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Is hormonal imbalance dangerous? Hormonal failure - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

There are many hormones in our body that important role. And all of them are produced in a certain amount, which guarantees the stable operation of all organs and systems. But if the amount of certain hormones changes in the direction of increase or decrease, a hormonal imbalance occurs. Thus, the question of what a hormonal failure is can be answered in one phrase - this is a violation of the ratio different hormones in our body.

Normally, the hormones in the body are in balance, therefore, with the development of an imbalance, it is necessary to urgently apply for medical assistance to stabilize the background, otherwise it can be fraught with serious problems. It should be noted that the symptoms of hormonal failure in women sometimes do not cause suspicion, because they do not speak exactly about the causes of the violations that have appeared. Therefore, many of the fair sex long time they do not suspect that something is wrong in their body.


So, the symptoms of hormonal failure are different. The most obvious of them is the violation of the menstrual cycle. When a woman suffers from irregular periods or her periods do not go at all for many months, then most likely the cause of this violation lies precisely in the violation of the hormonal balance in her body.

There are also signs of hormonal imbalance in girls and women, such as mood swings and hypersensitivity or, conversely, excessive irritability. Often a woman with this disorder herself cannot understand why she starts crying for no reason, or why she is angry with family and friends when there are no objective reasons for anger. And yet there is a reason, and it lies in this disorder. This also includes the development of such pathological conditions as frequent and life-threatening.

Hormonal disbalance, of course, manifests itself in other indicators, such as:

  • fast weight gain;
  • lack of desire or it is too weak;
  • general fatigue;
  • frequent headaches;
  • hair deterioration and excessive hair loss.

Hormonal failure in women is manifested and typical features for this pathological disorder. In particular, the fair sex feel discomfort in the vagina, characterized by dryness of the mucosa and itching. In addition, against the background of a violation, women can develop such a pathology as, and other diseases of the female genital area may occur.

And a woman with a hormonal imbalance ages faster - she already has young age wrinkles appear, the skin loses its elasticity, the complexion worsens.

Do not forget that such a pathology as hormonal failure can develop not only in the fair sex, but also in men. The symptoms of this pathological disorder are largely identical - this is flabbiness of the skin, weakness and hair loss, the appearance excess weight, irritability, etc.

But at the same time, hormonal failure in men has its own specific symptoms, which include:

  • the occurrence of sexual disorders;
  • development ;
  • (according to the female type);
  • decrease in muscle mass;
  • development and.


The causes of this disorder in women and men may be different. Women face this problem natural cause- upon the onset, when the female body begins to produce sex hormones in a smaller amount. And in girls, hormonal failure develops during puberty, when the body is rearranged to perform its childbearing functions. Sometimes teenage hormonal imbalance has a long course, and hormone production returns to normal only after pregnancy and childbirth.

Conception, bearing and the birth of a child also become the cause of such a violation in the body. Hormonal failure after childbirth leads to the fact that young women are rapidly gaining, or, conversely, losing weight. As a rule, such a violation eventually normalizes on its own, but if the hormones have not returned to normal even after the woman has stopped breastfeeding the baby, medical assistance is required.

And women also experience not only hormonal failure after childbirth, but also after abortion, because in the process of conception the body is rebuilt and prepared for bearing the baby, and when the pregnancy is terminated, it is difficult for it to adapt to new conditions, as a result of which hormonal imbalance develops.

Constant stress to which modern woman, can also cause this violation. That is why in modern society so many women suffer from hormonal imbalance, because today the fair sex is the same active life, like men, being stressed and solving difficult problems.

Other reasons for the development of such a violation include:

  • not proper nutrition, with a predominance of fatty, fried, smoked foods, as well as foods rich in hormones (chicken and others);
  • unhealthy lifestyle and lack of sufficient physical activity;
  • excess weight;
  • pathologies of the female sphere, as well as common viral and bacterial diseases;
  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • excessive physical activity.

If we talk about hormonal failure in men, then to this pathological condition they give completely different reasons. In particular, to possible reasons congenital or acquired disorders in work can be attributed endocrine glands, injuries, infections or tumors of the gonads, as well as the toxic effects of alcohol, tobacco, drugs on the body of the stronger sex. In older men, the causes of the disorder may be androgen deficiency associated with natural process body aging.

Adolescence is also critical for men in terms of hormonal changes in the body, and therefore background disorders often appear in this period.

Diagnosis and treatment

Many women want to know how to treat hormonal imbalance. You should not prescribe treatment yourself - you should consult a doctor and donate blood for hormones, which will confirm or refute the presence of an imbalance of hormones in the body.

Treatment should be comprehensive, and include the elimination of the factors that caused the violation, as well as taking specific drugs prescribed by the doctor. If the cause that caused the violation is not eliminated, the treatment will not give the proper result and the pathology will develop again. As for drugs, their treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor, since these drugs (hormones) are very harmful to the body and require accurate dosage and adherence to the terms of admission.

Often women have to treat hormonal failure after childbirth, because this is a critical period when all body functions can be disturbed, including hormonal ones. This will require appropriate hormone replacement therapy.

Note that the treatment of this disorder is not an easy task, because you can adjust the hormonal background only if you take into account all the subtleties of the body of each particular woman, and this is not at all easy to do.

As for men, the treatment of imbalance in them is associated with the appointment of testosterone preparations - the dosage and duration are also determined by the attending physician.

Sometimes women ask this question - is it possible to get pregnant with hormonal failure? There is no definite answer to it, because it is not known how the body of a woman who dreams of having a child will react to this violation. But if the pathology is manifested by a violation of the menstrual cycle, namely the absence of menstruation or complete amenorrhea, then, of course, a woman will not be able to get pregnant in this situation. If the menstruation continues to go, you can get pregnant, but in this case, the risk of miscarriage or premature birth increases.

Prevention plays an important role. To prevent the development of this disorder, it is necessary to conduct healthy lifestyle life, there healthy food and be less nervous.

Sooner or later, every woman faces endocrine problems. In this article, we will look at how to determine a hormonal failure in the body and what are the reasons for its appearance in girls. Let's find out what methods exist to normalize the state and prevent undesirable consequences.

Why does hormonal failure occur?

First of all, it is worth noting that the failure hormonal background is not always pathological. It's quite normal phenomenon in the following cases:

  1. Adolescence when the girl's body prepares for the first menstruation and gaining the ability to bear children.
  2. Pregnancy when the growth and development of the fetus significantly change the level of a particular hormone.
  3. Climax when a woman ceases to be fertile and sex hormones gradually cease to be produced.

In other cases, hormonal failure occurs for the following reasons:

The most obvious symptoms are irregular cycle and premenstrual syndrome. If you do not pay attention to these factors in time, further develop dangerous diseases genital area - the consequences of hormonal failure, such as infertility, mastopathy.

More than 80% of girls complain of acne due to hormonal failure. Moreover, the rashes are localized in the chin and cheekbones, under the skin, are large and quite painful on palpation.

Another notable sign of hormonal imbalance is hirsutism. Girls begin to appear dark coarse hairs near the nipples, above upper lip and in the hip area.

In addition, women with endocrine problems have the following traits:

Hormonal failure: what to do and how to establish a normal background

If you suspect an imbalance of hormones, you should definitely be examined by a specialist. After the examination, the doctor will send for delivery necessary analyzes for hormones, indicating the day of the cycle on which it is advisable to check them. And only after decoding the results, you can assign adequate treatment. Therefore, you should not seek advice on forums or ask women you know what to do with hormonal failure.

Self-medication and prescribing drugs for oneself is fraught not only negative consequences, but also complications of many concomitant diseases. Subsequently, you will have to spend much more material resources and time on therapy.

Treatment of folk remedies for hormonal failure in girls

It should be remembered that folk methods are only supportive care. They are not able to cure the disease as monotherapy. In addition, deciding to apply alternative medicine in case of hormonal failure, you need to consult with your doctor gynecologist-endocrinologist. There is a danger of aggravating the situation by taking an excessive amount of phytoestrogens, which are rich in medicinal plants.

Hormonal imbalances can cause various symptoms. A woman may have an abnormal menstrual cycle, nervousness, and men - erectile dysfunction. Hormones are responsible for balancing the entire body, both physically and mentally. It is important to know why a hormonal failure occurred in women, symptoms, signs of delayed menstruation. Personal health and the proper functioning of all organs depend on a timely examination.

Hormonal disruptions - menstrual irregularities and amenorrhea

Hormonal disorders produce various symptoms. In women, the most common symptoms are menstrual irregularities, problems with pregnancy. Hormonal imbalances can also suggest a mood disorder, acne, skin discoloration, excessive weight gain or weight loss. Hormones affect every process in the body.

  • The cause of abnormal menstrual cycle and pregnancy problems may be polycystic ovary syndrome. In the course of the disease, an imbalance of hormones occurs.

This results in an imbalance of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which stimulates follicle growth, and luteinizing hormone (LH), which controls the release of eggs from the follicle. Consequently, the ovaries have increased the number of immature follicles and a small follicle, and no ovulation.

As a result, the corpus luteum cannot be formed, which does not lead to an increase in the amount of progesterone in the blood. Deficiency of this hormone is responsible for irregular menstruation. This also leads to an overproduction of androgens - male sex hormones.

The treatment of this disease is complex. If the patient is obese or smokes cigarettes, losing weight and giving up bad habits is recommended. In addition, you may need to include birth control pills.

Hormones depend on each other. Thus, it is impossible to ignore the same levels of estrogen without paying attention to other hormones such as progesterone and hormones. thyroid gland.

  • Another cause of menstrual irregularities can be thyroid disease. Hyperthyroidism can lead to deficient, infrequent bleeding, and even amenorrhea. Treatment for hyperthyroidism includes the use of antithyroid drugs, the administration of radioactive iodine or thyroidectomy.
  • Similar problems cause the adrenal glands - Cushing's syndrome. It is a disease in the process of the adrenal cortex, secretes an excessive amount steroid hormones or glucocorticoids. If the disease is caused by corticosteroids after their use, then it is necessary to gradually reduce the dose under the supervision of a physician.

In other cases, it may be necessary to have surgery to remove the adrenal gland or to use drugs to help block the release of cortisol. In contrast, Cushing's disease is an overactive adrenal syndrome that is the cause of pituitary disease. Then the only treatment for Cushing's disease is surgical removal prostate.

  • Menstrual irregularities can also be caused by excess prolactin (hyperprolactinemia), and treatment depends on the cause. Hyperprolactinemia can occur due to strenuous lifestyle, weight loss, and sometimes excessive physical activity.

If the delay in menstruation occurs regularly, then you should definitely visit qualified specialist to make a diagnosis. After all, the optimal cycle healthy woman should be 28 days. In some patients with hormonal disruptions, it varies within 40-50 days.

Decreased libido due to hormonal disorders

Hyperprolactinemia can also cause decreased libido in women and men. In women, the cause of a decrease in libido may be an imbalance of estrogen and progesterone. Properly in the first phase of the ovulation cycle, estrogens predominate, which causes even more desire for sexual intercourse. After ovulation at female body there is an increase in the hormone progesterone, which reduces libido.

The decrease in sexual desire is also affected by hypothyroidism, Hashimoto's disease ( chronic thyroiditis). In both cases, you should take synthetic drugs balancing the level of thyroid hormones in the body.

Excess prolactin, estrogen-progesterone and thyroid imbalances can affect frequent shift moods. Disorders can also manifest themselves in the form of irritability, nervousness, a woman easily falls into anger and even depression. This happens, for example, at a time when there is a decrease in estrogen levels. In this case, herbal remedies can be used, and if they do not help, the doctor may decide on hormone therapy.

Other symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women

When prolactin levels are elevated, acne can occur on the face and neck and even the upper back.

  1. On the other hand, abnormal levels of estrogen in the body can cause blemishes and discoloration of the skin. This is due to the stimulation of melanocytes to increase the production of dye, which is the direct cause of skin spots.
  2. In contrast, an excess of androgens - male hormones - leads to an increase in the production of sebum, which accumulates in the pores of the skin.

Increased levels of androgens in the female body can also lead to hirsutism, which is manifested by the presence of dark hair in places characteristic of men. For example: on the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, lower back and face. In more mild form may be the formation of a mustache, in intensive - dark hair on the arms and legs.

The cause of excessive obesity may be insulin resistance. This condition is manifested by the body's sensitivity to insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas, which is responsible for regulating blood sugar levels.

In the process of insulin, the pancreas needs to produce more than the standard amount intended to keep the blood sugar at the desired level. Excess insulin makes it difficult to burn fat. In addition, a large amount of insulin causes fluctuations in blood sugar levels, and they cause constant feeling hunger.

Treatment of hormonal failure and delayed menstruation

If you are experiencing symptoms of a hormonal imbalance, it is best to inform your gynecologist-endocrinologist, who will recommend the appropriate drugs based on individual indicators.

Women with a promotion male hormone androgen and constant cycle failures, the doctor may prescribe oral contraceptives aimed at increasing estrogen. These drugs include:

  • Androcur.
  • Chloe.
  • Diana-35.
  • Femoden.
  • Jazz.
  • Janine.
  • Yarina.

The treatment regimen depends on the initial data. For successful therapy long-term treatment is applied.

Tablets can be used to regulate prolactin and progesterone:

  • Duphaston.
  • Norkolut.
  • Utrozhestan.

Often, biphasic therapy is used, which includes different drugs. Therefore, before starting treatment, you should be tested for the level of hormones in the blood. It is recommended to take it on a certain day of the cycle.

  1. The level of prolactin, FSH and LH is usually indicative on the 3rd-5th day of the cycle.
  2. Testosterone and cortisol - 8-10 days of the cycle.
  3. Estradiol and progesterone - 21-22 days of the cycle.

Therapy may also be selected to reduce weight. When we eat food, leptin levels increase. Then the appetite subsides and we feel full. Deterioration of leptin can lead to the development of obesity.

Weight gain that is not due to dietary errors can also be caused by hypothyroidism. This is the state in which thyroid produces too little thyroxine and triiodothyronine. These hormones have a strong effect on metabolism - they are necessary for burning fat. Accordingly, the deficit is detected with weight gain.

On the other hand, significant weight loss for unexplained reasons may be the result of hyperthyroidism. Patients are constantly hungry, even at night, but still lose weight for several months.

It is important to study comprehensively all the symptoms of hormonal failure in women, signs, delayed menstruation. Only in this case it is possible to stop the violation and bring the state of internal organs back to normal.

The woman's body is a very complex institution, consisting of a huge number of processes occurring in it. Each process has its own purpose, violation of the functions of one of them leads to a serious imbalance, and as a result, this affects the state of health in general. One of the most important and common problems is hormonal imbalance in women. This problem occurs in more women, but not everyone is aware of its magnitude and do not understand the seriousness of the consequences. Any hormonal imbalance primarily affects the appearance - the condition of the skin, hair, nails worsens. Therefore, it is so important to listen to your body and, in case of any deviations from the norm, contact a specialist.

This article is intended to cover all the causes, signs and symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women.

Causes of Hormone Imbalance

In order to start diagnosing hormonal imbalance in women, it is necessary to identify a number of main reasons due to which this imbalance occurred.

A hormonal imbalance in a woman wide range reasons ranging from minor stressful situations and ending with serious surgical interventions in the body. It will be easier to restore health if you know what caused the violation. Below we consider the most common causes of hormonal disorders in women.


The natural state of the female body, due to the cessation of egg production in women over 40 years of age. At this time, as a rule, last period, after which the ability to conceive is reduced to zero.

Transitional age

The natural maturation of a girl, her transformation into a full-fledged woman, may be accompanied by a hormonal disorder. This can be expressed in irregular periods, long delays, pronounced premenstrual syndrome. Not only is changing the physical state adolescent, but also mental.


Food is a source of energy necessary for the functioning of all vital processes. Improper nutrition negatively affects the human body, at this time the woman does not receive all essential substances and vitamins that help normal functioning organism. Hormonal imbalance in women is often the result of various diets. most the best diet is proper nutrition, which has stabilizing properties.

Bad habits

As a rule, smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs, etc. are considered bad habits. Many people forget that right image life is also bad habit, these include: unstable sleep, a small amount of time spent on fresh air, frequent use computer and other gadgets, as well as overuse coffee, promiscuity, etc.

Hormonal drugs

Hormonal imbalance in women can cause the use hormonal drugs, often oral contraceptives, in case of incorrect selection. The main hormones in the female body are estrogen and progesterone, produced by the gonads. These are the hormones that are responsible for reproductive function women, her source of beauty: the condition of hair, nails, skin, sexual attraction. Estrogen and progesterone are closely related, and their imbalance leads to serious problems. Women who have previously used oral contraceptives and have stopped doing so often experience hormonal disorders, as the level of production changes. female hormones sexual glands.

Infections, diseases

Any diseases, whether gynecological or infectious, seriously affect the body's immunity and also lead to hormonal failure in women. This also includes diseases such as atherosclerosis, asthma, migraines, polycystic ovaries, uterine fibroids.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding period

The most beautiful time for a woman is the expectation and birth of a child, because this is her main purpose. At this time, the body undergoes tremendous changes - this is reflected in hormonal balance. But over time, with the right lifestyle, everything returns to normal.

Abortions, miscarriages

Any termination of pregnancy is the strongest shock for the body, and no matter what it was - spontaneous or artificial - in any case, the consequences are inevitable.

Surgical interventions

Any surgical intervention in a woman's body is a stress for the body. The result is hormonal imbalance.

stressful situations

The nervous system provides big influence on a woman’s health, so situations that unbalance you are fraught with consequences.

Problems related to weight

Often plump women, who have dramatically and greatly lost weight, complain of problems associated with the balance of hormonal levels.


One of the reasons is frequent flights, climate change and natural conditions human residence.

It should be remembered that all factors that negatively affect the body cause hormonal disorders in a woman, the symptoms of which we will describe in our article below. How to properly respond to them?

Hormonal disorders in women. Symptoms and treatment

We figured out the causes of the imbalance, now it’s worth understanding how it manifests itself and what treatment exists. modern medicine allows you to quickly and effectively bring hormones back to normal, the main thing is to consult a doctor in a timely manner. Violation of the hormonal background in women has a number of symptoms, so any deviation from the norm can be felt on early stage and prevent without waiting serious problems with health.

Symptoms of a hormonal imbalance

There are several signs by which hormonal disorders in women can be determined. Symptoms found in yourself should be a reason to visit a doctor.

1. Menstrual cycle. The very first and alarming sign that women encounter is a violation of menstruation. This can be expressed in its absence (with the exception of pregnancy), profusion, scarcity, excessive pain, over-emotional premenstrual syndrome.

2. Fertility - problems associated with conception, gestation and birth.

3. Uterine bleeding- be observant and careful, sometimes bleeding is perceived by women as normal menstrual flow which are not given due attention, which can lead to horrific consequences - surgical interventions and even death.

4. Emotional changes - frequent change in behavior: excessive tearfulness, depression, irritability, restlessness, etc.

5. Painful sensations- migraines, frequent headaches, loss of consciousness, excessive fatigue, low performance.

6. Mammary glands - swelling of the mammary glands, feeling of a fossil, discharge from the papillary part of the chest.

7. Hairline - abnormal hair loss on the head, leading to the formation of bald patches, the appearance of hairline where it should not be: above the upper lip, on the chin, temples.

8. Weight problems - weight change in one direction or another with the same eating behavior.

9. The presence of edema.

10. Pressure - an unusual abrupt change in blood pressure.

11. Sleep disturbance.

12. Increased sweating.

13. sex life- problems with intimate questions: decreased sexual desire for a partner, discomfort during intercourse, dryness of the vaginal tract, unpleasant discharge.

Misperception of symptoms jeopardizes women Health and welfare. The above signs are a reason to visit a doctor in a short period of time.

Hormonal disorder in women, treatment

Feeling any changes in her body, a woman must turn to a specialist for help - to identify the cause of hormonal imbalance and find ways to stabilize the imbalance. A hormonal disorder in women is a reason to immediately contact a specialist. Timely treatment can reduce the risk of developing serious diseases that lead to dysfunction female organs. Treatment of hormonal imbalance will eliminate the problems that have arisen and lead the body to normal functioning. This period will take a fairly long period of time - it will require investment, patience and diligence in the struggle for health.

When a woman contacts the clinic, the endocrinologist-gynecologist will prescribe ultrasound examination and testing for infectious diseases. Based on the results of the tests, treatment will be offered, often including the use of hormonal drugs to stabilize the background. There are also additional methods treatment: adherence to a certain diet, use vitamin complexes. An untimely appeal to a specialist can even lead to surgical intervention.

The 21st century is the time of high technologies and new discoveries, including in medicine. Restorative drugs include such therapeutic agents as:

- "Mastodinon";

- "Klimadinon";

- "Cyclodynon", etc.

Hormonal disorders in women, the symptoms and treatment of which are discussed in this article, are a disease in which you do not need to self-medicate folk remedies, herbs and be guided by the advice of acquaintances and girlfriends. This is fraught with consequences and unpredictable complications, some of which cannot be prevented. The body of each person is individual, each has its own set of hormones, which is revealed through complex analyzes. Do not hesitate to visit a specialist. Love, appreciate and take care of your health. After all, it is the most important thing that we have.

Hormones largely determine the functioning of the female reproductive system. They are in such a close relationship that the lack or excess of one of them leads to the fact that after it the incorrect production of other hormones begins.

As a result, irregularities in the menstrual cycle begin, which are difficult to correct. Recovery process endocrine system takes a lot of time, and in some cases it is completely impossible.

There can be two reasons for this: improper use of hormonal drugs or congenital dysfunctions of the organs responsible for the production of hormones.

If in the first case it is possible full recovery endocrine system, then only treatment regimens can help in the second, which will temporarily correct the abnormal production of hormones.

The endocrine system of a woman - how it works

crash hormonal system can begin at any age, but most often it affects either teenage girls or women during menopause, when the endocrine system undergoes dramatic changes.

Hormones in the female body are produced by certain glands, which in medical science called the glandular apparatus.

Some of these glands are direct relationship to the functioning of the organs of the female reproductive system:

The pituitary gland is a cerebral appendage located on the lower surface of the brain. Responsible for the production of prolactin, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), oxytocin.

Thyroid- located in the neck, above the larynx. Responsible for the production of thyroxine, which affects the growth of the endometrium in the uterus.

The adrenal glands are paired glands that sit above the kidneys. Responsible for the production of progesterone, a number of androgens and a small amount of estrogen.

The ovaries are paired glands located in the pelvic cavity. Responsible for the production of estrogens, weak androgens and progesterone.

If in older women the disruption of the functions of the endocrine system occurs due to the consumption of the reserve of eggs and the fading of the ability to bear children, then the hormonal failure in girls, on the contrary, indicates the maturation of the body and its preparation for reproductive functions.

Hormones affecting the female reproductive system

common name three hormones: estriol, estradiol and estrone. Produced by the ovaries and partly by the adrenal glands. They are hormones of the first phase of the menstrual cycle.

Prolactin - affects the formation of milk in the mammary glands. Helps reduce estrogen levels and inhibit ovulation during breastfeeding.

Follicle stimulating hormone - Produced by the pituitary and hypothalamus. Accelerates the growth of follicles in the ovaries in the first phase of the menstrual cycle. Influences the production of estrogen.

luteinizing hormone - produced by the pituitary gland, stimulates the production of estrogens, provokes the rupture of the capsule of the dominant follicle and the release of a mature egg from it. It is in close relationship with the production of follicle-stimulating hormone.

Testosterone - male sex hormone. In women in in large numbers produced by the adrenal cortex and ovaries. Promotes breast enlargement during pregnancy.

Progesterone – hormone corpus luteum, which is formed after the rupture of the capsule of the dominant follicle during ovulation. In addition, it is produced in large quantities by the ovaries and placenta if a woman is pregnant.

These are the main hormones that have a greater effect on menstrual cycle than all the others, which are also produced by the endocrine glands.

7 causes of hormonal failure

Improper production of hormones can be both congenital and acquired during life. Treatment for this problem will depend on what caused the endocrine system to malfunction:

1) Taking oral contraceptives. Despite the fact that some gynecologists are sure that oral contraceptives normalize a woman's hormonal background, this is not always the case. After the abolition of tablets in some patients, the endocrine system cannot adjust its functions.

2) Taking drugs for emergency contraception. It leads to a strong jump in hormones, after which the menstrual cycle may not return to normal for a long time.

3) Unauthorized intake of other hormonal drugs. Funds that regulate the work of the endocrine system should be prescribed by a doctor of the appropriate profile. Even if the results of the analyzes show a deviation from the norm of any hormone, then independently select medicines not recommended for correction. Only an endocrinologist can prescribe an adequate treatment regimen.

4) Violation of the functions of the endocrine glands. It can occur both as a result of their diseases, and as a result of anomalies in their development.

5) Age physiological changes. Here are meant puberty and menopause - two periods in a woman's life, in which the most cardinal restructuring of the endocrine system is noted.

6) Artificial termination of pregnancy. Sudden termination The production of hCG entails a disruption in the production of estrogens, progesterone and testosterone. Both medical and surgical abortion equally negatively affect the functioning of the endocrine system.

7) Long stressful conditions. Influence the suppression of the production of the hormone oxytocin. A decrease in oxytocin levels affects the production of prolactin.

Pregnancy can also be the cause of hormonal failure, but in this case, the body has programmed natural ways to normalize the functioning of the endocrine glands, which are activated after childbirth.

Symptoms of hormonal failure in women

Hormonal disorders never go away without consequences. Depending on which of the endocrine glands does not function properly, a woman experiences certain symptoms of hormonal failure.

In medicine, a symptom is a set of manifestations of a disease that the patient himself notices. In this case, the symptoms will be the following:

  1. Violation of the duration of the menstrual cycle;
  2. Excessive growth of body hair;
  3. Isolation of milk from the mammary glands in the absence of breastfeeding;
  4. Frequent mood swings;
  5. Weight gain with relatively moderate food intake;
  6. Hair loss;
  7. Decreased libido.

These symptoms should alert and become a reason to visit an endocrinologist.

Signs of disruption of the endocrine system

In medicine, a sign is a set of manifestations of a disease that a doctor observes. He makes up clinical picture diseases, relying not only on data from medical studies, but also on the complaints of the patient herself.

As signs of a hormonal failure in a woman, the following can be distinguished:

  • Shortening or lengthening of the first or second phase of the cycle;
  • Lack of ovulation;
  • ovarian cysts;
  • cysts of the corpus luteum;
  • Thin or too thick endometrium;
  • The presence of fibroids;
  • Violation of the process of maturation of follicles (regression of the dominant follicle, follicular cyst);
  • A large number of antral follicles in one ovary, not exceeding 8-9 mm in diameter (MFN);
  • A large number of follicles in one ovary that are larger than 9 mm in diameter but still smaller than the dominant follicle (PCOS).

Hormonal failure during pregnancy

The body undergoes changes after the conception of a child. From the day a fertilized egg is implanted in one of the walls of the uterus, the production of hCG hormone. An increase in its concentration in the blood provokes a change in the amount of production of other hormones.

The endocrine system is forced to adapt to the changes that have occurred in the body, however, hormonal failure during pregnancy is a natural process necessary for the successful bearing of a child.

But there are violations that can lead to the threat of miscarriage:

  1. Lack of progesterone.
  2. Excess testosterone.
  3. Lack of estrogen.

These are the three main hormonal disorders most commonly experienced by pregnant women. To correct them, the gynecologist will prescribe medication.

Consequences of improper functioning of the endocrine system

Hormonal failure is a factor that negatively affects a woman's health. It's about not only about the violation of reproductive functions, but also about the general deterioration of health.

Deficiency or excess of certain hormones, in the absence of timely treatment, can lead to serious consequences, among which:

  • Infertility;
  • miscarriage;
  • Obesity;
  • The occurrence of oncological diseases;
  • Decreased immunity;
  • high fatigue;
  • The formation of benign tumors;
  • Diabetes;
  • Osteoporosis;
  • Decreased sexual activity.

If the cause of hormonal imbalance lies in the malfunctioning of the endocrine glands, which has been observed since birth, then constant monitoring by an endocrinologist and systematic correction of the production of a particular hormone is required.

The treatment regimen will depend on which hormone deviates from the normal values. Sometimes there are problems with the production of any one hormone, but most often a blood test indicates the presence of problems with several hormones at once.

Each doctor has his own views on methods of treatment, but gynecologists-endocrinologists can be conditionally divided into two categories: the former prefer to prescribe oral contraceptives as therapy, and the latter prefer to regulate each hormone with individual drugs.

Correction of hormonal failure with oral contraceptives

To normalize the production of hormones, drugs such as Yarina, Diana 35, Jess, Lindinet can be prescribed. On the one hand, this is convenient for the doctor: there is no need to select a special treatment regimen - in tablets, all synthetic analogues of hormones are pre-distributed according to the days of the cycle.

On the other hand, such a correction is fraught with negative consequences:

  • Intolerance to oral contraceptives, expressed in daily severe nausea and vomiting.
  • Unplanned pregnancy after canceling a course of pills. And, thanks to the rebound effect, it may turn out that a woman is carrying twins or triplets.
  • Increased signs of hormonal imbalance after discontinuation of oral contraceptives

Correction of hormonal failure with the help of an individual selection of hormonal preparations

It is more difficult to formulate such a treatment regimen. There is a need to use several hormonal agents at once, so the gynecologist-endocrinologist must choose the drugs in such a way as not to provoke a violation of the production of other hormones that are normal.

  • Excess testosterone - Dexamethasone, Cyproterone, Metipred is used for treatment.
  • Lack of Progesterone - Duphaston, Utrozhestan are used to normalize the indicators.
  • Lack of estrogen - corrected with the help of Divigel, Premarin, Proginova.
  • Excess estrogen - treated with Clomiphene, Tamoxifen.

These are just a few examples of solving problems with the production of certain hormones. In fact, there can be much more of them, and an endocrinologist should draw up a specific treatment regimen. To correct the hormonal background, herbal preparations are also used, but they must also be taken. only on doctor's advice.

As preventive measures may be advised not to hormonal preparations arbitrarily, without the appointment and control of a doctor. Once a year, you need to donate blood for the analysis of the main female hormones, and if one or more of them deviate from the norm, contact an endocrinologist or gynecologist.