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The best suppositories for vaginitis: reviews. The best inexpensive candles for thrush. Bifidumbacterin suppositories: instructions, reviews

Women with diseases of the genital area are often prescribed vaginal suppositories. They can be produced in the form of water-soluble tablets, capsules or have a fat base. The purpose of the drugs is different. Some vaginal suppositories correct hormonal levels, while others help normalize the natural microflora. Often, gynecologists prescribe antiseptic medications to their patients for vaginal use. Such drugs are designed to relieve inflammation, destroy pathogenic microorganisms(bacteria, fungi or viruses), and they also help restore damaged mucous membranes.

To date, one of the sales leaders has been the drug Hexicon. Analogs, cheaper or more expensive, are also in demand, but practice shows that for uncomplicated infections, women are prescribed this particular vaginal antiseptic.

Description of the drug

Before looking for a substitute for Hexicon suppositories ( cheap analogue), the instructions for use must be studied by each consumer. The information obtained will help you choose the right alternative. First, you should pay attention to the composition of the drug. This will allow you not only to find a replacement, but to select the maximum similar medicine: structural analogue. One Hexicon suppository contains 16 milligrams of the active substance, which is called chlorhexidine bigluconate. For the base, the manufacturer uses an additional component: polyethylene oxide.

Each package of Hexicon contains 1 or 10 vaginal suppositories. The cost of such a drug is approximately 300 rubles, but can vary from 250 to 340 in different pharmacies. One candle in a pack will cost the consumer 60 rubles. You can purchase medication in most retail outlets without a doctor's prescription. However, this should not encourage patients to use suppositories for self-medication.

The medicine "Hexicon", a cheap analogue or an expensive substitute from any manufacturer based on the same active substance, has an antiseptic effect. The drug with chlorhexidine is effective against viruses, fungi, gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. This versatility of the antiseptic allows it to be used for many gynecological diseases in women. Use during pregnancy and lactation is permissible only as prescribed by a doctor.

When does it become necessary to select an analogue?

Antiseptic vaginal suppositories are usually well tolerated by patients, so the need to find a substitute often arises out of a desire to save money. Naturally, consumers want to purchase an inexpensive and effective drug. It should be remembered that he must have the same medicinal properties. The lack of the drug Hexicon in the pharmacy also pushes us to look for substitutes. Whether it’s a cheap analogue or a more expensive medicine, it doesn’t matter to women. Patients want to undergo treatment quickly, and not wander around pharmacy chains in search of a prescribed antiseptic. In both cases, you should choose a replacement medicine together with your doctor. Otherwise, you risk purchasing a drug that is ineffective in this situation.

Hexicon has both cheap and expensive analogues. The need for their use may arise due to contraindications to the use of the claimed medicine. Hexicon suppositories should not be used if you are hypersensitive to the active substance. If at the time of therapy the patient is diagnosed with dermatitis or allergic reactions of any kind, then antiseptic suppositories with chlorhexidine should also be discarded. The doctor will tell you which substitute will be safe in this case.

How to replace Hexicon: a cheap analogue

There is a suppository substitute that can help you save money. If you need to replace Hexicon suppositories with a cheap analogue with the same component, choose the drug Chlorhexidine. This product is available in the form of a solution for external and local application. The cost of a bottle containing 100 ml of medicine is no more than 20 rubles.

If you refer to the instructions, you will find out that suppositories are prescribed for the treatment of vaginitis of bacterial and viral origin, and fungal infections. For the purpose of prevention, the medication is used for venereal diseases. Suppositories are also used to restore the vaginal mucous surfaces during inflammation, for disinfection before and after surgery. Chlorhexidine solution is prescribed for the same purpose. As you can see, the drugs differ in the form of release. If Hexicon suppositories are inserted into the vagina, then their substitute, Chlorhexidine, is used for douching.

Absolute drug substitute

The medicine Hexicon has a cheap analogue - Chlorhexidine suppositories. They contain the same component and have all the same properties as the claimed medicine. A package containing 10 suppositories will cost the consumer 110-130 rubles. This is half as much as the drug Hexicon.

Analogues (cheap) in Russia are also sold without a prescription. Chlorhexidine suppositories coincide with the declared drug not only in composition, but also in the same release form. To prepare this analogue, the manufacturer uses macrogol. It is contraindicated to use the vaginal remedy "Chlorhexidine" only if you are hypersensitive to its components.

Candles "Heksikon-D"

The drug “Hexicon” (suppositories) has analogues that are cheap compared to other products. But at the same time, this substitute is slightly more expensive than the original medicine. The drug "Hexicon-D" is a suppository containing 8 milligrams of chlorhexidine bigluconate. The cost of 10 candles ranges from 300 to 340 rubles.

This type of medicine is produced by the same manufacturer as Hexicon. The only difference between the drugs is the amount of active ingredient per suppository. The Geksikon-D substitute is also distinguished by the fact that it is recommended for use in childhood. Application of this medicine in adults, it is obligatory to double the single dose (from 8 to 16 mg).

Vaginal "Depanthenol"

It cannot be said that this substitute for the drug Hexicon is cheap. The analogue in pharmacies costs about 550 rubles, which is almost twice as expensive as the original medicine. Despite this, the medicine “Depanthenol” in the form of suppositories is very popular. The fact is that this product contains not only 16 mg of chlorhexidine bigluconate, but also 100 mg of dexpanthenol.

What distinguishes this substitute from the original product is the principle of action. Depanthenol suppositories have not only an antiseptic effect. They also promote the regeneration of damaged tissues and accelerate the metabolic process. This drug, unlike its predecessor, is more often prescribed after surgical interventions on the cervix and vagina. The medication is approved for use during lactation and pregnancy. Use is contraindicated only in case of intolerance to the active substances.

Iodine-based preparations: Iodoxide and Betadine

Vaginal suppositories "Betadine" can be called a substitute for the drug "Hexicon". This analogue contains povidone-iodine. The medicine has an antiseptic and disinfectant effect, like Hexicon. The cost of this medication is higher than that of the declared product. A package of 14 candles costs 500-600 rubles. If you look at the annotation, you can find out that a course of treatment with Betadine requires 14 suppositories. When using Hexicon therapy, you may need 20 (one in the morning and one in the evening for ten days). If we compare drugs from this side, we can say that this substitute for the drug “Hexicon” is a cheap analogue.

Application of Iodoxide suppositories - more profitable solution. This drug costs 300-350 rubles for ten suppositories. He provides antimicrobial effect on the vaginal mucosa. The course of treatment lasts 7-14 days. People with hypersensitivity and diseases should not use iodine-based preparations thyroid gland. Such drugs are prohibited in the second and third trimester of pregnancy, and in the first they are used only as prescribed by a doctor.

Antifungal suppositories

What is a cheap analogue of the drug Hexicon, and the instructions will not tell you. However, the abstract will help you choose it. Pay attention to the principle of action of suppositories. They are prescribed to achieve an antifungal effect. This means that many vaginal capsules that get rid of thrush will be an alternative to the described medicine. Such means include:

  • “Clotrimazole” - 100 rubles;
  • “Candide B6” - 90 rubles;
  • “Ginezol 7” - 300 rubles;
  • “Pimafungin” - 200 rubles;
  • “Nystatin” - 60 rub.

Popular "Terzhinan"

Terzhinan vaginal capsules have also become an alternative to Hexicon. The cost of 10 tablets is 450 rubles. This is 100 rubles more than the declared medicine. But Terzhinan candles are considered more effective. One course of this medication allows you to get rid of vaginitis, trichomoniasis, candidiasis and inflammation. While Hexicon will need to be reused, incurring extra costs.

Terzhinan suppositories are prohibited for use by women with hypersensitivity to their components (neomycin, ternidazole, nystatin and prednisone). But during pregnancy and lactation they are prescribed quite often.

Thrush (candidiasis) - unpleasant disease among women. This is an inflammatory process caused by fungi of the Candida species, and occurs in the vagina. Milky discharge has a cheesy consistency. Treatment of the disease must begin immediately, at its first manifestations, with the help of inexpensive but effective suppositories.

When treating thrush, medications such as suppositories, tablets and creams are used. Each of these drugs has its own characteristics of use. The tablets are taken orally and medicines in their composition they act on the entire body. Suppositories for thrush (inexpensive and effective) are used more locally. They act faster.

Any remedy for candidiasis is prescribed individually, taking into account contraindications and characteristics of the patient’s body. If we're talking about For pregnant women, the use of tablets is contraindicated. Doctors recommend using suppositories or creams.

Benefits of using candles

  1. They act quickly and eliminate symptoms.
  2. The antifungal component penetrates deeply into the mucous membrane
  3. Can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  4. They are used not only for treatment, but also for prevention.
  5. Simple and easy to use.

Modern medicine has a large assortment of suppositories for thrush that are inexpensive and effective. A new word in recent medicine is a single-use suppository for thrush.

New in medicine: single-use suppository

Zalain - this remedy can be used when feeding and carrying a child. But, even if there is a slight risk for the child, a single use of this drug has a number of advantages if its benefits are proven and justified possible risk. This medicine can also be used during menstrual cycle.

The disadvantage of this drug is increased sensitivity in some patients to its individual components. This may manifest itself in unpleasant sensations when the drug is administered into the vagina in the form of itching and allergies. This is not dangerous and there is no need to stop taking the drug. In addition, the drug has a fairly high price. One suppository costs approximately 500 rubles.

The suppository is administered once, preferably at night. If after a week the symptoms do not disappear, the procedure should be repeated.

Candles during pregnancy

Thrush in itself does not pose a threat to a pregnant woman and her fetus. However, thrush can have a detrimental effect on pregnancy if left untreated. It is not advisable to take pills during pregnancy, as they can cause side effects.

Suppositories, unlike tablets, act locally. Drugs that doctors prescribe for thrush:

  1. Pimafucin. This drug is in first place in popularity of use. The composition includes the substance natamycin, which is a fungus destroyer. The medicine has practically no contraindications. Its analogue can be called Nystatin.
  2. Betadine. In addition to destroying the fungus, it has antiseptic effect. It is used not only as an antifungal, but also as antiviral agent. This product is absolutely safe. The main component is iodine. Thanks to this, the drug has pronounced antiseptic properties. The advantage of this product is that it does not irritate the mucous membranes and does not cause allergies.
  3. Polygynax. The basis of this drug is nystatin and neomycin. This combination drug, which is not contraindicated during pregnancy. In the absence of contraindications, only a doctor can prescribe the medication.
  4. Hexicon. Active ingredient The component of this medicine is chlorhexidine digluconate. It is not prescribed in the first three months of pregnancy to avoid risk. Recommended for use in the second and third trimester.

When breastfeeding

Before starting treatment, you should make sure that discomfort caused by thrush. If it is established that this is the case, then doctors do not advise refusing treatment with suppositories during feeding.

During lactation it is prescribed next candles for thrush (inexpensive and effective):

  1. Clotrimazole.
  2. Terzhinan.
  3. Pimafucin.

These drugs should be used at night, one suppository for a week. The course can be repeated after 14 days.

Is it possible to use suppositories during menstruation?

According to many experts, menstruation can accelerate the development of fungus. This is due to the fact that in the first days of the menstrual cycle, a favorable environment for the proliferation of bacteria and fungi is formed in the vagina, and the hormonal levels in the body also change dramatically.

Candida fungus under a microscope

Candidiasis cannot in any way affect the course of menstruation; it only adds discomfort. Candidiasis often occurs before menstruation, a week before, when hormonal levels change and immune protection decreases.

Doctors do not recommend using suppositories during menstruation; they advise you to wait until the end and begin treatment. If menstruation began unexpectedly, and treatment for thrush has already been started, then there is no need to interrupt treatment.

During this period, you should especially observe the rules of hygiene. Avoid douching. Suppositories should be administered at night. If it is necessary to administer suppositories during the day, you should not get out of bed for 30 minutes to allow the medicine to penetrate to the required depth. During treatment, you can use pads for convenience. What candles to use on critical days:

Terzhinan Antibacterial, fungal. The active substance is nystatin.
Gyno-paveril Instant suppositories for thrush. The active substance nitrateconazole retains its effect for up to 5 days.
Defnedzhin The active substance cyclopiroxolamine is an antifungal substance. Has a wide spectrum of action.
Pimafucin Non-toxic, hypoallergenic.
Levarin It has a delayed effect and may cause side effects: itching, irritation.

Cheap and effective: review of drugs

Pharmacy chains offer big choice of the funds under consideration, however, not all of them relate to inexpensive drugs. The following review will help you decide on a quality product at an affordable price.

Clotrimazole: instructions for use

It is recommended to insert suppositories into the vagina once a day before falling asleep. No need to moisten before use. Course of use - 6 days. These are oval suppositories of a yellowish color. The composition of the drug is 100 mg of clotrimazole.

Clotrimazole - suppositories for thrush, inexpensive and effective

Clotrimazole is not prescribed in the first trimester of pregnancy. Side effects may occur: headache, itching, burning, swelling, pain during sexual intercourse.

Clotrimazole suppositories, according to many women, have positive effect already on the 2nd day after application. The advantage of these candles is high efficiency at a low price.

Nystatin suppositories: reviews, instructions for use

Suppositories for thrush, inexpensive and effective, such as the drug Nystatin, have been used to treat this disease for a long time. It has been tested over many years of wholesale use. With the advent of new drugs, Nystatin is not used as widely, but still remains a leader in the treatment of candidiasis.

The active substance is a polyene antibiotic. It acts directly on the Candida fungus. It doesn't create a habit. According to the instructions, the drug should be administered into the vagina 2 times a day. The course of treatment is from 10 to 14 days, depending on the severity of the disease.

Side effects include: redness, itching, nausea, stomach pain. While taking the drug, you should avoid drinking alcohol. It is not recommended to use during menstrual periods.

It is advisable to refrain from sexual relations. It is recommended to carry out treatment together with a partner. Contraindications: according to the instructions, they cannot be used during pregnancy, liver disease and gastric ulcer.

Women who have been treated with Nystatin note the effectiveness of its action. Despite the side effects, strict adherence instructions for use, those who have undergone treatment with Nystatin will forever forget about candidiasis. The advantage of these candles is their low cost (from 60 to 80 rubles per package).

Hexicon candles: instructions

The drug Hexicon is a local antiseptic. The active ingredient is chlorhexidine digluconate, which affects gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

The advantages of candles are that they do not have negative influence on the vaginal microflora. It should be noted that for all the advantages of this drug in the treatment of sexually transmitted infections, it is not effective enough in the treatment of thrush.

Side effects include hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, which provoke allergic reactions. The drug is administered twice a day. The course of application is from a week to 10 days.

Women who have used Hexicon note that its use causes slight itching and burning. Price in pharmacies from 250 to 300 rubles.

Bifidumbacterin suppositories: instructions, reviews

Bifidumbacterin contains bifidum. Indications for use may include diseases such as colpitis, bartholinitis, vulvitis, chlamydosis. For greater effect should be used twice a day for 10 days. Hypersensitivity to antibacterial agents may be a contraindication.

Vaginal candidiasis is better known as thrush. It is a disease that affects the mucous membranes of the genital organs. Its occurrence is due to the active reproduction of yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida.

According to statistics, 3 out of 4 women have encountered thrush at least once, and relapse of the disease occurs in more than 50% of respondents. Contrary to misconception, vaginal candidiasis is not sexually transmitted. Moreover, thrush is not associated with the presence or absence of sexual activity.

Thrush is accompanied by terrible discomfort: itching, discharge, burning, painful urination, painful sensations during sexual intercourse. For effective treatment, you need to contact a specialist who will determine the real reason candidiasis and will take individual therapy.

Among the means to combat thrush and prevent it, candles are especially popular. This form of release helps quick elimination unpleasant symptoms due to local influence on the lesion. They are convenient and easy to use. They can also be found under the name suppositories or vaginal tablets.

  • doctors' recommendations;
  • user reviews;
  • online survey;
  • price policy.

There are contraindications. Consult your doctor.

The best suppositories for thrush: price-quality

Thrush is an extremely unpleasant disease that brings significant discomfort to a woman’s life. Constant itching, burning and pain make it difficult to concentrate on work. You won't be able to relax even on vacation with candidiasis.

This category presents suppositories for thrush, which, according to user voting and expert opinion, have proven themselves to be the most effective. Their high cost is more than compensated for quick removal symptoms and long-term results. Positive reviews of these products confirm their pronounced antifungal effect.

5 Gyno-pevaril

Relief after the 1st suppository. Minimum contraindications
A country: Switzerland (made in China)
Average price: 420 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.3

Symptoms of incipient candidiasis familiar to most women are: unbearable itching And unpleasant discharge. Unfortunately, inexpensive medicines and means traditional medicine are unable to get rid of them as soon as possible. In contrast, the very first use of Gino-pevaril suppositories brings significant relief, while a full course (14 days at a dosage of 50 mg or 3 days at a dosage of 150 mg) allows for long-term relief of inflammation. The wide spectrum of action of suppositories is due to the properties of their main component - econazole, which damages the cell membranes of fungi and thereby contributes to their destruction. In addition, econazole is poorly absorbed into the body, and its metabolites are quickly excreted by the kidneys, so the number of contraindications for this drug is minimal.


  • helps quickly;
  • there is a convenient dosage option;
  • in case of relapse is possible repeat course treatment in a week.


  • distrust of some women towards Chinese products.

4 Neo-Penotran

The best form. Excellent reviews from doctors
A country: Germany (manufactured in Turkey)
Average price: 910 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

One of the most effective means Most gynecologists consider Neo-Penotran suppositories against thrush. They contain 500 mg of metronidazole and 100 mg of miconazole nitrate as active compounds. There is also a more concentrated drug “Forte” - with 750 and 200 mg of active ingredients, respectively. The combined effect ensures effective inhibition of pathogenic fungi and bacteria, due to which the drug is indicated not only for the treatment of thrush, but also for a number of other gynecological infections, including mixed ones. Among the many advantages, women point to the ease of use of candles, despite their non-standard triangular shape.


  • complex impact;
  • effectiveness confirmed by reviews from doctors and women;
  • undemanding to storage conditions (not higher than 25°);
  • long duration of the result obtained.


  • frequent mentions of adverse reactions such as vaginal itching or abdominal pain;
  • course duration at chronic inflammation- 14 days;
  • high cost.

3 McMiror complex

Wide spectrum of action
Country: Italy
Average price: 713 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Vaginal suppositories Macmiror complex are a combined drug that has antiprotozoal, antibacterial and antifungal effects. Users note the high effectiveness of their use. They especially liked the release form. The suppositories are covered with a special coating, which ensures that your hands remain clean when inserting them. As a disadvantage, the reviews mention the high price of the drug. Also dissatisfaction is caused by leaking candles, and as a result, soiled laundry. If indicated, the product is approved for pregnant women.


  • wide spectrum of action;
  • high efficiency;
  • candles are in a shell;
  • allowed with caution during pregnancy.


  • high price;
  • copious leakage.

2 Betadine

Betadine suppositories are among the most popular vaginal suppositories for thrush, according to a user survey. Their distinctive feature consists of a high antiseptic and disinfectant effect, which is due to the active substance povidone-iodine. The abundance of oil in the composition negatively affects the degree of leakage. Reviews note that suppositories can stain clothes. As a plus, they are allowed to be used in the first trimester of pregnancy. One package is enough for a course of treatment for thrush.


  • antiseptic and disinfectant effect;
  • the drug is approved in the 1st trimester of pregnancy;
  • The packaging is enough for the course.


  • leak and stain clothes.

1 Zalain

Better efficiency
Country: Hungary
Average price: 551 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Antifungal drug wide range Actions Zalain is available in the form of cream and suppositories. Suppositories for the treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis, as reviews show, are more convenient. The main advantage is that it is a one-time use; the package contains only one candle. The product is distinguished by a fundamentally new molecule of sertaconazole. This helps prevent recurrent episodes of thrush. The triple mechanism of action stops the growth of the fungus, increases the permeability of the cell membrane, and prevents the fungus from penetrating the mucous membrane and transforming into a pathogenic form. Compared to most suppositories, as noted by users, these suppositories are approved for use during menstruation. The downside is the high cost.


  • single dose;
  • affects all parts of the fungal infection;
  • prevents relapses;
  • can be used during menstruation;
  • with the permission of a doctor can be used during pregnancy.


  • high price.

The best inexpensive candles for thrush

Can provoke a recurrence of thrush hormonal disbalance, metabolic disorders, decline in immunity and intake antibacterial drugs. Inexpensive suppositories for thrush can also be effective in restoring microflora and destroying fungi.

The candles reviewed in this category are the most in demand according to sales. In addition to the obvious advantage - low cost, they quickly relieve itching and burning, which are so annoying with candidiasis. Soon after the introduction of suppositories, the discharge decreases and stops pain syndrome when urinating.

5 Ketoconazole

Time-tested action against the causative agent of thrush
Country Russia
Average price: 240 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.2

Candidiasis infection is characterized by a long course and frequent relapses, which is why women have to look for new and often unsafe treatment regimens. A more reliable solution is to select an antimycotic drug from among well-studied drugs that acts directly on the cause of the disease. Ketoconazole works in a similar way in the body, which not only stops the growth of colonies, but also has a powerful fungicidal effect. It was first synthesized more than 40 years ago, since then it has been well studied and is especially recommended for acute and recurrent vaginal mycosis.


  • budget cost;
  • clinically proven effects;
  • can be used for prevention.


  • duration of the course (from 5 days to 1-2 months);
  • many contraindications - liver disease, kidney disease, hypersensitivity, pregnancy, lactation, age over 50 years.

4 Klion D 100

The best generic version of a more expensive product
Country: Hungary
Average price: 350 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

In the fight against thrush it is recommended to use original drugs made in the USA, Germany, Switzerland. They are rightfully considered the most effective and safe, but at the same time they are economically inaccessible to many women. Thus, in comparison with the German Neo-Penotran suppositories, their Hungarian analogue is three times cheaper, and contains the same active ingredients, albeit in smaller quantities: 100 mg each of metronidazole and miconazole. However, judging by the frequent appointments and positive feedback doctors, it perfectly helps in the complex treatment of yeast vulvovaginitis and bacterial trichomoniasis. The drug has been known since Soviet times, its effect has long been tested, and it is often prescribed even during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy (the first is listed in the instructions in the list of contraindications).


  • affordable price;
  • effective composition;
  • does not affect the microflora and pH of the mucous membrane.


  • fragility of suppositories;
  • discomfort during insertion;
  • short-term results for chronic thrush.

3 Nystatin

Inexpensive effective drug
Country Russia
Average price: 80 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Antifungal suppositories Nystatin have a number of advantages: budget price, effective targeted action, quick release from symptoms of thrush. As users say in reviews, this is one of the best first aid remedies for candidiasis. Among the disadvantages is addiction to the drug, which is why these suppositories may be less effective in the future. Please note that this is an antibiotic. These suppositories are prohibited during pregnancy.


  • low price;
  • high efficiency;
  • rapid relief of symptoms.


  • getting used to the product;
  • antibiotic drug;
  • prohibited during pregnancy.

2 Hexicon

Pronounced antiseptic effect
Country Russia
Average price: 289 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Hexicon vaginal suppositories are one of the best inexpensive suppositories. Their spectrum of action includes antiseptic activity against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, protozoa and viruses. However, as reviews show, it is in the fight against thrush that they do not demonstrate themselves in the best way, unlike other gynecological scourges. The effect is only for the period of use. The course of treatment is usually 10 days, and then symptoms appear with new strength. Users note that this drug allowed during pregnancy, and is quite effective in non-advanced forms of candidiasis.


  • has an antiseptic effect;
  • effective for non-advanced thrush;
  • affordable price;
  • allowed during pregnancy.


  • resumption of symptoms upon completion of the course.

1 Clotrimazole

Best price
Country: Poland
Average price: 12 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Clotrimazole vaginal tablets are in wide demand due to their affordable price. Surprisingly, despite the low cost, the drug demonstrates high efficiency. Its use is indicated for vulvovaginal candidiasis, trichomonas vaginitis, and also as a prophylaxis before gynecological manipulations. Unlike classic suppositories, vaginal tablets are less prone to leakage. But it's a little more difficult to enter. The downside is that it is undesirable for use during menstruation.


  • low cost;
  • high efficiency;
  • the product does not flow out.


  • difficulty of insertion vaginal tablets;
  • not recommended for use during menstruation.

The best suppositories for thrush during pregnancy

Pregnancy – special period in the life of every representative of the fair sex. Any health problems at this time deserve close attention and immediate treatment. Thrush may appear as the first sign of pregnancy - a kind of reaction to a restructuring of the body, and/or occur periodically throughout 9 months. Not all medications for the fight against candidiasis are acceptable. We will tell you which suppositories are most effective for pregnant women and why in this rating category.

5 Fluomizin

First aid for thrush. Over-the-counter dispensing in pharmacies
Country: Switzerland
Average price: 510 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

When the itching and swelling are completely exhausted, there is no time for experiments - you need such suppositories that after them you immediately feel better. Swiss medicines, although not the most inexpensive, are definitely trustworthy when you need quick results. The fact that Fluomizin works effectively can be judged by hundreds of reviews on forums and thematic websites. His active substance– dequalinium chloride – has a wide spectrum of action, so it is no coincidence that the drug is so often mentioned in reviews of doctors, especially gynecologists. What is noteworthy is that the manufacturer allows the drug to be taken during pregnancy, and does not limit the terms of its sale to the presence of a medical prescription.


  • promptly relieves symptoms;
  • renowned manufacturer;
  • safety - suppositories are allowed for pregnant and (conditionally) breastfeeding women.


  • dryness and fragility of the suppository;
  • contraindicated until puberty;
  • during application, do not use soap or other products containing surfactants;
  • With severe inflammation can't cope alone.

4 Polygynax

The best solution to spicy problems. Lack of analogues
Country: France
Average price: 390 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Of all the vaginal suppositories, it is Polygynax that receives the most controversial responses. Some women consider it at least useless, and in some cases even unsafe, while others call it a “magic wand” in the fight against annoying fungus. The reason for this confusion lies in his unique composition, which is based on 3 antibiotics - nystatin, neomycin and polymyxin. Like any antibiotic, the drug is not recommended to be prescribed spontaneously. But thanks to its multicomponent composition, it covers a larger spectrum of fungal pathogens than products with one component, and (again, as prescribed by a doctor) can be used during pregnancy.


  • comfortable introduction;
  • low relapse rate;
  • careful attitude towards healthy microflora;
  • Providing an enveloping and anti-inflammatory effect.


  • low rate of relief of inflammation symptoms;
  • large size candles (about the size of a quail egg);
  • The contents of the capsule may leave oily stains on laundry that are difficult to remove.

3 Livarol

Increased safety for mother and child
Country Russia
Average price: 465 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Vaginal antifungal suppositories Livarol has a fungicidal and fungistatic effect. Users note that thanks to their use, it is possible to get rid of itching, discharge and pain due to thrush in the shortest possible time. The result lasts for a long time. What is important is that this drug is approved for use during pregnancy and does not pose a threat to the mother or child. High cost is not the only disadvantage. The shortcomings in the reviews include partial leakage of the suppository, causing inconvenience.


  • effectiveness during pregnancy;
  • speed of symptom suppression;
  • ease of removal from packaging.


  • high price;
  • partially leak out.

2 Terzhinan

Quick relief from thrush symptoms
Country: France
Average price: 371 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Terzhinan vaginal tablets are one of the best remedies against thrush during pregnancy. This combined drug, used in gynecology, has antiprotozoal, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antifungal effects. According to user reviews, tangible results are observed after the first use. The negative aspects are the inconvenience of inserting the tablet, as well as the need for pre-soaking.


  • high performance;
  • quick relief of unpleasant symptoms;
  • safe use during pregnancy.


  • the need to soak the tablet before use;
  • inconvenience when inserting a vaginal tablet.

1 Pimafucin

Most effective during pregnancy
Country: Netherlands
Average price: 492 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Vaginal suppositories Pimafucin have a pronounced fungicidal and antifungal effect. Suppositories are indicated for vaginitis, vulvitis and vulvovaginitis caused by Candida fungi. The product is allowed during pregnancy. Getting rid of the symptoms of candidiasis, as described in the reviews, occurs within three days. After introducing the suppository, under the influence of body temperature, the drug forms a foamy consistency, ensuring uniform distribution of the composition. Among the shortcomings, users note the overpriced price.


  • high efficiency;
  • safety during pregnancy;
  • quick relief from the symptoms of candidiasis.


  • high price.

One of the most common gynecological diseases- this is vaginitis. It is most often caused by the entry of microorganisms into the vagina, which cause inflammation of the mucous membrane. Most often these are opportunistic bacteria - staphylococci, coli, proteas. They cause so-called nonspecific vaginitis.

Inflammation can also occur from the development specific infections: trichomoniasis, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis. Vaginitis can also be caused by fungi and viruses. All of them cause the development inflammatory process. Therefore are the best remedy treatment, as they effectively destroy bacterial flora.

Features of treatment of vaginitis

The main goal of therapy for this disease is to restore the disrupted vaginal microflora. When pathogenic bacteria are destroyed, inflammation of the mucous membrane gradually subsides. But for successful recovery it is necessary to use complex treatment. And suppositories for vaginitis are its main method. They not only destroy the infection, but relieve inflammation and itching, and also restore destroyed microflora. Together with antiseptic solutions And systemic drugs suppositories quickly help cope with vaginitis.

What types of candles are there?

Drugs for vaginitis should be selected depending on the type of causative agent of the disease. Based on this criterion, all suppositories for vaginitis can be divided into several groups:

How to choose the right suppositories for treatment

There are a lot of such drugs in pharmacies now. And often women who need to buy suppositories for vaginitis do not know which ones to choose. Sometimes medications are purchased on the advice of friends or a pharmacist. But this should not be done under any circumstances. Everyone’s body is individual, and vaginitis can be caused by different microorganisms. Therefore choose the right drug Only a doctor can do it after examination.

Contraindications and side effects of such drugs

Vaginitis suppositories contain strong chemical substances, often antibiotics. Therefore, they can affect not only the vaginal mucosa, but also neighboring organs and fabrics. And it is not recommended to use them in case of individual intolerance and in the first third of pregnancy. If a woman has allergic reaction on one or more components of the drug, its use may cause unpleasant side effects:

Vaginitis suppositories: rating

Based clinical trials and reviews from doctors and patients, you can make a list of the most effective drugs. Their popularity depends on the effect they provide, ease of use, and lack of side effects and prices. Based on these characteristics, several of the most common remedies are identified.

Rules for using suppositories for vaginitis

Depending on the type of pathogen, as well as on individual characteristics For the patient, the doctor prescribes the dosage and method of using suppositories. It is recommended to wash the vagina and external genitalia before treatment. Typically, suppositories are used once a day at night. After all, they dissolve in the vagina and can flow out when walking. At inpatient treatment you can use them twice a day. But after setting the candle, it is advisable to lie down for a couple of hours. If a woman suddenly misses one dose, the next day she needs to continue treatment according to the previous regimen. The procedure for inserting a suppository is best done while lying on your back with your legs bent. This will allow the drug to penetrate deep into the vagina.

The duration of treatment is also determined by the doctor. Usually 1-2 weeks is enough. But in severe cases therapy can last 3-4 weeks. Sometimes it is necessary to repeat the treatment course after a break to avoid relapse of the disease. For more effective disposal for infection, it is recommended to carry out treatment together with a sexual partner.

Candles during pregnancy

Vaginitis in women carrying a child is a common occurrence. After all local immunity reduced, vaginal microflora is disturbed. Therefore, when an infection occurs, inflammation immediately develops. But during pregnancy, not all drugs can be used, even if they help local action. You especially need to take care in the first trimester, when all vital important organs baby. Before starting treatment for vaginitis during pregnancy, it is necessary to conduct an examination and determine the causative agent. It is best to use candles that act specifically on certain type pathogen. But you can also use drugs with complex effects. Most often during pregnancy, the following suppositories are prescribed for vaginitis: “Heksikon”, “Terzhinan”, “Klion D”, “Ginalgin”,

Suppositories for vaginitis: reviews from doctors

These drugs are prescribed for inflammatory diseases vaginal mucosa most often. Doctors like that they act quickly and effectively, and side effects almost never call. Most often, complex suppositories are prescribed for vaginitis. Reviews from experts note that Polygynax, Terzhinan, and Hexicon work better. For vaginitis caused by a fungus, doctors like to prescribe Clotrimazole, Klion D or Candide.

The pharmaceutical industry today offers a wide range of products for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis, for every taste and budget.

In addition to cost, drugs differ in composition, method and duration of use, the presence or absence of side effects, and the possibility of use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

In this article we will look at the most popular medications from thrush in women.

Treatment of thrush with fluconazole or flucostat

Fluconazole is a broad-spectrum antifungal drug, including activity against Candida fungi. Today it is one of the most effective and popular remedies for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis in women. It is used in the form of tablets for oral administration.

Unlike the locals antifungal drugs, in most cases does not require long-term treatment.

Taking one tablet is enough to suppress the activity of fungi and get rid of thrush.

The tablet can be taken regardless of meals or time of day. After oral administration, fluconazole is rapidly absorbed into the blood and remains in the blood for a long time. high concentration within 72 hours.

Thus, the effect of the drug will not be long in coming. Within 1-2 days after taking the pill, you can forget about thrush. The exception is chronic candidiasis in women, which requires more serious and long-term treatment under the supervision of a physician.

Due to its systemic effect, fluconazole is contraindicated in women during pregnancy and lactation.

There are quite a lot of fluconazole preparations offered today; below are the approximate prices of 1 capsule of some drugs in a dosage of 150 mg:

  • Flucostat – $5.5;
  • Mikosist – $7;
  • Diflucan – $11;
  • Fluconazole – $0.5.

What to choose, imported medicines, such as Diflucan and Mycosist, or domestic fluconazole and flucostat, it’s up to you. They have the same active ingredient.

With all questions and doubts, it is best to consult a doctor to prescribe competent treatment, taking into account individual characteristics and financial capabilities.

Video: “Is a one-time dose of fluconazole for thrush sufficient?”

Clotrimazole (ointment and suppositories) for thrush

Clotrimazole, like fluconazole, is an antifungal drug with a fairly broad spectrum of action.

Vaginal suppositories and ointment are used to treat thrush. More often, of course, suppositories are used for treatment in women, but ointment is also actively used in gynecology, because in some cases, to achieve the effect, in addition to using suppositories, it is necessary to apply ointment to the external genitalia and the skin of the perineum.

It is also important to remember that if thrush is detected in a woman, her sexual partner must also undergo treatment.

Men are prescribed clotrimazole as an ointment.

Clotrimazole drugs are usually well tolerated and rarely cause adverse reactions, but clotrimazole is contraindicated for women during pregnancy and lactation.

Natamycin or pimafucin (suppositories) for thrush

The most important advantage of natamycin is that this drug has low toxicity, and therefore it can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding (and such women are more vulnerable to candidiasis due to the influence hormonal levels on the biocenosis of the vagina).

To treat thrush in women, use 1 suppository at night for 3-6 days.

Accordingly, there are 2 forms of package release - 3 and 6 suppositories each:

  • Pimafucin (vaginal sup. N3) – average price $9;
  • Pimafucin (vaginal sup. No. 6) – average price $15.

Livarol suppositories for thrush

Active ingredient Livarol is ketoconazole, an effective antifungal drug. Ketoconazole is also effective against some bacterial agents, and therefore can be prescribed for the treatment of fungal and bacterial diseases.

The course of treatment is usually 5 days. The suppositories are inserted deep vaginally at night. Rarely, adverse reactions may occur in the form of itching, burning, nausea and vomiting.

Contraindications for the use of livarol are age under 12 years, hypersensitivity to clotimazole, and the first trimester of pregnancy.

In the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, livarol is prescribed with caution.

When treating with livarol, avoid contact with latex products (condoms, contraceptive diaphragms).

  • Livarol (vaginal sup. 400 mg.) No. 5 – average price $9.

Terzhinan and nystatin suppositories for thrush

Terzhinan is a combined drug that has antifungal, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antiprotozoal effects.

It contains: ternidazole and nystatin - antifungal agents, neomycin - a broad-spectrum antibiotic, prednisolone - has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effect.

Due to the presence of two antifungal drugs, terzhinan is effective medicine from thrush in women.

Available in the form of vaginal tablets. The course of application is 10 days. You may experience a burning sensation and itching at the beginning of using terzhinan.

Contraindicated in case of individual sensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as in the first trimester of pregnancy.

To treat thrush, you can also use regular nystatin in suppositories. But unlike other drugs, it has more contraindications for use – liver diseases, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, pregnancy, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug:

  • Terzhinan (vaginal table N10) – average price $9;
  • Nystatin (sup. vag. 250 TED N10) – average price $1.4.

Hexicon suppositories for thrush

Hexicon is a local antiseptic. The active ingredient is chlorhexidine digluconate, which is active against various protozoa and bacteria (causative agents of chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, gonorrhea, syphilis, trichomoniasis, gardnerellosis), usually sexually transmitted.

Chlorhexidine is also a good prophylactic after childbirth, abortion and other gynecological procedures. But mushrooms, including Candida, are not sensitive to it. Therefore, the use of chlorhexidine for candidiasis is inappropriate, because it won't give you what you want therapeutic effect. Hexicon may be prescribed if complex therapy fungal and bacterial infections.

  • Hexicon (vaginal suppository 16 mg N10) – average price $6.

Miramistin for thrush

Miramistin is antiseptic drug local application. The spectrum of its action is very wide. Miramistin is active against many gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, including spore-forming and antibiotic-resistant strains.

Due to this, Miramistin is actively used in various fields of medicine - surgery, gynecology, otorhinolaryngology, dentistry. It is also effective against fungi, including the genus Candida.

To treat thrush, the vagina is irrigated with a miramistin solution using a spray nozzle. In addition to irrigation, applications with miramistin solution and intravaginal tamponing can be used. The course of treatment is usually 5-7 days.

The safety of the drug allows it to be used by women during pregnancy and lactation.

  • Miramistin (local solution 0.01% - 100 ml) - average price $3.7.

Sodium tetraborate for thrush

Another treatment for thrush is sodium tetraborate or borax. It has the ability to remove Candida fungus from the human mucosa, as well as inhibit its reproduction.

But this drug does not have fungicidal activity, i.e. It does not destroy the fungus. Therefore, it is usually prescribed in complex therapy with a drug that has a fungicidal effect.

Available in the form of a solution in glycerin. For treatment, a tampon soaked in borax is inserted into the vagina. The tampon must be left for 20-30 minutes and then removed. The average duration of use is 7 days. This method of treating thrush, of course, is cheap, but will cause a lot of trouble for the woman.

  • Sodium tetraborate (Borax) solution in glycerin 20% - average price $1.

Despite the fact that today all drugs for thrush can be freely purchased in pharmacies and you can begin treatment on your own, it is better to first seek advice from a competent specialist in order to avoid chronic candidiasis acquired through uncontrolled self-medication.