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The benefits of chaga. Birch chaga: medicinal properties, indications and contraindications. Birch chaga mushroom: benefits, harm, method of use

In the Middle Ages, when humanity had no idea about antibiotics and radiation therapy, and microbiology and operative surgery were in their infancy, any disease carried a huge threat. Thousands of people died from plague and cholera, while cancer became a death sentence for isolated, but often high-ranking, persons. All court doctors searched for a cure for Vladimir Monomakh's illness under pain of death. And it was found - the fungus, like the disease itself, corroding the birch, became the basis for the treatment of the ruler.

Shiitake, chaga and agaric mushrooms have been used since ancient times in the treatment of cancer and cardiovascular diseases, depression and liver pathologies. However, they received official recognition only at the end of the twentieth century, thanks to the research of Japanese scientists. It turned out that all these types of mushrooms are combined special substances, which have a cytostatic effect equivalent to drugs used in chemotherapy for cancer patients.

This discovery laid the foundations for a new direction in medicine – fungotherapy, which is now successfully developing in Japan and the USA.

Russian scientists, in addition to special polysaccharides, have discovered a lot of useful substances in chaga:

  • Agaricic and humic acids, which help cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol
  • Oxalic, formic, acetic acids are participants in biochemical oxidation reactions in the body, necessary for the elimination of free radicals
  • Pterins - substances that block cell division - another factor proving the effectiveness of chaga in the fight against tumors
  • Phytoncides that allow the use of mushrooms in the fight against infectious diseases
  • Flavonoids are a little-studied group of substances that have positive influence on vision, regulation of heart rate, kidney function and many other processes in the body
  • Tannins, astringent action which are necessary in the treatment of trophic ulcers, psoriasis and eczema
  • Among other things, in chaga there is quite large quantities minerals are detected - barium, copper, silver, cadmium, potassium, zinc.

Based on laboratory and clinical tests, chaga has been recognized and official medicine as homeopathic remedy. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to climb the birch trunk for it - you can simply buy it at the pharmacy.

How about making some mushroom tea...

Stress, apathy and chronic fatigue are the main opponents of a person striving for success and prosperity. Therefore, taking care of one’s own health has become a necessity for a significant proportion of the world’s population. At the same time, the latest research by nutritionists shows that every year food products increasingly resemble a substrate designed to fill the stomach and satisfy the body’s needs only for the main three groups of compounds - proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

At the same time, there is simply a catastrophic deficiency of biologically active substances - vitamins and minerals, flavonoids, fiber and pectins. Preparations made from plants help to cope with the “shortage”. Chaga infusion can also be called a complex of biologically active substances that can benefit many people.

Indications for taking chaga may include:

  • Depression and neuroses
  • Chronic fatigue and stress
  • Immunodeficiency conditions
  • Memory loss and decreased concentration
  • Digestive pathologies

If such symptoms are present, chaga should be taken in the form of tea. There are many recipes, each of which is based on the procedure for preparing the infusion:

  • Take a teaspoon of chaga, pour two glasses of boiling water and let it brew for 1.5-2 hours. Remove the mushroom pieces, chop and return to the infusion for another couple of hours. It is recommended to use the product in the morning, on an empty stomach, instead of tea.

The mushroom goes well with other natural remedies - viburnum, honey, lemon, chamomile.

Monomakh tea

250 g of chaga are soaked in two liters of boiling water and allowed to brew for two hours. After this, it is taken out, crushed and returned to the infusion. Add another liter of water and a glass of viburnum berries, bring the resulting mixture to a boil over low heat, add 200 g of honey. The broth is left for a day, then filtered and put in the refrigerator.

The decoction should be taken 2 tablespoons three times a day with meals. The duration of the course can stretch up to three months.

Monomakh tea is used not only as a prophylactic, but also as a very serious illnesses:

  • Ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis and gastroduodenitis
  • Pancreatitis and fatty liver disease liver
  • For chronic constipation
  • Atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease
  • Varicocellus and varicose veins
  • Prostatitis and prostate adenoma
  • Uterine fibroids and cervical cancer

According to clinical data obtained by Korean doctors, chaga decoction improves the condition of women with climacteric syndrome, is an effective means of preventing uterine endometriosis.

Due to the high content of tannins, chaga infusion can be used to treat inflammatory diseases of the mouth and throat, rhinitis and sinusitis, and conjunctivitis. To do this, prepare an infusion in a ratio of 1:5, rinsing is repeated every two hours.

Chaga is good for vision

In Korean folk medicine The mushroom has been a leader among vision-improving agents for hundreds of years. Infusions are used in the form of lotions for cataracts and glaucoma, corneal opacities and cataracts. The flavonoids contained in the mushroom actually have activity in the biological reactions of the organs of vision.

The infusion, prepared in a ratio of 1:5, is moistened with cotton wool, wrapped in gauze and applied to the eyes for thirty minutes. The procedure is repeated for seven days before going to bed, then take a week's break and repeat the course.

External aspects of mushroom therapy

The ability of tannins to form a stable film upon contact with biological fluids and the anti-inflammatory effect of the fungus created the prerequisites for the use of chaga in the fight against skin diseases - psoriasis, eczema and dermatitis. The mushroom also has an anti-inflammatory effect on joints.

Chaga oil is used to lubricate lesions and rub joints: the infusion is mixed with olive or sunflower oil in a 1:2 ratio and applied once a day, before bed.

Rubbing with chaga oil is also effective in combating the initial stages varicose veins veins Along with external use, it is recommended to take chaga infusion orally - two tablespoons per day.

Harm of chaga

Despite such serious indications for use as ischemic disease heart and cancer, people rarely treat natural raw materials as medicine. Meanwhile, observing dosages and discussing the issue with a specialist is even more important than taking a number of cold remedies and antibiotics. The fact is that chaga, like many other mushrooms, has been poorly studied. Modern laboratory methods they simply do not allow us to reliably determine the influence of certain groups of biological substances on the human body.

An example of this can be found in the hundreds, which have long been used in folk medicine. Their chemical formulas and integration into biological chains still remain a mystery to official pharmaceuticals.

Based on the substances that chaga accumulates during its life, the following contraindications can be deduced:

  • Children and pregnant women should absolutely not take it - these are two categories of the population in whose bodies there is rapid cell division and a lot of biochemical reactions. Chaga is rich in substances that block the vital activity of cells, stopping their development.
  • Because chaga has a laxative effect, it is not recommended to take it for dysentery and profuse diarrhea.
  • Chaga acids are incompatible with the penicillin group and glucose. Therefore, treatment with chaga during the period of taking antibiotics will have to be abandoned, as well as with the infusion of glucose solutions intravenously.

In addition, treatment with chaga involves avoiding fatty and salty foods, fried and smoked foods, and it is recommended to limit sweets. The high content of vitamins and minerals allows you to switch to a diet of cereals, vegetables and fruits, and boiled fish. This wonderful way to lose weight without compromising the shine of your hair and skin condition has already been adopted by fashionistas.

Chaga mushroom is a concentrate of biologically active substances that help eliminate inflammation and ulcers, get rid of cataracts and cancer. It can also be used as a means of prevention, but dosages and compliance with time intervals should not be neglected - it is not just a mushroom, it is a full-fledged medicine.

Yulia Vishnevskaya

2014, . All rights reserved.

We mentioned that it is not only the buds of this tree that provide a healing effect. Birch is a kind of natural pharmacy. Today we will talk about another of the medicines in this pharmacy - the birch chaga mushroom. Growing on a birch tree, his body is soaked valuable substances due to birch sap and beneficial components of the tree. Chaga is a rich medicinal raw material that people have been using for a very long time. But in order to use this gift competently, you need complete information about its beneficial properties and contraindications for use. Only knowledge of its features will allow you to extract all the benefits from this raw material and protect yourself from careless use.

Characteristics of chaga

The exceptionally beneficial qualities of chaga are explained by its rich composition:

  • organic acids (oxalic, tartaric, acetic, formic);
  • phenol;
  • resins;
  • sterols;
  • microelements (iron, cobalt, silver, nickel, magnesium, etc.).

Organic acids tend to regulate and normalize the ratio of hydroxyl and hydrogen ions body, providing a therapeutic effect on the entire system. Sterols. The phytoncides contained in chaga have antimicrobial effect, and melanin is anti-inflammatory and hemostatic. and alkaloids provide a choleretic and diuretic effect.

Therapeutic effect

Because of high efficiency therapeutic effects Chaga is used in many fields of medicine. Chaga tea:

  • serves as an excellent restorative and tonic;
  • relieves nervous irritation;
  • helps fight insomnia and depression;
  • soothes pain due to spasms of internal organs;
  • successfully fights against juvenile acne(and therefore with a teenager’s complexes about appearance).

Chaga infusion treats many pathological conditions:

  • stomach and intestinal diseases,
  • diseases of oncological nature,
  • insomnia.

In addition, chaga infusion is great for general strengthening the body after operations or serious illnesses.

Chaga gruel is used to treat:

  • eczema,
  • insect bites,
  • frostbite,
  • burns,
  • skin lesions of various nature.

Chaga relieves inflammation of the oral mucosa. With its help you can cure periodontitis, stomatitis, and periodontal disease. For laryngeal tumors, inhalation with chaga infusion for five minutes a day gives good results. This improves breathing, swallowing, relieves inflammation and hoarseness.

Chaga decoction strengthens the body's immune system and is effective in combating stomach polyps. Birch mushroom in the form of a decoction removes toxins from the body, radio active substances as heavy metals and radionuclides. As a result, work is normalized endocrine system, which improves cell regeneration. And this, in turn, rejuvenates the body.

By suppressing the growth of tumor cells, chaga multiplies the effect of traditional cancer treatment. This natural remedy included in medications for:

  • increasing the body's defenses,
  • lowering blood sugar levels,
  • activation of metabolic processes,
  • equalization of blood pressure,
  • adjusting heart rhythm.

Contraindications and treatment features

Chaga has not only beneficial properties, but also contraindications. This remedy should not be used if:

  • colitis and dysentery in chronic form,
  • pregnancy,
  • intolerance to the components included in the composition.

Great care and careful use of this remedy is required when fluid is retained in the body.

During the course of treatment, the diet should contain a lot of lactic acid products with complete absence smoked and fried. Chaga (like any other medicine) there is an antagonist substance that reduces the effect of the fungus. The therapeutic effect of chaga will be completely reduced to zero by any means containing penicillin or its derivatives (most often antibiotics). Almost the same result will be obtained with intravenous administration of glucose during the course of treatment with chaga remedies. The effectiveness of therapy will be greatly reduced.

Preparation and proper use

At home, infusions, decoctions, alcohol tinctures, and tea are made from chaga.

Chaga tea and infusion

These drinks are prepared from dried product and drunk freshly brewed. Fresh chaga is also suitable for these, but dried chaga is usually easier to find. Before use, chaga should be soaked for 4-5 hours in boiled warm water. The mushroom soaked in water must be chopped with a knife or using a grater or meat grinder.

How to brew this product correctly? Best served in ceramic or porcelain dishes. One part of the mushroom corresponds to five parts of water with a temperature of no higher than 60-70°C. It is poured over chaga and left for several hours. Infusion requires 24 to 48 hours; tea requires 20 minutes.

The remaining water from soaking chaga should not be thrown away, as it is valuable. medicinal component. The chaga infusion should be strained through cheesecloth (in several layers). The drink will become clear and pleasant to look at. It should be diluted with water from soaking chaga. The result is a dark, beautiful infusion with a slightly sweet taste, reminiscent of brewed weak tea.

The resulting liquid is drunk as any ordinary tea. But the chaga infusion is used a little differently. It should be drunk 30 minutes before meals, one glass at a time. The number of receptions per day is three to four.

The shelf life of the infusion is four days. Outside of this period, it is unacceptable to use such a drink. The treatment course with chaga is quite long – 5-7 months. Then there is a break of about a week or a little more, and the course is resumed.

Decoction Chagas in the treatment of oncology

Chaga is also actively used in the treatment of cancer. Depending on the stage of the disease, the use of chaga decoction can be long or short. But in any condition, the use of this remedy gives relief to the patient, since the tumor slows down its growth, and this reduces metastases. Chaga decoction is found to be very effective in treating stomach cancer. To prepare the remedy you will need:

  • chopped chaga (200 g),
  • pine buds (100 g),
  • (100 g),
  • (5 g),
  • (20 g),
  • (10 g).

Mix all ingredients and soak for two hours in cold well water (3 l). Then boil the mixture for two hours over low heat. Then wrap it up and leave it warm for a day. The strained broth is supplemented with:

  • aloe juice (200 g), plant 3-5 years and three days without watering;
  • honey (500 g).

Mix the entire mixture and set aside for four hours. You can now take the medicine:

  • the first six days, 1 tsp. two hours before meals, three times a day;
  • the next day, 1 tbsp. l. an hour before meals, three times a day.

The treatment course can take from 2 weeks to 4 months. Chaga is indicated for any type of malignant tumor. But since this is an oncological disease, any actions must be coordinated with a doctor - the specialist will not allow you to accidentally harm yourself.

Alcohol tincture and chaga gruel

Chaga alcohol tincture is pharmaceutical drug"Befungin". You can also make your own tincture based on 70% alcohol. But we must understand that alcohol is a terrible poison. Why take medicine with poison when there are other ways to take chaga? Therefore, you shouldn’t even get dirty with chaga alcohol tincture; it’s better to use the gruel.

Chaga gruel is easy to prepare. The mushroom should be crushed and mixed with hot water in a small amount. The infusion should stand for some time. After it has cooled, the paste is applied to the sore spot.

Chaga oil solution

Oil from this raw material is used to lubricate the sinuses to treat sinusitis. To prepare it you need to make a mixture of:

  • olive oil (2.5 tbsp.),
  • chaga infusion (1 tsp).

Place the composition in a dark, cool place for a day to infuse. The beneficial components of chaga permeate the oil. Lubricating painful areas of the skin with this oil solution Can:

  • eliminate muscle pain,
  • get rid of aching joints,
  • strengthen blood vessels,
  • fight trophic ulcers.

The substances that make up chaga are real natural biogenic stimulants. Traditional medicine offers a huge number of effective recipes. But you need to stick to the correct proportions and use them correctly.

The birch mushroom, chaga, has unique properties. During its growth from a spore to a large body, it is saturated with useful substances from birch sap and other components. The mushroom contains many active substances and microelements necessary for the human body, so it is considered valuable natural medicine.

Medicinal properties of chaga

People have always wanted to know the benefits of chaga. It has long been used as a cure for various diseases. Because of its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, chaga is loved by everyone - its beneficial properties and uses have been known for a long time traditional healers. The use of the mushroom is widespread, because it contains biogenic stimulants and organic acids that have a therapeutic effect on the body:

  • Medicinal mushroom is used as a medicine - the use of decoctions treats tumors of any type, fortifies the body, and strengthens the immune system.
  • The mushroom is able to inhibit the growth of cancer cells, improve appetite, relieve pain, and reduce cholesterol levels.
  • Due to its anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties, chaga is used in protecting the mucous membrane.
  • Included in medicinal mushroom phytoncides and alkaloids provide diuretic and choleretic processes, and iron and magnesium restore tissue, strengthen the body as a whole, and tone it.
  • Due to the presence of silver and zinc, the function of the nervous system is restored.
  • Exacerbations are relieved due to copper and aluminum chronic, the functioning of the stomach and intestines is normalized, and the properties of the immune system are increased.

How to brew chaga correctly

To treat mushrooms, you should know how to prepare chaga. Traditional medicine uses decoctions and infusions with beneficial properties. Preparation of the decoction comes down to 2 recipes:

  1. Soak a quarter kilogram of mushroom in 2 liters of water until it becomes soft. Rub coarsely, add the same water again, heat slowly, without reaching a boil, keep for an hour. After cooling for a short time, strain the broth and mix with infusion of dry viburnum berries. To prepare viburnum infusion, take a glass of berries, pour in a liter cold water, keep for 5 hours, cook for 60 minutes steam bath. Add a quarter liter of agave juice and the same amount of honey to the broth. Dilute the mixture with water to obtain 4 liters, leave for a week in a cool place, hidden from the sun. Once fermentation begins, store refrigerated. Drink 50 ml three times a day half an hour before meals.
  2. Mix 10 g of chaga powder with a tablespoon of hazel leaves, pour in 400 ml of water. Boil for 5 minutes, after straining, drink 30 ml of the product three times a day.

How to infuse chaga

Another option for preparing chaga would be to infuse the mushroom. It can also be done in several ways and recipes:

  1. Cut the mushroom from a birch tree or buy it at a pharmacy affordable price, rinse, grate coarsely after pre-soaking. Pour in water with a ratio of 1:5, keep in the dark for 2 days, strain, drink 600 ml per day.
  2. For gastritis, pour 5 glasses of warm water into a glass of crushed raw materials. Keep for 24 hours, after straining, drink 100 ml. After 3 days, make a new infusion.

Treatment with chaga for oncology

Fans of home treatments claim that chaga for cancer is effective and helps slow down the growth of cancer. This statement was recognized as fair, so that official medicine began to produce drugs based on the mushroom from the tree. The advantages of its use include wide range activity and non-toxicity. On healthy mushroom There are practically no allergies, and the initial stage of oncology with its use is characterized by an improvement in well-being, a slowdown in tumor growth and a decrease in pain.

The following recipe will help against stomach cancer:

  • Grate 1/5 kg of chaga, mix with 100 g of pine buds and rose hips, 5 g of wormwood, 20 g of St. John's wort, 10 g of licorice root.
  • All this is soaked in 3 liters of water, after 3 hours it is boiled over moderate heat, wrapped, and infused for 24 hours in a warm room.
  • After straining, add a glass of aloe juice to the mixture.

An oil emulsion will help against lung cancer, breast cancer in women, and intestines:

  • 40 ml vegetable oil with a smell, mix with 30 ml of chaga alcohol tincture, for the production of which you take 100 g of raw materials per 1.5 liters of alcohol or vodka.
  • The mixture is taken in one gulp three times a day, a third of an hour before meals, for a course of 10 days, a break for 5 days, a dose of 10, a break again for 10 days.
  • The condition is this: it should be taken until the treatment goal is achieved.

Chaga for weight loss

Value medicinal mushroom is that its composition is extremely rich. It contains vitamins, minerals, amino acids, organic active elements: Due to this, chaga fights obesity by accelerating metabolism. Recipe for making chaga for weight loss: mix a propolis ball with a glass of chaga infusion. The infusion is easy to prepare: pour a glass of hot water and 2 tablespoons of honey into 20 g of mushroom. The indications are as follows: the medicine is taken on an empty stomach every morning and acts in combination with a diet.

How to take chaga tincture

An alcoholic tincture of chaga is used to treat cancer. When making it, you need to pour half a glass of mushroom with a liter of vodka and keep it in a cool, dark place for 2 weeks. Drink a dessert spoon three times a day, which helps slow down the growth of cancer tumors. The second recipe for preparing a healthy alcohol tincture is a mixture of 50 g of dry mushroom and a third of a liter of vodka. Infuse for 21 days in the dark, cool, strain, drink 3 times a day, 30 ml, dissolved in a quarter glass of water. The course of application is 10 days.

Chaga extract

If you have circulatory dysfunction, you need to know how birch chaga is useful. Chaga extract is used as a medicine: to prepare it, pour ¾ cup of warm water into 20 g of powder and leave for 48 hours. After straining, drink 30 ml 10 minutes before meals. An alcohol extract will help against fungus: pour 300 g of mushroom with two glasses of vodka, keep for 2 weeks, apply externally. A useful mixture of mushroom and chamomile, poured into 2 cups of boiling water and left for 4 hours, will help with periodontal disease.

How to drink chaga for prevention

To prevent flu and sore throat, drink chaga tea or decoction. To do this, the mushroom is soaked, ground and infused with water for 2 days. Drink 200 ml three times a day. In addition, chaga - its beneficial properties and application show effectiveness - is easy to brew: the mushroom can be poured warm water, leave for 2 days and drink with the addition of honey - this will help against cancer. To prevent pressure, the mushroom is mixed with mistletoe.


The main properties for which chaga should not be taken are:

  • colitis and dysentery;
  • chaga during pregnancy and lactation is prohibited;
  • allergy;
  • overexcitation of the nervous system;
  • childhood;
  • simultaneous treatment with glucose, penicillin, and dextrose is harmful.

“Tinder fungus,” “kyar,” “tsyr,” “birch mushroom” are all little-known names for the “Chaga” mushroom. This is an amazing natural creation, which, according to popular belief, helps overcome 100 diseases.


The property of “Chaga” to restrain the development of cancer is indicated even in A. Solzhenitsyn’s novel “Cancer Ward”.

Types and varieties

There is only one variety of this plant material:

  • "Birch mushroom" Preparations and compositions based on it are used as a symptomatic remedy that heals the body from various diseases.

How to choose the right one

In order for all the beneficial properties of Chaga to be fully revealed, the choice must obey certain principles:

  • Those mushrooms that have been removed from lower sections trunks growing in damp places or from dry trees.
  • The length of the most useful specimen does not exceed 1 m.
  • You should not take old mushrooms that are solid black in color and have an easily crumbling structure.
  • It is recommended to purchase raw materials from official sales outlets.

Price and where to buy

The drug is available for free sale in pharmacy chains. Release form – crushed plant materials (“Chaga. Birch mushroom”), cardboard pack of 200/100/50 g. A pack weighing 50 g is available at a cost of 62 rubles.


The composition of the herbal remedy is presented in the table.

Active substances Medicinal properties
Pigments forming the polyphenolcarbon complex
  • Pronounced restorative ability.
  • Active stimulator of metabolic processes.
  • Normalizes enzyme systems.
  • Pharmacological active substance.
  • Hemostatic properties.
  • Relieving inflammation.
  • Elimination pain syndrome, spasms.
  • Hemostatic effect.
  • Lower blood pressure.
  • Protection against bacteria.
  • Building material for cells.
  • Source of energy.
Free phenols
  • Destroy pathogenic microflora.
  • Control of blood sugar and cholesterol.
  • Normalization of gastrointestinal functions.
  • Removes heavy metals.
  • Improves the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Affects the functioning of the kidneys and liver.
  • Block the division of pathogenic and foreign cells.
  • Necessary for the formation of bone mass.
  • Regulates nervous activity.
  • Participant in energy and carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Necessary for hematopoiesis.
  • Provides complete tissue respiration.
  • Participant in exchange processes.
  • Contained in connective tissue.
  • Actively participates in the transmission of nerve impulses.
  • Improves the condition of blood vessels.
  • Part of enzymes.
Agaricic acid
  • Improves the enzymatic ability of the liver.
Triterpene compounds
  • Increase blood circulation.
Acetic acid
  • Relieves inflammation.
  • Has a bactericidal effect.
Formic acid
  • Antiseptic.
  • Eliminates inflammation, relieves pain.
Oxalic acid
  • Promotes maximum absorption of magnesium and iron.
  • Stimulates metabolic processes.
  • Has anti-inflammatory, restorative properties.
  • Positively affects the condition of the epidermis.
  • Promotes healing of wounds and damage.
  • Diuretic, antispasmodic effect.
  • Elimination of inflammation.
  • Pronounced antimicrobial properties.
  • Neutralizes pathogenic microflora.
  • Restores the balance of alkalis and acids in the blood.
  • Participant in the transmission of nerve impulses.
  • Activates enzyme activity.
  • Restores kidneys.

Chaga is an amazing natural remedy. From a tiny spore a full-fledged mushroom grows, saturated with healing substances taken from the tree. Our ancestors actively took birch mushroom in treatment.

Benefits and harms

Benefits for the body

Any preparations based on Chaga are powerful biogenic stimulants and reveal a whole range of beneficial properties:

  • Diuretic, antimicrobial, antispasmodic effect.
  • Normalizes the activity of the digestive tract, improves the condition of the intestinal microflora.
  • Helps heal intestinal and stomach ulcers.
  • Regulates functioning respiratory system, blood vessels and heart.
  • Stabilizes venous arterial pressure, normalizes the pulse.
  • Stimulates blood renewal processes.
  • Restores the central nervous system.
  • Improves metabolic processes, including in brain tissue.
  • Increases the body's immune potential, improves resistance to infections and viruses.
  • Eliminates inflammation when used locally and internally.
  • Relieves pain, heals wounds.
  • "Chaga" exhibits antiviral properties.
  • Enhances the activity of anticancer drugs.
  • Regulates sugar.

Contraindications and harm

Treatment with Chaga does not contain any special contraindications. The mushroom does not cause an allergic response, does not concentrate in the body, and does not contain harmful components. However, the following factors should be taken into account:

  • In people with frayed nerves, the fungus can cause increased excitability of the nervous system, but only with long-term therapy. The dose is reduced or treatment is stopped.
  • For swelling and fluid retention in the body, it is recommended to prepare a more saturated infusion.
  • It is better to refrain from using the mushroom for dysentery and chronic colitis.
  • During treatment, intravenous administration of glucose is unacceptable.
  • "Chaga" is not compatible with penicillin, so it is not taken during simultaneous antibiotic treatment.

The success of treatment depends on dietary instructions. The list of foods that are not recommended for consumption is presented below:

  • Foods high in carbohydrates.
  • Sweet fruits, berries - figs, grapes, dates, bananas.
  • Fatty meat is a variety.
  • Smoked meats.

“Birch mushroom” should not be confused with the similar true or false tinder fungus, which also grows on birch. Buying Chaga at a pharmacy will help you avoid mistakes.

  • Marinades, pickles, canned food.
  • Fats.
  • Carbonated drinks.

Features of application

  • The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and natural breastfeeding.
  • The product is not used to treat children.
  • If you are overweight, it is recommended to drink 20 ml of Chaga tea on an empty stomach. This will help break down the lipid cells.

Drinks made with Birch Mushroom help prevent a whole range of diseases:

  • Cirrhosis and other liver damage.
  • Nephritis, pyelonephritis are kidney diseases of inflammatory origin.
  • Mastopathy is a lesion of the mammary gland, accompanied by pain and pathological tissue growth.
  • Gastritis is a pathological change in the gastric mucosa.
  • Psoriasis – chronic illness, affecting the skin.
  • High pressure.


Preparing and storing tea

For the recipe you will need a small list of ingredients:

  • Chopped birch mushroom – 50 g.
  • Warm water – 500 ml.

The drink is prepared according to the following scheme:

  • The dry component is filled with warm water.
  • The mixture is infused in a ceramic container for two days at standard room temperature.
  • The drink is filtered, the cake is squeezed out, and the resulting volume is brought to the original volume - 500 ml.
  • The drug is taken 250 ml three times a day. half an hour before meals.
  • Shake the tea before drinking.
  • Course duration – 3 months. with breaks of 10 days.
  • The finished tea is stored in the refrigerator.


The remedy has earned the following user ratings:

  • My grandmother constantly makes tea from this wonderful mushroom. She lives in a village, and all the residents prepare raw materials themselves, and then drink decoctions, tinctures and teas based on them all year round. Personally, the mushroom helped me get rid of a terrible rash that I don’t know where it came from.
  • We always have “Chaga” in our family. We mainly drink drinks based on it to strengthen the immune system. Also, teas and decoctions help with colds, indigestion and diabetes.

You can collect mushrooms all year round, but experienced healers recommend harvesting in autumn and spring. The growths are simply cut off with a knife or cut off with an ax.

  • The benefits of this mushroom have long been recognized by official medicine. I drink it both as tea and as an infusion. This is an excellent tonic that improves digestion.

Chaga mushroom is a herbal remedy with biogenic activity. Drinks based on it help to recover from many diseases and prevent their occurrence if taken prophylactically.

How to find the Chaga mushroom in the forest? All about "Chaga":

Many of us are familiar with traditional methods of treating various diseases. Using some of them, our grandmothers treated our parents, and they, in turn, treated us.


Chaga belongs to the order of tinder fungi. Spores of this type fall on tree breaks or places where the integrity of the bark covering is damaged. This is where future mushrooms take root.

What does chaga birch look like? A grown mushroom can reach a weight of 2 kg. It is a fairly solid growth dark brown and yellowish veins below. Sometimes it is very difficult to remove this growth manually, so it is cut off.

Composition of the healing agent

The benefit of chaga is its richness in fiber. The mushroom contains many resins, as well as a large number of acids (including formic, acetic, tartaric, etc.), due to which chaga helps to normalize the acid-base balance of the body.

It contains a huge number of chemical elements necessary for the body. Among them are iron, silver, cobalt, nickel, potassium, magnesium, zinc, etc. In addition, the mushroom has:

  • Melanin is an element responsible for the restorative and anti-inflammatory effect. It also helps improve the body's metabolic processes.
  • Phytoncides – antimicrobial action.
  • Flavonoids are elements that have a diuretic and choleretic effect, and also fight spasms and inflammation.

The benefit of chaga for the tree is zero, in contrast to the effect on the human body. This variety can grow on a tree for about 20 years, but sooner or later it will lead to the death of the tree. This is such a destructive and healing mushroom at the same time.

Action of chaga

Spectrum of action medicinal mushroom extremely wide:

  • It has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Helps restore blood properties.
  • Has a bactericidal effect.
  • Helps lower blood pressure.
  • Helps eliminate pain.
  • Accelerates metabolic processes.
  • Normalizes functions gastrointestinal tract and the work of enzymes.
  • Destroys pathogenic flora of the intestines and stomach.
  • Removes toxins from the body.
  • Renders positive influence on the functioning of the kidneys and liver.
  • Is a diuretic.
  • Helps treat stomach and intestinal ulcers, relaxes the smooth muscles of the intestines, which helps relieve spasms.
  • It has a positive effect on the nervous system, tones and strengthens it, and helps restore cholinergic nerves.
  • Regulates blood sugar.

Here is a small chaga mushroom, the beneficial properties of which are simply limitless. When used correctly this tool it can have complex action and fix many problems at once.

What diseases does chaga fight?

If you do not have any serious diseases, then the benefit of chaga will be to prevent various problems with the body. It will also help improve his overall condition. What does chaga birch cure?

The mushroom is not only an excellent remedy prevention, but also fights problems such as:

  • Oncology – leads to regression of such diseases, improves immunity, and helps to enhance the effectiveness of anti-cancer treatment.
  • Any liver damage, including cirrhosis.
  • Kidney diseases (nephritis and pyelonephritis).
  • Problems with the mammary glands - mastopathy.
  • Diseases of the gastric mucosa (gastritis, polyps).
  • Skin problems (dermatitis, psoriasis, acne, burns).
  • Treats oral problems (stomatitis, periodontal disease).
  • Fights insomnia and stress.


However, we should not forget about the presence of contraindications even for traditional methods of treatment. So, you should stop taking chaga if:

  1. You have a weakened nervous system. The mushroom has a positive effect on the central nervous system, however, with prolonged use, the reverse process may occur, and chaga will stimulate the nervous system. When the dose is reduced or the treatment is temporarily suspended, the state of the central nervous system normalizes.
  2. A person has chronic colitis or dysentery.
  3. You are administering glucose intravenously - in this case, the use of chaga is unacceptable.
  4. The patient was prescribed antibiotic treatment. Since chaga is not compatible with penicillin, it is better to postpone treatment with the fungus.
  5. If you have a problem with fluid retention in the body or swelling, then chaga in small doses will not help. In this case, it is recommended to brew a richer tea.

It is precisely this serious list of diseases that the chaga mushroom fights. The beneficial properties of the mushroom are unique. This is confirmed by the reviews of those who take it. But you should pay attention that the benefits of chaga will only be if you follow proper nutrition. During treatment, fatty meats, smoked foods, carbonated drinks, canned food and other marinades, as well as any food containing excessive amounts of carbohydrates should be excluded from the diet. If you follow these tips, you will definitely benefit from treatment that contains chaga birch.

Application and recipes

Now let's look specifically at the use of this folk remedy. To conduct it yourself correct treatment, you need to ask yourself how to brew birch chaga correctly. There are quite a lot of recipes for this, and here are some of them.

Recipe 1

You only need 50 grams. chopped mushroom, as well as half a liter of warm water.

Prepare ceramic dishes and pour dry powder with warm water. The resulting mixture must be left to stand at room temperature for two days. After the required time has passed, the infusion should be filtered and the cake should be squeezed out properly.

We get a certain amount of liquid and add enough warm water to the infusion to again make 500 ml of the drink.

You need to take the infusion one glass (200-250 ml) half an hour before meals 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 3 months. At the end of each month you should take a break of 10 days.

Please note that the tea must be shaken before drinking the infusion. Store the prepared product in the refrigerator.

Recipe 2

It is known that birch chaga helps with oncology. The use of this remedy is not limited to infusions. For example, inhalations are used for laryngeal cancer.

To do this, you will need a handful of crushed chaga, which we pour into a saucepan and pour two glasses of boiling water (about 50 ml). After waiting 10 minutes, we bend over the pan and cover ourselves with a large towel or blanket. It is necessary to breathe in vapors for 5 minutes.

Repeat the procedure 2 times a day for 3 months, taking a break at the end of each month for 10 days.

Treatment will be more effective if the patient takes chaga infusion along with inhalations. With combined treatment, it should be drunk every day, and inhalations should be carried out every other day.

Recipe 3

If you suffer from gastrointestinal diseases or insomnia, then the following infusion will help overcome these ailments.

You will need 100 gr. crushed chaga and 500 ml of good vodka. Place the mushroom in a jar and fill it with vodka. Place the mixture in a dark place for 2 weeks, shaking the composition from time to time. After the required time, we begin the reception. We dilute 1 teaspoon of infusion in 30 ml of warm water and take 3 times a day before meals. We carry out treatment for 14 days, after which we take a break for two weeks and repeat the course again.

In fact effective recipes There is much more birch chaga, and you can try them for yourself. However, if you are encountering this mushroom for the first time, then these 3 recipes will be an excellent start to treatment, after which you can individually find suitable recipes for yourself.

To ensure that the treatment really gives the desired result, listen to the following tips.

  1. Undoubtedly, finding chaga is very easy. You can even find it on city birch trees, but under no circumstances use this mushroom for treatment. Most trees within the city are located near roads, which is why chaga absorbs a lot of harmful waste, so the use of such growth is prohibited.
  2. It is quite easy to confuse chaga with other tinder fungi, so if you do not have the necessary experience in searching for the mushroom, it is best to purchase already crushed raw materials at the pharmacy. Which, by the way, will be a guarantee of quality.
  3. If you still decide to get the mushroom yourself, then pay attention to its hardness and color - you should not take too old ones (completely black and very hard) from already dead trees.
  4. Before starting treatment, make sure that you can really use the mushroom and do not have any diseases listed as contraindications.
  5. Whatever it is miraculous property treatment, birch chaga (infusion and inhalation from it) also has its contraindications, so you should take it only after consultation with a doctor who, although he will not prescribe the mushroom for you as a treatment, will tell you whether it is possible to combine traditional methods with basic therapy. Do not self-medicate - it can be dangerous to your health.
  6. Do not abuse this remedy. Birch chaga, the medicinal properties of which are preserved even when stored at home for many years, may be ineffective when frequent use. Although it does not have a cumulative effect in the body, long-term use may have the opposite effect. Therefore, be sure to take breaks.

If you follow these tips, birch chaga will definitely help you.


Now that you are fully familiar with such a miraculous remedy as chaga, all that remains is to read the reviews of those who have already tried the treatment on themselves.

Of course, some of the medicinal properties of the mushroom have not been scientifically proven. Like, for example, the ability to fight cancer. However, it has been noticed that those who often take tea from this mushroom live 90% of their lives without such ailments.

You can also find many reviews about how, after taking chaga for just a month, a person becomes calmer. Sleep is normalized, skin color improves and appearance generally.

Moreover, those who take the mushroom regularly for a long time (with breaks, of course) claim that chaga helps maintain youth, and this is not surprising. The complex effect of plant elements fights waste and toxins, accelerating metabolism and removing them, due to which the youth of the skin and the body as a whole is preserved.

Many women use chaga infusions to treat female diseases, and this really gives the desired effect. Douching with infusions of various herbs and chaga helps to overcome unpleasant discharge and helps treat various vaginitis.

Thus, we can conclude that birch chaga, the medicinal properties of which are confirmed by thousands of people, is a panacea for many diseases that cannot always be cured with medication and therapeutic methods.

Chaga is a sterile (in other words, sterile) form of the fungus Polypore or Inonotus oblique. Belongs to the genus Inonotus, division Basidiomycetes. Chaga got its more well-known name - birch mushroom - for a reason: it most often grows on birch trees (downy and drooping species), less often it affects other crops - rowan, alder, beech, elm, maple. Widely distributed in birch groves, in the taiga and forest-steppe of central Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, where it grows almost everywhere. Found in the northern United States and Korea.

Chaga can be called a unique mushroom, the life of which begins with a small spore of Inonotus obliquus. Once on a damaged area of ​​tree bark, the spore germinates and typical comb-like growths are formed. Infection leads to white heart rot of wood.

Light yellow stripes and spots form in the false nucleus, which subsequently merge and expand. In rotten wood, the annual layers are easily separated one from another. A brown protective zone is formed around the rot, black lines can be seen inside, and inclusions of rust-colored mycelium are visible at the break. Growing to sometimes enormous sizes, chaga accumulates in its body useful substances that it receives from the tree.

Morphological description and botanical features

The body of chaga appears 3-4 years after infection. It is represented by black comb-like growths of irregular shape, penetrated by veins of colorless hyphae. Dimensions: from 4 to 40 cm in diameter, from 10 to 15 cm in thickness. When cut, the body has a dense dark brown structure. At the point of contact with the tree, the flesh is colored reddish-brown. The surface of the growths is riddled with cracks.

The lifespan is 10–20 years: the fungus grows and goes deeper into the wood; after a few years, the fruiting body of the fungus with spores, which consists of tubes, sprouts on the opposite side. It develops under the bark, hyphae can spread 0.5-1 m along the length of the trunk. When the spores mature, comb-like projections are formed that penetrate the bark, exposing the brownish-brown hymenophore. At first the spores are colorless, then become reddish. The walls of the spores are thick, with one or two drops of oil inside. Over time, the tree dies.

Collection and preparation

The mushroom is harvested at any time, but it is easier to find it from late autumn to spring, when there is no foliage. In addition, during this period the greatest biological activity of the fungus is observed. To search, they go deep into the forest (removing from trees along busy roads is not recommended), choosing strong trees. It is not worth cutting the chaga from dead or diseased trees or the bases of old trees - the activity of such chaga is insignificant. Old chaga is exclusively black in color and has a very big size and already crumbling is also not suitable.

The growth is cut off with an ax under the base, the loose, light-colored part is cut off. The raw materials needed for procurement are outer part and a solid middle, without any wood residue or loose matter.

The collected chaga is cut into pieces of about 10 cm, dried in dryers or ovens at a temperature not exceeding 60 ºС. In summer, ventilated attics and closed sheds are suitable for drying. Store in a tightly closed jar, exclude moisture, since chaga can quickly become moldy. Shelf life – 2 years.

Chemical composition

A complex of biologically active substances was found in the fungus:

  • water-soluble pigments combined into a chromogenic polyphenolcarbon complex;
  • triterpenoids;
  • agaricic, oxalic, acetic, formic, butyric, para-hydroxybenzoic, vanillic acids;
  • sterols;
  • resins;
  • polysaccharides;
  • lignin;
  • cellulose;
  • tannins;
  • a large number of macro- and microelements, especially potassium and manganese.

The therapeutic effect in malignant tumors is associated with the action of sterols and agaricic acid.

Beneficial properties of chaga mushroom

  • Has antimicrobial and antiseptic properties. Tannins are involved in the formation of a protective film on the mucous membranes of organs.
  • It has general strengthening and tonic effects. Many natural biogenic stimulants and organic acids that make up the mushroom have a powerful therapeutic effect on the body and normalize the balance of hydrogen and hydroxyl ions.
  • It has an antitumor effect when used internally and externally. Decoctions and tinctures of the plant improve the condition of tumors of any location, reduce pain, and help strengthen the immune system. When treating the initial stages of oncology, chaga retards growth cancer cells.
  • Reduces blood cholesterol.
  • Has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Reduces blood sugar levels.
  • Has hemostatic properties.
  • Has diuretic and choleretic effects.
  • Has an analgesic effect.
  • Reduce sweating.
  • It has a positive effect on the state of the central nervous system: it activates metabolism in the brain tissue, which leads to an increase in the bioelectrical activity of the brain.
  • Increases the body's defense reactions (an effect proven in experiments), has a pronounced adaptogenic effect.
  • Helps to attenuate the exacerbation of chronic diseases and improve overall immune status.
  • Strengthens the cytostatic effect of cyclophosphamide.

Indications for use of chaga mushroom

Old-timers claim that there is no disease for which chaga would be ineffective: the unique properties of the birch mushroom can cope with everything. This statement may be exaggerated, but the fact that the use of chaga helps prevent many diseases is undeniable.

What does chaga help with (indications):

  • Oncological diseases (more on them below);
  • Gastrointestinal diseases, including gastric and duodenal ulcers, inflammatory diseases liver, pancreas and biliary system;
  • Diseases of joints and muscles;
  • Neuralgia;
  • Cardiovascular disease (atherosclerosis, arrhythmia);
  • Skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, frostbite, wounds, inflammation);
  • Pathologies of the male and female reproductive systems;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity (periodontal disease);
  • Decreased immunity associated with protracted illnesses, operations, etc.;
  • Metabolic disorders, including diabetes;
  • Hyperglycemia (including those not associated with diabetes mellitus);
  • Excess weight.

Features of chaga treatment

Medicines based on chaga are taken according to two main schemes:

  • short courses of 7-14 days several times a year, taking long breaks;
  • long courses of 3-5 months and with short breaks of 7-10 days.

During the first treatment regimen therapeutic effect wait longer. This course is preferable for the prevention of tumor metastasis after good treatment results and for their consolidation. The second scheme provides a quick therapeutic effect.

Unless otherwise indicated in the prescription, the medicine is taken half an hour before meals. During treatment, a plant and dairy diet is recommended with a limitation of meat, fats, smoked meats, canned food, hot spices, sweets, and alcohol. You can add bran bread and non-carbonated mineral water to your diet. Glucose and penicillin should not be administered intravenously when treating with chaga.

Application in medicinal purposes Chaga preparations are possible only after a diagnosis has been established, especially if long-term treatment regimens are being considered. It is very important to adhere to the dosage regimen, not to increase or decrease the dose. During treatment, you can observe 2 phases of the effects of drugs on the body.

  • In the first phase, relief is noted, pain and inflammation are significantly reduced (after about 2 weeks of use).
  • The second phase begins after a couple of months: improvement occurs general condition, the person feels well, and upon examination it can be found that the disease has subsided.

Chaga in the treatment of oncology

They say that people who drink chaga decoction and infusion instead of tea do not suffer from cancer. Chaga also helps those who have cancer. Many healers recommend chaga for monotherapy of cancer and advise patients to abandon the main treatment. But this approach is fundamentally wrong - one must weigh the benefits of chaga and the harm that the lack of treatment can cause. Precious time may be lost to not only stop the disease, but also save the patient’s life.

However, the use of chaga as an adjuvant therapy for oncology gives good results and a stable effect without relapse. The highest therapeutic effect is observed in people with the initial stages of cancer: general well-being improves, pain goes away, and tumor growth stops.

The choice of drug and method of use in the treatment of cancer depends on the patient’s condition. In any case, you should inform the doctor caring for the patient about your intentions to be treated with chaga.

Chaga is effective in combination with calendula, St. John's wort, calamus and plantain - these plants themselves have anti-cancer effects, and in combination they enhance each other's actions.

Pharmacological preparations of chaga

Clinical medicine has recognized chaga as an effective remedy in the complex treatment of cancer: the drugs are non-toxic and do not produce significant side effects and hypersensitivity reactions.

In addition to dry raw materials, the cost of which is from 25 to 200 rubles, you can buy at the pharmacy:

Befungin (solution, concentrate)

A popular drug based on chaga extract, which is used for chronic gastritis, stomach ulcers, gastrointestinal dyskinesias with atonic phenomena and for oncology, such as symptomatic remedy, improving the condition. Prescribed for a long course, 3-5 months. Price ~ 180 rub. per bottle 100 ml.


Dietary supplement based on chaga extract. It is used as an additional source of biologically active substances, polyphenols, vitamins and others. Price ~ 200 rub. for capsules No. 60.

Balm "Chaga"

Used for external use - treatment of wounds (except open ones), abrasions, scratches and other skin damage. Price ~ 100 rub. for 100 ml.


General strengthening dietary supplement Price ~ 170 rub. for capsules No. 40.

Cream-balm “Chaga”

Used externally to relieve symptoms of radiculitis, gout, osteochondrosis, joint diseases, as well as myositis and neuralgia. Price ~ 100 rub. per tube 100 ml.

Folk recipes

Chaga oil

Take 2.5 tbsp. olive oil and add 1 tsp. water infusion of chaga, mix and place in a dark place for a day.

The drug is suitable for application to painful areas of the skin, eliminating muscle pain and aching joints. Helps reduce severity capillary mesh and stars, helps strengthen small vessels. Can be used for speedy healing of trophic ulcers. Recommended as an aid in the treatment of sinusitis - used to lubricate the projection of the sinuses from the outside.

Chaga oil emulsion

Suitable for the treatment of lung, stomach, breast, and duodenal cancer. Take 40 ml of sunflower oil (unrefined) and 30 ml alcohol infusion chagi (100 grams of mushroom infused with 1.5 liters of vodka), close, shake and drink immediately. How to drink: three times a day at the same time, 20 minutes before meals. Treatment is carried out for 10 days, interrupted for 5 days, then repeated for another 10 days, and after that a ten-day break is taken. Repeat cycles until complete cure or significant improvement.

Chaga ointment

Widely used for the treatment of those forms of oncology that are located externally: cancer of the uterus, breast, skin, rectum, prostate, advanced forms of metastases to the lymph nodes.

To obtain the ointment, use lard and chaga infusion in a 1:1 ratio. Place the ointment on low heat, stir, bring to a boil, remove from heat and wrap so that the preparation infuses for 24 hours. Then filter and store in the refrigerator.

Take 250 gr. mushroom and 2 liters of water, leave until softened. Take out the mushroom and grate it, dip the pulp into the same water. Place the container on low heat and keep it on the fire for 1 hour, but so that the mixture does not boil. Ready decoction filter. Separately, take 1 cup of dry viburnum berries, add 1 liter of cold water and soak the berries for 5-6 hours, cook for 1 hour in a water bath.

Cool, strain and mix with chaga decoction, and add 250 grams. Agave juice and 250 gr. honey The mass is stirred, boiled cooled water is added to 4 liters and kept in a cool, dark place for 6 hours. When the chaga begins to ferment, the container with the infusion is placed in the cold. Drink 2 tablespoons 3 times a day, the interval between taking the infusion is at least 1 hour. The course of treatment is 5–6 months. It is believed that other means should not be used during treatment, but you definitely should not refuse the treatment provided by your doctor.

Chaga decoction (helps with prostate adenoma)

Take 1 tsp. dry chaga and the same amount of hazel leaves, add 2 cups of water, boil for 5 minutes and filter. Take 2 tsp. three times a day half an hour before meals for 14 days. Repeat once every six months.

Take 200 gr. chaga, minced in a meat grinder, 100 g each. pine buds and rose hips, 5 gr. bitter wormwood, 20 gr. St. John's wort herb and 10 gr. licorice root. Pour the ingredients into 3 liters of cold well water and leave for 2 hours. Next, the composition is placed on low heat and boiled for 2 hours. Then removed from the heat, wrapped and left for one day in a warm place. Strain the resulting product and add 200 grams to it. aloe juice from a plant aged 3-5 years, then 250 gr. cognac and 500 gr. honey Mix everything and leave for 4 hours: the medicine is ready.

During the first 6 days, take 1 tsp. 2 hours before meals three times a day. Next - 1 tbsp. three times a day an hour before meals. The course lasts from 3 weeks to 3-4 months.

The decoction helps with all types of cancer, but is most effective for stomach cancer. When treating rectal cancer, microenemas of 50–100 ml can be made from the decoction.

Infusion to lower blood sugar

Take one part of the crushed dry raw material from the inside of the mushroom and add five parts of water, mix and put on low heat and heat to a temperature of 50 ° C, but do not boil. Infuse the drug for two days, strain and squeeze out the sediment through cheesecloth. Can be stored in the refrigerator for three days. Take 1 glass three times a day. Treatment is carried out for a month and repeated a couple of times a year. The greatest hypoglycemic effect is observed 1.5-3 hours after administration.


This medicinal form of chaga can be prepared using several recipes.

  • First recipe for tumors in the pelvis. Wash the fresh mushroom with water and grate it; if there is no fresh mushroom, you can take a dry one, soak it in water for 4 hours and then grate it. Pour one part of the mushroom into 5 parts of cooled boiled water, leave for 2 days in a dark place, strain and take 3 glasses per day. The infusion can also be used for enemas: 50–60 ml is injected into the intestine twice a day.
  • Second recipe, universal. Take one glass of chopped mushroom, pour 5 glasses of warm boiled water, leave for 1 day, squeeze out the rest through cheesecloth. Take half a glass 6 times a day. Store for 3 days only.
  • Third recipe(for bleeding gums). Take 1 tsp. chamomile and 1 tsp. chaga, pour 2 cups of boiling water, cover and leave for 4 hours. Strain and use for rinsing.
  • Fourth recipe(helps with chronic gastritis). Take 1 tbsp. chaga powder and pour into a glass, add warm water (40–50 °C), leave for 6 hours. Drink the entire infusion with small sips of food in 3 doses. Treatment is carried out for six months.
  • Fifth recipe(cancer prevention). Take 1 tbsp. chaga powder, the same amount of kelp, cinquefoil, pour 1 liter of water at a temperature of 45 ° C, leave for 4 hours, strain. Add mint and honey for taste. Drink instead of tea for 2 months.
  • Sixth recipe(for prostate adenoma). Take 1 tbsp. grated burdock root, pour 2 glasses of water, boil for 3 minutes and leave for 3-4 hours, squeeze and mix with 50 ml of chaga infusion. Take 2 tbsp. three times a day for at least 21 days.

Chaga extract

  • First recipe, for circulatory disorders. Chop fresh or dry mushroom, take 2 tsp. raw materials, leave for 2 days in 150 ml of boiled warm water and strain. The result is a highly concentrated solution, which should be taken 1 tbsp. 10 minutes before meals. Treatment is carried out for 3–5 months with an interval of 7–10 days.
  • Second recipe, for external treatment of fungal diseases of the feet. Take 10 tbsp. l. chaga and mix with 0.5 liters of vodka, leave for 14 days and wipe problem areas.
  • Third recipe, for external use at skin diseases and for rinsing. Take 1 tsp. crushed raw materials and 1 tsp. chamomile, pour 400 ml of boiling water, steam for 4 hours, strain. This product can be used to rinse oral cavity after 2 hours for periodontal disease, or apply lotions for skin diseases.

Chaga for weight loss

In the fight against excess body weight, chaga helps normalize metabolism. The recipe is as follows: take a small ball of propolis and pour 200 ml of chaga infusion (20 grams of chaga per 1 glass of water t 50 ° C), add 2 tsp. honey Drink daily in the morning, on an empty stomach.

Combined products

To treat oncology in the gastrointestinal tract or abdominal organs, in addition to chaga, you can use pine buds, licorice root, yarrow herb, wormwood herb, and rose hips. These plants must be mixed in equal parts, soaked in water in a ratio of 1:10 for 1 hour, bring the mixture to a boil and simmer in a water bath for 2 hours. Leave for 1 day, add Apple vinegar and honey and mix thoroughly (1 tbsp each). Take 3 times a day, 1 tsp, for 2 weeks.

Chaga tea

Combination tea helps prevent cancer. To do this, take calendula, calamus, St. John's wort and calendula, mix in equal parts and brew like tea (1 tsp herbal mixture per 1 glass of water), add 2 tsp. infusion of birch mushroom. Take the resulting volume in parts, 3-4 times a day.


This is an excellent strengthening, immunostimulating tea that prevents many diseases, including cancer. How to brew: 1 tsp. chopped mushroom to 1 cup boiling water. Drink 1 glass 2-3 times a day.

Side effects

Some patients may develop increased excitability of the autonomic nervous system, digestive disorders, and allergies during treatment with chaga. After discontinuation of the drugs, the symptoms quickly disappear.


There are few contraindications to the use of chaga mushroom, but they should not be ignored:

  • individual intolerance;
  • dysentery;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

The benefits of the mushroom for these groups of patients are very doubtful.

As for the treatment of children, this issue should be discussed with a pediatrician.

Is larch chaga also a birch mushroom?

Many people confuse larch and birch chaga. These are different mushrooms. Larch chaga is also a tree fungus, consisting of mycelium that penetrates the tree trunk and forms a fruiting body. Lives long time, reaches a weight of up to 3 kg. It has a rough surface with bumps and a very cracked crust. It affects Siberian cedar and fir, growing in the northeast of Russia and Siberia.

Tinder fungi, real and false, are the most common “clones” of chaga, which uninformed people mistake for a medicinal mushroom. The fruiting body of both mushrooms has a hoof-shaped shape, convex at the top (without cracks) and flattened at the bottom, with a velvety surface.


The fact that chaga helps the body fight the scourge of the 21st century - oncology - is no longer in doubt. The judicious use of chaga preparations together with competent professional treatment allows, if not to cure, then to stop the insidious disease and achieve stable remission. We sincerely wish health to every person who goes through this difficult path to recovery, and we will also be glad to hear your feedback about birch chaga.

Chaga- an amazing creation of nature. Growing from a small spore to a huge size, the body of the mushroom is saturated with useful substances thanks to birch sap and various components present in the tree on which it develops. Active components and microelements - such as, for example, potassium, zinc, iron, polysaccharides, etc. - are involved in all processes of human organs, when at least one of them is lacking in the body, a disease appears. You can replenish important nutrients by taking chaga mushroom products. This valuable natural medicine can treat intestinal and liver diseases and prevent cancer.

Botanical characteristics of chaga

Inside, the mushroom has a dark brown tint; closer to the wood, the flesh of the mushroom is reddish-brown. The mushroom grows for 10–20 years, breaking through the bark, going deep into the table, and over time, the fruiting body of the mushroom appears on the opposite side of the trunk. The tree dies over time. Chaga spreads in birch groves and forests of Russia, in the taiga and forest-steppe.

The mushroom can be seen on trees growing in the mountainous regions of North Carolina, the northern United States, and Korea. The mushroom has irregular shape, it is harvested at any time of the year, taken from a living tree; it cannot be cut from dead trees and dead trees, since the activity of useful substances in such mushrooms is insignificant. It is best to store the mushroom dried, in a tightly sealed container; for this, large parts are crushed, since when the mushroom dries, it becomes hard.

Chaga larch is a tree mushroom; it consists of mycelium, which, penetrating tree trunks, forms a fruiting body. It lives for many years, has a hoof-shaped shape and weighs up to three kilograms. Larch chaga has a rough surface covered with bumps and a highly cracked crust. This mushroom grows on Siberian cedar and fir in the northeastern part of Russia, the Far East and Siberia. Only young white mushrooms are used for medicinal purposes. Chaga larch – good remedy against excessive sweating in patients with tuberculosis. It also has laxative, hemostatic, sedative and hypnotic properties.

It is effective to take mushroom remedies for infectious diseases, Graves' disease, and neuralgia. A positive treatment result is achieved in the treatment of kidney diseases, dysfunctions of the liver, pancreas, and gall bladder. For bronchitis and colds larch chaga acts as a fever reliever and a breathing aid.

Useful properties of chaga

Chaga has been used by people since ancient times to treat various ailments. It has antimicrobial and antiseptic properties. The substances included in its composition are real natural biogenic stimulants. Thanks to the organic acids contained in chaga, the unique mushroom has a therapeutic effect on the body, regulates and normalizes the ratio of hydrogen and hydroxyl ions in the body.

What are the benefits of chaga? Chaga mushroom is very valuable as a medicinal raw material. Taking decoctions and tinctures improves the condition of patients with tumors of any location, the body is saturated with vitamins, useful components help strengthen the immune system. In the initial stage of cancer development, chaga remedies inhibit the growth of cancer cells. The fruiting body of chaga contains oxalic, formic, acetic acids, polysaccharides, fiber, and resins, which improve appetite and eliminate pain. Sterols reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood.

Chaga has anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties; tannins, capable of folding protein, contribute to the formation of a protective film on the mucous surfaces of organs. The phytoncides, alkaloids, and flavonoids found in the mushroom make the mushroom useful as a diuretic and choleretic agent. Chaga contains iron, magnesium, manganese, and potassium. Regenerative processes in tissues occur due to the general strengthening and tonic properties of chaga.

Recovery occurs due to the action of melanin and microelements - copper, aluminum, silver, cobalt, zinc and nickel. The use of medicinal mushroom has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the central nervous system. There is a relief from exacerbation of chronic diseases and restoration of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, and an increase in overall immune status.

Application of chaga

The use of chaga mushroom helps prevent many diseases. Good results from treatment are obtained for diseases of the joints, decreased immunity. The mushroom is indicated for female and men's diseases, many skin diseases are well treated.

Inhalations with chaga for 5-7 minutes a day are effective and very useful for laryngeal tumors. Chaga helps improve breathing and swallowing, relieves hoarseness, and relieves inflammation.

The mushroom is used to treat periodontal disease, eczema, psoriasis and frostbite. It is added to medications used to increase immunity, improve metabolism, and lower blood sugar. With the help of chaga, blood pressure is stabilized, heart rhythm is adjusted, and problems in the gastrointestinal tract are eliminated.

The following traditional medicines combine most favorably with chaga-based preparations (each of these remedies in themselves has anti-cancer activity):


St. John's wort

If there is no specially compiled recipe, then you can simply take chopped dry grass in equal parts and brew it like tea. You need to add 2 teaspoons of birch mushroom infusion to the resulting decoction. Should be taken three to four times a day.

As a general note, we can add that there are two main methods of therapeutic courses with chaga-based remedies: short courses, repeated several times a year and with a long break between courses, and long courses (up to 3 months) with a short break (about a week). With the first method, the therapeutic effect is expected longer; such courses are used to prevent metastasis and consolidate the results of treatment. When treated according to the second scheme, the therapeutic effect appears quite quickly.

Chaga oil

At home, you can prepare chaga oil, which consists of olive oil and mushroom decoction. This oil solution is used to treat sinusitis by lubricating the sinuses.

Chaga oil recipe: 2.5 tablespoons of olive oil must be mixed with 1 teaspoon of chaga infusion and left for 24 hours in a cool, dark place. During this time, beneficial substances saturate the olive oil with pterins, which have an antitumor effect, and other beneficial substances. This oil can lubricate painful areas of the skin, eliminate muscle pain, and aching joints. It is effective in the presence of a capillary network and stars on the skin, and helps strengthen blood vessels. Oiling trophic ulcers, we can hope for a quick recovery from this unpleasant illness.

Chaga-based oil products are most widely used in the treatment of the following forms of malignant tumors:

uterine cancer

mammary cancer
skin cancer
rectal cancer
prostate cancer
running forms metastasis to regional lymph nodes

These superficial forms of cancer can be treated with chaga oil and ointments. Ointments are prepared based on infusion. Pork lard is most often used as an ointment base. You need to mix the chaga infusion and fresh lard in a 1:1 ratio. The mixture is placed on low heat and stirred constantly. You need to bring the mixture to a boil. Next, the resulting mass must be removed from the heat and wrapped in a container, cover with a lid and leave for 24 hours. Then the mass is filtered. The resulting ointment should be stored in the refrigerator.

Chaga for oncology

People have long said that in those areas where there is a custom of drinking chaga decoction instead of tea or adding it to tea, people suffer malignant neoplasms much less often. Also, for a very long time, people have been widely using birch mushroom to treat diseases of this type. In some cases, it is even used as an independent remedy. Chaga is also used as an auxiliary method of treatment and a fairly stable effect is observed. It is not for nothing that scientific clinical medicine has officially recognized birch mushroom as a treatment for cancer. The first chaga-based drugs have already been released.

According to the results of official clinical studies, medicines based on birch fungus have a wide range of activity in the treatment of cancer.

Moreover, they are non-toxic. Expressed side effects Such drugs do not have the following recommended dosages and regimens. Allergic reactions to birch mushroom occur quite rarely.

But it is important to note that according to the results of the same studies, it turned out that some patients may develop increased excitability on the part of the autonomic nervous system. Most often, if the patient is treated with chaga for a long time and continuously. However, after stopping the chaga-based medicine, these symptoms disappear almost immediately.

Patients with early stages of cancer show the most stable therapeutic effect. General health in such patients it improves, pain decreases, and tumor growth is delayed.

When treating cancer, you need to know the extent of the patient's condition and the duration of treatment in order to accurately determine which remedy to use. When taking prepared products from birch mushroom, a quick or long-term recovery may be observed. In any case, the patient’s condition improves, tumor growth slows down, which leads to a decrease in metastasis. Chaga decoction is drunk for stomach cancer.

Recipe for a remedy: you will need 200 g of chaga, grated or minced, 100 g of pine buds, 100 g of rose hips, 5 g of wormwood, 20 g of St. John's wort, 10 g of licorice root. The entire mixture must be soaked in three liters of cold well water for two hours. Then the composition is boiled over low heat for two hours, after which it must be removed from the heat, wrapped well and left for a day in a warm place. Then strain the broth and add 200 g of aloe juice (the plants are three to five years old, not watered for 3 days), 250 g of cognac, 500 g of honey.

The mixture should be stirred well and allowed to stand for 4 hours. The medicine is ready. For the first 6 days, take 1 teaspoon 2 hours before meals 3 times a day. In the following days - 1 tablespoon 3 times a day an hour before meals. The course of treatment takes from two to three weeks to four months. Chaga mushroom is indicated for all types of malignant tumors. Warm microenemas of 50–100 ml are included in the treatment of rectal cancer.

Chaga oil emulsion: combine 40 ml of unrefined sunflower oil and 30 ml of chaga alcohol tincture (100 g of mushroom per 1.5 liters of vodka) in a glass container, close tightly, shake and drink in one gulp. The medicine is taken 3 times a day at the same time, 20 minutes before meals. You should take it for 10 days, then take a break for 5 days, then repeat the intake for 10 days and break again for 10 days. The cycles are repeated until complete recovery. Emulsion is used for cancer of the lungs, breast, duodenum and stomach.

Combination with herbal medicine. Note that for the treatment of neoplasms in the gastrointestinal tract or abdominal organs, the following quite effective plants are additionally used:

pine buds


rose hip

These plants can be used to prepare a remedy. The recipe is as follows: mix the indicated ingredients and soak in water for one hour (take 10 parts more water than the dry crushed mixture), then bring the mixture to a boil and simmer in a water bath for two hours. After removing from the heat, you need to infuse the broth for 24 hours. Then you need to strain it and add apple cider vinegar and honey (equal parts), mix thoroughly. It should be taken half an hour before meals, three times a day, one teaspoon is enough. This decoction is used in the treatment of chaga-based drugs as additional remedy. It is enough to drink it for two weeks.

It is very important to follow the timing and dosage to avoid any side effects, especially allergies.

How to drink chaga

You need to drink remedies prepared from the chaga mushroom after the diagnosis becomes known; this applies mostly to serious illnesses. For prevention, you can take chaga in the form of teas. There are many effective recipes in folk medicine; you just need to adhere to the proportions and use infusions and decoctions correctly. When treating with chaga, two phases of effects on the body can be observed. In the first phase, patients feel relief, pain and inflammation decrease, this happens in about one to two weeks. The second occurs after a few months: the patient is cured, an improvement in the general condition of the body is observed, and an examination may show that the disease has receded.

Chaga decoction

Recipe No. 1. 250 g of mushroom are soaked in 2 liters of water and left until softened. After this, the mushroom is taken out, grated on a coarse grater, and again immersed in the same water. Place the container with chaga on low heat and, without bringing it to a boil, keep it for 1 hour. After this, the chaga decoction is removed from the heat, cooled slightly and filtered. Take 1 glass of dry viburnum berries, pour 1 liter of cold water, leave for 5-6 hours, then cook for 1 hour in a water bath. Cool, filter and mix with chaga infusion, add 250 g of agave juice and 250 g of honey.

The resulting mass is thoroughly mixed, topped up boiled water up to 4 liters and placed for 6 days in a cool place inaccessible to sunlight. After the chaga has fermented, the container with the infusion is placed in the refrigerator. Take 2 tablespoons of infusion 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The interval between doses of the infusion should be at least 1 hour. When taking chaga infusion, you should not use other medications. The course of treatment for uterine fibroids is 5–6 months.

Recipe No. 2 1 teaspoon of dried chaga and 1 tablespoon of hazel leaves are poured into two glasses of water, boiled for 5 minutes, then filtered, taken 2 teaspoons 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment for prostate adenoma is 14 days and is carried out once every six months.

Chaga infusion

Recipe No. 1. Freshly cut mushrooms should be washed and grated. To grind dry raw materials, you need to first soak it for 4 hours to soften it, since the dry chaga mushroom is very hard. One part of the mushroom must be poured with 5 parts of boiled water, left for two days in a dark place, then strain the infusion and drink 3 glasses a day 30 minutes before meals in several doses. The infusion can be used for enemas: administer 50–60 ml 2 times a day for tumors in the pelvis. It is necessary to avoid taking penicillin and glucose on treatment days.

Recipe No. 2. 1 cup of chopped mushroom needs to be poured with 5 cups of warm boiled water, left for 1 day, drained, and the rest squeezed out through cheesecloth. Take 0.5 cup infusion 30 minutes before meals 6 times a day. It can be stored for no more than three days.

Recipe No. 3. If your gums are bleeding, then a mixture of chaga and chamomile infusions is suitable for rinsing; the course of treatment is 7 days. To prepare the infusion, pour 1 teaspoon of chamomile and 1 teaspoon of chaga with two glasses of boiling water, cover with a lid and let steep for 4 hours, and then strain.

Recipe No. 4. Pour 1 tablespoon of chaga powder into a glass, add warm water (40–50 °C), and leave for 6 hours. The entire infusion is drunk in small sips 30 minutes before meals in 3 doses. The course of treatment is 5–6 months. Chronic gastritis is treated in this way.

Recipe No. 5. 1 tablespoon of chaga powder, 1 tablespoon of kelp, 1 tablespoon of cinquefoil should be mixed and poured with 1 liter of water at a temperature of no more than 45 degrees, then leave for 4 hours, strain. Honey and mint are added for taste. You need to drink the product as tea for two months.

Recipe No. 6. For adenoma, you can take a mixture of chaga infusion with a decoction of burdock root. To do this, pour 1 tablespoon of grated burdock root into two glasses of water, boil for 3 minutes, then leave for 3-4 hours, filter and mix with 50 ml of chaga infusion. Take the medicine 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 21 days.

How to infuse chaga

Chaga can be infused in many ways. The longer the infusion is kept, the better and more nutritious the fortified product will be.

Recipe No. 1. Freshly cut or dry (pre-soaked to soften) mushroom should be grated or in a meat grinder, poured with water in a ratio of 1:5 and left to infuse for two hours or more. Drink the medicine several times a day, dividing it into equal portions.

Recipe No. 2. Grind the chaga and pour boiling water in a ratio of 1:5. Let it brew for 1.5 or 2 hours. You can add herbs, honey, lemon to this tea. Healing drink should be taken before meals.

Recipe No. 3. it is necessary to pour chopped mushroom and aromatic herbs into a thermos, pour boiling water in a ratio of 1:5 and leave for 6–10 hours. Drink the product like tea, adding honey to taste.

Chaga tincture

Recipe No. 1. Very old recipe, which has been successfully used in the treatment of cancer. Half a glass of dry crushed raw materials should be poured with 1 liter of high-quality vodka or alcohol and left for two weeks in a dark and cool place. It is recommended to take the product 1 dessert spoon 3 times a day before meals. Thanks to the tincture, cancer patients experience a slowdown in the growth of cancer cells and a reduction in tumor size.

Recipe No. 2. 50 g of dry raw materials need to be poured with 1/3 liter of vodka and left for three weeks in a dark and cool place. Don't forget to strain the finished tincture. Take it half an hour before meals 3 times a day, diluting 1 tablespoon of tincture in 50 ml of water. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Chaga collection

The recipe can be used to prepare chaga extract at home, it is quite simple. You need to take a mushroom freshly cut or prepared by drying, chop and leave 2 teaspoons of the raw material for 48 hours in 150 ml of warm boiled water, then strain. The result is a solution high concentration. It should be taken 1 tablespoon 10 minutes before meals for circulatory problems. Treatment is carried out in courses of 3–5 months with breaks of 7–10 days.

There are amazing recipes in folk medicine medicinal products, the method of preparation of which is based on observations of people of different generations.

Recipe No. 1.
10 tablespoons of crushed chaga should be poured into 0.5 liters of vodka, left for two weeks and used externally for fungal diseases of the feet.

Recipe No. 2.
1 teaspoon of crushed mushroom and 1 teaspoon of chamomile should be poured into two glasses of boiling water, left for 4 hours, strained and rinsed every two hours in the mouth for periodontal disease, and also used as a lotion for skin diseases.

Befungin - this medicine is essentially the same chaga extract with the addition of cobalt sulfate and chloride. Before taking, you need to dilute one tablespoon of the drug in one glass of warm boiled water. You need to consume the resulting solution three times a day before meals, one tablespoon at a time.

The duration of treatment is the same as for treatment with tincture. Traditional medicine today is actively used in oncology during recovery after chemotherapy and drug treatment tumors. They significantly increase the therapeutic effect when treating a variety of antitumor drugs. Chaga is no exception, especially in cases where it is used as a main ingredient and not aid therapy against cancer.

Chaga for weight loss

Chaga mushroom is a real treasure of Mother Nature, a storehouse of vitamins, minerals, organic and amino acids. Consumption of chaga in the process of combating obesity helps to normalize metabolism in the body and metabolism. To do this, a small ball of propolis needs to be filled with 1 glass of chaga infusion, which is prepared as follows: 20 g of chaga is poured with 1 glass of water at a temperature of 50 ° C, and 2 teaspoons of honey are added. You need to drink the product every morning on an empty stomach, and you should follow a diet, giving preference to plant foods.

Contraindications to the use of chaga

Contraindications to the use of chaga are colitis and dysentery. Treatment should not be carried out during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Long-term use may cause digestive disorders and increase the excitability of the autonomic nervous system; in such cases, treatment should be discontinued. People prone to allergies need to find out their drug tolerance. Before you start treating children with chaga, you need to consult a pediatrician.

It would be useful to adhere to a diet: fatty meat is excluded from the diet during treatment, smoked delicacies, canned food, spicy foods, animal fats, onions and garlic. You also need to reduce the amount of sweets. It is recommended to consume vegetable and milk soups, vegetables and fruits to prevent constipation. You can eat bran bread, eggs and still mineral water.

When using chaga therapy, there are certain restrictions that must be strictly adhered to. Restrictions:

  • intravenous administration of glucose is unacceptable;
  • Do not take chaga at the same time with antibiotics, especially those related to the penicillin series;
  • a direct contraindication to the use of chaga is chronic colitis and dysentery;
  • it is necessary to monitor the diet, throughout the entire course you need to adhere to a vegetable and dairy diet, completely exclude animal fats, limit the consumption of canned food, spicy foods, smoked meats, and meat.

Side effects. With long-term use, dyspeptic symptoms are possible. It may also occur allergic reaction, autonomic lability, increased excitability.

Interaction. It is necessary to exclude simultaneous intravenous administration of dextrose and the administration of penicillins.

General notes on chaga treatment

If the mushroom is prepared correctly, it is non-toxic and will not cause harm. However, it is possible that increased excitability with continuous long-term use. Therefore, you should take a break (1-2 weeks) after taking the drug for a month.

During treatment with the drug, you should avoid intravenous administration glucose and penicillin use.

You also need to adhere to a diet, the main components of the diet should be food plant origin and dairy products. Spicy herbs, spicy canned food, sausages, and smoked foods should be excluded from the diet, and the consumption of fats and meat should also be limited.

Treatment should be carried out in courses lasting 3-5 months, breaks between courses should be from 7 to 10 days.

Infusions and decoctions of birch mushroom have a particularly beneficial effect on seriously ill patients. Their pain decreases and their well-being improves.

Dysentery and chronic colitis are contraindications to the use of birch mushroom. Other patients can be treated with chaga to cope with the disease. But, unfortunately, in patients with extremely in serious condition treatment with birch mushroom does not bring the expected effect.

It is important to know that chaga is quite strong remedy. Therefore, you need to consult with your doctor before you begin self-medication.

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Ella Sokolova, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences

Chaga on a birch trunk

We often see black growths on birch trunks, but we don’t know what their nature is or what they are. They are formed when trees are damaged mowed tinder fungus (Inonotus obliquus) , causing trunk rot, and are called chaga. Its appearance is a response of the tree to the introduction of the fungus. Chaga is not only a product of the activity of a harmful fungus, but a valuable medical raw material, whose healing properties known since ancient times.

Place, shape and size

Most often, chaga growths are found on birch and much less often on other deciduous trees. They usually form in the middle and lower parts of the trunks of growing trees. The development of growths is confined to the places of primary penetration of the fungus into the tissues of the tree, i.e., to areas of trunks with mechanical damage, wounds, sun-frost burns.

The shape and partly the size of the growths depend on the nature of the damage to the trunks and the size of the wounds through which the infection occurred. In cases where chaga develops in places of wounds, scratches, or scabs, the growths acquire the same shape (nodule-shaped, indefinite, elongated). Moreover, their diameter ranges from 3–4 to 30–50 cm or more, and the length, depending on the length of the wounds, reaches 1–1.5 m with a thickness of 10–15 cm. The weight of chaga varies depending on its age and size and can range from a few grams to 2–10 kg, and sometimes more.

Chaga is distributed throughout almost the entire territory of Russia, mainly in Siberia, Altai, the Far East, especially in the southern coastal regions.


The surface of the growths is black, usually shiny, as if varnished, hard, with numerous deep cracks. The inner part of chaga is a dense plexus of mycelium of a woody consistency with clearly defined layers that differ in color and hardness.

The top layer, especially its outer part, is black and very hard. The next one is dark brown, with hard tissue. The layer immediately adjacent to the wood is light brown, penetrated by small yellowish veins, and is softer, since the fungal tissue here is mixed with the already destroyed wood tissues.

Chaga growth continues throughout the life of the affected tree and stops when it dies.

Life cycles

After the formation of growths under the bark and in cracks in the wood of dead trees (dead wood, dead wood, windfall) or on the dry sides of living trees, fruiting bodies of the fungus are formed I.obliquus – widely prostrate, completely rooted to the substrate, covering the tree trunk for 3–4 m with a width of 10–50 cm. During the period of development under the bark, they are soft-leathery, pale woody or pale ocher in color. After the bark falls off, the fruiting bodies of the fungus become noticeable, taking on the appearance of brittle films of brown, dark brown or black-brown color. During this period, spores are formed in the fruiting bodies, which infect healthy trees.

During the period of formation of chaga growths in the trunks, central (core), yellowish rot develops, which is separated from healthy wood by a grayish-brown ring. If there are fruiting bodies on the trunks, yellowish-white heart-sapwood rot with dark lines develops in the wood. IN last stage When rotting occurs, the affected wood becomes soft, easily splits into fibers and is divided into annual layers. Affected trees lose their resistance to wind and break.

Medical raw materials

In birch plantations, when carrying out sanitary felling, it is advisable to leave trees with chaga growths, since this is a valuable medical raw material.

The medicinal properties of chaga were known back in the 16th–17th centuries; it contains biologically active substances that have a general strengthening, tonic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Harvesting chaga growths can be done at any time of the year. The most valuable are young fresh growths collected in spring and autumn from growing birch trees.

Healing chaga

Marina Kulikova, Candidate of Biological Sciences

The healing properties of chaga, or, as it is otherwise called, birch mushroom , have been known for a long time. Its use as a medicine was described in the works of the famous medieval physician Abu Ali ibn Sina (Avicenna).

A Russian chronicle of the 11th century tells how, with the help of a decoction of birch mushroom, the lips of Grand Duke Vladimir Monomakh were cured of cancer. Since the 16th century, residents of Siberia have used chaga as a panacea for many serious diseases.

Raw materials for medicine

Birch mushroom was used to treat diseases of the stomach and intestines, liver and kidneys, lung cancer, diseases of the male and female genital organs, boils, and rubbed sore joints with decoctions of herbs and chaga. In the Far East and some other regions of Russia, chaga infusion and decoction are drunk instead of regular black or green tea - Doctors note that in these areas there are fewer cases of cancer.

The chemical composition of chaga tissues has been poorly studied. It contains chromogenic p oliphenolcarbon complex, humic-like chaga And agaricic acid, coloring And resinous substances, triterpinoid, inotodiol, polysaccharides, sterols, organic acids, a small amount of alkaloids, sodium, potassium and a significant amount manganese. It is believed that therapeutic effect at oncological diseases gastrointestinal tract due to pterines.

Nowadays, in scientific and folk medicine, chaga is used to treat diseases of the cardiovascular system and respiratory system, as a general tonic. As a powerful biostimulant it is used to increase immunity, normalize metabolism, and for cancer (especially effective on initial stages), for recovery after radiation sickness.

Chaga medicines stimulate the central nervous and neurohumoral systems. The mushroom is successfully used in the complex treatment of psoriasis. Actively used in medicine due to its antimicrobial and antiseptic properties. Chaga preparations help with stomach ulcers, gastritis, and liver diseases. Chaga extract inhibits the growth of tumors, the development of metastases, and relieves pain in the later stages of tumor processes.

Birch mushroom should not be collected from dead trees, as its biological activity is greatly reduced.


Chaga is harvested all year round, but it is more convenient to collect it from autumn to spring, when the trees are leafless and the mushroom is clearly visible. At this time, the raw material has greater biological activity. The growths are cut down with an ax or cut off with a saw, then the loose, light-colored part is cut off from them. After cutting, the chaga pieces are dried in dryers at a temperature not exceeding 60 ºС.

That former patient told me about Doctor Maslennikov that he was an old zemstvo doctor from the Aleksandrovsky district, near Moscow. That he had been treated in the same hospital for decades, as it was previously accepted. And then he noticed that, although more and more people write about cancer in the medical literature, cancer does not happen among sick peasants. Why would this be?.. He began to investigate, he began to investigate,” Kostoglotov repeated with pleasure, “and discovered such a thing: that, saving money on tea, the men in this entire area brewed not tea, but chaga, otherwise called birch mushroom...
A.I. Solzhenitsyn. Cancer building


Preparing the infusion. Chaga is washed and soaked in boiled water overnight, the softened mushroom is grated. This mass is poured with hot water in which it was soaked in a ratio of 1:5 and left for two days. The infusion is decanted and stored in a cool place for no more than four days.

It can be diluted half and half with vodka. The aqueous extract is especially useful for diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, and anemia. Doctors recommend using the infusion for malignant tumors, 3 glasses per day 30 minutes before meals.

Befungin and others

A drug "Befungin" ( Befunginum) – semi-thick chaga extract can be purchased in pharmacies. Renders positive action on metabolic processes, promotes scarring of stomach or duodenal ulcers. The drug is also used for chronic gastritis and dyskinesia of the gastrointestinal tract with symptoms of atony. "Befungin" is prescribed orally: 3 tsp. extract is diluted in 150 ml of water and taken 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Treatment is carried out in courses of 3–5 months with breaks of 7–10 days.