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Sleep paralysis: victims of old witch syndrome. Old Witch Syndrome

Nightmares are a fairly common occurrence, especially among impressionable people. If these nightmares look too obvious, are accompanied by suffocation and the inability to move (paralysis), they receive a special name - syndrome old witch.

The strangeness of the name of this condition is explained by people’s craving for mysticism. One has only to encounter a phenomenon that is inexplicable at first glance, and it immediately acquires the most incredible mystical explanations.

This was the case with the phenomenon that in medicine is called sleep paralysis. It has been called the old witch, or old witch syndrome, since ancient times, when people firmly believed in the existence of evil spirits. Moreover, nightmares that arise on the border between sleep and reality, often accompanied by visual and auditory hallucinations, in various nationalities they were attributed either to the tricks of a witch or a brownie (in Rus'), then to the evil jokes of a genie (in the countries of the East), or to the machinations of the devil himself (religious version).

ICD-10 code

G47 Sleep disorders


The “lucky ones” who encounter a similar phenomenon one or more times in their lives are mainly teenagers or young people under 25 years of age, whose lives are full of impressions and experiences. People in adulthood encounter this phenomenon much less frequently, and most often it happens against the background of stress, moving, foreign business trips or watching television with scenes of horror or violence.

Old witch syndrome is a common occurrence among people who are easily influenced by others, impressionable and introverted individuals. It can also become a "side effect" nervous overstrain or chronic fatigue.

According to their information different sources, the percentage of people who have experienced the horror of sleep paralysis at least once ranges from 20-60%. Visions can be very diverse, ranging from religious and mystical images to modern ideas about the inhabitants of other planets. The content of a realistic dream is a play of the imagination of a particular individual, based on personal experiences, transformed information received on the eve of the event, as well as mental characteristics.

There are statistics that suggest that those who sleep on their backs are more likely to experience old witch syndrome, although there is still no logical explanation for this.

Causes of Old Witch Syndrome

Sleep paralysis, or old witch syndrome, is actually harmless borderline state, which has nothing to do with the influence of mystical characters. This is a kind of game of consciousness and subconsciousness in impressionable people or people under stress, when real phenomena are intertwined with residual images of dreams.

The causes of old witch syndrome can vary. They are associated with both physiological and psychological state body. Most often, the occurrence of sleep paralysis is associated with increased excitability nervous system or excessive impressionability. There are frequent cases of this condition arising against the background of a lack of night rest associated with stress and anxiety, both against the background of illness, and at work and in personal life. Painful sensations And negative thoughts during the period of falling asleep, they easily result in nightmares, which continue during the period of awakening from sleep and constrain the whole body.

Risk factors

Risk factors for developing old witch syndrome may include:

  • change of time zones, causing disruptions in sleep and wakefulness,
  • changeover to summer or winter time,
  • narcolepsy, or chronic sleepiness,
  • alcohol, nicotine or drug addiction,
  • gambling addiction,
  • various mental disorders,
  • overeating at night and some food preferences that affect the quality of sleep (coffee, spicy foods and some spices, and even chocolate with its amazing short-term sleeping pills and long-term invigorating effect),
  • genetic predisposition.

As strange as it may sound, sleep paralysis is sometimes observed while taking certain antidepressants and drugs with a sedative effect.


Sleep paralysis is not a disease in the truest sense of the word. It is not on the international list of diseases. This pathological condition is not life-threatening, no matter how often it occurs. However, it can be very frightening for anyone experiencing this for the first time.

The thing is that the old witch syndrome occurs in the REM sleep phase, when a person’s sleep is not sound, and the state is close to awakening. At this moment, real images join the subconscious visions, but the muscles still remain in a relaxed state. Such untimely awakening leads to the fact that different parts of the brain do not start working at the same time; first, the part of the brain responsible for consciousness begins to work, and after a short time, motor functions also start.

As consciousness begins active work Previously, a person begins to be frightened by the fact that he cannot move. The subconscious fills in the missing details: frightening shadows, mysterious sounds and visions.

The feeling of pressure in the sternum, as well as suffocation, sometimes accompanying sleep paralysis, also most often have no basis in reality, but are a kind of hallucination, supported by the fear of immobilization. It may seem to a person that he is being strangled by some dark entities; in fact, neither the witch who supposedly sits on a person’s chest and drinks all his strength, nor the alien guests conducting their scientific experiments on earthlings have anything to do with it.

It is precisely awakening in the REM sleep phase against the background of a rich imagination that causes such “terrible”, frightening effects, which can last from a few seconds to 1-2 minutes. Many scientists do not consider this condition a deviation. This normal reaction the body to premature awakening, and it is very rarely associated with any mental disorders.

Interestingly, forcible awakening with sharp sounds is not capable of causing sleep paralysis. This phenomenon is observed only during an early natural transition from sleep to wakefulness, caused by shifts in the phases of slow and rapid sleep, when dreams of the slow phase are supplemented by real images and imaginary sensations.

Symptoms of Old Witch Syndrome

Old witch syndrome can manifest itself differently in each individual. Someone can perceive what is happening calmly, without actually observing anything out of the ordinary, while another wakes up in a cold sweat from the sensations they have experienced.

Somnologists distinguish two types of sleep paralysis depending on the time at which it occurred:

  • hypnagogic (falling asleep phase)
  • hypnopompic (awakening phase).

The first, which is sometimes called semi-consciousness, can occur if a person wakes up at the very moment of falling asleep. Usually it takes place in mild form when a person is aware of what is happening around him, but is unable to move or say anything. After this comes normal sleep.

Hypnopompic sleep paralysis, which occurs on the eve of full awakening at the end of the REM stage of sleep, is characterized by more intense sensations. He is more likely to experience fears and visions, as well as suffocation and sound hallucinations.

There is a division of the state of sleep paralysis according to frequency and intensity. This is how the concepts of isolated and recurrent isolated sleep paralysis arose. The first occurs in healthy people 1-2 times in life, does not last long and is not very rich in visions.

The second one returnable, can haunt a person all his life. He is characterized by visions rich in colors and events, which sometimes last even more than 2 minutes. Sometimes a person may feel as if his consciousness is leaving the body for some time.

Despite all the variety of images and sensations that accompany sleep paralysis, some symptoms of old witch syndrome can be identified that make it possible to diagnose this sleep disorder:

  • a borderline state between sleep and reality, when a person seems to be conscious, but is not able to fully navigate the situation and influence it,
  • inability to move your arms, legs, head, move your body or say anything (sometimes mobility of fingers and hands),
  • panic fear before what happens,
  • hallucinations (most often in visions people see dark angels, monsters, mythical creatures trying to harm the sleeping person),
  • difficulty breathing and a feeling as if someone strong is pressing on the chest or squeezing the throat,
  • rapid heartbeat, sometimes they say that the heart is “pounding”, almost jumps out,
  • sometimes there is a certain disorientation in space,
  • it seems to the person that he can move and influence events, but something is stopping him,
  • feeling the presence of other entities in the room,
  • feeling of separation of body and mind,
  • exacerbation of auditory sensations and reactions to extraneous sounds, the appearance of sound hallucinations,
  • bright and colorful realistic dreams accompanying a motionless state,
  • sometimes noticeable sexual arousal can be observed on this basis.

Sleep paralysis itself can be a manifestation of certain mental illnesses and sleep pathologies (sleepwalking, narcolepsy). For example, the same symptoms as in old witch syndrome (OWS) are observed in narcolepsy, which is a disease of the nervous system. But the first (and main) signs the specified pathology– frequently recurring attacks of daytime sleepiness – absent in SWS.

Diagnosis of old witch syndrome

In addition to narcolepsy and somnambulism, sleep paralysis can accompany other diseases that require specialist supervision. Such a symptom, for example, is characteristic of the clinical course of depressive states, migraines, obstructive apnea (breathing cessation) during sleep, hypertension ( high blood pressure in the vessels and cavities of the body), anxiety disorders, mental pathologies. It is this moment that is decisive in the diagnosis of CVS.

The old witch syndrome itself does not pose a threat to human life and health, unless, of course, he suffers from severe heart disease. But the diseases accompanying it may require serious treatment. Diagnosis of the old witch syndrome is precisely aimed at identifying such pathologies.

There are no special methods for identifying this sleep disorder in medicine. The diagnosis is based on the results of differential diagnosis, and most often sounds like “parasomnia”. This medical term refers to various types of sleep disorders.

Diagnosis of CVS is based on taking anamnesis, i.e. interviewing the patient about his feelings, heredity, occupation, medications taken, etc. Sometimes additional sleep studies may be required to get a complete picture of the existing pathology. To obtain a diagnosis, you can contact medical specialists in the field of sleep and the human psyche: a somnologist or a psychotherapist. You should contact them at least in order to exclude the possibility of developing serious diseases.

Sleep paralysis itself does not require any specific treatment and cannot cause serious complications (except in situations with a weak heart). However, left to its own devices it can have unpleasant consequences as chronic lack of sleep, anxiety and depression. All this is connected with the groundless fear that similar phenomena are the reason mental disorders. Many people fear that if symptoms recur, they may die in their sleep or simply go into Sopor. These suspicions are absurd, but they can cause a state of anxiety and worry that affects the quality of life of a completely healthy person.

Treatment for Old Witch Syndrome

Since sleep paralysis is not a full-fledged disease, we are not talking about classical treatment. Old witch syndrome is considered a common disturbance in the rhythm of sleep caused by fatigue or overstimulation of the psyche, which means that once the cause is eliminated, such “pleasure” as sleep paralysis will disturb the person much less.

And the reasons are clear - lack of sleep and rest, plus anxiety. These are the ones we need to fight against. Most often, there is no need to resort to drug treatment; a correction of the daily routine and a change in attitude towards what is happening is enough. But if such treatment does not bring results, doctors may prescribe medications with a sedative (calming) and mild hypnotic effect. In isolated cases of CVS, there is no need for treatment.

One popular drug with extensive advertising promising quick and restful sleep is "Sondox". This drug is specifically designed to correct sleep without changing its phases. It helps you fall asleep quickly and fully rest for at least 7 hours.

The drug is intended for people with sleep problems over 15 years of age. It is contraindicated in patients with angle-closure glaucoma, urinary disorders (no matter what the cause), or individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Prostate adenoma in men and lactation in women also make the use of this sleeping pill unacceptable.

The drug does not have negative impact on the fetus, and yet during pregnancy, the use of Sondox is possible only as directed by a doctor.

. To correct sleep in SIDS, the drug is taken shortly before a night's rest, 20-30 minutes before going to bed. The usual dose is 1 tablet, but in some cases it can range from 0.5 to 2 tablets per dose.

Some side effects of the drug explain its contraindications. This is a violation of visual perception and orientation, as well as problems with urination. In addition, noticeable dryness of the oral mucous membranes may be observed. There is also a certain chance of dizziness and constipation.

Precautionary measures. Due to possible dizziness, in order to avoid falling and injury, after waking up and getting out of bed, it is not advisable to actively move or make sudden movements.

Using the drug together with M-anticholinergics (for example, atropine) may increase some side effects, and alcohol will enhance the sedative effect of Sondox and make it impossible to perform work that requires concentration.

It is unacceptable to use the drug after the expiration date and in doses exceeding the doctor’s prescription. The latter can cause an overdose of the drug with dangerous consequences.

If the cause of old witch syndrome is stress and nervous exhaustion, tranquilizers can be prescribed as an effective therapeutic agent, e.g. "Quattrex". This drug is not specific in the treatment of sleep disorders, however, it has a noticeable restorative effect on the nervous system. A person feels quite active and cheerful, psycho-emotional stress is significantly reduced, fears and anxiety go away, and sleep is accordingly normalized.

This drug can be prescribed to patients over 11 years of age who do not suffer from renal failure and hypersensitivity to the drug. You should not get carried away with it during pregnancy and lactation, since there is not yet sufficient information about the effect of the active ingredients on the child.

Dosage and method of administration. For the treatment of sleep pathologies, the drug is prescribed in doses not exceeding 3 capsules per dose, provided that the drug is used 2-3 times a day. The capsules must not be chewed, they must be swallowed whole with a sufficient amount of clean water. The course of treatment with the drug can range from 2 to 6 weeks.

Allergic reactions during treatment with Quattrex are extremely rare, but at the beginning of taking the drug, drowsiness may occur, followed by dizziness, slight headache and nausea. Side effects of the drug are often limited to the first use.

Precautionary measures. The drug may affect concentration, especially if side effects occur.

Particular caution should be taken when taking Quattrex in patients with gastrointestinal disorders due to the irritant effect of the drug on the mucous membranes.

"Phenobarbital" due to its sedative, hypnotic, antispasmodic and anticonvulsant effects it is also effective means with SVV. It quickly relieves symptoms of anxiety and fear and returns to normal night sleep. Dispensed with a doctor's prescription.

The disadvantage of this drug is a significant number of contraindications, which you should definitely familiarize yourself with by reading the instructions for Phenobarbital before you start taking it.

The drug is intended for adults. The dosage is determined by the doctor based on the desired result. Usually, to normalize sleep, 1-2 tablets are prescribed before bedtime (half an hour to an hour before the start of the night's rest), and half a tablet is used as a sedative "Phenobarbital" 2 or 3 times a day.

Precautionary measures. For achievement good effect treatment must be taken into account drug interactions with other drugs, since Phenobarbital can increase the effectiveness of some drugs and reduce the effectiveness of others. This information is in the instructions for the drug.

The drug belongs to the group of potent and even poisonous agents. Its long-term use and use while carrying and feeding a child are not recommended.

Affects the speed of reaction. Discontinuation of drug treatment should be gradual with a dose reduction to avoid the onset of withdrawal syndrome and the return of some symptoms of SIDS.

The drug "Melaxen" is interesting from the point of view of its effect. active substance of which - melatonin - is a synthetic analogue of the pineal gland hormone, which responds to the normalization biological rhythms body, including the sleep-wake cycle.

Taking the drug allows you to speed up the process of falling asleep, make your sleep sound enough and reduce the likelihood of unscheduled awakenings. "Melaxen" It is not addictive and makes waking up easy and pleasant. It can be used as a preventive measure for SIDS when traveling with a change in time zones or to reduce the load on the nervous system during stress.

Contraindications to the use of the drug are childhood, pregnancy and breastfeeding, serious illnesses kidney, diabetes, epilepsy, oncological diseases blood, diseases caused by malfunctions immune system, allergic and other reactions due to hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

The use of the drug can cause the following side effects: headaches and drowsiness in the morning, some gastrointestinal disorders, as well as minor swelling at the beginning of taking the drug.

The dosage and method of use of the drug is determined by the doctor and does not exceed 2 tablets per day. You need to take the tablets once a day about half an hour before going to bed. As a prophylactic agent, the drug is taken on the eve of a flight or move for laziness before the onset of this event, and then for 2-5 days in the usual dosage: 1 tablet before bedtime.

Precautionary measures. It is unacceptable to take the drug in parallel with hormonal agents, MAO inhibitors, GCS and cyclosporine.

During the period of taking Melaxen, sensitivity to light increases, so it is undesirable long stay in bright lighting conditions.

Affects the speed of reaction. It has little contraceptive properties, so it can negatively affect the likelihood of conceiving a child.

In addition to drugs with sedative and hypnotic effects to regulate sleep, doctors prescribe vitamin and mineral complexes containing sufficient amounts of vitamin B, magnesium, zinc, calcium, iron and copper.

Along with drug treatment, in some cases it may be prescribed physiotherapeutic treatment SVV, which allows you to safely and effectively normalize sleep and mental condition patient. Most often, such treatment is prescribed as part of a stay at specialized resorts, where physical procedures are combined with correction of the daily routine and biological rhythms.

TO effective methods Physiotherapy for SIDS may include massage, water treatments, reflexology, magnetic therapy, electrosleep. Positive effect For sleep disorders, mineral and herbal baths are helpful.

Traditional treatment for old witch syndrome

Sleep paralysis is a variant of the norm, and there is simply no point in treating what is already considered normal. However, with the help of traditional and traditional treatment You can significantly improve the quality of sleep and strengthen the nervous system, which will significantly reduce the likelihood of a recurrence of such an unpleasant half-asleep state, which is the old witch syndrome.

At the same time, traditional medicine in this situation is not only no less effective than the achievements of pharmaceutical science, but also quite pleasant. And besides, they are absolutely harmless.

Take, for example, the same honey. ABOUT healing properties Many people have heard of honey, but not everyone knows that this delicious sleeping pill. But there are many recipes for drinks based on the exquisite delicacy given to us by bees, and these aromatic drinks will help relieve stress and enjoy a sound, restful sleep.

And here it’s a matter of taste. A teaspoon of honey can be dissolved in a glass warm water, milk or kefir, drink the resulting drink before bed and receive as a gift several hours of good night's rest, not burdened by the symptoms of the old witch syndrome.

Sometimes used as a base for a drink cucumber pickle, diluting a tablespoon of honey in it. This is an excellent remedy for improving sleep when there is a rush of blood to the head, as well as for relieving the intestines of processed food products.

To enhance the sedative and hypnotic effect honey can be used natural Apple vinegar . 3 teaspoons of vinegar added with a glass of honey will make the sweet medicine more effective and your sleep more sound.

Not only honey is famous for its excellent sedative effect. For example, beet- this is not only beneficial for your intestines, but also a kind of vitamins for the nervous system. Beetroot, including young tops, in any form is useful. It can be eaten as a separate dish or as part of other dishes. Beetroot juice is very popular. A third of a glass of beet juice mixed with other juices will saturate your body with vitamins and significantly improve the nervous system. And strong nerves are the key good night.

Dill is considered to be an aromatic seasoning for dishes, but it is also an excellent remedy for a good sleep. To do this, you need to chop fresh herbs or dill seeds, and pour a teaspoon of the raw material into a glass of boiling water. It is recommended to drink ½ glass of this unusual drink before meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and drink 1 glass of the drink half an hour before bedtime.

IN folk medicine is popular treatment of sleep pathologies using aromatic oils. They are added to the bathroom, lubricated with whiskey and complement the soothing composition of herbs, which is filled with pillows, promoting quick sleep and sound sleep.

Treatment of old witch syndrome with herbs and homeopathic remedies

Treatment with herbs that have a calming effect on the nervous system, which, of course, affects the quality of sleep, also gives decent results in correcting sleep disorders. Such herbs can confidently include sage, mint and lemon balm, valerian, hops, thyme, oregano, motherwort, and wormwood.

Despite the fact that wormwood is quite poisonous grass and requires special care in use, it is considered one of the best means to improve sleep. For these purposes, use either an infusion of herbs or roots (1-2 tablespoons of raw materials per 2 cups of boiling water), or oil from the seeds of bitter grass (1 tablespoon of crushed seeds per 4 tablespoons of any vegetable oil).

Medicinal herbs can be used in the form of decoctions and infusions, as well as as part of sedative preparations, which, by the way, can be purchased at any pharmacy. Lavender, thyme, mint, hops and other herbs that have a pleasant aroma are also excellent fillers for “sleeping pills.” You just need to choose a suitable, unobtrusive aroma that will help you as quickly as possible to plunge into the sweet embrace of Morpheus.

Medicinal herbs and mixtures form the basis of many homeopathic remedies used in the treatment of old witch syndrome. The most popular of these means is homeopathic medicine“Notta”, which helps to significantly reduce nervous tension and normalize the physiological rhythm of sleep. In its composition we can see oats, chamomile, transformed valerian extract.

This drug is intended to reduce mental stress And nervous excitability in adults and children over 3 years of age. It is available in the form of tablets and solution for internal use.

The absence of contraindications, other than hypersensitivity to the drug, as well as side effects, makes taking the drug safe and comfortable. The drug in tablets is intended for the treatment of adults, drops are suitable for absolutely everyone.

The dosage of the drug is standard. For adults and children over 12 years old, 1 tablet (10 drops) is enough for a single dose; children from 3 to 12 years old are prescribed 5 drops diluted in a spoonful of water at a time. It is necessary to take tablets and drops half an hour before meals or an hour after them. Homeopathic tablets you need to put it under your tongue and keep it there until they are completely dissolved.

The drug does not exclude the possibility of using it to treat children under 3 years of age after prior consultation with a medical specialist.

An equally popular drug based on valerian and lemon balm "Dormiplant" thanks to his sedative effect has been successfully used to prevent symptoms of old witch syndrome. Like the previous drug, it quickly relieves nervous tension and speeds up falling asleep.

The drug can be used in the treatment of sleep disorders in people over 6 years of age. Treatment with the drug is not recommended for liver failure or high probability reactions of intolerance to the components of the drug. During pregnancy and lactation, you will need to consult a doctor.

Dosage and method of application. How depressant The drug is used twice a day, 2 tablets; for sleep disorders, a single dose of the standard dose (2 tablets) half an hour before going to bed is sufficient.

Precautionary measures. Do not take for more than two months and before performing activities that require increased attention.

In a popular herbal medicine "Persen" Peppermint is also added to valerian and lemon balm, providing the drug with both a sedative and antispasmodic effect. The drug effectively combats irritability, anxiety and related problems falling asleep.

Used in the treatment of persons over 12 years of age who do not suffer from lactose and fructose intolerance, low blood pressure and diseases of the biliary tract. It is not advisable to take this drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and, of course, in case of intolerance to the components of the drug.

Side effects of the drug are usually associated with an allergic predisposition.

The method of administration and dosage of “Persen” are identical to the previous drug. The maximum daily dose is 12 tablets.

Combined herbal medicine "Sedavit", in addition to extracts of valerian, hawthorn, hops, mint and St. John's wort, contains vitamins B6 and PP, which help improve sleep quality, reduce anxiety, improve memory and attention.

The drug is produced in the form of tablets or drops for internal use. It is not intended for the treatment of persons under 12 years of age, patients with coronary artery disease, asthma, myasthenia gravis, liver disease and ulcerative lesions Gastrointestinal tract. Depressive states are also a contraindication to the use of Sedavit.

Side effects of the drug are rare and may include muscle weakness, nausea, abdominal pain, changes in stool quality, dizziness, drowsiness and allergic reactions. These symptoms usually require discontinuation of the drug.

The dosage and duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician.

Precautionary measures. During pregnancy and lactation, the use of the drug is possible only according to doctor's indications.

It is prohibited to take the drug in parallel with medications containing levodopa.

It is worth mentioning the Ayurvedic herbal medicine "Stress Veda", one of the components of which is the same valerian. This drug, in addition to the sedative and hypnotic effects necessary to counteract the old witch syndrome, also has a lot of useful properties that help strengthen and rejuvenate the body.

The drug has no specific contraindications or side effects.

Taking this phytomedicine is indicated for 1 month. Such courses can be repeated 2-3 times throughout the year. Recommended dose: 1 tablet (capsule) 2 or 3 times a day. The tablets should be taken before meals (15 minutes before meals), with a sufficient amount of clean water.

To normalize sleep cycles and improve falling asleep, take one or two tablets an hour before bedtime.

If for some reason all of the above drugs are not available to you, then a “cat” drug familiar to both adults and children will always come to the rescue - valerian in the form of tablets or liquid extract, which can be found literally in every home medicine cabinet or purchase at any pharmacy. This cheap medicine It will calm your nerves and give you a sweet dream no worse than dear ones.


Most often, therapy is limited to advice on drawing up correct mode days with enough time to rest. But it happens that positive results only come from comprehensive measures, including drug treatment, physiotherapy, traditional methods treatment. Sometimes, in stressful situations or increased anxiety Psychotherapy sessions may be needed. Surgical treatment for sleep paralysis, unless it accompanies more serious pathologies, is not practiced, since there are no indications for this.

There are some other measures based on experience ordinary people that will help prevent the symptoms of Old Witch Syndrome from recurring. Doctors also agree with the effectiveness of these tips and consider them, among other things, excellent preventive measures, preventing the onset of sleep paralysis. So:

  1. Create a daily routine in which your bedtime will be consistent on weekdays and weekends. Learn to get up when your alarm clock rings.
  2. Make it a rule to go jogging in the morning and walk in the evening. fresh air. Learn to listen to nature during them.
  3. Take up crafting as a hobby, which is great for calming the nervous system through repetitive activities and finger massage.
  4. Before going to bed, take a bath, the water in which should be slightly cool, but in no case hot. Add a decoction of medicinal herbs or a little bit of your favorite essential oil with a light, pleasant smell.
  5. What else could affect internal state human the way music does? It can be either energetic, stimulating to action, or gentle, relaxing, capable of calming raging nerves. Natural sounds recorded on electronic media, as well as classical music, also have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  6. Bed is not a place for thinking and making plans. Before falling asleep, try to think about something abstract, rather than planning tomorrow or reliving today.
  7. Try changing usual position body “lying on your back” to another, in which the likelihood of sleep paralysis is much less.
  8. Try not to eat before bed. If you have certain stomach problems, then limit yourself to light food. And remember, dinner is not the time for heavy, fatty food.
  9. Feel free to take her to bed Stuffed Toys, wear fluffy colored pajamas, use “frivolous” bedding. This is your bed, and you should feel as comfortable and cozy as possible in it.

Sometimes it happens that a person wakes up and seems to be in a state of wakefulness, but at the same time cannot move either an arm or a leg. He begins to suffer from real nightmares, often accompanied by convulsions. Sometimes it may seem that someone is touching someone trying to fall asleep with cold hands, and in some cases there is a feeling that someone is present in the room. What is this condition called?

A waking nightmare

Sleep paralysis, or old witch syndrome, is the name given to waking nightmares accompanied by complete immobilization of the body. This phenomenon does not last that long - only 20 seconds to 2 minutes. However, the perception of time slows down during sleep paralysis. Sleep paralysis, or old witch syndrome, is a condition in which a person may feel as if at least ten minutes have passed since the nightmare began. In this state, he falls asleep, his muscles are paralyzed, but his consciousness continues to function. The only thing else you can do is open your eyes. Some who suffer from old hag syndrome feel a heaviness in the area chest, suffocation. At this moment, hallucinations of various modalities may occur. They can be visual, auditory, tactile. In addition, symptoms of old witch syndrome include:

  • Feeling of panic, fear.
  • Feeling of movement. A person may think that he is moving, while in fact he is lying absolutely motionless.
  • Trying to wake up from a nightmare.
  • The feeling that someone else is present in the room, for example, an evil spirit.

The likelihood of sleep paralysis increases if a person does not have an established sleep-wake schedule. Lack of sleep can also take its toll. Risk factors include drinking alcohol, overeating before bed, conflicting life situations, high level anxiety.

Experiences of survivors of the syndrome

Stories from people who have experienced this own experience, are usually similar and may differ in minor plot details. For example, one man felt fear and then saw a black spot approaching. After that, he felt paralysis, suffocation, as if he was being suffocated by this spot. Some hear sounds: “I woke up from loud laughter and saw a terrible creature in the window. I shouted so that my wife could hear me, but it was all useless, because I couldn’t even open my mouth.”

How does sleep paralysis occur?

Doctors believe that the main cause of the old witch syndrome is a violation of the synchronicity of the processes of inhibition and excitation in the central nervous system. The brain of every living creature is equipped with a special section that is responsible for paralyzing muscles during sleep. Experiments have been conducted to remove this section in cats. As a result, animals that were in the REM sleep phase began to run around the room, jump and even wash themselves - they repeated everything that they were dreaming at the moment.

Problems in the work of this department lead to the fact that a person wakes up and wants to get up, but cannot do this. Some categories of the population are especially susceptible to this condition. For example, people who begin to practice lucid dreaming and disrupt the natural functioning of the brain will soon learn from their own experience what Old Witch Syndrome is. Also, a similar condition occurs when circadian rhythms are disrupted, sleep and rest patterns are disrupted. The appearance of sleep paralysis is also influenced by the sleeping position. Most often it occurs in the supine position. If a person sleeps on his side, this condition practically does not occur.

Mystical beliefs

But doctors who consider this condition to be the result of total muscle paralysis also have opponents. They are sure that the cause of sleep paralysis is always mysticism. The old witch syndrome is a manifestation of the power of evil spirits. People associated this condition with the behavior of a brownie, who jumped on his victim’s chest. Also in Slavic mythology there was a widespread belief: this condition is caused by the ghost of Mary (kikimora). In Mexico, it is believed that a meeting with the spirit of a deceased person leads to this state. In the East, the old witch syndrome was associated with genies.

In Muslim countries there is an idea of this syndrome as about the infusion of evil spirits into the human body. In Northern Pakistan this spirit is called “Gul”. There is also a belief that this can be caused by a curse from envious people and enemies, or the use of black magic. Certain houses or places can also be possessed by evil spirits. Jinns and evil spirits may haunt the people who live in these places. Purification is carried out by imams, Sufis, and fakirs. In order to protect themselves from these forces, people wear special talismans and amulets.

Beliefs of other peoples

The Japanese are sure that sleep paralysis is caused by the tricks of a giant demon named Kanashibari, who stepped on the sleeping person’s chest. The phenomenon of sleep paralysis is very common among the Yakuts - according to scientists, this is due to a genetic predisposition. Representatives of this people suffer from the old witch syndrome, which the Yakuts call “battatys,” from about 17 years of age. Attitude to this phenomenon for the most part negative - because paralysis spoils sleep, torments, frightens.

The people of New Guinea believe that this condition is caused by the spirits of sacred trees that feed human lives. According to legend, these spirits feed at night, without human intervention. However, when the sleeper wakes up, he falls into a state of paralysis.

In Icelandic culture, the evil spirit that squeezes a person's chest during sleep is called Mara. It is believed that this name could form the basis English word nightmare - “nightmare”.

Logic versus mysticism

Many people wonder why sleep paralysis is called old witch syndrome? It is believed that this is how the soul of a deceased witch tries to convey to its victim the accumulated experience and sins committed. However, researchers have found that those people who have an analytical mind and are not inclined to see a mystical background in sleep paralysis are much less worried about this condition. Those who are endowed with an intuitive mindset try to find an explanation in the other world.

Shelley Adler's discovery

Research into Old Witch Syndrome was described by California psychologist Shelley Adler in her book Sleep Paralysis: Nightmares, Noceboes, and the Mind-Body Connection. The psychologist emphasizes that fear during this state can become fatal, especially when the person belongs to a culture that associates such a state with the possibility of death. Shelley Adler studied a group of Miao refugees from Laos who settled in California.

In their native lands they were subjected to persecution and genocide because of their religious beliefs. In Laos, old witch syndrome was considered one of the main causes of death in sleep. It turned out that among young immigrants the death rate was very high at night. Moreover, those who died during sleep did not suffer from any other somatic diseases. Over time, as the Miao moved away from the beliefs of their people and adapted to American culture, the mortality rate in this diaspora decreased.


Sleep paralysis is a very unpleasant phenomenon, because it is accompanied by panic and horror. However, in reality, old witch syndrome does not pose any danger to the body. It is simply a malfunction of the nervous system and medical point vision is not capable of causing any harm. If you find yourself in a state of sleep paralysis, you need to try to relax. After all, fighting the syndrome makes fear and horror even stronger. When you try to break free but cannot, the emotions become even stronger. At such a moment, you can give yourself a psychological attitude: “This nightmare will end soon, everything is fine.” Some people successfully use reading prayers to reduce fear and anxiety and wake up faster.

Concentrating on the soles of your feet also helps. After all, one of the main features of paralysis is a feeling of pressure on the chest, stomach, and sometimes the throat. Shifting your attention to other parts of your body can help you regain a sense of control. You can also try wiggling your toes. If a person does not sleep alone, a caring spouse can help him by waking him up from sleep paralysis. It is not difficult to recognize this condition: usually tension appears on the face of the sleeper, and breathing becomes rapid.

Should you see a doctor?

You can tell a specialist about your concerns in several cases. First, you should do this if the symptoms of the condition are causing you serious concern. It is also worth visiting a neurologist if, after waking up, you constantly feel tired, overwhelmed, and if you have problems sleeping.

The doctor will ask some questions about how your sleep is going. Usually in this case it is necessary to provide information about past illnesses, hereditary predisposition. You will also likely need to keep a record of your symptoms for some time. Sometimes testing is done during the day or at night to rule out other disorders. In some cases, the neurologist prescribes antidepressants or sedatives to improve the condition.

Sleep paralysis or “Old Witch Syndrome”: mysticism or not?

Almost half of the world's population has experienced the phenomenon of sleep paralysis at least once in their lives.

Have you ever experienced panic, be it phobia or anxiety before a skydive? But imagine that the biggest horror of your life could be waiting for you in the comfort of your own bed.

Auditory and visual hallucinations, attacks of suffocation, complete immobility of the body and a clear awareness that you are not sleeping - all these are signs of sleep paralysis, a phenomenon that, by the way, is quite common. In fact, about half of the people on the planet have experienced bouts of sleep stupor at least once in their lives, and many experience this nightmare regularly.

Trying to figure out what it is, I found two points of view, each of which has the right to life. One of them is formed on precise scientific research, on the secrets that it hides human brain; the other is a mystical version of what is happening.

Let's take a closer look at what the scientists' side hides behind them.

Sleep paralysis is a state of complete immobility of the body upon awakening during REM sleep. A situation where your brain is already awake, and your body is in a relaxed state: you cannot even move a finger, you cannot scream or open your eyes (but, despite this, you can see your room). The most terrible thoughts come to mind when this happens for the first time: clinical death, coma. But all fears are, in fact, groundless. After 2 minutes, all signs of paralysis disappear and you actually wake up. According to modern experts, it is harmless, although unpleasant. Therefore, the fear of going crazy, falling into lethargy or dying has no basis.

Sleep paralysis occurs several times more often when sleeping on your back than in other positions. The likelihood of sleep stupor when sleeping on your side, especially the right, is quite low. Personally, this is exactly what happens to me; I absolutely cannot sleep on my back!

The phenomenon of night paralysis and suffocation is popularly called “old witch syndrome.” A person suddenly feels as if something heavy is falling on top of him, suffocating him, preventing him from breathing. This is a condition in which a person lying on his back is in the so-called drowsy state. He suddenly realizes that he cannot move or scream. This state can last for several seconds, very rarely a little longer. Having come to their senses, these people often talk later about the feeling of the presence of something terrible, dangerous, and evil. In such cases, panic and feelings of fear are very common.

Sleep paralysis is possible only with natural awakening. If awakening occurs abruptly (under the influence of factors such as an alarm clock, bright light in the eyes), sleep paralysis does not occur.

But the most unpleasant thing in a state of stupor is still hallucinations. I want to analyze this phenomenon from the side of mysticism and paranormality.

There are opinions that during a sleepy stupor you seem to find yourself in the astral plane (parallel world), where various entities live: ghosts, brownies, spirits and demons. During hallucinations, a person may hear music, noises, stomping, or voices. And what does he see! There is no limit to the variety.

The most common myth is the belief that this condition is the work of a house-elf. They say that he sits on the back or chest and begins to choke, thus he warns of impending trouble or joy.

Muslim folk tradition connects this phenomenon with jinn.

But seriously speaking, many people often experience a state of sleep paralysis, some even specifically strive to cause it, experiencing irrepressible interest. By the way, the practice of this phenomenon is called nothing less than “ lucid dream", and classify it as another completely unexplored ability of the human brain.

Ways to combat this disease vary from person to person. The general method is, first of all, to maintain a good sleep schedule. Many people are helped to cope with an attack by moving their eyes, the thumb of the right hand (for right-handed people) or the tongue. Others, on the contrary, are helped by calmness and the most complete relaxation of muscles, thus weakening negative emotions and experiencing a gentle exit from the state of sleepy stupor. Some begin to think about something or count, actively developing brain activity (I begin to read a prayer). You can also try to make a moo from the nasopharynx, since it is impossible to open your mouth. For others, it helps to sort of raise their head up (the angle between the plane of the back and the back of the head decreases).

Often, attacks of sleep stupor go away with age.

At-risk groups:

1. People with suggestible, non-standard or weak psyches.

2. Introverts (inward-oriented people).

3. People with strong nervous system in a state of extreme fatigue.

You wake up unable to move and having difficulty breathing. You feel a heavy weight on your chest, feel someone’s evil presence in the room - this is the attack of the Old Witch! Has something so scary to death ever happened to you?

In some foreign online publications, the mystical phenomenon is called the “old hag” syndrome. People with normal, stable psyches suddenly come under attack from an unknown force in the middle of the night.

The phenomenon is incredibly frightening, having a discouraging effect even on strong individuals who laugh at everything mystical. Here's what a reader of the paranormal.about website writes:

In the arms of an old witch.

In the middle of the night I was awakened by suffocation; I absolutely could not breathe. I could not move and was not even able to scream. The frightening sensation lasted for half a minute, no more. When this happened again, the other night, I felt a very powerful force engulf me, literally pressing me into the bed.

In a panic, the man tried to call his daughter for help, but was unable to even squeak. He wanted to hit the wall with his hand, but the devilish force did not let him. This again lasted about 30 seconds and it was over.

“I really don’t believe in ghosts and I haven’t seen anything,” explains the man, frightened by what happened. Have you ever had a similar experience? It's that ominous feeling of death lurking nearby, isn't it?

The incident described above is a typical example of a terrible problem that has received the term “old hag” syndrome.

The demonic old woman's clients wake up and are unable to move, although they are able to see, hear and smell. Often an eerie phenomenon is accompanied by a feeling of a large weight on the chest, and an understanding of an alien-sinister presence in the room.

Of course, people are frightened by what is happening to them, and then popular rumor adds - this is a witch, hearing death following her, wants to convey all her experience. It always comes to a person wandering between sleep and reality; this is the most convenient state for capturing and transmitting experience. But the old witch is unable to attack for long, and if the intended victim resists, the she-devil of the night retreats.

Obviously, the disgusting phenomenon takes its roots from superstition, they say that a witch - or an old hag - sits or “rides” on the victim’s chest, completely immobilizing the person. Despite the absurdity of the explanation, the frightening nature of the nightmare leads many people to believe in the existence of supernatural forces - evil demons.

Indeed, this is a frightening sensation, because the victims, although paralyzed, can fully use their senses. In addition, the nightmare is accompanied by strange smells, sounds of approaching footsteps, visions of strange shadows or glowing eyes.

Worse, you feel a heavy weight on your chest, making it difficult to breathe, or even impossible to breathe for long seconds.
All the senses of touch of the person attacked by the “old witch” report the reality of what is happening. In shock, the victims wake up completely and jump up completely confused - what just happened to me?

Faced with such a terrifying phenomenon, it is not surprising that many people begin to blame an old witch or demon, or even an alien visitor, for the attack on them.

The phenomenon attracts both men and women of different ages, covering approximately 15-20 percent of the population (estimates vary). This can happen at any time of sleep, day or night, which has been mentioned since ancient times. In the 2nd century, the Greek physician Galen attributed it to indigestion," according to Rosemary Ellen's Encyclopedia of Spirits and Ghosts.

Some people suffer attacks for a limited period of time, others experience attacks for many years."

Another example is the attacks of an old witch.

I am 27 years old, writes a woman who has been suffering from a nightmare attack for the past 12 years. I wake up unable to move, as if someone is holding me tightly. And although I try my best, I can’t move or even scream. Some kind of spasm twists my body and throat, all I can do is barely move my toes.

At first it was very scary, I wanted to wake up with all my might. After waking up, when everything had already passed, I could not fall asleep for at least several hours. Now I'm a little used to attacks.

Sometimes I even try to estimate how long the terrible, all-consuming feeling holds me. I always try to wake myself up because... ceasing to be afraid of the “old hag”, the hellish sensations immediately disappear.

It’s a terrible thing, but is it really true that for many years people have been tormented by a dark creature of the night, an old witch demonized in fairy tales. What's happening? Is there a rational interpretation for bizarre experiences?

Scientific coverage of the problem.

Medical experts are quite aware of the strange phenomenon, calling it “Sleep Paralysis.” In general, the explanation comes down to the borderline phases of sleep: sleep paralysis occurs when the brain is in a state of transition from the “dreaming” phase to deep sleep.

During a dream, our brain goes into an “energy-saving” mode, turning off a significant part of the body’s muscle activity. IN in rare cases When disturbances occur, a partial shutdown occurs, dream researchers say. At such moments, attacks of sleep paralysis occur - in general, a harmless phenomenon, although very frightening.

The frightening effect really does not exceed a couple of minutes - while the patient is half asleep. For a fairly short period of time, which may seem longer to the patient, the imagination is captured by colorful visions of realism.

Sleep paralysis is almost always accompanied by vivid hallucinations... you may even experience the feeling of someone else in the room, as if someone is hovering over you... you may experience pressure on your chest, or even sexual attacks - all of which are associated with hallucinations, experts say.

The sound of footsteps, voices, doors opening are all extremely frightening parts of sleep paralysis, bringing a hypnotic vivid experience. Yes, many people are afraid of episodes of “sleep paralysis,” but there is no involvement of mysticism, much less an old witch, in this, doctors reassure.

Who does the “old witch” come for?

Paralysis can occur in any body position, but most often occurs when a person sleeps on their back. The trigger for the syndrome is overwork and lack of sleep - you simply don’t get enough sleep.

The "old hag" problem, or rather sleep paralysis, plagues people suffering from severe anxiety, stress, or bipolar disorder. Research shows that sleep paralysis is five times more likely to affect people taking certain types of anti-anxiety drugs, such as Valium.

According to clinical trials, the recipe for minimizing frightening episodes is simple: first of all, get enough sleep, minimize stressful situations. Get busy physical exercise on a regular basis. And of course, follow a sleep schedule.

For some people, this may seem impossible, notes Florence Cardinal in one of the publications in medical journal, so let's look at ways to escape the grips of sleep paralysis.

The best way to free yourself is the desire to move, even if you can only move one little finger. This is often enough to break the terrible spell. Finally try screaming! The person next to you in the room may not understand what is happening, but it is better than going through an episode of suffering from another nightmare.

Finally, you can always seek professional help if you cannot solve a troubling problem on your own.

So what happens, no old witch actually exists? Yes, apparently there is no need to be afraid of anything, in the mystical sense. Devilry clearly felt sitting on your chest, nothing more than lack of sleep and anxiety from living in a stressful world.

Nevertheless, there is a particle of the paranormal in the night incident. Based on a number of astral practices, the sleep phase between reality and deep sleep(a moment of body-free dreaming consciousness) resembles the state of alpha immersion reaching theta immersion.

All this, of course, lies in the area paranormal phenomena However, sleep paralysis is extremely reminiscent of the practice of consciously slipping one’s “I” out of the body into the outside world. Naturally, such an experience is often extremely frightening, giving the impression of imminent death.

But if you manage to overcome fear and not panic, then you can try to use the natural ability to “leave your body.” At the same time, you should not get carried away by the amazing phenomenon too much at once. You should start with a few meaningful seconds of “looking around” at the so-called. astral world. It is necessary to learn to control the process of out-of-body experience, gradually moving on.

One thing is clear: a third of our lives occur during the period of dreams, fascinating events occur in our sleep, shocking creatures appear at night. What types of paranormal experiences occur? Despite research, life in a state of sleep is little known to us.

  • and further and will not even be able to get closer to you anymore..
    By the way, during a night attack it helps very well right there, instantly
    read the Lord's Prayer.
    Verified. Works.


      Hello. So, the syndrome is not a disease of the body, but a question from the field of psychology. With such oppression, rest is a wonderful remedy. The option of going to church and reading a prayer is an effective recipe and has not been discussed for a long time. It's great that this helped you resolve your issues.

      However, you must admit that not everyone will be able to overcome the “barrier” and enter the church. By the way, scientists have confirmed the magical properties of prayer
