect shocked me! In about a month, my hair grew by 2.5 centimeters, something that had never been observed before. My hair usually grows quite slowly. The vitamins had an effect not only on my hair, but also on my nails, and I myself became more cheerful and lively...

Olga, 36 years old:

To be honest, I didn’t expect this. I never thought that they would help so quickly. Because of these vitamins, my hair became noticeably stronger and my nails stopped peeling!


The key to Pantovigar's success is the combination of various components:

  • Keratin is the basis of our hair.
  • Vitamin B1 restores hair structure.
  • Vitamin B 5 is needed for hair growth and strengthening.
  • Vitamin B 10 is responsible for hair color (gray hair) and its health.
  • L-cysteine ​​(L) promotes fast hair growth.

Together, these elements have a more precise effect than any other vitamin.

It should be said that this drug slightly different from those described earlier. Pantovigar is highly specialized and is aimed at restoring, preventing hair loss, as well as its growth.

The drug affects the condition of the hair from the inside, saturating and nourishing the cells, it stimulates growth and improves the structure of the hair. The course of treatment is quite long, 3-6 months, but the result exceeds expectations. Apparently that’s why it’s one of the first in the ranking of vitamins for hair loss.

The price of Pantovigar is a little scary. Many women are simply forced to look for cheaper analogues.

Olesya, 32 years old:

My nails have become stronger and do not flake, I noticed the effect after a couple of weeks of use. The hair showed an effect a little later, after about a month of use. My hair was slightly dry from constant dyeing, but now it is more pleasant to the touch and not so brittle.

Anastasia, 19 years old:

The first results appeared after a month of use, hair loss was very noticeably reduced. Another month later, an undercoat of new hairs appeared. My course lasted 6 months and the results are obvious. I would recommend this drug.


Alerana is Russian drug. It is in no way inferior to foreign ones, more expensive analogues, and the course of taking the drug is much shorter (1-3 months). Women who have tried Aleran vitamins notice that the result is visible after 10 days.

Dividing vitamins and minerals into daytime and nighttime ones allows you to more effectively combat problems. The daily portion contains mostly minerals aimed at restoring and protecting the follicle.

Night contains B vitamins, as well as useful acids to stimulate hair growth.

Maria, 22 years old:

While taking these vitamins, I did not feel any discomfort. They actually promote hair growth. My hair is unrecognizable! Hair has become more voluminous and manageable...

Natalya, 46 years old:

The condition of my hair has changed beyond recognition, which makes me very happy. They are smooth, shiny, the ends have stopped splitting, and they are quite soft to the touch. Of course, we should thank not only vitamins for this, but they played a major role.


However, due to the fact that the drug has very complex composition, many women complain of side effects. Therefore, before taking these vitamins, you need to consult a specialist and carefully study the composition. Those who are satisfied with the drug will never exchange it for another.

Nastya, 21 years old:

There is something to praise the vitamins for - with them I grew my hair to a very decent length, it became thicker and, finally, I got rid of brittle nails. After two weeks of taking Perfectil, my hair stopped growing so much. Now I continue to grow my hair. I was very pleased with the vitamins. I will definitely recommend them, and with great pleasure!

Ksenia, 29 years old:

The main task that I set for the drug was completed one hundred percent!! I've been trying to grow my hair out for quite some time. So with Perfectil they really began to grow! I am very pleased with the condition of my hair, it is vibrant, shiny and flowing...

Merz Beauty

Merz special dragees are a dietary supplement. Thanks to its balanced composition, the drug not only improves the condition of hair and skin, but also replenishes the supply of nutrients in the body as a whole. Unlike medications, Merz Beauty is approved and even recommended for pregnant and lactating women.

For nursing mothers, this is a real panacea for hair loss. However, Special Merz dragees should be used with caution and not exceed the dose prescribed according to the instructions, so as not to cause an overdose. Also should not be used with other multivitamins.

The role of well-groomed hair in a person’s appearance cannot be underestimated. This is especially true for women. A person whose hair has a healthy, well-groomed appearance is psychologically better perceived by the interlocutor than one who does not take care of his appearance. The condition of our hair also affects how we perceive our outer appearance. To maintain health, hair needs nutrition, which we will talk about today. But first, about the structure of the hair.

The structure of hair is very similar to the structure of trees. Hair consists of a trunk (the visible part of it) and a root located inside the skin in the hair follicle. The root, together with the surrounding tissues, forms the hair follicle. Each bulb is endowed nerve endings, blood vessels, sebaceous gland, sweat gland, as well as a special muscle that lifts hair. The hair itself is a fiber similar to a twisted cable.

Protecting and caring for hair, making it look healthy and attractive is not such a difficult task, it mainly consists of supplying it with all the necessary vitamins and minerals. The key to success in this matter is complete and balanced diet.

Hair care from the inside

Vitamins good for hair

  • Group B vitamins (cereals, nuts, wholemeal bread, bread, bran, eggs) - stimulate hair growth, make it thick and strong, add elasticity and shine, reduce fat content.
  • Vitamin A (liver, cottage cheese, eggs, butter) and provitamin A (sea buckthorn, carrots, apricots) – are responsible for the softness and silkiness of hair, improve its structure.
  • Vitamin E (nuts, seeds, eggs, green leafy vegetables, vegetable oils) – protects hair from ultraviolet radiation, nourishes hair follicles, restores blood circulation to the scalp.
  • Vitamin C (citrus fruits, kiwi, currants, sea buckthorn, rose hips) - stimulates blood circulation, accelerates hair growth, promotes iron absorption.

Minerals beneficial for hair

  • Calcium (cereals, dairy products, dark green vegetables, herbs) – strengthens and promotes hair growth.
  • Magnesium (legumes, nuts, dried apricots, fresh herbs) – makes hair elastic.
  • Silicon (corn, zucchini, cucumbers, honeysuckle) – provides hair with strength and durability.
  • Phosphorus (cereals, cheese, legumes, fish and other seafood) – gives hair rich color and elasticity.
  • Iron (liver, meat, eggs, legumes, pumpkin and sesame seeds) – strengthens hair and prevents premature graying.
  • Zinc (onion, garlic, cabbage, cheese, oatmeal, sesame seeds) – prevents graying and hair loss.
  • Copper (cereals, apricots, pumpkin, nuts, shrimp) – warns premature aging hair.
  • Selenium (rye bread, milk, meat, seafood, nuts, legumes) – protects against ultraviolet radiation and other harmful environmental factors.
  • Iodine (cheese, eggs, milk, persimmons, seafood, champignons) – takes part in metabolic processes and gives hair a healthy appearance.
  • Sulfur (fish, garlic, legumes, eggs, cheese, cabbage) – provides hair strength and shine.

It should be added that only a few examples of products are listed here. It would also be useful to know that grains, fruits and vegetables should occupy 1/3 of our total daily diet, meat, seafood and eggs - about 1/5, dairy products - about 1/6, and sweets and fats "in in kind"(for example, butter) - no more than 1/10.

External hair care

Healthy recipes for hair care

  • Banana shampoo for all hair types

Remove the peel from the banana (if the hair is short, half is enough), remove the top layer of pulp so that it does not roll into lumps when washing. Pass the banana through a blender until smooth. After that in ready-made puree add lemon juice and lastly 1 yolk. This shampoo lathers well and no conditioner is needed, since it contains lemon juice. As a result, the hair becomes clean, soft and shiny!

  • Nettle shampoo for oily skin scalps with dandruff

Pour 100 g of dry or fresh nettle with 1 liter of water, add 1/2 liter of vinegar. Boil ready mixture for 30 minutes over low heat. Strain. Mix the resulting infusion with plain water and wash your hair with this mixture.

  • Beetroot water to fight dandruff

Pour 1.5 liters into a 3-liter jar cold water and dip the beets, peeled and cut into large slices, into it. Allow it to brew and acquire a characteristic pink tint. Before washing, add a little hot water to the resulting infusion. Ideally, you should first wash your hair with a suitable medicated shampoo, and use beet water as a rinse instead of tap water.

Mash a small piece of rye bread into hot water until a liquid slurry forms, then allow the mixture to brew a little. Please be warned: bread crumbs They are quite difficult to comb out, so it would be better to pass the pulp through a sieve. After this, apply the mixture to your hair and leave it on for up to 10 minutes. After the time has passed, you must rinse your hair very thoroughly with water. Thanks to this recipe, hair growth is stimulated, it becomes voluminous and thick. This product is especially effective for caring for oily hair.

  • Kefir mask that stimulates hair growth

Heat 1/2 cup kefir using water bath and add a little castor oil. Rub the resulting mixture into the scalp, wrap in cellophane, and top with a terry towel. After 30 minutes, wash your hair with shampoo.

  • Egg-honey hair mask with restorative effect

To prepare this mask you will need 2 eggs, 5 tbsp. l. olive oil and 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey. All components must be mixed. Apply the resulting mixture to your hair, after putting on a shower cap. Leave the mask on for 30 minutes. At the end of the time, you need to wash off the mask with warm water. After this procedure, hair becomes strong and takes on a healthy appearance.

The condition of the hair, as well as the body as a whole, depends on a sufficient amount of vitamins entering the body.

With their deficiency, hair loses its beauty, shine and volume.

They begin to lose color, begin to break, split ends and, worst of all, fall out.

What vitamins does hair need most?

In order for hair to always be strong and grow well, it needs a whole complex of vitamins and microelements. Vitamin E (tocopherol) is especially necessary for hair. It provides normal circulation oxygen in the blood and supports the functioning of the immune system.

Hair follicles, whose nutrition comes from the blood, are responsible for the health of the roots and, accordingly, for the strength and health of the hair itself. A sufficient amount of tocopherol in the body improves blood circulation in the follicles, which stimulates hair growth.

Vitamin E protects hair from exposure to ultraviolet radiation and adverse external factors, gives hair shine, moisturizes and makes it strong. Just 30–50 mg per day will eliminate its deficiency, which often results in hair loss.

How to use vitamin E for hair treatment

Tocopherol is found in many natural products:

  • in vegetable oils,
  • olives, sunflower seeds, nuts, tomatoes,
  • apples, lettuce, parsley, legumes and cereals.

Unfortunately, a sufficient amount of tocopherol is not always supplied with food, and it has to be replenished from dosage forms.

Pharmacy hair vitamins most often contain vitamin E. The pharmaceutical industry produces vitamin E in the form of capsules, lozenges, and solutions for intramuscular injection, as well as oil solutions for oral administration.

Liquid vitamin E is very convenient for hair, as it can be easily added to the most different means hair care: masks, shampoos, balms.

WITH for preventive purposes Just add a few drops of vitamin E to your hair shampoo while washing your hair, and your hair will stop falling out and your scalp will be healthy.

It is necessary to treat fragile hair not only from the outside, but also from the inside, so taking vitamin E orally in the form of capsules is simply necessary if such problems are observed.

Gelatin capsules quickly dissolve in the stomach, releasing tocopherol, which is then transported by the blood to various organs.

However, it is highly undesirable to take any vitamins, including vitamin E, without a medical prescription.

In addition, when taken orally, it is imperative to follow the dosage indicated in the instructions or prescribed by the doctor.

Otherwise, an overdose is possible, and an excess of tocopherol can cause allergic reactions, diarrhea, dysfunction of the liver and kidneys, etc. At the same time, external use does not cause any unpleasant adverse reactions usually does not appear.

Vitamin E in hair masks

For damaged, overdried and brittle hair vitamin E and masks with it become a real salvation.

You can buy a tocopherol-based mask at a cosmetics store or pharmacy, but the easiest way is to prepare it yourself.

Hair nourishment will be provided by a mask with vitamin E

This mask perfectly nourishes the scalp with beneficial substances.

  • Mix 1 tbsp. l. burdock oil and 1 tbsp. l. jojoba oil, pour 1 tsp. liquid oil solution of tocopherol. You can warm it up slightly.
  • Apply to hair, cover head with plastic, put on a warm cap and leave for one hour.
  • After that, you need to wash your hair and apply a nourishing balm to enhance the effect.

This procedure, if carried out twice a week, will help maintain healthy and excellent hair condition.

Strengthen your hair with a vitamin E mask

  • Combine three types of oils: burdock, almond and olive (1 tbsp each), pour in an oil solution of tocopherol (1 tsp).
  • Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply to scalp scalp (if skin is prone to dryness, Special attention you need to pay attention to the roots).
  • After an hour, wash your hair with shampoo and dry.

Vitamin A for healthy scalp and hair

No less important role What does tocopherol (vitamin E) do for hair, vitamin A or retinol. It accelerates hair growth and makes it healthy and shiny.

It is thanks to vitamin A that skin immunity is supported, restoration processes and hair growth are accelerated, and hair becomes more elastic and bouncy.

In addition, vitamin A reduces harmful effects ultraviolet rays on the hair.

Retinol normalizes activity sebaceous glands and regulates keratin synthesis.

As a result, excess oiliness is reduced, and the general condition of the scalp also improves.

A lack of retinol can cause flaking of the scalp, brittle hair, and loss of shine.

Vitamin A Sources and Uses

There are two forms of vitamin A - ready-made vitamin A (retinol) and carotene, or provitamin A, which turns into vitamin A in the human body. The daily requirement of vitamin A for women is 600–700 mcg, for men – 600–900 mcg.

To avoid its deficiency in the body, you need to regularly consume foods containing vitamin A:

  • liver, garlic, feta cheese, eel,
  • butter, processed cheese,
  • broccoli, sour cream, seaweed, seaweed.

Greens, yellow and green vegetables can be a source of carotene, legumes, rose hips, etc.

If you are malnourished, you should take medications containing vitamin A. In pharmacies it can most often be found in oil form. Vitamin A oil is convenient to use for hair as part of masks, shampoos and conditioners.

Mask with vitamin A and E to support weakened hair

For this mask:

  1. You need to take the yolk chicken egg, burdock oil (1 tbsp.) and a third of a teaspoon of vitamins A and E.
  2. Mix the ingredients, apply the mask to your hair, cover with a towel on top.
  3. After about 30 minutes, wash your hair with shampoo.

Regular use of the mask strengthens the hair structure and makes it strong.

Regenerating mask with retinol

  1. Once a week to restore hair, mix equal amounts of vitamin A, castor oil, vitamin E and dimexide.
  2. Apply to hair, rinse after an hour.

This mask works great for damaged hair, renewing their structure, eliminating dryness and fragility.

B vitamins to improve hair condition

B vitamins are also necessary for beauty and hair growth, since without them it is impossible to healthy condition, since they also affect the condition of the scalp and hair.

One more effective vitamin for hair is vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin), which prevents dandruff and also makes hair more resistant. It is needed so that the scalp receives enough oxygen; hair growth also depends on this.

The deficiency of this vitamin is compensated by eating liver, fish, meat, eggs, cheese and other dairy products.

Vitamin B6 (another name is pyridoxine) is also good for hair. Like B12, it is needed to prevent dryness, itchy scalp and dandruff.


  • in unrefined cereal grains,
  • cereals (buckwheat, wheat, rice),
  • leafy green vegetables, carrots, soybeans, corn, nuts, liver, egg yolks.

Thiamine or vitamin B1 is also beneficial for hair, although it is not directly related to it. This vitamin is vital for nervous system. If there is not enough thiamine, they can develop nervous disorders, headaches, muscle weakness.

All this negatively affects both the person’s condition and his appearance, including his hair.

That is why most special multivitamin complexes for hair, skin and nails include thiamine.

You can get it from food by including it in your diet:

  • bread baked from coarse flour,
  • oatmeal, brown rice, wheat germ,
  • asparagus, broccoli, peas,
  • plums, oranges, nuts, eggs, poultry and meat.

Vitamin H (biotin) is another vitamin that is beneficial for hair. Due to its deficiency, the skin is affected, sweating increases, which is accompanied by hair loss, and seborrheic dermatitis and anemia.

Biotin is found in many foods, for example, it is found in peanuts, soybeans, white cabbage, liver, yeast, chicken yolk. You can also purchase ready-made hair vitamins with biotin.

What other vitamins and elements are needed for hair?

Vitamin PP (B3, a nicotinic acid) improves nutrition by increasing blood circulation hair follicles and roots, renews cells, stimulates hair growth, and also acts as a moisturizing agent.

Thanks to the presence of a sufficient amount of vitamin PP, the hair receives normal nutrition, and their growth is accelerating. It is also responsible for the formation of pigment, so deficiency of this vitamin causes early gray hair.

It is recommended to consume about 20 mg of nicotinic acid per day. You can find it in grains, brewer's yeast, liver, fish, and beef. It is also present in cheese, carrots, milk, potatoes, herbs (alfalfa, cayenne pepper, chamomile, ginseng, horsetail, etc.)

In addition to vitamins, hair also needs macro- and microelements, such as zinc, sulfur, iron and others.

  1. Iron helps hair become stronger and eliminates its fragility.
  2. Hair vitamins with zinc prevent graying and baldness ahead of time, and also improve appearance hair.
  3. Calcium is needed for healthy hair, molybdenum helps it grow, and sulfur gives it a beautiful color.

Iron, zinc and copper should not be consumed individually, but in combination, since they complement each other, enhancing the effect of each of them.

Ultravitamin hair mask

Take a large spoonful of dried chamomile herbs and linden flowers, pour boiling water over them and let it brew. Before use, strain the infusion and drop a little of each of these vitamins into it: A, E, B1, B12, then add crushed rye crumb.

The future mask should sit for a quarter of an hour, after which it should be applied to the scalp. After an hour, rinse thoroughly. The result will be noticeable within a short time.

The health of hair and scalp, their attractive appearance depends on whether the body has enough nutrients.

Therefore, it is very important that all the necessary vitamins and other substances are supplied in the right quantities - preferably with food, but if this is not possible, by taking special multivitamin complexes. However, regular hair masks that nourish from the outside and improve their condition are no less necessary.

When your hair condition leaves much to be desired, emergency assistance Vitamins can be provided in ampoules that are rubbed into the scalp. Although their beneficial effects are less than those of a balanced intake of vitamins with food, your hair will become noticeably healthier. These vitamins are easy to use at home.

Sufficient intake of vitamins into the body - important condition wellness And general strengthening body. Vitamins also have a visible effect on the condition of the hair. Hair strength and health are maintained from within: proper nutrition and perhaps a course pharmaceutical vitamins improve hair in long term. However, the realities modern life are such that they support healthy image Life, including a balanced diet, is very difficult. Haste, stress, snacking on the go, and insufficient amounts of fruits and vegetables in the diet make hair fragile and brittle. Quick help In this case, vitamins in ampoules may help. You can use such vitamins at home by rubbing them into the scalp. However, to achieve the greatest effect, you must follow the rules. Otherwise, there will be no benefit from vitamins - and perhaps even harm.

What vitamins have a beneficial effect on hair condition?

Not all vitamins are created equal. The condition of the scalp is improved by:

  1. Vitamin H. A lack of this vitamin leads to most problems with the scalp, and, as a result, worsens the condition of the hair. Seborrhea, eczema, hair loss - all this is a consequence of a lack of vitamin H.
  2. Vitamin B2. Its deficiency leads to worst case scenario combination hair: at the roots it will quickly become dirty, and at the ends it will become dry and brittle.
  3. Vitamin B 3 normalizes blood microcirculation, as a result of which hair becomes brighter.
  4. Vitamin B 5. Helps get rid of itchy scalp and restores damaged hair.
  5. Vitamin B 6. Protects against dermatitis and diathesis, and its deficiency in the body leads to dandruff.
  6. Vitamin B 9 helps to effectively renew the hair structure. It is responsible for the synthesis of new cells.
  7. Vitamin B 12 affects the process of cell division and supplies the scalp with oxygen.
  8. Vitamin A (or retinol) normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  9. Vitamin E nourishes hair. Makes them brighter and stronger. In combination with vitamin A, it is an effective restorative agent for all hair types.
  10. Vitamin C protects hair from damage free radicals, i.e. protects the scalp from aging and dryness.
  11. Vitamin F effectively reflects negative impacts environment.
  12. Vitamin PP moisturizes and nourishes hair.
  13. Vitamin D – eliminates flaking, promotes the absorption of calcium, the most important element for healthy hair.

Combination of vitamins when rubbed into the scalp

When choosing a hair complex, it is not enough to simply combine those vitamins that fight your hair problems. Vitamins react with each other, many neutralize useful action other vitamins. Some, on the contrary, work more effectively in pairs. In addition, there are several important rules that will help preserve beneficial features vitamins So, when combining vitamins, it is important to remember:

  1. Vitamin B 12 cannot be combined with other vitamins: it will neutralize their effectiveness, and other vitamins, in turn, will negate the effectiveness of vitamin B 12.
  2. Vitamin B 5 is quickly absorbed into the scalp, so it is good for rubbing into the hair roots.
  3. Vitamin C quickly oxidizes when exposed to air, so the ampoule cannot be kept open for long.

The following vitamins cannot be combined:

  1. Vitamin C with any B vitamins.
  2. B 1 with vitamins B 2, B 3, B 6.
  3. B 12 - with vitamins B 1, B 3, C and E.

You can safely take together:

  1. Vitamin A with vitamins E, C and B 2.
  2. The combination of vitamins B 6 and B 12 helps with hair loss.
  3. Vitamin B 8 with vitamin E.

Using vitamins in ampoules at home

Vitamin ampoules are a solution of a concentrated substance on an oil and water basis. A set of ampoules purchased at a pharmacy comes with instructions that are individual for each set of vitamins. However, there is also general rules Using vitamin ampoules at home:

  1. Open glass ampoules carefully, avoiding cuts. It is better to cut off the tip with a special file, or, in its absence, with a break at risk.
  2. One ampoule is designed for one use. Even if a smaller amount was enough for you, or the mask recipe involves using only part of the ampoule, store it in open form not worth it. In any case, the contents of the ampoule will deteriorate with prolonged contact with air and become useless.
  3. The concentration of vitamins in the ampoules is high, and their effect when rubbed directly into the scalp is almost instantaneous. In this case, more is not better. An overdose of vitamins is fraught with unpleasant consequences.
  4. To achieve a long-lasting effect and a radical change in hair condition for the better, vitamins in ampoules are used in courses. Most often, the duration of the course is specified in the instructions.
  5. Some experts believe that the most greater effect vitamins are given at night.
  6. Vitamins should be applied to the scalp - this is how they effectively influence metabolic processes in the epidermis, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair along its entire length.
  7. You need to rub in vitamins carefully, especially if your hair is weak. Otherwise, there is a risk of damaging already brittle hair.

Recipes for vitamin-based masks

All of these masks are easy to make at home, and the effect will be noticeable after the first application. To achieve a long-lasting effect, you need a course of such masks.

  1. Vitamin A in combination with vitamin E and any hair oils. Apply the mixture to the scalp immediately after washing, wrap your head with polyethylene and a warm towel. Wash off the mixture with shampoo after an hour.
  2. Mask against dry hair and itchy scalp. Mix oil solutions vitamins A and E (1 ampoule each), 1 teaspoon lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of Dimexide, 1 tablespoon of burdock oil. Immediately before application, add two ampoules of vitamin B6. Apply the mask to the hair roots and leave for two hours. You should make this mask twice a week.
  3. Mask against oiliness and mild forms of seborrhea. You will need linden flowers, chamomile, nettle leaves - one tablespoon each. A decoction is prepared from them, infused for 30 minutes. Then 4 drops of vitamins B12, B2, A and E are added to the infusion. Rub the mixture into the scalp, then cover your head with polyethylene and a warm towel. Rinse your hair after 1.5-2 hours. Repeat the procedure once a week for a month.


I still believe that you can’t do without taking vitamins “internally”. And it is better to choose vitamin complexes with polyprenols for this purpose, as they also restore the body’s cells.

My hair looks great! I regularly make hair masks with the addition of pharmacy vitamins. But I notice a greater effect after taking multivitamin complexes orally, for example, Trichocomplex from Philip Kingsley.

masks made from oils have a very beneficial effect on the hair, they treat, nourish, moisturize, in pharmacies there is generally a blend of 10 oils, already finished product, very comfortably!

Comment on the article "What vitamins should be rubbed into the scalp"

Willow Rocher ampoules for hair loss, super, after giving birth, many friends had severe hair loss, they were saved by this, on themselves. Tell me, please, what balms can be used for dry hair? Does anyone know “folk” natural balms and recipes?

Maybe some vitamins are missing? And maybe you can recommend something for hair at the joint venture?;) I saw ampoules at Akura... Is there anything else? Seasonal molt or after stress? If it’s just seasonal, then you can get by with rubbing (ampoules with essential oils, tincture of red pepper, etc....


I lose a lot of hair, so I took the choice of hair care products seriously. In combination with Fitoval shampoo, which helps increase hair growth, I do the following procedure: I apply table salt along the partings to my washed hair and leave it under film for 15 minutes. Then I rinse with water. Do this procedure every time after washing. After 6-10 times, hair loss will stop.

06/19/2011 17:27:01, Sidorkina Katya

vitamins: Revalid or Pantovigar

What are ampoules against hair loss? How are ampoules used to treat hair? Ampoules for hair restoration. Hair does not fall out, but simply falls out in handfuls. Are ampoules for hair loss during breastfeeding possible? hair loss in a nursing mother.


:) no need to save them :))) this is absolutely normal. those that fall into pregnancy for a month or two are those that did not fall into pregnancy on time under the influence of hormones. then new ones will grow, clean, silky)))) in general, this is the case for everyone, from 4 to 6 months after giving birth, I usually cut my hair shorter so that it is not so noticeable.

She prescribed herself a course of injections of B vitamins, and even bought 3 types. Now I’m thinking about which ones, in what sequence, in what volume to do and with what syringes. Do you know if they should be done every day or every other day and alternated? Are all injections painful?


You can’t take insulin, they usually alternate.

I was injected with Milgamma (just B vitamins), the injections were very good. painful + by-effect- acne on the face, it took 2 months to remove (in the description side effects this information is available).

my problem - postpartum prolapse hair. STRONG!!! my head is already glowing, I’m almost bald. but the loss seems to be gradually decreasing. Apparently, there is nothing left to fall out. what I did and am doing: - vitamins for hair (I’ve been taking it for almost 3 months) - ampoules + Vichy shampoo...


Physiotherapy (dorsenval) and selenium preparations + nerve therapy helped me, I had two bald spots on my head after severe stress

Vichy is bullshit. There is better and more effective drugs. For example Placent Formula HP. I liked it very much. Well, let’s be honest, height will not increase in a month, but a) hair loss slows down, b) fresh hairs quickly emerge, c) well, the hair itself becomes very good and shines and lies well and is generally a worthy drug

Today my husband bought pyridoxine, also in ampoules, but it doesn’t say how many mg are in the ampoule. The following is written: solution for injection 5%, 10 ampoules of 1 ml. I rushed to look for the box from the old one to understand how much interest was given before, it had already been thrown away.

Hair masks. Hair care. Fashion and beauty. Vitamins B1, B2, B6, B8 (I take ALL the vitamins of group B that are available in ampoules at the pharmacy) - 2 ampoules, 1 ampoule of ALOE, 1 ampoule of Nosh-pa, a teaspoon of calendula infusion, 1 egg - fallen. package + warm scarf - 2 hours.


I once found it here through a search, I’ve been using it for a year now, it worked for me and stopped my hair loss. Vitamins B1, B2, B6, B8 (I take ALL the vitamins of group B that are available in ampoules at the pharmacy) - 2 ampoules, 1 ampoule of ALOE, 1 ampoule of Nosh-pa, a teaspoon of calendula infusion, 1 egg - fallen. package + warm scarf - 2 hours.
Your hair then shines so beautifully.
I did the first 5 masks - once a week, then once every 2 weeks for another 5 masks, now that I’m not too lazy (or I can devote a day to my head) because... After the mask, I don’t want to apply a thread of the product to my hair and style it with a hairdryer.

Rub warm burdock oil into the roots and onto a turban from a terry towel for an hour. The only thing is that the oil must be good - once I got it on a low-quality one - I couldn’t wash it off) Better, of course, is the one that is more expensive. The recipe was suggested by a girl from the maternity hospital ward. Then I ignored it, but when I started feeding and the hair came out with terrible force, I remembered this and stayed with the hair). In general, I was in Goa six months ago and there I took an Ayurveda course on my face and hair (massage using their Indian oils) - so then my skin was like a baby’s and my hair was like silk for probably a month.
It would also be interesting to know recipes tested on yourself

Just two hundred years ago, diagnoses such as osteoporosis, scurvy, anemia and rickets were a death sentence. At that time, no one meant that the whole problem was a lack of organic substances (vitamin), but later they discovered the healthy number 13 - this is exactly the amount of vitamins that should penetrate our body with food.

Below, full list vitamins for hair growth and pharmacy vitamin complexes.

"The Devil's Dozen" and myths about vitamins

It is believed that if you are a vegetarian, then there is no shortage of useful substances and there will be no hypovitaminosis, however, only three vitamins live in fruits, greens and tubers, and we take the other ten with meat, cereals and dairy products. There will be no shortage of them if you literally live by the refrigerator and chew something all the time! For example, the daily requirement of vitamin B1 is a loaf of rye bread.

User for hair growth 2017 shows that Alerana vitamins, designed to increase growth rates, increase the thickness of strands and stop baldness, are in leading positions. It has been found that when using the drug, greasy levels are reduced, the static effect is eliminated and a healthy glow appears. Manufacturer - Russian Federation, company "Vertex".

It contains:

  • Vitamins - B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B8, B9, B10, B12, D3, H.
  • Minerals - chromium (Cr), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), selenium (Se), silicon (Si).
  • Amino acid - cysteine ​​(cysteine).

Vita-complex "Alerana" works much more effectively when paired with shampoos and balms of this series. In addition to improving growth and recovery, it is widely used for baldness, depression, insomnia and for preventive purposes.

Adults need to use Alerana vitamins, one capsule twice a day. The usual course duration is three months. Recommended joint use with shampoos and serums from this series.

Another popular and effective means, according to trichologists, is the drug Inneov. Its exceptional composition is hormone-free and has a beneficial effect on hair restoration, permanent growth and protection against damage. external environment. These are more likely not vitamins, but a medicinal dietary supplement that works thanks to a balanced formula developed on the basis of a concentrated extract from grapes and tea, as well as phytosterol, zinc and sulfonic acid. Manufacturer - France, Inneov company with the support of Nestle and l’Oreal.

In one capsule:

  • Minerals - Mg, talc, Ca, zinc gluconate.
  • Alcohol extract from grape seeds and tea leaves.

"Inneov: Hair Density", instructions for use of the drug:

Doctors and trichologists also note the Vitasharm complex. This biological product contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, it retains in good condition mucous membranes of the epithelium, improves the structure of hair and nails, protects the body from harmful environmental conditions and solar radiation, increases blood supply, helps restore elasticity, flexibility of the skin and prevents aging. Manufacturer - Russia, Veropharm company. The complex contains vitamins - B1, B2, B5, B6, PP, A. It is recommended to take the Vitasharm hair preparation for one month, one tablet, once a day.

Attention! It is believed that you can stock up on vitamins - this is incorrect, because these elements are eliminated from the body after five to six hours.

Some people think that if manufacturers hid all 13 vitamins in one tablet, it means that it is more useful than others, but there is a certain combination of vitamins, that is, they must be certain groups B6, B12, C. And if the vitamins are all in one complex, then they are are not absorbed.

It is believed that vitamin A requires special conditions. There is such a legend that they need to be eaten with something fatty and people begin to overeat fatty foods. But in fact, the intestines already contain enough fat for their absorption.

What vitamins should I take for hair growth?

The condition of the hair, healthy shine, and elasticity of the hairs directly depends on the overall tone of the body and physical well-being. And the most important group for hair is B. It is found in products such as:

  • meat;
  • liver;
  • kidneys;
  • milk;
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • green salads.

Vita-complexes, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, contain the necessary balanced amount minerals and vitamins that will help cope with a number of unpleasant symptoms and make your hair and nails look chic.

If the curls are pale and dry, this means that there is not enough vitamin B1.

Hair that is greasy at the roots and dried out at the ends, like straw, does not have enough vitamin B2.

There is no intense tone, and the hair is pale, does not shine at all and does not shimmer in the sun - B3 is responsible for pigmentation. This vitamin may cause premature gray hair For this reason, taking vitamin B3 is important.

Hair falls out - B5 is responsible for strengthening and providing oxygen.

Dandruff and irritation appeared - B6 prevents the skin from drying out.

For rapid growth elements B and C or folic acid are needed.

A - gives flexibility, elasticity, strengthening and is good for development and nutrition.

E - can help combat dullness and promote growth.

C - has a beneficial effect on improving immunity and connective tissue, affects emotions and mood.

Vitamin B12

Cosmetologists advise using vitamin B12 in ampoules for hair, which is sold in any pharmacy at a ridiculous price. It is this vitamin that makes the roots stay in place more firmly, providing excellent and quick results, increasing elasticity, shine and general condition. It is available in ampoules for injection and in tablets for oral administration. For a more effective result, you need to prepare simple masks from available products and add it to care products and shampoos.

Nutritional Composition 1:

  • you need to buy vitamin B1, B6, B12 ampoules at the pharmacy;
  • combine one ampoule with egg yolk;
  • add tbsp to the resulting mixture. a spoonful of sea buckthorn or burdock oil;
  • apply over the entire length and wear under a cap for 5-10 minutes;
  • Carry out treatment twice a week until results are achieved.

Health-improving composition 2:

  • Brew linden and chamomile flowers, as well as nettle leaves with boiling water. Proportion: 1 tablespoon per glass of boiled water.
  • Leave covered for 30 minutes.
  • Add one ampoule of A, B6, B12 to the resulting mixture.
  • Apply to the entire length and wear under a thermal cap for 20-25 minutes.
  • The mixture is washed off warm water without cleaning agents.
  • This recovery method is used once a week.

Treatment mask 3:

  • add tbsp to fifty grams of honey. a spoonful of almond oil;
  • and one ampoule of aloe juice;
  • mix everything well and apply to the entire length of the hair;
  • keep under a thermal cap for 40-45 minutes, then wash with detergents;
  • use once every 7 days.

Such masks are made for three to four months, and then it is necessary to take a break in treatment for one to two months. The effectiveness of these traditional healing masks has been proven, and according to most women, B12 is in first place in the ranking of the best vitamins for hair growth.

How to choose the right Vita-complex?

Vita-complexes perfectly help support our body - these are such pleasant substances that make the skin look great, hair begins to shine, nails grow quickly, immunity increases, appetite appears, good dream and metabolic processes improve. The vitamin molecule combines with protein and turns into organic active substance, which works and ensures proper functioning. In addition to vitamins, there are also minerals, which are contained in most popular vitamin compositions and are necessary for proper construction metabolic processes.

What vitamins should you choose? When we go to a pharmacy and see a large and colorful assortment on the shelves, our eyes begin to widen. At the same time, you should pay attention to:

  • manufacturer;
  • information about where manufacturers get their raw materials (France and Germany are the leaders here);
  • what kind of shell (jelly, capsules, tablets, etc.);
  • appearance (if the shell is too bright, then there is a dye present);
  • smell (often natural products have a specific and not always pleasant smell);
  • quantity (too large a list of vitamins and microelements is not absorbed by the body and simply does not bring any benefit);
  • composition should not exceed daily norm, which can be found in a special table.

Before purchasing, you should carefully study the reviews and look at the rating of the best vitamins for hair growth, according to buyers and doctors. In addition, before going to the pharmacy, you need to decide what the vitamins are for and what the purpose of their use is. And most importantly, whatever this goal may be (raising vitality, improving hair growth, strengthening the immune system, relieving stress, etc.) consultation with a therapist is necessary. And the course will be even more effective if you undergo special tests and determine which vitamin is specifically lacking in the body.

Why do you need to consult a doctor?

British scientists believe that vitamin B, on the contrary, can cause poor health. In our country, these compounds are not officially a medicine, but doctors today claim the opposite and advise caution when using them. First of all, this is a synthetically produced drug and therefore it is better to coordinate its use with a therapist. And then, there are many other ways to improve your health that do not require medical intervention, for example, if you quit smoking, limit alcohol consumption and start eating right, the need for vitamins may disappear altogether.

At your appointment, the therapist will tell you that taking vitamins every day is simply pointless. They must be taken in doses and certain periods when the body needs it. In addition, treatment is usually more effective if external preparations are used to improve hair health. But not always, because from general condition Much depends on the whole body, including appearance, so consultation and tests are necessary before starting the course.

Based on the findings of experts, a rating of the best vitamins for hair growth was compiled:

  • vitamin B12 in ampoules;
  • Inneov;
  • Alerana;
  • Perfectil;
  • "Vitacharm";
  • Pantovigar;
  • Vitrum Beauty;
  • Complivit.

When should you help your body with vitamins?

All 13 vitamins are very capricious and are afraid of intense lighting and long-term storage in the cold. And if the body does not receive at least one of them, then ailments will arise and various diseases. That’s why synthetic vitamins were invented, but not everything is simple with them either. For example, vitamin A, its required daily norm is 500 units, but at the pharmacy you can buy a complex with 1500, that is, this exceeds the norm by 3 times, which leads to serious illnesses hearts. Uncontrolled fortification is dangerous, and most often the consequences are allergies from an overdose, cyst formation and bloating, but there are even worse consequences. But no matter what they say about vitamins, it is absolutely proven that you need to help the body with the help of vitamin complexes in courses, namely in spring and autumn, and only after consulting a doctor.

"Vitrum Beauty"

An ideal method for restoring hair that has become damaged due to frequent coloring, curling, frequent styling with hot devices, and exposure to hairspray. A rare combination provides each hair and scalp with absolute enrichment with minerals, vitamins, and valuable components that maintain hair health. Special composition active element will restore their shine, volume and flawless appearance. Manufacturer: USA, Unipharm. The special complex includes:

  • Vitamins - B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B8, B9, B10, B12, cholecalciferol, E, C, H, nicotinic acid, retinol.
  • Minerals - magnesium (Mg), iodine (I), iron (Fe), calcium (Ca), boron (B), manganese (Mn), selenium (Se), zinc (Zn), phosphorus.
  • Amino acids and enzymes - arginine, lysine, polypeptide (papain), cystine, methionine.
  • Concentrated extract of turmeric, aloe, kelp, rosemary, cinnamon, grapes (seeds), horsetail, olives (leaf), mint, nettle, tea, lavender flowers, anise, ginger, lemon.

Instructions for use "Vitrum Beauty":

Adults should take one tablet once a day, after meals. The product is recommended for:

  • disruption of hair texture;
  • increased brittleness of nails;
  • during the period of recovery processes in the body;
  • with a lack of vitamins;
  • after physical overload;
  • to restore nervous impotence;
  • to replenish the supply of minerals;
  • correcting the consequences of unbalanced nutrition;
  • rehabilitation after chemotherapy.

Instructions for use of Vitrum Beauty during pregnancy and lactation:

This composition includes potent combinations of vitamins and microelements that can adversely affect a fragile body, and for this reason its use is prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Instructions for use “Complivit Radiance”

It has been established that during the action of the ingredients in the body that are included in its formula, the work of metabolic processes is reconstructed, which entails active restoration skin and hair. The product not only nourishes, but also strengthens diseased bulbs and nail plates, helping to quick recovery and growth. Manufacturer - Russian Federation, Pharmstandard-UfaVITA society. As part of the vita-complex:

  • Vitamins - B1, B2, B6, B7, B12, A, E, C, nicotinamide, folic and lipoic acids.
  • Alcoholic concentrated extract from green tea leaves.
  • Minerals - calcium, magnesium, iron, silicon, zinc, copper, selenium, cobalt.

Instructions for use “Complivit Radiance”:

Adults should take one capsule, once a day, after meals. The dose can be increased only according to the advice of a physician.


It affects the thickening of strands, enhances the gloss and richness of hair tone, prevents and delays the process of hair loss. Contains a precisely selected composition, thanks to which growth increases, and in addition, a strong texture of curls is created and nail plates. Manufacturer - Germany, Merz Pharma company.

The complex includes:

  • Vitamins - B10, B1, H1, B5.
  • Minerals - calcium, magnesium, silicon.
  • Fibrillar protein - keratin.
  • Amino acids and enzymes - cysteine.