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Is it possible to drink Vazobral at low blood pressure? Indications for use. Indications and contraindications for use

Description and instructions of Vasobral

Vasobral is a drug designed to dilate blood vessels and optimize blood circulation. The active ingredients of this medicine include dihydroergocriptine and caffeine. The first component improves blood flow, permeability vascular walls, reduces blood viscosity - thus improving the nutrition and respiration of brain tissue. Caffeine is a well-known stimulant that has a noticeable tonic effect on the state of the central nervous and vascular systems. In addition, it is a diuretic, that is, a diuretic. Vasobral is used for cerebrovascular accidents caused by for various reasons: previous injuries or stroke, atherosclerosis, age-related changes, and so on. Also, this drug is used for the treatment and prevention of pathologies such as: migraine, dizziness, arterial and venous insufficiency, retinopathy and so on.

Release pharmacological forms Vasobral intended for oral administration - tablets and solution. The instructions for the drug describe how to take it. Vasobral is practically non-toxic, therefore, among the contraindications to its use, only individual intolerance to the components of this medicine is described. No studies have been conducted to prove or disprove the safety of this drug during pregnancy. But it was noted that Vasobral is able to reduce the amount of milk produced during breastfeeding. Thus, pregnant and lactating women should not be treated with this drug.

Side effects and overdose of Vazobral

The systemic effect of the drug may result in the following adverse events: indigestion, dizziness, psychomotor agitation, falling blood pressure, palpitations, allergic reactions. If the recommended dosage is exceeded, these symptoms intensify. Treatment of overdose consists of stopping developing pathological conditions.

Reviews of Vasobral

Reading reviews about Vasobral, you can, firstly, note that none of the patients who took it talk about the side effects of the drug. Many of them are even sure that there cannot be such a thing. Opinions about the effectiveness of this drug are less unanimous: someone writes, they say, “I wasted a month’s course of Vasobral,” while for others it helps “cheer up, clear your mind on the third day of taking it.” More often, this drug prescribed together with other similar means:

  • and so on...

There are a lot of products that improve the nutrition and respiration of tissues. And sometimes it seems that you only need to choose a few of them in order to always maintain your health in in better shape, regardless of lifestyle. However, unfortunately, the processes occurring in the human body are so complex that even medications that improve blood circulation and metabolism can lead to the development of certain pathologies and worsen the condition. Only one piece of advice can follow from this: first you should find a competent doctor, conduct comprehensive research, make a diagnosis - and then get recommendations for treatment and follow them.

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Vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD) occurs due to a decrease in vascular tone, as a result of which it develops.

The disease is characterized by a number of symptoms, the manifestation of which can be reduced by specially selected drugs, including drugs that strengthen blood vessels and normalize their oxygen metabolism. Such a drug is the drug Vasobral, which is successfully used for treatment of VSD and migraines.

VSD is characterized by a huge number of different symptoms; there are more than a hundred different manifestations of this disease. Features of vegetative-vascular dystonia are that symptoms appear suddenly, so-called attacks or crises. Common symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • angina pectoris;
  • feeling of lack of air;
  • pain in the left hypochondrium;
  • headache;
  • noise in ears;
  • psycho-emotional instability (fears, phobias).

There is only one reason for these manifestations of the disease - this is the unstable work of the vegetative system. nervous system. Instability appears suddenly. The impetus for starting can be anything - from some food products to stressful situation or emotional arousal. Loss of vascular tone is accompanied by sleep disturbances, irritability and chronic fatigue.

U VSD patients manifests itself in different ways. For some, the frequency of attacks is so low that the disease does not interfere with normal life. Some patients note a significant deterioration in quality of life due to attacks; symptoms appear almost daily.

Every patient with VSD sooner or later faces an exacerbation of fear, phobias and panic attacks. These symptoms develop against the background of a vegetative crisis. More often, fears are associated with a lack of understanding of the processes that occur in the patient’s own body. Since VSD is often accompanied by pain in the heart area, fear develops heart attack and, accordingly, thanatophobia - fear of death.

Complex therapy allows you to get rid of these symptoms, however therapeutic effect achieved only with a long course of treatment.

VSD therapy

One drug will not work. With this disease, no pathologies of the cardiovascular system or internal organs, and treatment is aimed at normalizing the functioning of the patient’s autonomic system. Treatment is complex and includes:

  • normalization of cerebral circulation;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • normalization of psycho-emotional state;
  • stress relief and.

To obtain such a complex therapeutic effect, several various drugs. Medicines with a vasodilating effect help normalize blood supply to the brain. At the same time, it is important to control the patient’s blood pressure, to normalize which special drugs. Medicines with vitamins (for example, Ascorutin), as well as drugs that improve metabolic processes in the brain, help strengthen the walls of brain vessels.

Symptoms of VSD are aggravated by stress and overstrain of the nervous system. To get rid of these conditions, antidepressants, sedatives and tranquilizers are used. An important condition for normalization of vegetative function is normal healthy sleep, to improve which the use of sedatives and sedatives of traditional medicine is indicated.

Vitamin and mineral complexes help strengthen the nervous system and the walls of blood vessels. Regular intake of B vitamins, preparations with rutin and magnesium, which have a positive effect on nerves and blood vessels, is recommended.

Vasobral and VSD

Vasobral is one of the popular drugs for the treatment of a number of neurological disorders, including VSD. The medicine is prescribed in the following cases:

  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • migraine;
  • memory and concentration disorders;
  • weather sensitivity;
  • cerebral circulatory disorders.

The effectiveness of the drug increases with properly selected complex treatment.

The work is based on influencing directly the central nervous system, resulting in a double effect - improving blood circulation in the brain and stimulation metabolic processes in vessels.

Thanks to combined composition, the medicine controls vascular tone and has a psychostimulating effect.

There are not many contraindications to taking the medicine - pregnancy, lactation and individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Possible side effects

In general, the medicine is well tolerated. Taking the drug Vasobral for VSD helps to quickly improve the patient’s well-being; side effects appear in two cases - when the dosage is exceeded, as well as in case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

The following phenomena may develop:

At reduced drug is prescribed with caution, since in some cases the medicine helps lower blood pressure, which can lead to a deterioration in well-being. Reducing blood pressure when taking Vasobral carries short-term nature. This feature provides a good therapeutic effect in the treatment of patients with hypertension. The effectiveness increases many times if Vasobral is supplemented with other medications to normalize blood pressure.

Therapy for high blood pressure is selected only by the attending physician, since the wrong combination medicines may contribute to a rapid decrease in blood pressure, which will lead to the development hypertensive crisis and loss of consciousness.

Combination with other drugs

Patients with hypotension should take Vasobral cautiously to avoid a further decrease in blood pressure. For hypertension, it is important to monitor treatment by a doctor, as there is a risk of a rapid decrease in blood pressure.

The medicine is less effective sedatives, which are often prescribed to normalize sleep with VSD. If it is necessary to treat insomnia and when taking tranquilizers, antidepressants and sedatives, you should consult with your doctor about adjusting the dosage of these medications when treating with Vasobral.

The drug is not combined with alcohol consumption. Alcoholic drinks enhance the effect of the drug, which is fraught with the development side effects. The use of Vasobral for the treatment of the consequences of alcoholism is advisable only if the patient’s condition is constantly monitored by the treating narcologist.

Release form and availability

The medicine is sold in two forms - tablets (40 pieces per package) and solution (50 ml). The drug is not cheap; the cost of the solution is slightly lower than the price of the tablets. Since the medicine is potent, it is dispensed in pharmacies only with a prescription from the attending physician. There are no problems purchasing the medicine, since it is available in all major pharmacies and pharmacy chains.

Migraine treatment

Migraine is characterized by sudden attacks which are accompanied severe pain only on one side of the head. In addition, migraines include nausea, confusion, weakness, and tinnitus.

Vasobral for migraine is used in a course to reduce the frequency of attacks. The medicine affects vascular tone and blood circulation in the brain, which reduces the frequency of attacks and reduces symptoms. It should be understood that directly during an attack, at the beginning of treatment, the medicine does not bring any relief, since it does not have an analgesic effect.

The doctor selects the treatment regimen. Usually the course lasts several months. After the body has become accustomed to the action of the drug, the medicine can be taken to relieve the attack. The reduction in symptoms occurs due to the vasodilating effect of caffeine in the composition and effect taken pills directly to the receptors responsible for cerebral vascular tone.

When a doctor prescribes a drug, patients always seek to learn about the effect of the prescribed drug from people who have already taken it. This is a natural human desire. But we must remember that the result of the medicine taken is individual for each individual patient. The medicine “Vasobral” is no exception. Patient reviews of the drug are both positive and negative.

The action of the drug "Vazobral"

The effect of the drug in question on the human body is determined by its composition. Alpha-dihydroergocriptine has an effect on blood vessels, increases blood flow, which leads to improved nutrition of brain cells. Caffeine stimulates the functioning of some parts of the central nervous system. It provides physical and mental performance.

The combined action of the two active components of the drug improves brain function, expands blood vessels, stimulates blood circulation in capillaries, has a preventive effect against migraines. In addition, the drug reduces the risk of blood clots, and the tissues of the brain and other organs become resistant to lack of oxygen. The drug "Vazobral" is available in tablet form. The package contains 30 of them. A solution of the drug for oral administration is sold in a bottle (volume 50 ml). For ease of taking the medicine, a 2 ml pipette is included. No special conditions are required for storing the drug. Room temperature and normal air humidity - these are all the main requirements.

When to take Vasobral?

There are many indications for the use of the medicine. It is necessary to indicate the diseases for which the drug Vasobral is most often prescribed. Instructions and reviews from doctors indicate the following diseases.

1. Impaired cerebral circulation as a result of a stroke, traumatic brain injury, age-related changes.

2. Decreased mental activity and attention.

3. Memory impairment.

4. Orientation disorder.

5. Decreased hearing, tinnitus, dizziness caused by lack of blood circulation.

6. Blood pressure disorders.

7. Venous insufficiency.

How to take the drug "Vazobral"

The instructions for the medication in question and the recommendations of doctors familiarize patients in detail with how to take the drug “Vazobral” correctly. Reviews from those who have used this medicine, should also be taken into account. The drug is taken 2 times a day with meals and washed down with water. A single dose is 1 or 2 tablets. If the product in question is taken in the form of a solution, then its required volume is 2-4 ml.

Side effects and contraindications

People with hypersensitivity it is contraindicated in combination with the components of the drug. While taking the medicine, you may experience nausea, pain in the abdomen (in the first days of using the drug), a decrease in blood pressure, the appearance skin rash and itching. The safety of using the product by pregnant women has not been proven. There is no data on the interaction of the drug with alcohol. Therefore, the drug does not need to be combined with alcoholic beverages. If the patient is taking medications that lower blood pressure, then at this time, with great caution, you should start using the drug “Vasobral” for treatment. Reviews from patients indicate that in such a situation, hypotension and fainting may develop. Breastfeeding women taking Vazobral noted a decrease in the amount breast milk.

Prescription of the drug for children

Based on the results of a brain ultrasound, doctors can prescribe the medication “Vasobral” to children in infancy. The cause may be a microhemorrhage discovered as a result of the study in the cerebral cortex, transferred oxygen starvation, parents' complaints about the baby's anxiety, his restless sleep. There are other reasons for prescribing medication. Many parents whose children were prescribed the drug Vasobral are advised to contact several more specialists before starting treatment to confirm the diagnosis. It's always better to be safe than sorry. This is due to the fact that an erroneous diagnosis is not such a rare occurrence, and the prescribed drug, in their opinion, is a serious drug. For older children, the drug "Vazobral" is also often prescribed. It helps a lot with increased fatigue. Drops are considered the most convenient to take, which is why they are most often prescribed to children. There is a large group of parents who speak positively about the effect of the drug. He helped many people align their brain function, improve general development child, accelerate the development of speech, etc. Each parent needs to remember that they are responsible for maintaining the health of the baby. For this reason, it is not enough to listen to the opinions of friends and acquaintances about the effect of a particular medicine. Consultation with a competent, qualified doctor is required. Only after this can the right decision be made about treating the child.

Vaso collected. alpha-dihydroergocriptine – dihydrogenated ergot derivative

A combined drug containing the active substance alpha-dihydroergocriptine mesylate, caffeine and auxiliary components. Available in the form of tablets and solution for oral administration

Active substance

The active substance of the drug alpha-dihydroergocriptine is a dihydrogenated derivative of ergot. Pharmacological action - blocking alpha1- and alpha2-adrenergic receptors.

The active substance has:

  • dopaminergic effect;
  • serotonergic effect.

Active substance:

  • helps reduce platelet and erythrocyte aggregation;
  • helps reduce the permeability of blood vessel walls;
  • activates blood circulation in the brain;
  • normalizes metabolism in neurons;
  • increases the number of functional capillaries;
  • improves resistance to hypoxia.

Caffeine, which is part of the drug Vasobral, has:

  • psychostimulating effect;
  • analeptic effect.

Caffeine enhances excitation processes in the cerebral cortex, due to which, when taking the drug in recommended therapeutic doses, mental and mental performance increases. physical performance, the manifestations of astheno-neurotic syndrome are reduced (fatigue, drowsiness, lethargy, apathy, decreased concentration, memory impairment and sleep disturbances, etc.).

Caffeine significantly increases reflex conductivity spinal cord, promotes respiratory activation and stimulates vasomotor centers. Ergot alkaloids eliminate the formation of blood clots.

After the course of treatment the tone increases venous vessels, the permeability of blood flow improves, and the clumping of platelets and red blood cells is prevented.

Mild diuretic effect complements therapeutic effect combination drug Vaso collected.

Absorption of the drug occurs half an hour after taking the dose. The elimination period is two hours, together with bile. Small amounts of ergot alkaloids are found in breast milk.

The drug reduces the manifestations of meteosensitivity and the body’s reaction to sharp jumps ambient temperature.

Symptoms of weather sensitivity:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • sleep disorders and insomnia;
  • fainting.

History of creation

Neuroprotective drugs are medical supplies with an active substance that can prevent the death of neurons caused by exposure to one or any group of pathogenic factors.

The pharmacological effect of neuroprotectors is due to their ability to completely eliminate or reduce to varying degrees pathophysiological and biochemical disorders in neurons.

The creation of neuroprotectors began in the early 70s of the last century. Since that time, the list of neuroprotectors has been constantly updated and the scope of their use has expanded.

Neuroprotective drugs are the most prescribed by doctors for patients suffering from cerebrovascular insufficiency.

As a result, in most cases, with individual selection of medication, timely treatment and patient compliance with all doctor’s instructions, it is possible to prevent the development of pathological processes in brain tissue and prevent severe and irreversible consequences of neuronal damage.

The scientists' research lies in the field of studying cerebrovascular disorders and creating substances that have a minimum of side effects when high degree actions, that is, having a positive effect on cerebral metabolism in the brain and capable of normalizing blood supply to the brain.

These drugs currently include vasoactive agents and dosage forms, affecting blood clotting.

The group of neuroprotectors are drugs that have different structure, great friend from each other the mechanism of action and its classification.

The drug Vasobral belongs to the group of neuroprotective combination drugs. Absorption of the active substance dihydroergocriptine is faster and more effective in the presence of caffeine, which is part of the drug, increasing its pharmacological effect.

The main mechanisms of action of neuroprotective drugs:

  • the ability to accelerate the penetration of glucose through the blood-brain barrier;
  • activation of cholinergic impulses in the central nervous system;
  • acceleration of protein synthesis in neurons and red blood cells;
  • increased synthesis of phospholipids in neurons;
  • removal of free radicals;
  • activation of higher mental functions;
  • activation of cerebral microcirculation;
  • inhibition of lysosomal enzymes;
  • normalization of cortical-subcortical interaction, neurotransmitter disorders and reparative processes.

An important factor is that drugs in this group can be prescribed for the treatment of various pathologies of the central nervous system and used healthy people if necessary (general physical and intellectual fatigue, natural consequences of aging of the body, extreme situations).

Indications for use

Vasobral is prescribed:

  • with complaints of decreased mental activity and concentration;
  • with memory impairment;
  • at various forms spatial orientation disorders that develop as a result of age-related changes in elderly patients;
  • with cerebrovascular insufficiency, including those caused by complications of cerebral atherosclerosis;
  • with the consequences of disorders of cerebral blood supply to the brain;
  • How preventative measure with frequent migraine attacks;
  • for vestibular and labyrinthine disorders (dizziness, tinnitus, hypoacusis) of ischemic origin;
  • with Meniere's disease;
  • with osteochondrosis;
  • for retinopathy in patients diabetes mellitus and arterial hypertension;
  • for peripheral disorders arterial circulation(Raynaud's syndrome and disease);
  • with venous insufficiency.

Directions for use and doses

The drug is administered orally during meals, 0.5-1 tablets or 2-4 ml of solution (1-2 dosing syringes) with a small amount of water twice a day.

At varicose veins veins, accompanied by swelling and pain, the dose of the drug is 5 mg or 20 drops of solution in three doses. The course of therapy is about four months.

The initial stage of varicose veins, accompanied by severity in lower limbs. One tablet in the morning for two to two months.

Trophic ulcers. The treatment period increases to six months.

Alcoholism. The drug is indicated for treatment alcohol addiction, as noted positive influence active substance on the central nervous system, blood supply to the brain, peripheral circulation. Vasobral has a calming effect. Recommended as part of complex treatment of alcohol dependent persons together with other medications.

Side effects

From the gastrointestinal tract:

  • nausea;
  • epigastric pain of varying intensity;
  • dyspepsia.

From the central nervous system:

  • dizziness;
  • excitation;
  • headache of varying intensity;

From the outside of cardio-vascular system:

  • attacks of tachycardia;
  • lowering blood pressure.

People prone to allergic reactions may experience itchy skin And various manifestations allergic reactions.

Attention! Side effects when taking the drug are extremely rare. According to statistics, no more than one percent of one hundred respondents reported one or another side effect. At the same time, patients suffering from arterial hypertension noted a significant improvement general condition body after a course of treatment with Vasobral.


In case of overdose, side effects develop. Help when the dose is exceeded is to eliminate symptoms.

Interaction with ethanol. You should not drink alcohol while taking Vazobral, as the likelihood of developing side effects of the drug and deterioration of the patient’s general standing increases.

Often simultaneous administration leads to the development of a migraine attack or hypertensive crisis in the patient. These pathological reactions are explained by the fact that caffeine can significantly accelerate the penetration of alcohol from the bloodstream into the brain tissue, while increasing the state of intoxication.

Having a psychostimulant effect, caffeine in combination with alcohol can lead to serious consequences for good health.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

Vasobral is contraindicated:

  • in case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding (there is no reliable clinical data on safety, but it is known that Vasobral reduces the amount of breast milk in a nursing mother in some cases).

Special instructions for doctors and patients

The drug promotes vasodilation, but has no effect on systemic blood pressure.

Patients with arterial hypertension. For patients suffering from arterial hypertension and taking Vasobral, it is also necessary to take special means, lowering blood pressure.

Vasobral in the form of a solution for oral administration contains ethanol.

Caffeine, which is part of the drug, in some cases causes insomnia and attacks of tachycardia.

Vasobral and other medications

The simultaneous use of Vasobral and antihypertensive drugs in some cases leads to the development arterial hypotension. Caffeine, which is part of Vasobral, can weaken the effect of sleeping pills.

Note. When taking Vasobral and antihypertensive drugs, one should take into account a possible sharp decrease in blood pressure, which leads to loss of consciousness. Therefore, before use, it is necessary to consult your doctor in order to select the optimal therapeutic dose drug to lower blood pressure.

The combined use of Vasobral and Mexidol is permitted; moreover, the high therapeutic effect of the combination of these drugs has been clinically proven.

Important! Self-medication is unacceptable. Without knowing the composition of the drug and its pharmacological action, if you take several drugs at the same time, you can reduce the effect of all the drugs you are taking. An overdose is also possible due to the mutual enhancement of similar or similar active substances.

Safety and high efficiency of the drug. Clinical researches

Chronic cerebral circulatory disorders are a serious problem in neurology.

Clinical researches drug Vasobral at the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery (Medical Faculty of the State Medical University Roszdrav).

Cerebrovascular disorders received wide use, have a strong tendency to progress pathological process, are manifested by a variety of symptoms, which, in many cases, makes it difficult to timely and correct positioning diagnosis and selection adequate treatment giving good effect.

Doctors are faced with the task of eliminating the risk of repeated episodes of acute cerebral ischemia and avoid ischemic stroke and spend therapeutic measures, allowing, to one degree or another, to eliminate the rapid progression of cerebral vascular damage. Ultimately, the goal of therapy is to improve the quality of life of patients by eliminating symptoms.

Today, to prevent ischemic stroke, doctors prescribe the following treatment and preventive measures:

  • constant monitoring of blood pressure;
  • glycemic control;
  • the patient is taking special antiplatelet drugs;
  • maintaining a balanced diet;
  • adequate physical activity.

Compliance with all these measures does not always prevent the onset of chronic cerebral ischemia, therefore research and search for new ones are constantly being conducted all over the world. therapeutic approaches for the treatment of patients with cerebrovascular accidents.

The results of clinical studies of the drug Vasobral showed a good effect in treating patients with chronic disorders cerebral circulation ( chronic ischemia brain, vertebrobasilar insufficiency).

The use of the drug Vasobral in the form of a solution (orally) showed more quick effect compared to the tablet form. A high therapeutic effect was shown by the administration of high daily doses, namely: 4 ml twice a day or 1 tablet twice a day, that is, eight mg per day.

Patients tolerated Vasobral well both in tablets and in solution; no significant side effects were observed. Undesirable side effects were mild and short-term in nature, and no dose-dependent nature was noted. On the positive side the drug Vasobral is the possibility of its inclusion in the composition complex therapy.

Vascular and migraine. Clinical studies, the results of which were published in the Neurology supplement (magazine Consilium Medicum, 2010, No. 1)

The prevalence of migraine headaches is up to 15%. Women suffer from migraines three times more often than men. Negative factor is that the peak of the disease occurs at 35-45 years (the most working age). Statistics for Russian Federation– About 22 million people complain of regularly recurring migraine attacks.

Clinical studies have shown an improvement in the quality of life after four months of therapy in patients taking the drug as part of complex treatment measures.

Correlation analysis did not reveal any dependence of the drug effect on the age of patients, the frequency of migraine attacks, the duration of the disease, the intensity of pain during an attack, baseline depression, the degree of impairment of daily physical and intellectual activity prior to therapeutic measures.

A direct correlation was found between the effect of the drug and the initially more pronounced symptoms of asthenic manifestations (decrease in the general condition of the body, fatigue).

Vasobral (oral) was well tolerated by the study subjects.

The frequency of side effects was:

  • 26.7% of the respondents noted side effects
  • various allergic reactions – 3.3%;
  • difficulty falling asleep – 16.7%);
  • decrease in blood pressure – 3.3%;
  • gastralgia – 3.3%.

Allergies occurred seven days from the start of taking the drug in one patient from the entire control group and went away after prescription antihistamine(reception within five days). Allergic reaction did not return after stopping the antihistamine.

A decrease in blood pressure occurred in the second or third week of treatment.

Gastralgia – second third week of treatment.

Side effects were not pronounced and went away on their own, without requiring medical assistance.

Disturbances in falling asleep developed in the second or third week of treatment, but did not cause a deterioration in the general condition during the day.

Conclusion: side effects were short-term in nature, were not pronounced and did not require discontinuation of the drug.

As a result clinical trials the following conclusion was made:

Vasobral at a dose of four mg twice a day as part of complex treatment and prophylactic measures for patients with migraine attacks significantly reduced the patients' intake of analgesics and reduced the number of attacks. In addition to Vasobral, the patients took antidepressants and muscle relaxants.

It was noted that the symptoms of various autonomic disorders in the subjects significantly decreased and the quality of life improved.

Attention! From two control groups top scores showed the group taking Vasobral in comparison with patients taking only antidepressants and muscle relaxants. The treatment algorithm, which included taking Vasobral eight mg per day, was called the most optimal. The study participants showed good tolerability of the drug and no side effects. The analysis of the pharmacological action of the drug Vasobral in clinical trials proves the feasibility of including it in complex therapy. First of all, this concerns patients with astheno-neurotic syndrome.

Vasobral is easy to use, has good tolerability, high therapeutic efficacy, an acceptable safety profile, and therefore can be recommended for the treatment of patients with neurological practice as a means of complex treatment and prophylactic therapy for migraine attacks that occur without an aura.

Where is Vasobral approved?

The use of the drug is not prohibited in European countries. Vasobral is allowed in sports ( rehabilitation period after psycho-emotional and active physical activity).


Vasobral does not have structural analogues(By active substance alpha-dihydroergocriptine mesylate).

We try to provide the most relevant and useful information for you and your health. The materials posted on this page are informational in nature and intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical recommendations. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician! We are not responsible for possible Negative consequences arising as a result of the use of information posted on the website

This is a combination medicinal product to improve cerebral circulation.


1 tablet contains:
  • caffeine - 20 mg.
2 ml of solution contains:
  • alphadihydroergocriptine - 2 mg;
  • caffeine - 20 mg.
Excipients: lemon acid, ethanol, glycerol, purified water.

Release form

1. Tablets, 4 mg + 40 mg: 10 or 30 pieces.
2. Bottles of 2 milliliters, 50 milliliters of dark glass with a pipette for ease of administration, cardboard packs.

pharmachologic effect

Vazobral is a combination drug. Its active components act in such a way that they stimulate the receptors of the central nervous system, resulting in improved blood circulation and metabolism in the brain. The components of the drug cause a decrease in the adhesion of platelets and red blood cells, and a decrease in the permeability of the walls of blood vessels. The resistance of brain tissue to hypoxia increases (lack of oxygen due to poor supply to the brain, or due to impaired absorption of oxygen by the brain). Preventive action The drug Vasobral for persistent migraines has been clinically proven. Caffeine, which is part of the drug Vasobral, has a psychostimulating and analeptic effect. Ergot alkaloid, which is part of the drug, blocks adrenergic receptors in the smooth muscle walls of blood vessels when vascular tone is reduced. And with high vascular tone, it blocks the vasoconstrictor effect.

Indications for use

  • Chronic venous insufficiency.
  • Migraine prevention.
  • Unsteady gait.
  • Loss of orientation in space.
  • Ischemic disorders of various types.
  • Deterioration in concentration.
  • Memory impairment.
  • Decreased mental abilities (forgetfulness, inability to concentrate).
  • In case of impaired blood circulation in the brain (treatment of residual effects of this process).
  • Retinopathy (serious vascular disorders retina, including in patients with diabetes).
  • Cerebrovascular insufficiency: in older people - a whole range of problems associated with impaired cerebral circulation) - this is a discrepancy between the needs of brain tissue for oxygen and its absorption and delivery. Often a consequence of atherosclerosis.
  • Complaints that have developed as a result of insufficient blood supply to the cochlea inner ear(which can cause tinnitus, ringing, clicking, dizziness).
  • For disorders of peripheral arterial circulation.
  • For weather sensitivity (reaction to changes in weather, accompanied by headache, nausea, insomnia, dizziness, unsteadiness of gait, fainting).
  • If you are sensitive to temperature changes (for example, when moving from a warm room to a cold one and vice versa, with a sharp cold wind).


  • Increased sensitivity to active components drug.
  • During pregnancy (since the effect of the drug on the fetus and its safety have not been proven).
  • Use caution when breastfeeding (there is evidence that the drug leads to a decrease in breast milk production).

Side effects

  • Reducing blood pressure (therefore, in case of hypotension, the drug is prescribed with caution and under the supervision of a physician; constant monitoring of blood pressure is required).
  • Allergic skin reactions (itching, rash, redness on the skin - no more than 0.1 percent, according to patient reviews and doctors’ observations).
  • Nausea, pain in the stomach, intestines (very rare).
  • Disorders of the cardiovascular system (tachycardia, that is, rapid heartbeat and decreased blood pressure - these side effects According to experts, they occur no more than 0.1 percent).
  • From the central nervous system (dizziness, headache, slight agitation - no more than 1 percent according to reviews).

Side effects of Vazobral are few and rare. It should also be taken into account that the decrease in blood pressure when taking the drug is insignificant and does not last long, so for patients with high blood pressure, taking Vasobral gives a good effect. In addition, simultaneous use of the drug with drugs that lower blood pressure is indicated. In this case, Vasobral complements the action of antihypertensive drugs. This effect has been clinically proven, and many patients with high blood pressure report an improvement in their general condition. However, medical supervision and blood pressure control are necessary, because simultaneous use of blood pressure-lowering drugs and Vasobral can sharply reduce blood pressure and lead to a hypotensive crisis, or even fainting. Patients should remember that any medications must be prescribed by a qualified specialist.

Use during pregnancy

The safety of the drug Vasobral for the fetus has not been proven, so it is better to refrain from taking it during pregnancy. In case of urgent need, the appropriateness of admission is determined by a qualified doctor.

Interaction with other drugs

  • When taking the drug Vasobral simultaneously with drugs that lower blood pressure, the development of a hypotensive crisis and even fainting is possible.
  • When taking Vazobral with sleeping pills and some sedatives, a weakening of the effect is noted sleeping pills(due to the presence of caffeine in Vazobral).
  • When taking Vasobral simultaneously with Levopoda, the likelihood of stomach pain increases, fever, swelling and increased headaches and loss of consciousness often occur.

Vasobral for migraines

Migraines are attacks of headache, most often covering half of the head. Migraine is often very painful and is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, photophobia, intolerance loud sounds. Migraine attacks affect a significant number of the world's population. Vasobral is indicated for the relief of moderate migraine attacks. In this case, it is prescribed one tablet (4 mg) during an attack. To prevent migraine attacks and treat them, the drug is prescribed only by a qualified doctor, taking into account the patient’s condition. Prevention and treatment of migraines with Vasobral is carried out only for frequent and severe attacks, and the treatment algorithm is selected purely individually.

Vasobral for VSD

Vegetative-vascular dystonia – serious diagnosis. A huge number of people in the world suffer from VSD. VSD manifests itself with a number of symptoms:
  • headaches of various types;
  • dizziness;
  • reaction to weather changes;
  • inability to stay in a stuffy room;
  • heat intolerance;
  • various fears caused by poor blood circulation in the brain.

Among the common fears with VSD is the fear of losing consciousness in an inappropriate environment; often the patient stops going out on unfavorable days. There is also often fear of a heart attack, accompanied by sweating, tachycardia, compression in the heart area, heaviness behind the sternum, and fever. In addition, gastrointestinal symptoms and urinary problems are common. Crises of the sympathoadrenal and vagoinsular type, and presyncope, are common, especially in crowded places. Patients often lose their ability to work for this reason, go around in circles in clinics and cannot receive qualified help.

VSD often occurs against the background of previous brain injuries, neuroses, and stress. Often plays a role hereditary factor And hormonal changes body (menopause in women, for example). VSD can occur after a brain infection (after influenza or other viral disease, or colds). It is not uncommon for symptoms of VSD to appear due to alcohol intoxication, smoking or drug use.

Considering all of the above, you can use the drug Vasobral for the complex treatment of VSD. Only a highly qualified doctor should prescribe treatment, taking into account all the patient’s complaints and after comprehensive survey body.

Vasobral and alcohol

Drinking alcohol is not recommended when taking Vasobral. It should also be noted that when treating such a complex disease as alcoholism, drugs that improve cerebral circulation. Since the body of a person suffering from alcoholism is in constant danger of developing alcohol intoxication accompanied by symptoms such as headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, gastrointestinal disorders, insomnia, depression, and so on, then the inclusion of Vasobral in the treatment complex is highly indicated. Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a narcologist. It should be taken into account that when taking Vasobral and alcohol simultaneously, a deterioration in the general condition is possible, since alcohol can enhance the effect of many drugs, as well as their side effects.

Vazobral and Mexidol

Vasobral and Mexidol can be used simultaneously. The drugs are absolutely compatible and complement each other’s actions. Mexidol is recommended for use in a course of four to six weeks. The duration of treatment and dosage are determined by the doctor, depending on the patient’s complaints and examination results.

Vasobral for cervical osteochondrosis

Cervical osteochondrosis is a common disease. This is a degenerative process that results in disruption normal operation intervertebral discs. Subsidence of the vertebrae occurs, which causes pain in the neck, headaches, dizziness, and often even fainting. Such a patient often complains of migraines, insomnia, and depression. About 80 percent of people on the globe suffer from osteochondrosis. Among all types of osteochondrosis, cervical osteochondrosis is the most common. Often people suffer from a wide variety of symptoms, not suspecting that cervical osteochondrosis is the cause. Considering that when cervical osteochondrosis the complex of complaints includes headaches, dizziness, and that with this disease cerebral circulation is affected, the use of the drug Vasobral is indicated together with complex treatment. The drug is prescribed by a doctor.

Analogues and synonyms

By pharmacological group The drug Vasobral has the following analogues, drugs for improving cerebral circulation:
  • Amylonosar;
  • Bilobil;
  • Bilobil-forte;
  • Bravinton;
  • Breinal;
  • Vinpocetine;
  • Vertizin;
  • Winpoten;
  • Vinpocetine forte;
  • Vitrum memory;
  • Gingium;
  • Ginkyo;
  • Ginkum;
  • Gitnos;
  • Dilceren;
  • Complamin;
  • Xanthinol nicotinate;
  • Nilogrin;
  • Nipomin;
  • Nimotop;
  • Nicergoline;
  • Oxybral;
  • Picamilon;
  • picanoyl;
  • Pikogam;
  • Sermion;
  • Stugeron;
  • Tanakan;
  • Telektol;
  • Cellex;
  • Tsinedil;
  • Cinnarizine;
  • Cinnarone;
  • Cinnasan.
The drug Vasobral has no synonymous drugs for its active substance, so there is no data on this.

In my own way pharmacological action- this is absolutely unique drug. There are analogues of the drug Vasobral, similar in their pharmacological effect on the body. They are all listed above in alphabetical order.


Patient reviews
Galina Koshevaya, Nalchik: "Frequent migraines simply tormented me. Constant surges in blood pressure, which made it impossible to find medications that would help. It’s simply impossible to live in spring and autumn. Due to frequent “sick leave” I lost my job, and I still have a long time before retirement. I bought various dietary supplements, spent a lot of money. The effect is zero. They advised me to see a neurologist. The drug Vasobral was prescribed. At first it didn’t seem to be any better, then the headaches became less frequent, I stopped reacting to changes in the weather. I began to sleep better, my mood improved. I found new job. Thank you!"

Irina Sumskaya, Perm: “They diagnosed vegetative-vascular dystonia and brushed aside the complaints. The sympatho-adrenal crises were simply tormenting. High pressure which gives way to low levels, headaches, fainting... They prescribed the drug Vazobral, and it was as if she was born again! The crises have stopped. The headaches have decreased significantly."

Reviews from doctors

Neurologist with 25 years of experience in the Kotla clinic Valentina Danilovna, Moscow: "Since the drug Vasobral appeared in medical practice, he has proven himself very well. I often prescribe it to elderly patients suffering from headaches, dizziness, and insomnia. I am very pleased with the results of the treatment."

Neurologist with 14 years of experience in the hospital Yuliy Yulievich Yavorsky, St. Petersburg: "The drug Vasobral showed good results in hospital settings various groups patients, and is widely used by us in medical practice."

Additional Information

If the drug is prescribed to patients diagnosed with arterial hypertension ( high blood pressure), this does not exclude simultaneous use and antihypertensive drugs(reducing blood pressure). Treatment is carried out under the control of blood pressure (blood pressure). Pregnant and lactating women should not use Vasobral, since its safety for the unborn child has not been proven. In nursing mothers, according to patient reviews, the drug reduces milk production (lactation).

Cost of the drug in the Russian Federation and Ukraine

In Ukraine, the cost of a package of Vazobral (30 tablets) is 400 - 555 hryvnia. The cost of a solution of the drug Vazobral (50ml) is 360-400 hryvnia.

In the Russian Federation, the cost of a package of Vazobral (30 tablets) is 891.00 – 960.00 rubles. The cost of the drug Vazobral solution (50ml) is 482.00 – 505.00 rubles.

Storage conditions and expiration dates

The drug should be stored in a dry, cool place.

Best before date:

  • for tablets – four years from the date of issue;
  • for a solution – three years from the date of issue.
After the expiration date (indicated on the package), do not use Vazobral!

The drug Vasobral is dispensed from pharmacies with a doctor's prescription.

The drug Vasobral belongs to list B (potent drugs).

Before use, you should consult a specialist.