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How to prepare rosehip decoction, how to drink it, benefits and contraindications. How to properly brew dried rose hips in a thermos to preserve vitamins? Rose hip decoction: purpose, preparation, use

Rosehip drink will bring maximum benefit and will provide therapeutic effect only if it is properly prepared and consumed. You can use both dry and fresh raw materials.

To prepare 1 liter of infusion you will need 100 grams. dry fruits. They need to be washed, poured into an enamel bowl, filled with boiling water and placed on water bath for 1 hour. Then close the lid and wrap in a thick towel. Leave to infuse in a warm place until cool.

You can prepare the infusion in another way. For this you will need a thermos. The fruits are poured into it and also poured boiling water. Leave for 7 – 8 hours. It is better to do this in the evening, then the drink will be ready in the morning. The prepared infusion should be consumed within 24 hours. If the drink is not drunk during the day, it is better to pour out the rest and prepare a new one.

You can reduce the preparation time for the infusion if you first grind the fruits in a blender or coffee grinder. In this case, they will quickly release useful substances into the water, and the drink will be ready in 3 to 4 hours. Before use, it must be strained through gauze folded several times.

You can prepare an infusion from fresh fruits. To do this, they need to be sorted out, leaving only intact specimens not damaged by mold and rot, washed and cleaned of sepals. The methods for preparing the drink are similar to the previous ones, but 1 liter of water will require more fruits (150 - 200g).

If you cut fresh rosehip cut in half and carefully remove the prickly fibers inside, you will get an excellent vitamin treat for children. From the raw materials prepared in this way, jam is prepared, jelly and compotes are cooked.

The amount of infusion consumed should not exceed 1 liter per day. The decoction is drunk every day for 2 weeks. Then you need to take a break. Such courses of treatment can be carried out 4–5 times a year, but no more. At long-term use Drinks made from this plant flush calcium from the body.

It is especially useful to drink rosehip infusion in the autumn-winter period, when there is danger infectious diseases. This will help strengthen your immune system. In the spring, such a potion will saturate you with the necessary vitamins.

The infusion should be consumed 30 minutes before meals, 1 glass. You shouldn't get carried away with this drink. It thickens the blood and increases blood pressure. In addition, an excess of vitamin C is no less harmful to the body than its deficiency.

Rosehip infusion has a tart taste with pronounced sourness. You can sweeten it with honey or sugar, and add dried flower petals for flavor.

While watching the video you will learn about rose hips.

A drink made from steamed rose hips will strengthen and help cope with many diseases, and thanks to its rich taste adults and children will surely enjoy it.

Our country is rich in a variety of unique plants. Almost each of them has its own medicinal qualities and can be used to treat a wide variety of pathological conditions or to prevent their occurrence. Some plants are suitable for ingestion in the form of a decoction, infusion or tincture, and some externally, some in both ways. Rosehip is perhaps one of the most common and famous medicinal plants. It can be found in many parts of Russia, and some of its healing properties are probably familiar to every person. Let's talk on the www.site in a little more detail about what a decoction of rose hips is, look at the recipe and discuss treatment using such a healing composition.

A decoction based on rose hips is a source of a whole complex of vitamins and minerals that a person needs to maintain health. This multivitamin has anti-inflammatory, tonic, regenerating, anti-sclerotic and choleretic properties.

Consumption of rosehip decoction has a positive effect on the functioning of the central nervous system, as well as on the activities of bodies digestive tract. This healthy drink quite effectively optimizes metabolic processes, significantly improves the health of all internal organs, strengthens the immune system and significantly slows down the aging process. It is believed that such a remedy can bring great benefit children's body. However, it must be remembered that the use of rosehip decoction for therapeutic purposes must be discussed with your doctor.

How to prepare rosehip decoction (recipe)

A decoction based on rose hips can be easily prepared on your own. This way you can chop two handfuls of rose hips, ridding them of hairs that can cause irritation and negative reaction body. To grind the fruits, you can pass them through a meat grinder. Brew the resulting raw material with three hundred milliliters of water and cook over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Then strain the prepared medicine. It should be taken shortly before a meal in the amount of half a glass. Reception can be carried out twice or thrice a day.

You can also use one hundred grams of dried rose hips. Crush them, fill them with a liter cold water and place over low heat. Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for five to seven minutes under a tightly covered lid. Then remove the prepared medicine from the heat and set aside to infuse for at least three hours. After infusion, the broth should be strained twice through gauze folded in several layers.

Can also be put in glass jar a couple of tablespoons of chopped rose hips. Brew them with half a liter of boiling water and place them in a pan of boiling water. After a quarter of an hour, remove the jar, cool the medicine for an hour and strain it.

This decoction can be taken a cup several times a day, sweetened with honey or sugar.

Treatment with rosehip decoction (on your own!)

This product works great with many pathological conditions and prevents their appearance. Thus, consuming rosehip decoction helps optimize hormone production. This drink is characterized by diuretic properties and helps tissue regeneration. It is believed that taking it helps to successfully eliminate the lack of vitamins (hypovitaminosis) P and C. A decoction of rose hips is an excellent medicine for colds, bronchial asthma, cholecystitis and hepatitis. It should be taken for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis. This composition helps to cope with ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, acute and chronic diseases liver, increased bleeding and a number of endocrine disorders.

Rosehip decoction is a source of a significant amount of vitamin B1, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system and on carbohydrate metabolism. The presence of vitamin B2 in it contributes to the structure of cells and the full functioning of the visual organs. And thanks to vitamin K, this composition also has a noticeable analgesic effect.

A decoction based on rose hips can significantly slow down and even stop bleeding. Its consumption helps activate bile synthesis. It is believed that this remedy should be taken for fractures, frostbite, burns and other injuries, as it activates regenerative processes and improves healing of both soft and bone tissues.

Traditional medicine specialists often advise using a decoction of rose hips to treat diseases such as tuberculosis. Neem also treats ailments bladder, anemia, kidney stones, ulcers and a variety of infectious diseases.

If you drink a decoction of rose hips in winter, autumn and spring, it will help prevent the development of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, and will also speed up recovery by an order of magnitude if they occur.

IN childhood A decoction based on rose hips can be used to eliminate hypovitaminosis, treat nephritis, ulcerative lesion Gastrointestinal tract, problems with the liver and intestines. However, it is worth considering that only a doctor can prescribe such medicine for children.

It must be remembered that a decoction based on rose hips can be used for therapeutic purposes only after consultation with a doctor. This composition is best taken in courses, and in case of thrombophlebitis, gastritis and ulcers, it should be taken with special caution.

About the benefits of rosehip drinks

Everyone who cares about their health should know how to brew rose hips correctly, because this berry contains a lot of benefits.

In nature, you will not find a plant as rich in vitamin C as the fruits of rose hips.

As a rule, the content of this vitamin in plant products measured in thousandths of a percent (so-called milligram percent - mg%).

Lemons, for example, contain approximately 50 mg% vitamin C.

Blackcurrant berries and red pepper are much richer in ascorbic acid: 100-400 mg%. In the best rosehip variety, Rosa Beggeriana, this figure increases to an absolutely incredible 17,800 mg%! But even in the “simpler” varieties that grow on the edges of forests and along country lanes, there is enough healing vitamin.

In addition, this plant contains a whole list of other vitamins, as well as organic acids that help improve digestion, needed by the body microelements, including those that make up the hematopoietic group.

How to brew rose hips correctly

The most delicious drinks come from ripe fresh berries, which were touched by the first frost, and the most useful ones are from dried fruits.

Before brewing, dry rose hips are often crushed - it is better to do this in a stone or wooden mortar.

Contact of the product with metal is acceptable, but some of the organic substances decompose.

The beneficial substances are best preserved if you brew rose hips in a thermos or prepare a decoction in a water bath without boiling.

Please note that whole fruits take longer to brew.

Healing decoction

Traditionally, a decoction of scarlet berries is prepared in a water bath.

You will need:

  • 1 tbsp. l. dry fruits
  • 2 tbsp. hot boiled water
  • 2-3 slices of lemon.

Chop the berries and place them in an enamel saucepan or glass fireproof container. Fill with water.

Place the dishes in a water bath, closing it with a lid. After a quarter of an hour, remove, add lemon, cool slightly and strain.

This method of preparing a decoction is good because the drink does not need to be boiled. After all, as we know, vitamins, especially C, do not “like” high temperatures.

To strengthen your immune system, take this healthy drink 100 ml twice a day for 2 weeks.


This is another way to brew dried rose hips.

To prepare a brew that has excellent taste and is an ancient healing drink, you will need:

  • 20 dry berries
  • 2 tbsp. hot water
  • dry leaves of rose hips, strawberries, blackberries, currants (to choose from or assorted).

Place the berries in an enamel container, pour hot water. Let it simmer for 3 minutes. Remove, add dry leaves, cover. Let it soak in the aromas for about a quarter of an hour. Drink it hot or refresh yourself with a chilled drink.


Infusions are prepared with water or an alcohol-containing product.

An infusion of water is prepared as follows: dried berries(1 tablespoon) is crushed and poured with boiling water (200 ml).

Cool covered to room temperature.

Then filter and drink 100 ml 2 times a day.

For medicinal alcohol infusion will be needed:

  • 25 fresh rose hips
  • 300 ml water
  • 200 ml alcohol
  • 200 g honey.

Boil water and immerse the fruits in it. Boil for 10 minutes, let sit for 4 hours.

Strain, mix with alcohol and honey.

Drink 1-2 tbsp daily (2-3 times). spoons half an hour before meals.

Thermos: a great way to preserve vitamins

Many people prefer to brew rose hips in a thermos because it is convenient. But this method of preparing the drink also helps to preserve the rich “ inner world» healing berries. A thermos is a vessel that ensures tightness. If you are interested in how to brew rose hips correctly to preserve vitamins, then this brewing method can be considered the best option.

How to brew rose hips correctly in a thermos? There's nothing complicated here. Usually whole fruits are taken. They will be needed 4-5 tbsp. l., boiling water - about a liter. Leave the brewed berries overnight. By the way, if you don’t know how much rose hips to brew per 1 liter of water, then write down these proportions - they will be suitable for any method.

Add sugar or honey directly to the cup.

If you want to treat yourself to a drink quickly, chop the berries.

It is advisable to brew rosehip tea in a thermos with a glass flask. Many beneficial substances contained in the plant are not “welcome” to contact with metal.

Healing rosehip tea

Rosehip tea – effective remedy with vitamin deficiency, hypertension.

It is appreciated by dieters and caring mothers who protect their children from colds.

Healing tea is brewed in teapots and thermoses.

2 tbsp. l. dried crushed berries are poured with boiling water (200 ml) and left for about 10 minutes.

You can add hawthorn, a little natural tea or hibiscus to the brew.

When treating children to tea, adjust its strength, taking into account their age.

Vitamin berries are included in many natural mixtures for weight loss: their structure contains elements that accelerate biochemical processes in the body and help “burn” fats.

Pour 3-4 tbsp. l. chopped berries with boiling water (800-1000 ml) and leave to steep overnight. Drink 100 ml 3 times a day half an hour before meals. By adhering to other diet conditions, in the first 10 days you can get rid of a couple of kg of excess weight.

Rosehip has a diuretic effect - part of the weight loss is liquid.

How to brew rose hips for children

Since the aroma and taste of rose hip drinks are neutral, children are not very willing to treat themselves to them. Unless your child is extremely conscientious or simply obedient. You have to resort to tricks and add sugar, raisins, dried apricots, lemon or other tempting ingredients to the healing fruits.

Rosehip infusions can already be given one year old child, but not more than 80 ml throughout the day. As the baby grows, the amount of healthy drinks increases.

Rinse the fruits under cold running water, crush or chop (preferably in a mortar) and place them in a thermos. Add aromatic dried fruits, lemon, sweeten and pour boiling water (400 ml of water for 2 tablespoons of fruit). Leave for 7-8 hours.

To sweeten, you can replace sugar with honey, which is tastier and healthier to add immediately before drinking. Don’t forget about - then this bee product from a healthy rosehip drink will make just a vitamin bomb!

Such infusions are also very useful for expectant mothers. They strengthen the immune system and protect against colds, which are especially dangerous during this period. In addition, most women suffer from edema during pregnancy, and rosehip drinks relieve the body of excess liquid. But you should not drink more than 200 ml per day.

Nursing mothers will also benefit from a tasty and healthy drink. Proper use of rosehip infusions improves lactation. You should drink it in portions (50 ml several times a day). It will be more convenient to brew the berries in a thermos, pouring them not with boiling water, but just with hot water.


Children, pregnant and lactating women should not use infusions prepared with alcohol-containing products.

Is it possible and how to brew fresh fruits?

A drink brewed with fresh berries tastes superior healing infusions and infusions of dried fruits.

It is especially good if the rosehip is frostbitten.

In frozen fruits the concentration useful substances much less than those collected before frost, but a delicious, refreshing tea prepared from them will, in any case, bring more benefits than store-bought products.

Berries (simply ripe or frozen) must be mashed before brewing. You can put them in a teapot, pour boiling water over them and use them as tea leaves.

But it will be tastier if you grind the crushed fruits with sugar, lemon, add hot water and let it brew. Determine the proportions yourself. This drink is very good chilled. If you like hot drinks, prepare it in a thermos.

Rose hip root drink

IN folk medicine A drink made from rosehip roots has long been used as an anti-inflammatory agent. It also helps with joint diseases and removing kidney stones.

To prepare a universal drink you will need:

  • 150-160 g of dry root;
  • 1 liter of water.

Grind the root. Place it in an enamel saucepan and cover with water. Boil under a closed lid for about a quarter of an hour.

Pour into a jar, wrap it up. Let it sit for 5 hours.

Strain and take 200 ml 3 times a day for medicinal purposes for 10 days.


Drinks based on rosehip root are contraindicated for children.

  • When buying dried berries, remember: fresh fruits should be orange or scarlet in color, without mold, dried fruits should be brownish-red. The almost black crumbly berries are clearly overdried, and it is futile to expect any benefit from them.
  • It is highly advisable to strain the drink from crushed rose hips (2-3 layers of gauze). This is done to get rid of the hairs located in the middle of the berry.
  • Whole fruits can be brewed twice, especially if you choose a thermos as a vessel. A third fill is not recommended.
  • Crushed berries immediately give up their beneficial “richness”, so there is no point in brewing them a second time.
  • If you drink rosehip drinks regularly (for medicinal purposes), and not from time to time, limit your intake to one month. Then consult your doctor.

Useful video

According to many doctors, rosehip drinks, including in combination with other fruits - hawthorn, apples, apricots, should be drunk regularly. The video contains advice from an experienced doctor:

Rosehip is medicinal plant, which belongs to the Rosaceae group and has more than three hundred species. The shrub is very common in the northern part of the country; it can also be found in Siberia and Kazakhstan.

Wild rose has numerous beneficial properties. This feature is known not only traditional healers, but also modern doctors, as well as specialists in the field of cosmetology.

Medicinal properties

The fruits of the bush contain a huge amount of ascorbic acid. There is a hundred times more of it than in apples, and ten times more than in currant berries. Taking a certain amount of drink daily, You can saturate your body with vitamin C for the whole year ahead. Therefore, rosehip infusions are highly valued all over the world.

The list of beneficial medicinal properties can be continued endlessly, because the berries contain large number vitamin B, PP, C, provitamin A, organic acids, esters, various microelements (magnesium, iron, sodium, calcium, chromium, potassium and others).

The human body is designed in such a way that it is not capable of producing ascorbic acid on its own. An adult needs 30–50 milligrams of this vitamin every day for a full-fledged existence. For active physical and mental stress – 100 milligrams. The same amount of ascorbic acid is also necessary for a pregnant woman. It is worth noting that one hundred grams of dry rose hips contains about 1 g of vitamin.

With a lack of ascorbic acid in the body, a person begins to quickly get tired, performance and appetite decrease, the body often freezes, and the body cannot resist colds. Drinking drinks with rose hips improves intestinal microflora and protects against the development of purulent processes and from poisoning by toxins that enter the body from the intestines.

Vitamin A B is responsible for vision and eye health. A deficiency of this substance leads to night blindness, color blindness and general violation vision. Rose hips contain a fairly large amount of provitamin A.

At regular use drinks from the fruits of this shrub improve vision and normalize cover tissue. In children, bone growth and skeletal strengthening accelerate.

Vitamin P biochemical properties quite similar to ascorbic acid. In addition, vitamins C and P cannot exist separately; they complement and enhance each other’s actions in the human body.

One hundred grams of wild rose fruit contains about 700 mg of vitamin P. For normal existence, a person needs to take up to 35 mg of vitamin per day.

At optimal quantity Vitamin in the body normalizes blood pressure and prevents the development of atherosclerotic effects.

Vitamin K normalizes blood clotting and promotes the formation of ATP. An adult needs to receive a daily vitamin of up to three milligrams per day. 100 grams of dried rose hips contain 1 mg.

The average daily intake of thiamine is 2 mg. Rosehip tea or decoction can only act as a dietary supplement. The main sources of vitamin B are milk, cereals, meat and legumes.

Vitamin B2 is essential for children and adolescents. It is responsible for protein metabolism, bone growth and normalization of vision. Riboflavin is present in rose hips, but it is not enough to fully meet the body's needs. Therefore, it is recommended, in addition to drinks made from berries, to consume dairy products, vegetables, fruits and baked goods every day.

Vitamin E has a beneficial effect on thyroid gland, digestive processes and helps synthesize carotene into vitamin A. The well-known beauty vitamin slows down the aging process, improves skin condition and strengthens muscles.

Benefits of use

Among the ancient Slavs, the wild rose was a symbol of youth, beauty and love. But even today, in many countries, rose hips are considered sacred.

In addition to the berries themselves, people also use other parts of the plant. Rosehip roots contain tannins and have astringent properties. They also cope well with ailments associated with the kidneys and gall bladder. Baths with root particles relieve fatigue and swelling in the legs.

The seeds have anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects. Oils are often created from them. The petals contain ether, which is very similar to rose oil. Decoctions from various parts of wild roses are especially useful for children and elderly people.

Magic properties Rose hips help cope with influenza, colds, and acute respiratory viral infections. Wild rose improves blood circulation in the vessels of the brain and promotes the treatment of bronchi. Such properties perfectly strengthen the immune system and protect pregnant women and children during epidemics.

Women in the first trimester of pregnancy often suffer from toxicosis various degrees. Nausea, headache, and weakness appear. The sour taste of rose hips can easily eliminate these symptoms and alleviate general condition during this difficult period.

In the last trimester, expectant mothers experience swelling of the limbs and face. This nuisance in the body occurs due to excessive accumulation of water and becomes dangerous for both the fetus and the woman. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately get rid of swelling.

Rosehip has diuretic properties and does an excellent job of removing excess fluid from the body. It normalizes kidney function. With regular and correct use Infusion or decoction, swelling disappears, and the woman’s weight and condition returns to normal.

Rosehip oil promotes the healing of wounds, injuries, microcracks on the hands and lips. It can be used for dry skin of the body and face. It is also indispensable during pregnancy, as it helps get rid of stretch marks on the stomach, chest and limbs.

Oils from dry rose hips and petals will be very useful for adults with stomatitis and gum disease. This remedy will also help get rid of various inflammations on the skin and promote rejuvenation.

The most suitable period for taking decoctions, tinctures, tea with rose hips and other parts of it is winter. Summer is the best time to take a break and enjoy fresh fruit and vegetables, which are also rich in nutrients, vitamins and amino acids.

Contraindications and harm.

Despite the huge number of beneficial properties, rosehip, like any other natural product, has a number of contraindications for use. Before taking decoctions and infusions of berries yourself or giving them to children, you should consult with your doctor.

The large amount of ascorbic acid contained in the berries can cause itching, redness and rashes in people prone to allergic reactions. It is also not recommended to take rose hips in any form for heartburn and increased acidity stomach.

People suffering from gastritis, hypertension, serious diseases cardiovascular system, thrombophlebitis, endocarditis, stomach ulcers and duodenum, preparations containing rose hips are strictly prohibited.

With caution and only on the recommendation of a doctor, you can drink rosehip decoctions after surgical intervention to the gallbladder. The maximum amount of medicinal liquid in this case is one cup per day. After a seven-day course, you need to take a break for one to two weeks. It must be remembered that After taking rosehip decoction you need to rinse oral cavity warm boiled water. This action protects the enamel of the teeth and prevents the occurrence of special sensitivity.

Rosehip should not be abused even healthy people who want to strengthen their immunity. Everything should be in moderation. It is necessary to drink infusions and decoctions in permissible quantities and between courses it is necessary to take breaks of one to two weeks.

If crushed parts of rose hips are used in preparing drinks, the liquid must be carefully filtered before drinking. Otherwise, hairs and villi that enter the body can cause discomfort and have a significant effect on the mucous membranes, irritating them.

Rose hips should be taken with caution during pregnancy, like any other medications. Before a course of treatment, of course, you need a consultation with a gynecologist and his approval.

Very often, expectant mothers think that natural products cannot harm their body and fetus. But in reality this is not the case. For example, rose hips can greatly affect the course of pregnancy if a woman has an individual intolerance to any substances or is prone to allergic reactions.

How to brew to preserve vitamins?

Despite the fact that rosehip grows only in certain latitudes, it is not difficult to buy it in any part of the world. Many people have already appreciated the numerous properties of this plant and learned how to cook it themselves. various decoctions, infusions and teas.

When brewing wild rose, it is necessary to take into account many subtleties, which, unfortunately, only a few know about. Most often when cooking various drinks They use dried berries, which can be purchased at any time of the year in pharmacies and specialty stores. It is necessary to remember the same proportion for all drinks: fifteen whole berries per two and a half glasses of liquid.

All fruits must be sorted and checked for quality before cooking. There must be berries burgundy color, free of stains, mold and other defects. If the rose hips are black and crumble in your hands, then you cannot take such fruits. They have no value and do not contain vitamins and nutrients.

Rose hips should always be thoroughly rinsed with running water before brewing. To prepare the drink, enamel dishes, a teapot, a thermos or a multicooker, which must be scalded with boiling water, are suitable. The dose should be calculated so that it is enough for a day, but no more.

Before drinking the drink, it is necessary to infuse the berries for at least ten hours. In this case, the dishes should be well wrapped or tightly closed.

Pounded fruits release up to 90% of ascorbic acid into the drink. But with this use there is one significant drawback - these are hairs that irritate the mucous membranes and leave an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth. They can even get into your eyes when processing rose hips and cause itching.

To create valuable drink You should grind the fruits using a coffee grinder, blender, meat grinder or a simple wooden mortar. Can be used various ways and instruments for this process. The main thing is that they are comfortable and effective.

Prepared berries should be poured into any container, scalded with boiling water and filled with hot water. It is necessary to infuse the liquid for 7-8 hours, and then strain thoroughly. A thick, clean cloth is ideal for removing hair from the infusion. But a strainer and gauze will be powerless here.

Infusing rose hips in a thermos is not only convenient, but also effective. The drink is not boiled, so the properties of the berries are not lost. You can also easily take the infusion with you in a container to work, nature, or any other place. To preserve vitamins when preparing the infusion and save time, you need to pound the dry berries with a mortar and pour them into a thermos. Then pour boiling water over it.

For effective treatment and disease prevention, it is necessary to maintain the correct proportions. They should correspond one to ten. That is, for one tablespoon of ground rose hips you need to take ten tablespoons of water.

The infusion can be kept in a thermos for up to 12 hours, and then strained thoroughly. Adults should take one cup of warm or cold infusion daily before meals. Children under 12 years of age are recommended to drink half a glass per day. You can store the medicinal drink in the refrigerator, but no more than two days. After straining, you can repeat the procedure with these berries, but this should be done no more than twice.

For taste and more therapeutic effect can be added to the infusion various berries, honey or a few slices of lemon. But it is worth remembering that honey should not be put in hot drink. It is best to add a teaspoon to the cooled infusion immediately before use.

If the drink turns out to be too strong, then it must be diluted with boiling water to the desired consistency. An infusion in a thermos will be very useful for people suffering from problems with the kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract.

You can make it useful and delicious decoction without using a thermos. But in this case it will not be so rich and concentrated.

The proportions must be the same as when cooking in a thermal container. Next, put everything into the pan. Pour the mixture cold water and bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat and leave to simmer for another ten minutes. Turn off the stove and leave to brew for about two hours, then strain well. You can take this decoction 2-3 times daily, half a glass, but no more than two weeks in a row.

And you can get a drink or more in a simple way. To do this, pour boiling water over the chopped rose hips and cover with a lid. After an hour, it is recommended to strain the infusion and drink.

In modern household miracle technology - a multicooker, with proper preparation beneficial properties rose hips open up especially strongly. For the drink you will need two palms of berries and two liters of water. Clean and sorted berries need to be filled with water, select the desired mode from two suitable ones and leave for several hours.

In the “Stew” mode, pour cold water over the rose hips and turn on the multicooker for 2 hours. At the end of the program, leave the berries to steep for another 5-7 hours.

In the “Heating” mode in the evening, you need to put the berries in the multicooker bowl, pour in liquid at a temperature of up to sixty degrees and leave to simmer until the morning.


Today there is a huge number various recipes preparing berries and other parts of rose hips. Many of them are unusual with an original taste, but of course they are all healthy.

You can get creative when creating rosehip-based drinks and products and come up with your own recipe.

From petals

A very interesting and simple product made from dried rose hips is oil. It has choleretic, wound healing, strengthening and anti-inflammatory properties.

To prepare the oil, you need to take one glass of dried rosehip petals, one glass of olive or vegetable oil, two tablespoons of dried wild rose berries. Mix everything thoroughly and cook in a water bath. You need to cook the oil at low power on the stove for two hours. Then finished product strain and pour into a container suitable for storage. This oil can be kept in the refrigerator for quite a long time.

From fruits

Surely many have bought or seen rosehip syrup in pharmacies. So healthy, tasty and sweet product You can easily prepare it yourself at home.

To do this, you need to take 1 kilogram of fresh berries, 1 kilogram of granulated sugar and 6 glasses of cold water.

Fresh fruits need to be sorted, cleaned of seeds, leaves and hairs. Rinse well under running water and grind. You can use any available tool: coffee grinder, mortar, meat grinder, blender.

Pour the crushed berries into six glasses of cold water and boil for ten minutes over low heat. Then add a kilogram of granulated sugar and continue cooking for about 60 minutes. This decoction must be cooled, strained and poured into containers convenient for drinking and storage.

You can experiment with syrup to suit every taste. For example, children will certainly enjoy an ice cream-based cocktail. To do this, you need to mix the syrup, any melted fruit ice cream and birch sap.

The proportions can be completely different to suit your taste. For one child's cup you can take one tablespoon of syrup, 20 grams of ice cream and 1/4 cup of juice. The drink should be poured into cups and decorated. If children do not like birch sap, then you can take any other one.

To make marmalade from fresh berries, one kilogram of fruit should be sorted, cleaned of excess and rinsed under running water. Boil until soft and grind using a sieve. In a saucepan, mix the puree with 600 grams of granulated sugar and cook until the mixture thickens. Pour the hot mixture into containers, let cool and store in the refrigerator.

You can also make a drink with raisins. Any in a convenient way chop three tablespoons of rose hips and cover with three glasses of hot water. Cover the infusion tightly and wait thirty minutes. Filter, but do not throw away the berry juice, but fill it again with two glasses of hot liquid.

Cover the drink with a lid and leave for thirty minutes. Then filter again and mix the two tinctures together. Add pre-washed and soaked raisins to taste.

There is one more no less original recipe from wild rose berries, nuts and honey. To prepare the drink, you need to pour three tablespoons of berries with five glasses of boiling water. Leave for half an hour and strain. Add 5-10 pieces to a cooled drink walnut and three tablespoons of honey.

From the root

By the bush healing properties possess not only berries, but also other parts. For example, a root, a decoction of which is recommended to be brewed and consumed for cystitis, stomach and intestinal disorders, spasms and pain in the lower part of the body.

Rosehip root is sold dried in pharmacies or specialized departments, but you can prepare this part of the plant yourself. For various drinks, only fibrous roots with herbs are used, which diverge above the ground in different directions. Such shoots are carefully cut off, thoroughly washed, processed and cut for further drying.

In order to prepare the infusion, you need to grind the root in any convenient way and pour boiling water over it. Let it brew for 2-3 hours and consume. For one teaspoon of dry pounded roots you need to take a glass of liquid.

With hawthorn

Very often with insomnia, other sleep disorders, disorders heart rate, hypertension and nervous tension Experts recommend a drink made from rosehip with hawthorn.


There are very old recipe tea from rose hips and its petals. Its taste is refined and aromatic. Crush the fruits of the bush, place in a saucepan and pour two cups of boiling water. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and wait three minutes. Add a handful of dry petals to hot tea, cover and let stand for twenty minutes.

The drink should be strained well and you can drink it immediately.

Tea with rose hips is prepared in the same way as a regular black or green drink. For one serving you need to take three fresh fruits or five dry ones. Pour boiling water over and leave for 5-6 minutes. Strain thoroughly using gauze or a fine strainer. Rosehip tea has less benefit than a long-hour infusion or decoction, but, nevertheless, it is rich in vitamins and microelements. These berries can replace regular tea leaves.

For colds, you can brew tea using the above method, but instead of petals, add fresh or dried viburnum or raspberry berries. This tea will relieve fever, headache and will warm you up when you feel chills. If there is no high temperature, then you can add a spoon to the warm infusion natural honey and drink just before bed.

For children in the off-season or to restore strength after illness, the best option would be multivitamin tea. To prepare it you will need any clean and sorted berries, a handful of rosehip leaves and 2 glasses of water.

  • Delicious and useful decoction fresh fruit can only be prepared during two weeks in September. It is during this period that wild rose berries become ripe and full of vitamins.
  • Fresh rose hips can be crushed for maximum healthy drink or cook whole. But in this case, you must always cut the fruit into two halves and remove the core. Otherwise, there is a risk of severe irritation of the mucous membrane by the hairs that are located inside the fetus.
  • It is recommended to strain tea, infusion or decoction using gauze folded in several layers, or through a fine sieve.
  • A drink made from fresh fruits can be taken no more than two cups per day. In the morning, to cheer up, it is best to add a slice of lemon or its juice to it. But in the evening for relaxation - a spoonful of honey.
  • To tone the body, you need to take an infusion or decoction of rose hips in the morning on an empty stomach, about 20–30 minutes before meals.
  • If it is necessary to remove bile and excess fluid from the body, then it is recommended to drink rosehip infusion three times a day on an empty stomach, one-third of a glass. And only after 20–30 minutes start eating.
  • To remove kidney stones, you need to drink a warm drink, five tablespoons, 2-3 times a day. This must be done on empty stomach 15–20 minutes before meals.
  • To eliminate excessive and painful uterine bleeding It is recommended to drink half a glass of decoction from the roots of the bush before each meal.
  • A child can be given rosehip decoction starting from six months, but not more than one hundred milliliters per day. This healthy drink is especially necessary for a growing body.

It is worth remembering that the beneficial properties of fruits include the removal of excess fluid from the body. Therefore, any drinks containing rose hips should not be given to young children before bedtime.

Since vitamin C negatively affects tooth enamel (it is destroyed), It is best for children to drink infusions, teas and decoctions only through a straw. In addition, straws promote better absorption of beneficial properties.

In addition to the main parts of the bush, you can also use flower petals. They help with skin irritations, protect against infections and eliminate painful sensations. It is also recommended to use an infusion of petals for inflammation of the eyes and the appearance of pus in them.

The preparation from the petals is used as a lotion that refreshes, nourishes and tones dry skin. Infusions prepared with your own hands cannot be stored for more than a day, since the longer they stand, even in a cold place, the less useful substances remain in them, but at the same time, their decomposition products that are undesirable for the body appear.

You can learn how to brew rose hips correctly from the video below.

How to brew rose hips to preserve everything medicinal properties berries? A properly prepared drink will help strengthen the immune system, improve the condition of blood vessels and heart function; it is useful for children and pregnant women. But this one has useful medicine and some contraindications that need to be taken into account.

Rosehip has many beneficial properties

Beneficial properties of brewed rose hips

– an effective remedy for treating colds and strengthening the immune system. But the drink has others useful qualities, which help improve the work of many internal organs and systems.

Medicinal properties of rosehip decoction:

  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
  • Helps normalize blood pressure and eliminate symptoms chronic fatigue, reduces the likelihood of developing heart disease;
  • reduces the body's susceptibility to colds due to the high content of ascorbic acid;
  • has choleretic properties, improves performance gallbladder, liver, kidneys;
  • prevents the development of anemia, increases hemoglobin levels;
  • removes salts from the body, reduces the likelihood of developing gout.

Infusion, decoction and tea from rose hips have a strong antiseptic, antioxidant and restorative effect; drinks are used for the treatment and prevention of diseases genitourinary system, preventing the development of vitamin deficiency.

The berries contain rare vitamin K, which improves blood clotting; rose hips are indispensable for people prone to severe bleeding.

Methods for brewing rose hips

Most often used for brewing dried rose hips, it retains all the beneficial properties. But fresh and frozen berries are suitable for making drinks.

How to brew in a thermos

It is best to prepare medicines for drinking from wild roses in a thermos - prolonged heat helps to maximize the disclosure of all the therapeutic qualities of the raw material.

How to brew rose hips correctly to preserve vitamins:

  1. Rinse 15 berries.
  2. Pour boiling water over the thermos and put fruits in it.
  3. Pour 500 ml of boiling water, you can wrap the thermos with a thick woolen cloth.
  4. Infuse for 7–12 hours; it is better to prepare the drink before bed.
  5. Strain the infusion.

In the process of brewing in a thermos, rose hips retain vitamins

Divide the drink into 5-6 equal parts and drink it warm or chilled throughout the day.

When brewing berries in a thermos, do not add honey or sugar.

How to cook without a thermos

You can prepare rosehip decoction without a thermos; for this you will need enamel or glass containers. The optimal proportions of ingredients are 100 g of berries per 1 liter of water.

How to prepare the decoction:

  1. Bring 1 liter of water to a boil, cool for 2-3 minutes.
  2. Add 100 g of whole or chopped fruits.
  3. Place on low heat and cook for half an hour. As the liquid evaporates, water can be added.
  4. Leave in a saucepan covered for an hour.

You can prepare a rosehip decoction in a simple saucepan.

Drink prepared with steam bath, is considered more useful because boiling destroys ascorbic acid. Grind 50 g of fruit, pour in 250 ml of hot water, simmer for a quarter of an hour. Cool and strain.

One of the best alternatives to a thermos for preparing a healthy drink from rose hips is a multicooker; it retains heat for just as long.

Rules for brewing wild rose fruits in a slow cooker:

  1. Wash 100 g of berries and place in a multicooker bowl.
  2. Add 2 liters of water; to improve the taste, you can add a few slices of lemon.
  3. Set the “quenching” mode for 1–2 hours.
  4. Leave the broth covered until it cools.
  5. You need to drink the drink in small portions throughout the day.

In a slow cooker, rose hips will retain their properties longer

How many times can you brew rose hips? It is better to use a new portion of fruits each time; when you reuse raw materials, the taste of the finished drink does not change, but the amount of nutrients decreases. Some experts say that raw materials can be used 2-3 times.

Brew fresh rose hips

Fresh wild rose fruits are available for no more than a month, this time is enough to complete a full therapeutic or preventive course.

Brewing stages:

  1. Remove hairs from 12 g of berries, crush into puree.
  2. Place the mixture in a thermos or glass container, add 270 ml of water, the temperature of which is 55–60 degrees.
  3. Leave for 45–55 minutes, strain through several layers of gauze or a fine sieve.
  4. Pour 500 ml of water over the cake, cook over low heat for 30 minutes, filter.
  5. Mix both liquids, add a little honey or sugar.

You should not use very hot water - high temperatures destroy calcium and other beneficial microelements.

Chop the rose hips before brewing

Dried rose hips

You can make tea from dry berries - the preparation process does not take much time, it contains a lot useful elements, it invigorates no worse than coffee. Grind 30 g of fruits, put in a preheated kettle, add 12 g of black or green tea, pour 1 liter of water, the temperature of which is no more than 85 degrees. After 1–2 minutes, the drink is ready; there is no need to dilute it with water.

Dry rosehip produces aromatic tea

A recipe for a medicinal infusion – helps with colds and strengthens the immune system. Place 10 chopped wild rose berries in a small enamel bowl, add 400 ml of water, and after boiling, keep on low heat for 3 minutes. Add 10 g of rosehip petals, currant leaves and strawberries to the hot liquid, leave in a closed container for a quarter of an hour. Drink instead of tea all day.

Is it possible to brew frozen rose hips?

Rose hips can not only be dried, but also frozen - this method of harvesting does not in any way reduce the amount of useful substances in them.

For the decoction, you need to grind 20 g of raw materials, add 240 ml of water, and simmer on low heat under the lid for 7-10 minutes. Leave covered for 2-4 hours, drink three times a day. The fruits do not need to be crushed, but then the drink must be brewed for at least 15 minutes; brewing will take 10–11 hours.

Rosehip brewing recipes

Drinks made from wild rose berries are used for treatment various diseases, they also help in the fight against overweight, with their help you can reduce the risk of developing malignant tumors.

Wild rose fruits for children

Rosehip drinks are recommended for children to normalize sleep and appetite; they are useful for illnesses gastrointestinal tract, dysbacteriosis, colds, they are especially useful at the time of teething. A child can take medicine from wild rose fruits as early as 5 months.

Rosehip decoction is very beneficial for children's bodies.

For the infusion, you need to brew 10 g of crushed raw materials with 250 ml of hot water, leave in a closed container for 4-5 hours, strain well.

A decoction is prepared from 40 ml of water and 40 g of berries, simmer the mixture in a steam bath for 12 minutes, cool, filter. It can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 48 hours.

The decoction contains minerals, and the infusion retains the maximum amount of vitamins.

How to drink rose hips during pregnancy

Wild rose is an excellent remedy for pregnant women. Rosehip drinks will help cope with swelling, they improve kidney function, prevent the development or exacerbation of cystitis, and strengthen the defenses of mother and baby.

Rosehip has a beneficial effect on the health of the expectant mother

It is better for pregnant women to drink rosehip tea - it is suitable for long-term and regular use, since the concentration active substances it's low. Pour 300 ml of hot water 1 tbsp. l berries, close the cup, after a quarter of an hour you can drink.

To strengthen the immune system, treat colds

To protect the body from viruses and bacteria, you need to prepare tea from 500 ml of water and 50 g of rose hips. Adults can drink 400–500 ml of the drink, children can drink no more than 75 ml per day. IN for preventive purposes You need to take the medicine for 15–20 days.

Honey and rosehip decoction will strengthen the immune system

At high temperature At the first sign of a cold, this drink should be drunk warm, add 10–15 ml of honey to each serving. The last dose of tea should be immediately before bed.

This tea can be used to wash the eyes for blepharitis, conjunctivitis, carry out the procedure twice a day.

Rosehip for weight loss

The fruits of wild roses contain components that help cope with excess weight - potassium removes excess fluid, eliminates swelling, ascorbic acid improves blood circulation. With regular consumption of the drink, the condition of the skin improves and cellulite disappears.

Recipes for rosehip drinks for weight loss:

  1. Pour 220 ml of water 1 tbsp. l berries, simmer over low heat after boiling for 8–10 minutes, leave for 12 hours in a closed container, strain. Drink 70 ml of the drink three times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  2. Pour 3 tbsp into a thermos. l. fruits, add 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours. Drink 800 ml of warm drink per day.
  3. Brew 75 g of berries with 500 ml of boiling water in a thermos and leave overnight. In the morning, dissolve 3 tbsp in 200 ml of infusion. l sorbitol, drink the entire drink at once on an empty stomach. Drink the rest after 20 minutes, no need to add sorbitol, have breakfast after 45 minutes. This remedy helps cleanse the liver, improves intestinal and kidney function, and accelerates metabolic processes. You need to do 6 cleansing procedures with an interval of 2 days.

Before using rose hips as a means of losing weight, you must first consult with your doctor.

Sorbitol and rose hips will help you lose weight

For the treatment and prevention of anemia

Rosehip will help eliminate iron deficiency and normalize hemoglobin levels.

To prepare the infusion, add 2 tbsp. l. fruits 400 ml of boiling water, close the container and wrap it, leave for 7 hours. Strain the warm drink, add 30 ml of honey. Drink 100 ml of medication before each meal; for children, the dose should be halved.

This drink can be used to treat the kidneys, liver, and used as a hair rinse.

Rosehip decoction is useful for anemia

Help with heart and vascular diseases

Rose hips help cope with many cardiovascular pathologies - normalizes myocardial function, cleanses blood vessels of cholesterol, and eliminates disturbances in heart rhythm.

Useful recipes:

  1. If cardiac activity is impaired, you need to prepare an infusion of 1 liter of water and 100 g of rose hips, add 50 g of crushed St. John's wort to it. Keep the mixture in a water bath for 10 minutes, strain after 30 minutes, add 120 ml of honey. Drink 55 ml 40 minutes before meals.
  2. For tachycardia, atherosclerosis - brew 250 ml of hot rosehip infusion, 12 g of hawthorn inflorescences, wrap the dishes, leave for 2 hours. Take 4-5 days, 50 before each meal.
  3. For arrhythmia - mix motherwort, hawthorn inflorescences, and valerian roots in equal proportions. Pour 3 g of the collection into 230 ml of hot wild rose infusion, leave for 30 minutes, put the mixture on high heat, hold for a minute, pour into a chilled container. Drink 30 ml of medicine before meals.

St. John's wort combines well with rose hips to treat cardiovascular diseases

Rosehip increases or decreases arterial parameters? Decoctions, teas and infusions are useful for hypertension; hypotensive patients should take an alcohol tincture.

Treatment of male diseases

Wild rose fruits are eliminated inflammatory process and congestion in the pelvic organs, normalize blood circulation, so it is useful to take them to get rid of prostatitis, prostate adenoma, and for preventive purposes.

How to prepare a medicine for prostatitis:

  1. Crush 3 tbsp. l. dry fruits, put in a glass container or thermos.
  2. Pour 450 ml of boiling water over the raw materials.
  3. Leave for 10 hours.
  4. Drink the drink during the day in 2 doses.

Before preparing the decoction, the rose hips need to be chopped

The duration of the course is 1–2 months, after which it is necessary to take a break for 14 days and continue therapy.

For prostate adenoma, you need to add 20 g of crushed burdock leaves or roots to 1 liter of warm rosehip infusion. Keep the mixture in a water bath for 12 minutes, leave for 2.5 hours in a sealed container. Drink 30 ml three times a day for a month.

Getting rid of Staphylococcus aureus

Staphylococcal bacteria are the cause of many serious illnesses, a decoction of rose hips will help eliminate pathogens.

Rosehip and hawthorn will quickly get rid of Staphylococcus aureus

Mix 25 g each dried fruits wild rose and hawthorn, put in a thermos, pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 6 hours. Divide the medicine into 2 servings and drink throughout the day. The child should be given 50 ml of the drink at a time, you can add a little sugar. Duration of treatment is 4–6 weeks.

Treatment of cancer in the early stages

A large amount of vitamins and antioxidant action allows the use of wild rose fruits for treatment and prevention. oncological diseases.

How to cook:

  1. Pour 220 ml of water 20 g onion peel, simmer over low heat for 10 minutes.
  2. Mix 25 g of rosehip berries and pine needles, pour onion broth.
  3. Leave for 12 hours.
  4. Drink 15 ml of medicine before each meal.

Onion peels and rose hips are good for the prevention of cancer

In the treatment of serious diseases, rosehip decoction is used as an additional general tonic; it must be taken with basic medications.

How often can you drink rose hips?

Drinks made from wild rose berries must be taken in courses, the maximum duration of which is no more than two months. For prevention you can drink rosehip infusions and infusions twice a year, preferably in autumn and spring.

  • 5–12 months – 5–10 ml;
  • 1–3 years – 15 ml twice a day;
  • 3–6 years – 30 ml 2 times a day;
  • 6–14 years – 75 ml 2 times a day;
  • adults – 150–200 ml, the dose should be divided into 4–5 parts.

You can drink rosehip decoction from an early age.

To avoid the destructive effects of rosehip drinks on teeth, after taking them, you must thoroughly rinse your mouth with clean water.

Contraindications for custard rosehip

If you drink drinks from wild rose berries incorrectly and violate the recommended dosages, then the medicine may cause harm, rather than benefit, to the body. In some cases, you should refrain from consuming rose hips.

Main contraindications:

  • serious pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, urolithiasis and cholelithiasis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • violation of water-salt balance;
  • renal failure;
  • increased acidity, duodenal ulcer, stomach ulcer, gastritis.

If you have thrombophlebitis, taking rose hips is contraindicated.

Drinks made from rose hips have a negative effect on tooth enamel, therefore not suitable for people with hypersensitivity gums, teeth. Unwise consumption of drinks made from wild rose berries can cause frequent and severe pain in the epigastric region, allergic reactions.

Berries, inflorescences, rosehip root - effective and accessible remedy for the treatment and prevention of various diseases, raw materials can be collected and dried independently, or purchased at a pharmacy. But it should be remembered that decoctions, teas and infusions are not only tasty, but also medicinal drinks– before starting treatment, you need to consult a doctor and strictly adhere to the treatment regimen recommended by a specialist.